Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, August 24, 1864, Image 1

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JAMES ALLISON & CO., Proprietors.
BY 'N AIL, (Moldy or In 01040
Pantorn ending on TBN euhecribere and upwards, will
ee thereby entitled to a paper without charge, and another
sire for. the second ten; dlc.
Henewaleaboutd be plibupt, a little before the year expires.
Direct all lettere to
F'r the Presbyterian Banner.
Six Weeks in the Potomac Army;
• OE,
Warrenton Junction.
"Where there's a will, there's a way."
Why, we were not looking for you to
drop in upon us so soon I—and less still at
the hour of four o'olook in the morning I
But I have n't dropped Into your tent, ai
You are not to blame for that : the tent
has been in the wagon ever since yesterday
forenoon, '
No matter, I - have come up with you;
and as you are here, I conclude you have
found a way to get off.
Yes t " Where there's a will, there's a'
way;" and our Agent has a will. We'
ahipp'd—aocording to programme—early
in the morning of day before yesterday,and with all the uncertainties named. 'We
ran by the dreaded " Round House," and
did not know but that we were clear,
the train stopped, backed up, halted, and
took on board an officer, who examined our
papers and pronounced theta—=wanting!
You began to feel anxious then, I take
it—aboard with men, horses, wagon, and
stores, and your papers insufficient to
" pass" you, even out' of town I
Of course we felt somewhat as did the
Irishman, who, when at sea in a storm, .
said, "The country is bedoming rather
mountainous." We, however,
could but
look on—only our Agent could act in the
ease. He had made much effort, on the
day before, to secure our clearance, and.
would not now be brought to, without ano
ther. Armed with a certified copy of Gen.
Burnside's order for our transportation by
rail, he quickly proceeded once more to
the proper office, whioh, happily for us, was
close by. It was a critical moment—now,'
and at once, or not at all I But this last effort
was successful. The officer yielded " stamp
ed" our papers, and we were' passed "
red tape notwithstanding—to go on our way
rejoicing. boon the green woods, white
tents, winter huts, and strong block-houses
were whirling past us. We found the
road well guarded by troops—some of
which, uniformed in red, wearieg a rimless
cap, and bronzed to the color of oopper, ap
peared rather picturesque. Bat you came
down by the same road, and . doubtless
noted, with no little interest, the moulder
ing earth-works which 'still dot the wide,
undulating plain that lies about Manassas
Junction. How could any army charge
across such a field upon the works of an
enemy, without utter annihilation I How
sad, too, the impression produced by the
foot, that not a fence, and scarcely a house,
is visible in all - the beautiful country that
stretches out upon either-side •of the road
between this and Alexandria. It some
times reminds one of a vArgin prairie close
ly pastured. Truly, desolation, follows in
the track of war-! But you can do the
moralizing yourself, at your leisure. WQ
reached this place about noon. ".The
boys" of the battery took hold, with a
will, to assist in getting our heavy wagon
off the car. They called it the " Christian
Commissionary wagon.", Here we found
part of the 11th Army. Corps in caliip,
pitched our tent within the lines, and, din
ner over,
lay down to rest and sleep, Some
of us needed both. We' had worked hard,
and for four nights previous, had perhaps
not averaged four hours solid sleep. But
before dark, our- rest was suddenly dis
turbed by one of the moat violent storms of
wind and rain we ever encountered. It
seemed as though our frail tent would part
its fastenings and
, go 'up bodily. Bat by
dint of holding on—inside and out—under
shelter and in the' rain, (tried both posi
tions)—we succeeded in lteeping It do'wn
until the storm abated; It was then time
to prepare supper; but feeling that we
needed rest more than-food, we -" turned
in" for the night; mad'as we were within
guarded lines, omitted appointing• a watch
over our team, About one o'clock in the
morning we awoke, and from rattling of
chains heard without, were
,confident that
one or more of our horses were loose. We
called, once and again, to parties sleeping
in the wagon, only to receive no answer.
We then waked our Agent, and on going
out with him, found three of our horses
loose. Two we readily secured, but the
third had disappeared, and all our search,-
ings through camp for him were in vain.
We gave it up; and thoroughly chilled--
for we had imprudently slept in all our
clothes, and damp at that—we lay down,
and don't know that we got warm again
during the remainder of the ,might. -Of
course an early search was m ade for the
missing horse, and to our joy the driver
soon brought him in. We, are, riot likely
to sleep another night without, a watch,
until after we shall have procured " look
On yesterday forenoon, we, struck tent,
packed up, harnessed and " pulled out," to
go on, as we supposed, with a regiment of
cavalry. We got into their train, drove
round camp, waited arid wondered, 'and
waited still, only to find, late in the aftee
noon, that said cavalry regiment would nOt
start on that day!
By and-by you -will become accustomed
to these feints and failures—will find out
that orders and counter orders are common
in the army, as in the Commission, and
learn to be patient under their workings.
They are annoying, nevertheless, to be
gin with. But if we don't learn, guess it
will not be for want of lessons. We have
another this morning 7 —sarty. Our Agent
sent five of our company on by rail last
evening, and being on watch this morning,
at two o'clock, he aroused the rest of us
with, "the cavalry are saddling up!" Of
course we " hi totted up," and breakfasted
in haste, and now, at past four, we haven't
turned a wheel I Suppose we shall, how
ever—and when we do, you will go along.
But while waiting, let us put in the time .
by telling of our dilemma on the morning
we left Alexandria: We ere "near-eight
ed," you know; not'so badly, however, but
that we can get round without ,our " glass-
CL" We always do, about the house, and
prefer to be without them fn the dark, or
at twilight; and so- did not put them on
at starting from the Commission Rooms,
that morning. But when - we sainted them,
behold they were missing I Of course we
had lett them behind, or
- lost them on our
way to the cars; and having time, we
started back, carefully scanning the side
walk as we went, but' wehad reached the
'Sumpter Rouse without finding them.
_Here we examined every Commission-mat
pocket we could get our hands on, and
hunted every nook and corner in which we
might by any possibility have left them,
only to be disappointed still. We re
turned to the railroad, thinking that surely
some one of our company must have them.
This last hope was found vain also; and
we concluded, that if we went at all, ,go
without them we must!
Rather a sorry conclusion for a traveler,
when he knows that he can scarcely' recog
nize a man across the 'street, nor see dis
tinctly five rods ahead of him.
But we had come to it---there was no
help for it—whei, Arnstiltg' n baed into
our pantaloons pocket, 10, and behold;
there was our " speotaole case I"
VOL. XII. NO. 49
And so these men who think they have
"a place for every thing, and every thing
in its place," sometimes misplace things as
well as other people.
We have to acknowledge it: putting
spectacle cases in pantaloons pocket is en
tirely out of our line; but " to err is hu
man," and we belong to the•race. C.
The readers of the Banner may be inter
ested in a brief sketch of our fair young
City of the Lake. The history of the first
appearance of the white man upon the
shores of Lake Pepin extends back to a pe
riod which may, for American annals, be
regarded as quite remote. Fort Perrot, the
first French military establishment in Min
nesota' was, in 1689, probably located about
whore Lake City now stands. Such is the
conclusion of Neill, from an examination
of the earliest. French and English maps
It *was called after Nicholas Perrot, a
French officer who Was sent by the Mar
quis Derionvihe, Governor of New France,
to formally occupy the Upper Mississippi.
The writer is not aware that any remains
of this mere stockade exist. A. second.
Fort was built by Laperriere in the begin
ning of the next century, six miles further
up the Lake, on the flat below Point au
The first English or American visitor to
the Upper Mississippi, Capt. Jonathan
Carver, in 1766, paints in lively terms his
delight in beholding Lake Pepin and the
country below it on the River. • "In many
places pyramids of rocks appeared, resemb
ling old ruinous towers; at others amazing
precipices; and, what is very remarkable,
whilst this scene Presented itself on one
side, the opposite side of the same moun
tain was covered with the finest herbage,
which gradually' ascended to its summit
From thence the most beautiful and exten
sive prospect that imagination can form,
opens to your view." On the plain occu
pied by Lake City, he then saw "great
plenty of turkeys and 'partridges," and
" the largest buffaloes of any in America."
"Here," says he, "I observed the rains of
a French factory, [probably at Point au
Sable,] where, it is said Capt. St. Pierre
resided, and carried on a great trade with
the Naudowessies [Sioux,] before the re
duction of Canada."—(Carver's Travels,
pp. 36, 37. Philadelphia, 1784.)
From this point may be seen the largest
portion of Lake Pepin, a most- beautiful
sheet of water. Opposite is the Wiscon
sin shore, three miles distant, sprinkled
with villages, Pepin, Stockholm ' and Maid
en Rock. Between us and the latter place
stands forth boldly into the deep blue wa
ters the .massive form of the " Maiden
Rock," four hundred feet in height, nearly
half: of it a perpendicular gray wall,
of inagnesian lime-stone. It was' known
by the French as "Cap des Sioux," and
sometimes as the " Lover's Leap."
Lake City lies within an amphitheatre
of 'bluffs that shield it from the winds of
the prairies above. The entire plain is
nine miles long, of irregular width, em
bracing about ten thousand acres of rich
land. The whole view is commanded by
several points, one of the most conspicuous
of which is a sharp, tall peak, called " Su
gar Loaf." From these the -magnificent
expanse of water, and plaii, and bluffs; and
rocks, is spread before the eye for a dist
ance of fifteen or twenty miles in either
direction, lit, up, as it were, by the trans
parent atmosphere and bright sky of Min
nesota. Lake Tepip and the Falls of St.
Anthony are the chief points of attraction
of the Upper Mississippi to the tourists of
the Atlantic States. Invalids are here en
couraged to ride, or ,walk, or fish for the
trout that abound in the brooks and rivers
that pour into the Lake from the Wiscon
sin side,'or hunt prairie chickens,
or wild pigeons. The. Lake affords fishing
for, pickerel.
Lake City is situated within what was,
until a few years ago, a Half-breed Reser
vation. By the treaty of July 15,,:1830,
at Prairie du Chien, between the Uaited
States and several of the Indian tribes, it
was agreed that a tract bordering on this
side of Lake Pepin, fifteen miles in width,
for a distance of about thirty-two miles,
should be bestowed on the halt.breeds of
the Sioux. Ten years ago Congress au
thorized the issuing of scrip to these half
breeds, as compensation for the relinquish
mant of their, title. The scrip was issued
in 1857. Some of the half-breeds located
their scrip within the Reservation• and sold
the, land to whites,' others upon lands be
longing to the Government, elsewhere.
There are none of them left here now.
The town plot of Lake City was surveyed
and laid out in lots in May,, 1856.
Within the pasissix years, Lake cityhas
grown with great rapidity. The great
beauty of its situation on the Lake, its en
tire freedom frsm ths. malariotts influences
that infect many towns on the Mississippi
River, which are more or less surrounded
by low and moist ground, its exemption
from the disseluteness of the lumbering
districts,lhe efforts to prevent or check in
temperance, and the exceeding fertility of
the tributary back country, have been sig
nal advantages. It p assesses already a pop
ulation of more than' a thousand:
- The first minister who came here was
the Rev. Silas Hazlett, of the Presh3terian
Church, from Peensylvania, who pieriched
the first sermon in May, 1856,.and is now
pastor of two churches in this vicinity'.
The next was Rev. D C. Sterry, frorn New-
England, of the,Congregation al Church, who
established the first organization, There
are now, in addition to these organizations,
others of, the Baptists,. Metkodists, and
Episcopalians. . .
There is' an excellent graded public I
school, for the use of which a building will.)
soon be finished at a cost of $5,000, besides
two private sehools. We have numerous
good stores, a banking establishment, and
three good h 01,440.
The rapidity with which the agricultural
interests of this point have grown up, may
be illustrated from the shipments of wheat.
Up to 1859, wheat and flour wore brought
in.' 4.0 1859 the first wheat was exported,
amounting to 18,000 bushels. In 1860 it
had risen to about 100,000 ' • in 1861 it was
about 200,000 ; in 1862, 300,000; in 1863
the season opened with 200,000 bushels in
store, awaiting shipment, and the amount
sent away was probably, in all during the
season, 400,000 bushels. From a general
agricultural report for-1866, the latest we
have at hand, it appears that this county
produced 43 bushels oats, 38 bushels corn,
157 bushels potatoes, 23 bushels wheat to
the acre.
The price of land, unbroken, is perhaps
$5 an acre. The addition of $3 or $4 will
pay for breaking up the-virgin sod. A oul
tivated farm may-be purchased for one-third
or one-fourth of swhat it would,cost in .the
Middle or Eastern States. . ,The fatigue and
expense of, working it are ineredittly di
minished by the' nature' of-the soil, com
posed of rrich vegetable loam, mingled with
black sand quickly warmed by the sun, and
an abundance'of. limeswhich envigorates it
for the pteductierts of wheat and .iother
cereals. Minnesota wheat weighs from
two to six pounds to the bushel more than
. 4 1u '' :
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For the Preebyterten Banner.
• Lake City, Minnesota.
that from the Middle States, and " com
mands a higher price than any western
We are upon the margin .of the stirring
world, not shut out from it. We have
one triweekly and two daily lines of pas
senger steamers, besides several freight
steamers, and several tow-boats, ploughing
the deep waters of our splendid lake, and
connecting us with various points from St.
Paul to St. Louis, and with the points of
departure by railroad for - the east. The
telegraph is in'operation. A railroad' has
been surveyed, and will be built, running
parallel with the river. Another will pass
southward and eastward, not far to the west
of the county line.
Such are some of the points of interest
connected with our fair young City of the
For the Presbyterian Banner
Letter from ColoradO.
July 29,'1864:- f
DEAR BANNER:-Owing to the want of
mail facilities, my letter •is somewhat de
layed; but you will excuse me when you
'reflect that I write' from a the
" Far West" where' we` have but one mail:
in a week, and where we 'must travel four,
miles to the Post Office.
Leaving the " Smoky City;" I came
through Cincinnati, and Bloomington, Ind.,
to St. Louis. (By'the way, when you come.
to St. Louis, be sure to visit the Court
House; the view from the Dome will well
repay you for your trouble in_elimbing up
to it) From St. Louis we took the steam
er Sunshine, and after four hours travel up
the Mississippi, and five days up the Mis
souri, arrived at Lexiogtpn, the scene of
Mulligan's siege. This.eity,
"Like other cities where sad war has teen,"
bears the marks of our " Nation's Disease."
Five years ago it contained some very re
spectable public buildings, and many fine
residences; now, its distinguishing features
are piles of stones, brick, and ashes. From
this place I started "across the country " in a
coach, and after .ten hours' ride over a most
beautiful prairie country, arrived at Hamil
ton. Thence three hours on the cars
brought us to St. Joseph, where I learned
that the Sunshine had forty-two shots fired
into her just above Lexington, by some of
" Quantrel's gang." From St. Joe we
went by rail to Atchison, Kansas, thence
by private conveyance . to Leavenworth,
whence we were to start "over the plains."
After procuring our " outfit," consisting of
blankets, pistols, tin plates,
cups, knives,
forks, spoons, &0., we joined .our " train,"
consisting of ten wagons, each drawn . by
six mules. Ail of the freighting, and a
great deal of the travel, over the plains, is
done in wagons. Travelers who wish to go
faster, however, take the " Pike's Peak Ex
press " a line of four-horse coaches—
which travels day and night for about one
hundred• and seventy hours, without inter-:
mission except for meals and changing
horses. Of course it is very," fatiguing,"
especially when' the coach is crowded with
passengers. Our party, consisting of four
men and a lady, preferred the train ; and
after a great many preliminaries in fix
ing ourselves comfortably for the " voy
age," we started..
Technically speaking, twenty-five wag-
ons, whether drawn by mules or oxen, form
a" train." Eaoh train has a "wagon mas
ter," who commands the whole " outfit,"
and who fixes the camping-ground; an
" assistant," whose duty it is to act as wag
on master when- that worthy is absent or
asleep, or unfit for duty; an "extra,"
whose duty it is to act as driver when any
of them become sick or disabled, and to
make himself as usefal as possible on all
occasions ; and a " caveard driver," whose
business it to drive the loose stock be
longing to the train. Trains however are
of all sizes, from'one to sixty wagons, and
are drawn by mules, or= holies, or oxen—
sometimes by cows in the emigrant trains.
The largest part of the business out here,
however, is the . freighting, which is mostly
done in large wagons—" prairie schoon
ers "—drawn by six yoke of oxen, with a
load of about one thousand pounds to every
yoke. And you may judge of the vast
amount of business done in this way, when
I tell you that almost everything men use
out here—dry-goods, groceries, machinery,
&c.—is brought in wagons from the Mis
souri river.
Our train left Leavenworth on the morn
ing of June 10th, and after traveling slowly
ten miles over the "bluffs," we came to the
"high prairie." Here the fine day, the
good roads, and above ail, the prairie wind,
assisted to make us comfortable. Even
the mules seemed to enjoy themselves, and
traveled briskly till, late in tbe afternoon,
our wagon.master " mulled the train,"
and we went into camp.
This " correlling" is simply placing the
wagons in line, and sufficiently apart to
keep the mules from hurting each other.
An ox train, on the , contrary, is correlled
in a circle, into which the cattle are drive
to be yoked. • •
After feeding the mules, and getting
their own suppers, the teamsters spent an
hour or so in singing, dancing, telling
stories, and Smoking; then, with " lariat"
and " pieket,piti," each one "staked out"
his mules in the grass,- and the day's work
was done. Some of our teamsters had lived
many years in the West, and their own ad
ventures with Indians and wild animals, as
they would relate them around the camp
fires, were very interesting---made more so,
too, by, their Western mode ofc expressing
their ideas... One met a " Grizzly " in the
mountains, and "S'zi I, ole
,fellar, your ac
quaintance may be a very nice thing; but I
1 b'lieve 1 won't take any in' mine." Anoi
Cher one, telling an Indian 'adventure, re,
marked that there was no such thing as an
honest Indian. " That's about the size of
it," said one ; " they're every one treacher
ous." " Treacherous I" added another;
" 6 treacherous' is no name for it."
On the fifth day from Leavenworth, we
passed through Marysville, near to which
is the dividing line between Kansas and
Nebraska Territory, and crossed the Big
Blue. On the eighth day we saw two
antelopes; on the tenth, a "prairie-dog
town;"and on the
_eleventh, buffalo, ante
lopes, and a jack-rabbit These last ar'
iopes, _se, are
about four times'as large as a common rab
bit, can "go " T very rapidly, leaping about
sixteen feet at.once—are of a greyish color;
do not run straight from you; but go in a
" zig-zag" fashion, first to the left, then to - :
the right; and they " eat very well after
they are caught : " We managed
,to kill,
one with mir pistols_ Ot the buffalo we'
saw very few, and they were very wild,,
.from the fact that the emigrants bad been
hunting them. Here we saw the first do
byhouses "—houses built
,of sods, or sun
dried mud-bricks (adobes). There are
quite a number'of the along the road, and
Dire settlement is called " Dultuiciwn." . On
the same day,: (11th),-we passed Port Kear
ney, and camped on the Platte. This
river Tins very rapidly, and its banks* are
-full' about this time every year, owing to
the Melting' of the snow in the mountains;
but i later inry the &limner it often" " goes
dry"—so the teamsters say. It is full of
islands of all shapes and sizes, from a foot
square to the largest, which is forty miles
long; and all are covered with grass, with
an occasional willow bush. The view from
the bluffs is grand and beautiful. The
river winding away in the distance,.the
water shining like silver, the trains camped
along in the bottoms, and the " thousand
isles " of all shapes, form a picture rarely
equalled f,r extent and beauty; and what
makes it more unique is the tact that the
Platte runs for scores of miles with the
clean grass growing to the water's edge,
without a tree or bush on its banks to ob
struct the view.
On the 13th we saw a large, grey "buffa
lo wolf," and a wild Indian's wigwam.
This was made in , true Indian style, out of
buffalo and deer skins, the poles protrud
ing, and the smoke issuing. from the top.
We went into it,' - and found several "braves"
I armed with bows' and iron-pointed arrows,
and some squaw's and :papooses, who began
immediately to beg for bread. We. give
them some cakes; . and.then they wanted
" h'.l eat 1 meat 1 meat 1" Shaking our heads
at this, they wanted " 4.atche ! matehe!",
that is, matches One — of our party told
them he could niti see it', and soon we took
our, departure. Tlieseiudians claimed to be
Sioux. They arttrAk..lbeggam,anyhow.
As we went furt e .howeyer, they , seetudilei
to improve, uuti , :hey ceased jo , ,,tg, seem- ; .
ing to be quite, independent. , he next
V ,
day we saw some Indian graves. 'Theee
•ars, made by placing four-posts.:in the form
of. a square, about ten feet: apart and about
twenty feet high. On tie top of these
pasts they make's. platform or floor. On
this floor the corpse is laid; wrapped up in
blankets arid skies; also his bow and ar
and then a net-work of poles is fixed
over him to, keep out the large birds. This
done,'he is buried. When we came along,
the wind had loaiiened the net-work of one
grave, and the :eddy of blankets and pieces
of skins and strings were fluttering in ev
ery direction. ; What-instinct or revelation
taught these papeheathert children of nature
to bury their dead up in the'air, as far froth
the earth and is''high up as possible ? I
saw nothing on the road that has been so
suggestive of interesting thoughts, as these
airy, graves. Ab these Indians long and
look for something better , and higher in a
future state ? ' ' .
Here we fonid' a great many specimens
of the Prickly Pear, one variety of ' , Which
is very beautiful ; , growing semi-spherically,
and bearing bEight
• pink flowers. ,As ,a
child expressked it, "it looks like a little
haystack of 'red flowers."
On the 19th we passed through Jules
burg, at which place the emigrants for Cal
ifornia erosstho k ßatte—hence called the
" Upper Crossing." One: mile from, this
place i's the Colorado line, which we crossed
at 7 A. IVI. 'On the morning of the 22d we
got the firstglimPse of the "'Sierra Noe..:
da," or Snowy... Range of the -Rocky Moun
tains,, at, a .distance of one hundred and
forty miles. It appeared at first like, a
small cloud about the size of a man's hand,
and we cotdd not have distinguished, it
from the clouds, had' not a miner who" was
with us pointed it out. In the heat •of the
day it eouli. pot• be, seen; but ,the, next .
morning, wben
, thirty miles nearer,. we'
eould'see the 's'now on the 'Sierra with the
greatest diatindiness, and the' grand; sub
lime old toonntainilili:ptching away in the
distance, until we could not discern their
outline, even with a glass. -
Three more days of travel brought na to
Denver City, which, remembering its age
and then looking at its situation and pros
perity, would seem to have sprung up as if
by . enchantment.
But . perhaps you are tired of this long
trip over the plains, and would like to rest.
Be it so. After youlia,ve rested I may, in
another communication, "show you round"
the city. Q.M.C.
For the Presbyterian Fanner.
PresbOgritit Reports..
Who has not thought that, were he sit
ting in the chair editorial, several and
sundry things would, to the advantage of
all, be changed ? go it has occurred'= to
the writer, as to one thing—the reports. of
Presbyterial proceedings. Scarce one of
these reports that does not contain some
thing of general interest, and yet the space
Chat is given to them is out of all propor
tion. Were these separate reports con
densed weekly by the editors into one, they
would occupy but little room
_,; and, to min
isteisat least, they would be very interest
ing. They would as naturally , turn to
these articles as some do to the .marriages
—others, to the deaths,
Why is this not done ? Because—or-4
yes—well, to tell the truth, some would be
offended because oldie omission` of their
I tell you what, Mr. Editor, if you
judge us country bishops by awl a low
standard you do us a grievous injury.
Perhaps you city ministers are taken with
such things. We country , ministers may
wish to see our names for a - time or tWo,
just to let our friends know that a respect
able college has done itself great honor in
giving ua the title of D.D. If in that par
ticular you will indulge us, we arp
- willing
and anxious to have the condensation take
place. •
Suppose that you make the trial, with
the understanding that the Presbyteries
shall pay ten. cents_for each of a Rev
erend pliblished, and twenty-five cents for
the name's of Doctors of Divinity. If you
will adopt the rule, I will pay 'you one
dollar the first time my name appears with
the fardels attached.. . A. B. AL
Christian Love.
Faith works by- love. 'Through faith
from God. his. Saviour a believer's. own
heart is' filled, then, and thereby, through
love, he exerts a beneficent influence on the
world. Standing in the midst, between
God and his neighbor ;' , a, Christian—not
himself 'a .motive power, but only a recep
tive vessel—gets on the upper aide, and so
gives on the loiver Bide. By faith he re
ceives, and by love he labors; thus, his life
on earth alternates, fike the heart that is
beatino•. in his breast, until, with the heart's
last throbOhe life leaps over
.into a larger
place-4 life free, full, eternal.
Love's labor consists of two parts—doing
and bearing. 'These two are different but
inseparable, like the confluent sources of a
river, or the two diverging stems of a
furcate tree. Still more exactly, perhaps,
both in their distinction and their union,
they may be compared to the right and
left hapds of • a living man. In the body,
sometimes the right hand and sometimes
the left bears the chief strain, while the
corresponding member is for the moment
left comparatively at ease; at other times
the weight is distributed equally between
'them. Inlike manner, the Christian life
is sometimes mainly a laborious activity,
sometimes mainly a patient enduring, and
sometimes both' at the same time and in
equal measure. reould not venture to de
ttarmine whether is the greater. Christian,
the man who bears injuries patiently in' a
forgiving spirit, or the man who labors in
some departinentof duty, bearing down by
sheer force all`the that stand 'in
his way.
The doers, as a general rule, are better
known in the Church and the world, than
the bearers The results of active love
bulk more largely in history. than those of
passive love; but perhaps in the inherent
merits of the case, and in the judgment of
the Omniscient, faith has borne as much
and as precious fruit in enduring evil as in
'doinggood. Theis) ancient warriors who
were left-banded, and could sling stones at
an hair's-breadth and not miss, contributed
'as much to the prowess Of the army in the
day of battle as their fellow soldiers who
grasped broad-swords in strong right ban&
The meek, Christ like bearer of evil, is as
much needed and as much used in the
work of the kingdom, as the active, Christ.
like'doer of good. Assuredly those early.
disciples of the Lord found the duty as
difficult as any positive work in which they
had over been engaged. In trying to fulfill
it, they speedily reached the bottom ot
their own resources; finding that they pos
sessed not the sufficient supply for meeting
and satisfying this new d_mand, they said'
to the Lord, "increase our faith."
If the city were suddenly doubled in
size, and consequently a dela& quantity of
water draWn from the ever-inereasine mul
titude of openings in its water channels
the inhabitanti, feeling some 'faintness and.
I , tplititig =ore, -would. raise • it. ',United' Viidfor.
sa . , from - the fouhtain;heid.z It.
is thus that the disciples of Christare kept
from failing. Their confidence rests not
on'the Sufficiency of their own attainments,
htit on the fullness and freeness of their
Saviour's love: Altholigh it seems paradox
ical in form, it is, nevertheless, strictly
true in fact, that their , secu.rity in great
emergencies lies not in their fullness but
in 'their emptiness, according to taul'A
sharply' defined, experimental antithesis,
"When I am weak, then am Lstrong."—
Rev. W. Arno&
The Sivione's Voice.
Toss'd with rough winds, and faint with fear,
Above the tempest, soft and clear,
What still•sroall accents greet mine ear?
' I: be not afraid!
'Ns I who led thy steps aright,
'T4s I wholave thy blind eyes sight,
'Tis I, thy Lord, thy Lifei, thy Light,
'T is I: .be not afraid
These raging winds, this surging sea,
Bear not a breath of wrath to thee :
That storm has all been spent on me;
'T is I.:' be not afraid
This bitter (sup fear not to . drink
I know it well—oh! do not shrink;
I tasted it o'er Kedron's brink.
. 'T is I: be not afraid:
Minee - eyes are watching by, thy hed,
Mine arms are underneath thy head,
My`blessing is arouhd thee shed:
'Tie I: be not afraid
When on the other side thy feet
ghall rest, 'mid thousand welcomes sweet,
One well-knoWn 'voice thy heart shall greet!
" '
'T is 1; be not afraid !
From'oat the dazzling majesty,
Gently he'll, lay4iis hand on thee,
Whispering, " Beloved, invest thou me ? •
- Y he not afraid!"
Sleepy Bearers,
There are some persons who always slip,
at Church. , No matter what. is' preaching
or by whom, they sleep. Summer and
Winter are, alike to them.. Their sleep
"has all seasons for its own." There are
others who attribute their drowsinesh to
Summer heat. •it is certain that the ranks
of the sleepers are apt to be recruited dur
ing the warm season; though, after all,
the differenie of seasons has lento do with
the phenomenon in question than is often
supposed. A Majority of those whO Sleep
in Summer sleep the year round.
How discouraging this habit is to the
preacher, hew mortifying to the church,
and often dishoiorable tureligion, need not
be insisted on, for it is known and read of
all m4i. But it is worth while to inquire
into the causes orit...
With some, it is the effeot
.of bodily dis
ease. They cannot bear to stay away, from
*the sanctuary, but cannot keep awake when
they get there. They are to be.
It is often ;due to-defective ventilation.
There ,are meeting-houses in which the
most wide awake people may be warranted
to be caught napping. The original sin is
that of the constructors of the house. The
actual sin is that of proprietors, who, after
notice of the fact, neglect to institute proper
remedies. ,
Some are sleepy from the effects of, an
unseasonable dinner. A man of active
habitti during six days of the *eel, on
subsiding into the Sabbath quiet, needs to
dispense with a portion of his ordinary al,
lowance of food, if he would not have his
stomach stupefy body and soul. Stinday
dinners make many sleepy hearers.
After all, there is a numerous class of
patients whose , case has not been treated.
The great reason *hy'they are sleepy on
the Sabbath is, that they have worked so
hard during the 'week ai to be completely
fagged out. They have no energy left.
They are good for nothing; on Sunday but
to sleep. You can see, as ,they, take their
seats in their pews, that you have at church
only a poor remnant of their proper
selves. The minds will be out of hearing
all the time, whether their eyes are open
or shut.
Now, whatever may b e the reason, for so
distressing a habit, if it , is within the reach
.of remedy bY the vietim, he ought not
to rest till it. is overcome. He has• no
right to indulge his stomach-at•the cost - of
a disgraceful &umber in the house of God
during the hews of worship.
.If his din
ner makes him sleepy, away with dinner
altogether, rather than make such a spec
tacle before angels and men. If it is the
effeet of over-working during the week,
there must be an " early closing move
ment" on Saturdays. , The obligation to
keep the seventh day of the week holy
implies the duty to order the occupa
tions of the six days so 'as not to inake
the Sabbath a mockery. It is a sin
against God to toil in the service of mam
mon at such a rata as to have no energy
left with whieh to engage in his. service.
There are, it is true, slaves to mammon,
lersons whose servitude - wholly
..,06 servitude is not - wholly voi
untary. They are hired laborers at occu
pations which seem to leave theteno choice
but to - work hard and work long. Their,
time is not their own. But the farmer,
master-mechanic or master-trader, whoever
has. the laying-out of his own work-and the
disposal of his own time, is without eacusd
if he does not restrain his. worldly business
from encroaching upon the Sabbath hours.
And. the Sabbath is as truly profaned when
the week's work is voluntarily so pursued
as to unfit.for the duties of the sanctuary,
as-when secular work is done within the
hours of the Lord's day.— Watchman and
Reflect -M^.
Study of the Bible.
Not benittse an individual is not a min
ister of the' Gospel, is he theiefore absolved
from theluty of making himselfthorongh
ly.acquainted with the Holy Oracles. He
is.bound nevertheless : to "searchpe,Serip•
tures," and to have them "dwell as richly
in him" as possible. The more of this
valuable knowledge which he obtains the
more effective service can he render to the
cause of Christ. How widely useful such
laymen as Newton, Bacon, Boyle, Hale,
Pascal, Boerhave, Johnson, Addison and
Goode were, and this, mainly because of
their eminence in sacred learning.
In one particular, laymen have a decided
advantage over ministers in this regard—
in that they are exempted from the sus
picion of professional interest, , in what they
say and do in 'behalf of Christianity. Let
then every person, no matter what his
worldly profession or occupation May be,
endeavor to acquire as extensive and pro
found an acquaintance with the sacred
volume as passible.
"Come and - sit near me, and let me lean
on you," said Wilberforce to a friend a few
minutes before his death. After Ward, put
ting his arm. around that, friend, he said:
" Let us talk of heaven. Do not weep for
me? I am happy "Think of , me, and let
the thought pi•ess you forward. .1 never
knew happiness till 'I -found Christ my
BIBLE! Let, no religious book take its
place. Through :all ray perplexities and
'distresses I never read any other book, and
never felt; the want of any other. It haa
1. been --trir hottely study, 'and all my knowl
- edge:of the.doetrines, and'all my aequain
,tance with the experiences and realities of
religion, have been drawn from the Bible
only. I think religious people do not read
the Bible enough. Books 'about religion
may be -useful enough, but they will not do
in the place of the simple truth of the Bi
ble!' ,
- It may be, added, that , few laymen have
been more thoroughly acquainted, with
Holy Scripture than William Wilberforce.
Since the creation of Adam, there have
been vast and innumerable phySical changes
in the condition of the earth, and in its re
lation to the heavenly bodies. The scoffers
in the time of Peter, like the scoffers of
our day, defied" law, and believed in an im
personal God. They argued from the uni
formity of the operations of the laws of Eta
ture, that matter must be eternal, and the
world perpetual. The apostle replied that
there had been great physical changes, and
there was yet to be another and a greater
and he argued, moreover, that all these
physical changes were part of the'methods
by ,which the Almighty Sovereign was un
folding the principles of his moral admin
istration, and vindicating, his justice and
holiness. . And in like manner, we argue
now, that as God .bath worked hitherto, so
he works also now. We study our dry sci
ences and speculate about countless themes ;
but Revelation tells us. that he who made
the world, rules it still. The earthquake
shock, and volcanic flame, and - watery del
ei and lightning bolt, and all the innu
merable agencies of nature, whether-fierce
or gentle, fulfil his Wofd, and carry for
ward his grand designs toward, the period,
=When the Archangel's trump shall sound,
and the dead awake, and the dust yield its
long-treasured spoils, and the sea give up
its garnered trophies—and the tribes and
kindreds of earth shall hear with dismay
that" time shall be no longer!'
„ There is not hardihood enough in any
`of the sciences to enter a protest against
I,,either the possib lity or probability of this
_climax of, human affairs. Astronomy tells
us that there have been worlds which have
changed their places, or have ceased to
shine. Chemistry declares that a slight
'modification in the composition of our at
mosphere would plunge the world into an
instantaneous conflagration; and geology,
watching every foot-print in the sands et`
time, problaims It' to be likely that again
the , mountains will grieve with resounding
moans, and the valleys be tossed about once
more in the wild commotion, of disturbed
powers, and that the sea will forsake, its
'bed, and rush in terror before the fury of a
fiery tempest, that shall submerge the world
in ruin. •
I say science cannot protest, on the con
trary it intimates these things; but, it his
,been reserved for Revelation to make the
diselosure sure, in language to shake the
soul. "Seeing, then, that all these things
shall be dissolved, what 'manner of persons
ought ye to be in all holy_conversatiou and
go Illness, looking for and basting-unto the
coming of the day •Of sod, wherein the
heavens being on' fire, shall be dissolved ?
and the' elements shall nielt with fervent
heat? Nevertheless, we according to his
promise- look for a new heaven and a new
earth, Wherein dwelled? righteousness."
TO this Conclusion all the dipensations
have been converging. We live in the lasi
dispensation of grace. How long 'it 'm'ay
continue we cannot tell. But we know
that amid - warp,and tumults, .turnings •and
overturnings, He, is 'coming whose right
it is to rule. And when his final rule
shall be established, there will be an earth
resplendent "with beauty, and sky illu
mined by the light. of. the Divine counte
nance.—Rev. E. S. Porter D.D in Na
tional Preacher.
Our Sick Parishioner.
We have a Parishioier---a worthy mem
ber of the Church, who is a.great sufferer
by an acute and:incurable disease. Visit
ing him a few days since, we endeavored to
eonsole him thus.
I. This disorder is not the work of chance
or'fate, but comes from God, your heavenly
rather, who you admit does all things well
2, .It is a discipline which is intended
by-him for your good. He not willingly
afflicts you, but for your profit. " Whore s
the Lord loveth, he chesteneth.'t
3 Your Malady unlike many', is not the
legitimate fruit of your excesses and irreg
ularities. You have not been gluttonous,
intemperate, or licentious.
4. There are numerous precious promis
es in Fiely Scripture, suited to your case,
which you Confidently appropriate to your
self, andby • which you may be comforted
and supported.
5. Your affliction l3as its alleviations.,
You are not—as a multitude of, sick ones
now are—away from home, among strang
ers, in military hospitals, and prisons, and
in need of kind nursing; but are under
your own , roof, surrounded with , sympathis
ing Christian friends, and_ have, every ne
cessary attention.
6. All is well with your soul. You have
a good hope through grace of everlasting
life. Soon your present suffering life will
close, and be succeeded by an, unending,
life of enjoyment. Before you is an open
ing heaven A few'days at most, and you
will go from this couch of reatlessness and
pain, to .that werld where At the inhabitant
shall not say ;I am sick, and where. sorrow
and sighing shall forever flee away r and'
where "an exceeding and - eternal weight of
glory""will bnyours. And 77
"A holie so ranch divine
May trials well endure." -
With reform:toe to this bland immortal in
heritance laid up for him in the skies, we ,
arelold the following anecdote "
"I, one day," says Mi. Newton, " visit
ed a family thatliad,suffered by fire, which
had,destroyed all the house and the .goods.
I found the pions mistress in tears. I said,
Madam, I rive you joy I Surprised, and
ready to be otfendei, she exclaimed, What
End of the World
Publication Office
reds Insertion. ♦ liberal reduetion to those Who falter
flee largely. •
EDITORIAL NOTIOEU, or CARDS, ua second page. SE
ORM • Lisa.
OBITUARY NOTICES, 6 Carrie a Lutz.
joy that all my property is consumed!'
No; but that you have so much property
that no fire can touch. This turn checked
her grief, and she wiped away her tears,
and smiled." So we spent not an unprof
itable hOur, we trust, by the bed-side of our
diseased, pious parishioner.
Why I take a Religious Newspaper.
I had rather dispense with the tea and
coffee and take my morning and evening
beverage from the running stream, than do
without my religions newspaper. Let me
say why :
I. Because I believe, with Solomon,
that knowledge is better than choice gold.
The cost of such a paper is nothing com
pared with the information I glean from it.
I learn more about the geography, the
manners send' customs of different nations,
than I can get from any other source. Be
sides the knowledge I thus gain of my own
country, of its laws, institutions, domestic
and foreign intercourse, internal improve
relents, &0., is great. But, more than all,
• I thus learn about the prosperity of Zion
throughout the world.
2. Beeatise I cannot repeat the Lord's
Prayer intelligently without information.
3. Because I am unwilling to lose the
enjoyment I thus obtain.
4. Because of its benefits to my family.
My children read and converse about what
they read. Tires they acquire a facility in
reading, become intelli,.ent, and at the
same time receive a religious impression.
In a pecuniary view, I had better pay $,
a year than not take such a paper; and is
a moral view, it is richer than rubies.
5. Because of its influence on the heart.
I take up thy paper and read a stirring
sketch on practical godliness—on revivals
in progress or in prospect, on the conver
sion of the world, and'my heart is softened.
It beats quicker -with sympathy for the
perishing, and warmer with love to God
and man.
G. Bemuse of its influence on the cam
inanity. Who can estimate the influence
of a well.!conducted religious newspaper on
6,000 subscribers, and on five times that
number, of readers ?
7. Because, while a religious paper con
tains tenfold more important matter to me
than a paper exclusively secular, it is ten
fold more difficult to sustain it.
Secular papers are : principally sustained
by their advertising patronage. Religious
papers publish few advertisements, and
consequently derive little revenue from this
For these, and many other reasons, I
take a religious newspaper, deeming it
neither just nor generous to myself, to my
family, to the public, nor the publisher,
that he should be left to bear the pecuniary
burden alone.-=Boston Recorder.
Hew Christ Exalted Nature.
Christ exalted our whole conception of
nature by habitually associating it with
_the spiritual instruction of man. He made
the : wind God's minister' to raise the mind
of Nicodemus to a conception of the
Spiritlainfliienee. He quickened the
Christian energies of his disciples by
yointinglo the.fields whitening to harvest.
lie marked the-fluttering wings over, the
stony upland rOuid the. Galilean lake, and
drew 'a warning for the friVolous and the
fickle - in all ages from the devouring of the
Feed by the birds and the withering of the
ehallow.rooted corn. While nature, in its
beauty and hallowed suggestiveness, was
ever present with Christ, he showed no
trace of the ecstasy of mere indolent con
templation. He never paused to lay on the
colors of the scene-painter. Nature he
viewed as made for man; in her illumina
ted lettering he used to impress upon man
the , lessons of Divine wisdom. The lilies
of the field were to he _considered in their
monitions to humility, in their lessons of
trust in God, in their gentle, yet most ex
pressive satire on regal glory and gorgeous
apparel. All this attests a state of perfect
health; a Settled calm of power and peace,
a still and placid' elevation of soul, in fin
itely beyond reach of any cloud or any
wind by `which the clearness of the intel
lectual eye might be dimmed or its calm
ness fluttered.--Basine.
A Pioniable Mistake
One day, as Felix Neff was walking in
Latisarme, he saw at a distance before him a
man whom he took for one of his friends.
He made up to him, tapped him on the
shoulder, and before looking him in the
face, asked, him: " How does your soul
prosper, my friend ?"
The stranger immediately turned round
and looked at him in surprise. Neff per
ceived his mistake, apologized, and went
his way. About three or four years after
ward a person came to Neff, and introduc
ing himself, said he was indebted to him
for his inestimable kindness. Neff did
not recognize the man, and begged that be
would explain himself. The stranger re
plied ;
" Have, you forgotten a certain person
whose shoulder you once touched in one of
the streets of Lausanne, and whom you.
asked : How does your soul prosper ?'
It was L Your inquiry led me to serious
I.d:tendon, and, now I find it is well with
my soul."
``'"`Lo, all these things worketh God often
; times with man, to bring back his soul from
the pit, to be enlightened with the light of
the_ living."—Job xxxiii : 29, 30.
The Journey of Life
The following every-day rules, from the
papers of Dr. West,
.are thrown together
as general waymarks in.the journey of life :
Never ridicule sabred thiugs, or what
others may .esteem as such, however absurd
they may appear to you.. Never resent a
supposed injury till you know the views or
motives of the author of it. On no occa
sion retaliate. Always take the part of an
absent 'person who is censured in company,
So-far as truth and propriety will allow.
Never think worse of another on aabouut•
of his differing in political and religious
subjects. Never dispute with a man who
is more than seventy years of age, nor with
an enthusiast. Do not jest so as to wound
the feelings of another. Say as' little as
possible of yourself and of those who are
near, to you. Never court the favors of the
rich by flattering either their vanities or
their Vices.' Speak with calmness and de.,
liberatien especially in circumstances
which lona to irritate.
,Sorroyt can never wholly fill the heart
that is occupied with others' welfare.
Cbristant melancholy ikrebellion.
Ate,libighop Tither says, " Ifgood people
would' but '.make their•goodness agreeable,
and instead of frowning, in their
yirtma,,how many would they win to the
good cause t„
wan tried is better than grace and more
than grace ; 'it is glory in its infancy. Who
knows the truth of grace without trial?
And bow soon would faith fret se without
i) cross ? Bear your cross, therefore, wittk