JAMES ALLISON, nDITOILI Bi) BERT PATTERSON, JAMES ALLISON & CO., Proprietor*. TERMS IN ADVANCE. By vait, (8007 or in Clubs t ) 09.00 NoviJun) It mans os nu Orme- 9.50 News .ending ter este enbaorlbere and Upward; win De thereby entitled to a paper without charge, and another' rim peter fur the second ten ; Renewals should be prompt, a little before the year expires. , Direct all lettere to JAMES ALLISON Sz CO., • PITTSBITROR, PA. Six Weeks in the Potomac Army; OR, now TEE HOE MAN GOT WELL No. IX. To the Rapidan. if We are marching along." Half-past four o'clock--and at last we are moving I And your patience is being relieved. !Mang, ever-and anon I- - -•- But do you not see that there is a neces sity for it Y A wagon forward breaks down, or gets feat in the mud. This stops the next, and this the next, and so on ,to the eud of the train, no matter if it were five miles long. And here at length we have fallen in with the division to which Gen. Burnside assigned us—the first of hie corps. And henceforward you will feel more at home—provided you can keep in your place. Do n't see how we can well get out of it, with this immense train of wagons both before and behind us. The eye cannot reach the end in either direction. .I, have not seen anything that so much impressed me with the vaainess of army movements. Then remember that " large bodies move slowly." And this is Brandy Station I bare, bald, and desolate—the troops all gone! Of the city of white tents that covered this plain during the past Winter, and but a few days siace, not one remains. Forward march I" makes wonderful changes in army life. But who are these civilians coming up on Lot? Sure enough ! here come our five who were forwarded by rail last evening. They have missed the train somewhere, and so catch up by Wallter i e line." But they are tired no doubt, and as it is high noon, we all, need dinner. Let some one go for water, and another put on a fire, while we open up the mess chest and get out pro visions. What is that man blacking bis boots for—just in the midst of things4—when he cant take a . dozen steps before they will be covered with ,dust, or, by amiss step, with mud ? 0, "habit is everything," you know. But come, sit down to dinner. The relics of this station allow us a rarity in this kind of life—a table , and seats—sit down. But here comes Mr. (3 , one of the business agents of the Commission—in a' harry, too. What's wanted, Mr. C "I want that table, quickly. It belongs to the Commission, and must be sent back on this train which is just leaving." Well, " There is many a . slip 'twist the oup and the lip." Clear the table, boys, and let him have it. It is well he don't want the dinner, also, for it, too, ,belongs to' the Commission I What are you marking on that camp• kettle lid ? Marking! we are writing a letter. "it is no shift td want," and if you can't have a table, use a piece of sheet iron instead, if you can get it. We have . just reed - Ted a letter from home via Annapolis, Md., and must answer. • Why, . I thought we were going to camp here for the night l But we have just received orders to move on, and at live o'clock , must pack up and leavet—to camp no one knows when or where. It's a great nuisanoe to have this great bale of hay to roll out, and especially in, every time we atop. A change- in oar company occurs perceive. Three have been "“relieved,", and a new man added. " Changes are lightsOme,” at-times. Our number was too large. What's the matter with your bpot Matter why , you: know one of ourl.egu 'Miens -reads ) , "Delegates accompanying the wagon should always keep in- sight on the march;" endeavoring to gem ply, this . 4 sacred soil" deceived us, the cru§t of a mud-hole yielded, and' down went our boot, deep—" that ?a what,* the mattq." This marching in the dark is not eo agreeable. I guess our new man will so conclude before long. You know we arc required to keep well as closed up" with wagons before us in the train. This, a mile or so back, made it necessary for our team to start off on a double-quick; and to " keep it in sight" required the same of 'us who were then on foot; but, on trial, he declared he couldn't stand it. We told him he would have to "fall out," then, and are begin ning to fear that he really did, for we hay et seen Mai since. But here be Cowes, tired enough. "Regulations" are trying. • Two o'clock in the morning, and halting at bet I Du let believe we would have stopped to-night, however, -if it had not been discovered that, we were. two, miles OD a wrong road—heading for ..Ely's instead of Germania Ford, on the Rapidan, which is now but a short distanee before us. Rather a novel scene this : wagons parked in the road—large fire surrounded by Commission men asleep in their blan kets—while you alone are leisurely tout ing dried beef on a spit. Yes; we are hungry, and are going to have supper, if it is three o'clock in the morning. This bread and beef tells of our intentions. Five o'clock—and we are retrieving our error of two miles. How much.sleep did you get this morning ? About thirty, minutes, we should think. The bread and beef disposed of, we out some pine ,tutts, made a bed , of them, and lay down by the fire. But one and another belonging to the train, coming up, to see what they °Quid see about our camp, talked us out of most of what little time was Left for sleep. • What thousands of .cavalry are filing Past us in haste, toward our,rear I They appear to be coming from Germania.. Ford and going. to Ety'S.. " There is something in the wind," And here, _right before us, runs the Rapidan. A pontoon Ipidge spans it, which was fired ,upon by Lee no longer ago than yesterday. And .why his troops could not have held the -ford from, those opposite heights, we aann.ok well see. B ut . they are all gone now, and we may M 9 SS eafety. By the way, Aisle the first pontoon bridge we have seen, and is rather a nice.thing ; a number of small flats'" anchored a few yards apart, parallel with each other and with the stream; upon these, at right angles with them and reaching from one to another, are " stringers ;" and upoi these again , are laid narrow planks, forming thus a solid bridge from bank to bank— the whole capable of 'being taken up and carried upon wagons from river to river. Eight o'clock in the morningr—parked upon the southern blink of the Rapidan, ocoupying the late camping ground of the rebels, and with the prospect of some"hOurs rest -,'And now that we' ave had time' to re'. +yer a little from our .fatigue, suppose 'wit go dowry to the rider and bathe. h very wholaierat propositiai r provided Por the Presbyterian Banner r * : /LI t . oLit, • r a 41 'V VOL. XII. NO. 50 the banks are not infested with sharp shooters ; for this (lust of travel has en tered deeper than our outer garments. Let us go. O ! this water is cold ! But dip quiok and you can stand it. Hark ! Boom ! Boom I Boom I At a distance, but " the ball is opened" in some form. There again ! We have had a good wash, at any rate, come what may, and with clean clothes, feel almost asi much `refreshed 'as if we had had a few hours sleep. Three o'clock P. M., and the cannonading increases ! besides, some of our party say that from the hill beyond, musketry can be heard distinctly. Your Agent, armed with canteen, crack ers and sardines, has gone forward on horseback to see what is up. You will see blood spilt before long, I fear, and find sad work for the Commission. It is now dark—We have no orders to move on—we need sleep, and must try to get some. But we cannot pitch our tent, not, knowing at what hour of the night, nor bow suddenly, we may be called to march. You may creep in among the stores I will take my blankets and lie down on the ground here under the wagon. The rest are disposing of themselves in like manner, feeling as well as we their want of the "sweet restorer; " and yet I feel as though, if need be, I could go to work without it. But you will think that " the sick man" is getting better fast, if we keep on—so, good-night I C. For the Presbyterian Banner The Freedmen. To all our Presbyterian Brethren West of the Atteyhenies: The last General Assembly appointed the undersigned its Webtern Committee on the instruction of the Freedmen. We abk you, dear Brethren, to enable •us to enter immediately upon this work. God has opened before us a new field for Christian enterprise. Nearly half a million of Col ored people ' lately in servitude, have been thrown within the lines of the National forces, and their number is constantlyin creasing. They come as fugitives hunted by their enemies. They are almost with out clothing, and without shelter. What they' suffer, and what multitudes perish, none can tell. We cannot state, at present, even the ap proximate numbers gathered in the various localities of the territory assigned to this Committee. Vrom forty to fifty thousand are along the Mississippi alone from Co lumbus to Natchez ; and there are thou sands at Nashville, Corinth, and upon the plantations of Louisiana. They are suf ferers from a condition. of things for which they cannot be held responsible. Their; cry is that of perishing humanity. Shall it not reach the heart of the followers of Jesus ? Rations are served, in many places, for the deptitute; but Government provides no clothing for the women and 'helpless chil dren. Much has been done by benevolent associations, but more remains to he done. But their physical wants, pressing as they are, are small when we think of rheir mor al and spiritual condition. They must be taught to read the Word of God. They must have a preached Gospel— God's appointed means of saving souls. They must be instructed in the duties, involved in their new condition, as masters of their own persons, time and families. They Must have the liberty wherewith Christ makes free, or perish utterly. They are a people singular for the relig ions element fuuud among them. They are intensely earnest in their desire to learn to read. Thousands attend Prayer meetings conducted by themselves. Surely it is Ethiopia stretching forth her hands to God. Now, Brethren, what shall we do f The door is open—ministers and teachers are ready to enter upon the work. -Ohrietian's of other denominations welcome us to a hearty cotiperation--the Committee waits your bidding. We cannot take a step without money. We appeal in the name of the Master ; who became a servant to those whom he has made free. We ask, in the name of the General As sembly, for contributions from the church es and benevolent individuals of our de. nomination West of the Alleghenies We unite w,th the Eastern Committee in say-- ing " please be prompt. While we hesi tate, they die. Be liberal, for the work is great." Take nothing from the other branches of the Churches' work; but oh ! please give something to this, and surely, the bleeeing of Rim that was ready to per ish will come upon.ui. N. tf.—Send your contributions to James M. Ray, Treasurer of the. Western Com mittee, at Indianapolis, Indiana. • Ladies may do much by providing clothing for the women and children, who have -little to protect them from the coining Winter. Ray. J. H. NIXON . , JAMES M Ray, Indianapolis. CHARLES N, TODD, REV. 8. C. LOGAN, Valparaiso, JESErn L. WILLIAMS, Fe. Wayne, lnd. General Assembly's Western Committee of the Religious Instruction of Freedmen. VALPARAISO, Ind., Aug. 19, 1864. • The General Assembly's Western Com mittee for the Religious• Instruction of Freedmen, was organized on the 21st of July, by the appointment of the following officers, viz : J•. EL NIXON ) Cluarn S C LOGAN, Seeretary, JAS. M. RAY, treasurer They received a number of applications from ministers and teacherswlfO are willing to enter upon the, work. All applicants will please bear in mind the order of the General Assembly requiring the endorse ment of Presbyteries before they can be employed, by the . Committee. The Com mittee wait for Wads in order to a vigor ous prosecution of their work. They have issued the above Circular to the church es. May it meet with that hearty, response which the cause demands. By order of the Committee,. S. C LOGAN, Sec'y. • For:the Preebyterlan Banner A Preacher Wanted. zrt SPRINGS ) .INN COUNTY, KANSAS, ' August. 18, 1864. f EDITORS BANNPIt this'neighbor hood, flir nearly a year, we have been laL boring to obtain a minister of the Old Sohool Presbyterian church, but unsuccess fully, although we have applied to Presby tery, to the Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Home .Missions, and to a Profes sor in one of our Theological Schools. Several of our members - much preferred application to the latter, as his intimate ao quaintance with the theological students, prOminently qualified him to know the talents, acquirements, and adaptability of 'individuals to our wants. This place for merly constitited a part of a minister's charge which received a stipulated amount from the Board of Domestic Missions, and which, if a suitable man could be obtained —a mien, as a letter from's:Rev. D.D. slue, "of .piety„ talents, and industry; whom PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1864 WHOLE NO. 619. the Presbytery would recommend—l am in rormed by the member of the Board of Domestic Missions in our Presbytery, would receive about 88r10 from that source Also, we. have now 61 '.O signed for a min ister in our neighborhood for the half of his time, which will be spent in two dis; tinct places, about four miles apart—the other half to be spent at Mound City about sixteen miles from here, with two places about three or four miles apart. 1 was in fer Med NO; Fall, that . at that place about $l2O or $l5O could be raised. - There are but,afew,MeMbers of the Old School Presbyterian . Church in our neigh borhood. Some three families of the U. P. Church are anxious to obtain a minister' of the Old School. Presbyterian Church,• and will heartily co . Operate with us in, order to have a minister of the Presbyte rian order.. 'Our efforta, have heretofore been fruitless, although at onetime we'had strong helms of a young man from Ohio,' and it was with much regret that his ser, vices were , not obtained. Between. the two farthest places, of preaching is only about,. sixteen wiles, and the two places for even ing service are nearly between these two, and are not distant from each other more than about ten or twelve miles. With what aid can be secured from the Board of Domestic Missions, I think a W ei); of $5OO or $550 can easily be raised. We have several in our neioborbood who formerly belonged to the Cougregational- We, who alSo cooperate with us in, our, ef forts to obt-lin a minister. This is almost entirely a prairie country. Timber is principally confined to the streams and water tiourses. The land is moderately undulating, and the declivities of the hills are frequently rocky. The soil is rich, and is easily farmed. Though the drunth this year has been severe, yet farmers have raised an ample supply of wheat, and there is a prospect of more than an average, half crop of-corn. Some think they will iaave from silty to seventy bushels per acre; but in other: localities there will be an abund int crop. As to the morals of :our country, they are nut very high, or rather they are very low. Hence our need of a minister who may be instrumental in elevating the mor als of our cutuninnity, and establishing a permanent organikation - of the Presbyterian church in our midst. He will have to con tend with nearly the' whole cats! .gue of sins mentioned in 2. Pet. iii : 2-5, which are the precursors and producers of hard and perilous times, and he should therefore be pan 'plied with armor for the - spiritual warfare. Our country is very healthy, and has been since 1859, when the chills, and fever prevailed; which was_ generally supposed to arise from so much prairie having been broken up that year, as there is no appa rent local oauee for disease, the country be ing entirely free from marshes and pools of stagnant water. I consider there is as much, personal safety here as any, where else in our coun t* There as yet has been no raid into it by. Bushwhackers; nor have we had any stealing except , in a few isolated eases; nqt so much as sometimes happens is the old settled States. It is earnestly desired that some minis ter' of the. Presbyterian society may hear this Macedonian cry from Kansas, and 41 come over and, help us." Address either to me or William Snook Esq , at Twin Springs, Linn County, Kan sas, who will give any further information that we can to favor our obtaining a settled minister. ALLEN DUNN, Twin Spring.s, Linn County, Kansas Fur the Preebyteitan Banner Building the Ark MESSRS. EDITORS :—May not the ques tion proposed by BIBLE CLASS in the Ban ner of August 17th, viz , " How long a time was ocoupied'hy Noah in building the Ark P'—be answered by comparint Gen vi :3, with• I. Pet. iii :20 ? In the pas sage first referred to, we have these words : And the Lord said, My . Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh ; yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years." In the latter there is this declaration "When once the long suffering of God waited in the days of No ah, while the ark Was a preparing," &c. Does it not appear from this comparison, that the period of tbe brig suffering of God," which continued "while the ark was preparing, and•the days of respite, which are expressly said * to be " an hundred and twenty years," were coextensive? Were not. the revelatittn of God's purpose "to bring a flood of water upon the earth," and the command to Noah -to build "an ark to the saving of his"house," given simultaneously ? And can we suppose that Noah " moved with fear-(filial tear, which is inseparably'connected with love,) failed to render a prompt obedience—thus mak ing the time occupied in building the ark less than "an hundred and twenty , years?" That some adept in 13ibileal Chronology will set this "Matter inits true light before your readers, is the wish, of For the'Preobyterian Banner - :Wayside Meditations. XV.—THE GREAT WORK, To us who dwell in: clay; it is a blessed assurance that the work of our regeneration belongs to God's Spirit. We know, and are persuaded, that he is able to do all things. We know that the mime Almighty power that created us at the first, is able to new-create us in Christ Jesus. !Our own works fail, and vanish away.: They are but vanity and folly ; but the work of God is enduring. Our bodies are of the earth, and must return to' dust again.- All that is mortal must vanish away, like the n3orning mist before the ascending sun; but our spiritual nature, God's second Creation in Christ, will never perish. " All flesh is as grass, - and all the glory: of man, like the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away, but the word of the Lord endureth forever." 'The soul that has been born of God, and sealed with his 11 , ,1y Spirit, is sure of that fade less inheritanee that is-reserved in heaven for the faithfol. There are:no erasures in the Book of Life.: " I will not' blot his name out of the Book of tife,"43aith the Lord, whose word abideth forever. Believers-are all kept by the power of God, through faith unto foliation.. Not by their own strength, not= by their own worthiness, but through the strength and worthiness of him that has loVed them, and washed them from tlieir sinf in his own blood: Whom be loves, he loves unto the end. The fold of the Good Shepherd can never be invaded by the lion, because the sheep of that fold have all been ransomed by the Shepherd himself. They have been ' bought with , his own blood, consequently they Can never perish, neithii can any pluck them out of his hand- XVI.---TUE COLD ? , MEP BLOOD The river of death; it is very cold and deep, and shrouded- in darkness: We all shrink back; instinctively, as we appri a h it. It is lull .of terrors. And yet we are all ,approaohing.it. We will soolube trof-, feting its billows. For nearly three thou sand years not one of all the children of Adam has escaped its devouring waves. Elijah was the last, as Enoch.had been the first, to pass to the City of Life l without coming in contact with it. Is there any way of overcoming its cold ness and terrors ? I look back to-day, over the track of time, and see one approaching he swelling flood. He" comes from Edon), with dyed garments from Boira " He "is glorious in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength'." But even the mighty. One falters for a moment on the borders of the flood. Yet he enters -its waves, and from the midst of its darkness, and above the dashing of its billows, . l heir a shout of triumph—" It' is finishe"; and froln a myriad of pilgrimti who follow after, I hear continued cries .ef, exultation and victory—" 0 death, where is thy sting l 0 grave, where is thy victorYl" Since Christ has (Bea and risen again, "the terrors are but shidowe, , that haunt= the vale of death." s ' ETA. - FOR olia LONDON CDROBOONDENT. "-cum MoWN-." Avitsutat; July 29, 1864.. I write you, seated in the large bow win dow of a gentleman'e drawing-rootn. •The view from it is rich in interest and beauty. To the south my eye rests on the tem] of Ayr, with its spires andgia' "twirtrige 4 and beyond these lie„glow - ing in the soft " the banks and braes of bonnie DOon," the mettiors.bletirk-yard ' where Tam O'Sbanter saw the "Imo sight" of the witches' dance, ant the "glowering' tike" Satan himself seiited in the recess of the old window, blowi t ng the pipes that " give life and mettle to'their heels." Last, year I was over all that classic ground, and at Barns' cottage, too, with its "bret" arid its " ben," and the little farm which his worthy father cultivated; and lost, not least, I stood on the 'vety . " keystone of the brig" over the Debn, 'Where Tim's grey mare lost her tail front the. revengeful pur suer. lam sorely tempted to go over all that region again, ere cleave this neigh horhood—not forgettine to call on the' Misses Begg, Bares'• nieces, who lost their: mother (his siete-r) a levr years ago, and whose relationship to the bard is only me ognized by their names being entered on the Royal Literary Pentliont ist. Looking - to the South-west is the sea coast, whose silver din , almost -laves the ; house where I sit, and, in whose translucent waters, children and othersfrom Glase-ow's dust and hustle, joyfully` disport themselves Far out on 'the horiznii rises the held and solitary rock of Ailsa Craig, midwayto the Northern. Irish coast; and then, as we turn round to the West, yonder are the glorious. hills of Arran—an island on which any American minister would find such invig oration and health 'as - Would brace him up afresh for the noble wfirk which he has to do, and to the holy way in which he fights, under the banners of the Great Captain., But scenes even more glorious have met my eyes since last I Wrote, as your cones pondent " out of town." I have been in the Highlands, steaming away on the Apia, constructed after the American fashion, with a dcck saloon, (every one rejoicing in the change of structure, and 'Wondering why this kind of thing was not adopted I mg ago.) revealing on each side the shores: of the beautiful Clyde, with the towns of. Helensburg, Kilerennan, G-ourock, -Juella.n, Dunoon, filled with Glasgow citizens and their families—passiygon through-the glo rious Kyles of Bab,- you come to Ardes raig, a little harbor and town, where you feel yourgelves on the threshold of the Highlands, and of Ossian's Celtic and ro mantic home. Here. the Gallic form and features strike you, in their contrast with the Lowlanderi; here you hear' the Gallic shouted by the men who assist at the land-' ing-place, or more softly spoken - by-the on looking women and children. Entering the Crinan. Canal, (the work` of the last century, and one of a series of means adopted' to join, as haS been thus done, the Atlantic and German Oceans,) you. are towed very pleasantly in the Sunbeam, with your fellow-tourists, the horses, ridden by scarlet-coated boys, running_ along the right bank, a Highiand read on the other side, with mountain lake, and on either hand wild flowers, (the honeysuckle in great profusion, and . the ferns very tempting in their variety of verdant beauty.) Little children, scarcely knowing a word of Eng lish, bring milk for sale, and gooseberries too. By-and-by all the locks of the canal are past, and you pass on board the•Mountitirt cer, a tine steamer which runs direct and daily (except on the Lord's day) for °ban. One continued treat is furnished tor the rest of the day, in passing through a 'se ries of bays arms of the sea), and mark ing, as one after another looms nearer, 'the great headAands and rocky shores of Mull, with thP knot's of Jura and other islets geria ming the deep. At length we enter tl harbor of Oban—land-locked and sheltered at all seasons, with noble hills rising behind it, with Loch Elwe and the ancient and once Royal fortress of Dustaffriago, and Dtmolly Castle, where Edward the Unice was wont to sojourn- - ---all near at hand, and rich in historic interest. E NQIIIRER I shall not dwell, as I am strongly tempt= ed to do, on the incidents 'of my voyage tu the famed islands of Staffs and lona, far out in the ocean—the Atlantic wave an broken washing their shores, and thunder ing up , their caverns in majesty and might. lona, once visited, can never be forgotten... The holy" or " blessed Isle," it ononwas; and from it went forth in the sixth and two succeeding centuries an influence po tent to destroy the Druidical superstition which there had found shelter; and also had won the Northern Picts, as well minor dons of Northern England, and sotwCon tinental countries also, to the pure faith of Columba and the Culdtes. The architectural ruins of lona are not at all impressive, as compared with the magnificent and ruined abbeys of England.' and the South. The Cathedral, the Nun nery (so-called), and the burial place of Scottish and Irish Kings, derive their fas csuation from Columba, and the twelve evan gelists .who, with him, 'came from Ireland, (then, indeed, "•the island of saints,". with a faith. apostolic and pure) and crossing from Lough Foyle, in: a small wicker-boat lined with hid* in the, year-563, began ;a work whose results eternity alone can re- There is nothing picturesque or extraor dinary in the shores of lona ~save in , . the Spouting, Cave—the water forced in via tently finding an_ upward vent and egress. Bat yet when we remember that here a lit tle band of Presbyters began the work *rich issued in the _founding of, one hun dred monasteries and three hundred and sixty•five churches, and in the ordination of three thousand Culdee eviingelists; and that similar evangelistic institutions 'Were founded at Govan,• Darkeld, Abernethy, Dundee, Kilormanty, (St. Andrewa,) , and many other planed; and •that the Picts, the Middle Anglians, the WlerciUns,.East Saxons, -portions of Germany, of Rahway, of Greece, and of Austria, received the true G4spelluind that • the littiverditi4s of , Paris and Pavia were founded by natives of lona —we cannot but recognize how the true sublime can be identified with scenery in ittelf, not grand, and how also God chooses " weak things" to be his instruments in order that the glory may be all his own. Nay it is after a visit to lona that one's heart is stirred to its depths by that noble and immortal passage from the pen of Dr. Johnston, 'when, accompanied by Boswell, he visited the Hebrides and stood on the shores, and amid the ruined fanes of Staffs " We were now treading that illustrious ''island which was once the luminary of the "Caledonian`regions, whence savage clans and roving bpirbarians derived the benefits of knowledge,and the'blessiogs of religion.. To abstract the mind'from all local emotion' would'lie ire possible, and would be foolish i r it were possible: Whatever withdraws us from the power of, our senses—whatever makes the past, the distant, or the future, predominate over the iaresent--advances us, in the dignity of thinking beings. • " Far from Me and 'my friends' be such' frigid philosophy as: may. conduct Zug in- differeut:and unmoved over ABS:ground which has been dignified, by wisdom,. bravery, or Otrtue. That man is little to be envied, whose patriotism would not gain' ii.,rce upon the plains or Marathon, or whose;piety would not grow,,Warmr among. t4: l Airt3 , 4.- trft i zial” w bong after thecpaidee purity,(;f doctrine s was overrun ty.t'h e invasion of - error, arid' ever' since the Reformation age, the spirit - - ual interests of lona were-Aieglected. Among the multiform labors r -of Legh Richmond was a series, of evangelistic ad dresses to the islanders, and .his account of his visit to, them forms one of the' most ioterestin prod notions' of his - 'pen. A e present tare'are tWo.churches, one Estab lished, the other. Free, with schools an nexed, and manses likewise =The majority, of the ineple, like the flighlanders;_and- Islanders'generally,, gave in , theiradheiion to the Free Churelimovenient, - Mid /Mine= diately after the disruption. - .Staffi is :a grassy - island with swelling uplands. glory 'l6 its Fingal's. Cave-- " the beaudrill symmetry of this wondrous pile, 'the regtilar arrarigem'ent of its eql ena us, thii -- riehn'es and - Variety - variety; tints which' adorn them, Mere'lyri iiiatA than the painted paves of a Girtifc church shower on its clustered pillars, the sombre grim deur of the ponderous roof, and the smooth pavement' - which the sea, When tranquil, supplies to this stately ten3ple " On the day of ray visit, no boat could enter the Cave, from the fierce rush' of the' Atlantic on its shores, and the foalning billewsrush lug perilously into.ita-recesses. But from above, 'cliinbing first along a causeway pre cisely like the *Giant's Ckuseway on the opposite coast of Ireland, we 'found our way to the upper_ledge of the rocks, and thence you can pass along, into the ekicirapbscuro of that glorious Cave—whose length is, two hundred and twenty-Seven fee,t. tc Here, as to shame the temples deck'd .13y skill of earthly arohitect, Nature herself, it seemed, would raise A spinster to her*Mtiker's Praise!" Not for a meaner lige ascend - , Her columns,. or her arches bend, , Nor of a theme more solemn tells That mighty surge that ebbs - mid One charm of' this scene is found , in,the variety.of• tints formed. by white,' crimson, or yellow stalactites, or petrifactions, which occupy the vacancies - between •the r base, of the broken pillars which form`tile roof; and intersect, with a rich; curious, and vs.- riegated chasing, the eorreaponding variety below, water, Where the. ocean rolls over a dark red, or violet colored rock, from which, Et from a base, the basaltic. oolutrins rise— the tremendous noise, of the swelling tide, Mingled with: the.deep-toned echoes of the swelling, - Vault—are circumstances else- Where unparalleled. The Highlands arebeing invaded with • - an ever•inereastna • body of tourists of many nations. I German gentle man, who, was a walking tourist, and .he contrasted, ,to the advantage of 'Scotland and its mountains, the scenery of Switzer land itself, as bein 4 :far mere aceessible. In Lie weather, nothing can be more ex hilarating, healthful and delightful than the lakes and hills of .Caledotria, stern and wild, Meet muse'for a poetic child'; • ' Land of brown heath and nodding wood, Land of the mountain. and the flood." DR.. DUFF has: been journeying in Caffre land on his way h'Ome 'firein . India.' At, Capkowo, before tile departure, he was en tertained at a. public breakfast, by a com• pany comprising the representatives of all Evangelical denominations. -Bishop, To zer, who succeeded the lamented Blshop Mackenzie, and who like hiin has failed to establish a missionary'eettlement in the re gions indiaated ,by Dr.' Givingstone, was one of those who spoke:at - the breakfast. Di. Duff himself worn and weary, was yet full of fire and enthusiasm, and delivered a retuatkable speech. ' s LtvINGsToNE, after a visit,to Bom bay, where his ship—foqnd to be, unstilted to river navigation to Africa, was SOl---lias arrived in 'London: Was one of ,Lord - and Lady Pahneraton's gnestS at'a grand reception laseSaturday , evening. vHe pro- Epescs to go out, in, a , few months,,tn Africa once more, with new pips' to abolish the slittre trade in those,regiens Which, will Id wayi: be associated` with his bathe. - Sir Roderick Mitrolilson, the -- President of the' 'Royal; Soniehn&c , and his , fellow savane, have received and welcomed Livingstone with unabated uttiltrdasoi Certainly the African expl?rer o tt, tenacious of:his pur- : pose in the face of trentendCus Obstacles, PARLIAMENT. ,was prorogued this day—a fortnight earlier than, usual. Lord Palmer itini retains hia, position in spite of an om inous 'junction between D'lsraeli and' the Irish Illtramontanistia . in -the vote of ,"•no confidence." The Conservative orty ruins its prospects by ; a foreign policy with re-, gird to ttaly, which is hateful to the noun . try, and most- offensive to some of Its own adlArents, whose absenne, or positive,vptes, against - him 'exPliiiti the defeat ,of D Israeli in the recent 'grand encounter of parties. Mil GLADSTONE has been oh a visit to thO Queen, at Windsor Glade. Ile seems de - stilled - to be the future Premier of Fang land-aild= leader, of the Liberal party not only in the House of Commons,, but in tho country_. He, is, earnest, sincere,- and con scientious. , ,that he truly, fears Grog; and takei his word. - as . his li,ghtuand tandard.' THE 13181116 P or OXFOR:D and his party have beeti-dteated in an attenipiqo duce 'into .public schools a semi-monastic discipline and-authority.- —lt-was-proposed to give every elergyinan presiding over a public schoO4 k aarthcrity to hsfe 4,place of worship within,• the., wails. " consecrated-" for, service, so that the pupilsshould never go to the parish, church. The gvangelical Churchmen as well as the friends of, the children of Dissenters, strenuously resisted - and opposed the Bill in tli6 Oommo,ns. It h a d come down -from the 'iords, who, in ,spite'. Pcird Chancellor's .expose : of its. real character, had sanctioned' thc mean .urea tisa now been withdrawn. TRAATAILIANISM is rampaut ip several churches in the metropolis. Pri vate confession is encouraged; priestly ab solution is given to the professed penitents. At St. Alban's and Colborn (London) the Rev. A. Machonoebie has issued a pastoral in which he teaches 'the special Sacra mental Presence of the heavenly King." He desires that " the men first by them selves, should draw near as soon as the , celebrating priest has communicated," and, specially urges " early communion before breaking a „filet." This is thoroughly Romish and Rc , meward. • Tan R>•:v. . WM". BROOK, an English Rekor and author of In fidelity in nigh' Place:s., lately wrote thus to Dean Stanley : "If you have ever committed to the press' any sermon or statement in which you, have. taught, the doctrine of. Christ's sacrifice and, satisfaction as set forth in the Homilies, I shall publish it with pleasure." No answer was given, even though the Beau had pre- , viously published something like a chal lenge to Mr. Brock. Thus " the enemy comps in like a flood." J.W. The Imprecatory Psalms We.doubt not that many have been led, by, recent events to read the imprecatory . , psalms in. a new light,,and to feel that one may pray for stern retiti2tilans'to l overtakd the ''guilty,' of t Ofitiatiannspiwit. t ! ilyai.: able writekoimithez Bratisk QitutferAVA4ctirPOl to PrMI 9lat) a desire; for punishment to transgressors breathes through the. New Testainent as well ae the Old: ' lie says • " Bat the grand plea in this matter is, that the Christian spirit is a forgiving, spirit—that, the language, ' Love your.ene lilies,' is characteristic of it, and so on. Nov it is not denied that lessons of this nature have a beautiful prominence "in the New Testament, and that private, personal,: petty, selfish revenges are . disapproved; But lessons of another , kind also are there, and such as are in ,full accordance even with these imprecatory Psalms. Did Peter sin when he indignantly exclaimed, " Thy money perish with thee ;' or Paul, 'whew he `said, If any man love not the Lord. 'Jesus Christ, let him" be anathema mara-, nattia ;' or, yet again, when he cries out, Thou child of ; the deyil,' how shalt thou escape ihe danirgition'of we not all• remember the 'language in which the Saviour detects and foreshadows :the awful doom of the Pharisees—a, doom; which, as in the ease, ajso of the woes denounced' against Chorazin and' Bethsiida 'Colildhave been none other in reality than his own judgment? So, too; in the last day, qe make no mention of the,faet that some of the severest utterances_ of the, so-called Nessianic Psalms are regarded as his, it will be recolleelecl that it is from his.month that are to proceed those terrible words, ' Depart, ye cursed,' etc. "Now it is in vain for men iwho profess to believe in the Bible at all to attempt to ignore these aspects of its teaching. The Christian revelation is not revela; tion of mercy ; it is ,also -a - revelation of Viatica. Its character of God- discloses his compassion as .a Father, but along with it his moral grandeur. as a. moral ruler. Whether to our likina or not, this revela= tion has its heaven and its hell, is designed for men who can beliete notottly that there is 'a God, but that-there is A ; that sin is a terrible reality, and visits upon its victims a doom as terrible as, just. But itay not that whiehis this evidently right as an object of God's also right as an object of prayer, on the part of natures made-to partake in Aspe.cial degree, of his mind ? The philosophy of the present paper may be briefly,,tated thus : :What it must be right - in - the - Divine, Being to do, it may be right in inspired men to pray him to do; and conceptions of:law and retribution which certainly have their place in providence, may have_ their place also in revelotioa.;" • Characteristics of the Gospei. ,The Bishop of Bristol. and Gloucester, in the introductory lecture of his course on the " Life of Christ," gives in a Mite the following condensed summary of the'prin eipal points in which the four evangelical narratives are distinguished -from each other : I. In regard to their external features and ,oharacteristios - . i - The pont of view 'of the first. Gospel is mainly Igraelitie ; of the second, -Gentile; of the third, _universal; of' A the fourth, Christian. , - , , , ... The.. general aspect, and •SO to speak, physiogtiomy Of the first, mainly; is Orien tal; of the second, Itornan ; of the third, Greek ; of the fourth ; spiritual. • The style of the first is stately ;and, rhyth m ical ; of the second, terse and. precise; _of the third, calm and copious; . of the fourth, artless and colloquial. The most striking chs.racteristie of the first is symmetry - i 4 of the - second, compres sion; of the.. thirif,,Urder ;: of the fourth, system. - The thought and language of the first are both Hebraistic; of the third; both Hellenistic, while in the second tbe thought is often Occidental, though the language is liebraistio; and in, the fourth the language is Hellenistic, but the thought Rebraiatic. 2. In respect to their subject-matter and contents': - In the first Gospel we have: narrative.; in the second, memoirs ; in the third; his tory,; in the fourth, dramatic portraiture. In the first we have Often the record of events in their accomplishment; in the seoond,- events in 'their detail; in the third, events in their connection; •in the fourth, events in relation to the teaching springing from them. Thus in the first we more often meet with the DO - ice' of impressions; in the See ond, Anti; in' the third, of , motives; in .the fourth, of words spoken. And, lastly, the _record of the first is 'mainly collective, and'often antithetical; of the second, graphic and circumstantial; of the third, didactie arid reflective;" of the fourth, selective and supplementaL : 3. In respect o to their. portraiture of ; our Lord'. The first Gospa presents 'slit to is nun ly as the Messiah-; the' Second, mainly as the God-man the third, as the Iledeemer; the fourth, .as., the• only-begotten-'Son., of Faith, " Lord; I believe; help thou mine un belief."_ • - , It is 'hardly necessary to remark, as ,the Cibiimia, that the Spirit of these words conititutes aLgOod in the •iitti tilde and experiences .of a soul in -view of its relations, to God, nd imniortahty. Artd the hopeful indication lies in the admira ,ble andleuching,humility they are, meant th - breatilie: — The great in"d` iiotaideoflthis werld'ha.Ve, 'now amirthen,'strangely taken to - this iielf.renottneing formula.: ',Mr. Web ster, the great statesman, in his -;hearesin ,43l4 ning_to, these words, .directed ,hey e la,gnv#3.l'on sfone. the app.- of his'bout g juagnie`nt i and . 'Johir-Ritudolpb; kitipsite'd Viteisti And, THE lIESBYTERIAN BANNER, Publicatioa Office : a4a6prrarBIRLDING3, Si"Firt&l32., Pressatrsea, Pk: &HITS, ENGLISH & 00., 25 NOWNIA3TEI tir, e JUL., ADVERTISEMENTS:. PAYMZNI' ZN.ADPANCE TRANSIENT ADVEATISEMINTS, 10 MIMI A LIRA for each 'minion: A Moral reduction to thous who whew Ng, largely. SPEOIAL NOTICES, 15 Cywrg A Laws. BouromAr, brarzona, Ciao 3, on locoed page. 2 5 Cans e. Linz. OBITUAIIT NOTICES, IS OMITS a Lyn, afterwards, as he hoped, a Christian, found in these words that form and argument of prayer: by which possibly. he prevailed. "It pleased God," he said, " that, after lengths of impiety, my pride should be mortified ; that by death and desertion I should lose my 'friends, till there should not run, except in the veins of a maniac, one drop of my father's blood in any living creature but myself. I tried all things but, the refuge of Christ; and to that, with scourging stripes, was Ldriven ; and I .came with the wretched father's cry for his son, oft repeating it, Lord, I believe; help thou my unbelief." " And," he he adds, " the Lord's gracious mercy to his wavering faith, to one staggering under the force of 'the hard heart of unbelief, I hum bly hoped would be extended to me also." --Independent. Working Ckriatians Learn to be working Christians. "Be ye doers of ; the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." It is very striking to see the usefulness of many Christians. Are there none of you who 'know wliat'it is to be selftili in your Chris tianity?,' You have seen a selfish child go into a secret place to enjoy some delicious' morsel Undisturbed by his:oompanionii. So! itja Wi.AL some Christians. They feed:Av. : , on, ;Cllirtst madjorgivpness;.but,it, is alone, and' 'fei:thentselveiL 4re. .there not sihid l oPy"c'i who Mitt eiljbr lAing a Chris , ' tian; while your dearest friend is not, and' yet you will not speak to him ? See here; you have got work to do. When Chlist,- found you. he said : " Go work in my vine yard !" What were you hired foi, if was riot to spread salvation ? What irles ae.d for ? Oh, my Christian friends, how. little you live as though you were the ser vants vents, of Christ! How much idle time andidle talk you have! This is not like d good servant: How many things ytu have to do for yourself; how few for Christ' and his peoPle ! This is not like a servant. eiteyne . • Religions Trifling. How,willing are we to engage in specu-: lative discussions ; to talk and, argue and. reason about sem° of the mysterious doe tjrll3 CO of the Gospel, and to persuade our: selves, because we are interested in those things, that all is right with us. Men will' argue about the state of the soul between the,time of death and the time of judg i ment ; will discuss the probability of our, having the same bodies in a glorious state to which our souls are united in this world ; will agitate' their,minds about the condition of the lost angels; and a thousand such things:mil; draw away their, thoughts from the• ode-great question, whether the prom ise of the Father be yet come upon them, whether the Spirit of the Most High bath' yet renewed their souls, and given them power over the defilement of their hearts; over the temptations of the world, over the lusts of the flesh, over the devices of - the devil—Rev. W. Cogswe4. Elevation of the Working Classes. "I. have no sympathy whatever with those ' who would grudge our work men and our common people, the very highest acquisition which their taste, or their time, or their inclinations, would lead them to realize; for, next to the salvation of their souls, I certainly say that the ob ject, of my fondest aspirations is the moral and.intelleatual, and, as a sure consequence of this the economical, advancement IA the working classes—the one object which, of others in the wide range of political Elpeculation,,is the one which should be the dearpst to the -heart of every philanthro pist and every true patriot."—Chalmers. Seeds Growing Smelly, If-this world's friends might see but once What some poor man may often feel, Glory and gold, and crowns and thorns, They soon would quit, and learn to kneel What needs a conscience calm and bright •Within itself, an outward test? Who breaks his glass to make more light Makes way for storms into his rest. : Then,blese•iby sacred growth, nor catch At npise, but thrive unseen and dumb ; Keep . alean, bear fruit, earn life, and watch Till the white-winged reapers come. —Henry Vaughan. Judge Not by Appearances. An old than, named Guyot, lived and died in the town of Marseilles, in France. He amassed a large fortune by. the most laborious industry, and by habits of the severest abstinence and privation. His niighbors considered him a miser, and thought that he 'was hoarding up money from ii2eart and avaricious motives. The populace, whenever he appeared, pursued him_with hooting and execrations, and the boys,scnetimes threw stones at him. At length he died, and in his will were found the following words:—" Having observed 'from my infaney that the poor of Marseilles are ill-supplied with water, which they can .onlypurchase at a great price, I have cheer fully, labored the whole of my life'to pro for them this great blessing, and I diret that the - whole of my property be laid out in building an aqueduct for theie use." This was accordingly done. Jesus Understands. No matter how unlovely by nature, or peculiarly organized, or little understood we may regard ourselves, Jesus under stands us fully. " Yes, be knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust," and, " like as a father pitieth his chidren, so he pitieth them that fear him." Are we desponding? he is able to give us hope. Are we sensitive; none but loving words from Jesus ever reached a quivering heart. Whatever sorrow affitcts, there is no time when we may not fly to his side and lay our weary heads upon his bosom of infinite love, and. bear him speak to our sadness those . comforting wor ls,- "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be artaid." Are, we wayward and repulsive, ever re turning from wandering with penitent heart? maifeel his pitying eyes upon us,' and we may' hear- his assurance that though Satan hath desired to have its, that he may sift us , -as wheat, Jesus our Al mighty Friend will pray for us that our faith fail not. Crosses. If loving hearts were never lonely, If all , they -wished ?night always be, Accepting what they looked for only, Thby'roight be glad, but not in Thee. i..We need .0 nual the cross we bear Alf wifbreathe, as light we see, It draws us to thy side in prayer ; • , •It binda,us, .to onrstrength in Them 111 families well ordered there is always oae firm and-sweet temper, *CA controls Witbilit'seeming to dictate. The essence of fine breeding is in the gift of con- Thoge who are .Chrtattans make the word of 'God their'ride, and are ruled hp it; and the glortif 'God their midi and aim at it,