VqA4gttript 'l,.:lo.4:tr'i P. t SBURGEk •j"U:LY 19., 1862. t • .War. • The vittility.of the enemy has been ex hibitedr'fdr a few weeks, with wonderful vigor, Whether it is the putting forth of ta spasmodic energy which betokens the esperatinn of a case,. and .which must skoon cease, or whether It is a system 4if efforts which ea% le • austained, is a matter to be yet learned. It Will ,liturie4 in our , Government, to cot upon the latter presumpiiini: liVeihave the . powitr i . if we 'a fit; foith'lte ut the - A(4 1 14 in a short time, and that the' work has not IDOOn' itlreddy done, is beditiiie we under. ratestthe .energy and resources of our fOe: Wk) ire glad to see symptoms of awakiii, on the part of timid who aontiol"neA affairs; they are, however . yet beneath "the demands of t4tAl i p49ll .4 „ . .yrom many place s we,hear that Umlaut! quota of the new call' for 800,000 men will be forwarded, §tiTh there is a slowness about the work . The bills which have passed Congreas; providilig for the confiscation of rebel pi•ciperty, and authorizing th‘e employment of the negroes G,mlerats,, in all seryile , work,i.l9l wholesome,measures of progress.; and the more so, if ,a very liberal interpretation will be accorded. But both these bills must be extended. We have but little' hope of a conclusion of the war, till we become more in earnest; and earnestness is very doubtful;, till it shall be indictedly,, suffering. Tide would intimate new rcivitksias.' Vre"truit'iliat we may be spared this• ing fiction; bui if we would avoid it, we must be.oafefttlifeither to need it not:desk:vett There is a righteous Ruler, and if we would avoid.judglnents we must neitherctitiii grew; his Moral precepts, nor neglect the meads of beitiefit which he has ordained. The battles before Richmond were a sad: reverse ; !tut not se bad as was at first s!ip r.4,',:„The, killed , Wthinded, and missing ark l rydr,l'ecid; to be 10,400, and ',dr:these therm!ir $BO6 prisoners. Offieialieports may vary these numbers. The impreesiou, made against us abroad is one of the great! es ‘i j ries cie:itit*t . , trieatiC the deathi , and rnnimings,..ormeni) :but ,this may be more d thad made •itp ikir.tlie new vigor called forth, aimi was lo.n the direct road to the. rebel, eapital; the reinforcements lie brought up not only checked us, but midis: our poSttion untenable. Our new position has some advantages, but.they are connected wit/040'. .The 1320VOIMOMO of GEN. POPE are not' yet Airly indicated: There seems to be a pq..Pose I t e'.,ritititientrate the armies in his ~the ,armies' of Banks, Mepcwell,*l - Seigel, (late Premont's,) and to move 41 ;strong foret i toward Rich mond, from the West. This will be' has anions. It will ,be diffionit ., ..tolkeep 04- plies at the vueoessary distance, by inland transportation. But good generalship and . ade,quate numhe,rs can succeed'. We : ,Vust,: that Gendials•M'Clellan and Pope will work together, ilea that never again will two:'of thenemy's armies be permitted too:nibble in . pst43ipep one of dis;'": . GEk.:11,44 1 05*.'s army is litelY'to have. much Work.,Yet.to do. Part is still atfOor inth, part at - Memphis, and ps4 corps,) at Hiinteiville, or perimietphatn.. nooga. There' is a vast conntry thetirclo guard ; and , armed bands are: committing . . great depredations. • ..IdttrplireChoro has. fallen into the enemy's 'hinds, and 'Nash ville is in 404gar r ..„„ Gen. Cur >_e it retreating in T essee, not begitidifßaillgsestlined. 1 la • VicKtailtgiaNkisrihlgil taken, ' ited last. 4 - 1 . 1 11111 ygibeon t il4 ar i t tgi as t woo .., 1 A11'1144 Also the wor. . 1 04 7 ;ftrkeh-iVende , ~, the dm n r iver; was p t e. ening. 14.4 7.l , ntert Ana - nom edT Niw-Onimaticuir-beirirweff oared for by eteg .464TAV:i. of ; 1 1bia Monptilltiittklim l etitkned for some time by the enemy. He is greatly strength ening its fortifications. - We have enough on hands, for klinte4 and are not likely to engage in asstdbiptiny new place till Rich mond is ; taken, and. Tennessee and the navigation i cf the Xississippi are made secure. A For thil'i*pytiiiian . banner Sopplementaw, EbITORS my;: . : ltery hasty sketch, published in your last ; of the late Dr. James "B.:' Woods, I unaCcountably omitted the napir •or his Soo, Williaa! Woods, Esq., whoirwgraduate of College, and, for several yearkliti:emstained a high chartuiter.o a Chriatiair.and a successful teaohavot youth in the Academy at Shad Gap, Pa. C. Our Theological Schools,—The current civil war,has ,ovefil-4, eaeemak in the matter oklh‘ a tal,. itfAr3r antre t . verse 4g \ the' \ ill i \Wee s.Dß , ‘ Breciin;\ ( A tli ridge iitt 'he / . • lOrells ei3 , l4)pe,taV en such a a to se , iftbe synktttly and 4 admiratio of all I al' Presbyrians. The Proollitors atahieago are, solar-as...we know, acceptable to the , whole North West. As to Dr. fffilaey, Nve,liove never beard, pc, any prejugee' against hina, 444 Di. Lord's course, in the premt %pis of public of-, fairs, is a part of the itisary of, the.timest: We rejoice in the good which - God brings out of evil in this ease as in ; all others. Let every one frown upon any future attempt to revive past difficu a lties.—Presb,Ver• ; %.•:-. 1 11 r •.! r:: .Z. , :.: t St' '' ' 4. • •I•. - ; .• ! A __ ew Great Me 11ta( hi -York. • An immense wealth:lio the oitliens oflte A ,w 7 York isle held on flu; i lfoth, in Union ERUM ( The numbers were estimet,isd at 50,000 to loolop: Four stands were erected and occupied brspirffl era, (Vat enthusiasm wee manifested. RASO' lutions were adopted sustaining. the Governni4iYt'' and , urOng n vigous proeppigloit of tire ) ysfj also a d deolarldkiiat'foreign laelle;enee must be resistacintmet aterttrjr, ' •.J7e Thi.lds` This is the largest iron-vlated vessel.we ha3e, ;in the ,00meret'n'onNtfeeirsta . +11111 1 - thirdS 7 W09,1a1. kulen gaged in•sorewing on the remainder. The ma chinery is in such a state of forwardness, that the engines were tried on Thiirsday. A large force is engsged In corupletingthe interier, s apdsunzoar 7 riageTuidlitirttfrom f:? tkii t pi4tiring for the pivot-guns. . Republican I .l.PittrAnt.- , • • • ' Ikt tllB rtte < Chvola > l 6t r lthp oan"memtiereo Congress, the following resolution was adopted, with a few dissenting voices : Resolwl, That ne k 4iold,,..it, to:be / the cluty A oft all loyal inkhr,to Stand this hoar of its trial; to unite their hearts and hands in ear . nest and patriotic efforts for its maintainance against those who are in arms against it; to sus fain with determined resolution our patriotic President and his administration in their most energetic efforts for the prosecution of the war and the preservation 6f the Union against its en em ie&at, home .and- i attyced;r , ;uurtieh s'o crush' the present wicked and causeless rebellion that .no flag of disunion'tihill i ev'er again be raised over any portion 4f tAie rnpubjio,.,Tlint to this,l end we invite' the 'cliiiieratiou'O'Valrmen who love their country in the t endeavor to rekindle. throughout all the States such patriotic fires as shall utterly, gonsnme 'strike at the Union of olir flitheirs, and` wit; Sympathize with their treason or palliate their guilt. • The :President on Emancipation,.. mit aurlY ttk' The fouowing message, rom the President, was, sent iatt).oongress..oxi.,tlie .14th; . , t t; . letypt,Cli*qts xi the SenatildfifffL Hoare - Repre •• ..1 Breliith Is the *Aft Of b, • 11 , to.,oomprapips, anYStaie . may *slititiiy. within its limits. Th e 'Presented, I respeetftilly , tuid'etittnestly 'retain (Signed ) :ABRAHAM .LINCOLM.. ' Be,it enacted by the Senate nudAnuee of App.-, resentatiiee'd the United Statei at America in Cengress 'assembled,. That *hie:ilk/it.' the P4lll'-' . !denteof. thee United .Statea'shall , be satisfied that' any ! .State shall, have. le.wfully,abolished slavery. within anct.thro . ugh,cot.Bl.lohStAt : 44,sither diateli or gradually, it. shall he the . duty of, the. President, assisted by theSeerkeri the. Tree's i ury, to prepare and deliver - to such State an amount of six per cent. interest. bearing bonds of the United States equal to 'the aggregate value at diti)argliprheady ofre thepdves . within such State as were reported by the census of the year , one ithotisanci eight hundred and whole,!amount for any one:State to 'be delivered at.oeoe, if ,the abolishment l be immediate, or ,in,. eqUal annual instalments if it be gradual, inter, est to be given running on each bond at the time Of delivery and not before ;.. and Be it further enacted, That. if any State, hay ing so received any such'bonds, should at any time afterward by,lawfiltrotnoppri tolerate sin- Avery withinltelimite:'-oontraillid-theitet'of abol ithment upon which suph bonds shall.have been ' eceive , `saidso received by said State shall at once be null whodesciever hands they may be, and such State , shalt, refund .to the United States all inter.est,whieh may have ..been paid on such bends: . .12a Edgehill, New Jamey. 1 • e:•• ••• •-,l* -."` • Leaving,' eiliii"days sao j Age g "'City o'f_ A ßroth-, erly Ltilve," n'tfliiiiftatilioiii4iiidglitlik th e fir-famed and justly oelebrated*Village.of Prince- , 1.6 n, N. J., 'with all its internal beauty, and rich surroundings. Hallo Wed Itigooiations cluster around it. After years of absence as wa,pessecl along its shady, streets,_and gtzed.uppajks,noble i Asti tu ti on sent ‘sitored)editibesi -were impres- Sid afresh with its classic history and As i hiatus' and moral power." Since we drank at those fouvitains of influence how many streams have issued thence into every land to make glad " the City of our God."; May theirblessinge.multipliecilAn • f',lgtpkeshfON' sand even.UutOle tlibusatid4ereratatins."%l%. 1.) But the special object of our trip was, a visit tq "Edgehill." And by it we weremuch re freshed and gratified. ..Its beautifully shaded and ample yards and play-grounds; its spacious ,atid comfortable apartments; the order, content ment, and happineas of its domestic , ar,range manta ; tho thoroughness and accuracy of its in structions ; and . abova all the Moral and,rtAigious influence that pervitdei the entire institution in its careful oversight . ; its family altar, Bible'clami; piayer-meetings, and strict ..observs.nce of the - Sabbath and the sanctuary, were all highly satis-, factOry. And We'conld noChelp but agree with the remark previously uiaded;that it is " a Chrial Ur school, and home of the highest character ;" a , and desideratum of anxious parents. " I gr From our acquaintance with the excellent 'Principals of this school, and our brief examina tion of its advantages, we can fully concur with' b o th the Professorsinlhe Theological Seminary d the Faculty OT the' &lege; at Princeton, s". n recommending, the EdgOkilkeslml, as nontiy" worthy ol! the cJnfidenea. and, patrpnage Of the public." ' p r ove a ri ch blessing to the Church and the.world. The Army of Tlrginta4—rid ; of Gen. Pope to the Mit ag 0 diers. his just beettlissued to 'the ''dffiblits'andillaisiiii of the Army of Virginia; By special assignment of the President of the United States, I have assumed „the command•of this army. I have spent two weeks in learning yenr whereabouts ; your CbnifitiOn arid your wants, in preparing you foractive operations, and in placing yonin position/4*cm which'Ysiti c can act promptly and to the purpose, Theeelli"J bars aro nearly completed, and I am abont-tojoini you in the field. Let us understand each other. I have come tb you from the- West, where we have always seen the backs of our enemies; from an. army whose business it has been to seek the 1. versaryond him Irber, he. was found;, whose"policy has • been to 'iittick and noetok fehd. but one case has tbe,enecny beenntoje. to place our Western army in a defensive atti 7 tu;de. I presume that I have been Called here'to pursue them, and to lead you against the enemy. 'tile my purpose to do so, and that speedily. I alp sure you long for an opportunity to win the dibtinction you arA ottpablcorisitilireildg. That opportunity I shall endeavor to give you. In the meantime,'Pdesire you to di:Mites-from your minds certain phrases, whiolr.l am sorry to find min:lh in vogue amongst you. Limo constantly of taking strong „positions and holding them, of, lines of retreat 'and a basis of supplies. 'Let 'us` discard such ideas: • • • ~ 'The strongest position a doldier should desire: to' occupy is one, from which he can most easily, advance.against .the enemy.. i Let,us it s i tudy the probable lines of retreat of obx opponents, eke leave otieiriviirtn' take oaterof themtMea. Let ud look before us 'and not behind. Success and gtory are in the advance, andpeaster;and e shatne lurk in the rear. Let' sot 'on iliiiunderstand= ing, and,. ,is safe to predict that, yqur,Vanners shall. be inscrified, with many a glorious. deed, and that your names will be dear toqyonr coun trymen,flreyer, Signed 1 , 4; .Major-Goneral„ C.9namposlipg. , f Advioesom New Orleans to the 26th ul t t.— five..days'liiik—haie been received. The're"is little\riewsr portal - me. • IGeiii4al Baler:had' issued an order , direoting all the banks•in,.the Department td'udike a ireturn to ,headquarters, of -all sums dueito tifem from the rebellious States, and all sums due 'to the State of Louisiana - or StateKricers ; and ,tlfatinolchecks or drafts:o'4lll pe paid without a perinit.from-hiM. The Trios of ftourchadJa4vanced to $24 per bbl., and Gen. ShepleCfliii Provost. Marshall, had in consequence issues:Vizi order fixing the price of bread. There rag qute & stir in the' Cotton Market, and advanbedlpileiii had brought forw,ard .iss,Aplse lehich him% iiiperg lladdan away , for 'tiv.Year , or more. ; Aniorderfrein Gen. Butler iliokibits masters of vessels from taking colored persons awiiy - friim the 'City; tinderlieiialty'of.imprisinfthataid s oion-r thication: .• v 7 attNo. • A UniCIM meitilig;irif4h the Meta derunt‘, IMP large and enthusiastic, was held on the, night "of the 21st. . 4) f Frei' ; 'Rebels Learnin ,llaMagil. • . . . FonTantis t Monwo g ftlig.— .7 The mail boat Ns/4s 'Baker brought doin, /Sat eiening, twenty-. Your rebel prisoners, who have recently been cap_ , tured}by our reconnoitering: onvalry.. 'We lesim, 43 , officer of . the Michigan sth regiment, who is one of the,lo7 Union,priPon.ers who, came from the Baltimore §topre 4opyital,yesterday that the PRESBYTERIO L i3SOTIERI4AirOtit( . t 44 M:: ' q.0.-_,. 402:i.:-' ! ttlfatttoit theyNoiiived froth tWe' rebel "otiliten having charge of them while they were held oafl . I.ive r ws.ertyeis!ll,x kind a . ncl. i.hu,mane4Wdif eient,frA whe,t4liptlted,aptithpatf4 OM it : moo T actually rPrtbfllf rdotlierasetires. • . West Point' ie- ocoupied by neither ar my", 'but Yorktown is:not only in lour possieition,• bhf stronglyifortified and stronlY garrisoned ; while its safety is w i ldered, dnut)ty,sige..bYi th:e , ,,PrOor, 1 ence of three gunboats.. , : ,•••• Thefortifications on loncester Point, oppioelo Yorktown, have been partially demelisted, and their (gilds , eithers•removedi' or spiked' iskid r then blown to pieces. ittptuPmr.ts,gt434.l2. 7 -rcien.,43rtitt l hatlitiewkliiii or'der'iequirink the ?an:Opol e pf,...4,Byigne,mn—; . fleeted with the Confederit s e army. orgbtikißenV. tcrleav'e the city within five daye,-or bike that. they have ndt, anti will hotPhriißltinrordie Lion. to the enemy. i.• This sweeping °pier 4tus been;iamiedin conse-. quinine ‘ Of :Cho constant communietttion between. pefionaili the rebel' army their friends here, The order has cafisid•aopilider4l4; exoitatelitt Rifugnes from Helena 64 the. enemy on' thii• 4th, 500 strong, attaizked Gen. Curtis' adiancet r lut'iw,ere. utterly, routed.. ••• • ; • G a ol. _Fitch was still at',St." Charles. It is ret 7 - ported' that lie'' had a shall) skirmish in that: vicinity with theiiiibeh3. The latter Wereirrotitid.'. Affairs. at - . Riohmond. BALTIMORE, •Talli 14.-1%6 7 4,6746#, of this • ' • ( .1 gi ' afternoon,'says • • - " We learn/fro in Mr./WilliamAiiir,• - iif.this Who; clasped - , from .Richincuid on Tuesday that. the..rebeli troupe in 'and*: around 'fbel•oity, • Pricii to:We, recent battles, wart? estiipated. at from. 217,1)01i1i; 220,01 JP: l. „ . Large . reiiifordeilielirta, from I,ltO'direCtion Petersburg, had been arriving for the previous ten days and nights,.which wero.said to-be from the coast, but be could not. ascartain.whetbg any , portion 'of ' *ere B‘iiiiregaiali . theY'arriiiiii'byl the isilkultesliict Were 'iiiiiShed around the city during the nightltoward .Court House., is• . • —lrv) A ganboat,pn tktplan of ,tilte.-iferritvg, though,., much smaller,' 18 rapidly completicn .1 at • IllehttiOnd; 'tlibiikh 'great difficulty is exPeri entiad in obtaining iron for her'arinor: s ' • i' f fi.' 4 . 4 The.obstructions in James river*ereiimiddder.v. &My, Atealtenel:l•,by• the recent frealiets..) • ; t,:' gort Darling ,has been greatlyistriirigkkene4,,r and' the batteries are iron-clad • The bridges which Were - deistri:YlebrElensirai: McClellan in the vicinity of Hanciver COUR ' hive not been reconstructed. ..r? '44,for,cee ef.GAineral...lackson had mored.off it was thought, Idwarcl - Fredericksburg, iiiia: ilk was: Said. blew iatje Valley. . .r The oantuqt,,captyurgildnringthe recent battles'. ,re all brought intoXclimond, numbering about 28 pieces, some of ihern howitzers, and three ahny;riffed - guns;TtJaryiwere all light/pi - eceb,and wilh the exception of the howitzers and one Eng a . lish - gun, were sent tedie..fonidiy to be recast, the rebels having no shells to, fit the rifled can non. Not a single e,iege piece had been captured, and much surprise wasi.e.x.presseclAaeMeglellan hid succeeded in getting'them:ill.off:J , • . ':r ,eu.trtt., • : • 1- • s lldly"P'. l 4he aeoguAt e brotig,itt'bi the ' dilater pitity; from 'the headquarters of the army of the Potomaop give cheering view-of' tie condition of affairs inthat vicinity, and rep resent thatkthe. entire , lose on our. port in -the re 'bent battlee:doas not exceed 11,000: Stragglers' are constlintly- returning: 'The •etieSnY's nhilcinh't exceedingly larger than ours.. IPreston King's bill, for: the enlistment of ne growl, which the ' Senate debated this afternoon, was approved-by- every member of the Military COmmittee; beim-ell:0040.1°n, lt liberates all shtvei so enlisted: • • ...NU* • vi'l - . 1 :Garrett Davis.introduced , an exceedingly strin gent bill, -punishing all who' hpiejpy way ` give n or comfort • to 6F:rebellion, eien eipressing a wish for its . Raceme; tolheirfrionds, t by fine or. imprisonment:. , There .feeling in Washington,. to „ day, than ha existed for a:month. The threat ening cointw.veray about ,the .employmenti ofi slives'will'lle reconciled_ by restricting tilitiiief-v vice orking on iiirenchmtsts: conking; and other fit fit employments that will relieve white sol-' diem. To this form of their employment every body akfltifitledaTTlilielraWMOlife,Mfiideift and the news he brings inspire universal satis faction. The President, L finds the rumors of biases in the late fights greatly exaggerated. The soldiers are in excellent spirits, confident of victory, and claMoricg elLeadrtoriSh led again upon Richmond. - The return wave of hope and courage has again set in, and all the power of the;i3pnbli,s ; ix abont i to:bejltrown. itgkipitt.thel:t rebellion in cruehing force. lln the Senafe_,ftyeatard9Ntlth bill' to itpthorize the Becretary'cirth s e"Nkira‘ceeit the title to Lague Island, below Philadelphia,. was passed, with ametnendment directing tcprevious survey a the harbor of New London and of Narragan sett Bay, to .ascertain their relative excellences for the location of a naval depot. !Both Houses, Mils, Week,' passed an Army. Retrenchment hill, 'which will quiie $10,000,000 Peijaiiiiu'nl;. l l.A.:..) '".'1 1 1:1 It i1..1111! VIATOS. ri r esividfY, (t.AO Arsul!etla ft gr igkrite4 :1104* between Mr. Olio . , ot i NrK-lroriF t ,an tovor, and Mr. MePhersore‘ on the tablin - 13iiintiold1; CO I inerisisilthestilrerdoo. slid division., oBtemenderst. .....6lDinvolied'ohnut. . , . . . A , lawnderatoodbthat previous to , the late bet before Richmond, Gen. McClellan arranged ' for 'Cigeneritl ex.hange,.of tprisone*-. grid . that' Gen. Dix has been instructed to consummate the 7 same undet.. 4 o4)(ifiii . ce:` • • •The.Brestderitihas eppeintedMajur-Geuersi,of VOiniefiri, - Gen. Pope, now, in command of the Department of Virginia, a Brigadier-General int the *guilt* armY, live* (fen. Wool, promoted. Julyl2o—Provost-Marshal Dostor has notified " the i liroprietors of.all the concert and drinking Saloons, :in Waihington, that the practice of em-• ploying girls to wait on the guests, must be clis continueot• within 'three "days, under . penalty;',o having :their eitabLlahnionts• closed. . • :Gen. Isaiah Siyinour,s meniiiiible for sharing with Gen. : Anderson.in-the defence'of Fort SulilP,l tai';',fut been prottiOted, hy,',Pen; , coinmaid: Of the:diiision. of.the. ostptuie& Gent, M i c Call. No appointment 'could' be cious or more'richly:mented.“ • ItColitr.:44 iniproved die' President giving. Alia: rtialc.:Ofe M'ajor-Goneral along with it.-- ‘i. • Mr.•i >a.; 117.41 . / Clark,. of New . Hampohire,•frono•thefeilm-4: mittee of Conference on the Conthication bill `Made a repot, which, after a debate, was agreed._ to yeas . 27,,nays tfi ; so the,bill•stands.passedrr - pnly needing the President's sigli*9lLre to,Make it r. law... . . • , • frhe Ohio Bridge bill; with .a• span •of three .1 hdared feetv passed both Houses; :The Sedate has repeaii - ai:. for ' Military' • Railroads through Rent - 11614 into "East TeitheS see ~ c onnecting with' Cisciimati. • The . 'llOnse hitiirePes.led it some tinut.sgo : • ... , 15.—Great mumbles. isteivat the War Distertinent, about ttie"**;ll4ades as ' tbthe rebels , plans, and the 'S'Sbc,44thits(infOiMnti9 l2 :. that the rebel. chiefs,, at' Zit:ohm:ma, have issued orderi to their armiiis"kiisifinfe the aggeistaie.. 1 at certain points. , _ .The recent inovements,of A tha. rebels in the West is supposed to be in a , ooorif.\- , ance / 9 1.t.h thisiPl(4 vet EMI The Grenada. Appeal Btatetthat the .7th Tiiniteei4i see regiment went in .theilEtietirerid':fight.:throxi i hundred strong,'and wiciria iective man. Frowthe Armies of. Gens. Halle& and-giitilL ST. L0M1431415.— L n . spatches to Lae „ ur •- tarYtanthOFllies•say: phatl Gen. ,Cmtisii commatidter, about 14,000 stronv. lam:reached_ Helena, Ark., "where they are resting at:presenb...z" • •• InfoiMation from! 'plittin,th' oni - ; :irior§ *rap „illestAii4lso4rrQui ivisioes of hie army_ are in excellent condition r d eageiltirSotive.opra i ticMs.tti. k: t. *11.130 Bragg has about 40,000 troops at Tlpe49, Borne' 85000 more, are at Holly rings and other' -places. Their movements are , said •to' indicate' •v iioffecsive operations: * • ‘' __ Rebel ; N. ;P: A Beralmona, July it.--The Richmond Dupatela • of the ithlind Bth inst., which were received' by the Ameriehir thii morning, adreits flit Gen. ;hie-. Olellan:haiOssonred the safety of hisoarnamilim most masterly manner. The number, ofMont; prisoners fib stiited . nt '4,800.., TheyAte.;confinial in, the tObacco wiie-houses. From Memphis. •Washington. =MEI gt 1 's -.:ttiff.••• .:: iv ;I.: :•• • 7 tt;•4- ' fiblito:: : • • ...;I f t,wi . , Arpt. 'troy iii iik6l4l9' , : i 1 ,tt:l4. . 0 M1' . .1 1 . 4 11 1 : te . ,it.lt ! • ir•Wit , !...r ...;•.:* :.4.:it0)1 f1e!.1471 • lzsti. iii atlibtsoct uttl ~.. Ili Rec ent,neWs tfromfEnglattd. sh ors Eth at. there lie' ....t , t, .' 4. 4111 a great , dieposition aniong thelariittobraceto' interfere in' oulitiffairtet , It Woiildibe their delight • ~ ~ thediVide our CountryAand'illistroY republican institutions. oltAlies'e things our pefigh7 rill 'eats the ,necessity ote,--vigetens prosecution' of the war„,•., ...I! i t .:. Ll' :-i 'f,V,e , ... :, , . , . , . Di the Ho use of "Lordsoin. the 80th ult., 'Lehi, lirotighato, *he was almoitlnaudible ' in• the reporterk 'gallery, called fa,ttenticrah to the ' civir War1,11 , ;.11.1 - 80600.i . which she 1 deeply: deplored, and the 'consequences• of which, were , new. being felt. all over the civilized world. • At. the latne time r he thought it impossible for.tfer - blajfisty'4 16y eminent fteinterfere ; butlie"expreseecl, 6 an'eartir est hope that, the American-peOplelvould thehi-' selves see the suicidal; Character. of the contest in which they were engagedi and, come ; to , sonte amicable arrangeinerit • before they;entirely all enatedlront them' the feelings of respect and af-, lection. With; which 'they had hitherth been re garded bylhe great , European nations; . i' , ' , '` "-.'" I 7- '7 1 2' , 2 ,, , r 3 4 7 . 3- 7 ,---1 Kt , L ~, .', , ~.. ~ ../- 4:11 the/lonse, of „Commons, on, the same even- ';1 , t. , ry} 6,frt ' ,• - vftty - d i, i siy ;_.' 1$ ing,ldr, Reproof' askedilf the, Governmenkin o , I ~• ~ , , A,,t,,A ~ d- -t) , 441;,.t. ta...., tqnded telalie any step's' to endeavor to;put an . , : 4 '7 ' -: 11 V: O , r' ' • 'F. end to the evil' war in America Lord Palth rston o san : the r Goverumen o were" deeply Seisit t e , 'of the'sufferings, now preVailirig in the manufacturing districts. "TheoPlefier that' those privations.were great, and that , those who:. herent fortitude ,endured them` with the meat he roie fOrtitude.and ,patience, doing the greatest " . • possible oxidate tlieir'nridetistatulhg.r;The,ho-: `sons Wh`ti Wiife , etideriiffinfoli''inifferingi'kiiew that, their ..privitionik did , not, result froth , ' , eriy , bid.• lOgislStleo, - ' . or2 'from,. any misconduct oti 'the, part t of the Onyernment of the •,,,cctuo,, try, bet froin'eircumitances in other countries, r over 'Which' the Omie'riiinent had` no' control. He wished itwas in the poiver ef 'the Governirient ic take, any, steps .to ~afford 'relief ` ,;"gut but the Renee , `vrtntld. see that any interference aright tend to the aggravation Of, the .Offerings t ofi those whoAfere 'now experiencing such great privat(orts. . ,With,. regard , to any after of Mediation: lie had' tiiidOtibt ; whatever that, both'ller Majest y 's: Government, , and. i that otthe „Entpertr '':of 4,ll,6iFientli; vould `be delighted te.sy,ail themeelves of ,anympportnt , Inity: - that, appeared., to offer i a fair prospect, that. ranch nstep (vhile the partiesWAre pc much 47, I C4re'd with' anger and , resentment' ' agaitiSE &tali , ,other) mould. be Web-MUM: 4 If` at t any tilde there :should be a fair opening for any sort,: Of Step 'which, might belikely te • meet:loth the , acqiiies , ()epee of, the„parties,,,it:wouhtuatr 0r4 1 ,7 be !..rds:tY: butf i a gieat plitimire to ' Govern -, HerXijesty:s ,Ment to tithe advantage ot r ii . . - ` .!- ' .. ' ', • - . „ ~,..r,., ..., •.,....ufae ..,N.i? - :; 19 J. ~. I A ' meeting of operat ives. , .had ,been i held , at, 'Bltiekb*lii;fer iliti t tuirtiehe ti f litititiWingyiirlia:' menti , in ;faiioii‘ -of niediatied - in AiliefieW,' but ' strong ;oppotdtitin :was - evinced; and 'finallr-Ilie( following! resolution; ; moved, as, an amendment,: - was carried 4, ~.. ~ t), at .:z ,- - - , t : :, , Resolved Thtit, 4 it is. the, duty , lof thet , Govern ment to use every inluenc ' e ,compatible:withtle maintenance ir peace, for,An„ettlementofMs American difieiltY` by reassurin g the' iel , lenee of the' piantershin the polieYsOf'Pre4d:Oh %lit cola;; and :'the friiirginization:orlhe) Ainefliiiiii' tritiOn." y; 4: . 2 .1:,-, , `,,, ' 1, IqIX ' .0 .t..m ..i.019(,) , ; i The *VACS, . .-. in -a' leadei•-•[finTAti'didean affairs, t‘ , Four main armiewhave l advanced into ton 'federate territory, half a dozen expeditions have faStened .thentselves on thelSotist4lyet, the" Bihth remains unconquered. . , It,iskreoustsatednutt,,the2,, , Federals can only' effeet`thetr purpose hi gigantic eipenditure, far More lii - iiilf thiiii.` thit''Of the past twelve months.... Whati-beficareeel Of ;the ifal . mous, 4 IkeplaKatifln Ctf;'llidepend.ence,l.:T ofzi the theory tfia Gorewfirt i derives its 8ew, 6 1 1 714,r, 0 rri , . the consent, of the ,governed ?.; The Nor i th now talks of - caiicfuest,ccinfatcatiiiii'ald `xiiiiitarY b clil- ' onies with'-all= the readiness-tlf:'titt AuStrian Ottin.'-` mandant ; but. which the North-, can,see rtliat. [the [ only policy which is agreeable to wisdom and jUstice is, olet zt ,the t .South go ipeaceablyiliC.tninerf ' bring exile e petold i on Itself,..iiis and 5, on„ ; ,exery Ehropean people .. ''' " ' ._, The same joiliiii,liil ul itiViikiele l eTthe"fittiire supply of-cotton; says:' , ' 1 0 1, ', all•• "` ' " . °;rA" l ~ "If all hpS,outlfseurdone which should"havC been done in order;tp,,tneet,the threatenedifalling oft in the sup es of p,Otten,.'it l is,,ou ,itself,. anal.,, upon the 'Oevertiltieht,„;thet the Mititufic- tiring intergatc; dfloidd 9( olatigeL th'e'' 'fafilV,"and f&ut itself, and not from the Government,, that., the mannfacturint . ciliCtriliite - sliazielefile l'of'a remedy.'!---v /7-. r....... , "n' i - ,'0L.,1 %A it rt, tawn 1.. , . The 4forning ee Pog criticizes , ' the-I/position •ofi affairs in Ationfea t ,at ti 9.9 departure opiteiT&T sir, in a strain anything but encouraktug for the , National - o=Se 11 ' If itiyef '' r3? - °r • i: ' I " The' eloiids - rare beginning-rapidly ta ; tiolliet, over the.,Fedeval , canae,,,,, Each . , succeeding{ mail' tells us, of fresh reverses .sustained,,l;y4mar*es in which de, North Plieed their greatest confi donce„,,,Anekgp. the viilo , ,piapi,where,.4:4l,ppri , the - Federal` troo ps had ?nlyto mile their -0. , p4atiiiiiirapeoidir ,, l76 Trigtirg i iletaricAltWil lave met with a decidedohicibiliAltfrottgblitielligaider.' of no importent,fzisterlas. gained' hy. -the ) South are conveyed by t l ltis ,nisil,to. us, 8411 Onnletalroi ri i I ble proofs areffoiileethatilie 'energies of the North are becoitilie iiihillieeihaiiattid x in T °the pcese' at struggle." ZIFID in 7: 1 ' ' , ;`,;:ilmit f.....-f. Fetne'r P94s4PgPtltlthe.. recent 4 tehleYstne.htel,Pf ' the to iifederates in Virginia, the Post concludes as fellows: I .:, „ , ; orw'r erii i.,?,! . ,1ppn1 1 , 7 , - 7, ' 1 ,, Thus, at the close, efythe t Spring, v campaign the Confederates) , ,attye,,,V ot .an, m eopf t , gu,,,Which, ,has been unabated and ..by-. a skill that has btien unsurffiltied.',4t 9 leall .111. l tiliiil Mffiblatit's compelled the ifinnerisefitninieivdetifilittfrfaiv thel. minquest, of VArginitt itar,coase;)offensixemetena 'titles, and cent i ent,l,kensely,es.with achipupp4,ltof defensive." " ' ' .-,,,.- ,' ` , , , ila the City artic f iiifif f ilie'Dziii,v ./rairitrii? It,- nikked: I" The AmerfetinileiriliVriiikrati 114 . _ — oit l eiiii-A ling an almestdrideftnite.pestpoil'emelit',of . 1 . - atsiii" and referring „te t: the cettonaoriaittoremerks„ that! "the total stock of sta i d f• Aii the l ,p ott n ot / b i inr pool is now se ,smalr'irat the . milts of Idreat, Bkitain alone couldiciOnatiniirthil r iileleVflU hill time inifettr.we'eWw Ittievextftehre,ly3preisa 'able tbstxutlAtufkitvAlie9*etaf...totteutenaPm Mstis•l witch hid ocourced.dthqug pie past w i eftkin m the : piice of eolta, t 'vrilllrove`a itotalloritts closig -of a large nainber of eiablis ents in thi man ufacturing, districts ,; !LI 1 18 k ii. In° following sholrwthattlie)EnglithoPr4STis ntittall4n favor of tinterventtom:Ntivr . ,erih;-riot: r it Erroar•the Liondoa.!Sait r uldaießsfrieityJn'Ae72+ll:''' It is well ttiatrithe4lan.dfctt-jelfitlitedilition 'b ter,seit, the . American belligetrefitstisq,ed 'even: beJ fi r i - 1.41 - 'I?" itqlia,liYi OP?Rof.4`,l -gbAt;`, RT4 get ; 4'4ld : hive been ,obj ectionAble, ovmb,if f ,thg t itipte ;.haebefin - lnereopporinite for ppmffc negotitiS tire • iiiiilin'the:present temper of.the r NertliernY .' pepniation any amicable settlextient Santis !to ,be 'odetf-.,the„ question!. i , ': ': .!..: ,' -. I.!. 7.m.).frf, /j, . 'Even,:, however, Af, an eaviy.,peacetwerkiettin sicalry-pessible, . an - e h,ifirlish „offer ,o.r,...'*ettifotion t4tild have inVolied' jiricats . dangers` ' ' % ''''' !, i " ' lA. iitlr with Pedciiibliherida would ioiariVethetn' , manift critpi. opeottors 'are -worth!' f{ Iti iitatirPheil ti•- Glid z apad ,to 04.10a5 : politicians; wherwill shortly have to "find., an egcose for their repgiess imaccur r agsnient *gf the natiOnal ,ttelitelon4,,..,and t tifrah r lipailtY 'ti ,r o% ‘it"Voidd:#2 ? iik l ia islrnott 2,ll,silii , 'mia,. for many generatiolis7'FreVii:i eihe eistityith-l' meni rof a :algid 'and vfurgye iteciee.twWheir4o rup'-` ture, pecypeci -almost wig:voidable; after the seizure, .of the Trent, prudent men deepix,regrettoii, Alin necessity of a.conflict which was , oerttiin i tisvibe raisieiaseiitilit Clad 4iiiiindei'grobd? ' i A: wet' Pro-. feasedly waged for the establis ; hielit . fet saihiiai inlielfendence while be, still inoretinvidionel and it, ifletfkl 9.14 iarß;Yr. l3 9eirki4.l4 o loThc;.4.illt is iltn-: ,possible that, Bugland should wish f luttabliels. 'oti maintain, nekro slavery,; li edit t yno „means, follows that iiif illianuowith`a:shiv'e olditig u pOtn : - 4 ft minty 4i:ha' iittpli &life:Vat to "the instiAftion which might be incidentally assisted; but the. ; ;negro-hating„North _would eolle...the..Bercest de i nunciations : ei,the Abolitionists spinet a',Power , which conne i atedlii'i'elf; vitil 1 61W:flail/lie& 'slave .. . APPr t : Dl N*Pf . ..s'P i tA?b l .oll3.3sl.i. 3 l l Vi ° 1f r 16 , 4 , .. ,n t easy' to s l it ' off any oonateriodanotp§ In : ~,t , ttlike'eliell Ei wolild'inaa iti AtieihPaiL i 'war' p3dielitit. 'ii.lur ;•:t.-.At.t; lo -I,n tts t tvi. - ii bt, east of all wouldi.itike , lpiatableloidellow, France into a struggle whictovollisl i naceisanly lul controlled { bl o ,alien • counsels augh t mot i ves:. ti;iin; action in war ts kie'recommenol"47V c F e : -. „rgencb,t* ikene'44lV•k - Viiihi'saintee,' in'Chitili; : ',Win ..lif zico.' 1 01md:faitlitindA frientily 'feeling are nos cient security for a lasting community a Liz; t gets' ;41:1, 1 t*ght•EillAt 11* OAF* of;Are3ree e i n toinake peace or to continue the war against th e . wish and, opinien of the Engliig}},, OAverptusiit:` 1 :On the' Whole {tile batter iiti f te engage,lll,an' nu= ' ' certain partnership; Ag...-iikizieitiediedi, to under=. `.ta,)telle gratuitous dutys 'of ',Coercing the, Wniell ; cams into, connerce,;slid- i r is hopevertAsireillol4 l offer ar ; to , tale " rifh e, a neg/Atop. whiq , h,mht . ,proO ,obly r end in a n armed liriention byElandriig F 4 , nc i ; , :..., , 7, 1 i RE ! .610. egg •.• •• ;Tn. rig ll I•I . • tt r alve..)! .• .Jr) • .1 ; lin:Pan . srt CZ ! .06 fit; rib:, I si•J!L'. ,; d ! • ....1 1 ,b4:11 iWZD.NESDAT,ltlyik3.865bU: 11114 k 4kiitsKe.: 4ropaowr 14ryV.- o4lrainyp.,, , ,1 APPLES-41;41#11 1 bbl, , ~ 1 ;:;1f! BEANS:'=erbilnli Mita, SIM par babel. BAOOII-f-ateahlititi.4Mci, 4.4(110 ''n ; OREEBE=Watern Itemetta.'6YArc,44Di. ' • I NG9B , .tlita. Peildastrt:c , , ; • , . lellniagißil—Prime - Wen4rn, 44. lb; • i•rionlx—s:34 l Bl6iiu, W.ssi;:kt4 mltbni4l;76.. • • , 51.35@4.40; Extra Fatally, .7194cyi UM. ; ORAlN—Wheat; kiintacky:.lllll.‘4l.o . :' Oatti . .• OROORRIESOoffne: Good' 22.423 c.: 8f 9O 10144. ' Rice, 8(48Mo,:; ?dolma* 500. , J . ; I my.. 413.0004 4 -. enni‘es. • , „,'" . LARD-4*,.. Itr, ' •'.• • •. • `'`. • 1614Lontan114e, from,etore, SL2S per ; TOES--Ifeabilarioi l ke, thxed, aft. par buolx. • 3.; yugoi pit-'.I • . .; I • allED, q ,-- 9 1 T15' - $ 8 • 75 . 4 e . ??* Th f w thh IT ~ • lloontt7 roldere to:d, • 7 ,Mei..., —..#177704 . 777., JERhiSON COUEGE.—The Boas d of T r u l to . witi meet ,0t ! „,7,E SD ea, tl4 Atli of, Aa,srust, % at 10 o'clock A. n M. o member's are raqnell4l to be punctual in JAMESiitibithVGll;El .re e,d l 3%l InrilwAtitnisa Continiintement arilitate Oleo atffe'r.A. • ~.Collfse, ,On MEAXESDAIti dui,6olw,of.44inet::.,lMeircH I RANA "9;c"n•:71;11.../9,11S9..°,:0:ock;4-114...,Ar .1087 faiititiknie ) `Cbta- he. Board:„ of •• . "4" • • :11 .oCl.,7ofrifl/40,130,,P.tandiyidjpirnTI hold the • afxE.Aniatil Jr • QF, hi Ike trainarl 'Ourch . 4 Atetoe,Ye., 4 20th lickiciocic . A. Di ••J • . ;•); 44,1„jr. ;ANDR2wWitio re iiii y: " • • ; ; • iHRIC • • : 16 1 1 1 0EArrifi r Ot .usT IN M.; ...,.-.13?9•••• • r • ..4; ilropsa. , AMA Xo4'.pro f: dicdoriai tordlathigtgehid Craft )Isktornirretbottaikjn the leteitPreineti tee , We ill eirii*ED t.f.Y,A ll 4 ll . lll TYsVetthe 'gal; !b life . 'OIAET)I4IAIPR: SRA' HAI R , inlpf ,ptiz turwtmle,ndid geffilfron ieogsuibui4tilia itmintifiti: • gpUby. all l c - Lit) c ffo., t auLeitoos), ..• Airithe As kiglieeif*lLLlMMiltilllllllo Gls tholotir Oda tolaekbor.. . • fr; sP?FerrAWirmifii. lists pitradmay ap44B,fie . iid Street); 1.. ...0110 3.; .; • . )s•••.li • .J •. • t% I. . • • r. i r ar t i, • ;„, • : etw I DENTISTRY.—Vr. C. &w ail! 2461Pah BANsetfiti.iroivitikbrazikkaieri.takniatililipiesidesill .feb9-1/ ) IErP I ' :I. - trait 3 . 1... 1 rub rat MIME Wl:•:•EQRREST;•.lo.arpglitettriard!. Jceineri; Jpbbinq.Shog, lbeiwerin SonialSM Sifokilintr CieFl7.44leYi.l 2 4tikklidoortneueSßePair) ll Vie,ak.eitzliert : pietiee and in . „vioficrrilinlike 2 Amasser% tl i tis t rigeldrippeso leis Leave your orders. 111 orders promptly attended fo. yy6. - .2ni • 1.5.?,..497:01 I 103 tf.?,„ •”. 6241'1 41 "; : t '" •11.: 1.10/446/ 1 / 9 8i9:.;1 tFAVI 1 1 4: 4 16 -4 1 4 4 4 kAi44l 49 9":';' •9,;'s 029 fiW • et.P BULIII • ()1 PurBdaY4.o4t 3 01 , .%/ 14 Av-John Mort ratrA. MglP/1 11 R , TsBo~roeitiski#4•44 11 / 4 JACEsozry oih i of Akmstrong onay - • • ,rl3 .01 . 107, .• 1. J.) -it ,;v , WiWGIMISAitsio Ilk. LP/Arno C#BulTt° l tee Vi t h i atA t l an sw2ViLl i #l4, WeSt morel delliiiy; a. . ; '• •, I • ; 44115-71• 4 i4 "I! r•••ti 1 ; Mr: on,t iLaid he inet,;by,;Riti• 8 4:1 1 i nu l p'4 kl: s" IV i, Bs.tifbM', l o ' 11 " int ' l° •• .• • 1 9 ni 7l ( vcr kteasion,lbn'tie eriVng r of 28& r Of titq' Blob/Mika Elidloit;rbeth'df ?tam' • •= • Wha On 'tie sti bacf;;Vy'sey. WniluiveiN,aoe eisted)*(.li&V.A.,,Ot RiiikielgrHinal'auni 1 4 2 Part/rho Ilki.lll::Maitaaierrairaa.ert4o; Pi4bpst,b. fru L:• t try , r; urfi ••u et luto:lSthiilyirelvi r lf."X•pilske Marro g . .E•r,r4o•rrito iSA.tuai E. + Base ~ alio. diazYbCPugtbE Lt( otfT • . Onf#tisr24th ',• ule.;l ibes betide: 08 Ali. TOW B 6 31.4;14 =On, ebb; - Aftv:X o r o A r 'attamni,..Mt• • Thom): WALTZ 314 . 86 • .11 447F -u ; 4 10 11 ? 0 :.. ( 4 , Y1NAttf?. - 11 pitaite r ,alp,r, 'Vi l ishms, T eht f ig, count r y.• . On Thereday, July Bd, by Rev ! . 13: r;ißbikaidi: Mr. :JfipavuOlf cAutvq / to Was Alka s Z,./ 4 1/p7 l ; both Or R6okilad, Vlflalege"OounYy,".Pit: nor.° , o ' O p P. 1 ,6301 1 frY!) YitCPI CI, L'AY:&T' 3 f14111,;m7.• niml a ik 6 .ll.llsQl‘, eIiNRY to :)11•11 .' .. Er ? Ma l 'C11101110: 1 4 OA eitiA4 ' B . i !iy,; Curligriille, Pad 1(.11 o s • lilaz Alreffigitir 'Catiiigq;4 6 ; ) Julvi'siv at ihe:hcitde a that liride'e Rev.?.R/F,:44:4lspin 111YriA t illtft al i fiWAT.B . ON•tal WM! Bi g l ANP EN PiPS t i i hS f + the flOCT. Bl / 1 /2 q t gPlAce• • -. July' Bd, by Rev. M. L. Wortman; • .MrliliTaittit F ,, oR ITOR itoJtMatajalSalroll4f Bl 4, 4)( t)Alle g9TC°V•TivP4iLfibaie •ri•rrii 1030fii fia 1 1•"ArV3.37 • t f ..i'! • .... • , • ..iesitriumriMititriags darialidlilltelik h . is orrat - rzr.tt PlTs4l l 7 o sti i bj, !DIHD4At litiki frbek t opirMinitosasivAdn,,therfilsttaelig egsFab °3ths f r oil fedlk r iNte''),B 4 l l, P , -)Y.SrAng Di :an .. .41y, a ..eespert, agyr:Ar. years, 2 morkths, arid 18 drys 01 RI 9 ft'...! q 8 ( t ' lll. (MI .11MaLlarrglizabetfiI,TpidAlleglien'y Courityp Plq,4F.Airldt: 2 l,ltafi+ atriUgl 4PAAPIlerin-1 1 1 , ; neova i morcthoa.typr„AfFs. P.14611 1 „ , 0fe Afi:"BtfirAliotteer. a IvreallYa" the clett4 of the righteous., •"'°N"z'..9l.l 4VAII u. . .33:1.11 eima a 01 . laßftwln 46.14.410 f. fteri AMET.II - X40 othrt, 0 thrt, (14:0 1 044 3 0UPetibi: el gi t lir e ti 4.t 11 9 / 1 1 6 / 4th399Aiiftg.Pl / 9,10,1A . 2 4 TeSral 4 . • 1 Ail . citix MDR—An 74 8 24 1 48* *ILIAC IDALDWBLISoMonof 7Jolieptlai Viall&lN4P 3 P ll 4tafted#A9nthlißlid g§ •! Naitzt; •Aft agii)r. • , Dttift-ii;4 o Ahr AP Lad 1 2 ' Ofof t lik 141 1 DERWIDRP * 0r L W654.1 OdialtY? , Oh16) (" 1 \ I I fi t ° * . "tief P i' s !Mr. o t -m 4rni Euii/agt• ...A4.noy ta—L---LtrovAiiecA sll.l 1,1 PPP;i'llll#o alithitqflaiPtiteriNßATUßEN4B.l "Ai lt r ed i4o9 ll 4k 9 .448 t 4 afOra dblY l 4‘ 11011 0 it, - . . A ., . a ftlpilll9.ll_oV it, Enier '.4ll - • • l. J. . • .3 e;:, JI fanJixiamtrn . D.ll2iniaMtgcrinfiltei4 ifolst , poirstYJAND% t lijiAtiglif#,.., 4%,110fr! 'of Alexandeii ,Kiltorkantofi 1 si t th-r14,91470y4.1.10..9 ( ,:.1 1 , 149 a gr.'t ,tuti,l.tlUp -, ..i !I !kiting, shaZtihous ilatteitehithig. ;dapper. fin .ttiii i lulasL leder, Mts.:, 'Mimeo celled' totsiello her 1 spirit.to thii4GodnrhaigaveLit. uSlioqrsts szpirahfa Sgr, -ofaliiitty oliuroh,randithliilftheriefatioim of i pie aafsdlweli dmiiiiiii. 1 , ilioNingllrifti) flofaltdhl . a l l ulabilittilarkiditorikghtforrafehiiisikeiiefflirl. 1 .tarm;. I no siiaritier , itel•! Tea . bit iiiviielY Ifgt:' t Elia pasta 'itildatiikiiMilS , iiiir 4 limeriiidaetiiiim! th 4 pilot acts of kindness and eneonititile' "Migii!.. • liiHji , htlier feihridi,loi. Efitlis i taithfuridgeritip - silk a t f 1 ;V ait'e ielsiv lal'aPirn7qAtivi,n, i c ahttit, itil , 1,1.01)& 1 94 ' A I #4 l igli lf rik i iitr4A"ligli? hafetAMeT4 l 2lli %Pi a - Mhor regisi e dfi v iteßVP I„, , e,M4oVigyaiiiiiiiNittirit.?; l ' 3 . l ° 'ffl i gD • -,itorto ill L.I: fLOCACiA EilfiN iivJortfifi 9.i; le. DlEDWOwythalit l l6tili 'aficatui6,ul.B62fmillir: . 4 ,THOMALSEl3lid.9lC, l ipithesOlstogeor 4oftliaatien , . .: treaat iliall)the.eniiiiftiA itilbahilf the-iiii•Verovea crita4 , .. ThiliriivedltimiielOiil4 hue aiiitikillift at r h mil " 7 Heititirrifidit'itith 4 hiin; aii`dlitilidolkie of it -1 11.tnoaotHe iiiiiiiiiii li iiiii inflaaireleta thel a mp did not halidm. His §fiviour stood to' hui ssai f i N i ery s,, f ie tam. v., : . ) ,-. 4 „„ rc ki• . 1 4 t i ii tolltaik, Ili helitli'v;iinriezi ~.),,,, , t al , Ave n der 'the iiiidor ai . a eFpoeu'reewbieh Tie:ligie ?Ouse! iirloni siter;laiiiiiiiilied i eutii c ia l 1 price4filtria 6 4ffiaikhiiitirnltrtitii,` gne ''W t'st s 'Aithi:o &it 'dgi‘lieferi c .hOted? Lilo' Vail' iirtfatl i Sr 418 1 11InelE"Wh i ilifielbilt v tre ' risVet " of heavenwere eo bright that he nrietieL 7T^ 7 M''''" MIR! Elffran Aitf Oti i. •••*• • Sillalf 'P ith •Of 40.:j at ; 4 4 L IYi n 4 • 4 1 . ftF e S: fl . i!thler ls la.A 7. 11 .1 1 "0 wh,o , `vim lelbehia.,~ He **dad to Oeparc. ,And. b e with Christ: • •• ,Kow„4appy thus to ,depaFt. from earth ! Yet itligtho,loye.Christ, shall bQ thu s "F mttp t itTe ja Christ; to disi,,gaili t t! , DIED--On the let Os i y of Su $ 4 1582, after an ilTnies'ef 'five dails, VI:JtEEMIA, of r. C. MlCinetrey, Ruling Elder iii'the church of T ,4111 1 21 P3,..111",hil the 27th leer of her age. , ; Thus *WI ithit'down sitddenly; frotti'vigerone: ;4641°4 *l6i 4 bi c tkiqiie wit; .post ...no hililitind said ' 'hll ti ref,' Von ean Intibitiittere'tfaYlOiiid of la' ge'. circle'o'f friends, overto' sorrow the * .it i iiiss. She made a profession Of:ierligqn',early in life, cad lheVsequel that; : 1 vita i t a enipty'O I fessiOn. itier reli= s • ' ' 4 giort manifest itself s in noisy, ,lard,; power in the soil, tind f ‘ i4citeady s.onterftrlttngS.llit the life. In her • shone with .peculiar beauty:al344eaTPese• The. euelelenP , ,Fag7tßi4r wae , readY. Her lamp an !mr!ling.., Her trust waf fir.l24lV4WlATert ing,te .the : last. .It is...e.x.pysestat rot, strikingly; , itt.kkefivin wiiioh she requested, is . lave kin g , it•ge nhly.o±3d, ; the spring of slimy joys:'.' , . She • seemedEfor &any hears before' b et- release to i! ‘li t eswaiting,t desirons.,to depart. At one •:tirde,i,‘ lfenleetting up as itint4iiihe spirit worldp 'she ." saikrq 0 - hiiw.:briglit 1 , Come, 00me.P..: •touringo t4le, singing '4,l••'the ; hymn; “she 'seetxxed , . t o fill isreetir; intli f ttimitirsi4ng, Ate' itid, N e i e iftei, she saik " I 0( 7 Lough.. I 1 irailigo*Elirliii# lax , T reie siniiiieria,' V' ' efit i'liaii pillow . - • thdii ' f g ayrfty so olieiiiiy. ' itai' . l - , Erik Infter'stliid i loager ; T do'n't kaw whir' it: `i4, - tulleets''' 4,:haiii , 41 . in . !. b .' he r co:m . l4i! ded her VA - 4111'Q* priaii„tiroi isOviainekeePiniGoid, iii i Baditkiiii; : triiiiiiiiiik and faith id fah P atoliiiaikiOl,l4l4 tiliiy"wi t Zi'are very *ear th - * 1 1'14 r eWiiiie thiti l li. Tor ifiti'Ullie . waii 1114 IjPeak ,'-0' • ') - , I %IA ~ . .8 .iii :' 14.. q. • • 40..17'i SP?, Pte . 1 .!.:. L:.......: ~. • V . v -..tv• .`11) ' It ' 1i , 7 4 1 tA i I n g i l kil)°P,P-91" 4 9' t re -1111 l a e' rr l dei 4 hie a'id - * 4 i ' Vii if iii i i iiit ' •L. A to .1);L. R w !fi P. 4 A .i ,;. B .lFae . . grt' T e 4 1/ 4 1 L i !lo ,91I h e r • - Aele9 l ° l r:lA l 3 l4 1.0 6 °P • 01114,PXtiogqtherbifil--th°.3n°Piing of ih; ;recur-' Iteitth , • 11C 7 ' . 1 4 ;DTEIS-LOn lattfriitty,'Nfay 10th, oh 'Long rebind; Allegheny ConntY;4ll..,-i ft ei'll . short ill ',' eeep.Mr: JOIJNAL. 00.1115ELIUS,' in the 25th' To!brePlihial<e-glo - tog Ti c, • ~ Thels'Ojecl.i9cit4 sitov,i, notice was, a. woithy,. meinbilr, :of 1.44 x Pxobbyterian -. church ofi !Long. i Alava. ! tb3 sought:At& ;Lord in the morning .of tlifwancLiitire , gOod , !evidence, that, he htid limn& : hitiitY4/4101/0 ever i amides t , ; an& . retiring, -- ielt , l' lieAt.' elkiiiideulth 'in ' hie :dep 6 !lune n t many.' Of ' f 4 li k oriiiiirsaeilYwhinh.. adorn Mid' beautify the LC IfettiiiirithatactOtl In 'hits %dooth the Ctiui•Ch' himiltitil,4l, iiiiifulithiunber, Ills young assoaititelill hi tineiieialidlTitlid. 'lrtit: eipeoialbi willlki iiiiiilki felt*liiithiiirf-strii3lFOrisfileilde--fiiii4 4. wiolktiiviottisiftAist srairi, livc; xiinir'ineigic' .their as 4 Inks-repent. , Boi . heir . ivielCtiiii °CV WOW; lay'ii6Wil'ol. iiti''Oliiiioklill'o have no. Ilifir i .ii*i3iiiit6iiiio ls 'irtiii Willie iiiii i tietat .. In rikiiiAdith; 614 1 44 E 6g iiiti% iiOrkiii6.l 0 nie qad3, tack*, tiaim iyaiie Verk lion' I: !lir4 4 :' iOril l ,iPete l With . tli ":1 49 ini 1 4.;:'V I 'Will ne r si.4 7 l -- e 4 , e • 1./0 ' Jit•til't " 411 '7 1 6 . 1 9 W B i.t.' '.l..j' .1. ' &Wit ti t t : thee, *or l'Alcii.. :pe,7. 2lFjot..waA ithero.„tin iOiliiiit in A iiiistii .l • tan - lotte in 'oilier iiiicu, , -Ittt•l • . ill!.'' 4' .t: •41 11X iji. ..i,),5 • Ssli &Xt i4l oll§ .ll ,! 4 9 : 0 'e '.kgff e k / 40 1 hg c" . th , „, IsPiTfh A 9 1 0. .iite I #lo l t ,. .`figi't4C?:tilFbil.! 4 ?"l!!`4l. *MN gI,MR9 I ;••W, Aere.lf•iTl l 4l l .l kr * 3 44 ' TrujliAlfiVlWl*NOthAWlf.l9o , oh.PlAct#t ) .103 0., 2 45% Iff ft MEI ATTENTION, ,COMPAN V-. Y !--OLUN e4Pte. :re, tAins.their:hVilth unitriPtlir.ed :dicing th e campaign, must nee - to it' themselves: Do not tr Atitb the Army. ButireakE BatiplYjyotiroolveewith , llol, L9W r AILIC'S PILL 4 AND, „ XAry,!lreish , Knapsack codtalmi 'MAUL Onki 25 cents' per; aix - ' ' , ' • 4 !If; - 421245 • .N . kroiosty; _ r.n.: • ?. f i eZtil lfoszaluar2o/200 gaturn Pml",*mk. , 5. .701 0.. x • _ , • USASIL wool moivnexttliG Dltitl , durable than IltAtil* I lire.ifinio full :fultimitiidii to'edible the psi.) to dew oilin s ary . ' t uck, all on s64Veapie Machine, and wernrut 14 for, theOaliare. isi!ta. • --j;„. II • . b e furnish 0 4. . - . Ail:Bewlpg Machine 11 : etilati, 011, consiantlY•oll '1:: . iiiV4i4 wr..3[4. psrusgrsG,....!um, Puemeser , , • Etesf , Stistained 'College , jrfilliti State -, i . POORTHEN .-TRA.CHRRSl AtteudanceYliek : ~eaitt $1&: Stipgrb brick; buitding4.. Thorough•and eXtenetTe.•4loo.rwor study. TRIRGRAPIIING"and . ORGAN MUSIO FOE.VVZ i'DOLLARS loper term for boarding, •light, & c:'• ;Fall term.„emmener SRpTIINCI3ER 2D.. Send . to the •President , fek• ontilogne: •• • . M. SIMPSON, ;; Prea4ent of; 40&rd'otirrumeet 11.0' a.' 11 • •'..t. . ' 'i. Ef ' D ' G .IN ii I L .. I. , 3 C 'll 0 0 )6 ' .." • „ .u ,, f,.n.f.hat,,.. 51,... , . 1 I' tni.n.linteau,s.pr.t 1.. I 1 ', ' i. ) e :OL P FCVF.aggi* •.4 corl Hindi ' u, Slit, , , _ 1 BEY. JAMBS P. BEMS, A. It., L ..,.._....... .); ri., 1 BEY. THOS: W. EATTELL, A. M., f ''''"P'" ls . 0 Thie Institiatfori, - totTrialeritt 'lBiirrteeigned "to prepare ,1)/sys thoroughly for c ogr Eliso ;tor t at tnisinsiis Hie. The buildings are largo and commodious, va the grounds em bsace mere ,than thlrteen,aorear . Both . oi-tile Prlncilvils A,- , v ti Neti wholeltinie to the, school,'aidedlif - tlis department, re , Isr4n)cticin by,inmpetent teachers./ ;17,4 I a :, •„,,i 'Vii`: 0 nos are resolved at any time and c/riniciL44, o Trcel, , tll,9 , to of rufinillibu. •'•i ~ • ' . • I '•"*".-- • i •• •').) . ppm .7,m-45.011er Sossioo : nrfive,mon . 4 . 1 . 1i,, -. .1 i or Cirtulafs, 6r thrther intormation,:address either oft ,' Torincipads.', dieferenttrtia.siLso ' made.%) thIaISAIS4I3I.OAT:d • " Li t Vi l n iß iT r A ' 0 • '.:, . intz., •r:141:1 . t.. 1 - ', . .4*-byp. Rai. Pi:. gite. l 6ie And aStV.Pr•iiittGai, , Zipiltatsis in ( 1 , the Theotogical i Sent inary, .I . rince.tors, , lir, .9; xsikli4l;tictrfeeiiiAa §earbAa.d'iliAtufacii ai N uitAA 4iit, _lC;44oQUOlnesaiiil,Catt2ll..l HS anti /had: charge /of Awlll cif. lions, Ansi I can safelfsay I hays mover. known any,,onai y id irltisiAldelltfatid 'devotion ttehialonPilir t l'hatat6s/461* - 1 ~.1 kttr e n ' o ccc li: i s good ngtrtgegtelliMini"=:. `I 6of hie. selobitit, ofir..,who exerts 1 iiiiet, *am a' ilaitteila: • ;JI ence. , ~.t , i ~, „, 2 •. , I. •Zil Yni i I".•L..1 •1. IDi ), 'min aware of thd'issponelhility in'spealtinginnaositerms jo csnegnends#orkef A teacher ; but I • adi.seitisfisdltlion,dolng i n thing . be; dmplepatice,to an excellent mon, in, , nslaz m e . , 'I jiiigiewidaVi. haVeherb aihdayeA. , °I ' " -J ' il• ' " I ,? ' lib ' 1 3C' 0 17 ' - oil ei A ':10 3 4 8. 14 113 / gIi:MAILS , 1 3 have great: bonlldense Authesiv.diarsarPi'lEtaighat.'is a-, her, both in his aptness to give iimeructiene his 'sot i . the administration of discipline: . I him_ ,ii` ' tin dens ''u 'n . dor • hie Are, • and trona the most cocain' 001101Takel,111,M ,f ~to,recornmend the, Edsvhill School as ono, *fon& and ..roitiftrinetructlrid. • '", '•'ALEXANDER T: lelin.t.- , 1 .; .17 1 1 ! lo „v. , I' :1 A'l : C , .ti ** ,,, 1. , f ELECT: 014SSICAL'ISCHOOL FOR. • • 4 " • .'11:; ill 1;..1i at:1; l e tp • " Ilf "' \'' '.' 4 : 1 . ' ''': •• Pl 6( 1 fer .NAeliVellf P4 .re4t ; q4,B4o a coullgogi . le ' 2V .. .r MT - •• • .§4. • ' .......,,,..-. :>l'.. t., l „,•'..s'iils emit, -• • t , 'ssi •i)". ,4114 , T : ; 1 : , .: - 41141.6,,5ri.fdt.p ;HA air,a "IA ii icr an rbStal.. • • 4104. 1 41 a 11 11. 1 , 0 61f ug _ p t t h 4 6 2the 6 nt g Th _ M itt tliTi 9l2nr tAN Ad ittoT: ) , ittio• fnCintiefebillidlint Whilds-hising eveij *0 , lids.' • , ottiate tO Abe end ,irsrfiry, ; , TntloOlAlt•A p 1 ,:p . .pc.1t,.....1. 1 4 - 4 1 0. go atCity;achoo),'romolarge and a tegaguy turnuseo, nup,7 , , "b of lonSiLeOtio li tod; Ntlit'OVarythirigl &Initiated to idvsnao A • 4 M a !ji;: t hri F ildit:arP h viiiliii.:ii th i. 244 1. 1I f -tp I ipal • , • • ••••.,V , • s' ;• .• .... n . ' h fi r Mg ' ain i gnalit ' sittiiadsnis i samitl i sinlikleeki 4 f I 1 tehitntlBthl! , il•ir 'Si, t'.tittaill.littp : 0 0 t.:5 , :.. ~,,l, 7 , • ,rja. . ; :Mrs. ,§mitht infers,f prooll i aif. irdip m kt T .iiiiiii..ken c eiien, mo.t. of , - 4 0, or llsiii i .n - h patriina:•.vlz.:•,-ILev.. John , Orpetnina,, Bel: 4Ltif ekill, ID •, ReV• Th° T n B4 . B PP° ol, DtP, :74V. 40 10 0.3frieraAter..W. D. Sinai:di IY.D.;llev. - jainee• PentlaVrll.t.,‘ Aeon- D. R. • fidtrr,.D.D.,, Rev.,...,Wnsi Pre9tnn,.D.lN; g.e•. Aeons 2H A u mtteh.,l/ nokk, D.D., Prauldeint of Westmlnatfr Retire Copilot. ... pr.l3--Send• fbr a Olitidllifl (.`•,i.... •. • tt' 311 vase , : ..!. •+ 1 I • SUNNY SIBEI PEINAWESEMIN ARY; ' 1 :•A UDINIEL WllllliittiND : l3ll 7 ;iPririciptiply • I L 1 .., , 'ri NBW.BIJA6,IO I / 1 01ABIANDr. 004 'OA. -..: ..- !. • .: . 1 C' I c • -'•••.• / .-..!,''' ri *ints,_ . ,..- ... - !:.:-; • i . j. 8 ; • s zIW Bititta rdkve EitrossW, llitrnilingtr tgieS•lor 'liehey': .4 ii tone:ling, lightiAcua . ;..t.tiLlD.C..t.t..i.l.( l 11 140.00 f •tii . .Tuition • •„ . . • - SWO.OO .. "Wide ••`' '' - ' '-' • ' ,'Gall' -' 1 1". ' • 14.60' ' on .. ,[ 'I L lisayring •. • ~' • • ''' !tiiii.44.7.:ia . t,t..a.1....:1;.. •, '2 . 8.00 . ! 1; or Ancient and Modern Languages, Grecian and Oriental, i 1 ,p Ai V s edle-wo . rk, and Vocal Muttle,yeeeste , lol& , , . ~ .canii?eidWdhddinsf.,adeellat 1211 Title/ 1 4i' • .I.VM REV. DANIEL WILLIAM g AI N . A • 4FPNWEN'e fft - 4.47,Mgrendea r i g Establish'ed 1845":•' Perfected 1861. I Mr. HOWE invites attention to 'the importirlOinprover manta which he has recently, spade in hisliswing Machines, which enables them to . do a larger range of work with lee ; machinery, lesibbitie; letiatrciuble, 'and more perfectly then any Machine now before the public., The musing of stitch.th and freaking of 'needles, so common and annoying in other Machines, is entirely, ;done away with: Abe, Thrfitovin UWE. No trouble in making any garment worn by male or female, however delicate Or heavy, with silk, cotton, or linen threads on.the hams, Machine. We use a straight needle, And the stitch is elaitic and - alike on both Sides. ' For Shia Makers, Dress Makers, Tailors, Shoe,Binders, Gaiter Fitters. as well as for every variety of Family Sewing, the Improved flow Machine now stands far in advance of the Machines of the day, and they will be hold at ainnell , leits price 'than any Other Machine capable of doing the game„ range of work in as good a manner. No person should think of purchasing a Sewing Machine without first, seeing , this—the latest and greatest triumph of the original inventor of the. Sewing Persons at a distance pan order a Machine with the Manu facturer's guarantee. that It will 'reach them safely, and prove every way satisfactory, . •.• • , A few responsible Agents are wanted, who find oar terms liberal. Send for descriptive Catalogno of styles end prices, and address the • . . "HOWE SEWING MACHINES," , junamm . 437.33soanwAY, NzwAtoßE. , • SITUATION WANTED ,. .. . , By a Teacher, este:eve* years' experience, • 'competet to teach,the %tastes ,afid Mathematics, as P.ritlCip4,olV As efetant'Teacher in some 'good Academy, Seminary, pry manently established School, Male or female—btibmille terred—with a fixed yearly salary., Good referentscand testimonials will be given Address jan21.40 READING FOR THE ARMY. Soldier's .Camp Libraay. THE AMERICIN IlleTvElol2l l l, • • Ntr*Yoftle, has jut issued a beautiful tibittry, mutilating of TWENTY FIVE VOLUMES,IBmo., inclosed in a box, at the low price of $3.0 ; among which are "General Havelock,"." Cept Hedley Vicara;'l , " Capt. Hammond," "The Blue Flag," " Young Mau from Home." Packages of 8,000 paga'of select Tracts, at $2.00, are pa t tip to accompany.the Library, when deaired. . THE SOLDIER'S POCKET LIBRARY, of twenty-S re 'in flexible covers, containing the Soldier's Text-book, Soldier's Hymns, The ,Soldlers and P- 00 - Jesus, Story of Lucknow, and other appropriate works. The American --Tract Botifity - has famished gratuitously many hundreds .f.tboatiande of pages .of Tracts to the. sal dlefercif PiinasYlVaiila, as Wolf es others. The Mends of the soldiers are availing themselveis of the opportunity of, puttitig into,thcir,hande these most valuable books. • And there are not &WA; tistaikOmi'wliere most happy relulto have. followed the truth they contain. • Books carefully put ap, and forwarded as purchasers may direct: .1 IME3 WE INVITE , THE ATTENTION OF the public to thePAILADELPHLS, • -Honsekeepins? Dry Goods Store, "liters may be tonna a‘li r t . i6 . 43rt . inetit of ill iirride Of Dry EMI 0004 required in furnaing a house, thua paring , th trouble usually experienced in hunting email articles, in, vs. riotirpflicAr•ln' our •attentirietia tide kind of stock, to the exclusion of dross and fancy gocds, waniid giiiiranteeitriui prides arid styies tolie the ribiit ireril• • hie hi the market. ,„ .• 'IN L7iliSie GO 01114, We e d redibo,ti?;gArd peilect eatiesetion, being the Wert tr lablithed - Linen 'Store in the city, and having been for more than twenty-yeara. imolai! importers from some of t ••.t beat manufficturera in Ire:si:id. We offer, also, a large stock of. •• • • 'FL'ANNELS AND' MUSLIMS, of the blurt' quantleaiikftbe ithiathed,-and at the verb loireet prices. Also,Blankos, QuiltsySheetinge, Ticking, Damaak Tabli Clothe, sail NapklnikToliellinge, Table a d Piano Covers, Damask.. and Koreans, Lag. MA . Parra-nit Chintzes "WindOw a t u rF n sP c o &e. JOirti,77.,COWILL 41301 i, . • ' W:ootnefof Cbeelniit and flOveiiils Sts:, .WM I4, • . • ' • Thllmfohohfir. STEUBENVILLE: 'F.EIIII4LE - SEM ARM . . . , . REV. CHAS. C. BETTY,,P.D.,J.L.D., stimAiwriNginivr. PROF. m•' , A• . . . • „. , ' iTbis School Wiaieo in suer4inifild : operation wider the NOS Eltspetiataadenoe for more than thirty 'Tam. It is well abd. •Itnown: - It,wan'tho destgnof its founders to eetaMt iistltistion on Ohtletian; principles, whose nips would be to'gi re noVritily thorough culture to the totalled, bat trie r religion of Wit to .the heart.. In this aim, God has greatly blessed them.," During its entire history Ur favor of the Holy kilrit has ridded upon it. • Stentienville is remaritable for the beauty and healthfulness of its ertuithin"; and is •eaiy s of access from over inaction by thephiojtiver and Railroads.: A large GYmnasiiim his recently been added to its edam tion.apparatuar. K . .. •f• • •• • . •• • • 4 • •ki; Ti . • •1%.;167f/ t f . y li I: • i • ..‘ •"' FoilleNNON'or Flve ontig , mewling' tax. et 1.. 14 if, (8 %. • ,, ,zNovember 1. ~ • : • • 80 024 444:1 61 .104, 4 6-••••••••• • ;. 4 % '' • :$80.06 • ndtion • ... .$l.O to 16.00 : • • • • • .40 Mode, Painting; an,* IKailarn• Languages, extra. I The Charges are` selblelei ihenetnri • OT . the acCmandode -60116 . 6 1 14rded. will; 61b1k0:1 1 %. •d ;From ,ttmee terms q ihnftStkoapflifteen per cent. fa made fdr - the 'diniehtereO6 ILIA InlFfresny pnpila that' are venhhy t eoldiers p tha iormj. • • ; IFor pm applj: to gee Omoolutend - ent or PrinCipal. imat6-8m . ~‘I : : • 904 l k E I S I" IC WiTifiSS• Ivr .I:sf ' . • • • A MONTHLY PUBI;IOATION, o ;• •: L ,E• I .D. , MAC MASTER. u 65:airs gastrulae /bpaniand for this caw ems 1 Welles ,Isesitet ; Mat .1 should bear to nest AIMS the !ruffs: re • 41144 , 1*bis ieltnoises Rii;to.usej''' 7- I .'" - 1• • .(InT .170 a •'•• , •. •. e rb erMt p loWPß oll4 4 l ll l l 111 tY. nett; Sit p n ob, ~to be gall At Messianic Wane*. u r •li1;.? • tt:i t; .• • • ' •• • • 11. is Intended that the title of the wont; on the • worditiffaii 4 Lord which Sibs l have ado aa a legend, shall ioditate character, its, n objects, tad Me • • chief 114. ;Witness in' Chief,;thel Church , with iti .3 ministry, Is thepivinely ordained If twaltor ofthe Oraclaii,of • Gbd ; and theimii (lie Divinely ordahse'd Witness to the &tee sishoe the Pefindert Rstattlisber, and Mead Of his .peculiar Kingdom, the Chirch, and as dead, to the Church, over all shitee, l kinthildhis,'6'sipiies,Xilaitijing provinces, 'rite may so speatr„,;,nay,:over all thinas !iti,beaven, and in, earth, and under the earth; each emits own sphere, and according to rte own proper nature, arid • the -peculiar its own being; ell orstriejtaly related to the Cliurch ; ,and, aG:mado subject to Him wbc, while be Is'Headef the Church, ie alio tlie,PiinCe of *thelKitige of , the earth,. and the Pirst.born, that • is l the Lord, of the whole creation. (Comp. John xviii: .38, 37 ; detif 'B l -`-9;1;BOK. i 26-23 ; till!. it : 51-11; Rev - . I : 5; 0314:15.)_ faithful, end .true.Witnisse, calls upolithe Church - 1h 'general, and upon : ill end singular the members of the Church dixpertiCule r, to unite theft tuftimbny : with hie jest:Lou:my to all truth touching this the subject mat ter tif:their treed:on,: n'obediencir thia'Wl of Lbrdilynons ; ',the great cloud of.witneeses who • havelli.ished . their testimony, and entered into feet apd the Maar °O&M-a:Nile are'' yet Jdeliverinetheir testij l nywe•claito,,thuough,,Tke ...yessiaisie. Lle dhefdominiiiii of theAfesnitta ill'itsiictelaial great. del 11 nuniop,, emliracingohjeeta,,an,d, events, air, inter-ode,' manistei fold; Variiiik and' 'very diversified, the range' a. subjects' treated -in. our proposed, work need tiot,be,narrnw , it, is irsolt Wended %otitis work shall be, pronerliepeaklng, the orisoDp. at tag , arty, or tOrtitlyf.'irren , or iiii)!/aerionditatimitiltifthilJ.: Choreh catholic.; Ntit that. while Christian lux/. epeu kresjer , W riest in rte ' principles, it , ehallbe general late scope,, and w,idtfill lune Qfti RI topics ;. enibracing astfclist,•biblfaidi exegeticaltheological, ecclesiastical, ethical, etbico-pOlitken4 andiiiiikellaileOus; regard belhkodu- ' • s6lll O 2 1 # 1 11. Af4ont4. o .bieet! 'end-pods ,of,;(1sowl Worn. is our purnook that the. predominant. character the: work shall' biGetplicitßrPi mid eljdietic, :rather 'UAW 1 J pOlismical but. hat kr, phel 1 chmuss, as Ahem may eemn,toAtis....4 oodeiofi.,•lig 'Wirth) ofVutli and mbeirdiett freely and Gap. 14111 3 1 4 11 51(vbibillie4t-lons cd-theitimes,:as well as the goer !I principtes and interests which belong alike to alt lungs Xriannementif here tie& ujide to wire froin'ableiiriftre l - 1 contribniiiimui to, its,mes artprofirP4w ittabitveo,tel:tis. jecti.'"Within certain limits not inconsistent wit h mese, wtdohtheieditor skidtbe thejtidike,'sottici diverdiellbfl ea subjects which , are not, of AO nor of Fait i sere, viii •bb t alloiied';' eaideiirltdr heftier , sakitle . or We • whichwesidese i tn egeagtional oasumbesditorielievT) deal veaSo.,p; will appear over his initials,. the editor reeponsible only for their publication. ' l"' ! • 'IL* '•••••••.• IThemork will be published m00pa1y., 1 r1344/4„gproberAgl conlein 'forty-etelit'pages, crown . octavo; of which the Iftat f7tYiliages.will: be oconpiedityine:pririeW attic] aa, ft/ling .'! In laagth fropa about toar,pagrtQ . tvlyeer,firiasteon ; • lep.vihg about eibt pikes flitMbnorartielee,lncluding snort not 0". IsttottlwilPublxGelidtfly afAtttoz4o l 7 view .9111pubite affitra, ecc Was Cal and political, at home and abroad, lit eia'rjsintellikkitietetaio Ji ex -Thewonlywillbe,wellprinloptin,enugl Rlonvqnifi °AVIA* paper. and the whole metbatitaia edeetition'triU be nonagon, is a 7, v i tt l e,% t 'l'L rinri;L e f ri l clll37l ixte op ti f lli‘ firrl e e = l r i an ftd e itg e e , ,C.! -• , • A ab.e.first n,tupber wißle issued* 54 :! 0 4 1 4 , , iii 2ll4 l / 11 $ / 1) ber'orpbbeirtbe • iii tibial - be obtained to f ger ;41 IRVIpa, t; that th'e public/dim willrbe4elAlitietai 'SW I • alatie The subscripton rprice; of, the, first volume . WIN/ /7.t? on del)iefri oetle ffret number. • - • Jo bp s peop i 'Person - 4 l. ppm obtain Illaheoriberistare a hit Of - the named!, with their, post-offlovg. addle ' UltOd , tosyat~j' nOiteCtly . wzittoit,' , tiy nail; at • tiii l 6itrly . lc f:11.1 • ty; dire•mr op" 2t, ~ • • . qy. • , is -Okrint../‘ 'STEPt THE . efizgla :81AG!1i.11.14kr;46-110 t0n....3,. !The 9fictoetiopo eimfoirliedikiitte DAIWA t igski . riv ii i,_A r . , c " B*Pulent . ' Zwiltt% A ' NtottWllo ll s,l 18,1 t 3 / 4 32.` Thl to 1 ./ .. of high- phwer yr „,,,, whloh• 14 0.U4 851 *lb : 61131" "IL : . . and -thinalota ; r e, u toy wed hy Pvert SL 4 ii .leLl,, chuareu: 00 074 4.9 Two Dcilfant; it he Withl.." '''''''...., ''.l Of all in the . ty, and should be fill,P36,tabieeßftev , 4 1 7faialty. t •t lb,: bit -,o .' Tit•te . l*ifitifut anll °i•namel ' lie inetrtiment hinders the' blood,ints,ltelld milke •g i6l i a lf , ':4l,Cfid ,Stiniar '4oellstriW *Veil ,im ' t , the itaiwa,lq9ko'gflAtilr , water,,tlistinettl9N4hl4.- ithoya l' the iiithdler . s4Hict 9 n '' . .itr;' the 6'ionlatidd4r`thii blooa id thooteb 009 phlglitiyt„ ,Jt t•iind,i4opensfufmor r i ntitia " 4 citation to the•Nopxy fn vine aatoniahed behoder , trbero :the , tiinialftiatfrolitit rice , her; „ A y. se . i . a t . , fttreham 0 eouree,9e, how? amut :taant 'and inlacunidan ,to •iiyat9Laini:/ eepiecfallY tolha you}lg . e . .. - q - = 'A Mit at Ple , wht toVfiiend:or chitdfilip uninitthadWd Wiwi ..3: l 9gltikhA,. ..nif x octlve t amttilt,g mud gyrn 4.,itir , There is tiontnA r zrA zu I n li m i e ma thi v ii guit ~ . 1.20,...v1 b er i 1y . ~ 1 0,2 2.... `l4 7 7.lincg.t 1:11=1 and. i i i hrid s .,t ,'', ~,, 1.57=71 • ,P., .. :,i',......1 d i 11,L.,.; ;4 , • 1 11 %P l it n 41gY1 1 9P 11 1 4 ! aPY a t i4ra t i ;%PrifLi 1 e tt .r • LurrT:r gritioantr'S: bA r virelet '' 0 2t 99 Wood Street, Pittehtrre• • A FILIENDi Lock-ltox No. 104; . P1tteburgh P. 0 „•, , .. Z. N. TS:ISBELL, Agent, Nn. p2O Illheutnnt Fftypat. EDITED BY 23 II !331