REV. DAVID 11" KINNEY, Editor and Proprietor. REV. I. N. M'KINNEY, ASSOCIATE EDITOR. TERMS IN ADVANCE. • fly MAIL MILIYERLD IY arritliffrrho etntO 9.00" For Two Dou.sits. we will send by mall seventy numbers, ad for Orra DOLI.An, thirty-three numbers. FAstors sending Us TWtXTT . subscribers and upwards, will thereby entitled to a.paper,without cbarge. ltenewalishould beprompt, a little before the year expires' fiend payments by mare hand', or by mall. , Direct all lette r! to REV: DAVIT) MINNEY, Pittsbuiltii Pa. MIMI [Selected.] raSlMig AIM "Passing sistrty . l" So whippers tbe wind As it treads its trackless course ; And "passing away," doth the bright rill any, As it lonpB from its crystal source— All " passing away," on the Stretun of time, To oblivion's vale in a fsr,oir olime. • Matter and man, we make no delay. To eternity's gulf we are passing away. "Passing away I" Mark the farrowed brow, And the head with ftm Wery tsar, And the pale; web cheek, lioW Lhoy plainly speak; That they 're leaving a world of care. Yes, passing away. Even beauty's flower • Is fading fast 'Death the spoiler's power; • • And fair and frail to their bed of slay, Adown to the tomb they're, paseingaway: " Passing away 1" moans the oeeas's wave • As it breaks oa , tbit beaten And. the torturetr:tide is left toehlde , • The oliffe with their hollow ?atm - Ay, paesintsWayl both MOO liatthytrAiirboti. The places wititiiiiiirtitii*lllOitiß'Aftoiritellity Whether pea - sant 4. Prince, nature!s jest aebtio Pay, At the fiat of God, we are pissinraway: • • •• " Passing away I" for their hour is pith— Earth's riohei are a inotiO"Prie, The monarch's throne and his sword and crown, And the pen and the poet's lyre: All passing away, e'en.the pomp of art, • And the pride of the dealiot;rnnst all dairOt, And the relies Of : raal . Ina each .• And the naulinir . iii4e . ,iiatieris bo ,„.,. . . . Passir , ig away I", I;•ren Time himself Bends under )ftia load of Years; , His limbs are frail, and' his oheeks grow pale •:- With the furrows of sorrowing tears ; • With his brolsen'selythe, with a silent tread, Ile's pgesing on. tothe . home of the dead Withit bending form, and with looks grown.gray,. Old Time himself is paseing'away. "Passing away 1" All but God's .bright throne, And his ssrvant'g home abovb i And his 'grace Wine, and the boi&alestemitte Of God's'etisishillove ; • And his will tobave, through a Saviour's bleed, The child of faith who hath-washod•italtbellood; Even earth to its framework dOth But God in his love Corrtiplininiftt. of the NASHVILLE; May 4th,48881 EDITORS OF BANNER :—To the dole gates of• the Christian Comm ii3eioh; mevemdnfl are 'forbidden snbjeoteof respondence.glorefOr interesting a .re port of operatiM 'theft' bit the commis mon'doretiye - mouth l ea 1 1 4 1 3 1 e i llte,itie: .. 11 eviithegile statement oft thoiprogress•ot the rittsburgb. delegates may , nole.(be • Nrithettt interest to the Christian public.- " " r e -ltf rokoAtfiTil e dtio' of4i, A s : though deitained a few.:days in. Leuisvitle, waiting for .our eqhipmenta, • thii' tin@ twits not lost. We made an' efittiitide l 'oll ) onl work' a few houre after, op'Biileieorfil oftre, , b.7 Oe IA 41 1 )1 4 18 : oT thereare thwtrtwo, with , only roux chap lains to attend theta t alb" At Exelninge llamas fdildd the aerate% 1:A to . a most eb.l•cleit 4 iiio" gWele us' a heirty webiorrie, ;and •ari. r po• usy . ‘ i Cr& work and do as'you please." • We hold three meetings' on. Sabbath ' mornil4, attebded by ove't three Miliaria' men. A lafge riiii3alSer of them weilel.Trifeti refugees from East Tennimeee, who rive i k terrible account of their sufferings in-the mountains, and of tire cruel tmaidistuttitty and their fliinilltr re.iei*Cdlrdmi l :rdiral ) soldreio. OuF gave ns their tar. vided and after Elervioe many grasped our bands and thanked us kindly. Many of them ha& not lidtened to a sermon for !floras. I`,Tiaie airy trite conEeptien'of the sufferink and misery ,tlietie men have endured, you must see them, and conyerse with them. Their ragged olothins, their emaciated forms, their thin; pallid cheekst and their strong determination to sae e '• ,s'• their wronge, tell a fealful story of suffer-, ing. Nearly all of ‘ the four hundred men who escaped to Louisville, have already en listed in the 'Federal - army During 'the two dire liiitdt in 'LefibMile i tion, nuenbenni,five,,iglisieel 14f1ie 'post chaplain, held nineteen ineetlngs in • the various catnips and hospitals. At Nashvillel we fetrdd an imineilse field of labor. Thorifare tvFnity-rodereirWolt pitals, with; only eight ellapleine; thousands ' of troops in and around the city. There is but one church in the city open for worship, all the rest being used for hospitals. Apt"- A few days'•after our afrival; three of otir`nutiibeileftfoi trtirfreesber46l 7 4 ire nein- pang, with ev.Ed. f r if l3 o l : 8 .1 44, the the deneral Field Agent in the Army of the Ourriberland.. • Last Sabbath ,(MAY isktOri connexion with' our deTiOtei who Wire . Operulibg die slay in this eity t ,held V= ie rehgtougoneet. ins, and,one funeral service. Very many of the soldiers are deeply concerned for the salvation of their souls, and ` soine.hiiVe professed a hdpe in Christ. .Ater services, we walk abOttt the iiiyaa ot the,ospitalti, and sit down in t,lie tents of the eamps t and have private conversations With the snifiiertf,_eudeavoring tebdtepeu iiitYserioniiiiiffareon'i that nifty have been Made by. the ,prayers and exhortations. They greet us kindly, and menifest a most intense d'esire for"-books,..papers, and sing. iug-books, such as , are used in the Sabbath Snhools of yenialif.: Tf stiii of your read • ers have such booko,that they can spare, . send them to the storeroom .of •the Army Committee, and they will 'be doing a good work for, donittleacent soldiers. Inone of the cenvaliihint *fade, We .. , have good reason -to , believe that-a-great work of° grace is beginning, and we-;have firm hope that very soon some who are now. anxiously, Efetiking Saviour, will enliteitid fight undtiftliiiMintier,df the Ncfb'' ho l d ineetiiiii there .every morning, and spend some time private conversation' Yesterday we - preached .once in ti.tomb-'' prof eft:Alia° of PoriNegley. Affer'Siti litite;'Stne of the soldiers came up wintlodeeoinething for this sion," and handed us four dollars, which amount' will'' be' sent to the Triasurer in Pittsburgh. , . 'Every - thing is scarce here, excepting soldiefa titidihehe you Meet at every turn. Potatoes and bilious aro much needed Palmleaf fans and musquito netting, for keeping flies off-the faces of sick men, would do' them more' :areal good, - and add istOi'l to their doilifortrilian medicine. - BiAt`good intereSting t ing neceisarily religious is most nee e eon-, VOL. XI., NO. 35 valescents in the hospitals, and soldleinin the camp, when'off active duty, valne Jtoth log so highly as newspapers, maganitieN or good books. Give them these, .and you crowd out the " yellow-covered„" literatere -trash which they will read in abieuge of something better. For this win:A. / of the soldier, your readers .will - please - reinember,. the Government does not and cannot make provision. To supply this need is one of the aims of the — C7istiiifi t tiiiiitnis - sion. •A. DiViCIAT E OF C.. COM. DIESSEtti. EDITORI3.:--Some persons, in terested in the"prosperity of Zion, have requested' that a more full account 'of the 'precious work of grace with,which Lewis town was blessed the past -Winter.,-,ahonld ibe given: to'Clod's-neople through youi col. limns, I had hoped that a more graphic pen than mine would, ere this,.„have delineated thji, delightfuli i yreAk,of thelF9,lA4Sultiirit. ' . A`• union meeting e r,tvli commeneetl' u the meek of prayer. Th denclnipatinpalhik, .ing in the union meetings, were the. Prow ! byterian, the• Methodist, the Luthenqiisuid! .Episcopalian. The union sei`vieeS,"eionidet . -; lug .of A pritYsr-metitibg.ar3 o'clock 'and presetting in the evening, were beld in these "chutelies in rotation: , : A united pra,.yet,tfliqug, and hUniiltition, was ob: The cordial union of ministers and'"ifiltaib,lite': of thesrchtifehes, 'deep- -and - sofemn impression upon - the' 'world. . saw - then - unitedly laboring *mid riyitig . for their'salvatiotr, and not as theY.had. erroneously suppoied, their object 'was' to infil4.nrp thetr teepective denomina tions. - Theywere led to believe that there was a - reilifyi in religidn; and that' ministers and Christians were - seeking the, salvation of their souls. After•the first weekl:iiacti - denominatitn; by mutual eonsnt, held a . -priyer.meetiut in each of thou chutilies at 3 o'clock P. Al., and preiching in the everiihr, - eoitid meneing , at 7 e'eloek, t.heir churches: The attendince now ;trendy , ihu Cdr The awakehing internst'el- the- Holy, Opirit . first teed°. its appearairce*Aniblig the youth' of the work Sclabole: At this stage ofl ;the the : Hotel-keepers of the place ' agreed' to close their bars at 7 o'clock; and"! the nigiehante their stores, that all might' have an opportunity of attending on Divine j service in th&evening. The mentbera of the Presbyterian ehttreh'i • observed-an'other dajtAlfasting and praiiirl!'' The work soon extendedlete%all elassg- 1 .! ;the middle-aged and' the old.: 'Nara 'a ! promidedt, - larwyer of the . piles On' *We' -'not a Inembnr of' the ..chnith at that time,' 'but sines become-otie,) say that he lid': inecasiOn, ,oti. Intsines; - ilio visit one ofilie, ' sEilootoi. to_hio prise he found the persons there, who were ,not in the, habit! of attending,,, sit . ting calmly dilolasing !the Subject - 151 relig ion with interest. The seriousness perVad ed the whole community. Theilfifife -- 70 - inquirers in the4P - resiliteriaii church; np tyards of 100 in the Lutheran; 70 in, the • blelbOdiet . ; itnd 14 in tbe' : Bp,isco'palifairih,.., • Mutt ,is : : 'After tile" to ; Manifest theinselve§,', there tigliitnquril..meetinglield in the leo*rli robin' every day 'at: 11 o'clock A. M. :tit ei/eilirif t the itigliiiers • were rititiested . to • take tfib Wont pews in the - ohiliisb; or intlit . the mint isters in the ledtiire-rlitlin*,*ffilfit thelieopte of' God remained ,ittilbt‘ i pb l iorch to -pray. These prayer ., -rdee4ngs w ere delightful boa inns. Tfuire' - iai 'a realtafttion" of ills Di- vide gesLeillie;. meek', eittly tlfirrif the Imilitillst4Of "fEdet ste Mt ratable - 1d th , e ' y inti • still, soullitqnnaitottrok casiori~ly:hear"itlOtirellfred u giot ; ifif or a sob, the Aptl(iii OA of o'o a b l dtediehlistiku lie 1; 88 . 1 1 ..40;51 - .iinies and John did on the moult Or Aranefigura . tion, "It ;vas good •tawbe-therii," and would fain hblfe 9 efehteti attratreli sherd' pastoral , visitation-was' perlbreed dririOr this r• *doh. Ohtlattles dlthf lent' bbillietliPiiid'tvitle:lltikri 'ad - 014W WeaitS neconvate , Thelle • and neighbors;and - .bilked with:them about the , eternal interests of their souls: - The meeti! contititted for ilitilirstiVid• 'u'nabate'd' intaieg.' • The'iles-, tor, in his faithful and arduous lat'iiirs; was assisted by the ; Rev. James Williamson,. and myself: Brother 0. O. McOlean's (the failfecir) ricrill'Vas'andbrbblrikethe WOrk. lE . relahOred infirdiietisly day arid night: ehigited ali r that . intense ansietY faithful pastor, >in such seasons,...feels.lor , the well-being of the people of his eharge. lie seemed to realite - the trnths4 God's blessed beak, AftaithalegoVeoriMis heav en-tend • an- awful hell ; and that heaven can onge be. attained' through tbe redemption' tffirit in ClfidseXesins oaf Lend . : Oh,. if firobaisatOrs of 'Phriet; t•ef,LF iced that all the d ear pec4le of 'our eingre., gations, who are Nmt of Christ, arc lost, Now los'', and indlit beloved by believing: in the Lord Chilei;:tir Perditibti f ja z their inevitable lot,, heir: drateren . tli we preach, pray and:libei in : Pastoral du; The, preaching: wail Vie 7Gbspel. It wail' pithily laid clearly presented, " No revsval' measures (as they are errqueepsly were used. God bleieed'his Own-trntli The -pastors met every afternoon, About one hour before the evening eerviei; .. for. eonfereine and 'prayer. Thii icirdliters . of the different deniiii4attinns, was delightful. "Behold how gond, .and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell to gether in unity." , • The Lutheran church has had .. an addi tieft ths - m4haaio a!, 'on ototatiOni the - Poi6or;ari‘gnt,3, this oldie 'of the iit'eafittli atllikiegiilitr.lsotim'uniori'seirion, 81*e:re lidNa 'la 'the..ifiegi;reriaa' chnroli; cif ea- ; amination,' and 9.0 n-certificate. More are ex - voted to unith 'themselves at the -next ' , Wlid shoUld tibqtab oboe or ga4,o: " tl,B ll l4 exist oni.o - are y reason, in the .mature , of things, every chitteht in our breed' laid' 'should not now be revived? l'intiiiiirod'fittite is theiiiiitural state of the ohttrobesys' lukewarm state; is übnattuial; it itaffetistfe to•ths!great King and FflistiV irere • olita'por. 'heti 'Oli`en t art like*arni, and neither .ocild:gor , hot,,.l: will ainenthee out of inrmo*h." , • , Yours fraternally,/ WILIWhiv.P.;IOOOIIII4N. EIME heibi e igh iU t be found itLclhrist, that 119 a rldit oftraiii;*SlVat e fteliiir 7i g a g nit Y ,- • . . . . t . . . fl•- . . , . .. T ,,t. .. ~i . ... 1 .. .. 1 1 • i 411 :4111 '' lb id r . . . .. . .. . ....., . . . . .. t• Pb? the'Pr.esbyteriatataiiiier. Lawiaiown, Pa. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, MAX 2O:1863 EUROPEAN MREMINBRIN. Intetinatfoital Complications and Anxiety—Roe buck's Violence—The Government ancrthe Scitusr of the ethszandra— What Sir R. Palmer and the Daily News says—Pleas for the North—The Am= bassaclor and his Leiter to Admiral Dupont—Mr. At. Mills, M. Guthrie'e Speech at Ectin buryh— Visit to Peebles—The Silver Tweed-- Calais Ground—William and'Robert Chambers —The Chatnbers' Institution—Description of the linilding and its Contents-9U' Scottish Inserip r. ~lions—Library.and Reaeßng Rooms—A Students' Paradise- 4, The Slave Auction "—Postscript? LBNhON, 25, - 1868. ... ANXIETY as to-the continuange of frkervi.t. ly international relations , is • being, -feltj,ia consequence' of various causes and oomph- cations. The depredations.of the Alabama . on American commerce, the eonduot r ot Ad-. miral Wilkes in seizing ,and sendingpfo prize, court, adjudication English !gesso* bound for Matamorasoci4 publication of the,.letter..tso..,-Adtpirglipik: pent, ti the license " .cheer#ol , Y by,,thea-10n., - Fran oicciAclame,Aa t rAnaerman; Ambaaeadery as a , p ri sOlt,oeneoldfipaWiljoh: conveyed iirmatneials ; desigted :r te; helpttho lltexioarlarin their,,watkiwith•Fralloo-theee,:, 'together, the I lailgitage : , used. toward, England !by,Orenerale B.4ler,,Mtiagitryan,d4 others ,all - have : an :agitating tendency.. ? ; The%dovernment 'hike been : extremely_ caul 'tiottiotnd i lloyd ".Palmerllton did I bis hektp,t,,p; atop Mr. Roebuck in his violeaVtuid M a lt4, l teelperate laegnege" Ctukthe Morning Post 4110 ' it,) 'bur fattilnd ' would'havci'hip`War.'"the Gra% Roebuck and Kinglake (the hiatOrbutivif the ; Crimearr, war, w bo - r , cI ibhcelteas the French ; Emperor, spit Ot*Etb), game catgory.„ It waivin, men. of this atamp,;aa well as Mr., liereuttarr;:wito :i8 a kinil of " 'free lanee7-Ishrtiaelite that. 3il; i Palmer, a member of the ile*eng- , merit, paid, lot night:. ;. • . 0 . ",.I think it : will be% remernbeirs;d: h aorow tlie•Atlantiort,hat, : in_ Aphis itts- 5 in , ..90 , 0 as- . . every member is -freely at , liberty: U.:. express his own sen tinitinytai. I:it/that. those sentimsnuit Incrist.Anit: be umed :tP.• the : -sentiments. theEsasemutyitomaton that ; tmembet , heiongir!.,!. .The Noityvarty areritiiry angry 'with.ila. Government,seisure..of•the- Alexandra .4% Liverpool/ because it n ivas* shown; that : the?. 'intention :was to use her, ligainst ,- ,a•coAnt - f17.:. with:whiai'we are at peace. ,Bn,t, notwith. 7 l standing this, and the outcry:of/Liverpool., (interested) merchanta jt ithe ,Government: maintains itsposition. :Iwaddition; to this, a vesiseL . sail liom Ealmouth,,forE Matamoral, whose often , asked that a maila, agent-should-be' put on. board, in connex ion. with the mail .bags;thas sailed without, the;anails, the -,Postinaster. General, as -ad-: iviseid by' Earl- Russel, shaving '-ofusigi :the. ,request. National irritations, there , are MIT both sides 'and it-is ditnestly.tir.,be Utopia . that they- will not ; p9.tagg . rikaged-rby collision of naval. foives 'on ithe, Nest Iddia ' station, or otherwipe. ' ' T,he Iffoz;nipg epft, and. exen :i the Times, Bab that tliclre. should tow much. coosidera-- tion and Iforbearanee oonsidoring that-the:'' P . Opral Government. are, naturally and ea-: gerly.engaged,in, geyy. engaged,irk.pressing ,the:cpnlederates . has m already..,broug,hti them to, the, verge ot ff f r amine and which,. it ; kept np may lead, it is expected, to-ittiport,, 'ant-issues. It is much to be regretted tints -the mattor of the Arnbasmior's certificate, Ints,peburred, hecause while it is . easily Eq...., .pkaineiLfiour his, own standpoint,.,it is not upheld • by the Liberal IVlernbers of, 'l,4liament, out any, friendly newspaper, -(eave , in one case,, where it .was pleaded , .cliat he :was anaipita, to: !el a n the ehange4. la, Omsk seizure by,,,Admmil.'Wilfrea, and. component inoiease., of feeling , pere,) .acid• theTe sea : xiay ; be,. a .donht ,that it, is, deeply; regretted - . by hitiself.:, ton Miles, M. ; P., lask, night' in; the . Housa of Cobimons, spoke in 'an toward the United States, and in reference' to the•patiena'and TorligilliiitoO of oni' own sufferingrliopulatione,4lxii in -spite of Peso trials, --rafted .to ::eulharraffs-lohe North,: by, calling for interyention„: . .. ; DOOTOR ,period of my recent visit to Edintrargh;delivered a most intereeting4eietf;illiistrlifilieiof his erica- . riences in the Cowgate, and the lowest ands morally : the worst.districts of the Scottish metropolis. reminiscences on such.,a, subject are. always 'valuable, and his lan-; guage is so, pictorial, that ths scener,inoi, dents, andpersonages—includingßr.,Ohal.,, mers and hiaiself looking over th 4 of 'George. the,l.V. Bridge, doain• to those whonpretended •te.go to the " West Kirk." as:we-read. Nor caw adthiration. be. withheld from the contrast so yividly,.drP, wn .between the " country. pariah" mut thC ) Cowgate : - "It is'now' twenty-Rik years,or well-nag' that periti4since I first made my. apricot 4. knee. in , the ~C,ougate ;,,and well, do. I ire member liow, one. day, after I came here—, damp, murki.dsiyHtlie, smoke hanging Over the .CowgateLthe streets, which are never clean, in that.parte') dirtysgith4iipd; and crowds of miserable -looking ..arditu is,. monuments of da rk_ an,d vice, who..erept; about in the.,dark and disniAlAtmospliere well, I, klay,,;ilo I remember 'that day, ail, l eg„ov,er t i t he . . railings, of George idge, I Was', .contemplating this field of labor, when Dr. Chalmers happened to . oome himself opposite to me,. and, looking down ,with his owa benevolent eye, upon the poor crowds below, said—what certainly did survise me g a little, and would . .have astoniihed most Ab, Mr. Guthrie, what 11. capital field of labor you have down 'there P.. I sin,. Sorry to say I found it! no beautfful field of labor, sl though it might : have been a useful one, and I hope and trust that it was. Often after my , day's labor, whPu;.T.J.COned wea ried and worn out, with a lid _heart, and . With all my feelingsharresiveX,bY the scenel of temporal and 'sp iritual initiery. which I had witnessed—whop T. left i th4 J . Cowgate, and the deatitntlon te4, ~)een : toiling amidstfrom .Morning ; t4ll. and from noon till night; to take My.way. Pp to Ar ; gYlU,Sqi . lare---when I recollected 'the seenek that,thed been accustomed to labor among, in ,m.y. cOuntry parish—flowers springing. lip,mader neTpath; larks singing above my: head; an honest plougliman standing in. his own doorway after his day's' Wor,k,.din:- tiling a child in his arms, and s ome htilf dozen, others cinstering about his knee; a , .beautiful ocean- spread oat and boHering my parish; a decent popnlation*(only one man in the parish who never irAftt to church, and only one man in the parish who could, not read) these being Accounted such won, ders, that they -were 6 That's the matt that disna gang ;to the kirk,'. or, •'That's the man that canna:244V. When I remembered all this as -I we 14.16226, from the _ Cewgatete 4 .4agyie ea „tiitt • ten thought within myself, 'What a fool you' were to leave such a place, and' tome to the "miserable-and ' . degraded' Cowgate.' Many a day of sadt;e*tand sorrow I passed in these localities; and the reason was this. I had no objection to fight, tbe battle ; nay, I was willing to fight it; but, with the ex ception of old Mr. ChiseY,the missionary, who gave his whole labia's to this field with unticaried assiduity andittsiyei, aldti*in the aziwgettrtellight; in o'ubnm stances that I felt madii'lt like figlitifigib a-caseldliat:Vrasoallpbu.t.l.hopeless\... Of tke,•,; first IsB..pecip le , 'the. Connie, there'Were , not! five of Ahern. that ; ,ever ~.ent end the house- of god,tand esti mate I am. including all plaaseis, and ; uominations., They tem, rettly enoigh profess.thatfthey went w th the-church, w , h4 r er Ithey; did or. not. • Fox; example, tite4trit- • versal refuge -of till 4 those-`,peoplea.mus, the West Church. - •It t. e question were put to them-- - =‘W4iwslott r uolrfirtheri !v ould say—' 'the Wilt No doubt this one • but held all ; besse.,triurprafeserto go ;here, itf; . 113 A 0 mi1#4. 0 4191!: w 94- .4 1 Plve„ l*lnp tla*o to.the . uttermost. I' remember ;ssktpg t oui . , 3 * ord4Onian, Who did' *Jib T iriresio *Air lerelifribla Whichionel' sill Iw '4 l ‘ 6:: thelt:olo4Afiriallc Oieci:Pehe;, ' , Ohy 'you Or, "Olt, do~yoa . Who he . miinister , there ?;f,, 'The IIIII118411: 1 .pia W gy, Pr- ineity Alid7tfail'iia&sii'd to lathiest:l or'f6u4Yedisi after Dtl'likei &ad. biien• in hirgrave:llT,.4 = • Nett' we. :have , . a.,:alreteht- of • the• frnibu ty,atierd from! such- s an ;l unprmaisingfipld, urtliAm.get44.lfAmmt3 ftg94AOß° l 4l.iPtt . its resu lts,: . . •,. . : rify m *, ;1 • ' : ni2l. ' i re J• ll . e .t. 6°./l lr th e r e Pn , "To Wil'eie"Obt . :AfiniOtyPs'grak , : hyrwrOng tditdisiVi ipy"sid""iiiildfieide 'in 'th"e-' Vovgafiklklio %as taught el kithato thd 'nand or. woman who wishes to tell upon'tliaaa l de-.4.; gllpkied.,pe9,pla for the*: good should pun rag'thlk,nges of, Divine truth . , *here he will, read kian 90481 then 3 ye Niko are .0001Mtonked )40.0 evil way learn to do mkeli kr:aidr ` 1 4.14, 1 N , a child in The way 'that he ilikinl4;,gp,:ano Whin'hci iyifl tiopi The gork9liktioa`,.thafatia; 7 Ao Wikik; 'that if ,intr man' lanstiok people; vP tagsiuk,ibilleAtAdz shotkld, while hedoes' not i ikeieeediote vrt,Olie adults; direct his litioar tliedliff:' drink."' It was that; and 'tliat.:4lOnii; iziadi; me set agoing My jigged iloiikaO).*ie;fe-'' roepti After Spendiikg, three, or fditi rata kW' CoWgate, became 'satisfied: thb., Wilk those Who have b long' as:must:to aied 4 out of the greStcli . vloe-41i6 fitufTia,' hUtiinly eileilling,fik:ect iu itllilfithiliapA:s • 4-theriiiiid`i?ery hope 'general'" i' t nipitivetnent. But roulthe 'other haiidi becaurer:ConvinceditEatif' we - coultil;get them 4hi Wren , • to' rii6e ee • the /doctrines . of,religz,q ion if we could sermanerge that: We &midi heal :::the - waters: .as they 'came , dowiri , erisl they..piefsed, in:the, course ofitime; •into:thee poltatiunetof the Dead Seak. , - , .wc , might" the.ceurskof-iiigentratimr , -.or :two by thisii *tenni' ehturge; the :whore ; Ace , atteasph and putifY•the Witittethier. - end -in :view, Fetartett the. iteggellehoei; • and I am happy to think thar , if donetutve4dap,done.,fine good Juivp i einfmtilnee, won dered what God brieght: . fee i liere .f eT, 1 11n0,1:14a7)?,,_ wondered.,:li4w;l, e9Rld. e.v•eirr4rA:).4o ll 4 , s o „ foolll )4 1 6 3 . 13 4.' lovebf ! 011 , 1 iTY: to ~ b e "mitierable in , the. CPwgsfe:, But I see the reason of it nevi.' After ' retfghl the terrible? edrue'StiOn Of. the-C6e:kateiisk hive:llo' iteiiitatinii'qpili saying-'that iiian;\ like . Smith, who labors in the , Cliw - gctte , ,. the high places, ;of - ithe-ftshiv ; I look upon Such a man with far more respect than I locAriitioil;year mitisiitere for ~I think the Cowgitteminister hen furcliarder: , werluto do. When 4- I • mica to: lokonoing.ra•e in the,C,OWg!4er, - 7,Wheu4. fß , l°AAPPAfst b : ( l ° ' with the vices, w ithout the v i rtues, , of h&'ofteit r t" wiiiihrikhld 'Male' positiontittivibe‘N mat Who .hasrfarchierden work to do than any man whO,:goen tos P 0- t° 4 4f !hflat l l,a; :P-1 44 -ks tlireugti . my terrible - time n . ..01: 0 90w 7i . 134ihai riFtifi l6 4, ,63 :talsP- IP , n lYsi m° oll:c mont,cog cagge4 04)4418*,.)11uCh.ga4 'kap • , bleesel": ' Piton like: 'QUatrie who r ,figh t with ,and, conquer: , Vice and Ignorance,: are, ,heroe,a lL above andmbove all Boraark i ftune.,,, sPeziatzsfrtses.lthe last:. mete 'visited-4n arysSdottish tourt , 'dlt is'about twen " ty 'ilea by, rail from“Bdiubuighlteutilward....lts , is! a very.inoient pladvanii was once theresi4 deuce , -of Scottish kings:m: 4 .4lMo King's, Meadow ",:is , thezitamerot at portio& of ',thew lOvelYqielda:that . fringeathe silver • 1 1'weed ,, on either. •Iside',. Y it , :fieww , imsward toweled.: the Gereitm 0138111 V They hills,•arotmd - 4tre 2, most pioturesqui, , :clothed With , fhectlaiob ) fir-and othertreess,vand; rike the' montrtains , round about' Jerusalem,' encompassing as : great , sentinels: , -the place , on every , side.. As•;you milk out; the. views Y are' ! ver vary, ink • and , all Charming'. This-may : well, 'be . called " The Vale of' Heal tb." Here hand, i some ,villas .rising on the suburban uplands, bitilt by merchants at a distance, or by local papital . TOr theAcciinmcidation of Visitors:,-,Who' in , !..the Summer 'Months come lithertfor4hOciiivrgoratifftiffit seoth= ing climate. •••• Mire,. too; :are Christian :. privileges. ',rimy j) , rebious . , and tii . Mluise . ten anted, at Once -iirs 'Goa- fearing and acorn pliihed minister and his. •family i whose , heart and door aro ever open to the Chris-, tian stranger. First-class education, also, may be here , phtOned for ,yoopg_laties. Not far away are, the banks of YarrAow,", and the fainilidr haunts of the”odebrated ' James Hogg, "the'Ettriek Shepliert,'Nnto whom Paefessor. .in his famous • " Noctes Am brosianm," puts many a sper.oh p ,„ new, lasghterins, now tesr,micippllim, sublime abitidith,whiPh Proirc*Oligiaß'" laiter tif. , illiaM i and Bobert" Chfinkheitil;, - tho - . fOiltders , and proliFACtors of ''e!frh,elElikti= burgh Blege . siuel„ " i tshich hes so , Inni s bcinie their name, 'Were i bsith . ,natiies elbbis, Their birth_ was Okaihreifith' . eatly i , atf,oggies faith' Kissed ; ago, hey attained to,a - posifion Of suolinfleperlium, honor, ;and repOtation,. as NI 'tit ,thsilet6,4; few.. They owe this, u n der. Pkotippos , , their, untiring iiekugo i .great continuous self-dinuall. l 60 -°Pm - • able a htlYiliq ilkenuAß t 6, suPV"adqhttqui li tan d .-PNileto'4 l, ioOi n g ,, of t et t rjOt . ,.latogsiti, 'At, mist: bi'od4 l -001110.1110)".ftlit4F, •• . • There was, it is true, in ' 4 thambers' I Journal," for' a long time, an almost total negation of Christian-doctrine and motives to- conduct , and actions pure and lovely, drawn from the arose .of Him of whom Cowper says, j‘ The grand :morality is love, of Thee." Butt latterly the golden thread of Christianity has hegnn to "throw its wool - across the-web,"; and a Free Church minister, resident not far from Peebles , has suchspecial editorialckarge,ini!.giFos power to exclude everything -thst r , has, a ;skeptical tendericy,,' idniit ind 'soft 'flier - and unontitrixtlitterkiiiifioneting , landoedifying. , l..i•s w .William - VbitinlbelitEl.asfeW• , Yeitrs ...*4.oi. 'bought t .a .4peetritate,ost, the banks of .the, weeil,, in tie - n4hbsi - lined- .iOf ' i'eebtea. d4it J2le'fornced ttexiisiliiito iiis found ' in hi; tfeltitaV• aill l linitititte if irik identified.' "ithathee-tatibei of • hisaatittle shouldpi f ittgatibi% Rarmll99P. tly ttillalioe.,AP4 o .h.F,anl, :4ffll44l o .freW'teqAhli s Ort;t4 w ,A% ZPH a ~ f. lresolye has been 'earried: c l iCto -- a, nisbli; l Ositir leiko'c i fiiiiibtrti v. naciaiti6k: 'HMI!' ellallilibreptikbiielPne I:BS I TNAP - arioiritit . IlAnd,picturpstineu buildirie standing : in. thii 1 !High stseet z g l Penbles,,,opety the, ipyppero 'of - Abst.,,aVa a. ,,of ct ahressdale,_ rand,,Dul,rfax . 4, f.lp.'eeiabrirry„,6',llea • pieenSbirg . lodginics,, !affiiii"siairli,Cent a I .io t Wn resideinie'O'Pri aisfoilitirfamililaceriVditg id bld Ilinges -hi. Besitlaritiworlnt - Arignst of the same Yeikr the, 490.killit t ipB ; sone- of the i llalbef sthe,.lospi- k . !tittion—in i the rear, ,o,f ,the:hp,use ppyclias,a4. L-ia's laiA with Masonic' ind;Otlier honnrs.i 131idaei 'this' corn plCtitiii og - thit'betaitifur Hifi-Ilia fsii - p^siblis4 inentingS, concerti; &c:, .4hich , ..ikryiazdulli.lengthrportraittufi. •44 "- worthy , -Incli 2490e0miiiltlerr-riMitt , i 'tageß s F/71 1-. M 4,1 4 2 C stfie Etig , , anciand , principal builiineauct severs! dilayuditar ,ritilitaitiiiikof igetllilitinirthiFOsterri: sideir "ph% i 4 tiadiffoglo-:* - 11.1 theca - IWe'. of the' kinatiringkiwas ,crected the - . 1 bid Ito w n foross.i VA• ?Yer•Oe' , eeveral bgildjag4 exe l bevc,tdio, I FYli a r.3? d Oie s o l 44,FlFjE ti gi n P) 7 r i i`sit all i 3 ll4 , Its st o ry, While attlie same. `Line re eetirig, :the feelings or illefagaei 0 - f-tioentato. ofrit.t tleVeritt If itiliharginteriPtiobtk of &bonitos:Jr kidd iare.moreipmticitlarlycadfi kiretPed7toiYoght au*" hicilly:litWelx%' , ) , -v.; i`g 3 r l3l t B 4 l st•Atch:the,,i'°ws t?,11.V.P11 die," ar B 4,PtitPAlt°44og°4:: `•::•;.., .,, •'• ' , ! ' "fere it utaj be notioealnit t h e sgrOtice rit u aril•Vilii i infitlijiltolfirinr trililings 'Wats ritiffrimiri 2 iiiitingt , or the-tgrriat unatirins , of Lrilignity.:t It' as enjoinedsirr , the Mosaic! 'cods :, slf4s4l.4llPn ill/0 ,Ifritg st. , _ll„ flin, ItEVE• ths..pepp, of..tne ho_tisp ,and, ori, tquake r s, ; " l lii tike . :6la! diribrirgh' nioiiifectOrOhere were fidYiniiiillit's iianifpliis;' some cof lihich: ati 1 /64 male) ilielesieliest; i nieripti enlacing usually, iii-r.iiiegidaberoi.of: emphatic-Amp:al sings, alill i sbtkospi pnhseqnsnt, tot, the, fri g form i qcp,w,ere l AielOoripturpl %Rots 'pone Of a p iou s and - tiii: 'llizai; tiy . fiaiinsiiiiiiibilfffthi lintel' riff Irdtkii • riaill'el ObWpite: newt thelOot ofithe-Hoises Nynd, is : " Gif (if) ye didl;aszle,sottloL l 11PrPN02.6kaig•At 8 03:e ..)Vid:(o l Tfiqd): l, 01/6 pphe . 5,1 ept,gof,,Roj r ,f i rßove4,. wak: "'He. t: tholes (en s dirr9,) invereiiintniV"' ,He. .Fotlierliii the`-Wes t fftoii.`iras e" 4 Faitlf , in' '..dhrbik Nin)ii 1 sailt,..." 1*57.".. • . On e t &sr.! A' drisWiir, ont_fiellar'eniGilste4x!f.T4o4l. o sida* , 1 18 8 111tefPSolgi•_ 11 ,4 1- - Oft•if , " • Stine , ,l.Par.iPi. tiOns are La 'Lelia, as "Pee honor at 'glrillia." l " ,'W.ribtifei t s liV' the "- COic7niii.4 "-Hodre•iiiihii 'chili tibi, 'eV ligitur Anal"! Chit ii,.".TO-daydmme34OTmorrow , Ill;(erAtfattitt $ 1 40. 11, „4fix 1 93 1 4.ri 'l,:--, - c . ' The. phambers'.lfttkit)ltioi% MAP SenlPle - , •ted; Aria& 'ilia :ct_f#liilealmisibre he . 'end of 1859. It witii inarigiiiiited'bfa Baia of rpdbilb i li'eltV(Att#,S Kadd ifestii i ties. '.l3;y ithe Asadt,ob gifti • the .slehole proper ty illi 1 11 04.44YeScgiti r PretA 'AiIdPIPP, :AO Ale, ;c1 ,i,vill, eizreoi.atior,t e ,.and tbe,manttgenteptor c a body . of a.6eitars! .l t Ai' ' Lord ' - tredtbilent' an d Sheriff of the county are honoratifiiildtbite Ihir , 'StratEgbilitiiist! conducts& hp tte '.keeperi-t - o 7 the quadrangle Mul ? hill.... In ar PiNdkro9ln•soPlAlleltecciavAltiP •PF.i5%140, , e, Lt. firy l in , the hall,, is seen *9 Obloog_tableh; containing the ititaiitiailarfaioif,'aiiiilta • _Rein rialfielintrbfnfertiqiiiidiesaa to Vicfsil ,who•areto ,paiiioiptikoin the benefits of-thel l lnsOitution-:rre.z. , . 4 • .!: .r...,; -..; .1 : .:a I A: ,j If; 44usecellatifinder:: . - • . ~ r t... , . Built to thyA , ninde, „ _ ''' Agaltilinvittiolittlitysdost,Y-' 1 4 4 f.. l *.d '!:- Serve thou:64ll6ore,, ... , w , '"i - -:' - f , -^r . ..,l God and the,poor, , T _ , r , And then mylitior Iti not loat." 2 ' .'f . ' ;In the Hall itiglflarre.Airiplayid - arational .and civil flags, on es projected from each:lborlicl..% AmP.E,kg449 l t o ;olßitilt 41 , 010 t ' Union Jack • tan* of th •5494aVtf114.;;• , ~.. .. : • ' ,P• . - ,frei `United /Awe,- :ii- "firiAn IA; 'lleac@ r e :, 'lleigitinOlitlieilim4ls,l,lAdinia;ii.hdi-Piiist -14iff,44iiiiimlifaigifintilaskafriV illiok r air ad r LIVII4.y tileiog afri' 4 18,060'461 , 4•- luilitepr t Glerietal EiWoil; the,bl4f; Bilile-'- 'eartif,ritripart;. ObiirkHisten:y . ,..llferitar Plfilinicilii,.'l9.stiikiii'l . Edirne-14i Lii`ii gic ; , 60'11'440;7,, **emir; 'Pi:461514r Hellti 1:1 5 illitiovil l lige Sficiar ' Conom,Y; Botany,lto ticultiii• taldsba" Pe bardelt.• iiig, Agririnit . riip; Patti - '`Stook, andißdirar• Affairs; tutifai . ,aad i Neolriiiitest . geieeee;• ; ,Platutalt)liliforitc:qiiiilO6fiallirieralogyi . Geograighi,'"Topolgtiap i lq, •rint' Stitieti es; ancliSsihool"B c Ookbj'En'riyolOpssi , ilia; bietiiiiiiies, 'Orailitleeis • and 'Atlases • • Sititritlis; . ..VirliiiineptirY Ripriitiahiii and 1 ToecisiorisprSdpieeii§i CoUrts*6l Soc:tslarid . •;, Itoyigni ; and' 'Travels c . Nose 'Fietio4 -. lid' l'ilatil ; ;Grail and' Roman Claisigii•j• RV bl'es and •kihierreisisiinentir i ld the' , original; teiogue.s,."o.4li ttailitaiiinkii ; A :976403, in Ger man, French,,and'Aida.; Aiitili boOkii;; a miscellaneoui bodilif Litertariff* and Pe riodicals. There is also, a Reference Li:. hiary,, of great - value;:and a El*unt R00m,,. ' where ,young!,riiiin 41eSixorii of 'finishing theirstudies in the Classiesi,,SOfinot, "Phi.: losopl4, Thechigy, or' Other brinihris'Of lekrumiti r bave ,eierypropei-abcoiniririditiOty , feir .ibe'OuTpoie. ' , 1 'f Itlevonfidettly Wished that the ,ficili-, tic! . 11cie' t aikvielot ilituiji . , Will 'ettimat yinirig , n.iill iukiting - eilelire .to PeehlO"' (wh 'nee 'fro* th - e'Urifted'Siiiiite Vollekeit,, hereto We' i‘leillqeie iio 011),: find . friiiliiieselit' 'iiiit - itr4sim : 'l) a &tusk %die: vacations .of the T i bitverikty;' ' In the Libra-' Iti ..**llse; ?Ouid .. eicio boon which can-, •dlidhisii i f4, (A. itlinstry are examined, by; AiliiaTigite oonndited' 4011,the Chttiai." •• - 'Eli GAlerfr of - 4.rt;4141 Museum,. cow: liiiiik , orin apartment seyisrity-sii het Icrig liiiiriesen feet wide. Its special obiee't is ; to exhibit casts, which , are are selected yiftli . tisi c tieir i of 'being `copie d . 1;s, tYike . perail of • sindeigis.'TheiluiSii been, -Pioonted Nei the Mbikinina of the Vstbian at 'Rome; die . Lenvirt,St ,'Piris ; the Bridal' ,Museum ,' Loncibn I the Royal Ipstitntion , ,. Aealreily; st.Aainbiliii;:ind,Oth'er - oolleotione:' there are. 81i Malta oil6BElit ieliti ' ve.' ' ' ' .'"'. I '‘:: ' ' Wtirfililitiler i'"Cittiii 4 gialeri bile County Musenni'iitiliaeGfenfogiiiil t Sobudhal; Ar..Y....r.:i :t tm-1- o ?..• ~... ~. " WHOLE NO. 556, and Zoological departments. There is alio anlierbarium of' Pcebleshirs, in a-series of volumes; in which the plants 'are arranged according to the natural orders,--and speci mens of the animals, and birds, and fish of the county are exhibited. Collections of insects have been begun, and the Sal monidal of the Tweed' and its tributaries (Salmon, 'SelmM-trout, Trout, Par, Ste„) will ere, long' be: illustroted by well pre? , served . specimens, and. ,in the different stages_of their grewth; It is also proposed thafripe l diritens of the pliatte Cultivate& the agriculture' . 6f the 'eoiiiity;ishall be col-' leoted• and arranged in a volume al , them selves.; .and particularly that. all t the ties of ,corri-gents in general,, cultivation shalrbe thus exhibited. SpeciMens of the hie& Of two of the 'Most rinportarit breeds of-airdernf which 3 fioitki3 byi the. Peebleshire farmers—the Leicester and; the•„B,lack-faced---er&-placed in tUnatlinfe - If - the ; - foregoing notice shall "attract., Artinlibity'ednrifits Scotland tb pay , a visit , te - Peehles;' 1.-" shall have on tem , service. ; :, and iy f any, students . cariL there , for a ,Sunitmer r they z will find t all t that Oie:Ts want fur M,Tiaticn, heath,aPd,, tal aliment, provided by one t.;f:th most reinerkable'aniodg Sefrinad,d 'inert:” int in oder& Chrinibeili,'sentelarn agoonade raAbur the. - ir nitbd Stites; including, the Sonth„:44 . .-published loNog s s i pf that .i toy,.and_they were written in kindly`tipirit thward:Anieripids. In' On)* Galleryit lills l Vpinteerlif iiater ofiloref OfialslavaitiletiOn catcliticibinend; at which he was present: l t 3 It is _no-,caricature,.l but Yl 4 :w4iil 44 .; 4 reality, of fll,PYe9,4iLt-1134A; and thinking of what a hiowlap r befrk gymn, tO'SlitiCiy; and iii - abcfriiirtatiing the 0 firW arT oriels ledsto +geni6A*lE6 prayer, that soon they may be totally-swept' away' from yoUrcontinentr . -- - t.T W. I 1 Y i A ' l i • P. S.—We.,pie only in receipt ofpart of '+‘'.,ll.lo ll o' l, • theprbecedings at ana before Charleston, and liive-uhrunor thatlatnirible, conflict" between thilandhices vir ;both -aides lwas raging, OM ..TrP ChaPcONF °K-- the 4x,oh9cuir: is Ahle,,yy . tlie excess 'ot revenue , to throw off 2d. - per of oppressive iaberale'tax;idid elbii6th'pet Ib'.'of the tea duties:t MIMS £50,000 has haea st'otediby.the House of Copnions f9r,the. ccompi_a t ticip . ,of the Nettpn-. a~ Meororial to Prince cost aiiiiidtriti,oooliirait,' 'Be a'n'ti e fi?cin. Cr.(isS;f .150 cfeei high: His 'true Ineitio , riar is 'the natisdslheaft. _ ; The Springqwekther is .13cant'iful, and, rene, almrt beyond . , precedent ,, and the orn-trade :lan - gurihes accordingly: We ‘prs:ThablY - have in early fiatirest. - -The cultivation of flax ii.lreland exietidin*g, Majorr,O'Reilly' P • ----an -,Ultra-Xon-, tanist—warns Dais. capptryp.en.,apinpt, en listing in the Federal service, because .he siyll;. that a's Irishmen are -fief Ing onboth' Sides; they will' another, get no. gay; tbr `many months ; atter it •is 'due,, haveinadaquate..rations, &c. the present, ro/s,of „the Ronkanista., i eertainly, au Invading three would meet with no warm welcome few _ . 4 , •3`Coua ylrefdscl men, the . v • presents ti Ota Mitchell, -OWN - 'and. S mith, 0 'Brien.. T4P; BstniPh ;Prieriterlf*.E.4waya•conseT..V l - 1! 1 oljsl . ljbertp is 'that 4 . 4lMiinon, may reign in lamp' ethic-•..; 11510 ' Yotie Preeliyterl'an Biumer =I , . . . irelbyteir of St eltiirtville: The Presbytery of St. Clairiville bishf in theohriithitfiliVigiss. v'Cinpliell . niiiiieeleotedE kaiak. tbi l ;' .0 4. 7 *Thfc flaanolld rektiohltifweentileyi Jain* . 'congregation of also;` the' torarielitiOn betiviOiVß6V. Alfa' L. Knor fhdigi conkeoaftion • '4l4'.Rei . lsedilroole of Discipline was ikrcifed;' 114 'folloWifig am iidment.e: let.. Thi.C,,krt.' l 2li3e; Book; be ` enbstifiiiedlin' l wjandliifkArt.. , llth,O 441' 4th, 'of "the - i NOW 21V ; ThittP Aft.'l2thi:l4 - e?gd;l'ilf)2(iileitlirof i the' Old' arts ifietd; ,800k.:}., ,;. lir; 'Jain Ms* were elected OonmissiOrierit "to •••,'. Ake 1 0,0!8 a= pi preach • nonftaticinti of irk wand;wand; 'ib:vial:ea* to vsupyly` tlicorolv'ers... • 81 1 EPAPAP: 4ORPPTF.- ThOriiktAPpleeTTAlurtkaa,b)4ll,9l SPY,: Mr. Grow* ,FifWakteabliatta:: Migri r Alt Mehaffey. Mehaffey. ; r Second' Sat?PIMP . % of. Jiule, Mrs. Mehaffey; •to. adnileistgitite'Lord's Supper, ; andifake,ap,, a collection,fotithe Betul, Domestio,- Missions :,Fourth Ynne, Sri Seolt. ;SeePn.4.-fiabbioll July,, Itr,,Mehaffey. ...Frt4r91 . 4 1 ) 1 ;0 11 of, July Drc-Illitcheß..-)SenoVitSebbatk.of Angne4 Mr.s.eampbell. ,Fourth SabbatikocAugust, M. Armstrong. Second r.Sabbath of Sep-, tember, Aft% ;; Griures. 7 . „Fonr4t,Babbath of Septeinbe: Mr. Mehaffey., 3 . • . I s4,bairt of jI WAY,- Mrs Wallace i : Second --Sqbbath,of tolkmood. goertli. sol4th • 9.011ne,- Mr. Mehaffey. Second Sabbittli- of,Jttly, t Aft.,•MoDonaid. Fourth . Sabbath of .Tniy, Mt: Beat. `of August, Mehatiliy.i': Fent:tit gabbatirilfAngnst, Mr..Mehaffey to administen‘the Lord's S per; and lake np a.eolleetion..gorAbn Board of Foreign- Missions. Second Sli,bliatb. of iSeppknber, Mr_.. Tannyhill. , Fotirtli gob Of SePietiibbr,;3l.r. Sainnel Boyd: • -Statuiater.—Fourth. Sabbath's otiMay, fiktrif ; Graham. • Second :Sabbath ;net/nue, , Mr. -Knox. , FourtkSabbatll„of,Jmuk IKr: 'Crawford; to edit:oloer .th e 149Nrsi-§lfEßet,- and take , up a collection for, the Voard of Domestic ,MissiOns;lfoiirtli"sa`sbasli' of Tuly, -3411r:* triehaftey. , Youtdr.Sabbath August,. Mr. Vincent. R.ourtli LBablisth, of.. September,, gehaffey -,- • . - JOHN B . c } / 3 4 i 'l dbf, . ~ • . • , NiT.4OlO; - kWest-Liberty. - 71 1 9Jeconii s4l ) bit4o l 0 144.447trf Mr. ,511.9,141;4anui 1140.,,,,C4v Dr: Stockton.;,. to Nlteiriniter the j sacrane of the to;d's - Sußpei:' • , - May, I ,l le.leinlng. Second ' Site ;Jun4- Grier. . Ton o d4 va t 0, , June,Fingtennn. :Fir o ( T ,f July, Mr. 6 , - F. 4 31 1• PP ANL sinithi July, Mr Lester Se % 8 Idn i tket. Ekllo 7 /- ew nd ' a - , ver. For iheiziebyt4ian Ittitinpi of Auguttilir. on second as Sitptdmbervtly.mell v al44 P g i' ".* .i: !:?eettc l l` e( * jasYllskilf. ? goo* c l'Olurches, have 3 '3 stated meet- The PreehYfrorY, ef,Ka*aski#,," , .. l - 3 11Mlose4 and .W:a ves tint'', 3 1 13 , 3 :: ' the„fOrmr reelaytrits gilleGoro' 'nfi r p,lo)s' \ '' of - land Kaskaskia, in Greenville, 11l 'on un anitooncil'ten aerin g' ‘ a " APrir 10th, 1863,' , iit '-ci'Olo'ck; 4i,to,themitizerts of Wellalvu,rg, tl tti rt Ait hstix`z, Itiv r iitnd - mac opened ,ivithesectaon .0, 4 -24popitaitie.11iktivon c ren 44, itev, ,ace Any 014914 Presbytery4ePdr' • Ptesettlao* MOC c Tie Diggs cifikeli Iliefitcinitef , ' I ,ros , Afr p/ v • /MEI EOM imei lE3EI TEE PRESBYTERIAN now Publication Office : GAZETTE BIILLDINGE, 84 Pm's ST, Pirissomijitm... Parw mpnie, Boma-West Cow.. or TTE AZD OHASTZUIi ADVERTISEMENTS. TIINMS IN ADVANCE. • A Square, (8 lines or leas,) one insertion, 60 Genii; mob edbeemsent. insertion,Ao ante; each lino bsycoje4a A Square perviaiter, $4.00; each : line ad& IlUdeita A REDI7OIION made to advertisers by the year. BUSINESS 'NOTICES of TIN iftdowil line, Monts. REV". DAVID mm NNEY; I t Pnesnirron eat , BIM The sermon was so timely and. Seriptm4,,„ that many of the citizens requested Bro. Stafford to repeat it on the following:, Xcalt... day evening, which he did, to a very -.lirgt audience. Rev.`Yames Stafford was chdienlfoderla tor, and Rev. 11. M: Corbett;;Clerlipttel - 4 •^ • f Twenty-five members were present, thir teen ministers . and..twelic_ltuling-Elifero. Harmony and Christian feelingchmscifff ikeA'all the doliheiationa of P.resbitersit. Rev. Wm. Barnes, of the Coneeg s hionar church, was received' is' al iniiinber; Itiftikas due and , satisfactory examination Orr tile, various.. points, specified in the;l3,ook—uLf Dis 6 jOue,./ - - • • A report was read Prow the P rincipal Nashville Presbyterial Acaderay 'it ithAi - that „the aggregate year : was 218 ; • in lifilVal ince, - frota l Bo to 145; average,l WM:nib - 100Q it The..Nastati - ve of the •Statetfif Religion '. speaksnflate. ,gerlialdinsPeritYArlct Ptllfite real FR 1 TP 3 . 4 ").1 9 41 ,. gratitude _ tude ..and mdse. 'Aeplore4 the ca., *pities of 'civil war brOUghi, a bY f' wiekecl rebellion , wlie~eby all oni a niches' suffer the evil of -having ;tukny.,.of theitd most active. and efficient, young-Allen called away to: the tented field: the;, " ide spread . Prevalence of.; TAcf,.. a ißr-ERF N Sounds, especially intemperope, •. - • , -t••• prevail roan'tos to to an alarming 'extent, In our, fez • - • tl • folltitt4g-res 1 tton w • teal" -t Tftitt'we d'acolizinelat'thiA3he' chiirehev lib der air Carel. observe April 80t1,oi as designated-iby„the Rreshientiof.4lte "tesl, State.4as,A day, o„f! fasgag g. hreffiatiolre and and that we, as a Presby tery riejOi de' to set Shelf - emirieritly: Vhristurti Views set forth in a Presidantitaqir6elaatil-: Lion. Presbyteiy recommended - Rev: W, Media, „_ Ceertilestotiyaillii suitaldellie?setidforq thissionask labors-. inz connexion Nrith,;the,t, ino t y,-; :z a.)ad requested him,o if, the vraY . devote a Ipooy,oy fr , wp„to that , work ' • ' „ ' Presbytery adjourned Monday morning, to"meet Watelated church 464 RAI& boro iyiittlie 3d day• - 45f06tObeiyatro'Cloek P.lo o- • ALFRED DENNY "! . Stitted Clerk --A Bor theTrespyterian Banner. A 'quits Occitqioni: ' The : sacrament taf - 4prkre 0511f.p adMinisteled:iri the:Presbyterian, ,elittr y oh" on the fit Sabbath, of May It occasion tat will not' soon ' lfielorgßttenloy fhose ;whis - ,witnessed..4. .r g persons,"Slaty five were idded: membership ; 11f onreh--, fifty:seiren i nt, whom' were received professioli,nf theii faith in, ,phrist. `Ahoitt. t tienty,,of7 number ; 'are heads of 'families some of them far` adirano.ed• in life. ;wirwpre, providentially hindered frem uniting the. phuroh, wholarr it tOnik their dnhys defiesOtheilf prefeVedlbt 10j-inking:thisintil nett:Sin' , ditte;ul- _ iies,.ouldvherremove,d iThe;w,ork of grace, still goes on. There, itre..still some of ,all ages And quiring the w 4 of life. ? During the past liar,' over one hundrecthiti4 teen addeft'tii! th'e utembefsliipofthe Presbyterian clitirde,a Moubngehelai!Oity: • -1 Thispeople% haTo -been sigpal!y<hleix4; both „tflpporitly,tuad t apixitaiillyy Aurp?gthe . tisanietudei uRd troublee thelia}t and it: s l . 43°6'lles ibinn - to = lie = humbleAd ihiinkful'i*fite Almighty (Rid - hislll . bistaivaairig•goodness. < • : if lr The influence of, Alio. good ,lirs* , is tot, throughonttbe coNcauerty. Places of drinking. are noNy o ncr i ly f ibandoned ; the Sabbath is re,speceed, and 'those who still ;continue' in sitr,. seem to shrinV;fion? public gase: f the. Lord'to doings, l uutryellcus It i out, eyes!' ,",.Ztaise,,AeNie ly , ME MMKO ; f `iful. ), Tl B ‘7l744icir i ffe .. 4.i I .. ls Vr . eAlltpy,,o,f stat , s •,'• •fflbeißreabytery of WashingtonsonttiOn; ,'the .28th ult., according to,adj9Noimult, ;thectsesbyperian waif eoistitnted D.D: Wi)th ,-tholtuleModeraildes .presen T vienty-five rain isterial and,thoiselno 'bumf bcr ,O E.AaY , wierebeN were Pr.g l 99t- A'Te# - A wesalso fayored (thrmghlilieoVire. l sessiol,?;w4h - the presenpe coimsels of !tlief'Rev:irSllftitt; DIY., of thePriiiibiA ;teryt:d . 24.1teghiny: City, and , (the ' P.l.Maitonif.of. the Presbytery of The,,,l4,3:4amei Sloan, D.l) ~,wae and D. W. Fisher ao.9lfor j". Hervey; Clerks, The - Ref. johri.'Moffat, ptiiitbr=eleit=" tea • ;the tSecond church, Wheeling ; was received its a member from the> I'r.esbytery of pt.„ lalfarav,iup: liev. J. Ir. Calhoun was disinissed to the 1413,ibttery ;of Bloomington, and Itei 11: - : 'P.''Havison to that of Allegheni. , Messrs: Wan. S. Eagleson and. J. Boyd , -Stevenson, of theW,estern.,•Thep.logigl„ Seminary, were license d as probation for the Gospel ministry. , , . Rev. James I. Rrownaon, D.D., and Rev. 'Wm. B. Keeling, Were' appointed ministe _rid, and Messrs. Thomas MeKenhau,-MeD., Of, the ; cohureh of ,Washington, and Joseph' : ,of, the, ohur . ph.,of . Cross„Crp4,„ le y ; deliglts .to the General Asseml4y. ..:#S I O I PB • • -'rfrashitigtortell-Fourth Sabbath .„of : 4!ffey,, Mr. Moffat... Fifth Sabbath of , 1 . )11,!ty . ,,, , Ar., : Black. Sabbath - Of - May, Dit'cileatti - SibbathLot-" Duo Mr':'' = • - ja'.l it= 1:123 MMIII
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