ISM is fur th. 3 a ccomplishment of this desira bl o bject. 11lPo.nTF.Rs.—Septimus Tustin, Wash it) gtOlif •7 1) C•• J. G. Monfort, Cincinnati, 0 1 lia•kell let church, East Boa- ;. ' ' n; J. A. Steel, Topeka, Kansas; W. S. itogers, Oxford, 0 ; 0.0 go H a l e , p m . n ingtm, J ; Sheldon Jackson, Roche.. Minn • A. MeElwirn, I,,diana, p a ; N ,er, ‘ r . M ar row, Van Buren, 0.; Arthur Bar. tie, N y. ; L. Merrill Miller, Og ds„bar_..., N. Y.; Alfred Nevin, Philadel phia. fa.i George C. Butb, Hacketstown, r i s J. ; A. U. Rockwell, Pittsburgh, Pa.; E B. Roy en iperger, Toledo 0.; Samuel Steel, -Hillsboro', 0; Alf,ed Taylor,-Bristol, Pa; W. D. Stewart, Pottstown, Pa.; C. V. Mo. K a ig, Candor, Pa; S. MoO. Anderson, Davenport, lowa.; J. H. Pratt, Athens, O.; J o hn Johnson, Sybertsville, Pa; Emillus Grandlilirard, Ripley, 0.; John Robinson, Ashland, 0; M. L. Wortman, Perrysville, Ps.; A. E. Thomson, Marysville, 0.; Thos. W. Hynes, Greenville, Ill.; E. W. Wright, D e lphi, Ind.; C. K. Thomson, Lebanon, lid; Thomas S. Crowe, Jeffersonville, lud.; J . . M. Stevenson, New• York, N Y ; Johnson, Oxtord, Wis.; Wm. C. Itob 4 efts, Columbus, O.; J. H. MOTlvaine, 'Princeton, N. J.; B Wilson, Philadelphia, Pa.; J. W. Baynes, Hudson, Mich.; M r ett, Newton, N. J ;. IL L. Craven, St . Charles, Minn.; J. D. Paxton', Princetoo,' In l; D. A. Wilson, Ironton, Mo.; S. 111.. t Templeton, Delavan,4ll.; R. Marshall,; Baltimore, Md.; Wilson , Phraner, Sing Sing, N. Y.; Joseph F. Eentoo, Washing. ton, 11.10 B. S. Everett, giroudsbiarg; - Pa.;: Alex, M eA. Thorburn,x,Malta, N. Y; _AI. gertion Sydney Mao Master, Poland, 0.; James A. McKee, St. Anthony, ,Minn James Allison, Pittsburgh, Pa; on, Indianapolis, Ind.; 'Thomas nolritire, Indianapolis, Ind.; Randolph A. De Lancey, Baton, Mass.; I. N. Randall, Oneida Val ley, N. Y.; David M. James, Budd's Lake, N. Y ; W. T. Adam?, El Paso, Ill.; Job. Platt, Wavelaud, Ind.; Edsall - Ferrier; Eltaida N. Y; S. H. Stevenson, Gran: villa, ill.; M. A. Hoge, Cleveland, Jos. W. Hublard, Bridgeton, N. J.; Slack, Cincinnati, 0 • N. C. Burt, Cincin- nati, 0.; I. N. Candee, -Galesburg,, Ill.; Bdiville Roberts, Roch e ster, N. Y.; S. F. &oval, Springfield, 0.1 John Wray, Rook dale Mills, Pa.; James Pulley; liallatown Spa, N. Y.; Edward E. Rankin, Nawark, N. J; Samuel J. Baird, Woodbury, N. Jr; Juhu Y. AlLsoit, Arco/a, 111. It 'ULM° ELDERS —Cyrus Falconer, Ham ilton, 0 ; Daniel Kelly, Buffalo, N. Y.; Jr. P.l. Chambers, Burlingame ' Kansas Shepard, Rochester, N. Y,; . EsrOrosby, Bath, N. Y.; Joseph OorrellrOssian, Ind.; Nehemiah Dodge, Mt. Joy, Pa.; E. j, Beall, New Philadelphia. 0; J G. Allan, East Springdale, 0'; Rtabert W. Pratt, Seem, 11l ; Stanly Matthews. Cincinniti, 0 • Wm. Taylor, Findlay, 0.; Noah Evans, Millsboro, 0.; W. Seawriglat, Frankfort, Ind ; A. J. Hays, Cbarleaton, - liid.i : Martin Ryerson, Newton, N. J.; T.. W. Lockwood, Detroit, Mich.; Charles N.. Todd, Indianap olis, Ind.; John Morehouse, Dayton, 0 • George Hurlbut, Ogdensiburg, N. Y.; W . Helphenstein, Washington, Ind.; J. .W. Sutherland, Kirkwood, _Me; B. S. Dip; brow, Trenton, N. j.; James Patten;Reem ersburgb, Pa.; James H. Wilson, Prairie City, • Ill.; James Ayers, Toulon, Ill; Thompson Bell, Zurick, Iowa; ,Matthias Osborne, New Providence, N. J.; Eustus 11. Smith, St. Louis, Mo.; John S.•;Tur,st, Cedar Springs, Pa.; James M. Briggs, Mt. Gi!e 03, 0 ; Wm. Byrum, Liberty, •Ind.;- J. W. Kinnicutt, Boston, Mass.; S. Whittles. ey, Toledo, 0.; J. H. MeGrew, Piqua, 0 ; J. H. Whiting, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; Jae. P. Wallace, Brooklyn, N. T.; Charles - E. Lathrop, Washington, D. C.; A. Eldridge, North White Creek, N. Y.; John Ogden, M lwaukie, Wis.; James Rankin, Dunn % it rills, Pa; ,Charles Fuller, ,Scranton, Pa; John D.-Stokes, Beaver, Pa. Personals The numerous friends of Col. Frazer, 140th Pennsylvania V,olunteers, will be glad to learn "that , be has recently been heard from. Col. Frazer was captured 'in one of the conflicts before Petersburg, in so many of which . , through the &Ifni ma neuvring of the rebels, we lost heavily in prisoners. The Colonel was first conveyed to Libby prison, thence to the officers' prison at Macon, Georgia, and when heard from, August 14th,' was at Charleston, S C., and in good health and spirits. At several exchanges of prisoners have been 1 camp effeoted there, his friends may hope ere long to have the pleasure of seeing him restored to the place he' has so bon rably filled in the service of his country. Crp:olu T. A, Craven, who was lost in tile Monitor recumgeh, in the `recent at tack upon the Mobile forte, was one of our ablest naval officers. He was a native of New Hampshire, catering the .navy as a midshipman February 2d, 1829. in' 1835 he was warranted ae a passed'midshipman; and inlBll was promoted to a lieutenancy. His principal service, prior to the breaking out of the rebellion, was rendered in the various duties connected with the Coast, Survey, of which• be was one of the most tililient officers. Ile , wan one of the best h.ydrographers in this country. When the rebellion occurred, he was placed in coin-, mend of the Crusader ' and aided in pre serving to the Union the important fortress of Key West. In April, 1861, as corn-. milder of the Tuscarora ; he wis sent after the rebel pirates, and engaged in the in effectual pursuit of 'the Alabama. Early in the present year he took charge of the Tecumseh, and joined the James River flo tilla. He was ordered to Mobile, to rein force Admiral Farravut, and in the hour of victory lost his vessel and his life, from the effects of the torpedo which blew up the Ttrunisch. He had served his country thirtylve jeans, and his loss will be se verely felt. Literuy. 11, is staled tbat, in additiou to the pub lished woike alieady enumerated of the late Jan 'Clare, the Northarnpto9shire poet, he his left behind him a - Consideitible number or poems, some of which are said to be equal to any that have .elreedy appeared. A new sad comp ete edition of the entire works is announced for 'Atiblicatiort by Messrs. Macmillan, the profits of which will help to make the reinainicg - days Mrs. Clare, the " Pattiy of the Vale," com fortable. The life of, the poet will , be a sad piece of biography. .His father was a rheumatic pauper, ancil. when old. enough to stand, John had to pick stones in a field. It is said that one day, when he was four teen years of age, her got poasession of Thi mpson's ." Seasons," which' suddenly kindled the latent fire of poetry .within him. To possess the work,le labored like a slave, and, when he had saved the neces sary twelve pence, he trudged off , to Stam f rrd almost in the 'middle - of the night When he arrived in the town, none oh the shops had yet opened ...lint he waited in tiently outside the: . bitokstore, as a lover would wait for his mistress.: How the Stamford bookseller must have start d, when taking down his shutters that morning c to see the little laborer's boy, half in rags, and bespattered with mud, rush up to him, and breathlessly ask foe 44 Thompson's Sea -Botte " It was, a fine Spring morning when little John Clare returned, to , his vilt ge ; the birds sang itt the greeiledgeroWs; and: the leavel rustled pleasantly iet the high. trees of Burghley Park. Of course, the boy devoured the book he bad just pur- Unsed, while walking along. He did more —he composed his first piece of poetry, which he called "Tie Moaning Walk." Copies of all the works that have been published relating to Gcethe, are to be col lected and formed into a library to be !lac ed in the house in Frankfort where be was born. The committee having the matter in band intend to gather all the works of Gcethe, from single essays and poems to the collected editions; all- writings on Gmtbe and his works; all correspondence relating to him ; and autographs and pic tures of, hiineelf and his relatives. That Edition of Shakespeare.—Thq Lon don Atheneum cautions purchasers that there is , no reason for the enormous prices paid to second-hand booksellers for copies of the first folio edition of Shakespeare (1623) as they are not so "very rare" as those candid gentlemen are in the habit of representing. al..Guizot has given under the title of bleditatio'ne on the Essence of the Chris tian Religion," a sort 'of autobio g raphy of " his spiritual life. I have borne , " he says, " the. burden of objections to the•Christien eytitem, and to each,of its essential dogmas. I have knoWn the anxieties of doubt. 1 shall 'say how escaped from doubt, and upon what foundation my convictions re pose." • 1 . IL Ram it is — iatdos about to give a book entitled " The Acts of the Apostles." ,Rumor whispers, that he has taken his die -mission from the Chair in the College de -France 'deeply _to heart; in feet that it brought on' a severe, attaek of jaundice. lie has been offered a seat in the Legisla- tive Chamber at the next vacancy, which he, has declined. Anthony Trollops received $20,000 for the manuscript of his book of travels in the United States. Mrl —l,or Yal Te Ph . s bas been engaged to write for five English papers. She will earn $lOO,OOO, the gossips say. Valieties. The Number of the Blind.—The blind pop ulation the world is estimated at about 3,000,000. Of these 2,000,000 are Mo lianainedaris and idolaters; about 10,000 are Jews; and about 900,000 are Chris tians, including those of the Roman Catho lic ,andrGreek..Churches. Not less than 37,000 of this vast number are in France; 45,000 in Germany; upwards of 70,000 in Russia'; 3,000 in Rolland; 3,700 in Swe den; more than 2,000 in. Norway; and about - 29,000 in the British Isles. Of this latter number, 21,487 belong to Great Brit ain, the Channel Islands, &c.; and nearly 8,000 in Ireland. --By the census we are informed; that of the blind , in Great Brit ain, &e. under twenty years of age, there are 2,920; between twenty and sixty years of age, there are 10,102; showing a pro portion of more than one-half to be over ixty years* of age. Bearcity.of Labor.--The farmers in some parts of lowa, during the late Summer, have- been paying farm hands as high as three di:tilers a day, and a number of manu featuring establishments were temporarily closed, on ace.ount of the absence of so many of ,their workmen who had gone to the assistance of the farmers. In Wiscon sin, German girls and women were em ployed, during the pressure of the harvest, at two dollars a day. Upon the arrival of knew emigrant-ship at Philadelphia or New-York, , the intelligence-office keepers are among the first at the docks, anxious to secure a supply of." helps" and laborers of every sort. The manufacturers at Law rence, Mass., are paying their employees nearly double the rates of two years ago. American Peat —The Poughkeepsie Ea, gle informed •=tliat *there •is in Ulster County, within six- nines of that town, not less•than ft-thousand acres of peat beds of the beat, quality, and from sixteen to twen ty feet deep. In Western New-York,.also, in consequence of the high 'picas of fuel, the people are turning their attention to peat.. The Rochester Press says a corn pany has been formed in 'that city which haaLleased 700 acres of peat (all that is known in that section of the - State), at' Bloomfield, on the Canandaigua Railroad. Pennsylvania Tobacco,—Dariog the last few years there has been a very large inote,ase in the 'rooduesion of tobac, o in the oounties of York. and Lancaster. During the last rebel raid into Pennsylva nia, the farmers of those counties shipped from fifteen to twenty oar loads of leaf -to. baeco .per -day to New-York. This fact proves that Pennsylvania may profitably turn its attention-' to the growth of this staple. Presbyterial. ' The PRESBYTERY OF RICHLAND will meet at Savannah, Ashlaid County, 0., on the Third Tuesday (18th day) of October at 7 o'clock Q. M. JAMES ROW LAND, Stated Clerk. Thu PRESBYTERY OF REDSTONE will meet in the church of Long Run, on the First Tues day of October (4th) at 11 o'clock A. M - R. F. WILSON, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF ST: CLAIRSVILLE will meet at Oltort Creek church, on the First Theiday of Ootobei,' at 11 o'clock A. M. J. B. CI.P.AHANI, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF PEORIA. stands ad journed to meet in Delavan, 111., the Third Tues day '(2oth) of September, at 7 o'clock P. 115. . The PRESBYTERY OF DUBUQUE will meet (D. V ,) aG Ilopkinton, the. First Tuesday of Oc tuber, at 3 o'olook P. M. There will be convey ances for fhe members at Sand Spring, on the D. W. R. R. . J. hi.. BOGGS, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF BLAIRSVILLE will meet, according to adjournment, at, Ligonier, on the Becond„Tuts(l 4 y of October, at 2 o'clock P. JAS. DAVIS, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF S ALTS BC R.Ct stands adjourned to meet et Elderton, on the First Tuesday of October, at 2 o'clock P. M. W. W. WOODSND, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF KASKASKIA. will meetin Trenton, 11l , Saturday, October Bth, at 11 o'clock A. M. Sessional Records and written accounts of Settlements with Pastors and supplies will be called for. ALFRED N. DENNY, Stated Clerk. The 'PRESBYTERY OF, WEST VIRGINIA will meet at Bethel church, Wood to., ou Tues day, October llth, at 2 o'clock P. J. A. EWING, Stated Clerk. The. PRESBYTERY OF STEUBENVILLE will hold Its next stated meeting in New Phila delplibi,, on the First Tuesday of October, at 10 o'clock" A. M. RO BEam HERRON, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF WASHINGTON will hold ita ner,4 regular-meeting at the Forks of Wheeling, on the First Tuesday (4th day) of Oo ber„ 0 - 10 o'clock A. M. • ALEX. McOARItELL, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF BLOOMINGTON wil meet in Dwight,. on Tuesday, September . 270, 1864, at 7 o'clock P. M. IL CONOVER, Stated Clerk. Tie PRESBYTERY. OF ERIE will meet at Meadville, on-tbe Fourth Thursday of Septem ber, at 2 O'clock P. M. S. J.. M. EATON, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF TOLEDO will meet at Millersburg. on the Second Tuesday of Septem ber, at 7 o'clock P. M. LUTHER DODD, Stated Clerk. The ERESBYTERTOF CEDAR will meet in Maiion, October 4th, at 71. o'clock. P. M. J. D. MASONi Stated Clerk. •,4 , , The PRESBYTERY ^ OF BEAVER will meet .• RE:I3V"fERIAN BANN ER.---WEDNESDA V, SEPTEMBER 14. 1864. Et Clarksville, on Wednesday, September 21, 1864, at 11 o'clock A. M. D. C. REED, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY ..OF FAIRFIELD will meet at Liberiyville, on the Fourth Tuesday (25th day) in (Weber next, at. 2 o'clock P. M. • S. C. M'CUNE, Stated Clerk. Synodical. The SYNOD OF lOWA s ands adjourned to meet in Hopkinton, lowa, on Thursday, Octouer 6th; at 7 o'clock P. M. A. A. E. TAYLOR, Stated Clerk. The SYNOD OF WHEELING will meet in the Second Preab,yterian church, Steubenville, 014, on. Friday, October 14th, 181 A, at 4 o'clock P. M. JAMES BLACK, Stated Clerk. The SYNOD OF ILLINOIS will meet in Olney, Richland County, 111., on the Second Wednesday in October, 1864, at 7 o'clock P. M. W. T. ADAMS, Moderator. The SYNOD OF S'OUTFIERN'IDWA will meet at Connell Bluff City, on the lent Friday (20th day) in September, at 7i n'oloek P. M. S. C. M'CIINE, Stated Clerk. The SYNOD OF ALLEGHENY will meet in the First Presbyterian church of Meadville, on the Fourth Thursday (22d) of September, at 7 o'olook P: M. PiCsbyterial Nem/Alves are to be sent, before the first of September, to Rev. John R. Findley, Mercer, Pa. ELLIOT E. SWIFT, Stated Clerk. anrunt, Reins. The War.—The latest official intelligence from Atlanta is to Friday, Sept. O. Gen. Sher man's army was concentrated there. 11was sup posed to be Sherman's design to withdraw his advance colon:ins for a while, give his army rest, establish himself securely in his position at At lanta, and securable rear communications, bro ken by Wheeler and Forrest, before making fur ther advances. Under datelof Atlanta, Sept. 7th, Gen. Sher man writes some particulars of the capture of that city, confirming .the account already pub. lished. lie says, in.olosing his letter: " The rebels have lost, besides the important city. of Atlanta, stores, at least 500, 2,500 wound ed, and 3,000 prisoners ; -whereiis our aggregate loss will not foot up 1,500. If this is /1.0/ bllO - don't knew what. is." The Richmond papers take a gloomy view of the loss of Atlanta. The Examiner attributes the calamity to the removal of dohneon to make nom for Hood, whom it pronounces " notorious ly incapable of managing any thing larger than a division. Tne result ie disaster at Atlanta: The moral effect of the loss of Atlanta will be great. It will diffuse gloom over the South." the report of Gen. Hai dee'n deaf]) is not con firmed. Maj. Gen. Patton Anderson is reported wounded On II a sth inst. Hood's army was in line of battle at Lovejoy's Station, awaiting an attack from Sherman. Hood telegraphs that he is not discouraged. - - From Mobile we have no additional intelli gence, except reports brought by refugees, who have succeeded in coming within our lines. Tuey report the 'rebel force there to ba, about 10,000, of whom only 3,000 were regular troops, the remainder being comp )sed of militia, and re cent-conscripts: A complete military despotism prevails.. The population is divided into war and peace - factions ; the latter largely predom inating in numbers, but compelled to secrecy in the expression of their opinions. Flour was selling at $390 a barrel ; cavalry boots, $3OO a pair; calico, $l5 a yard; spool cotton, $6 a spool; cotton shirts, $6O each; bacon, $5 a pound. A. $5OO Confederate bill was offered, without success, for $lO in gold, or two cents on the dol lar. Our troops have effected-a landing at Ce dar Point, three miles above Dauphin Island. The latest news from Gen. Rousseau is, that he is driving Wheeler, whols trying to get across the Tennessee. We hive captured many prison ers and received many desertens. The railroad between Nashville' and chattamooga, it was thought, would be again in running order by Sept. 9th. , On Sunday, Sept. 4th, the noted guerrilla chief, Jan 11. Morgan, Was surprised, defeated and killed; at Greenville, East Tenn:, by Gen. Gillen— The rebel force outnumbered ours, but the surprise was complete... The rebels lost- 50 killed, 100 wounded, and 75, prisoners, includ ing Morgan's staff; also one piece artillery and, one caisson. John Hunt Morgan was ti;" native of Lexington, Ky., and was in his 38th year at the time of his death. He had acquired' unen viable notoriety by his frequent and daring raids into his native State,,and by the extensive damage he has for three years inflicted upon the property of loyal citizens and, of the 11. S. Gov ernment, more than by 'any remarkable exploits in the open field and against an equal foe. His raid into Indiana and Ohio, his capture and es cape, form one of the most singular episodes of the war. _ On Thursday, 'Sept. Bth, Col. Holman, 11th Ky. cay., captured the rebel Col. Jessie and 160 of his men, who being surrounded, surrendered, without firing a gun. From the Shenandoah Valley Gen. Averill tel. egraphs at Bunker Hill, Sept. 8, that "Early re treated this morning to Winchester. lam on his heels. I have whipped Vau,ghan's cavalry ; car.- lured all his train which was not burned, and taken two battle-ftsgs. He has no artillery. I have cut off Imbuden." On the 10th inst., Sec retary Stanton states that no recent movements in the Valley are reported. In the army of the Potomac it has for some time been supposed that a battle was imminent, if not inevitable, on the line of the Weldon road. Each party has been massing its forces there, and a collision may at any time occur. On Fri day night, Sept.:, about midnight, at a point of our line just west of the Jerusalem plank-road, the third division of our third corps made a sud den advat;tce, surprised the rebels,- captured about one hundred prisoners, and drove the en emy back to au interior line of defence. Our troops still hold the ground thus gained. Col. Thomas Jordan of the 9th Pennsylvania cavalry, with 250 men, surprised, attacked and routed Dabralre brigade of 2,000 men at Ready villa, Sept. 10th, killing and wounding many, and capturing 180 pritioners. Our loss was one killed, five wounded, and four missing. General.—Seven thousand oases of soldiers' claims for back pay, 'bounty, etc„ were passed in the Second Controller's Office, last month. Over forty thousand are now on the book, and the average monthly increase is from five to six thousand,. The number of prisoners captured by General Grant since the crossing of the Rapidan, in May Jest, is stated at the War Department to be up ward of fifteen thousand. Anarmy correspondent of the New-York Trib une says that the railroad now running from City Point to our lines before Petersburg is to be ex tended eight miles to our left on the Weldon road. Our soldiers have taken rails enough from, the Weldon road to build it, and it. is esti mated that the rued may be entirely finished in ten or fifteen dai , e. Provost Marshal General Fry has decided that, deserters from the rebel army are not subject - to enrolment or dm:L. Extracts are given from an important letter from Gen Grant to Hon. E. B. Washburne, dated Aug. Itith, at City Point. He eays: • ,• The rebels have now in their ranks their last man. The little boys and old men are guarding prisoners, guarding - railroad bridges, and form ing a guod part of their garrisons and entrenched 'positions. 4 man lost by them cannot be re placed.,' They have robbed the cradle and the grave equally to get their present force. Beside what they luse in friqent skirmishes and battles, they are now losing from desertions and other causes at least one regiment per day. With this drain upon them, the end is not far distant, if we will only be true to ourselyes. Their only hope now is ins divided North have no doubt hut the enemy are exceedingly anxious to hold out until after the Presidential elect *t. They have many hopes from its effects. They hope a counter revolution. Our peace friends, if they expect peace, from separation, are - much mista ken. It would be but the beginning of war, with thousands of Northern men joining the South because of our disgrace in allowing sepa ration. To have peace.on any terms,' the South would demand the restoration of their slaves al ready freed; they would demand indemnity for losses sustained; and they would demand a treaty.vhich would make the North slave-hunters for the South ; they would demand pay for the restoration of every slave escaped to the North." Gold had tape is New-York, on Saturday, Sept. 10; to 222, and on 'Monday, Sept. 12, to 2144--a fall of nearly 606 ts. from its maximum- Tae indioation thus fUrnished is a eignificant one. Workih parties have commenced repairing the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and it is ex pected that the road will be in running order by the 16th inst. Trains are also now running through on the Nashville and Chattanooga road. It as reported at Little Rock, Ark., that the rebel General, Sterling Price, had recently died, ofKlysentery, at Arkadelphia. At Indianapolis, Sept. 9th, w arrest was made, - -upon information furnished by a refugee; of an , ;individual supposed. turbe the notorious guerrals 'gamin)ll, who has left such a bloody record In Missouri and Kansas. The prisoner denies the charge, and he is held in custody until the truth can be ascertained. • Two valuable British blockade runners, the Advance and the Ailse Cra7lg, have been recently captured off Wilmington. The vessels and car goes are worth probably $500,000. Some ten or a dozen other blockade runners were preparing to start from Wilmington ; among them, the pi rate Tallahassee for another plundering and des troying cruise. Since the last rebel attack upon Warren, at. least 20,000 fresh troops have reached General Grant, and additional recruits are arriving daily. The army is represented to be in fine health and spirits. Gene Mead and Butler have returned to their commands Warren's works on the Wet= don road are reported to be exceedingly formi dable; nevertheless the belief prevails that the rebels will make another vigorous effart to die lodge him. Gen. M'Clellan has written a letter, dated Orange, N. J , Sept. 8, accepting his nomination for the Presidency by the Chicago Convention. The letter is too long for our summary. He says: "The existence of more than one Gov ernment over the region which once owned. our "flag, is incompatible with the peace, the power, and the happiness of the people." "The rees tablishment of the Union iu all its integrity is, and must continue to be, the indispensable con dition in any settlement." '".The Union must be preserved at all hazards." He briefly refers "to the other subjects presented in the resolu tions of the Convention," omitting the cessation of .hostilities and ,a convention of the States. Oa Saturday, September 3, at Auburn, N. Y., Secretary Seward made a speech which has at tracted great attention. In regard to the draft, he says: " We shall have no draft, because the army is being reinforced at the rate of five to ,ten thousand men per day by volunteers." In re- I gard to emancipation as one of the conditions of 'peace, he says : " When the insurgents shall have disbanded their armies, and laid down their arms, the war will instantly cease ; and , all the war measures'then existing, including those which 'affect slavery, will cease also, and all the, moral, c.conomioal, and political questions, as ,well Ouestions affecting slavery as others, which shall then be existing between individuals and • Slates and the Federal Ootiernment, whether they arose before the civil war began, or whether . they , grew out of, it, will, by force of the Con stitution, pass over to the arbitrament of courts of law, and to the Outwits of legislation." FOreign.—The latest foreign arrivals present no items of unusual interest. The English pa- G. pers are discussing the Federal success at Mo bile. Confederate bonds have fallen. The con ference on the Danish question, which has been occupied solely with territorial matters, has, ad journed, the Danish plenipotentiaries awaiting necessary documents. The difficulties between Turkey and Montenegro are settled. The case of the Georgia still receives attention from the "English press. The facts appear to be that, whilst a rebel war vessel, it was chased into an English port, and the 4We:tiara being on the watch for it., the vessel Was dismantled and sold as 'a merchant ship, proceeded to sea on a commercial enterprile, as. British property under the. British Rag, and was captured by the Niag ara and sent to New-York as a Confederate prize. It is contended that no such transfer as that which was made of the Georgia is valid, or can divest the vessel of its hostile character. The question will be adjudicated• in the prize court at New-York. . • .yo4Aolli g otoi: Mr. T. G Jones, of the Troasury_Department, has our thanks for valuable public documents. The Family Treasufe, for September, is out, with its usual promptness and variety of con tent& $2.00 per annum. Artificial Arms and Legs.—The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement - of Mr. Reichenbach in another-column. His artificial limbs have given general ssiisfaction. He is's gentleman, and an accomplished artist. Those, in need of such articles cannot do better than employ him. Qneensware and Toilet Artioles.—Mr. Rich ard E. Breed Ms the largest and finest assort ment of these articles in the city. He imports directly from the manufapturers Customers will find him in all respects worthy of their pat ronage. The Weber Pieno.—The name of Weber, familiar to all musical' connoisseurs as belonging to one of the greatest of composers, for who has not heard of the immortal "Freischutz," the most popular opera of the great Carl Maria von Weber, is, however, , now often mentioned in a different connection as belonging to a fast rising Manufacturer of pianos in our city, Albert Weber. After a critical examination of his in strument we believe with John Zundel, who' says: " A ten years' acquaintance with a Web— ,er's piano has convinced me that they 'are as good as the •music' of .C. M. V. Weber." And what music could be better? The Weber pianos are fast rising in favor, and are now sought after by many of our best artists and amateurs. They deserve it, too, for the merits are too prominent to be overlooked, and entitle them to the confi dence and patronage of the public. We do not particularize the pants of excellence of the Weber pianos, but prefer recommending our readers to spend a leisure hour examining and judging for themselves. The above we clip from the New-York Evening • Post, a high authority on musical matters. We refer our readers to Mr. Mellor's advertisement of the "Weber" Piano is another column. Pittsburgh Market. CORRECTED WEEKLY !OR ,THE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER. BY LITTLE & TRIMBLE, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 112 exo 114 SECOND STREET,' WE ONE= A 7, Sep(. Bnainnea continues dull and unsdttled. 'Very little do mend for any article. Prices are unchanged. BACON—Shoulders. 19i&200.; Sides,2oa322c.; Flails Hams, 1•3024 c.; Sugar Cared do., 27 @2Se. MESS PORK—S4O.OO. • LARD-2t.e. Ils. BUTTER—Prime fresh packed, 35©10c. • EGGS—Tn good demand at 20@22c. per dnz. CHRESR--flalea at 21, 24@23c i lb. far W. R. and Ham burg. FLOUR—Quiet. Small sales at f0.75g10.a0, from store, for Elite, $10.75@12.00 bbl. for .V.N.lra Family and fancy branaa. tiltAlN—Whent: Red, $2.10; White, $2.20. Cate, 93® 95,.. Barley. $2.00. Corn Si 65. _ GROOBRIRS.—Sugar: 22y 2 742.8 1 4. is the atole range for Cnbit to choice N. 0. Coffee, 610530.. M01Qe5e.,51.20@1.25. liktyrup, 11.10041.35. OIL-1)411 and nominal at 38@37 for mule, and 38@93c. for refined: HAY—t, to $12.00 per ton. . ,1, 1 July 14th,. by Rev. M. L. Wortman i Mr. CHARLES E: REED, of Allegheny City, Pa,, to Miss MARY S. BLAIR, of Allegheny Countf, Pa. On August 10th, Mr. JOHN H. PURNELL to Miss ANNIE C. VERNER, both of Allegheny Co., Pa. On August 26th, by Rev. Robert It. Moore, Capt. Vl'at Commas, of Indiana, Pa., to Miss MoLLts Ilifonnow, of Crawford County, 0. On the same day, Mr. GEORGE W. JON tis Tort to. Miss MARY J. Dionson, both of Crawford Co., 0. On Tuesday evening, August 30th, at the residence of Mr. Chas. Deming, by Rev. John B. Reed, Mr. JOHN M. BROWN to Miss Louisa F. M'Cartx, all of Parkersburg, West Va. On Tuesday, 6th inst., by Rev. Jas. Kirk, as sisted by Rev. J. Hazlett, Mr. Jons liirsura to Miss RUTH ANN OowAN, all of Allegheny Co., Pa.. On Tbursdoy, Ist inst.; by Rev. J: Kirk, Mr. DAN= BENNETT LO Miss MARGARET COWAN, all of Allegheny Co., Pa. Intuarg. DlED—in Septeniber 91,6 Miss MARY E. D. PORTER. DlED—Suddenly, at his residence near Boil ing Spring, church; Armstrong Co., Pa., Mr. - RAYKOND ttENTZEL, in the 6.1 d year of his age. • DIED—In Rostraver Township, Westmoreland County,. Pa., di the 18th of July, 1864, Mrs. JANE, wife of Mr. Thomas Robertson, in the 81st year of her age. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. Hugh Mitchel, of South Huntingdon Tp. She was married to Mr. Robertson, August 271 h, 1807, with whom she was permitted to live during the unusual period of , nearly fifty seven years. About the yetr -1823 she pro Fessed her faith: in * i ptizist and was received as membe3,, of the 8e via* Presbyterian church, then under the pastoral care of Rev. A. 0. Patterson. In the year 1851 she transferred her connection to the West Newton Presbyterian church, in which she lived a consistent and honored member yp till the time of her death. Two of her former pas tors, together with the present pastor of the church, took part in the solemn funeral cere monies. The large concourse of friends and relatives indicated the high esteem in which she was held in the church and community. Verily a mother in our Israel has been taken. She leaves her aged husband, six sons and one daughter, to mourn their loss. Yet they mourn not as those who have no hope. Their present loss is her infinite and eternal gain. .11 DIED—Of •dysentery, August 31st, 1863, SABAH CATHARINE, aged 9 years; Septem ber 6th, MARY SIRISA, aged 4 years ; Septem ber 21st, WILLIAM hI'CLELLAN, aged 11 months; of measles, May 22d, 1864, CHRIS TIAN, in the 34th year of her age; children and wife of James K. Beaumont. Little did we think, as one after another of those little lambs were taken away, that God' was preparing the way for the speedy removal of the mother; but now we see he doeth all things well." The mother felt that her little ones were not lost, but gone before ; and while endeavoring to perform all her. duties to the liv ing, her thoughts were with the dead, and she longed to walk with them in robes of light. .11rs. B. was one of those modest, retiring Chris. emus whose light Shines moat sweetly in the do mestic and social circle. Those who knew her best, laved ter most. Though mouths • have passed away, the heart still aches as we call, to . memory' the P. ad bereavements- of this, family; but we are comforted with the hope that mother and children each wears a starry crown, and triumphs in redeeming grace. The husband and father, and three little ones, -remain to mourn" their irreparable loss., May they have.tbe pres ence of a covenant, God on, earth, and a joyful reiinion in heaven. K. DIED-6n the 81st day of October, 1864, at hex-residence in the oily, of ,Bteulienville, 0., at the advanced age ,of 94 years, Mrs. DORCAS COI;ELAND. For more than three-soore years she was a con sistent professor of religion in the Presbyterian Church. Unostentatious and domestic in her habits, of great industry and undying devotion to the interests of her 'family, she has passed from earthly seetactes, and, trials, calmly and se renely, as a shock of corn fully ripe, gathered into the, granary of her Lord. Her children, five in number', and some of them of three-sobre years, were al resent to witnessthe ileparting breath of her whose wish -and desire had ever been as a law unto them. • ' The nightly visits to our chamber made, .- That thou mighest know us warmly,laid ; The fragrant waiers on our cheeks beitOwed By thine own hand:till fresh they glowed— Alt this, and more et daring' still than all, Thy constant flow of love, that knew no-fall." - , WILLIAM. DIED—On the,l3th day of August 1864. Miss S-tLLIE KUHN, in the 27th year of hetage. The deceased was, for a long period preceding her death,.confined to her room, na n d often to her bed; 'by an obscure and painful disease. At titnea.she was comparatively free front' suffering, and in these periods.of ease some hope was en•- •tertained that the amelioration iu her symptoins presaged her. recovery. These hopes were doomed to a bitter disappointment.: -Suddenly, with no perceptible • change in her general ap pearance giving, warning, she expired on lbe, morning of the 13th of August, her deaili, in spite of her long illness, surprising , and shock' tag her family "and 'the community. For iheWaS known, admired and loved by the whole controu nity. The daughter of as elder. of Long Run church, who is himself the son.' of one of the church's first eiders, and bearing a name known and honored in religion and letters, she was in evitably ,well and widely known. Her own, character secured admiration and love. Her in telleettial endowments were of a very high or der, and.'she had cultivated them assiduously• and carefully. Gifted in personal graces, 'of a vivacious and happy temperament, ah, became the life and, soul of every company into which she tell, and attracted unconsciously the atten tiotr,`and won by her moral qualities the ltyie, of her companioivs. = It 'is not easy to imagine a more painful trial than that to which God called her. Struck .down in, the brightness of her youth and beauty; shut up,to the darkiaces and loneliness of a sick chamber for long moths, and then hurried into the presence of. the great and awful Judge—only Christian faith andvlove could support and uphold. This, we thank God now, she had. With patience and cheerfulness. she accepted God's allotments. With resigna tion to his hOly will she anticipated death; and with entire calninetis, and eV'en. joyfulniss, She received and obeyed the summ o ns to depart for her, :a summons, as welumbly and rejoicing ly believe, to be with Christ, which is far-bet- :BOOKS 1 ...BOOKS: I BOOKS:: B6OIIS IN BYER!' DEPARTMENT OR LITCRATURE, THEOI,O9ICAL .AND RELIGJOUS, TILATOItIO,AL, 801EINTIVI0, OIASSIOAL, "B.KLLiES .L'itTrERS, sagooL BOOKS . _ • in use in the various Colleges. Seminaries, Academies, and Pabiir. Schools in Western:Pennsylvania. For sale wholesale and retail by DAVIS, CLARKE . ` 34- CO ' , 5ePl4-• 03 Wood Street; Pittsburgh.. NEW BOOKS • FOR SALE. BY DAVIS, CLAEKE & CO., 93 Wood' Street, Pittsburgh: Chronicles of the Schonberg Cotta Family. By Two of Them,:This book, giving. SS it does, a most interest ing inside vie 9 of the It« fortuetion in the time of Le - ther, is having an immense sale. Price for.the,cheap edition, $1.75. Price for the better edition - ' Enoch Arden. rA new volume of Pettis. By Alfred . .. Tennyson 1.25 The nook of Public Pra3 er for the' Plesbyteirian Church." r r 2.00 The Early Dawn; or, Christian Life in I' ngland in' the Olden Time. By the author of "Schonberg Cotta Family," 1 75 The Cripple of Autitich. Byrsatne author 1.20 Catherine Beeeher ~on the Religious Training or Chit -... , dren 1.50 Hours WAlL:the Youngest . ; or, A Year in the Infant Erhnol l 00 The. Wrong t f Slavery .and the Right of Ematicipa- Ban. By R. Dale Owen 1.25 Louis Napoleon and the Battle of Armageddon 1.00 Doen in. Tennessee. By Edmund Kirke,author of " Among the Pino4P This book gives a full account of Mr. 11 irs.e's visit to Richmond, and. his interview with Jeff. Davis 1.50 The Trial:. A new story by the atithor of '• The ffeir of DedolYffe," '1.75 Libby Life, or. Rxperience of aPrisoner of War in 'Richmond, 1803-54 - 1.50 Life and Letters of David Colt Scudder, Missionary in India 2.6 Memoir of Mrs. Caroline P. Keith, Missionary to ' China .... 200 A New Book for B ips.' "The Cliff Climbers."' By Capt. Sinyne laid 1.25 Fin teen. Beanti.ut Years; rii, Sketches of a Your g ..Girl's Lite. Written by her fi15ter:.—:........: . ..... ........ 90 * * *Any of. the above . books sent by mail, prepaid, on re ceipt of the prior affixe. Addy , as • . Davis, CLARKE & 'CO., eepl.4- 93 Wood Street, Pittsburgh'. '. THE FLORENCE StWING.MAGAINE D'ses a Shuttle; makes four kinds of stitches ' has a re versible letd ; is adapted to.the entire range of fatally sew ing; makes perfect wo,k' . . A. M. IreRKOO.ll, qeneral,Agent, Also, Agent Mt; the liowe and the 'Weed dtnvin; Oisehiner, No. 12 Ss. Craze ftlikk.rj (up stairs ) sepl4- Pittsburgh. Pa. T HE ANNUAL CY C LOWEDIA RhGISTER - Ot lAIPORTANT'EVEI S OF THE YEAR 1863. In properding to the public another volume of the Au ' Dual Cydonia:Ma. containing the record tho meet mew,- lent which the country has witnessed, no efforts have teen spared to secure its completeness 'and accuracy; and to preserve, it fr- e.from every mark of , The p, iodides eopted in the raviolis years h taken and many new aril most important (libations arose' ender them, and Were &sena ntl during 103; 51101 as con -1 station. emancipdion. indemnity (Akin' and -peciiniary, the relations of they insurrectionary Stair's to the Union. personal liberty, martial law. prise. the liability of Great train for damages done by the Alabama, &c.,, These die;ms-i me are embraced in its ',entente. together with the important civil and political Pleasures .of tLo Fed oral and State governments; alt accurate and minute his tory, of the struggles of the great armies and thar battles, illustrated with maps and plans of actions taken from offi cial copies', the debates of the Federal and Confederate Con gressds; thinner:l meatier , s of the government, commerce. ke., Jac.; the proceedings in.the Confederate States to main tain the war and eatablish - their government; also, all the exciting movements in foreign countries: the developments' in the physical sciences : the progress of Jiterature mechan ical inventions and "Improvem-nts; the stupendous t utor prise; of the Government connehed with the - war. snob as hospitals for he army,, the.tnanufacture or, ordnance, end the trade regliktions tn insarrectichary 'districts. The present statistics , of the Religious denominations, and Die graphisal sketches of the eminent persons d- ceased in 1863. //c. The contents are arranged in an alphabetical order, and ninon/panted by a twat complete Index. The volume is in theetyle of tr - Naw CIMLONEDIA, and will Match the volumes r 1861 and 184 of this anoint The work is pliblished exclatively by Subscription, and is elegant and mitotantivii: , . • • PRICE AND 13' . 7 0 LAZ , 8 1 1 8 74)1 1 17 2; 0 1 1 , 86 11ACH ANNUAL In,Cloth, , $8.410 TO Sheen 6.90 In Half Nor, 5.53 lu Half Rus., 7.69 I el 'Pak! Mor., = 910 In Pull 'Bus '' ' 9.00 A , d to insuro te,nniforrn prlc'e and regularity in the deliv ery of ,the volume to in all karts of the country, local agents are appointed in all the cities and Vringiptil towns in the eaves and Territories. ". D APPLETON. - 4. CO. I pusmsuE F ,B,, No 44t 446: /K„ladaY , SOW!TOrk , sepi4-2t 66 A GLORIOUS INSTR FAT." t! Y. observer. lutyn from time to time presented the testimony of a large portion of the most eminent irganists and Artieta in the contitry to the greatlentd of our CABINET ORGANS, and to the fact that they excel other instruments of their class. Annexed are extracts front a few Notices of the Press: 4 . The Highest Accomplishment of Industry in this Department." "Foremost among. ail American makers' stand Messrs. Mason & tram li tr, whose CABINET OhOANb pose represent the highekt accemidiShritenis •of industry in thie depart ment. Taking f r their starting paint, - more than ten years age. the remembered meiodeon, with its thin, sharp tone, they have gone on, step by stip, until- they have reached a posit ion 1033 end which the enlargement of Reed Organs cant,, not, for the present, be guiventrtgrously eentitowd. Leaving. to othets tho • man uiaeture of instruments of smaller com pass, they have given all their energies in producing the beet posdble specimens of the class they advtrtise, and it Is nothing more than truth to say they have tincceed , d. This is not only our opinion, but the MICUINIOUP verdict of the Organists and Musicians who have examined tinge Organs, and have often subjected them to leng and severe tests, and whose nwres h•ve been signed by scores is the testimonials of favor which haveheen treely given." • pastas: Daily -4drertiser. "The Universal Opiiiion of the Musical Pro- fess'on." 4 ' That bletnrs. Mason & Ilsrelin have succeeded lA lash lug .better Small inetrumenb—from little bandbox-like things to Woes which, though portable, and not larger than a piano, can make thtmselvrs Mt in a chureh—is 'the utd renal °pickier. of the musical profession. 't they agree that no such mechanical works of the kind can be toned ih equal perfeeti .n in Europe. Thu tone is pure and full,Land with an immense body ,lor ea small a provocative force. Tlo7' etand rough traveling, hal usage, and will live in climates that , kin American missicataries." 2 [New-York Tribune. sf Nearly - Every Organist or, Pianist 0f Note." " The instrument known as the CAIIINET QRGAN quite as great an improvement upon the melodeon, intro duced some twenty years ago, or its Successor, the harmo nium, as -a 'concert , grand , -piano-forte of today is over the imperfect pi nos in vogue a quarter of a century since. Tee. ton lust favor from a la^k of cape ity 'for expression. :its music .was ..monotonous to a degree annoying Va . - cultivated ears. "The 'benne:nuns VW an improvement upon the melodeon, but milt Tailed to sat isfy to the extint demanded by its use in chapels, school rooms or Mtn-, as'a support to choral singing. Within a couple of years. Messrs. Mrson k Ilsmfic, who have alwlys taken the lead in this country es matitaitetlireri Or reed in struments, have succeeded in largely overcurning the de leant minced 'in tustraments' of this class. An Important modjfication introduced is the Automatic lfellows-Swell... by whit k the performer is enabled to pw.dnee the softest tones, or to awaken a volume of-tone second only to, and .in point of quality, tally as fine 'as that dertied from supe rior Church organs. *& .* . The, favorable teettmony, of nearly every ornaniet or inertial of note in" this noun trY, together with teat of ,certain distin,Luirhed foreign' author ities; has forrstalled our hpgrolattre, cau k raerds upon the.px valence and value' of 'these carefully Made instalments." LiVete-Yer/r ifrorid. 'So Effective anti Beautiful =as to Meet the Desires orAhe Most Refined anti Fastidious." 4 . A glorious inierninent for the temple service, so readily secured as to be avAilable for any con,eregation, and so effective and beautiful no to meet the&aims of the moat re fined and faeti lions atimirord 01 appropriate music. * ,f` With your' eyes shut yeti cannot ei.ti egoist' its sound from from: that of the pipoorgan; lind the advantages that com mend it are: its pace-for it can be hod for. one, two, three Or four hundred dollars; according to the Pine you- wish ; it is not ' , dreamt by heat or cold, or any rbange of tempera tin e ; it remains for a long,period in good tune; and lastly, it can be sent by. express orntherwise any distence, with safety. 7. [Nn-Fork Obserrer. " Singular Unanimity." Windt:vied by thessiconsiditatiniis, we have been at "some_ pains to ascertain WI at instrument, of tilt:Many now solic iting the public favor, combines the greatest number of real excellences... We bare prosecnted..this inquiry entirely, in dependently of aid or dir-ction from interested parties. The opinions Of some of the best rriueical"critict, eompoters and performbrs have, been obtained; inverts cit e; periments made, in the orM. my use Or various instriments churches, sehools anti .farui lieS have been con/ 13.4131 i, all of - which; With singular unatibuitYy, concnr in atnigning , the first place to, the Cabinet Organ of Hation'it ilkelaion that cur respennswith our own' 'previously formed- nonvinfiens, re caived from personal o ',rya ons. . . [New-Turk Chriititin .Adeocate and Journal..'. W ARE Etoo : , 274 WANRINOTON STREET, • Roston. 7 MERCER STREET, itow-ToTCi MASON' & HAMLIN. MEE fat e IT: E S_ VV. A It E ~ C 3SNA 4:Np 0.1.4.A58' . RICHARD - E; BREED; . • No. 100 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, 1 IMPORTER. . . . A hill and varied,stoctc'of the above a.rticies, together with BIIiTTANIA and SILVER ELATED WARE and. TABLE cu.ri..Eitv, , rlt-AYS,'‘Cc'. $w- Prices and terms same as in the Eastern cities. , - sept4,teov7 ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ATOP and Litias made by the enbscripar, of the ,very best quality end tn.:" neatest appearance. lie is the only perrou in kittaburali oho bus . Ala, patent for such Limbs. Limbs' ktiaiglitenrd nitheut cutting Or , pain. ' CtitUTOLINB of aiPstylea on hand aiwkra„ • • No. 58 Fourth:Street LlFbittabiargh. JOUN REICIIENI3ACIT.' aep 4-B VALUABLE BOOES' . PUBLISHED ROBERT . CARTER & AND FOR. SALE fly DAVIS CLARKS & -CO., 93' Wood Street, Pittsburgb The Cripple of Antioch. By the author of "Chronicles of the Schonberg Col to Family." 1 vat $1.25 Toe Cedar Christian, By Bev. TL. Cuter ' 90 Forty Days atter our Loret Reeurr'ection. By Rev. Dr. Henna 1.25 Beeler off . St. "ani hcifah; or, The Prophet of . Fire. By T. R. Mc.Duff LOU. The Post of Honor. By author of f• Broad 'Sfiadroks," etc." L 25 The Improvement at Time. By Joon roster 1.23 AbTe to Save. By author of f• The Pathway of Proar lee," 80 The Old I.l4iiiit By author of the Wide, Wide World:" 2 'vols. The hien of G xl; or. Spit Bildt Religion Expleinedand Enforced. By Rev. Oct.o,firisvr, 1.).D 80 The Pout of the,Cros4. By witue author - Ned'algotto f or, Little by Little. By author of " Win and Wear," r Jacobus' Notes on Osumi& .1n Press.. ff . - ff Mitthew. ;Mirk and - Luke. -: J on ,. AR- Any of the above sent -posbpaid, on receipt of the retail price. Addrecot , DAVIS CLARKE & CO. sapl4- • 95 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. p 1 A W 0 S• . • • . $60.00 Less Ilia New-York - ..Pric;:s: Now on bawl, a choice selection of .W.MIRMA 6 ,E),E4thrOgl,, • which, having been. purchased before'the rec.nt adeanee, wilt be 5,14 at the. old rates, which are ,550.00 -less than the proiest Now York: prices. Purchasers *ill find it to their adv t.ntage to call amd'onamine'thine charming' imtrumente beta'c buying eke slim. Persons living at a dißtancu Calk have an illuetrated- circular sent to them by addressing the subscriber. , CHAS. C. MELLOR, . . 81 Wood St., PAU . burgh, angS-A Sole Agent Ibr the "s Weber" Piano. TIAITVILLE TITEOLOGICAL SEMI INARY. The Twelfth:Annual Session of this Seminary will 'open on the 2Orn OP SEPTE3,IIIF.R. next. _ All the departmenis -of instruction are filled, and there Noems oniond reason to apprehend that the rsgulan exert oises will he interrupted ;luring the coming eession". Thouith theSspense of dying Lturadvatmsd here as Well av elsewhere within the past. two..yem9, arrangements have henn made t-t sernre gilod hoard for the e , uderas on reason able terms. 'With the incriased appropriation of the Board of Education and tha funds at the disposal of the InstitU thou for the support or those who mud assistance. no MEl unity he anticipated in providing stainciently for the wart ts of ail worthy men of that class who may &sire to prosecute their studies here. I•TEPITEN 'TER liEd f . Fecrecary Board of Directore.. PANTirtm, Aug. BilBB4. - ' auglo-7t • - It o B. NORRIS,- PURCHAST TAILOR, AND DRUM? IN GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, NO. 79 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY -PA. DRY GOODS. J. W Oitann & CO , 59 Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Have now in eioni the LARGEST OTOCH and the °BRAT EST VARIETY ever exhibitedin thin city, of BILKS, CLOAKS.. „ DRESS,GOODS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, GENTS' AND BOirr WEAR; PRINT#I, flaying buyers resident In the Bed, and possessing inkoty, advantage peculiar to the very best Baidern Houses torisuy-: lug' nd,seiling cheap, and keeping constantly on hand the largest stock:in Western Pennsylvaniaime are prepared' to offer extra inducentnts to _ , Country Merchants. N. -B.—Olergymen and their - families anapplied at A LIBBRAL D180013.61T. my4-A DOEWPRITR SEMINARY FOR . YOUNG LADIES, AT SEWICKLEY, PA. The TAU Sossion 'sill open on the-THIRD MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER. The best adeautages are afforded, end, et, reserstabla rites; ' For terms,'&4 evria fors °uvular. Address ENV.4. #204 Essiiektey vilie, Pa. SHAWLS, 811IRTINGS, UNITED STATES . 400 11:4 400 AL 1151 The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that subeCrip• lions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable *three years from Auguntls,lB64, with semi•annaal Jnterest at. thp rate of seven and three-tenths per cent, per annum— principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. Tt.ese notes will be convertible at the option of the holder at maiktity, into six per cent. gold bearing bonds, payable not lean than five nor more than twenty years from thou' date; ea the Goveromeot may elect. They will be leaned In denomination of flay, one hundrml,five hundred, cnie thousand, and dye thousand dollars, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars, or some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will he transmitted to the owners free of trans- nortation charges n soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of Deposit as they can be prepared As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons mak- ing deposits subsequent to that date must pay tho interest accrued from date of note to date ofdepeeit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand, dollars and up- wards for these notes at any one time wilt be allowed a com- ntisetotrof ono-quarter of one per oeut, which will be paid by ilia Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for tbi amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions tar commissions must be made from the depoette ,SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. IT'ta a NATIOILLSATreros Beam, offering a higher rate of interest than "ny other, and flu baseman:Cy. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in IL 8. Notes, coniiders that it is Paying in the best circulating medium of the corm try, and it cannot par in anything better, for its own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in government paper.. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent in vestment The notes can always be sold for within a trac- tion of their face and accumulated interest, and are the beet security with banks as collaterals for diecounts. Convertible into a 13 Per Cent. 5.20 Bold Bond. In addition to the very llberal Wen t on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent. per annum, fur the current rate fur 5-20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent, premium, and before the 'war the premium on eix per cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent: It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not leas than tan per cent: per aiinuin Its Extroption .from State or Munk!pal Taxation Bat aside froth all the advantages we have enumerated, a special Act'of Congxere exempts all bones and Treasury notes frfmt , local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent. per.annum, according to the rate of taxation In various parts of the country It it; believed that no securities offer so great inducements telendere es those Mimed by the government. In all other forun of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private par tie., or stock companies, or eoparate communities, only, it • pledged for payment, while the, whole property of the vim tryls hold to secure thodiecharge of all the obligations of the United States. While the government offers the most liberal terms for int loans, it believes that tbe very strongest appeal will be to therloyaity and patriotism of - -RUBSCIIIPTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Treasurer of the UnttEd States, at Wealdngtoo, the set , eFalAssietantTreasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, PA., THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, PA., FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALLEGEIe?IY, PA., and by all National Ranks which are deposibuiee of public money, and all JOBE' ESTABLV; BANNS AND B +QM EDS ttronglkont the country_ will give further information, and AFFORD 'EVRItY P&OLIATT TO gussejamms. - ni 4. 2m S. eIITIIIISRT S. L.- CUTHBERT—. . ... corunzar .CUTH BERT 84' SONS, . Real Estate and General Agents, For the purchase and•sale of Real Estate, Collection of Rents, linairanee,Repnirs, ac,, Iv. ' Office, No. 51 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. WEST -LIBERTY MALI? AND FEMALE ACADEJIr . ,•. Elan not raised Tuition fees. lies added a Nor Mal Depart ment, and gives a liberal.reductiori to the families of mill i.ters. and to poor youarmen preparing for the ministry„! • Next 'annual: Session 'o.onmences WEDICESDAY,,SEP" amiss tixtt 1864. .ltor Circular, lc- address REV. J. A. BitOWli. Principal.' -iiturto.6t Went Liberty, Ya. - . FIFTY NEW PIANOS! NEW MlO3lOl 1 - -- NEW 11111.110NIUMB I I The most complete stock of STEINWAY'S UNRIVALLED PIANO?, as also of some of the hest other braads of Pianos, from 130 to $l,OOO, just received and for sale by S. lILESER & BRO. Also, • • REED ORGANS, CHITROWITARMONIIIBIS, AND M.BLOD)3ON - Si from the best and oldest manufacturers In 'the. country, cd.R4ART &I en, New-York. These are the only instru ments that are warranted for Sight Years. Oil- The neweit, sheet music, church music books, arena, etc., etc. H. KLEBER & BRO., N 0.122 Wood Street, four doors above fifth St., Pittsburgh. inrit r WHEELER .9; j WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM - 3rAin.4o3llw_...osiux-*-4c2AL ' S WINO MACRINI.St With New Improvements.. -WARRANTED ine-"WARWANTED YEARS: 'V& wiLLIApt SUMNER & CO., AGENTS, 27 Fifth Street. r . PITTSBURGH, - CONCENTRATED LYE, • Ready Soap Maker. Twenty-five gallons of good soft taw can be made out of one pound of the. Concentrated Lye. Any child can make It. No trouble. If you will but try it once, you never will be,without itagain. • Manufactured by the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 'For sale,. with full direction!, by all Drugainta an Grocers.- • iyl4.a CARBON OIL AND LAMPS. J. P. - SMITH 80 CO.. Dealers in Carbon Oil and Lamps. Shades. Chimneys Lan terns. he. Chu' cites tart:libber' with Ohm , &lien and r amps at ten per cent. off regular prxes. All the different styles of FRUIT JARS - AND CANS, at 1.49MT8E :Vet STREET; between St. Clair Street and Ifure'S fatal, Pittsburgh. • sep"..7-a. E A*IIER Sl SITUATION'S Two ladles connected with the Presbyterian Church, who have taught in firsts:lass -teutinariel ani is families for several years, +sire situations immediately, Th e y teach EnglishcEnanch, and the Piano,. Eatisibctory testimonials and references w ill be furnished. Address NIBS 8.. It, EDWARDS, Box 42. Bedford, Bedford County, Pa. ep 2 FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS FOR 1884. H. SMITH, Merchant Tailor, •• No. 84 Wylie Stree t,Pittsburgh, Pa., Respectfully invites public attention to his new and erten. sive.stoek of FAIL:AND TER GOODS, consisting in part of french and Angliote Cloths, Cassimerea, ails Velvet and Cassimere Vestings t and a fine. assortment of Over= coatings.,: These choice goods will be made up t, order in the most approved styles, and warranted to give entire sat-. isfiction. raar9 ki;"*L .. DRESS GOO DS J. NI. B•URCHFIELIPS I North-East Corner Of Fourth and Market Ste., Pittsburgh- MOHAIR PLAIDS; CASHMERE PLAIDS; ALMOOkS; MERINOS; BEAM WOOL DRLAIII24; • 1)o. RF.1.3; CLOTHS, AND OASSIMERES; FLANNELS-WHITE AND COLORED; PLAID FLANNEL; FANCY SHIRTIER FLANNELS. A lot of 31114e310 01 0 1 1 iFialtiCit as Of DRUB 000113,•CERA?, 111=1