REV. DAVID ItrICINNEy, Editor sod Proprietor. REV. I. N. IVIIIINNEY, ASSOCIATE EDITOR. TERMS IN ADVANCE, In Matt $1.50 DILIvaILSD I I !MOS.()) TH.II 0ttrta....... 2.00 For No Dawn, we will send by mall seventy numbers, od for OcZ DOLLAR, thlrtrihreronutnben. paters *ending no SWIXTY subecribera and upwards, will th ere by entitle 4 to R paper without charge. Renewal, should be prompt, a little before the year expires Bond payment' by safe bands, or by mail. Direct all letten to REV. DAVID M'KINNEY, Pittsburgh, .Pa. For the Presbyterian Banner Our Only Dope. 1. Cor. ii : 2—For I determined not to know anything among you, save Xenia Christ, and him orucified. Paul was a wfiole-hearted man. Irtivitia ever he engaged, he labored with- all' tier might. Chriatiatity never bad a nioreVigi 7 lant, persevering enemy, nor a more firiii de voted, untiring friend. Saul of Tarsit's, the persecutor of Obrietilirtkpnly equalled by Paul, the Aptiette to"ll4 s oentiles: As an Apostle he detekittfiled not IV kitdw anything save J'itOtrelfriet t cru cified. Jesus Christ. Is rig' otikt ::Itotto of sinners. His is the only Mate' lififfirs . liedSie given among men whaiebt' 'ft. 'can' •he saved. It is the wog' if V—Jeste Christ and Min l eiribiiiiilidirthitjtiOrts the door of hope tol 'vitae:l'Si! 'Before Christ's oomitig;:taffirtut." louittdead k ,raki whole world lOokell'tokiiiiit tbiiie;aliktfas 9 ! as the most inniiiithing , Oia were to occur 'on tile • earth / ' 3 'MA irorel raved by faith in A Sivlkui trdorieW Now we look fi iou of Chridt i m portant ev«intA thit thg"Plike 'litstory'd records, or the earth his eveir It is upon these, their effeeis, and relations—on Christ repenting sinners found heaven. We are daiefify . lAilkin it'ttore!' who has come and 'died"l'd StOr ISfelb,loeie and to Calviiii.iaihtli'inVintit'illit"ifitir vene, the eye of share difeeted ; and . Christ ortioified,;ii tli'' kid* 'What, its 'Judi' important in the stun* and ,the,dagt,iiipt , the world—it is tetuvre Peacesirith Gbd and eternal lift . 4. lteader; it is to Christ crucified f i 'yOldaliect you as your only hope : to' Chtlit'ote the eroei,' the moat affeetink andithe riesb endearing. speetaelei man ever beheld; - and which• seem. byy faith • w ill save du l ls:4 • Will you iibeholcti date , spectacle ? 4 itifill , you, look toaCalvaru and believe•in .thuSorr of God ? WILL gmem brace o.brist,dandlhus lay holdlonlholkolte; set before you3' ritejeot th,is hopepalCyou! are undone. fehoist. .hopei of; sinners. to other blood but hie osukeleilleo from sin'; ',no' eclter thut, his data re ; new the!heattl,,no other Omaha:id; hieloan sanctify the soul. Mhe door of hope-ia noir open; enter, .and halite:yin !yours ;.refuse, and despair' may ortusin ,the t hud: of, and drink up your spirits. Chriat.Seiyoo hope—embrace and livejoel ever I • • lau EEG lioni 164 Iffanitaitififore* . iticord , of luti; Our Retrogradilik" Atithe•letiarmeetidg•of the General As sembly;l:ie of the brethren made:the state ment veep 'strongly, that ~as a Church we have .gone baokward in. the ,MisaioOltry , work,' within the' last eight years. The I question; be ~ gdog, forward:bad 'been, pre,-; sentedi , by` a 'previous speaker. Referring: to tehisi it maw urged, that , we toust,flist i4tittop.ysetrograding." We °hems' that MS ,otiour religious newspspers Ottawas Ibis,remark, editorially., , .. t. , ..,.. ... . K , this,statement• is, erroneous, • and, it is l e twitter! of regret that it could not hive been corrected in the Assembly. It is, true, in deed; , askit has , beeh;betetofore , more, than once,. that: eertain missiouiLnie ,in .a eome what,•.critical , pondition, for want of sztigms laborenrybut, rt ia.uot, trite,generally, !ILO ' the' Ohurbir is going teak ward in thisovork; neithefisfilutztat Mf;tleopartioulitt niASioni; referred. to-,the omission tin .India--that E it ; is griatly,weakerirrow,thanrit wan in /UN . _ i The „tire PonoluffilYel , - 81 140 shall now' briefly, , show. We taks,oB tot= : lowing figures , from,: tha ißeporti, of ,the Board for 1855 and 1866, which,inelinie ' the period ,mentioned: ( , eight yeirei , and from the Minutem of,•tbs AlegeralrAs. sr' c bly, of 1855 and 1862--those of 156$ le- f ing nob:yetlpublished.4 :. , 0 1 • ;,. s ~,,,_ ,- I 'l' l ' . r i.ti 443'iliotittillitir. stri.poth4 - ' si !"' t6l4 l ,:tii . i tt n e y,O ul hO i l t i r 464 be i bl iti ti a t te ititt WJ. .1 i : ~. t .t ' .) • '• "e 11 the , IriiiriliPP_R(”4, anA_,ftg,__3l'"th.#lB, , by JP. 1 33,1f.,E?0p 3 0 1 'S tot . .6ar lU°UY. - ii/ 1.13, i S/01 A l r& • ; ..:13.,t, '. Xo 18; J :llip;'oomher of ehtsfinitn4dhi f f, c in , churn s, siceßefras4,ehe. 'wtisriofti; 4 ,,,, 227,6cR,i, ii amount 00Dpibitied ii,lBeP - .... by these, churches aria !! mitiefillauee4r,,l mul, $ l O ' T1 5 0.....,.. , f . 1, ,:,; ei , ." 1 ' jr - PO; 4Rlidt• 1 # i ri v ir *)l6l '* 46lll) tc sa,ohoosioltiontetwo 4 115ce ps 'if,- Wooly; 4. ~ ° 0 9 61 : fli,,/ 8 ,0: 4 qi.litki`e.,9Tex. 5t arits.,„ This. .is 4u tareasO .of .A 61411/ tweintFtiv!‘"; Mt per tiqilli tl tet rhisY, is seil.SitiTY' an encouraging , fact*, 4 lain OA liiao cir cumstances; apd, a 'Ns( . 's!) . eicArliging in view of the lie ximiiil revulsion of 1657, , an d the • dresdfUl tronblliiilitthilatit two , yesis, loaeed, we, havii reasOi tehelleve; . that very mioy . umUillaVrs 4f:tititi* eimitiiita iot . Wm , sproiseci grit i elfeleddhiat': 44. , reiAl.v i . ll o' isw44 i r 'inft4iasi'l lnis g' 0 440.At.5p0r.0,, tiAu.`doitillig Vay, tor*. er period. Wo 0.4 pt ,iiiii't:ti , the praise of, ' ' his;fid to his tiediN ' 1' • 00 0 IPAcla Irm9 i, , ~ t + ~L . .1 '''' 2 - A11e 24 3 • 7 11 s .NuMPIIR OAVO.F O N+ II, T 4 , 44Le. ~ . 11, . . , BoAstyl. , ~,:i ~, , , 11 .' . -In 1855, 'the , number of -ordaltled, mis::'' siouaries was 59; in 1863, it was 67-, ' This` statement,- let it, usnembered, shows tki,' number equiret i edfwith the -Board in esSli*. year, begifiiittig tin(' 'eliding - the period o r . sight.ycars.,milietaveqq) at l speoisi - lossretriweßt4PßYS :i4l; ,Arst,-0, fon t' ministers in the klepncovoiny, 4140 iwxt , Pf sixtdsobministers Roan eeigd with Ott-, South'- 1 " **Stern Indian iniasi&me."-,,B4kt,formt* pro , , out tvar,fibmweixteeu wge,l43. be l ip,tlie list. .. kin he pf qrdaitiel mttilion- ;t . meta 24 ) is Ile a ige Its ii?)11 tits? tinrremie il k :11 03 r , 1 , - , •• ,, -, . 1 , • .t , 1 0 , 14.1:_. , - 1 le.18 6 1;t 1 ITIal . . of laymen' Air - It:female assistant ,missionaries is reportiidtfn' s 1868 , tAißitfffB6",' lit -region' of .thi'cluspei'siog,, Or the 81both*OtbriPlitaian iniSsi MIN. , 1 ` li Viiie i 3 OWlitfifili rinore than , com , ii.insated • bfli_ don'iiiile7ribreriieriase 'of 'native 'Ole 'indual lakiiirit? In 1866; these Weretap , in 1868, their number had increaseiFto r 7.441 li. Tow °sag OF , iltu ItitatoioNti TN liibtis'i "In, 1'8;65'; there were 24 ordained miiiiir, tare ,of , our Ohttrili connected with the ianflomiii,lUdia,; in 180 1 tildre are 25, and 'tie; ''in i ediOtil misiiiiiiiii - f. - '''lb' 1865;1 'there were 84 votive missionary ilabOtersp: itk 4868', thare'are 71. 4 4'.' ? olli i iii ti p liosufm—Loss AND GAINS. 'a • m is s io na rie s, - dr old hie there is one lass i n India, in 1.868 than in 1855, and there are Ave more in South America, four more in Afdeae five; mote in. Siam, two more in Chingi,rmeamare in: Jripan,iin I If ib t e emcinet eiiniiibVildt n •1862 'wore ts ' **suit woultDbf so lit a diffoireit as not tb affect die fdint Invosaftin.• ; • ) VOL. XL. NO. 41 missions there eing' no dhatige of num bers—showing, as above,.i gain of eight, notwithstanding t h e heavy losses in the Sepoy mutiny and the Southwestern Indian tribes , . Of native laborers, we are . permitted to speak only of gains—ten in Afil'pit,' qike in Siam, eleven in China, and thirtitiiiiiiiii India. • - • - . .r..;: It is no doubt true that .the',VOwth of I liberality in . our communion is pinch less ; ! than the mipaidnau noose reqnirei: Would' that all our dinstian trithre r n Were . eon' strained by The hive df Christ, and by com.;; passion for perishing souls, to come ,fortt: ward with: their gifts, even as the Lord hpe, prosperp4ithsm s ,yiq f . t ;v3 st they , will i yet do. so. , : Bit in the mea ntime We are -tha nk- ful, hOpeftil'; and eioatiTtgia t iii no anion degree, in view of theprogress already'! Made. We' belipie it - is' of fGod's grace. to oil- Chriitiab people; and we look for'still . greater advance' in 'the timeto come.. The, ribietitelias h•espect, to- thit Jpast.iand ,to :the ,fitturer itodlit suggests many 'remarks, but WElLfesbtfer-tcf enlarge , on' it, . • I 4 . 1 ' 1 144Y-Iotibt,' tiioj in some of the-mission's iVerelen now , vntgent ., need,-for more men. lilt lindiutniveral of thenbtletibien • are in, 'preeiricinis liesith, Thialia.true, alio, of some of' the' missionorieir:ju 'other , fiehisr. 'Moredvor,' Attrei missionary •rwork I -itself it ;Firowingt3is-God'a llessin iwevidently; rest-i img wptlitilt.s-i-t DAD calli n g,'. for more; labor era.: ,v/Suilld•there, are-., some new laborers I ifiettlyttollni-400' forth.. , Does! not this trier! itleffttewtdf the: peat , eight • years.' afford•en 40tragermilit de to satiditg:thOurtinitl:.l It, is' trot:34'th° Board 'las not ,Fyetltlie;fpnds fieedhd 'for this purporse,-bnt maYr.we.inot 'l:relieve-that these wilihe;provided-IP Jo., t•-•ffitte' neod -not sgct' back • eight years k liow• ever, foriunc r ourigement. c:As4we pen these liiiiisort rewiollecttthe deepsfears and dark ness -of -theLmontbs .of :Afiril; May,'-and June, 1861, when-it setimedlait if the whole "ivOrk ,or missions . Would-.:be. broken up, Ildw - hall God Protected this: cause l : • Row has 'he enabled /this , paople -to ;support it,: How has he-:heard 'their prayers for-ig‘sue ces3, so thiatuevei _before were ;the proofs of hiti.. , ,cfoofvFCEßlS 3 85.,2 6 . 1 RE' 1 2.'1.771 1 F. J! lb/ Y manifested at, inany....4l tne ints4onarY eta -Wins I Vire •liiiik all'thiiiiiifoatAiieriiit. "Lei' Ms' thiiiiii Elbtitandlikei 'ccitiragw` , . , ; •• NM= 11110 Pg tegRISPONDENCII: ' - 4As' l pr .l ',;Vaehiaer, Disaptoed=- teh of Prey ' , lre* `Vona Ms* nrarck''=Pirilill of.'llN-assite--Ra -41.11goted Abdtcollol-717W .07'0 Prinuscr:fe ~he . Liberal 7 -.--11 r. Roebuck's. Speech at She '" INAbilirtentiAl VericAla Phi Daily 'NOV v!• TelegiaphVl 1 1 3(fr:,, 13 qqk aNd :§ubscr#tio.n—::Dr. Jr Court! 1 ,,, tntianirof ' th r i 'Whike"/Vii-ufEtiVittl 110 , 794 0 09Pi11:Cc. • qPfIeAV R'xploters--.Entasiasm Piapit-:—Astatt- I '''ilifiecrtiiiir Pfeil ed/n6;ateka+ffiliiiincia6 Results— ., The Training of Studentertgiribfirffoot-:. • • A li ff i Mtly Ir ° o iv i c i u j a 'ltc 400 . 1 1 ( 1868. rkix , KINO OF Tausge., hat,i . l*olved Abe 4:;lhambersiJokce,,,rwired.Tly3„stax4.3e of this. was the renionstranqe,addrAme4 t o him against the refusal of .the Miniate ro to per mit the President , of, the; Chambers to oal :them termed*, when,they.sPoke iu;instt. ing.:,terms...*The 'King ..sayu, that ke .aP ,proves of. Abe ~ - PondUat.,,ei A),M.4iniS,Y4 B , and deolareolthat:their l indepeafkmoe is_ an ,essential part 6f , Qmastitutiptial- , rights. Count Aron Bjamatek o who,hatplayed such an liasoleut:prt an 4 with i a quolnglis and an oeudacityiwbisdf.4lll4 offlinarkable,i.m . ip 141 :fiftieth yews it SAfti talkO4N•lbkok ,his lauPePCrj, 4;the old Slavoniau Chiefs. };.4 5 .:A 3;010 11 1' he was i distiagnielied , by, .44814014 .44W ness of p o tion ßereo and a by,stieggthof ii 4 ;'se studied ' at' Gtiftingliii;" tbriiii%r and Vreirs*ild,46.ive`T i , Y.Sar in the voltint4+ l I Ightd den try;. andt finally expanded' i nt.) I . ' major of cuirassiers. i lia became 1444: the MO of „sapny in 1 540,) tro ~is 0949.,,t9 i pri10F, bas habitualivapNdli. deq.Polafikt ihrk. # lB -th i c iil a , ti t?P. 1,1 . AznYtr'' ooliblitht B . ll A* .".0 1^ AlIV„ - .)!P l if_ t 8 ,-P it li gi o n a t' iko.)?l`tewel4ArY ' inthrl° l 7 t f ie,i ri rbu t . i 1 - 4.fult,{4V. Vie.: ; 1 3 e : 1 4 ;4'4 P i l* 0# ePPlPAY,,,a,iccinfi,44ooiii4Ml* );:illii •lefkriPAt AO PR,liii oqt* :13 arilitlei - Att 1rt1v.14:4.04 °llainPK , Por iiiti#lo,l l .014#0.311f1=tFY zealous. 'ng: - .- i i : 114 P / A elf 31j,, ,iiie4.4,ii ~,- i istli poi*, ist 3 : 1 )91 1 411 ul .. , INAIa ie . ii*l, . 1 1 1 .41 14 Y • ainstarhYAkienit, I*).R f # 6 . 4 i llol lo° Prafil f L AtlrTfeßi.**l ti j N i .felA di uti flc 1 - ~. wilep is a 4 0 41cis ' , Pk. grneti* sti al f i ". i MTh :4 1 4 *.4t it 01)(111070r., Tioichtilpt owe if lAniot 01,e w,07 , , POp,ia`elo' that [All/ 8 )194 1 4 Mit t9l'OhlY, KYVLteril'liY: ?he tOOlltrtevf, Alet; be 03911-63n/f)41:,3e..,,,,'.and!0e ti0n in favor of his son , the larownTrklige; and that the latter being Lilierltr in 'his I sympathies; livalia -4 .kfuiet 1 the wild waves, iltitqf IIPW,TIV..Fti7No,I3I.- I. myself„ when in floaland, had *a conversation pith . a ' dettn:an I .3f ) trie"tjlEra-tiliertir school; and ktrby ' ilo Iffeaits- 'adiditted -that` the''Ofiewa .Prince. was Libetab; pntthe contrary, he 'farited that, , not long .aince,,he ( had o§ten, i , Itatrously .aasobiated dwith : the Ultritacoties, indtkept.studieuelf alesif from ihe find iof freedebatei stei.e...fLbelieve% that..4l4 l M, ;there; was considerable ezaggeratiood Ai itnixwrf;om exielleut.authority4that eilk74o - life the) Crowull' , well.liked, faittli that via a fArilliter)rand.oftett along, so logrutirmith lbe.gueeni at Windsor Castle) , aill in, the , Isle: of Wight; he is quite 4t APJ .sprite with all the , servanti and houseboldt;. The Germans are.' a long-suffering raoe but; he. [Crown tuayiunfierr evil! counsels, )>T<>" vote4tariblmttpniaitigiatoine Asp: -'i.7, 1 1 ~- -The! tyll)ptltkl, 0 1.,t0rAi, Ekg 4tilt. coal f, 'Vt` , Y TO ttl ° 9P1 1 :,, , ,# 4 g 4 PPAr a iT l9. . 43, 1 oles, is pnutsguis.,... Tfiis,hel s , to'lirA z , 'ties tbe ':-Pittisiartpe6iilei . "Th'ere qifi 4 littlg lolido tP brit Viet 'the' King would olui r # l l,' do , repiesi3 the Irmarreetbinaby ferseißcApas, 410:froux Aar efala , .goners. lire., 10,,,th10h yritme,7pq,l4, p,?nnoe on: the long covoa4 h.,ne provttrers. : Austria Via lidthilied'il.: dignified a ttitae'lkiitliiireftinftle,r.anatelotii.t traits! well with. {the tocindiket 'of thetlitlil sian Cabinet. - 'iJr • 1 1 • . : . sir I '• r l i thr. , ROBRUAK: has, Iteen •,,speAking; on ) Aunerieant affairs, A tAg L ope t u l aix meetipg in' lihaitiford ofdilltafßehiqw.higii , hP rePresent's IS f iirkieneat; C , AI) 0 ilosisted . that the atitborswatektel _were ; werel,Y doing now 'what the old Amerloin Colowes , did. when th.e/iiiiiteiN),lT. miNto to ,d,ercte from , theipsit ei,Rop tI. 7 - A ; tlircit' e deplered tee . s l dcaelon, aslie ttouilitleilourd Isheclkt the advancement of mankind ; °hat the. North — vien ao ortfer"o—detartnined on ems , piric," rffeittl‘ hear, and No, no,] 'that they f ot rit,toariitianity, l ito., &O. "Ike feelingtAten,e,hfuged.,, i ge, looked on( di va very Intl} tr i „ i rfiatvi ~,S • hkOrre,nOe4 1 , ~. what wig: l 4 43,f/P i eig t h i rsi t il Y lina " even soma ly, q u ,. p fi '..- r --th.,,e.t 4( o th , a. 14 that of tee freqrneg,q,:jitYlf,Vl,/, j_la ,tpttlit. Elonth;,."' it .le tin? li"tie fighting for their independence, and 'they have obtained , it." [Cheers, and counter, cheers.] This assertion the Times, in ita. money article yesterday, emphatically ,con tradicts, as far as," the attainment of inde pendence" is obeccited.; My own opinion of Mr. Roebuck• is, that 'he is one .of the mcst'.unhappy of Amen ; splenetic .in temper , sod, with shattered nerves and , health„limiied means, and, I fear, wi'tLeiit the `comfort and quiet ensured by trtte'llvtigelietiftaith. - He is not oor , rupt, but bitter land spreindiced ; and is. a . strange orals bellregiu au ,Ultra-Tory, and a violent Radical.. .Re has popular talents ° and ",pluck„" lint he' is quite unfit 'to ad a niti'dW eineigency, and his words May occasionally be the fitting medium of sudden- or, gittheXe4.ltklit*ot.lB,prov..9,ko by eitiker ?g,,,,Enippgso,,ln fl ult ivtocg r . abroad or at Vacane,;);nt they do'not, forma tect'fot`Rtrfßiisl'a `despatch'e's;vieigh , Ihe"deilibeiationl of .the tralrueratOm, 1 17ndonlitedly he expresses , a.. - pre- • vatliug fei3litig,'Wheri he deprepates , forther: apparentPrifibirminsble 'slaughter; bat= `.neither Lorda•lierleemmons will-do ought ; ; , 'ttiiket# requilted l tointerfere in thins ble:_quitriid-Tand 4 TlietDOVVlretes4efers with mingled add • niiiratidii and bitterness, .; to , 1" StckleiralPf : 1 tritettsliteiCnitietr. ; goes :farther: , thong *riiattYliftlieridtt'swobild,l' I fprestitne; ap :$ iie;=is"'Hirilii~g~that while his prayerful 4 n nee' aiid' PRRifolir;conne xi on with .th'e • aide, he took were perfectly sincere, no; in)likel teli-lit" It Rail:11 1 41m •-brisande tif itlei fiiisirkatakiiitiietilliseays apply tolhisg. tone charaeter l ;,4int' , avestiinJour own ; civil. WitrefLoidiPillilitietroluirecteri as .ait ad bercizitief 'the wrdng jea a - .of -the .Btuartst istiil,ltttionk the - riotous. and with. ft:lustre •onlj second to that of Hampden or Cromwell.: -There is:alleielfatillidea‘ Who ie . : more : tolerant than we are, and who knows how much irk% re rinikedaltre '-waiped '44 locality; ,:posi ti.diWatid Other Cantles.: I'As matters Standi I TiektlOVldss 33outh is a stunning atidslidittiohr-ln 'icknowledged on all , Tl4.,(Timisithinks that , a prelenga fign the, , iirlitinaygend. toi the sweeping away d#:'Otliett itlifitminotudethit .here mm lie - Tolitid s' 4 l 10,61141161 e 4 16ittelz Conhder*filt) ) ST.I 1 1 :) The . Dalt; TASINOPki fA 1111 ! Aaolr.B9lkik,io ITEM 4 •*.itit is Iv poor; oonsolation;;, in.aocasa, ftir the South that Southern ballslaid o ite. hero low. ~„Qatiu,t_etninkakby -it of ; the, death oflligol l fe r .w.ho wan , w also, lit , bY,a.linsket shoOtio. sh,4ii,ow,nien. '-' Attie atirgeon...op eAtillet**Bl3o l , ,9,b£Ved, 4 , PO . ;Will not '.' ;111./. 4 !4 it eAPIYiI; `):Arh. l %lFO/ .1 6 1 41 3 dying lendnr,,, itysoght t .se,nre.ell,DJ . Jue,* A friend l' „.gor4Ver..,.slasys,Aba** : milke an 4 leading fiptrit of - •!}lain, 130Aherit t quarrel -18,4 0 0ter.e . % ficili Ain" of 'a. . 11 , 4113 1 1" 91 ,4t 7 ° ki.4.o* how ~ ,,Pr 4 eili.etii,kitialrlig-EP"Pi* ii i si jnilitry gernys t „wili !tarp' 'li e. regret in spired by the,eurlide4 of slnekson t to personal traits the man was a curious ln , :tk arid ot„altogether intelligible compound - pfth e Cavalier ' ant de 'Puritan.' One;'fnds it aFd't y '; dashing e inii . iie laitle . w,ith'te, oigiuret site ' or Mitetiots Ittobi, °Ong' ilia spent liiit night itiAtiver like a Cromwell. The South is 'net Ordi riiiirq"ieliiiiinti, in sltbe ease oft`• pitilm 1, sifigin'g and hynin.iiiitingi - 'Md. Jaeksen was a man who, once •utiffiiritiliawitli:= the mot' o of a cause, Would. (Airy it, , qiu•liis' banner beforeithe•enemy 'and on Ail o knees • befOre God, with t equslly Anna•fitith siAlki.dr ) votion The storylmay be,,true Wiiicb ,te ls , 'that • hic - negro,es Anew, wben „great fights were; coming - off o be causue then , llF r ampi. was,.'.all , night;:praying).!. _lt snob ferzor, were, bieeed, joine4witli J4O :P1T , 494, 4 4135k. j .fluenee which ,even .asetimcr.MfeeseTufor. a; ; Virginian z College ,made„,Nmithe...iiiol of,Asia. students, we'. can . u.mdeotatid : ±Sbe r ,tiojoit t he: lid upon , his) men; I i Msl,,Aii , *lit r pan4,s,„tO E'the splendid AfflaioNonf,ll,;Mtit's§ ttierfeWild E faith .of ii-Cromw,ell.ftWiy . the ftwl)r,olten ; pncj cess...of, a Havel.ock,„andb we i lsams, the.,Cip-, .tiini.whose wavingtaer4.4o f.e.4 l fleoAvfAse !the .Southern whites sWollll 4 :l44Y.fiffillnired '4o.the pit Al. ;LT iitAltrOve,r , i RP* efii,f-xi change a division fou nu ;army, . a flying pail ',forithe .massecli coiutunstoll thnl l 4l4. tet bati tie, may perhaps,. : have, been„gOod foOsiii fame ‘ but the leader who - could 'find the Are,sk Aire in ,Hoolcer'sjine at Qbancellor4 .vile' Ant,hdrl'llia - 5;li015 ifookla i ttiobi it so ebaiius foind; sivlYeekeen..didpiirolild sure:. lyohavuirhusned , Olivia; renotened•general Assuredly.the most faf,s),Asst i pf,.ttio war to 40Ce.5*449/lit'M whether .40..1.4 friend or f oe, ; . vtals.;tb i at , which - ,sittliole,tolin, this ; litii, "0,4 . ter . x.400)1p4ni; 7 1 is, iy.Bo' ovary i4,f);/. °ri. 1 0.9/.-igsff.,,eli 4t 'e ve T 6 44 14 4 ' o) * iended.' - ' ' • '.' ••'''"' • ' SDIKKIRIVTION MADE EASY, ornther ig nored,. is the lourpor t 'of:a• "painphlet lately' Publiehed•by Canon. Stanley.. , His;"Broadi' t sympathies, which I. chfavisi me ; frepently t .ppip,tfd i ontaudsreffirredsto,find Snit, uttep t .11ReeiMbiA3P4tit i3 r:-tof ! . 1 1i ! ~i iiii2 P, . 6f4)6 " 'loth, r AY,en 04, ::.ifnsii , ea . un cannot : en44,nsfe:iis: PF°P.Mti,a•', ' Per ''i`*l'l;' - *eit''l 4 C l '9,5 34 4-. ,vocation,:t.he „Arne repos #ri. w lliftyit s ta al.; 'ter'the terms orsnbseriPti`On in tticOltiiitch, of England o,sate o ut clearly in a ninon 'Priepbsed by titi# Re r vi.LDr. ildethettfeinsenj , r. ' for the. IcleigPtifkthitildiottese•of london. kft&'llin - Ted itait'gvit iirtlntillediellt, eBpit eialitilli the 'pEs4ntlin i onied, ' to'' alter tbe - *hint. of :subscription now' recognised by qiirfili'tbel preibotinn'.4 ., the olootrinet and discipline . of the °buret', )and • that ~t hisl r i voldtiott lin, resgeckfAly ennitognioated to the Eipper,gtopmio ~ A 10 1 113 n sPA,.alfa : :' 'lows,: jlfl,(i . ' l'f ..Qll no ...I.' ,::I . :i .1 ... ' r.. 1 , 0 .4( When—‘thselfoundationsf of Ithsatti fi were `shakenLind flank, it,f was° lib.o.,tireit ( objeotOtirazlon& speeehes; , Sid istasaptilatul to sdinit,,t.p.holy , t ocdet t a,,,thse u r he,did not hold , de „Catholic ,fitth, ,VigOron i k.meaus ioi.npi . ',bi,..;:iak . et ! ' 1 , ,Ptetedt , the ) ,Cifwroll' .agOtift.,sBg4tii#9l. 'llit "was A isti3Oiqns io i reiiege c tfse,serialetr l .ef s ulld !yell:meaning persont, and if - persons really ait rialr , „mg, , ..,• the faith of the Church he was quite 1.1 ling' thitilf4 shotildilleivnt inalonglie had'., .siioiitsifeissilin Weill foiithoeisitilioSbelii in..' Idei'opinionn, l ,;inid• • *WO' in 'spite ,of , theme 'strove • o,Viiiiiintisin lbeir 4 position in the; Vhfircili. ' AtisisS , ,. tiesitiA Bishop Colenso; denied the authority of the Bibleoind yet' coo tingschtbeiri,publio,4niAsietrations. #4 oontendeditkaittniadoptAany means °pew. - sing the,doerilo c tbe ; .adtsytsien, - . of snob per cdOnsits klifilminisiTY ;°C,Or Oita. Cis° to destroy the 4 OhnrSji,„whosa, stability de pended not ~up,oli, eipdowmenta, &iota pis& tion, or the Worldly Yank of her bishor? Mit upon' her vindleationq of - the./Cathb is fiith,',Which if ',oho: dsSitkehn: WPM . 4 most elg, Y-94)-Y. , :±4 1 43. P - Z1! PiNilltPilL a I° °i 'Milt Alliktf-sraPjf‘"„B4:te Iktew, lbtetiitUrgy wit tettiy tulialio.ooogited ! A.t.siassair - ,..inet tsu Wit; 9'if tall: .. j ,c... 1 PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1863. MN '...*.0r! to/4i; ,;,. heretin . opinions from the pulpit. Any thing that disturbed the faith of the pub lic in the honesty of the e)argy was to be deplored, and must be productive of the wdrst possible results. When the public found' the clergy denying' th 6 faith they ,p_raeised to teach there would inevitably bb ab end - of , the Clnirch. , Tbere could be no more effectual aid to Popery than ad., misting such persons to hol4vrders.ip the Church, and thirty years he Was told in Getniany that the Austrian devernment took good care -to supply the Protestant , parishes :with Rationalists, as the: bast. means of promoting the spread of .Asepsety in, those parishes?' There is both truth and reason in these obserVations;but observe in what a melan choly position the Church stands—traitors in her bosom - and - th - Er consciences of good men troubled , by unqualiffek! .. cpseription • yet,aest,,tlip traitors to truth etevding : with out tit'io free iacklierelexiteon 4 1 114' terriblii 'anti-Piiiittatustringeilliy of fluff Atif ofttfniforinity .ie admittedit Vii. siliiiitins'im- inn' N. 11,31 1106 'lintifill! discovered at last. The fact .yras knollmq acme lontnight. ago, but ,it .sauin:iont. - offt.,„ i 9414, 7 an 4. ,Rill.,,reat d, oonstrations 0 onstrations of ` scientlin"ehtlinstiiiim at a recent meeting the ' 4 e4gicii•fii o tit' So ei ety "e'r,on i don. l sit si Rddiliek Muibhinoti;.the Prisiddent; having /1 ritinWedf,;thev•past,: , referred: especially • to: i the idiewery: of „the ,Wk ii k s . , N il PtlltP l ikgir ia:PINI Net. itgdifittent, wro hatt4impin. pliehed w, ie • had baled A T - 4ns eassar; iti T 4 the ancie nt Roninns: sG4tlilipteliensibut" laid been ' kit foi same ••times's: to the inifetyri of. the , expedition- sent , out by- the, :1300 1 , and, by the rumored de,athiot,Ponsu l l.Pet rij crick, who had been sent to aid the travel ' '. ' Roderick , ally;f l ' 'Ws ir : ers. 'Sir ,mg , tis saki`:'` , " rCould then''soircidiy vettinie •to l tiluli k Of tonchirig upon 'Africaii4Xplinratitiii :hi My approaching antrivirsiii*/ -address ; ; so , great qrere, thy , fears , respeeting the fe , nter-- ; pribe-„tg .. 7. h10h . ,, as, i geograuyerd, ,we i etticn,h i. so ;; mug importance.'- 9nr. lett ACCOUIItB 'ffolit Siek l e and'' Grant'' made kiihwi'iii t iiii" .their position lit'lkikeh, fir'-io therSouth; I ',or the.‘LakerTieteria N'yarizi ' , on the soon fof SepteMber, Is6l, ;,,They 111 4,PeP? 1 01. F.-; great i lleinjcs ,inet, emerged from .. _tribes at, vgisupe w ith each other ?, and bad Vi l e'n_ii; l eriind'hy many of their liortern•; while; to :complete our . depiesSiOn;?a ctelogramAioni : 41.kxandria announced thit_Petherie 14 after • , !tbeilciss 'of bis i atore,,had Tarjillied . inotr.. ; i ii'm to the wtult I nf the W \ ti D , Rle,. What,.. D, then was our joY;;When; a it ' loneand iiiigfirrinaiiil Of litiiieiiiiie, ' fi litAilieani; '• from 'Aleliandria gave us tlittleoriclitirness that Speke:and,lparty hadlireached ILlitiz, turn.; whilst a , :sflePadfiAPPOßYi f9 ll() ;wiiigt• • conveyed frßin. peke, t,o -m7sTlf,,tifit pitpy 1 words, ' The 1V:flu& : #.ii P , 'Theniiindie the chiding In i talige : ?Adria" Pethericilf wi¬loily-rdiv'e',..butlicr. nittihnlli joißndr . Spike:kw} GruntanGlondokoto; ott..thaacitj, oti Fehruary last.; sad lastly,; yo t heyeAtm f been furnished wit i l t i j ihejialfrualni• thetray.3 . elleis, and a map of.All§' Aki6)lAlio en . - plored, illustrated hiiitliklleterinfrinttiodl'of I, many points of latitudeoeoJonetnitdo in regions,hitherto-qtti t t* u i t .,, f . h . !. {,,The ,ent i linsiasin h of :.kup „flcinsee. ,b,a4 :been illustratmi,hy,a Dir. Baker s & wire hlii izig heard. of "retlieirYokii . ilWlterie, deg', ted'outnn eifieditimi;itt his 'iivile iontl i iiid if''he could not relieirb-him, , he siatodater, mined: iii.poseibleyete ?penetrate; w t,o.. ,the „uPurnetit•gto;7 nit,. Nile ihiPslif 1 Be a .bad p t)pen . Areviorkyildie4guisheit i e i his exploits in Mylion, auff-iiy diseoWti'' - lartt year in Abyssinia. He was thefii•itoto meet the -longrmissinirtravellers - and to PlPPlY,'Atql.PikAt'ls;.7l°W..(f/Fitn'' and { • boats. ...i "(LA- 1iT.J.•,..4:l NTHITSI 418 M IN Tall KIMPIT was one . off . ok .E g kiiitaigadr* we- riv7 , 2.7mialor,; 11F.'"A%., 'of Liiirohol--4ollenglie:iind- ,nini widasorsto Dr: Raffielk:-.4n.ibitionldreee,„ 'S* 'opening s ;of ,tticheoggi'entignaJ , -N0. 0 n,: : His.address was 10,c4irupt.-,"Tirstanci: foremost'a mini s ter ' Milk liiitre - trii'e foretil", , • he must preach the simple Gcisynl•;• - and ..) 'again ') if ethet.4iwould be 'successful) their liiiiiiist4 Must iber marked by enthusiasm." usriltietoi:eitineht , tbe fashion:in the,. present • 'ffaif fkintrityntinthusiasmitio.timapulpiti ae • if t 3 thn-thitsin ihich was theie r,discoursed luponcivai &Otte Mast• vitally. important .. 'thit•ctinconiied man. ,i , Men tolerate-, entliu-1, ( iiiinin in . selietitifiii orliterarylliursdita; and lirlii•sholtld they 'not ,lOokruponiit; as becom: `r ing: rin'-' 0011oexiott , with • ,religioni?'.'e . As j a Minister lin would- say,igive , u&ii strong-: laitiPin 'the Gospel, and• a .corresponding .; 'en thusitsm 3 and • then other' .qualifications:•, hill grow out of lthese as •their nattifal, pia- ' l / 4 . duet. • The , oonelusiOn 6f)this 'remarkable'', inidress 48'1'44 suggestive.toiall.Yearly con: 'Nr i onations nnd A meetings , tif the, , m inisterst of,i. :Christ'-' • ..-1 , t . ~ r• ; , t , ... r:: LI , tt g lle ~ 1 • . Xi O 3 , Y; 4 A AL ,4 BBEMBLI P I • in P , il . n" ' bticdOnffelnPt , b 3 9n nar iedl , al f ,i• 4B 'P t t" ANOlittaoft*ir proceedings }rave reaulkell•' Me" , h3i.Ml,,"lerY-rqmarkth!e .ipciin , nr:, exciting debates..,Ditetor , Crain, Of:pi: keorges, Gliisgow, and, the, Riv. RiideXioki Atcbeod it arqi, the.. .I...eqltnn.tille'X,nlier#4-.. Tt•eiA4hilitlilnknAtigeßflrul.,i•AP :2 l 43 4 ll CPX 0me,,if:,1 1 ,9k , % 1 ,41 4 3t. ci 1tP 3°,4!"1 11 ,•*,•,.. 4 1 111. 0- n - i 41 4,reinniFtil 41 t 4P•Fo e :'; ' Pl en :t r reni . .' r.ii 4 6 9 0 (itfigik, , ,,wAnkffroma ~l i mumt- F a p smk,o TAO )1Y -ma Poo.lksif i nt 5 4 Wtf' , f 4 Armilli94 B .: fitlrPg, ireaf - Aivect.ApillA, 6 , J Disniption, r in sj.: There liati k bee'n ii•.l slight increase on the einta ;dividend Sus..-, tinitiitidii Fliadybiiethis niiiiiitiiim stendard • 'aimed .istroto£ Solfifidiper '.ankiurni besides r free' =inset , . to •leallilluinistatli 114 4 .not yet r ' i:KlettiaPtarti9..o4r, C.i. •ir , ~ .or , i ll 10 .1 '.) r. I ~ pr r Begg perks as t o prepiration ofi , .s i tUdents fot'f i nifill'snodess inAll 'inAiiiiiiie, I - itha l the' defiviiiry of " sermons Withent. menu- 'iiiiriiii atklimemeriter, *ere duly discussed. From a lengthened notice of the whole sub: ' jset,ixi i , my. letter , (from Edinburgh ) of Mardi 276; and' a eanaid'-dieiStiesion and, examination of both sides: of , the question - , , ' yeuvreadeis mill , already be aware of the prps enot icons of ' this' , obatto;terey,on tit' • nide' of the Atlantic—at least, in' Sootlanthi At the Freejonembly. on Wednesday ; last', , ' several ;oviirtuilin praying that: the.4eit, • - -mesa foi,,tesoliing,,and training etedenie , in the -etwilylindldelivery ,of disoottraea,-,aaat ' In.• 't I ii genera repiration for duty, might, bt' t, duly -considered. Dr • Begg' said it, we 'Most 'iMportant that students , .should ic...: quire a thorOugh knowledge of thee,Rpglish Bibliqisa , mito•quote it bothiaccurately, and tineetty:•mHe: could “i m agin 6, a • man ? well aeciiiabited with Greek and Ifebraw,;deti cient in a knowledge•of the Englieli,Bible. 'lleilalsO thought that the renommsndation of tha-Atieembly's Committee, was most im i)nrtint ; , that students should) be taught t o teed the Psalms and the Scriptures well in *ol4:via well' as:to_, spealt,.imurately and ifinently4h:t ,: 1 ...;i: ,i%::f ."'r tql: 10 1 t'e WILLI ?I:4:: uvi;) , i Dr. Begg did not bring up very promi nently extemporaneous preaching, or deliv ery without notes; but " while he regarded it as the exception, he believed that there were ministers who could preach more ef fectively by reading their sermons than by !delivering them without reading." (Ap- plans° from the students in the gallery, 'exciting much laughter in the House.) Mr. Nixon, of Montrose, an eloquent and caustic speaker, considered than defect was, that the young were not trained in,the . day-school, in the family, and in the minis ter's class, in Scriptural knowledge, as for merly; and that he would undertake to say that "the next twenty . Vacancies would be. filled by the most incompetent, and, the best young men would be •passed , ..over ; And that a stip:Jokes . would bt given to the stu pid ,seueeits li ef a few, oldwivee of both iiexes;•litlidi thulk itch Wte,li 4 pejoitiVCiiniiig to decrial:66ll4 filiiiiiicter or, tbe.preacher atidithe„protiching,witfieut .ever thi,nking t(i,what extent they have been beiefitedby the :Willa liiiiiiii3i:""Mi:. Trail, of Gies goir; thought the students shOuld; be . trairied ' , in 413 ways , oft .preaching; for Jiiit.pyt, he. lirl read hitk fleXmonfli,bo !i9 14 .. t 9 i havA:s . procithiwfo, remli, ati4;* % .filiiiiliii his_ 961gtir, getting Okiiiiker;hir , !voila' 1 thillie it itmi'tio itniiii 'Vviiri thii 4 plpei.'. 'laf •eieffiiiiii , Be' fully•porsuodedf int his. I own mind443Allqber claimed o,ehristiao : liberty, &OAR al trAeOion)Pr exll.9dieneY , 99, wau„ iiad 4 ,a .right to judge for !giltier." (ippiiiise.) PshiaitiV-itialliditii - 'a 11/ta r . 86144'6V beftliTei hieltaaiihilipthit . illei re galia tilifielivairy bf d'orinowar dui:beim 'ideal.ofpnlpit Arrato s ry.'s i•J pr t :1 1 • 1 eii • i ... : 'qJx.FRE • - DEOiniABM , • Cf;cianaidates':•fore,the; Olive& of England ministry,, is kitiillikini to ; 9T-el% 8 4T% PR1C.,,iet1;;;,,A449.r, 9 9ent ajt. i,lifil meeting of the Kastoral Al el Sikiety, a popUlar ItanClielitifr ifilitifiVaieleesier follows: .. . .4 :ii•Z ~...::1;;;YA-Wil ui 4.-Isi -;;k•If f thi ;ealotilaticnirrishiali .hive lebly appeared bo SIM* 4149qne; i hi #loQ,lflri. gYmPea.a!',.. witt's4norte death,,bil•eMilira tion, and otter causes, thefaicom 016411 Of, E Ogland . aria Valli auttially ';'*lli tat' dui.: ing-thelast Ife'er; Plnitinve -, Xhat . ainly 500. ordinations thaieetitkenTlaise to All .up . : t,hap (1491e993%. € 1 .41 3 !1rr hear:). 4 is -obvious; theinforn a , t hat if 4,liia prams goes on, not to say at an aoesierited pace ) in ten yeiiii? timid iii'sfilill'laie a defioteney'•of 1;500 cler'gyorithdrawrofrom, the more populous, the AngrAtJahn,rj;9 ll ln and, the , moat "AllittiA Iter,eB of ,pas,tßral labor. ,`,NoW ? ,if you to t e each - or these 1,500 el ergynigijiel hay.: frig' thoWt'eliiti; ' ibay ' of- 2, 000 ' soals2 you have ni Population.; 4,ltiree Millions left aitithoxt,:peet,9Vll OlgAreigbt.::.(l l earl ;hag.) Mn.&ttkatti. B 4 VLAlLizba 2 cau 1 . 3 . 3 .;!P . t i e - n Y ea P: Mum,,,t,expeet that our OP dlation ifilf hitfe frbitiiihereiad, so that 'it ' the -dna 'Of Veris•;years: l o4 , would probably,lave ltivonillionsiliffwithout pastomlnversight. : Now, I...venture ,to say , that i tliA oiregiii 41 ) ; .4'‘'lP?P , tA°l 4 ,4.6°.;;Mu l P Om- destruction .4.' our :Chnroh as a national eatelliihmene;;. Tdr Y. mustlieir i 1 n`leinit'that'the imesek 1 •whb 6ietild-tiliiiiteitaWdbot Obi:Waft tur- branes of ignorance,. irreligionoand crimp,' 1 %7 3 just:glomsmrtiena.9.titlllrinberfl iviiisi a ii ,are exposed , to, thostidee of iiiranlity an i AnnouraeyWbrot,' ace. o bntiniffilly weoliiiiii away ittit libil from theilb*er -.amnia of •thlit 'lonia' fabric; 'and ifithat‘process of ne I der- mining go,on untiUsoine.great oonvnisisoil 'comes, there ,is 99 „power on earth, thittpu save the whole edifice from telingoter and burying thinne, 'altar, an , all that stand above, id one diming' ruin:"'' •' " 4 .; '.i In refereneetto the proposal: ofitholtilhop onondon, to build maey:rkeirielowline•An, they u. l ltrqpstittllnu4 tle-A, 1 4,a- 11 ,44,9 0 ., PeT ration of preppetors in'tne 11011 s 0II WIIIIIAII the stiena's:Ye liiiiiiroi''Oftliipei ifio'ciiii 'the loasei,=the-iiiiiie IPeiikei-shriiidlif: ohl iserved.; '";•Min:areito mesmerizedmith thii rank, the splendor, : the wealtb,,,,anit tlie e ffsMon of tpu t upper word, that they„ . piO perpel.9lafy grigetilleMiserablet•illeys and `de sly otio 'W'ded•NS,Stifte , ,' ihatl Tie laid ndithO , grandle„alifteeilun the rinh,infith„alk..tlo, MP ;wanly and' , stiflingneudeneationsof,hunpui fitko cellars and passages, withou t light or Gir t or , anything whatever to' lA4IIOII, and ' fr eshen life;'iniiilliViiiielle .iii dii.' I gniting 'eighth. ? 0 ./Wissii a yiortlatiel` t which nothing ' int divitigl Farad' loving , agentB.l tii l 4 l t levgr, ,repla*., It is, aipopnlation ;whioli I will.peve,r he; reuehe,d l lTehureh4addfog.i', ; Opinions likh these ixelgiiiied iii,pleibi; tatireipiiiiiiii i iiiil l ableiwitioni„OudAViir lliiiiiiig rob lug& !eititiCand 1 tewnO;dir *mei ioutaswelhos riikahlnlandvwillilotokviotle. te•Alkol9 l WKaad9M , IrDP., r!ngli?nslia?,..., ll " - . k ly„,sinithat he. ,tnina4.,,tattre is t. pormng. Satan teas acuintie,V kg' iiiitivt,itiahitiis; that is, ant' Christian - setting hind:Of - to 'seek 'out and 'Boo ;the. 40t1e% ''ti If;eaek t .fettAilt own indiveluelrespousilitlitylin Ala,.mat- ; terl,-Will ll'9lod he able 031Fikt'a.899r.ili-, „presaimb r tl4;b7, the grsen . i.of 114, would exten s d 'to' generations yet - tiriothe . 'l p e t r- 1 jAitiraleigkeillisit is 'inexidnd ''hy - the win te ot• the titorldlind the , expeetations-,•4the . OkurnlK -....Wocieuet. havet 9,9 t, 003', Brayer, kf4heift3o:9Nwa,•4 4 ,WaSt t .',l!) !it! 1.144 #1 :d a. nut t enfleuvor a.ip , r statiVart envie. : Prayer. W1%61411114' isitutiiiond`inieiii, itlid liVor , 'witlichitL• pinYifiiii • Atheist(' • 'Wit tyirkyer 'sled dalioilinarriedrmake it') .Chniatingslt b.f.f. , Ourtgarrtfttentifk ; :Pet. mi, ipe ,, ,.twti v ' x,i14,. ; .w ter, Ft 4 s#P"Pie certain. 1 v ;.14, 1 VW#44E' 32 -gc" :; , AlP.l , , l A_•°P; i i? tri l l's; .0% ,Oliiiiclugly i riii.mgmeued i . e':reoesit t , blcay _ r hll'eungs ,in pieter"-0a11 7 . - ?Tsliave 414 reetirdial ili'eliamititie eondunt bilthe' Bishop 6f :the Afairitimi sin -_, reference to .Madagaecau•ond .A 0; mio,l94ltripsilpf,ithei , Loudon Soniety nx ,Another pjessing, inn. ) tratiou has been tte 'Linden, 66ei4y iiii'Proiridtiiii thiiitiaditriniong Ale '''.YesitiliVeppott4': by' lepigeofaliant When 'thinking of' reltablishin'g lan •tirlqily in, peatlipthe, , ,eapigernfifroannenrk i t " 4 - 3 pointel ~.9e, t'it9-.tneut,bs,ttie t .itey.:_ nody • ,Stfort„ ,oc Edintnirgh t : 4 Oquv,enek 'or the. Free 'OhniCh,' AtiiidonarSr, that littir•hod:y Mt aligtiaricleiipigrthe' field, and 1 thOt IV neW ' *gully from 4.inotkee: Churn'', :Would .thuditeitumbliag 94 01 .43 1 1r9- 1 , 1 1•;1 3 . 0 .9ietY 4 0 4 m."1 4 fe .L .4.,5P Oiet"Prn i MO n nq• Ano vr . !pry_ pl easing illustration' of tiiii'tirntleily . hdii i,Jkeltioietlind good 'will; 'wad . glieli'lkillie; hill- W: 41: likOrnton; , 'outs Of , the.•;&erhtariesicif •Wesleyou - /Mie,. siookiwillakiagibm 1t...-.14) the 1 annileratrY;9f , A 10 1402%. 8 °P.i-1,9:i, giaf nrda iFiie well chosen, suctlii eentiniebta. are adniiilable. 13EilaTthitorthe 'fbellig of 'lle tWooley'an. iiniler:lie laid•-t- - ' - ! ':-.,, . ~, -i " *i3fit aiid freinicieditith brethren-, We have marked -howmsl4E, parl,ies,basA follew„ed,APP l 4 , ;sing to "itr, c into their labors. We have,,y ; narkettbir sinitfte! des i re, always inexonsahle;lo4o . P ottirs'hitie'soin:' Tie LEI; `den 1V asionstyStioietp chaveltowA fklirs,Ainlifwe: regard altaltiiimar Al ,dlut ta.ll a :Jki OrnSit WHOLE NO. 561. liarly sacred to it. (Cheers.) I would far rather give my mite to the Lo n do n Missionary Society to enable that Institu tion to multiply its laborers, than vote in the Committee-room of my own Missionary Society to send a Wesleyan. missionary there. (Cheers.) I would far rather help you to multiply your laborers, than to send laborers of our own. • (Cheers.) One of the evangelical clergy of the Church of Eng land had said that for one lie didnot de-, sire to see the pomp of hierarchy on the shores of Madagaicar, but to -see many bishops thereof the •primitive type. But God forbid that , ever there should be one infidel, • bishop sent to Madagascar, or one, who should make it his business, after the example of him of lionplulu;to teach the duties and Customs of *Whistles' ;Show, instead of preaching the'Gospel." -It, is neeessaryAr_ f.rne OathOlios.tbus -to band.togethe ,r, tand.act out befere world the Golden Rule. The Pltra-OhnrchMen and Trietarians`ard,resdy; and anxiOttli shoo- all Nonconfottesiit' Miisienary ek-; vertsl" a highei type l • ) e oPOhristianity, 'and4 tocAleclare .against '!'n.Mtitt**4 instrue Ors.4'; • ' • - • ) 4 • n i papsuchfitgotry, says the Wes an Re_ C° Let - these'ecolesiestichl euckdos tiy'their hied. building • a nest of their- oiva - "Letithem try upon savages hitherto',Austattght: the effect of pkor tres, their pastoral sticks, and their lion brious intonings.".Y.w? • - • MUM 4 dilate -on. ." 7 , ,„• A revival true religion—holf much enritaitied in those .woidg I Whit - a uni versal and blessed laliaiike - does conversion ; Mike in theindiVidual4 , " What a bleasing _ 'does -a revival—hring to