Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, July 26, 1862, Image 1

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Editor and Proprietor.
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Direct all lettere to
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Dependence on God.
in ,the mica-silenoe of the voiceless night.
Whelk, abased by.airy dreams, the slumbers flee,
Whom in the darkriess,doth my spirit seek,
0 God l :buto.thee?
And if there , be a weight upon my breast,.
Some irngue impression of the day foregone,
Scarce knowing what it is, I fly to thee
And lay it down.
°urea be Vie beeriness that °owes
abn of anticipated ill,
bly bosom takes no heed of what it is
Since 'tie thy
For 01 Itt spite of put and ',resent oare,
Or anythihrbesiders, htialoyfully
Passes that silent, aoliiiity hour,
My God 1 with'thee.
More tranquil , thin the silence of the night,
More peaceful than the silence of that hour,
More bleet than..anything, my spirt lies "]
Within thy power.
Po* what is there on earth that I desire,
Of all that it : oan give or take from me?
Or whom in,heaven doth my spirit seek,
0 God , l. but thee ?
For the'PresbytdrisnTattner
The _Late President Young on Slavery,
REv.Nwßv :—The existing'
insurrection of a.portion of the Southern
States, against the National. Government,in
connexion with , its chief causes, renders
very valuable and important the testimony
of their leading, men, and especially of
their ministers, upon the subjects of , the
evils of slavery. Of this character,' and.•
perhaps the very best of all these testimo
nies, is " the Address of the Old-School
Synod of Kentucky," presented by &Com
mitte of ten, .five ministers and five Elders
—but well-known to have been the produc
tion of the vigorous pen.of the ilate emi
nent Dr. Young, President of Centre Col
lege, Danville, Ky:
My attention has been .recently directed
afresh to this. admirable " Address," owing
to its republication, in . our city by the
" United Presbyterian Board of , Publica
tion." It forms , a neat , pamphlet of 24
pages- r and I think deserves a wide circula
tion in our Church. Permit.meto lay before
your readers a brief abstract of its contents.
Dr. Young, it will be, seen, meddles with
no abstractions—no nice, distinctions of
what slavery might bel but proceeds 'at
once to consider 66 the system as it 'exists
among us , (itt Kentucky,) and is constitu
ted by our laws," thus :
1. " A part of our system of ;slavery
consists yin depriving human beings of the
right to acquire and hold property."
2. ,44 The deprivation of personal.liberty.
forms Another, part of nur system of sla
very." . ,
a. " The deprivation. of persona' 1 ; secu
rity is a. third constituentfof our system of
"1813011, he adds, "is the essential,char
actor of, our, slavery." F 4f t i These odious
features are not the exoreeoences upon the
" In all its ,parts it is manifestly a; viola- ,
tion of the laws of God, as•rrevealect by the
light of nature, as well Its the light cof
revelation!' .4 , 01 an any' man believothat
such,a thing as this is not-sinlid—that it
is not hated by God, and ought not to be
abhorred and(abolished by man ?"
-Having ftbust , aseertained what, Southern
slavery is, the Synod proceed to: state, #freer
tain effects ",_Wlliela "" spring naturallY and
necessarily out -of such a system ;" as• thus.:
1; "Its ni6St striking effect is, to de
prave and degrade, its subjects, by remov
ing from them the strongest-natural-checks
to human, corruption." .
2. "It dooms. thousands (millions?) of
human beings to hopeless ignorance."
" Throughout our whole land,' say the
Syndd, "there is but one school, so far as
we can learn, in which during the week,
slaves can be, taught."
3. (slavery) deprives its subjects, in
a great measure, of the privileges of the
Gospel." "Neither the privilege of free
access to the Scriptures, nor the privilewe
of a regular Gospel ministry, nor of L
mestic means of grace, us enjoyed by the
white pOpulation of this land, is enjoyed
by `the slave."
4. "The system licenses and produces
great cruelty.' • " There are now two mil
lions of human beings in our land'e2r.posed,
defenceless;" to, every insult and every in
jury short Of-,midining or death, which
their fellow-men may choose to inflict.
They. suffer ALL' that, can be inflicted by
wanton caprice, ~ by { grasping avarice, by
brutal lust, by malignant spite,,and by in
sane anger."
More than this : " The law does not
recognize the family relation of the slave,
and.extends to him no prdtection in the en
joyment,of domestic endearments." " And
cupiditYloften induces masters to practice
what the" law' allows." "There is not a
neighborhbod,4Ser,e these heart-rending,
scenes are Uot"disiilayed." " The shrieks
and' agony often witnessed on snob: occa
si "="ihe cry of thesis sufferers goeS . ,up
to the ears of the Lord of'Sabbaoth. '
5, "The system of slavery products
general licetitiousness among the; slaves."
oMarritigh - inz a civil ordinanCe they can
not) enjoy. Our laws do not recognize this
relation as existing among them. It is a
mere 'contract voidable at the master . 's
pleastre." Thu& the working of the B p:.
tem diffuses morol pestilence." •‘i The slaves
are .brolight up to. consider the matrimonial
engageznont not binding; and theyact ac
6. This.system 'demoralizes the whites as
well p as the, blacks. Well did - Mr. Jeffer
sou?.,in speaking of " the irresponsible
powthi' ' held by the matter. " The man
must be a prodigy, who can retain his man
ners and'morals,,undepraved , by such cir
7. " This system draws (loft' upon us the
vent of Heaven!' " Gthl", can blast
our prosperity. He can drown usin blood.
He can'blot out our existence aadiour name
from undertheaven:j
The Synotrof:lientucky, throtigh their
gifted representative, Dr. Young, rie3tt pro
oeeds to answer scrap objections. t(living
laid bare to the,puhlio eye this hideous:com
plication , of robbery, cruelty and brutal
trine, they arrive at the " conclusion,"
that it, is " the unquestionable duty of evdry
Christian to use vigorous and immecliate
measures for the destruction of the. whole
system, and, for the removal of all its 13.11
happy effects." A plan of gradual emanci
pation is proposed, and the day of careful
training,especialry Christian education,,ja
urged upon the consciences of all, -thusi,
V0.L . ....:X..i_Na'45:
" setting in operation. a machinery which
in a given „and limited- period, will not only
unbind the body of the slave, but will link
by link, and in the only way in which it
can be effected, twist , off the fetters that
now cramp.,his souL" .
, it is,. of coursei-impossible in this brief
abstract,; to convey to your
• readers• any ad
equate idea,of the force of •facts, logic . and
eloquence with which President Young: de
monstrates the several ,points• we have
stated. If such is ntrue, picture of slavery
even iu !Kentucky— l -what must it be in ,the
cotton or gulf States.? Truly; "the , sum
of all villainies!"
Permit me rec,ommend this no
ble "address" to atk. It can, be had for a
few cents. W. A.
...For.the Presbyterian Banner,
" Tell My Mother and Sisters -that 1 Pie
Among:the many noble young men.who
have given their lives fin; the cause of 'hu
man 'independence, we May class Jasper
Stone' Laughlin, who died in the 23d
of his age, at the West End Military Hos.
,Oincinnati 0., May 16, J 862..
tiVitas an only son, born in McConuell4 7
Ville,' Ohio, of pions *parents, where he
spent nearly all his life, pith his mother
and sisters, his father,...vho' was a Ruling
Elder in the Presbyttnu'aUehurch, having
died when Jasper Was 'yet a child.
It may be truly said of him, "
" none knew him but to love him,"
The ,great beauty, of hie` .short life. shone
out .more brilliantly, when, in the Summer
of 1853, he stood up, for Jesus and united
With the Presbyterian church. Such was
his Christian:deportment thati in 1861, he
was elected.and ordaincd,a,Ruling Erder,
in the same church in which his .father lived
and died. ...His place , was l,i,ever vaca%
when at home, in the Sabbath ..School-,--
the .prayei-meeting—the.publio, gatherings
of. God?s people.
In, the Fall of 1861,, , under,u deep sense
of duty to, his country, snd. r his,God, after
prayerfully ,considering the,whole matter,.
and obtaining the „,consent of. his ,widowed
mother, he volunteered under CaptainiT.
M. 'Stevenson, 78th Regiment, O.
Col. Leggett. His , regiment ,was at,.the
surrender of Fort Donelson, and.,in thobat l .,
tle,of Shiloh during the second day. After
having, passed through thg.fearful strug
gle, and enduring many hardships,thec , vms
found to be health; so- much so,
that Capt.r.Steventon • , -dettfrnitted Ito send
him home.
He carried bis ,religion with him.
Bible and hymn-book were .his daily, com
panions. Ms captain, in' writing about
him, since his' death, sayli "He was be
loved by every one of his regiment.. His
conduct was so lofty and noble , his life so
spiritual and heavenlyAkinded, that the
4reatest despisers of religion were cowed,
before his very appearance. He eften,
maim to my tent, and we had"many 'talks on,
our experience in the • army. Once he
said, 'I never before felt the power and
importance - of religion as Ido here, Cut
off from home • and the public means of
grace, I feel the necessity of leaning exchi
sively upon the Saviour, and committing
myself entirely to a kind.:and good Provi
dence.' "
When disease was wearing.away his fife,
he was urged to think Of 'home, and the
hope was held up before - hini that he ;would
soon be conveyed to his-'m ither and sisters.
He replied. : " am going , to afar;better
home than any on earth. Tell ,my mother
and sisters that I die haPpy. lam enter
ing "the upper kingdom only ,e few days be
fere them. Tell them not to mourn
for me. I would not have*- them do so.
They rejoiced when I came into, the lower
kingdom, how much more - should they re
joice to have me enter the upper kingdom.
Tell them to sing 'JOYFULLY,' when.
they hear of, my high, promotion from the
army, and •the high service':of my country„
to the bright; bright clitties : Of 'bliss 1"
After he was placed on_the boat at Pitts
burg Landing, May 7th, he seemed to rally
and expressed himself as being.quite com
fortable. On the evening: of the 9th, how
ever, he felt that he was drawing near, his
" time to 'die "—and being-asked by his at
tending ,physician, if he ; hid any message
to send to his friends, he 4ictated the tal
lowina. letter
just entering the glorious.. portals of eter
nity" Jesus has not yet'made his appear
ance, but ; I know that he, will. Do not,re
gret that yon permitted me, to volunteer.
The happinesss of the present moment
makes up for all the suffering I ever en
dured. I soon expect to see dear father,
grand-parents, and above ; all Jaysi
One of the greatest objects of;,iny gratitude
is, that God has granted me, the privilege ,
of sending you this message from the
chambers of glory. I never' enjoyed my-,
self so much as while in the Army, You. ,
ought to be preud that you hive n sou to`;
fall in so glorious a cause as that of human
independence. Tell our chutch to be faith
ful ,unto the end, and, get- the_,glorions
orown of life. Tell my dear pastor to con-,
tinue in his faithful labors, that .I know
the blessing of God will follow them..
Thank Mr. Ghatiihers, the 13,aptist , minister,
for the ,interest he took in me at the good
ofd 'Union Prayer-Meetings: \
Joyfully, joyfully, onward, we move'
will ~be sung brine in , nobler.atraina, in a
short itiroe,and .
Still he livedv,lte was .conveyed,to the
'West End Military /Hospital, 'in' Cincinnati,
where: the providence .of Covenant
keeping God brought him under the,kind
care ofrelatives and , friends. Dr. Dodge,
who, withhis kind family; spent much time
withhimi in a letter, says , :
14 He was perfectly rational lusiong,as he
had;.: strength to articulate. ,Realizing
fullypthat his work on earth limdone, he
departed: with, 'a. rconfident, assurance: of
meeting the Saviour.. 'From •tha , ' time he:
left Pittsburg.landing, , until his death, he
gave to all around him the brightest
• dences.:of the power: of Christianity. .F.Law-i
yers, physicians and. nurses knelt, and-wept,.
like , childrenparound this dying bed. The
memory of his example and faith in the,
Saviour, will 'never be effaced, from the ,
minds f scores..of sympathizing friends."
His .remains werehrciught home, and in the-side:of :his , father.. Reader,
leant wiesium. from ithityoung ilan4sleathv
• c„,..,.,.
. ,
. . . „............/ .
.. .
. .
~ ,
sc Nearer, my God t •to thee
Nearer :to thee ;
4Yen though it, be a arose
- That raise& me, "
my song ahalfte,
Nearer my sod, to thee
Nearertto thee '- 4 llveroubt be,
Still riparer•to•thee.! ' ,
*.' • - - -T , ITTsBuRGIL :SATURDAY, : ,_Ej, , uLy-,•:0 . .- 150,2'.
He died a Christian. The•'living facts of
his 'life and death are , his highest eulogy;
and "he being dead, yet speaketh." To
say that he had not great &lilts, were to
say that he was not mortal. To say , that
the blessed Bible was the most &wilier
book of his scholarship—that the breath'of
prayer was his daily sacrifice—that he
trusted in the crucified Redeemer—te say
this, if we :would say no more, were to fling
a mortal glory around his death, and over
his grave, in the light of which the, gilded
and fading glories - of generals and kings,
and - conquerors - o'nd presidents, fade, as
fadeth the dying taper, in'the full blaze of
the sun in his' meridian splendor, lighting
up the world.
" Soldier of Christ, well done;
Praise bq emplUy:
And, while.eternal'ages run,
Rest in thy Saviour's joy."
W. NE. G
Connellthrilte, 0., (My 15, 4862.
For the, Preebyeerian.Banner
The Prevailing Power of ' Faith.
The of the Christian is a
life of faith. As the constant respiration
of air vitalizes-the blood' and Sustains' the
natural life, so constant inwought faith
gives vitality to all the motives,; purposes
and acts of Christian life. But it is, in the
more trying vicissitudes of life that the
prevailing ypower of faith appears in, its
sublimity and might.; The life of ; ;the
Christian in_this a state of 'grace ;
and:for the ~ a cquirement of strengthvand
the promotion :le—growth, it islnecessary
that he meet and overcome the natural; ob
stacles that occur .in,such a progresi. rThe
lone tree that stands upon the.
exposed to the sterms and winds from every
quarter, acquires a kind of instinct', by
which it roots deeper and deeper, and
clings to earth firmer. and firmer, until in
its Strength it can bravely defy. the 'raging
storms in their utmost fury. So in a tem
pestuous life,' the soul that 'clings closer
and closer to- Christ,' that by faith :roots
deeper. and deePer into , that living Vine,
shall add strengthrunto strength, until -life's
' storms shall sweepiharmlessly by, only an , .
swering to add might , to,its. power. '
Armed with the sword of the Spirit
which 'faith alone can wield, we marfear
lessly-meet. every:advance of the adversary.
If assailed by Apollyon, its deadly thrusts
shall speedilyvanquish:;the 'hideous mon
ster. Yea,: though .he Eseem for tt , time ;to
overcome us, faith shall exclaim, "'Rejoice
not against me, 0. mine, enemy: when I
fall,' I. 'shall.; arise ;". :and again, "'in` all
these things we are more. thaniWnquerers,.
through hinuthat loved: us. 'Me whom , we
trust will , not allow us to ,be tempted-be-'
yondiwhat mann able Wheat.; hitt
the , temptation, also furnish a„ way' -of
escape. If we resist the ;tempter with , the
weapons whielofaith eau Commantivire will
hastily ..spreach this dragon wings and t , flee
from our presence, Andle , who has ranee
escaped .fromvhis terrible. , grasp, tike IBun
yan's Pilgrim, will advance with drawtr
sword.; .and Viestrefttl , vigilatice'andoskill,
by experience, acquired, - . will' be'''mire
mighty‘ for any subsequent .attack.
Again, faith shields• the soul front world , .
littessy, and ifortiftes the-minctagainst undue.
anxieties =in tteMpOral , affairs. `The Divine
command is "Seek first 'the driligdotunf
God and his righteousness ? these
thingsolshall be added unto yon." •Our
heavenly. Father .:knoweth , ;that we have
need ofisuch , things,.tand faith trusts , :him
to dispense .tliem, accordance—with
infinite9iwisdom. andl boundless, love. 'A
man of faith,yett;,, air 'Asp ira man; teaches,
us that :the- righteous .shall ,, never' be-for
saken,nor his.seed beSound begging bread.
Christian- parent ; . if you believe this you
will notispend - your energies, and- add dis—
comfort to your life in loarding.up riches,
in anxious fearsdesttyour , ehildren come , tcv
want. You find. more comfort,- and
more satisfaction to your affectionateisolici
tuck, in committing.' your chi hiren'sliros
pacts to r , the providence of t God, than
trustingto; that material Wealthwhich may
be consumed hour. Faith sings,
" The Lordil is -amp shephercl4.l shall not
want." .
Again, , faitivis ourntrength and comfort
in times ti of . - afflietion. is rest to -the
racked and weariect mind ; 't is 'balm to the
broken, bleeding 'heart. Disappointment
may dash a long and fondly cherished pro- -
ject ; disastenmay - wreck all' earthly for
tunes; disease, , deformity or decrepitude
may iturden our 'life; or death may-snatch'
from our embrace affection/6 dearest treas
ure ; but in- any or all of these, faith says,-
" Thy mill, 0 Lard, be 'done'
As the nother in heart-breaking grief
closes :the eyes of hepideparting
faith .whispern-to,her.hearte the- comforting
w'ords, ?L'Of such is the kingdom ltkeiven . 1 •
As mourning -Ifriends consign'to -its last`
resting place the remains of onn dearly
loved, while choking emotions 'swell the
breast-a.nd -the heart is near fainting with
its burden, faith exclaims, "The Lord
gave awl the Lord • hath takenAway,' blessed ,
be Ile 'name Of the Lord."
The dearest , objeets, may hel.suudered
from-us;..the tenderest bola severed.- -From
one family is taken away a child" , that-hitd .
just entered upon life s' threshold, - and:
there is left for us but -the' echo ofitsiinnol‘
eent.prattlings, and , the.impi l ess:upon- our
hearts-.of fits confiding 4ove.; from' anothee
the free-hearted and joyous-iyouth, f upon
whom hid centered the hopes and cares of
fond-parenti, is -aorelrmissed .and long la
mented; from another the kindiand tender
sister and+ devoted-daughter,. or-the utanlY ;
and ebedien t son iin d proudly loved , brother,
whOse years= were ripening 'into ,Maturity,ri .
and owho, with floble ; and graceful' treadr,
were' *:enteringi thedieitEof life's arena, are' ,
in their -prime eat down y- from “another is
taken - .the father-:venerated' abd loved, the
strength and pride, the counsellor :and
guide of the family eirele ; .'or the mother—
at- that saered4 word: let- every heart revert
to.the,tender care; the earnesti-nntiringf,so-`
lieitude; the ardent,devotion, the anxious
watching, the affectionate-partiality tot a
motheris, love—she .too must, go,. These.
and stiehi as-these are,afilietionscommon.,ta
this • life, yet faith raises the bowed soulth
thelassuranee that .‘ 4 this ,, corruptible; shall
put.• on• ineorruptionvand this mortal ,shall
put on immortality."
life's joys may take-their flightc, life's
hives may berblightedi,but . the longings ;(if
faith but reach forth; the more• ardently for
those mansions of rest that await the
wearyp for that ~ ..erown, t of .glory that, shall
honor the faithful.
Faith ' , triumphs- over-. death,- receiving its
peremptory; summons with composure,: in
the ' full ; asiiirance that, though , worms • de-
Amy thimbadyppetrituthedialiawefshallasee.
God; sod as earth, recedes, faith looks for
ward, and through the 'open gates of the ,
eelestiat.eity, views in ; the midst thereof,
the Lamb of God, who is its Te.mple,,its
Light,,its Life. R.D.S.
Por• the Pentiytentiorßintier.
Honor to the Brave Dien who Die in Donate
of their .Country.
On this list, Mr., Editor, please place the
followin g .names :
William-B. Boon, -Co. il),•2aa liegirnent
0. V., who : died. 186'34. aged-g 2
years. Mr.
,Boon was one of tlie first of
his company to change his three months
for the three-years' service. -114-. took the
'fever at Camp , Chaset , from.whiCh recover:
ing,‘ he followed iiis.regiment.into.Virginia. ,
At , Westoru .severe cold-settled on , his
lungs ; the 'fever returned, ~a nd thuk
died. '
Alonzo -Rayl, Co. C. 41st Regiment .0.
V., who died of billions diarrhoea ) . at Lou
isville,. Ky March 3d 1862 in the 22d.
year of his age: ' ' • '
Harrison-Strine, 'CO. IC I , ' 41sfl.Regiment:
O. V.,, diedlApril• 3d, 4802, at , his,father's •
house,, of dung fever,
in Ken
tucky. Mr. S. was in his 10th year; and
he and RaYi were both , frdm'Salt Creek
Township, 'Wayne - Co., Ohio. • .
John .13i-'loKean, Co.lG,.l6tltßegiment
O. , V., ,diecL at,Cumberlano.oo, .4.,
of pneumoni , terminating in , hemorhage
of the lungs April 2d, 1862 in the 20th
year of hisge. John was it,dth roti:ea iv
his home in, FieclerickbareOhio, and' to '••
his &there Clipt. Richardsoul t writes : " , H&.
was , aiwayrkan ezemplary . yopgrman, . and
never devia d from the right,path, though
surrounded many temptattons. died. ,
, He „
not as thosewho have no, hope."
David Ell Dobbins, sth 'Ohio Battery,
who died April 30th, on.theaiteamer ~—'---,,-
of chronic
~ diarrhoea, in the 27th year ,of
his se.e. '- . Dobbins - paged, - unhurt,
through the loody'battles of April 6th
7th,' at Pittsb ugh Lanclinel But dre ethe ~
month , was pine., he fell beg:re' the,.enemy -
who - always strikes to kill It is years,
hoirever, sinee - .M.r. D. enlisied as a ,eoldier
of the cross, i 'Unity church,
burg; _Ohio. - n this warfare, his eye ?. was
fixed on= the ,Captain, and ,he-was true to
his colors; and now, we believe, to him,
death is a vanquished foe,ind he wears ihe .
victor's. crown. ' •
[We , ehould thuwito , hotter all the
breme, bet burspace iwuttetly ittideiinate.
A Town - in Scotland--Oharigm and the Unchan,q
ing —The, City.of Glasgo,w—lts ,Peopde.and..afan-
Sions=:-Chnrch'es and' Odergy—Dr: •Jfd - Buft nd
his Sermon—Postures Torski 4 •Oid
School ' Peopl,e :in London—Stirling and its -
Mentories- - Wallaee in Battle=---Hislioniernent- - -:-"
Bannoekhnini •andr the', bid' = and= "-the
.Englishers" —Guthrie the Martyr—Knox. and.
Buchanan—Ehenezer Erskine and the Halditnes
—Revival Eras , --AWish—Postioript.
BLAIR-GO WRIE,--.Perthshire, June 27.
FROM' 'BO O7 LAND - witch this , letier-
the fatherland of some,
,the cherished.,
InOtheipf others,,Whose eyes fall on your
pages . aid trace .these roes. I hadnot"
trodirenSeottish 4irforkotiy_six 'yewts.
Since , then .many- changes have passed ever ,
the land. True; the old Castle of Edin
burgh, with Colton Hill and Arthur's=
Craig, are the same ; so too is it with "'the
hankanndibineslof botinpDoon ' t'-iwith. the
Caise Gowrie, tite r polies of Perth '.and;,
an d
the Fay that,rolls Along their ,grassy mar
gin ; the same too is Dunkeld and the
" Birnamwocid" which .'S witches
foretold , should id 001318. to DutismanqLwith
Stirling Castle, and; the field, of ,Bannock
burn-, where Wallace,fought and conquered,;,
and Lock Lomond, Lock .liatrine, (the
scene or Walter 'Scott's 'Lally of the
Lake ")—all these, ' with Highland glens, *
and gigantic granite rocks repelling , the -
German. ocean r ,,and the lovely vales, of
Leven and Strathmore, with flowery banks
and tangled gorse, and the magnificent pan
orama, Which meets'iny - eye on this‘Sumtabr'
morning, when from the windows of a-
Scottish manse I look, out.and can trace ,a
magnificent panorama with :its enclosing
hills, its' -pastoral plains, its silver Keks,,,
its-populous 'villages, and Mills and'firato--
riesy with-wheat and other-Cereals, 'and'fair
meado*s; stretching- away-from-Pi:fear on
the , Best to Perth itself= ;ott they West:
What peace is here ! How do the horror's
of War,. especially of civil war ;'of rebellion
and sterwrqinession ; of •
" Many a child loft fa.therlesa,-
And many awidoar mourning ;" '•
of the ambuscade , thmsurprise theilangh
ter, the wounded and, maimed,. the deatllY
fever ,and sickness . that track the : steps of
war--all , rise up
. before
_me, inspiring at,
once thankfulness to God that Me, ,at•
spared; and passionate longings that you
should hav ,"- and - that speetlili. •
Glasgow, I have ,knowrilong, and pften,,
have I visited it. Its people are not so
polished as those of EtlinbUrgh, they say,
and perhaps that . is .so. But Whit' they
want in refinement, they more than Make
up by the heartiness and ,kindness by
son of which the stranger and thelraveller
feels himself 'at honie. Not that Glasgow
is not.;richer far' than 'ever it was in .rthe
fruiti _Of education and:learning
among its 'rising sons and daughters„ as
well as in the refinements of modern chili
maim. The r housesl of the Gla'agoW Bier
chants .are superior in, acCommodation;i(to
say: nothing of the fine ; freestone, ;which
gives them , at once a. rich and,substantial ,
air 'in contrast with London briek,), s and
eqUal in thee elegance - of their interior
decorations,:in their.paintinga i engravings,
and .libraries, to
,those otour metropolitan
millionaires. . Fspcially,is this .the easehin
the Western suburb , of Glasgow,, where. ):
• the're is - netw`a . b.eautiful 'Park, and around
it, ad' well 'aibin precincts, 'crescents,
villas,: and -palaces of stone) :occupied-by
perso a El imlependen t and.prosperous,Oontid.- •
Hither many, of the ministers of the
standing and ability r have followed, as.,.
it Were, their flocks. Here, fOr examine,
within a: gunihot, are two elegant Obitgre
gational - churches ;•' the *Free: Church 00l
lege, with• its 'lofty-Byzantine:towers; Dr.
R. Buchanan's ; Free ;church,, resting; ;
its"shaaow ; opposite to it the church of the
famous and Queen-honored preacher, Dr .
Caird, and---also -that of-Dr: -- McDuff, the
well known author of - "'The Night
Watches," and other':_devotional works,
and, like !MeDuff; &minister of the Stottish
I was• , .in Glasgow. over &
In -the, afternoon .I•wentto thcchurchtof
Dr.t 'McDuff.. *He is , - thet.seionk °flan old
Highland family, and hasithAelytbeens,
reaved. of an only son, who, had he sur
vived,. would Shave been possessed ere -long
of a
,splendid estate in the North. .But
trust that he has obtained a- better heri
tage;' and. doubtless . his excellent father,
who las written: soma& to cheer drooping
pilgrimsovill now be all the better quali
fied as a Son. of Consolation, both .by lip
and pen, and be able to comfort others with
the same comfort where With he himself is
comforted of God. •
Dr; McDuff's church 'is plain in the ex
terior but , within , it is comparatively
gent. Its roof and style are medimval.
There are no galleries; thepews are , low
backed pulpit is low and beautifully
Carved, and 'stands beneath a fine stained
glass window. The congregation is nu
m.erous and " respectable.' Their de
meanor during .the
,whole ,service is rev-.
erent and becoming . There is : both quietude
and soieinnitY from first to last. The choir
that leads the "•singing-'is just under and
around , the pulpit,; but almost 'entirely eon
mated; - Ibut a , rich • harinony peals forth ;
'though, in tones , and tunes which, to an
English-trained ear, at least, y seem rather ,
elegiac . than jubilant. Al the close the
Service', however,' just Wore 'the benedic
tion, there was almetrical psalm (or para
_sung, as,,a,nhant,
is new in Scotland but in the Established
Church in towns, as well as in some U.
P. churches, - will-probably , ,becoine as gain-'
eral[ as it is now dommon among the 'Coal'
gregationalistsi and Methodists ofEngland.:
To. this I may add—referring to the • late
address of Dr. tisset,„ Moderator of. the,
Established Assembly, about attitudes and
other'changes in •the - forms of public wor
ship—that Dr. MeDiiff, in 'his first prayer;'
incorporated Alm greater part of , the , 'con-'
fession of sin, which is found in.the Liturgy:
of the 'Church of England, at the begin
ping of the Morning and Evening Service.
Itut there '- vas `nothing oste.iitations or
demonstrativeLin thir; the ministerliter- .
ally." inedrporated "- the confessionfalluded:
too, : glidingiuto and adding ,t 0 ! the
same tope 91 : vaiee, as naturally,as 'possi
ble Dr. - Cumming, in London, has thus
need withoixt boa many of the petitions
of the , Liturgy,;s6•beautifalltii; sim
plicity.and..Saxon, plainness Land 71 believe. ,
with the, highest :l acceptance -and . greatest,
.. .
• In Dr. McDuff's church, the people rose
int singing, and haired halfhitting , on ' the
psyriboards—indicating,,,asit , were,ithe de- ,
sire - to kneel before God theieiMakeriiif
that ,were, practicable., ,All4hisis now our
custom in - England—except lathe Northern
counties, where Presbyterians are a little
stereetYped;lead b keep to sitting' in singing;
and; he standinglattitude in prayer. •,,
In London there is one Presbyterian
church-, ; whither, after the reoperivig a and
beautifYing ,of Dr. James Hamilton's,
church—when - On the first service in the
renovated building; the people; Kby'previ-'
ous9understandingi.with. the -elders;) rose
up—two, excellent maiden ladies, long , at
tached to the plape, and a Worthy ,physi ;
cian who had been hcrn in a 80,ottisli'm.anse,
and` who hates all chaege, retired' to a Be
fugium, and there, to theitheart's content,
they have a minister (mOst) Worthy, who
preaches to theruit thehroadest- Northern
Dori% and who, like themselves, is.,",seuti
nered ", at,anichanges as to attitudes; and
as far "organs " iifchurclies, why both he
andt - they, honest: folk, agree in . regarding
them as a semi-Popish abomination.
The sermen-by-Ds,-MeDufg -was-not very
remarkable, andickitowas I # l. .:fr e nvbein g
either common plide,;or pointless. ' The
parses-et of the man is very= similar4o that
of Dr. jimes Hamilton, of London_ He
is like him,. tall and.somewhat gaunt, with
dark hair and...sombre countenance; but he
is ' considerably younger. His Voico is al
most a -monotone, andle uses notes (Closely,
although with-great facility of -reference,
and with perfect self-pessession. , His mind
is saturated with Scripture truth, , and at
the same time is"rich in imaginative and
illustratiVe power, although this is not
put .forth in a , -way which in England would
be tregarded as -essential to oratorical suc
cess. The „text, was, " Yea I have loved
thee with ,an eVerlasting loye," • . Divine
love was; 'exhibited in a series of parallel
texts, to each or lirhith was given - at oncsan
analysis-and application; with imagery, too,
which was+very - l apt and
,impressive. - He
gave runnifig commentaries on Isaiah lvii
1.;" Hos. it ....19 ; Zeph. iii :17,; and as each
passage -was 'referred to; that " rustlingof
the leaves of , the Bible" .which' so im-, ,
pressed Whitfield when he first preached
in Septland, and which is, still, _suck a con
trast, to English congregations, whoseprain
istei do mot,as aclass, t expeundihe Word,
and : io perhaps-don't, (from ,that cause);
like expositiOn, compared ; with sermons
—was heayd all over the church. , The dis
course was most. carefully prepared. It
was also enriched with some quotations,,
for example that ef.the.-saying,iof, Cyprian
ahout.John iii :16, ," an ocean,of thought,
in a drop of language." -: ,.., ,
At the time I visited Glasgew t most of
the leading ministers,4ncluding,Dr.baird,,
were ,out of.tewn, "down, at theeoast," by
whichis,meant at -Heletteburgh, at. Itoth-e
say, atothe -.lsland of Arian, or some other.r
watering place on the.,beentifel ,Olyde,4and,
this year,,the.,o,coitigh,ministers, as well as
laity, repair in large numbers,. to thateyn
osure of the world's eye, the International
Exhibition in London. i
,Stirling/ was my seivnd• scene of:ipit ,
grignage r - T although .besides seeing.and obr
.aerAng-.1 : had ,some :.priblie, work .40 ,,
.andArcolaing, it,: had s iwatm‘, welcome,and
support: Oota Christian f _ worthies ,Tesident
there' ! hail been., designated by , a
1 earned rl and Lelegan t 'ntriter,...%theitglory•of
, Sootland?! Mout' the, oxajoi.tioitoenseryi of
the Highlands. ainks, , into the ;embrace,ef .
the .most,.pietnresq ue7portion of:Ose.•‘Low-,
on' the ;,slopes, ; of> three ro
mantic Amp ; ,which have: .bait fond', iu;
the Imidst„of iski , fertile .plain, hennaed by ;
aa4.l stupendous rtionntains,-4.
,river, silvery ; andlerpentine r glidesnmeoW.
lyvby•its base .-- 7 -while•the,summit, reaching
Westward, commands. the • ,prospect -of a
gorgeous 'panorama. Viewed -from. differ
eat:. points.: of the , eurrottuding
:from- the , ,caurse. of the river. f .:l3tirling
Rook; ,surmounted by its- Castle, Affords a
variety of prospeots, each beautiful 6r ro
mataic." , ,
Stirling was anciently styled " The Key
of, the. Highlands." Here the invader and•
the invaded ilave.met in desperate antagok.
nism. It !is mall entitled to the .name,4he
strife. , The Romans fortified it-and
long maintained,itias an important station.;
Before the.sor.ties that issued .from itLeas,
tle, the marioUsrllritish,tribes.which sought'
ioypenetrateVortiyeardy oretrisatedmiw talbc
WHOLE NO. 513:
fusion and terror. Here, in a severe con,
filet, Kenneth McAlpine, put an end to
Pictish Dominion. Here, in 975, Ken
neth lIL made-the rendezvous of his army,
before proceeding to the overthrow. of, the
Danes at Luneasty. Alex. I. and. William
the. Lion died in, the Castle; and the sys
tem of trial by jury was there constituted
by Alexander-11. •
Stirling was the favorite residence of the'
Royal House of Stewart. , James VI. sof
England, was here- baptized ; and while
his father Darnley sullenly shut himself,
up in the. Castle, the rite was administered'
in the old Church, which 'I visited a - "few
days ago, and' which is all unchanged;'
But long before- , that ,event Jameac L
(the -" "-
Fitzjames - of, the "Lady, -of the
Lake,") had made Stirling the scene
of tournaments and "sports, of State conii
eila and of Parliatnents. '`E"very Seot
tish nobleman had here his .lodgings or ,
court residence ; the -Prevost-:became -the ,
chief of his order in the kingdom ; the
civic functionaries were robed like officers
of State. In the castle, both- jaines ,V.
:and his daughter; Maxy, Queen off Scots,
were crowned: The , name of Sir - William.-
' Wallace, .the hero of Scottish,' liberty, .is
forever associated with, Stirling and its
!neighborhood. First of all, he led the as
sault-oh an English' army of 50,000 meh,
and4ooo'horse; backed'hy only 10,000'in
fantry,,the, , greoer number, of 'whom were
untrained, to:arms:. By: a, stratagem he
tempted them across the wank
:Abbey'. Craig behind, and beneath
his troops were concealed. The Enlish,
partially at least; crossed-the river,•overa
few planks, and then: at .an , appointed sig
nal,-.the :bridge had a-wedge withdrayn, and
fell into -the stream. The English rush
, •
big on, were met by unexpected numbers,
rushing from the steep, and' repulsed in
front-and in-both,flanks; numberS periShed
in"-attempting to , crossitheriver, while, soy-
oral thensand were slain. The remainder
of ,the English fell into an ambuscade be
hind them, close to the'very ground NO:l6ie
afterwards` Brhar fought the great battle' Of'
13annochburre- , and ~seattered "kproud-'‘Ed
yard's chivalry" to the winds. The,result
Wallaee.isoiieteryyas,the, dri vin g .of, the
invlders ,Seetland. This battle was
fought 'on the 11th' SePtember, 1297.
"But'for'that battle,' Scotland would have
lost herinationality, her:; history. The 'pa
triot fwas-not always, so triumphant;;..
lost, at, Talkirk, and ultimately fell, a marr,l
tyr to -his heroic devotedness. But the
spirit-he had awakened never, died; it led -
to-vietory at Bannoohburn-L'Llburat fbith
the Reformation against,tpriestly'domina
tion--glowed., ,the 'seventeenth ,
century, 'during the fiftyyears strugglefor
covenanted rights—and after the :lapse of
five hundred year`,` iekindled'Scottish
couragaork the plains or.Waterlod, arid oti
the heights of.-the`Ahrial Thed`victoryat
Stirling cheekedthe cOnquering career of
' the Norman race, and ,preserved, intact , { the
: Saxon family; while
,hoth subsequently
Uniting on equal'and honorable terms, have
beeotner-one great, -powerful, and enlighten.
The, Wallace - . Monument, a magnificent
ereetionon A.bbeyOraigßock, from whence,
Wallace looked dOwn on 'the advancing
English before the battle described; is now
rising fast. By all means let every Amer
ican tourist ascend the Craig, - and thence
behold one of the finest panoramas in Ea
rope—not forgetting the field of Bannock
burn; to the South-west. - I shall make no
further alluaiOn to the field where Ed,ward
11. was'ioverthrown cb* King Robert the
Bruce, than to=.-relate a humorous-anecdote,
told meat, Stirling. ,Someye,ars ago a party
of English tourists visited,the field under
the leading of a " guide"—a thorough
I r Scotehman, and proud of 'his victory. In
'the course of-their-peregrinations over the'
battle-ground, the strangers seemed to the,
old ,man to indulge in .remarks rather de
rogatory to his countrymen. When ,ahout
to depart, one of thein 'Presented to him a
piece Of silver. ‘‘ . 'N'a,, l" 'said the Fin
toted tgnide, hae•naire=of your Biller;
you-Englishers lost enough .at Banneck
hurn—Pll ; hag, nano of it—keep your Bil
Guthrie, the martyr, was a minister at
Stirling, and the church still stands in
-which:he Ididi• . the • .preacher 4 i`andpastorli
work : with rare fidelity andfs , po,wer. Be'
,was a man..of such unbending character
• .•
that he got the popular soubrequet of
"sicker foot, or Sure-foot.' Eli tract,' " The
,Caulks-of God's•Wiath," as'Well as his zeal
for the Covenant, helped•to bring on perse: .
I cation-and imprisonment, and finally death'
on. the. scaffold *the. GrasOlarket, of Ed
;inburgh. He
.foreseen this twenty-
Ohree'years before, when.he had'subscribed
,the'eateimint in the Grey :Friars' 'Church
yard,,saying, "I kilow that' I shall die for
what•l ; ha"e,done this day; but I could not
a better • cause."Guthris,'o name is
,dear to Seotland,',aixt 'pleasapt was it
I ; to' See . now, in the • 'fieW cemetery of "the'
,town, sit well as in front of the mansion:4r
; Peter :Drummond, Esq.,: my liost,iside , W.
, side*li . figures of Knox, Andrew,,,Kel
r .ville, the..statue of Guthrie. Thst.thct ;
ceinete4lo called " The Mouu
,ment,"'wh4oh was
inaugurated - Cm' the -, 9 611i
.otiNovember, .1857. The •entire expense
,wasidefrayed by William Drummond,•Eiq.
9.ther illustrious names .aFe associated
with ; Stirling—those of Knox and 13ucha
; the one the great preacher, ,the otter
the erudite and accomplished teacher of
the dteformed doctrines.. &whams reisidetr
'here for .years, as Preeeptorts tiltmes..VL•
The church still
preached at the Coronation of James Vi.,
an infant thirteen' royal
Mother being deprived of the throne. In
. the • same church, or , its sister under ,the
;same roof,
,ministercd s tlicieslebrated ben
.ezer Erskine, .till the , time'of his depriira
ition, in consequeileelit his - bold 'Ts : listens:se*
to and denunciation fof 'the . abornitiation of
,patronage, in his•famonseermon as . Mode.
,rater of the Synod , of Perth and.,Stirling,
-Erskine, after his .ejectment, ministered tp,
a numerous flock at Stirling , ' for twenty - -ones
:years, subsequent to thi'seoinmencemerit
the , Secession' Church: Thewremains.itire - •
interredin front of ErskibesUxiited;Pires
byterian, .c s hurch, in John ptreet,,that
structure having been
.resep4ly ; .rsited.ot
the site, Of the place etwOrshiP i 'm which he
latterly ministered: •
. Thee Brothers Haldane . 'were born ; in:
castellated mansion—to the South-east; of
ißtirliug,, estate which
•was, aftealrards,sold to raise funds , to spread,
the Gospel. in Scntland: These men adopt
•ed Congregational prinCiiiles; but as'in the
_era of this .-Erskines; s 6 in the liaitier of the'
;Haldines,,we recognise REvrwarotbratrus---;-:
iwithcknt , :whope.,,celao,wers • of.,bl4soing i enct
Publication Office
A. Square, (8 lines or less,) one insertion, 60 centsi - asoll
subsequent insertien;4o cants; eschlinolasyond. eight, 6 ota
A Square per miarthr; s4:oo'' each line'additional, 83 cants
• A.-RentarrioN made teadvortleereby.the year.
BUSINESS NOTICES of Tim lines or less, $1,.00 each ad
dittonal line, 10 cents. • '
PROPRIETOR Ann Ptramsnal. •
whose quickening influences, religion would
almost have perished Viroughout the land.
The Con,gregationalists Of 'Sealand have
produced great men—Wardlaw, Alexan
der, arid sothers—but their numbers are
few. Nevertheless they have been, and
are, as:'‘ a ; dew from the Lord,"• a "salt," a
"Jeaven " of, blessing to the land. They
now see spiritual life advancing, and they
help on its progress ; and some of their
laymen, 'as can testify from personal
knowledge, are Most devoted , and earnest,
consecrating their •wealth_ largely to the
cause of. God and ,truth.
reserye other_notiees,of Scotland,.
specially as to its denominational aspects,
,and statistics, public morals, national char
acteristics of a minor, yet not uninteresting
character, such as " strike the stranger "
together ;with an estimate of ,the extent of
religions life, and the state of morals in
towns and rural districts. Meanwhile,
cannot but breathe the wish, that many of
my clerical American brethren were here
this day, inhaling-ths " caller air" of .the
pure hills. and gathering vigor for
intellectual or_spiritual—work .at home by
the sojourn. of a,tmontb., in " Auld,;Scot
P. S.—The, lweather• has caused great
anxiety to agriculturists, but is improving.
The - Viceroy of Egypt is now in London,
which' is nroirded' With- strangers from all
. Last, week the , Queen and her children
visited St. George's Chapel, at Windsor,
and placed fresh wreaths of flowers over
the grave of Prince Albert.
The wedding. 'of the Princess' Alice, next
week, will-be conducted so privately, that:
there will not; . and the great
officers of State _take their oepFture
immediately after luncheon. „.
the trials of agrarian murderers have re
sulted in one or two convictions; in another
ease thenecused'was acquitted, to -the en
ihusiastic joy of the, Popish populace; who
alwa.ys.,,shield, and. „ sympathize, with, this
class of criminals.
Cardinal Wiseman and Pala Cullen have
,presetiting the ex-King of Naples.
with .at sword. ia a shame-for these men
to decay% thyoung,man by such displays,
under the idea that: he has many sympa
thizeys in this country.
Several of Ultramontane Bishops, return
ing home to the'French Dioceses, have been
almobst mobbed by the people.
fit .:Beads >an & I-Play."
Alice M had received a fine edu
cation. Her mind had been naturally and
eve,nly developed.. She had, committed
many select texts - of Scripture to, memory,
and had enforced their lessons on her own
heart: Thc Spirit of God took of the
things 'of 'Christ and showed them unto
her. She received the: truth in the love of
it. Her Bible and her closet, were dear to
her. Her happiest hours were her seasons
of communion with .tier " Saviour. The
Sabbath was to' her n!'heavenlelow.
Alice - was 'but twenty-one ,years of age
when she became the wife of a ship-master
some four,or. five.years older than herself.
He was:going to, America in a new ship,
and bad a'state-room fitted and furnished
for her accommodation, and she consented'
to accompany him 'to sea. - -Their wedded
life began upow the„deep. The :husband
was a stranger to, the power, of grace. He
admired and loved his wife for her earnest
piety; - Oritei; return from - her first Voy
agei she cenftded . to a friend-who had been
her spiritual adviser, that they ,had lived .a
life of,prayer„,even on shipboard.
"Was he willing to pray with your
asked tbe , friend.
"No," replied Alice, "but` ire had
prayers , together every day ; be seemed
glad.,to..hrive it so. He readltddi prayed."
et - Tange z phat wtthin,two years that
,husiiarid`'S soul was bionghi to the - foot of
the'etioiriNna that the time came when she
read and he prayed'?
Are :there not many 'for whomthis vale
? will, fureieh an! exam ple, and who• will te
ieneourf.m9l,to do • likewise?
iArliiiislioAtiii - at"iiiiy
There Was in Mr. Gardner's garden a
fruit tree . laden with delicious fruit.
the season-was a-very unhealthy one, Mrs.
'Gardner prohibited,her.ohildren from visit
'ing without -her,permissiou, : the tree, for
,the purp,osp ef partaking of the,fruit.
One. "day a "schoolmate. visited Arthur
Gardner; and 'they played together in the
garden. They asked and received permis
sion to -visitthertree and. to eat moderately
of the.fruit. „After-some time they asked.
secendtime„:lrit from, sward to their
,health, G. 'told them it was not best
`ibr'them-to -eat laxly more'fruit that after
I3efore sunset; Arthur was persuaded by
his cehwanion ,to disobey his parent,and
visit the tree.,,, He did so with great re
luctance, but his - iiipetite, and the influence
of his conipiiiion, , Overcarne 'his' sense of
duty. tli
AB,he 4Waffihasttly faigg-hiaTockets,,he
looked up and,emf his another ,stauding, on
the piazza, r obierging his proceedings. He
immed emptied his pockets and' re-.
tired=in-tonfusioii; to a f)art•of the garden
out,of isighploais..mother.
4 1 11,49,4g0E044 1 - atm -yrildwhit) yaw,"
irke94 M • 1. '
"NO; U ( r itsl)Fe feptfflp
would 'rater A. loped, thitif#relier fpel
bad :said :3•11' ..,1 •
ehmild.rvmember that l T.anakia looking. down
urn F fir ,froM• f hie JneHatorMl *pan.
Will - fint that raTemlyanne bring, eyesy
bloir'dbOught sinner to a sense of' dlity ?
WM.anr.i one. go"on performing a sinful ant
' tipsier the.ininoediate.eye of-him.who.aweat
grepi i fta,„of : WO at GAtbaemame, end
was . s ikailedjg,the moss on.Qalvgy s , to put
'an end' to Y. Observer.
r ial . 1 * %• t‘')
'! Wan .Sabbath 140r6,11113a.'?1.--A lady of
somewhat lax religious views was oonvers
ing,:witb one of .disideclL evangelical senti
ments, urging objecitions to some ds
latter replied :
If:Gbdlind , iintqsPdlien to 1113' so plainly,
there , might .be? .room, . for - dismission.'
" Bgt;1 1 1dd ti/o ftrgt, " 0042/3 with wie Rext
BablnAn, and., bear how our miiister„dis
pothrof atkiliquestions." Me Sub
bathshoeii mine 1 io'outewiti-tini prom pt
respnise. • " • •
. And was a noble respoomoituants4 cont
., teotul t ,pps4iTe,i.ettlriele t ot, :faithful' , to the
coDlsnge to 0 1 04,„ . Christian ;
reide, y ti iffinembet
that the "Son of
Nang WM silo Of 'the Sibbilth day,", and
yottuithirold .twe it as • you- will' answer to.
him?-- Watchman.