Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, April 15, 1863, Image 2

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    I ,;:rtsbgteriatt.
The General 'Assembly of the Presbyterian
Clfdrob id the - United - States of America will hold
its nett meeting, in the First Presbyterian
Chttrekin theeity of Peoiia, Illinois, at eleven
&Cam& on Thursday, the 21st of May,
and 'be opened with a sermon by the Rev,
Charles C. Beatty, D.D., Moderator of the last
, jar The Committee of Commissions will meet
in the Lecture-room of the church on the
Wednesday evening preceding, at eight o'clock,
to:receive commissions, and on Thursday 'morn
ing; the day of the meeting, at nine o'clock, for
thetsawe purpose. . .
WILLIAM E. ,Sag;itos, Permanent Clerk
Trastrai Westere Theological Seminary.—
Thf:t,Triudees of the ; Western Theological
Seminary iwill meet on Wednesday,= the
22d inst.; at ,10 o'clock . A. M.; in the
T?aturr3=mom of the First. Preibyterian
O i tireh, Pittshnrgh. By .order;
JonN T,LOGAN, Say.
witaitke - , Correeled---The . ministers and
ehirolies.ofiihnTresbyterf of Rook River
*Et Okla notice that the meeting of the
kiiisiNfieriat Ronk Island is on the last
it,tif4sg(lBth) of April, at '7 T.. N. ; and
inst,rovthe third Tuesday, (21.5 t,) Austated
inlhe published notice.
S. T. WILSON, Stated Clerk
The Mit':. General besembly. Stated
Olesks ; otrreabyteries, and of other bodies
sending delegates to the Assembly, are re.
qitersted to Send in the names of delegates
iiiinediatoly on Iheir appoint m ent, with
Office address of 'eaOtt one. By
yon will. ,assist and, obligi us.
Akdrais: . J.`BOYD HEADLEY,
ter Committee of Arrangements.'
'eoria, April 4th, ;1863. , ,
Danville Itiview.—.Tbe -number for
Atiridi''pentains fine , articles; viz An 1 . 11-
4 . #7 into the TruePoctrine of Human So
ciety, by Rev. R. J. 1111ECIRISRIDGE, D: D.,;
Commeatary. onEcclosiastes,,byßev.loYAL
YoutiG,:l).l). ; Politica and the Church,hy
Ely L..StAzim'xiw,-D. D.'; Credibility of
ificleoiluricatioU of the Dead, by Wit T.
The ;New Life of th Redeemed
Tlitt It 3 kY , ReY..B. YERKES: These topics
are ireited with'..ability; and will sustain the
deselited' 'reputation 'of this' Quarterly.
. ,
*Age County Wisconsin; writes to the
T004 81 , , Mr of the American Worm Trait
ant,Book Society, of Cincinnati,. as foI
-104611 :„
Briol'aza :—.l i neling deeply in'ter..
in'the important work of supplying
our soldierswith suitable religious'reading
Visitor; and knowing that your Society is
engaged in this work, I propose too - be one
Of twenty-five' to raise. five thousand dollars
05,000 . 0 for this purpose; hoping *that
there may be a ready response to this
proposition; and enough-found to fill up
this amount, and 'numb more, even._
I hereby enclose my proportion of the
$5,000, which will be $2OO, to be used as
fidobvii specified.
(Sin ed) GURDON 'JuDspif.
:There is no department of effort for the
gOod, of soldiers, more important than the
one pontemplated ,in this offer. The So
eikktaisystel of operating in this field is
one that obviates many ililficulties which
lain hitherto embarrassed effort in this
direction. We are rejoiced to know that
*heir labor is being appreciated. Shall the
five thousand dollars foe raised? Who will
'he the remaining twenty-four to contribute
the amount The call is a lend one. Is
there any better way of serving, at this •
Com t the common cause °four country and
cur. Lord ?
= O -43drolannications relating to the proposed
maybefood addressed to CEYLON RUDEON,
V*Sasarer A. A. T. and B Society Oin.
-This benevolent Aisociation aims at the
amelibrating of the condition of the sick
'and irolinded'in all our armies, and at the
firiiiiking of religious instruction. It ktin
the sanction of the authoritiei at Wash
ingtOilj 'lti usefulness has been very great,
and it is still . . extending its operations.
" Its plan is have at least one .minister
and one!, lay, ,delegate in each brigade of the
army- and each squadron of , the navy; to
preach ,the Gospel, hold prayer-meetings,
relieve the sick and wounded, instruct and
come p. dying, writeto. their friends at
homey receive and distribute
the Scriptures,
books,rpariers and knots, with clothing and
comforts, and accompany all with words of
cheer to the men from home, and with
prayer-to God fo l r his blessing upon them."
Nearly four hundred men have already
sotlialto as delegates, many of whom are in
the field
` at work, and others are ready to go
at a'notice,
Ooptributiont of every kind, needed-by
the eiek and wounded, and donations of
reading matter, are forwarded promptly and
,gr,a, tgittpusly. , " Nearly every ' office and
storeroom of the Commission is given rent
free' fir its use; nearly every employee
gives his services-without-salary ; all rail
roads afford their fat:pities either free or at
half price; over the wires of twenty,five
At' nisand miles, telegrapk companies trans-
Patches to and from the CoMMission
witheuttobarge ; and the Government gives
liseelltraneiportation over all its lines?' > .
This is iitrong testimony in favor of the
Christian spirit of sthe country, and tends
~t 0 sheer rm with-the thought that God
Atill.with us. ,
Aat Army Committee, as a Branch of the
'Chriseiest'Commiss'iort, has 'been organised
an r ittebsgh of which T H=xrax
C B ,llMN?! . .44PrOsidellt, and; 4(ipeta
Req.,tia -Trounorer4: , Vhe# storeroom
is at No. 79 Smithfield Street. ..a.;%Po
The General Assembly having had the
'gook of Discipline under a" process of Re
vision, for six years, it would be a pity if
now, when the time of final action ap
proaches, any thing should be left without
due consideration. We henee, as one of
the speaking organs of the Church, are en
deavoring to call attention to some of the
more important changes ivhich are proposed.
A copy of the Revised Book was sent, last
Summer, to• each. pastor, and was doubtless
then perused by some; and was, by others,
laid aside to be taken up in Process,of time.
4.t the Spring meetings of Presbyteries,
When Commissioners are appointed to the
Assembly, the matter discussed,
if there are any stronc , proclivities. We do
not mean that the 'Commissionersshould
go up instructed, nor yet with a mind:Pre
determined; but .they should go prepared
for s wise discussion, which may result in
an intelligent vote. _ -
Appeals have given the Assembly more
trouble than any'othet ,- elles "of 'businef3s.
As eomilleted,' under the oltr.rules, - `theY
eonsamedyery Much time, and were often
very unpleasant. The proposed change we
regard as.wvast improvement. Under" the
Nevi Book ":• -• • ' • •• -
An Appeal is allowable, isp, in all judi
cial cases, by the party to the cause,
against whom the decision"'is' . made,
2. In other cases, when the action'' or
deciiien of the judicatory has inflicted
or may inflict, an injury or wrong upon
any party or persons, which cannot be
remedied by a reversal of the decision, he;
or_ they, or any minority, consisting o,
not less than one-fourth of the minority
voting, may appeal.'
_ .
The condition which would authorize an
appeal, of the 2d class, here; stated ; we
fees' that we cannot comprehend. Possibly;
instead of the - words we have italieised, the
CoMmittee meant to say :
,'which` can be
remedied ONLY by a reversal of the decis
ion, Ste. This- would' express a reason
which could be 'appreciated.
The main 'difference hetweere the new
book and the Old, is in sub-section V.:
" Thereshalrbe only one appeal as fo'inat
tern. of :fact; when'the first appellateCOuri
agrees with the' original `'court in finding
and titating_the facts. When 'a ease orig
inates' in the . Session, and the Presbytery
disagrees with the Session as to`the facts,
an appeal may be taken, both in law and
fact, to the Synod,'Where - the finding and
stateraent of faCta shill' be,' final. Only
errors in,princide, up d irrekulq'rams in
order, shall be carried by appeal to the
General 'Assembly; except in trials for
heresy,',in whieh theiecord of faits must
go up for trial,,throUg'h the whole grada
tion ofappeals"
And in sub.section VII.;
ig The
,first step shall be, to read. all, tile
records in, the casufrom- the beginning )
except so far as. may be omitted by con
sent of parties.; and except the evidence,
when ..the facts.are not allowed to be;-the
ground of. farther appeal.;Jhe second, , to
hear the parties, flist.the appellant, then
the appellee; the third, to: hear,. any
..member of the appellate court,. [we ; . sup.-
pose the court, appealed from,] who may
desire, to express his opinion; after which
the final : vote shall be .taken, by calling
the roll. A, committee shall then be ap
pointed to bring in a minute, expressing
the judgment of the court, and the rea
. sons thereof." .
The liberty of appeal is herein slightly
abridged: The process is greatly'abbrevia
ted, simplified, and made more definite, and
a righteous decision is more 'likely to be
Some matters which under the old book,
might be carried.up by, appeal, are, under
the new, to be issued as Complaints. And
the process is greatly-abbreviated:. ;Under
the old; *the practice *was to go:through all
the -tedinus formalities, of condimting ap
peals. The change is provided for in sub
section V., as follows
" In taking up a coniplaint, after ascertain--
Ing that the complainant has conducted;
it regularly,'the first Step shall be roread
all the records:in the case; 'the second to:
hear the complainant; and then the nottit
shall proceed. to consider and decide the;
This-is simple, brief, straight forward,
and a full provision for reaching' a right
eons judgment.
The rules for judicateries.are amended,
enlarged, rearranged, and greatly improved.'
Some ten new rulei have been edded, Which
experience ,has sbown to be greatly needed.
The Committee have' done a good Work.
It would not be easy to select
,twelve men
in the Presbyterian Church better qualified,
to revise our piSeiPline than were the mem
bers of the Committee -who met in Pitts
burgh, last July ; and if the Assembly of
next May shall
_riot , be prepared to sanction
their work, and submit it to the Presbyte
ries for adoption, the subject may as well•
be laid aside for the wisdom of another
generation. For ourselves, we have never
been enthusiastic in desires fora change";
but the subject baying been so, often agi
tated, and a nen 'Book being now offered,
of which me, can
,heartily approve, we trust
there will be harmony in sanctioning it as
the law of the Church.
A confident expectation recently spring
up, among all papists North,that the South
was about to abandon its wicked en - 634r*,
or that Somehow, peace was near.
The World, which may be regarded as
the organ of the ultra Democrats; speaking
On this subject, under date of lifarch'27th,
• , •
gc The rapid decline in the prictefgeld ;
the deelirie in the price of often ; the
will-anthenticated accounts of extreme, deo
- in, the rebel States • the sudden
and enormous depression in the value of
`the Confederate currency; the indefinite
and assured•postponement of foreign inter
vention, are among the reasons assigned
for `this expectation!' •
It then quoted from the- 2W6une and
added• ..!
"If these pleasing antielpations veto
be reslizeirthepeaee question ' will pros«
!tinily be the engrossing topic of public dis
cussion, by men of all parties, and in all
sections of the Union. Until the rebels
ate ready to make—or at least to entertain
—peace propositions on the basis of re
union, the war must of course proCeed with
all possible energy, and the loyal States
continue to exhibit what General IVl,eolel
- in a letter written a day or two since,
eulogising his fellow-soldier, the late-la
mented General Sumner, calls " a firm de
termination to sacrifice everything that
might be necessary in subdiing the rebet:'
lion, and restoring peace and the unity of
the nation, by putting forth, all the strength
of the country to defeat*iisarmed en'e9fries
in the field."
The World's. uotation from the Tribune *
" Our faith is strong that thenext - Foura
of julY willbe celebrated throuilhatit a, re
stored, and peaceful Union. We zbelieve.
that the rebellion is' about to be vigorously ,
linseed :on. all sides IoF its :dieastrons and
final collapse, .and that no further- draft
will be required to achieve its overthrtne.
There may or , may . not be tvcall,of-uni
formed. militia for tit or three . montbs• to,
hold" Washington,i Baltimore,
&0., while"our Veterans; advance : upon 'the
last strongholds: 'of! treason,.lbit.'thie men
now an the field will probably- niece ta deal
decisively With the rebePlirtnies! ,r 5
Borr are . we that we could not, and
cannot yet, enjoy to 'the , full, this , plcasing
expectation., If ,-the mar _isto,be „ waged to
a thorough Victory, and who that , loves law
'and order would think of stop Ping short
Of thai,.4 is, possible that :more than'oni;
l‘ tonal).- of July," will piss before sweet-
smilingpeace shall !again-, greet . the. land.
This; hOwever, depends partly on ''the' - de=
'termination of the rebels; and partly upon
the energy of` the •
If tbe•4neniy is -4idfdeleintine'd as he
profesdes to be, and as were our fathers of
the Revolution, and es were the CireaSians
against the Russians, he may lold out for
years and year,.against 'such e f forts,. as we
have been. mahi,n6r. But it the ,Southern
ers become divided, their , cause will soon
fail. .Or if we of , the. North , should unite
cordially, and :put forth all the, strengths of
the country to 1(k/eat its armed enemies in
the`field and , if to this we could 'add' the
tender 0:8;ortie cilnprotces#l,,,peace
come speedily., But' these ‘‘ ifs " are sadly
-in the way. Both•sides.feel yet too strong
to either! propose ;.or accept ccinditionv :
The SoUth is yet too well 'United' yield,
and the North, thengh;' peproy:ing, f is yet,
too 'touch . divided, to , put • forth all 413
strength. We rejoice in the,,iapid growth'
of the sentiment, that the toisr must. lie
fought out , we 'wish it may spied*
aims to this, that the Whole peetile will
say, no :c"4"1" 1 . 27 , 4 F traitors.n,
arms... arms. We. cheerfully , :accord to , :mvery
State all rights under the . 00118db/dew,
and to'every individual all his riglitauzil
der the laws. And, , tha'rehellimi
suppressed, we would admiAister the laws
leniently. But we insist that the rebellion
shall be suppressed; that there shall bp no
new• guarantips to slavery, and no acknowl-'
edgnient of a right to secede. The put-,
' tine' down af the rebellion, by force of,
arms, will; slay secession; and ail : slavery,
has already, received its death wound, let,
it.die gradually, if 'those so will,„Who now
have it. Let it perish under its - losi of ,
political power, under non extension, lin
der. the frewn of, public sentiment,. under
the growing love of humanity, and the lib
erg4ising influences of the -Gospel.
Peace - may I;e 'near. ' But our roPet are
not Sanguine. We would nen, the ineSii&
of peace—of a true, ca. lasting„and • a,,hap-•
py peace—that is, rive would' execute the
lithe President:will gather up all the'
diterters, and make - desertion hereafter to
be certain death, - if be will -. surely punish
all command* who suffer iurprises, and
who make:shameful surrenders; : if he will
promptly bring into the - field anothei half
maAion of soldiers, he, will make the
war national and call into the contest all
the nation's •talents and; all its resources,
wiping all the high poivers entrusted, to,
.wisely and energetically, :theW we
shall have hope"
As to, the prospects'of peace from North
ern " conpessions;" and "by the force,- of
reason;?! it may be in point-IC.. quote the
'Richmond Inquirer. [We quote; of Coarse,
frOm au *hinge, having 'ourselve ae
cese to Southern papers.] Speaking of
the '!,Peace." men, it - says :
" Reader, excuse ns'.* We cannot' re
press `a - natural movement of scorn in' pea.,-
ing of those' creatures : Nay, we avow the
opinion, that ifis good tucherish and cul
tivate a little wholesome disdain, in con
templating the mean disappointbient of
those - speculators in war, When they- find
they have invested in
-Da nen-paYinbusi
ness;and that . it is ' time' to wind up the
bad-nor/cern. On
.what- leftf ground--we
-ragged Confederates' =stand now, high over
the shabby turmoil of that vulgar and
greedy Yankee nation, from which ice sc V
era an unnatural becauie
could no longer brOok , the - contact, ; and ,
whose every act and every saying since that
day, more and more decisively justifiei us
in quitting their hateful Union, wiping the
duet from off our feet I It is salutary, wo
say, 49 dwell upon and insist upon the obi
trent. * * .
'" We shall' watch those'' Confederates'
(so..ealled) wha may show any inclination
to'hearken unto thesesloquent DemoPrits;
who nuty praise their 'lofty patriotism; or
sympathize in their noble struggle 'for their
Constitution. ' Such, Confederates will be
- fit subjects-=to say. the-least—of -medical
treatment as lunatics. To shave their
heads' and halfdrown" them with shower
baths,, might do them good i, but to answer
theinaccording .to their folly would only
exasperate their parairysin. If there be
few such Confederates - , or none, 'so' much
the better.
"If There were once peace indeed, it
would then le better not to insiet too ur
gently on the ineffaceable differences which
make us now and lieteafter two distinct
races of men; we should tlien strive to
look upon Yankees only with a tranquil
dishle, as the moat foreign of all fbreiqa.,
ars; most cliagreeable of all bores. Put
while they are our mortal enemies, it is
salutary to bring mit and develop the points
of antagonisib,:iind so Make:sure that in
peabe•or in war, wa.shalb indeeilte aliens
for, all time ; for our ways ara' , not their
ways, their people , are not our pebple; Bel;
therle their God God") 05;
Our people see what is before them.
Dreadful as is the thought, they must fight
and destroy. Peace and union can result
only from victory. We need strong armies,
able generals, and wise counsellors.
Itenisteruleteased.—Rev. Jabal S. Ma-
CRAOKEN died at his residence, Xenia, 0.,
'.April 110883, aged 59 yeais lacking 24
days. Mr. MoCitaoKnr was a minister of
the United Presbyterian Church, and broth:
er to the late Bev. &amyl, MCCRACKEN
pastor of the. United Presbyterian church
of Hopewell, Preble County, Ohio.
Rev: T.asix..Lrox died-'suddenly
at Marseilles, Ohio, on the - .25th of last
month. Mr. TAISIPtETON was a membSr
of, the, Presbytery of ,Marion,, And, at the
time of his-death pastor of the church at
The ' itrpertoty 14863,
contains the following : I The, ,Manner of
Preaching; The I.,ife,of,:i.Edward Ir
ving.:Recent Explorations in Africa;
IV The Fathers of Ross-shire, Mer
cer County Teaohers' Instittitej The.
Tru,, Plano of. ; Mao in,goology, ; Short io
tices.!,t4 , ' ~
, The-Artiele Prbaching 4s peculiarly
Onr'sfidititi and young minis
ters should :read ' ear r p,; 4 0, the.
more,, A dyanced Iffe , pight:% also Aerive
tiomit great :benefit..., , Very , -tauch , Jaber is
lost for want: of due attention .to- znannei;
,;••? 7 , 4 f;.;
Board of ,Edgration.-7—nio:Sical YqaTo9i;
this Board
,eloses: , on %May let. `t Chureheal
who bave riot' retiiittedAOi
stoils requested t i; do so be l fare' that
time. ~ • 'rotioptnessanda b borlitydyill;
able, the Board to report s that_ et - demands
are paid. Every church should do siime
thifig...., • .‘ - L.- 4 • • ;,•- • ;-`,"-
7' f.
A correspondent of the litoston. Watch
men regards -Miller
ism "iri Ndw . P.Hampshire,-:: - '
" I have reasonto.believe that there i „ s a
marked reil4iir Of
SlP't `'M alga
many parts ofthis ae. ee pf its
former advcicates are reestabliiiifed,'and
some cases Ana treicareirrayks its reappear
ance emodgiat- of our pastors
feel constrained to ,give, a .mere ,thorough
examination to the grounds pf, their,,belief
in the intermediate bliss ,of thedead
and the final doo of the impenitent; and
embody the reardts ,
Sermons to their
people. Truth will only. sliine;forth more
gloriously front""this "contact with error.
Some of °HI:A:4I4mA trieridS iikeet inWork
miracles, apPealing 'the list clause of
Mark xvi M 3, in support • of, their claims,
but eteutly resisting ; a personal j application
of the first half ..of. the same verse."
THE Portland' :Mirror, in noticing the
recent ordination and - insiallitiOn of Rev.
Mr. Becktold as Pliator'cif Didch church
in Roxbury, Mass:, firnishes the following
interesting items:
" Mr. Becktold native Of Hollend.
Three or.four ago - he Was led.-tO Rox
bury by one Of those 'prOviderices'Whioli we
regard as 'full'-of strangeness. "'Xi. B.'s
purpose was to" goy Ito' the Cap 6 of Good
Hope; Gbd purposed that , he should'go to
Roxbury.• ; Here he`.-found-about whnudred
of his countrymen.: These:had-no place of
worship. In many places.Ahe Gospel was
preached, but in what was to' them an un
known tongue.:
46 Thereonld` n'tiderstatid - 'neither- the
English nor thlGerinan`lingunge'j and no
man was found who' could' preach to them
in Dutch until Mr. B. came.
ct He; first of all, established' prayer
meeting. Thist ins' followed by Sabbath
services. Such great success has attended
the efforts' of" Mr. T. that a imall but beau
tiful chapel hiur been erected; and now,
from 'the lips of their countrymin; - these
Dutch families can Marin tbeir.OWn tongue
.and in their own tianctuarf, ot the won
derful works of God;'
" Before'llft. Came, the . 'moral Condi
tion of these families extreinely low;
huttreatimprovetnent has taken place, and
the future is full.of promise."
Miss SkitAirßilii , Eß,..of , 'Boston, lately
deceased;, bequeathed =to-various ,religious
and charitable AisoCiations, property 16
the of ' - $lOO 000. - 'The . ' .prinCipil
part of this was donated to theAinericau
4pard , of,Cominissieners for *oreigii, Mis
sions. • .
THE .FOLLOwmet 'sad' eiperieriee is re
' coiled in an Eastern paper:
AraimJobnson,_ Pittsfield;
Yermopt; ; henrdithat one of his two sonoin
the army „was sick in a N.ew-York hospital,
and,that, the other had Most p ‘ leg at, Rred=
ericksborg. ~S tarting; , imediately to find
them, he met,; the dead, body of one, and,
hurrying on to ,assist the. living son, was,
rebbesl of his< paapi,purse by.the way, and
reaelaid..Washington only, to learn that, the
second boy : was- _dead , . and buried. 'clod
friends promiseci,to send the, body homeA,
him.. The coffin, caniq—.l)ut AY some XolB
ps4 the , body,w,KoFar4agefEi• -
IT IS SAID of" clady, - who died lately in
Concord,. the'ageief 81 years, that
she commenced, when but seven years old;
the praise-worthy practice of reading :Year
iy thel3iblemi course; and that, up to' the
inie of her death, she had read it entire).*
''',N . rful
, seventy-four times.
Buy. N. G. CLARK., late Professor of
Latin and of English Literature 'in this
Universiti of . Vermont, has accepted the
Professorship ,of :Logic and Rhetoric in
Union College, N. Y. • w• -
Docrroil .111kollotssiart, whose lecturea on
the Eest, have been received with such gen,
era favoromems to have ~ been equally suc
cessful in securing the. public . approbation
Of his proposed Scheme 'of a scientific and
industrial stirvel'Of 'Eastern Aide. e.*:•l
; ., r • :=. • • •
change says:
41 Thes . Confiecticut Academy of Arts and
Sciences Lima appointed a ocsiumittee, of
which Professor Silhman is ehairmai, 40 .
memerialiee'Congress on the subject; and.
the_General 'Assembly •of :.the &ate - of
Rhode Island having given Dr. bla*owan
a hearing, voted.that the...proposed expedi
tion merits the: • attention , isn the .gmteral
871 74 P9 t. '",•-•
IrIs 3 BTALITIP,mathe, result of a sciejstite
enrveyin Makne, that au:abundance ofs,an
oreltitiron hss beeedskielefied!, the
t .;r!"c
v.7IN A LA•Ti A:DDAESi in New-York city,
Gend Butler, in urging 'the importance of
egreater eirercise or patience in regard to
the Wei - remarked ' •- ' •
"'Why should we be, fin - patient ? The
Revolutionary War lasted seven years.,./Na--
ill - Ms at war ever Moire' ffiClEriy : . It has
seemed strange:o me that our navy could,
not catek . lhe steamer illabgnia; but a
friend reminded me that Pan' Jones, with
a sailing ship even, riTion the coast' of Eng
land, bid defiance ,to the whole 'British
nevi" for many months; and that Lord
• C.celartine, with a single ship, held the
Whole French coast in terror. So that, if
we willnnlY have a . little patience, and pis
sess our seula with.i patriotitim,
shall have no reason coMplain."
THE amount of money seeking invest
ment in-temporary loans is increasing, and
first class borrowers .are freely supplied it
-5 to 6 per:, cent. The - current of invest- I
meat is setting , in Stronglyon Government
securities,f which are in active:demand, with
a tendency to advancein The con
versions into :11.- S. 5-20 bonds , avetage.
about a million dollars per day,' and from
- thiwzdurce and• redeipts from. , ,,customs and.
internal- taxation,:. Government is receiving
in cash, over two million dollars. , per day.
This satisfactory movement in our national'
finanCes, prevents a, further increase of pa
per/ money issues by Government, and.,,as a
natural result,
„tbe , „prisceof . gold and other
commodities are, declining. The interest
of S. in gold coin,'
renders them the best investment security'
in the market, and the, people cannot- do
better for themielfies and for the national
cause, than * to` invest their surplus funds in
Governinent securities. - •
m h
The pime ofgo as fluctuated
150 to 155 ; during"the " . Week; and - banker's'
60. days sterling bills were quoted on Tues
day at 167 to 168.
The weekly bank statement shows :a de
eiease in net depcieits of $3,147,426, which
iieaused mainly ‘ hy conyersiois into U. S.
five-twenty bonds. •
TAB FOLLOWING: Commissioners ; to, the,
next Assembly;. hive-been appointedrbydhe
Central Presbytery of Philadelphia :''Rev.
Alfred Nevin, D.D., and - Rev"..W.R. Work,
.Ministers 'and Mr. Miithew NeWlirk, and
Mr. Robert Graham, Eldprs and.Reir. Di..
Blaokmore and Rev. Mr 'Sproul, for the
Old Presbytery; mid Elders, Geo...Junkin
and James' Dunlap. '
TILE FEAST. of the P'assoier was abiarved
with the. usual meremonies byJohe Jews
this. city. It commenced on Friday, the
8d inst:, and closed - on Saturday of the suc
ceeding Week: I*.
Tay. PiI L A DELPEUAN B ..IOeerIi to be
aroused to a sense of theimportance of the
establishment of. - an Ocean' Steam
The successful accoinpliahment - of: the
measure would enhance inealcalabli the
.coinmercialfinterests of 'the pity,. . -
THE CITY TROOP has lust. heen`-itient
'sporated by our - Legit;lattice; the biil to that ,
effect, having been passed; throigh' both'
Houses without 'delay: - The Troop were in
service from' 1774 until 'the Woad of`the
jtevolutiottayy war. Mak Were igairOn`
'service frinn 1812 to 1814: They served
ithrough the three monthecamongn in'tlie
present '
war, and a large' number of their
regular members are in!'service; :at
tached to different regiments:*.,Tliey have,
'since their incorporation; 'pureliimedtin lot
at the corner - of 'Twenty-first and Chestnut
'atrieti'' .4 *here lhetliteita eltd*fifia an'
tant peculiarity of which is, that it will fur
nish plating for the modern ships of war,
impenetrable to any shot hitherto invented.
The Boston Journal, in further noticing
the natural resources of Maine, says 7.
" Several abundant deposits of marble
and of limestone have been found during
the past year in Aronstook County; known
deposits of the best limestone of Knox
County have been traced to localities hith
erto supposed destitute of it; besides
which bane been found, in various places;
ores of copper and of lead, and roofing
slates; also feld.spar, suitable for fine pot-'
teries; granulated quartz suitable for glass,
manufactures;' marls- of high fertilizing
power or which by, slight mapipulation
may be . converted into utility; and many
other valuable minerals and building mate.
rials hesides the disbonery of a' gold field
similar to that 'of Nova Scotia, which hie
been .limind to yield profitable returns!'
A 'WRITER in the Observer makes men
tion of petrel:fel revival in progress .
Utica, New-York:, Daily Piayer-meetingi
moat of tl.'P 26 99 18 1
waioh. are attended, hy: over a thousand
children. Union-meetingsl are.held every
eienin*, - atlvhich at least fifteen bandied
people ai* . said . toSidwaYs'pieriel4t."
dreds, remain for the inqUiry
is held at .the , close Of each service., All
the ehnrcheb , are: rePrsented:avenjoying
tokens - of the Divine presence.
Tax N. OtaititENOE of the
Matibiligi'o4tA4Ohot surely be charged
with ambigillti v iVite - ittieritde,e on the
great national inestiotr of =the dayWe
lititrii : 4l4tAhoitly before ih4'adloui•ninent
of Gen. Wool and Ju4ge
tette' appeaTed , meeting,-and:that
the latter adininistered - the - following oath,
whieli ties taken 'by all the'Trienibers`:
"'I do solemnly' swear that I will support
and 'defend We : Constitution and Govern=
ment of the Knited`§tateaagaidat,all ens
Mies, whether foreign or donlestic, and that
I will bear true faith, allegianee and 10 . 1,=
alty to the, same, ariy`erdinance,,resciluilod,
or law of any State Conitiption Or
tare to the contrary not Withstanding; 'and
Orther, that I do, this with a - full deter
mination, pledge, and purpose, without any
mental reservation or evasion whatever;
and fUrther, that I will well and faithfully
perfom'all the duties required of ;me; so
help me God."
THE Christian intelligeneer,Tunning k on.
the word Law,:saym:'
" The subjection - of this city to tho'au
ihority of Law' is sitbliniei 'Lan,' holds,
Controls, worke; 'taxes it,. and- does whaterer .
needs to be (lane' for: the' honor' and interest
of Liao Who buyiup aldermen ?
Who seises the'Battery"? Law. Who•
runs his - Fars wherever 'he likes? L#.
WHO apfireiniates feirYltaliPs, and '"tugs old,
tubs, acediding to' his sweet will, on
the vexed waters' of our rivers' and bay?
Law. Who regulates the 'State legisle
tnre ? Law. Li' - view of hill sovereignty,
ihy' May not this city:and its environs be
& r edid in fie sfniple to' George Late, his
heiri'ina assigns forever"?" ' • •
Revival at Rt. Pleasant, lowa.
_ PITTSBURGH, PA., April 18, 1863.
MESSRS. EDITORS is very pleasant
to perceive continued evidence that, even
in these troublous times i God remembers
his Church,.
A letter from. a; valued correspondent• in
Mt. PleaSant, lowa, informs me that;, on the
first Sabbath of this Month; over per:
sons were received to AO,communion by
our church in that placeor thirty-five of
whom were by examination,
and eleven of
these by A
adult baptism: , work had also.
been in progress in the Methodist Upisco-,
pal church.of that place,,froiThwhiph about.
one hundred and fifty-cpnversions were re r ;
ported up 011ie time when services in our
church, commenced. There liaire.,o. l o been.
a, number of accessions to the Bapt'i'st
church there. . -; .
The interest, in our church is statid.
have been " dee,pAqm. the first; Preach
ing WaS continued every
. evening, for about
three weeks,, with inquiry meetings, after
the first, feer''dayi, each' afternoon ; the
pastoveleit,. Bev..J. W. Larimore; being
assisted fora portioni of . the
George D. Stewart; -of West , Pointe lowat
A list of some thirtrnamis Sent me, shows
the work. to. hwie been lamest - oentirelY
among. the young'; and, one peculiar
ture is, that about one-hialf of;-these , thirty
are- viiitel6utl filyiroblibly. crow-fourteen
tO sixteen !years fof;:age; , and uithout eioep=
tiOn . , We believe, btaptized-'ehildien: of-he
church.. ' Having •but -lately heen their {pas
tor, ; without. 'emotiontadenii" and
tUnder4hat , the writer irtieletkinks
Of these' lambsi of fheftock - noirwittinithe
fold: - May .that. G - odd Shepherd,lwlingath:
ers the lambs With;hisarml ever carry , the&
in his bOsiom:' Andther pleasing taternent
of. , imy - correspolident;.liel, thilifv - 74‘E4erY
Weber. in , theabbath.Scheerisiiewi pro-
famed folloWer rof Christ; except
This churcb- must =now have two,hundred
members,' if not , Moroi slid ;it; mar:lay:of
interest to some. to state, that Mt: Pleasant
is.a , veiy pretty qittle Keay mbf'abotte four
thousand' inhabitants,: ham dsoinely loeated
on , the Burlington soil Missouri EiveMaib.
road, twenty-eight miles* West of :the; Mis
sissippi- river. It is one , of.thamestntoa4l,
places weever knew, in. a.Weitern :life .of .
some> fifteen' years. , Str. Sur: a& , wcwknoir.,,
there is neither a hrinking.nor gambling
saloon in the placey norhas.themoral.sense'
of that .community allowed'.one .for years.
pabt---• we do :not,' 'know - just!. how rmany.,
MaiMt.Pleasatit longinontintielo have'Soi
pleasant al 'Preeminence ; new,. so,
often in the future;- may her 'chtirches-!b&
enabled , to reporf , that‘ 44intes' of refresh..:
ing" lave-come "frowthe presenee'ot:the
Lord" , . - •
VromlbeCluistia9 li`tePifencVP
Proving_ too filth • 1;
disereet lawyer; in 'managing- an _
portent Oise, While/- eliciting testimony
behalf of his client, is always careful , met
"to prove too-'muche'sue If, however, he
commits. that mistake by an incautious
blunderOie,,:akonwendeavore *mar it,
so that it *ay pot become eonspiontins ; and
damaging -
Thie sound legal "Never `prq~re'top
Muck," hag' 'been eadly:disregirded
„hy the
Cimoreseional Committee ' the Cond#Ct,
of . Their' report; '0 blialier . on
MondaY,".list, is evidently intended - 4o ex
titiguish 'General MUClellan: by proving ,
him to have been ineampeteat and coward
ly (and Perhapas something werse), 'during
all the time 'he was in, command Of the
Aiip"of Potomac. Never was an .17-,
gnmentinaile for the conviction of 4
„felon, '
witimore of a remorseless pirpOsethan
seen, to pervade the report of these'
teal civilians on the conduct of the War.
Steady inite gin; it dlieharges its 'dea.lll' ,
missiles at ' McClellan, not only hnrcircit
destroy him, and make his name'
and a reproach thrOtighont the land. „
No ir we'llitie no wish to' appear as 'the
champion,' of . this or iii:other general; 'nor
have we anyi inclination to nurse" political
animosities time when all should lie
united for the Ooninion* . gAcd.
trig as we AO the pseeesitin af sonic respect
for truth and, fair dealing, we must Sky
that we have never read a state 4% :',l: so
*rang-hi:Y . " surcharged.with' the gall `, and ,
wormwood' of politiear and,
e perseital hatred
'as this
,long:lieralded - repett. W will
not say that it,containe a single false state
meta or an imaginary fmit;:bitt, we do know
,that it assumes much not proved,
and coneeale:More that is essential to a calm
and - jadicial exposition of the whole case.
r Taken atrit - nowatands;lbe report proves
too.much, It assails - more than the honor
of a General7itionviMie the,p_Adininistra
tion of theriiiigh imbediliti;and of perse
iering-liehonesty in the use of the Means
entrusted e to 'it '''by the people: It Shtiws,
if it' shOw&linYtthing that is beyond
Initei - thabtheA t dministration kept at :the
`head of onr;ehief or whose
.unfitness it had -abundant probf: That. it.
stood by bim and supported hini, when all
of his inovemeUts tiere - lieneath its eye,,and
after all his - allegedw military" faults had
been -enatiPietieuely` demonstrated. If :this
he so (and it bit/et-be; then report is truth
fidly right), then what 'answer` toe the
Ministration to give an abnied, 'deceived,
.and indignant people?". How much confi
'dence' in the Presidentimdinthe chief of
the War Departmentowill this report, '
'now reads; -mapirein the Publin mind ?*
How can they excuse themselves for the
crime of having placed General McClellan
n'aecond time at the head of theinny after
its i reverses ufider Pope, and, then sending
him off in charge Of the only forcee capable
Of "defending 'the capital and, of expelling
'the rebels from -Maryland? We subinit,
that the Congressional incpieet,uPon the
military corpse of the late Gen. McClellan'
is a finding Which, if true; eibigethei: cov
ers the Administration with a pall of-Infit
'my ton heavy ever , to be.lifted. For, if the
`General was guilty of insubordination,' ir
resolution, and of trifling with the interests
of the country, none knew this so well as
:the Preeident, Secretary of War, and Other
high officials at .Waeliington, and -they
Must bear the responsibility of acting. in
the face 'of tlitit knowledge: '
But we do not inculpate 'either 'the
ministration or "Gen: McClellan. Men will
err under all eiimimetanees.-
And it'surely
is' not to he claimed that the Preeident; his
cabinet or Generals, should s taire had' pre-
Seiefice enough to forecast ail' evente,' and
Irevide a day for all, 'Contingencies
eveked ;by the tumult of dill war:. "-
There'have been many mistakes coma- I
ted in the Cabinet in the field, Whitt
would brin es
have 'Veen evaded,
had the actors been of oraniselinee.
But thre‘ehietind mast- costly Mistaire
all—One which has protracted our dill
strife, strenktheneathe rebellion, and often
'discouraged loyal lieartaii the grain` and
eVer,to-be-littnented- one of carrying on' °a :
political war against the Generals in. the
'fieldding °fir patriotic armies t
Conflict' with' ' tailors :" Tmany ''!evereei; iiijr ze c : og.t, : tes" co
m s a t Z
"No w;Wholciiia 'fint
Nor the Presbyterian Banner
of the Potomac, because of its being in ti e
vicinity of Washington, which is the c es .. s .
pool of the .nation, and into which the foul
est scum and vilest feculence of political
corruption constantly gather, was, from the
first, more exposed than any other to polit
ical and military intrigue? Senators and
Congressmen acted as though that army
was Material. •gathered for their service.
In their interest it was hounded on to Bull
Run in July, '6l. The disaster there was
followed by a temporary repentance on the
,part of civilians, and Gen. McClellan set to
work to organize a vast army for a vast a n .
dertaking. But he had no sooner received
hic appointnient, than he became the tar
get at which political and military jealous
ies diseharged their envenomed arrows.
'With a rare magnanimity he endured ob
loquy and slander, standing in the stature
of his personal greatness, high above the
clouds of envy which encircled him, w a it.
ing for Jiistery to de him justice. Faithful
to his task, he wrought with heroic pa
tience, to raise,,Ws Army into a condition
which would enable-him to deal a sure and
fatal blow against' the rebels. At length,
when he set , tnit for the. Peninsula, he sud
denly found his military plans interrupted
and broken by the interference of civilians,
and perhaps in -,part by military rivals; a n d
it is enough in ,tlie way nf comment upon
the conseqienees. of that interference, to
recall the Vet that Gen- Irwin McDowell
testified, that in his judgment, Richmond
would have fallen, , bed McClellan been suf
fered totiarry ont , bitil programme. And it
i s well: remeniberpthat when Washing.
ton was exposeditand the rebels were rush
ing toward it over-fields won from our van
quished forces,the Administration then, in
the extremity, of :its , peril, turned to Mc-
Clellan, and .again laid upon his shoulders
the weighty" task' and mastering
the fae. 4- "1= .
As our-Volideid` creed is all embraced in
the Jacksonian " The Union,
must and shall, be Itreserved," so we have
no party bias to-favor; nor political preju
dices to maintaii,:either foi or against men.
But believipg and. knowing as we do that
•14fdOlellan'iimi Wei treated with gross and
cruel injustieiciviede.ein it but simple loy
alty to trutk*say ao,' not for his advan
tage, biefoi-iliesike 'of reproving that
spirit of bitter and malignant Malice which
is the irrepressible rdbies - of selfish and vi
olent, politiciansii , Madness which begot
themariYaind which has protracted it until
irontholPrelbjterian Banner.
•,• ltlnften -EDlTOnsl:—Pennit me, through
your paperilo - ackneWledge 'my obligations
to'•the`-peopletaof elarkiwille congregation
for a liberal dentition lately made to me
and ,4 my: family, and fiir this very pleasant
manner in' Viell it Wits:Otten up and pre
sented:PYThlS renewed expression of the
confideficivaintaileiitiolCof this people to
their. pastor :witty the , more .ivelcome, as it
netotilysai a time when it was much
neededi•britlelsosntri - e4.lctieelly;inasmuch as
they hadAnade lastyeari
and , {the thei' liberality are at
present - That the great
Shephnid- alnitidently reward them
with' spirttnat blesisinge 'for •these temporal
gifts;isi the Sincere' land earnest`prayer of
their.piister: •• • Riess.
T wil meet
?F RIM, l d ay } of
is 144 PR,,,vinESPLthe EBY O
HaYeß e' m.
Miiyott.7 P
JAMBS Rowli4T;7D, ttated Olen
The PR)6B31:1111Y: OF.TQLEIXI.pIanda ad
journed i.O,ukeet at Shillidnirg,,Bentou County,
liiara, on t'e i'Mid - Yriday of April next, at 7
' • .11ITTHEA. DODD,
.0- . • sti l t e d auk.
Will spoof; #gfeiehlyto idjOurnment, in` the Two
Ridges church; on the - Fourth Tuesday (28th
day) of April; ' at 10 . o:di:Or A. M.
• . • ;i• -- 30108.1111,T HERRON; &Med Clerk.
. 1 1
Rev • A. •
47-4 uoursaut i k =ha received a
call fro the, Arch, 45tp. Presbyterian
ehurch Pluladelphia
E. IL-BRIV hfirs , reSeived a nnani
mem t 0 the South Presbyterian
church, Philidelphisi-
Rev:Dr R;C.Gratsowas installed pastor
of the. Central chtirkh of Cineinnati on
theta inst
Rev C. C. Atrous i D.D, having accepted a
call fori-:tha whole of his time in the
t , Clarksvillelbranch of his: charge, has re
, inove4t,to thatoplace And therefore re
.: 4uestszeorrespondenis , toaddr ess him at
Mark; • (not :Clarksville,) Mercer Co.,
Pa., instead of Sharon, as formerly.
Brocluiders. Saud.
: O r Aelinfonm; 7 l4rilll.4.--Th e Navy Depart
ment has .been informed of th e capture of five
‘ rimers." The Seizures of g oods are
important; and cominiseoler a thousand bales
of cotton and a quantity Of saltpetre.
FrOra Cairo.
c.4.31tp, Aprill2.--The dispatch boat New Na
tional, has arrived &Om 'Vicksburg, which place ,
she'left on Wednesday . She bring news that the
Iron itlads, Zorte'revale,'Marine? Crey; Carondolet,
litenion;'LafOette, and' two other* were all pre
pare&to run the blockado, : :;and; expected to exe
cute the movement on .Triday or Saturday night.
It was also said „that transports had been
Prepared With log and , cotton bulwarks to run by
the batterieS.
The reported arrival of 'Gen: Osterhans at New
h Carthago,- ten. milts.. below' Warrenton, with a
elvMfore.e,;lB eOnfirMed: •
- The- Bell Unrest-
The P h ib ultelihiaNertkanierie an gives a list of
the members 'elected to' tlie next Congress. It
elaegtee 'them it l epublicaiis, 85; Derao
crats, 74. There are still ten vacancies, most of
Which are to be idled with Rspublicans.
Tbitiiniures to the AdniiW r istration a decided
insi9rity, unless changes ire' brought about by
some new
.developroeut in affairs
ite:lierth American 'trim,
For April; comes t nsois 'tumuli, freighted with
fainable `zetididg-itiatter: tawyers and classical
scholars'Witrbel iniieciali - pitased with the ja
trodiiiiiiitY.,articie- The Roman Bar'
Levers'elf prize the paper head
ed, POicticw. 'Amd feeders generally will be
; iu , ,te , reite i tt in the, falea?s also in other ar
es Ti te,litqus:Ciray;.. Mauritius; German Um"
Rifitery . of the RO
- by Crosby & Niehala ,
' • • . - New
into Mule .
„ the Army, is the ti tle o f new
B° * l !ri l itte l ic and let to music by Henry C. Work,
7011;p1easti inch se are fond of the humoroup.
It•iii . 'fer Wide ityhariotte Blume Fifth Street,
`Price 35 eta. -