0 REV. DAVID IeI'KINN.F.I' , Editor aid Proprietor. REV. I. N. AWKINNEY, AssooLtTs Simon. TRulltill IN ADVANCE. UT 111 MU14...,...••••••• -60 15alvilhare' ix lite Bea or Till Otitis ZOO Foe TWO DOLLano, Tro will send by mall seventy Imam djkt Ost DOLLMS, thlrtrtbree numbers. lIVIR.Cs Rend! ng lie TWIN?! enbecribere and upwerde, Tel' thereby entitled to a paper without charge. ' Renewal eshould be prompt, e little before the year expire Bend payments by NOD hands, or by mall. Direct MI letters to # REV. DAVID MIINNEY,- Pittabur, • . [Selected.] •-. • The Well Thumti or d i llMe How a reverend head;: Weighted with tiAth years, itisee to me, eve)l l _ . o y With the piiirei bliss and tsars ; How, with fond precision, Floshing childhood back on age, Cpnies a tender, thankful vision Of a loved . and trusted page ! What Shall the filitastar Do ldusens, EDITORS :—To ministers of the. Gospel, these are trying times. No elm* of -men have a stronger , claim on the. Church's sympathy. The trouble is this : to pray and preach a Chri;tian patriot is in duty, bound, : auCto please his Erectile. Ric ?abor,,,hoc opus est, Any minister of Christ, for 'his people's benefit., would de, sire to please them/if that can be dorie with'a clear conecience. But far'aboVe the desire to please his'people ' lies the purpose' to please his conscience tinaltiaGod. And , no man who is not thus inspired and re solved, deserves the name of It rapista of Christ.' ' '• ', i - True — piety,. Messrs: . Eaton, '' inspires etrttri tig rio • :this:this will- uot permit the mi m nie r ter to look with cold in-. difference on those , who, with ,parricidal) hands, seek to throttle our natio nal e life. . The present rebellion aims at nothing less than this; it seeks 'to desolate the' priceless heritage bequeathed ~ t s 'by our; revolutionary sires after leafs ,0A bloody strife; .o rob us, by a .pr ocess . .of disintegrition of our national ;prestige: iind national' 'glory;" to turn Mk; itiddiiite#l3 o : on' the world'o'dial, the 'eatii3e of conetittiS flops] liberty and .of,,human w righte ; to - del fest the last and most•planaible effort. ever made by man to dCmonsirtiie . lis capacity , for self-government. All this, and the half bath not been told, must result from the success of this atrocious rebellion,„ One of the atrangest develoments of the. times, Messrs. Ecliters, is the' f act that Many, are found'aniong us, professing to be friends of the Union, who item to be horrai- 1 stricken at what they deem encroachments& upon the Constitution by the anthorithia 4 Washington, but seem unite wijling . .to apologize for the intiolent,, o;rei.q and perse vering effort to cr„eoSr4liat doisettttition,- by the nuthoritiearat - 4ichmond. la there . , ;any other key to this peculiar position t.bart, 7, -7 " , ._7' -..12-.tt 41,,,thst of Southern sympathy? If them* I ilor thiqr„ . . . ;.. would be glad to know it. God's Thoughts ands unts ,flutki . But how can an honest man and minister , of I:lhtht--a true friend of his country and Odd thinks Net illi'lltifi thinks, in manY t,i i4 lo' 00' diord fedi jiist all Min feels, tn.' his ,tind—eo conduot tW.ptiblic &aim* or , flings. And 'this i s a hi ssai i..t God as to avoid both Scylla and Charybdis .—the rook and whirlPool,Areadfreferred wltiar . ~, : ht do well to learn. It may ' brilfg Us , slarer to God, Yelp tis to love bibs to. There could be no diffrenity here, if all ,the „ people of' every, • e j on j gregation in the -add trust him, and serve' hiin,' when we . irrespective of ) Rftty, were, as ire are thug familiarized with the more human 1461111 , coffee infinite; and'i nnetn ...l ought to be, fast friends of the Union l and ption of him. pfehensible as God is, as to many of his of. the National Government. The' Chris attribut* yet; in our habitual Sonoeptions" Ulan minister would, then, bothin -the pnl of him; we must not make'him etteh'idaik " pit and at the altar s v ie preaching and prayer, feel perfectly untrammelled. But stirs as that his existence' shall no 'clinger be a reality toile; : I Inn not sure but4Ys; while many instantly repel` any - intiMation to:libAttie theology has spoiled, in some inefili,'." of waning respect foie`the`Ndtionittnion, ' ure, our simple conception of God..' The ' " 4 ° 1 ' 4614 andObluititntimf, theyfeel "systematic theology" gives us grand and themselves equally' repelled if the Minister sublime conceptions of him; conceptions utters a word, evbri in thel intercessio' Of'the which overwhelm its and !alike as fear and sanctuary, expr'essitigit desireVor their con tremble, but which eometpuerhig i , ~ finnan* and preservation. `- - -lii, , irOt ihil a Pltljuitile, aoileredintibil ?,' -They Will tolerate, prevent na from loving • ail bi with a obildie lore arid — a child's trust. the' South, *hirer they insolently traniple That is, certainly, %magnificent definition these precious SoeittlOilitsaihga in the dimt, of God, found in the Westminster Cate- lent aVorthern ministers ; must not evenray obit*: '''" God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, f n i. ileir : n n lit i li l i nn mi eLl':°°nn i a i ennY in in eaclougeable io his being, wisdom, power, / deed. a, jewel,.unknewn . ,to. the diadem of; holiness, justice, goodness, - and tittle ; many Northern peeiteeri of religion.. That is one conception of God, and • Llrite It is clear ;i then,,M - ettece.Edit l ors, that to ono, but not the only one. And joist whoa - Pieiße all, in the' Pl'emisssii is simply im: the : brain has become puzzled and ;the, possible. lfa minister speaks ag all on whola soul perplexed, groping in this sub- the state of the obiintry, in the pulpit, lime conception for something we can real - some • are- offended ; nit 'he do not speak, As, hie delightfully comes in that beanti-, others are. If he expresses - any opinion, — furprayer Christ taught um : " Our Father some are displeased ; if'-he utters no opin which art in heaven." How that disci- ion, others are. _,.pr.f.,Tyng has well re psteit our iutellectital conceptions of God, marked : " There are persons in every con-, cold and frigid abstractives astheynthtept to • gregation too viTaolops ~ ,and ,sensitive to' be-,and gives as a warm, hamansimageron . listeri.l6'. artjtfrittgl-ie*liich - they'd° 'not whiett the heart can rest. God',isi my agree; others.,too set and determined in Father, and, thoultl may not know what their • judg9ente to, ,i,ierniit silence on the, subjects whildt theY deem ParainOunt, For he looks like, though I may not be able to underst biro in the mysterious any%minititer'to bale* and ineiit all'these aepeets of !hie nature, yet I know that he ciassel '" . ls)./mP°'44l)}e''' He would he 1~ thinks of me and "feels terivard me as a very weak 31144 , elilbru.snan whoshoula-at in/her-thinks and feels. God hes feelings; teilljti..ti':l .. ,-, 4 , ...., . an d . h e h as f ee li ngs such as wan has ,He what , then, pie .question recurs must the -, can love, and pity, sympathize an' `feel minister do? Under such 1 co mpliektion pOmptelion, as well as be- angry and feel - of circumittances; what course must he steer?' • , %Arad ,and ) inctignation. lje , has a heart What can he do but go to • God in earnest Ogri 'r does feel,"alid shall went say, even PreYer7 -- eeneeieW . ,.: , e-f/ .hi t 5 ~.ct i ,, l l, valc 4. jitiss I . ..*wrieneee ohangea of feeling 7 4 l la4Nien and , ce ee9tleitilleett . 4 .lll 3 9 " alicK69n— infploring the grtiirance . 14 the' flOy Glou r ' aa ‘nridiirer. returns, grieved, whets 4e,re- Iti t is;te, return ? lam not sure,but we r say ••••' - 'reetritedr to fellow white thesii ril'and tao laugh when we say, absolat e ly,'‘‘,,G o d is its le&Venly - 4445hings lead: IThen.leintfito unetangeable." In his pliins analinr- geli,t o thOriPttlibitelllaglil Pelle,' witk.helY penis, he changes not. These- are etetnel boldness i ens' ußith the fee; pt dod o ; not, of, n, }iz his heart, let fiailiti4 A uttn: ' and immutable. But can we conceive ;of a Ma Erin* and intelligent being who has no whit he Ileliek'd to c rgcraiiiiinTie falah'f' firthly•reholved to-;main-'t emotzoiut 7, ,In short, God is more /gm man ings of the Spirit; , than;the masses of our people think. And 1 tarn a conscience void ofroffence tow'ardThid thie, instead of 'd,egtading God, only, exalts , a11.441'1l i holding ie.,,laer. perspective the Man. Are y you gapped at the words, God , gint ,e cloning Tan, respraless t in t , a t „ is mote like Alan than the masses of our, manse, of the featies or"'frowns, the good eple.think,?, Then turn to thihistorTof or: boor Jo iniodire ftla TelYo*.men. Snettit' Mail's creation, ,where God as s.: "fiat us . clethile 114411 .. Y dab: 4ll N respect' 6f tine 4 ,917. of . w o e , man. in i mage , o. , ur 44,- - ) whose reepeekis worth rimming. - 14, ness"l That prevel that God is like Min. I Why, 11 3 19,e,id - tillilit_rv..asltfj of Christ-4ot- ' He is akin to tie and like us, as a faikee iii I ttl"' th P.4 l9LY P •b it a irl. n g i mi x li i li akin to and like hie eon. God jeop i watii. 1 ?ties ' .I.lt tne ',Toppi:ise ity of cause'ess er, and- we are his offspripg, g e m iik., us, •/ offense feta oft the fi,tlht mho - alders'. Shohld only, better and greater. Tel4o,,it perfectly„ . any peraofs oontinne to cavil :and carp • at holy man, with every good, moral • quality the. map, of 43 " 1 :fer the,nonsoientious die in,perfeetionAibadd to that,- in fi nite pow er , etirge . of ministerial . duty , at their door, guilt and responsibility. i l l4 Si t tN i ti 9l P) &e., and you have, w h ars , 'i not-44 lies the "thke:Ar_tr l Wbte conception of ,Go‘-- A I rv . Suppose, as is. often done, they chafe and ing, - intelligant, emotional, lolly, ,all-wiee_ ' f‘fa V aini ' lanva ' llin-aanatnair, and itA Seri. • and alllpcieverful God. " How think ye ?" vices; they simply injure themselves and ' say Christ, and then , tells us God thinks ' families. Can the causeless withdrawal of .V‘lft oo re think in this matter of' pity for ; est. Indeed, lem not sure but we err 'I such persons really and,permenently injure l i the fihiindi ofleio'd 7 Do those esteem the in 44,3 king all the time of God as the In- i Ohurdh aecOrdiug:to her real character, who iompreltneible. As to the: whole of his us- I thus treist " her sweet oommunion,',solemn, ture, he t 410qmprefiensible. , Bat he,is not • j VOWS, her •,/a,nlTi: of ,love f and tiP r ,n ise 7 ? incomprehensible in the choraoter of, eeoh Can we rec?gmze, in , su ch , pro milers, the and every attribute, of l e nature. w e can , most diatant - lineam'eilte - or those who comprehend their q ter, though • not 4 sighed : "if I "forget : thee;- 0 Jeruiralem,- thetroxtent. I can co prfill,nd, w h o ; l ove , let my right hand-forget her cunning, if I is, but 4 cannot oomprehenr, ex,.., of do .not romemloiv'thee, let my tongue infinite' :Jove. It is the in nityoof God's cleave 'lb `the itroof of , my. mOuthhn/b:jr attributes, not the character of Akqui, that heartless in their religion, they are like the uudityp him s the Incomprehensible:, An4,it " ohaff ~. which,- the -„wiEd . , ,- I driyeth away," is,Pettause we l fail to make" And, ws • the 'chaff - ILO% &is wheat ? this Aistinotipn hat i ith thr " L ' i " • • . At my father's knee with wonder, * Oft with wonder and with awe, Did I list as Sinai's thunder. Pealed RS eat:lotion to the Law. Oft I seemed to see with trembling, Deadly plagues or vengeful sword, When the chosen raoe dissembling Drought 11p•homage to the Lard. ' Oft I heard of priest and leader, And of royal bard and eage ; • And—although the painful reader spelt hts efouraeAlong the page— Rapt ,. I heard—Whilst tears out-welling, rs , Down the quivering furrows ran— '. Iles en has seoght an earthly dwelling; , t x ii ,0 i had pitched his tent with.ninni . • i' . • kit' y father read the story,' •• "' , 7' •• relit:dif4 all the wondrous Whisills .:4l ' "alitamed his face with prophet' '-' 'Prtita the light thatzlit Wald. F This in joy inoreitidiffirii gladness ; Thiel iu,gvief rebuked despair; I ( hifi3ritoen 'anguish rescued sadness ; i . asci t the Christ of cod, was near! Forth he looked etc plain and river, They ( knew, were made for him -knew ' lnew that he should llvs k forerer When the suit was old and tim. In this faith, on that dark morrow When to ew,rth hie wife he bore, Not al hopeless did lie sokrow—; She was only gone before. •`-fi r tixin he followed : siniled'in , With hie hand upon thw - page There my oharter-words,Were'lyirl: God the guard of orphanage ! Since that time, whitte'er betide me, Tits my etay divine : L've my father's Beek beeide me, And my father's God is mine!' r thiniclng, of his vastness: ,arul _Tensity, we failo realize his actual exist ence, Any how, his immensity,is not: the aspect of b r ut nature *lob we will find moat comfort and lapaafit,im hiapa- Ursa phareet:er,,: in [which ,Christ revealed hp?, , Let us,AIM:le/her !,tJaai lie; is our i6,Father, withr,allithe , thoughts 'and feelings o the beet of fa th ers, toward 11 sfr.:P.IALICo.laia fattier pitieth his children, so the Lord pit ieth t that Sear him.," Notice, there, Go , • ;11,4cp- ri -as path pities p as a father 4 (Aclne whom , his ;mother nom - -4 OL. XII. NO. I. forteth, so will I comfort you." Let us ooze(' to God in this simple faith, - that be is /ike us, so far as to be able to - feel for us and sympathize with us. " How think ye ?" Would you care for a lost sheep? God thinks just the same *ay, Chriet tells us. • IMO fait_ie c le" , . ret, l4 tite, 41, 'kr" ilfeeT,coinecienoe.=-4,Wilt . iin txpaeti,re ; then, come, /ill* .irilA., Of eirthre, ileettuae, • they . iihaleitiind :toir;" ei t r Q IoC in *tlie Oreiii"Day 4 , theirii#lgnors; q wkir..lurtri any; , f; . keoirotif." ' 4.. J in , • i.vey f :Wft often 0010 .00 JaOttiirctiotiv,wisleFpeot, ' t end alsylo:,,bettex Lthiq ri7i*Aitilegerve:— IG;rififrig9 421 lo 11:117.ailq EMI s . . . . . ••• • . • •.... • .• . . . .. • •• • •'...... . . CIIL)1 1P ..• • ))1 . . . . . . ••. : . For the Presbyterian Bonnier. PITTSBURGH, WEDNEStaY, SE nglaßEß'.lo, .1.863; ,IVROLE NO. 5 Another Student of TheolOgy Fallen.. On the 6th of July, William H. Barber, a student of the WestenhThetilogical Sem inary, died at the residence of his father, in. Washington COunty, Ohio. ije had been in delicate health 'for a. icing time, but until shortly before his death, hOges were still entertained by himself and'-others, that he would recoverfAcicp',#,YAO)natif!y;hifri.in intiiinkihe,minnkery. Btit not : the, orProsvidenbe that , he shOnld, do 'the 2th year of his age, and then he: was just ;ready. for, 40 - insure, two 4 down. Hia trill prilifmaneoft wept a re pared, nothing was lailking .but the sanction'. of .Preehytery to his 4alsng : a Place in, the I,t,kl . tda---the . ,prition e - to whieh his moved him, and ihieh, liemoo "lit *th fatig 14 diligence foi. el ) •' # 7/ 11 ; . 5 ) . He at tha., Aprilr meeting When - the time airfired-he f founA"hcrnseittoo weak, physically, to travel: - that . ' tinie - he continued to sink : Until flea* took Thus 'life - expectations were disaPl pointed. Thus interested friindehave been sadly disappointed: Thita .i tNe,Ohtiroh lest an ornament, Attlitlgiekay#4o, hisloeelk, depriv,ed, of a ,pioipaing, go-worker. Ee had ,e'oin,pleted two years. Of fun theological training with the highest, eriedit. yaving . enjoyed the, advantage of*iy . pfileital in struction, 'both in SariPturwdoetrine Chrietian,practlce„ hp, tiostesiied ordrriark degree' Of fitness for the irorlr which.*444ir in view.. His - mfrid"was stored spiritual knowledge. IBS hoi> to wore clear. was gifted' with 'a 7 reolly : utter ; , sue& and a pleasing manner of tiddrees t Ate was of an unassuinine and quiet diap*tlite )i and his social qualities were such gain the esteem, of' tillSitho abave-all, it is illeasing to .reaord, : his , uniform and glowing pity., th4l:iiras - bi: yond a doubt.. It was: nnostenlaiiona, but, it was conspicuous. tt appeatell •in his whole fife and conversation. _ His liatwas snot hidden under a bushel.• Harm solicit ous for the souls Of "cithefs, and wool:011y given tip to do good. ' '' In piospect of -death 'he maintains& the niost, perfect composure; and, talked like one who , was quite ready to dellr having, a tiell-grqunded,horielhit hembrd Men be with Christ. RIB Own latiguage,l4an-ifi f l 'cidtersation with the 'Writer on "one omit. I sibs, •was : "'I. have often thought , l svoul&1 1 4.419' Pii 6 was pomp 'gate j' 4 l:9T9r, ittiar e,niitain.that he would not recover.. Andshah was the tenor, of his last ) uttgfir auelts:i His end was peaceful` and*frifflth- I 'lent. It is sad to see such fall!) Skiikie is a , Pleasing reflection, that his liffifirai: not in vain. And so it may be said did& death, for "he being dead , yet splakeilt." ' Whilst we cannot but feel that numerous friends; and society, and the Otifirch ilerdr the/ministry have sustained a loss; yet we bow snbraissively to Him who ruled la infiz, niteAii dom. We do not mourrkas, these: wh%hav,e no hape., Wilt wilt fill - Vifi . olftee blaii#o. J‘dho4itti-jireh- 1 4he LOH t i 1 : ' V. ArY L , our'effieitgre, _.ne - haw Tom- -.- ) s. ? 00,18 eiike' n'..tlY iniirgaginz the. meneedlietweinSt. ~ *itindNbi , -brleiiiits;A- members. ' AV .4 io 'Po . feigi'lliisttiiiiii, tite, their-a:did establialunktiiViStineesee, and : Conference(' net etioweipithlevaxt , feitiSt , 1868, .shall Abe ;8.71 aibilee.) Celebration:l that's' lee's tranquiliritaiiet faislibicire stvtif' over. 'Kentucky; thVni undifiktier dorm - • While Dr. had' gonet•Suk4 to, ndia', ~ nanny in 'the State of Miesisesppilliseff; - Years, otafart„,,wlth e ,,thei„.„in c tantian.ef begin » , their approach to the, - fro - lid-era --- of - Georgia pingwork. in, India, yet theirsiXissionary and Alabama ; theiftrip :of the seaboardSoeietrila hot formed till the Yea* 1863. tightenin g gradnoli a „,‘ -their. stronghot4 ' f ili&fßtv.-Williati‘Attlinii spoke with great established a long thaliWO;it of No-ith - Caro--., lerea'suid,,poWer .on the aubject of the pra line, eild'Satith - Cardifita i stridFloriiiii,Stheir` .P.WI 3 - iiiahltee. 2 ,-,"11 1 e said that einee,he e • as a efficfnel.seVerince ' .iNthe - Stated •Of , fiexiie'') Seeretary, -- had become connected with the and ' , Arkansas from the rest • - of. the Con •-•-• -e Miaeien , Efenae, the extepaion of the work federaey ; - and „ their undisturbed held.' of ' had •-. e t igeagallhirecgdeii&Lthe''foreian Missouri. Add to : this catalogue the lan- . missiatAid'Anore thief , aotiblea- its agen ts ! ger, F very imminent - to - Charleston,. Bp.van- Not only, howeviir,lstustrthey,linild Mr. Ar-. neb,'and Mobile ' 'of' istricition or eapfure thPrill:ThYv.buo4Pt f.Andisq, it is, ceetem s . ,`and by the Federal foree ,d the increasing plated to establish , an Institution for the, stringency of the 'Adore' blockade-rale '• trainisig Of missionaries, to raise a speeiar fund .'"fOr jthe'iVidtwe s 'anq''' r figians of r dej vast losses of men nif,t to be.teplaced on tbe.. part of • the COh fedtgagy, and the constant aeasedjmtasientitiee,7andti also to extend• spread of Federal , Inquest;'and it requires,, their workiiivlndiai-.Ohina-sand.ltaly. As philosophy, ntehiPliy es, historical parallels, ' O f Italy,4o, .11Rialpr e said.4 peeple tallced and:immense faith ) , , eiieye that the South a as if Italians Nyfro„ way 'nothing tern Protest-, can continue her ref) team. to the North in i elite, '''''Thersi, iri - nothifig - of Ihe-' kind' the foa, or, preservie, her States , tioni, the..', Tlisiltendeitidy itstiorikthe'. rither - olilidslsi 4 11 ) sway of •washit, s t o pi o _ o o` ost il e ,, ,, ' ‘ . totuni•intrdbl,tieliFshe Ibiartelassits iire:sit---: ,„, . • ; _._, taeheditsheopery # huteindernetthiall.• there - - oaernexu PcoratitAmorehasheec going. - i „, ~.- „' .... .. ..., • sk. ...... on in the Frith ioti Forth, fur isaintisixion. fi ly - 91 .- 14 7 rg y a . R t, h et n le t ; g i 3 , :s •1 7 n ;ale , y ri l ec 4a r n t it ., x to at;with the erase whilt the-Channel, fleet is d - crti work' An - I:taly that ail 'rale 'pthr`ers- of able. said A no d w n • i m irid aki t c h g re r w ou o ti p ar 4 e he .D w ri h tis ot h e . t eo fi lis tm ts , t;h ar i r iTi : 4e4ithrloal. .. filvt ,4 6%.) , Ite r, orWatt to the publileafter :13. i - i•eleek-,esi the Sabath morning, siitl thus , threw , powerful =.-; a ''...^....-- aPa in .B tiE rn te a ta n t:p ' l l' eLh d i t3 n fi g. i ta tl iT te ° C l ltlg; : , . • he shcipld.,like to. see. a fund formed - in teittitations 'to mitsls to 4 crowd. on-heard. 7 , fa it h, tio that When Goa . did' '- - ''' open the city The` Free Church Resishiterref Edinburgh : to tb gp r 4,t t eg; fa fg ht ni t 4 9 ,. e .• 4,3 •L re 4,_4 4. P a : i i :ouse -: took speCiali,-note • , ,f thilpiand 'Dv -.Beg!, ' of - '...• ,•.,, 3 e . pfayer. I. Then -ii.s.- to -the "sum-.. to be* wrote to the ,Admitalty ins inLondon. Thee; raised next year somebody in Leeds said; Duke of Someiset*eplidd to: the •Tenum- it Dorible g the' % arieouna." , This -might, said strance in, ari l , : hn 7,reb,lc, secs°, Next , me 4 i... th1 i r,..,be o b tained and if theyrdid • comes tint 'the Vi' tin an . article °li - . 1 it would 'R.i - iise aboniiiiiti; think'sgiving in ' ' dently written by, is me zodless Sdotchman , y orhakir d i liti el h fl iii h r t s d oio r ih e • -0 r ,.. t et • = now affecting tiiiritY... the..fa'ailti°isli of i among4h7r - riolritainobrllieli'T g blith -b P retlil . ChurehuLti'Ain - thii saVeet; anon >, raw. in. ]Franee•:- . Sunirng their half I d the Free 'no e :. professing to toleria their pef 'Oleos , as i miich , as a Low aioihnpartyicor. noti o ns, as , :i. brALthrep,,w,Fiipi;gll-7 tile worasiver rz in Church party ' in Aikea, and ' doing its ' L I a. u ,.1-7auk a ,""Arg.,..„ tr0.35-.lm77A;safelf4,l - to reliresent ' is' i,l -Wit ' l ir a Scriptural, i - s , . 1 .741;23.1... , 71"-..- 1 1..f . 5. a r' e . n.- .,..7.:`.7. 3 : fp? but 4, a merely pp vice ~sin Scottie L „,i imrs ... o ) ti -wil t, ffigli . l . l , l4 t it •- 3 , piesli_oh- . WhoteltUktlfraid that i rnekt; , ':. ..• Table tilatotieflent made'; : orifitki,of,tiein DeCilkyiiii antiong "' ' ---` Ye weary splitte r „ree s t,, thiThirlitlt'fief - ped-te intro W. , - ''' , ` 4, -Ytt , nriWinoiee - settisrtergwr., --- N iow as to the Lord's dey; not only , as to t The:year of Jubilee is comet the 'Cie's/dire .foundation of the Sabbath, f. - ~.- Return 3', 1 191. 80 '.° 0 1 1 .eipn#FLIra 1.7 but, ebnseqinhitly, of its Divine, - auth`opiet 1 ' :A l AOPgi-"t* . - ‘ i fat4Jers". who spo ke , at this and perpetrall'Obligation. . VhOl4heliti it, I meeting a d th .4 ::WerlrOliah 616 ferenee? was. very , the'Rgi.'Dt'riffolf!' - flik'PeYsoicit appear with anti people, arid iiiileill,..idtli many Olinrciliiien and eleigh -*hot While 1 anori 4 ri'Veningble*,:ndittPosing-Ite 7 a4ogreey the clergyman' rehearse! The' Ifigekt i ogiig in 1 aCk( l 4"4 6 Adde.aaitYl4rsikend•weight Ito it front Of 411.e' ' Cominuniiiii7tabfe; - , and the and to his fireeehia NI fact ;that he lig 07_, FOnith'Otriniandment aiii i olg'ilie'`i-eiie;ise i l tali, blind, and 'has been sg.,,,fei t r eyer,F3redri. ‘, 1 , 0 4 hrt ie mercy upon ui aid' iliWilei I'havieseell'him' thlitOitandailp to speak' in oui 'hears to keep this law. ." IV is the 'Miller Hailriiirizrautil'6"fiite-al-al:ear " Sibbath aay, ,, not a pait - of,it,,thsieii% 1 ful enthusieem - vwhielieepillit'aearcely be' be kept "holy" But the leglilittire . 1 ouPPragl l l4* tAlfoil go at , tite ve.O.Oltt &Lifer.' •,„ _ _ practically th ese cc Puritan 'views, Fi9tteat7,was received I , OPID M. Pi ttAut 2240 A. , d allows • ' trains run 3isi '''' ,4 ) with: every leasable m ark' ;if vener ation, once,_ ;the old man ~ - .1',1....t., .. 4--,A4 .' - i an „ railway to wael'e and ,4 4 ... ~.t. ,r ,-. ~ -. , ? . arid woire up - elystoraitiary entritecasm as troops 4 - 1 0 t h ° a R r 1 r etit d i 1- I,7l o ieti n h lY nkr, - ; p a o f p t o e i i i ‘ o r g e t7 o 6 li e b a i l i o h h ° 6 ll ;:li ' m t r " : t ,ii e ki t i l ib r a r& i . t 6 'h uit a' , ' i hir re:remit to the eldatirthilea;*;Esitsi l'stirriti4 Hudson linvii;sittraVtelllNcliettteiltioir; l'fid.' 1 to 2 v. -31;) I t i, - me dio te lk e t t 4-01 aii i i e ty - 1- letedamissionarynnitenidothiitithe future. , ~ another topic g iyen gr o o t.' B6 tid eo ti on . t o vie,,,wi b isd if . o f , h 4 `• and from sto "12 , p., , ,,r, t v a , i f , ..f Reading o f Bowl§ was emancipation. W..* eatisfectionakekOeen , ; 1 4, o f t heLo re p e A tt y . '_ ro r .v en st_ f ifel s ti&j . ' brougt,dr,,,beier...e. the , Conference. _Twenty" enhanced b i; the recent deelaration- , ef the: n ili o h . e :”^- y O toe „-b erri d t ei.el i n d , ',At' er i l ed. 1 muoVniere',' fic6,yAiti . ago, 'Bah a" matter Pr? B idee,thq 11 , ViAl!ins• if °,,f t gr f q,fitswi- goat; ;rid,' you'l• iiter;titi 4 ri, tie / esididth'el.haarelfiWhe'deiteiogible; becinge, as far era: o f we t s' shall meet with tne 'same ritaini- lie of punch,,' of t h e - - ;'ca r glikev d a d i' ilnv the atted6'ailfil ~n retw tenterned, `, the tiiiii•ai WittattlieLkilling ift`calli theist' a : :4 . '"enT"' lli d4oida, Asa do ' al‘tisire iiiii same" reAtlingigC mignon* was ifiinknoWit . But white ;4 01 ilieffd. T Th 9 ../Ifornifts vi atitter the lint a nd"' liieltenelioGionsly . Sai l diol,', ilkthrly,,,,lte collegiate,..trainingi syyl.reftue-,, friend of the; And - oLemanNPlitiittni- likewise mocking a t the bells of - London *pet- hays!' I..aerk iritreduceil, the`tiisilerkcy writes_ as fo'll'ows': * ' - ' 1 --' I' whim 11 i` -0 8 " --,,- : , . while, ailion s ' L (i:eail 4 ' (4 - ife . . r 5:a 1 " ... n •.. ~..k. 0.,. ...;;'- l a g b 1. ..; 1 4 4. .. .tueyring for eventing seryie ? „ r , ~,..,,, 4', ,t , , ,„ agi j na y ~,i c, ec l e ctic` .. , !IRetaliation .nat s "sill Its pace among in - hie estimate' the eople islioUlt be dray -, 'elasess-trot'onlY. frOnsirnoteS, 'butttit'r6ad• ill 'fillirr'f ARP i iid l9 eldin z A t ihr'''' 4 •' 7 lt gacid` green . ' It 4-' ')''. 41 CI t . - . 6. So ~ adp g md- In ;par fields. le: a litre a manuscript sermon right .through. 11 the raft ot liellfgretentirllfrivlbiadinslviegte hartl,"bileiveintist expect It 'frinti,wiri4dle''• '43l.4°errtsrerore-13-04.we440-13anotion this, bei , ,blemea-.ionlY for :pettgatingh , distinatigir, ets " under the guiseof'A. feentOrichleird ' 'they weuldjokeNvaqlszri inpo •preetige, to ,b *pitidi t ketweeß, white apCeqloeed : , sel Chiiiiiiiiiiii, 'that' the - leer should' n ot and their riyart,itie F r ee jyic' tluodists, the dißre tt , Tliol k kenseppli has s ,caw,hp o , f oli n: l,- ; a 116.- wrim y.„., ep t y to lth• a ii eau tt e , - .me h - mi ed e , ; Piitniti*ge,NilluareVielleyaiirliisheilition, away,. as lieve'leert oihel i repiOactis iiigh, lets Rretibyterians everywhere fpxnotinlikr. ywaddlatJaatriVAke'll tin t i bevilibe * C ' Ulidltnibt " -: thira'arittalitibis ,- '-etaihetiiizOf i'Va"MkTiliti? and endorse in theirihoppeholds, ecilY-4.- qt 4 2 0 -!Ve.4 l 94ist , cßilliktrY ThblilegtothisaltilehoplaoNtuisonittlieifiOt. aietili their own Orininal oOminet, phafil'a-i • (VriPts,, all • effective Iv iini qrY) J ir go, l Y o'l - .with phis paleXadedr bhr; Sciliptura 'utterance eqou;eele l flf t , he die in . cold blood, hti , w - ill ate - Divines, - 1111•Englishinesi iiiciellihibiif - 'i 4 kii(4 l ( ll ''' ' N ''' ' '', ' l' ' 6 .' 1 ' . of iiiiiWetitiiin: • ' pends en #iof class of whom the liisit'aoiii not die unheeded If he be reduced : Aim SenttialrleornMissioners :rg. , Ther:Mabbatitt ii -- - '''''``l'iniefttelhe;-iSiali titiAitiit a rtiwiii." '- ' solaiirs'liiiiiilllaVay;,,h,a`4 . 4 . lf iriaiel,batla . 'to be , onotkii , by a , holy sea ,that - *iiti4Viiiiiat4 . illeatV7 4 ll;l;ioi6d . , ._ bin Confedintfe litompantotr intillattegiV, , day,otin ' 4,91 n such - ''Rud em, t i mithg e stair - vi t i ol ii th - - Er ia . f .i i , " ' ..-.. :-''• t, recre a ti ons . 5 tz - m hems, a ~.9 0 o°- dation." - ' ''' j- ' ' ' ployments as.are,-lawfill'an otner, ' n a nd days i , , quence which , ,, call kindlemthei:eathusimini,l IT U 4 / 5 447,./Youe,t also remertre that a - :. - the sPeaffei'irr ,'the 4 fialegail'iri t illit PuV - ' ' and 4einteaud. f the emotions oCan_ondienee 16 Theß e d ete lG oy e rnirout . ixelo b viouridyi he and iniira o urrikrpires , I wo irtverebip, areagrzwatsbje •sr,,th _reit mig,eeitn„Opfl. Z et - •.,, , .40........1,, - * Jr.' L .; 3 ~. ... rx ,7 , S ~, `S 'A,sItA kt , 1 0 / liguniA,, by t enry,,,sMiostioe .) - j ef ir duty,and except so utuch-melisitAdlupbllllBworks eigrilher,e,, ) thinai:Whe reineniber Dbel„mere; honor' to tccore fe,r i the ,colore&-itobliers et: of ,nikeelirsitY, and: InereY?? - Q .-, ,1, ,, ,; ••--< ; itiTWCT YAW* other effective pitWeis in the Irdaoal tiriiiies Nttik rt t ,ArAil l itriiar 'iii l 11 11a , , , SMABART.-P,FTS KE.1TA0411604 ; the , -thm,pireh*, *tad, adifif:titif tliairlelivery , their niilitary'•iigfitiinid armi e s .114 them gt e,,79,1 able article aY Jgr a '?ete_r , wfolinadinagh agir." 46 nkehla . 4,"•-,nid.o,.' - t , hat 4,t; pledged , themselves to 4 0 f.,thiff,&iii,hisiri i i.gf. Bliyne„,. in a ' repent :Wine of - the - , 7 Weekt.y,, , wag Tafin.XV with a. . 1 4 . 00, 1 1,05Y L filliAr c negroltelp, and accepting #o:BArvigeo o of ReVieto;'''Mr:l3ay.no . =iii -i a ',Siotiihman'*- ' lA/1 1 1 '4 1 1 4 4 4* 'a * rulii:sizWr:•l4eet ,r41:72,052 the aolopd recruits who er9w4e , ,serge , bit044414s sr aiettibet of , the' English heel , ii2feociarli,, Ati , :Th ~ ,,..1, 1 .. 4-10,,,,..it i.' . ii:11Ao:ILT:j1„„t, under the banner of the tric.e.., - : ad„t e ; He has e c ! uliar ' faeilities for ascertaining - -rsek a nuataAja•AnO i Fap4!Alg'•er a Werivrioe, Federal' Government 'ilea& 0 4 th Itglit the cu rrents. of political end ~religleus ' rather than make ` sure of - aeouxitc,y, : bY a this plain principle ''' of Itlitile 'it -ivonld . • thetight - and ) feeling among she", oni„;,,), , sl.fixiikietloPlsig.ner. the #asineaript,,, al have- grievostely,failed. in a -.. , sTand;ilost own ,iilesti ;' hence his satire in his, recent •7, war riwcii i iii i ircitea,cler ialcrea.oe:priiitch. for-the , future till ' claim ..„ 1 , Viteirvice of • artic le is 3 l34i thorp,hghlY 'abate - Vied- la* hiii - : - ere4i§ - eye ekrie Iffizir liiiii:his very 4 .ata*t' colored;riernite," . A ;1•*, •.. . ,- dieeriinfnatipvchilysis..-.:,The iitlipsi, u 'o,r' -morecteaueid. y4l, b649.t . entbmipii: "The Confederate Logi,' tiOtWithetandiiig i ' hr 4 ' - Et i e ti -.. ln v ' A - Ng ~,--,1,:, 'The Et t litxeli, - : ° f ° 9 4P-inte'#.• ancl eAlt4i°ll,llf4rl4ggliM ~for all' 'ltttemtitii te'"deprecikt* !Glitter* ''sfiV B ' l 4 M a -T .l f#:eaPi•alliA4°°i'°4 4. 7h18 Pe' . ut4?,k 1 , 1 4 0 A, - t o 4,4 o ,To49l9)lo4iyinstylet with edge s vg . ..nr S. ”,.N kmi:?Sio'dielg'lorniiettP peruitili,!4-Per:rig at serious. linglon-:", - TI- 0 lliirl,t,riji linplatjee,Arii„ more ; thin. a .edM ) - pdoityllafitirein the 7, 2vici a, :li d ,! , o vi ii k :i n a has " a particular spite 'at the sitp:iiatif:2,„: pe e. ON at 'e:ll, -. 4 9intri qiiile *einpihnti , tiVetiriebaliiiitylini.t.iihl leo;ireitirairs 'ir4.74 , AaOkke!,P.ooAY-maY be Veri : 000004 '0 i , 1 2 0 P 1 1004eig. 1 3 ,00;317400. 4 . 1 4 coutilitte`tsertinief for a ,iionsieetlii'„ttinV in oa r literary 414 political kturvile• The c" °°• •••1, , ,,;..q °,1 4f r eateef1e1.9 1 4 6 41,11 - ell:ael'el.'Ai , , has , y et...-f a iro-d! • idiiiiii y :i i t w i t ;;F oo ri Ira: wrj, r ~is ppltabljr.. a clerg yman IWskippal), r, ;11 . 45,1iff4-thp mw : treAidpnt„when le Att4ii„, diik'ltist B 'akloi is -27' dide43lll," ii,o 4 at %awe akt. 4AT° 00 h 0 fAbaPdl.e 0 0 4 1,0 ,04 1 , 3 0., A', 0 414 out a. giiikcattre,dipg. of amp* it i 16 , 4 tibbi,s4,,, f ia l i r e an edd 4 w il ie re i r6 - . g 4 ~,,,!,(7 41 !9, : t i aughs at , eire_ry:Aiitg.,fiated, - .b.i,-, po : o„ii4 . 3 Rinioers 4 , -', Zven. - theee who burtiliecit'jc6ttan 'lri 3 thi ci Soltetwlt. eiii i a°. brlyarf• ''. 3: The - TEris, * : tßThultorPl L , w9S I "ilikt .l ll: 4 4 o l4o, th'il-rogai i ng of ig.i0,410, 1 State 1 ,rff ',* '- .: .• *` , , Inx. _iv t0.... , ..11, sfi ,„w, . t oot:di-edicts 'all.,we cettbliebted ••;;•in,,i3 fli.soo.2pq.pr i ''tia'ghtiiph. *oft. Christi, Thel' xhiiki-ona Wavy trali.l4ll6lr. fa ° A 0 . e .history d . 4 1 1 . 43 '4461,1r74aa1./' of I. wmi - Pirii3td TY:_o:pt , iPu'lliltAePientgil I ‘ ll waCena rilrAtike9e=atilt..eMPllp AtE r r° aOLVT,- -Russell, the well-knowb Cr cr orris- ' . Tinv'Wifil;)tiria.N, kgrilDivitivzOONPßller;l ar Pi• e4 " °4. l° " 4 9 P r i al3a4 • -.- ~ pondentpinatifterwaris at Newdrkorif and nwsmulfes p his : ,ear: met-:at tSheffug/toolts 1 ! I.l)34linyr, kkgrievi 40 say, as ioaioathal Nyttabingtorq, ball :tor .months. iasciwriaten. meeting has been one of much interest. byk. , the Ais,testariebraf from India ; lies.Zbeecii very, roodernt d.lelydan sensiblya andylwitin Greg -ipritabi ill.? dividedifintdt thirt,y4nte , egnipedleac to leave Oahlittti tinder: With. remarkable freedomironi , ,bitterness kaki,: distrietvainbeitalp at its, annualAt3ynott of:s,,dysentorn-gohtffibn %maga ahlrollenndlor; North.. 40'1 , 4 iiatirdtp. last appeared; is, ie- ministers and4laymenieleits irlappepresen, '..f. Divhind; iridlts hopelofl sating :his fothera , morkahleertieleowhich r iatea ithb wind .outs tativetwliesekdnq it iw-tisiattend;eaoh: ande,7 wise impgailled; andlgriseitrenilifii. , Wh o cans of, those. intiateillbelloons.i.sent:upt by ,ithet alliwfi theleoinniitteel.of Atervieiv;'m behalf '.,-, tell urlaetherJor-r not ,tb, iwyetoran soldier ..of- Xiates . and .tba.-Sticadadel.•4 Thp:ianzated of.thiLdistrict, Co Whiciiihe , belcingss• - .lldser' thi 44-essefehalll Iftelre•eur ahores•-•alive& says ;„that many . ptittlie , iwristappAsefiawith. Methoclift Irevlexii ' , labors to she* t'hatte'theseM:Tanifelaboriouei ho i rchei n , Ills Eter v id e , ; - , theuktherieark.iver 'jut ‘. ~...1. . , ...‘ . B4ifskiaPd important preparatory Comgittens leeneie4,4 too "!*)4•4l , 24l.fltlatuow'irfidyisain4iii Scotland speswilp•tiver spirrLt, . :lig ..-.:; ‘'.,,. ~, : . te . ... miskreartnitenti...efLtlie44erikibtativ, c r , 1 todivves kan4u..l4 fmiefehatkhisrlii . - "tc whether the Amenieamtn of& sett , r._ nett later defiled! It iwirrire sthat tihifr. iewilyalemd 1 their Ites haw* mamma' . m" . otiff' tubas - we; e 4 firs#l ”e•-- . 1 - - •• "- ' • • • ',_ , ~, , ,,,..f e , , ,-, -: .- • ROPEAN•CORRESPONDISQ Tire Valoesof the Negroes—The. Prethien4'4l dfit • isopncensent-.Satisfaction in 'Engianci-st /lard ea "Vo l ./4nm. of the North--The Fled 14 z-Nonh . „-lßeibbath • _Profanation-- leait . r.ig ftignsse. t lotranty--False YieWe, in. England—The „frOnolo. .14 of 'Sksite cis As— Met Ito dielronferti Privileges-;-The Sugrome f ftbet.ictli Qrder • - , --Ifome Mission Euestwelisq-,...,Coming Jubilee of Foreign -Missions—Mr., ure Arthe,r 4144—The State of ItalgThe-JsStisid • Pleeiclegduca tional Statistics r, ••of Scrimps- Discussed and Condemned= Dr. .Tobson's Phdippic—Biness •of Dr. Dap—saints/74rd , rßounchei toss Church.,—.Home .I: l ',rovitiotl, for ,Old Mistionariee r i A Oonviri and an' English fudge at' eta cuttaT-Grief toliselfiisionaries—Con.science 'NO.= _raged. Per the Preebyterian Planner MNIII OM their •liberties=----Whether, they destroy or i preserve State rights-44vbether they respect or destroy the Constitution." All this ) may be very well for. A' historical students," toqt "Great Britain is much more inti. ' znittely concerned in Aliehard facts , of this terrible war than in supoulations auto green.. backs, habeas dorpnsmartial lal, arbitrary 3 arrests, - taxation, slid* the like.. She !Inv most deeply interested in' trying to •disj' cover 'whether the ttorth is about to •bs.. cane a' great naval and military power, witliA an overwhelming' , ae4 triumphant army, ' and a fleet of ireattgth - ' in•eitheir own wat`ers." - The writer oes- on to say': a What use, then, there in propheaf- inifiii iieenlating, i ' iiW of the facts i t fore' din' eYes l ' 11l (fiats'lrelL-the re treat 'of - Lee to the n. gbh's:Al:aid . .of Rich = l ~ Mod, after a diaaetrop attem pt _ on 'Ptit , ' ajlianka, fonadadiitlittfaatis, on 'a miamil culla& of the raorficiei of the Confederate' ! Gilisittiiiiilnt in ' ititirand -the pOiceikittiftit' • 1 I xtl3oe4iitickh bYthi lifilgrilit'of fite;Bliinaht- i dOah'ValleY find iof: tile- , line orthirlikpiiii?'' hiumook the coMplelt , - IHasiionayil - Miesiisl4l ') . Y th e ift. talti; trolyiit tiiiiv: try to - - -IlekatA trade hi 'l' EWIMM=I . . is an eaten* lint OW filet' remains that there is moi , pioper. elder - .representation in' the, Qonffirgcn, :Thisistaqaer!hard...eare-, ly, and not quite up Ito thp proper standard. " There are matters : " says thO Review, " Niltich,7aiacording to the genius 'and con stitution be- , Methbdism, it is the province of ministey3 exclusively to manage and de cide on ; such, for instance, as the accept aPoo of, : c„ait4iciotes for the ministry and or dinatitim.; oases `of alleged delinquency of motel zoonduct, (though in iegard‘tollifs therels sprovision by which trustees' in oertaiii-loalies- ouitbe , empowered to aet.;),antl,,OtbeT matters .affecting direct. ly tye. relations ,of i tke mipisters with eaoh . `J. .. a %fel n all i niatteliifirtitlflpastoral; tie itendeney i(onlyea .tendency,titowever r aniziot poweo leonferred Ion" otidsen mem :94, 7 eg mple.,) , s.°•la PNrekaPi fraPk, taxi ppen-earted -intercourse between, the.' tha l sionr `aitilltictillesteifiblies." 4 The eihogetietio , l3l3aritoter koNtkethod pithich , eharaaterized its earlyikiatolifi),Pbfg ing mom and sricrehronhh to beff pn.the maser air - I Bythe lack of a sufficient number of tears among the young ministers at and secondly, from the fact that up gently (if not now,) there has been r • • vision mid() for the support of rt. Missionaries and their families. M' aries coming home in the prime of I: obtain .pastoral or professional emph but they are the exception ; and as aged and worn out, it is surely wro: they should be dishonored by being pine in -comparative poverty. Dr. G in his Moderator sermon before the Church last May, powerfully pleaded cause of returned missionaries, and I lieve not without effect. lam also nun the impression that Dr. Duff will, if sparec act as a paid Convener and Director , of the Foreign .Missions of the Free Church of Scotland. . The closing days tf, Dr. Duff at Calcutta lave beoin Marked With a painful disap pointment. A young Hindit convert, at tae-inatigation of 'tilfindii father, and -br Ala fiat °fan inonmpetentJudge--the bitter; 'fop Ctristiari3cissiocul—has been forcibly sent :back to heathen home T. • It is some comfort to know that the law ak laid down by the Judge at Calcutta, will `biPcialledzin question, 'or at least be sought .toybetremedieff. But the hardship is not thaw:great-in this, case, and must be felt bxr Muff old 118 colleagues very deeply. J. W. , . • IMlniatera and Preaching. A colDrespOndent sends us an artiele,•the driftetrAink.is a censure upon the min istry.;forrAot:;bringing "beaten oil" into the sanstiapjjflutfor preachipg "incohe re.nt stuff' sermons width, tiiiatead of tiltrsolid, ifitidiectual and. deiply4piiittuil _qualities;" eke . 6 ' mere commcnkplace. performances." ;Ilia heau r er g " to to sees minister of ;the glor i ous. . Gospel falrear! elevated position, and then, on no amount, suffer himself , to d - eilOenT"" he' lo i vet to " see him ' grasp andliandrehis subject- with. the strength of .a.giantrand examius.aud: dissect it in suCk -a maun'erz that hie hearers. may r sec ,symmetery and beaufi,. ; and". - 'feel its iniportance:" thaefi, eierfniinfster of' the Gospel ought to haVelindefihis 'control every thing need ful :Tor -4he oectision—matter, voice,. logio,,and .imagination; nine easel lent- oe l 4 no 0 9 ' 1 • w i 4lb°,4 l ai. snit:" - He thinks . such a" minister. ''w never - compel "hie' good deatiZte go to"'ail apothecary shoP to' get a Smelling littiie• to keep him awake during •Divinerservideerf : We Ihink it would do our 061.11138Pc401.1t godd to meditate candidly, and prayerfully, upon four things which we will venture - ,t4 suggest. r. ;IT 'lle ought to coisidet that giants , are not.' natural productions of the ordinary:; world, and therefore that it is , a _little unni reasonable to expepte . ferynunista(of ,eaery pariah to be able "'to . great; end ' handle subjects with the 'strength of - &Vane! Besides, giants wOnld;be , eipensifei lain.: ries,'.and, even if they: were'. more .commoti f it, t p a question whather i ,evety pountyy,par, 1 ishltroyld feel'.44 to, feed. and Clir,lae t nn t , if 'they Could get him: 4 errimpit,.biir*l ritiligitideit 'Wlll ll 'B44' the 'rnonAlittliulooliii' . . at the'subjectawith common sense anthean-.' 430 r,, that;_aceopling IQ' the: .6minnontlawe 0, supply and demerld,4t iewhallyntaieeetni; able to expect ; every minister of the gap pel to exhibit unusual intellectual strebOh . and 'culture. • "Bniiiience in 'every` pre eV Sion is the . exeslption, - ad:: trot the - rule. Our COrtOppOrteleliO7prcttiatilyi never thinks of: mvmbling becartrAtivvillage4lawyer is . not a.Webster,NiMason, or a :Olioate ; bit, village school/11 . N. 'in Agesidaiel'elton,' of.VSillizian ; .liitt offi 1 IV( (teeter VDO - Alier;: nEthy;.eWarren, , ,cr: a Bigeloir... his' village. 0 4 110 ! --4 f , he have ,one-,-atlxeeley, a, Aite . or. .a Bryant; ,hie,F 4 illagn .. poet ,a 14ouiter lowt ills:flakes, or a .Whittier; his „village shopkeepii a Beebe,ii l'Obilyoi'a Stewart. He is quite mitentiidoilaithinla-his Tittle' world': is egettiug en • qVite-'.oreditably and ;• stOisfaatal l 4Yrifottg -1 3 ave -,-JawYeF :xko can • draW. a, deed, i 41 4 - w 4 0u.0 .pas t t examine : .tinn . of . the k title4uVer!; a• ischoOrmlster ' whO'oitli. (Wiry toyartiiii na phi - illy 'oder %lie, rudiunuit4 and s OlVoocasion - efeu • remit- one 'lately to the univetitity_j, a playeinian, i whe :can °QPcilwr,-clliqlEgik, - .P.9.1,,-a1 2 4 , 1 2 19a 9 ,4,11 9 1 ,f 1 .wh - o can at leatitehow a ffitit against plithisis mid Ipiilaiite; i ifiiredltni Who . • g &rip= rekSec ' table:kale ' 'arid at/Cacti dp nal hie way judi ,' ciovsly,;foe,the 4 right sideOn, politics ; is - poet, i . i . who ,ie j gogoil, inmitaph,,glewing in , epith a laminm„anrcilia comes out stFoug, in. an. 00, 4iloggilciiritiitari!i.ifiremsithlint .o r ` ttiii ivh - o )-Itsiep.alqigtle 4 Of 6 7 1/etre:lug 'thht everybody wante r an& steal ready Iv/Awn . ish, ;by expreP 7 fkaY: Anlounti of anything that, - anybody, Tay i ,destse. ,Does not our 'friend "see that, in these, { connexion s , . to, in trodtiCe?'tlgiiiiti." to' 'the iiilpit Would be . OW oat of proportion and 'out of reason;` and!thiit - inatnad of clamoring beeatumithe village pulpit ( does r uot ta:exuble under. the, .weekly thunder ,of, a ..lieeq.k4F,,,or ,expound "with the iveeklbtalifi of a 'Barnes, or *astonish th - eiiiiitives with ale weekly won der ogiV:fifiitirgeliii jAtri t tiglif io Ilk 7 vAry grateful; 40! hams: the•anirm*4l434l4es of Ukriol l araldad -tliers77,4l a, oalm, , practical mid 'itifelitiOnate - itieliner-L., by' ionie geed* mitri = wl4li,iiitillf"tiri' iiiii of the' - lawyer; tauditiis.asolioolmsder; ititillf.iho doettir, and. the editor . , daud'Aho poet, and: the merchant, : , ..inlntelieetiari t pliltnie And Acivtuperioy i tin moral Attid'splr orne; - Without_billag ; alga : all ' iiiiiiiiii eiii:Cat ' ' for t h e` 'i-oreacOliA 'shifo . nrit - thbOl e ogielil SeiiiiitryVthliTiefd-' . deny= 'of iioollego, the 'Milt' , important'? eittmattsanoy r .or anyabitgof ,that sortpaay :1119#1 3tikki) t.hPi)anfr e l 4 l 4,l 6 l4 , ! i4PttPl . sed :their associ at e s hie congregation are, for. elirilar It i ptAkiiiiiii" 1 "6 . " their tiiii.''' l ti r would be jatiedic'se i dAliP idloVnalknitifillls co3ntry w lawyekvabeeruse:thajt vet notata*- I \ la adwtillrtr MllB4 .i " t4 ' r V 4 . 014 i la i eryi i ,isata .i pte he' is nOf - glitelleottuirgiifif:' ' •211/11e . oilk,lit , tiirit t niiiillftethit: vet& lel& ministerimindeadi wursalo Amato& by their, ogugrtgatiops4lBl.93 rov,(ir itlieir vaakieg, the, most, , othAuSelYes ,PqtgkotpfLkly.l. rlVeir al selaries - v4, gener a lly `scarcely, .more ,t han suth'6liint to - iffoll tteinYaria'iliar c fillill6; the 4 tetre'lleceellitiesvtaaordinaryi 'collateral oft life,?. without. 4 . ,) eimittiagt.tlie ma Malay. 1 0 4*.e..VIrstY147: 1 ..Anks.illakktkwiYibY 1f149h: U r i .%.l l Bll m i 3: t` b , e l•ca r o4e4? t h ei r ".; m gu toe with tile , history o men inn''' . thilfg i nfitrgkaird t iStfile'Veile tilirgraP of , the , - exist? iti , th It'ottl Wit ou iwbiolviaa , teileetualokreadth gaud% forcie Immiabladde:i. P9O- uMarlY a !Pastor ,ja tlataa4 'bY,4lo lB ' stiw ir plople „for , f ,preyalling . " common ptv.,e eermons' 'wherithe stmete Ala ihi that tt4 FlC.?3l6l;*liliAttt *Pie But tliiliielofti' oft.sginilgitt , ' ~:, •:ktitiatikosishathitaklibitir without. p' *tariehato" • 4 '5, MR nil sermons—though no agree what they are, ... when they hear it—b , to help their minister , ''' is to grumble at their supposed otLreace t' ',, ..- 4 3. Oar correspondent would do ',well to, ~......:. consider that some of the best idgea of , V .. V human nature and its needs, an ;of the ' adaptation of the Gospel to suppjy that, ,'..!:-, .:''-',.,, need, have a small opinion of 11144.11*-IYr:, tl commonly called " great " sermonsTA'• 14 . ...:•,•' - .F:l': c :; - • end. They conceive that the sole re , ) c-• ~,,, for saving men is in God's truth, a . -.... '; ;c 4 ;- .li . by his Spirit ; while they think ti — ~ 4 -t-, : 11 " great " sermons, being apt to draw off a ' i1c 0 ,. 4 " tention from the truth itself to the garb in - which it is presented, are not so well suited to that purpose as " little" ones—which in the plainest, simplest, most unpretending and affectionate manner, seek to bring the naked truth and the nakedl soul into con tact. They remember Peter's sermon at Pentecost, and Paul's at Athens, and the results which followed; and they cannot help inquiring whether that is not the greatest sermon which • does the greatest good, in being the means of saving the greatest number of souls without reference to its intellectual height or depth; ! and whether the reason why a good . many "'hungry sheep look up and are not fed," is beoanae - they are presented with a great rattle of husks, instead of 'the sincere milk of cthe Word. They are, impressed with Dr. Wayland's remark .that "to ' the preacher of the Gdspel moral preparation for the pulpit is of far more importance than intellectual," and !lig' that - many min isters might joik.with him in the exclama ion, " if we gave as much attention to• the preparation of oar hearts, as to the . Prepa- , ration of :our sermons, how different, would he'the tieeoupi'whieli'we should iinilei'at a 'coming day." ..' • ' • 4. Oar ,currespondent may ao well to in quire whether in the matter. of "sleeping in meeting," which he facetiously intro • dicea . by a reference tO:the saielling-bottles of the apothecary; there ieliot , a tendency in the 'public Mind' to thin* an altogether, Undue. .reaponsibility upotriae -reacher. It a •lmpnii.toi be•quietly-immuntAdon . many • quarters, - that it is the preacher's plisippas to keep, people awakein ehuillin f ilifie 'lilt - biith:;'and that the taddiat% or - i inincitUos smart:RAe and faithfulness , is . thin -to* . be - &Wilted in-inveige ratio to his peopleArstn piAity;,lnd..thie itOtllont _reference_ totany , honor, conaoience or#effprt,,*-4he matter 4 on their'part'l ' The y'may stuff themselves as full of soporific Sunday delittinitta iii th l itii' l - -greedy appetitaiL,--- meeting-house .as infifontilated as,possible; may let all the lullabilq orgature and ist have full away Witli qhrillij 'they &OP, it is not their fault, but tlielaitister'S !'' "He ' was so. dull; ,we *tin have4i/f.eelicr; smart er man ! What good can a*ister.do his .1 PVlVey.if he dP net 4 9 4e 9 P4,4 3 `n1aw5k0 y.' e are dispose to have large charity . _or. . many'Stibhath' gleelien,' especially in the country.' We fel& will Inoli-tlat fOrys '' . farmer whols engaged'in - out=door active ut;door labor all the t week, to'sifilown in doors, co: pepially in a,,7arm and .elopp,r2gm, on A warm day, is, almesi inevitably physically - Braatquidue with - ix:angle sleep. 'tied We very Well' la - odt , ' thit the vast nia' Yeerty kif: , our houses of Worship r iri-both vountryind city, are sckilly,ventileted in •beth•tiummer ' and Winter that we have (Atkin. felt ~tigt, i t ? was almost a wender that-4n th'eaenee of - Wiikefuribifygbh-L 7 titentitils-hifiirrielf . did- not go 'to aleei• , is lei istdd. 0 .ThitAte " protest in ths , nailieLof•All 3 that i 5 Inlif. afriii. ,, holy, against holding the presetierulaitoon-,- s sible for his peOplelesiddifYthts'regaid:' , ilt . is the hearefiT,'dtitto" ktitplirarkelf-a4#el , : and ivouldlkif,therprenclher werg'efer 443 -, :: soporific in. mammy: , , Tho ,, A - 1141,11 . ); : , :t met tOgethif %rote:qui:lW) itioAtilopol ? .. .;, not merely to' hear al.iiiiiiliiketlftlrcop'et' ' respect for (A& deihtddi -then i• *Wkleal ness, without 414 -, reltiellAi't;Ottie - Weaelf-.. , er. If is l l.- sliardViand kittrifdiaii 11!I hiiilch4v sleeper' t o 4 tattilife - fo Vtingleihialiirdway--% contempt Of - CM'S 'iiakitind ihotiab;iiiid 'set- 0 vied, Ind his tivhiledht&nlittifer the'siiiipleht I phyidealgaWs; by liifetendititd that iti•is • die '' . 1 minister'ssiduty'edotkeirp Ihiiii-li-kfittii,4l644' i boletus.: He Miglitlas l / 4 . 4ll"tiltiltallat'iia there , prelitiAirtethity tb - .Waled' irithiSrepetit-';'. end-) k so `6lo4eshilepei4istent 4 hialtTtiehee ItcAls 4 pastor 4ihteed'ofiamenAtf. '-'- - -: -: " - Ire Ea? ffieet thifikalin' l fid'-diiiiikeiftvez--- ciish:br 0111440 fitiyWng , ' riialledeNtiiable . in•lnuttorsi and' tier cherallitt be&use - rwe 1 ' thhiletherestitreoltlinitpidelo -- ,thestdaject ', tibiblVigifda l cbtiiioffedititE.—:= Coni4 l egdas - 4- - ) a zi,m-i..- . 3 1 .• e-. 7 ........= ~.„,,,...,, . ; , , .I I • jjl d ,f4J ..: 411'1.7tec, 4. ; * f. WoAh,iotiO Awfahaud4tarzikle.,s4ll4iin.., itself; artalDavidlumratwelL,PratiUthikk pig nifteant;WontYPltatol/ 1 3240.1Yttbe ariness that be could contotao4o;;t .10244 t entrance into: the withuot: 4?ur r and: trembling; Duhli„wartifeflliiic tion of.theitemtpteri4Ltir,igio_all .to.r,y9fratfti..4 ofthis ticights t ovei fteletauli#•• " pohiph_j?Yz••••; sin. .beoame ItAulikukyerV; ,A 1 thp . power,of oteftlparui claims tins qrku, thfwaAttltlyshattsebfAis tabeiniolohinairbiora thek.'itortns:i-to-,,tiot:paatik4ty tberftinneriteaiuxt,haalnot + kliniewbo hastsbolisketkdeith, l obtai • amid imniartality,talte da4lpwaits .tuatil4lw4. ' resurrection to grasp,:hitceian Ads .s brace, ttomi4Ogother4viabhialnel 4in' unfathoin able Ail:quof e taro • s is lin • itself aCdosildfal, object ritfa43 * gtilitvi t 4 tion_ Iteitt.ealled an onwaYro.aaialltrteistn" of considetationainvestejtolW ifftdiffitni4 ttirea.--.Nev. H. skte(hossa. 1 . ! • 1118 • ' , .;: er 4 ,l rat ; wtriJ• 4 k . • • 3 4! monota •;; ' O O6 • trad Ire • % Jr.: ?; has • •ng the round ' o aki sib2liq.l9l9oeivicrg ssooo,_ip . ,` "puifiehers of'hintii A tirifilik. Oita." l HßAitlatitga- 4( liftetßit 1.,b0 • Oefft, r. even a thousand peitiot'itr ~, r .Y'~