Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, September 07, 1864, Image 3

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- lox hospital stores from citizens of
; rectum, Pa.
I b o x do. from Soldiers' Aid Society,
'qt. Pleasant, 'Westmoreland co.
1 box do. from U. P. church, James
town, lilercer co., Pa.
b o xes from Bethel Presbyterian church,
C o lumbli 4 , 0.
1 box do. from Mrs. Maria Hammond,
Connoautville, Crawford co., Pa.
1 b.x do. from Ladies' Aid Society,
1 box do. from Ladies' Aid 'Society, New
Castle, l i awrence co., Pa.
2 boxes do. from Ladies' Relief' Society,
Buffalo, Washington co., Pa.
i box do. from Ladies' Soldiers' Aid So
cloth Butler, Pa.
1 box do. from Soldiers' Aid Society,
White Top, Indiana co., Pa.
1 box Bibles, Hymn and Psalm Books,
1 . 1, P. Board of Publicaticin, Pittsburgh.
5 boxes stores from unknown donors.
1 box hospital stores from Christian
commission, Female Seminary, Ste,uben
villa, 0.
1 box do. from Rohean's Grove,
Marshall co., Va,
1 box do. from Ladies' Aid Society, East
Palestine, 0. ,
1 box do. from Jersey Union Aid So
ciety, Monongahela City.
1 box do. from Ladies' Aid Society, New
Sheffield, Pa.
1 box do, from Ladies' Aid Society,
North Springfield.
1 box do. from Ladies' Relief Society,
Buffalo, Washington co., Pa. '1
box do. from Forest Grove Sab. School,
swing's Mills, Allegheny co., Pa.
1 box do. from South Girard Soldiers'
Aid Society.
1 box do. .from Soldiers' Aid Society,
Brookville, Trumbull co., 0.
1 box do. from Soldiers' Aid Society,
Slate Liok, Armstrong co., Pa.
1 box of onions from Ail Society, Coch
ranton, Crawford co., Pa.
1 box hospital stores from Ladies' Aid
Society, Rarrisville, Butler co., Pa.
S boxes stores and 1 bbl. do. from ladies
of Apple Creek Presbyterian church,
Wayne co., 0.
3 boxes do. from U. P. Ladies' Aid So
d& tf, Burgettetown, Washington 030., Pa.
2 boxes do. and 72 qt. cans tomatoes, Man
chester Relief Association, U. P. Church.
1 box fruit, West Deer Aid Society.
1 box, M'Kean and Summit Aid Society.
I box hospital stores, Soldiers' Aid So
ciety, White 4,, Indiana co., Pa.
I box do., Ladies' Aid Society, West
field, Lawrence co., Pa.
1 box do., Knoxville, Jefferson so., 0.
1 box do., Soldiers' Friends, Green Gar
den, Beaver co., Pa.
1 box do. from Burrell township Ladies'
Aid Society.
1 box do. from Livermore Ladies' Aid
1 package do. from Wayne townshi p La
dies' Aid Soeiety.
1 package housewives, Wilkinsburg
Mrs. Mitchell, 4 bottles wine, 2 package
Mrs. A. Kirk, 4 dozen Blackberry Cor
Mrs. S. Floyd, Kittanning, 1 package
Also, contributions of fruit and o'othing
from Mrs. H. L. Bollman, James C. Raffer
ty, Mrs. J. Greer, Mrs. Kier, Temperance-
Mrs. Robert McKnight, Miss R. H.
Dickson, Mrs., Robert Forsyth, Mr. Wm.
Forsyth, Miss' Merman ) Mrs. R. J. Smith.
1 pkg of muslin Miss M. A. Knox
1 do do Mrs. J. Murray
1 do do Mrs. Dr. Murdock
1 do do S. A. Floyd
1 do do Hester M'Kown
1 do do A Friend
I do do Mrs. Cuthbert
2 do do " Jeffreys
1 do do U. P. church, Teropersneevidlo
1 do do Mrs. J. Carnahan
I do do Mrs. Hamilton
1 do do Mrs. Blake
I do do Mrs. Fitzsimmons
.Wliee Spear
1 do do
• Mrs. R. Lookert
1 do do
2 bottles of wine Menaheimer
1 pkg of books ' " 4 K. Acker
Ido papers East Union S. School
1 do do M. A. Chadwick
4 do do
1 do do
I do do Miss M. Nixon
I do do Mrs. Hill
2 do do Mrs. T, Smith
Ido do It. .lii. Reed
Ido do .. - " George
3 do do Miss Weymart
Ido do - Mrs. Schwartz
I do do •" Gordon
1 do do ts Moore
box do W. H. Barnes
1 pkg d o R. Jones
The following work has been out out and
made up by the Ladies' Christian Commis
sion of Pittsburgh and Allegheny
292 shirts; 184 pre drawers; 570 arm
dings ; 370 handkerchiefs; 265 pre of
crutches, covered; 264 armslings ; 110
The rooms of the Ladies' Christian Com
mission, at City are open every after
noon from 2 to 5 o'clock, when all ladies
(whether members or not) are invited to
wet and assist in making up hospital
clothing. •
The following articles were sent to our
armies during the past month, and distrib.
uteri by our delegates to the soldiers.
Earl- , 600 Cans of peache5.........- 1,080 pre 411 4. other fruits...—. 845
ilmolkorelliefe 977 '. Boof tea 812
H. -I, , wi yrs 482 Pounds 01 dried fruit... 2,160
Arms Hags 911 41 Bitter 5,360
6...iis ut muslin 592 Dozes . ' go 4,100
11..t.ts 74 Pickles 42,000
Ps.l.. 677 Bbls of Onions 25
Quilts 64 " Pumice 14
Runs of bandage 1,418 ,4 Sugar 3
Crutches, pew.-- 258 • " OabbalFe .......... 3
Cututs - . 480 .. ]bets 5
ltsatles of Witte ..... .. ow WO .. Apples 6
- Brandy 105 " Corn Starch—. 8
" Flavoring eaten 846 Tin cups • 500
B. B. Cordial 40 44 plates 400
" Ink 496 Papers, pages .84.032
tarp , books for Illtee... 148 Tracts " 18,205
B) , M eoldiers' Woke.... 2,386 Ilyou 13 , 05 s 040
31.1.:..5in0i 642 l't ayer Books 870
, "11% Pallor, restos... 20 Tostnments 785
t',,t 1,240 knvolopes c,no
1,,i I pt tulle 1 i 81Inkstands ' 16
Com, id T..ruatoed....•••• 1,2401 .
As Winter approdebes, flannel under
clothing and woolen souks will be needed
in large quantities, and the Commission
raquests•Societies to Commence making up
such articles at once, in eider that they
may be in readiness when a demand is
made for them. .
. Send contributions of cash to JOSEPH
ALI3SEE, Wood street
Stores to W. P. WEYISIAI4, Smithfield
Per the Presbyterian Banner.
The members of Unity congregation
(Blairsville Presbytery,) a few days ago,
.bestowed upon. their pastor J2OO in a very
quiet, unostentatious way, which greatly
*enhanced its value. N. H. Gazarr.
For the Presbyterian Banner.
To The following donations to the Board of Col
rtae were received August 80th, one day too
late to g be noticed in last week's Banner :
Mrs M'Clure, Pres. church of Mc-
Keesport $40.00
Laurel Rill ohuroh, Redstone P'by Mgr
F. G. BAILEY, Treasurer.
Soak limerita.—A recent - letter from
Buenos Ayres says that the friends of the
.A.tnerioan Bible Society are active in fur
thering the circulation of the Scriptures in
that country. Among the people, both the
Bible and its agents are well received, and
not an instance has occurred of insult by
axiy on, of_ those who are engaged in the
irk of distribution.
The Waihington Chronicle announces
that the .finishing touches to the exterior
of the magnificent dome of our Capitol have
been given. It is now completed, and
stands a proud monument to American skill
and mechanism. The height of the dome
from the ground , on the east front, is 287
feet, and aout 370 feet from Pennsylvania
A Profitable Offiee.—ln an official docu
ment the following sums are given as the
income of the Collector of the port of New
York :
Salary for the year 1863, $6,340 00
Resed from fines, penalties, 86e., 24,964.59
Commissions from State officers, 3,539 26
Total pay for one year, ' $34,843 85
In addition to this, the Collector re
ceived one-sixth of the suits for ferfeiture
commenced during the year—in the event
that they are decided in favor of the gov
ernment.. The additional amount from this
service will probably reach s3ctisoo—inak
ing a total for the year's services of $60,000:
Southern Poar.—The Richmond Enquirer,
of a late date, has a long article upon " The
Unemployed Poor" of Virginia.' It notes
the fact that every city and community has
its orphans and widows to support, and a
large debt already incurred for this par
pose--a burden which cannot be laid down
when the war closes. It estimates the
losses of Virginia already at thirty thousand
men, each of whom leates two dependent
persons or , sixty thousand in all, which is
six per cent. of the white population of the
State. In Richmond alone, there are forty
five hundred persons dependent on public
charity—these require an expenditure of
about $500,000 per annum.
The German Element in Chicago.—The
Chicago correspondent of the Boston Post
" Sunday in Chicago is not much differ
ent from Sunday in Boston.. There are
more stores open here, and you can pur
chase almost anything you want to-day as
well as you could yesterday. The horse
cars run here also, to carry people to church
or wherever they care to go. I find the
coming of the Sabbath a great relief, be
cause of the absence of that dense cloud of
smoke from steamers and manufactories
which hangs over the place all through the
secular part of the week. The churches
here are less in number than the Boston
average, and perhaps there is a greater pro
portion of the people who stay at home.
This is due, greatly, no doubt, to the Ger
man "leaven which "leavens the whole
lump" of Western society. I should not
be surprised to learn that there are more
Germans than Americans in Chicago; per
haps it is already an admitted fact that
certainly one-half the signs we see upon
the buildings display German names, and
ten German families comprise as large a
number of souls as the same number of
American. It is the Germans who do the
work here."
The followers of . Joe Smith have got a
strong foothold in the city of London, which
they make a sort of European headquarters.
They have lately been holding a series of
meetings tliere under the auspices of the
missionaries, Brigham Young, Jr., and Or
son Pratt. Young Brigham went out the
past Spring, and the London Mormons have
chosen him as European president, and his
father as president of the church of the lat
ter day saints all over the world. '
The two great parties into which our country
is divided, have now held their National Conven
tions, adopted their Platforms, and nominated
their respective candidates for the Presidency
and Vice Presidency. The Union National Con
vention met at Baltimore, June 7th, 1864, and
nominated Abraham Lincoln for re6lection as
President, and Andrew Johnson for Vice Presi
dent. The Democratic National Convention met
at Chioago, August 29th, 1864, and nominated
George B. McClellan for President, and George
H. Pendleton for Vice President. As matters of
public) interest we give the resolutions adopted
by the Conventions respectively, announcing the
prinoiples and policy , of these two great parties :
.A. M. Wallingford
J. P. Crawford
Resolved, That it is the highest duty of. every
American citizen to maintain against all their
enemies the integrity of the Union, and, the par
amount authority of the Constitution and laws
of the United States; and, that, laying aside all
differences of political opinions, we pledge our
selves as Union men, animated by a common
sentiment, and aiming at, a common object, to do
everything in our power to aid the Government
in quelling . by force of arms the rebellion now
raging against its authority, and in bringing to
the punishment due to their crimes the rebels
and traitors arrayed against it.
Resolved, That we approve the determination
of the Government of the United States not to
compromise with the rebels, nor to offer any
terms of peace except such as may be based up
on an " unconditional surrender" of their hos
tility, and a return to their just allegiance to the
Constitution and laws of the United States, and
that we call - upon the Government to maintain
this position, and to prosecute the war with the
Utmost possible vigor to the complete , suppression
of the rebellion ; in full reliance upon the self
sacrifice, the patriotism, the heroic valor, and
the undying devotion of the Anierican people to
their country and its free institutions:
'Resolved, That as slavery was the cause, and
now constitutes the strength of this rebellion,
and as it must be always and everywhere hos
tile to the principles of republican government,
justice and the national safety demand its utter
and complete extirpation from the soil of the re
public, and that we uphold and maintain the acts
and proclamations by which the Government in
its own defence, has aimed a death blow at this
gigantic evil. We are in favor, furthermere, of
suoh an amendment to the Constitution, to be
made by the people in conformity with its pro
visions, as shall terminate and forever prohibit
the existence of slvavery within the limits of the
jurisdiction of the United States.
Resolved, That the thanks of the American
people are due to the soldiers and sailors of the
army and navy, who have periled their lives in
defence of the country, and in vindication of the
honor of the flag ;, that the nation owes to them
some permanent recognition of their patriotism
and valor, and ample and permanent provision
fot . those of their survivors who have received
disabling and honorable wounds in the service of
the country; and that the memories of those
who have fallen in-its defence shall be held in
grateful and everlasting remembrance.
Resolved, That - we approve and applaud the
practical wisdom, the unselfish patriotism, and un
swerving fidelity to the Constitution and the prin
ciples of American liberty, with which Abraham
Lincoln has discharged, under circumstances of
unparalleled difficulty, the great duties and re
sponsibilities of the Presidential office ; that we
approve and indorse, as demanded by the emer
gency and essential to the preservation of the
dation, and as within the Constitution,
the meas
' ures and acts which he has-adopted to defend the
nation against its open and secret foes ;'that we
approve especially the Proclamation of Emanci
pation, and the employment as Union soldiers,
or men heretofore held in slavery; and that we
have full confidence in his determination to carry
these and all other constitutional measures es
sential to the salvation of the country, into full
and complete effect.
Resolved, That we deem it essential to the gen
eral welfare, that harmony should prevail in the
national councils, and we regard as worthy of
publio confidence and official trust those only
who cordially indorse the principles proclaimed
in these resolutions, and which should character
ize the administration of the Government.
Resolved, That the Government owes to all
men employed in its armies, without regard to
distinction of color, the full . protection of the
laws of war, and that any violation of these
laws or of the usages of civilized nations in
time of war by the rebels now in arms, should
be made the subject of full and prompt redress.
Resolved, That the' foreign immigration which
in the past has added so mueh to the Wealth and
development of resources and increase of power
this nation, the asylum of the oppressed of all
raions, should be fostered and encouraged by a
liberal and just policy. ,
Resolved, That we are in favor of the speedy
construction of the railroad to.the Pacific.
Resolved, That the national faith, pledged for
the redemption of the public debt, must be kept
inviolate ; -and that for this purpose we rectom
mend economy and rigid responsibility in the
The Two Platforms.
publio expenditure and a vigorous and just sys
tem of taxation ; that it is the duty of every
loyal State to sustain the credit and promote the
use of the national currency.
Resolved, That we approve the position taken
by the Government that the people of the United
States have never regarded with indifference the
al t :rapt of any European Power to overthrow by
force, or to supplant by fraud, the institutions of
any republican government on the Western Con
tinent, and that they view with extremejealonsy,
as menacing to the peace and independence of
this our country, the efforts of any such Power
to obtain new footholds for monarchical govern
ments, sustained by a foreign military force, in
near proximity to the United States.
Resolved, That in the future, as in the past,
we will adhere with unswerving fidelity to the
Union under the Constitution as the only solid
foundation of our strength, security and happi
ness as a people, and as a framework of govern
ment equally conducive to the welfare and pros
perity of all the States; both Northern and South
Resolved, That this Convention does explicitly
deolare, as the sense of the American people,
that after four years of failure to restore the
Union by the experiment of war, during which,
under the pretence of a military necessity or war
power higher than the Constitution, the Constitu
tion itself has been disregarded in every part,
and public liberty and private right alike trod
den down, and the material prosperity of the
country essentially impaired, justice, humanity,
liberty, and the public welfare, demand that im
mediate efforts be male for a cessation of hostil
ities, with a view to an ultimate Convention of
all the States, or other peaceable means, to the
end that at the earliest practicable moment peace
may be restored on the basis of the Federal
Union of the States.
Resolved, That the direct: interference of the
military authority of the. United. States in the re
cent elections held in Kentucky, Maryland, Mis
souri and Delawbre, was a shameful violation of
the Constitution, and the repetition of such acts
in the approaching election will be held as revo
lutionary, and resisted with all the means and
power under our control.
Resolved, That the aim and object of the Dem
ocratic party. is to preserve the Federal Union
and the rights of the States unimpaired;,and
they hereby declare that they consider the Ad
ministrative usurpation of extraordinary and
dangerous powers not granted by the Constitu
tion, the subversion of the civil by military law
in States not, in insurrection, the arbitrary mili
tary arrest, imprisonment, trial and sentence of
American citizens in States. where civil law
exists in full force, the suppression of freedom of
speech and of the press, the denial of the right of
asylum, the open and avowed disregard of State
rights, the employment of unusual test•oaths, and
the interference with and denial of the right of
the people to bear arms, as calculated to prevent
a restoration of•the Union and the perpetuation
of a government deriving its just nowere from
the consent of the governed.
Resolved, That the shameful disregard of the•
Administration to its duty in respect to our fel
low-citizens-who are now and long have been
prisoners of war in a suffering condition, de
serves the severest, reprobation, on the score
alike of public interest and common humanity.
Resolved, That the sympathy of the Democratic
party is heartily and earnestly extended to the
soldiery of our army, who are and have been in
the field under the flag of our country ; and, in
the event of our obtaining power, they will re
ceive all the care and protection, regard and
kindness, that the bravee - soldiers of the Republic
have so nobly earned. •
will hold its next stated meeting in New Phila.
- delphia, on the First Tuesday of October, at 10
o'clock A. M. ROBERT HERRON-,
Stated Clerk.
hold its next regular meeting at the Forks of
Wheeling, on the First Tuesday (4th day) of Oc
her, at 10 o'clock A. M. -
ALEX.MoCARRELL, Stated Clerk.
meet in Dwight, on Tuesday, September 27th,
1864, at 7 o'clock P. M.
It. CONOVER, Stated Clerk.
meet at. North Sangamon, on Tuesday, Septem
ber 13th, 1864, at 7 o'clock P. M.
G. W. F. BIRCH, Stated Clerk.
journed to meet in McArthur, September 13th,
18G4, at 7f o'clock P. M.
J: H. PRATT, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF ERIE will meet at
Meadville, en the Fourth Thursday of Septem
ber, at 2 o'clock P. M.
S. 3. M. BATON, Stated Clerk.
Millersburg, on the Second Tuesday of Septem
ber, at
,7 p'clock P. M.
LUTHER DODD, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF CEDAR will meet in
Marion, Octotak 4th. at i o'clock P. M.
J. D. MASON, Stated Clerk.
in Clarksville, on Wednesday, September 21,
1864, at 11 o'clock A. M.
D. C. REED, Stated Clerk.
meet, at Libertyville, ou the Fourth Tuesday
(25th day) in October next ; at 2 o'clock P. M.
S. C. M'CUNE, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF lOWA will hold ifs
stated Fall meeting at Fort Madison, on the
Second Tuesday of September (131.1), at-7 P. M.
GEO. D. STEWARD, Stated Clerk.
meet in. Cumberland, Ohio, September 13th, at 7
o'clock P. M. W. M. F., Stated Clerk.
The SYNOD OF WHEELING will meet in the
Second Presbyterian church, Steubenville, Ohio,
on Friday, October 14th, 1864, at 4 o'clock P. M.
JAMES BLACK, Stated Clerk.
The SYNOD OF ILLINOIS will meet in OlneY,
Richland County, :111, on the Second Wednesday
in October, 1861, at 7 o'clock P. M.
W. T. ADAMS, Moderator.
at Council Bluff City, on the last Friday (30th
day) in September, at 71 o'clock P. M.
S. C. M'CUNE, Stated Clerk.
the First Presbyterian church of Meadville, on
the Fourth Thursday (22d) of September, at 7
o'clock P. M. Presbyterial Narratives are to be
sent, before the first of September, to Rev. John
It. Findley, Mercer, Pa.
' ELLIOT E. SWIFT, Stated Clerk.
The War.—The centre of greatest interest
during the past week has been Atlanta, intelli
gence of the capture of which by Gen. Sherman
has been reported through both Union and rebel
sources of information. As yet we are without
the details of this most important and auspicious
event, of which, however, no doUbt is entertain
ed. Secretary Stanton officially announces that
intelligence has been received at the War De
partment that Gen. Sherman's advance entered
Atlanta about noon on Friday, Sept. 2d. Major
Gen. Slocum dispatches that " Sherman has ta
ken Atlanta: the 20th corps occupies the city;
the main army is on the Macon road, near East
Point• '
a battle was fought near that point, in
which Gen. Sherman was successful." An un
official report states that the rebel army was cut
in two near East Point, with very heavy loss to
the enemy ; Gen. Hardee was killed; our loss
not known.
Gen. Grant telegraphs that on Friday evening,_
before the dispatches announcing the capture of
Atlanta. had been received in the Union army,
the 'rebel pickets-had shouted over to our men
that Sherman had whipped Hood, and that our
troops were in Atlanta.
The South-Western telegraphio line being
down from the effects of a heavy storm, and al
so having been brokealty Wheeler's. rebel caval
ry in some places, no later interi.genoe has been
received. The damage done to the railroad by
the rebel raiders will be speedily repaired, Wheel
er having retreated, and Goa. Rosseau being in
active pursuit. In an engagement with Wheel
er, L rebel Gen. Kelley was mortally wounded
and is in our hands.
• It is believed in official circles that the im
portance of Sherman's: success is not yet fully
developed, that he , not only occupies Atlanta,
but has inflicted crwibing defeat upon llood'a
army, and now occupies East Point, the strong
hold in the tear of Atlanta, to whieh' it. was sup
posed Hoot} would retreat if compelled to evacu
ate the city. But for reliable intelligence we
must..await the arrivid of official details.
Gen. Canby's offioial report of the capture of
Fort Morgan has been received. It appears that
Admiral Farragut and Gen. Granger so arranged
their vessels and hattelies as to invest the Fort
anothree sides, and to envelop it with such a ter
rible raking fire that the guns of the fort could
not be worked. The rebels stood the fire for ten
or twelve hours, and then surrendered uncondi
tionally. The prisoners numbered six hundred,
including Brig. Gen. Paige and two Colonels.
Sixty guns were takenin the fort, and also much
material, though the rebels had destroyed con
siderable, and had spiked the guns. Our loss
was but one man killed and seven wounded.
The enthusiasm of the sailors at this new suc
cess of Farragut is said to be indescribable.
The bombardment. of Fort Morgan is described
by eye-witnesses as having been terrific. The
bursting of heavy shells in and over the fort was
constant, averaging about one per minute. The
captured ram, Tennessee, did good service in this
action. It does not appear that the rebels had
any hope of being able to resist the attack of
our forces. Admiral. Farragut comments se
verely, in his efficial dispatches, upon the con
duct of Gen. Paige. Ile says;
"The whole condurt of the officers of Forts
Gaines and Morgan presents such a striking
contrast in moral principle, that I cannot fail to
remark upon it. Colonel Anderson, who com
manded the former, fiuding himself, in a per
fectly untenable position, and encumbered with
a superfluous number of conscripts, many of
whom were boys, determined to surrender a fort
which he could not defend. In this determine.-
tiOn he was supported by all the officers save
one. But from the moment he hoisted the white
flag, he scrupulously kept everything intact, and
iu that condition delivered it over ; whilst Paige
and his officers, with a childish spite, destroyed
the guns whieh they said they would defend to
the last, but which they never defended at all,
and t4 i rew away or broke those weapons which.
they had not the manliness to use against their
o temies, for• Fort Morgan never fired a gun
alter the commencement of the bombardmfint."
An officer recently from the field of operations
describes the prospect of the early capture of
Mobile as extrentely,eucouraging: The confi
dence of the officers of the naval and laud
forces is complete. It is asserted as the opinion
of persons who are best qualified to . judge, that
the capture of the city is just as feasible as the
capture of Fort Morgan. The certainty of that
result is not questioned, and it is held that we
may hear of the fall of Mobile much sooner than
we have been accustomed to expect it. It is un
derstood that the rebel land force at Mobile is
quite small.
From the. Army of the Potomac nothing of
importance has been received. Our troops on
the Weldon road have been constantly strength
ening their position until, in the opinion of our
military authorities, - it is now impregnable to the
assault of any force the rebels can bring against"
it. Small garrisons have been posted on the left
bank of the James River, to guard against
rambling rebel batteries, who fire on our trans
One hundred thousand new troops this Fall,
promptly furnished, in all, says Secretary Stan
ton, that Gen. Grant asks for the capture of
Richmond, and to give n finishing blow to the
rebel armies yet in the field.
.From. Gen. Sheridan's army we have intelli
gence of a fight which occurred on Wednesday,
Aug. 31. We attacked the enemy's outposts,
near Martinsburg, planting our shells among the
rebels with much precision. Heavy skirmishing
ensued, the enemy pushing forward strewg col
umns, and ineffectflank ually attempting to us.
Our forces fell back, or rather drew the rebels
on some miles from Martinsburg toward Falling
Waters, when there was a lull in the contest.
The hostilelines remained in close proximity
until Saturday, Sept. 3, when Gen. Averill's di
vision of cavalry attacked 'the enemy a short
distance south' of Martinsburg, rapidly follow
ing him. We captured two battle flags, many
prisoners, nearly all of one train of wagons, a
herd of cattle, and by 4 P. M. came upon
Rhodes's division of rebel infantry and engaged
it. Our loss was light. We went to within six
miles of Winchester.
LA.TEST.—Gen. Sherman's official report of the
capture of Atlanta has been received. Our army
withdrew from about Atlanta, Aug. 80, made a
break on the East Point road, and readhed a
good position from which to strike the Macon
road. Howard, on our right, found the enemy
in force at Jonesboro', and intrenched himself.
The enemy attacked him, and were easily re
pulsed. Our left and centre advanced rapidly,
made a good lodgment on the road, and broke it
all the way from Rough and Ready to Howard's
left, near Jonesboro'. This interposed Sher
man's whole army between Atlanta and the rebel
force in Jonesboro'. On Sept. 1, we made a
general attack on the enemy at Jonesboro', car
ried their works, taking_lo guns and aboutl,o,o
The enemy retreated - South, and we - pursued
to Lovejoy's station. Hood, finding his -only
line of supply in our posseseion, and his army
cut in two, blew up the magazine in Atlanta,
destroyed 7 locomotives, and 81 cars loaded with
ammunition, small arms, and stores, left 14
pieces artillery, mostly uninjured, and retreated
in the night. Gen. Slocum took possession on
the 3d Sept. and so, says Gen. Sherman, " At
lanta is ours, and fairly won." Our loss will
not exceed 1200. The rebels lose over 300 killed,
200 wounded, and over 16.000 prisoners. Our
men need rest, having been in one constant bat
tle or skirmish since the 6th•of May.
From Gen. Sheridan we have the details of
Saturday's battle, September 3. Our loss was
300 killed and wounded: that of the enemy is at
least 1,000 greater. We took 500 prisoners.
General —The Richmond papers of Sept. 2d,
contain along letter from Commissioner Ould to
the people of the Confederate States, in which
be recites the history of the exchange question.
On the 10th of August he addressed .a letter to
Major Mulford, the U. S. Commissioner, propo
sing now to accept a proposition heretofore re
peatedly made by the U. States, to exchange
man for man, only suggesting that those longest
in captivity should be exchanged first.. On the
20th of August, Major-Mulford had not been in
structed by hie Government what answer to
make. On the 22d Major Ould wrote Co General
Hitchcock, at Washington, and on the 31st no
reply had been received. Here the correspon
dence closes, and Major Ould makes it public to
show that the Confaierate Government had
spared no efforts to relieve the sufferings of-pris
oners on both sides. It is to be hoped that ex
changes on equitable terms may be speedily re
Secretary Stanton states in an official bulletin
that it has been ascertained with reasonable car
tainty that the naval and other credits required
by the act of Congress will amount to about two
hundred thousand; including New-York, -which
has not. yet been reported to the Department. so
that the President's call of July 18th, is practi
cally reduced to 300,000 men to meet and take
the place of: First—The new enlistments in the
navy ; Secomt—The casualties or battle, sickness,
prisoners, and desertion ; and Third—The hun - -
dred days troops and all others going out by ex
piration of service. Of this fresh force of 800,-
000 men, Gen. Grant will. receive one-third, to
,replenish his armies. The residue of the call
will be adequate for garrisons in forts and cities,
and to guard all the lines of communication and
supply, and to free the country from guerrillas,
give security to trade, commerce and travel, end
establish peace, order and tranquillity in every
State. •
Foreign.—The most. important. item of foreign
news is the capture of the rebel pirate steamer
Georgia, about twenty miles from Lisbon, by the
U. S. frigate Niagara, which put a prize crew on
board and sent the pirate vessel to New-York,
but paroled its captain and crew, and landed
them at Dover. At the time of the capture, the
pirate was sailing under the British flag, and for
this reason its captain entered his protest against
the seizure. The event is said to have created
some controversy.
The difficulties arising out, of the Dano-German
War have not yet subsided. The minor States
of Germany are justly indignant at the grasp
ing ambition of Prussia, which is endeavoring
to reap for herself exclusively the advantages of
the victory over Denmark. Von Bismark, the
Prussian Minister, has obtained from the Duchies
of Schleswig-Holstein a unanimous vote that "a
close union with the Prussian monarchy can
alone assure to us forever the future of our
From Mexico we learn that Juarez had left the
country, it was supposed for the United States.
The French now occupy Saltillo, lately the seat
of Juarez' government. Maximilian is pursuing
a conciliatory course. He has forbidden the
newspapers to abuite the Mexicans who still hold
out against him.
The Approaching Draft,—Unusual activity
has been manifested during the Wit few days 'in
the various sub-districts in filling up their
quotas. So many recruits have been already se
cured, and so many seem 'willing still to volun
teer, that hopes are entertained that Allegheny.
C,unty may escape the draft entirely. It is not
yet definitely known at what time the draft will
take place, as some days must elapse before the
credits obtained can be entered +3p, •and the
requisite machinery be set to work.
A Deserving Estabiishment.—Mr. Marvin,
on Fourth Street between Market and Wood, has
established one of the finest bakeries in the
West. His bread and crackers of every variety
—water, sugar, and soda biscuit., ginger snaps,
&c.—are of the most excellent quality. They
are always fresh and always good. His trade is
already very large, and is constantly increasing.
Teachers' Institute.—The Teachers' Institute
of Allegheny County held an interesting meeting
at Sewickley last week, extending through three
days and evenings. The subject of the estab
lishment of a Normal School for the counties of
Allegheny, Butler, and Beaver, was discussed at
considerable length, and Sewickley was recom
mended as a suitable location.
Duff's Mercantile College.—This favorite
Institution is the pioneer of Commercial Colleges
in America. ICs success and its history form
part of the history of the city; and as Colleges,
like individuals, are best known at home, an in
quiry among our business men will satisfy per
sons desirous of obtaining a thorough and com
prehensive Business Mit:nation, that this Insti
tution presents the following advantages :
Ist. It, is conducted by a practical Accountant
and an experienced merchant.
. 2d. The system of instruction is so thoroughly
systematized and reduced to practice;, that the
student, usually saves seven , or eight weeks in
the time of study.
3d. A saving of an equal number of weeks
4th. A saving of about $B.OO in stationery.
6th. The best teat books published, taught un
der the immediate direction of the author.
6th. Having a Diploma, signed by a person so
extensively and so favorably known as an author,
as preceptor, as an accountant. and as a mer
chant.—Pitisburgh Trade Circular.
Pittsburgh Market.
LITTLE Et. 'NEWELS, WaoLapeis Gnoossa, 112 AND 114
The unsettled condition' of the Gold inarliet, which hail
fluctuated some twenty per cent., together with good tidings
from our Army and Navy, have put a stop to speculation in
everything.. Business muittherefore continue very dull un
til matters are mo! o settled. "
RACONShoniders. 19@20c.; Sides,2o§22c4 Plain Rams,
234a24c.; Sugar Cured do., 271g211e.
I:ARD-25c. 13.1 b.
soPPEß—Prime fresh packed, 48@455.
EGG S—En good demand at 17@i8e. per den.
CHEBSE—SaIes at 21, 22iga.3e lb. for W. R. and Ham
FLOUR—Oxtiet; Small sales at $175@10.00. from store,
for Extra, $40.70012.00 bbl. for Extra Family and fancy
bran,s. •
GRAM—Wheat : Red, $2.00; White, $2.10. Oats, %SO
00c. Barley. $2.00. Corn $1 50.
G ROLLE RlES—Sugar: '22%.(426 1 ,0 is the whole range for
Ceb:, to cheice N. U. Coffee, 61053 c. Molaseei,sl.2o§l.2s.
Syrup, $1.10@4.35.
OlL—Dull and nominal at 36437 for crude, add BS@93c.
for refined.
HAY—S3B.OD to $45.00 per' ton. ,
I arriebr.
At. Uniontowd, Pa., August 30th, by Rev. W.
F. Hamilton, Mr. WILLIADI CUMAINGII&M to ?aka
fLucerwr A. Cowera,
On the 23t1.inst., at the " Valentine House,"
Washington; by Rev. James ,Black, WILT.TAM
MONTGOMERY of East Finley,' to Mrs.
Malty JANE :TAMS, of 'West' Alexcinder, all' of
Washington County.
At Tamarack Farm, August 2411, by Rev.
George Hill, Capt. Wm. H. EEHN, Quartermaster
of the' 200th Reg!t P. V., LE ELLA M. HUNTER,
of Diairsville.
On the 2.3 , 1 of August, at the. house of the
bride's, mother, Tacusa, Christian Co., 111., by
Rev. Clarke Loudon, Mr. HounoN Wii.t.F.y to
Miss JENNIB Sexrozi, both of Christian Co., 111.
DIED--Tn Sewickley, ,September sth, Mrs.
JEMIMA ANDERSON, in the 78th year of her
DIED--In Washington, on the 9th inst.,
Ron of Rev. James and. Emily W.
Black, aged 9 years, 6 months, and 8 days.
DIED—In Washington, lowa, August 27th,
1864, with dysentery, MARTHA. M., wife of the
Rev. F. A. Shearer, in the 50th year of her age.
DIED--Afisraet 11th, 1864, at the house of
her father, Mr: Walter Bell, of Westmoreland
County; Pa ; Mrs. NANCY, wife of William Pot=
look, in the 34th year of her age.
DIED—At Millersburg, lowa Co., lowa. Aug.
15th, 1804, THEODORE BAYARD, youngest
son - of Rev. H. W. and M B. Forbes, aged 9
months and 2 weeks.
Onward and upward be our aim,
To meet our loved one there.
KILLED—in a skirmish near Cold 'Harbor,
Va., on the 34 - of Jane, 1864, THEOPHILIIS S.
CALLEN, a member of Co. E, 155th Reg't P.
V:, only son of Robert It Callen, of Bell Tp ,
WestmOreland Co., in the 21st year of his age.
He was-esteemed by all-Who knew him:
DlED—August 29th, 1864, in Kittanning, Pa ,
of diptheriA, SALLIE BELL, dziughter of Mr.
Marcus and Margaret Rulings, aged 5 years, 2
months, and 3 days. ' . -
" There, parents, in thy Biviour's arms,
Forever undefiled, .
Amid the little cherub band,
-Is thy beloved'child." -T. D.
BlBB—Naar Connellsville, Pa., August 23d,
after prolonged and painful sufferings, JOSEPEI,
son of William and Nancy Brown, aged' 11 years
and 10 months.
Though cut off in the spring-time of life, lit
tle Joseph gave to his friends the blessed assur
ance that he went to dwell with Christ in the
bright land of the immortals. •
•He is laid in the earth, but his bright spirit soars
To the regions of bliss, from these sorrowful
He seemed, in his meekness, an angel while here,
And we saw he wos formed for & happier sphere.
Though the pirents sad sighs for the absept may
The sisters shed tears, and a lone brother grieve
Yet theirs is the sorrow of those who - have given
child of affliction to the angels of heaven.
But his sorrows are o'er--:-no more will we weep,
Though his dream-wafted image still smiles on
our sleep ; , •
He, bas gone to his rest, but, may -yet yet meet again
Those loved ones who brightened his pathway of
N. IL G F.
DIED—At her residence in. Penn Tp., Butler
Co., Pa ,on the 24th of' August-, 1864, Mrs.
MA.BY JANE, wife of Bev. Ephraina Ogden, and
daughter of Hon. James Banks, iu the 41st year
of her age.
Seldom ire we called to record a more afflict
ive diSpensation of Providence '• for just in pro-,
portion to her excellence, and the need to her
family of such a wife and mother, is the severity
of the blow which severs these tender -ties
Mrs. Ogden endeared herself to all who knew
her, by her kindness, which rose spontaneous
from, a heart bearing the impress of her Saviour.
She leaves her husband and six children to
mourn,their own loss But to her it was gain to.
die. . Fully aware that her dissolution was ap
proaching, she .V 7119 pepmeful. happy. The
daybefore her-death she clasped the hand of her
husband, and with a smile spoke of dying, and
said that it was not hard to die.-that the Sav
iour had taken away the sting of death. And
she requested him not to grieve. Many other
expressions showed, her entire confidence in the
grace and mercy of her Redeemer.
Her funeral was.atterided by a large concourse
of people, not only from the church of Middle
sex,.of which her husband is pastor, but from
adjacent churches. And, many tears showed
their appreciation of her worth.
L Y.
DIED—Of inflammation of the brain, on
Thursday morning, August 25th, aged 9 months
and 20 days, ELLIE, infant daughter of Rev. H.
and Henrietta Webber, of Beaver Co., Pa..
6. , Bring another earth bud for this coronal,"
• *as the sera:plea mandate given
To the reaper Death—the messenger came,
And our Ellie transplanted, to heaven.
In a " glory wreath" round the Saviour's brow,
Undimmed by the shadows of even,
Unfolding, expanding eternally now,
Is our earth-flow'r, our Ellie in heaven.
For the Saviour loved the sweet lambs of the
For such was his life-blood given—
And while Set on earth he blessed them, and
spoke: •
•' Of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Then weep not, though siem'q forbids to forget,
THOMAS WILSON.—Why the prover)), "Death
loves - a shining mark," but that the subtle archer
aims his fatal shaft at the most winning member
of the family first? The adage is sadly verified
in the case of Mr. Thomas Wilson, fourth son of
Mr. James Wilson, of Fayette County, Pa., who
died August 4th, of typhoid pneumonia, in the
24th year of his age. Patience and submission
to the Divine will characterized' the scene.
Asked by his beloved mother if be suffered
much, be replied,
" Jesus can make a dying bed . , _
Feel soft. as downy pillows are."
Asked by a beloved aunt whether he wished to
live, he replied, "If it be the Lord's will; but
chiefly that I might unite with the Church and
honor my Saviour." He often said that " all his
trust was in Jesus Christ." Engaged in prayer,
he would fervently say,
" Here, Lord; I give myself awriy,
'T is all that I can 'do ;" ' • -
and a sweet smile of serenity would irradiate
his face. He took his brothers, sister, an 4 cou
sns,,one•by one, telling them he was going „to
die, and bidding them an affectionate farewell,
he charged them to meet him in heaven. So did
he other friends. He made special inquiry for a
beloved uncle, not then present, and said if he
could see him 'he would then be ready to, go.
When his uncle came, he appeared grateful that
his life was spared to see him, and said, " You
have been a good uncle to me: Fnrewell. I
want you to meet me in heaven." His mother
read to him that excellent little book, " Come to
Jesus," in which he felt a deep interest.. He
said, to his pastor,' "I would like to talk with
you about salvation, if I were able. lam sorry
I did not unite with the church." His seat was
seldom vacant in the sanctuary. He was re
markable for his upright and honorable deport
ment, yet confessed himself a sinner, but trust
ing in Christ for pardon and, sali4tion. One
who knew him well, says of Ms death, "The
church and pastor have lost a devoted frieud."
But he is gone, we trust, to the great Shep
herd and Bishop .of souls. Ours is the duty of
submission to Him who " doeth all things well."
S. W.
WEDN.ESDAY, &pt. 7
3. P. SMITH & CO.; •
Defilers In Carbon Oil and .Lamps, Shades, Chimneys Len
terns. &c.. Chinches furniehe , i with Cbaodeliers and Lapps
at ten per cont. oir regular priCO All the different styled of
at 149 ÜBE RTY-BTDEM, between St. Clair Street and
Hare's otol,_Plitsburgit. - sopi-A .
Two ladies connected with tho Presbyterian Church, who
have taught in firtt.-thins ieminatiet - an - famtlies for
several . s ears, dfft ire situations immediately: They teach
English. French, and the' Piano. Satisfactory testimonials
and references *AI be livid bets. Address
FOIL 1861.
No - . 84 Wylie Street , Pittsburgh Pa.•
'Respectfully invites public attention to Ids !taw and e.ten
sive stoeit.of FAL& AND W TIMMOODS, consisting in
part of, trtincli and English Cloths, eassimerCs Bila Voly4l,
41,11(i Cassimera Vestings, and a fine" assortment. of Over"-
coatings.. Tbese.clioice goods trill be made up .t, order in
the most approved styles : and warranted to give entire sat
isfaction: mar%
North. East: Gbraer of Fourth and Market SW,
A. sure cure for these distressing complaints is now made
known in a "Treatise on Foreign and Native Ilerbal Preps
rations," published by Dr. 0. PHELPS BLOWN. The prescrip. :
lion was furnished him in such a providential, manner, that
he cannot conscientiously refuse to make it known, as it
bus cured everybody who has used it, never having failed in
a single case. It Is equally sure in cases of Fits as of Dys
pepsia; and the ingredierits may be found in any drugstore.
:lent free to nil on receipt of five . cents to prepay postage.
- This work; of 45 octavo pages, biuutifully. illustrated,
Bronchitis, Asthma, General Debility, and gives tke best
known Herbal Remedies' for their positive and permanent
cure., Address Dr. O. Dunn BROWN, N 0.1.9" Grand Street,
Jersey City, N.J. ;, 21.131-2 t
The mosteomptete stock of'STRINWAYFS UNRIVALLED
PIANOS, as also of some of tho best other brenda of Pianos,
from sae° to' $l,OOO, just received end for mile by R.
KLEMM di BRO. Also, • : -
from. the beet and oldest inanufacturers in the country,
CAR aART A Otl., New-York. Theft are the only iustru
meets that are warranted for - -
Eight Tears. .
*a- The newest : sheet Music, church musk books
itrings, etc , etc.
That the Hee of affection arc riven,
But trust once again our sweet household pet
To meet with . the blessed in heaven.
DIED—On the morning -of the 25th of July,
1864, Mrs. MARY A. BAttNES.
Mrs. Barnes was a member of the Pfesbyte
rian church at Annapolis, Ohio. For the last
few years of her life she was a great sufferer, and
in all her afflictions she possessed a good hope of
eternal life beyond the grave. She was faithful
in her attendance upon the ordinances of grace,
and' was meek, humble, and exemplary, her
light shining more and more unto the perfect
day. She leaves a kind and fond husband to
mourn her death ; also, an aged and Christian
mother, together with a number of brothers and
" Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
from henceforth : yea, saith the Spirit, that they
may rest from their labors ; and their works do
follow them."
I. P.
Box. 42, reard, Bedford County, Pa
S , ' I--.
H., SMITH, Merchant' Tailor;
REP 3 ;
A lot o f
mrose AUDIL 71M_WIVIiitaL Mi
• N 0.122 Wood Street,.
four doors above Fifth St., Pittsburgh; `,
tail S.
W E ER .. •
Read the Teatintonials.
"Your Pianos rank first among the many good Pianos
made in New-York." B. 8. MILLS.
"They havu - not. their equal in tone, touch and durabil
ity!' ' G. P. BIUSTON.
" NV« bees Pianos are as good ISB the music of the celebra
ted C. U. Wuber:' J. ZUN DEL.
'"Thep combine °Tel:3r point which conetttute a perfect
Piuue in.the highest degree." Ca.tit.t.Ns FRADEL.
* * *Parties desiring a sup' erh-toned Piano,with strength and
durability confinectotre invited to visit the Music Boerne of
the subscriber and' examine tbr themselves. Penang re
siding at a distance will receive any infermation'they desire
about the Weber Piano, by addressing the'subscriber.
81 Wood St.. Panburgh,
Sole Agent for the Weber Piano.
J. -01„ BARKER 004+
59 Market Street, Pittsburgh,,
Have now in store the LARGEST STOCK and the GREAT
EST VARIETY ever exhibited tit thin eity, of
PRINTS, ' &O. &C., &O.
Having buyers resident In the East, wed possessing every
advantage peculiar to the very bent Eastern Houses for buy.
log and selling cheap, and keeping constantly on hand the
largest stock in Western Pennsylvania, we are prepared to
offer extra inducements to
Country Merchants.
N . B.—Clergymen and their families supplied at A
The Pell B.SBiOtt will open on the TUIRD MONDAY IN
SEPTEmBrat. The best advantages ate afforded, and at
reasonable rates. FOT terms, tko., scud fora Circular.
Addreas ItBV. A. WIIII.Aka,
ApAir . "" SeWiCkleyVAN,Te.
fr •Zt 411+ 3E4 411:10 AIL. TIC - 4.
The Feeretary of tbd Treasury gives notice that subscrip
tions will be received fur Coupon Treasury Notes, payable
three yt ani from August 15, 1864, with semi-annual interest
at the rate •of Bevan and throe-teethe per cents per anntOn—
principal anl interest bath to be paid in lawful money.
Team notes will be convertible at the option of the holder
at matority, into six per cent. gold bearing bonds, payable
not lees then fivo nor more than twenty yeara from their
(Tate, Ml 9 tho Government may elect., They wilt be issued in
denominations of fifty, ono bandied, fire hundred, one
thousand, and five thousand dollars. and all subscriptions
must be for fifty dollars, or borne multiple of fifty dollars.
The notes will be transmitted ti the owners free of trans-
portatinn charges an soon after the receipt of the original
Certificate . ; of Deposit as they can be prepared
de the notea &law 'Met est.from.Anust 15, p.arsone mak-
ing deposits subsequeht to that dato must pay the interest
accrued from date of note to date of deposit.
Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and up-
wards for these note, at any one time will be allowed a com-
mission of one-ipnirtcr of one per cent., which. will be paill
by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the
** amount, cottlftedl to by the officer with whom the deposit
was made. No deductions for commissions must be made
from the depoßtts.
ST Is A NATIONdL SkVIRGIEI BANG, offering a lagber rate of
in'ereet the:n any other, and the bed security. Any eavinga
Vank wbich pays its depositors 3n U. S. Notes, considers
that it is paying In the best circulating medium of the cOun
try, and it cannot pap in anything better, for its own assets
are either in government securities or in notes or bonds
payable in government paper.
It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent in
vestment The notes can always be sold for within a irac-
ion of their fam and accumulated interest, and are the b;:ht
security with banks as collaterabl for discounts
Convertible Into a U Per Cent. /1-20 Gold Bond.
In addition to the very liberal inters t on thP notes for
hree years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about
three per cent. per annum, for the current rate for 5-20
Ponds is not less than nine per cent. premium, and before
the war the premium on six per cent. 11. S. stocks wag over
tw,nty per cent. It will be seen" tbat the actual profit on
this loan, at tho present market rate, is not lees than ten
2er cent. per annum
Vs Exemption from State or . Municipal Taxation
But aside Prom all the advaltages wa have enumerated, a
gi.ocial Act of Congrees exempts all bones and Treasury
notes from, locat taxation. On the average, this exemption.
ti worth about two per cent. per annum, qecording to the
rate of taxation in various parts of the country
It is believed that no securities offer so great inducements
ta lenders es those issued by the government. In all other
Prins of indebtedness, the faith or ability of Titivate par
the, or stock companies, or separate communities, only, is
pledged for payment, while the whole property of the c ma
try is held to secure the discharge of all the obligations of
the United Buttes.
While the government offers the most liberal terms for its
lotus, it believes that the very struogest appeal will lie to
'the lnysity and patriotism of the people.
ky,the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the se v
erahataiiitant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, eta
end by all National Banks which are depositaries-et public
'rnoliy,:and all
r.vmghout tho country will give further information, and
a .2 2m
The next Term will open in the new Seminary building.
with the usual Lecture, THURSDAY, September let, at 3
P. AL Students are requested to be present at tfikli time,
ready fur mutricnlation and study.
. The several departments of instruction are all well filled.
Spacious and well-furnished rooms are provided for stn
dents, with boarding in the Seminary, at $2.00 per week.
The advantaces now offered by this institution are sur
passed by no other; while it presents unequalled attractions
to students who desire to labor in the great West. .
The Seminary is located in North Chicago, corner of Hal
stead Street and Pallerton Avenue, and is approach d by
taking the "City Limits" car •at Clark Street bridge and
• riding to Belden or Fullerton Avenue.
Students, on arriving.- can report at the bookstore of W.
D. Robots, N 0,170 South Clark Street, or at the counting
roma -aril - owe & Robin as, 148 South-Water Street.
Further iulorniAtiorr to be ha•i by addressing either of the
Profeasors, Roy. Watts Loan, MI, Rev. L. J. lia.txt,
Chairman Executive Committee
f y 27 5t
Real Estate and General Agents,
Por the purchase and sale of Real Rstate, Collection of
Rents, Itisnrance, Repairs, &e.
Aar Office, N 9.51 MAKKET STB,ET ) Pif.tOurgh..-
For the pment Season, and adapted to the
Now open for "tba itispeciiiiti of our qnstonlers and the
• fablic t , and' to sill 'alone who appreciate
Style and Quality in Clothing,
Which we will make uP to order, at popular pries, to the
satisfaction of • those who tnaj favor us
• With their Patronage:...;
. Merchant Tailors,
:Inv not . raised 'Volition fees, has added a Normal Depart
ment, and gives a liberal reduction to the fault ties of Mill..
lams and to poor young men preparingfor the ministry.
Nest Anneal Se.mlor, c.,mmeaces' WEDNESDAY, SER
TXIMMI. iTEI,IBO4.' -For Circular, &c.. address
REV. J . A. BROWN, Principal.
West Liberty, Va.
D&Nyi.LLE niNp.ATyLoGIcAL.sEmt
The Twelfth Annual , Bessiou of this Seminary will open
On the 20TEI OP B,EPTENDER next.
All the departments of inetrection are filled, and there
seems no good reason to apprehend that the regular exer
cises will he interrupted doting the coming ses'.iou.
Though the'expease of living has advanced here as well
as elsewhere within the past two years, arrangements have
been: Made to secure good boapl hit the students on reason
able terms.: With the increased appiopriation of rite Board
of Education and the Medi at the disposal of the Institu
tion for the suppert of these who nmd asaildariar. no db.&
eolty,isantieipated in providing sufficiently for the wants
'cif all worthy men of that class who may desire to prosecute
theix studies here. • rTEPITEN YERKES
secretary Board of Din olors.
'TIAI.7TtLi.II, RP, Aug. 0;1.8tht: auglo-71
-e-a , will opon its Fall Term on MONDAY. the 9ih of
agust„ and cloae ou THURSDAY, the 22d of December.
133ard and Roorn for the term, 165.00. For toll particulars
amid fora catalogue:. Adams
„427 , S. B. MERCER., Beaver, Pa.
WAia04m]ir.1..11161101... - tioilsa.
, . With New Improvements. -
27 Fifth
.• mar 94 PITTSBURGH, PA.
lu OR,
steady Soap Maker.
Twenty-the gallons of good soft scalp can bo made out of
one ponnd. of the Concentrated Lye. Any cbild can make
it. NO trouble.' If you will but try it once, you never will
be withoutti again.
Manufactured by the
. . .
• Tar sale with full directions, by all Druggists an
firmer& - • 17134