REV. DAVID WKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor. REV. 1. N. M'KINNEY, ASSOCIATII EDITOR. TERMS IN ADVANCE. IMr Malt $1.51) Dslterat) IN urns* or 1111 ........ 2.00 for Two DOLLeete, we will send by mail eereuty numbers, ad for Owl Dottaa, thirty-three numbers. Pug Ore mending us SWINT! subscribers and upwards, wilt the eehy entitled to slipper without charge. it, n owsieshould be prompt?* little before the year entre. Send payments by sate hands, or by mail. Direct all lettere** REV. DAVID M'KINNEY, PitteburO, PA. for Pratt/lel-fan *Sala Letter from tt Miesionaq. BANGKOK,,SIAX, March 8,.1863 MESSRS. EDITORS :--Could you stand upou the bank, of t h is great, river Mail:taut, at almost any time during the latter half of • January, or the firstilarief , February t you:. would see an unusualynntabite bf boats j a g upon its . broad, bosom, hevingitheir .. bows turned-apparently toward its soUreaL. There goes one upwards of forty feet. longo with a beam •teni.oTctwelVe i feet ) . and reader and mat '3618,1. Itiialavidently a sea orafk:i and has probably.;Arnefrom same place two. • or three hundred 'miles dowaithe -coast. That peculiar, oval-shaped boat, with a dov- 1 ering made of laaroboo.tppAthatA reseal. bling in shape the half of a 'alga. mole/Nee hogshead parted.laugtimia ti--an if ( the. own,,, er and his wife are , bpth, rowing-,-is the,: floating residence., of, tke ,fautily4., Severa,l. small children are emerging,itheir .heads ,i from beneath the covering, to view what is going on outside. 4„They,werchall Trobably , born and bred.beneath that peonliarlshapesi4 canopy. That., 04 43 31 ,: ktiaht9tigi'a• 81111111 4,0 k cloth suspended pee , r s er bogy) allf4ttieds9o't adorned with,pea r fp, , eathang„beinngct o some petty prmeeing,nOtlenutit..,A.ns t tbne .. and still another .appOloblettlsoided •maitl:, , priests clothed in I .eg, yellow. tot, ; taking their turns in pr0pa1i48414 • .103114.0- But whither are all thesa.bong4,l b M 14 %. are going to Prabat, ,thelicreg,ol44o,ef , . 13udhism in Siam, to:_maite„tAsete,am sna l., ) offerings, and thus lay nibs, Atope,of merit.: , for the future 'data. ,Ikre ooneinded,to t join r i the crowd, and also f*t thoitomresiAmiti- • tarn, though from„,qpite4iffsarent ,moti,Tea,. than those which ,aotuaked. thett..,iz In .inF t , . ten ding this- grsat xiitetrt di Attilllff iPAßtilliry liar interest•meete,tbe-eye for a, consider-f able distance above ,this ,city. , ; •Thai bank are low and the , seenery r roonotonous r l .; An,., occasional village94,Bpdhiet temple,, is 'all that appears to break tbemonotopy. Even ; , , tually, however, the hanks•begin gredilally. to rise, and the. countm tobepen ;out into, extensive rice i.fields4 (About, t t wcf,.4daya' rowing, assisted by ti,m,tidea,,bronght m 40., Yuthia, the old capAelk, k It 'Pi', MI Ilittlikts More than a m a ys ; of ,s,ninsk G Pat,. Nor ..the f• city wall, and the i rujnee Om 44,templea t „, and pagodas, are "still standing.., ~, ~,:.I „ „ 4 1 The words ftf the PrppirttAre hfirSIJOISIT fulfilled, fol. itiart4e_nrabere,of,ifife Wilisp..., taken up their nbode in thoee foldill,,ilfelz, t . The city was ilisd : ictpidl4 AO Atitilifrs v , during one of 'thei3 AMlOtka ilrta" ftlio ;: i .• dom. The .nibthk . otAy ft is built ' b ipgy ft , upon the 1A41,0 .. nr Ti9P!'; i tiiia.4 l ,, P i aßku 7 ingly of veil? !lA, Ai ir inianttillemi' isY OM thz, is surroun4djoy h. byAtifsikpmgregi9g, r country. [The oof 7 ,Att,i'PleiliiViseree i' r h a large Temple lep i taimng• Rtes. Arty:, pu i ) sand idii)lo t ,o 4 Reptmlfiqmpilittipli,the vg, eat idol an 94 133 65 4 0170 1 0„V[fi .1, ;,: and 4 0.4 6 19g1; 4 t.4.. 4 1 CI? 9•Mitall..l It ie a *oge brick an 1190ar, keVPI:SI, base,effitela Ib, tidied n ll 4,',CitentY,Tift'a 1 t, 'P are ' a nd .frPhak t /ag. ta a sluff at t - e, ; beight, t of, Onpt threp i hntidred feet:, ;: ` e.. a 1 1 . 4. 24 1 4 ,. it' 7 4 r ti d it ab - 4 4._ tefildta his ° !rim, swill , It. vi e w of toe minAtqy . ,,, Tr " ::".47a C i r ,0 41.§ 4a mi 3 a4 lityPi 1 14 • . reliable hiltigys„, &fit Ivan imilt i i, i hopos d. of a•:ooo.afe7l4c.'rr.'-nbta_itrd_ll/1,i,11b9.f Burnaegp t , i .A.„ ppeeeei StglyPdt, ilt"tona 'its., remaining' 100 under ,him, and ,p tain t . „ a complete; vie . ~y piew tiv-in,vadepsl,;,, , , Above l'ut ,the, ! batik's,. of the , Aver . r „ begin to Av... 1 bek. , ,ap s o m e ,somef,,pleetes,, gt,,, to the laeight i ci Awentz4ve L and ibirty : l:eet.,` At the oloee of „he .. se,,ason, ,howeys, the whOle,oonntrx,,ip . submerged.' ',',9Ffi. eilsWi high, water ,mailci Upon .ttlal:tr ~ , ~, houses t eiglit and tii,fe4t above thS, t eal, el banks. .11:rurtiiii ,tbus tenapoaiy , ee t which lasta i abon) a Foen,tlL ,er• gr. we ek s,., the natiies,keemtAkeiCkusea , and, biz, to. ; , boats, At this season of the year, howf ever the whole country gives evidenoe,of life' ndililiiiiition. In iii*-nioninite old. evenings *kali' of 'people' come tiattii iiiint . :,, to battni,qtid'tO iierbilWatetiforinini: 11 4 .01' of buffaloeic'tik4 4 lmiy 'be, iilininC L lC" alai e Altilir ',' thiiit; 'and *he Utiiii Kit*` bodies betteithige enOnaltiiiPellifdl iheY are very!nild'of ilYti'iyibi;ent iygn'-cittinp s. in it, "ivitli"itotliibig prod sting abo v e' the surf a ce except tVe • point' of the *IN al* p a rte of ilieir rient horns.'• taw frets of ' rice are' atil Kaiiiiiithe,rei V, preparatery . to threshin" the' natitoihiie even taken advantage of ilii r t6w 'witter;lo.,feettri), a oral') of' tobacco ant EWeet ,Vbtat*i , *:the sloping sind7 banird ottho river'.., ; :, . . Ah 94 6) Ivo,. 4jt, rowing kern, Tithia,. brought up. tit Tplana, literallY, boat-land ing, .as it is the, place where the natives leave their 414 'to ,go,by land to the, sacred monnia,An,,,a,dtstapee of , twelve miles from the ri'vei. Here we found all the, different kind's of boate already deseribed, moored to stakes s in the edgeof the river, and,persons taking nave of them who were apneipted by government, and consequently besame re. sponsible fqr the things left in , the ‘ lrats. They reee,iv,,,ed fl !Peek eemieesekk from the, owners ter t ,t i tz, im i eersiespi. 4 ifroin,this Plana . tlis,better... • , ittikaalar4AP., o 4o9/ l e, bliffalo carts • bnitne great majenerwalicr ~ As it w0it144 1 ,0 t4Mblikt)P l , ll 4.9 l 4fot Wiz' t ° Tfltli 89 , ttactIf...._ A1t.a,10:9 1. 1,04ZET!!! sun, we,eon9Fu sp,m*nelePultAtlL Analp , , aPPearecinhPNaMkb'k "4144 ef P ri4) and we found th# the byrwCof the, dia.,: phaute W. 40 disposed A/At" so we , eon -014de4 t0g9,1 Ow, nuf as. Author ,up. the rivet,. and 'Blll4,{%Other 1440 e of interest, and take lialit on °Ar t , return. The other , .1 71 see is only fix milel distant from tbe river, and we could,walk with eafety. We reached the landing al*,,3,o'citek:pg.„; M., and after taking a dinner ,of ; rloo,,tantl, curry, • we gyOted on foot. We . .insidid..4lP, , our boatmen with the necessary, arl;4oPfer the jaunt. One bad cooking ittetkith TO' . ther eatable!, MA a tbillt mfatisolfnudb gl') for sleeping., It Ivq„q, ; pylkt , ty s , gool,4frot. night, ItittWP OA thb 449 1 9f th 4 anialPgri About 10oteloelr. irejnonhed the place,. Before reaching At we,passed through .a, . thick jungle, and then, emerged into, an , open , ePeee 'there ,tho, .iitingle had been cleared away. On en tering, the preeino, we were , reminded of the,.oamPmeetings held in' gome parte of PeunsliTattlia.' Wirer were lighted. around to give light; , tempo rary tents ,amtt bamboo litits, WPM ,etc!lted for the aseonamodation , ot the, pilgamns; children, were} playing around, whilst eqmp, old women were trying to turn an hone*. penny by ,selliog et - few eatables. The shrill, monotonmvglastorthftiPrAasts, too, while chanting theevening prayers, sound ed like the croaki.sili o ef kfcs Wall aslfh boring marsh. ire runediatelp eneended a flight of steps to tiedieignt of ,skettt, seer. hundred feet, and tbe5e,;411 4 44 the ah e ly r i ing rock, we found t epperost 46'0.4ea.• Some were bowing beforib the rook; °Vt . , were, paatinggeld foil , upon at; land o f ers ' #ttria/t... c'‘..-ziluttr+ VOL. Xl., NO. 42 nitwit were fanning. the rook. Aftet look. 1. it)il'ati them ' for • a 'time; we deseended i 4 se , 000d:it :bamboo ' 'hut, and after. spreading , dowirour mite;.Whilttomforkablyilli.filoitis. In' thti'qn tab ' ' - tO t AAUP - .. • * /0 oirg•We, 0_,....._.55f-,0., *Ord*: 4tiicre tugs sirenite;knek 6 lishig ;abilptly to the height of Eibtki ; thitie Itch.' ;dreil‘ feet,. , and 'pretelit(roglir irtifit'if at letir;hundril feet' itelengtlil cAbiftit Tokie liniVdied 44:fronis• die%NeeVb# tltolgrc,fine: there . .iii• a; itiebi) fn tlie Toiir,lilierippei pert , itretii gtl - Cy e r' , Ete'oltriffieritifeW i Theili;' ~ "floil'illayii:BulitAklde fbeklhifTtellfffirk si •stoiin' 'of lain; '!fleil , depaytii4lieft '' bid efiadow. At night we couldiibeCtiotbifitt 'but 4n Abet morningtve saw.; on errimall phicie i itngedfrilithtirorrl ore; caused' brthe dripu-'1 ingfali itheit witinviinrin'ethelrainyt tie noir:. hatßeoloring II ikviiiroimagiriationt might' i i . nay to beinifigure Ofikoncw.kindyibit*ruie ~ Tesemblekia:: do g as , fr u:m ai 148 , s ,i nyt hi ng lsew• , Superstitienlmnld- , nirtilhavn ohnsert; ' a . ht) better , d bj ect 'of revieninoe*lnatunc than' thisc, :for it; is , a; inost3 m agnifieeli V roil.. ui It i elso-. gives: eviderree.ofiThaSiritibeefil at -one` diner latibed..b.rtbe Waveimofithe intim: !lAfter 1 • break faatingi lob .ricelnikAiiirrq f We ; distrib, • I fited; somesbooks; • , th e ' . ,people; , Bel , Cured I abinerigeologi cal Lip e eitnen ii, silk start , '' edifht; oriarboatapbein oath; SF buriiiti gs tropidall I Star. I , We r tehinr4tished , t down thenriver i • cenvinilleslito secure a igoodl phnin i toespend-.1 he 43abbetklairhereqweriimighte•distributl i books and talk to the people. On Monday evening:we' arrived APlnvak.; l lC.Uartll inieptesecurerelephantsgfor4arkireeerLWetattl egt , llll9.Plegt/ ';•o;Tbe.t.tinle, appointed :was idnight,,bat.we , did*:notlset off until ' t itter One Welook,f 7 ,Wri, were, destined fageiti,tO. beinlpesediapap A it ;It AM eto APakelftplla, tit! iide, , ,ned.,vie Valtted igeodfleisevseae&ilioiA, , capacious : , eno4/ ea r which, were rrprteraiiaed i> s3lol..when „they,,arriv.ed.ineitherrosine npiite I ur, , ea p condi omi. ,- ,1 i'ffe ; gave. iAO 'ln elk if. huroughf(fmolcking:nrort!cheat i ing r ins i intt•iity id: nothing A n 7 olioitf frpm:l6lP4 Opel Of ittigat t eiguificaut,;siam eseagrunts,l 3 I;Of WI, 6 940afRoftrars!yekrIelopbgatlaidindla Par; estiloAtiop u ,is,otheidaVati qtAlku tikblitatti ti 2o er , aaiilirattikAP -4;Prod-fri,th Willie rii,,., tikaiktWaill 13 9,4 i flg AO AgMe;., Of r o e , Mugs . tiaHrulkati 400;4:-.wtIlt-"I.. : :.u:i l augh .fflcereko.boptr.pur i : feeli,n gal uptionthei .1)sok 4tf0a.13 i Alopbau t, ,f, Wl* huge Areatnret. 114 0XeC4n41. , IkPPat'aPillY A 4 his ilewaerrilLi All t the l enrees'and l idcista of, l the kdriver,; and t evork...igittfiintri ...bolik litneit . ilkto hisaAmtalt , 0 all' Ttletaa W1344040;3 7:itu rlialikoa(ll can) la i 4,314 k gitba. , ;74,10 on a, Aft rk , ;f tPttniaN'i'4 liftr34be. litcsgelkeat., nor: -.aysia: tlukftabliag. rut IMP in At Itthei YeefielaikatainbOgxwithi • 7:Vetlara - 4, 1 e , i PP144;3008P,u evert prP4.4oPdt; rugh feelings eirnr italwhifilsostedr, ,_llgledltie .ikaaki Of r.o44ashege,l4.reetig.e., A a r,tbttusaati,44B,h, Amaginatkonal i llitto4 t•livotighFogrfaxiiaC . ,;sWhatisifi,the t orestwq k .. ~Koalte bahlila 361.P0MfAiinel!fithe ,oasemind i throwdosi t i c Abe grouncl f the train of f twej. 2 ty, or ithlrtyabilowieghelOse atter,- wouldf:.treed( 606107*a* 4 ilk Arth of ' fratanienhieh, tasteaas the, 4 it/Pag l!hieltaawai awe', coped ...Inight.. i hreikk and.- we. wfiutd: fall. ) f • Nage, fEge CiClA4di:v..eAriVigiate_ , oursejves. ~...,Wei, , 0101vostipiows himeTevoirt an alinospinipe.r,, heptible :Ram :until ...Omit. SU tirie§, • When ;we', reeched.thepreoinoteofAeosnoredinountein g Ahouti X Mile:from l o be e nionntani ithere:is9g kind of shed; orect*Awbeileath- mbloti is an image 1 of,-$ 0b....! !Che t nativ,es , ,,here _r all ( buolEoin kind of o preparatory ,aftering 2 before, hoteriagotb a, hely --, gr wan& ~ T hbw.boliet, is, thatebeqwbq 'dares , to a agleett this r.offeringil "mill surely, dio.'!,- , We.. were ,toldf;befcr: lasviogAe im, )}4 lan4i9g,uttiotiti4e English.. Cowin' .lu6.lllreflasolitto 1 closoaild from his elaPhantlagiatiplaae,. andlthatihe had rwiti Yeti di.eOkut bin fag_ori*.e.tlegjdrtifelihe had , with thigkiscfnit; he.o le phs tit, IA 0-talk Jut.fgrfk retuTning,honie. We; also,Tettiektoieceili plY l ,..,and . igyep,,,presoßntf•tilftsoate *la r ;44. *aselunden,p4r. control, , front Oinglso ;- but 04Dolkopt,dopoikeictr,Acxititobenbocape. 'veryssiok 0 And,:weldPnbt-nOt.bittiitf)was, , atr; tribtted4o our-refwalito, complyf wit:ll . , :the onetcahi.2l`b el —C.cenaul'-, gays ithiot,some! , on e, faSHotetlabisolotwith.a dose, or poisen. On': empty:thing , the ~ p lace, the scenefwas4nnelb; iihn).d tbst (.1 already ~ i described/ . ►only- .!on larger-vie:44n. fillia i. mountain". iteelfl).isok 14idiA METeinileft icogIKILIF ),cdc "Aviv 95 , py D l. , ters,4vag.tuand . .:Binivilim Pet R,exia.-in,-;t AP. g ibes , 4 , 3 Yi44*, 9001 mi . :been. i p=e,yrum Vat•eck.i perm • by water, 'NW the i base: pf pi e . in:onntatn .th *e*rn4#m .ei rhele..Ate .i44,,abontf - ,feet,:laki end , 4QPIATP t 4 3 4.iida ms4lo tf: bo.tba,MPriat 9fiq s o99k'l...ltli l o4; Is :nOikenrrounaeo DY; e rt_wWorsArP , t wo. fait,bigh, Which is .cevered,,with•gold. building . thirtr i fpair eqztargi„ana which ter,. .rainates to i'iddre;ebOiti two ,hundi.ed..Eeei, high,' coverad,.,with gold leaf, : is erected:Over . liriPOPOakr . Pak fiaar,itt..(aw9red 344. st frAi t t%; matting„ end ~ the.. walla, inside. ,I Fe ; wile* with ,54411, lead, and .thit,oyeAsid., wiiii•gold.leaf.- Tilley.** also 9m4peptpii, aikki , pictures of t ilifferent kinds,. meat 4 : orb., are Chinese ; paintings ._., On each, side. of ,the .building ( there ,is...efpFeterided . likeness., 4.,the ffogkprint,...maile of : gold.- Thelroo;ifor4, take a eittingl , posture he-. fere ..tWARtt.ROOP: ,and : thee, ;hiring, thei r. 1 . 8 44 WO t.9r , PaY9Pt!P 4 0 .- t he _ ,f ace, and, 114...,the- " face .to .theltoor. 'pp offerings., .consist of -gold lei.fifflPie**9. •, They. , : 10 - 4hed, xi th 'horror et , ips Alien:. ira_eptered Without ! inanifestincany i yerirence, fbr. the, scored ; spot.. ; &iv? at aar, I IMPRIca3r, Old up. the pile ; of, gold.,l4 ( depos;ted.4mi t ,tbe ca v.:, ity, : but _could .. diecoNeX.-..P90.1.91141444: . .. smooth bottom. .. „ The narnil , epingleAkittelk ;cases. is, that we. ((ou s t be4nl,+e. s ,A4,ooP,lgh quently eise't. eep : , ; „ !,, i ..,_,‘', .: • ,„..:::: .. , 5 .; .4 „ ,gvery .proje Aim, reß,k,A.the Moentittl. is capped : with a small .pag045.., • .;•0n, the. ,stoplng Aides, ef ioe.piotpatitill many, prieatiis itiad pitched their teatiNwkich fconsisted.-E alArgq- white :uraito.4.,4eifitAgiilqieo9, 0f white,cloth st494oi aFftl l o 44,-..righ a-T15 1 :. reaching to .thtepppd., 4;ateryoOpth.for a tent. 110.•11 1n9900,:.9400P?-.t.. 3 *M9eik ;014:in4li•owpf*ey-iirmktil4r-. Rate, . EMP vet PPTIor.4 4 O7% , ,,The•Aa . PP.P7 . iniii:..also. aboandit iii,ernaWenvor;.,!Ode , of wbiefi eiery,erev,ice..of,*l • A94:18,00 • with small idels. NO enterag Oneettliese. cavesplape,.ip.llitiermißg§ Nniti.t.b9Pektiit , a. goo d ..oppoirtmOM tg, mown it:lew : anti', mOP1; PR'. Peed, 4 0 •AVF 'A :1 0 4dt tn; 4.9 3 .Mtgt.; Unfortunately, *mpg, . we, luni, ,noi . gpoq place , t e . secrete . them ; f ar ..filithing t lias It tit ralfhP. aatarOMPlOettr4 eve iultlf )44 I f ti:AFt r ilt 4 . 3 1 41 8 ,4:,!., 9r i j'efl4/1445,7101Pni.;.7070d, . ge e lli r ct tiouwit. • , 0.4 -h93,74mi01g 3. i ii. r en dot 6f.'olllfcitieWl°4,:PVt PT 1 1 llgit,twOrMt , ; . .Ml49V i d , 1400: here fist btitlrkrl t P h lAA irhO . ente r : . tan: tr 7, 41 141 ,0 14.. IT. ~.f!...9, Meg aimoB6 ~ BA* : fiiiirilt' og gi l r°ll3 ' - . 'o " I': rr d o ,; : ..,ifider, pm: 4 1-71#1,1 19 11'...: , nt.i. ii ' veiy , *lil t TlAe t sil, B % . 4 1 , R,.. admiredtflt ' ' C Ilia t btli ' T i aster drill( ,a? 1 • ri pir ea lf ~;. ,,,,,,. ~ n. PITTSBURGH, . WEDNESDAY, JUL Y-. 1, 1863. great quantities , here atlen cents per .yard •, ! but - sinceithe, American 'troubles it has all been-' bought .np.ibr . speonlators, and cant I 'be had ' now at • any price,- - By , , frequelit. Itirashingsr the , pants had- become perfectly. 'white, , , and the-Siamesa so seldom, see any itbing: clean Pamengithemselves; . that • I sup - e he -really admired . them ' . lie:Tamed , iehand down over. , the. - pocket .i n , whieh it , e . Chopiriveke. concealedi -an &we began . to I Tear: that...he !might , Make ,t , seme:unpleasant• I:dnicoverleis I , -, so we told-Aim :ithat ~, it - wee intontrary , to-. our l'.istorrt Ito , , have , ..persOns , litkillai-118 ' . so - -familiarly... :. The '. • priests. ,Irtitheriforides; themselves , on ..tbei•r 2 sen se of Pre_pritity; ;so- , - .law:- 1 itimiedi ate ly. : , desisted.', ,Oir !landing :in I theimorning liiet secured-a 'bamboo !-, hilt , rifor- our.' aciodiarto(latiorr; r , but: 4toun found (it- Hi) filthy ;that :we , hadsto 'leave-, iitel9Wiil thsniapplied to the !head .priest' Of rrthe , plicep.who ikindly asifi pi ed • usßiomforte.. We. 41:tatters in, a ;bitil ding! . erected.+AV the.i kink for %ire yrsirr fabconimcidationJ i ‘ , Weidid Iriot. ~i tttem-pt')ipublio fretiohing there,' ibes' l Causir. , brie ~ of , our f. 'number., ;took- Sick i,:and! t Our riga rip to - Mir , baste - was h eaten ed ,-! jinf -, Our ;. - haste “ in;:leasing *owe- Aoo,, weilatlN .> O egleoted Ito' f!secu re o'fronkitite - 11dittiater; of: - Foreign! Affairs-011e telinntenopasiport re , - , quir . !, ett , br theAreaties oOf foivirgnersi, whew: !! PriaciUgvhayond; 'cortairhlireits. I IsWhemtlie: high:priest/ iiiked!uadf weluidnnichllaperi .we 'lliad) to.l , give iltirie luvinrsioW) snawer.- . Weldo-etirtioir thistlinblio , i)resoitingilitl eder.'beenv4attempte&thote, fittid Ai ad . , 'mei Contnioneed . , Without the:. necessaryrprotetw , tio.rri ' t Ire ', mighte hovel got into , ,difficiiity..ii . We' - distributed" luiterz it ~. ilumber.of. !books,. • and: talkedffreely toytherpeople whol visited, tus , ationr il'odgingim i On caecount of- our .sickl companiOn j Are ' were!ohligild terietUrehoine i ihat: oVegiug:' , ll'oplianti.: at ~ th 43 dine, iof darlivere 'not' , to bevhasi, - iiiakiwa: monied , huffal o inats;l and Aprepered teleave ;When , ii(irinooo *bald rise': E buffalo c.oart is lav - itonfiesorkpLYl, ilwishatOottid ,is en d ,, yott-the tideietufe of. o nesli; Sulfide it-to Amy , that , I lii e : p eirefilt they ihaveuno •!,sprin gi . and, tbei road;~ kwhemwot, . ha& been' , out JUR by ..ele.-. pbfantspindsthetricktrhschlitoOlos lard, ix). tlutt It ' 'Ws oatrythidircbut.smdethoi 'There , *dame danger .cit . ,•4 liver troiring.f4i Otli Abe , iotttoli. , .2 The: wooden/lidos:are never greinied; and tthe 'Sound lemitted4 frome•them i'gratee Arather Gunpleasmitly 11.Pare•ie; refute& u eiti.: i bii wen trilv e f.) or t thittr of') th ose -.carts in: al in,' ;present i 'rather . mil grotetique slip itrr4 ' npe:!' , . They travel : at the , rater of about . two: idest per hour i!buto , vie liould preterithemi , twithstandi rig' alt . ; their? i noonven i ences ; Atli elephan t,'. I 'it On tie in our, boater • again; Weimer* 'itooti) ' toiling' -dim& Atha it riirsr. toil3rdilitii i 6.; i , .; , ...,, ;' . .--. i',-.. , .;:- ',:.'l, - How long Budhism will continiiriwto , ieige.liere, only He who suffered,thet na tions ta forget,him and go into i idolatr7„can, tell,. It is l e; fact; that of all ,the,sys*ns of rake religion, with _which. r.the Gospel JIM hadtto contend, Budhism :is; the CUlt, and the ,iabors of , missionetiM s udh isk countries Urea boort iumbilingren., ftecent,accounts state that w in. ,Ceylun &here la, a kisd...ofs revival:ataoug,the Budhists. They-are primiug,bOokirAid - E diStributi iheni l emong speop le irsen let/kiting. itgainatotheiChristiaThreligion,; It t iOnewn. ihat. the King of Siam holds opnetanticom-, inunioation withAtietleadem ,ofi 13nahun. in Ceylon, dnd he has ',lately obtained, a, ,print,- ; log press and.type and avow that,,hisi ob-, Plot- is to -print. theis, *acre& books, anll dia., tribaba them 'among:the peopler.- We. may; therefore; expeet adkiud of revival ~here. E !inn_ Budikism is begin kijog.,ttoi , fear the appreabh ef the,Gospel,.atids,tosshakeogits fOrmer 1 apathy. -We shall, rejoice at , it., tiv,thing that qwilbs arouse; LBulllkie.ts, fro, their,eltiggishness land; make„ them think, must be favorable s the i success „of , the ospg.. ,Were it not for, the ,immutabi. promises, we would oftent im ea, despair of the, success of- the Gospel, among ,ithis sipeople. ; . We musty,however, obey s the SavioU4comi.t wand, an dr, then pstientl,y awsti_tolassiOwlk,give_ stiociess. I. i . Yours !tzuly, zp.t.tei ME ~. :• : !.. i. , '1,7 - ,Z;)4 , 1 I, , , ILMOIt' -, ' , .-- s ia•gigial h idi.i: 1 i..4.:2 . , A A 11 . 1., , P.P_C/ ..„,1,2,..21.. ~ ..', At ILI icit...,3 e •,1 ,1 (I : MMARA!! Wine, r 2!..,_••o4 •Miti!Wr.:4lloll , ! ',• se! "..- ! , qi../ ti ii,ViliFl!!l;i tif..rt•fi7 : •,•:.:i 4 1 i A ll 9' f.4.44-WiDlPlrOV.intionel Were ,:tnak•l *usiihadoP44 l bli OA I!r.talt•PXY of 0.1F'.• 'on, at t a:meeting ; he)d. int Brookville,. on, t he; 16th of June, A. D. 1863: • • . . .H . ... ! AVA9szes „In i the Ilisturhod state of ,the #T ll ,OVOP .t .,.. in- kl#*4 / . 1, 4 0. iii!!!4( 3 4 .to , o#ket,,.., ws tr9y ; .00),: t iliF, .otagnri I*l quf44 l o 0 0 •*i : '4,o* Pat,fAtegiiik; AO. whereas, nothing but, .a p at whereas, awe.' :TjAitea 4 Ott,asitiiisi/ag.ilie , lion portion` as their estinirjli'luitMfy..t.hem, and. *Mph,. if. not granted„tiftel : tdetAarnkiny will . ..w . age, a war of eiferinfnnti . onoilitilt partition we 'depreciate as highly injnrioni(tiii the inter:,.. eats. of the!Clink& i,and . iirhe*u!,.ih s ey lin bip,Eiingl4, .profess i te, 'found . ...,I:in,ensliire 'on., the pegetua l . enslavenient.. of -a ' .people. whomstno,ieord ,aS,a.partof the human. fiIAY % :Ois•csfqol4:•.,•.,. -; . !,,,...!,', ResigiecA,Thiti.,,qo; t iiiiWtino4, ; Ivo* . the i walls 3.t tißsiiotoffioefiol,ofiTlEVa 066'4, we d eeniji,o*poihh4it# ~ the , aiotatis of our - holy r,oliiinwtiie *at, iiiiertioiii of.. ZV -4;4- Oiefit Sria ;-. 6 . ~",. ', 4 ''. warn the Oh " : pl€ : :oAlXoFt o l96loflet iiirog.4o4,opC cLpirc . ..,kt, in any .yray,hy,Terd mr.desti„,...hytitn, entimy4 ttienoeatt them to,heikare.4 Liat i i80030.,04 1 .9t31ft *siA•vi9 o f'.4 , t 1 i0. 1 0(0 1 .111. clgonstitnted anthori4es i ii And•to„*An, 4 4 1tie4 1 Pae. , tfrillOtirP:oo - 1 :.i "- 1 0 4P7 , science , saki! '‘ •:.:- - ;; ... , .i.- Tr.,. • .' , ' 7 ; ••. • it;?l°Wicl"' ha liPlll4ge ! ilF.4)9ioti7 , 1 liriii . a3TPPit.h. 3' 11 ,...BilAtliciIT" 4 ( 0 4 e • ~9P- • 1 'lstitAion.,;arykAtny i ernmint.,4 ,pie : United; • §,tates,.!•t.y.,o,9p4gcidr.,ge*lnWerrl; . • 9o4 l vvre, pyr; cordial.. support to the, regularly oonoituied,enttio,ritiss. to erwilypit d foraTer. Ale L,lVioked irebeltion; /I t o titi •Ibellt W.. Onr, abilit i es iudj . in,. minntidiO 4o gAke.,l74l(24, , fo4piaiß4 in -: .„. 14.0Z : ', - T., -;., ~..; - !. . .. . .440 0 0 e 4,„ ~ a e.,,..*f 1:.. 4 tr, rt il i.."*clo . File,. S, h l i tra ]tigqr-tlrOProbi . . 0r.1. ) 0P i!iteil'qenero•4 s r. 140 00/4iAft "PitmrnitteiPi' -con • BfliP: and ;o.o.Apivb!airinning,ithe former deliverance Si': fl! . 4 0, . Atigukl.l lB :.Bo.iePt• -of , I 4aYerYi 04 IN A490441.00*. as *A10tr0,:. , . , ..... f` . ;4 11 . 80 0. , ,:kiottifreß:. , oo4ist i* of: t e:— I# ll - f! ) : ° ,4POP tO ~0 ; AA 90ipot. , Of ; olik Tem!!! „0P.E40 1 #. 11 4;0*.0..i0w . ( loopojggt: Theattoiloe 9.,4 I§lB,,rotoitg.:.xiga ore (Aret.tnAtilF,f4.lloll,ll4*fif.t4 F. 094 ikW,.. P4PP,... 1 .4 0 ilf.ei, ~i49..,_teA . 1PP0 1 , 01 0711 . :At 4M BM!! ~!•,) , 41 3. 1,,4 $40.#14-P and! P. 1000 4 14 1107,174Ple•iPlattwit-IMPOT•4!kt• 60510ViY Ithusli ow , c4voik lo ~Ootero4 n 9 51 -•l 3 )abOicl..: Pitl'A.Fs i - 4.1q,vee:. , -bqfg -.TeE1,.10.4)" 'amended '0! modified, pit has . frequently hmreferroni, to and reiterated ind3;ahsequent i , ~, 4)l.)iisti ; 44 41,St i i 'l l - 6M - p . ' . pll49s'f; ayer... , • t• bin, Ams 110#6it'it0845:,iiiqiime #43r'ffitirt:::. , *jai 0-414:':40111ii11Y+4,56fr 0,41?-101i141ilb o.4oitiillyes4.lbo ~t'j94 Pri . . vote - ' neilfi ter leit7 :or ItoitieVii i dfitiol ....oft. ' 10 • - I 1.3 - 7i.L.1(11 , ,t 21 .F. ... , 111;"-1 -1 ,3 , testimony on thid subject previously uttered by General ilosernblies ; and by these de liverances we still abide." • r :` Fee thaPeeebytertan Banner. Why [Written• in repti to IP 'friend who asked why I believed in the eVetence of n God.], Look aloft, yrtieriAhinegi the sun, , , ' Where morning Itestheive just begun To build their cantles in the tiky, , And Paint anew the 'ir c alikon high, • And `Wonderirig silr'theresl6l2 l —irby Audi when at noon the eye of diy, dews all benest4ite kingly sway ; r motionlesi'the oillmgettetiiteri lie, ""—' • ' . soft, sireeE bieriesigehtlyigigh• r •t. trtiliflllAnt*Ordeto yOlll4-41k. Why . I#4 (PO vig.;:...Lyn2 . 1 2 :. • 4 us. 'When birds, and buds, and blossoms tweet, #."-re 1", ,- • In ftgAie I pirlieit!tireiathiii*Acidentanigi) • ''And tlckt,ur,l o 4 B ".#4,oflitik : • ( - 1 , • • •• then, wpodeiiiii imilethe - IRO( jd>> or Jove* Ittioisw,s, kV, • lIMOIrOl.Y°13:11,1111di•ii 9 Pe .or, .` • L l 9 l *l l ',°,lPUrgifts,Moiig die, inuf harp to nye, his hopes to die; 414ri, s ivoiolgiing tiek il3'iektemailOl' . " : r !W, 1 110,4!< 1 wintligite . Sty'u, 1: I ;ll7 FA ; i flogi O N V o .k g i : - "-4' Pi.R. l , l iii(Tkik 44 1 , ig4,l` • •-• Who Nap &nee, 4/64 yod; •*- . . - P r . o ll M et itt l gr . 11 ?" f ." . * . • Riau - J IS: SI ;L: ),,fS if I A. %WOW . ' "61% 'I , , PIMIPE4PIgroIitANNIOB. 1 , taltilY . Trot* rrftr4,... • , tO4O44I4rSARLi-SkitYP7t. i Conference and roma m eeting at Maratiter r - ;A Scotch Regip4Mt—Letter from its Lieutitseislia i Colonel--The; 4 *mai , RiVuons-2'h4 ,` ElVirit 1 D.",...1 4 . - 1 2 ,1 , 7, 2 emilign 741 , '',F.vree7 u r ou P---„ti—ns7- . oeular 0, k uma , and rot ndi .4L' ti•ee • Chit Aileent'Ogaq . 1 ./ineeqtiokA . ' • ..=-111.1“ Dunlop , tinld Vil Elßegt/N. ,l 6tuthiitt'i 5 INfener4-`Dr. taker/mid Itite:prOion of mist ;I tiansr-Ortfmoticits -. T*444 0 1)40 Loe4eu, 4s' StoLigtasPri v ,P h . 'ti- i 6 1,147 461 .Pe r ssre#4 441 z: I.• , :rritif :1 . -. 14 : 5, :. Ar .h• A ,6. .i. _..._ r . i ~....' ~.-`,,. ) ,?1 • •Z. I 1,. ' f:‘,°l`. rho , ; 7P" `, Pl '4 • - &MAIL , ... 01M14411108 :to he es.- 1 pim . allloii . " , ' :e' - . P ine'iiitan G overnm ent, byltiat X a.se4ti Brillith:' A l i ilinstratisib of/thialtbdik riedieTew 'mien** tat;it' tliff . l HilinsiCiif.' Coninfohil. '"Lofd Palmersten.‘ hreiighiPiTikliiilt''itiving'arithoiiy'to t.i.;',,. tendithe'Prelity with the=thiited Stiteslus to the suppression of the Slave Traded We took occasion, to renifirk on,LthArreedk nees And a r. meat of AirerieasiAnsmlitt) $l BB / 1 1JoneibX% them previously ; nitNfls,gr.tat Naftd,ittril , N, ant matter,,exPlutsed 441. gralittsk,tiATPArkit at.the further' e4teutiould.rt , h,•,7 ro.loifict)- risdily and oheerfu,lly agreet.M.!****loti the, last,lTreard,been. tien serried ~thro, Parliament...: h r Uitle ,or „no , oppositiog, and that, the , t„ bill fflat worhy,Ary, special , o,o4:leg' ,phollendikA9.4.4 United - SalZ7s.People,iii,Abla : 4 t - oiliitryWi not, forget, thatAilliellriPF6o44, Pt (Dtkehamutic. #es ) iniolfteeptre • had phiuty of i negotiatione r ii reference to ilianlfllaye.-Tntoie,atkil v tlw, right of mutual search, but that the desires of the British •GOveririiiiieli twiitel 'thwarted, pith.something': like: contemptuous:Acorn. Rn;7 Bo Pthenl: P3rDlPseti ( l444eP:•.eigiled Itt,_ Washington, and a few , year ' s, Agt L myself heard. Lord Paiairithin complain 'bitterf,y" Of the' con ti riusriA' f 'slait' trid6Vetrohil from the above` cause; 'end 1 . duly;Teektrtted lie statements in your eolumnt strtheltime.l(,are,the um: of adver. rity,:',an,d)it.; is possible that the Southern ponfeclerAsy, if ever forthed,'would not dire in the face of the world; toreitiveithe'slave trade:Xi:is for Lord. Palmerston '-hel.hae: been-nobl • y : 0 consistent all his -,publie life , inJ , his , hatredi to'that - aboMinationi; 'and England ) , umiak the influence of. mew•like him i thas , mais4j tallied Ai , enoritiOnsrbost of , money:-and Ilk? • squaditiie to' put: it demi:. , Bnt - ,todo Pralf4l' ident leinetkinl tuition, until hie admibistra, tion 'Jo:tam - a Into. , offiee, Lind'i Southern . men ceased to rnle , orthinart atrWashington, our efforts were practically paralyBed. ? , 1 At Manchester thav been held thitcwitikk an Anti 'Slavery Conferebbeof tninieterst oft religion F 'Of' differeento denomintitions: • Them Meeting originated , in the address.bylhe , French Protestant pastors to the Protestant. ministers' of Great Britain. A , reply to that.address ha already received thelnames• of 3,500 ministers throughout the country:- It has been adopted , by the , Conference eV. Menchester, and is ordered to. be sent to America along with the; Trench address. There will twwhro •an address emanating from the oonfiteelieitself.. - , . RIND ••• • • •••)•:•••: '`• - a: • SOWN!' .4311inilunii e ts Ainents in the Fedetar service, find an expotiotke t ln the Lieutenant Colonal•of the 79th Regiment of New-Work Volunteirs.b* He • writes to his father in Scotland, and resident in GI as goiV. ` The Morning Journal of Glasgow, publishing the letter says : ‘`This •wear er of , the garb of•old Gaul • appears to act ‘. and write with the.-fire of old 'Rome..-';`lfir''' says,: Of course wherever fighting,is •to done for freedom ~thereis to be found on be defy battle' 'field . the lipresentatives . 'of • Scotland. They are to be found onlitithU sided, ind several, times k have metnin deadly, conflict:! • The ,Southern, oities have., their Scrotch-battalions, and. the,-North hav e her 79th New-York Tolioteers;who.hsTo; • lost,in this war already, in killed and dis- 1 . abled for life..7Qo men, and: now muster., about 500. There is alio another Scotch itegimentfroinArirciisHe also says :" " fria'teid - of th s e Nokth bavin_ accom-: pushed COMPfirriti i ttre:Jw6 haie,lanoe the.war commen*l, recovered at,least one, half ,of the so-called Southern Confedoraoy.• True, they hold several, of their seaport towns and even llichniond, but , even them, anen(! .of reWlliotis State; irately sitobnitib • tn eupbrior forte and:' double r Salk 'riot Ithe'slikbtenig pibt Isiettag belief this tUfy 'eye ,fOt their' righte ii.46**:bitUti l or'tid rani snore faing - Wfbertiiijr l ate to"oonvinee ihnilbornirtirOnF 7 'The' piitini. *olo4' ebinie are aliendfininibiela 61 6 twit het ;'' ibd'lidt ' fdE thS -0 - rataw • *ha' aver ' Mani; leiii+67ol6;_nriiiPoribe onto to take 'darn' or wet 'lli litre ileseitfie' eine) , lay' 'Vat trikin' *Nem' we gethei• thbia: g e t ! , 'the* fitiortonitivil? hien lilipriiibnei).cull'' oonVip ' roll` 's3e of the Witted Whit That`' ataiiiinsism • 'balk"drag edlnti Ain !- Obi 7 14111 a r"dd-"lnit t dike 'he 'wile ' doneSt4 t nityi the' rebeli neif t - P3lofliqunk 4tetiairia, laytto Aral, etolgil l '.ivi s *Otte r II : Itt bartiftri tiring )(PJV U. ''not- to use !them itn whatever shape will .3most 'benefit this Government wherever we !,Canlfind them, they being at the time the ',property• of rebels' in arms , against us. 4 We it.' I have every confidence ''in the North having the power to suppress 'thin rebellion, and 1 hope the day is not far distant•when we shall again live, in peace and harmony/together—a united peo ,ple, I.. This continent -has, a destiny, and :I believe that is to- become the . greatest na, 'tic* on the •• face, of the earth. • It,. cannot -exist as: a' divided:mation, no more than • lag - land• and,Sootland ; ckild, without guar relling4: arid i.aa. tot the .tardi nese of .the. warp we hate :accomplished , anore, in:less time; 4hairbolkEnglish andtFrenehoscompliaheA .. , iti,the Oritnean war,„thopgh i soldiering !' thcir i tzade while, we have all is" the 'c i vil Wiilke"of life; which `' is eeiesiiiti f worthy of some consideration with our biL. , gime ifeiiiib i onl--- 4 thatiis;sittoe•leve arif.' I needitia takeyoubaok to the Ptaiasular. tneaml_ . _ats to you the gigantic In eiiiwatiffailsticii, wiiiioh for years at ded tai4Wiii v alliaieUs qiicij2.o6these ed you had theAppracpah:expaiilitpe, which, would to God your newspape r editors had. ilk lintwof-Lttiey , irioiild , Ve • niertiV•diluitinii a *iv: betwixt, facts isadVableatilow:4o , '. g I rdle•gives-alist. ofibe battles Fikidliskik-. injaheivin Oki; the ,regimmit wm,,engisgeEt, p thd' t g enelOs thl timips, of the office ey - eottish: Gll,gow is largelii - repre: isiiitid:' '''lSili' 'ilk "ir tiotiV - Oa' I Nottifil Of ' irillidd,goind mietronotheCotmtynf:Pdeath::. . ~ , ,) s••• . ~ , ...., 7 "liiiTiCiiedlitiktiorm'es'fini aiNrus is' tbrib or ria,al ave . ' ''terili . inafed (ill , 'tbd'oveirj: ivhelm in g l defeat; of Alio .Giovern men t 1 ea n diJ tates, whom M. Persigny and his organs; ad denounced as, • the ‘ 4 implacable .enc ipii4 "" or ita'; Itnttyll;:e. • - ORt; of 2 36, 2 60, vateif:giQii t ih d PeiWirtlieckndiaittialfm . ill-,iverinimit , Otiiiig d ' O 1113? .' 82 ;Mt 'a A i.iiinJi like ' 'dile iiiiii - ttle' l ritit'ai i airiOl; I I i ii 'M 'i ii'M t !:.,F 4 o 6' ' siae j -ririekbia '''for'. a.lils trioli ==. rtro e rf a ratl B lP ' 67l44Rif; Ai Os 41 '. ili", .144 , 4.614e' Ilifiti"doly ipiiivoiOlP to it is ih;' 'Proiiidefitiil iliktibit• 'Of. 184 S. "if iiiipastwsigraie *416 qhtiiiitidoil o die, 'l6B'lllBl4oi crollios,!ih*:it hi' V .fer:#' 'griiiii 'in'itter - lidießrirhisti ire' lied'' 285;450' '.it '66 roPient t f n eNdigititnetki . IdgiaVnk' ifie64i* 4rftli'ihfiiii!v "Ndh -414 . Could Ifisili'been iiiiiiisoAlit . l,litin'.l fh'cii folisilit ini . Ositl',S7ifinge r 'al*py:it issue ''with iiirniiletit:;stid ! thibiting the iliole si:eiglit f exiiitliqiiiitientlipile against; 4 t2 thlie 'esedidiani ;- 'Nit iin "enem ofliki Emiliiiiiridnititehlisre itaiSed' 'such' ,I. ii lag tioni is, intelligible.., -; Rat that.. his: thost.xle iolol,NlPlre.r ORO gif).-49, is utotgly ; ..Alb Pr x iT a l l i e, ` , ..h! Va,il? t s ,!° T T 4 ie T l / 4 : 4 A tors were .tol , { t you' Vote tio•aiiist . tVe' Papiro l ""filisrliani-voted for '&l''`THiiire," artkirlisitAier lifvlersikney. now .thintrof i heixt-Ti i - Yea r it.-arbinldl, haves beenifeesttoi !a1 4 1:0- 1 4 1 0., 1 4.:PPV.g. PIM for: a.. ~t!l' am-,. Oeriatist. Instead of those . violent %iron liqi'l'tinsa ghe l iiala4'Sfliie sliiritii'Whiti', l )rlikilatilafg led twin tli*•st iniiiiidEPlAl 'lliad' of, i'oWintry 'judgment wonhilthaiir expressed. his . fiedingsoute, ofithemcatpmnent,menorybom grauonmsp, bnist; _so ootynniieil ef,the4Witiilithof t h e, Empire `after faVell" jreat:i Irmi,,,aititk heisitiitetnii-lOirger =in' feikigniising • the' Ingle limey • ogi itst: title ; in , swearing' fidelity .to . it, and obedience to itsAmstitntion, , and-, 'coming forth from their long privaey to aid it with' theif counsel; giveltlhe benefit'of their experiences anCmanfully. take 'a part. in4he Provernmegt of .their.. eemnrn;i3Pun.7. try. TAis, lll /Egrt,149,0;e,./Y),..., 3 W ~not IdCTS.i those men w e re . d e n o u nced as : 4 tra itors, ' 4 isinapiraibis,' and even 4 perkireri. ° ' (Chien was especially the mark 'cif Vitutietl atilm. , ..Hei,M4P no r e ply „O. 1 , 4. abase ..hez. 4 l).P4, 11 1HW lag!, but. 0 1 4 NPr.Y- silence, am, braeek i hia,atuxiesi . h..andithp, stigma sought,' ki)?:t 80, 4pPR, him kapa' kesTi.io44ol:fori •thpyiseiyao b7..AoAPliticKiti.-41,4 11 "..140 0 4ra OfrthA second clintriPtr9tOWlC,:, ... .. - : ~SF't•ifi~'t' '• 'Lis said tbattatheArreneli Government spentl 8003000.1franes bribeip , kb 4 )bto earryl one. candidate: in: I Paris,—Delessert-4 hipiinst. t the.) beralp Thdl litter also 131ectedlin s a . :Northern , _Department ariNioiEmatidy, -overthrowing ,sConnt, Kerg-, Vlay, whose, long( services al the ;:alipportl they: Administration iobeldigivethimAdid.not:.anffioe_to:'save him' It. id calotilated . the Opposition, will, number 80 in the-.Chamliers,, and these alii Marked men of decided..principles. , • .The Times truly said, . ycsterday,:in' powerful article, that ; I,riess (WC& maked and unmakes rulers, is Natts:deon I. said, "'is Franoe;") iiiittidlyzejeeted the Empire. To:clay r it'Atiiing lcr the sub ject,' and referirdeib 'lnd improvements of - ;Perik . :4 Siija with t big: truth : " 'Partials • .noVeirew think' the 'EMPerOi l 'fifiVi Vas gilveethtin' whet "ilte.f7imiOt "'IAA for. Thor' given them the sculptured'idiage." 'lt also says that "•theloonme of ',the , ' government ,has ministered .to 'one' of the Most • dahger instidehr 0f.. , the Fredoh. They: like a oonfliet.:JAl9*oli If 'we, are' tot Ijddge from Persigny's •demeatter , and - -tonek , hel expects ',mother. Thermepylie.P • • • -,.. , • . • Topsif Iffstr*EpTlO *Walk ,and drtlter'Viel'orilis insurgfintil l ire' in incited. The reply of Mr. Seward, tailing to join in representations - ow.behalf of the 'Pq)p r oli g thegritV i nf i n ,, ,tradi r tionat , pnlioy ofmni : intervention " t 1.11 c a se s . of sure to' give much' liimitisfietion among all 'the , Liberals of i.Earope. %I:mar -there was. w /base) ;of, i‘t,exidnnt, necessity," oer tailibr„ this A *opt), whatevex friendship mmhavn_i3xipted, lai4l3uibi l 47.Pellt, between me ea,and Mi 'litia,' that shOnld be, lifitimit",'lP,' ISt ' thB' liberty which true -friendship' -always Ashes: _ f,tlaith arei the ,woTinds, of a friend " antA ~howevot. excellent, the ipolioy of. the. car,. toward ,the serfs; !present 'pOlicY, has ' been cruel 'to a degree, AO at', iinfortun'itss ; niticiii'irtieli - ; antis!' .tors helped l'What is 'asked :of ;him is, •to give , the people .a separate Coni.! ;s43ttion and Administration. ,If ; litOnatlY•rquEld;.•E,go - Pean war WI . 11 4., ' and therefore the 'gr . eater the Tint& of i6litteftefi'broniht tolieatlrtilirbettePhViiig of w peittefhl.:settlement; henedobil to sia itself ; saving torrents t of i blood, ; grand,act of jnstioeorelkides t aing. to •qoa,, sod . sorring,thitziee4ll 41:),tty, , and truth, With' the prOlionot' oCillorgins baiiest: It all events=whettioilitDiVOmitio note' or otherwise—the , • ^ , Russia / Government must be, aware that, its ohlifriteratlindalinYi ..theAmerionn ; nation, ix fiyoxqhix sn4 cause as, that of long , oppressed Poland: . W - •"' • / . 447.; W AVI T SP#11 11 01 1 .11 LI R BM A Y 1?-thk re l imbteet.`b . lege& topcmatteis- e 1 • WHOLE NO 562. overtures had been transmitted. Standing in singing was one, and the attitude of kneeling in prayer, another.- " Divi eive courses were stigmatized by one country minister. Mr. Murray Dunlop, . 1 M2P., 1 proposed a moderate and sensible motion. i While, he said, he lopked with seers on those , who introduced thews inno t , •vitions into public worship .with the view iortheir being a matter of importance, and ,with' 'still more acorn on those .who,' like ‘other parties inoh , as we have heard ofOn. Itrodnee them for we paltry, ,miserable .notion ,baits to viltroties,ttack4o their tOhurols --(the r eference . here is to Dr. Sinai end. Di': R. Lee, irhO Irialet:o get ,baelelthe nobility aid the lisidit'ltOtliets= tablishment.) - gTet," , baid not i feel Any. conscience, in talky way injured standing, at, singing, / l and . r as znairilranxions that the peace, ofreCingre gaitions slikddliet lnillsturbed. 'Worehfp is bOt'in 'dare uldtiehi, butin We should 'come before the Lord with rev-- I +l4loe outwardly * and abkre en, with awe , adoring, love, inw irdly. was in accordance with these sentiments Yi The j A`sseinblidipieisiting f ilie undue importance atfatth'ede . in mew quarters , beyond the' bounds tofs this .oEinreh.- tzoptyrard postures and forms tintlite3 , Pstsl i be : worship of, GO, and,r ai . t willingto o,ortn- 1 tenanoe the idea of any,pn teitikesiij ifiellis'eritli4eferets tie to 'the' nit"' feklnity ofaworalscp whiehrexistin , oirdum stances do not •imperatively-call for,,aeeino ocoasiett for, leaning any, dgiveranee,on, the, subject of the, overture , before 4bitria,,bat, take this opportunity of urgits,g ) .' o n the minititerti'of of'PVeei in g out theft. Peoplerthe far - superier Paper= amount. ireportaneie :of ,theiroseekingo by the': kyle the i .17 1 :91YpOlol.stutoAll'esintte, , s eltit4 4 u n . 4 3 l' l,ti tilP n grF ati Ml-hs rld n . o worship God, who' . Stidinirath J irith reireient,'ferietif,"lidlirj ing~endebildlike=trust=and 10ve,./threughl. limns Ohristoonn Lordetfi wits 13100114ed.- 1 1:11the in, and , wee. 14ituately,eaerie4 ; I),nt. not fib after a srilng'd'et:ite, 'stm'end-' meii`t'moirett'hytki. 4 Bege oThl thatrno alteration could Ibis nitidAnifhont the eanetton.of, 'the presbyter7.l-, Jitikapeke • with some•hitterPess , AfifoW , :o . y7 -, a -I -" I do motorouder for a time irt,pne of those ;Tendon oongrst-i gations where heY have ' altered the forma of our worship , t hey thif:PeoPle. stand ( 'at Singing; and , he saysikneel,4Pt , ktiky sit, /at the time oftpravet—J. „don't, wonder that he sh°4 l .d °r . a l ). prehension, the totrodnOtion of Abet 'reference,' tetrhat lie that miniatere ivnitldhot require:6:s, be at uidink,. all tlteltiliertslaould. like to,ltnisyr j Wity,t4t kke"l4,eß°9-, niPti not,foltew. tu g the ' , tied at, singing so .shald the =meter ‘tf,ll' pe o ple slang at' prayer' ehoh7d `the If.thefe' is' anii reason' for the mplatakttioton e lfaeoliag at ' .prayer, there , set P2 l a..Teltliew• for'ot,he ministtr doingo l43 . and ihnretn o n,lit does l not,,apPear`to me 'that that ariument is of any use at RV 'Wed 'additioiPtethat, I rish to refiil,o - tiiit matters tossibibhd•at= tech very considerable-importance. Dr. Begg pr9eeetek to li petice the:habit in a number Of congregations of'observing the," decrement ,4Nfl'" the Void's Supper in „, the ~afternoon,liwithr east interval, tee. on ,ordinary• °cowslips,. - ezprmaisg_ it, , his opinion , that ,that _wee a • matter worthy of the n imistedliats'lttaiitieri of the: Church. The geceild te which hi wished to'cell attention 'trati:tlittl , extent-to hyinns, unauthorized by,theOburcho and which might eentain v elements ~ of doubt, and dapper, had i begnskto,beneie in the public worship; a matter ttai" Ought to engage the' attefitigi - of 'the' °hotel'. Our 'wtier isitteettora 'might' it a Isointqbat nothing" should ;be: introdttoedilinte i the psalmody of the, sanctuary tlust i hwl , npt, the firi4,,plpe„.reoeiTed,the ,E.anotion of the , Church. idy worthy friend, Dr. Guthrie NAOMI life with' the highest resit - eat ---tieonted in' his 'intioductory sermon the idea of 'the distinction between; standing and ;,,ainging, ,playing,,the organ, .yrkr, we hnow that these things were'isliteils that Our ancestors regarded as vital •in their - estimation. 'An •iirgan, for , example, c if the question 'be,:property, con sidered, will,be found to , include, the whole question as between our own„ worship , and prelatic' and _Popish worphip.[Cries of ".No, no."] I am prepared ,t; .l meet any man on that question The simple fact is , this, that there were no organs in the syna gogue service of the Jews. Organs , or in strumental music wereentsrely,ponnected with`the• service' of 'the Old Temple, and that Temple service was "swept :ATV witt the„atterifices of the priests. Popery has brought all that back; obelisks her organe,: her pretanded priesthood, bar, incense, the wheleformilism,of the Jewish worship, so far asishe wan, imitate and I maintain, in tbe \ fstsp,,of.this Assembly - 7 sinkwill meet, anY..nMtn. on the, question cannot argue fer'an organ suiecessitully ceps on such grounds as ironfd, involve you the result of setting„ u p,. settingup, if you, chose,,,the whole framework of • the ad' Jewiaii TemPie.” Dr. Guthrie replied with great ppwiw» I' hold• the. Free Chnroh , ta , beiini . nanie.• a peifedt.mookeryi if I am to , beeondainned . before: - this Assembly , and the c publie. for acts -against •which::they : caw produce no. passage in the Word of God ; no passage in the. Confession Faith ;Lao passage in the Shorter,Catechism.; no p"settp:in the : DirectotY of Wariship; passagl lay, Act, of Assembly' from the 'first Alai 'the - Church of Scotland ekiated' to theAsresentl moment. That .is the,gronad.l. stand on, and I am prepared to,statid, on that ground to ,the last ;. and , when ,I,antleclndemned, for, an act that no man can prove : to be Contrary to' `the Word of otin 'prove to . 'be Contrary to the Confessiiiti of Faith, no , man tan .prove to. be contrary. to: ,thei 'Cate— chism, .am:. Pr.sParsik , to turn rnAnd ,an 4 chargi t thestgentlemen Vit,b,beitm the in.. 'novator, 'l,am not the innovator This •i an iunovltion' that I will risaitirto the ideath:: I .1 , i4isted the tyrannyZof4he Civil. .Courts;ifl saciificed my ..status .and my, iatipenci t defending theflights of the ,Chria, tint,, people against chil i tyranny, and I will !etandand'defend them against ecillesiasti; Caltyranny. ' 'to standing in singing, (adopted in 'Di: Gifthriets Aiongregation,) 'he :truly .said that there was both amoral and a_physical reason for-it. 'Elle attitude of sitting is 110 AAP Abi0.11.7 0 1 1 -.FouN, .834.49 P, kin I,che n u r.ik3r e a r A4 r ; -AP 43 Ati,. is ntes flans that you "can pungwitli far more h l eart and power `staietiiiir u 4 f:)/y4 44/11 3tiL44,04 I ~ . ..A.1.31.1u Y( TOE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER Publication OfliCe : GAIENTTE BUILDINGS, 64 Firm ST, Prrrsarseg, P. Datt4onmsu, Sorra-Ws/1T Akto. Di 7sa ans Gonlarlt ADVERTISEMENTS. TERMS IN AnvANols. • • A Square, (8 Unee or low) one lasertich, BO aeldilealle subsequent Insertton, 40 cente ; each line Wyatt A Square Par quarter, 84.00 ; each line ad tte•N! A RZIPSIOTIOX nude to advertteeca by the yea'''. 11118INNS8 NOTIONS of Tau lines or SLOO MICA sA intone] line, 10 cents. • REV. DAVID PRomiToll atD a- Guthrie also declared that the amigos in forms in his own ohnrat were made not only in harmony with 'the'lCirk Session, but also after ascertaining the mind of the congregation. He warned the. Assembly against making laws which they oonld inot enforce. _ - _ The Dr. Gibson mentioned: as so vehe ment, is, par excellence, a High,-Free Churchman and'Presbyterian, and haS alio been', foremost in opposition to 'thai - nnion of Fie Church with the United , ' Pres.': byterian . Church. which will ere ao oomplished. Dr. Begg was mot ; with ..him : on t - hat question •and the most eminent Free -Churchmen, _bothlririga: ---- have "in .the argindOSPVp 14- liriety; 'and' 'evidently in 'hatixiOny 4111c . ' optilai. feeling...4nd ..eqnviotiow alb over the land — save , perhaps,,that, in, the .!Eigh.77) lauds ) and some .other finarters, there are: . ngeri/g . reminiscences of old:Controier sieiiabdut'Obntrili ,t4ioyfitoisibii'.) itidalif*holgt andi,jaban k cloned forever. Voluntaryism has became •:. more tolerant. •-That,..go.v,srzunents_shonld rule 40- 161 LtifeaVorki4 0 14) l!ql.lls9ltcero4 T least, saligiom, 900 %1 knowledged l the groundthat the Me#:, . • „sill 'IS: nal' Aar ifirone - and is Gaieraor "' alone the nations:- CandlishipOwer-a. fully.pleaded; also; for the unionl,,bsoatmeotm ' the r kivance . of. : the new :Negative ~and.„ 'Arottl Theology 7 in favor at CoUrt; ieskihill4g:ftt . even .in l OOnfiezieriqiith one or' twoi . Establishment Professors. I believe thati•u Oeither. Drs. - Caird - nor Albertson would be Conliidere'il- thoroughly.uounxLl liehelnvohes ;a Grand .Donfederaey t .,to - ,fbe:/ Th 9., ~kree--Vn i ted „Presbyterian • Olinreb of Seatlink - thilii aide in clOotrine,..' against , t 1 b ia : fes . of error. • Heickiles. , eVidectitly with Marin on the signs • rittlie timesi and may, well. do!so, • regarded ' the most • prOmin entilegider:. , of ..the ".-Nega4 7 ti ye!! _party lat . the,,py,esenh moment. -..t*,4, 1 ! rather saddening to find that he is m - iniog Clkapisin . tote_ Btic . 2 „ of -London.' ' The latter is F ArPOWrall PP* 4 10 48 .... T tkayp.siftP.4. 6 .44 1 . 1 4 While : , hipseltrisjentlnir extre m es ..' He v... as, to the ,ininfrovircy;;, is? ). wrong .5 41 4.9Pe 4!.1 1 .ttG• AWY•I I , and. 4oß/ 13 M; and, so *ito ,041,11 g;Y.utleYokliomv*** that fametts : imk the 4clirAisrgA Eint?no.J. Tik - p... 13- jOictlt7: l 4(l and. Wißs . -- 1 1.any , of .the Evangelicals; does.; not yet, do,elS.. not. derionnee, hinder,. or. disoenrsge iipputy Traotariiin or High Ohnrck s ol, orgy; „Cud ' " eomprehensiy_e j " oautins - and hoii the stream is .runirna_ac, - 001:foid, l e. does "his'&isle bounds:" He means well : rhicipositinnialu. difficult , onui.;.nti man ioughtt torba.placed such s ; p.osition;, Q,hurelmee, het...ana t: scarcely diets true,.Evangolical. . . Leader. Stanley"S' Canon wag presTt L Paul's eitlna'dralqut Lord's day, at 04 ordination' 6,frtite , Biaho'p; of) aboat thirty-deaoons and priesta. / . The : usual: morning, service- waa t , read,; asermw r ,*n ,able and , approprate "one r -wai preached by Mr. Blom&Id, a City Reeter,"'iind - bon .. Or dielati'BielioP of Lon don, and an earnest man. After this, :the Bishop took-his-seat in•nhis-eadutdra, or official Asir, in.;front of ,tbap(lommumicAr Table. one si4elvere rango;the.pandi-,, daPP d'*tat)P B hiP on foth s 4, fiettelirieliheod, Thin iodeeded the isiiirieePpreiaribekl in the /PKa P jerlirobk for-the' &dutiable. , cif. deaisobe) and. priests,' inolading itilpositton•of theißishopfs hands 4tAlla:th9 , heathi 0rA11e;4W9nE4.14 0 .,.F 0 , c veiy alp. the .. Estme as licentiates in Plys...", i;linicilies/ituthOriZed 'to preach . anicrto ligptiit'ifoilyf'" in the - absenee of the= (Presbyter),oand to assist thtElettei; the, Pomm4nioni. ihe gresbyters ) aet Lord's„dliry,, ,they were lerally,, ordained by the laying on of • the & bin thePA434ll—:-lik BiehoP just':as dee& thel presiditioltadeiatoriataa Presbytariat ror dination.• -This js,.,worthy of ,eotiqe ,as ay characteristic of-the-Church of England, and indioateshow near to. Poebykeeianism were the „views .of „the early Euglildi: Re. formera. "Re'd'ucedEpiseopacy, or something near it, would have "conciliated' rand' united thousands - lel the .17th century; Ent the spirit of Lande ai anism was dominant, and faction and sobituk... triumphed., Stanley's sermon, preached at thik Royal Chapel, White Hall, last Sabbath was characteristic. His appealancie-isthat of a quiet, amiable man. He has soft, blue eyes, a comparatively small head,. with little of the pugnacious about himi if _any ; large benevolence and a good 'frontal devel opment.• . Although high. in. favor . with the 'rince of. Wales. a great schofar, and an, *Oxford Begins, Professor, he affects no proud airs, nor yet is he in the least de'greii' of the 'foppish clerical,' and eambriedlied4;; kerchief;school. He is almost aWlaikti' the pulpit : his - voice -is 'distitiot,l* 'unmusical and - not-very-well-regulated. He weal proichieglifeit the Ehtetiee Aid Society, whit* affecia_ all par ties, ,as such iri tfie Cituruh; and' to duphlp money or men / or both, to aid a abirgyivait in bib Wiirk..f , Praatinally;it is gelisabw:Chethiticially .and ._ , true to his BlYACAll4oll,itifilkilqt!, Stanley endorse d 4esPilW,/` leaders " and ,",eects.,: Il e said ,that;'"Vriniti Sunday wag ern- ' Phatilsaly' s oPiliiigivid °of the- etkifth Of Engliedl" ,l lVhy.? . Bemuse Thomas A- Beekett, Archbishop of Canterbury, had, firs t fxeikit