PIE Vrtsblttrian `gauntr. tITTSIIIII9II, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 1864. . , REMOVAL. THE OFFICE OF THE 1 -BANNER" HAS REIN RR MOVED TO BINdERLY'S BOMBINGS, 2 140. 7 THIRD isTRNET—BECTWEZN WOOD AND MARKET—NEAR MAREET. COMMENCEMENT IT WASHINGTON. 'he exercises connected with the Fifty- Eighth Annual Commencement of this lonored Institution, began with,the Bacca laureate Sermon, of the President, Dr. J. W. - SCOTT, in the 'First Presbyterian church, on Sabbath morning; the 4th inst. It was founded on Prov. xvi : 32, and was one of the B;.'s happiest efforts. The ap propriate theme was " Self-Control." In the evening, the Rev. W. D. How- D.D.,•of PittSbilrgh, delivered" a most able and eloquent sermon to the'Society of Religious Inquiry, upon a subject peculiar- Iy suited to the:times, - viz.: '"The Domain of the Pulpit." ~The text was the great com mission itself, Matt. xxviii : 18-20. The mission of the Christian minister, and the manner of fulfilling it, were the leading points of the discourse. The relations of the pulpit to the primary object of human saltation, end also to the morals of society, and to-the mutual obligations of lulers and citizens in the State, were thoroughly and profitably, handled. The • best .compliment to the distiOurse is the earnest desire for its publication, which, we understand, is likely to be gratified. The Orator for the Literary Societies failed,' through ill health, to he present. The evening of Tuesday was therefore oc eupied with the usual valedictories and re: sponges between the graduates arid the So cieties. Messrs.. WEILLS and MEALY represented the Class—the former of the Washington, and the hitter of the"Vnion Society—and they were severally replied to by Messrs. SNODGRASS and DRIVER The diplomas of the Societies were delivered to the graduating members, together with an appropriate address, by the Rev. R. V. DODGE.' The following was the order of exercises on Wednesday, the• Commencement day: English Saints tor 3 —Jon N C. S. W.EILLS, Washington, Pa. Greek and Latin Salu tatory—J. PERRY- IRWIN, Mercer, Pa. Philosophical Oration—JOHN T. OXTOBY, Wheeling, West Va. Pbilosnphical Ora tion--- , JoHN M. MEALY, Cfaysville, Pa. Meanness and Sublimity of Human Na ture—C. B. NEWTON, Lodiana, N. India. Necessity of Trial—Hanynx B. KNIGHT, Newcastle, Ohio.- Our Dread of Misfbr. tune--Buar PHIEMPS, Uniontown, Pa. National Dignity—R. H. CUNNINGHAM, Rostraver, Pa. Oharacter—The True Gen tleman—S. C. KERR, Adena, Ohio. Vale dictory Oration—The Unfought Battle— & JOHN M, MOOARRELL, Claysville, Pa. In addition to the foregoing, the follow ing.young gentlemen received the degree of A. 8., viz : A. A. KUHN, New Texas, Pk; J. D. STORES, Marion, 0.; WM. R. THOMPSON, Taylorstown, Pa.; J. T. NoORE, Valley Grove, W. Va : D. T. WATSON, and J. WISHART WILEY, both of Washington. The addresses of the speakers generally were marked with alear thought, happy style, and graceful and earnest delivery. The large and intelli gent audience gave their undivided atten tion to the last. The degree of A. M. was given to the members of the Class of 1861. The Rev. Roizryr B. W4LKErt,.of .Plaingrovs, Pa., received the title of D.D. That of LL.D was conferred upon the lion. DANIEL AG NEW, of Beaver, Pa., Judge of the Su preme Court of the State; and upon the Rev. CHARLES HODGE, D.D., of Princeton, N. J. This College, like most others, has suffered in the way of -numbers from the war and the times, but its opportunities remain, and its work is earnestly and faithffilly done. The important ,subject of union with . Jefferson College occupied the attention of the Trustees, who adopted a paper upon the'subject, and ordeire - d it for publication. The proceedings of the Alumni on the occasion, which we 'also publish, show in I,ke manner how deep and'vpowerful a hold this subject has taken upon the friends of the Colleges and the public mind generally. The subject has come to a solemn crisis, and we cannot but hope that, whatever die couragcments may e34t, all concerned will rise to the responsibilities which. now sur.. round them. - ACTION OF THE BOARD OF 'TRUSTEES OF WASHINGTOisi COLLEGE. WHEREAS, The Syhoti of Wheeling,- with which Washington. College is connect ed, and several other Synods of the Presby terian Church, in October last, made a for mal and earnest proposition to the Trustees of Jefferson and Washington Colleges for the union of these two Institutions, upon some equitable basis, accompanying the said proposition with an offer, pledged by a responsible person, of fifty thousand dol lars, toward the endowment of the united College, and further proposed that the question of the location of the College proper, rendered difficult by local interests and feelings, be left to the decision of a disinterested and impartial Board of Arbi trators, to be chosen jointly : And whereas, the public mind seems now more than ever, not'only to approve, but to demand such an union, for the sake and claims of education in this region of coun try Therefore, this Board deem it due to themselves, and to all concerned, without the slightest design to reflect on any other party, to make known the fact that, at a meeting shortly subsequent to the recep tion of the proposition of the Synods, they, by a- unanimous vote, accepted the said proposition with its conditions, agreeing to abide by any decision of the question, thus fairly made; also to declare that after a confereuoe of a committee appointed by this Board, .with a like committee of the Board of Jefferson College, op the subject of the proposed union, which was fruitless of success owing to the declared unwilling noes of the Jefferson Based to submit the question of location to the judgment of any persons outside of their own body, or in any way to imperil the interests of Canons burg in regard to this question, or even to negotiate, at all, except on "-the admitted. condition that the College pro Per, shall be located at that place, we are still, as me have from the first been, willing to adopt the proposal of disinterested ,arbitrament, as originally made, and to join asking such legislative sanction of 'a settlement so made, as the nature of ithe ease may re.: w ire; enalurther, to" set ';p;.: forth le -the deliberate judgment of this Board, in har mony with the public voice, that the inter eats of education, as well as of the State and the Church, would be promoted by the proper union of these two Colleges. Resolved, That in order that the attitude of this Board, in regard to the question at issue, may not be misunderstood, the Sec retary be directed to report the foregoing statement to the Synod of Wheeling, and also to publish the same in the Presbyte rion Baniier. Resolved, That the Board approve the action of the Faculty and local Trustees in proposing to the Faculty and local Trtiateeß of Jefferson College to unitein an effort to obtain a portion of the State - agricultural fund, on condition of-a union of the Col legea, as calculated to facilitate that desira , ble end, in ,the .manner, proposed by the Synods. PROCEEDINGS OP THE ALUMNI . 01‘ WASH INGTON COLLEGE. The .antinal meeting of "the. Alumni As sociation of Washington College convened in the College Hall, Sept. 7th, 1864; at 2 o'clock P. M and was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Carothers, of Indiana County. Pa.. - • Dr.Wishart, the Secretary, being absent in the-army, Win. S. Moose was chosen Secretary - pre tem. The election of officers being first in Or der, on motion, Dr. J. I ,Bruwnson was chosen' President, and Dr,' John W. Wish- art, Secretary for the ensuing year. On motion of Roy. F. A, flatchinson,,a committee of resident Alumni, consisting, of Dr. Brownson, David S. Wilson, and Wm. S. Moore, was -appointed to commu nicate with the ' class of 1840 relative to the procurement of 'a epeaker for the quar ter-century reunion of :.said class at the next annual Commencement. On motion of Hon. John H. Ewing,` the same committee was authorized to procure a speaker to deliver the next annual Ad ' dress to the Association. • The ReV - . Francis J. Collier, of Canons burg, appeared as one of a committee ap t o nted by the Alumni'Astiociatien of Jef ferson College, and presented the follow ing series of reseltitions, adopted by that body, touehing a union of Washington and Jefferson Colleges s - . .Resolved, That the good of the commu nity, the cause of education;-the welfare of the country, and tbe best interests of. the kingdom of Christ, imperatively demand the union of Washington and Jefferson Colleges. Resolved, That it is with, profound grat ification that we learn'that a plan has been agreed upon by the officers of the- Colleges, depending for its consummation upon the appropriation by -the Legislature of the State, of a liberal portion of the fund for Agrioultural Colleges and other use. Resolved, Thai in view or the fact just stated, we hereby respectfully and earnest ly petition the Legislature of the State to take early and liberal action in this behalf. So far as we can understand the case, jos tice does seem to de nand that no small part of the funds in The bands of the Legisla ture for distribution, ought to be appropri ated for the benefit of this part 'of the State. , Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to present . these resolutions to the Alumni Associaticm Washington College, and, in connection with a commit- tee from that Association, to the Boards of Trustees of the CollegeS, and to the Legis lature. Under tbe last resolution, the following gentlemen were appointed : Rev: George P. Hays, Baltimore, Md. ReV. Francis J. Collier, Canonsburg, Pa. R. B Patterson, Esq., Greensburg. Mr. Collier was heard at some length in explanation of the circumstances' under which the resolitions were adopted, stating that the action of the body he represented bad been characterised by the utmost har mony and Unanimity, and giving the most ample assurances of friendly and fiaternal feeling on the part of the Jefferson Alum ni. These friendly, regards were, most heartily reciprocated by all the Alumni of Washington present, and the most cordial concurrence was pledged in the project of union on . any fair and equitable term's.. It was made apparent, however, by ex planations and remarks of several gentle men present, who were fully cognizant of the whole subject, that the Alumni of Jef ferson bad labored 'under a misapprehen sion in declaring that " a plan of union has been agreed upon by the officers of the Colleges, iDe =the true state 'of the case being that a joint application was made ti the Legislature by some of the local Tru.S 7 tees and Faculty of each College for a lion por=. of the land donated by Congress to the State for Agi:lcultural Colleges, on con dition of the union of the Colleges, with simply the expressed opinion, that by the success of this application, the prospect of union would be brightened. A free and full interchange of opinion Laving been had on the subject the follow ing'preamble and resolutions were unani mously adopted : Wrixuxas, At a meeting of the Alumni of Jefferson College, on the 3d of August last, it was resolved, " that the good of community, the cause of education, the welfareof the country, and the best tnter. ests of the kingdom of Christ, imperative ly demand the union of Washington and Jefferson Co - lieges ;" . and whereas, it is un derstood that committees of the Wards of Trustees of the 'two Colleges have lately been aPpointed to confer on the subject of union, but after - trial have failed thus far to ' agree upon a plan of union; and whereas, a wish has been expressed at this meeting in behalf of the Alunini of Jefferson. Co l. lege, by one of their number acting as a member of a committee, appointed for that purpose, for our cooperation in efforts to bring about the desired consummation : Therefore, Resolved, That inasmuch . as a suggestion has been made through the papers, of a Convention of the Alumni of both Colleges, to assemble at an early day in the city of Pittsburg for the consideration of the whole subject of the union, this Associa tion heartily approves such suggestion. Resolved, That a committee.oonsisting of Dr. James 1. Brownson," Hon. R. It Reed, and Wm. S. Moore, be'appointed to, cooperate with the Alumni of Jefferson College in calling such a -Convention, and to take such other action as in their judg iment may be proper, to further the pro ;posed object. Oa motion of A. W. Acheson, Esq , the roceidings of the meeting were ordered to e published in the Presbyterian Banner, ld in the several papers of this place. On motion of Mr. Ewing, the meeting journed. Closed with prayer by the Rev.. Mr. Col er. JAMES I. BROWBSON, Pres't. Watt. S. _Moore, See'y pro tem. TIM SIGHING OF TIIE PRISONER. In nothing, perhaps, has the diff6rent 1 drit which actuates the two parties to to present war been more strikingly die ' 'eyed, than 'in their treatment, respeet •ely, of the prisoners that - ham been taken r each, in the varying fortunes of the 4t inflict. Rebel prisoners, confined in .torthern camps, have been treated- with •1 Try kindness and consideration that ha d anity demanded and circumstances per )! itted. Large license even has been si ll wed to those who sympathize with trea ►n, to add their contributions of luxuries. lid Intp9riluities, sqc asitene of %a. Own f).1 , :::.' . 51 - 3V - TERIA.N . BANNER.--7WEDNESDAY., SEPTEMBER 14., 1864. soldiers possess, to the already ample pro vision made by the Government for the health and comfort of its enemies. Our own soldiers, on the other band, captured for the most part whilst contend ing gallantly against superior numbers, and entitled to every attention which brave, but unfortunate, men had a right to expect from foes who, had been accustomed to plume themselves upon their f 4 chivalry," are languishing and dying in Southern bastiles, whose horrors baffla the power of description, and the brutalities of whose guards and keepers are . too revolting to ad wit of detail in our columns. Public attention has been directed anew to this painful subject by the- recent pub lication of the correspondence- between gen. BUTLER. and Major Our.n, the re speet, tve Cothmissioners of exchange. The rebel authorities propose to exchange man for man, and officer for officer. Gen. BUT LER. declines this proposal, iinlesa colored soldiers shall be embraced in it The Con sequence of this disagreement is that hun dreds of our brave soldiers have perished, hundreds more are now - languishing and dying; under the rigors of confinement in Southern prions. - • That all soldiers who enlist under our flag are entitled to its protection, is unde niable. Yet is the subject involved in many difficulties. There are many who contend that our, honor and dignity would not be compromised by tweed. ; ing to the rebel_ propositions so—far as white soldiers are concerned. Our suffer ing brethren would thus be released from all the untold and inconceivable horrors and brutalities, under, the effects of which they are daily perishing. There would still remain in our hands 'a large balance of rebel prisoners, who weeld be as, ample . a security as. any we,now possess, for the proper treatment of co`ored soldiers who have been captured by the enemy. But in the judgment of others, this would be 4n unwise precedent, and would sanction a discrimination a3ainit our colored soldiers. The eiindition'of the heroic defenders of our country, whose treatment , at the hands of the Confederate authorities will be' one .of the blackeit pages in all the history of this atrocious conspiracy to overthrow the Republic, deserves the, immediate consid eration of our Government ; and we trust that measures to effect their release may be speedily adopted and successfully car ried out. „ - BETHUNE'S LEVITIES. ON THE CITECIIISII.* Some time ago we noticed the appear ance of the first, volume of the late Dr. BETHUNE'S "Expository Lectures on the Heidelberg Catechism." Now we have be fore us the second , volume, replete with the same research, argumentation, fervor, and pointed application. The brilliant plat. form orator, whose spontaneous eloquence received the applauses of vast popular asL semblies, is no less at homoin discussing the most.abstme doe,trinesor the plainest practical truths. These two volumes are valuable bequests to the Church from 'one whom the Church loved and honored while living. In them he, being dead, yet speak. eth, and he will speak to distant genera, tions. They 'are a= repository of theology from which most valuable stores can be drawn by the minister and the layman who would be well instructed in things pertain ing to the' kingdom of-God. The rule of the ReforMed Dutch Church which malces it obligatory, on pastors to expound the Catechism containing its sys tem of faith, to their people, is a most ex cellent one, which might be adopted with great advantage by other branches of the Presbyterian family If it were, we are persuaded there would be <•a: better under standing of the Word of God, and greater soundness in doctrine than exist now. • Doc trinal instruction and practical teachings might thus be harmoniously and be blended, and, the effects would be most beneficial. In this place it may not be itriproper, to remark, that we do not understand why it is that our own "Confession of Faith,"^ in whose praise we so 'often speak, is not a text book in all our Theological Semina ries. 'Why is it that this book, containing our authorized exposition of the doctrines of the Gospel and Church polity, is made to give place to s3stems" , of theology on which ,the imprimatur of the: Church has never been placed. We would not by any means make this the only text bOok.on The . ploy and Church Government, but it cer tainly should be made a text-book. We have known young men who, during their entire theological course, had not so much as read the whole of our Confession of Faith. In the Seminaries •of the United Pres byteriart Church, the Confession of Faith is made a part of the regular studies; and we hope that the time is not far distant When it will be 80 in our own. Church. *EXPOSITORY LECTURES ON THE HE/HELDER° CATECHISM. By George'. W. Beihune, D.D. In two volumes. 1864. New• York ; Sheltion t Co. Pittsburgh: Davis, Clarke 4- STILL OMER, EXAMPLES. Our readers have not forgotten, the rec ord w. made a few weeks, ago ,of benefac tions to Colleges and Theological Semirvi ries.~ A few more instances have come under our eye, and merit a place upon the list. - GORDON COLBY, of Boston, ;has• given $ . 50,000 to WaterA ille College, llfaine, on the condition that g.;100,000 more shall be raised, and that a majority of the Faculty shall hereafter be members of Baptist churches. About $47,000 of the $lOO,OOO has been already seated— A permanent endowment of the Presiden sey, of .Dartmouth College, N. 11., has re• cently been raised by a. subscription of $30,000 in Nevi-York, and over $17,000 . has bien secured to the- College elsewhere, by subscription. The corporation of giddlebitry Vt., have voted to raise immediately one hundred thousand dollars. A fine start has already been given to the subscription, upwards of. $20,000 having been secured, and a few months will doubtless see the work completed, and: new - life and vigor be given to this most respected institu tion. Thus we are vovoked unto good works by the examden of those who.do.not 'count their anhiey dearer tnillent-than theititOrfl eats of education and religion. These ex amples should, have especial influence now, when the friends of education in Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio, and Western Virginia, are called upon to consult for the establishment of an institution of the high est order, to realize the wishes, and to meat the demands of this populous and wealthy district. Others can give liberally : shall not we? SANDWICH ISLANDS. We mentioned some time ago, the intro duction of Episcopacy to these Islands, through the influence of the King, and the evil results likely to follow. The bishop serit'out from En.land and the ministers accompanying him, are of the most ultra High. Church stamp. They have studious ly kept themselves aloof from the Ameri can missionaries, by whom these Islands have been delivered from heathenism.. Ai:4.mo! it begins to appear as if they had poisoned the mind of the King with regard to the politioal condition of his people, and led him ,to attempt a revolution, which may lead to great strifes and, calamitielj. A Constitutional Convention t had been called, but the King and his advisers were not willing to wait' for its action. The liiteA pews from the Llands is as folloWs : "King, Kamilia.ineha, on, the 13th‘or Au: gust,,,after au excited speech, abrogated the , Sandvrich Islands "Constitution of 1852, and declared the Constitutional Convention dissolved. This arbitrary act is regarded as a regular coup d' etat by the King, and if submitted to by the -Hawaiian ,people,- will render the kingdom nearly an absolute monarchy." The responsibility resting . _upon these whit havU disturbed the. peace o.t.this-Peo ple, will be fearful. It will be remembered that matty'of the best Men the English Establiehnienti cipPostd strongly this in cuision into a country for which Episcopa _ . ey had done Lotbing, and. where, it wss not likely to aecornplish'iCtich:good, LHERIOAN BOARD •OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. ' The frienda of Foreign Milsions will re juice to learn, that this Board will be, able to announce at the Annual Meeting, that thelnancial year 'has closed without debt; and having a small balance in the treasury. Fears were entertained some time ago, that the year would close with a heavy balance against the Board ; bid the Circular-issued in July aroused the patrons of the Board so as to produce the' happyresult just now attained. The whole amount eontributed to this Board in the year, is a little over $500,000. This statement should stimulate and en . courage our own ehure,hei to increased ef forts, in behalf of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. The outlay of the Board, owing to the price of gold and, the high rates of exchange, will necessarily be beyond all former precedent. But our , Church is abundantly able to meet, and more than meet, this increased expenditure. And the General Assembly, at its late meeting, pledged the Church to sustain the Board in these trying times. Pastors and Sessions will no doubt keep this in mind, and bring it before the people with more than usual earnestness.- FIRE TO THE DISETING OF THE SYNOD OF ALLEGHENY The Rey. Dr. REYNOLDS writes us: Members of the Synod of Allegheny who may attend the meeting of said Synod, to be held at Meadville on the 2.211in5t., by paying fall farato Meadville over the Atlan tic and Great Western, and Erie and. Pitts burgh Railroads, will be returned over said roads free of charge; on presenting a certifi cate to the Effect above named signed by tbe Moderator, or .one of the Clerks of Synod. This arrangement extends no farther south than Newcastle. Whether a like arrange ment will be - made froni Newcaitle to Pitts - - bargh and intermediate, pOints, I do not iknow. "Members from south -of West Green ville, by taking the train over the Erie and Pittsburgh road,"-which leaves the latter place at 5-:o'clock` A. M., may arrive in Meailville at 12:10 P. -M., by the mail train over the A... and G.W.. road, which leaves West Greenville at 10:50 o'clock A. M. ; or, if they choose. to dine at West Gieenville, may take the Express train from Cleveland; leaving West Greenville at 42 :56 c'eh ek P. M., and arrive at Mead ville at 1:45 Mock P. M. "'A committee will be in attendance at the church in which Synod is to 'meet, from the tittle of the arrival of fEe Express, to direct members to the families by which they will be entertained:" The•• Alumni Convention..--In accordance with a suggestion made in our columns a short tine ago, a convention of .the Alumni of Jefferson and Washington Colleges 'has been called, to meet in the Lecture Room of the• First Presbyterian church .of Pitts burgh on :the 27th of this mouth. The call will be found in anorher column. We hopethe attendance will be large, and that some practicable plan to secure we reault so much desired, will be proposed. Valuable Edition of the llible.—The Board of Publication of the... United 'Presbyterian Church rias issued. a bandstnine edition of Bagsteris Polyglott Bible." This is the, very beat reference Bible for general use ever published. For sale at the United Presbyterian Book Store; Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Price $l.OO. Death . of Rev. natio Beatty. Magill, 'This young brother, son of the late Rev. TIIOMAS F: iIIAoILL, of Urbana, pdstor of the church of Birmingham, Iowa; died on the 27th of August. An appropriate obit uary notice is in our hands, which will ap pear next week. Tito - BOUM of Colportage will meet en Tuesday, the 20th lest, at 2 o'cloOk: JAMES CAR UT HER S, Preet. For the Preebyterian Banner EDITORS OF THE BANNER :-I see by the .Minutes of the General Assembly, page 492, that the Synod of Pitts'burgh is tt meet on Fridq.y, October 28th. Is thin correct ? My impression was, that - the meeting was to be on the 2lst. Would it ndt be a good idea to propose a meeting of the Alumni Of -Jefferson and Washington Colleges; in Pittsburgh, on Thursday pre ceding the meeting of Synod ? NEWS OF THE CHURCHES AND MINISTERS. PRESBYTERIAN. d School,—The oundition of our church es in New-Orleans is deplorable. Cannot something be done to place in them loyal p..stors, that the ministration of the Gos pel may be again enjoyed by the loyal members that remain, and also by the strangers who are now beginning to crowd that city. Five of our churches there have been abandoned by disloyal pastors, and all of these, with the exception of one now occupied by the military authorities, are in charge of. elders and trustees, who, though some of them have taken the oath of loyalty, are in an overwhelming majority, syinpathizers with the rebellion. letter from New Orleans says : "There are still in these churches many meinbers of un- . doubted loyalty, who are anxious to , have the churches opened to ministers of ap proved loyalty, butt all applicatiens of this kind have been refused by the disloyaP church officers. The charter of each. of these Presbyterian churches expressly pro vides that these churches shall be by the doctrine, discipline, rules, and regu litions of the Presbyterian Church of the United States, and that the officers of the church shall have no power to establish any by-laws and regulations inconsistent with the constitution' and lawa of the United States. On 'the strength of this charter the loyal members of tb.e churches demand the appointment of loyal' ministers, who are In connection with the General Assem bly. of the Presbyterian Church of the United States." Our church on Harrison Avenue, in the city of Boston, 'so lona without a pastor, has at length secured one and received_ a large accession to its numbers, as is.evident from the following: " The. Oak Place Con gregational church in Boston, which has tor several yows' worshipped in the y edifice , formerly ,oueupied by RA...v. H. Ar. Dexter's. congregation has disbanded its organi zation, and united with the Presbyterian , ehurth, ,Harrison Avenue, and their pas tor; Rev. J. -P. 13ixby, is to become the pastor of the Harrison Avenue church. He stated in his first sermon to the united congregation, about the middle of August, that two-thirds of his theological instruc tionhad been Presbyterian and one third Congregational." The annual report of Calvary church, Son Francisco, (Rev. Wadsworth's,) as given, in the Bulletin, shows, the receipts of last year to be sl3 ; Boo..'.Six thousand dollars were paid to the pastor as salary, $2,084 for music. The present floating debt of the church is $9,500. In the esti mates of income for the coming 'ear, $lO,- 704 were Expected from pew-rents, and $2;700 from collections. The Larkin Street Presbyterian church, in San Francisco, formerly connected with the New School, has united with the Old School: The Rev. Loyal Young, D.D., ofßutler, Pa., preached an able Eermon on the Na tional day of Humiliation; Aug.. 4, which was published last week -in the Americab, eigzen of that place. Bat few men have shown such devotion to their country as , Dr. Young , in the gift of sons to its service in the army. • United.'--Rev. Wm. Hutcheson, pastor of the United Pre§hyterian church of Mid dlesex, ,Butler. Co., Pa., has raised.a com pany of 150 for the heavy artillery service, andhas gone into camp along "with his men. LUTHERAN.- Notwithstanding, the prevalence of war and the high prices of labor and materials, the - work of church-building is going kor ward briskly:in the West, and more par ticularly among the German Lutheran con gregations. In the' Wisconsin Synod a new and beaUtiful stone church was re cently' dedicated Town - 13, near* West Bend; in the 'charge of Rev.' Fait= ;Vol , berg—while the cornerstone of another was'laid* in HartfOrd, Vt7is. Five or six others are in progress of et ection in the same'Stare. In the five . branches of the Joint Synod of Ohio, there are a number which will shortly be completed. Two were lately consecrated-one in .Findlay, Hancock Co:, Ohio, in the charge of Rev. M. Durlng, and .the other in Sharpaburg, Allegheny Co , Pa., in the charge of Rev. F. M. Dethlets. In the Synod of Missouii and adjacent State's 'several have been re newly consecrated—one in Laporte, Ind., in the charge of Rev. F. W. Traixim. This is a bea.utlful brick Gothic structure, 45 by 84 4 feet in size, - with a tower 120 - feet high; St. Peter's' church, St. Louis Co., Mo., in charge of Rev. Pastor Sektwenson ;- nne in Monroe County, 111., under the care of Rev. J G. Birktuan, and one at Hamp ton; Rock Island County, in charge of Rev. F. Doescher. BAPTIST. A letter from Rev. E. Kincaid, Baptist missionary in Burmab, dated Puma, May 12th. 1864, acknowledges an appropriation of $5OO for printing additional copies of the 'New Testament,: in the Burman lan guage. The books will be, he says, of great serVice, particularly to the numerous native assistants, in traveling among the villages. He says : . "The number of our native preachers. including pastors and evangelists, Karen and Burman, must be nearly two huudred ; and, besides these, there are a large num ber that may be (idled lay-preachers, who spend more or less time in the course of the- year among their acquaintances and relatives, reading arid teaching the things of the kingdom. All these ' •as the preachers should be supplied With a port able New Testament. Nearly all the Karen preachefs read and speak Burman fluently. Many of them have often spoken to me of the great importance to them of a Berman New Testament. In view of all these facts, we propose -an edition of three thou sand copies in the small type, and probably five or six thousand in large type. ' " I have-three schools, one in the town and tw.oln the country, and have never had a Burman New Testament, and could not get oae to use in school. Among my nine 'native preachers, only two have a cppy of the . New Testament to- carry when they travel among the villages, in their preach ing tours. -But now-we hall be supplied, and many hearts will be made thankful. .* * * * * " It is a - noble offering, for a noble -pur pose. When I think of all my .dear na tive land has been ()ailed to suffer, and is now suffering, and of the vast sums they are contributing fertbe relief of sick and wounded soldiers and for the redeemed and suffering colored race, I am the more struck with the present efforts put forth to aid us in this fir•off heathen land.P . . The gratification glitch an- es from this announcement is mingled with &Ming - of Wender that. itin - VOW of 'fan:willing-411d' Christians of Burmah with a full supply of Bibles should have been so partially done at this late day. If differences of opinion among our Baptist brethren stand in the way of efficient cooperation in this work, we wish it might be taken up by the Amer ican Bible Society. Surely it is not fitting that such a body of Christian churches and such a host of zealous preachers should be left any longer to languish for the want of, the Bible. EPISCOPAL A curious case is reported in the Bom bay papers. The Episcopalian congrega tion of St. Jan's, at Colaba, have no steeple to their church, and a wealthy. Parsee, named Cowasjee Jebabgeei, an avowed heatheni for the mere love of arch itectural fitness, offers to put up a hand some steeple at his own expense. But a scruple has arisen among the parishioners whether it is consistent for a Christian con gregation to allow 'a heathen to build their steeple. The iaturday review ' gently ridicules the excess of scruPulosity dis .played. It says of this Parsee steeple " lard though it be of digestion the stomachs of Christians in India - are not usually very nice; nor do we see why a church, which has an established bishop and an established clergy supported out of the revenue paid ‘by the heathen popula tion of the country, can pretend to have any . compunctious visitings of ,conscience when a wealthy" holthen'offers to assist their poverty by putting a decent roof over their heads. After having accepted church es end clergymen, it is of no use raising difficulty about steeples." t Bishop Stevens, of. Pennsylvania, has been, for,aome time dangerously ill from congestion of the brain. ROMAN CATHOLIC. The. Rev. Dr: Keogh has been " re- lieved from the discharge, of the duties of editing the Pittsburgh, Catholic. Dr. Keogh will be always remembered by those who have come in 'contact with him, as a gentleman of kind and agreeable man ners: In a pastoral letter to his diocese, pub lished in The Festern New-York Oatholie, of the 13th 'Bishop_ Timon presents statistics worthy of serious attention. They evince great energy and devotion . on the part of the Papists in pushing forward their Church enterprises. The Bishop says :that when be came to bis diocese be dared not estimate the number of Catholics at more than. 20,000. " They bad," be con tinues, "no institution of charity except a then very small orphan asylum in Roches ter. There were scarcely any Catholic schools; and only sixteen churches, gene rally poor and miserable, were to be found in the diocese Now we have seven Or phan Asylums, several noble hospitals, eighteen convents, very many schools for children, and 17,845 Catholic children reg ularly attending our Catholic schools; some 3,000 more occasionally attend,making the whole number of children in the Cath olic schools of this diocese, above 20,000. About 140 churches, many of them noble and bbautiful, supply the place of sixteen generally poor frame churches that existed when the diocese of 'Buffalo was created, and yoir present pastor appointed its 'first Bishop. There are now more than 200,000 Catholics in this diocese, though its total population has increased but very little during' the mighty Catholic ten-fold in crease of the last sixteen years. For the Presbyterian Banner Coll for a CoiTeniton... To the Alumni of Je f ferson, and Washing ton Colleges The undersigned, representing jointly, though uno - ffieially, the Alumni of Jeffer son and Washington Colleges, and believ ing that they express a dish very common, if not universal, among the sons of both Colleges, do hereby invite their brethren, the Alumni, of both, to meet in convention at the city of Pittsburgh, on Tuesday, the 27th day of September, inst., at 4 o'clock P. M., in the Lecture-room of the First Presbyterian church, to take such action as may be deemed advisable, to further the consolidation of the two Colleges. It is earnestly hoped that all the Alumni, who possibly can, will be present at the pro posed Convention, as it is believed that the question of' union will probably be 'decided within the next few weeks. 10 behalf of ;en Coll'e.lln behalf of Wazh'n Col. Boyd .Crumrine, IJames I. Brownson, .. Francis J. Collier, t Win. S. Moore, Alonzo Linn, Thomas MeKennan, D. H. French, Jno. H. Ewing, Jas. G. Dickson, W. McKennan, A. 6. M'Clelland D. S. .i Wilson, David ArKinney,,, A. T. - Baird, Robert P. Nevin, • N. ,Ewing,. A. Williams, R. R Reed, - '. Thos Ewing, Jas. Black, J. P. Penney, Marcus Wishart, Jno. M Kirkpatrick, David - Reed, Jacob H. Miller, iThos: C. linear, James P. Sterrett, 'Marcus W. Acheson, _ . John M. Kennedy, J. M. Gallagher, Sas..l. Kuhn, S. J; Wilson, W. G. Hawkins, Jr:, J. S. Morrison, T.. J. Bighorn, A. P. Morrison, Algernon S. Ball, Wm. R. Childs, David W. Bell, 0. H. Miller. James Veeeh, 3 - amns Allison, IL _Patterson. The unde.rsinned approve the object of the proposed Convention, and unite in the above call. J. W. SCOTT, Pres. Washington College. D. H. RIDDLE. WM. SMITH. The -Western Theological Seminary. In the report of the Trustees to the Gen eral Assembly last Spring, it was stated that provision had been- made to raise ne cessary hinds for extraordinary expenses, to grade and pave streets, as also to supple ment, during these expensive times, the salaries of the Professors. The Presbyte rian of last week says, .that " since the meeting of the-Assembly, very earnest ef forts have been made to add to the funds of this Seminary, and we hope with great anc cosi)." We hope so, too; and we will not doubt that when these wry earnest efforts are made, they will be met with success from the liberality of those whom the Lord hay so greatly blessed. But we have not yet heard of any such effort having been made. It ought to be made without delay. There is need for promptness and activity by those whd have charge of this matter, and of a liberal response from all. Let the thing be done at once—and done effec tively: This Seminary is in- the midst of us:" It has the confidence and love of a our churches and people; and it is doing great , good. It ought to receive, especially from the wealthy, large and generous benefac tions. It has no agent to solicit or 'collect, but let the large-hearted and willing come forward and offer their gifts. This `hid: tution has merely a fund to pay the inade (pate salaries formerly promised to the Pro tet•sors. It has no, resources to meet this now indispensable addition to the Profes sors' salaries, and the occasional and con tingent expenses for paving streets, repairs, taxes, insurances, &o. There is really needed for these and oth er necessary purposes an immediate addi tion to the funds of fiftythotitind_dollars: Cannot this be secured For the Presbyterian Banner it ought.to be, and con Le—if the representations and Efforts are made. Iv f , have read of numerous and large contrii,ii. tions to Colleges and Seminaries az [l , O Bast. Princeton bas of late received ; 1 4 ., sides smaller donations, thirty tlaimon.l dollars from Mrs. Brown, fifty titer‘s,a4 from the Messrs. SreWaTrS, and thirty.ilit,..a tbousai d from Mr. Green. We rtji:le e i n this deserved liberality toward our Institution. But will we not emulat e thi s example, in gifts to Allegheny ? 11, re are means, and we will not doubt there is also liberality. There has been of 6te great incretse of wealth to many a t h e Presbyterians of Pittsburgh, and the surrounding country. Let them present their thank-offerings to the Lind in this cause, where it will be permanently useful. We have heard. of two or three persons offering to give five thousand each on et ,. tairt conditions, and no doubt there a re others willing to do likewise, when the t e . cessity is known and the call made. Let such persons send in their names to Mr. Sevin; the -Treasurer. Let the proper .4)_ Visitations ,be.niade, for it is important that this be dope befere' the inauguration of the new Professor. A FRIEND For the PrmbYtorion Banekr Be-Inion 'of Prtsbyterialis. A meeting, iu answer to a notice lead in the General Ast,enibly meeting in .Nev,siik, New-Jersey; of the friends of the speeds, reunion of the Presbyterian Obureh w as held in thelecture-room or the hes byterian church of Newark, May 26, 1.540-1, at half-past .2 o'clock P. M. Rev. Dr. Septimus . Tustin was called to the. Chair, and Rev. T. N. Haskell appoint. ed Secretary. The meetinc , ° was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. S. R. Cox Rev. Dr: Monfort, of Cincinnati, offered the following resolutions, which were adopt ed unanimously.: 1. Resolved, That we are fully satisfied that the difficulties which divided the l'r e r,. byterian Clirch in 1833 have to far passed arrac, and that the two branches are Low so nearly one in doctrine, in policy, and in spirit, that the time has conic to d,sensa and initiate measures to promote an ut garl ic union. 2. Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to prepare and report a paper too this subject, for adoption at au adjouraed meeting Rev. Dr. J. G. Monfort, Rev. L. Merrill Miller, Rev. T. N. Haskell, Dr. A. G Mc- Candless and C. Falconer, M. D., were up pointed• this committee. The friends of reunion met May 27, 154;4, at 8 o'clock A. M., according to ad j ',urn - men t, in the • lecture-room of the Tim d Presbyterian church. Rev. Dr. Monfort, on behalf of the CVM. mittee appointed for the purpose, reporred the following paper, which was uneDiattJue ly adopted, and the Committee was direct ed to have it blotted and published. Th e Committee was ,binned directed to seed aelpy to the members of the General Assembly m session at Dayton. The Report is a fol lows NEWARK, N. J., May 27, 1864 The ministers and ruling elders of 11 e Presbyterian Church, iepreEented by the General Assembly now in session in this city, feel willed upon to express their confi dent conviction that the tiwe has come when measures should be initiated to pro mote the reunion of the two branches of the Presbyterian Church, which were separated in 1838. The qiiestions over which they differed and . divided have mainly passed away. They adopt the same views in op pasition to slavery. There is now no dif ference Of. opinion in regard to the propriety Of Ecclesiastical supervision in cunductiug EduCational and Missionary operations. After having been separated for more than a quarter of a. century, they adhere alike to the old Constitution. Their ministers and ruling elders receive and adopt the Confes sion of Faith' in the use of the same pre scribed form. Whatever differences in doctrine may have existed at the time of separation there is reason to believe bave mainly passed away. It is believed that the great majority, in each branch, "sin cerely receive and adopt the Confession of Faith, as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Scriptures," and approve of the same Government and Discipline. On this basis we may- reunite, mutually re garding and treating the office-bearers and church courts of each as coordinate ele ments in the reconstruction. There are difficulties in the way of re pairing the breaches of Zion, which must be -met and overcome by well-considered methods, and in a spirit of forbearance and prudence. Reiioion cannot be accotn plished,nor is it to be desired, wit bout the res toration of a spirit of unity and fraternity. We 'believe that this spirit exists and is constantly increasing. That whichithould first engage the attention of the friends of leiinion should be to find out how far uni ty of sentiment and kindness of feeling prevail. Where these exist, they should be cherished and strengthened by meeting together, for the purpose of interchanging views, and'using means for final union. By way of ascertaining the views of the ministers, ruling elders and churches, and of calling out, organizing and concentrat ing public sentiment, so as to open the way for organic . union as speedily as possible, we propose the following measures : -1.. We recommend to Presbyteries and Synods the appointment of corresponding delegates to attend .the Presbyteries and Synods of the other branch, as a measure adapted to develop and promote the spirit of union. 2. We recommend union meetings of Presbyteries and Synods, of the two bodies, wherever practicable, such as were held by the Presbyteries of St. Lawrence and og densbur g; as furnishing the best meant of ascertaining how far a spirit of kindness and confidence has :been restored, and to what extent a desire for reunion prevails. 3 We recommend that church Sessions, Presbyteries and 8064 that are in favor of re union, take action on the subject, and express andl publish their views. 4. We recorumtnd conventions of the friends of re-union, at important points, to be composed of ministe-rs „ruling elders and others, to consult ,together and to de clare their views. 5 We respectfully regnest the conduc tors of the religious journals of the two Churches to open their columns to the pub lication of communications and-reports of chureb courts and other meetings, in favor of re-union. 6. We would recommend to all concern ed, to discourage the organization of weak churches of the two branches, where only one is needed and can be supported, and especially where missioeary aid is required to 'sustain them, and-we commend the un ion of such churches where they exist 7. We recommend; in the language of the-General" Aseenably of 1863, at Peoria, " Tha4 the ministers of the two branches of the Church :cultivate .fraternal inter course, the free interchange , of views, and in all suitable ways, encourage and aid one another- in the appropriate work of the ministry; and, that , the members of tho. one or the other branch conne6themselves, with existing congregations of eitber,„rath er than give their influence and their aid to . bodies whose principles and' focal Of' governent are foreign to their own.' 8 We earnestly recommend to all, to seek,-, by prayer to the fl or . the Church. that the'Divirie bleeeiWizery rest upon sly.