Susquehanna times. (Marietta, Pa.) 1976-1980, January 14, 1976, Image 16
Page 16 - SUSQUEHANNA TIMES Rolled Boneless Chuck Martins Franks Youndt’s Fresh Sausage YOUNDT’S MEAT MARKET Individual Trust Funds Corporate Trust Funds MARTIN S. MUSSER, Chairman of the Board JOHN H. HOFFMAN, JR., President WILBUR C. HIESTAND, Vice President WILLIAM E. EBY, Cashier & Secretary LESTER G. HOSTETTER, Trust Officer "| NOTICE—NOTICE—NOTICE We are having a Big Inventory Sale at The Col- umbia Factory Outlet and everything in our outlet is being reduced 20% to 50% — You must come see it to believe it. We are overstocked. Bedspreads — Draperies — Sheets — Towels — Quilts — Curtains — Pillows — Sheers. OPEN DAILY 9:00 A.M. To 6:00 P.M. FRI. Til 9:00 LIN- COLN HIWAY 2 Mile East of Columbia. Turn South on Oswego Drive. Phone 684-6341 149 nn. 89 nn 129 wn. 119 E. Market St., Marietta — 426-1245 Open Daily 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK MAYTOWN, PA. MOUNT JOY, PA. YOUR HOMETOWN BANK LEADING THE WAY IN LOCAL SERVICES COMPARATIVE CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATEMENT December 31, 1974 to December 31, 1975 RESOURCES DEC. 31, 1974 DEC. 31, 1975 Loans and Discoumts ........vicenviinin. $ 15521,229.82 $8 17,193.216.59 U. S. Government Securities .............. 2,068,533.09 3,397,335.50 Other Bonds and Securities ............... 4,153,993.07 5,034,505.13 Cashand Duefrom Banks ........... .. 5. 2,024, 662.92 1,828,139.18 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures ...... 349,453.96 355,847.06 Federal Fuller Tes cs 1,500,000.00 none Accrued Interest Receivable none 219,104.28 Other Resources 9121.72 2,768.71 YOTIALS ............ «... a. § 25,626,994.28 $ 28,030,916.45 LIABILITIES Capital SIOCK i, is sis vanessa ih Ba: $ 125,000.00 $ 125,000.00 Surplus, co 0 Loe ag Ro 1,400,000.00 1,400,000.00 Undivided Profits. .".... . 3h ive su mA 501,508.82 599,245.18 RESBIVES «i. 5s en is sr treba sna chidn ss 252,120.44 260,683.38 DIEPOSHE cid CFs rile i sas is ads vais idss 22,973,578.48 24,995,233.12 Accrued Interest and Expenses Payable ...... none 254,188.93 OtherlLiabilities ...... 7... cc 06vs sini s 374,786.54 396,565.84 YOTALS . ..... civ ai As $ 25,626,994.28 §$ 28,030,916.45 TRUST DEPARTMENT RESOURCES (Not included in above) Prve ries shea $ 5,098,096.64 4,615,000.00 $ 9,713,096.64 $ 4,866,060.95 4,525,000.00 $ 9,391,060.95 “0 wie eo pe 0S se 4-00 0 sine OFFICERS GERALD L. LINDEMUTH, Assistant Cashier & Mana- ger, Maytown Office CHARLES E. REIST, Assistant Cashier = DENNIS F. FACKLER, Assistant Cashier BETTY B. AMENT, Assistant Cashier AMOS F. LICHTY, Operations Officer & Auditor DIRECTORS CLYDE H. HOTTENSTEIN ROBERT P. McGINLEY MARTIN S. MUSSER ALVIN J. REIST DONALD H. WOLGEMUTH MERVIN S. ARNOLD C. BERNARD GRISSINGER CARL R. HALLGREN WILBUR C. HIESTAND JOHN H. HOFFMAN, JR. ARNOLD, BRICKER, BEYER & BARNES, SOLICITORS Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reserve System January 14, 1976 oo TWO DAYS ONLY oi THURSDAY & FRIDAY, JAN. 15 & 16 * Dutch Apple Pie 8’ size Reg. $1.65 $1. 19 Made with the finest quality Pennsylvania apples, topped with our delicious butter crumb topping. At this low price the pie can be packaged in paper sacks only [no boxes] Byers Pastries of Marietta Route 441, Marietta Columbia Market and Both Watt & Shand Stores Downtown and Park City 3% [Fasnachts are back again] >K MOUNT JOY LEGION (2 mi. E. of Mt. Joy off Rt. 230 By-Pass) RAR R KK Sat., Jan. 17 JACK FRANK & THE MAJORS Sunday Dinners 12 NOON to 9 P.M. Reservation Ph. 898-8451 Located 4 miles West of Eliza- bethtown on Falmouth Rd. CALL 367-2959 Brings Mifflin Press, Je. OFFSET — LETTERPRESS Wedding Hrnouncements ® Job Printing ® Publications ® Bulletins * Programs ® Custom Labels ® Perfect Binding 336 Locust St. Phone 684-2253 Columbia, Pa. TIA SANSA MMA AY ARNOLD 1975 Pontiac Grandville 4 dr. HT 1975 Chevrolet Impala 4 dr. HT 1974 Pontiac Bonneville Coupe 1974 Camaro 1973 Oldsmobile Royale Sedan 1972 Chevrolet Impala Coupe 1970 Pontiac Grand Prix 1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass Coupe— stick shift 1968 Chevrolet Malibu Coupe— stick shift 1968 Toronado 1967 Ford Pick-up PONTIAC 4 0LDSMOBILE MAYTOWN, PA. 1000000 000001000000000 OOOO AO OOOO RARER E80 SREB REBAR RAR SASASSASS