Vresbgterian `§auita. P 171111111161, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1:, 186:. Ohio Presbytery.—Dr. bIARSIFIALI. is ap pointed to supply Centre church, the third Sabbath of May. Vl}Nabie Dotation.—Rev. CHARLES 9. PEATTY, P.D., has presented to the Library of the. Western Theological Seminary, three hundred volumes of choice books. The Army News is still confused. Our Statement on third page is the result of much reading and comparing of letters and . killograms. We follow 80, one letter writer •or newspaper, in making dut our news, but, tindemior to collect from many, that which sienni to be reliable. , littxplollatiou.—Oodasionally we receive communication, 'evidently intended to pptect innocence and expose sm, but men loning,, names and circumstances which Peke ,the matter personal. Such things ought tor!be:settled at home; where both Otani can be heard, and where `all axe )4toe;il 7 . Ve.decline anal, unless there be • some extraordinary reason for their publi olden. ` : It sometimes happens; also, that the person writing declines to give his own came, and then we never publish his stile pires; or he gives it to us, but forbids us to.give tulle, party implicited, and then we publish only where the paper relatexto &AS elfeady*known, or matters which have heceUie public property, and where the Pub lie.benefit demands the notice. Bullbf 00tENSO, BEE This Et3glish African Bishop, who has made I:timaellso famous recently, assail ing, with infidel weapons, the Books of Moses and Joshua in the Old Testament jeriptures, is thus,spoken of in thel.fondon nmes , !•-q It eppears•there was a Mr. COLENSO, a anent amiable, diligent and ingenious school master Harrow. He published for the usa•of schools 'an -admirable compendium of arithmetic, 4nd another: of elgebra, both iemarkable,•we believe, for good selections of examples to be worked by the scholar: Sothe was made-a: Bishop, and sent out to convert the Hottentots, Caffres and Zulus: Some of our reidere may, perhaps, 'think it odd thaVa men should be selected for an important mission because he has alum for fractions and . ctibic equations ; but that heti long leen the custom - cif our Church. If ainanionlY proves himself a clever fellow oa any subject whatever, we - make -him a Bishop; or a Dean, or something, ind he is geiierally clever enough to keep quiet. However, COLZNEIOj made by this time a Doctor ofDivinity, went to' Natal about ten years ago, and found -himself at the head of , not quiteOtozen clergymen, and , about -20,000 square miles of savages: After: he 'had been , there some time; all ac citicdtiled to his looking into the 'Bible. The -Zahn' *anted to know :what he had ebrnektid.,•aia the - ehortest answer to ;the liestfon was to give them'the Bible,'wh'ich Iticcame necessary to translate. fnr. the pupae. So he • set , to vork with air in- - telligent Zulu, a tort of colored SPIiIOZA, ieem: Tide enfant terrible, as oar neighbors would call him, began to ask' impertinent questions, which Dr. 'Coma so foutid , aVdifficulty in answering. So far as their - loint labors extended, it is evident` that ' , there followed'e : not uncommon re stilt. Itistead •of Dr. COLENSO convert init . the Zulu, -the Zulu converted 'Dr COLENsd." , - • • ROUTE TO THE ASSEMBLY. "the'Perinsylvania Railroad will liell ez oursion tickets to members goinfi:tii..the, Assembly at the following places, viz.: Philadelphia, Downingtown, Parkesburg, Lineaster, Mount Joy;. Harrisburg, Dun canton, Mifflin, Lewistown, Huntingdon;' Tixoge,, Altoona, 4 . ohnsiown, , . Blairevill Greensburg. These -tielreta,will: carry:the holders to Pittsburgh, and return them (free of charge on returning,) to the stStion Where they were purchased. They vg,be made good to return till June 10th. Th l e-Pittsburgh and . Ft. Wayne road, and, the 'Cleveland and Pittsburgh road,-we are sorry to say, demand full •fire both . Sways. The 'Toledo • Logansport and Burlington roiul, demand ;fall fare in, going to, the Atisembly, , und,... will return members free, of it 'Certificate qi•om ; Dr. SOIIIOIOIE, the Terminen Clerk. eji lithe route members . passing tbiough,Pittabnrgh will be to take,,tbe, Ft. %Lyle road , toi Pt. Wayne, and there get a dad/ tiitttiginsiiiirt, and thenee to Peoria. uken return by Logansport- to V-,Nitype,ion,.,the Clerk's opriine f o,: 4 l,4 . w,i►L,gnyythenoe by Ft . Wayne road to burgh t • orstriey eau , friss' Ft.:Mir4Ela , go to Thad°, and tb - en Olev'elssuf ; '. *auk Pittsburgh f after--whicir-their excursion tiekerdirthe Pennsylvania road, will take ib m ;Sid le : • .! • .4‘ : . 'tic : I!' Those who wish' td uiiiiVef through CM tiiiii tkqstsiigt4e's the' Oliitego'.'ind ' fathriiiadlii . Prrisk; or tite t Chieago A too. 4) .2.-: -1 1:.11.1. . .... • ..,.. .• aniki A km?,ra4iA, P?Pria -ell' u l` t r n l 'T.'` the Logansport". Peoria . and,,zuxliugton roe&toPeoria.• :::' -- . ... • ~ . - .'.' °the" 'ldeedikiit 'knits, 'hcvelier; 'iii by. Eq : 01! . 44 ;, iPi ~ , It y iiMtiiii 'Ail , 11144iMiisiblii:ii? di Reyndlds, twen -three,ooeti northOftti., fsyette v uthw,ittottion •of . the Toad from Lotnqlortte Peoria ;L or, ''keeping o n t o Obi Itii,',4i - gb thence by the Rook Island r,". "Ti 1 ;if ' roo d ag before. he Plttabn.rignntr9loo - road, Nhioh et,ends to Sto i nbnnYillec has also dec/ined, as 'above noted, to Owe, aiylpriAleges 'to Delegates, but , !all.:the other !nada on thin rppte hay,e giventhem: "rtglt, •• , I I, , t„ rorn .• g •,- • . / A fqo j 6 on each ronte; Plttabur i gy, to Chicafigt4s `the. same. * O, eve:iiie:l4is. (kimniwiliners:wiii:ohoose.- -t,.... .., .. ft#l4ilinaing , ,theilr-tickete'in Pittel:Jurgh;ti l !'info r tEnt l a:ift : !;itt agent definfiely by whiak Ade 'tidy . wire to CPlA.P# u at I PAis Pit i' 6 o 1 1;‘," visiortartWayce and Logn e l‘Port rftosiai or vil Chicago to Peoria. It mat-be--tlint-..iw•theu•Pittsburgh office you' earriget a tioket , for bat part ofttbekway, addf Mill' riettilitere6e7 it, at bollitlibiar:bi one route, or "niFiTiVainif - bi f inWillti c ."` n THE LATE REPULSE. Defeat might be too strong alarm to ap ply to the result of the late campaign of Gen. Hooker. But it was a sad repulse. Every thing that God orders, is good, as from him ; and every thing which he vis its upon hiS people •is good, also, for them. They deserve chastisement, and will be made better y his rod. This is a conso lation to the Christian in his private .af fairs; and as we believe that we are a Christian people, and that God really means our benefit, we are not reduced to despair by national reverses. We do not mean to intimate, by this, that We never sorrow for what occurs. Unfeelingness is• one of the most proVoking sins in a child, toward the parent's chastising hand, and must bring stroke,after streke; and so alio in the na tion. If we stand it out bravely before God, reverses will :follow each other. We 'Must be humbled. The lati reverse is the more, painful from its near conne,;ipn, with the day, of Nation al Humiliatien, Faiting and Prayer. The nation had just made a , show:of hum.bling itself and' calling . upon ; 'but there was a want of reverence. Sabbatha, e were being, profaned, by .army reviews, "attended ; by _high functionaries from Washington. Where then could chastisementso conspic- : neusly and'appropriately be administered?, God,will befeared; a . nd bed in reverence.. , ; - .To attempt to impose upon Idyll - is the ver iest.,vanity.. The army, also, by what ne 'cesiity we cannot tell, was• on that - day in, 'circumstances 'very tinfavorable to `fasting; and the services of 'Diyine and social wor ship. l[t had moved inthe beginning of the week, and was then, in the •field, ':facing the foe. But it will not suffice to say that the army could not arrange its movements so as to have that day serve God. If "the thought was that it could' not spare the time, that thought was vain. God. has sent it back again, and it loses many days. God cannot be - mocked with implinily;' and what 'he *mild pass by unnoticed in heathen, 14e will surely'. punish in those who. know his will, who profess to 'serve end "who" claim` his , favor as an obe dient and PrayiUtpeople. Letter writers tell us that.:the President and ; Secretary of War, and General IlooKEtt, and the whole.army, are , bioyint in spirit. They make us sorry 'Saying F; fad if we could fully believe the statement we would be.,znost, deeply sorry. We would then he sure that the late calamity was not the . last,; but that another, and probably one still more aWful, was near. Just' as firmly as we believe - that we are GoN:peb ple, just so, Sure are we that God.will,rn,are us feel, and deeply feel, ,under T his afflicting hand. " Pride goeth before destruction; and a hanglity - Spiiit before a fall." One great: cause for kection and grow ing doubta is, the continued pride, ,and lwitstfulness, and want of feeling, in -out influential men. . This induces thew' tto depreoiate the eneniy, arid force:on:l - unprepared"„ into battle Hence de feat after, defeat. The . : means of victory, .as against such a foe. as, assails us, .are not ased - ; and it is presumption to ask God'to work a. iniincle on Cid behalf. ' ' .••• • In these reMarks we are not leet s unrig our rulers, nor,. our, politicians. Mr.. 0.08. speaking to Christigniq , to tliat,elateuf the people who are•:tbe irotiprrolf 7 if land,. 'the coni3erVithil'Af means OTblessing. •jonrnalsias the index :of QhriltiMa feeling, •it is defective, but not entirely wanting.: In our many -exchanges with these, wo ,i find Vat one that is boastful and VituperatiVe The oArFra all exliilaii - an',lauml;le, da6ad ent and prayerful spirit,. They are;,evety ;one,.devotedly loyal: • -,They .nfrgo ,tho, • Wont energetic irosecutien of-the Fitr , moot wicked rebidlioe *WOW the state of i1i5 ! .*1111414 . ;n49 . 4 obliged ;to Ic4, nOt.,opfy.,kl Os ; religion: journals,, and the • ilahlbath day.. ex erpiffee, butiat the politiceljourrialsismt - ;the reid t iiik in whiCh the people tdlce delight' And under, tins test, we must say , ihat, there is.a. Jamentikhie departure ' fin) , that truth, and•justice,-.and•kindness, find , for.; bearancei• and' mutual` loveiand of• whilh 1211:id a =atoll "iheinthe iee.)) . ieiilf7o rav°rs... i t,.• • , • •-•,; •• ;• r, Things being so, tlie late - ,ressrite,4 mot} to be, regarded as a ; strange,,eysst, weefear that ariotber, , anifistililanother, to) follow`.' These things Itilid6' aBi slay. ill 'die.: I ' 11 :fto rb ; t'a courage os s. n e con, ra- T7i: , , , NP I.s9o*Ourag9. Soult6riisisonset44wArit4in \thein.selves ;. s and , ,i 1181 1 .06 JulideriYtheiritontrol; their. heart bdu g ^ riiiit.hirff , 'Ol ri~tiane " Ntiall be lions= 1 ) 1 4:, 14 iiCYA: 1 1!0 41 0 ii i.* 11 1,;;K : # 4,,31511. . reppkti. al4.:loo.s,rjeikiloPzie*,_staliTl,44 l ; with: Lodi all will. yet be.well.. -80, id we. shOystilllegintiOnel to. Barden' ourseivis un der goci ; EfilifiblitiikAaidVlVAntiotiliPtold i4fitil4; be ii4nie,4ll: -. . may • ,•.?ft: . ;The Bible ic:lailis.-The English ieince Mit:W . ost oilmiteisteof pal% huve‘eildeavbibd tollitAdinietheciiie:of'thei k eoiiii i ;l4ttiO: To. tins 'end 'BrigliSh i cliefilii4e . were'ketli i )- lij4t ) ed; tientdationswere m434 - 4.1)0E0; ;tind.the public ~business, including ~ the. proceed htite ;Ortbe -mists; was :cotAucted•-iuLthe tongue of Ih4'eon'ilitsicali: '. The Holy ;bible, . hpweyer,. isisit'_uoi,iiieduded in the iritkrenmentt arrangements. . This, wee left folhe.thistlionarieb. , -awes hence used but little;' except itf the ktisiticipBcbools. 'Hea.: them Piejudices extitildittf itlriziA families I B ti; . t.d IQQ' 1 and B c boo s. , But the B 1 e li no to 'be hid.. It diffuses -.0.01f-: , A.. regent; manifestationu of its progress. we see ho s qtiotaticki flibritißthlgitrifiptliyhtelVthiiis endorses tielt,ilir*iiottifes i' l . :* "14 1 .he: 1 4 if; 4 tttl. ei it* t •ii4El4!)l ' t . 0 . .: 1 4i th'l , 4RAill 1 ) 0 *,, PA ,there i s no,!iferilliff ili,ell i -the pdglio,.`lappme.,„ 4ii iiirx j 40. of suga r - cane , from the root to the App, is full ,of sweetpese,,p r eyery,,psge of Bible is fraught_with the most precious in struction. A pirrMi — OrThat book would give yOttialle of kinalAgalltPlan' ';'thatt- Wind other treatises on the nag iiiibje-a! PRESBYTERIAN BANNER.---WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1863, In short, if any person studies the English lattuage with a view to gain wisdom, there is not another book which is more worthy of being read than the Bible." Our Army and Navy afford an immense field for ministerial labor, and Christian , benevolence. More than a thousand Chap lains are needed to fully occupy this field, and are provided for by the Government; and their selectien is so arranged for, that Christian activity can influence it greatly. It demands ten times the solicitude which has yet been manifest. The position' re quires piety of the deepest and liveliest kind. It needs prudence and self-denial. It should have Christian cotiperatien. , All who'love the Lord Jesus Christ, should give their influence. Denominational peculiar ities should not be pressed. The " common faith" will be, with the true friends of the -cause, the foundation of union. -.Alittle work 'on our , table, by Rev:M. BROWN, presents some .good thbughts `on the subject, before is. The tr.'B'. Chris tian Commission are nobly engaged, and ,to .those ; who would ,the cause, are„an excellent medium: ' 1-• ; , Tan 'Amer On.tirding.•- 'His fOiFiee, And` Responsibilities; and •the . yll , feani of Aiding hlm, By Rev. jr,..Brevm, Hospital Chaplain,' U. S. Army ,24m0, pp. 124: „Philadelphia: .4 W. S. t'. Air*. ` •:;ECCLESIASTIC.L. Rev. , ;Si:- . l""ltlNktillYhah revel vea. lie froth - the 00irgregatioli80 - vett ` arelt:COriedid,'Crtifiori Piehb,ytery. bir BEN . .E:,S: 3 El,*t i sorr Of Ake late ,-Rev. E. S. Ely;,b,,D. ,fte'd Mr. rt. dAIN were ordained _to, the , woric, of the:Traub-, thairdsbyteTYof , od.; on the Ist " tg •Ito,,_GOteral Asse,gib y •-1861:, -PlienurvarGuS, Mrsisyrini. ; .Itteghaty; Dr. .L. Youna",, • John. Boyd. ' Tineinnes, R. S. Wilson,' Roseman. Dubuque, ,J. L. . B. -Alexander: ~, Richland, James Rowland, Joseph lrairhon. Marion, ` Jamerra. Bider, : Beason. ff9tYlSdorli D. Barron, Mr Patterson, _ Moore; ' Mr. ristre: New Lisbon, ' Or-M. Todd; • leoberti.Whitacre: Dr. Roward, JohmOulberteurri, W. B Mcllvairte, Mr. Rirld&r::"- - -.- Washington, J Dr. Brownson, Dr.•lll'Kennan, lW: B': Keelinga• Mr. Vance. Steubenville, f Dr. Beatty, Geo. B. Johnston, "4 L. Marquis, Thos. S. Milligan. Marion, . S. B. Blaney, . Thomas Johns. lowa, 'W.'S:Westervelt,' Dr. C. Walker. Toledo, , er Alex. Caldwell, J. W. 11.Tevr.ell. Missouri:Brier; Giltirer, • 'Luther Rnding. Muncie, Thomas Whallon, •J. E. Rummy,' , Palestine, J. M. Alexander; Wm. Redick. , Schuyler; '. G.V: , Ash, •••-•.;: ' 4 Thomas Candor, I,J. Worrell,- - J. Boggs. • hi.-Blackbnrol . Dr. A. Munson, . W. A. Delano, J'Ntert3-Mcirgair rify Potosi, Na+9Bllll :gal. lljew,Yurk, - E. B. Ra*ill, , .A. Ranger, . " '-. •' • Joseph C4ry, - Jaaper Corning • E; C.-Wines, 1:1J/I, !,,l , - -) -! ! , . 1 , 21 ~ Nawißrunswiek, j A. D. White, I. 8.. D. Puller, .... •''', -' i . - ' IR. Witting, 'o.!Sineliiii. Redstone, • - Robert .P-Wilson, • ,John.Giilte..ci i . 7.1 Bloomington, J. C. Manila, . Wm. Munro. !" Philadelphia!2d, j'Dr.: Ramp •, - ! -"B.S. Weiri , ".•T . ' 1 JOsePh *54.8, 1 Mr.•RaGenstein. , Burlington; ". ' Br. Pliiiner,* ' ' Gat. Van Gaidei. - Nevi Castle,. • : !.Di: J. M. Dickey, :. B. N:Browni!,, . !,..; J. C. Thompson; . , B. S. Miller, , George P. Raj% . A. l Btirling, J 4.. C. Galbraith, . RobertArown. 7 :1 W. C. Caton; George, Relish, ,• 1- R. ISPertehmnjzi!, i . ;:e lames Clerk: . , ~ . • „ .. - .. timore, Gli 1 e, ; Matt Scott, ; .C,,W,:steiteart„ ; .T t Jordan 7 , Cincinnati, L. D. Potter, . H. H. Leavitt, 1T.14; Metes,' z"; - New Alban R: D. MacHiutter„, T W. r .Sproulo.. - ' ' ' It. Bower " C. A. Pliant,' " ' Jannatriellew. Ft. Wayne, , Dr,Lowrie, - Judge• Hanna,.. Philadelphia, f Dr Blackwood, ' George Mr. Sproul, . ; • .JainesiDunlap, Phila. ; Central,r. A. Nevin, M.Newkirk, . - '7 r ; j..D Wcirß,`" • Robert Graham: Sangturn,n; T. M. Oviatt v galone. . J. I" . Polk, ' Parker:' California, Alexander Scott; -„jobn.J3evanse ; ; Allegheny City, Louis L. Conrad, T. H. Nevin, Blairsville, , ,Dr. S. McParren, Barnett. Zanesville, -EASTERN. ,SUMMARY.i. cr W NG I. AND. -v ' • LIT.";;APRVeakitB/ thaton§o o ll P); gle 20 * Init., the;Seatetitry• Of. State:olU Assistaiit Secretary of State .:aceninpiinied "'th'e anethii Han .• • • run": • .”11 Le : Amex :84W081#81b eixyv stalking ) n ii.,sts if "' k spentthe day a a . tend :Bostoniße,cordir, • adYgtittgoke thik4appmeensty?iNitetifilibbi violation iettigigibutiir4iiii 0600 ie.= "mark • 'lfe. •‘. 1 "In this time of calamity, when the na f tion ; can losoki for deliyeranea c ;only froth' the . *my: and : , mqvid en ee *of god, these• persistent awd,opin violations, of ;the. laws k byAoselrbo,,hayelkep22 made tiie, :struments thronghwhnse agency succeifikm . . tote nought out, cannot . ...fa:ll,kt° :diaaaaiariPlakhanas ci.S4 .ParaiYa??oaP,Pa'. •eatent, the efforts of whoeyer• enteut,to, see good .c.9L% OVA *A 0 470: 85 „ at(Pi : '.vine favor or rebike.' Ir - tiobV;m*ti, :ail 'the "Gistiel; allow. iillimpae" l lvea L to !spelt orthe rciAlioh Pi, terms, -very. tinbe :coming. The , comtcgctifpoq4l44,l,4llu4i n ,to -, the meg, by minietersiof.nuCh 15htaseens, 01 .. Th is !i" Th r is' infAisti ...a vi r s ki • • 0 ire. treasiin •!'• ' cqsnpirabV , 1 , , Imarks : " It strikes up that, this . 4 434!, of A peeolt op the'lips of 'Cliriatiaii 4 mhn 'd'emdtdly th'ae! it 'idPla bkih,n`rlt, agrorreado rebellicettirfat;r6Vi 'lndigna;fion . that •upoPlothdr-lipi would take' the' foim ,ofs'OathionitAnd bin ce I profan crgidg iiiAttooT tha'ainly.,lm&'ofnortr youth). 'g odime sbould.bts'osrefiittiiotr.tb-emote:A nanne• it by lipithkitggewhickfhinti thatlthijr , tklawould•Wearif that daredet •• • Q1Sialitt00 1 .11 4 111 4 1T ) o f Zhß Wirts' 4l.l7 •at • iv.. ; . AfitrAg e g l . l ' tit k 4':Theo 39* iheaaohusets regiNento•harei !for'xne.dia•Sooietruilled tote Christian , Union , ..l `having( its officers, ,and, regular meetings thre,e timclUameek.• Tha , tdatform I ofr theirr ,union.;ia ,somewhat broad;Rembracing alli denominations and 411,•of r•a g o o d , charantenp L ast Sabbath-the: Ch , ristians =1) 'the 14th\ .: New . Hampshire united with, the , 39th Massachusetts the celebration., of the ;Lord's:Slimier, the chaplainii of the two regiments coaduoting thetimereises. :There; werept abould.,judge,,Eabodt ; fifty orizaixty, communicants, belongingt4warinualdopom-.: inatioom: meeting was kadd l iin the. Bresby.terjan t alirobi.attlfenletivillep Mdt":,it thit lll9 •Vg. i. >iaivr e 't) „Dem swf ,thryugh t ,tlothpigutt l utnr r imq iii);*ratio* of Prof. Pheka4f:iind4ol,ap: beaopnJankas Willititin fkigi4ieti - 50‘,04 . •$P,Iitpidriftesofii4,4f.tve. zire: dig; igst, pear 8610 , a /Z; atk . ' dram a Pqr '4iph °rat, i collegsa,sl9 . -pliotiTtlp's ttl f . Apieri4an'Bdaidand4 t b s a l 4Tirtoa#:;#o4e Missionary ' S ootet ' . l .4)l,, ar liil l e cktk: o 4; t 9; Rani, reim,sitfi ailipiaf i t i vrii; ( l4l,g 14, ffi JIVE; 9f,J-"Au TaiiPaa, '!; snc the , , rx.a. M %Sr . oa b ty v ii wEsTimt e usual price!' = CIIAPLAJNL-* 41t!i 1 _ :•3: a!:! =MEI A. GENTLEMAN of Boston has made a donatiote $2,000 to Harvard College, to be expended in prizes and otherwise to proniote improvement in the important art of reading among the students. About sixty students are in training for prizes, which are to be awarded on . the 18th of June next, for. excellence •in the reading aloud of English'prose. Two prizes of $2O each, and three of $l5; are proposed for seniors; and two of $l5 each, and three of. $l2 each, for Freshmen. The prizes next year will be doubled in• value. No LESS than seventy steam fire engines have been made up to this time -by the Amoskeag Company, of Manchester, N. H., ineludinc , some for almost every large city in the enion, two.for Halifax,'and , one for the'Russian , city of Amoor. Where do not Araeriesit inventions•pentrate VIE FAMOUS RUBBER CASE of the Orc4dy4ifiatpiiteei against the Providence (11. I.) Rubber'Oeinpany,,was depided on the 28thn1t.in favor of the e,Ornllain4pt; the defendants were forbidden to rnannfao. titre of' Sell any of the ityie of rubber goods covered by the patent. THE *Legislature of Massachusetts:closed its session' ou-the -29th ult., 'atter a contid- Nance !;.of; 113 daysy during whidh 'were passed-t.a.nd -sikneda2so. bills and , lO] solves expenditures, .provided..! - for tverei.42;ooo.,Ko, , for,!, State aid tOlamilies Of% , :voltinteers - y, 81,200,000! 'fort ordinary purfsises, • f,1,0±004:100. Ivry coast ,:defences ; $500,00d ,for arms, and 4400,00 furl. in terest :odffunded debt. „ft Italso authorized the< reimbnrsement,Tof, bounties:; by cities 'soil ,towns;;which; it -is said , .: will amount to' $3,61)0,000. Thole ,also farther approp'riationi , to expended dei.thodirebtion of the. Go'vernor in aid of feorttitirt.,..ii Two aotaf„were passed ; easentiallytknodifying .the;militiaisystern Of the Cominonwealth,.. 3 N E W•TORK.' . , =I ...cIiCCORDING to the :Report on Ilia: - State madelastillear to the , ' General cie,nerai, Synod of the , . Reformed, ; Dutch church, there are connected withfthis' body fete'htndred ind'Uineteen chUrcbes, -fee hundred and tweet -nine ministers "and eight, candidates. The ..N. Y., Chiistian bitelligencer, in commenting on the.relative propertion'or ministers:and: churches thus re , perted, I offers"' 'the remarks, Which are worthy off" cOneideratien irk 'Con necipuoiyith the general arthject opau, Ude. plate supply. of ministers "It will 'be` seen - that according to the census of last year • there ''werel ten - more' ministers 'than churches reported; 'and hence some may infer that. we liarie, - nee Church,tto 'ample sUpply'of pastors. The: Very reverse, however, t'ie the fact: For among. our ministry, there , are enumerated' the; nudes seventy-three brethrenwho have; one way 'end , another,- ceased -hem the , pastoral ;work: - Ada. to-'that number- the= names . of , our seeretaries,;iprofessore, - missionaries, - and' chaplains, , And at least' there . is a.:subtractio[vof one hundred: to be' made - frcim , th - e- number of working - pastors. So that, in truth, 'we abontihree hun dred and4:4,vienty-nine (or: had` lait year); miniAters'ablei and Willing - to :Work, for Slip plyingi four' hundred and nineteen churches. In other - .lwordsiztherei. ivias.;,anf actual deft-. eien ey of 1) itfety;-4stipp - osi n etch win greo gation -to :need.-theiservice ,- of one •pastor.!?.. TUE Stooks - Sim, and useful Series Of: dectrinal disopiirses generally: known as the South .Chure,h Lectures was closed on the ; evening: of the 3d i by ,Rev.: Dr.- liitcher}ek's sel.Mol2 lon the ißesnrrectiOnli Nye learn that arrangements. have been Made with Messrs.; Carter & Brothers ford - • : T the early publication ..of :these excellent sermons, , ,. at .cost of 41.0 .= tWinitgike- et lenoA And - Ift^ • ta .( Oroll _ n il an n lthß l EMs 5 !" 11 2.1 11 . 1 FRP 11 , 1 14111 the enWeek., IMesPPO 4 449 B 4 between. the , Solteol sad other epeleetiestieal rinndenee bienebbui-oh j he'' Jextted., As .to 414 . M0/1100i &heel Assemlili; hoethinissfillatitis Ai; tab Oft 4 rope.9ttßl;, l e , Ou r skoVd tef:Uper, wtukteve; • leap be Llke:#ual issue of, the cose.Ti- , But:syith:reopeoo She: whole subject, of oorrespondenee r , :hboingitharily. remarks St 3, 11'U.* oe. steal gliandon and abolish:it eri ki . . th.e has beTa 0400111ite : 'of, difiriod!iY; 4ispi4NrifiA stitiotrori,44!e?cp i la. 410, Akfe ~, : 004.q0ct can no, pigs : -141R - FOLLOWINOSoItit4on,WAS adopted; bt the 'Newaoritz'•Mittiateilal •lailekeinn ' ", . • ,-.:l,••ttc, A o l • . • hele Yf r /Pli*Pl E C ter A ° Sql . . °6 , 4eF it Y IN O, dYilftol B. ‘W, P l .l lliB ' 463141114 AfaSeB 1 4 14q01k9,i le i t tIMig!9r - g ellik ' O r S ) 4 4 4 ,611 a1l AOIbe . SPriP*IIiVOIEWO ' iO I e4.. ) ,I4 I A, ETPBi 'dept.,,and,yrben,ctuch 145101111)40n. ph4L, fail, t0,611.,r 4 43uu; ALL9 4 ; 4 4§.46.0 1 7 ;bp POO. wholesome d,i B AIPAP.e 94, 11 e 01.441 21 .. P,. 11; . •: i -• • ' • , -.The! Y.;.,Chronicle, alluding •to,:tho' 'atiove;3ll4e : •• 7 : :10 • • wiiulth.fsnigetitkiNst _it 'iktild'Att; tliisfihreitihiß•aitiiih r ti'llinadeitikr AZ' tm taik•wyoidschtite• :debts. Then thp . eases .wculd bp' ' (qv* •:.:trtac •, •t--i •11. vac.. • r•I PC. ; iTvAMISVALIAttra'r-, 1 *9. 9,C,OwiktagOOPis letnahroßenoVolent. Soitieet ;wittli;Jitittlie chip& of Ittifflnstiltitkonill l affitc"Eiridtbat, 14 . .'"i l Lag i tfe lll .o l c4 l k hoNelifi t " 4 ; (" .11Jr.Lo r roc) L,nese, ; g9t3 p,4*. in , igeoo4:o,utta tionsi, 24.2. reitolitd.•to•tiheir -t friends ; .192 toi'llolidvneliiiid' the' Pe t iiY,tt4iril .P O- '011 3 401 AP 6 . 1 ./ 14.4 9 4 04'0; 2i.;‘ , OrCAiditga t roluito110123;:roxo , Dogricsh Am 4 'died." -.• •A guffiskitisii .. B [;i dle jAiIaSS4", ) &I4 witrwa;•ii 106 ; p The'',`4lT laisaialliiiof ale EstjaidEnWit#P4iornei: 'atiiieStith.gtehit of former alfrit ecilike't 'ir;el2 ilo` Rid ? A. thought to'be ' &lio ` fg the oldest di kind . foxitil&c) Fakir t4l,1 lta 493.44 Att4eidlit:, fariii;" 'icity 4 " `visSilkWillelikliiite the Eifc fish `w hirl 'NAV it/ - pow over Aro VolaPtie° We"' IpatNiatthis figainlg h tnity 46raita E MEI foundit white with blossoms, a fine - instance 'of fruitfulness in . old age. . . TWE Legislatiire of New-York; in incor porating the Broadway Railroad Company has prohibited the use of Sunday care. The _Governor, however, has . placed - his .veto (in the bill. -.GOLlk.sold.si.l6o l in.New-tork, on . Sat PIfLAD ELPH TA... : Ar:-.11138 LAST stated .meeting :of the Central Presbytery of Philadelphia, a num ber. of resolutions were adopted in reference iktbbligi . Sohnoli: We quote the follow- lig . ;:Resolved, I. •Tliat by% the . Parental, rela tion and; by.:Divine appointment ; ; the ions instruction of children rests: •beyond invoidance , ,upon their parents, and. that a .portion ofeleryißabbath day should:be de- evoted> by them, to;the performance of this .IL •Thatrplirents should regard.itssitheir • duty, to' have their children, so:far as ,prac ticable, -in: , the house , Of Chid' on - Abe- Bab-, bath,' as wore h p :under their-spe; ;:, nor ). should, they: allosi. them•to be absent4rdiu the, religious user , wives held on ottiepsdaya f eateepirfor Weighty! reasons. • ,".- • . l'hat•the Sunday School !literature , of Our, day: needs revi si op -an d'axpargatioi4 and reqnires;the .attebtion OfSeesionsqurto: the contents of the library; and -of parents', ..es, .to the . velum es: ?Tanned , . -t heir. ohil Aron-• , , • ," : ; r, That, in order, :to-the highest tipir4 ',itualcadvantage. , to, s be.. _derived from., the, Sabbath earthe 7 part of Abe teachers; cand; -imorder affordz.opportueity;:bothsfor par lental Instruction at home/and for!the chil 4ren aed-yonth to , A.t,tend Alfe2..zegular ser vices:of: the. iiarictnawit,ia recommended to •all,,our ohorPhes to/bave,tint_oricisession of ihe.l3abbath. 4ohodliontthe 84Ubath. IX. That :it ,betienjoined :upon all, who ,harnioharge , :of -one; Sabbath. 'Schools !Unit J.theprinetructrifie•:children regularly-4mi On! idoefriaes:ot the Bible me: they are embodied tinneur Standards. ,3• m 11.Ev71141viiikiv" . Moßitps , l4 edit& of die vf - Of•,• ( "?' 61 K S ' (1 1 f 4 174 0 - , PMI7. hiterign just diedAhihnielphia rEteifwas,called, early .to. having•attalnedt.bnt• to the 'age of end Sias peace. ' Amßiig hie lint woirBs`were "'Oki+ bliss of hniat Je nL ans ". "1 - " , L , • (.... ;;,‘: romo%nility: from - the Aolperieui Presbyterian; litire&ls' -With s tat~iug `ice pressiveness to thoie who' il.eferAtlifi clue hours of life *ay, preparation ye etlfr , nity : • - . .A. , Rev.'Di% Barnes; in 'a•deeplY'sol,nin dis course on Deat t h-bed Repentance ? 'preached lastSabbith 'evening, gave it•.as the.result of 'forty years'• observation ,in the: pastoral office, that -, he had not . met with 'a:single instance of sick-bed repentance; which, upon the recovery, of the individual,o turned :out to , be gdnuinet - That which satisfies us .4:4 tb egen ni n eness of , the dying thiers repent ance, he., continued, is not what he' said; but the testimony. of •one who &mid Toner trate 'beneath' the:- surface, and , could know what' we neveril canther•ieality •ofmati's professions.' . «" " i' i '" l34 ' IL) I. " fi !` ib 1 ' Toe" it isebyt• •••erian Banne4.- • .'t th ''"' • te, o f .iii lifi „reter7 011 . 0 . 8 to our complaint against ftitiWg - ett; and ftirnishing 16u her shipyards privateer veieelii - fOr the without (siitterfereiieo 2 l l ifAnKit indeed/ stitl . Cho -ootitivahixi . •lotlthelviaoirtsieniiitint; you inky . tkatioliktisohoidito'soh..odliihsitluinbi . pie We' botdetiin•thelsellinedfihipititiPthe ' by , itho class' ofnmetehAita;4hife :we burfrom'another class; 'firearms; saltpetre ; arid''gunpowder. ' The '•dliferenee4 between two bates lig juettifie, Great 13itits4n is Wind its not oniy-hy theigeneral of natiebtqr diplernatiot4nterborirsi iUdd'•tteaty Whereas, iiith:the I Ehlatheitni Confederacy she has no , national toi!ittitintAvhsitever:. never:hid - otiokild I hiiirlfc; tit there is na &wish kaeog: nieed in the woi44l ,4l FiziaiiihitiO thebY; tbeii "hreiip ply- fake gap de iitidirp • rota. I T4' •""; linntoeAMPUrniftt -A dt : rfa tibeieli..thttrifety - 4,:1:868: 1,. • f t, •„, • lat ilto; 'Ai • 03,7% . 117 ,, riti v>, ••• : . • - P e L. p .. I r r '..• r:100.111Prbli and, Chl!ret.iel,9 l ,lsAfrAu... „.; , 2. 1 41 i dvv'T:.- 1- e!.4 ll , l Y l Ya.liaf •;1 w :••• • ' • - •••lllll6 , itinitedi States . cOliristian Commis.; stony* national - Associationi havinrfor its Mainclobjeet)the spiritual welfare of the arnir Have appdinted a general Army Cbtil: !mittemof.Western Pennsylvauie7 to receive ' ind for Ward all contributiabe 'of money and *BOW stores; 'to select, dequili t 'and scud to- , the teamps,! hospitals:. and battle-fielaii . goddvitietive,Ohristian.tmet, either .Irniniti: ters ni.lajailen,i irlo : gens &negates. of-the . tile , 0 °elm isiitirr,.-tan'di act 6e i missionaries-in. la mhAtimportant: andiriteresting:field:, !As this isserni a en tip a religioisr. uiork; it itsiaw: dirable,the:twtheChurohes ;of ' 0 h'riSti - ofvell db - bethinitions, che r interested ill it.: • .. it. :. .Prhw-Coinmissiontlieralfe're; publis'hes tire . following• instructioriscisthich m ay.- aidwili: I the forniation: ef lirmyvonitnitteestini•ell , ; aliniehes, towns, •atidi. villages eft Western !Patiasylvania ~. 1...bi.i. - ..- ,:C,' mf....fi.: iltiv: -I 4isi'twil dr Ithreeilliarnest- taw Meettgiol. ! geticeq and4lo:iist a , :plseet land. ititne,:hed nun allileteoirritrrarkilmente foir:a ged: i eislomt etibiiPi I 111 4 ite tallLtlxdFactiveliiiwitii tersjandslaPile,r644l dellOminatissksinithe iieldity;tp. be Fireeept, ,4 ) s'.. l!iiint .v.i.r,....:tii1 . E.:M t ...the; general-4)1001%i letraitookwgy; :.Committee be elected gettpli.otnted, Imbrao iiagl.;at-,levt .two from :teankrepsgtegation; . :represelitSd. ~ , ),:, - ....ct*.o sti ': . - '0 n..lWttion- this: generilAftmittee is , squa t pleted, , organ' se,j;t4l , elec.tingta:Pxesident,t Secretary; areaaurer i ,•amt,;:aMi.z.Exeoutivei Cotantitteet I talittlEzioutaye .11.0Ommittee i ishougibtiOnkall,vlmvingicet •Mor,o4lkaw. five! loclixtmernberil .;,, andilet),the9,,be -Active ' , itiarneektuien.yhose hearts ,are.4o,the,w 9 r*„ . !alliiw,hooars&willing to,:give,,tbeir , tim c.) aids !labor: , i'..,;?•.;H: ,i,: ,:airg si -i,.„,. - , :4 :AThe,- organization beingiorimideted, :that Work. f0110w5...4 ' ; -3aivitlii Hi. ,-ngii:./z • .1:1.;a: 4 ' , Tiine i are titicfrAhigge a tvoso by . t the; 'cogpmapion.i•AmAl. LAgaciserA4l4l Ai ff.'.. : ...-4,84 money.,A.::-.,,,i...),12. invite 4. ,. ,1 */ ~,,1 ' 2d JitosPital . &Met - I ati 1 , ,,in to.; -: ‘1 3d. Good men as delegates. • ~, 11 To obvin,monsy,,lst the pastor,s, at opoh tiniallimaT i .be.e3oDreniellt; i isiiionik altd, taVitio'cO'Vetiiiiis=rtit?all the Metit*tl ) , (nue ' d'utigittigi i piiiineltre ob - pli; ' ihd= '11'4(4 . tar* , 010946' ' bOiiiin4iiii r on'T 4 , lVeit;)fiferit. 'lad '*oigidiiiiii; ) iiiialkilitta t„.ali t f , .. fi i . t, f. _ n. t ~,,n , .: .. _ taltArlontri. atiskns lint inAuedift . "..:l.7, ',“! ) ..r...EtSj . it4lll - tort4!t,iir 146-.4 .I„,i , iiitelifigil to. th.Niiii; an *oil 71k. oi4il ,e4T.liiiaJorprii:Pli ..igi t v:tifiClifr.letigatt e it ' '. 0441are' gidthiiig;':;fellreig l , `&iilicA":ll;t u ;Ig,io 2 mittle Winatc:Ste;titti,'' It '' ) .."7"•tz e a : .... or, i n g 4 tsLwi llie lid e ..-- . 4e . tin t ir c s l e f e .4:4l , I iiiN; l wki3 "- sTiriP 'oe 'oiklYdistiitaifir bra did' O: Bsilkii i oi4, ii t *ihrtiati 9 a,.o;cli,iliatilli;• - 4 ifiattlal j ar g eiMiuld," pr atVe'Tocilf Lie drink for the sick, write their letters, com fort the dying, b,ury, the dead, if necessary ; in brief, men are wanted who can do any thing that will add to. the comfort of a sol dier. When such men are found, write to Pittsburgh, giving the name and address, and a plSce will be fourid.for them. Let pirblie meetings he-held occasionally in the churches, to maintain and increase theinblic interest in the Christian Com mission. The above is all the machinery and or ganization that is needed. The simpler it is. in its operations, the more efficient will it be. Let every reader ot: i this article feel that he is called on to act. , ..Let all remem ber, that the grand objeet.quid end of the Christian Commission lead the sod diers,to Chrisi, and Altus, extent, the king dom of the Atedeemer. •limmottoN FOR simincto stow. ' - When' a box is ready, - placelii list 'off id ti dee contained ? ' `sending'sae:the same time a - duplicate ' by giving necessary informa Lion, 'the maquer of the Post 'ciffiati 'which' so iiiiiifileAgitient is . to •he pa:doi.'' the' biix • legibly;' and 'sell" to .1 ..•i . . :• .- r . Smitbdilit Stieet, liitlithuFgh, ?a. Otte be sent „free Y we will .pas f t, - eTe• t. The Trgasoreri aMxepeiteil,t.e.send the contributions, of. oriey, (refaining ell' that may Va'ispeatialtiy,fer the e x penses cf;the P° l2l ,4ooeej)- 0 . , ..• I. d08* 41 .4 1 # 1 . 3 :5i, TrOini v rei, ,„ s(o:7),Voiid Street , rittshurib, Pa. 0a..11.u.,,• - " JpitNeeN, .11111.8. t. .Robert Toitton,,,;seey. A :.,,,,,,,,,,,,.For„t43 . lkgrestrytrlan Balmer. From -theflififj-1-The, Fast Day. i CARP NAB FRANKLIN, TENN, t - - , - • • - - , Mliy 1, 18th.•'''''') - -..; Mini)* E1ivT...3413 ::—Y,es'ieidgV, .was, the; day . irppoipted byion4resident wit; aeiaou of .prayer ' ea • hamiliatibri. With • your; pernitstikon• r watilliOd for the .Bcrifter some: account of the manner of , I ; te observance in,tbie far off la ' ne,'•4l3,y.,weit most de lightful. *e are enjoying here a season of;the finest Spring weather I ever saw; and tYeß.Per. ( 4.Y . w4e 1 499 [ 11:.0RK9.41:491 8 t1 of Spring &aye. ~4 shower gieprftyi9us night' :eo,olad aud:pgrified. the atmeepher,a. 'Ai, day opened Aright,. and beautiful, ,and,,icoq.. tinned so throughput, affording a dejight;.. Tut oceaskop A;or out-door worship - ~1 0: ,v ' We have;here a,..,dhagaintg4esometiou ji which meqamf.eeidY: - .T.1... 1 111:44. 3 910 8 a0A9 1 „ 1 0- dressed a petition. to. , Ildajogßee r (ranger, makingitim to, recommend 3 A.,..0 .ryeaog, '-.4f the, !IV- among c.4P-...fAPPs. 41114,,c0m. mand, ti.p.d to ; suspend„„ the .401.1 yontirkt of' ildlit•erY (1145;.80,far ,e 4. that. ee.. 1 4)1;9 4glie 1944 0 T4 • 4Rttriment,.to , 144 -I: o 4PljojeTh r ism• .11 1. .:Eft.iiMizill4NP B kie .( 43 T 2MkeeiYacl.;': ll .l!drAe or. JwP.fi issued, oßellfkediKrPT:the 4aY all liv. stu, tAa fgaitkeatioev i ell 4 tetigue duty, gill Ail oPPA - AVA. U except ig', illkt ,, w..eit-ebe9 - hi.tekYde,tleeeeTY- The 00 !"* **Y. , 4f•ler' tera,were, closed, and the ,Quartermasters Astued,S rations, . Thus the, , dey was very race a Sabbath.; 44. Aisiecn,nmap.ci.44k the day was givenqn,eligluus_ serviw,, es, pecytkly.44,thoge regiments that have chap -141- :Aut' can cllY.§Pe,ak With.eertgai t,y„in i re fereoco.to . Atm . OWL . regigpept.,,,l'i r e het;no, puhlie , :seryjne in the roxenoonjn x:opse,quexted,s4oe, wetness a. -the ground occaemmed by , the, ,rai,n of the ; : previous night..,A,..24'.;31.•,$ the regiment .. was form - id and marshed to a shady place in the :encamprisept,..where we usually meat,fox worship. -!Thera they , were, seated ; on, lle gronad in compact order undei,,(he i alut,d9 o f ; Auto a ft ne. beech- trees pow- coveredolith foliage. ulteost4lll4,. grown..., :Rivary.„Aegi men4 °flog, enCIR II 94 of Ag 4 eeliil4eY oteens).:suk Rfdq/Y4 ll 4ll9.:Peihmorss: prfm. ent. Itltreftglio4ct.e.• tfitqn.frellk . .,thc lgoifio.: ” y he Lord reigneth, let the , wan Plickice . An;; attempt , wAs m. 14 'to,, u , the characteristics of -001 A 1 13ti r illW.48 1 4-, 0 1%! *cop:ll4,4ml app,l9 o ,t4tjate l tlte ; pm**, ktnta r nfy,t ! lin m)pn.,tyy z ii,gtnring,,tjie. tfingipg i RTAYelkAld -, R I I49.4iPMAR, Y.P.PiIIoPPAPIA WA "0 0 1. 0 .91.4 - 0 1 404,49. 1 Aq . ....,-.1. e. ai •,: - z , .;t: , !il t -tr4 t.h#3.-'..79.nigglwe.ll4llA , iktilierfluP42/ Ititgely, attended. ,[n,, ,tinge f.eelp/oN'tki4 f1.F4371C - Aeeeti l / 4 13 0 P.ltkAilterfliktt 4:omisthswe ite44.iniYo.PrioikY ot-AltOuNiskilf.4B nmuYa iTyortult - Ftsel?9.oi tbilf! ~- airelftli*, • ;We offer,, our , PERY9. l l 3 ,o•tllei ~eillfec * O 4l OA saill€l.t§a , vio. ll r. 41 4 1 .4!, Yisithe Oltior the f m earn, SPAriPt•ii:X9 pray for tkeiontie..* igetßeAukt ArgoervatisT dig tux nationality, Ow ttimiPtAiqi , of Akiitiegolatins.witr; and the, ,eatabf iahmept • pf,act, hpnorable and; iagiug,,peaco., „Putt An. - ouri out Ward ci ff 3 TP-I t APPPso49W. , :ilitgrellil; -Fancy ,to youraelf A, lalolly.of mepptueleriiig•a n hurr 7 dretlmitattrc stapd,itig r A4, ; circle, nvit4„,the minister in the midst - . ~.,;.No,,ficw.,i o n, Thigh tfl•lit."4 9. l SnhiPe l , e49l , o:o4.eatth•alNo 9 0 _ , T.P.Prg:4%.4',,the iMaYellev•PN.P i l ight but 10.4tAINTAiallP( 1 41 .9,e..a.ngil i tinenutu4 Venus, which now as evening star k , tg19,4 kightlY:ie ihe.! - Fell,ti ~ X FPnkittriP.ileeeMbly gg pp, k4opga:Pf LlPTai§4,l4torP4 IA t he. ,use of )1 1 .3? 21 1fhPnlli PlailliP) B 4, o l , .: ill • their . P 2 gub o r 3s, :it 4 Mkr oatio gavikth ( s 36 '/.9.A.Y1 , 4 13 4941 - 0. Itor.ApPfraNclkor.tat ; immkii, gomiinglY §O l -.. 'egg ant Pr.i.YPT§. :1 - !..wifiA,O.:ll2an.St , a' amp% 43f -,pprit ;tad . on,e, • tlptt vill be , 7e • t o WI4.4AtfIItUMAY wjAhAPkul#l44.tiVAVl:l ‘ l, s*.o 4 :ooe9ntlielt*. , ,li•P -. 4 '!• - •:•.14.` +A" At '' '' alit .. 1 ' : r . kch wan thP,3.o,4hAf•APtils34)..D:ulo44 i.E.1. , Ph0it414.02,9i9§1 1 k, ?4,9giipw#4), - .V. , :i; 14 TkiP ohwAiiin , lug9oB 41t00110gen.494,7 and 'tu P3r4Aire.l , ThumorOft AtAllitATUELatrigßU: ~ It ;lAA ut.o.telNwou,!i!UPTlP 4 9§," ~.11111 t A3 /WI 14 91.4.4 1 1:0P051mAgemmi5,54.01% ftirtil*lnn igtVP 4 APV:A.CATijita9.949PrAIgrA kayo kOARI 1 0 2 are of both•urF oft lo 7 , ,va ri.; et:f..,:i I .u:Stli a tli i iiritaThCtf 9it•fgent r e 4 9ittfP iM111,4 101X,-,k()Alfl4.sat'llt• ' 4 ?TiVi i i FfPiZYP..flf-drp .10)&tin.V.e4. may.sf9; P 9a el, th gr i I ff+l?,9 APP 11491,4 r, for.iily, 'TRISM e Ats. ,44 e PTV 8 ,0011r 6 1 0 .1 t :11 1 8:i 't .l ed i a tlyP .A. r t •t- f iff s in i t B qa?li ;[. %17 4 ah . or..iir 7 l , l4;:deturf,,a(gve '. and., t . T iqr ‘g Q •W ,, tllig l'e Ati s ;fA n aini : 0 1;" tf e4 . N I ; (OA pc rehillionlw,terVivritiaSpiiE,'"ii . ~,,Iffill,npt; linith:wl` thirs,lettsc, iiiii a . .4, I • ' 1 ' • t. 4 . 3, , . .. i • • )., .... ~, gm 4 149,u,°.tit!c. • . ,clitraP i , fii4. nht itliikliPM%•4 4 4l , l • 4- ;.#l;tr* i .4 , . • • • G t h i y a h c ci 6 et A v ,ty 6•St i lai ma Ave .‘: , .1:17; trt.4 rliel*, i4.0!•6::: I "i . offs , JIM , sioi ow ,- ;. -Lkitti to i '.o.lretaalnaPOlll:, noittit?‘-', ~., .. .. .ißir rae.Praident , of the t r natin 1 CStatlit" of odnaridt. IrslitrzAriott, ' May 'il.-4'l3.ioUn:tatVii`i ' Wngnices, The Con&reas of the United States; atita,laiinaeeelon;:ena'cted..ta lawontitled an act t for enrolling and calling out the national farces'', Ia! MPTctieXfP-V4ttiWkiotral”Ted an ")% 1 4 #44 et, IT ti pi. i,tAg; is reeite'd 'tit ri ga , a. that' tkegre'riciiilexi — in 'Utioll:iiiitecf 'States' tititoiiiinto 'reetioteand Tab Cron again et thefautheritptterell ;o fi:anotJt i hsaltutdeg,tl)ll gonat,lt u ti on of, theßnitexi, .fttffeth 4111 OuVraf,tlip t Apifernmerit to suppress, lmrreetten t inccelielliiin 'Co guarantee;to se - sifi , 1310 u'll.eiallifean l 'Aiiiii of ' goveinni6& 'ea, tZ' •piii6iiii4 the l lmbliotianquility ;.- aid, •t - -n.,. s;, , •NnEnissraor,..theiteligh•purposeaatt militai PITOC; IS. i 41( 44Pe404b1e5; LOl•raise:;sol4.i BuPPorh fhjißllo4petvione ought willingly to,.coltiopute•- aki4, l ' ' • '' '" ' l ".`-'.' '4 _i riViiiiriki,'N.o'AeriWeancbghVOie'lirithre4io;‘; withiPhenfiiiibie . . ttErt thalwiliolrrufbkeftiezi3i, ?e:sluiaitaiitteusitoe. of the aon iti intio mend, that jUtaAn4 10441 • 041300 400ePLIRTee74i tt i zo f pn i igt9 atilliiiinic and l' J• - ti • winaLts, Por We reillatiliVecill.ki/ was NM enacted by the same statutes that all able-boditd male citizens of the United States, and persons of foreign birth, who shall have declared, on oath, their intention to become citizens, under and in pursuane of the laws thereof, between the ages of 20 and 45 years, with certain exeption s, not. necessary to be mentioned, are declared t o constitute the National forces, and shall be liable to perform military duty in the service of the United States, when called out by the Preeident for that purpose; and, Wnsases, It is claimed by and in behalf of persons of foreign birth within the ages specified in the said act, who have heretofore declared on oath their intentions to become citizens, under and in pursuance of the laws of the United States, and who have not exercised the right of suffrage, or any other political franchise under the laws of the United States or of the States thereof, are not absolutely included by their aforesaid decla ration of intention from renouncing their purpose to become citizens, and that, on the contrary, such persons, under the treaties or law of no. Lions, retain a right. to renounce that purpo se and to forego the privileges of citizenship and residence within the United States, under the obligations imposed by the aforesaid act of C oo - Now, therefore, to, avoid all misapprehension concerning the liability of persons concerned to perform the service required by such enactment, and to give it full effect, rdo hereby order and proclaim .that no plea of alienage will be received or allowed to exempt from the obligation imposed by the aforesaid act of Congress, any person of foreign birth who shall have declared on oath hid intention to bec9me a citizen of the United States, under the laws thereof, and who shall be fibitnd' Within' the United States at any time dur ing the continuance of the present insurrection and rebellien,,at or. after, the expiration of the period of . sixty-five days from the date of this prOciiiiiiation • ' nor shall any such plea of alien age be allowed in favor of any such person who has so as aforesaid declared his intention to be come a citizen 9f the United States, and shall h ave ex ercised tit any time the right of suffrage or any other poli tical franchise within the Unibed States _Walunder the laws thereof, or under the lowa of any - e - B'64ra States. In witness whefebf; I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Dotteiehthe city .of Washington, this the Bth day, of . May, in the year of our Lord 1863, auil:Of the Independence' of the United States the 87th. Bribe President - . 4%4; , . i'"'Asaenem Luscotx. Wee. H. Seward, Secretary of State. Caphim of Grand , Gulf. • -FiACI:SIIIP BERTON, d Gulf, Miss., May, 3, 1863. J To Hon. Gideon Welles, Reerettuyof the Navy. Son : I have the hottorloi report that I got un der way this morning with. the Lafayette, Caron dolet, Mount; Cfty,a)24. Pittiburgh, and proceeded up to the Torts at Grand Gulf Tor the purpose of attacking them - itgain if they had not been aban doned. ,'Thwertemy left before we got up, blow ing up their ammunition, spiking their large guns, and brititiiirtirtakick"away their small onee„ ~,Theiputunent.oonsisted of thirteen guns in an. The works are,9f most extensive kind, and would seek . iti'deff the 'efforts of a much heavier, fleet, than tbi one that, silenced them. The for't's' toirn.tO pieces.by the ac airitcy Erg tol. 'Wadi; the commandant of-othe bittiatied;' viali'tkilled; alio 'his chief of staft!,/ Eleven men werckilledthat we know of, and.: Ante informant; says, -many wounded, and that ne,.,o9e„Was permitted to go inside the forts after th e action, the belonging. We lied a hard' fightnfer these 'forte; and it is with great pleasure that I report Mit the navy holds tbeidoor td. Vicksburg. . , grand,,G, strongest . place . on the Mis sissippi., I . 7,,Sll; t i.h9,,euemy succeded in finishing thit:Tortifipations; no fleet would ever have taken them.;. 'I have beeklill'ovettliiirorks, and found them isatfollows:' , One 'fOrt on the point of the Rock sevetity-five feet liigh,".'etalculated for six guns; Inounting i ,two seven-inch rifled, and one eight-inch and . one ,Parrott gun. On. the le ft of these Work is a triangular work calculated to mourieheitAiy gnits! `These worksi are connected with' another fort - by a covered way and , double rifle pits, extending one.querger of a mile, con structed ,wigt,puch ,labor,„ and showing. great skill on I : Nl:pert bf Jbe constructor. The, third fait ettniniandti the,Hvei .lk all directiOuti. - It minindi'brie?"4lendid - 'l34gly'' one hunilied pounder; antl'Onti eikht: inch' end thirty-pound ere.' -Thelittem were:lying bursted or broken on tb,_e.groPPd-.(1:•, ; • • The, gunboat s had so . noverecli , epery thinir, with eitith: that:li sittinlxispOssible tti see'sit' first what iiiiklitsre, 2 with' the eiceptiOn of 'the guns that were , diethaintted or.broken. ••Every gun that fell into gur":llandst was ingoed condition, with a targe t :pant4y of ammunition.,..,„ ; Thy& ,is by far the built - works. With t 'th i et_,iiicePtion Vickehnig, I have • yet senif,karial afh hitil - PY I to say that *g hold them. Dim dismountinethe zwuspand getting on board 049ialtimuttitiOn-1.; . 03 • • :is danceinakixts.-,lll9 4l 'o9:,,,ewamination, new forts, hey, bilenialies9C 7 nettiq -b trailed. They hill ~o'gjune ; ur were complete 'O't, 'the kind, as re d ' po"eilione ; sniff had field-pieces in theni.ll4.: s , (Signed) l , PORTER., AcA.4loo,ol,ootnnnding therMiss. Squadron. " ktietirit•-,4 %W., °A.:TAO v.:vs; .irt):t7 ‘. l !, ....;7a , , fi Gs.atinputs.,,,liftty,B, 1863. To Ateor awe Haksek:,,Connnander in 'Chief: gni 1 : 4 • • • •:•W e,l'aridid 80tb, moved immediately atort:L3Gibson=met - the enemy, 1.1;000 strosgpfout miles south of Port Gibson, 11 1.,i4 111 14; .0 11 4,44 he, s and, engaged ; him all day, 'routing `him, With t,l* 'loess of many killed' abouCtoo l 'prisoners, besides the wlSifdeill - f•Oitr;aiellii about 1001illed .and 600 wittn . dedi.!ghe , Tenttny.,retreated toward Vicks btirg; .deattcaAagithe,,brid4es over ! two forks of the flityonTierre.; ; Thesewep ; rebtglb and pur shit continued until de' presen t time. Besides the heavy artillery at, this place; four field pieces wemeaptured, and, porno; etoreecamd the enemy d,V,ves r o dostroy , ntplcmaxs.. 4l 4he; country is dtf . fteult a ,t,n operat e . try . has been aina,llis'eialitiaoro4ghly de naid.hilized. ....r.s,vc - Jeff D.s t . • r Wig ► ",- - traterGitAßT, .Major . Gerneitfiteolimiadingiersit Gulf !of the :11 4 4,44. 1 0.1436 , --“ day LI zob. . . JUO .t!.E) R . 4 'll4 t i ttitf4hgt airo. . 210 /fltloN 4 W7ll4railii4MezV;it.l-itl.dtif: Grie — ritoff,'-:with his csidiry , has been, hetird I*i:lth—fret -.about -ten '3:1148 ago in Northern, Aligsiasippi..,.flo.,mlvect thence and st,PRIt a.railn* 010%i:tilts ca 4, of Jackson, at §iation.l 'He then' moved souihwaild denianded the sur render at ilibyrigtoe;:aild gavtlorie hotirt grace, dudiig ichiohl - Gen.l•LonmnleyAirrivecE. He 'left. at: 913 0 e.' EVA moved ulvfe , PnYls4. 6 ll the Neyr, ()dew and ;Jackson, ,Railia'ad.,, At ,this plit4 4 he tore u'V s litel,racq :thence tn . Balnilia, tad' "fitr,ther einiift'f 'on the pariiilt rad; ,thelfcrUeastwarci* on the; road;' l where he had a fight; witkai.d . ms'.) cavalry ptfrOm this 'point he •mpe4 haolf,,wl. Ats, New ,Orltn4ia .aad,Jaokson rOadotni.Arooklavon, mils.,sonth:of:Hahalia. • When'llkat Elii 4 ee'-inhea from ,Stindolt, tent nil s inuth,ofithe lastAnnted ,' B _l l -140 8 04 toa 3/ . 6:making his : voty tojiaton i :Rouge. n6, ll o3 l rßadoexeic•enlent. thr,cigttent.the State, :deapss7!d. tFlatlezir . ark i find bridges, itairnintlqqouto ea' ana riLdwai.tack; taking pAtichiarePaid l ekliiiiriliitiefoi4a of all kinds. • 18igantilf S 3. Eiften Major• General. ,tio; ) 1 GenPral:0 101 11R 1 i0 , :aloitg. . HkintabeitT*Ctiy ltr uisivi; `Tint Peoromto, May :7-:--!,..itfajojr: r. Gerieria.iBtenfilimsitlaly Aid de Camp, COW°. 131 1.mnen iieriPe!, 'kr% He . reports having !disarranged.m oe,,, l tkeiiix s, communications be tween ,this i ait Richillend; 'and oiie paiV having exten.d4etge '''opeiations-'fo' Jameenver, de stroitni tifelitiell, l Bto: .IThree ' 4 4in:tents of the :conimancilileflctid distrOy t hal railroa4 bridges ; tcr e !i 3 Y4MninSiqrith instructions : to go mit l k Wn., i- • teitLongitri. u nshed his iro4 iixotki on , Fitaryirmtuiuy, , and; Einiday; 'befacillleneral Stoneman': had broka theLnotnnmiticat:ioni, and iitnie:Aelieved by all : the;:pekoled,prisoners who Iheyestie,here;thlt Gen-Atohiernan,might have ta)ten To i bieopliwtck, s a } %mend of his cavalry. ,Tlie d ciliand - fatzehehhe , were stripped bare !oriretefideN: l ieretTileniz ere'With Lee on the h i ;RaPpabennisbk,taithitftiohmond might, according Al..hisiewit tletiotuAgjtavia been: taken , without a struggle;, - ,lt 131,y, Ike taken yet before the roads , aii'd,b,f,Mivii betwqrt it 'and die itapfahaanoek I:Mt be re e. • - ~ffi ,st,,L e b el , IF aka r 6 ~ b d ES ' p telegrap e TeertreSh nitre of the Itfellnoird ate l .l4ttan;6th inst:,,Which - was srtperudi note endorsed 10 3 Li WIRAAIIe PAYAIRBP44IBandiTePted to txgonlyeK4psAniBettt 18,000, ~~ MIME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers