Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, May 13, 1863, Image 3

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    rtsigttrian mter,
The Var.
When we went- to press last week, our
city was elated with the tidings from the
Rappahannock. E'erything wts agl Av.
The successful crozsin of the river at two
points; the attai ling to Chancellorsville )
in the enemy's rear; the a e ny's complete
surprise, (as reported ;) t I e muccess of the
preliminary battles; our impregnable po
sition ; the wonderful skill and power of
our commanding general; his admirable
plans; the abounding enthusiasm of our
troops—everything promised the greatest
battle of the war, and the entire overthrow
of the enemy; thus opening an easy route
to Richmond, and becoming the immedi
ate precursor of triumph and peace. Some
less sanguine persons,, and ourselves in the
number, however, had an occasional un
pleasant foreboding. We had penned the
reasons of our, fear, and sent them to the
.printers. But, not wishinglo be prophets
of evil, we withdrew the paper, and set
ourselves to the - producing of reasons why
we should have hope, high hope... -
One thing that had alarmed us was, the
very itnprudent plan of dividing the army
into two portions, having the enemy, and
the enemy's fortifications between them
This could be justifiedonly on the infalli
hie assurance' that either portion was able
to repel ,assault made, by the enemy's
whole force,;and we doubted if Hooker's at;-
my was thus powerful. , The nest .source of
doubt was the quietude with which the en
emy let our army, at both places, cross the
river. He was evidently conscious of his
strength, and •wished to get us within his
embrace. ,A third reason was the boastful
order which Gen. Hooker issued on getting
to his desired locality. He said to his
-troops: "The operations of the last three
days have determined that our enemy must
ingloriously fly, or come out from behind
his 'defences and give us battle on our own
ground, where. certain. destruction awaits
him.", This was vainglorious. It was
Godinsulting. It showed a want of knowl
edge of .theenetny's strength.' ;It indicated
a probable lack of proper precaution. This
order filled us' with apprehension. It .was
intended to cheer the army, but we, doubt
not but that it. caused many a'soldier to en
ter the fearful battles with ead heart.
These thoughts tended to depress the high
hopes. itt6 *hitch we endeavored to argue
ourselvesp last week.
We mentioned that thearmi, two
crossed the Rappahannock, on
Wedneiday, April 20th;` the imaller por
tien,under Gen. SsTidgwick, a short distanee
below Frederieksburg and the largee, un
der, the' lead of Gen. Hooker, at Kelly's
Ford, twenty-six miles above Fredericks
burg. The latter advanced immediately to
the Rapidan, which it crossed at .Germania.
Ford; and thence to ChancellersvilleOen
miles 'in the' rear of Fredericksburg, and
oomtnanding the roads to Gordonsville. It
was there that the• order of April 30th
(Thnriday,) above alluded to, was isSued.
There was some , skirmishing on Friday i
On Friday night the,enemy out a new road
a short distance from Hooker's lines, be,
which he passed his ` forces to our extrend
right; where Mir' line Was weakest and
where he wattetot, expected. 'On Saturday ,
he assailed that wing, commanded by Gen.
Howard:, alhe,troeps broke euddenly, end )
could not be rallied. This let the mini
on our rear. A very hard contest at.night
oheoked-him, and a severe battle on Sab
bath restored our lines, tho Ugh much eon-,
traded, and retired a mile . or two from
Chancellorsville. .
Our army xis' prepared to receive the
enemy on . „Monday, though not to assail
him. But did not contu in ,force;
There wee'an ominous silence as regartiett
battle. ,; Our men ton fight hadexpended
hisammunitiort,. and: the` became
jubilant. , Alas, he , had. ammunition' pled n
ty, and was engaged, fatally to us, in an
other place.
The enemy had left iii Trederfekibu*
but eheutil.o,&ooi, f U -rheashgedgwick
advanced, and after. aonie severe fighting?
on;; turdey and Sabbath, got.possession
the city and thi heights.,. ae..tijen itarted .
witblhe larger part;• of his 'aritty,,tu join
Hooker, leaving Gen. Gibbon in command:
Gen. Lett, however, on -Dionday,,rtita4n
inginph: en' igh to watch Hooker, seo a
veiny large force to Frednrichsburg,.ineap
tured it, drove'Gert. clibitorracross the riv
er to the old Falmouth camp, and then fol
,Sedstitiolt. was -thee,Ve
tweetilWo Afranchas of the rebel tirmy,*each
of wbfeh was greatly superier, to,his own,
and be was speedily pressed to thellappa•
hannaci, at 'Banks' Ford. The engagement
lasted' from 4 f. 31.;t0b P. . M. 't On that
night (Monday) he • crossed , on- a pontoon
hridie. hut was discovered by 'gin., enemy
and sbelliftl,ithiSh - cadged .film* *side loss.
His total losses ,are' entimated,at APO.
Hooker 'had= , been tmgased on-'4londay
and Monday night, in strengthening
position. In places, be had y fopst i rno i
doukle lines
,of defence, and could e lia
eniiialitaka i very iteivy shock; with' 'll
pect of stoxtest lase
learning tie pf Ogivick,lii which he
wasWitterly tdeffeited 4 of 01.:from thtileft
Aoltige'nf his. army; heating 'also' of
large 'reinforcements arrittg.o t w,Lee's left,
be called a council anti'it , was determined
to rediostlthe river. Hooker' leeptins
fen trt.01.4.45..EVACV P?si#Selow
ever, ,Tuesday ; but he.manage4
to ifilirtef;:igiOjerved) and to pasUoier
the river,-411,014 States Ford, where he
had. three pontodti brOges, all his transpor
tation, and. heavy-golm' -During the . night
hihrought over bliCigAiiiy and *rtillery.
Added to the rediiiinif',,Yifkglie 4l -'4 ,, T4 07
day% Moining,'Ter a'rO#4otit i a OtriK4li
cationoYl dt, heavy rain. 44 TThis came on in
ly. It attained to such a height and so
spread, that one of the bridges had to be
broken lip to. lengthen the others. The
bridges were strewed with pine branches,
to prevent any noise from the tread of
horses and wheels in crossing. Gen. Meade's
corps was left behind to keep up a show be
fore the enemy and to protect the crossing.
It then followed, and the whole army was
successfully on the North side of the river
on Wednesday morning, and thence made
its way to its old quarters at Falmouth,
whence it had set out ten days previously.
It is too soon yet td have an, Metal ac
count of our losses. Some writers estimate
the loss on the right wing about the same
as that on the left; Mat is, 10,000 in all,
in killed, wounded and missing. If it is
no more we have reason to be thankful;
and yet iNshow,s either .that success ; was
soon found he hopeless, or otherwise that
no vigorous effort lag made for the obtain
ing of a Aietory. Otber writers estimate
our loss at 15,000, at 18,000, and at 20,-
000. We trust that the 10,000 may prove
toihave lieen fun 'estimatel Suoh
awe would certainly be
,paying dearly for
all the benefits . of the experiment. The
rebelliosiCvtafir, frObably, fully ?Rialto ours;
and thus our army is, in numbers,,as near
ly equal to, theire . as it was before the bat
tle, But are the armies , not changed rela
tively in spirit ? What have We. not lost
and they gained, in their estimation, aild
in our own estimation/and in" our Mutual
estimation in 'Europe? Every patriot
among, us must grieve, meet deeply, ,the
:The effect upon the army,'produced by
this repulse, cannot but be deptessing.
This however, is deided by the letter ,Wri
ters. One, in endeavoring to prove that it
is not demoralised n speaks of the men as
cheering, their i commander,,and. ,cheering
the President and Geri!lfitileat, who paid
them a visit and as evincinr , otherwise the
best of spirits does not tell us the
cause of this joy. Rut we do not believe
that be states a fact. No doubt but that
cheers were given, but that they were giv
en in the
„Lest of sperith l is utterly unnat
ural. Rraie inen,'anencieri Who line their
country and ~ seek her glory and prosper
ity, can not' but be deeply grieved:"
Secretary Stanton says, over his'irvn gig
nature, that Gen-Hooker had brought but
one-third of his men into action. We can
not believe this either. It would be a dis
grace. to the commanding gellerat and
,his chiefs of, corps, to invade, an ,enemy's
country, with the clarion notes they made
to resound through the laud, and then to
retreat without bringing, more than one
' aistinnTNo z the
Secretary , is mistaken, or , thei letter writers
speak falsely. These tell us of every corps
being in action ; and reason sides with
them in this
la case..
.1, , It WVt 1 . 1 •
The cavalry ram or A ioneman, un
der Gen. Hooker's direction, Was 'it great
success. He penetrated to within a few
miles of Richmond, and destroyed bridges
on all the roads leading North, from the
city. This,not,
only l chpiked the,sending
of suppliesth " ence oden. Lee; ut im
pedes the return bf 'troops from•Le to 00.:
Wet Richidond; and exposes that - City to an
f'Ssal4t from the gmt , Keyes,• and from
the South by Peck. Whether, that was
part of the plan of )povement, and wheth
tr our forces were able to execute it we
have yet to learn.
The successiofilour- IMO- in the South-
Weg , Mtlibisgwv.aell.i.Aanks was atJast
accounts still,doperating in ,Western -Lou
The capture of the batteries, jit '
Grand Gulf t o,..tte,,...tiki,stasippi river, be-
Vieksburk,ind'ilieinetory at Port•
G lison, a few males t o the interior ram
'Grand Guit g iiad the cutting of : the rail-
roads by Col. Grieriion,ill of which may be ,
found in the offidial documentsin our flews ;.
columns,::, are important :'suilces;sea. Gen.
Grant. is„now, t ,wce.e.rns ,ta us,,On the right,
track,. Vicksburg is , vulnerable ,frourthe
rear and as Com. Porter holds the'riVer, -
if. Gen. Grant will-cut .off supplies from
ithe Bast, Vicksburg must surrender ; .,„
From Port Royal and Newbern, thtre is
There are , ,rumors~. of. -am from
;Suffolk, upon Petersburg andAtichmond . ;
!and also of an advanee_from Little York
Apon the White f House and Richmond,•
which wexf4sillitt.WPWW,Werbut mere
irtunp:rso.l 4 uottking Aare, than feints, . ,; ; .: . :
. --i) ;- E .34 l' ,,, t , ''' .'., - 1 k.,. 41 ,7- ; -• ' 9, .1 0.7, I : artra ii,
.., ,: -..--..,.,-,,..- ,• „ 4., of.,
113; Ilavtratiearteasnal Natrona' Tax; IMO_
ThisPfe'ctlii:;title of broad sheet, sold by.
I IfenryiMbrev; exliibittintitifedaninlSTot lB6l W
1, 1860, and stating,jalphabbtioally,the amount of
i tax aed*Opp.duties on a:11 niftiolek,4abilked in
the Revenue laws of 1861 , x 18¢2;
and 1863
• forte!' from Washington.
11AaitisBuiaa, May —Th e
has just been, received by ,the Governor from
Washington -
To the Governor of :Pennsylvania: • •
Treeident and Generalift-ChierilFiejust ; ,
returned from the army of the Potomac.. The
Iprineipanlilekiliae of Gen. %LAW failed, but
theme has been no serious-disaster to the OrgatiiJ
kitrteteeei h f the'o. l 4' . ;1i.j5)0 3,- 40i;
cupying Atevformer tweettien:ze, the it'aPPilkaurl
uotokiltaving re-eroseed'ithe ;- . river without
Gloss y.fAe;',,woAnthent. one-thir
orielecullfooker'ilirce ;rag engaged.
- Oen. Stoutman'skoperatiousi have theen4 PAIR
iliantomeeees. ,[, ° A. part cf . ' his ,foree,, advanced t
within tWO' miles eitiohniond, _fwd.:the enOTne„s --
communication has been.,cut direction: '
1 The Army - of:the 'Potomac will speedily resume
offensiveLoperations.-: -
(Signed,) Fanstw M. STANTON,
Seeretaq of War.
37 , 3K3 rlili,
; .4 From - Torkiown.
wns isnot:44,4A , fla4(loflTY3r6l4 army. t
1'a" 119931 ' a •s` . , ✓< l : l itait
To Miltor.ClMserattlialltk
Colonel Kiliatsittli„ with. regimp; the m
ris Light tleljfforithe
124 ihstyju.O.,Asylvie4o44.- elopoptotreeipt,o
'Ph's* over
IP4l4.l4lolin3C'4Bo6Yial#o4 •Rselgig
°pew the ietioW,44o; ".'
in the rebel pickets to withill two mites of Rich
mond, and have lost only one Lieutenant and
thirty men, having captured and paroled up
wards of three hundred prisoners. Among the
prisoners was an Aid of Maj. Gen. Winder, who
was captured with,his escort far within the in
trenehments outside of Richmond. This cavalry
have marched nearly 200 miles since the 3d of
May, and were inside of the fortifications of
Richmond. On the 4th they burned all the
stores. at Aylette's Station on the Matapony.
On the sth they destroyed all the ferries over the
Pamunky and Matapony, and a large depot of
commissary stores, near and , above the Rappa
hannock, and came in here in good condition..
They deserve great credit for what they have
done. It is one of the,finest feats of the war.
(Signed,) Rures Kam,
Brig. Gen. Comd'g Post..
Case of Vallandigham.—Bnell Coart of
"-Inquiry. •
CANCINNAtT, May' 12.--The motion for' a writ
of habeus corpus in the, yallandigham ease was
argued yesterday, before :Jndge Leavitt, of. the
United States Circuit Court. The argument will
be continued te-lay. '
The BuellUourt of Inquiry concluded its
bors yesterday; and adjourned sine die. The
Court has been in session. one: hundred and's4ty
Wain in l'enneget. •
•. t„
Nsw-Yonx, A:Speplal,dispatch from
Murfreesboro', Tenn., to the Tribune of the 11th,
says.that pustworthy_information has beep-re
ceived that Martin's rebel cavalry is at Forest
ville, twelve miles froiii'llete, 'and is reported to
have, reinforced Gen, Bnoknerls d1vi510n..,.. ,
A lady *fie has Nashville reports
700 rebels at ifilliantsport;
The latest report& state , that tlutentire rebel
force is from 60,000 to-05,000 men.
Ltivees of Little Polite Bono'',
11 years old, 21 inches,high, and weighing MO
pounds. ' Preplaieme c&L,ittle Doi& Dut nies
li evess i tind Grand Conceit' hy the` istinguished
Vocilist, Miss Ill& MAltelli , of Sciston
. 14. ,Song (selected) --:-Miss Marsh. -2.. Song--
Little.compared.:in“ 612.#1 with
a Miss of her own age.' 4. Song Miss Marsh.
5. Dottie sings wiong, standing the hand - of
Mr. Norton. 6. Dollie is `Parried to every' part
of the house in 'her little flower basket. 7.
Song—Miss Marsh. B..Bong—Little Dollie. ,
Dollie represents a Wax pa. 10.-Dollie walks
among the audience, .passing c ,cdose,to caeh per-
Son. 11. Dollie compared in size With a: lad' af
hei , age. ' Thee, Star Spangled Manor," "Or
" The:Red; PWhite and - Slue, : the: costume 'of
the Daughter of the Regiment ; " . r-Miss ; Marsli'.
13. Dollie rewesenting Atn,"pld,lady,..will sing
I'm Sixiy-two."
She will give Limes at Masonic' Hall; liitta
tiurgh, this and every afternoon and evening, tit
May 16th,`. inclusive, at,•B and 8 o'clock.-, !Ad
mission; ,26 Cents., .Children,ol6 eents.;:
Iran, in the , afternoon; 10 cents. ~
' lt ALBERT Nonion;
, Manager. i 5
'Always Popular.
it is a significantleet, that the &ore' a good
artiele-bedomes' known, the 'greater the demand
*fer-,it. Judged by this standard,. the Wheeler&
Wilson. Sewing Machine must be, par, excellence:
the Machine, for more of themhave been 'iold
within thilast year,' ihnn of all, the 'Other Ma-
chinegin the country combined; and` the'deroarid
fort them 'WM' never. .ao great ,, as now.' ,% These
magnificent can only be had.frona Sumner &Co:,
27 Fifth sireeto'where all" orders, should be ad?
il--,,T,A ) .::„.61,
'reign, ~...
...„ •
,Fpreign datesare reepiTed ko l 4pril.2sth. ;,;
Important'debates' haVe taken 'plane in both
- of Parliament concerning the seizure of.
British ships 4rt neutral waters; - and the protec- t
tion granted by .Adams to Mexican traders: i- .
• DIED—At Anivnirii , Belgiiim, - ort ihe 24th 04
Many speakers urged thaViacbproceeding can '
, • „, • - March; 18 . 63, Ural ANNAJE4 `Wife of Dr:- A. IV
notbetalerated. . = Crawfork United States , Oonsul; in the 85ilf year
Mr.'Reebuck declares himself for war to put
.. of . her . agei.:, efter a Severe : and' painful Blue*
down this upstart ilisolenes;. • ,
siapport„.l. counseled 'i which.Coetialled aver cleven(mouths. ,:, i .
The Miuisters arid:their
moderation, and deprecated violent 'Sneaking. - -• • ' She, had advantage bf the,best. medical attend-,
P. -Lord.Pahnerston simply said that matters were i '
once of , _our, .olty,;-, , but her disease 'baffled 'all
being considered, but Earl Russell said the gni, 'medical, skill. Itivill,be gTatifying to herlriends
ure of the Dolphin and,the conduct of Mr Adams
would be represented to the _ Washington,Govern7 in America to knoir that, although she `died-IWe
men( far redress. . ~ . -,-, . ~ • , ' , foreign country, • she:had: many ward , and/ de-
Many journals argue that the American
, voted‘friends',.who deeply simpaliized with her;
ernment should learn a lesson from the,irrita
tion evinced,' andestanded to her-all the kindness and at evinced,'unless•ii'dgires to increase the ill
feeling. :•, ~ ,‘ •, j, Lion tharshe could have received if she had been'
The Globe regards affairs as critical ' and Says - r s un - ° nide& by her own dear iiii n d s , But in
this reciprocal irritation augurs badly for arnica- 1 - f . - • - •
addition to this, tied what is far more valuable','
ble'ielitions. ''• '' s ''• •': ' ' r
In the !Mush of Loids, on the 24th, Lord Red:: 1 she had a "Friend hat, s icksth closer thana
t t,' • "
esdale called attention' to - interference with the fhrether. ; ' lt 4..s* . iiiviisige;ii:s hgliiritifid i
mails on ships seized by the United States. - ' adviser, to visit her'freittientlY ifitriii4Cher'-lan '.
Lord Derby said that.nothing was more - moot i „,.
arid-painful sickness, „-• . ~ , ,i , ' g
'strous-than. the claim of the; Americans' to =deal
, - 7
, with such mails, Land he Wee astonished that the 1, Patie,P.m. sad
.. r T a r li !P i n i, PaNrie_tle.a9t aia a iO i i
,g9vernutenthad acquieseetkrog .r, : : . - -.:1,-- ;46 'tho•Witt of God , onaractermed • all
_that she
, -41-kordßussell.said - that Ihepraetice was,ln. , a - said while ' f i l bilibig, u i t aci the
• !,',. i ii,bbii, 'Via'
great degree. sanotiOned. by'Stowell, but-the 'in-, l igrasa l 'af death lfh I i. " il d'h"''she,
;struotiorts had:been modified: , ', Be - would abtain , —r- , -,,' • • '. !.;- e a,l .firs , 4 - .7a!' 9, f.,i9l;*
f.,seenied to tiemuch attached te,the-warldi„ and
the -opinionfof the - dazi;officeraietthe crown and
lay, it on the - table.: -. ,1 . ki,t. 1. , :-. ' . I . li: anxious ea :live ; but by. theallipowerfalinfluence
In the:Hauge of , Couttaaniic on the 24th,; the . 'of God'sßpirit she was led to give uptkeworld,
Solicitor General, , ln reply losan , inquirY by Lord 1 ,: .- n a , f „,.N. ti c' b i : k lie died, d d . j -
Churchill, said British merchantmen were -not ~---- ,- ''"rrn-, heaves e ( . : ' , TP.'..! ' OO ,tran - Efetlit
authortzed to resist.their,captare by U. S.
!a_a;:fit.rie ul l , aaa , -ateitltitY, seemaillite can
ers. They Would, by doing so be subject to cupy,all her thoughts . .Ifer last days evidentlY
condemnation. illustrated. the: holy triumph; crithetreo. , Chrlsr
... _ _
; Mr. , Eiorafall called atteetion4o. , the the; seizure .4, : tiara' - A s i '4l before — it'd •1, '
thegunboae:efleo4;,a, at Liverpool. .. Be *Mewl- , '-' e l r U s " '- er
ed that there was nothing to justify it, anddenied '
,fareirellt 191tii, en Am erican Jady/Wlio' Was-about
eath, , m , , tdding
that ivies intended feethnrintels. -He Sheered to, return.imme,.slte saidlo" You.are.going home
`the benefits. that the .Uttioniate'Werederiving' . 'to your , frienda, but I am' gaing to mytheairenly
from the Eras shipment -of, warlike. stares, an
'home ; "_ , - I-belieya.*Wotild; Wive given' her great'
even recruits,
,and urged: that the government, '
pleasure/ ta, saYttolallPher friends, " Oki :taste
shauld imPartiallyadmi,,nisterithe Foreign Enlist,
,went ie:t. ' , r I ' ': &a see"'that{ Ile IliOrd is. good: , Blessed tie
The Attorney General justifled,the, , seisure of ,• a' that t' tit tit i Ilt " ' , I '- '.,' Iv - , q
,theiliszandra, and,Said the,,case would talte,its She eew'sleip's:ilittlielairefiger'sione - ly'lia7 : 6l,
eisrec,Wise: lal,'pratiaaiteed, Mr'. ;iforafalr s _
c bg r e e i
,ii,. ll 4 6 . g.iins a ii . :'“ ',.h. ' ''' '' . -.--• far trom her native land; but having eon:milted
"EtThe merit's 4 ef ibe:4/kiaa'a4i easi4e'regener' 8. -- 1- •- ,lie.ilit c tai the SaTieni, t ( sie recta in 'Gte"eiPecrta
that sleep in 'jeans will-Ge.4Va,E l i,i t h.h:ife,?', ,
' l 3' debated. .. . - , , , , tieil of happy, illiriinizi'Vesu"riectien. ' ' 4 114
Mil Cobden ateinitedthit: Wiejrietit had always - . 1 , •E :- • f i 7 ' - . .T rs;i
acted up to the principlei 6Utheldreigli - Enlist: .
:Her husband, in this theleur oe 'A /Illation,
inent•Aot towartrEneitid r , lindihn demanded that
England should actin alike spirit. toward Amer-. imaity fnende who sincerely; sympathize and eon-
ilea. Be detionotoAtthe case of *,14/abgino,,arld ,
dole with 'him in lib irreParabreleas - Brat I
said she shOuld he seized as the only method of 1 t rt' ‘--It irreparable '...-.,-,•:::-
• • • Artist lus lass has been her eternal gairt.,
PrevOnting Muth Practices. ,-1.-• ,', •. . ' ••^I..V; ';,f14 , 1i - i'4 ',. ; ;713ii .1 A ~j". 1;. ' t:t
Sir Fitzroy Belly asked if t h e Government was i 'it ,#• ' . " 7-1-24, a.. ,
Alkali' iiiepa to' protect Ilte`lefital` saivibe, Of , , Antwerß, Belonint,..3farch. 26,486.
, , ••., . tt ‘: ....,-
?Mexico. • ' •
7,lloriF-Pilm'eriiMiii'aftilhai Eitglinis'caminer
cial interests with Mania bail best security ,
TM‘the :fent That' thli ',United , :Stites i government
*mild not, make seizureevithoutedue'cattse;'and"
:thertrwiemeison to. suppose' that Ore United ~ States
prize -cdurtsr,would,not ,:act , unjustly. British'
;Consuls would and open suageotedlmalla;
and would in honor dellver.iiiiiiamy corresponds
ence.oontrary.ta.goodofaith. , l'he.subjecti,.mras
than droppe4.
' . .,:-::r l'
4 ,
4 : „ Id '.,..,5;z..? :,-,
' "1- 4 Ip,'
DUO 1q44 TOtitet
4 6 lir
/10' 1 f:., ..'`-:' , l ', :3: . 1, 'Ne.:'
' 4 l7rtrrili J Sztris latter Grartist - Hoastrat4
.5; .".i.,2#k Itar4 Pit . tet u rs h Yß , .. 4o3, A4 B6l,
Friends of patiently and others editing to Melt the nos.
pitalovill be *aligned 'between!the.hours of 2 &Rd.& P. N.
on TrairltYil,'Tlii3tH3N4TAtint '
petv4 ?OrinAber tiotiVoed,
rill he - rap 'iLbred,to , procuraxoerinite iron). _the Examin ing '
Surgeon's ofirWeUrtili *of SthittileldandVbird streeta: ,
( 01111ELBS B. WHITE,
atc.;' , AT. * - ottilistuntlifirgeoiLif.lin Army, in charge.
DINTISTRE- 1- --DR: 0: Buz, No. M Penn
streADLitel. iktaliakeltinei444.4 Atvi-
rortirlY? ?A
T 2 l - ler 01'64 4'o
. .7t
t .
- for fami l y a.tta tatriirf turiv purporty' are the beet in tr,
4 . 41 .1 A. F. e kthhrf,
oct4ly . •n r 1 B3fEli Street, Pittsburgh, -Pa.,',
MRIER44-,4oPligigis •
i Nm sllumtlamiiistioTi4 l l4
4i.Dingt;Ajagr,,W 'procure , ,
ty"*lu, 'Bpi
ktilPikd-i4iLDIOE.ON VITF,I
977 i 0
4 4
1,4 t AoUitr4e4
celandliclifol:Kupoel htlieirangliodelaiL
Vt 't. s •L: -. 1.4'1 7 ..
..,' .'.p . elflito.}li
has been used with never-falling Weems in THOUSANDS
OF ovAra.
It not only relieves the child from pale, but inelgoratee
the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and
energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly relieve
GRIPING IN ene Bowers Ann Wism Odin, and overcome Con
vulsiona, which, if not speedily remedied, end In death. We
believe it the Best and Surest Remedy in the World, in all
cases of inrEIENIBRY end DIANNHIA. IN Ullmann, whether
arising from Teething or from any other cause.
F . ull directions for using will accompany each bottle.
None genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS k PERKINS,
New•Y Drk, Is on the outside wrapper. Sold by-all Medicine
PRININPAL Orrics--48 Der STREST, NEW -TOlll..
ReF Pcice only 25 Cents per Bottle. .
THE Woar.a.
WILLIAM A.. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye ,pro
duces a color not to be distinguished from nature—warranted
not to injure the Hair in 'the leisit remedies the Af effects of
bad dyes, and inAgotates the Hafr for life.. GAIT, RisD; or
'AVM HAIR: instantly turns splendidMlick or *chin,
leaving the Hair sett and beautiful. Sold by a4Dniggist4
ifir The Genuine is s i g ned WILLIAM A. BATCHIILOR,
ott flu elides of odde box.
.FAOTORY, No. 81.. , BARCLAT STPXYre, 410 r YORK.
(Late 233 Broadway And 18 Bond Street.) . , jutef-ly .
• ill -
• Pittebtregh, May 7t by Rev. David' Me—
AMANDA J. Faxonsox, all of Allegheny Co.; Pa.
In Mianii City, Triesdatroorhine oth,
l the-residence of- the , bride's .rnotheri by Rev.
Thomas, Rev. WILLIAM . Grasznpuon, pastor . of
the First Presbyterian church, Piqua, Ohio, to
MiSe`Lie W. Rtna.
Oh.,Thursdity,Apiil goat, * Rev. Rue- 1411; Ml': JAME S nip, of Johnstown; to Miss .
ELIZA JANE BAIRD, of. YOungiiiown, Pa. „
' OnAhe inerning of May sth, at, the_hanse. of
'thiltiiideN:inother; : itars. Margaret Simpson, by{
nxi. 'With VI 'Maim; sestet-4d by : -Rev_ John
Reekmari. - BLAKE E. BARROWS, OE'
to 16E5S MARY' EaMPSON of Farmington,
-May!bth,' byi Rev: J. T. 'Kennedy, at the reel-
deuce ef,the bride's father; Mr: Berne - en jolty-
Sox to Miss .gAy ANN Hamra' all, of Indiana!
County; . • t
April 16th, by Rev. D. J. Irwin, Mr. JOllira.l
ELDER r tg Mrs., MAnY ANN BRACKEN, Ell ',Of- In-;
diBDR COODeY, 2211; Mr. .Theiru f Wir.-:
'sea,' of 'ikrinatriing . CourhY; Pa., to. Miss NANA'
McFauLAND, of Indiana Conity; . Pa t
Aprii 29th; at the residence Of Mr. Robert,
Dougan; Washington ! by 'Rev. liinitiltlabk;
MATTitew COOLEY,'' of Tyrone, to Miss MAIIf)ARET
T. ,COLLinsoof:Connellsville, Fayette 'County:.
Ink Chicago, on 'the 30th' day of ' AVM
1 _by Rev. R. W. Patterson,-D.D., Mr.:•Cirues J.'
Dowser. to Miss Awn , ,Enize, WILSON, 'flaw 'of
NeY 401 49 /or/. C. ,
Oa, the fith. hast., , , at the.mesiden'ee fof 34 - J.
Eandersou, - Esq., an the : borough of,Jersey Shore,
by Rev. Joseph Serval:to, MATTHEir A GAMiqin,
Esq„ to Mae Lazzaa'S: all of jersey
; b t ar . k
0101.141 a Lime, MX! winos Bwra a . PRE.)
DlED—December ;140862, Mr. ALVA CON:-
DIT, (son of the late Rev. P:Condit,) aged 81
years and 6 month's rlind•Mirtelf 26th,1863, Mrs.
REBECCA. J., wife , Ofto. Chndit, (brother of the
abcre,),aged 28 years and 11 months.. •The..dis
ease in 'both oases was doriiirnifilthi; - aild both
were. of ißleaeant tilrove; , Maribri .Co.,' Oregon:.
Dlip—ln Richardson County Nebraska Ter
ritory, April 12th, in the 48th year of her age
Mrs. ifife 'Of 'Wm. T Cunningham
,'. • _
I She had-been a worthy member of Prea: -
byterian Chureb for thirty years.
';'•DIED- 1 40iitthe 9th ef -, Maren, Lae Overton.
HospitalilMataphis. Tenn. , 4ot" &Veil; Mr.'
SAMILE,b, 1 4 /0131AiLii, , of_.-MhYdettplll. , , metne4.
her ;of ; the ,98d.,,fteet,,,i11.. at' near; ther nio,Mt s
"°f.his 20tin yearl t 4
: PA* litktil fallen. ellegkin'ret the *ale
..:Tong tnen l avi;p:-have i givektlietaseltest4 Wish'
country's isetviee. Ile ;enlisted ..dOlitutbis last
Samnief, and . the:-:time: since" leaving
Damp: in:Chioago ;. his regiroents dies beerr.about
phis Tan& iltally,l 13iiings. Tr"- weila
t2faithcitiii obediencf;
'Thotigh unwell untolf,off,thitinteqini,vtaB clitaYs
ready foeedittyo Cio - neent 'left" hintielf daft
'centred in a younger brother, now at hotiie'ind
diseltarged,) eV-the:l,3'ole foginatit,likihrbfe l au:
t, 46;11 `Hewes ititnrallY "tii4;; Unselfish and'
was highly'esteemed hy' hid
suneitior and f4ll4itainliiiiirg."Altii" . iti
love meet' to dOifeffißlite him { to he{t haract
Chibitlait - tibrcer. '
IdediOate4 in'ike j tokd .
saw their indiein'!atiiii«krna l iaid#4i'dilliOtai
18 6 0 ;` - 'theirr"'ewarded when in the Spring x i i
i~ Sammy " made a public ikio&tiiion `Of hi; faith
.in Christ, [.. paid was admitd .the coiarnion
9-t t xtt4kr
of theohurcb ,fyr,. Malden, ~111. .116 hes 4 ever
since gi)r t en evident of the sincerity o f th pro
4.11/ •
f 1131 4 .01,• ~,Bel Loved satictuary.Jl. opt ;,
10 °ed,.tir
40 4 .VP:4_Be44-1!”-t rarely tft:lreTt felWA,tvttenat; in
ej-9/Prrlr-,tilett:Fel49!9l:,l97ofitNidt tried A p Aefoß 40s,
yews; iaTth l l4AS ttlmPtittilluft , gl the, eapp l apil tbe
toils okilin k ginrch.t peittds his own) weeltlytieki
;t0; 13 0 01 1;144 I d4he 4etto3g dads .do 19panioneg
bokiltlthsett4 Rim Ittisoleepij ,, ,distoideedlet; the
ttboundhig Melkeditees thiidirmkpandt viaduct(
let, he was sore grieved that men kept not God's
law. His letters made frequent mention of the
little church of which he was &member, express
ing longings to unite again in her worship. But
we believe his prayer was more than answered
in the eallinviting him to join in the worship of
the assembly above. His parents mourn for
him. But, in the language, to his mother, of the
master of the ward in which he died, "Why
mourn ? You have lost a son, but heaven has
gained a saint." On hope is, that he fought
the good fight, and is now wearing the crown
body. sleeps in an unknown grave, among
strangers and far away ; but God will find it in
the great daywhen he comes to gather up his
jewels, and he will make it, an inoorruptable arid
glorious body.' B.
DlED—At.Pike Furnaoe, Clarion County, Pa.,
on :March' 24tb, in the year of his, age,
DAVID TIIONIAS, eon orAltinter and Mai•garet
Deceased more, child ofithe Covenant. Born
of pious paients; and early
. dedicated to' God,' he
Was trained 'for' heaven: • He was a kind and
dutiful r sOn; as affectionate brother i a faithful
and warm=hearted . friend; P a 'zealous and self
sacrificing patriot, and soldier; And above; all, a
deretedOhristian.'lt was the earnest desire of
bis parents that he sfieulebe minister of
Christ. .Accordingly he was, early last Siuntner,
( plaeed.'ie#,.*ccfg:iipn.,piassstxttet4uie, Rimers
, the:care of Itiv J APpel.
made good pi:ogreas in ideatedies; .and
won the confidence and esteem, of all associated
with him. • But. his' ,course at s.ohuol was e ,sllort.
The President'S call for more men was not un
heeded hyrihim,:He was among the first to join
was - chosen Orderly Sergeant, in which most
resew:Lap:de l we,orii:pleased.,iii Is
know, e
acquitteehimdeli9itanfullY; gained/the good
will of alt, by his imiform`kindness gentle
_._- nly deportitent: Reginient--155th - P. ,
V. was orderod , to
~WashingtonoMl thence to
Sharpsburg,lYld, The march this point wax .
a force'd. and trot remarkable one. Many OAT
out on the WV, ; , Seitie contracted diseases which;
will oiling to Chem tbreugii life. DOVId Orr was
one, of a few only, whp Stood the almost con
tinned march of eighti 3 Odd MileS without flinch-.
ing. Bat the effo 6 was too great. Bheumatism,
ensued; afterwards, feVer. Then followed en-.
largement of the. heart, „with - thinning
. of ,its:
brought cyier-exertion„
sure. filkstotheP hastened,to his
by removing hina,front-the wretched, hospital in'
which he Was lying,. and, using other proper:
means, he was soon so; much better as to be able'
to be removed to the' comforts, of rhode;,., and to
the kind and constant attentions of one of the
best of mothers.. :ThoUgh confined. to . ihia bed
for _about fettrismAntfis; , and - suffering` , severely
during most of that 'time, Yet,* was <he Moat Pa
tient in all his aillictioria. . No' frown. was ever
seen on his brow, neither 'did hia lips express the
least murmur
Just after Tithing theiittitY;lie had'given‘ his
heart to Jesus ChriaL ,, Andfhere,-on this Rock,
did, confidingly, and he could with
composure hear.thelannournsement that his end
was near. He was "e t etipodent, of tide very thing:
that he who had begun a gaiiarork in him would
Varier& 2-Until; the day of. Jeans Christ:" At
hie request} 4 th l ii'Sesiorr or Bethesda church -field
fiii ilia* 'sink room, 'and received itm
bite Ike the
friends r monru, but not, as those ' who 'haye •no
hOpe. "Their -loss is his Unspeakable gain:
afflicted parents 'retnMnbei that : they oonseeitted
itun,to*God in infancy, and; by the grace of God,
are now enabled to Say, "The' Lord gave, •and
the Laid bath taken-n*4 ; blessed be, th r e name
of the-Lord."
His holt words were, ."Mother t .Mother!"
And thus, from proponnoing. these sweet words
on earth, did , he, go to join that blood-washed
throiigpround t qr
. throne of, God, and to sing
the song of Moses and the Lamb."
".Oh: for:the: deathcbf 'those ~
, :Who , slumber the) Lia`d
"c. .Oh; be like tlieire my laskreiose,
Like theirs my last reward?' '
J. HI S.
gR V Y. - A - ND . g . C,R Of IT L'filTg
Eruptions will so o n covert filen:bodies or those 'lilies
Wen Vie are liglithx. 4 their aorintry's bat! lea.lfi
s& food,b. and 41reuelting,iiiiii4 1 4111 tiiake slid havoc 'with the
oittengebt , ;. M.:Karen's let every .iiii&u:.,atipply ,with
ROLLO:WA:IPS OINTMEPI ;. it is a certem cure for.. acry
diseasa;:( Nair 25 cants p e iTpa :103;a1
g tad 015 T
T II-1 Orly, ,iffig , , . .
Flt: SPEEE; I I9IO Plan STakir,"lPtitslinigb, .con-
tinues to devote special attention, es he has done for the.last
twenty-live years, to the , diseasee, defosrdipes ; and Aafeds of
snis,iniphitant Organ: •• . . •• •
In replY to frequent Inquirics or corresponden ts it may
be sated that , amongst the OtilkkELE diseases, 'ofIA eyd
Are tratirilot, , where.the,,PuPil• of -ienlilky.color,:initead of
black. is in , the be=liPki er,t;
Cinaktles redelk Nervons
Sensibility of the Optic • Nerves, a•trabismus; or Crooked
NYea,pinver,siqd and -Eversion of itte,Eyelids, Tumors of
Ardongset b e Incurable ,nre,dertaurosis, or ;complete vex
orthe einfdnerye, 4vbeie'ilo'liklit is vtelhle; Opecitial
and Films from chroric:,!lntlersinuition all cases; in which
the ball of , the eyelesiencOr altered in form by . disease
or ' •
,Defects•of,V.lsioifs,.aellOg,oi,ebort.elgliteliness; may gen
ler,elievedcrinredby-preperly adjustid_gleises.
1 . Atexhitsucsa.••••= 4 Rev. Dr. Pirx,l,Cfr, and =Passievant.
i d ol ' m., :
II -1 -4-'4l`• WANT 4 TO
ill - 4 t ... hire ' 4:4 1111 $ in tvir;Scp . valty: et ilt-k ;-Tooth,
tilxVe see paid, to eel midie`w ,chea'p BOTofty Sewing 10:-
chine's: . Igdoireqs , :` 1 iV.:±:;!: V.; ft:,,MAMISON, Alfred; n..=.' ;:
Liberty Striat, •
bitoß. ittfllD.3 l fl7/0 2 ,..• rj:, .‘
onbriPpfafortmits , R ttenti on'oc4pl k tnbtia - Aohi,ol*sivie
qr;" • ' • •
• bitml • ^•••• • - .‘ (.. • :
•., • .•
rZfi la g i ‘t.
i ell‘ ee V rei cn
dthatCaij,cki end'Sic' 7svaA g irs,
Wash' FFigtiandfttleOblel4c,beaides siario.stock,or,;
.HlO , t 1; 8 E-E 141 Gd;Urr.EH Si,
gri6h'l Wood sail Willow ' ' Tin
• aouNkeeptu g .thodyi k re,Ac.,, •,. • - ..• •
l'lßlGoodapartely imioked and dellAied free •of charge
for caitage I.e7aal Of the Railroad Depots or Stearnboat
Landings. .Datidefsierdontainleirin extended Iliforigebde,
Aestredpiand i aß.,,orders,frkna diatendp
onT'protelpthadeirefal attention.
'Tr IA ill? ,
J : fi l e r tsv,. • f : ) ;( rt: :! •-.
NA.f,11.1.4 L , Pr. Easß
• 'AT
Mai a
piOf Vv .
' 1 ;•
.06 'a , lari t ,4 Was tocli p 4 WALG
PADAR.,IDOEDERS; ) Ittur.-BoAlro partersp WINDOW.
SHADES, &a., at the m?taihlr rat,/ t o
0.4.47 1 -T.41. t!ilt r ly..V.,TA t lr.p2s/14 - 45 cents' pc; Plece. ,
CHEAP PAPERS, from 6 cents npfarl: . '),
SATIN PAPERS, from eeo6
pei piece upward.,
. SOk 11‘...AUMg
4°- *PtIiFYI,B7-If,Tft
EDGERILL : SCHOOL, i"-. r: 11l ~ it i fli
is ;
{l •i 1 al 3 ! , i • : •, • " ~)6 E. . ../W 4 0. .t. Nr ir• .F., rl
Tagil their kno;ileage 4i . p.a l iphili '&1A; tb.,isire
eilltbo , ll.ti:llliiira: l lllHlHES a'atiPCAIPELLIk a andarl
ally. recommend Ulla Lop/Dar/on aa wortbv of the
• obaiNloNoe iiitd4stroriage of i.m.r.rts, who "dipsii* . for, their
eons baatiooktwheic d noattanNO mit pmfalikb tb.the moral
and jotalleotual oolturo of f the pupilq. ~ ~ ,
.: . , ,n• .;
''JOIIN MACLlSAN,.Presidetit of•the OolleiL l ' • ''•• ii. a
grA glint ALBXATI DBN.„: !Fr of, ofAartarsi
„ And Aertrorroiciy, ,
a aiiiitarite *Gig
. . fy
:LT/lAN `IL ''At',SVATI/114:' Prof. • 1 .
• ,
_' , PhilogpFbr... •••:, : f ,3 ~,,,_,.,_.• ~ , , L ;_ge).). *!;' __ • - •'i-ifif
ARNOLD 0 (MOT, :170f. Or - A . Bilitkeiriarl 'a ft
~, aI = GeolOgr. . - 'IC; E-.; !L 'V nillii. 3a.C . t . _ ... ,4 • .".•. ..%a
. 0.„ MUSGR AVE GIGEft, RtoftWAT WR. %,.,.., ~,,,a
a JOIEMT. DU FFIBLD, Prbfekoeof•WWMaidNd - •4.. ,,
J. S. SORDNOr. Prortikapr..ofr , .... tiltirm r• • t
J. /I. MoILVAINF., Frotaaao - rorabiamio. ••aa . .'. t,a
• Z.:11I/C.:CAMBRONV,Profeltiorol'Orealt./ 1i.e.'..14 ca ...,-..
1 1
Amatlx 3,llo b4rf , ' 1: .; rt;tl) :nue i 1,6 ..,i i... t 1
"A•. 7: MI/ILL,” ___ _ _ • _ •
,_.., _ • •
IAW.IIIENRY-GRRIINO Froth; tittleaThaologleiisamiker
JAMFA C. MO AT' • , i 1, .' •• ', 11 bo ,
C. if. umiGs; i I .., ft )ft A ...t .> 10;
i JOSEPH ItJ.I M. AtACDQ?TALDiPaitgr,of PIA; P i Xedipliais .1131yriii
. JOSEP.MANIVNI,L9nt f eeco f l i L,, ~. • • zt Pl t r .
For circularicZac'torthei inforialition, mtdiasif:o . ntker . of
th.oPin'a :Eh." it' iii.: '' 1 .fii13 , 1 "8 •OW :./1 cli : '
''' 8 6 `1 1 1 1::4 440 1 ,111 " 4§4 1C. ,, 047EIL 4. : I till i '' ..l sa
, 77%641 11):, '- t ru., - Kra :),, it.ilikaiontiti
No. 57 Hand Street,
Have just added to their stock a rod assortment of valua
ble books, of rcrcnt Issue, by Martian, darter, and others; a
few of which are the following:
D'Aubigne'e Ilintory of the Reformation In the time of
Calvin. 2 vets 43.00
Political Penitents. By George Junkie, D.D........ 1.26
Common Place Book of the Holy. Bible 80
Light on the D.i.rk Riser. By Mrs. Hamlin 1:25
. •
blanual of Devotion. By Jenks 75
Sacramental Di vctory. By Wilileon eo
Aunt Fanny's Home 40
Little Pearls
The Child's Budget 4o
Precious Gleanings 85
• .
No Work, N. Wages. 85
Pictures of llindoo Lire' 25
Kato Stanley
Also ' a large assortinent of Sabbath Saban' Books, puh
'fished by the Board, Treat Society, and the Sunday School'
Union. ~, '.. • • .. c• , I ,
. • !lOEIN CITE.BERTSOPi, - Librarian.
1W1141P... •: • i.. .- .•• , . : . ..,,, •.••• ~ , ; :,•,. - :
. ,
ktraLTAMIDIBr; •• .; •
The Presbyterian .. of . ,
821 Chestnut. StrestiPhlledelphla
- , JUST ISSUED: , It t •
• ••
MY BROTBER BEN. By tir Author of.",?deckerel.Wlll,'-
ke." 18mo, pp. 120: Three 111estrattons: 'Trice '25 end
80 cents. postage cents:. , , yz, • 7
AUNT FANNY'S nom.F., AziD.slizs • t . e.LE.B ABOUT
GOD'S WORKS. By I.edieard.`'llinie., 252 f. SlS,igiti
teen Illustrationi. Prtes .and 45. cents ; postage '9 .
cents. • :‘
s.TILUTH. COmplled fon the• Boit* ASmo.rpp.3l.o. r • •Cid- :
oted Frontleptemand two Illtytratletut. prlandEl and 90
ants; postage 7 mute. '• .• • •
,THiS.OITILD'id ;BUDD F.T. • Crdinpllnd tit thd•Boslid. beep.,
fp ric. .2l 3 o i . ,fi co , !ored Pront4plikese., tpojo : , 41449st : tons.
40 cents; postage 7; sent& • 1
. Compiled for dig. Board I.llalsigip.lllo., Colored Front's
pieta Add - two Illiutratiorid Price 35 and 40 cents; poet-
STEPS UP THE LADDER; ort :Awn. izz/da;••r.
A True Story. 18tno pji. -Thirst! plu st vptlune.
Price 28 and 30 Dente; Postage Ween . tikr f‘ • •••
;BO' WORK,. NA:WAGES ; , .:Ano,Onnsa 18tno,'pp.
180. Three Illn.tratlons.- Pita, 35 and 40 cents;, postage
' oente ' 0 41 ' • : • • •
PrITU[LES•,OF•AIM* OO Lytta f l onagntiLiWne noire 'yes
Doses], LND I IDIA ,WITH Rp: 144.
Colored Peontispieeeklid tiro IllnetrittlOds. Tribe 25 and
; 30 eedm;..Pcislagefirsants......
SATB STeibiLE ; or, TOO rrorza.osyPnsonz,FAnds.,, By
• • 'Abby Eldredgo,'anthor of "Ella Gtxliattt. 18sici., pp.
••' AN. I};rio:n3s l = l ' 40 dautit; pottage
7 cents.
6 :-
C9loo=l'oR AFIf I E . Lettortl m
Top Rather Urble Ohildren;;. 18nkOri Op. 86.• 41400.5rnienta;
P.0 , 4 4 3 ° M 1 44. • ••••_ :‘ 4
:, - Alsics, 12mo:
-TEEE ,UNIVBRI . : AWST ; or, A lWolin sseaoer,
TEE SOLDIER'S Et/ENE l a ' Pp: 8.
,PierTheMbald hitTO press , a tiinieter , Other Iteolis
and Tracts; which wilt be anitcuripedwi,qcon as' ready.. Please address orders , : to, '— • — '
Y ;.
$l.O it, I '11:R. 1,"
The: "American Sunday School- •UniOni
• , • •.,
• ". F OR'D IST Ftil B UT I ~••••••••
The $lO Stinday Libraries for dletribritidn
legacy, in Will of.tba late .CHARIXB BitEWAjt,, wilt jlo
readydeliveiy on and alter July leth; 1860; •
Theatiuday &boob .eititled to . theee , hibraries are: this*
establiebed in - All4heny pounty; •bince March flat, •
. Applicants required .to aubeeribit s . to atatergem Add.
it nest., runt date of organization 1.1 cite Sds;,ailt
namvand 'Poet !Nice addreee . oP Superintlindent; • average
number of teAchere and echolnre, se attendance,' putt amount
then contributed for support of SchoOl."
Reasonable evidence, by amount of contiibotionji, and oth
erwiza, qf the pertnanenoe_pf §ohookwill be required. .
fin7t S , .1-
.14,31,t0a1mt. & Co.,
—.-- """" a U i gf rift% at., PittAhnrich
vv •titotiolrf • sr
• -
prolrOl',"FainirS?'" '
"s• . • • t
- .interszete,..llS4allgtikrafv.
. .
• 'll l ' isf l ikrtiriollfEillit 'AT
• • 1 4 .
°qr. 'flr".' • , 1.• .. 11 1
• Upwards of 110,0Q0-ett +ass calebratakissfehiAls are now
lultuesennfut oberatioA. • - • • 0
23 , 00 9, 01,11 PNRIANT4 B.I. I I, re./rPAR•
Thin Nisqlnne will STITCIIEffni. Q,IN A LT; BrAlp
TUCK, GATNEIq OORD,` and SIR 11.1).'Llt Produces% TAM.
Stitch satin 4 citt both Bidea P is (Warted to:WV Thickest aid
Thinnest Ypthrlo; is - •
• r' -,7 .V
ELEA/SN I T IN DIII3IOI4 j AND PtSl.lOl, and'has ividlved tO r
- • -117G.1411MT, PREMLUMSt •
at altratrakshen oz witit;agihibithd, both int in In Ma
row'. It his Obtained, by far, the largest said, lAA'S%
• {lee - '—
irFait)l:4l;ll.l4,ifitlii.l's,ll ' .1 , •
.••••• ‘i •
• Ihns Irnsqoripop nt Onsartfi ‘ OPWrilil• • •
WILE YjE .A.ll .
• i •
[lll4 • • , 7.13t7d1.1;- oil, 3 •
YINSFENEN4O/11.15114 '
marl/ 4 0 1 •Au Ilak-Striet. Pittsburgh.
IMPOBT4 II ' I% NE W . : :BOOKS. t •• • .
PAIBILY SERMONSiT By Iforaltdailbnar,D:ls7flntlior
•. of Ilsitglit of,Pfenning, n ke i i OripAtandsome - viairip..sl4)o
-';Of Thh r wine. of) Ctirlat,"lf: •,"l _ 1114 A•
TrIE AILiEIIT PATHWAY. By the late Nev. William , f 3
Robertsou, of Enmilton,Bcotland
BIBLE ?ILLUSTRATION S Being a Storattninfotif
, ilea, Allegories and Anendotea ...... ,0 4 1:25
TRIA-PENTAIEUCHI , frern'thil/kaiiereiiina*
___of,Bisholi Catena°, ..By !Win: Henry, O rep* DID
T I.2fr
-cTIOI tAn OBarnMit" "6f- Miiiithatdusl'ill
„Thompa ,14,9?
of liiirWork!ou thirgeritatencb. 41.26. ;Man ifkon , •
First Part• • • t•:"-r .1104
TILE GENTLE SKEPTIC. An Answk to! uolehowanct •• '
others..: ... 4 •
THE HVBEIFDAIr "'Country .
Parson • • 1. ' 60
..." .. • " .... 1.5 c.
•OTRoNon•YFeiiif /null iiiiilli;j!:ity•optoll
• , 4,25
OfTELESTIFIf forliiitn . Vig'SßAYlef '1.50
THE EARNEST wons. AC:I I . 336, WorpTosPITIP ,I / 4 ••••••4 I AO
YBAR WITH ST. PAUL ; 4,'N'tritztnro LginlArra ron,
?HZ SUNDAYS OP igill Malt . ' Ol4 Af!.2 4 :' 1 11.10. 1 4.01)
PlPPtAittbov.eillelltilmfloWt.PonirP l4 4o. oll tß'VelPt :
of thiiprice. DON, xi WooA PiOnburgh.-
f•liapw l 7,o l 1 .1 "tuti...;;:tv,.,
CO z ' RMIf DES'
Theilii fi mirrsiner. bibbed in aYoreipi laming.;
-.a,.rt • lii6olll 0011$111011180 •kr i /fr.
. • ~:E../ATINALJORBD,•.,I:II23,.• ^ 1,•••
.?6,Piiiieft)filireilistOff*/ :494.•.Zildraturel
• Dan Y' $ /9°9 z..e 'I
If si . N
r. : A - 33 . 1031.biP 1 PP to .Ttf,•:l l.
LES MISER,AIfgavFRENCH. 5 splendid your., teo.
PrihbVll7s: C. LASSALLE, Publisher and Proprietor,
itp2o-8t R 2 Walker St., New-York.
Me.fii D flfflfffei . •
ZHIRTIETIi f EDlTlON — pykagEpoi ,
Tam • ...
1053tr3'ik3* sw i c e lu4 ATE 114 01 0t1 41 Kr.l ll **B l 7 4l
• fa j ,:, • .;
..,7-331n4r 11 1 . 1:4(
yrlr AND 00111:MISTE BOOR
. 19
• "*
hue induced the Publishers to avail „tpetne yam of MO au
dit:m.le prOtferred;eimiceezand ieniargy.thel book mithrially
by DM, addition of ,a amber of ,hie
Smarm' Sondat. Soittti.;' , TUC - lint nowcroitatini, "
t ‘ • • 2 7...2
, • .
Ints, - bia_ hag al
of Sabbath Bcbook t7 belotigincto-the f .differanc,armr4o44
denonduaticind the othintryitd'beyOnd all question, le
ttr: lar g est, and thoakiiicfecteHymn andiTtintr talk ever
made for their nag. It fttrriiihea• a greater,p,moant of, mat,
:tor Tor tfpfiguite amount . d.moriiii'ibtiivcan 'bid in any
other forttf,. and Id, ttipTerc#A
fi• The , theape;st'aio . It-' . .1143.461 1 I
;.•, 1 •.• ,•••• „, •••
tie • 'e Ousirg4+ clfinualeto i ,saj*t i l . othingof the enpeiter
chitnittor 'Of the mnsiClsndthesubiiantrel style if liffi r i;
11 - 1 7 1 1I5' 4 i th elr el aF• l 4,?at.. r
• 017E8 R.F.3lT ; lty.AAi.r,, , rarc.,l2, LzrrEft.a . 3 . 4wes.!,
ipsall i ißlise9unts- to if4sibbath • lichoolal tizid/. BMW"
OMM - ft is (tuantlqcs. j
.rbp book maybe had of Booksellers In ,Npw-Yorlc, Boston,
thiladdlphin, And Baltiiinite,hitid the pri 610 -cities
anil towns of the Union. • :I: 3r,
Lirtv. , froil 414 0 141 .;• , .•,.
Qr i:4 -7131..b,g91,11 - smilas, • Alotie;
N eatl y bean& 1 ' o ^ . l 24 V 'Parr s .
. • gripe I:telite•
f , • 1 3 Aliii*CidaNL'AOH , , - Ia:YS Szi.oo4:l
ap29-80 , _AZ„401),tgitiffhArthiStrort,phicti:Itsti:i
momartirOolsaisapeor DiotePodbiz
pio__Arolicevompu.;othin thßknoy,
iaiithiwie term of jeers, inlsunis' to suit. Mao, Note,
BandS (RIM" /to., negotiated . Sic Dor cent. tu id on
1 11 /140Vo R M Itt ee ll 'OP 7n1111/1 I;l4ll l. 9 l l ' d li a gt Yen
iilthioF•fit47 ll 4. l ';4!l an . : Lew rinei t Oilti i
. " - x • ; :::°V e)7( lo
tee- +MQI:, H.O+WEtisWiANl3
t Agents at.s6o,4%—mqnth, exposure p4d, tom).l
(Aft AriaittkickiPintinuitthiatirAVltcuais, ttitAi
"VgrOcNial4, ,e h
4 *lli=iol' *GENT; -
Bu, !II?N!!Prr4i111"11104!ff
AT SEWICKLEY, presents the advantages of a delightful
and healthy location, entirely In the country ; a limited and
select number of pupils, forming a pleasant family circle;
every desirable domestic cotalort; the best intloencee on
manners and morale; with the most of and thortnip
Instruction la
All the Branches of Education.
Facilities for ridiug 011 horseback are also provided.
PltoF. V DL HAM has charge of the department of Mdd.
and French.
Next Session opens MONDAY, !Vita 4Ta.
For a Circular, or personal luterview, addrees the Prin
cipal, REV. A. WILLI/ISIS. D.D.,
fe4lB-1y izewickliy grille, Pik.
• No. 31 - South. Third Street, '
Have for
,Bate , _
SPANISH AND-:(iighlN kas:l:lo.liTElt ffIDES, OALUIPI
*a- All kinds of Le'eflierin the rough wanted, for witieb
the highest marks' price will be . given In: teal, or taken in
exchange for IL ,Leather stored free of, charge, and, mid
on commission; ''
Liberal Cash Advances made on Leather COSslgred
to Uslsit•2o.ll.
. .
REV. I. O:PERSHING, D.D.., Preeddent.
Beet Stistained' Ociliege in 'the State '
NINETEEN TEACHERS. Attendance last year, 248.
Superb brick. handing& Thorough sod extensive course - et
FORTY DOLLARS per term for. boarding, light, 80. Bpries•
term commences MARCH 26ra. Bend to tho Pree4ier, t
for a catalogue: • BSI StMPSON,
Rug ll -./1. - Pvvrilklnt 4 1 ! Xt"ard Pr Tra4"..
'ALAI! AND•iFRBIAL. ,-;*, *
Duties resumed Sciiternber, Bth, .062. The accomm s
Gong for BOARDING SUMS are equal to auk in the Sta e
The.course of-instruction thorough. ,Pupils received 'at, any
age preparatory to entering the High School classes.
TERM—tor Boarders.— --3 go per- quarter-
For Circulars, address
417 LY "
; P.-DONLEA :LONG; AM., Principe
Jersey Shors,:Lycontfng 00 0 Pee
No Alcoholic sPreparatioh 1 I
;,BaR,R, TONIC. IfED1C11191:( ,
.:'CELEBRATED' ••••:'
It. C. ?A. ; JACKSON .? Plilla4lphigi Pa.,
LIVER' - tOilitilNT, DithYSIC
Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of theirid
neys, and .all..eliesa,sea arising from ,a. die-.
• ordered: Liver; or 'Stomach, •
•- Pattov,inviardc , • •:„.:
Piles Pollnow or
• Mod to theffead, Acid-
-.lilt - 0 the Sminabh; Nausea,'
Heartburn; "Magma for Toed;
Filneso or Weight in the Stem
Sour Sour Itructations,i inkingorFluttering
at the
..Pit of, the Stomach, Swimming ef .D]no
Head,'lltirriod 'and difficult Breathing, Flutter
, at the, Heart, Choking or suffocating opmistiorm A ,
when in a lying poiture; Dimness of Vhdoil Dots of'
' • -webs before the Sight, Parer and Doll ,Pain
the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration,
Yellow - Dees of 'the Skin anti
'Pain in . the . Side, Back, Cheat,
Limbo, AC., Sudden Flush
as of Heat,. Burning' in
the Flesh, , Constant
Lu n iginimi of 'Sidi,
and great Do-
I,,f,epi . r., A
• •
ili '.
Aiesleggnhl pillion ilithaly INVER, Bit
lOUS PICT 101, to.
_ ;. .•t. =ix 402147.4374 .
Aldohot joral3Eicl! Whiskey I
.They oohs thi'abowe .dfsesse' hi ninety-nine chino
out of u hundred ..
Induced bY the extensive eats and universal tribal -it,/ of
, Ilootiaoirs . .9ervan Ilittefit, (portly vegetable, L hoots of-Ig
norant quaclis and unscrupulous adventurers, are opened
:upon suffering limnanity:the floodtateit'of Nostrunts In the
shape of, poor whiskey, vilely compounded with ininiFififia
dings,' and clirifitentid Tonichtfftotnachics, anitnittent. - •
ffeware• of the innumerable array of Alcoholic preps",
tious In plethoric bottles, and big bellied kegs, under the
modest -apptilittion*,of Bitters; which Instead ot"ettritit,
only agetgayi disease, end leave thotlisNipoioleff sOlFew 18
Aespat r. • — •
eurhud untried article, but have stood tote Ulf of
, fi.fteen , yeerettrkekby; the Aluericair pehtieOa* their iopu
txtion. and sale are not rivalled by,..enyffifilfiar
. preparesteus
• 'The'-prhprietarileivis thouhaitds tettistir *inn the'morit
sOneut .
fikitlinic, of their own verignial
real ;mem snit m edical virtues of View Bitten:
DO, YOUNPANT3TO FEEL !WELL?: 3, +f'. L::41;!.
If you; do, use . ' •.; mpriteta
kihnill(43 , Nesetsti Brown, .1).D., Editor, of the•Erwytkreall
of Religious Knowledge.
PiTitonitt not ',impaled to favor or receininsied'Paketilt
.14ditines gaikertl,r,tbrotigh distnust,lif digraragnsWit
mid effects VI yet knew of no sufficient reaenii whywaosn Issy
uut testify to the benefit he believes bin:ll43lf•to hilie•reddesid
Mom auy e alptplsrmatation, in the /wipe that he piay- s tliss
tethe r- lien...lW others.
i f I. do, pile s.lle.mpre readily in regard to Hoolland'iWanirrtlyi
Bitters, preysred by Dr. G. M. Jackson, of this city, because
I liras prejudieerd.ageßnat them for ;man)" yeers;kiedeFftbe
Impr.wion th 4 they were chiefly an alcoholic ,miartirs..
mirilidebtett to sny•fr4nd 'Hebert Shoemaker, Esq.; for the
removal of this prejudice hy • proper tests,aad tor euoorktegeo
ment to try them, when suffering from great and long con
tinnedtehility.. • VIA , 11150 of three bottles ot these Bitters:it
the pegitining of the present year,_wse lollowed,by !widest
feller, and restoration to a degree of bodily end mental vier
yibich,T had nut felt for sin mouths beta., 'mil had sOppet
deipaii - ed of regaining., I, therein; e thank Gad and tig
friend for diroaing meto theme. of them. •
f J. NEWTON 8110,WN.„..
June NO ' ' • ' •
- , to;:
7. 134 ;. tiat the sigobtare l 4,1:1; i4eri;4o kg.
NEW= of teach bottle, tr. ,thislrilin'a.
Office 'aft
I • • 1 ... .41
Rich Strost, thitsAllp
^ • itiONateak BTU% t•
*-,Atowimj i jaitte
. • .
. •-••
• • • •••—•
1411 , 11.(! . raliktl2l: ,1• , : • • ,I , 4l.lAabolle
UOrner of Yana and St. Clair
, cbl.7 , )",1 ;.;•,:t••;•!.. :VT: •:•-• :•', ,•-i• "11 11.*4 At
- . • •
4.91 Pittsburgh Pa.:
Pie i t
illetAl of the'llnited ltitia,"with warming - a dt
nearly 3,000 Broaarma,.in llasyaara, from 111 Staten, 5m,11,13;*
only bnb which affords complete and reliable instractlon lo
all the following branches, eth ' CI •
aIaSUFACTOSIMar StukSMOt7, It411.1;0411, AZD
.; *in 416 " PP"..II3rDIP. ,• , I
NBSTA I 11 ,11.11 , 4 1 A8 Y .9 11 N4FUT*.is PurwAllmar
us% raw Nat RlN9„,olSAllasmstfaTiff n
- , •‘t , . '1 • Cisrov.'au.a. • -
• • Smolt imolai- le afinnietaackmAnitideat: l eari I n d
review s 0 .zo ;'t + r: ;7 )
lillniatare now tuition atlhalt pas& .
For Walotug of go paps, Specamdm; of Prilmati,na
Dan:mita] Pefini'anstiip, and Ai bisatlful Golleke Whisi
square feet, containing a great variety of Wnthig, I
and Flourishing, inclose 2.1 cents In stamps to the Prinolgnla.
Itsnarilay, r , 'JENKINS & PittalraiyA Pa.
CO Til•T u ro OF" - t
1.057 ", if 1 inIINITED., EITITIIB, ( i• •
:.1 atto',, raoiat owls
° . * l
Ivi,peunphlet , forin. r . griee. - afreentit. -$ 2:00
Single copies railed,. poist-psui, on receipt otprice, ir„
t i t Inl'i • Li; I'aOHM*P.:LHUNT; Pittitishei f , 4
Irtapta-Dro.i:?l!Masoitici iron, 'Fifth Siiiiit;Plttitiiarr'i
4kr.. 1 0.1. If co 0 .
;W.:fa , • 44.5 ' • 4 • 1 (%
ser i tionite.wri ,•
-34 iiVel d 97171 314 4 M I.ll . 7frig/Ms 4o
kill 'to n14E04411 476.
tJ34I ;AA Olds
arwrziellaE :pit 0 0. •
•- 4 1 tSkielsisorsto.GEO:i..Wllllllk - 00 . ‘
4ri . . 1•X le. arc ...bp 14
2 1 6 TOM 1 4 l e 4
Fifth Street - Pattairmigp
! ,, !.)261(Jud).::‘ .a..t. • 10X41 •
(z . e raudt ,Ncnivit'alabikitairgestoddt? ter
F 1.4 • .V 341
NEW GliaßtoirrtANEOUCtr i pippitt
V* I.ltarf:
. alkt K o k omniiipeetrautlaatei.
Will ifßalefitha fft I! ftragii - I*lll
Ans.& •Ps" ••••••! •
I 14 - 0 -IV 4 I lu 'E
mai.vrx• • f
.&41 . -IfP..- afT.4 l4 Vtidtoi
fmt pi ivi rn tc. . •
! w . •,'•T