Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, May 06, 1863, Image 2

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    Vresirgttrian 'fauna.
Rev. Milo Templeton,—For a brief notice
of this deceased minister, see the proceed
ings of Marion Presbytery.
Presbyteries,—We give much space this
week to notices of meetings of Presby
teries. These record passing events in
Zion, with plans and purposes for promot
ing her welfare. The Presbytery of lowa
record a revival ; and the prosperity of
Zanesville Presbytery may be regarded as
a real revival.
The hut General Assembly. Stated
Clerks of Presbyteries, and of other bodies
sending delegates to the Assembly, are re
qWested to send in the names of delegates
iininediately on their appointment, with
the Fest Office address of each one. By
so doing you will assist and oblige us.
Address J. Bo YD HEADLEY,
for Committee of Arrangements.
Peoila April 4th 1863.
TU,Boxirds of our;; Church received,. as
per 'statement in. Home and Foreign Rec
ord, during the month of. March; the fol
lowing. sums
Domestio Missions
Foreign Missions,
.Donations, 5,482.98,
Saleg, 6,107,47, I 11,540.40
Church Extension, 618,78
Pisabled Ministers, since last rep, 2,204.88
Board of Foreign Nissions.—ln another
column we present an Abstract of the Re
port of our Foreign Board, for the year
ending May let. The churches will re
joice in the tokens of God's favor.
The Annual Sermon before the Board
was preached on Sabbath evening, May 3(1,
in the Scotch Presbyterian Church, (Dr.
MoErAttar's) by Rev. W. G. T. SHEDD,
D.D., of the Brick Church, from Romans
i:.21-28. _
Going to the issembly.—The Con nellsville
Railroad will return; free of charge, mem
bers of the Assembly, on their showing a
certificate from the Stated Clerk.
The Allegheny Valley Railroad offers the
same terms as those of the Connellsville
The Pennsylvania Railroad has agreed
to. issue .P,zeursion Tickets.
Other. roads, we understand, will return
members free.
College of Now Jersey.—Attention is TO
ciliated to the appeal of this institution,
Which is given on ourfirst page. Who
does riot admire and love Princeton ? It
contains the most ancient of our Colleges
and Theological Seminaries ; and these in
stitutions are still flourishing in vigor, and
have not been excelled by any later efforts.
The State of New Jersey, and the cities of
New T :Yorh, Philadelphia, Baltimcite, and
Washington may be •looked to for the larg
est contributions; but the whole Presbyte
rian Church and the whole Middle, West
ern, and Soutilein States, owe to the Col
logo at.Prinoeten.a debt which ought nev
er.tir ba,tepudiated.
4 , :i took. of Common Prayer for Prosbyte
tillnif.-4 series of articles on this subject
appeared in the Presbyterian during the
Winter and, early Spring. They were from
the :_pen;of Rev. CHARLES W. SHIELDS,
D.DI, of Philadelphia, and are now neatly
published in a pamphlet. Dr. SHIELDS
piSPOSes three "means of correcting and
improving our public worship" : let. "In
all eases a careful attention to the rules and
suggestions of the Directory ;" 2d. "In
many cases a system of services, with forms
and examples, composed or compiled by
the minister for .his, own assistance;" 3d.
"In some cases, where the parties are so
agreed, a liturgy or scheme of common de
votions, for both' minister and congrega
tion, containing not merely psalms and
hymns,but tables of Scripture ,lessons,
forms of stated prayer, and of administra
tion of the sacraments, and other rites of
the Church." These advantages he would
secure :in a " Book of Common Prayer!?
The subject is treated with ability, but
it fails to convince us of the necessity of a
systemof forms for the conducting of wor
ship, in a church where true piety, and a
high education, are prerequisites in all who
would enter its ministry.
Helps to a pieparation for the Lord's
table, and to a profitable enjoyment of the
ordinance, are among the valuable prodsw
tions of the Christian press. We are hence
pleased infind on our table' a new edition
It ie issued by the United Presbyterian
Board of Publication, Pittsburgh, and is
sent tows from our own "Boon Rooms,"
*here our'judicious Synodical Committee
of Oolportage keep always on hand h most
excellent *situ:dice of : works on practical and
experimental religion.
This work . of ;dr. WILLISON may be
read with much, very much benefit, and
rats of it be read many times during the
progress :.of. our religious exercises; and
we have often recommended it, as we
again do, 'to distressed inquirers and young
converts. It should be in every minister's
study, and in every congregational library,
and it richly deserves a place among a few
select`books in every Christian household;
The treatise is divided into three depart..
I. Directions Itow to prepare for.a Com.
munion Sabbath, before i lit comes.
.How to spend it when it is come.
IL How to behave ourselves when it is
*Ballwin/5Eu. Drano Tony, Or, A. Treatise
Concerning thellanotifiontion. of a Communion
Sabbath, by .241%./Ohn Watiaon, late Minister . .,of
the Gospel at Dundee. 12m0., pp. 24 7 ,.,Pitt0..
burgh, 1868.
When the present civil war commenced,
over two years ago, there was a general
opinion that it would be of but short dura
tion. The power of the loyal States, in
numbers, wealth, manufactures, food, ships,
commerce—in all the appliances of war and
means of aggression—was so immensely
above that of the rebel States, that it was
hardly supposed that the insurrection could
endure for a twelve-month.
After our great discomfiture at Bull
Run, in July, 1861; we felt bumbled, and
thought of looking to God. The President
accordingly set apart a day, September
26th, 1861, and we fasted and prayed.
For a while,Ood favored us. So suceesiful
were we that, a year age, we euppesed our
selves to be on the highway to victory and
peace, and were already singing songs of
triumph. But our progress was checked.
Reverses came We doubled our
and again boasted largely: We; aid plans
and fought battles. But• alas, with our
million of soldiers, and our immense naval
power, we have made but 'little advance.
We have been beaten, or balked and thwart
ed; and the enemy fs in the field with, all
the determination and vigor of his best
How is this? Why are` we not success
ful? The war is evidently the strong
against the weak; and Yet lie are .not -vic
torious. Why,? Is God against .us.?
No, you say : God is snot- against us.
We fail of success because of the incompe
tency of our Generals.. All! Our failures
may be of God still. Who is it that gives
courage; and who, also, that makes the
heart to melt as water? Who is it that
teaches men's hands to war and their #ngers
to fight?
No, say. come: Our, want , of, success is
owing to the imbecility of the Administrk
tion. Well;. suppose that either these or
the former, .or both classes of them are
right, is our failure not still of God ? Are
not .incompetent commanders and feeble
rulers 1% judgment of God ,npon a people
whom he would,aftlict ? He took from sin
ning Israel the mighty man, and the man of
war, the captain of fifty, and the honora
ble man and the counsellor,. and he gave
children to, be their princes, and babes to
rule over them. (See Isaiah iii
And is not the " king's hearthilis hand ?'1
No : say others
.still: The Administra
tion is excellent, and the Generals and sob
diem are good. Our failures come from
opposition, party strife, divisions, 'jeal
ousies. " If this is so, we may yet
that this alsois a judgment. It is in this
way that God sometimes defeats well-laid
plans It was thus that the builders of
Babel were frustrated ; and thus that AB
sALom failed of success. The record ; says
" And ABSALOM, and all the men of Israel
said, The counsel of flusai the Archite is
better than the counsel of AUITHOPHEL.
For the Lord had appointed to' defeat the
good, counsel of AHITHOITEL, to the intent
that the Lord might bring evil upon ABSA
Evidently, God has a controversy with
us. Something is wrong, which hinders
. a
blessing. We aim at something which
God would not have done; or we are un
willing to do what God desires; or we use
improper means . ; or we are too wicked to
be favored.
No: We are told again ; this cannot be.
We are, striving, to ^give freedom to mil-
lions of God's intelligent creatures. Our
cause is good. God cannot but approve.
Suppose now that God should respond:
Who hatji required this at your hands
Did I bid you do this ? And did I ordain
the means you user True, I said : " Let
my people go." " Let the oppressed go
free." But I had not put this people under
you. You have no authority over them,
either legitimate , or de. facto. It is true
that I ordained the law of love between
master and servant, but I= did not make
you its executor; and then - 1-ordained the
same law, between you and the mutter.
And as it regards the'physical condition of
these people, where in my providence I
have placed them, its favorable character is
shown by, :their great increase. And a
value in their religious cOndition is mani
fest in the numbers of them who become
Christins. Myriads , of them are fitted for
heaven. Joys immortal result from their
condition, The South have done niore for
them, that is, have turned more of their
race to righteousness, than have all other
people since the .name of Jesus was Arst
proclaimed on earth. Can I ignore all
this? And farther yet; Since, - as you well
know, I gave you the " sword of the Sprit,"
the Gospel of peace, and love, and salvation,
the effective means of a real freedom, and
bade you use it, can I bless in your. band
any other instrument for the accomplish
ing of this end? And - then, what kind
of freedom would you give? What have
you done for those few whom I have al
ready entrusted -to your care ? Is what
you have done a sample of what you mean
to do ?
Brethren; God might, easily put > us to
shame, by pressing such interrogatives.
It may be best for us to"humble ourselves
before him, in sorrow and silence.
These remarks, you know, are not made
to justify Southern masters; nor even to
excuse or palliate the wrongs they do.
They are for ourselves, met here to hitmble
ourselves before God. What are we, that
we should assume'for God, to judge and'to
execute ? Let us be sure that we have
God's commission, ere we so act.
If we will fairly look at things, we, will
find that much has been done for Africa by
the transfer of a portion of her sons to the
United States. God has overruled and is
still controlling man's cupidity, to the pro
motion, of Gospel-blessings. The individ
uals brought-over, and their seed, even In
the , cr; nelfst „, cendien they Would
e duffer,'rottld
by chime io • go back to their
old heathenism; but myriads are being
Christianized and trained to return to
their father-land as colonists and mis
sionaries. Africa stretches forth her hands
to God. Soon will one hundred and fifty
millions of the sable race, having become a
civilized people, rejoice in a Gospel. light
and in a glorious hope.
But still we cannot justify African sla
very. God does not justify it, even though
he brings good out of it. It is a wrong. It
is, as guaranteed by Southern laws, and as
practiced, a sin. It is a deadly sin, crying
to God for vengeance. All the benefits the
African has by his transfer to us, he might
have with us without the slavery—not
only might have them, but should have
them, and .should "have still more: He
needs government; government by a su
perior and wiser ra.ce, if you choose
so to speak. Hence we object not to a
temporary pupilage, a guardianship eui
bracing restraint, guidance and service,
with education. But we insist that he is
entitled to family rights, the right and the
means of mental improvement, and a, due
provision for his bodily ] comfort. Thai is,
he is entitled to 4 i things just and equal. •
To - deprive him of these is a sin; and sla
vcry which, as, a system, deprives him of
these, is a sin to 'be abandoned, a bond
Which should be loosed, , a yoke which
OhOuld* be broken.
-But God, yoU say, did not institute civil
government,to deal with, sin, as such.
Tine. The bides and prerogatives of civil
goVernthent are exhausted in 'the prevention
and abatement of social evils.
'But slavery is a social 'evil, Ind so it
comes under the civil power. It, like vio
lenne, perjury and .'theft, should be sup
pressed by the State in which it exists.
But , say,, a neighboring State , has no
right to interfere; and our country, be
ing an; association of States under a Con
stitution which accords to each State a
sovereignty. ; ; in its domestic affairs, the,
General' Gevernment may not tench slay
erY. This"alsb is true, taking the country,
in its normal condition. But slaYery has
behaved itself unseemly. It has endan
gered ,its neighbors' . persons and property.
It has' waged war against the Government
It has rebelled. Itliasiiiewn' itielf to be in
compatible Wilk:Pea:de, and safety this
brings it under the legitimate 'control
of the power of,.,the country.'" In an
insurrection the 'General Government'has
*both rights and Aides; and" slaiery hav
ing shown itself inimical to 'the public
welfare,,, injurious ,;to all the neighbor
ing States, incompatible with unity;
love, and peade, it may justly be, and
Should he, as ''a "destructive fire, or as''a
deadly nuisance, ohecked, suppressed, abat
ed, by, the energies ,of the_ whole injured
and endangered publie. And' in this re-
Bard, as in all things, if an individnal
should suffer damage for the public benefit,
he is justly entitled to• a,
Such being the real, facts, if we, shall act
on this pfinciple, we may expect God's
blessing. God is righteous.
• Now it may be that for the entire Milan
sipation of the slaves, keeping them, how
ever, for a time, under a wise, humane, and
benevolent system of guardianship, God
has brought upon our' land the calamitY
under' which we suffer And it may be
that he will not be appeased, will not give
us victory and peace, will not cease to af
filet us as he 'would not remove 'his heavy
hand from
,PwAns.ow of old, till we shall do
his will. It May be that God, in accord
ance with an irreversible decree, is saying
to us, "Let my-people .
Or it may be, as 'some statesmen af
firm, that, our Government, under un
wise counsels, is attempting to do what
God:would'not have done; that abol
ish' slavery before the time fixed by his
own purpose. - _ •
Or it' may be that this nation has become
so exceedingly wicked before God, wider
all the blessings which he has showered
upon us in profnsion, that he has given us
over to the shame of being self-tormentors,
irrascible, embittered, implacable, imbuing
each his hands in his brother's blood.
'One Of these things, or two of them
combined, may be and we think really is,
the reason why our , counsels are turned to
foolishness, why our power is made weak
ness, why the war continues, and we can
not conquer an inferior foe; and so helinv
ing, we, would, as in duty bound, cry aloud
and spare not. Pee Isaiah lviii
Evidently, for some cause, God has a cow:
troversy with us, and till - that cause shall
be discovered and removed, vie ., cannot rea
sonably hope, that he will hear us, though
we fast and make many prayers.:.
What 0-ed means in „regard to slavery,
by the present 'war, is not yet - clearly de:
veloped ; at least not so clearly as, to con
vince the great body of even prayerful
Christians.. But that we are sinful, ex
ceedingly sinful before God, is roost mani
fest. Humiliation, repentance, and refer
mation are hence an obvious duty • And
that is the work of this day, and, onward.
And whatever there may yet be
of God's pirpose about slavery, Still. them
cannot be a reasonable doubt but' tbat . the
war is, on our part, most just; So far as it
is duly prosecuted against .a conspiracy and
revolt. Secession strikes at the founda
tion-of all law and government, and mast
be utterly abolished ; the rebellion must be
suppressed; and the law must be executed.
All this, God evidently not only justifies
but requires. The powers which he has
ordained as a " terror to evil-doers," must
not "bear the sword in, vain." So far, all
Christian patriots can and will strive, 'and
pray, and hope. And, as regards slavery
which is, to say the least, deeply connect-
ed with the origin of the war, and is a de
termined foe to peace, we can ask for light,
and cherish a Willingness to .do our duty;
and, as occasion fairly offers, we can "let
the oppressed go:;free, and - break every
p figH en t ite e ni: ''' it 4 t t. ke L t ub
be indefatigable in the honest use of all
righteous means of deliverance. Then
will the blessing surely come.
A WRITER in the Independent furnishes
some interesting religious statistics of New
Hampshire. We quote the most im
portant :
" The Presbyterians number but seven
churches, all of which have pastors or
stated supplies. Members of these church
es, 786.
" Orthodox Congregationalists are nearly
double any other denomination in the
State. They have 186 churches ; 186
ministers, of whom 98 are pastors; 54
stated supplies, and 33 without charge.
Membership of the churches, 19,154.
" The Calvinistic Baptists have 86
churches; 75 ministers; 8,156 commnnx
cants. The denomination in the State
cannot be said to be 'flourishing.
"The Free Will Baptists report'll2 min
isters, many of whom are farmers, mechan
ics, and phySibiani—having no pastoral
charge, but preach as : they have oppor
"'Belonging.' to the Methodist's are 104
°hurdled, ; 125 circuit and 100 local
preachers; 10,761 'members. ' They have
a flourishing Seminary' and Female College
at. Sanbornt4n Bridge, and: at qcncord a
Biblical' Inatitute, at ' which numerous
yoUng'inen prephre for the ministry. Out
of. the larger towns, c.hurclies are small.
" The Episcopalians are small in num
ber, having'only 10 charcheS and 15 Min
isters '
"`The Christians-L-Baritist in s their views
and practice of baptisni, but in religious
sentiment Unitarian, in denying the doc
trine of 'the Trinity—number 25 ehnrches,
20 ministers, about 2,500 'members. They
have an academy`and theological school in
Andover, near. the centre' of the. State.
"'To the Unitarians belong 11 'churches,
and 10 `ministers. Their . membership in
" The 'Universalists report 21 societies,
with some of which churches ire cOnneeted,
and 'l9 preadlers. Many of their' church
edifiees are inoccupied, and are going to
"The Second Adventists - have 2 church=
es and 3 preachers.
" Bwedenborgians
,have 'a single church
limited at Hopkinton. ,
" Theßeman' Ciktholici n umber 8 charch
es :and as Many prenchersi,alVof Which
are located in cities , and' ntandfacturing
" The average salary of Presbyterian
and "Congregational ministers is about
$550." . -
A :CORRESPONDENT of the Congrega
tionalist states that a reviving work has
just been experienced in` Wells, keine,
and that more than one ltunilr - ed hopeful
conversions have been reported. " They
embiace, all ages, from fourscore down to
eleven. Among them are about thirty Men
*he are heads: of families, two men over
eighty, aid three women over seventy
years of age, and one entire. Sabbath. School
class of ten misses."
A CorryENTIOR representing more..than
thirty churches of Boston and its vicinity,
was lately held in that city with the, view
to extend, to the Atherican, Baptist Mis
sionary Union an invitation to hold in Bos
ton"its half-centennial anniversary; which
Will occur during the follorring Year. A'
unanimous and cordial invitation was, : ten-
'PRESBYTERrANISAI meths to be with
some pongregationalists, as well as with
many others, whose Rrejudice is perhaps
more .exensable, a horrible, undefinable
something .with which it is well to have
but little to de. The Boston Recorder, it
a notice of Prof. SMith's article in the
Independent s on AI& " Faith and 9rder of
the. Presbyterian. 'Church, New School,"
allndes to the unreasonable prejudice which
exists in many minds against this syiteM,
and asks" " How many of the Aponalypti 4 c
horns has it ? Has it incipient.hoofs also ?
Have• any of our keen-sighted Congrega
tionalists really'seen the horns 'and hoofs
beginning togrow, or veritabl articulations
vibere, in time; they are likely to grow ?"
It expresseaits own views in- the follow
ing paragraph "'With- all our faith in,
and attachitent'lo; Congregationalism, we
see no reason for narrow andsectarian jeal r
oust' and opposition toward a denomination"
which , is shown-to be so nearly allied to us
in :principles and aims, as the'Presby
, „
terians." ' '
IT SEEMS that even Theological ,Profes
sore may be dissatisfied, with the 'names
they 'have inherited their fathers, and
may take advantage of legislative enact
ments to have the same altered to suit their
An Eastern exchange informs us
that the Legislature of Maine has author
ize& Professor 'D. Taleott Smith; of Bangor
Theological Seminary, to write his name
D. Smith Talcottand, that he wishes here
after to be thus addressed.
A BOSI'' ON PiPiit, sari of A..S. Beck
with, a prominent-citizen of Hartford, who
died recently at'the age of 65 :
"He commenced life as a poor boy and
at his death was probably the richest man
in Connecticut, being rated at one and a
quarter Millions. One of the kit acts of
his life was intended to give '650,000 as a
trust fund for ihe benefit and relief of sick,
wounded and disabled Connectiout'soldiers.
A=fAw days ago, finding that he was failing
rapidly, he sent to Gov. Buckingham to
consult with: him in , regard to the best
meaner of applying such a donation. The
papers were all drawn up in legal -form,
but Mr. Beckwith was too far gone to 'be
able to affix his signature. It is under:
stool that the heirs will allow his manifest
wish and intention to be fully carried out
Pi:to*Esioß Edward Hitchcock son
of ex-President Hitchcock,of Amherst °Col
lege, has been nppointed a corresponding
member of the Imperial deological College
of Vienna.'
.TELE ANDOVER Union League have,
vited ex-President Pierce to address their
association. The ex-President spends a
part of the year at Andover, and the people
want to know his views: • •
IN ?Roy - In - num, R. L, an enrolment has .
been made of persons liable t 6 do military
duty, and•the total is 'found to be in the
neighborhood of eight thousand.
Tiatia all 1850'
o ranee 11/ - rne,as
ured 674,205 tong. Those of Maseacliu
setts in the same year measured 703,850
York Sabbath Committee was held on the
evening of the 26th ult., in the Fifth Av
enue Collegiate church. The house was
crowded with the friends of the Sabbath.
The occasion was one of great ,interest.
From the Secretary's report of facts relat
ing to the Sabbath enterprise during the
past two years, we take the following :
" Powerful combinations for' the repeal
of our Sunday laws have been defeated.
The ' Concert Saloon' act has been unani-
mously passed. The effort to nulify the
Sunday clause of the Excise act in the list
Legislature failed. The Broadway Rail
road Bill was amended'so as to fbrbid Sun
day trains. The constitutionality of our
Sunday laws has been affirmed. The Court
of Appeals has decided that Sunday news
paper contracts are void. The enforne
ment of the Sunday LiqUer atlother laws
has effected a change of sixty percent. in
the number of arrests for prime and'-disor
der for., period of 'three and a'haff
or ksaving of more than 18,066 arrests, as
comparedwith,the,former State of
so that the Superintendent' of. PPlice .pub-
Rely alludeS, to the good Order that has.
/P. preserved in New York and Brooklyn,'
arking an era in the history ''of :thole:.
was lately given at Cooper. Institute, New-
Yorir, under the direction of Dr. , Lewis of,
the Boston `Normal Institute. /renwits, 'bf
the osqver, Makes it the subject' of one
of his " Letters to, a.Priend—in the Coun
try!' He speaks highly of the• exhibition
•and of the practice ofgymnasticsi'as adapt
ed to both male and r femali literaiy institu
tions ; but very
.properly tikes, exception
tgthe disposition manifested by certain en
thusiastic gymnasts to claim for the, sys
tem a preposterous -influence in the-domain
of religion. We quote from the letter':
" When Dr. Lewis had concluded his
,very interesting '.exhibition, he introduced
two or three friends to testify of their own
experience to the good 'effects, of his sys
tem. Their testimony was to the point,
and was important any were as yet un
convinced. But every good thing must be
run into the ground, and so these friends
undertook to enlighten us as 'to the 'great
benefits . of 'muscular Christianity'' and
Igymnastic theology, and the indispensti.-
bletiess of health to Christian ;character,'
and a great' deal of nonsense of this kind,
which would:he in plape among Fourierite
Assoeiaticus, hit is simply ridiculous when
addresied to ;an intelligent Christian as
sembly. And when men tell us that,',bod
ily exercise prated:l' auch in the'devel
opulent of Bound theology, we hear the
world cry out, Physician, heal thyself.'
Give us a sound mind in a sound body'
by all manner of means; but he has a very
unsound mind who deludes himself with
the idea that he *talking according to;the
Gospel of Christ; when •he is preaching
'muscular Christianity' or 4 theology of
the bones' Such fcdly belongs to the At
lantic Monthly dilettanti, milk-and-water
schoolof thin philosaphy,,but it has noth
ing of the intellectual, stalWart divinity of
Luther and Paul."
Avoiding foolish excesses, we must
say, that the Christian is immensely
indebted to a healthful body, for his seta's
comforts: His religious, hopes, joys, and
qualifications for usefulness- in. his. family,
in the world, and in. the Church, depend
so much upon the' condition of his
cal system, that we consider It as really a
religious duty to preserve health. , ,as it is to
read and pray.
GREAT EXCITEMENT his been occa
sioned ig New-York city, by the patriotic
and soul-stirring addresses of 'the youthful
female orator, Miss Dickinson. Statesmen,
jurists, editors, and Divines, with-others
high in rank and condition, seem to haie
honored her with their presence, and to
have acknowledged the power of her elo
quence. We quote the follewing from a
notice of her address'at the Cooper Insti
tute, written - for 'tbe Evangdist by the
Well-knoin T. L. C.:
" evident that this .gifted:-young
creature—fresh from the soldiers' hoSpitals
—isall ,on fire with a passion for the nation
al cause and for liberty. Here lay herpewer
over that vast auditory; who melted into
tears or foamed into enthusiasm atler bid
ing.. She stood before us a,second Joan .of
Arc. Her ,glowing language, , her caustic
wit, her • admirable elocution, her tender
pathos, do not account for the effects which
that 'hour wrought on her auditors. She
was_for the, time the. living impersonation
of,-the cause she came to plead; from head
to foot she was all ablaze with , an inspira
tion that in ten minutes: made 'you ,forget
whether it were a man, a woman, or one of
Mary Woolstonecraft's third 'sex,' who
was pulling at your heart-strings." •
After justly condemning the practice of
female public speaking in general.. Mr.
C. observes
"We can -only say that if any woman
finds it impossible 'to keep silent,' - then
may she always have as, noble a theme, - and
handle it as splendidly as Miss Anna DieW
inson handled the great •theme of her
nation's deliverance."
to Europe"on the first, of June, on a four
months leave of absence, his church paying
all expenses-.
BELFLEERE of Utica, N. Y., haVe
bound themselves by oath -to keep their
saloons closed on the Sabbath. The ar
rangement went into effect on the 19th alt.
A JorNT MEETTNG of the New-York
Sinate and Assembly, presided over by
Governor Seymour,'was held at Albany, on
April 23d, for the purpose of receiving , the
colors of several State volunteer regiments.
The 'banners were presented by Adjutant
General;Sprague, and received by Governor
Seymour. They are those of the 30th,
40th, 60th, 61st, 71st, 101st, and 102 d
Regiments. Addresses were made by
Governor Seymour, Gen.. Sprague, Senator
Fl!lger, and Thos. C. Fields. p oem was
read, and resolutions were adopted pledging
the State to' uphold our armies
the families of our volunteers.
THE bank statement for the week shows
an increasing abundance of funds. First
class borrowers are supplied at 4 to 5, , per
cent. The fluctuations during the
week have been from 155 to 149. Foreign
exchanges vary with the price of gild., On
Tuesday the 'Current quotations; were' 164
to 165.
• •
was, quoted as fallow* : Ourierfule
giite 'itileelVelitbrn;--45*Igted:0`;` Exiia
State ' $6.50®7.00 ; Extra Illinois, Indi
ana, Michigan, &c. $6.65®8.65; Extra
Ohio, round-boop, shipping brands, $6.90
7.10; Extra Ohio, trade brands, $7.10
8.75 ; Extra Genesee, $7.05®8.75 ; In
ferior to Choice Extra Missouri, $7.10®
WE TAKE the following from the Pres
byterian :
" The Pre.shytery of Philadelphia, of the
United Presbyterian Church, have memo
rialized the General Assembly of that
Church to take early measures for furnish
ing the Church with a new version of the
Psalms in metre. They also urge the im
pofiannee of taking the necessary measures
to have the Psalms, in prose, chanted in
theiriebngregations. They say in their
memorial, that.' they are singing a version
of the Psalms to-day, in which they are•
compelled to violate the universally ae
knowledged rules of rhythm, ascent, and
pronunciation? ,They urge as a reason for
speedy action, that in certain parts of the
Church-the 'youth are leaving). principally
on account 'of '.the: manner of conducting
the praises of , -G-od in, the congregations.
We chronicle this movement simply to elr .
press the hope, that in the changes whieh•
may hu.effected matter, there may
be such consultation. among the various
Presbyteriarc , bedies as will make these'
-changes acceptable to All, and thus assist,' to
bring these various tribes into closer union.
-13rour opinion, the chanting of the Psalms
prosv is the project most favorable to-
.this' union?' :
Tits American Presbyterian, in noticing
the 'Religious, Services :which have been:
held every Sabbath .evening at .the ,
teer Refreshment',Saloon;- and which' were
concluded for the season on - the evening'of
the 26th ult remarks
" Ilarge audiences,seaching to, nearly ax .
thousand have been in, attendance drawn
from the non-ehurohgoing clasSes. Excel
lent attention has been given and perfect
order*.has prevailed. Everything has - been
voluntary in connexion with the services..
A fine Melodeon with good'singershai well,
sustained this part of the worship. About
a half a ?million of soldiers have been enter
tained in the - Saloons, and seventeen him—
dred sick nursed in the hospital, only thir
teen of whom have died. Every ,thing`
about the establishnient is in perfect order,
as neat as the most scrupulous housekeeper'
could' desire, and as ready now as at any
tittle, for the *newel of its kindly offices to
the brave defenders of their country."
Tax' .:11 aity News of the 28th nit. says
"An interesting reception ,took place
yesterday, at the Corn-Exchange Rocims.
Mr. John Patterson,' a prominent 'gentle
man 'in. the LiverpeoYCorn Market, Was,in
troduced by Mr. Oaten as a repretmetative
of the people of ianeashire who had been
the recipient of Philadelphia bounty;
Mr. Patterson was the Braman to convince
the People of Liverpool that Mr., James
Spence, was an accredited '
,agent- of the re
bellion., said." yesterday, thatll , felt
that he must, support the. cause of liberty,
which was now in danger.
"Since his arrival in America he had
felt• areat - satisfactien at seeing thextianim
ity of-the' people
_support` of liberty and
the Union, and lie declared eMphatically
,that the peoPle of England were with, the
North. He had never yet seen a man in
England ,whdwould dare to stand up and
advocate negro, slaVery. Ile the
gratitude oft people of Lancashire, not
only for the miterial - Add which
,liad been.
sent to them, but for the heart-felt
thy manifested in the o.4nerous
Commissioners to the General ; letenibly 03
Mansvites. Rimins.
..I D. H. Barron, Mr. Patterson,
1 S. M Moore, Mr. Christie.
0. M. Todd, Robert Whitacre.
Ir. Howard, John Culbertson,
. It Mellvaine, Dr. M P Oandless.
Washington, IDr. Brosinson, " Dr. M'Kennan,
1W...8. Keeling, Mr. Vance.
Steubenville, f Dr. Beatty, Geo.ll. Johnston,
IJ. L. Marquis, Thee. B. Milligan
Marion, • MB-Blaney, ::Thomas - Johns.,
lowa, W. E. Wester-rat, Dr. J.C. Walker.
Toledo Alex. Caldwell, J. W. B. Itewell.
Missorisi River, H. M. Glltner Luther Hoadley.
Mande Thomas :Whallon, J. B. Ramsey. Palestine, 3. M. Alexander, Wm. Redick.
SchhYlart {G. W. Ask 4 , Thomas Candor,
J. Worrell; J. Boggs.
Brie, Wm. M. Blackburn, Dr. O. Byles.
Potosi, A. Munson, W. A. Delano.
NtliaSlity ' (3 . P. Knox, ° 3. Rider,
` IJ.J. A. Morgan, , A,: V. Cortelvou
New E. E. Rankin, .A. Clinger, ,
- Joseph Cory, -- Jasper Corning.
, .. B. C. Wines, D. 11„,., - , •
New-Brunswick, A. D. White, R. 11,Puller,
R. S. Manning, W. D. Sinclair.
Redstone, Robert F. Wilson, John Giffin.
Bloomington, a. 0. Hanna, Wm. Muni* '
Philadelphia 2d,
.1 Dr. Knox, S. E. Weir,
Joseph Beggs, Mr. Helfenstein.
Burlington, Dr. Plumer, G. H. Van Gelder.
New Castle , { Dr. 3. M. Dickey, It. N. Brown,
J. 0. Thompson, B. S. Miller,
George P. flays, A. Stirling,
It. o,Galbraith, Robert Brown.
W. C2Cattell, George Heneh,
- , R. M'Cachran, James Clark.
J S. Willson Matt Sco
..R. Duncan , W. Monroe.
Donegal, , C. W. Stewart, J. C. Jordan.
Cincinnati, j" L. D. Potter, R. H. Leavitt,
' IT. E. Hughes, C. Williams.
New Albany, Dr. E. D. Mac Master, 3. W. Sproule.
Miami, B. R. Bower, C. A. Pheins,
Saltaburg, , G. W. Mechlin, James .11'Ree.
Pt. Wayne, Dr. Lowrie, , Judge Hanna. -
Philadelphia, Dr. BlackwOod, George Junkin. -
Mr. Sproul, James Dunlap.
Phila. Central, Dr. A. Nevin, M. Newkirk,
W. R. Work, Robert Graham.
Sangamon, T. M. °visit, . S. G. Malone.
Lewva, .;'J. L. Polk,GA. Parker: ,
California, . Alexander Scott, John Bevan...:
Allegheny City, Louis L. Conrad, T. H. Nevin.
Blairsville, Dr. S. McFarren; .John Barnett.
Allegheny, Dr. L. Young, John Boyd.
Cur ale
ZanesTi e,
Rev.A. 0. PATTERSON being about to ire
/novo from Pittsburgh, Pa., to : Hamilton,
, Ohio, requests correspondents to Address
him accordingly. . - •
Rev. P. S'Edotru• has been installed pastor
of thuchurch of Rockford, 111. •
Rev. D. 0. DAVIES has resigned,the charge
of the Fifth Presbiterian church, Cin
cinnati, and removed to Louis.
The pastoral relation existing betiveen Rev.
OVTATT and the church %ea
tur, Illinois;' has' disiolved. ;: -•
Rev. N. W. CONKLING has resigned the
pastoral charge of the Scots' Presbytel
chu'r'ch, Philadelphia, and. accepted
a _call the Arch Street Px:esbytefian
chnich in the same city '
For tite , FAxtbyeerian Banner.
West Newton; Pa.
At n meeting of the Presbyterian con
gregation of West. Newton, held on Mon
day, the 27th day of April,lB63, the dell
cate And important subject Of separation
between this congregation and its belayed
pastor, Dr. A. O. Patterson, was introduced
by the latter for the consideration of the
parties.. The yequest ;of the pastor Waa
founded on an- iovitation to return to hie
late charge im )56uthern Ohio; together
with domestic circumstances. In a matter
of such grave importance to the parties, a
high sense of. duty calls, f action. To
object to a separation, under the dram
stances, would_ beimproper. ;41,4 Unkind, on
_part of the congregazion, and While
viewing :the, condition4Of tl%rolAich,„sats
herminty;' its spirittial `temporal wer-1
fare, the experience, piety, and ability of
its pastor as a teacher, with his peace•l ov _
ing and peace-making qualities, the minis
terial dignity of his walk and conversatio n ,
the united affection and respect of the con
gTegation—a separation is painful, wi t h
which nothing short of duty could prompt
a compliance on the pait of the congrega
Resolved, Therefore, that from the con
sideration of the above facts and reflections,
we feel constrained to instruct our Com
missioner to present this paper to the Pres.
bytery of Redstone at its coming session,
and yielding to the request of our beloved
pastor, we submit the final action to their
decision. A. ROBERTSON, Ch'rt.
A. Hinter ,
The present pastor, Dr. A. 0. Patterson,
has occupied this field first and last, about
twenty years, it having constituted
il itute ., se,y
da c part
of his first charge. A.
For the Eresbytexian Bonner.
board of Foreign lissiong of the Presbyterian
TEE, MAY 1, 1863..
The Committee hive found the year,
now ending, to be one of more than ordi
nary solicitude. The, interests of the lois_
sionary cause have seemed to be in much,
more than ordinary peril. The war waged
by the country for its existence has en
grossed public attention to a large extent,
absorbing means in its progress which in
most years would have been devoted to
missionary purposes, and turning the minds
of men away from the case of those who are
perishing for Jack. of vision. In no former
year did the Committee feel more deeply
their need of the help of God and the co
:operation and sympathy of their brethren.
It is, therefore, with deep thankfulness
they are able to : mstke an encouraging report
of this work,:st home and abroad_
1. At home the fact that the mission
treasury is free from debt, at the end of
such a year, -is, one-which will call forth
many warm thanksgiving& This result
has indeed been reached by restrict..
ing the Missionary - - Work in certain respects,
but not its general outline nor in its main
force, so that the Committee report with
unalloyed pleasure the case as it stands—
being witness to the faith, self-denial and
liberal devising of very many members of
our communion, alike of the rich and the
poor. The reecipts from all sources have
been $188,468:93; the Expenditures, $1.87-
169.23. After paying off a small balance
from last year, there remains in the treas
ury the sum of $336.98. The grace of God
granted tO hid people is signally shown by
this gratifying`statement; it is a statement
Which will call 'forth their thanksgivings
and praise.
The special embarrassm6nt of the year,
in these finanCial matters, was the unpre
cedented rise the foreign exchange of the
country. The report dwells briefly on this
subject. Should
,the present high rate con
tinue, a large expense will have to be in
curred on this account within the next few
mouthy,. on= bills7;alreadY - 'sent out. After
lookingat the subject, in every light, the
CoMmittee felt constrained to follow the
e of preceding years as to the transmis
sion of funds for the support of the mis-
Anclnow it Temains to, look to God
in faith, and, prayer, and to: his people in
hope that, as in times past so in the time
to come, this cause shall receive needful
pecuniary support. It is no •new thing for
the walls of Zion to be built in troublons
, .
The Report mentions the appointment of
eight approved men as missionaries, to he
sent forth when the funds of the Board
p,ermit; .and. it gives the names of four
ministers ,of the.. Gospel---three of them
married pen—and 'of three teachers, who
Were sent out during the ,year to different
2. ,As to the, work abroad the Report
gives particular lnformation.concerning the
missions.. among:the Chippeia, lowa, and
Omaha Indians, : the Chinese in California,
in Japan, China, Siam,
,India, _Western
Africa ) , Brazil, New_ Granada, and some of
the Roman 'Catholic countries of Europe,
and to the Jilvs of .this ~city.. It is not
practicable to abridge these statements sat
isfaCtorily for an Abstract like this. They
relate to the labors in theie widely extend
ed: fields,: of _silty-seven ministers of the
Gospel, withont including the number aid
ed in Europe, of sixteen male and seventy
one female assistant missionaries from this
Conntry, and of ninety-seven native assist
ant laborers mostly connected with mis
sigma in Africa, India, and China. The
churches connected with these missions are
not iarge 'but they have nearly ail enjoyed
encouraging proofs of the presence of the
Holy Spirit. The number of scholars un
der instruction in ;;the mission-schools is
about 5,000. The issues of the printing
presses in India and China were larger
than usual. The 'translation of the New
Testament into,f 3 ushto, the language of the
Afghans, and the completion of the Chi
nese translation of the whole Bible, are
among the noteworthy events of the year.
The latter was the ;last work of the lament
ed Dr: Culbertson. •Besides his removal
by death, the Church was called to mourn
over the death of .Dr. Campbell, of India;
Mr. Gayley, of China; and. Mr. Clemens,
of Africa.
Without attempting to, give farther de
iails'here concerning the missionary work
abroad, it is sufficient to say that the Re
port, shows many reasons of thanksgiving
and encouragement.. So fai as the work
itself is concerned, the Committee see little
cause of diSeouragement, and many reasans
of hope7—especially in the faith that the Sav
iOur:ia on . . his mediatoiial throne, having
all power in heaven and in earth, and
Wietiing" this power for the destruction of
the 'Great Adversary, and of everything
that.. e..valtetb.,, itself against God, and for
the establishment of his kingdom ot right
eousneks,. Peace, and joy in the Holy
These reasons of encouragement all point
to greater progress. The Committee close
their Report : with expressing their convic
tion that, the work of _missions should be
greatly enlarged. ' More men for Africa,
more for South America, more for India,
more - fOr.tiain., More for China, -more for
Japan, mir k y more fOr such of these nations
as ere crowded with people, numbered by
scores amt. even hundreds of millions, but
which have only a few sco'res Of ministers
of the, Gospel,
,Shonld be,:-;pleaded for at
the throne of grace----and especially more
laborers to be raised up -in the different
missionary fields,. The means of support
inn increased number of laborers would
be, prorided, it our .Christian people could
reach a higher standard of consecration, if
all would send forward their gifts as do
Some of their brethren, if the claims of
our perishing world were affectionately
pressed on each: follower of Christone by
In the hope , s of the final success of
these - ,effer‘to send the Gospel to every
creatUre,theComutittee end their review
of the'nfissionviarlfef the last year.