REV. DAVID M'KINNEY, Editor and Proprietor. REV. I. N. M'KINNEY, ASSOCIATE EDITOR. TERMS IN ADVANCE. DT MAIL • $1.50 LIcLIVERED IN ZITHER OP THE OIRLEB 2.00 par r pro Douses, we will send by mall seventy numbers, nd fL,r ONE DOLLAR, thlrty-throcuumbers. Pastors sending us TWENTY subscribers and upwards, will thereby entitled to a paper without charge. Renewalsahouldbe prompt, a little before the year expires fiend payments by safe hands, or by mail. Direct all Idlers to REV. DAVID WKINNEY, Pittsburgh, Pa. [Se e ed ] " Rejoicing in Tribulation." When Bummer suns their radiance fling O'er every bright and beauteous thing ; When, strong, in faith, the evil day Of pain and grief seems far away ; When sorrow, soon as felt is gone, And smooth the stream of life glides on; When duty, cheerful, ohoeen free, Brings her own prompt reward to thee; 'T is easy, den, my soul, to raise The grateful song, of heavenly PRAISE. But worn and languid, day and night, To see' the same unchanging sight, To feel the rising morn can bring Nor health nor ease upon its wing, Nor form of beauty can create, The languid sense to renovate ; To look within, and feel the mind Full charged with bleSsings 'for mankind; Then, gazing round this little room, To whiSper, "This must balky &low ;, Here mutt thou struggle ; here alone, . Repress tired nature's rising moan;" 0 then, my soul, how hard to raise, In such an hour, the song of PRAISHI. To look on all this scene of tears, Of doubts, of wishes, hopes and fears, As some preluding strain that'tries Our disoorde and our harmonies; To think how'many It jarring string The Masttir-hand in tune may bring ; How, "finely touched," the soul of pride Msy sink subdued and rectified; How. taught its inmost self to know, May bless the hand that - gave the blow, Each root of bitternasi removed, Each plant - of hattiettly grace improved; Instructed thus, who would not raise . To heaven his song of eheefful PRAM ? To feel, declining day by `day, Each harsher murmur die away, • And secret springs of joy arise, To lighten up the weary eyes A hand invisible to feel, . 'Wounding, with kind design to heal, In every bitter draught to think Of Him who learned that cup to drink ; Again and oft again to look In rapture on that blessed Book, Whose soothing words proclaim to thee That 4$ as thy day thy strength shall be ;" Then, with changed heart and steadfast mind, High heaven before and earth behind, Thy path of , pain again to tread . Till eartlx•receives thy wearied head -0 blessed,lot 1, who would not raise, In life or death, the song of PRAM ? The Revised Book of Discipline. MESSus. Minolta :-1t was shown, if I mistake not, in my former article, that the terths " iall baptized persons," cannot be so tortured as to include baptized adults, for two very plain reasons: 1. Because the words are'ininiediately explained to refer to those who have not "come to years of discre tion," And 2, because it is too plain to admit of question, that all baptized adults cannot be truly said to be " members of the Church," i. e., they cannot (substituting the language of our Larger Catechism,) be said to be persons "professing faith in Christ'and obedience to him." This phra seolegy, it should also be observed, is not mere descriptive periphrasis, but the very definition which the Larger Catechism in terchanges and substitutes for the phrase; "members of the visible Church," in the Shorter Catechism—they are found in the same connexion; and refer to the same sub ject, and in the same' precise aspect of, that subject. it is true, the act of the Session is comibonly required in order to admit such'tirofeesing persons 'to 'a particular Con gregation of the visible 'Church; but this is simply the inauguration, or formal recog nition of a character and fitness previously existing.. The Order of the Church rightly demands' that such inctitguratiois should commonly precede the baptism of the in in fants blk& t Professors'engh even this order-is not invariably Observed. For the reasons just stated, therefore, the "all baptized persons . " of the Revised Discipline cannot, without the . greatest inconsistency and'incoherency, be interpre ted to include baptized adults. Let us next inqiiire if the clause, "all baptized persons,are members of • the Church,' will admit the' sup Position that only infante, or children , who• have not '" arrived at years of distretion,"' are meant. This seems really to be .the Meaning of "the Commit tee of Revision," so far as the section ex pounds itself,' but 'it does not remove, the confusion Which reigns thieughout 1. Irthe Committee' meant only bap tized infants, why not distinctly 'say so 7 . Why use the terms "'baptized persons," which obviously include adilti? -Such language,.to say the least, is certainly very ill-adiipted to convey clear ideas on the subjent, and ought to be revised wit of the work. 2. In what proper sense are baptizedin fants "subject -to the discipline of the Church," as the section immediately affirms? " An offence, the proper object of discipline, is anything . in the principles or practice of a Alvah member which is contrary to the Word of God." So says the " Revised Discipline," Chap. 1, sec. 2. But what is there in " the principles or practice" of an infant, which can be seriously called an " offence;" as thus defined. The question answers itself. Of course it follows that baptized infants are not " proper objects of discipline .":—/‘ are not subject to the dis cipline of the Church"-in direct contra diction of section 4, under consideration. "The ends of discipline," say the 'Commit tee, " are the rebuke of offencesOhe 're; moval Of scandal, the vindication of ' the, honor , 2 of Christ, the promotion of the purity and general edification of the' Church, and . the spiritual good of 'the' offenders' thenuieves."—Reoiseci Discipline; chap. 1, sec'. 1: Which of these ends can be attained by the discline of baptized' infants? They_ commit offences,' create no " Scandal" nor can their " itiial cod. as offenders" be the object in view! . fi `Nor' does it relieve the atibjeet of these ntrange incoherencies, to interpret " all baptized ,persons " to mean, all adults who' 'finis been baptized in infancy. For here 'Meets us the difficulty before sug gested hOWCan such example, " baptized II iscin " of three score and ten ---the intelligibly described, in the same sentence, as follows "and when they" i. e., baptized adults of seventy—" have arrived at years of dtibletiosi, they are housia f p erform all did dity'fif 'Church theinfitiri We — This heilitifigsiNantfocte For the kreebiterian Bawler. ...11 . /ti..l)/ttr,iait'... VOL. XI., NO. 34 interpreted of adults, neither can the sec tion be understood of infante, for the rea sons already stated. Amid so much confusion of thought and language, it may berhaps be presumptuous to attempt to give body.and • form to the views which the Committee did actually intend to convey. We will offer our . icon jecture, as follows : " All baptized adults are meMbeabf the Church, are under its care, and subject to its government- and discipline. And such persons as receive baptism in infancy, as they are the offspring of those who pro fess faith. in Christ , and..obedience to him,' and so 4 born within the pale of . the visi, I.ole ,Church, ',: are in. the- initiating • ordi nanee recognized. as its members. And when these have arrived at the years of discretion, tiley are bound le . -perform. all the duties," &c. If this. expression: ••of: the intentions of the Committee, should. Meet their eye,-I am by 'no • means' sanguine that it adopted as their: own:: Of one: thing, how ever, - I am confident : 'there .would . be. Jess! confusion of ideas to be detected in this• guess-work of mine,. than • is plainly- dia coverable in the original. It is presented, not strictly as a matter of personal. prefer ence, , but as, a clear expose of . What . the 'Committee "probably 'proposed to say: If -have' at '• all approached . digit. - teat senti ,-menteiAt is . obvious-that both: `the - I -thought and the verbiage of their_ 4evision . grestly I needs a new revisal. It was my expectation, Messrs.' Editors, to have finished my remarks in this paper, but I fithithere are still one - or We impor tant points in the article 'of 'the Revised Discipline to which attention hei been turned, which have not been noticed.' I propose briefly to examine them in my AClosing communication. - A PRESBYTERIAN. EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE. Editiburgh Revieited—lte Ever Fresh Attractions Ile Peculiar Characteriiiica—Slate of Religion Semi-Skepticiam--7Eatahliahed Church—. Visit to a Mother s. Meeting—lntemperance and Reform— City Missions—;Churches in Degraded Localities —Their Influence—Old Indiana—Their Piety and Activity—Elder-a' Districts—Oversight of Mem bcra—Evageliatiq Agency for Scotland—Scene at Free Assembly Hall—The FashiOnable Welly; ion--Psdeford and Dr. B. Lee—Lee, - a Read Prayer;:the Students, - and "Jenny Geddes"-- Palmerston Laughs at Lee—" Good Words and Perils Ahead—Episcopacy . and Popery in Scot lauct—PrOtestant Institute-Union Among Prea byterians—Camericians—Postscript. ' April 8,1868. ONCE MORE I find myself in Edinburgh —that rare union of the reminiscences of hoar antiquity had of the art, architecture, literature, and religious and political life,. of the nineteenth Century. Nowhere----not in London itself—were the illuminations so striking and resplendent. The Castle, and the rocks on which it sits enthroned,;, Si. George's church, and its' doure girded and gemmed with lights; Queen Street, with its gardens; Calton Hill and Arthur i s. Seat. And as one "leiter tiins`e4hde sublime or beautiful, no matter 'how often you visit Edinburgh—it'is aliays delight: ful withits glorious prospect of the Frith of Firth, the Barr Rock, the shores of Fife, the Pentland Hills, and that, unchanged old High street, so 'famous for ' its historic, martyrdomsprocessions, ' martyrdos and tumults, its. lofty houses,— its -ISaturday-- night crowds ,gathered out of the Wynds, and•-from the Congate, with ever., .and anon—as r teazel saw yesterday—a military show, in that fa-. vorite national, and splendid cavalry ment, known as the Scotch Greys, sweep-. fug by in long and imposing defile. Therel is not here the rush Of the Multitudinous,. many-tongued throng of London, which in itself is most impressive,: as one mingles with or watches it as it.oweeris across Lon don Bridge, surges ileng'„Cheapside, doin Ludgate Hill, and flows -onward' to Temple Bar and the Strand: Neither is there the bustle of ,Glssgow, with its, four hundred thousand 'inhabitants, its , thronged ex change, it's endless warehouses, and entre pots of native prodnetion—ss contrasted with the one. hundred and -Sixty thousand of Edinburgh, with its steadiness and re pose, itsliterary and legal notabilities, its Suprenre Courts of 'law, and its lewyers and Lords of session, together with artists of high repute and squarei of terraces and 7 suburban villas occupied mainly by per-' sons not necessarily wealthy, but free from badness cares, and of independent fortune. From India comes back the soldier and the civilian to enjoy his. pension, to educate his family to live amid the " caller air," . from Pentland snow-clad heights, bracing him and his into lusty health, after the weary monotony and relaxing, enervating influence •of the lands of the East and the (Althea of the sun. Here, too, settle wid ows with small incomes, while their sons go first to the school and then to the Uni versity.. Here are a large class of purvey ors of things edible and - things ornamental. Here, along Princess street and on the North Bridge, are seen' the beautiful Tar tan fabrics,. the Highland dagger with its belt resplendent With the Scottish Calgoun diamond, as also at times one sees not only fine, hardy, Highland boys in .kelts, but sometimes a young geatleman in the full Highland costume, bringing back the days of Rob Roy MacGregor and the glories, of the Gal To trace old scenes rich in suggestive ness, is th e business of a 'first-nik second visit to. Edinburgh. To myself; Most of these are now familiar. "And yet theybave notiost their charms. Last year ;I entered and described the contents and chambers of John KIM'S house in the Canongate terday I but looked up , and passed on ; and yet the image of _Knox was before' me as 'fresh as ever, coupled with the indelible imprees on the national characfer, and 'on the'past and present prominence of *Scot land among the nations of the world- I —a Reformation heremrought out; not by the nobles - as in England, but moulded and springing from the.people.,themselves, and therefore thorough and decided. The State of Religion in Edinburgh at this' time,, is Worthy of notice, and'presents both peculiar - features and marked tokens of life :and - reality. There is still 'a very considerable' remnant . ' of'Dfoderatism 'in Edinburgh, approaching the border land of skepticism." The Edinburgh Magi has ceased to scoff - as - in the days its ;early vigor; but :the 'sneering spirit ' thai ruled it then; has its 'exponents in living men among lawyers and public writers. In the Etitablished Church there'll life, but it seems to tell - little on the masses of the population. ' 'These are'. mainly influ enced by the Free ant Unted Preebyte rien ministers, .host id Whose, orgrega tiOnsl, --• 4 • aufiaentials PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1863. very many of whose members, both men and women, are active in works of faith and labors of love in their respective localities and spheres. I have been conducted this week by a Christian lady, to visit and ad dress a " Mother's Meeting," which has been founded by herself and one other la dY, the widow of a minister, from out of the mothers of one of the most poverty stricken districts of old Edinburgh. When I climbed a stone stair and had passed along a dark passage, I, found a door open, and a low-ceiled room crowded with mothers. Some of them had their young children with them. The City, Missionary of the, district had helped to.oonveue them for this qceasion—as it was an extra meet ing—and some, of them bore tokefis and traces of ,that hane of tinny an Edinburgh 'laborer's home—strong drink. Not . that any "of them had been recently drinking, but that:.'some of them had the iiittittcd, dissipated, peculiar look of these, to Whom w A iskey was Sad was the scene, a few days before, when my hostess And :Another lady entered the house Where, lay a dead body, while , the survivors were,in a state of intoxication. 'This Vice is being -abated all over Scotland; as revenue titatia tics show, the consumption of ardent spirits tis very considerably less every, successive ,year, and habits • of providence and tem perance are more. And: more developed. There: are many total abstainers, , : afi4' the kcausedf-Temperance has among its leaders very eminent persons, such, for example, as Profhssor Mellar. At ! Abe M,others' meetings, materials for • clothing having been parchaied at low prices, are bought - by 'the women and made' up—with 80131 1 e -help from- the ladies—lfor themselves and -their children. The -money thus spent is part of the husband's, wages;_ and as in London, so in Edinburgh, thrift, cleanli mess and godliness are, in measure at least, found together. The loving attentions; of Christian - ladiesonelta and subdues the hardened and the wayward, gives encour agement to the weak,' consolation to the Christian woman, here end - there discov ered, and surrounded by inttltiplied trials and `temptations. As to Ragged Schools, Dr Guthrie has still his . favoritenystem in full operation 'in his "Original Ragged School, with 'its calved, open Bible' over the door, and the motto, " Search 'the Serip . ttires! Missionary operations in Edinburgh are still carried on, by the planting' of Chris lime churches in' the Wane', the Congete, at Fountain Bridge, and other localities where there is a teeming and degraded population. Many of these are resined, raised up socially, and born again by,the Holy Ghost, and are"lifted up into fellow ship with God and his angels. And what noble assistants Christian ministera find, in Sabbath School teachers, in district visi tors, and in' bands of godly,`earnest, active elders, who each has his -district and visits (g43es to see-and converse) every family and every communicant, including the domes tie'servants, within his allotted territory. 'Many of these elders are ".Old Indians," that is to say, officers of the civil and Mil itary service in , . India, mostly Scottish bornrwho have returned home after years of service, and who having been :canna of God in the East, revisit, their canntry, not to spend the remainder of their lives in luxury and iclf-indulgence; but in glorify ing =God by the incessant distribution to his cause, of a .stated., proportion ,or, their income, and else, by active personal, evan gelistic service. A few:days ago I found assembled in "a room in Edinburgh, a number of these re- VFned,,,lndian .officers civil, naval, medical—all men of God, ,and_ all acting members of the Comniittne of a newly-formed Association, whose objectia to send forth-proved and emend lay-evan gelists over thelengthiand,breadth,pf the land. There ~is something peeuliarly healthy, hearty, informal, nu-traditional, vigorous, and:Manly, in 'the , piety of such nien as these: Some of them have faced the cannon's mouth and the serried hosts of the foe; but they have stood also the brunt of scoff and scowl and ridicule, and they are fearless veterans pow, and ready and equipped to do and dare for 'their Cap tain - and Lord. Hence it is that they go out of Edinburgh on evangelistic and re vivaLvisits to various.towns land districts, and after their ,addresses, kneel down at the side of the anxious who remain behind and travail birth till! Christ -be formed in them. General A—, late-of the Royal Artillery, and Oaptain o—, of the Royal Navy, are thus also ever active and diligent in - saving the seed of the kingdom. Special Evangelical Agencies are also in full operation in 'Edinburgh for at least three-fourths of the year, but"mainly in the Winter and Spring -mouths- This year new efforts are being: made to do good- to the masses, by churches being opened on week-nights, and by devoted and s earnest ministers night after night giving ad drepees„ Thus, last week, Free St. George's church was open, Dr. CandliSh himself presiding and speaking at one of the meet ings, and this week, at Fountain Bridge church, similar services were -nightly held. The. Free Church. Assembly, Hall is a vast and, admirably commodious huilding. It forms part of the noble block of build ings property of the Free Church of Scot land, standing in the 'Mound, and looking on • the gardens beneath, aprlteward Prince's street, Thither I. ; wended my way on-the evening, of last Lord's 'day. I saw peeple passing through a wide gateway,, crossing a quadraeg . le, and then ascending, a broad stone -staircase. Thee° were "all 'repairing to the stated Sabbath evening gathering in the 1341. The animating spirit of these meetings is a man who is an assistant in a china warehouse, at the -corner, of St. David's street. He, is one of the . many whom God has,raised,up, as leaders, : n con nexion with the Religious Awakenings of the last three years. He is : all gentleness, modesty, and goodness ; ; and yet.with,these are united burning Joie and unquenchable thirst for souls,. an ardent zeal,.great ability as. to business arrangements, vronderful power, in ,prayer and the, eloquence. of lips touched with ; holy-fire Irom-eff the altar. L come, to-night, to see and share in the scenes,; and eervices,,of the. season. The venerahin,Captain of the,,Royal Navy ors cupies a chair, frpnt. of a broadtable; on either side and ; behindoit ,others like- Minded, in - eluding two ministers ; while in the area in front and the galleries around, thereis a large congregation. . 4, psalm is aung,.and a prayer—from a retired'mediell officer of the India service is,offered' Then 'come two addreasee: the Ant on the worda; '‘iThen shalt sail his name Jesus," & 4 ; ,, the,other on th p ,sppitual lesgens of . i cetol2- ,1 • := don Awakenings, illustrative of the faith fulness of God to his promise, that " they who SOW in tears shall reap in joy." After this, prayer aseends.afresh, and while the greater part of the people depart, others remain, either to be conversed with, or themselves to seek the present salvation, of the unconverted. Thus the capital of Scotland has its salt, its leaven ? ever spread- ing around a purifying, conservative in fluence. God the Spirit is honored, and he gives testimony to the hearts and con sciences of many that Jesus is the Christ, and,both mighty and willing to save. Mr. - Brownlow North, Who, from failure of health, was for some time silent, has re= Burned his activities. I haye, traced his footsteps at Glasgow 2 where =poi: good was. lately achieved ;, and now •on each Thurs day evening he is addreesieg,andienees in Edinburgh. In private he often reverts to his : former, godless life, and, to the Sover eignty of the grace which He aims at the conversion of Aouls, alWays and evprewhere; and as a greatAi fr n j ketsaya,4)4q, believee„and therefore +kaki', , A fatahionable ferin'of religion is begin ning to show itself in ;00tland, as a- matter Of course, Nylt,",h, a secret And also a partially reyealed, renenciationef 'thet old-fashioned Gospel. There,ishere 14Con , greiationalist minister What. John Gwen and .the Puritan of the manatee* century Would have great difficulty, , ,supPosinithey rose from the - dead,.owning. • as - their "bairn" and representative. ~.We have also here, Dr. Robert Leti, j - of the, Estab lished High - Cher and. a Prefessor of Theology, who' o is , considered by the-,Unita rians as sufficiently " advenc.ed for them to ~attend his ministry. - , He ; uses Something like a modified' liturgy, in a Family Prayer Book (by him) which, I have`latelY - seen. I could see no inioca tionwhatever to the Son and Holy.(;hoet. This4entleinan. glories in bis'.freedeni : ---, even - after Signing the ConfeaSiOn of Faith = and his,. name was lately affixed 'to a Meniorial, which (mainly; and eagerly got up by, people who, hate the , old Scottish Sabbath,) asked the Government to open the, Edinburgh Rotinie IGardens on, the Lord'A day. De. Lee despises, in the - spirit of a High Churchmen, all "Dissenters," anddeniei their rightto call their pastors, G/6'ryysilp,.,er -their houses, manses. tie Ulainks'for himself and brethren of the Es, tabiiihment, something like an apestOlie and exclusive succession, and at the same time is not Puseyistie soAritich, as'lsititifili narian and. Moderate. . What 'a stininge hybrid ! And what a scene witnessed; last week, when Dr. Lee being called upon to open with prayer a meeting of - the Pro fessors and students, at which - the - degree of Dootor of Laws was conferred on 'Lord , Palmerston,. took out a book, and fronv nb beganto,read out a ; written prayer I. The ; spirit ; of " auld Scotland", could not e breek, this t ; and Se there was a real. tumult,althongh not se riotous an issue'as' When Jenny Geddes, when Archbishop taiid'S' Dean began to . read ,the o Li.turgy .in „, , St. Giles' church, flow her stool at his head,. exclainiieg, • " 'Wad ye say mass at - tni lug Flu point of fact many students raised, the: :cry , of "Jenny Geddes," when , Df. 'Leo' began ‘to Jived his bit prayer "- from :the - 1* was not yery seemly, but it was, ! very natural,under the circumstances. The, :Ratablislim'ent is less and less the °Wadi '!of' the - 'people and therefere; When' - mew begin to take airs on themselves, and above. all, to shew tendencies:which lead- thedaeo pie ~tosuspeut that if Episcopacy,were, to be -reestablished- in Scotland, they : would mine in. for the loffielt , seats, it Wonder that they are made to-know that the people cannot vit• up. withlsnoh things. . 11l Dr._ 'Lee was trying. to please Lord Palmerston by ,hie liturgic performances, he made a,, grand - mistake. , The sigueions - old . states man knows too well' what Secitlandis, and I am assured that,-instead oftbeiug sheekeda .or ~ annoyedr b y.the .studente , ontbrealc,lte., was . infinttely amused at it. SOme people begin to fear that Cooil IYorils, a ' periodical of vast'eireulation, has a tendeney . tolard Negativism, and has' an influence ' m shutting 'Out: front Christian families the,. Christian Treasury,. the Pam- Treasury,. and similar more spiritual publications which were peculiarly adapted for Sabbath reading. I fear that the ten ilency thistway ;at the same time, I :be lieve that the ,secular and the spiritual:file moos are not incompatible, and that, this periodical comes nearer than any ether to, the i n te rweav i ng iff'theont with the . Other. It is also to be remembered that Dr:-Guth ,rie, William Arnottp and Dr.: ijametr with the editor -hiniselt, •Dr. N. Me ,Leod, all give excellent and orthodox Oneh ing from time to time. But it seems rather ' , perilous to -familiarize' our young people' with the names- and. this periodical, of men like ; Kingsley and, Stan ley, of the " Broad" and "Negative". Schiml of Theology, who, if erosely ques tioned, would not own and acknowledge' their tell reception of , the doctrine of a real Substitution , be , the Cross ' or of: the endless- punishment.,of, the . wicked.. The Record is sounding the - .trumpet of, on these. perils. It ,does its ;work, too. often, with an extreme of bitterness which mars its effect. But Christiant 'need to be , put, on their gnard, and-editors too., For "Facilis damsons Averni t. Sad revocare giudam, hie labor, hoc opesAst." Ameng the Chaplains of the Prince of Wales, are Kingsley and Stanley. Prince Albert, while firm. on the Rock, Christ, and while, in his dying beat, 'he repeated the hymn, " Rock: of ages cleft for me," is , to mental tenden'c'y; leaned to the anti-dog ) matie and Arnolduehool. ITHE•EPIEIGQPAL OXIIIRMI,III,BOOtIanA il3 weak, n4fe . obje; .Tothe. disgrace of Arie tocracy, its clergy nre . almost , ; allowed to starve. Some of ifs ministers are Evangel and their influence has so far,tri ,-, umphed that the Liturgy of the Church ef' England henceforth is to, be mad As the rule: ,the Scottish CAW-mullion and semi-, Papal office : as exception, and that only, when the majority, of a, congregation (not liltely everAOaccur) shall ask for ittii;retdn tio r,, At Aberdeen '1 found Puseyisto., affeet ing its airs and ceremonies, and auertain' class—the descendants of Montrone and other persecutors ofthe Sens of the Covenant —loting to have it so: Popery, too, is-spend ing - a great deal of money on ecolesinstical. edifices, schools and nueneries, and has :hat " Sisters of Charity „ ih all thelarge towns: I-kin:49Am. to. a vgyi limited ; ; extent the very poorest Scotch; ,but. as to itn.psiryer sion of the', nation, x baye , n o .lAara what ever. Here,,irk-_Edinhargh,,,,X,,ktee, fast approacifing,complitien "Protestant In atitute ';‘), Oa' -etoirtifn6dieue which students are to be specially trained on the Popish controversy, and ready to do battle with the myrmedons of Papal Rome. Dr. Begg has been the moving spirit of this erection; and the Rev. Dr. Wylie, one of its most able and active supporters ' as well as, in all probability, the Principal of the new Institute. .Union between the Free and U. P. Churches, is being agitated by a certain number of office-bearers of both sections; but the consummation lit not likelyspeedily to take pldce. it, is more probable thilt there may be, first, a Union among Presby terians in England. It is pretty certain that, all tlieWagliskspeaking congregations of . what Isere called " Welsh Calvinistic Methodists,". but who solo call themselves Welsh ~Presbyterians, will very soon be in corporate&withilte Presbyterian synod - of England.. TAcr- Reformed, TresbY4rians are no ,where a ,nimerous body in They both the hrothers Byrn ington ; They are 'threatened with ill' par tialuseteessietcor disrhptiob, - front , the fact ;that theimakirity.of,thir Reformed Synod ATRAYojAf46l6"ll9clnilml)Prs of the °IMO exercising the efeetive frajtellise,, and ~tak,- ing the ~oath of allegianeele i tho 'queen *hen bedeinine A. Min ister at l'aililep!and some othe'rs;).ceOtiaid6r this -as = : :.a Aleinors ; baokslidihg , lffoninothe ,Covetianted Reformation and are; likely, to retire with their followers. ,J. P. Guthrie has acceptedVikor ftoe of a Vice-Presi4ept of Vnion.,an ,4 ttitadeiiration Society, and` haeall•etilt`'e;- pressed sympathy nth ?theNorlieiti States. • t • ' - ri Unfeigned satisfaction_has been caused by the seizure, at r ,LiFerpool, of , sgspeeted Confederate gunboat, almost,ready for sea. in - When' the'annohneeent'Of 'this was made 'at a tiro-Northeiln meeting'' at 'Mafichestir; the audience'rose to 'their feet and -cheered vehemently. ::.I trust theremay r be evidenee sufficient „to wairank the iieizure _the CusteM-House, officers, .of other boats ,and ships which are said to be for "TheErci'pe;- 'itir otChina," building on the- dlyde, ih the Xersey. The Duke , of - Argyle - has. 'de fended- the • F,ederale right to, wage civil war ,from Scotland's, .antecedient struggles anii.did himself honor by,his tone toward In 4 North the Palmerston banquet, Ed? 14; fl ' • ;, , The Poles' still toiintinuel the stiuggle, , invoke, the aka ;30,000 vOlunteersi with arms and, artillery from the free na , bons,of Europe. I,ord Russell has strong ly pleadedwith RUssia; the cause of Poland, and the restoration'`of 'her' Constitutional liberties. The United Presbyterian Church of Soot= land, has Pulafished a Stateruent of Accounts for A.8'62, including items, of lingo:ale as "'Synod's. 'Prencrat," " Heine Mission," "-Gespel;Ministry," Chirch Extension," ffforeign: Mission," " London. Extension," ".Liquidation ; ; of Debt,": ,";Scholarship,' " Ministers' Libraries, " (oa which, rnarkit, by Presbyterksnlayfrfends, were expended .E9oo` last year); and Sirno4 1101liel"-tiotal £3B-,865'.‘ During the - „ present year, .;537 Vessels have been wreeked ,ou out: ()pa*. Lord Macaulay's Library isleing sold in London this week. The 'King ' - or - Prussia has ineuried'ape- eleerdtion . :hy the apparent readiness , te deliver Up- Polish: refugees au& fugitives, , to Russia almost to :Pertain. death. The grown Prinep, is invoked by . English pross, to :avert and" retelat againise - thiS atrocity as 'he values his good name and standing . + 4 -"` A:daughter of. Dr., Chalmers died four days ago, of small-pos. She.had.been for years an invalid. She was, buried yester day beside "h'ei father and imther;_ir the Grange 'Cemetery.' t - , For,the Piesbytertan 13amitir -Endowment of Princeton i College. N*w , .yonx, April 25, 1863, , DEAR Sin,:—You will doubtless be sur. prised to, learn that the venerable' Celloge of Nevi-Jersey,''' at Princeton, has never been endowed with permanent''filida for the , support of its officers: • It has , heetCso distinguished in the Church and the t nation, and its long line of Presidents, and Profen sop, has included, so many Men of, eminent genius; scholarship, and usefulness, that it is generally supposed to be among the heat' endinied colleges of the , land. Yet, in silL the yearsiof its history, runningback,More than koentury,,through, the period of, the American'Revdlntion and - the vicissitudes of its subsequent career; -with such men-at its bead as Dickinson,Burr Jonathan Ed wards, Samuel Davies,::-Samuel Finley, Witherspoon, Stanhope. ; .. Smith, ,Ashbel Green, and Carnahan ;it has relied for its main` support on the tuition fees of its'stu-, dente, and the charities its friendS: Partielittempes haie been made at'various times to _secure an adequate endowment, end a few years ago a special effort was an dertaken) which resulted in - securing sAel erShips and donations to a considerable bit - far below- the sum necessary to place the institution• on in independent bares. _ln the -mean, time the support, of the Theological Seminary, at Princeton has so largely absorbed the sympathies and COntributions of the &niches; that the 'O6l - baOnot received the share of attention and fostering care to . which it-certainly' may: lap a list and generous claim. No other literary institution hea l given better men :hi the country and to the Church than Princeton College.' Before thelßCVottitionit gradnated such civilians as Richard Steckten,,Behjamin Rush, liam4 Paterson, Tapping Reeve, Ellsworth, Luther ,Martin ) Morgan, • Lewis, itreckbolst LiVingsion, and JAMES It hits Since trained such men as Edward 'Livingston, John M. 'Berrien, Mahlon Dickerson, Dr...Hosack, John Ser geant, John ForsythET,hpodoreFrelinghuy sen,,Bainuet L. Southard, and a host of great men still living, The distinguished men' that Princeton' College has given to the. Christian ministry are too many to be _recited, butAhe names of McWhorter,,Ten pent, Blair _the, younger Jonathan, ;Ed wards, Finley, Stanhope Smith,, Spring; Bishops Hobart,, Meade, mep.Vaine,- and j'ohnsi 'John Breckenridge, Albert B. Dod, Japes W. and Addison Alexander, and hundreds 'of others; will be held in lasting remembrance by the Church they, served and, adorned. itsearliestPresidents.and Under so teSiorsi• the '.College set its standard of tibliolaishit) highland in : every department of,,claseical; mathematical, mental k moral, s. and natural science, it has maintained.nnd eevated,that s4nr tho i tresenktime' n a day en ns iam yis assailed WHOLE NO. 554. its ancient strongholds, and science, " false ly so-called," is pressed into the service of infidelity, it is a cause for thankfulness that sound Christian learning is the dis tinctive feature and leading purpose of this institution. And it has pleased God to set upon it the seal of his Spirit in repeated re vivals of religion, through which successive generations of young men have gone forth to be the faithful, strong, well-furnished defenders- of our holy religion. But the fact is no less true than painful, that..this Pollege is now suffering for the want of means to sustain its able and learn- ed corps of instructors. The convulsions of the Country have cut off Many student's and many friends whose , funds have hither to been among its principal means' of:sup port. .It is, absolutely essential ; to the con tinuance and: efficiency or these teachers in their, chairs of instruction, es"well as to the future prosperity and power of the College, that , it•should be .raised. above the necessity of constant dependence on precarious chari ties, and be able, also to open. its doors widelyand freely to all who would obtain Chifstian educiiiiinihether' they are' _I; 1..; r , Impressed deeply by these facts, , the „flip.* of the College,iesiding ; in: the city of New-York and vicinity recently-. held a in'eiting; at which` earnest' addresses were 'inafile'by'the'Re,V:- Drs. Siliring," Skinner; Rice and others, anal the undersigned were appointe&ascommitted to take the peoiesa rylsteps to secure an immediate endowment fond of ,- .ONE HUNDRED. THOUSAND DOLLARS. work like,this, the greatness' of' iihiCh is otilf-e4balled by its importance, 'can be accomplished .hy the warm ? active and per severing energies of the graduates and friends of the institution throughout the country._ &apse to ask 'the gradnateslotthind an '" 7 :ALumnr PaevassoxstriP " bY thaeonl tributiOn :$30,000. We make this - 41 peal : directly to them, in the;faith that love and veneration for their Alma Mater : will proMpt.`a ready,and liberal response. Furthermore, we send the appeal feeler gymen other friends. of' sound Chris= tian,learning, asking them to present the object -to; the churches, 'and- to individuals whose enlightened minds will comprehend the Value of the object, and whose means will enablithein to"give liberally: In our country' there are men toislet& God haS given;large means, which they hold as his stewards, who are to every, ob ligation to the Church, to the interests, of learning; and'ta the future 'prosperity of this - country, to-bestoi , of their abundance upon such an,object as this. , By the organization of a committee .in every 'church or community interested in such an enterprise, We would confidently hope to secure, in a'short ti'me, the roqiii 'Sad sum. - All the funds- raised will be safely invested, so far as human care and prudence can provide, will be made avails able for the Object through all coming time. Faith in that goed Providence, so sig nally enjoyed in past - years; assures us that funds inVested , for the support of this Pell,ege will yield ,`a perpetual revenue of usefulness for the honor of God, ,the vindi cation and extension of truth; and, the ad. vancement of pure religion in the world. We address this circular to you, dear sir, to secure your personal assistance in the great Fork,, asking you to act individually orin Concert.with any others interested in y t ent Whatever' funds you . may be'able to give' or eolject,*hether the eon-- tribution•is email,. `or" arge; you will ideasb to forward to, }lon. William .0. 'Alexander, President of the-Equitable Lifelnstirance Society, 92 Broadway, New-tork, Treasurer of the Fund. . . . indMitood that the subicriPtions will not be binding nnlese the , whole amount of $100,009 it subscribed. Respectfully_ YoArs, S. IRENIEUS PRIME, 'HENRY M. ALEXANDER, `JONATHAN EDWARDS, DURYEA, S. IL P.ENNINGTON,,, A. F. BAYLIS. *, J: D. filclintarn, LYMAN H. ATWATER, General Agent. Presbytery of Zanesvilik The .Spring meeting. of this body; was, helkin the church ' Washington, com mencing Tuesday eVening, April, 14th, and' 'closingon the following Thursday night: '-.lll.neli impoirtant bilsipess was done, with great harmony and dispatch. Eighteen ministers and twenty - two Rub tug Elders were ; present, besides an unusual number ur corresponding members • and licentiates: Rev J: E. Alexander `was• dismissed to the - 'Presbytery of New-Brunswick, and Rev. D. S. Logan to that . 4 Western-11,e- Rev. Samuel Mehaffey, of, the Presbytery of St. Clairsville was elected Principal of the Miller Academy, iice Rev. Alexander, resigned. • Revs. Samuel Wilson and J. R. Duncan, with elders Matthew Scott and William Monroe were appointed Oommissioners * to the next General Aisembly. The churches generally were reported as being in .a most happy 'condition, finaneiiilly, and-;our contributions-to the - Boards of our Church and other F benevolent institutions are in ittiv . 4 . nce of last year. - - , Six Calls were received and accepted at this meeting, viz.: those from Muskingum. and • Madison by Rev. A. R. Hamilton ; those from ,dentoaville and ClaYstille, )by Rev. M. R. Miller; that from Salem. ,Ger man church, Newark, by Rev. R. Shills; and thiCfroin Briatol, by Ret. C: O.' B. Dunam. : . , Our , Presbytery 'wilt- soon= be filled :up with pastors., This, is significant of our prosperity.. ; There are still some vacancies. In regard thereto, the following paper was passed "WHEREAS, 'There are within the bounds of this Presbyeerynumerouskvacant-church es and. „otber destitutions,some3 of which greatly need ,the sp,ecial supervision" and fostering garb of Presbytery, as well as ite rail in securing the stated' ministrations of the Gospel therefore, ' 4f Resolved; Thatll - as Preabytery ap point a standing Committee on Church En tension, whose duty it shall-be to.aid such elinrches and destitations, in the recees of I Presbytery, in every suitable Firmer,' to obtain 'the stated Means g,radellv eor.: responding With =ministeis , seeking charges; and i by.introduping them to snob churches 'f , lr a_Resolle u d That standing rule in Committee EMS For the .Pretthnerhei Btfoner.,, TOE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER Publication Office : GAZETTE BUILDINGS, 84 Frrwe BT., PITTOBI3II4II, PA, PHILADELPHIA, SOUTH-WlBB Coa. ow 7TH AND Omura? ADVERTISEMENTS. TERNS IN ADVANON - - A Square, (8 linen or less,) one imertion, 00 cents; each subsequent insertion, 40 cents ; each line beyondsled, /3 eta A Square per quarter, $4.00 ; each line additional, 38 cent A REDUCTION made to advertisers by the year. BUSINESS NOTICES of TEN lines or lees, $l.OO each - ad ditional line, 10 cents. REV. DAVID APKINDIEV, . Peon/mum mon VITMMIEW this Presbytery to send to each of our des titutions, supplies for at least one Sabbath each quarter, who shall makea report of the condition, prospect, and wants thereof, to Presbytery." These were passed with great unanimity, and Rev. L. B. W. Shryock, of New Con cord, Ohio, is Chairman of the Cominittee contemplated in the first resolution, with whom ministers seeking fields of labor...wßl hereafter correspond, and not with the Clerk as 'heretofore.. - The Rev. S. Wilson offered the following important paper on Parsonages, which` was adopted nem. con.., and the .following _gen tlemen were appOinted a Committee to car ry its provisiOns into effect Revs., S. Wilson, J. M. Platt, and Wm. E. 'Hunt, with elders Jetties M'Creary and W., / 11. Winegardner. "In vieur of the inconveniences and , losses to which ministers are often ,snb , jeeted by frequent and often unexpected removals, and feilieg, its' we _do, that ,the establiihing of ' Parsontiges would in9gome good‘degreO diminish these evils tOlninio teirs; therefore, • -,,; " Resolved, That this Presbytery appoint a. Committee to take into, consisferation this subject, and devise a course action to be,taken by Presbytery, at iteuext, stated Meeting, - in regard thereto!' The following, was also passed, and 'the attention of ministers'-is celled to the same ; Reiolvecl a That we recommend all the Ministers under our care to read to their eongregetieng, at least three every year, the chapters innur te r " >The Sanctification of the Lord's Day, . the 1‘ Assembling of the Congregation and their behaviour during ; Divine Service," the " Singing of 'Psalms and 'Hymns," and especially `the 'chapter on " Secret and. kimiiiy'Worafilpf and that they he :re quested to • accompany t the reading with such comments ; and exhortation as may to them seem proper for the promotion of good order in the honie of God, and the edification of the people. At this meeting, Mr. Thomas M.-Stelren‘ son was - ordained as"an Evangelist; and re turned immediately AO the . army as a :Chap ain, where he had-beeafor some time as ; a Cap*. , Mr.. -H. ,C. -Fouke was ,licensed to preach the Gespel,,,and Mr. James R. Johnson, of COshoctori,, was 'taken under oui care'as a canaidateoforthe ministry. The pastoral, relation between Rev:LW. Morris Grimes and M'Connellsville church,- was dissolved. Mr: G. is now a chaplain in the army. Thus terminated one of the most'active and harinonious meetings ever held"by this growing and efficient Presbytery. The impressions left- by. its- - Ohristian- bearing and business-like deportment, -upon. the citizens of, the town= and.mentbers of : ,the, church of Washington, were most sahk tary: 0 for the outpouring of the Spirit upon'all our churches 1 ' W. M. F., Stated Clerk. Presbyteif ofToledo. At the sessions of _the Presbytery of To ledo, which met in Shellsburg; lowa, tha inst., the following items of brusineiii were - -transacted. Rev. Alexander Caldwell and Alder J. W. B.,Yeliell were appoiuied delegates to the General A.ssembly, Robert B. Farrar was received 'from the Presbytery of Washington .as a- :licentiate under our care r and..hav,ing-passed_through all the parts .oftria.l for ordinationxeqUired bysoßr. Book, le.was ordained. as an..4vAn geliSt., A call was presented by , the united churches of Vinton and -Big Grove fok the ministerial-services' of Mr: - John S. , I)u.n= log, a licentiate of .the• ,Presbyterry of cago. ; The call was-retained by-Presbytery ) until r.Duning shoUld be dismissed to, our care. The folloWing' paper was patina with reference to• the death.of Rev. John Steele : gt Presbytery having ..been• informed. uf the decease of our highly : esteemed :broth er and Stated blerk, Rev. John Steele; resolved, That while 'we feel ileeply sensible of our greet' lasi as a PretibYteiy, in the removal from US of .one so . devoted' to,his ,Master's. cause, and se well qualified : to labor therein,..we : recognise; the hand.of God in this bereavement, and humbly bew to his will.'' 41 Resolved, Thit weleel solemnly called upOn by this=afTlictiye providence, to hum ble-ourselves = before God, and beseeching him, for his quickening grace to double our. diligence, that when the Master comes for di we may have our work done, and be 'pre pared for our reward. • The living exam ple and sudden: and unexpected death of Brother Steele, who ,died.,at Delaware,. Ohio, on the 10th of September last, bids us all work yhile the day -lasts, for the, night co `meth when no man can work. ' 1 ‘ Resolved, That a committee be apPoint-: ed to collect the-oecessary-facts, and pre pare a suitable memorial'Of the: life,dabors, and death of Brother Steele and report the same to the next stated meeting of Presbytery:" ' The undersigned was appointed that corn= mittee, and he hereby requests any person haying in possession apy facts with refer ence to Brother. Steele—such as the, date, of his birth, the. time 'of his , conversion, the place where he Obtained his education for the ministry, the time of his licensor° amLordination,,and; by what,Pxesbytery,:or any, other facts of . interest = it ,woold be:a great favor to me ifsuch, an one wOuld. communicate 'mob facts to me' at 'Toledo, lowa. ' ° LUTHER' DODD, C. .1 Parablr.'s- • . A certain man who was very much de- formed, saluted i'Malibi; Saying,' "Penal be•nnto thee." Thei Rabbi , did not4eturni the salutation, but said, " Races, how ugly; this pan is! perhaps all thy toar a enten are as . deforpied thoa art." . The other re plied, "I do not know, - biltgo thou and say' to 'the workmail - that' inade • me, how ugly is this vessel twhich :thou hist • maile.”, Upeu,thisl the titabhi , 4ientonatedlrom:ll4 ass, knowing. "t!-Rt.sioned„andf on his knees before - lhe man he halides pisesl, and said unto him, " Forgive me,fi beice'ch . thee." 5 'But the deforined- man answered, "Scannot forgive theeantilthott hast.been to the. workman: Oat formed the and i sai44.,,,lteir ugly is ,veasel :which thou hest made."—Talmud. Tray eh u r at- Monmouth, : Illinois the eharger. of -AO. R.O. Matthews, low been. blessed:lT the hopeful .conversion of -over ifsfqlsoalk Por the tiesbyteriaseltaitineir.:A =