Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, May 13, 1863, Image 4

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Our Own Lift.
'T Is not for raan to trifle: Lif is briet
And sin is here.
Our age is but the falling of a leaf,
A dropping tear.
We have no tittle to sport away the hours,
All must be earnest in a world like ours.
-Migsnany liver, but only one have we,
One, only one;
How sacred should that one life ever be,
s • That narrow span I
Day after day filled up with blessed toil,
Hour after hour still bringing in new spoil.
Our b!ing is no shadow of thin air,
No vacant dream,
Aro fable of the things that never were,
ilut.only. seem.
"f fitllof meaning as of mystery,
ttaitgh strange and solemn may that meaning be
Opp sorrows-are no phantom of the night,
No idle tale •
No , elond . that floats along a sky of light
• • _
On filuMmer gale.
' They are thi true realities of earth,
-a riduompartions even from our birth.
•<•4:14" *
0 life below! how brierand poor and sad!
crine hiav sigh.
ViffititheVel how. long, how fair, and glad!
~.,•An endless joy,
0 to be done with daily-dying here;
Ole beglirtheJiving in yon sphere!
7 '4 . 1 -k
;*-" f•I
0 day of time, how dark ! 0 sky and earth,
lo* dull . your hue! •
o:day of Olirist, how bright! 0 sky and earth,
Fade fair antinew 1
Come, better Eden; with thy fresher green;
iftratftliter Salem, gladden all the seine! •,
Naraq, Nu:Acts,
H. Merle D'Aubigne, D.D., author -of the
History of thelteformation of the Sixteenth
Century," etc. 2 v 015.,. 12tn0., pp. OE, 475.-
New-York: .Roberi Carter Brothers. For
sale by s. Davis, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
The Reenlist; excellences of D'Aubigne as a
4riter, are:Well known to Protestant readers
deumally. Without doing 'any violence to his-
Torinal he invests history with all the,
charms of .a dignified romance. He writes as
one whose.awn soul has been stirred by what he.
describes. HIS characters and scenes her&
deeply impressed hie mind, and with the enthu-.
slum and the skill of the poet,. he sketches on
the historic page 'his fascinating, life-like pic
aretu We e are impressed ; we are pleased; we
are benefited.
In the History of the Reformation in the Six
feentkOenfuryi R'Aubigne described to us "6131
.herole times_of. Luther, and the effects produced'
inßemnany and other countries by the sharer:
kinetic doctrine of that reformer justification
I;',Y faith:" In the History now before us, which
Nay 'be regarded'as a second series, of the _gen-
Orat . work, watave described the times of 'Cal
vin-and thaltistory of the Reformation in those
iffilintiles in which the influence of Calvin was
most -inkolliatelnan4 most porerfully. felt.
italfor, intimates that it is his intention,
with, a favoring Providence; to make-the second
40'micomplete` by the ,future publication of two
or more additional volumes. We wish for the
work the extensive circulation it so eminently
deserves. .
PAULY SERMONS. , By Horatiusßonar, 8.11,
Kelso. 12me., pp. 464. New-York : Robirt
. .eartir' i t Brothers. For "sale in Pittsburgh, by
B. S. Davis. '
Many families are to situated as to find it im
possible to attend upon the ordinances of the
sanctuary, on the evening' of the Lokdif day.
Assuming that the duty of Cateehetical 'infante
tiotrittutPhelitUprevionMy.. attended •to, ire - know
°typo weriti - which families - detained at home
fiun,Mar,e t psofitably spend their Sabbath even
ibm, than by listening to the reading of judi
biatieliseleoted sermons.
"'"Vire are pleased to see that one so eminently
qualified as Dr. Boner, to write for the Spiritual
edification ,of both the old and young, has in the
yclutlie before us, prepared for the special use of
families, fifty-two discourses, "abounding in pre
cious evangelical truth. Those who have read
the delightful hymns ind the numerous, prose
works of Dr. Boner, all so fragrant with the in
cense of devoted piety, will be satisfied with the
auther'it . naine g is a Pledge for the excellence of
the yamiXtiermous.
pica Rl, PATHWAY. By Req. William
Robertson, of Hamilton, Scotland. 12m0., pp.
11 404 r Nelpprlp .Robert Carter f j. Brotfters.
Foriale b R: Dapii ,_ Pittsburgh.
For manj l 4 l , OUVnicat preeions worktron Chris
tian ekpirietit4, w'e areincieSted to trying dispen-
Kati* Illliviiidence. 'Stich is the case with the
consolatory work before us; Laid aside;lty sore
ofitietionrfrem-she-aetive- duties of- the ministry-,
the author the idea of malting the in
oidenttof 4t4;mrrte - yof. the-,Children of Israel
throue'tteesert, sumetive of spiritual in
struotion and consolations to Christian pilgrims
in ,
heaven"ward along the great
desert-track, of- life: - The design was well con
eylvAitted,lp luta been. ingeniously and worthily
*Cad. The, book may be advantageousiy
Illiiitaby every ehild of God, for no one is whollY
exempf from sorrow.
g :" •
I WILL : " Being the Determinations of the
tiklitticor God,: As Found in &hue of 'the "I
wllli B,7 4ifthfi• Psalms. BY Rev. Philip Ben
b,,pettrfotver, ALA., Incumbent of Christehorph,
Worthing ; author of "The s I Wills' of
,gltrist." 12m0., pp. 404. Neir-Yori: ' Robert
, - ,Voter ,a• Brothers. For sale in Pittsburgh by
,244; itaxis:
alhe Psalms abound, as is well known, in such
PI trust," "I will calla n
aid," " I will walk in
thy: truth," etc.; and
these expressions are especially precious to
the belie m 3149 [t§:eylppuellj relaticarXhristian
moptirjence, which is eneeetially the same under
all diseiiiiialiens. In the work before us, ;the
"I will67,4y t he Pawpaltrericlassified under ap
prmlits)hesdis, and: made to •constitute a text
Irbersis - fol;thy difietielion.9f th 4 subject to which
they relate. fhose, for example, which involve
the alepcdriv9tykllooted tostothar.Amitsre
vc-tt 4 Air*
&fin:IMO o the somewhat comprehen
sive treatment of this itaportant subject.
Those who have read The I wills of Christ."
ittlAfigoisettranctelfloin 611 thatiheireseiew
emanates from the pen of a gifted sad evangeli
cal writir!"
cirjruntatiEbv,inAND 441
men, RIOLAIMID. By A. L. 0. E., anthogen
of "The 414reato4t , ,Twlasil , :ete, 18= 04 pp,
288. New-Yor e k: Robert . Corte
l'lM b al i sirit tn.l 4l 'ing
3BER'S CAVE. A Bros: 01 ITALY.
By 4,z.. B. .18mo.; :pp. 2 . 452. Sankt'
I tiCE *WV/ ARNIIOw. ! QTA69/1111tOmiatuto .4113 , "
the Author of Sidney Orv," &c. S714:10
4 -
In the first two"crt those jiivenile works, we elemetit orthOmmKrellonCikrather. too
frtittrigiretitteed te l ircihi have childreht
tereatediott4me watthliguirthegahmtlttuv snoop r : -
.121 , -et`l 5,
ragement of a taste for exciting and unnatural
romance. The gifted Authoress so distinctly
keeps in view, however, the moral and spiritual
good of her readers, that we do not hesitate to
recommend the works referred to. •
,4 The Rival Kings" is a domestic story, which
'children who find it hard to control their temper
should by all means read.
for. April, contains a number of excellent articles.
Those on Sensation Diplomacy in Japan, Sir
James Graham, Spedding's Life of Bacon, and
Spirit-Writing in China, will be found especially
interesting. The Nagazinfi can be obtained at
Henry Miner's Fifth Street, Pittsburgh.•
The Presbytery of Clarion
Held its Spring meeting at Pisgah, on the
28th of April.
There were present, twelve ministers .
sixteen Ruling Elders.
`Rey. James Montgomery was elected
Moderator for the 'ensuing year, aria Rev:
H. K. Hennigh, Temporary Clerk.
Rev. James S. Elder, principal, and Rev.
T. S. Leeson, alternate; and Joseph Coch
rari, Esq., principal, and Col. Samuel Hus-.
ton;•alternate, 'Were chosen commissioners
to the General
The pastoral relation existing bet Ween
Rev. T. S. Leasoli.and the chUrch of Rich
. ardsville, was dissolved.'
J. H. Sherrard and J. Cochran, - EsT.,
were appointed a committee to .carryout
-the, recommendation of Synod, in regard to
Systematic effort for all the Beards, and ford
.the Disabled Minister's Fluid, within the
• bounds of Presbytery. • .
Mr. Samuel Z. Holliday was assigned!
Phil. i : 6, as a subject for an' ordination
• sermon, to be preached at Brookville, at our'
next meeting in June, when he will be or
' dained if the way be eldar.
It was resolved to ordain. Mr. Robert
Sutton - as an Evangelist, at, the June Meet-,
lug; and Romans x: was , assigned_ to
him as a text for ordination .sermon.. '
Calls from Callensburg and" Concord, for*
the pastoral labors of Rev. S. P. Kinkaid,
were presented. Commissioners from said
churches were heard as to their 'reasons' for'
desiring his translation. Presbytery 'then:
recommended them : to desist from farther.
prosecuting said calls.
Mr. Kinkaid offered his resignation as
pastOr of the churches of Rockland, Rich
land, and Academia. Stated Clerk direct
ed to cite said congregations to appear, by
their, commissioners,,at next meeting..
The following supplies were..appointed,
viz.: Callenshurg, Concord, Pisgah, and
Mill Creek, were granted. leave to preen&
their own supplies. Tylersburg—Rev. J.
McKean, fourth Sabbath in May; to ad
minister Sacrament of the Lord's' Sripper.
Presbytery adjourned to meet at Brook
ville on the 3d Tuesday of Juno, at 11
o'clock A. M. •
Jowl' 11:81tERRARD, S. C.
- For the - Prlgeivtoylan, Banner.
Pritbytery of Stonbiniiillo:
WiEsso,s; .EpiToos sod r . you the
following items of business transacted_
the•PreiVery recent:
sessions at Two Ridges,,on OA 28th and
29th ult., for publication,' if thought
worthy,in your:paper : • -
Rev. John Watson was elected Madera.:
tot, and Rev. Henry Woods was elected
Temporary Clerk.
Rev - . Oeorge Fraser was received from
the Prelihytery of' Mtihlenintrg,' ROd. Rev..
John Arthur from the Presbyteryof
Zanesville. Mr. Fraser was installed
tor. Al.; Two -ißidges
Reid preached the sermon, from 1.... Pet.. ii,;
21" For 'evert hereunto were, ye. called,"
; &c. • The MOderater'Preeidekand'propOsed
I the constitutional, questions, and Mr.,Eaton
deliNiered - the charges to pastorand people.
. Calls werupresented :to Idr:.Arthur. from
the churchei3 of Oak Ridge
~and .Ohestuut
Greve, and perinission was 'given
retain them untilthe nett 'stated meeting.
S. Dool, of the'PreSbytery of
.aod..Rev J, S. Travelli,
of the Presbytery of Pittsburgh, (N.
were present as corresponding members.
Two churches. were reported . to Presby
s; tor -having 'been organized :since` the
last stated. meeting.viz.,`YChestuut~( rove
and. Perry. The ,latter is rather u, revival
of*-fornier-organiaation. Theie: - .chiirches
were'itOeiVed under thu:Oara of Presby
' .ProsbiterY. appointed- as% : Ceramissioners
to - the:. General. Assembly Bet : ',ChnileS
• Beatty, ; and Me*, John S; Diarquist
and .elders George B Johnston, of Weirs
. Ville, and- Thomas . - S.:Xilligan,
gerstown'; with .an.. alternate:..for. tsbh.o"
these Commissioners, . • :
• Rev: W.- j.-.l3rugh was the
Presbytery of ' . •
Presbytery : adjourned early in 'the'.'afte
nothi.of the second day of the
Order that its members' might:l3o'AV; home
with- their o:beerte. the .
National dap
The people of the - NongregatiOn-e*tended
the'most 'Venerous hospitality to the.:inern
bers -of _Presbytery- and visitors who were
present on the occasion The,on,ly,.re4urn
we ban mike iiabeinefor.their kindness is,
our earnest. prayer thatztherlead of the
Church would pour but , spiritual . hlesSingi
upon them in - rich: abundance.
' - Viariott.
For the Preebylerhia. •
Presbytery of S ch uyler.c
Tb'e 1 f.631;34, - rioiAA
mouth; Ill:" ' April.l6th, and , continued'fin
session till April . .‘24t., .;
• Rev. M. Pratt was chosen Moderator,
and Rev. Mesars. 'end 4. .tigh,
Rev. John Marquis . was 'received% trnm,
Pe'oria Presbytery, and Rev.
from Missouri. _
Mr. George - Norcross; Professor in Mon
mouth College,.and Mr.- Cornelius Monfort,
were.licensed to preach the Gospel. ,
A Committee was:appointed t 0 ... organist
a, church - at Oneida, Knox .COunty, 1114
viz.,Messrs. Candee, Bristol; Milnay:
h . ?
~fbllowing o,orgissionersi ;to.. the
General Assembly were eleeled.:
pals—Rev. (31 -, ,W.;Aih, J. Worrell.
Elders Thomas Candor and J. Boggs.'
Alternates----RoW. 'J.' 11: Jamie9oo, 'D.D.,
Rev: cohr , ...
and W. W. Bailey, -
W.V. Williams is to b a ,iniatslled
at Millersburg.
The action of the Wit General Assembly
atoColtimlua, tOhio, the itav
of , the country, was reaffirnied:'
Rev. J. H? :Nevins rite the
Presbyter • or-Fort - Wayne, Ind. —"-""l'•
,Theifol owing . -was.' passed 111 fiegailp
the National Fast appointed by the Tree
dent :
WHE,EcEas, ..The rieeldeint Of ,theAn44
States , of Amerief,•insAttinble recognition
of an overruling providence in. the s•
iif fair haii 'Wait 711 - ti •
4 , 44,: day oirf,APAPr il3.s6 3•94Ri g,,y.LotAin-
PkO g rNat , f#A ek. t tho.l3lltgdm
For the Presbyterian Banner.
Resolved, By the Presbytery of Schuyler,
assembled at Monmouth, that we most
humbly concur in this recommendation, SO
proper and just, and recommend to all of
the churches within our bounds to observe
this day in, such a manner that it may
prove to be the Fast that God has chosen,
and that in answer to our prayers we may
be delivered from war, and our nation
become that happy people whose God is
the Lord.
The Revised Bocik of Discipline was ap
Members were inaugurated to appoint a
Presbyterial Missionary.
The following supplies were appointed
for Commissioners' pulpits
Chille—Mr. Hart, Fourth Sabbath in
Sterling--Mr. Brown, Fifth Sabbath
in May. Air. bfagrrider, burial Sibbattii
in May, and First Sabbath in June.
Rev.-11. Hanson waschosen Trustee of
Mercer Collegiate Institute, place of
Rev. S. Ilart, resigned, and
.I.lpti, E. Gil
more and Rey,john,lVlarquip in. the ,place:
of M. W. M l . ,CandlPss an,d Mauray,
deceaSed. .
The . .liairatiie to the General 4.ipembly:
Presente an uncommon interest s in.t3 on
mouth churches, as also in Alpdo. ,
- Statistical Report to General
. ssern
30; churches, 40 licentiates,'
6, candidates, 6:; total eommunicaat
2450.' " • ". z. ,
The - next behejd atipattai
Fultotr - COuntr,lll., on'Tneidtoi, Scptember
22(4-'1868,1 - 'O. o'clock I ' . M. ' ''' T
'T. S. VAJtr Stated
_IV N oit4;
Hymn for; little Children::
Tittle hearts 0 Lord? maylovi thee,•
Little minds may 16arn thy ways; -
Little Maas ankfeei may serve ,
Little voices sing thy praise
Holy tj6'llB - -
Come and bless us,
we raise:
Bless 'us while this hymti 'tie
Lel 'We Derecnues to *ex. te.4
Trith and'loVe our teaaere.ilitieg;
Great Redeelmei thou riear-ua,'
Make us gratellitirhile-weilev'
Loving Jesus, •
• Come•and bless ms,- -
Guard. orir weakneas- , 'neatir thyming.'
• t ,
Small as now we stand Abefore7theei •-•
7 -Larger .shall. wesyearly. growl ,,eYer to. adore thee;.
through life thy glnee„to show:: 9 ;;: A
Come and bless us,,, - A A
Take - us home from,alLbelow.,.
Prom the Congregationallit. ,
The little friends bad been eatingitbnir
dinners again under the oilnuttree t on•
bnnk,all the ivhile trying to. decide which
best, Marjo3's:turnover§ or 's§l.'s,dough T
nuts, for they tried both :
" rve been a thinkin,” said ; Marjie,
Shaking the erunibs out of her, baiket
" I've :been thinkin: about my .verse last
Sunday:: not: one to another.' ''
ain't I . ' one,' and'ain't you atiotlieTl aP4
ain't it wicke'd'Vthen . we Cell :the leasteet
mite. of a fib ?"
' 1 Of course 't answered 'AO serene.
' 44 blit I do n'ttell
11idijie opened her serious': dark eitv
Is that one of the eoininandnienti?"
asked 'Bel. `‘.
" It isn't one of 'the . -ten, -but , itt's -just
the same as iif,lt , ftsi - Mother. Says God
wants us 'alwaysAck, speak the 'truth, the
real white trutl:o7 1-1
".It: seems so strange to think about
God,'.',..eaid„!Jlel r after.a.pause.;—"4..4.most
always forget 4here is any - You- pan 't
never-see him. nor hear him!' 4
• "`Why,..'Bel,,afPouise`;yoUnan 't POiet
you know he - holds -the . holevorl4--aUd
eieTybody ;lg . & iiinit? > Right, ins
his xn
_ers,_just as if 't was nothing but a
Marjie'w tones irme low and eallis
est, and,. her voiee, tremble4,a, q little: with
awe. • -
"Why then` e mush be 'ev'er so ireat
said 'Bel ;..".who.;teld'you so 1"
" Mother - anii she says we , could n't live
nor move nor breathe - , wait:Whitt', - mit:. a
ininute - •
"There, taileing
'long' breath "r breathed 'way down ever,
solar, and did it nkynelfP ' :-5,:
civ, 'but God lef.Pii, said Marjie.
They - heard' a span dof laughtervery t near
them, and loOking-itp;theie steod ,Teh un y,
whii had been sent to call them foie: game
of , " King's,Ornisefl Itottliete was Inktei'd
of their talk; for that time:', Nl'
aftinoon. aelionl, When they put their
little heads_ -together for • a -chat,i - Maitjie
said : .k ;1 5) If
"'Bel I I 'in F. afraid -you lid s one to an t
"I do utt ndislieht ililbeisaid/Bel.
.•'" But nights" itquid Mks 10:,,!0 1 0:::Arlvii.
have whiappreh e . yotultplo Yopr j land,
and that's the Utiaie lit“. j vaii never P.'
" I '9 ll r' r . eitkilift tAi K liy g l 4f o4l7 t 9 tfiiii:
didn't whisper T., 1 d'oulLearnothing -I
shut ,rnplips t right togethet, And citleatilt
when,you do n!konlyhold up.,Your,
hand, and not speak a.single - Wdid
" Are you sure ?". 'said 'Katie; earnestly.
got - kilt* 7.0*-thipACll.9lllelit
and p rats - 44ot'
' tdo n't cars; I;:diii,letll,4olle„litirßow
ed She A tlij.nks yott are rota bad, Mar
jie; why don't you hold up younihand,
" I.Stantlto‘dretitlfdly," stiliffaijie,W#
itating. : " I keep,. y wa ntin je t trknl nl ify l
thdiiglitiiolll , ing; ' l l3tit ' i 1131 e, li
LakZ'llrit: kliiiiiir - ,ml;•iilliiiitilittiltik;t44:)-:
morrow not to' wbiaper ?# ..' l. .c' '. . '. a #l.'
" •WiliD,Jfo6cm - aylfafeb°l43'it(llßd' to,
but I shan't ! Why, wh'''hotildln't` breathe'
if we did'iirt Whisper 1" - : 1 ,
My i tittle f t raapiti, must 'ietnernber
this was; -a great wfill6 ago, when schools
were not its' Well.g . overried as they are now, .
and-when-whispenng--was-quite- a -o - omm on
thing. lifalie,Attittidd'hi , eritiferiliiifebrif
her $f lifiiiiVader,” and fall tp thit
:01044 Aidightftdliinionlea.
have teat'Nip's' Ate
head, .ai!id...iay iriik* , one, of her , , stoilea::
"This is my good
pleasanter• than Co: hear: filer
eornotinamdid , , in a displeaadaimk:Ktikh,
1 4 1
Marji r e if you, WCkyld (Ay 4Fy:',lo,
441: keeps trom whisperingeaill,day
long, and,„PArdelirliftle:apwi i :7ll9E4 l t
you wish you Irilnis,lim,l4 .7
Now Miss - Lie ,was . expo lent. yoing
lady, but somehow her /
eyes .did n't,aeem. to /do qher a . g.leat deil ' , of
good. If they bail been 46ilth'WE'iiiVi LT or
her Oars. either; abe,,must 'th)tt
Bel pvaa . atead: • v:
Marilee was so tkipkill4 l- ibat
whe, , ,ilie l qasWiit i e , ;_ilLiugAir, she
Lye:494oa tEd*ordE, Tr Feet inahlow,
.MAY 131.1863.
hands by your sides, hold up your heads,"
and had to be pushed into her place by
Abner Murray, a little boy who was very
careful that everybody else should do just
right, but did n't so much mind about his
own behaviour.
After the children had finished spelling,
and had repeated the rams of the Presi
dents, the months in the year, the days in
the week, and the towns in the county, then
the awful question came as usual : -
" How many have whispered to-day ?
Those that have n't whispered may holdup
their hands I"
I think Miss Lee hadmo idea of tempt
ing anybody to do wrong. If she had
known how heedless' of. the '-truth some of
'those children' were ! ' If she hid dreamed
that almOst every u ised nd which the
rays of the sun shone upon was a little
• .
Marjie saw 'Bel's hand go up, fearlea,sly,,
as itialViaye did. •' "She gave one glannO at
the feathery asparagus in, the big fireplace,
one glance of' - shame `at the floor 2 andtegan
sloWly, for
something seemed*Oolalt down 1 It felt
as stiff as a stick of wood, satin oh something.
knocked so hard at her heart, thump,
-.thump, thump-d.- - -
I.4ee's beautiful-mouth wae wreathed;
, twith .smiles , in , a , ..;moment, and: she 'looked
-Elb happy! „ , 7,
" : Alta tried4she 3 il•that is , the little hand'
.I've . always /wanted to , lase ;dear
added' she, straking.,Maijio:"iliair;
;Vg 116 h t 'you feel k great deal happinr,
night than usual ? great deal
'hearted ? You' know httilemikCs
me lovaidu iter !" -
There it was, the praise of her teacher
.'what "ikhd had heeti 'Air, so
1( ' t d'dh h
rune— uwy nt it make
. : her` sp
ur ;She wiabed'the floor would open' and;
let her~in . She was; so misdrabl6 7 ; and 'so
..ashamedithat.she dared not; look; up , ;:-4nd
-when; after little. while;Miski Lee kindlyi
tied her- Sunbonnet, 'ilk -chitlied" her' gond
bye, her cup of bitterness was full to - thd.
"There," said a very Wise tnne;
as they left the who° -hour g now, am you
'glad You did
" No, ain't," said Marlie . fighting
`a,gainsthdr tears, and? looking :sorrow_ ul y
'4thovire little,straWberry blossomshithe
side-of the road, ".1 ain't glad , a bit=l -It's
an,awful fricke4,llei.alhomi.nable -big- black
liel,;• is, for lean feebit, and rit
'chokes me all -up ;in mythroat. T ; LOok
'Bel, I'll never do that again, as long is
live, ands .breathe, .;never ; nor ' never, nor
never !' 'And is; ilarlit spoke,' she
. tiordetof hellittlallifiin shoes firmlyinto
"the ground; unit * claspediher hands. tightly
The next - morning she told Miss Lee the
whole story, and, it speipAl'atkif that heavy
something rolled irfglitAff, her heart in a
minute, and left her happy once more.
But better than that, she had already
-told God all - about' it, ratiikOked him to for;
give her , arid' help hefilliaii l id'act
astspeak,the..".'pure white-trwth.";
;;.;-; ;;;
r 1 .
4aek,..4iller was thirteen - yeais old:, p He
was.ragged,. dirty, and,bad. _One day a-lit
tle fellow met him-in- the street and , per
suaded gUriday
SOLO; have taken r
degraded boy by thehand and - led him to
the iSabbith "Sehebt i t'foir know'`h~'cl`vv little
Richard felt wlieli!• h&
•I` Trkls MiYi6 -1 4 41 ,4L4 coming AV
ery' 0.10 - ay ; -Ant
,Yorr i t, 4ek , ??'' ;',Roora was
madeifor,theinew.seholar, and as!tlie7tetteh`=-,
evins - wered , the • questions which "the': boys
asked about the liason, Ilk to:M . l6m' or
the lova-of Jesus;ftlackbecameio Much. iii
terested.,that ho quite forgotthathis clothes'
were 31ragged v and Gpoor,. , whila around:
looked; nice.andiclean. rt
.-4i.el:t . c . he, close ; or; the. sehool i tthe. teacher;
told shalt, that heAalWaYs''want
ed to . , lyt,,y,e a, rittle,i - talk -with new ischolars f
. 4 0, 0* he, ituA,Vr.y mightloo.melk,
qua Anted, tiguselo,ll.2Pliitsr,
hay,p„, our you. pomp
Jack came , awhile , the teacher
learitetfrom h*py34lstory.
WhenjJack was
.qaite aliitle,, ) boy,
rin'" away Om' b.o.e,adsc:*l : 1 4 1 er,
made Alleiheal:a kyei since he,
Been doing
deceitful,'Ailaked; ad. - TIP eared ' fair na
one, and te . o6tettit
jtiole;" 'Said G " #ho'tbsile
care df . yon wheh tau Wele" a baby, ?;,'
not label yOki , bvaythink yoti .
had" tliat'lvas
he') Make those'llites'lbtf'dill.'
Was'itTnokbe' eatisc' be knOW ' What Was Se
yotit you not thiiak 'l4 - waiteat
you; toebsoome• a ustAul rhaii;= ckiiebv that
yott:neededAhewiArerriulesl 4Thifilkfirhaft
you , ar,e, to T day. Your-L - 0100es Taggedt
andmorn your habits tartpijacif,:-Totuoairo
.not,vem.tell•one goodrthing•Ton have said,i
:khoughti,or done.-1 iYou , are , alnosto - withouk
trion,4 sy , Alid ;you r pros pee Ware' poor enough: ,
,If you had staid it ,home and , ,,keptlour,
1A914*8:4 ng
o, erk .. (iiiferoO l niAo/Lid have
ItLAAw4.4 roo ;Lel i a
i,kt sit4A t tctemu494*.i
a.M-PROulStringllg4MNlNP l l.49.k:
tl iti nd w, a r i ftrYtVeingttrAo94 3 ,,
• :••• •••';'l.l. • T.
I " Qannot we o tifigJPlt,
there no wAy sr lin. yoe
'to Weborne 14441'bIl d nia make a useful
!man ?
leturtiTolo'*ell r •
" NO," sajialE; ingt3iiimtalo—=
n eiteratliqdli c:410/8.7ymirArter
i told y,ouo father) you.grieretatqnrvtbat'youl
had. oot!lovedbliiirip &EC aradi
' kept Mit rifle%
i you if you should ask his foriA•tit t ie§."' '
4 ( 4 E4 don't' belieVerifeivould,"- Braid Aolik;
diesidisi I have :dote' wfollgwai3
;that Irfoouidnit be;e6od if I tri e d"
, • "'Well. ; Jaely,"•said Mr. G 4-- - 1-1" It•thinit.
weAirefaequaii3 ted • tnow. • You go , baek• to-• ,
aight,where,you areliying, think-about out:
itol4pray,tGod , to help: you do - right, .an ds
I kt.4 l / 1 3, you on , 8 unday, morni n, Jaokr
teL afteriknoeliug t ,while.his teaohereprayedi
• V(111 iti.trr'ato
ixtieW34bbit.:thnel . A4l , 444otir.ati . Sab bath.
8 94 0 .9 b AiiiikarA,WB44‘l4. khe sitly
!WAintlY FAerfik-41kAa4,,b4ardelj, ial#o 3 bA,
ifillelloPottii9EiStrAT-9t ~fegICAtAeCaTI43 •
Inwifileinkncomr4 gkipe.goP, 4:4S:ont Mei
! 4-77,77.ex49V4
80 MITISPF!), Ilq`rwtholir.7 l 44pg Roam,
,fitwac..o) ll o.l*4"o• /4 1119;9 1 r
briOti'suidj* , 4oA. Vi5:8447, 0 7m,
t ag ad d . : WM t!. 3 tug t._. ,
; aafoittirielMi Ilbude
• '-- norgr
Wight' k asilEtilitd,/`",tfilliktoki I
nd' •
ifiliketig' up 'hik
edeiljr ) startilirfoF hiring?' "Aiffer - pa' 1
fiither's - ddoi.'"•t Herb heldeated; hot:
Member:big .
doorlfasi okiedLhf-lifitn i
stood' facer toqaeol doitki' ~himi~i►hbm'-hh Nadi
sonwronged. His father Nisti'idelighttid4to ,
said hidnthsteifediss9Jaielv told how-übadthal
hadibted•oaudawhile , he tfaskodf-forgitiremysaf.
poviltaiaroitatt titib6laymlodulpopaalfeadfaoi
thek Mier
thee gladly forgiite him, put clean clothes
on him; sent him to school, and helped him
to beegoosi. Now Jack came to thank Mr.
G--- because he had led him to do right.
" Are you always good,.now ?" asked the
0 no," said Jack, " I do a great many
things that are wrong, but now I try to do
How many boys are, like Jack Miller!
My little friends who read this story, per
haps you are like him. Have you left your
Heavenly Father _ ? Now, perhaps, you are
beginning to find out how kind God is, and
that all ,:s his commandti are for your good.
Have, you found - out also, like Jack, that
your way is a bad way? That you are not
really happy? ,That your heart is deceit-
Jul, wicked; bad?`:Theildo as Jack * did.
Go to your FatherTtoll * him how bad you
have been; and. , while syou ask his-forgive
mess, 'promise to,loye and serve him. "Your
Father; will be glad 'to receiie;ion t,'o hie
love. He will take off froni you iliO,dirty
-rags - of.sin, and-_dress you in the,beautiful
robes of (Ihrist'sYrighteousnesb. He will
to you irhaf is right, andhelp you to be
gool.— W., in Evangelist.
; . ..,11 . i.Z 1 4 1 , 1 lf . tL' ILl t i 1
ft , `'.. ''-lf .F.• ' lumajtvat 4 : , ,-.-..
t t,,,,; ,-, h. ....: :. ~,,,, t ~, -1 :,-,,,,,,c,!,
hNhe tlrchatd.. •
,PraetiB.llY.; . 'orchard `.should be an
on iard'' only. 'Vq..celt, for grais,i.t.should ;
ibe-Jeft , .,uncultivated , after the trees have
reached say about fours inches irrdiameter.
We can see no_reasn_why good crop of,
gr?ffPhPß l(ll ",t4" °°-n# ll u€94YlPrqdltPell +
fowl. quarter or a third of:a century with
oiMiseurbariCe. ';.,N'tiip-dicsairtg of manure'
enon,in two ,or t • ree. years, we know,- as'
prodieed 'fine yields., of grass-,ananally of
two crops - -Tbe trees have'-little ,or?
Eflaentie up'on - tife'efop of grass,..iffdeed, if
:ihq - posagi ariy it is in affording,;
ier, swath under the trees. „
Hence, instead of -setting out young
orchards thirty - or , thirtyfive feet' ntiart i ' re
dune the distancalolvierity feet, in
4.l4,quiiiciiix - forini,and arioy timethp
:shonidthrcaten to .becoMe a little
`..crowded, prevent it byi.additionakpruning.
Thie is our-theory:-.,
`The ` leading purpose 'of an Orchard Alto*
be, to obtain fruit.; next, ,the' clop
4O ,t)44 - 1 least dainagato the trees. This
grass.: ~ Grass, however, will - not_ionly db
no r damagezto-the apple •treesi but- the con
trary, It keepiihe soil :Midst andbr anni
form taraparature, protecting the roots in
Summer against hear and drouth, and in
Winter againStAlia'sei , orae l ffeets of alter
nate thawing and freezing.-- •
L dtoshould also baremembered,,in betting
out);-young orchards to get trees as lo*
branched as possihle, ' They will' generally Via wilco ye, ` high / while the low
mll, i protect, thei, trunk _ against, the intense
rape of Ithe.-sua.44 the; Summer minthe,
whioh are frequently very linjurt our_ to ' ; th,e
health 'add= - proatictiventsi`''`of the‘treeil.-=
Germantown Telegraph,.
t "TI - J
~ T O ANY Ore y...MV i,3
__ • _
The State laws differ so much that no, one ,
form Will'alisWir the y States, but in' every
llafie it is. esese4al to SiY:e the nienToCPTI?cSBAYE
The oldeat Board,aras.,priginolly ;called: A tha
B o *,flO.f 31 hashlits,,p4t4c , *9*ineerPonte4 urfl
der the laws of ,•Xentkeylvtu#a, Under ,title of
" TA,s Trustees of the Board of Dot:natio : Niisions
at-thf - Gerfrat , 4 4 Mnig.V, of .o*RresbyterianjObw:ch
ira ihe UnisidStates o? ftw
Board'fvf?, Education - the chiporate
name, „The Tr'n" s&es -the!Board :of Bduca- -
tionmflhe .Prest/WrianurbiL in the- United States
ojiAnterices.'' -P• -fq
of'ForeigflsMissions is incorporated
under flie . lciwslof4evetoile, 'under :Melnik' of
" The Board of Foreign lissione,of •ehe',Eliebyte 2-
riaw , '• - chureh , in' pie Nita Stabil pf Anzirkii." ' f.
The :Board of PUWeation-ia incorporated nn
der the tairieof : PenicisYl4aniainder the *WO
" .The ,Trustecs o ; f: the Pres*tesian. Board f :PO;
fiteaYtote,- • ,
The Board of Church Extension of .tlie;Alem-;
erit-AeoVelklytie not incerporated,„but .theffel
lcnin& forni ,pf : los9nept, t,iysupposed,i - *odd Jae,
..111 bequeath to my executors the-sumr of
dollars; inttrustiAO pay over )the.sanuria
afterrAnydecease,,to,the.4persoti who,. when :the
same shall be payablei , :shaltact mufTressurerrof,
the , Board oPohure,h4ztertlion•Cf the! Genesi:lbAs
sesbly? of ahe !Presbyterian (Aiwa-in theafnitaft
States( of; America; looatedfin the-Sity,of St. :Louie?.
ifissourl'oto bd spidied , fixithatfuses end...purposes,
of said Board, and under its directione; and , the
receipt .the esaidasTressail•e'r, shallhhe , it
and ,legal •segnittance , .6onymaidexeiiutoralot
the:same; r
it be "plikiiinlitrlfdadritiOd" %°'
_ .
RESOMit7loslB . 'o*A'lntialtitEtat A 881 3 .114;
• 74 .1_ .';'' • :.; '4 -:11..-cr , or‘ •.-,1, ,
1 1 1, hkeny•Oft dory citarchec do,:nots,conn
1 trilIFKA° OuSTlMPirt9leXittAt.CFP*Pohlutstrhererl
. ;., . .
ad; it ki'disirablif fit test 4,11 W /110eivillIf 'Blinn' '
ii4bliiii 'Wort ; ' , iintp•WhireiW ati7eit'fflielitiy,li
stiaW -reAliiiitig. 'the *Cliiipertithin•liA 111 'o'
i churches to save ,our Bpards from aeria.l6 'ail'
Sitriiihdifintlitherefoi* - I,l :'' ". 1.' 8 ",•• • tr-•$: %
:1 10he14 1 ,1";7/4t.14ti Aijiiiiiito . eiiiiiiiiiir .l
i oriziebtilifOui :l chuiciiii`llo4l,4 3 re ch,444,thi*
fox th, gurltosi.4:! tOpmk`itn!iy.4,4•llootAolizi•itti
...ii f, vf
1 rAoriAkcioI 3 P44PIONtiPPMEMIO-414813108
on.ithirgßit. T ,B 4 , Yru orllipiratarau 0 : ~:, j•-..-1. )8
s Foktite :BOARD 421 E, FOBEIGiMII3I3IO/4they
tficYfacrElauakru or'Jattoacy- •.' - FAelr titi
' : I 'Vbe• - the"I301:.)31,0 'OF EIAIDIXTION AL tut
i PiltilVis'aitair brAitisiq.l if , -, I l ' ; '" fi.; !' flk 11 ' 1 %
I.— & g 0 1 :40%w
; gprilie PORICSIATAGB PIMID, 9 . , .
1 OF T i PtICTON . on'the - Prpr Sarusamrpr
MAT. , . - •
•••1 2 .. .Pr0 g.lealWeAlh CR.AUF''CXXEN44.I3./QN
I O tki t tSe,.E I S I3 TiSARBATIT 974WAC''ivr 4iElt%? -. (till
thedFutor;BABAATH 07 SHPTE1t811111:61-.91 4 0 1 1 , -bt'lN
, e'Rekilbedj(.23 .Tbst:whenlhe- accualsOolleedociii
eannotibe tskeitup on the d aysabove4leaignsteitA
i it. the r,rcoomilsended, , to :takc 'thong .Up vaalisoceP
I thereafteriso p e ossibliim. - rilah v , :au l t '1 i bille OP b.l_•
odootool swot/ No
• t c tllo AMITE , PILINCIPLII of modii:•4..
. !Dews Mown moo , flirmermon mak- o,lossawillfr
Erricl 43):, IIA Cho for „
Ulna" =HT TO 'll
7 '"iiblr torsi tripia -theri.uspleirrit asd illawartio
illhoir,prod Yormfroll• to 419,041'93m,
• 31D. B. BABAnts.
n , xgri: Illar liraisdirasir Now York.
' l ll ( F L AT C V:7,I37I 7 ".2 — +)—Mit4AWNIVPRIth
2.111 C , M44: 1 0.14. 4 “6
.11.411 7 77.P1GT18ERS AND DELLGILM/Actal
W izthntfi l . ,Y
• •
o,d t t lurr gh ,
for Spring hales, u large and am
E plet e e an
assortment of Goods SS can be found in any of t he
cities. consisting of
ilicartlVoo/ 3 i11143
oritYstyieitilthitialftef CAPS attuning quality indriate , st
fashions; Palm Le±t;tfltraliikolghiirlint 41-Ansi
Oditeß*Vigar c iati 34 4 ) fr u '
atimaiwiamaamint..e.this ciirk7itecam, irmasitliirlyia.?
8:1 T .L. 41
.' •
wwing ,LiFTlFlDTHEtatritEreriort-ess
1, % ,,,, thikpolo,tobermummtar,k,. : a*l ~ ,• • r
, i i .4 llmfisekeeking 'Dry (RioltsPlStore;' , ' -
,:-:=(•,...,,,, ..0 - 4,1:.1 !;
where may be' found 'l, - iarke assoitient or all rindsof liry
tiood,,, required in furnish ift-a- house, thus saving th
trouble uanally uxperienced 3 tinting such articles, m vs
'rims_ places. pi'foßtiaitria of giitilgegrAtattantion to
this kind of e't , icir, r lo the ex piton of dregs and fancy goods,
:wl enrapviumWlo966;!'nd 4 / 16 )! 1 °. I) figs , P9o , 94"Y& -
hle in. a maiiio„-, . ; (,,.. . .
' IN tiNEN iftled3B ) , ..,.
Wl5 are able to give perfect ea Odor 'ldrs lidia Oka*:
)übfished Linen Storesthe4tygitiik blalbigebaaaVaalaral
thair,iwelitYdralrreMiltOPlC,ol9l ltr x t t er ill
niatinfstrarers in ln e o ,ap, a unik •
ifkiki l ialgt4 .APlelo I MPAlsqUasilz; ' : • - •t
ig the be liunritiesattn.i.att :obtained,„and 1 44 k• Yard Waist
ptioee., rajas,. B lank etsSoilta, filtestiT Miskjnga,pansilt
Table, Chotha,..anh Natokins, _
_"Fauralk* hipAnir FiniusimiLe
frableraVitiPline toseis,lnounaaka :lasedaygeweina, loisce..wad
Muslin ,thmtatini, 'iNuiltiwilfturnitaire.--Okiniases„www
,Crf/lllP"Ac i.. 4 ;rie, ,- id= eent4'llgi,'''''
• .fl__ „,._____ l, ...,.., , 8,41:, , evr ,e•::- !. Fy-mphtidwroioi•
41alEritWpm . .1 1
`oLls i•eytakrit;iJtibtlee: IllipaioifelizSath B ,
e 1 . 1 :; eau::
331 n,l . ki__ ,
. 1 .440 eg 12;141kk_. ,Al/P.Pillligtkii6Unn44,os4ol4 41!acred
B . 9 % ; :;'` , llfsZH' I*. lnt ir r: krigi -": ylqiien; .- • •
l t)010491141WERp.402/4901iraid 'hi egaVl r lA . " :1
i ;wise School Nell, No.'s 1 and 2 ;Nollilaifi IctieSV
I - - . 1 !c•r7.).'11i . P -..- • irTI T P - -
, _ .30 If IG lee MI
O. if )300MS. • . .
, oriental gook'; tiew-Yo k Glee and Chorus Beolk I
'gong Crown; Young Poikiil44„, -Book-; Golden Wreath •
Nightingale; TariesZA
For ode by
Al.4lfriffsoi 81 Wood Street. .
i .. myl&ly
~ xebudeqty for the Ceetpu Tnide, traiediFlitdr
tiee, - de nowl , b - penear de
S IS& t
"ha , fsi •i
f'; Takorlig gyms 4
1 3 : 4131M 11
nafit_Whin kgl er l s " lhttrVi.i.' *g •t r
etisg spießedtistte.' 17 ) '
:I:rtsbetrian n,
Published at
,rxrxw ox
rr VO,NEWS .
, (MOLlLAVialowlL,ffssaLmirl-i
on all the leading teidoo of the day, both Religion!' and Soo.
lel. All tii4 thives
imittsideratyni; and tiiat'aiel4iirthy atkoittion: of intent.
gent etrukOhriatian.peopiqatiidlisoustied.fioT the Oh iethin
illr.4.l4l34lll44lllthe.cPlPrOe!,lght spirit '?f.lo l bOtifin
charity ani . l enhstipd binevrelence. , „
4.. .tr",
From the beginning of our pwwent National troubles, this
•• • ; , 1 , Ji _Of
paper, whileallyin itself with no political party, has taken
high the
regularly ordained Government, and of the preeerviition of
thtczrlty ate utteraneichiive bear Bra
anti dethted t and they will continue: to be. truth until the
epirit of rebellion bee been entiudy mieuthml a and; our Gow-
Ornmeut once more 'limb netiblielMa.
;• . .
Enro an Corresp } o 4 (dice.
unrivalled ity,any other Allier*itkiaarna443l. breadth *ol
view, reliability, rand general apafivineee.: It ie,a complete
Metall of the progress of straiiirin'3ASSiist; that is inia
erf a complete; virtiffAblukless; •opintoni, reliVoaa 4 . con
corm, / 11 ,,t.er4 !La' thingsgenentjlP,7
Wr3T and NOAAND, ; 4
. , ---„ • i.ata - DELEITIL
This is a feature Amain no other religions nenwpor 4 and
tiott'"deittife thishigie
Among our .
CON'itlintiTOßS - •
arelim)meToritlie bt;at'nearvaperlwritaiii In h3ObuttLs
~ ?'7t,i7..'- . ;_ , :t ~.' f .!1-,,
'l l 6' also havo
-,7!(,)AP PONAkxanosPenEs TS,
inall.parte of.the
• Domestic and, Foreign
is prepared with much care .atld labor.— And just nosethe
WWI in the daily papers is often so uncertain andcontra:.
dictory that the weekly pap Airs asitigive by far the most
ioritici 14111115 ifi *ithe o f;
piortt:iiilt l Y
:= l "*.' ( l 0f!.,1
tinder the head of
;.: 7Lti
noteoirhetheridesake Itiing;!are pahytheti!.:.- Z.'crle
AO under the beim' of . •
•••.•.•,/ ...?••117 • - • r
"1 , 474.' •
given,,,t4 petAtacl PicionOt llsoooety Abttiltt.
orzeuttion, kc. of moat value to the
-1 rt r,)
fj., , :'/: t ir":l4 I i) •
41)101444.41MR4 4/11e#R0A*49441.1
.a 4+.1 13.4k1,. .E s eLaw.uo SO
lad c A6-.E•ii bpi .T l M Ar Ari k V
t.114 - Firent,inie 1316n .4 utiidthi,V,, dha ti fi r
, I ,6l o htliecluldren• 1 :r* I ..•.t '; • r
*IA 441/.-1;
oTare iatifiriift ;;;;;Zre.4.4'7 . - '.;ii
9 .; 7 • ert.34 7 / 9 Y. LIP% LerN:
for g otizn ; :bat bin& of Atte information 'needed Sir gall
1 *MY 314fid fti'!it
t. : 4- 46.5 . 44iff . .6ov. 3-1.0.211 •itdW orif 1:•:17
iitattIEMBIONEOIOI tr hi 7f
Thie pepee le flir • lit lorrTAPei'4ll:so • per l ari:
the person getting upf of Ilfwooty: SILOS „at ere ad
of time nionl s itti et Mei t. lei Carq •
v• ~.- 5° mote
extra when delivered bi-terrier.
=Add •
AtEV..ta.rIeADVST tM? KIN NaTir4 l
rof .%.ns: .14 A at...) 'to 4..1.0.4PRI E
::. 7 •
The Rev. Dr. ALDEN, late President of Jefferson College,
proposes to give a course of Instruction to a Claes of Young
Ladies who have finished their School Education- He will
Meet the Clam one hour a day, four dare in the week, from
the first of November to the first of May. No text-books will
be need; but, in connexion with the discussion of topics
references will be made to the best anthers, for the benefit of
those members of the claw 'who have leisure for reading.
The course will be condpcted In such a manner, that those
who can command one hour daily, can secure all its advan
tages. Dr. A. will endeavor, by questionings and oral dis•
cession, to lead his pupils to perceive truth for themselves.
• An experience of more than a quarter of a century spent in
teaching, has convinced him that he can beat benefit his pu
pils' by placing them face to face with truth, without the
agency of books. Words cannot, then, be easily mistaken
for things.
Special attention will be given to the expression of thought
'bji' word and pen.
It is presumed that the memleire of the proposed elan
have acquired, from the Andy of books, such a degree of
,mental diseipline tied such a knowledge of facts as will rea
der them prepared for the highei grade of instruction suited
eta the most advanced class in college.
.Thofollowing imbjecta will receive attention:
, 2. Mosel. Penodornr. •
8. Pietzfonas OF Enirrome AND Caraczam am) Errouga
'C'Petrmoat Pan.osormF,-inclading
camas of Govxmescastr,
'l '4/mamma or 7 iritzsumnari '
' ranker, Eooieoxr,
'5. Nato/tax Tmnithor.
•6."2,vmsarcas or Omustwerre.
On these topics, the pupas will be led, safer as may be,
lierrnivetrotb for thenuielveit: -
Atha close of each exercise, Dr. A. will remain to odd.
citielen essay pnilmred bb a member of the claw. He will
also be ready, at all timen, to give advice as to reading end
otlierldepattroetibt of mental-effort.
TERNS-4100 for theDearso ; payable $5O November let,
and $5O March
Applications can be niadetopr—illlden, No.4BUnion Square,
'or to ir.liardideniltsq.,443l"ine 'area. ,
The follinibrp, will show the estimation in which the enter
prise is held by distingnisteed citizens of New-York:
Shoos .Her. Stephen k TyriAßß i Rector of St Geo rg e,
4The.above.plan mid course: eminently deserve and meet
Wil'apPrOliation, extremely calculated to prepare the
young ladies, towhomA rehire, forthe highest usefulness and
the most rational hippixteee of life. I believe Hr. Alden to he
hi g N y g w aitl e d to i wo4c lint the phut he has propored, with
emcees& " STEPHEN H. Tysia.
*- - . - "Pront firm.. C. Bryant, Esq.
rAnripukto. learnithatthe Bev. Dr. Alden is about to un
dertake the instruction; in this city, of .a class of young hi
diesrin =RIM _branches- belonging to the most advanced
stags of education, and involving principles by which quer,
,tpi a iirejatk i g, to the nioatiniportanCintereats of society are
4ecided. I have a very high opinion of Dr. Alden, both es a
marraudwa an kistruCtor.' , :Theextent and exactness of Ids
attainments, his clearness and, facility of communication.
lindids - rindly 'manners, 011 ll
e'titilifiCiltiOila of a high order;
brit he adds to,thene one of inestimable value: that of taking
&Preform& intereist in 41W - 4011k - a instruction, and placing
hisambitioniptheekilfuland smicompal inculcation of knowl
fedge;,7TheopPortinileY'of being taught' by such a man—eo
well endowed, so experienced , and so distinguished in his
nceolten presented to young ladies anywhere,
and I cannot dould.that, many will ..make haste to take a&
iitritagehf it. It Will be a - firvolible symptom of the date of
Intelligence and the love, of unehd„knowledge in this commu
nity, if this'esars'should.belioniediatel v red up.
Prom Chas. „rre c iaet4 of Odumbia CtrUme
• Aldeninnpormi to kotitixiid instract. a Class of Young
Ladimt,:who,lntyingpassed throher the elementary parts of.
ediicallon, mayilmire tolificeed to some 'higher culture.
Dr. Alden is thoroughly capechlt-lias the , benefit of much
eXPeriencerane - tesichlw—and the - has
in his vocation
Which"begeth enthusiasm and so ensures success.
Fi<a3,s firs iPerrfi,'D.D4'; Chancellor of the
/DJ iversityef Pre. tap of. Nito-York.
I *Ord it de oneor the most important (Waite in the de
partment of;education; dihat:a highert course of mental train
ing is about to be offered to young ladies, who bare cornett,
Wlhemsual-Acadeshicirtudies; byDr. d: Alden, President of
d'efferisowCollege. No man within the range of my acquaint
num is better fittermhan_he to`accomplish what he proposes
in his circular. Ms' prat succors is sufficient guarantee of
WhatheWill do iii altogether new , effortin our city.
, domoslhcartily commend thematier to my lady friends.
1 1 54eie koraee-Webster :LL:ll.:'•Presidetitqf the New -Fork
Oree Academy:-
- rhave *riff( PI re, a'plan. proposed by the
Bey. Dr. Elden, fur a,pesstimadnate ammo of instruction for
lordiselailies °Aids city+ 'plan in' in earaidlent one, and,
caryie il oat:anger the personalinumylisf on of Dr. Alden, one
a-the-Mast disitingnisbbd educators in this
wart, cannotfail s of provingbilfhly benedalal to theee.who
unty 7 enjoY the 'fidvailtakes bf his ivatrdrstion
; 7. • WEBSTEIi:
From ;lex. 8.-Irefuelf.tertme, 11...1). r ! Senior ,Editor of the
foßifleillPric Obrierrei% -
Rim given me much malefaction tdbeir that the Rev. Er.
Alden is about to enter.upon the work of Education in this
city. coMesTriaii;thec. preeideirWrif,Tefferson College '
where he has been eminently emccereful in all relations, be.
rag contpeiled of;the 'n1%331,7'46 change hie resi
dence. In his professorship atWilliame,,and his presidency
ataeffeiaon, impaled a wide -an`well-earned' reputation
as a tescher, combining loth . thorßagh and, varied scholar
ariP, qrpriculiarly feeile,-gbitlir and pleardzig Method of im.
perantirnowledg , % raglans the, mysteries of science easily
intisEr tedthe young , renAelingibraibetruse studies
of .the igher departutentalearning of api sent pprenit.
Time-pan ' that be irw prop:Wes; will nbefall to be appre
elated; by penman wher„degrireM , givo their, daughters the ad
viraiees of - thithigltal Enierlu'intelleelierinitarej 'under
carountstancorMarralde totheirimprovementand
enjothrent." B:I3IERAITS PELEE.
Proietba 210ight4Alitoik oft& lf.' Irtiminer
veryirlordialls Subscribe to all that my , friend . Prime.hait
here said orate Riv::Dfr: Alden and hie enterprise.
r i*. ; , PRigrr.
Iten 4 . 442 47 - D:D.OBI ' e&W. - P.f Me. arnailink=g4ltare
_ „ Preibptorian Church.
Havifig great &mildew:h . Alden eiii:'Mnmessfol
teacher climrlully.conkmend .to the n „
notice of :my,
Ids 45ct an'sfatedabore.' '
Erma. k4e. Thes.B.,Treretilareaal,gelal, ~Of the Poe
tors of the Ogiegiate /Ankh Church.
I have xticfg atiagentisdiellh - Dr:Aledryinul here long
regarded him amone of ear and, thorongh_instren
tors. In:tha de - partinahtqe which he liiiidavided himself, as
dont of Jefferson College; bras, I think, unsurpassed,
perhaps inirivilled: The 'plan. for' a': u*Ladies' Poet-
Gradnate,Cigns covers_that clepkent„, and. I, eon have no
don* tiliticaill'be Wiled 64" . altlfeelfteitady;'sind mill' be
°10...1g:91F:#7.344.8430 to those dfhe roa4 avgilthernselves of
-,1,A5118,7% :',.
B-A .
N 114
6 • .21.• ''•
A;9ltosawood Obickering Piano, 6% octave, only two
.... 420
;A Rosewood Calletering Piano,' 6X,
, oetave, Tiny little
6t0rn..14.t—.. • • •••
.. in - - era
A Rosewood, 6% octave, Chickening ra te
'•• • • ..
....... 180
A splendid rosewood ,614 octavo Plant; made by one of
the beat Boditoilimaketk" a great biro'in..'l7s
A Rosewood 6y, octave upright Piano, rifli — lb il lilbeat,
A Rosewood 6 octave Millet, Davis & P,(Pitmo o• A very
eteatiVindriniient.j.... l • 136
A • Mahpgrmy 6 octitve;*tri: py. l3 W i ir,illromor &
- 120
A Alehogony6 oetave,Prano,New-,York
A 'Walnut I,ease•Pleino, 6 betive "—. :, 4,4 • 76
Nahollo l lY, 6 octaveagnid is grxlkrtli.„.„ 46
Mahogany. 4.i• ...21)
5. !,..„/ 20
Risnint, piano style," °aim, made by
,•llasop 6,14* rittn imiqzrumentr:--, 7 .----- 70
A:ROsioWood, Plano stylki,'Meleidvon, 6 iictnie, Made by
A 5 octave el eon made • by arhart........ 35
„sat by: JOB att MELLOR,
isly43-17 , No. 81 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
Brill llcy andAikto`nomy,
, kita .. a. It will burn in all atylea ,of coal oil Lamm ie pe r
said !regatta,. all f olienervatodor.',"lianufsann-ei
asit .2 e ,
111417.1: .ifkOPADVIVN
• Ram, PiTnistraon.
. . -
• . . .
i .0
. I .LP •{O,-.) , .. , '• - mo
la ryl.. Intgri ure
is ,
~.q.. ,4 1 d^. : . 14 . - 1 -.: I 1:1 . 1.• „ 1
-7 " 4341. - PECTORA . E. • Tikbetit S;t• : .E. •
-I , ;': nr-:litilminedjstellelieUand eatilairi Dateif 1,
j,:fnught., Coble, .Itiglamazsi, Asti . st peacoa t ._ ;
" - Ittekti, witfigpieia` Ceara', Cuisirfli,. ffrolii.: -- '.
A t" che,,DiPitcialt .Ikmatadosi.Socep Thipm e ,
Etc., etc., Etc.
, o, lektirr eicrlitletattErithrimir DTI
~.. .
t, ,, BoraMtaillec a , MHz.. Speakettvapd 'Pagers, ettieee
TROCILES ate indispensable tot Oletuitig o and Strektb
-1 renlii il.tapttricel•ltemoviiio r liearseastssttme ) 3 '.
The "Age wisp lb ich they ,are taken—being Main
, tatiieli lib theipockat, 'tteinirial no Ire imirettcc, Always
read or nee ,an all gemeione, not liable tqcbanxe in any
all , coo tarningrnotblnVinfoiteCia, to thaynotit deli
cate eonatipotionr-ehould be a sufficient recommend.-
'. time tit &B id gitie themfii`adt,teh!l. .t. ;4 - -'
•-•-‘: , ?!*5`. ° 1.F 1 , 11 1. 19M*1 3 Mir o 3 111 2 '-
.0';:" - -- - :AG A I VV:YI L . ‘,. ,
_- ' '
B. A; VaziCetotx".. Go., 10... Yeleasioca le Co.
RLE.lftlioa 1 1.00,..:13-2 - i itiarniasisore 4. Amp>
Dir. Oases R. KsTrisk.
t. i 404 i f ...14 -, . ',mt ., : ni t-f!^ : , c E • •
V kg', ;ic itititi s frOcai.: :: I- i . •
*fi :Tr iiiit6 Ili::: . a . .at.;. , !. In -., • ; . .
i-1-.2k§for WX ,. .e&-€44, -T- 1 .41E5,:„..,.:.471.,tRi.,trwrtmr50:
,:„.. , .:.4 7 1., tR i., trwrtmrso:
- sd i'l,rq T f." 4 711 , 77., : rirAt'',.1..A7.7: ) . 3 ' .!tritri:.
. Pait Ahnontolui
A. tni s.g Anthor of 4 Orspei In Lavitictia,"
l 1 . 4.. Totrta e rte r li e rll74"..Znokidalli ew a le : f - .
• i:e. , :! 7 (141, P. , -;lofdargetilißiditian.: .j . .
-00 V - . 474 T " r r ii . 4l ca- 7;7711.7!1
! •
-•.-1111131 SIIIMMTRAMINS.
gkoivlioine SIM-
I 1.•,195% r da.L.V0N.g_ 8, W ggleoted
from Si:pouched. Thtniis New and'Oldpand
uther.s.souroft., th a,.4 Intender,
thelixv.Rxnekb- -, ' •
• - nrc , 451 k 61 7 61 MX 0 4 Ands,
oac Indez: ' •
!tilol Tr a tt l i niof ooll i aton. really uod Ilhistrationo of
Icrng eipreseed - y 'therein. very few
Oopl.!eil,t_ Maro4trfi.,l volume now
litt limed !dn i ldeficienhy. is rich
c i . 1 1 2 2
itiEnna=2tani3~ cation .,,,finAld:.p2soh.illost.pati
ai em** 4 411ifiT1104111.111 &
-Is4l6l4loltßE;Warbk,6,-- •