Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, September 07, 1864, Image 2

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    Vrtsbgttrian '*Cr.
41TTS13111011L WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 1864.
.The Preskytertn of the 3d inst., in its
reply to our remarks upon its comments on ,
the Princeton Review, corrects an error
into which we had fallen, in our statement
that one of its recognized editors was a
member of the last General Assembly.
Our error arose in part from the long and
. well known connection of its reporter with
that paper as a regular contributor; and
partly from the language of the reporter
himself. Toward the close of his report
in the Presbyterian of June 11th, he re
marks : "As ours are the only very full
reports that are published, we believe that
our readers will be satisfied to have them ,
extend over part of our next week's issue."
And the next•week it is editorially stated
of the MoPussults' case : As it pos
sesses a singular importance, we have re
ported it more fully ;" whilst on the same
page " Neshanook" makes himself known
as the reporter. We respectfully submit
that it was not a "singular error" on our
part to suppose that " Neshanock," who
manifested such an intense and " active "
interest in behalf of Dr. MCPEERETERS, was
"one of the recognized editors of the
The Presbyterian proceeds to say : "We
objected to Gen. ROSEMAN S' celebrated
,order when it first appeared, because we
believed it to be inconsistent with the
Spiritual independence of the Church."
When Gen. Rosxunkss' order first ap
peared, the Presbyterian (March 19th,)
whilst deploring the " incessant and use
less repetition of the oath" of allegiance,
objected to this particular order simply be
cause the General was a " bigoted adherent
of the Roman Catholic Church," and for
no other reason specified. The order
would operate unequally upon Catholics
and Protestants. Not until its issue of
May 14th, within a week of the meeting of
the Assembly, did it take the ground it
now occupies; and in the same article it
shows clearly that Dr. MOPEIKETERS and
his friends, having already taken the oath
of allegiance prescribed by the State of
Missouri, as necessary to be taken before a
marriage fie can 'be secured, were at full
liberty to attend the meetings of Presby
tory without any additional oath, and with
out let or hindrance. So far from being
debarred from attendance by conscientious
scruples, they had already complied volun
tarily with' all that Gen. ROSECRANS re
quired. This is evident also from the
Presbyterian's own report .(June 18th) of
Mr. STRONG'S speech, in which he says:
" They were not required to take the oath.
One of their number was informed of that
fact by the Provost Marshal General, in
ing of Presbytery. They had taken the
convention oath, and they voluntarily cer
tified that fact to the Major General corn
mending, and even added an uncalled for
asseveration of their loyalty." And again :
"By the special permission of the corn-
mending General, as appears from the let
ter he (Dr. MoP.) has read in your hear
ing, he had full permission to attend Presby
tery, and take any part he might deem neces
sary, in all matters affecting himself. This
he voluntarily refused to do." The same
thing is evident from a report, contained in
the last Presbyterian (Sept. 3d), of certain
proceedings of the Presbytery of Palmyra,
Mo. That Presbytery states upon its
records that "the object of the military
order in relation to Church courts is to en
force the laws of the State prescribing cer
tain oaths of allegiance, and that no new
oath is required of those who have com
plied with the laws." Could language be
more explicit ?—and this from a Presby
tery actually in session under regulations
which the Presbyterian objects to as a
subversion of the " spiritual independence
of the Church." Strange that the Pres
bytery of Palmyra could not see or feel
this spiritual degradation which the Pres
byterian so deeply deplores.
The Presb,yterian "assumes, that Dr.
MoPuzzatats has faithfully kept his oath,
because it has heard no allegation to the
contrary." It quotes the language of Mr.
STRONG, in the Assembly, in reference to
the charge that Dr. McPIIEZTERS had vio
lated his oath: "I have made no such
charge. I believe no such charge." But
the Presbyterian failed to quote the lan
guage of Mr. STRONG immediately follow
ing the words it has extracted. "I do be
lieve he has faithfully endeavored to keep
it, as he understood it. - But I think he
made a terrible and disastrous mistake
in the interpretation of his oath of allegi
ance. * * * * * His very silence,
his refusal to speak out for the Govern
ment, and his known sympathy for seces
sionists and rebels, wrought wischief to
the cause of the Union."—(Presb. June
18t1).) Now if we understand this lan
guage of Mr. STRONG, it means that Dr.
MatrurrEns has not himself murdered
any Union soldiers, but he notoriously
sympathizes with those who have. To the
time effect is the testimony of President
LINCOLN in hie letter to Gen. CUATIS :
cg Now, after talking with him, I tell
, you
frankly I believe he does sympathize with
the rebels." Such was the impression
produced on the President's mind, not by
Dr.. McPnEETERS* opponents, but by Dr.
BloPitzwrzits himself, in the very brief in-
terview he had with Mr. LINCOLN. We
respectfully submit—that such a man is
not the one to be held up before the coun
try as a model, for faithfully keeping hie
oath of allegiance.. Such fidelity as his
would have ruined us long ago.
Some . six months since, the Presbyterian
contained a letter from a correspondent in
St. Louis, in which letter the writer, in
referring to the church of which Rev. J.
J. PORTER is pastor, says: "It is the only
Old School livabyterian church, in St.
Louis in which both pastor and people
have 'earnestly opposed the cruel and wick
ed assn* of traitors upon our G-overn,
ment, and have been faithful witnesses
for the truth against the unfaithful teach
ings of sympathizers with rebellion."—
(Presb. Feb. 27, 1864.) Is this a false
witness 7
But that no injustice may be done to Dr.
MOPHEETERS, let us listen to his own lan
guage,quoted from one of his letters, as con
tained in the Presbyterian's report (June
18th): "As a minister of the Gospel, I
have only to say, that the point from which
I regard and deal with men, has never been
as a citizen of the Commonwealth, having
civil duties to perform, but is fallen sin
ners, having need of salvation. I have no
commission to uphold ,the State." And yet
this is the Man who has " faithfully kept
his oath of allegiance"!
It is all to no purpose, we respectfully
submit, for the Presbyterian to allege that
if the Banner believes that Dr. McPuma-
TEM has violated his oath, 41 it ought, in
honesty, to make the charge. It ought to
inform his Presbytery and ask an investi
gation." The avowal of such sentiments
as the above does not constitute such an
ixtfraction of the oath of allegiance as any
court, civil or ecclesiastical, could proceed
upon. There is no overt act; there is a
systematic refusal to act at all. But we
pat it to the Presbyterian itself: can a man
swear that—so help him God, to whom he
shall answer at the great day—he will sus
tain the Government under which he lives,
and then affirm--/ have no commission to
uphold the Suite, as a citizen no duties to
perform, and live in accordance with this
avowal, and ,yet, in the court of conscience,
be guiltless in regard to his oath ? We
would be glad to know whether the Pres
byterian regards this as g‘ a faithfully kept
It is sometimes contended that the mi
nority in Dr. MoPutETERS' church desired
hinfto preach polities from his pulpit, and
hence his difficulties. Their views may be
best learned from their own letter to their
pastor, in which they say (Presbyterian,
June 18th) : " We do not desire from you,
as we have before stated, any ostentatious,
or pulpit manifestations of attachment
to our Government, unless it should be
considered such to pray in public for the
President of these United States. * * * *
But we do ask that you will state in 'your
reply, in a plain and candid manner, wheth
er you are in favor of the Government of
the United States, * * * * or whether
you are in favor of the rebellion," &e.
Signed by thirty-one members of his
congregation. This moderate request he
regarded as an invasion of his ministe
rial rights, and declined a compliance.
What the reporter for the Presbyterian
thought of. Dr. MOPEEBTERSI position, is
sufficiently evident from his own report.
" But, Moderator, mark these words: when
the history of the struggle for religious
liberty and rights of conscience in this land
is fairly written, this suffering man will oc !
cupy a position on the roll of its honored
champions, which the best of us may en
vy !" So far as the reporter spoke for
himself, in his estimate of Dr. MCPHEE
-MRS' position as compared with his own,
he was perhaps the best qualified to judge.
— ISM we nave diwEtyli Vgai • ell ques
tion of Dr. MCPECEETERS' loyalty as for
eign to the action of the Assembly; upon
his Complaint. The Assembly itself, in
its deliverance, states; that this question
has not been properly before them, as it
was not pronounced upon in any Presbyte
rial action. This, it seems• to us, should
be conclusive that the Assembly did not
pass upon the question at all, and we have
felt some surprise that the friends of Dr.
MCPREETERS so persistently keep prom
inent a subject which, one would suppose,
they had much better withdraw to the
That which we regret in the deliverances
of the Princeton Review and the Presbyte
rian, is that their criticisms, so far as they
have influence, are calculated to weaken
the confidence of the churches in the judg
ments pronounced by its highest judica
tory. Such must be the inevitable, though
we feel sure the undesigned, tendency of,
the condemnation pronounced by the Re
view upon the Assembly, for sanctioning
" principles and acts deserving universal
reprobation," and which, for injustice and
wrong, have "few, if any, parallels in the
history of our Church," whilst the Presby
terian esteems this a criticism remarkable
for its * exceeding mildness—" the quiet
flow of words which have no harsh or bitter
In the civil war that, has been raging on
Such a stupendous scale in this country for
more than three years, and in its attendant
evils, the Christian sees much to discour
age. He interprets all these things to in
dicate that the Millennium is further off
than he believed it to be-; that the influ
ence of the Gospel in restraining the evil
passions of men is less than we ought to
look for, and that the power of sin and Sa
tan is so appalling, that but little resistance
can be raised against them. It is to be
feared that many minds in the Churek are
precisely in this condition, and that the
power of the Church is proportionately
weakened. For when faith is weak, every
grace and every effort suffer along with it.
But those who think and feel thus are in
great error. They forget the teachings of
God's Word, or have failed to understand
them rightly. No where in Holy Scripture
is it promised that there shall not be public
calamities, revolutions and wars before the
second coming of the Son of man. It is
not said in the Bible that faith shall not be
tried-; that self-denial shall not be prat.
tiled; that there shall not be sorrow, pain,
and death, before the restitution of all
things. But on the contrary it is directly
foretold that all these things shall Teally
visit the earth and afflict men sorely.
That there should be divisions, wars, and
rumors of wars ; that men's hearts should
fail them because of the things that were
coming upon the earth, was made known
to us by ,our Lord Jesus Christ himself.,
So when these things come upon us, we
must not consider them strange. We have
been told of them, and it is our duty to
meet them as becometh the servants of the
Great King. -
Nor when we see the malignity of- sin
and Satan" and the wide-spread ruin they
are causing, are WO for a moment to allow
our faith to be staggired. All this was
foreseen, and also foretold. Concerning
these things we have not been left in igno
rance. God informed us long ago that the
time was coming when, if it were possible,
Satan would deceive the very elect, when
all manner of wickedness would break forth,
when many would be deceived and led away
by false doctrines; so that however deep
and violent may be the rushing of the
floods of iniquity, we have not been left
unwarned—all has been predicted, and the
devout reader of God's Word will regard
it as one of the fulfilments of that proph
ecy which was given by inspiration of God.
In the meantime .there are evidences of
advance in the diffusion and practical ap
plication of the. Gospel, which throw gleams
of brightness and hope amid the dark
ness which may surround us for a time.
The Gospel is preached in Asia, Africa,
and the Islands of the Bea, and is winning
trophies to the Cross. The Bible is dis
tributed in Italy and Spain, and the people
receive it with gladness. Churches and
Christian schools are being established in
heathen lands ; and' a Christian civiliza
tion and literature is being introduced.
The advance guard of Immanuel's hosts,
hosts, has reached almost every land.
Nor when we look at home is all dark
even - here ; in the very midst of most fear
ful convulsions, the benign influence of the
Gospel is felt. . Money is contributed in
large sums for the evangelization of the
world. Never before did men - give as now
fir the endowment of Schools, Colleges,
andfito Theolooical Seminaries. ChuChurches
groaning under burdensome debts are freed.
Hospitals, asylums, and institutions for re
forming the degraded, are being founded :
while an , education at least nominally
Christian—nothing less would be tolerated
—is being provided for all.
And even war itself has been made to
flel the influence of Christianity as never
before in the history of the world. In no
other war ever waged, has so much been
done for'the bodies and souls of soldiers as
in this. What noble efforts has it called
forth I What large gifts What self-de
nying toils l What testimony to the truth
as it is in Jesus ! And never has there
been a War characterized by the magnanim
ity, humanity, and kindness to wounded
and captured enemies, which have been
displayed by the North in the present great
conflict for national existence. Would
that we could say as much of the South
But the cruelties of Libby Prison, Belle
Island, and the pens in which our brave
men are confined in Georgia and the Caro
linas, and the atrocities of Fort Pillow,
In vievicof all these things, it is evident
that the .Christian, longing and praying for i
the conversion of the world to Cl-od, and for
the universal prevalence of the law of kind
ness, has no well•founded reason for - des
pondency. His faith should be strength
ened, and his efforts stimulated; his prayers
should be more fervent and importunate;
and his hopes that the kingdom and the
greatness of the kingdom under the whole
heavens will be given to the people of. the
Most should be becoming brighter
arm- LCI
This Commission which has conferred so
many blessings on our soldiers and sailors,
has made arrangements for. extending its
operations, as will be seen by the following.
We are fully convinced that this arrange
ment will meet with a cordial response
from all Christian-and loyal people
The work of the United States Christian
Commission has grown far beyond the'most
sanguine expectations of its founders, and
is daily increasing. To carry it on and
extend it still further, until, if possible, it
shall become commensurate with the wants
of the army and navy and willingness of
the people, the Commission has been in
creased from twelve members, the original
number, to forty-sever. The Executive
Committee has also been enlarged from five
to fourteen. And' two secretaries, one for
homeand one for field organization, have
been associated with the general secretary,
heretofore alone in the work.
In this enlargement the aim has been
I. To bring into the counsels, activities,
and responsibilities of the work a large
number of distinguished Christian gentle
men, of well known wisdom, prudence, pa
triotism, piety and energy.
2. To preserve the nationality of the
Commission by the election of one or more
members from each loyal State and Terri
tory of the Union.
3. To preserve its catholicity by having
it embrace in its . membership the different
branches of the Church of Christ.
4. To increase its central executive force
by having a large number of members re
siding in Philadelphia and New York,
within -convenient distance of the central
office. - •
The following are the officers and Execu
tive Committee of the Commission
George H Stuart, Esq., Chairman
Joseph Patterson, Esq., Treasurer.
Rev. W. E. Boardman, Secretary.
Rev. Lemuel Mess,Sec. Home Organization
Rev. Bernice D. Ames, Sec. Field Organ
George H. Stuart, Esq., Philadelphia.
Rev. Bishop E. S. Janes, D. D., New York
C. Demand, Esq., Boston, Mass.
John P. Crozer, Esq., Philadelphia.
`Jay Cook, Esq , "
Joseph Patterson, Esq , "
Rev. Bishop M. Simpson, 13. D.,
Stephen Colwell, Esq., "
William. E. Dodge, Esq , New York.
Rev. Herman Dyer, D. D., 44
Walter S. Griffiths, Esq . , Brooklyn,.N. Y
G. S. Griffith, Esq Baltimore, Md. "
H. G. Jones, Esq.,
W. E Boardman, Ex. Off. 44
By order of the Executive Committee.
GEo. H. STUART, Chairman.
At a meeting of this Presbytery held,
August 25th, the Committee on the Min
utes of- the Assembly made the following
report on the Mona ETERS' case, which
was adopted
Your committee approves the action of
Rev.- W. L. BRECKINRIDGE, D. D., as a
Commissioner to the General Assembly, in
counselling and voting' to sustain the com
plaint in judicial ease, No. 5, as reported
upon pages 311, 312, 327, and 328, of the
printed minutes; and it is pained to find
such a discrepancy between his views and
action and that 'of the Assembly in the
case. In the judgment of your committee
the action of the Assembly in the case is
in violation of the Constitption of the
Church, unjust and injurious. to Dr. I'dc.
PEEETEUS, and as a precedent endangers
the rights of Pastore.
We regret that the members of the As
sembly opposed to its action did not enter
an earnest protest, to be spread upon the
minutes; and, inasmuch as this was not
done, we believe this Presbytery is called
upon to utter a clearly digested statement
of the facts, principles and law in the case;
and as the time the committee was able to
devote to the case wa., not sufficient for
maturing budh a paper; therefore,
Resolved 1. That further action upon
this paper be, .and hereby is postponed
until next meeting of Presbytery.
Resolved, 2. That a committee be ap
pointed to report such a paper to the Spring
The fbilowit% dissent was offered to the
above :
The undersigned, who agree with our
Commissioners in sustaining the complaint
of Dr. MOPHEIZERS before the late General
Assembly, beg leave to record their dissent
to the paper adopted by this Presbytery in
the case, for the following reasons :
1. We believe that it is incompetent for
this Presbytery to sit in judgment, upon,
and condemn the judicial decisions of the
highest appellate'court in our Church, after
they had deliberated and deoided the ease
as a judicial court.
2. Because -the paper of Presbytery pro
noun us the decision of the Assembly " un
constitutional," when the undersigned be
lieve that it was entirely in accordance
with the constitution, and that the Assem
bly, and the Presbytery had the right to
act in the premises.
3. We dissent because this paper under
takes to review, the whole case, and ap
points a committee to perform this work,
which we deem both unwise and discourte
ous to the highest court, especially as the
paper already protests against the decision
of the General Assembly,
W..C. • ATATTnEws,
The True Presbyterian says that the
same committee reported a paper condem
notary of the action of the -Assembly, on
the subject of. slavery, but it was deemed
best to refer the matter to the next regular
meeting of the Presbytery, especially as
many of the brethren were anxious to re=
turn home before the Sabbath, which
would have been impossible if the report
of the committee had been discussed at
length; and some of the brethren threat
ened to inflict upon our Presbytery very
long speeches in opposition to the report.
died at his residence Philadelphia; on
Friday, the 2d hist: Dr. WEST was a na
tive of Scotland, and abounded in remin
iscent:3es of the ministers, the literary men,
the habits ? and the scenery of that land.
His ministerial life was an active one, and
he performed the duties of the pastorate in
different places. For a time he was pastor
of the church in Meadville, Pa.; afterwards
he was settled in Erie County, Pa., in
Michigan, in the Fifth church of Pitts
burgh, in the church at M'Keesport,
and also in two mission churches in the
neighborhood of Philadelphia. For some
time previous to his death he had been
chaplain to one of the hospitals in West
Dr. WEST was remarkable for the facility
with which he quoted the Scriptures, gen
erally mentioning the very chapter and
verse. This peculiarity extended to all
parts of the Word of. God. His memory
amen34,4l.la_ratain_sivety portion of the-Bible
which he read or studied. Some years ago
he brought out an "Analysis of the Holy
Bible;" and during his ministry he pub
lished several sermons and small works.
His son, Rev. N. WEST, Jr., D.D., is
pastor of, one of our churches in Brooklyn,
N.Y. •
The President has issued the following
Proclamation which will Meet with a !tear
ty response from all loyal people :
Sept. 30.—The •signal success that Divine
Providence has recently vouchsafed to the
operations of the U. S. fleet and, army in
the harbor of Mobile, in the reduction of
Fort Powell, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan,
and the glorious achievements of our army
under Gen. Sherman in the State of Geor
gia, resulting in the-capture of the city of
Atlanta, call for devout acknowledgments
to the Supreme Being, in whose hands are
the .destinies of nations. It 'is therefore
requested that on next Sunday in all places
of worship in the United States, thanks
giving be offered to Him for his mercy in
preserving our national existence against
insurgent rebels who have been waging a
cruel war against the government of the
United States, for its overthrow; and• also
that prayer be made for. Divine protection
to our brave soldiers and their leaders in
the field, who have so often and so_gallant
ly perilled their lives in battling with the
enemy, and for blessing and comfort from
the Father of mercy to the sick, wounded
and prisoners, and >to the orphans and
widows of those who have fallen in the ser
vice of their country; and that he will
continue to uphold the government of the
United States against all efforts of public
enemies and secret foes.
Another number will complete the pres
ent ,Volume of the Banner. The present,
therefore, is a very suitable time for our
friends to obtain new subscribers, - which
we hope they will continue to do. In
times such as these, we are necessarily
greatly dependent on the , efforts of minis
ters, elders, anct laymen, for success in the
work to which we have devoted ourselves.
And subscribers will save us much trouble
by renewing promptly as' . their time ex
pires, or'a little in advance.
Allegheny Theological Seminary. The
next session .of the Seminary will com
mence on -Monday, 12th inst. Students
will assemble at 4 o'clock T. •31. in the
when rooms will be distributed
The opening address will be delivered on
Tuesday, at 10 A. M. Prompt attendance
is requested. The Rev. PROFESSOR A. A.
HODGE will enter upon his duties in the
Departmeht of Didactic and Polemic Thc.
ology : and the corps of Profess Ors will be
full. Students Who are in need can be
aided. Board can be had in families at
$2.25, and upwards.
The Synod of Allegheny.-This body meet 3
at Meadville on the 22d inst. Subscribers
will have a favorable opportunity to send
their subscriptions by the pastors and el
ders. The brethren of that Synod, than
whom the Banner has no better support
ers, will please interest 'themselves in ex
tending our circulation, thus doing us a
kindness, and at the same time :benefiting
their people.
Fare to the Meeting of the Synod of Alle
gheny,—The Rev. Dr. REYNOLDS writes us :
" I have secured the making of arrange
ments for the return free of charge over
the A. and G. W. R. R., of members of
Synod who pay full fare coming. Mr.
JUNKINhas promised to endeavor to have
the same arrangements made over the P.
and Eric IL H., as far as Newcastle. He
does not doubt he will succeed. Beyond
Newcastle we have no influence."
A Suggestion.—A valued correspondent
suggests that since the candidates for the
Presidency and the Platforms of the par
ties which they represent, are now fairly
before the people, that. Christians make the
approaching Presidential election the sub
ject of special prayer because of the great
issues involved in it to the Church and the
Nation. •
Tin American Presbytcrian.—This paper,
connected with the New School branch of
the Presbyterian Church, has advanced its
subscription price from $2.00 to $2.50 if
paid within three months, and $3.00 if not
paid until the end of the year..
The Meeting of the Executive Committee
of the Board of Colporlage is postponed
until Monday, the 19th inst., at 2 o'clock.
Old Sebool.—The eldest son of the Rev.
Loyal Toung, 'l') D.D of Butler, Pa has en
listed in his country's service. Three oth
er sons are in the service, and all of them
have been wAnded—one severely.
The Pine Street church, of St. Louis, re
mainS elose.d,- a majority of the members
still adhering to Dr. McPbeeters.
The Sixteenth Street church of the same
city, formed by a large colony, along with
the pastor, Rev. Dr. Brookes, from" — the
Second church, is represented to be in an
exceedingly flourishing condition.
The Rev. Jacob R. Winters, a native
of Canonsburg, Washington Co., Pa., has
been prdillung in the Second church for a
few Sabbaths.
The interests of our branch of the
Church are in great confusion and uncer
in the important city of St. Louis.
Sometimes it seems an if all our churches
there would be rent in twain' or scattered.
And all this -trouble- has originated, in
great - measUre, from the want of thorough
loyalty in the leading pastors. Their sym
pathies were undoubtedly with the rebel
The H. Y. Observer informs us .that a
letter just received from a gentleman now
in the South' says : "Dr. Palmer, formerly
of New Orleans, preaches in the Presbyte
rian church, (Columbia, S. C.) Dr. Le
land is suffering from a Paralytic stroke.
The Seminary in Columbia is reduced to
five students. All the other Seminaries,
including the Episcopal, are closed, the
inmates having been compelled to join the
The Rev. L. B. W. Shryock has received
a unanimous and very urgent call to become
pastor of the church of Krlightstown, In
• Established Church of Scotland. —The
Rev. William Porteous is on trial before
the Established Presbytery of Glasgow
for using, other men's thoughts and lan
guage as his own. It seems that by the
laws and discipline of the Church of Scot
land a man who does such things is treat
ed as a culprit, and if the plagiarisms al
leged against Mr. Porteous are proved to be
downright thefts, he will be turned out of
his living and his church. If we have any
of his class of people on this side of the
water—ministers who borfow other men's
sermons, we mean—a report of Mr. Porte-
Oils' trial might not be unprofitable read
United.—The fiftieth anniversary of the
venerable Rey. Dr. Seroggs over the Fair
field congregation,, in the Presbytery of
Westmoreland, will be celebrated by a meet
, ing.of Presbytery, and with appropriate ex
ercises, in that place, on Tuesday the 20th
instant. Meeting at half-past 10, A. M.
German Reformetl.—The Rev. Mr. Wag
oner, lately called to the pastorate of the
German Reformed church of Pittsburgh,
has entered upon his labors with great
promise of usefulness. The congregation
is not large, but very active and spirited,
The. Baptist Missionary Union has called
convention of all its missionaries in Bur
mah, to assemble in November next. The
chief object of the meeting is to consult on
measures for carrying the mission Church
_ es forward to the capacity of supporting
and regulating themselves.
Rev. Dr. Kincaid, in a letter to the Bap
tist Bible Society, acknowledges the receipt
of $5OO for printing the New Testament in
order to supply native preachers and native
Christians. Two editions are to be printed,
one in the common large type, the other in
small. Burman type, to accommodate, espe
cially, the native preachers, as they travel
from village to village. The number of
native preachers, including Pastors and
Evangelists, Karen and Burman, must be
nearly 200, and besides these, there are a
large number that.may be called lay preach
ers, who spend more or, less time • in the
course of the year, among their acquaint
ances and relatives, reading and, teaching.
The Rev. Mr. Boulding, of Glasgow,
said to be a young man of marked promise,
and one of the first class of Mr. Spurgeon's
theological students, has " renounced anti
pedobaptism as unscriptnral." He adopts
infant baptism as an " essential and scrip
tufal part of the Christian system."
The Scott Street Church" inCovington,
_Kentucky, which belongs to the Methodist
Episcopal Church South, has solemnly re.
solved to bold no communion with rebels.
At a meeting of the - members, held on the
15th instant, the following resolutions were
adopted :
"That we regard it the most solemn duty
of- all official orguis of the church to give
decided and unequivocal utterance to the
testimony of the Uhurch in favor of loyalty
to the general government of the• United
" That we regard it a clear and palpable
violation of the twenty-third article, and an
act of disloyalty against the United States,
to receive and give the Church of Jesus
Christ in charge of fugitive rebels from
other conferences, who have been con
strained to leave those conferences on ac
count of their disloyalty.
"That we regard it as inconsistent with
our standards and discipline, and inimical
to the success of the Church in conserving
sound merals and good government, to
retain any man in the Christian ministry
who is known to be disloyal.
"That we, as a Church, would deprecate
having any one to exercise the functions
of a minister of Christ in our midst, who
is not truly and heartily loyal to the gov
ernment of the United States.
" That the preacher in charge is re
quested to lay the foregoing preamble and
resolutions before the ensuing Annual Con
The name _lndependent Methodist has
been assumed by several churches, begin
ning with that of Rev. Dr. H. Mattison, of
New York. A Methodist church in Cin
cinnati, has recently gone over to them.
Their peculiarities are the independenca
of each individual church as to its property,
its business, as to the choice of its pastor
and the tenure of his continuance; dis
pensing with bishops, presiding elders and
ordained deacons; welcoming Calvinists
and Arminian° alike to .membership; lib
erty of choice respecting the mode of bap
tism; recommending, bat not enjoining
attendance Upon class meetings. From the
name adopted, we suppose there must be
some _Methodist feature remaining to this
new connection, but we do not exactly, see
A letter from the Rev. Dr. Butler, the
Superintendent of the Methodist Mission
in says that the Mission press is
actively employed in printing the Holy
Scriptures. In a letter of the 28th Jane,
he says: " Our printer has now nearly the
whole of the Psalms printed in the com
mon language of the people. It will make
a neat• volume, and, I think, will do credit
to our press in its execution. In this
great work we, aro nobly aided by .the
American Bible Society."
A writer in the New York Evening
Post, speaks in this wise of the Rev. Dr.
" The resignation of Rev. Milo Mahan
of his ' St. Mark's-in-the-Bowry' Professor
ship of Ecclesiastical -History in the Gen
eral Theological Seminary has been fol
lowed by his acceptance of the rectorship
of St. Paul's Church, Baltimore—not Phil
adelphia, as previously announced—a place
formerly filled by the late Rev. Dr. Wyatt.
The congregatiop of St. Paul's is strongly
secession in its tendencies. A correspond
ent writes us that Dr. Mahan's political
views will not be distasteful to his new
flock; and adds : '
" In the last convention of the Protest
ant Episcopal Church, held in this city in
October, 1862, Judge Hoffman'offered re
solutions declaring the acts of the southern
Bishops and clergy in following their re
spective States in'the rebellion, to be sins
of rebellion, sedition and schism, and ask
ing the House of Bishops to revise the
homily against disobedience and wilful re
bellion. Dr. Mahan made the most power
ful speech of the convention aping it, as
all know who :heard it, and stood side by
side with Judge Chambers, a delegate from
Baltimore, who is a well-known secession
ist... Dr. Wyatt was here then and voted
with them.
"It is well known among churchmen
that confidence in the Seminary has been
shaken, in consequence of the secession
proclivities of its professors and instructors.
And now is the time, before another ap
pointment is made to succeed Dr. Mahan,
for the trustees to require the oath of alle
giance from the new incumbent, by a reso
lution to be pissed by them before they
make the nomination, as .I am told that a
meeting of the Board has been.called."
The Rev. Dr. Goodwin, Professor of the
University of Pa., is preparing a reply to
the work of Bishop Hopkins on slavery.
The Gettysburg Star, referring to the
late resignation of the venerable Dr. Soh
mucker, says
Dr: Schnineker, as we understand, was
elected by the General Synod of the Lu
theran Church in 1825, , as the first profes
.sor of the. Theological Seminary then to be
established, and commissioned to visit the
churches and solicit funds for its endow
ment. For many years he spent his yam
tions in similar efforts, and collected in all
upwards of $25,000.
In September, 1826, the institution was
opened in the Adams County Academy,
now known as Mrs. Eyster's Female Semi
nary, and continued there for some years,
until the present eligible Seminary. edifice
was completed. For several years Dr. S.
"had charge of the entire course of instruc
tion, having been the only Professor.
He has now continued regularly to deliv
er his Lectures for nearly forty years.
The number of students who have been
educated in , the institution during this
time, is upwards of four hundred, many of
whom now occupy the most important
posts as pastors in the Lutheran Church,
and professors in her literary and theologi
cal institutions. In 1827 Dr. S. purchas
ed the Adams County Academy, and es
tablished the Gettysburg Gymnasium as a
classical Institution, mainly for the better
qualification of young men designed for the
Theological Seminary,and also for all other
pupils. He also took a leading part in the
elevation of the Gymnasium into our pres
ent prosperous College, and in procuring a
charter and appropriation from the Legis
lature. In addition to his labors in teach
ing, Dr. S. during this time, also published
a number of works on different departments
of theological science and of philosophy,
several of which have been commended by
British reviews and re-published in Eng
For the. Presbyterian Banner.
Educational Convention of the North-west,
CHICAGO, 111., Sept. 1, 1864.
MESSRS. EDITORS :—The Educational
Convention of the North-west met here on
Wednesday, August 24th. About thirty
delegates (ministers and laymen) were
present, representing five Synods. The
Convention continued in session one day.
Its deliberations were conducted through
out with an earnestness and unanimity that
augurs well for the great object in view.
A Presbyterian College in the Northwest,
worthy of the name and the country, is a
felt necessity. The Convention embodied
its conclusions in the following resolutions :
1. That in the opinion of the Conven
tion, the time has now come when every
indication of Providence points to the ne
cessity of a concentrated effort by the
Synods of the North-west for the establish
ment of one central institution in our
midst for collegiate instruction.
2. That in our view, our first efforts
should be directed toward securit , for this
purpose a liberal endowment from the
friends of Presbyterian education.
3. That the Convention recommend that
the endowment of the proposed College
Shall be $300,000, and that no step be taken
looking to an organization of the Institu
tion until $lOO,OOO be secured.
4. That the Constitution adopted by the
Conventien for the organization of the Col
lege, be respectfully submitted to the Syn
ods, as a suitable Constitution for' the• con
templated College.
5. That if these views meet-with the
approval of the Synods at their coming
meetings, they be requested to appoint
each a Committee of Conference, who shall
be empowered to act for them, in connec
tion with other similar Committees, in
making the necessary preliminary arrange
mente for the organization and endowment
of such an Institution • ..nd that said Gsn
eral Committee meet i Fullerton Aver,se
church, on the second Wednesday a t
vember, at 7 P. M.
6. That this subject be now referred to
the Synods immediately interested, with
the earnest request to take decisive
thereon at their next meeting, considering
the high interests involved, and seekin g
spirit of unity and sacrifice of local p.a.
erences by which only the general eau
of Presbyterian education in our midst can
be efficiently advanced. A. G. IV.
United States Christian Commission
The Army Committee of Western Penr,-
sylvania, presents the following report of its
operations during the month of August,
1864. Only two delegates have been coin
missioned, Rev. J. R. Reasoner, of 31ss.
kingnm County, Ohio, to the Army of the
Cumberland, and Mr. W. IL Bayne, to the
Army of the Potomac. Delegates are now
greatly needed, especially in the Army of
the Cumberland. Applications for cote.
missions may ; be made in person, or by let
ter to the Treasurer.
The Treasurer acknowledges the receipt
of the folluwing contributions :
By Editor of Christian Advocate $68.73
Union Meeting M. E. church, Salem, 0.. 50 00
Columbiana church, 0' 10 23
Penna. Avenue church, Pittsburgh il.t ) o
'Wesley Chapel, 411
•• ....... 3.40
Greene Circuit church, West Va 5 oo
Sugar Knob Class, fa . . ; . Co
Deeraville, Ohio 15.00
Mt. Zion, Jefferson county, 0 (3.89
Minerva, " .. 8.211
Freesburg, " or 2.15
Clintonville, Venango county, Pa 3.23
First church, Pittsburgh 220.00
Second church, • ~, 77.00
Fourth do. " 65 00
Fifth do. " 4 4 18.45
Third do. Allegheny 25.41
Sunbury, Butler county, Pa • 65.00
Glade Ran . " 44 12.00
Turtle Creek, 41 161.00
Elderton, Indiana co., ~ ' 13.00
', " 17.20
Clinton, Butler co., if 12,00
Unity, Belmont co., Ohio • 30.45
Uniontown, ‘' " 9.70
Goshen, ca 5 25
Le Claire Prairie, Scott co., lowa ... 10.110
ML Pleasant, Westmoreland 00., Pa....... 105 00
Pleasant Unity, " ~ 112.00
Poke Run Aid Society " " 46 00
New Salem, .. If 49.15
Bethany, Allegheny co 85 is
Butler church, Ladies' Christian Com.— 25 OU
Saltsburg Sabbath School S r,o
Fourth °hurt:di, Pittsburgh 20.00
Leechburg, Pa 24.11)
Hopewell church, Clinton, Pa 20.75
Meadville, Pa., (N. S. 32.80
do. t , (0_ S.) • 80 00
Canonsburg, Pa., (4th July collection)... 50.00
Franklin, g; 77.00
Clinton, " 8.05
Cochranton, " 45.0$
Raccoon, Washington co., Pa 54.00
Ebenezer, Indiana " .
18 04
Beulah church, Wilkinsburg, Pa.. 55.05
West Union, West :7 - Vs. - 85.00
Bethel, Ward co., W.Vi ' 10.00
Canfield, Ohio 20.00
Cambridge, te - 53.30
Goshen, ~ 16 07
Mount Eaton,
- " 14.00
Libertyville, lowa 10.00
Apple Creek, Wayne county, Ohio 54.54
Chr. Com Washington co., Pa., (addl.) 1,000.00
Ladies' C. Corn. of Pittsb'gh and Alle'y... 140.00
Soldiers' Aid Soc. Smith Creek, Warren
county, Ili
Sold's Aid Society, Smicksburg and Ma
honing tp., Indiana co., Pa...._,,....... 140.00
Soldiers' Aid Society, Burrel tit., West
moreland co., Pa
Soldiers' Aid Society, Day Ridge, West
moreland co. Pa
Soldiers' Aid Soc'y, Latrobe,.Westmore
moreland co., Pa 20.00
Soldiers' Aid Society, Mount Pleasant,
Westmoreland co., Pa 14.35
Soldiers' Aid Society, Elder'S Ridge, Pa. 7.60
Soldiers' Aid Society, Riemersburg, " 25.00
Soldiers' Aid Society, Dayton, " 50.00
Soldiers' Aid Society, Sugar Grove, War
ren co. Pa 10.00
Union Relief Assoc'n, Western Pa 20.00
Sol. Aid Soc'y, Seville, Medina co., 0..... 10.00
J—n, Kittanning, Pa 10.00
Miss Salie Kuhn, Eakin, " 50.00
H. Stone, Tionesta, 44 40.00
Mrs. Maria Chambrs, Pittsburgh 40.00
" Wm. McGregor, 16 10.00
" Scott,. 4 g 20.00
L. C. Magaw, Meadville, Pa 10.00
E. F., Smithfield, 10.00
T. Rankin, Jr„ Buena Vista, " 10.00
James Ruseell, N. Jackson, " 5.00
John Green Lee, Mercer co., " 10.00
S. A. Samuelson, Warren, " . 5.51
J. A. Glasser, Wurtembnrg, " 5.00
Mrs. Letice Glasser, " " - 5.00
Mrs. M. A. Williams, McKeesport 5.00
James Porter, Clintonville 5.00
Mrs. M. C. McKay" 2.00
P.amelia, Coneautville, Pa . 2.00
Kate Irwin, Congruity, Pa., (Silver quar
ter)' 1.00
F. H. Pettis, - Tappan 0 10.00
Miss. Sue C.-Sherrard, Steubenville, 0..... 5.00
Mrs. Moore, Coneonville, 0 2.00
Mrs. Lavinia J. Sloan, Limestone, Pa..... 10.00
Churches, Bt. Clairsville, 0 53.12
United Brethren, Madison, Pa 108.59
Fast Day collection, New Vernon, Pa..... 12,25
" " Sheakley ville 13.25
2d German Lutheran church, Pittsburgh, 6.16
St. John's Lut.h. church, Sewickley, Pa... 22.00
English " Greensburg, Pa.. 30.00
Evangelical Association, Pittsburgh. 12 00
Ross Street Congregational church, Pitts
Welsh Society, New Mines, Pa
Ist Baptist church, East Birmingham......
Ist Cumberland Presbyterian church,
Pittsburgh * 7.00
Mars Hill Sabbath School, Pa 33.50
Congregational church, Canfield, 0 8.50
Collection by John King, Liverpool, Pa.. 900
Girls and Boys of Monterey, Pulaski co.,
Indiana * 7.75
Citizens of Hammersville, Allegheny
co., Pa - 136.34
Citizens of West Overton, Westmoreland
co., Pa • -
Citizens of Burgettstown, Washington
co., Pa 42.00
Citizens of Dis. No. 1, Allegheny town
ship, Westmoreland co
Citizens of Dig. No. 2, Lancaster, Butler
co, Pa
Citizens of Tarentum, Pa..
Sundry cash donations
Concert at North Branch church, $4O 25
Pie Nic in Ohio township 64.25 104.50
Total re.ceipts of month $ 5,176.51
Previously acknowledged 84,617.00
The following contributions of hospital
stores have been received during the month
of August : •
3 boxes. of hospital stores "from '
Aid Society of Independenoe and
Washington co.
1 box -do. from Ladies' Aid Sol
Roseville, Clarion co.
1 box do. from Ladies' Aid Sol
Monongahela City.
1 box of do. from 'Soldiers' Aid
of Greenfield, Mercer co., Pa.
1 box do. from ladies of Clinl
Venango co., Pa.
I box do. from Ladies' Aid So ,
Smicksbnrg and' West Alahoning,
county, Pa.
1 box do. from ladies of - Scr
Armstrong co., Pa.
1 box do. from Union Aid So
Dayton, Armstrong co., Pa.
1 box do. from Deer Creek Soldier
Society, Coitsville, Ohio.
1 box do. from Lionville Soldier
1 barrel of rags from Ladies' ~
clay, Latrobe Pa.
1 box hospital stores from Soldil
Society, Alliance, Ohio.
1 box Blackberry Cordial from
'Creek chard. Crlasgow, Ohio.