Tirtsblttrian anntr. PITTSBURGH, SEPT. 2, 1863 Eleventh Volume: , -One-number more will close the elevilith volume Of the Presbyte rian Banner. A renewal of subscription is respectfully solicited. Send as soon as practicable, and invite your neighbor to co operate. The War. Conjectures relative to the fail of Forts Sumpter and Wagner have been too san guine, Sumpter is a ruin, but, at latest dates received, the rebel flag still floated. , Wagner was able yet to fight. There are reports that the fleet-'would pass- the forts named, leaving Gilmore to press the siege still, while Dahlgren would try-to make his way up to Charleston. The thing may be possible. Theinformation of the bombardment of Charleston from the battery five miles dis tant comes from rebel sources. It proves not to be very injurious. Two guns so far away could accomplish but little. It is, -how ever,la feat in gunnery exceeding all petit attainments, and proves the possibility of serious effects, if the itimber of such long rangu *guns 'were increased to .hundreds. Charleston, as we truly believe, must fall. We said, weeks ago, that, if it would be in our Wands by November Ist, two months hence, Gen. Giltnore and Admiral gren, and their brave men, would deserve great credit. Let us hope: CHATTANOOGA was, at last accounts, being bombarded . by Gen. Rasmus ; but no particulars of decisive results' are given. GNN. BANKS, it is said, has -received re inforcements, and is fitting out a very im portant - expedition. These wise conjectures we value but very, little. Not one in ten Of them turns out to be of any value. TIIE NAVIGATION of the Missisiippi is kept open, and trade is reviving. THE ARMY or THE POTOMAC lies mainly along the railroad, from Manassas to the Rappahannock. There are no indications of nspeedy movement. ,Portions of it have been sent to . Morris Island, to aid in the seige, and several• yegiments have been withdrawn, to enforce the draft in New- York. G. ElmNoma is inOving toward Kn ox ville, Teon., though very slowly. He has not force enough to penetratc the enemy's country so deeply. Want' of troops in the field prevents efficient operations. We have not enough to advance on all impor tant points, and •not enough even to concen trate on two or three points, without leaving other important places exposed to invasion, or to serious loss. THERE ~ie alarge'foree, portions of the veteran armyj,now in New-York ;la force far beyond any need which could be con templated as against ric‘ters. It may be intended for some distant enterprise on the, coast. • The Herald suggests' Mexico: likely it is - Torsi. =I In :Memoriam. • Extract from the Minutes of the Union Literary Society of Wiiiihington College, Washington, Pa.: WfizttrAs, lb the vise dispensations of God's - providence, our beloved friend and late fellow.member, Lieut. R. R. Rena, has been called from time to eternity; and, Whereas, It is proper that we should render some tribute to his memory, on ac count of the noble qualities of soul which he ever exhibited ; therefore, Resolved, That while we humbly submit to the workings of Rim " who doeth all things wen," we deeply mourn the loss of our warm-hearted, generous,.and honored friend. Resolved, That by his death this Sooiety has lost a member, just entering upon ,the prime of life, capable, by his social quill ties, brilliant mental endowments, and no bleness of character, of honoring, as he was honored by her; and one, a fit . exemplar for all whom she proudly ranks among her members. . .. . Resolved, That in this sad bereaVeinent, his parents are called to mourn , the loss of a noble and heroic son;, and his compan ions in arms, a brave soldier and an able commander. Resolved, That in the firm belief that our loss is his gain, we - beg leave to sym pathize with his parents . and ,friends, and with them to mingle our tears over the grave of the youthful, self-denying, and zealous patriot. Resolved, That in his death we have another tie, binding us more Closely, and urging us to be More faithful to that !g,sa cred cause" 'for Which he sacrificed the joys of home, the society. f loVing friends, and even life itself. . Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the parents of the deceased;, to the Reporter and Tribune, and Presbyte-' rian Banner, for publication ; •and also to Headquarters 140th Reg% Penna. Vols. - , S. J. M'Clauar.LL, J.: DI FORD :ST, '' 'CORI. 1 } Ert }lt OUR NINOHAIR • Per the Presbyter* Banner. Acknowledgment. . The following, eontributhlpi to the Board of -Colportage 'have been reoeived from July 27th till August 29th Long Run ooiig., Redstone P'by 8.00 New. Salem cong., .Blsirsville 6.00 Leechburg - song ' ' Saltsburg P'by ... . . ..... 9:00 Hopewell oong., Chick P'by7.7B First church, Allegbeny, All'y City P'by.. 78 40 Neehannook song., Beavei P'by 9.00 Concord "0011 t; AlYtheqr t''by, for rti.F s ;i; ligionireadlitg for soldters - ' 11.00 Sunbury song., All'y P'by, for do. do.. 8.50 Plealont Valley con, All'y PIT, do. do.. - 6.00 J. Torrence, of Bellevernon, ,fordo. do.. 5.00 Annie Rhea, of Kittanning, for do. do.. 1.00 Mrs. Banns Ferguson, of Congress, Ohio, (Wthitnie-offering for soldiers,), 1,00 , • • • • $164.68 F. a'. BAILNY, Tre&BUlr 91". John Culbertson, Librarian. . both of Fullertsu.--Died, of cardiac neuralgia, August 17th, at his home, near South Salem, Ohio, in the peace of` God, Rev. Hugh Stewart Fullerton, aged fifty tkillo years. He had been a minister of the 6ospel for thirty-three years, and for twen ty-six years pastor of Salem church. Broth ea-r.. was au able, devoted, and successful' belayed knoW ' : r For the Presbyterian Banner. him. He bad been for some time partially laid aside from his work by failing health, and now that . his work is done, he rests from his labors, and has entered upon hia reward.—Presbyter. PRESBYTERIAL NOTICES. The PRESBYTERY OF SALTSBURG' stands adjourned to meet at Rural Village, on the First Tuesday. (6th) of October, at 2 o'clock P. M. W. W. WOODEND, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY ON SANGAMON meet at Centre on Tuesday, September 29th, 1863, at 7 P. M. G. W. F. BIRCH, Stated Clerk. _ - The PRESBYTERY OF JEASR - ASKIA, stands adjoUrned to meet in the Waveland churoh, Octo ber 9th, 1863, at 7 o'clock P. M. Sessional ttecords, and written statements of settlement with pastors and Stated Supplies, will be oalled for. ALFRED N. DENNY, Stated Clerk The PRESBYTERY OF ALLEGHENY CITY wilt hold stated meeting at Bridgewater, commencing on the Third Tuesday of Septein her, at 11 °leech A. M. The Rey. Mr. Orr, of the Central church, is appointed to open ,the • PreSbyteryswith a sermon. The ordination of Mr. Lowery, and his instal lation as pastor of Beaver church, are appointed to take place in the evening, if the way be dear. WILLIAWANNAN, Stated'Olerk. The PRESBYTERY OF BEAVER will meet at the church of Beaver 'Falls, on the Fourth Wednesday of September, at 11 o'clooNA. M. "•:" • a REED, Stated`Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF BLOOMINGTON will meet at Onargo, 111., on Tuesday, September 22d; at 7i o'olook F. M. R. CONOVER, Stated Clerk. The'PRESBYTERY OF CLARION will meet at Canensburg on Tuesday,- September 16th, at it e!olock A. J. H. SHERRARD, Stated Clerk. . The PRESBYTERY OF PEORIA will hold its next stated meeting in the Presbyterian church of Princeville, on the Third Tuesday of Septem ber, at 71 o'clock P. M. • 11011E.R.T JOHNSTON, &tiled Clerk. The PRESBYTERY 'OF , ZANESVILLE - will meet, as adjourned, in'the - Presbyterian church of Bristol, Morgan County. Ohio, on thO Third Tuesday (I.sih) of September, at 7 o'clock P. M. W,4d,::FEROUSO,II, StatedsOterk. . The PRESBYTERY. OF CEDAR will meet in lowa City, the Second Tuesday (Bth) of Septem ber, at 74 o'elook.P. M. E. L. BELDEN, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF NEW LISBON will meet, D. V., in the church of Coitsville, on the last Tuesday, the 29th day, of September next, at 12 o'clock ROBERT RAYS, The PRESBYTERY OF ALLEGHENY stands adjourned to meet at Plains, on the Second Tuesday (Bth) of September, at 11 o'olook A. M. J. R. COULTER, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF MARION *lll meet at Milford Cilitre, on the First Tuesday of Septem ber neat, at 7 o'clock P. M. • • H. A. TRUE, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF Yi'OOSTER will hold its next stated meeting at Congress, od the First Tuesday of September, at 11 o'clock A. M. JOHN E. CARSON, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY. OF 'IOWA :will,hold its next stated meeting at Kossuth, on the Second Tuesday (the Bth day) of September next GEORGE D. sTEWART, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTOY OF ERIE will meet, at Mercer, on the Fourth Tuesday of September next,sta. P.. ' ' - IC BATON, Siated4Olgik. The PRESBYTERY OF VINCENNES will hold its next regulareession at Petersburg. be ginning on Thursday, the 10th day of September, at 7 o'clock P. M. SAMUEL B. TAGGART, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYXO I OI . .01 1 , TOLBDCretands ad journed to meet at Big Grove, Benton County, lowa, °lathe SeeondTuesday of September next, at,7,o'olook-P. 4i.- - LUTHER DODD, Stated Clerk The PRESBYTERY OF 'THE WESTERN RE SERVE stands adjourned to meet at Wesuniniter church, Cleveland, on the First Wednesday (2d) of September, at 74. o'clock P. M. WM. CAMPBELL, Stated Clerk. The , PRESBYTERY OF SCHUYLER will meet . • in Ipava, Fulton County, 111., on Tuesday Sep tember 22d, 1863, at 7 o'.elook, in, the evening. T. S., VA.ILL, Stated;Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF FAIRFIELD will hold its next stated meeting at Kirkvilie, lowa, on Tuesday,. the Ist of September, at 7 o'elclick . P.-M. Members coming -from ; the: Rest will stop at Comstock Station, and 'thence be taken to the church in carriages. , : • , • S. C. M'CDNE Stated-. Clerk. • SYNODICAL. The SYNOD OF ILLINOIS stands adjourned to meet in the Rresbyterituf . church of Bloom ington, on the Second Wednesday of Oztoher, at 7 o'clock P. 11t. " • ROBERT I .7OIINSTON, Stated'elerk. The SYNOD. OF lOWA win hold its next stated meeting at lowa City', on Thursday, Sep tember 10th, at n o'clock F. hI., - A. A. E. TAYLOR, Stated Clerk. The-'SYNOD OF ALLEGHENY will meet in the First,Presbyterian church of Allegbeny,Oity, on the Fotrtk . Thursday of SePtember, (24th inst.,) at 71 o'clock P. M. Presbyterial Narratives are to be sent, before 'the first of September, 10 'Rev. James Allison, Sewickleyville, Pa. A Oomndtteet WiiPfbe - 1144 tittendSnee at the church, front 8 till 6 o'clock in the afternoon, to conduct the' members of Synod to' the places where they will be, entertained. . ELLIOT E. SWIFT, Stated Clerk. The SYNOD OF SOUTHERN lOWA will hold its next stated meeting st Des Moines City, on 'the last Thursday in September next, (24th day,) at 7 o'clock r, 13. • IRitted Chi*: tutr BtiUs+ New Music. The following Songs are for saleby Mrs. Char lotte'' Plume, Fifth Streit, Pittsburgh Wrap the:Flag around me, Boyar '",The fionnie Flag"; and, 44 Call me not back - from the Esholess Shore." Any one . of these songs will `beseitt by mill on the receipt of thirty -,.lllaekwood's .11Iagazinep For Auguat, ha L e heen received by Henry Miner ! lIt: contains: Indian:, Prosperity ;- George ,Crulk shank i'ThiState and Prospect _ of the Chnrch of England" . (chnolnded) ;,` and other interesting ai; tides. The Bergittic.Mighif46 _The September number; of the , .Rclectio ie em bellislld,,ritbra, beautiful engraving oflicon. Luther 4 Bradisb; late ireshlent oet 4 e, ' r tmeratitin Bible Society: Theirhicliial'artiolei are : Lyell on the; Antiquity of atin; ;Our Modbrn Youth The River Amazon ; Sepulture' of Various thk tions;" yint'Considered as Mode of .hlotion; Boston Public Schools, &o. It is for sale by Henry Niiiio; PittsbUrih.' .."4" Y Big May. - We. out the tollowitur. from :the. Philadelphia Noralinunican—doutithis ooltrititolt: • Moos Mot B I T 1.142U -18 — k .,.fit i ..iNioN , Y 10 $ 4 ; ›4400: 44' ;sf., PRESBYTERIAN BANNER.---WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,- 1863. ings in Ohio, in support of the Republican State ticket, are. estimated by acres. Thus at Troy, on the 13th, there were twenty acres of loyal men in aktendanee, ten of whom were addressed by John Brough, and ten by Col. Charles Ander son, the Union candidate for Lieutenant Gov ernor. We should like to see "twenty acres" of good Union men, but we would prefer not to be obliged to'speak to half of them at onoe, that is, to a ten acre field of them. If the Ohio condi date.s have powers adequate to the due perform ance of such a task, their claims will certainly be heard.hy many. CHARLESTON, Aug. 25.—Fort Sumpter, 1:35 P. AL—There is an assault now being made at Bat tery Wagner. (Signed) Fort Johnson, Aug. 25-7:45 P.N.—The ene my is assaulting Battery Wagner, evidently in heavy. force. (Signed) •C. IL- Ansiorrnan, coi. Commending. Later—The musketry has ceased. The enemy is firing.alevr mortar shells at Wagner. No more shells have been thrown at the city since 'day light on Monday Morning. From file Army of the Potomac. FERADQRARYRRS, ARMY OF THE POTOMIO, August.29,lBBB. . The execution of the substitute deserters t sen tenced to the penalty of death, in General Ordirs No. 84, took place to-dap:; More than ordinary interest was exhibitid in this execution of mili tary law, and it is estimated that not less than 26,000 persons lore, ,present. The ;ground was well selected, and every arrangement so com plete, that no accident occurrred to, mar the sol emnity of : the proceeding. At the order of fire, 36 muskets were discharged, and instant, death was announced; by the Surgeons in attendance as the result. The spectacle was an unusual one. The Protestant; the Hebrew, aitti t t_he ; Catholic Stood Sidi' by side, - etteh Atte.ring prayerti fel. the departing souls. The names, ages, residences, 4 &4of the deceased are as follows: Geo. Kuhne, Hanoverian, 22 ` years old, 'PennsylVania, unniar vied ; John Pelano Italian, 25 years old, Penn sylvania, wife anefintilY ; Chas.- Walter, Prus sian, 28 years old, wife and child ; Geo. Reines, Italian, 24 years old, wife and child; Emile Lai, Prussian, 30 ye.srs old, wife.. Headquarters. Department of the South, Morris Island, S. C., August 24.—T0 Maj. Gen. llalleek, Washington,: Sir—l have the honor to report the practical demolition of Fort Sumpter, as the re sult of our seven d,ays' bombardment of that work, including two days of which a powerful DI. B. storm most seriously diminished the accuracy and effect of our fire. Fort Sumpter is to-day a shapeless, harmless mass of ruins. My Chief of Artillery, Capt. J. "'M. Turner, reports its de struction so far complete that it is no longer of any avail in the defences of Charleston. He also says that by a longer-fire it could be made more completely a ruin and mass of masonry, but could scarcely be more powerless for the defence of the harbor. Breaching batteries were located at distances varying between 8,880 and 4,240 yards from tfie work,.and novr remain as efficient as ever. I deem it unnecessary at present to continue.their, fire upon the ruins of Fort Sump ter: I " haVe also, at , great labor and under a heavi fire from James' Island, established bat teries on my left within effective range ofthe, heart of Charleston, and have opened with them; after giving Gen. .Beauregard notice of my inten tion to do so. My notification to Gen. Beauregard, his reply thereto, with the threat of retaliation, and my rejoinder, have been transmitted to the army headquarters. The projectiles from our batteries entered the city, and Gen. Beauregard himself designates them. aS the .most destructive missiles :ever used in war: The report of my Chief of Artillery and an accurate sketch of the ruins ofSunipter, taken at . l2 M. yesterday; six. hours before we - ceased firing, are herewith' transmitted. Stated Clerk Very respently your obedient servant, Q. A. (*among, 'Brig. Gen ~ildvaitte of the Army of the Cumberland. STEVENSON, Aug. 29.—Thi Army of the Cum berland crossed the Tennessee river at four points today, with infantry and cavalry. The 2d Kentucky cavalry captured thirty pick ets at the Plaint opposite Stevenson. Gen. Reynolds captured a large force'at Shell mound, and took 'a oamp on Falling Water creek. Among the captured are the notorious guerrilla, Mays, `and'the Tennessee rebel COn gressman Cannon Little. There was no resist ance made. • • The rebels are reported in force at Rome, Cleveland, and along the Georgia State Railroad. Gen. Burnside is in the region of Kingston, and will attack that place before long. Wasursoroa August 29.-official information was received to4ay at Gen. .Hintzelman's head quarters, of a skirmish on Monday last between a detaahment of the' 2d Massachusetts cavalry (California regiment) and Mosby'ES men. This attack by Mosby was made at Coyle's tavern, on. Little River turnpike, some_few miles this Side of Fairfax. Our men, numbering only twenty five, were attacked front and rear at tlie same time fought nobly. , Our loss was two killed, three wounded, and nine prisoners, together with all the horses, fifteen of which, however, were afterwards re-captured. The loss of the en emy was one captain and one lieutenant kftled, and a lieutenant and •three privates wounded. Mosby was hitneelf wounded in two places in the side. His wounds are regarded as mortal. Col. Lowell pursued the enemy from Centreville as far a's Snicker's Gab, but they sucoeded in mak ing their escape by baying fresh horses. ALater-reports say, that Mosby is dead.) Foirraess Mormon, Aug. 28.—The steamer C. W. Thomas, has arrived from Newbern with Lieut. Sterling, of Gen. Peck's staff, as bearer of dispatches. A disputa from , the blockading. fleet says that on the morning of the 17th, a large sloop, f ten guns, with the British flag fly ing, swept past the blogkading steamers and im mediately hoisted the rebel flag and passed into Wilmington, which is the fourth rebel war vessel that has run this blockade within six weeks. Rebel papers received at, Moorhead city say, that Jeff.. Davis has deeded, after a conferitice with the-Governors of the Confederate States, Co call out 500,000 blab* troops, who, are to receive their freedom and 50 acres of land at the end of the. watp:„ KAUAI Orli', August 31-=- - Itieut. Col: Clark, of the 9th Kansas Cavalry, returned last evening from pursuit of Quantrell through 'Jackson, Cass and Johnson counties. His command killed forty of the perpetrators of the'Lawrence massacre. Other cotapaides , have returned to different posts, having killed and wounded several bush . whackers. Among the killed,was, Capt., pates, recruiting officer for•Marmadtike:' • ;" ' The whole number :of guerillas killed, so far as knone, ocusiderably exceeds one hundred. The Archduke Maximilian Accepts the Mexican Crown. • BOSTON, August 30.—The Memorial Diplo maligue, of the 16th, says: r " We are happy to be able to announce that his Imperial Highness, the, Archduke, Ferdinand MaxiMilian accepts, with the consent 'of his August brother, the Emperor of Austria, the crown of the new Mexican Empire. . Death of Mrs. Maitre Foote. Nsw Estrus, August 28.--Ilfrs. Caroline An• gusts, widow of theAate Admiral Foote, diets the residence of her father, Augustus B:tiareei, is this:oity, on Wednesday . . The Intonational Postal Convention.' , - We understand, Baia thiNationai that, the Postmaster deneral is highly gratified with the result of the. International Postal Con.; ference recently held in . Paris. All the.,leiding nations of the world except Russia participated, and many smaller govornments were rePresented. Complete success attended the efforts` of the Erni tefi States Post DePaiiment to inaugurate a. more liberal and more tiniforui postal syetsure between ' the dittent l eitlitut 4 the world, The'llehle Ififfil Latestirom Charleston. AIaRED RILETT, Colonel Commanding. Report front Gen. Gilmore. .Bkirmiali with liosby's Guerrillas. From Fortress Nonroe. The Halms Massacre. Government of several countries have already adopted the prinoiples settled there as the basis for future postal conventions. Others will fol low. At the request- of this Government, the United States delegate, the Ron. John A. /lesson, concluded some treaties before his return, giving practical effect to the liberal movements initiated at the International Congress. It is now confidently expected that, as soon as the arrangements already in progress ere per fected, there will be a general reduction in the rates of postage to all parts of Europe, with a uniform rate to most of those countries. The Press will realize great convenience from- the pending propositions, by the essential ieduction of rates on journals and printed matter which will soon be effected. In addition to the public convenience, the Goiernment .will realize an im portant saving in money by a change in the sys tem of accounting between it and foreign coun tries. • The last act of the Conference was to give unanimously a vote of thanks to the United States Government for its institution of so beneficial an enterprise. Beath of John B. Floyd. The Richmond Dispatch, of the 27th ult., says Maj. Gen. John B. Floyd, died , yesterday at six o'clock, at his residence at Abingdon. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Rev. SylTanue Cobb thns writes in tle Boston Christian Freeman: We would by no means recommend any kind of medicine which we did: not know 'to ,good particularly-far infants. But of Mrs. . Wins-, low's Soothing Syrup we can speak`from knowl edge ; in our own family it has'prated a blessiii indeed, by giving an infant troubled with colic pains, quiet. sleep, and its parents unbroken rest at night. Most 'parents can appreciate these blessing& Fere is an article which works , to perfection, and which is harmless ; for the sleeP which it affords the infant is perfectly natnral; and the little cherub awakes as bright as a but ton,' And during the process of teething, its value is incalculable. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without it from the'birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any ooneideiation ever." annurtertial. rittSbargh Market. WEDNESDAY,- &pt. 2,41633: • ASBlll3—Soda, .Ash; 868W0.; „Pots, 4@)4346:;, =Pearls, 65e.. The stook in"first hands is ample 'for all ordinary DAPPLES—S2.SOO.3.OO, bbl BUTTER--Cheice Fresh. from store;Bo@&,e4 Se`. - 11EANS—.Priine White, $2.76 per bushel. BACON—Shoulders. fie.; Sides., re.= Plain llama, pm@ 70 1 ,40,„ Sugar Cured do., la@l4o. ' BROOMS—Common, $1.60; fancy,2.soQB.oo. °NEESE—Western Reierve. IS lb. Goshen, 1,15 c. DRIED; F4ln'l"-APPles, ,51.15 1i bushel. Teethes, $3.00 IS bus. EGGS--100. per dozen.'f FEATHERS—Prime Western, SOS. IX lb. PEED,-fiborts, $l.OO cwt„ PLOUR,Extra, $5.00; Extra Family, $6.00@6.25. , GROCER lESColfee G ood' Rio,' 29@300, Sugar, Ilk. Molasses; 06( 7 0100. ' • . • . , GRAlNr—Wheat : Red, $1.05; White, 1.06©1.10.' Corn, shelled,"7sc. - Rye, 75e. Oats, 57@58e. per bush: "; HAT—S2l3.oo@ith„ 0 yon. = , POTATOES-=-75@80c. per bushel. SALT—No. 1 Extra;s2.4o@24so per bbl: SEEDS—Clover, , 55.5000.00. Timothy,, Flax, $3:50: STEARTN2I--9 3 / 4 V9Me. lb. - TALLOW-Rough, Sc. ; Country renliered, Sc. • , . - *tsi - 41:: : " . ..8ii#4:0, : , - ,:: - : GROVER .IAKEIVB 111BWINB , MACHINES for family and manafacturlag . 011rpoette, are the beet in use AL, F..CLIATONY, General Agent, IS Fifth §treet, Pittsburgh, Pew . oct4-ly ‘ DENTISTRY..—Dx. C: SnL, No. 246 Penn itttoadit to all branches of the'Dental piofessioa: . " : MOTHERS I. MOTHERS ! ! MOTHERS 14 —Don't tail to procure MRS. WINSLOW'SHOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEFTHINO,,, This valuable preparation is tie prescription of one of the 'mostexperieneed and has been used ' with' lieWtaißirirsiiiiiess,iii THOUSANDS . It not only relieves_the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole mama. It will airiest instantly relleire Carnes IN THE BOWELS AND WIND COMO, aid oveiinine Con vnisione, which, if not smadily remedied, end in death; -We believe it the Beet and Blared Remedy in,the World, _in all cases of DliiiN/1112 and DIARENNA IN CHILDREN, whether arising from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions' for using will 'a - mon:tinny each None genuine tinleee the fee -simile of otatals & New-York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by itlliledicine DealeFs: ;r PisirroMlL Orrum--48 Dir Sruzim, New-Yolut. air'Pricetinly 25 Cents per Bottle. ' ' ' ratti4-ly 4. 1 / 4: : • arruo4 On the 18th ult., bylter: Samuel Wilson, D.D., Mr. Fuocis W. *Tarp* to-Miss Maay., ) .l"ann MILIAIR, both Of Fayette, County, Pa. ' August 20th, near Mellsburg.-Brook County, 'Sired Virginia, by Rev. David Hervey , assisted by ReV. :Witl M. Robinson and Ri3v. Junes Fleming. Rev. WILLIAM F. MORGAN, pastor of the Presbyterian churches of Rural Valley .and w Elderloto:iliss MARY eldest daughier of the officiating clergyman. On the:2oth of August, by Rev. N. B.'Lyons, at the house of the bride's father, : Mr. SAMUEL J. HAZLETT tO Miss ANN ELIZA, daughter of Rev. Am. Hanna, both of Washington County, Pa. On Tuesday,' August 18th, by Rev. James A. , Reed, Mr. Emma D. Env to Miss Limn Lzavvoit, all of Wooster, Ohio. August 18th, at the residence of the officiating minister, by Rev. J. G. Condit, Mr. J. A. REAGLE to Miss M. E. BARNES, all of Mercer County, Pa. By Rev. Wm. Hunter,,on the 19th inst., Mr. JOHN' COTTEN to Miss Am Moonn, both •of Beaver Coirity, Pa. August 18th, by Rev. J. P. Fulton, Mr. SAM UEL DICKEY to Miss ELIZABETH C. JELLISON, all of Derry Tp., Westmoreland Co., Pa. _ . - bitu. lANNOIINCIMINTB, GRATIS av[ttaily Urns i-Curs, Nms Wasps H Mee lams.] ' _DIED—Mity 23d, HANNAH JANE - MIKEAN, of: Pulaski Township, Lawrence.C.ounty,:Pa.. DlED—August 21st,HOWARD HILL,. son of Samuel and ; Mary Bell of Derry , Tp:, Weitmore laud County, Pa., aged 2 years. IMEC-Lln Mt. Pleasant Westmoreland Co., SARAH JANE, wife of [Rev:, S. At:Sparks, in the 51at year of her age. r. DlED 7 —August ...21st, at the- residence , of his father, of flux„ClialtLEB TOWNSEND, 'soli of ,Taixtes, Hamilton, of Harrison; County, 0., in'the 9th year of, his age. KILLED--Instantly, in the battle of Gettys burg, on the 2d of July; Mr ,BRAVES GALLA HER, of ...Roiling Armstrong ' County, Pa., in OW 22d'year of his age; a ineraber 4 of Co. 0, llth Reg't P. R. C. - BIER--Of' diptheria, July` 20th,„ son of William and Naniiyltutton, near ,Leeek-, burg, Pa., in the 10th year of his age. " DIED—.-AtiiitsC4th, 60 Ms Osideibe near Leechburgi 04:115W.ECAN, Aged 69 years and 11 months. DlED—Angaq 14th, Mts. FREDERICK* DEGEINI,7 consort. •oV.'Mr:; P. W. Thounhurati of Armstrong , County, Pa in tho.6.7l3flyear of'hei age. . • , DIED--August 7th, at, the general ,haspital, near ,Gettysburg, ,of a wound received in r the battle' on the ad - of July, Sergeant JAMES BRATTON P,ARSES, late of Armotrong Coiinty, in theith leer of his age, the time of hitt' 'death a t nnember 1844 3 Ree: 'He' Arraign& 'atilt of *itilieding, 6:141. 1 . try; he went forth to meet the traitorous foe, to do—to dare—to die for country, for kindred, and for coming generations. It was his lot to fall ; to leave to others the enjoyment of that peace he sought, of that freedom in defence of which he died. He fills a soldier's grave, his name identified with an army victorious ever rebel hosts. Nay, better far than this, he owns him self a conquered rebel—a willing captive in the bands of love—a soldier of the cross. Loved ones mourn his death, but hope whispers, 'He rests in peace. DlED—August 14th, at the residence of her parents, near Leechburg, Pa., bliss ISABELLA HAWK, in the 24th year of her age. Isabella was early called away ; itwas bard to part from loved ones at home; The tender cord that bound; her to paients, brotheri% sisters, friends, was-torn asunder by :a painftil struggle. This was to_ her the bitterness 'of dying ; this past; then. all was peace. She , had+ sought the Saviour in her youth, mouths;; years before she heard the ."midnight' cry," and , had found him precious. He was with her when all 'other com fortertlati gone; and in his-arms' she sweetly fell aisliep: • 7 - ' cs At inidnight was the'cry : To theet thy God prepare. - Sbn.irotre'&nd"caiight her Master's eie, ten 'strong in faith and prayer, Her spirit with a bound burst from the .cum bering clay ; • Her tent at sunr i se on the ground a darkened ruin lay. The pains ,of death axe past ; labor and sorrow cease ; - And life's stern conflict o'Crat last, her soul is found in,peace.” Dayton, July 18th, of- Oen . sumptien, bontracted.whlle in the Milted gtatCS service, as atneinber of 78th . P. Whf. H. LlENDERSOkin , the , Both: year of his age. There *hope in ids death: Let' his' memory be 4 cherished one - who sacrificed his life in defence of his country. He learea a Widow and a little-son to month tli t eeltibs; irreparable to them. . ",:till it ~is: r DIED—In East Liberty', Aligust 10th,"15643, JESSE LEMUEL, infant aim' of-.liemuel :and' Elizabeth Spahr,i ageo,l year ; 10 ,months and 25 days. . ,T Sweet child his sufferings are ended. And while our hearts moan, and,-inourn in' tenderest recollections, we linoti•heCannot 00111E1 t0 , 11t; we must go to him: , - Blessed be God foo.lie hoile of eternal life through Jesus Christ inir'DM;d: DlED—August sth, ,in,namp nearplichsburg, of dysentery, JoSlor K. IDOODIVLIE', of—the 13th Reg lite, eldest' on of IWyron and Atria 31.11ooditin,"of Krie, Pa.; aged 29, years. ~ .1,.* , • •-, A comrade writes z "leis' not for my feeble pen to try, even, to write- encomiums i girn his , many noble, traits ` of,,ohnracter., H-,- tvenz be loved and .respected i hylite whole regiment, as our deserted streets on k e day of his funeral amply veritY. ifie was ent‘omically the disabled soldier's frienl. Nothing was too, much for him to do for the look and woiinded defender of our flag; .and it.-was in the zealous Perfornointie of double duty of physioiati and steward for the convaleibent,) 4 that he Contracted 'the Tata:l disease that caused-his death. Mt place in the regiment can never-be filled." DIED—On, the 14th of July,-in" the 38d year of .her age, Mrs. MARGARET, wife of Mr.' J. Ross Byers, of. Findley Township. A short r inemerial,,of one so numb: 'beloved, - is due; the.graco of God , :which made her so much like he ascended 'Saviour ; with whom, we trust,llierJsPirit noir , She` WaS - affection. ate, :patient - and resigned :under the trying dis peniationi of God's providence. Maternal leye was strong for her two little children, that she was Omit td leave ; .but she was enabled' to VOnunit them into the hands of a' covenant-keeping God, and to the care 9ra devoted husband, - about to be beriiived. • Not only he; and a Widowed mether, but nuMerons , friends and acquaintances testified their regard for her, 'and a deep sense of their great lois. The hope of tbe resurrection of the dead, .and of a reunion in heaven, soothes and enables the bereaved to say, f',Thy will -be paralysis, at the residence of-her brother, in, Clarion County, Pa., APril--28th, 1848, Miss NANCY ARMSTRONG, in•hhe 81st Year of her age. • The subject of this notice was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, April 12th, 1788. - When she was about eighteen years of . age . .Ethe connected herself withlite Presbyterian ohnich—to which her parents belonged—on profession - of her faith in Christ, under the pastoral Care of the Rev. Mr. Kerr, *belie preaching was blest of like Spirit to`the conversion of her 'soul: In,lBll in company with her elder brother, she left the land Of her nativity, the scenes of her yotithiOl plea sures and asioeiations,' where she had been born the second tirne, for the distant shores of the Uni ted States. Being without any certain dwelling place for some time, they at length settled in the bounds of Licking congregation, then under the : care of that eminently. godly minister, the Rev: : Robert hVGarrah. His public and private min , istrations she very much ,enjoyed,, and ;often spoke in the high* terms :of his ministerial faithfulnesiand devoted piety - He passed away, and to him, succeeded • the Rev., John Core, who' roinistered to the same people for'about the -space of thirty years. To Mr. Core- She was very much attached, and cherished'his - memary' to the very last. His preaching, was. profitable and re freshing toher, and her seat in=the house of Odd was iseldom'vaotint OD the Lord's day. "'But he, tOOO missed away, and she' 1138 spared to - see' sheathe* takehis place and preach the' Gospel 'Of the SOn of Go&- At last thh summons came 6' her. t She was waiting, ready for the' call: At oiarlast interview before' tihe was stricken with :paralYsis, our conversation turned on the subject of - She expressed herself -desirous of de- Perth* and being with Christ. - She was an hum ble;' prayerful Christian; ever ready to speak of heaven and heavenly things, as being the cher ished principles of the new nature impaitea by the .HolY Ghost. She has left swaged brotber- 7 0 elder in the church of whloh, she was so long:a . aionaistent aneoPr—awd , a sister-41).44W,, both .laboring der As infirmities ,of ,age and •dilease, to; mourn her ,Joss. _The, little 'circle ofilhrei hital4beeii broken I has reduced thi4ntimber. :AU two surviving iiieinbers of that little finkily are nurOkfT., l3 2g-tit9ir AsYs.awkapplying,their, hearts io Wisdoin, waiting patiently, but 7.expectingly, for the suartnons to , quit the, earthlPiOuse of this 5 - tabernacle, and , eriter into that buttitOnot made with hands, eternal in the heavens. . , VDIALL" 7 Ptit - HAS ALHEALit SAC ,RITICRD mama pf our bait:and: bievestt troops: !' listen to the voice 9f reason supply. yourselves' 1101,LOWAVS • PILLI AND OINTNIONT. The Pllreparl: fy the blood and strengthen,the atomaeb, while the.Oint4 mkitretodiel alepalii; And priventir pit ttnirlug. • Only RAI oe4ts fterbox or,pot. • • •:.;(1!. eep24t • E2Bll , ~.. LATER A CADEMY: - E'FAtiti i ..ma : .7 . , :Term openelleptabiberlet. Addresi , .. - . ..-.. . 'i. . ,S. B. liErat.grA ?riticipal . . angl4t* . 1.;:-. 4 - ~1.: . ~ , . , Beayir p , rtic , .. . t ♦,ANTEAL4A GENTLEMAN WHO. bits bid rani 'years eirieriseee ioaebieg, de• sires, situation -as i'lreachsr, inz Aileghoy , Sktality, Ta Pteaeeadd see e , Doi e n g ion, . • , (. A' alliiilON TOR, Al " , :11%NriroAlogiAND1Eft Sad RIC ) SChed MOW'." tatrOV l Vi,rittin t liaViiiis ‘ l l l4;rs .: 7 1' - 11Pealta.. Itf,". THE BOARD OF COLPORTAGE OHN A. RENSHAW'S NEW BUILDING, No. 57 Hand Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Have Just added to their stock a good amensnt of valua ble books, of recent issue, by Barton, Carter; and others, a few of which are the following Christian SelsCultnre Solitude Sweetened The Hidden Life The Old Horseshoe Beyond the'Llites" — Robert Reclaimed Woman and her Saviotir Last Days of our Lord'irFaasion Life Scenes from Miesbm Fields. TI . . te Young ChristiairMarebant The Wicket Gate; or, A Short Narrative of Christian • Life The Mother and her Work CAN to the Saviour The Pilgrim Path; or, Interesting Experienceof Chris- The Children's Picture Book Allo,nll the late issues of the Board of Publication, and it arge assortment of Sabbath'echool Boob, • JOBS bULBERTSON, Librarian. febl IS- f NEW PUBLICATIONS ,010%. The Presbyterian Ip,ard of. Publigation; 821 Chestnut Street, Philadolphl'a : September,' 1868:,- SERIES FOR YOUTII. WALTER . AND THE PRIZE. And ,Other ,StOriat.. Pp. 144.' Colored Frontlepleco, and Two - EngraViugs : Price 25 antra.) cents:. . ; EiLIEE.I)F, LIGHT, FROM THE SUN O'g ,:RWEIBOI3B - ' or, Insranorivie Tains, ZOE YOyTH Pp.. 2io. ! Colored Prontisplecti; and .Two Etigneringsl; Price 35. and 40 cents. , • LITTLE GEES' POE BOYS AND OTRLS. Pp. 216, .001-. arid Frontispiece ` and Two Engravings. Price 8.5 , f iuld"4o BLIND ANNIE LOItIIiER. By the • Author, of .4leorge Miller. and -hie' Mother... Pp. 200:r Three Engravings. !rite 85 and 40 cents. , • "LITTLE ANNIE'S FIRET.BIBLE LESSONS." By Nellie Graham.Pp.l7s:: Threelngraidngs: Price 35 and 40 cents- e! , • BESSIE GREY ; r or,, TEE ;PELEE .OE. Lana LABODA Pp 3.2 K Thriie.Engraiiings. Piicif2,s"and 80 tenti. 4140 • • THE PR01)71241.k1N. 11:y Ba. Gearia.B. Mat, Paitoi of the-PrObY.teriati churbh at Newtdlinikie*l.Tarsey.ii Small ...lam% pp. 143.1 Pike 40 cant& • • - • 1 41510: TRACTS!: No. 2.56. THE INEVITABLE CONTEST. Pp.- 4? No. 258.: arl Reinember." MIEN , 141 v 5 ME Flab. - ;L; 1.00 60 • 1.00 ."' 1.25 NEW f1110'.0•::1J '=ran - ALti. tefe W lira 4Rgil . SUCOIBSORB TO Orzo: ILlWinte Co.: 25 Fifth tfAif: :1 • . . . - PITTS.I“I:2i.GH, , Wculd,cull. the attehticir „of theJi Public' e their 'Nair /heck of, • • :FALL DRY ,RODDR of.all kinds. ; r „ • •,.. • ; `SILKS--All • colora and wldt.bsi • 'MASS GOODS" of: thief " importation, • 1101JS.EPURtISIT.IWG 4 1461432-;:. , 1 A Inll..linalin. this department , I.!' • 1 ; • .•;•" " :GENTLEMEN'S GOOGS,, , choice v .i . HOOP , OtIR-TS, , Every known iiattintlitiii elle; it> which we invite .sperla attention. ' • BALIVIditAL* SkTitTS, Just the thing fCr Walt Wear: - stir Extension:-Ss' OF • MSW I :43O 31111310 We would call eepeolat flake , to our No* . Cloak;; and ShaVi Room" . . Raving added fifty feet to odr pyre ent store for that purpo,e, and fitted it up regerdlins of exnerise: . We invite the Public td call • t' and' examine our elegant steak in this dopattawat, that we havealWaYs • . Wade aepeciality. °LOAM, -"- ; ' • -. _ •-.. ; `, POINTS; AC:, in all new • styles.- 1311A1514.4a1l and Winter styles, and a fall, stock t 'l ' of CURTAIN GOODS. /Fir CLOAKS IN BLACK made to order on short noticei, for carittte,: I promepade, or. travelling: • • aug2B-tf • ; _ SEFUL Alth *ALIJA . BLB DISCOVERY ! . rzn 'INSOLUBLE tiMENTI Di of more general practical utility than any invention noir Wore' the , public. It has been thoroughly tasted during ;the last two yearety.practical men, and pro nounced by all to bit • . Srapellor tr _ ..o, any. dithestve Ppiparailon known. HILTON'S' INSOLUBLE ''CEMENT ±104, - Yiew thineand ths result of year's Of study; its amtbination; ikon 1.7 1; SCIP NTIP IO PStIHCIPI,EK ifidionikei no cithh7Ostau4s Orcli A nge teropcitatare; l it become l'Oaritiptbi emit any offensive smelt . j e •- zspn awed /NOP giiinaottaiiv usiug Marhiuee , will find tt- Mot bow aracbs•kiown foi 'Cementing' the Channels, as ,it , works without deby, ie not affected by any change of toixiiera; tire..,, . EWE E . R.S Will find it suelsiently adhesise, Yor k tbeir !use, as lies -been pr'o'ved. • It-Is Especlattydtepted.4o Leather, And we Claim aa an especial nitwit, that it; tacks Patches and:;Littings iC-Beets - Add' Shoes snflithen.tly,44rong •larit.hosttis4tals-: Extirit; that is si: siite uounifoP PURNITIT)I, - • ' 1. clz9oxEnr, t. • • BONA, '• . • nrO.RY', And aiticles .lionseholdnl63." 1, • .g) REMENII3ER Hilton's Insoluble' Cement/ Is in a 114rild twit> arid arisairili , sppliad WI pasta. Iton's Insoluble, -Cement Is insoluble , hi:Thar Mon's , Insoluble Cement y.Adher- Bannlied in' Pitinilrg s ar matintsotarenr Packages from 2 elms' HILTON . :BROS &,'COt. eV. .I'l,o omrs pupyroPROVIDENCE, P x. • p o== ol e, ArNts iik,PhWits soft 'll d /14.. Tar-1114 E DOEWORTII , B2IIISAMY '4‘ Poit rOtrzta AT SEWICKLEY, pre me ts the advantages of * LlREdengh and healthy lccation, entirely in the ooantry ; I limited and select wamber fanning a pleasant &ally elealsO every desirable domestic, comfort; 1b best influences on manners and morale; With fife mbet'lifficient and thoroisgb Instruction In All the Breneltes Of Eddeetiote. Facilities 'for riding on bareback Me provided. ' PROF. V DE HAM bas charge of the department of Mulls and French. •• TEEMS- MODERATE. , Fall Session commencer iiipNDAli, September Mat. For a Circular, or penroulti interview, addibsi the Prin cipal, :.BA7. A. WILLIAMS. Ha. feblS-13.' . • s Berfektetilltir, Pa. EEI HIDE, izoi 4 4:**LA'A.lllittr.:STOß D. KIRKPAtRIC,K, lONS, No. 8t Matti Third Attie, BIM= Masan. AND Orricatturr eritsxri t rigiseatilnia • SPANISH AND GREEN SLAUGHTER, HIDES, .0.11.0131 TA AND PATNAJCIPS, TANNERS' OIL, dO.4T THE LOWEST PItICES AND WON TEMBE4T.T.P.4 2 . . W All kinds of Leather in the rough wanted, for which the highest marke• price , will be, given in cash, or taken in exchange for H. as. Leather Stored-trail of charge, end maid on commission. • .• •.. „ , • Lib r era o l Cash Advances on Leather Constgrea •tN•• • • • - pITTSBURGEIFEMALECOLLEGE . RS+. O. 14,11,81 G: u44'.l*Ndi'imt. Best Sustained College la 'the State. NINETEEN TEAGICERR. l Attendance last yew SAL Superb brick buildings: Thorough ithii hirtionetrie , Ootille study. TBLEGRAPEING. and ORGAN MUSIC ,taught. FORTY DOLLARS . Uer term tor bceirdlng, light; &a. Spring term commences KAROL Miro Rend to ithe President for a catalogue. , kl. SIMPSON , anti-ly • Pfueident of Board of ,Trubtees. aim. F E TVG 17 '3' 0 N & C . O . Book ,and , Job Printers, 84 FIFTH STREET,. GAZETTE BUILDINGS, "PLTUIBURoIit, PA. • . , description of Printing executed neatly, on my2Nate D E NoviT :4. .0 Y • The very beet Cheap Dentistry ever'doile in the world, to furnished at the -• • . • . . mv2o ly WEST BRANCH HIGH" •gai - CluL •:BI'ALE 4N1:1 P MALL e DMles remmard September Sth, 1.1302. The accoram & Ural for`BOARDINOTTITTLS are equal to any in the Ste ,The,omancomthastramorror age preparatory to entering thelllgh School C1a40611. TERMS—tor Boaltders PO per tptatter. For (Hrenlare4feldreert, •, F ppIi.LEAVY roripi #•n:i go. eeiSrf ' "'Jersey:Shore, rye° rig Pa. fr C.- WARRINGTON,. - • LAMS Ok! FOURTH STAERT,, Would Invite thrratteation of-the Ladies' to hieeiell imaged * stock of BOOTS AND SHOES - of trie own - mairever -made to order ;,„and a superior article in material, ,woritmenahlp, style and finish, warranted not . to , rip, and to give g, oral satiefactida, which he °nig for Isle 48 low's any Eakern t . nadd 'shoo t o the city. • : - • 1.08 iirariL Street, Cathedral;) junlo ; 3m , • - . Pittsburghoft. I r k D . ' STATE S '00161:18810gi Raving far4fe objet the temporil•imd , fspirituat iielbrezef we soldiers and Bailer", is represented by the, ; ARMY OD 'FLUE OP WERTRAN PRNIIPYLVANIA In Pittsburgh.. F;rerident-,Rev.ibtaima JOHNBON. _ - Beeictiznz-Rcisawr ; • • ~, Executive amainige . !tenant. PicKmanr Chair: man; Vitura 'Ainaas, Tre.' asiirei; 'Wx: Wsniaar, Re ceiver ; TOillill44ollN L itcCtiws, JOUPEZOI3IIr. • Stortroom, No....l79t•Smithfleld•Street. All detiatidnis oP motie ' y triafixisentto JOSEPH AMINES, Np.,71 Wood, Slreyt. t, , Boxes, contritrationxof . Hospital . doses, end !VIM llg MS" , ter, shoulft be piskrketi, P•traiTlLLli: WE YMAN, No. 79 Smithfield Street, - Pittsburgh, Pa. MEI Janlo.3m . „ . THE CONSTITUTION . OF THE UNWED. STATES, T;4 • Ution League Pledge; In' punt:Alla . center`s2.o0 `' pershried ed. Single copies mailed, poet-ion:4°n receipt of , "Addreafilill aiderkto .r. !! .EST Eat* UNIVEItSITIA- 4 TIRE „T; T Ball. Term of Akre dnidittitiori will cosiner& OnTUESDAY,, THE FIDITI_Day Stte7D47.ll. MIXT, Its Advent:mot forttitironich mental' nhy'sicartrairdir are not.exesiled by any. .sicatlar Ittetitation., , Pupils will Jaunt to their intereist be present punctually on the firit day of the term. Catalogues can be bad at. war: of 'the Bookstores in the city. _„ „,„ sugl9 3t 141 : GLEE - AND ANTHEM' BOOK •, BY J: 0008 AND 3, B4PHRMV . Assisted be:..l';' - te v T it ei`ll%,`A HASTINGS; Mrs. Ihueir Consisting of; TWO Paiittegr 5="1447t4.' 1.. 66 I)eautiftil thei3s, &miss. Chreuses,Q . , IL Pact.Bonge. &C. 47' Choice Anneals, Sacred Choruses, Motetis, Sri traits; Sentences; &o. . . - ; • • Copi e s% a 4o N at P a 4o 03 -FPgeißtfof mor sale by CHAS. C. IlLyatou, jrnely • ' No. 61 Wood Street. Pittebtxub. =I ELLAVILLE INSTITUTE. The Tall. Term of this School will, pop!ermagoc t ,lo t. Oriard, Tufnozl, &d.;fot Year of fertrweek!ivf I, • Ver Pl ll4 Venial" call upon or addrees, J. 1100. IfidliTlTf, £M, Psincipal,, : 'Wellsville, Ohio. STI gl24t Ift A rn 's E`k. - I Alt it.. BOARD .0?. 'DIRECTORS.: REV. D. H. A. RICLEAN, ' - REV: DITENINMIAAL REV. O CIIMSIXEE„M.D.' • MERCER „Superintendent, -- Asslated by a full corps of. Teachers. The Fall Term of fourteen weeks op p ua on the HURT. DAY OT,SATTEKBICIL Rater, s4o' 'per • term for :130ird and Rooms: - Parestibre kindly r,equeeted , to call. and eremite' the rotntarand otfier accommodations before engaginvebewhem,ror,follipir tiaiilare,liddiers . B. B. .ItEß:Oßßyßetiver LIZAORETII,FEMALE SEMINARY, C Wit ft , T , E fI•E D itt4`)'lll 5 7 ' ' ItEROA.A.M. - ,- Principal.; .I; • : 7.-. , ,, `MRS. M A. RERtt, Asacciate Principal. MRS.' MUMS. INDLlS.•Teicliei of Distnxiiental Nuiro and Ornamental ST, ppitus. , - •, „-,,` • p '-thetnext Sarion - wlll:coniiirende'TDESDA.Y, IST, /86?.., 1 •1. • •t, . era .4 . • name PExt, Sfecoett or Pnrs MONM . IS, (20 WSSDO Wort : Day Scholara—Pre`paratori .... ... . &In% Class • • 10.0ob‘ F. Senior Class - . .. 12 QQt For farther particulars, sent for. Oireolar„ Agrees the. 4 , rincipel, or JOHN' SRAFFRlt : Waritatylleard of VOL.LEGIAME IWSTIVIJTF4 .094!..tER OP: <. ;-: ; Beaver * street and Btaekton-g Avenue, , 'ALLEGHENY 'CITY, PA. ' , ::••• A Select Claggica,l Sohoca . . I ,With Instruction' in all the ,00mmon and ,141;her. branche4 Mathematic:4 AtimenVitted Medan Ltagoageal the Sciences, Composition, Hoek, Painting; Dramingolkw 'The fteentli Seml-.ll4huatSeesion commences MOIIDAT, SEPTEMBER REFERENCES 40 -"[:- ; Acicr. D. 11. 1app1AN,,D.D,..,,,p4.D., Presidia:44r ;;, z 4 x 11 ? 1 ,1 sCollege; ' Rev. ic.,l..,irrrCucoex,D.D.,Preetdvitoflyeaternitimarditi College: . ;Bev. )I..H.ENDALL; D.7:0:344 York ) 11 Rey. D. R.MERR, D.D., Rlitebatrigb,,pa.., 4 . : 2 iter.l,yAistwa PREIEctIiNVD.W, PRMlitligh; Bev. JOHN G. BROWN, --- Itev.ERRICILJOHNAQN, ; • 11, :rnT Rev..THOM&S‘SPROUL,`H.D.,AIIegIiiay OW, rak Rev. W.,D. HOWARD. D.D. fl: , , , 'Rev; WILLIAM'PRESTO4, Dan, * HeYi JAMES GRIER', 2.lobleatawal , - • = 'JAMBF 0. ',AMMER, Ese.,,Tartle,Ortrk, Pa.. ~ , , s ed trig WILLIAMKIRKPATRICK, Req:Jilloglieny City, PM! lii For °lmams br other iaafordlati6n , c ll iMOVit'r gal 9 4 61,8 • q r .r.L7coi .dtf.rnrt r i 'MRS. E. — A. SMITH, irincapal. ; • 4. , )4) af.134:. DiiNTIELV THE L z. ipaitypAl Ore Thcßleventh Aturiutr,Sensiouof thifidfiefeirotry; erilfenotna mexicennkthe :t. VI. 20th Day of SS tembv 14 - Rind. get L uitiferfaltcOrie Pro' .4^rofortuhle Turps turn . with "e par artielee of tUrnitnre at ed, have- • ppridnit ra oentinswovoinents.; rt.! Atittr - e .joT o il I !rho neceeen7 nun?. or . 110i tir". 1 . 1 44 11 1Sti n firsl a light; do noVeloolid S 120; add tfte tntion u Eon to render nand:ince, in addition to the appropriationoSo the " Board of Education," to alkmort b y,stadente.erka may rePirellt 1.7 , 1!3 ." 4 sto fa ßit 7.4 - 1. - Further information may be obtained from any cit,Aatf i'rofeesout STEPHEN YEMENIS, - aing9.34lt -Secretary Board or Ddreoore, I= pENIILDTOTUAUTE, orsva JR- = 27 itt/WOOIi !rum; rwta#l7!titil... Was ait4 the Pith4,90. 2 11V4T , that `theYthaTe7fgrmed , pattneriadptir , Wo - putpose or addict:ins the dove instit , alion t mo roiv voNDwr,o A . lrttaito sift trulti 9 ll,,t,"so „T,,,imater r of elipaq-uvlr4sphi a , na4lseihe prlztoi,oll3ook Btorei, or at ra ? It =f ll° LEalritlitirVir4.i.44‘E."jianlet'WTLL Post OPFloleJ3o.x.. Dental Xnstitute, 251 PENN STREET, ?ITTSBITGOL.PA4 EECESE JOHNI% HUNT — Publiehor . . van: Ptah nkrwiti: