co IL V JAMES ALLISON, JEADITORP o) T PATTERSON, It , ‘, Jp ti ; ES ALLISON & CO., Proprietors. lERVIS IN ADVANCE. As 41A11.(8.1wiy or in eivbm t ) $2.01) Dno. TRAP 11 AMU C? THR TAMS 2.40 ettdin,t um TIN anbscribers and upwards, will ih , to! 3 entitO.d to a paper without charge, and another rt.,, er for the second ten; &c. Kowa ale dont id ha prompt, a Mau before the year a tpirte. Diraer lettere to JAMES ALLISON Sr. CO., PITTSBURGH, PA. Por the Presbyterian Bonner. SIX Weeks le the Potomac Army; DOW TEE HOE MAN ,EVE WELL. No. XL From the Wilderness" to Fredericksburg; pains, nor tolls, nor trials heeding, And in heaven's own time sueeeding, God speed the right." Up early ! How muoh sleep he've you had ? About four hours;. and the must mei% OD before we breakfest. Just as " the Captain" says. What confusion—apparent at least— along the road this morning! Wagons, cattle, and men, seem to be all in " a t,tlx." The slightly wounded who have left the hospitals on foot, don't know whcie to go, and eaoh is inquiring - for the whereabouts of his hospital. But if, as report tends to wake it, our army was rather,woxsted yes terday, it is well that we are only in con fusion—not in captivity. - • Guess one of our eompc t iy'thinkiive are about as good as oapturea—intimates that we will probably be carried to Rietruntd. He is evidently scared:' . Sorry for him—,dop t see, any use in troubling so much-- better take things coolly. For our part, we feel disposed to let Field Agent do the troubling•for whole party, while we simply obey orders. , Well, you are taking it coolly—sound asleep on a brush heap I Wake up, and give account of yourself. Only carrying out our theory. Agentis off looking up our hospital—,our place, you know, is in its train—and having nothing special to do -here but wait, lie just .bent two or three green bushes upon this little pile of dry brush, you see, and coiled down for a nap. Kept the wagon !‘ in sight," bowever—save when our eyes were shut_ Why did_yop,remain sty long under that small pine tree up. there ? Because we could. n't well help it. Our nap over, we sat down there to write home. In the meantime, a large drove of ermycat tle came up in our rear. We supposed they would keep to , right or left, but they &yid-, od, " flanking " us on both Sides—and closing up again in front, theY s kept us camplely surrounded until the whole diove had leisurely passed beyond. But here comes your Agent. And you hear his.orders. flelas found our hospital in the rear, and bids us drive back to it; so lot us be moving. I do n't see bow' you can drive back much farther in face of these dironging mats which fill the road," and on double quick are marching in the opposite three tlon, What does it all mean? It is said that Lee is retreating, and that these are hosting to cut him off—" a fight or a foot-race"—" on to Richmond !" And what are we going to - do ?—proceed to our hospital, or go with the tide ? Neither, just new, because 'we can't. Our agent directs, however, that as soon, as wa can get a proper place in the train, we shall turn and foll6w the army. rn the mean time, we are to `go ,'across the road' to that Commission tent there, and get some thing to eat, as we may have to march all night. the right thing"in the right place, that tent is; good fir us just now, as well as:for the sick and Wouivied r and we are not to be carried to Richmond; but to join itt the" foot-race." It is now well on in the,night, and. Mr., B—, our Agent,. hai concluded that .our ; company will not ,'keep abreast ; in the , " race " any longer,- but put up in this va cant house, by. which we' have halted,. till morning. Let IA light a;candle, go ist,and reconnoitre • ' Here is a good room, in which we can srread our blankets and leap nicely. Yes; and beie's a bunch of long straw, with which we can hruah,up the dusty floor a little, About ready to ",.turn in," are we-not ,? Yes ; the driver. has ,the horses unhar nessed, I believe,hay, le- eut.for them, and everything appears to be fixed for a good night's rest for man and beast. Eat who comes here claiming acquaint ance with Mr. S----? An army correspondent of the. New-York Herald, to be; sure--,listen " About to hunk down, are you?" ,"`Yes, sir." "Do you think it quite safe to do 847" " I guess it is—don't you?" " no manner of means I Our army will, have pissedehis point, by about two o'clock., and, in an hour after, the rebels will follow in their wake." . Sensation, isn't, it 1 Guess our agent is not quite satisfied to take it as such, at any rate ;, hear him. " Boys, we must roll our blankets, hitch up, and move on, instead of resting here." Unless we wigh, to be carried" . to Richmond I Won't our driver be in a good humor 7—but just unharnessed, for the night as he supposed, and now must har ness up again, and lose his sleep, which last he particularly dislikes At length we have daylight, and break. fast 2 And facing toward Spottsylvania Court Rome, it seems. What an immense 'camp we have here. A little farther in the, direetion of Spott , Bylvania--and here we have come npon a cavalry hospital. - And a sorry, sorry looking hospital it is —an old dilapidated I , :g bowie, with its floors and yard covered with abotlt one hun dred wounded tnep—einne of thim badly, and many with 1 4 giro% a hit of tent cloth to sidell them from this hot ann. There has beeu hard,fighting,hereabouts. An officer back *hero we took breakfast, said he had lost sixty men in six minutes, and the ground about this hospital is said to have been fought over, lour times. But here come the ambulances To take these poor fellovis to Fredericks burg, we are told. OM to see them go huh] such a place as this, but it will be. a hard ride for them. We will Preeede thein, in search of our corps again; but we must first help them into the ambttlances. Poor fellows 1-ons' t.hou of a leg, and the other of an arm .)" both in the same am balance. Well, this does exceed ale the marching or driving we have yet experienced I ,—. making headway in the fa cA of ,army train that seems endless, , while'its wagons are sometimes three abreast, is no child's play Little by little, we are gaining, howcver. There is nothing like waiting and working, ,patiently, , s ' At last we•hatte reedited the.Fredericks 'burg road I and more, with it, have found the Ninth Army Carps ,again. While •the tarps is passing, we,will have some refresh. , meet, and then take our place in the hos pital train for the oity. Darkness is upon us aga i n , and another mght.maroh before us. And what a weary way . for theSe p . ocri fellows in the ambulances I We -wet " gladly do more than, giveL them the Smoak side tad' while ive with' s. .. (..,,A...). i . . ..,. . . t 4, , ~ iiti ", •t . ~„.„,,,,,, .., ~ .. . 1 , , . 0: ...• „ , ;,t ~. , , .. to , , . ~. ... . ,• ...... •,. 4 . . , (..4,.. . .... , •., , I. , ........., - VOL. XII. NO. 52 lumber over these broken remnants of what was once a plank, road. Three o'clock in the morning I and halt ed at last- 7 a, little out of Fredericksburg. And the teamsters are ordered to' " hitch and feed," in the road, just as they stand. We can but do the same. Shall we get any sleep ? . , ThOse who can, may. You mean those who have played " squat ter sovereignty," and " preempted' the wagon ? I do : and the balance of us may wait and watch for the day. 'Will not have long *to Watch; however. `,,lsut poor G— ought to have sleep • he' is not - fit to stand so much " grief," yet his. `continued to march on, foot ,When he ought to hive been in the'Wagon, and he is utter ly exhausted. All true but to . "kave been " in the wagon is the onitway . te be in, and he will lave to go sleepless as well, as we. 134 dome, take this water-bucket, and let us sit by thit fire here, vihile we watch for the moining. Did you hear that one poor fellow died in his a`mbulanee a little while a g o?' You see those men with a lantern down there below the road; they are digging, his grave. Away-side burial—how atid 'and lonely I But with the poor soldier, it is "dust to dust" wherever he falls. .How cruel it was,,that when wagons were found ‘ on the side .triGic io-night,. the. ambulances ,behind should 'be ordered ont,'upon the broken planks. It was 'cruel. I was, there at the time, and as each ambulanie liegaii to jolt over t‘litivieees, I could hear the poor wounded fellovirs groan out with_pain. And. before the move was made, we heard some one say, " I will take the responsibil ity." If he were a surgeon we pity, the, sufferer& all the more, as it is probable that this is not the . last they will eperience Of. his , " tender mercies." Daylight once-more-and glad of it. .I So are we; and this 'makes two nights in succession, in which we have not had ten minutes' sleep—preceded, too, by eleo 'en,' in= which , we 'have probably averaged but.. about four hours to each night. If " the sickman " can stand' this, I guess he will get " well ".when he gets a chance. And with the early morning we enter the little city of Fredericksburg, Va.—of sad Memory, and now to be of sadder mem ory still. This long line of ambulances, with those thit shall follow, will make it onngrand hospital for our brave wounded. Here thousands will suffer; here hundreds will die; and here they will be buried. Flowers plucked from many a distant gar den will here drop their faded leaves in strange dust commingling". C. For the Presbyterian Banner All Hail, Maryland; MEURS. ,ED/TORS think I have not seen in your columns any notice; of the acts and debates of 16 the Convention of the State of Maryland for the formation' of a new Constitution." A friend, who 'is a Member of' the Convention, has. been send ing me the , stenographer's report of their proceedings, and. I have read them with great' interest, especially• as that is my na tive State. Permit me to direct attention to, two particulars. I. The Convention has idepted by a very large majority , an article repudiating the State Rights or S'ecession, doctrine, as fol- Jews " The Constitution of the United States and the laris made in pursuance thereof being the supreme law of the land , every citizen of this State owes paramount Olegutnee to the Galati t /don and. fovcrn- rent o f the United States,.and is not bound by any law or Ordinance of this State in contravention or subversion thereof' This article did not pass , without a very strenuous and. persistent opposition espe eially to the clause, this State owes para. *cunt Ole ance 'to the .Constitution and Government of the United States" The opponents of the article, however, with scarce an exception, disavowed the right of Secession, but discoursed largely npon " State sovereignty,' "State rights,' &c. The inconsistency manifested in arguments fol lowing their to their legiti; mate conclusion, as South Carolina and other . rebel States have done, Was very clearly demonstrated. 2. But on'the question of the &nth,: uance of slavery in Maryland, the discus sion was stillmore animated' and .pretract ed, and the vote on 'the Utter and haat de- struction of the whole systeni was even more decisive. The ."following is the arti cle as adopted : 44 Hereafter, in this State, there shall be neither slivery nor involun tary 'servitude, except in punishment of Client), whereof the party shall have been duly cortirieted ; and all persons held to service tir labor, 'as slaves, are hereby de clared tree." In reference to this action, it may be re marked, that so. recently as 1850 a similar Convention inserted in the Constitution of the State' an article expressly forbidding the Legislature to take any steps toward the manumission of the slaves. Of course the slaveholderwand their friends were tri umphantly the majority; and the people ratified their action. Compared- with the act just quoted; it will appear that public sentiment has greatly changed since the year 1850. Bow it has come to pass that in to short a term public opinion has undergone so en tire a revolution in regard' to slavery, may be gathered from the speeches of the mem bers. I have room for only two specimens. Says one member " The final argument that I shall urge in favor of the abolition of slavery in Maryland is that which has been repeatedly used. in this debate. Slavery is the link that connects us with the rebellion, and it must be severed. Loss of property may ensue; what matter iron:tense. loss of property has ensued from this rebellion throughout the whole of the State. I make the charge, and, challenge refutation, that slavery was the,eause of this rebellion; that the rebellion is "to-day nothing more, nothing less, than slavery fighting for power; and that inasmuch as we sympathize with, or, attempt to ,bolster up, or, defer the obliteration of slavery in this State, by just so much do we sympathize with,, bol ster up, and defer the erushing out of the rebellion.; and by.just BO much do we add to the hardens of our already overburdened country > struggling for life. Not far an instant ~of time, not by a breath of my nos triis, will I now, or ever while God gives lif'o, opproach or seem to approach by a hair's breadth, toward even the imagined . commission of that damning deed," Another closes, an eloquent . ar gument as follows 1 ' The conviction ho gone down into the very"depths' of my soil that the great ene my -of my country,• the enemy at whose door I lay all the evils that have fallen upon her, the enemy which has tried to strike" her down from her proud place in the van of nations; which has for the first time draggled her proud,starry flag in the mud and mire—that enemy, as God is my holier:l , to be the institution ci hrunan laveeryzr Right or, wrougj PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, S EPTEIVIBER 14, 1864 WHOLE NO. 621. it. Nay, sir, I take that back, and say that I know it. And though I am the `fiend and daily companion and associate of the Slaveholder, I am as true and earnest a hater of the system as breathes God's free air this night. Many a day and many a night have I followed the bloody history of the times, and as I have done so I have promised myself that if the dap should ever come when I could strike that system blow,when I could put the knife to its heart, God helping , L would strike strong and sure. The ~gentleman from Anne Arundel quote& the'lines The flesh will quiver when the pineerskear, The blood will follow. where the knife is driven." t have marked for three long tbree years, , long, dark, terrible' years, the quivering flesh of my torn ancl' . bleeding country. I 'bevel:narked' =the flowing of the precious, priceless blond which. slavery has drawn from • veins that •ought ,to immortal. And loving her as I do, watching her ago. nice as I have watched Chem, r will never :fOrgitre ' so help me heaven, that thing 'which has torn her flesh, her quivering flesh, and drawn her precious, her priceless blood I" The final vote gave very nearly two thirds of *thetonvention in faVor 'Of imme diate emancipation. Of course the one :third minority did-their best to.prevent it. All the usual arguments in, defence of sla very were adduced and reiterated at great length, and often with a remarkable elo quence worthy - of a better eaush. But all in vain ! Slavery, thanks be to God,- is doomed ,in Maryland... It is nearly certain that the people of the State will .adopt the new Constitution. The value of the slaves is estiMitted by the speakers at from thirty to eighty millions of dollars. Maryland owes a vote 'of 'thanks to Jefferson Davis & P. S.—Since preparing the foregoing, ~I. have received, through the attentions of my friend, the action of the Convention °tithe question of excluding clergymen from the Legislature. The old Constitution of Maryland, it appears, had made this in vidious distinction. This has been now altered, so that ministers of the Gospel may no longer • be disqualified for holding %eats, in that body ; yeas 40, nays 10. The debate on the subject was very inter- esting, and presented some singular points. For, example, a member from the city of Baltimore, in dosing an eloqu'ent speech, said : ‘,lt, is,an invidious -and odious distinc iion,-extremely HO. Who are excluded,• by your Constitution, from your Legislature ? First, those holding certain civil and mill tary offices. Now, although in some of its_ applications that isra hardship, still there is some show td reason for it • because a man appointed to a civil or military office gives an implied pledge to the public that he will devote his whole time, or so much as is necessary, to the faithful discharge of his duties. And to accept another office might be incompatible with the proper dis charge of those duties, and he would be holding,''tiro offices, and receiving two emoluments at the same time. Who else are excluded ? Negroes and convicted fet ens; no one else. "Mr. DAN - Tx - G.—And women. Mr. STOoKBRIDGE.—Women have cer tain •legal rights, but no.political privileges. But all men in the State are admissible in your Legislature, Degrees, convicted felons, and ministers of the Gospel, excepted. A pretty row, certainly. I say this is a: dis grace to our legislation, and an outrage upon the common sense of the community; and I hope it will be stricken out of our • Constitution." FROM OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT, BELFAST, August, IS, 1864. I iIAvE happily escaped, by being ' 4 Oilt of town," a fierce and eontinuou4 asFault of Summer heat in. London, unrelieved by even a, shower for weeks together. The Southern and Eastern counties of England have been suffering from severe drought, and while I; at Oban in, the Highlands, at Greenock and Glasgow on the Clyde, saw the clouds buret in blessing on valley, hill and gardens, all around the metropolis, the grass was burnt ip, - the cattle pined, and the city itself became so hot ler that could get away, that iast week every ,Nvater ing plaee on the, Southern const—ilerne Bay, Dover, Folksiown, Ilastinge, Brigh ton, Ramsgate, and Margate—were crowd ,. ed,to excess. At last came the precious rain, "the sound bf abundance of rain," on town and Suburb, on Park and Crystal Palace gar den, on the hills 'of Surrey„on the "hop• fields, wheat, and other cereals of beautiful and historic Kent, and the wealds of fruit ful Essex. It was a great relief, this rain; prayer had been offered. There had gone up from many lips and hearts a cry ".From dewless hill and thirsty plain, lied of the harvest send us rain," and the answer came in plenteous effusion. It if; worthy =of notice, that from the prevalence of southwesterly winds the east ern- and southern. coaste and counties of England and of Scotland, also-have-much drier climate than- have the western shores and districts of Ireland and Britain. Lon doners also are taught by Admiral Fitzroy, our illustrious Weather•chronicler, to ex pect storm and rain two days after they have begun to spend their force in Ireland. Here ata Belfast is a basin, as it were, never quite dry—save in exceptional years, such as the Revivalyear of 1859;when, for months -together,.there was not a drop of, and old and young could remain—as they di&temain—from dewy eve till near the hour of midnight, under the starlit, cloudless skies, listening with eager delight to the Word of Life, ever and anon filling the ear of night with songs of praise, which found a final and jubilant utterance as they reluctantly parted at the eross-roads at mid night, and wended their way to their re spective homes. . The Cove Hill with Lough-Neagh to its west, the Lough ofßelfast and the Atlan tic sweeping along the coasts of Donegal, Derry and Antrim, all combine to condense and precipitate the vapors in the form of rain. Belfast has its full. share generally, and this year, hitherto has not been left un visited. As 1 write, the heavens are bright; the air is warm and balmy, the sea (at Ban gor, County Down,) calm as an infant in slumber, and the Scotch coast distinctly re vealed—the." fatherland •" of those Presby terian settlers and immigrants in Ulster, who'2so years ago began that colonization of the Northern counties perfected by the de feat of the rebellious Irish ohiefs t .which has made Evangelical Presbytery so powerful in this land, and which, besides its contri butions of.the . " Scotch Irish" element to that rare . and wondrous composite, the American nation, has made, the barren places teem with plenty, and causes Belfast and the counties around commercially to flourish with a wondrous and ever-advano-- lug prosperity. American visitors to these regions were, always frequent in the Summer time, and even now, when war is raging on your side of the Atlantic, they are, not wanting. Thus .1 1 rnet,Iast.weeit, at a minister's table,, an T Aincripan' clergyrgan anillt worthy* sit 4 zen, both from Ohio. At Coleraine also I saw the Rev. Dr. Macaulay, of New-York, under another minister's roof; and both there, and previouslY at Belfast, lending friendly pulpit help. , . THE LINEN TRADE of Ulster has, as the result of the dearness 'of cotton, received a revival within the last few years, which far transcends its most pa my days in the olden time. The demand' for — fine and cower linens is unparalleled From every e,Ontinen-; tal country, as well as from India an&J the East. America and therWest have also made large demands. Every, kind of,other busi-, ness thrives by reason ,of the prosperity of the staple`trade of'Ulsier. The hana 1 oom 'weavers residing on thhir Small farins, each of which in itself ;is quite inadequate to support .a family, are, able, with .the help of the little girl or boy who " winds, the. bobbins," and the elder ions and daughters who have looms of their eiva, to earn rt"conv, fortable subsistence. In point 'of - fact the food stanaord of the Itlish4ophlation:gen erally is, wonderfully elevated as contrasted with the period belong the, ..,Pamine . of 1846-47. Emigration to America and the, colonies, as well as ininiigratioreinto-Eng land and Scotland, hafe thinned the labor -'1 ; t, market; " Poor Pat" ' etl'. - to. geti- :but a day and his," mate" ' ,ths, A - iirmer's 4k . .. ft hie); but now he coi:ls-6'cl. per ,day,.. and in harvest season a larger sum.' His Wife and children also ale employed' in' weeding and, other farm-work, and his. eab in accommodation as well as food, ere much ) . improved, as is his ,clothing, also. , Yot that pauperism is quite gone; eertainli not, not that you never!see a 'Wandering " Gaberlunzeo' "- man or woman with gar ments_patched and repatelted, and of all the , colors of the rainbow. Verily„ snob.: a fig , ure to one who has lived long in, England is a study; And as moss of these beggars haie a light heart, a tviinkliiiiiye, 'and - - i droll saying ready, as well as a ” blessin 1 ' on " your Reverence," or any other straw,. ger that places even a penny in the palm of the hand, and as there is :no argent hunger or distress, evident, you : can, smile while you study the eon" cal figure before you, even 'while` you'are'ulloted at the sane'. r time with ".The Lord reward you," " The heavens be your bed,' 1." May - you < niter; know want or. sorrow I",. The eloquence of the Irish beggars has not quite died out,', and it is very importunate and 'demenstra-, - rive at the Lakes of Millerney. But by reason of Workhouses a - IPoor Lawer-and the death of its origin . professors, tylio,;- used to gather in troopsvound t/i,e - Mall,- coach on its arrival in he various towns thrOugh which it tFasiedt i ind by a nc'ver- - mixture of 'fan, WhinVeg, wheedling, and sometimes (if you were ob stinate) satire ,and scolding, obtain a Ke eariours pittance—from, these and other causes the present mendicant elequenee of Ireland is far inferior to the "good ould ' times." T HAD the pleasure th 4,. week of attend ing a meeting of the Misaitin Board of the Irish General AssemblA- in the town of. Coleraine,- where assembled,:the; minis ters and elders c nt.usted with the Athena e- Mint of the various Schemes of the Church. A most valuable Preabyterian "pastor, the Rev. 'James Canning,' a Christian gentle !llan, and an exclllent renal e 'had, two months before been audgjenly called away by death. Roman CathoWeS and Episcopa lians, in ev„iy possible way, showed their profound grief at his removal, and his fatherless ehildren,Tor their dead father's sake, have received innumerable 'expres sions of tender sympathy. At: the• Mission Board were present most of the leading ministers of, the Irish As sembly. Rome Mission business, ,hearipg, on the interests, of weak congregations,in . the North, together with Mission stations in the South and West, Jewish Continental, and Colonial and Foreign. Missions, all re ceive attention at these gatherings. Ile portsare given, in, grants are, made,,coun ad is taken, and a vigorous supervision is maintained. It was Very gratifying to hear, through Dr. Morgan, the convener of the Foreign Mission Cornwittee, - that 'in' Guyzerat, at one station, thirteen persons had been recently baptiza, Dr. Denham, at the request, of the Moderator, offered up, special thanksgivinga for the mercy - thus vouchsafed, cauplbd with supplication of still more abundant . blessinge both oil the Gentile*and , the Jew. ' - • = The standard of ministerial income has, risen wonderfully all over Ulster, and, has_ not attained its culmination. Manses also are twine. provided more numerously, and church debts are beingpaid off. The effects of the Revival largely remain and are ap parent, in devotional habits, personal. piety, Sabbath observance, the service of song, skilfully and unitedly given, the love of the written Word and preached Gospel, family worship .conducted with fervor and regu larity, and a great increase of religious. reading. The Colportage Society and the Sabbath School Society, in connexion -with the Irish Preshrterians, have achieved a vast amount of good. Every year their position becomes more consolidated, and their prospects of usefulness are inereas ingly bright: AMONG recent deaths in London -is' that 'of George Offor, well and widely' known as one of the most successful collectors of the earliest English editions of Wycliffe's and. Tyndal's translations of the Scriptures in to English, and especially as an editor of the works' of John Bunyan, as well as the wri ter of a memoir. of the life of the great. Allegorist and Bremer. I had once the privilege of visiting him at his house, at Hackney, London, and of being conducted over the rooms which contained his literary treasures. His father had been a Biblio pole in Paternoster Row, and dealt chiefly in old.and rare books. His son inherited his business and his predilections. He was rich enough to retire from bookselling many years before his death, and he car ried with him into retirement a passim to accumulate precibus memorials and rem iniscences of the past. He possessed some of the finest folio editions of Tyndal inex istence ; and as to Bunyan, he had institu ted and carried out such a minute search, both in town and country, fn London book stores and on stalls oil the streets that he has published nobler and fuller editions -of Banyan's Works than ever were seen Wore. In his library I found. several editions of the Pilgrim's Progress, published in Bun yin's lifetinie, and all in excellent preser vation: They were of duodecimo size; clearly printed and well bound, Each copy had prefixed to it a wood-engraving, rep resenting Banyan asleep on a grasgy bank, his head, resting on his hated.., The face and figu,re were evidently drawn from life. A fine formed head; covered With thick, bushy black locks, the forehead broad and ample, the arch of -the eyebrows very marked, the cheeks full and without beard, a moustache on the upper lip, and the Thole face at once comely and expressive; the dress was that of a Puritan, with doublet and hose, and a broad linen collar over the upper robe. Such was the co, - tour of John Bunyan, as thus presented by a e.etemporary limner, In the back ground are seen the City of Destruction, and Christian fleeing frond its open gates, while wife, children and neighbors all in. vain urge him to remain. There were also shown to me by Mr. Offor, the scales and weights which Bunyan, when a " brazier" and tinker, used for. weighing metals and coins, in his wanderings over the country. Still more interesting, were his pen k o fe,. with its corkscrew and other appendages, and also, in excellent preser vation,. a cumber> of quill pens: which had been used by him. in the composition of his works. Ere" I left Mr.' Offor's house he Showed me a small panaphlet`bad been dis covered in Liverpool, after the ouppooed "complete " .edi Lion ,of bist'woiks had been pf the. authenticity, of ,the fresh letters . and pamphlets discovered, there were very satisfactory proofs, as well do 'of those relies which I have just men tioned: -; • - • ' • Mr.- Offor was a fituespecimen of a coute teens English gentleman, of the old school. He was reclining* on a couch, when I en tered his house at the twilight hoUr of a Winter day, and he immediately arid With great enthusiasm, began to show me ,ha treasures., He was , a .Magistrate of the County of Middleeex. He loved liberty yea much as Milton,. did, and th was a or `otigh NondoliforlitglietidinitSUßliallea Clectredieglas = elite db*iiiralite Scrip ture' `and as inimical to popular liberty. OL'or= had ;lived to _,a geed old age, but his mind was,. vigorous to the last ; It would ',be melancholy if his collcdtion of hiiiiks'and other* antiquarian' reliCs were to he'dispersed by a pribiie sale. -They-ought to: beepurchaSed.hy-the Directors of -a _Pub lic Museuni,,,and be carefully preserved for public inspection. A Mr. Daniel of Islington, whosninime diate relatives I know well, hiving laielY died, his rare -old library heti been Fold for enormous prices- r eespeetally - his, Editions of Shakespeare's plays, published in the fife time of the Bard of Avon. One print ed `'dopyp of Hamlel, Published •at : the be giiAing of the Sixteenth OcriturY brought a price _almost -fabulous, attleast.l7oo ster ling. It .is,,,the „rarity ; coupled-, with. the intrinsic precjoustiess,of such publications, aswell As oi, those .collections of ancient pictures;, engravings, vases, ca inet 8, an firtieles , of veirtu generally,' which iri Lon don eales-attractethe. s.ttendatice• of the n' o bie and,the wealthy as;well as of booksel lers and picture dealera and +Ahem who, in' different . partS of the metropolis are eon- Biantly'relenishing their'stores. , The love of Art, and autiquarian tastes, alWays -de velop themselves -with eadvancing eivilizs tiunn end, refuleinente; An, astonishing im pulse also was given to Art and A.rchitee trire , i - :by the fate Prince Consort. The Great Exhibition of .1851 was of his sug gestionrand was an era in the- history of progress all over the kingdom. The-Ex hibition at Manehester in 1856, and Inter ned:oriel Exhibition' of 1862, in' Linden, was afresh and ..mighty itimuius. Wood Engraving also has 'reached a high position; and,the`first, of, our artists; inoluding il lair, Tenniel, Harrison Weir,,,and many others; throne,: this form of illustration, have crowned our Christmas-books and our periodieial 'literature with ate - ariistie beau ty and, fulness 'which: half: a -generation back was, not dreamt , • . We have hed recent Exhibitions at the" AgricultUral Ball, Islington; of dogs - Of ev ery -breed aid Itieetfroto itrit : ""Merabeedf the Humane Society" (as illuistrated Landseer's famous piptere , representing a Newfoundland dog who had, often rescued Children fivm drowning) .down through the ranks'' Of ' , sleuth lactuCada, 'mastiffs,- spotted carriage dogs, and - Spaniels, to the tiny " King Charles," the Scotch "Dandle Din meal! the, lady'speodle, and last and best, in iny opinion, the f Skye Terrier, 't beautiful with ugliness." :But amore unique Exhibition has-been held this seek,. namely, of donkies. The poor, despised and ill-used ass is really com ing iuto favor. There are prizes annually given in London to costeimenge,rs and Oth era who produce their donkies- at a stated time, in a - sleek and comfortable condition, The Prince cif Wales .hirmelf was an ex hibitor at the Islington donkey show, and carried off a prize. The aspect of the don kies exhibited by persons in humble life, showed that there is an increasing tender- D ess 'toward this hitheito pariah class of the brute creation. J.W. P.S.—A splendid spectacle, three, even ings since, .was presented in the Western sky, in, the conjunction_. of the moon and the planet Jupiter. Ilonged for a fresh telescopic view, such "as '"I once enjoyed of the satellites of Jupiter. From the light of the . planet from -behind the moon, the latter was revealed with extraordinary dis tinctness and beauty, hanging as it were, in the etheriaLexpanse. The admirers of the-late Daniel O'Con. net have , laid the foundation stone of a monument to his.memory in Dublin. Headed by the Lord Mayor 50 000 or 60,000 men marched in procession through the, streets, with banners, embleras, bands of music, &a. The. Orange men of the North complain that they are forbidden to use, or are pun ished, with, imprisonment if they use scarfs, ribbons, and flags, while these were virtu ally, licensed in Dublin. As 'I write, Bel fastis agitated by party riots and deeds of violence, • A statue of King William 111. is likely to be, erected in this town. The place where he landed, before marching to the Boyne, a little below Carrickfergus, is not marked by any memorial. Earl Carlisle has resignefL the office of Lord Lieutenant of. Ireland, in covet quence of the failure of his health. Hie .sucees sor is not officially announced. Lord Wode house, who has had some experience in statesmanship and is able, is'spoken of as the coming man. For the Presbyterian Banner More About the Ark MESSRS EDITORS the Bonner of August 31st, " Enquirer's " inquiry about the time -.the Ark was building, deserves. notice. ' It was a "hundred and twenty years from the time the Lord said, "My' Spirit shall not always strive with man," until the flood came. This was a plain warning of what was coming on the world for its wick edness. , is no evfdenne that the Lord eoinmanded Noah to commend() build ing the ark at that time. But there is proof, it seems to, me, that Noah was not :a hundred years building the, Ark. By ref erenee to . Genesis vi 10,..he may see that Noah's" sons were born before the command to build the ark was given'; we do not know , hOw long, tut osrtainly sometime be fore. By turning to thelOth.vrer_ ni. se of the 11,th chapter Of e' Genesis, w see that She Was only a hundred years, old, two years after the 'flood.: The good lasted'one year. This, with the two years after the.tiod, shows that Shero was only. ninet,j-seven years of age then the fl9od cattle, eon y:t he was born before the ark was be..:un. It 'took Several ,years, doubtless, to build the Ark, which:was a standing sermon to the people that. t.the .was And Noah -fain prAtatAlgOtte, 411. kb, ,all and God waited while the Ark was prepar ing, but it was not 120 years, though a plain warning had been given that long be fore. The ark was, therefore, less that ninety-seven years in building. J.H.P. , . Christian Vigilante. " what I say unto you, I say nuto all, watch."—Sr. MARK Art thou .n life's delightful morning With all its charming visions gay ? Does pleasure, deok'd in fair adorning, 'Seek to entice thifeel'astray Watch ! lest her Oren- song allure thee ; Oh.guard thy youthful footsteps well ! • Her wretched victims all assure, thee, - She leads her votaries down to hell: , While- friendship's tender lies are twining Around thy, young and bunyant breast— ' Ere life's dim day-star, fast deolinink, -,.• Shall sink forever. inAlie West—. .` Watch! that typti . isdorn's pearl disouver,;-. And' wlien froin all beloW thou . part, That shall remain, and be forever 'The tali'elliii i a tii plieer'thy heart. Hear'st thou, in &earns, Fame's trumpet sound post seek her garlands of , ren?Wri ? t • Ah, see the victor's brow surrounding, Her laurels 'prov&a, thorny crown ' While, on to fame, Ambition's•wading' Through scenes, of slaughter, seas,of blood,.',' .See -,see, times &units' all , s,reladings , Watelt t l Lhat: they ittretlre itt ggonti god. - • .. Watch'! lest temptation's garroutiding- Involve, thee, in some fatal snare ;+ Perhaps thy soul, it deeply wounding. May ;lou d with sorrow and d,ep,pair. Nov far thy:folt the foe is Waiting, And hell'wontd. triumph in thy shame; Watch oh, let not thy're abiding; DisFithor the Nedeemer's,uame. Watch i when thy, skies are, all unclouded— 'Tie' God alone-can joy impart; ' Adversity,'-in darknisa shrend'ed, 147ay no* be aiming'at thy - heart. Whew one faint fif.y . 'alone is gleaming. Through sullen clouds that o'er. thee_roll, Watch .1 ,and ere long will.hope be beaming; And . siniling Peace shall soothe thy soul. Watch! tt) its - olose thy life is diuwirige , ' And thou art;passing to the•toinb.; .' Immortal light for thee is dawning, 'T ie beaming throuala this gathering gloom. Yon Beacon on the holy mountain Mimes for thee the awful vale. ` Thy watehings o'er, rest by you - Fountain,— Whose living waters never fail. Cross Creek .Tritioge. . J. bf: B. Rcligious Tete!kings ill 'the South:* The following, from The.,Southern .eres loierian, w¢ll .giye -our. readers, sorae idea , of the kind , ,of Aeachini. people. of, the SOoth get, and the source of their ..batrajl of the North: Truly, , the Rebellion is founded and fed-on : ' - , GOD IN ,THE,WAR. "For this thing,is dope"-2. CRu..oxg- CIiES 11: 4. • , • At the death .Of King Solomon, Israel had attained the zenith of national glory. The arts' and sciences had been cultivated to a degree hitherto unknown, stimulated by the revelation of Divine Wisdom for the construction of the Temple, that won er of the world of art. Silver had been made in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar trees as sycamore trees of the low plains, for abinidance: Peaceful and prosperous at home, respeeted abroad, the resort of foreign ,Potentates who brought up to it their glory and honor, this nation, even Is rael, is .that of whom ' the Psalmist ex ql4l4k# giaßyis peokle qua iLin such'a case; yea, happy is that people whose (.rod is the - Lord." , Seldom has a- reign begun under more favorable auspices and with fairer prospects than did Rehoboarn's.- Now a: cloud ap pears in the horizoo, not larger, than a man'i - lrand, which Might be dispelled by the - gentlest breeze, but which gathering in blackness, soon overSpteads the sky. 13y seceding to the reaSonable' request of Is ; - rael for relief from the excessive bOrdens formerly imposed,. Rehoboam wont& have made them his faithful servants forever. But no. Hearkening to the counsel of his youthful and lash advisers, he ref Uses their petition„ and 'lsrael withdraws from the ednfederatiorf of tribes, notwithstanding the brightest assurance of the continuation of national prosperity, as a union, " for the cause wes of God."-2. Chronicles x : 15. Thus was excited a war, he'nn the, very qought of the nature_ of which, The mind recoils with horror. Sister States are ar rayed in mortal strife The tenderest re lationships are to be ruthlessly sundered, and the hand of brother is'to be imbued in, his brother's blood. • Never in the history of the world has there arisen a war so dire I Serely,,it was a fit occasion for the interposition of the Almighty : " Ye shall not go up nor fight against your brethren ; return every man to his own house; for this thing is done of me. And they obeyed the word of the Lord and returned." In like manner had the'United States reached the acme of its prosperity' ; ; the sails of its merchant ves sels whitened every sea; it was universally respected and feared, as one of the. greatest Powers of the earth. The same Fable cloud —servitude—has poured forth upon thili devoted land the elements of dissolution. The Almighty, in his providence, had made, the South the custodian of a race which has been under his curse since the days of Hain, their sinful progenitor. Brought, in times long past, from their native wilds, where the savage beasts of the forest were almost upon an equality with them, to this Southern laud, they have here been edu cated for heaven, and multitudes are now among the redeemed, and still is this peo ple being trained for eternal glory. The African explorer, well known to our .Ro,gionary Board, ha., testified that the poorest slave of the most indifferent South ern'thaster, is a 'prince compared with the most favored African in his native State; and"that were he the arbiter, every African ? were the advantage of each individual con sulted, would be subjected io the control of even an irreligious Southern. Master; so terrible is the negro's native condition, and so inestimable are - even the temporal bles sings here accruing. For thirty years has the North endeavored to remove tbe blanks from a condition assigned them by an all wise, benevolent Providence. Persinerit and perverse have been their efforts to rev elution* our Social system, and thus de prive the negro of the appointed blessings God has interposed. He has separated, the sectiot,s. ls it not in orderlhat the South shall continue unconstrained in its Chris tian mission, ai the educator of the black race for time eternity?and . How else may we account, humanly speaking, for this separation and internecine war of brethren, wbich it has been: reserve(' for oe-enlight enment and Christianity of the nineteenth century to behold ?' Would that our ene mies, before plunging into this strife; ab hortent to human nature- itself, had obeyed the word of God, proclaimed Unto and felt by the very instincts of than : " Ye shall not go up nor fight agaiinst your brethren. Return every man to his 'house; for this thing-is done of Would that it might have, been inscribed' Upon the page of history for the instruc tion, of all future. generations : " and they obeyed the words of the Lord and•returned" This view of .- the object of the secession of the South; 'inspires unfaltering -eorifi deriee,in the final milk &Hoak tipTumpit,of @vaYlern, arms: .Thum.lPAY4P:,exPli*Pell THE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER. Publication Offi.ce : BINGEIILY'S BUILDINGS -74 , Tiocio Se." Pirreautaa. Pe. $331.11.1, AINGLISII a CO., 2. Noarku.srA Se., 10u.tha., Pe. ADVERTISEMENTS: • P.4IMEIcT IN ADVANC.g. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEHENTi, tO Ogsve A LINT for each trobrtion. A Liberal redaction co Chow who &dyer tiAr largely. • BPSOIAL NOTICI4S, a 0311'5 A LIMA EDIT) [AL N'OCEOIII3. or o.l.LtOd. .ou eraanti page. 2 CENT 2 A LIMN. OBITUaItY NOTICES, 0 CENTS A Lilco. the continued success of a numerically in; ferior and isolated section, against a mighty foe to whom an open world furnishes all the arts and appliances of warfare. Because " the cause is of God," it must, eventually, succeed. In this must be our main confi dence; though we may also be encouraged in that all history testifies that a people united in the determination to be free can never be conquered! Christian patriots of the,South, be firm and courageous. Fear no . evil, for. God is with us. Worthy of imitation was the unfaltering confidence of one who, laboring alone to further a right eous cause; was ridiculed and contemned, -"Tell me not," nobly and triumphantly he replied; "-tell me• not I am in a hopeless minority ; : one, with God, is a majority!" He who doeth his will among the inbabi tante Of; the'earth, as well as in the army bf 'heaven, in his own good time, break the bow and cut the spear in sunder. He will burn .chariot in the fire, and exalt us to be a nation. In the meantime let 126 be still and know that he is God. This scourge of war is the purifying fire, purging away national and individual pol lution. Jle is chastening his people in to.- ken of his lode; and how great must that .love be, if it is proportioned to the severity of his chastisement ! We shall come forth from "die furnace a• nation of pure gold.- - Let,us then enter our chambers, at d shut our doors about us, and hide ourselves as it were, for a little moment, until the in dignation be p:ast. There, as though all depended upon God, let us pray tor our country. Then let us labor for the: final triumph as though all depended upon ourselves. 'Strictly let us obey the Divine command, "When the host goeth forth against, thine enemies, then keep thee from every .wicked thing." —Deut. ssiii r 9. Especially is it our bounden duty to discharge every obiiga .tion :moral and religious, to promote the welfare of our coli?red population, and thus shail we, in this war, be laborers together with God.; Then shall 'peace be - .upon Is rael : then will the Almighty out off the chariot from Ephraim and the horse from ,Jerusalem,and the battle-bow shall be cut off, and he shall speak peace unto the hea then ; and the glad time shall be hastened dominion shall be from sea even to sea; and.from the river even to the ends of, the earth. aucTioNs. How To , AturoNTSEL.:--We must consult the ;gentlest manner and softest seasons; for advice nat t isp not fall like a violentstorm, bearing doWit, and making these to droop whom' it iirmeant• to cherish and refresh. It •mitst• - descend as dew upon the tender herb, or like melting flakes of snow; the softer it Jells, the longer it dwells upon and deeper it ,sinks into the mind. If there are few who have the humility to re ceive advice as they ()tight, it is often be cause there are as few who have the dis cretiOn to convey it in a .proper vehicle, and to ,qualgy, the harshness and bitterness of reproof, against which corrupt nature is apt to revolt, "by an artful mixture of sweet and - pleasant ingredients. To probe the wound to the bottom, with all the boldness and resolution of ty,good spit:Ulml .surgeon, and l yet with all the delicacy and tender iapis of a friend,. regnires.a vemdexterons and masterly liana. An affable deportment and a complacency of behaviour will disarm the_ most obstinate. Whereas, if, instead of pointing OU,t , their • mistake, we break out . into unseemly sallies of passion, we Cease to ]lave' an infloence over them, or rather create a feeling antagonistic to the adVice we wish to give them. BUT'ONE' SABBATH IN THE WEnx.—A person being invited to go on an excursion for pleasure on .the; holy Sabbath„replied, " I shontd like an excursion very well; but I have but one Sabbath in the week,. and can't Spare tb4:" This expresses an im portant truth 'in an impressive manners When we have but one day:in the week ex einsiv,ely devoted to the concerns of eter nity, while six Are devoted to the affairs of time, Can we spare that one day for pleas ure?' It is the best day of the seven. It is worth more than all the rest. If rightly employed, it will bring us a high return. What we can earn in six, days is perishable; but the fruits of a well spent Sabbath will endure iorever. The Sabbath, when prop erly spent; is the day for the highest kind of employment, or rather enjoyment. If, therefore, you would, seek- mere earthly pleasure, you can better afford to take any other lay in the week •for it, than to take the holy Sabbath. TuE CLOSING SCENE, —Let all remem ber that the closing scene of death must sooner or later be realized. Your friends shall stand round your dying bed, in the heart-sinking stillness of anxious suspense, gazing through tears of affectionate an guish on your changing countenance, and watching for that breath that shall part you from them forever. 0, that when that breath shall be drawn by you with the soft.: ness that leaves attending relations uncer tain whether it has passed your lips, or shall be heaved aloud with the l strongest convulsive gasping% of violent dissolution, yott 'inay possess in your departure the blessed hope of the Gospel—that when you are laid in the mansions of silence, it may be said over you with • truth by surviving friends, sorrowful, yet rejoicing, " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord ; that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." THE PEACE of Goo.—Were the sky al ways without a cloud, and the ocean with out a rlpple, the believer would not know well the God with whom he has to doi for alas! we know how prone the heart is to mistake the peace or circumstances for the peace of God. When everything is going on smoothly and pleasantly, our property safe, our, business prosperous, our children and servants carrying themselves agreeably, our residence comfortable, our health excellent, everything in short, just to our mind, how:apt we are to mistake the peace that reposes upon such circumstan ,ces, for,,the peace *hid'. flows from the re alized, presence of Christ. The Lord knows this, antf therefore he - comes in, in ono way Of another, and stirs up the nest; that is, if we.are found ,nestling in circumstances, instead of himaolf. JUSTIFICATION BY FAITIL—We are not required to jerusalem to offer sacii fiees.for, our, sins,: nor to be cleansed there froni 'our defilements;- neither would it be accepted of is cif swe possessed the whole world:and were to offer all we had there on I Tewish altars. ~ We are Only invited to go to_Jesns and,to that fountain opened for bin and uncleanness. in the house of David; and.there we may resort whenever we feel the need of pardon, regeneration or sancti fication. iT 3tEl A bard thing to maintain a sound understanding, a tender conscience, a live ly, grabioui; heavenly frame of spirit, and an upright, life amid contention, as to keep your candle lighted' in the greatest storms. CartlST died beeatue God was merciful, not to ; render .se, but:, to make a chan nel, tlkrougkffi'llisii : a *cam of salvation PaiettlficlT ,to guilty. sinners.