A P:T.T Y. 3 M SI rtSbttU=:- ..? '"Ma. „. -ovelerrsav PIZIMIM II ,44Tuanr , . 19=3461. i' , ReqUesto--Seakurf. Pfticti likeffq ligatrAo.at .Rer. s tielose As . 4 Dams? . andoltiff; trough' the Banner. . 1 2 JFET I t e r r ,P ilqP rait 'Y' —trh9 r .13iitalggue of llii/4 8 e..%5419$ 4cor 00 1 ,4fiow011n atten4- ancer.of , lo.2l , students, 'daring some•porthin OfattvOar. • !The , riveregeiime, unde r stand, faliffaitort of 100. e'lerge: ie terea46lsoiiid4tfe•tire treetli :gietified.tolpd Vlttaiffigfielifil4yisioteptQineeran . 4 .. .. • • ,•;••• • . , ; t qM i fl a • •r t fb A ritl 9l s ' 9 1r 1 51 ,.. 13 ? 1 in n i r tt0i. ( 4 1 .119 Tbe ((PrlrgaiitilM. now ~an al!le ootps7rofLlAnintteaso in• iteißresidant and PreteesdreilqfPkrenta -theyiiihrely , send thitir tibitiqlp il.dwlt_h 4 idiite!isi3):l ). first-ia l te . ,ediiitition . 1 19.1 1 ,41/4#1ff'204,1 - os'.) tp 7 . 1e0 • list slir ti ot ifi g h te-m m , :e m p.s iy irrif v , stito „ F 7 r ughimr.firespeoted .body toft ministers land elders has been tdift n 1666)146h potibeliy. &W u the'. 3 6aiti:id c Ohlirchitp .taw( Jr' • p " astor ; and ilp e resity j img, no small ,4455 fr AftXteklifigherilapht ji,ttle, pore Om it desdreee. tit Sotto birnoted;that tlie hSemo rilitatildidlikotask to be -relici , iitd of' tbeii p4aim, Nit:6*as a'majoriiy of nearly 5 , .r., - •• tyffil t ho ?AO? IR* R o g i sl ati 9 l 4 who claimed their right„tosetain i; that this major ityvdeglarecirthatoff hes left , the church they loot NNW' hint r stinotlj and stioitifiatritiiiiia . and d6iied"ii iirl, t )i ) li a l i Ptqrr e, lo l l l l6 lP. vi ltaT ua rt ; ati.t especially is it 'to' te - rto ;that ittiThiiiiiit4liketireiisl3l ( 444 l 9l i*difit ) l l 2B a if 011 t. I 1 , 11. StiMcf.l,l9W!Zte wieMpyigeA!noPKal:?3' both sittriiamuiimionlyof Thai: t)eae 4things- .do natidino3hr opidionijtistirroLp.itteriihicir itibyttiVeWiltint4ll6,Slicitilit'he 'taken' inter Elif?agingiNkft v 3itti m igg Otit t stRCI,•- •:••31.., 7 'D.) titZ,l*, 1. • ill t • I.d,cl4CriCk •••••••S'..);*A•A ii,Ak/terglEi(alleggion Oat the ,Rresbyter,t. stesisinne•Dr. l PLUMMY. iv 'hist (tonne, it' jiff utterly wrong. The, faeMberi•atiy-,* . linati r i= l mo t ttily!f ilieth:44 • odor himselfti .Ceited ) 4 t p oW4JAra!,l B ,a" e?!l7!op,n '" wholl y, with4eatasxonse r and e diseppratelyt.winke4;l.- that 1 6 it (Wolk! dutypai elirt 4 titi l aria, to s'eakftel'oireitiir i ow;"lifia gat; :Cr0.;••.:4., 1 9.10 tPcslutl ... tqTElbit allotdar.lajo-condiissting the :dovotions.of the seneinely, pray' earnestlP ''God;' , "lhil: { We"iulty sustain lotir -. 42}l:iteeinti'entr ,54.4. 1 mu -te a :l4ou .. 40 " rm .: I . e . 1 k 9:,. in it as trate`tiiglie l ;i6a of our ' eiieniWo labei On ,; our first 'page, :the resolutions addpieil.withl a hearty good' will, and with so far from' ,the *.9 8 01i 3 V P4PAPISIAT su d AV4 - PlAtidallY. • :it: • ttd n ',; I~ y~ ~~: ;~~~, -clui . .hoid%fialt•beiai lately , calling' ai nn id~ditl` nuiribel l 'OF is MAP.novbi:` to :r. attune. u 7: t it el ot , 9o: • T ITA 11 ":91 111 4 3 4 ASOFA. his;i his fight Is hence perf ect, aid=4,imit iimis4emoietheidistodsatisfsirik htborersA.: " .0 1 4,-)akspzi n p all I 14)&igliRe nferboKlis'gpool whittaisxmii ;milmcpf ak e dd ili ddim erst ;. , • 1 (it ei .43; "16100. 9 0136* 1 111; giu%Via . • ac e ; 1 1,1‘ 3 1 191 409Y4104 : . hill 4 coo tzwtpktyplokt and( ex pommel:, -:Heilifis ,a,yozmos lila!, still 'lot 'be of nitihyt bilroiriv.- ittoi `s,f• t i •• _ Ls . 0: .: . , . / : :, ( IPl4tiguXo l ;.,K lll 4 4 o, l lf, ,t4O city, July 7th, of typhoidAvetorttioh he 1014'imeireoted - Ithileion Mrisitt64he . , ..TOPriiiis* his 428 *le . iriblUirestesmed him 21,1 1 14 :1 .1... .. , •4011.ti1. , %Alt kW 6311SINI!it3CEt:Zlif., • iffultir. 41 , ADD.f, ow* . honk:it .Italiewell; D~alto in4funat 18 RO, , an itedtari th , the church there, when about fifteen years of aglow rffje httentien , was early , called.: to the , Qospel, D ministry, , and , he filially, aban doned. owneaß4ilo life.4o, en ter; upon a course of preparation for its duties,mHe gr,aduated at o ßowdoim , ,Qollege-, in the.olaas of .18.4.1., and Ltheel n :4he ,Seminary -at: 134Ager,,Xaine. :Re Alen., tOok,; charge of thcreet, i nhnrchem g Snsiriebanna, Cotuatyp Pri o rollio;)gentoviog.strona , ,thamipkamisk Pe)phia t i i ,,fffif married , t the .claushter. of D the f latt Dr. l llOBE, of Silva tliakeitirrni-. syjimiia,.who r withihis,only.ielAblvilreepd, edt A/ goxkle years : ioto xiternalmrorla, 4fri LAPP,,had boetiiyiao9r ,of the Penn ehnrgh :for arlYziberrOf years... He labored injtWati i eld.witbaseitt fidelity and .pati epee,. en4o‘ovtti,sing-,maaly i llifficulties) and gladly • shoirAng*Oforbßililifor the, sake of ,the terests b ofAhe Chnrah, and,desiring-Inotking moto w thfilkit,oiheomouessfnl in"winning 80 110.49 R ObTist , ,f Re.wsa.a good . rnan-- , ;i)f ougt4ata u infellept,r 7 humhlep,devitut,, andi conscientious ; ).n ;r the-, diseharge • : of All , his duties, Jae lwas a :member , of, lieyeral 'of this,japards,af AO Clauroh, andr was always prop t 4 his attvaance at ,theipmeetingsji ansj .seflonsin,his,suptior4,of all their:plans. L dp,fftotoill. ~his„.tost illness his, heart, andlilliat `6TTP, imptai,9 ;.porfitoti pemo, and, he died in the triumphs of faith:,,,He has faljmoghile e ,,yetl io, 1,14 ,fellow, of. his atrOiols,,, toitAte :has done •Nrell the. Work' assigniedAo hina;ilind we trnstlhe has en terecialotofrest."-,tb. •t. . . . 11,61 , ,` , ',T01ng ''NFelitafti of -Tiffin, Ohio; died , of . ' £ytitt::nid''faVer-,", slime 24th. The Fliiyiei.';ays oij4; 4 ' ''' ' ...41, Wir t 4llol.lAM : WRB , I:IOEXMeatjACOMiIIg. bltTith Fayeitte,,,,Qounty, Ohio, paid at. the tiuMa.deathibgd- otophitedothe; 38th yeeir,4,l6ltme", ' Whim about pitibkoodie ma4st Nrofessiori of religion itk , thelohnreb , of f.Wuth lialion c , After a preparatory Sea.. deiziW ). 4343xilraa, -IA studied theology : with Dr. ° i Qiifilmnitg,agid his uncle—Reg.! 11. 6. • F l 4 l,l 44 l KeirraPd afio,.io.idtte , timepliosimi ed 9:iy . ANA cAilliwtho2. Presbytery. A:fter pripkihing A j'eikr, or, ,twg to, the ohnrch..of Nerys ',X ark at, Iv,i thin, ' , the .' , bounds ~ of thin! PreWhory, be!tiajnaferred( his 'relation tti theialOytorall of 1. , M4 11 4) 1 -an a l, ~_pr eaalteo) sona, - PP, to tbetOhttrOeffi Of I,Chatleeton, and' At &V o_nY: siailki listiPagorail 'Aare L Watt . 1 0. 4 46044 , OW 4)4 .4fi Tiffin. City, in emyleximi c sfitll)dothohonville i ,in.,Beopoa Coiinty. In all these plao*Ood'lwo him , seals of hia-min Aani—all bear him wittiest,; thatthrive - an I earnesti i•diligen%! _ . ", ng,iniglaterfol•Chriet.i l 3 lin .riVi a; .In `'- ' :T. - mamas umei tyoi :a mill is: 1 MEI •IA • 7 lit.. t; • eind'ior theirdo,lis iiiiia efhlkilt-Miniiherii in 1 triti l liattrietl42, 6 diii i niii I Ci l i4 iT o f m n i o \p i X g S i flat l : ii wh(l tl4lY, w ar: el k4 ° iA. 6i rlWhg-K z 29? .1- ' A3o3 o tOke% lcinel.boaett Vitheit ~ 4 matrix.... lithe B,l2B**!was , : notleatitifaittirq. now wrote i again nd • # lll'' ififi ' Wtsitiiii *a : 44044! A Afilil'ei.iiie lio l EfliVihg7 , tt rtir.t ~..a 1! it, , ,,:, ,• .. ii t; Ir. ,), ~„ „, agrt f ,r°l:z ;Ur lARTES.Pi.h, alkri• *T. ) tisn'iiecknnkisl4.fsi; an4 : eyiden s tiy evasive,: .• they,..wrotit. awfonrth :lethisr,! and' some , 'of <t teitikuated" tti:miikt? s:fifilisinia ....: ; r • , W10 l 1" ' • .. o i T 1.14. . ,, Mr rl Ii i fi pi .`“esei t .. S 4 :z ticn, t iaitiihiaitiia l lo't t 4etiA'te§ then DrlfPfulliz° , SVlP l2 7tit* . ug t# 3ll i , grieytpss.opsd,agdn athine o . lie • point . was this :c47/4 egahraireciftheirfputor to lead . tliile f t” ' ' ebiitig#4,:praier' to god` jc for his . ileii co i 14 26 da'bovnjetil ,in' ;forts . :i f ; •. iiif . :. *FM 16A '.:Frsgir+K. 2l 4. l P Vicfniglgiviqg L ewftlni IkgtrlSPit. igiegOrys , 1.0- OW I ptre : This ~h 4) Id DE- not, APIWIPOIFiD . tcortio:r.4 (• ; ?•';• 144 ~4:.1,•..b....,..,C4: I 1 -' l l iftfrt• • .4 , : The iitatar its. hittilet t rx. umitistd, Li • 0 .15ii. , ....i. usil .1,....; , i.: q .. 4 .....„ , ~ ..,,,,. ..?„ his 0 9ggrfgati,P4 . ..iP.,10S.. .. ;4.i; e VT901390.r. „jug& cfiiß.resbytery, onsburilrat • ohuFoiii'atilmrornainuliti4oio 'of 1 to ••41 tan-ri tkt t erTf;mauls J • p A 'a :: 8 4 d * Ai§ F;R f e§4 ol . A 1 . 3 4,g A ifejlf.”- I • aOpointee. ofp•the General assernbly,gazid; °Sul' iliodbeWitpy flits 9 Out* 'till 'Ili& seint;4si' ineetiepilllnY '1 1 86/f, If Ile *ill' t a?..1401 !Ju V . 3.5.p10at 130 ?ft l t4lll, Ofire I tC 3f t It is difftenl6 solinTruaintalcißigiyienithi e:438813 that Miters iii , i44utiteitltnstihetplciii.tiw:' ,;i i , ). • Y. 9..; Ter tffifitriNsl r 4 F/Li9At lefturs carefully , i lnitAqu ,Anfizue4 !self l heardtallihis siteechereatithe item 11.mi:spirit talkie Presbynityr act" still '-'oll* l 3K94 l.o ,misit.itte:499l3tor. , op me ii e wo blidP 00fitie; eatisfi our sdar sufficient;'llecatute Ife are 6 73 , :repecp.algrAl l wAn i t °,9 l Wil t ialai . L Pt a." . ". aiPaPa i thatrAP.Ma n gla VIVOWA O4 ** I 9 9I V /.5 .11. 71111. 5 . REV. DR. HONER BEFORE di 800,. , UMTI. i The difficulties in the it antra church -.. t ) Allegheny City, lyre, lk i. t ght 4 4 . e • setip ments of Dr. PLUMER prominently before the community. His congregation has been greatly.tatoublek 11114 'is notv 'divided. The i Doctoria Alp i tttattn 'bas bleu rdeeply affected' by . hls• sentiments- and. course of tic - lion. libr Preallytnty - harsuffered;ltithr public regard; for permitgug, him term:coin in' . a pastoinl• charge ; und‘the , Theologibal i S . e 4 tnitilary is likel,fterOiViittiniligild'bothl f11a4 1. -All I :Pti4fiiiii;',l l l 43 ',..h.iilik i lliaidli•Aq i , .. irofeasorabip. . ;he 4404 1 kAk 404, for mouths, , in I t pe church) an ,..d.w- h!le, , p_ i aif ter anCP° o olk9lAgqr Ofiku7S f99?ff 4, tliP; aelves,,9le,newspapkrs save themmo pub, liCity: i 1 Sug•wbeitlheiippeal was finade' to l'iob - Y i teliy i n t ibiliiiir liniiiiiiii w tddlt a i l{ , 1 . ik / t .145% . 9 .U 1 4 1 ) 2 1i. .2.• .? 4 i:IJ .iii •}., Ulf 111 inatter up, pao ) uow it ,•g4F.,so Tu cia n 0.,„, .,„, f t , li,l l st, .. li ,I, ~ thriet Yl th#44•4Ie3PPIQUPAIVIIABPP°WIY in . referends 'tiixtbAdinxbenedareliginnsi in toast; tbb' Setniiiiiry, ! alit taboine t 0.11164 nviali7u stia 9 ,oll e:11 tO )3u I' l aßtsAistikiftPfnucigMfASiialfr...pt,il a,114 tisincib . only ad-1i bid his ter) and : e pastor 1 hdetiolii) with"'lli:"Xtususat, Trise, intehtili k - te ••• i' "'se • • • '-t*:l tAtl Mal AO 1.'.1191') I greai : : ti ß e : g ff ° SR 1 3P- , Par FM& tatiopAn4,3lB4.3tubleelkii alirofessor he effects rue • fir.' Diarilxleiiply itOd ,extenz. Therei i )te 'belts fseiiiiinisAli!t'reti2 i'esentativ't; ,''He 'is' th'efet' s', meted servant ~of the, Church . lu;d by, her sustained) and hono_red, 4 She entr.usts) him with a ) position of greatinfluetioe in s the eilifaatieli of 14i."soi'isi.'1*boiii 'Oh m '44 j .,. 6, k . .11(1 1 1 4 e.44P8 .of,The,:mos,l:9aeoioo yews .LOf 'eharaeteils . formatiireLperitid . ) these ohosenArtuipjmori ind' toe P leitii l ,llBrih by some ' fifty t 9 , .) • Jur:: - i'trf!*,,.p,,llMAll Fuleii%°,lgoOTlAMl tionif audifeoeiosinitioisiAssedablies. •He eihsi.9iiimpitinciphiptoi . the inierpretition: of SoliOtake; fiiiiihe 4 ,qatei*iiiini"Of 1440 an'elnintai Vipp7 W):11C ; in an ITaP.CFt. 4I 4A r 4ogreth ,vkin. owns sentiments aud.,feelingtaqf .4 , 03 .1 ; • ;41: I ...Now, is Dr. PLUMER the • mean who shoul d Jp is ,~pgi ion . •• o loggAgegfrd. PS l ,l3aO OilPhi.44l he' skill snob? I lie itoiVa•repreSentative-pf4'reibyterian eetititheit' tolit'qu'esii one; cif fbre ideerieit irol .1 : 1 1. • sot, ,f;tk ni tarlght7, • oar • ,yonng, ejf men, 0,1,041144, 'his • vieyris r aad(driok 7 .i4 h ilt siiikitoliilt-tim ,be thedininielter's whom , we wisk:to ., ooou i pir our "0104- taint! be :e'er& thCoheaki ••• •• n •1 O ide P .41 11 , 4/19 3 I W ati Y l i g * .11 - 11 1 ' t i• 'to loyggtmtte.„ i p,very contrite: Off „flz, thp Seminal:3; and ; every . man Itbtbbie f ox,sen•lo, send; Ithese,•sind ;every minister! and' Oiler; mid'' tolinnie,aict4nt; dtitliard, addihr; : is lrofessorfs tkantainenta and. feelikga • 45r,”PLusisieit piety hai~e ' nb `been itnigngdned ''.4eid Nisi ba t. AT- e 4 I try .F.iftv,.,..fmeweol.. km eminent. 'IRAs his4ayalty.to the Ow erument likootntryi and kioptineiplea oP,intetpleilikt . important , 3. V . . * 1 : 1'1 , 4 ! 0. 1 4 '9.11. 0f ~Qn6t. 'twee. an* peak* tinithef gbt. timid dial onl*' o. pantor ,in the ' land more lov,:eelin"(l' eoAficti i ii . 1.,1, vs. tisT.V it 11; 11 / 1 1 10°11! e i , Ae e R e- 9 1 90: Ph9se.i wiackAftelltezd becaine.qn*lritiAbytoe Presbytery . I.'WhenuVie; Soutti:;reeoeiledi took , ehia"hrook V l ;; 4' # lll if i A t # l *?Ni lli tAi li ff 10i 1 48,, 00af.0 0 tlf 1 440) Oft conntty; RLIJAJEFb Was easpented.:of. being is sympathy.: with the niisV9thene P6Mial)*fiolencle ' ivaa iliiiM 4 lA(lll; 1 1nrlitt . thlToB..tOpi*: 7: •-1 peoplelan n i 01,.1,br. 9rTs, siklned-f:t4:0;:.4441 e ph Nl9Yalty, 44d sltietdedthim.!reindsnger:,: Ai3 time paesed on; however; itgloeoamew *Mee of friiniirks in the eingrdetieh r i:th!ii their V,il l 4.o t f, : e °R/Ytqo.ioo.*** 11 Y of tke,040471'i1) 1 0.94at 1 4o: 41 14:70k Pxilyqui, ditt,other. Their jrnertiinge tot desire, for the suppression of the rebelliti' ~~! - le sky be aidehere, thil•tii"kh 4 il j ail 'mayl V I I: I 1 Z .14 2 (11_• :4.11 A ii9l. J l L.) b nni..11 , : -i1 i ~ n°s " gi ', s° IV %Fern .he:may i Yet, P,9OIPT A. 9 ;44 zghlSWilltigi .11a ligofigil ,Profeettor in a Theological,Semiaary. , i Wei think not. His inittence nptini hili4mipils' ' mast' nebesSarilrbef tiormfftiligi !add 'lift( eit p plitions I lif i Sidittnie l niiisi c 'be'gthi. tiler fecti'46' Oralaeons • " .4: Verl iba-n t 'ito e ; LI , , , ~,,,,, 1.1 ~, ,; , il 71),T1P.) -- - 1 Ttic'n 'of cui9d l3,( WOrd - 4,looeared with:jai. , etructions aboutvoveranientvits princliprony 'and dabs, the' duties lef trublipidlind tikiile. l . , i J o., lic ~" r' r .Itc rt ..., EV The Eit* +A 5t,11.7, ttdem‘rael i lffln, land' tlitlY , Alke P l ifisSe CA: 4 43u4A14, 1 14 2 iiy1 land,•d„ them not,. so . f hear the,, sword,4 in( vtdnc lLiThey affix the-penalty oPdeathilbi 'theNiillftil Biadaiiiiw , uuncien bw,4l: -.1 . , ; kr vil . ,*a 4 r ev*:ikiii t i'Etiotliek viilll re ; -. 1 11 , ~,,,,,,„ „„,.n r ,,.• • _ _ .. _ r re 1 . 1 ',. e will A I PP- :fiviP , 9l4? tiMilklet" niknie-blozcVbli Man shall ids blood be shed.!! iffikactoordadoe withethil law we itaie Biotin Miti-udte 7 prOlob4:. Add lin alfirmairce 'of !Ore riAhlgiliti.filittion ifilie4tanid6; irrt ) ..t.,,. ( 11.• 4,..- .l - f s ; ,, , - A 1 , haTeltM Mlle.? "r g ll l l 9lr : f 4 thoy , A ai . J . 1 i thit,t4eAie I sworit , ah ippiak with) the: sword." Such Scriptural teachings.sof !theSti;ltlie'Prciferkor a *Watliglittly ea` t una 161/141 Atiliille • *•' ' n: T it 1 • , '1 I mtg. c• , , mg „, ~ , s ece ,y)elmi - ; A APlkTeJlillidlAhatt,PE- $74 172 4 3 R ifi but ' PPO- Pil fill'e RrOfeaßoxsOuld ,tratithe -Pother( four , mu osurely.teep Ale stitdeilttolightd tug' *lin I Winhd” iiVetittei tivtlaCe‘l ' w'h'ew It o• tp li [ iti o fa . ci iti ttUß i g i cv4 . l4,i a • c o 4 0n,,....7,-07, ~,,, ,o..„) ~t, „,..rr-,,.,„ne _/"Plageoll9r ' ll o o lbit'oluickwirithat , he Was3a, •UlsiTerealbit ? frhe,wisensanfsays z " Cesee 7 'my son, to hear theinstrietion•that cause& `t o err !, , , i. • t!'!997::l 1. , 'flu ,JJ ill 10 5.1 Ii Vuiy 'also be s f aid "dial tgok;viillOnF,e hk, e tk eg f rpfessor', s .I,le,ntituemts„san,gp, else. ;Where.i...,This iwauldrdo,aigitheflinettrtution ;iviee Flint° andip'ersbital.vil But the Allet ihiliy Sihnitha4fi? roviviga l 0 the'Chiireh.' } th:C'PkitistA t ite 4 i l t r'4 'en i alzsed ii#124u 1 4.0 II; , at, fp , tl.A., , ,Sti 3. t3l * 1 0 JII h.l .AA 1.1 1 I an ttPatifia. Ole CRAPTP4.GiTlieriaXeiritellge lboundc, toducuicatel tlne.sentinientakefathb; 1 ‘,Churoliry (MAI cinlycleir Wiithigiffe.'lli4 l' 1. , brow ir pi k icgina id a j ai ti i. es , ,,p A rili 4 im : .. • ot wr.ith 7 011 3 11 -We S l :li r:ter f 440 , 51 I ' 68130e8 selquients ? it dazytoh ittgbutfdi :if; s 43 ll9 l l4 l ,PreiPtlioe. . Witi.werg alficougl lone,possessedlinl hisifavonw Itiwasithis Silt labedtsd -lettersP , atid sileethieli witiehl 1)1'01 ' 'thpintgui l aine iofVigar i. glY4 l iii&iiiri l. i ) ' l's • r .141 ow '4' . 4 ft. Li LefUl ~ )1 num cit 1 ilists,also. 0f,44 4, Jyn l opkurstk„, wer,gihni dt., VI t 5 eft astlll 5.,. a SI I tin i 0 1. 1,3 •c i l aßc i ftkingl l „A V (Weal' itAiniXerkt al*Ro) I h 111 , 1434 3' obangedli theirs( misidet Ito. I *as , LtlieNDoetees'ioAftileitihifiie IlfliiiVaillf; . 114 4407 ' P elieVe 0 .3g)trAbliiilll43re iiff ell C.Apinfinlf r 4101.80 pie lot: the mkunttets of, IPreshytenr, all ,cf whorehwere grievedzbY) itheiconiictions forced ttiooti•ithdtit.: 6 t i•I 3 ( Bala' 'the 'Prditsllfevithillailiiikk l , • still Ai% i i i ire"iiii' kitiikeil" iiiir hg k lot lit c i 1u1,,,, , , , -...1i L• 11 . ,: 1, )10p ). " F r P l er i ? Wi w i "A PGPIP for,thq,SP!n- , iParyg'a3olinzregitaltbihisi km% reputation, I in l cititultientio'ifoi ttOodif emit ins- tight? i I 'tl *F 1 PRESBYT ‘ f(tate :, :st ucidl ~,.f . ! cvery 9, ic .i ' , O t . his . , , i s 'brethren di3Aire no t. _, . ' . V.., " I L'r.itLuatEß ,ma / 1.,. -ti , 4 0 th e - ) t ~,,„ ~.. Government—he neither speaks no acts against it, and he pays his 't'axes,Aof Re also . affirms that he is .a Union_anani. * stria aniotrAnently so.) i llelialrall the States to.bl4 , 4lt t ed alder one Gdvaln -mcituty and the-Gorretitutiort-to-he—k-eirt;hy alj.iuvOl ate ; and the, i peuplg.,. ,to , loye.,,epedA, utker, dwellbig n in„lucrpiouytud peaty? :Pe desirea• the/ looularriO heitarit4inervietti ten iniCur 'aglY;d IteliiiigotiraYr t flici'ilie -.,-1•• --li. itArif tn.; .1.rn:.1.1 7 v :946 5 gad snoop= 'or our arms, nor gin ,foc ~.. , ...11) 4;) ..• •-1*:: , f; LIG L .iLI Li • J ...ti 9 ,0 . 1749 t cT ie ft , 4 2, 9aPV.,493 3 .4 4 4.0 1 P-044. 1 Pr../01 1 PiPAtteelealionationis c rather, ; than i fraternal reeliggs:; Lianal. cum ha , ile fOoernadtitiPloilei o'o 6 / 1 3 1 acid ; bicartlistik cifi ii've l liViii l yirikeil these'ste4ii" .1 Ihe i. of 1 14i to . t e w..:t , i ”, 1 1.1ro ,:i R I AB I NWT,IIfBAtTfi ~D1 ) 1R; It itt miry)** do oot belinvu! diet{ the ;Doctor ia Ili UnituLtowc ,in the funnroil a aptatio 1 ' zi ' e." ''' I ' ' "ri of • thiPilene.'iliti trillUilienil) it" 'ghat' qii • -,40 ~,;,:i c k.ws. •,.i 1 1 , , ervrr., ?, r: iv .. , f il rf .vEl to Iffit_,. 9.TRiwts ., , !+!?!.} 141 , 5Y?f 3 ;Ha Unionism, ifc.wtdph•Aouthem,' e balli ale' and.lntoto that 'in whielotheq:l6oplepdetading by arinkforititof Vet* alcootielliFliiiiiincilil. 6s t b illicvtlig r itdOilligritUri * oftife l l6k. u ' l 3 it;il ~ n(.li friOJR.l7 :lit I ,I.IIIJ 1.141 ,,, 1 f :11 7 4 . P11 ) ) 1 1 : 1*W a t Ifill'4% AciPpon Pfaff 6 40 - orpgl i tt, ) ,,,.ge . saya.,tho thought thatchW is not loyal; iiscan linferendi. u I Bei ireftisesc#3 Iptis, Tort oninionitbuthP4SliiViinfitit%iiefiftirig diNviii r il i ceifilielliki l gilt7ledinips"Vi; it Okr; ' • •tle •It' ,l ll' <1 ka°, -.111.1, 'lx, t el1).111n , e, ~a9n i9N r 'efil ) " n 1 4;9041 TtAlhlYTOlg 4 ; charging ' knit mith,beittgaisioyipallevb„ , • ject4.twaii aplilinatbsty hill • hi's' tattanibtflth7O Savinnits*riliga RE thaViiii•ifloercii 2i4 is a / 44iiiiitilie I .l"quid!Wrinirit4,Wei l ea;;•l .u. 7 0 xvrit .:EuitkOil4 90W to ..ti a • ; v' .j, ~ i ' 3 li J t_4 o. , e .ei h j a o:r 1 18 b l iele. a fig i W i t it ii PAtl i A I. 3 1 7P 4 1 37 .1 0 Weil ;itkitvrOi3 !.Pity llifo 'Atte. .4)TiaR• :livoi ig,eitizerifnObehrist l / 4 11;kingdortivaThtli kihigi &AVIA ,a' t‘tiftior wittellie ipifeieriifild4lo, tiVi:' "fig: c lri l th i tiiiiwea 9 CL 1 l t ield . " i'i l .t.!:. t' i - IZ , . i sok trry:L :I.' rli, , r ,btri 13 1tReridiP, ~ ....t- n q eStif.AP. Wt'o JAI* 1 4;A :ttlieklistiPpoiltifkeit dOedvifothingoifor 'Chris - tit a.Hi Will .not aproittehl foilL'OlMati Will'iot!jadik.oldn liiitiaie,'UOi 'act a itel, . .• . ti i.;,. v,, , , 0,1; ..- • ... 71,11„; I. ;,; bite :,0 IPlreir b frrr Pf a YillT r P , McT e r).Aff SIYP. tlY4lolrolift4oe,s7fori.X.eYkike*. l o3ll inhurehekditcd,;aniaaiotiary;; extecisioni. .1•03 r be itheii- loyiltr- '!very'-healt.:4layar, *oil .WhatTlikiso4thiikppiiiisfo i i;'hiss igith' ~ ..., . .!...u., , ;Of loya.lty to hia natualOr.?..,.§htt is. engaged : 4. :. us ' , tie '0.4 .. • •t'•MU., 1 J, , t•zr.,. • i ll/ A sore' oonilifit s eatac# a f rcitoe i llion e and Ma ' t)lf , rti . .n. pa ..•1 110 .110 11 JP•tiN d fA I S Ifi l liKlt ; 4 19 71 4 14 51. 1 e;'‘ar" miss, .nor !tuarleinarid4plinsbaler,... foesrm or' ,praysfoilGtutclibitittink WOui 'h&ritiriii . 11,,noi' &Mild :611 4 WiteWiliekifea u lliii 'illitLiiii a , tr0 ... in v i . h . 44 .. ! 1 l it kill / eel f i kAtii h l.4 3,2.1:03 . ' 13.14 3 14:11V-7:3 T :30 9 1 1V4121 . l iwi ft) '. 3 ..tttr .v.mitel..o4,AtcbAst, lig negatlYo4l and his fellow-citizens and fellow-eh - dem tians:Urd*Vtinlrialhotiabdr, bitt'lnte biAilid lie • foottroi wgiiDiwilit i iiil3"ii r iiiV J. • ;a) ,-• ; • . ' , ~• - ~ i. H ' I: e0.1:1, - 1 . 1 !SS 'thueb...aa. 7,witkit not, " • i • • j3 I _ • ,t..11.:'3.313.3 . 13 3 .10 314 . P . 4113.3. •• In ,all ;the D9.9tflefiJe.#9 l l-cae4al , oPMalkent , w'e• observed•mot ' a IWord inooondeidition , nfi tlii3 'eci6gai r pn. ' ReArtitt>eallia te : iiiblit liOn;.4eason, or: QfiVid."l3ialili iiiiYeiii ' ' %, , - .. P .. Y. .1.,:a.. li li. , J', _L . 1:2 . ?... which be read to' Prosbytery,;ulp . ng,. that . . the; GOYMOnent onight, ; be . 1 1ilestiedtmith wiadbin andtledcto adopt ineasitrea•to bring] idatnltan'hotiobililaloelle'd, taightiicacic2thut,' •••• • ( ~i .ii•l' ' J 1 e itt lft. /4 /s n fl 'a e t l i!,, i ii a, ... 1 0 •1 4 1 . b p. t ?:;#11:irll e. ?fi the Napa' roma. ,4ali tite.;protearsigns •and, • •;.1..)44. •u. :,.., ii, _,..,1 •.t. • ', i , Pa mrlt z e i fimof4 4 4. , k l. tiA 2l sl§Pie i t C s° ex•PlailliAd:. , aft ;AO. •oP.nsietawithrthlepiilei+ that the Goiernment ...is waloniii atid :Secession! ifght:; ' WO WthinUtliolaibli,..b/dia% titian' i ii lli i i l iA til .:i.v l r 4 fAll24..44ii:A. 4.... re:lieigP!!); 44 Rray , f.eriPS 01/9 1 IttflRY; ,ramentiof his slcOuntry..l if ...;if 'y .t el :,;F:, off BANNER.---SA URDA YVULY .1. 1862. . A orb 4 .1). ,z . ONE RE --: 0 OS pRiwANtF NiroNAff 1 szt . We ~n ,: - t ediiel • a... Limited", . = iple: 4, -.., : 1 'The North is not of one mind, in the pros eontion of the war. It was upon this want pc,union-st : tike-Nerth,,that_ the = South:cal ttlftd -4bpicibringingspn - tbe;et/nfle,.. IQ la ' tl II . le tfilf 4 44 M Thefe• been -.. , e ITI .. . .... _ .. . sentiiiltertnumetraveatFl - vs - fibl, tlyitrsi,hlicizeliggsmgh °E. titcf,pre , teireilke EkoWninetitcfronbiSettiogtforthitatfuE lasi • ergigu- (Oat rTpakty' , is rttee'litadial.""ataz. i tiiiiiiitrir, iiii"iiiiikd . dent 0 , ilitiesiii4i, m .toti'.Eit - N efoit ta J JAM 7 14) Z. .. .*; t t Mii'l l ea th fttm,h enliVry: 1 3W.N 1 04 t. void ! . ff: Toetprto the , Limo( as i t' IVO !!:filli • all its practiusloiworiticigs: :to ly., •b, 1 f):, i,,i,.. %-uit i villi w ift i ktigitii. , ( vl, r . r.i.gat i i /. u; I,7lwtocato Toill'iti to nito e ti l moit) litisroltri; tilig t tlerPi 4, ASYma -K97 4.; tartim,fo4l47 111045.,,,itiotr,tibisq HNI um I Mini • • li t fdi /k it :l,lo l 6 F VIA u tti k a t? 7 P.; : .4:i7 0 (Ur 1. ...) , •!1 , ": 7(f bglernol oil I,) .17.:.:yr.• correspondent, ltrit, v itus,llat Aims 864'Wef t oislirlde'llitand tli . , - ( puipai'll.aild sa ide ' oritili , ivaidi,‘kiiiitiiii‘' , Noren,:44 l iiirwcaTa:iiigir official Idecleittioh,rtheittpdattletkedefined; dot MIA', viethttve stitly.lo iekthemAypeActfoir. themsatitelv TO fogo ).‘744P11!?414014-(ARDVAgo, )i864, x. 0.6 1; s TPW b Yl ti i°l E st!! 4 9 ,P 014 2 410.Antk R:4 3 lf.X r . 44,.. .1, J. t I • . J.• J . • '' OA: jgdailliiiefilat ;11? i56 1 611:11664 . 44tida ' - grieltrykoilci'tif 'osrer&oWingitiltitinii.life Pfeseift: and repeat our oldipledgeOlNomnion)with'ellsen.4 ,! /2Aketili''' i,No 811VPPF,t 4,(94X*401.0.1141400410 , tioysrnalent;(liat:Rermils . syrery on any,ftrtje t , of `its trill —aMi vie'4ltlinitys wa r only as wioe lii*e it( iitirst Telietii)enittcitnitiiiit'lliY 'oral& alit? Foderakraiiittoritiog, or' to' (0 itlist4ohltioVt aft,illol. llnionpf l eich,froust speedil 4 t4riaduee that wend re,§lot F ri,r ,• ..1 r,', r c .t i .. t .1 0* ; ,iil.; il oal FAIJ • Off . 71; - ` 17e8 Pi li r$. . I‘l ? E i t i? TNT hiowc . " ' • -. cute ;iii b e nt a wanton waste)) propetty, a . full) thi:Ciifitie fee :life, iiid, worsFifiiiiiilialf, ik"4e2' sciencetarndroYartte s terifto ppsierveand)perir r iii t ki lTnion. and ,g6sigttituti s i n Which: ,Should•tnerveir hpra q , 11e4,_ , 1i 32 ,47 1, , 1 913.044 , 0 4 1 , .4/, e, lairivs: iya t/ee a n d tumanity, alp a , i ttieir ß rep tT t* ?m y t be fit, once and fOrivF' o4i4tln}oWn. -, t .`. 9 1 alihkoiigliiiiiiVil ifer+Wielilild'iittile ftlfti . io Wili JlifftlDa'vist di' ll:10A than. itipi Inftiti 'des - support,tlie,sek XeSQ111001;18:!1011W , t'l 1 4 'Ill! iio .9JI %I:eV:lst be ; heneerreen; indcif '4E' kali fig fonftto Vnioni eititiwastandithetoOnstittgair itlhinle4lllll,PaFX ItktrAP)2*s, and itk*ln.9ke4.4,4. -• Fr va it=umattt p raPß9BAßlFFh . *IS . t Tli/Wiftiiti'd' ana tiVoldfirgaliesi ii4'toliOwlil:i', editorlarre'itiarleti 11.4 ihe(Ccinbebfatitiealigi6itei of t . thecmod e prominO n t , iriligkouso orga n Shia' AMA', z4-I -.....11( f ,I.t -.c . r.i ,:.11.) 1).:c t •tAt..t. ." lit bet...a- iii, artn - ylbe' witharsiwn:froth tillteloatli,!. , .leaving slavery uponts, so)1„ rat ) d lit, willi,l)e lime possibl f „...to, tpro l ve• e the disloyalty of any ' slave holder'; impossible therefore to enforce the act ' of confiscation aggitiirketirtHir — oririossible to give sedii*Ktitlfigiaiatfnfittii`cdfoied race; andßerejban,ever impossible y te protOlf - thee'o6iitit fisiStrianWindisioug. •:* . .." . ....,,,„ -I , &Via.% milet, - de , 9 l oAietkir t A , lloT,aTe figliCin't,'ol l -91ie os:institution %il lei liii:paiiitly coll'd fittliv `Se.iidi aka ilifi iiiikiiii6 , 4 . 4 . ol** :144. 1 ' litronticiaj' tii % ilieige - ttiattftifititittif, j an to / iiiitl4kkeoliiiMiti . __„. .ine"teiVit(wkitai se r aiidlailOthilablet,litil;exrkineteilav,eil t 13 i roviia, ,, iro - ineinvoili, yoximii i . roti ; . ..* • din, , thNifi Ice Tesailililil 01'4VOInYfliglii. sdredVeffiiiiiii `tili'l4l - 9iitr7o7l,telricp4l9,k, slavery is of courseillegal=theilliillWirethoita 1 1 ,1 1 errilarte9copen I to fater.etiiittltion, under awed. Hof confiE4eltion • and under, both.the eivil,arnMile ,mii4.ormit4ite,i . 'ef"th i e Wad Siifes.,;Tht !war will 116Ctiniiii - wit% siiiiiii: l bi t iViil Olitya ecerbatn it.9 l epiritylinieso ( tiitih63iWiWnwitiVl'iikiP : pctsigye, xii9a9ures•to-exteinthugeJslaweirtudtwbur thl ) :?.rAF/-liiriwt..) i., iliti:jw mu j Ilj In-,this brief expositiOnTftwoAstinotitideadlikre' r 'announced.:: ,i - : 7r: .ri,7•:u .1 - 1.0 'I , :u , ' ) ;;Gil ro ~. a i 1 ;1 T h at:1:1111:. rS g t. X9) l o'. .# o lk ill ar#l44*lgn, frdin u thle fi9leti _ilavgwy ~:ii ext9minst94,,; init ' I'llikih , e, U;ioklielk• iias'ia n i de tiii Taloa ' Iwhictothese ineW9,4llo4lffie ttPeiftibliiik - i• 7 ' ....r I ; Allis draws Ithe •lineui r distinotly vlietireew' die friPzi.4f or Coil, *uti.9o l l linioo ! famkitaleo,49aielur • 111 1:111 1 219P i i iii, dr ATlP t ifigr 40 1 35: ankit !,ill be swig/1484mq way , .19 s ide,ie th,e,P94:94,.. i . ' I Eiriiiiiiy AO we'cleiiiod, seliiticretimfal‘Cii j pla,Tem ; vita Wi) giiiiiialii4 to4rEifittiitel Naiad 1 1.4901wie plaWporsanyiothei constatutibwal indiez ure. Maryland is reeving in the rightodire.eilow,i,' , The9p hwill fin,d-O ' ei z ro vz lz' Oreo.Y i a e l4Pg in.3idwOrla;l44, bineafilaiitw9 , o , pet ! inie"MutWO•liagratikeWariiVoiiithot , 4Wi 9uppOititit'e CtitimitutroW 'silt iiiVind(rekit,b'relithei'; IJ . nierktaii itoires;vie malf)hope:thywherleding:aur - i Il d4ivAM.9l lo ,Pger..l AL; 64( answoui hi! . i Ind this aiiinletilie tiioZteilolntitintiblette lattiiiThigeilr'"d6i f etji t u atid 'Ai l tilietVoir'' . k ri ali k ett.ta >k ....yikll , k-f (tilt! .t. T .,, , , c , • de j .f.tit - xf5c1197.717re,,, - ircraPLIIII:Ir. M ' 0 'ijalltissaarksfol:Ahe-;Oble;vervare , (ti, Oil* indidatithidof 41Wilildidisfiliiii of Ailbitliesi i)ro.-.Bo,Wilii.:l,Tru.f..o. i no :I fl i p ill I 4 . 3oiria u A p-ultir 1,. 'lint mijiki.Ji vklltsjilvir, 5 t 1 QCOMAN9.fillAiwthoillikAavrthatinf timprooslavery• Ipartpliin der this'ertise.4 thetniSttor MVO 13ikoil it 4iiiii,c!ai , yiivolik _1"1 1 iiiipt i t t i . ii /4 Or! , MY/ T, .l itt i t tla end' y f art . us nopeiess., The r Os ' • - • i" If fWri. *Pt(St .. Ails I, f 1.7 1 I . .)V II ) i ntim, to ) tif,ey un t ionai auisspeota t as itwasg i „wit.. -t•:.• • ... , t ~......1 ,-. gzillel4l3reertit bitifkatlaner•lniinfince. i Oft , totter, in itigl d),iatileo,rtheitTertittdietiptrit' IVrtsildri3ntiiilitliiiiritliii?Cabli+;"tlis Senate ~Ae7 ,t ll.l l .B :s e tlitretii'oftiv e '4%ismintl4.4 l 344s,; - -ti of. 1U 3 O l t 05101sts . sssit . ...... 1 1.•ek S. ;we .rWell int.e4 -un'lealbl4tY-.4„nst ,i 4 1. s ~ I . •o,reapctir i the :Ayer lictrilatiBn, TAlnd u itlist. !growth ktf....the 01Y6itinerittii 0 ifiiiittithilit'00 i ssitititori itittiritf6l4 lit. I J O4 • 'l,:be'le lo " -0 • _53 3511 i Rim 1.. L ., sji c s. t 514.4151 SO esd 3E') 51 . Tht 011.0 Ales . :b(g14.940"tm tfcikirni veroogetthfowlit3thexonstikoicinowiniew diiiore'ilikelys tosbij 'falba - 6 4111telkitiiiiiiii ' faltdintlitiVi•;"'Th'4l",Viti.posti ff la iiltlid i 'll4', • I t . . ijnlnf+ :14:iti i rlar0.11,t11:. :„ . tt,0";:115 41.! o r RP elited!-111.1P).,,:n0, T .P illtnt- r ttTlariaftf, ee°4lef i t.clatife4t°4o B 4l ) 3tYletiGnerult*Muk t akox4, Tot ohe siorlAhn.itotheiti bii,tbiesw ce di;itlferhiveAtiOttid'-ot thigitiSiiiltifehr° if IlitliTtrltlY, - ,lnVirof i tll.l 'iffigifj i sl e WySicjitlJ Ift St:AT ;air? _I:. 1r 1x ~ ,f .l ,i llt /fowl .., e t I N9 qi i i l l t P r lr; YftAffcligeT.rftftStit. (tube South lids them, because its ainhaddi iat tii-fletfirniinsdreffori•iii , tfie Unions • .1 thsiion.-. o r6w;ViiiiPliiiiinsvaailiii:4 0 4V # 4 i 11 ; 14au84 0Arf.t ta tiklifil e : 1 5 4,ai4 if , 4041A, 4''4l,pnii..Ttropozers.,2o,44l,, ftllat4lP soptikmayipoosibiffis,is Whoa Itliettibolitioniets will haietiligttttlihsiiillL , Icirdlitivulitiw 140 40 6311 iviiiiltifilitig ,r afoigt i IL i to -1 .. v.ll or '9 , ing ~..1-, Gpitilintnelieis4ll scrirolong, tis - ;trar, and, t ~.o ted, ,,-m , i 1 : • •,; : - ..•., :Lll l l 11.. t/..,!: lil. o• It ,^, Ina)9lo4to emonistye , and do Nook% thst, 'go luiltgait• ttbau..erid-theutteople 'will flaw' ' blidmoiconveitt, millojnitation,..:ol:intuAratiolip u snloytis&liWqrNditttrain'elist'isilicil'initaintl. :iiti•l4 4 ordesbl444s li nstn i ' j . iii`.' c ' lit'', WA" - t t.Ol 01 c.. :iro 1 iirl4:n.at e o 1 8 1 eelertY9o l leltiftic3. 4l 44•l' •tileksi.eiteet* 91wersulgtoltOoppliodp2virbugqwilirthe,lobti eplitioniitaisttilimOtlioir i iithel , luid ! iii6tit-clia : ' t:e i nssifklesitedvititernative -0 hi; i -ft.) ' If ', ' it iiejkholtiogaiffiet. tittt ilk l 'inifilidb - .4' tohtiiiiigi latilAibih u : . i c i t il* l p tu l '''' se. rl " ; u re .. , . 4 .. bra,. Is. I es:,:„. 4.. .1 ~ •..1 &ft.'' , ..,...i11.:!,,4 littai r i lliiffl : f9leelltiegl 4 litlePrt9 EJT ll 9Bq l .O. ll ' t o 'I . . . I ollottealthe Oonstantionoindgewiropld; miaketive tinionil ttndei° htliti felifinitititlfi'6* ,juis.-,_•-•.-111 , ••_•.- , ..tir it 4"..Likida.l 4. t tr:11.1 t wAs 1 s e t ynt -,.. u .grinn pea Al.:. ..izT t , ll' di / 4r e jt li g i gigi ; 14tr: * 4 ' l . ' Pl a W l .olh 3 .ble-diMete4 Pectiltitegg WiPIP4.)4 te• , wake' it .47 t• ' _ rill fity.oid •diiiitive,4 issnegn;utinitedoastionr :11th eitisettearbisttifes; illeidliik'ss4' lified. l Wi t I ' O a 'llf i d ‘va1. 2 4 0 67 tilios Ile s : i , f , ~ oop ti e e* -Vgre'Pf'S , eiiteOd4 l ll'PeeP e ' eeehPl4 4 lotlle ilawft,txso,r.ifet• Ault threat;, seiitt . ourtaiini .ltit. bombined) ands !harm:thin( pus ( autyuk,twoillitieve.i tut ftstotyptglasti . contstistildismsfail.;sil. donter4 t .. 4 ovici, 5 i ~.cuoll ft,yii- sor--; 4t01....ii "'ls•l.-cit•l OE4 - :: Cel eb ' r atio •• at . nntof.-4The fi reffAiin? 1. : " ersa of the untoNn It . th. l 7'choo 4 W I -,,, tut,, ' Id olUlt4th ili,e'T.: . 4 t . r e ie . o weresuch .7.4f40 , 0mm0n on such occasions, .and attended by 160 scholars, and their -friends, with hearts filled. with_ r _gladness. !The. paptav e rc. JOHN EWING, and the ) gri-Peii ntend t,' Mr. W. H. GILL, and -isther-ffietidtl—OrtheemahiolT7haWffit reasoa to rejoigoi-, , Addrepea Wereideliver , 436 , 1* Metitatei.e.vrmimespkind;lit.inK, i tt u j ohijino 'l,) .1;13:•! ...II b t o-g, .0;411 .in,:; ?Jr ~ :: -tz..trai . .. 'IA Ylit,dilw lisfrmi .P...1.:,1 . ;),'.444 ~/ gi t i co ll• 11 ,i.; o piw mio , rl! ler fi , L it 1 -A. ,:•:.• , ./• .: . / 111 11f$ 6 1:71t4ES 10 i : ITV' . AftirmirAVVßlt)c6fitlgliAlicßl,Afui . :Mg .igohoelArteitbro hid , piibliblidee ,Discougee •eilibibleCisitliFistlien ; . l Oputige ir.`."B.viiiiitn ; tiopitheteii4. , .) 4i4 SA iiiiliii•iiip• , li . Isis ii: I* o:Atif 1:,.. t „1-4( . 111 f!LII011 I n 111 (1 4 14 5 t.. ill f vn affr,s liptip,e,weli iitt,ifsi*Alvpuw/A94,.,,anc.xpoen,guide, sari& esoolarage, to •faitlilii4 every: trig' ito VikkililkJare ikeblibiel.'itti itililiciitiiin 'ti) il le . ii ""ipliCr l ki.iiiiiii illiaiggitiecwi. ^:1.:1 -1,1: , - ..: s ittuinavt tr i t b0172p:,!•r .is bp .ii ?fief P l eu u hitlYticin,”PßaiiiPPlP,74;RF 7 RAle: 6 / Anc,4ltlrare4RlPx. RLA?u,ploolitoB i ‘Oheetintti Stiebtiißlii/adelphisa:Tratio ()la : 1 ,„,1 ) Il i br cl i ....„ .4,.:4 6 .. 4...416 ~...i, ”stiorit, .(1.7 to bait) .Pic , ECOESIAST4O4II. Altto r ) -bk.' , . :elfin rnt nilikti_ tii!J . .I.lgaa b $.9"3 . 0 al n, I socae ! nil) l'ilkri.F*Anit , Oxitisoließ East) Offifieool-: 1 . a!A d.reighisAaggaiik ftomrfNewarki,ftio,Lto , ( anWAkiargit:MaArkel 'living - aceeptefl \ ait : `41i.R, 1 4444 3 444,Vittpp1yi: the , . ;church lip that . ox ilpbtoo for , .the_ogialtiag t OinenmonthavAt: ; lla k.'o- -, In, t _,-,./ - . l ' . - --. -I -li• .vn.if '7 1r14(1 1 terMqt r Sinttritikir;4 l* + "" - .2,1T0.. - ill .1 , 1101;11 . V , ..,/ wi; , ... •OM PI --lag 7 -.4keigiediNtllstrt lit r: 0- •wiMO Mt 01 PO. 111 Prill.W. I .tto ~. ,e( 1. .: las • Iloil . o •', flongi s it i kiV . / . 11 . - if • 2 iiirl o t al ea • icie . wthw i traiiw ,„ 0. 1 : 3 1, 1 b1.0. 1 „fii... i i .: 1 6 11 , ,1111 lit fif ....TORPf or t i illy? fir a ti .1 - I,7A tI YI Wll - g that: : Preal .0 A 7 • - rf. , ,I. ,f.r.', .1 4. e... 00... J.. I iii .. 134 1" ;if i l anUilit g.,0 the : tanas i 4l49app r . 1 itiriik WWl' dial i tycd'Or 'lpv t i li9tifp u se t w at i4 44 l. ;i irkii ti: on t . q. : . J .. ' Ili, ,t: Wiegiktiligo it 644;04 - Jo Z:4l i f a rl gai4 l 4:jair 11 . Othaltif daft! aViIY i freßrik l if .li k at .. o .3leri 4 t . 4 - .64 i .* : ,..... , .4 y 1.. , , i 1 .', I l i 141 1 tI*1 .4._. * O j ' t l aYl l ' f i A l # t g l ifilli„ l i r sicol 11, q,iodur,.l4 l / 4 e 7 : we :have 11.0 iikilf t 1,0 ratEtkfl f ita VW ifeliteth6sEeieitlia, i t ub o i. ,o, :74wioit,i4iii ifavp gi A 0-640F41,04. - 1. . Ni l . tlatadli:of liiithikrit l * ' . . '' t ' ..--- I l i ' 1 • ...: ix . . 3 tc.. , -;...10t • , no it, , ; : it , li tzi .DI t .. 1 ~ eta ivasoligoinokbarrbriattoffAthe Veal. iiiiiglaia 9 i:llligiiiesGfititiokflioliti":Bbeikitii I VI Etilliiiesii, '.ttiii!"riitialkii - kbrit t iii'd I i 1... t. Vil?.! II 11.. i Ufhtlii 'M. ,1 , 10 'ILE 1,. .?1107 lil re N l9, g; Pfer 94 ~.0 Pit - - ~ /Ifinq i 1 2il 1 ITI ..1... . . I , Jetti.,... _.•:ii y ....., i• . :-. ,I lc, 1 i sue; : 300th MOtb anniversary of.Ahotteifixt r I • •izotioiteodetwzroarionohirie:p24, 71862:a01ie *it& thegqiituriziailikif kalif iqtAStifaigf i .-:ilitiiiii; • Viiiiait 'Atif t .'ileco4i b ot i lifig.iglii 1 leum . ..iry l azit i i i t ..ni t y . vr i :. 1, .. Olaff r iZAV• 11 W. 1 . .7 7 irslt..Wt 3. ?AR ( tVAtPriu.P 3 • :11gleerifIR-*euadt. 9P .1 1 44 , ,E*1141.thei,401 ; "Tiiiin . ol43:iiraa kiitrong tnippoitemot Oromi iteiiiqattiittk / . 04 , Corn *o f iirk. altili,:iik . ill" i iN4iiiileit,LliA •ti4iti)irfdeiilVon'tieN4iaralioli: I.: , -,n. , .:!2(w.gt.t.....i.i..„ .. 1 2 -; . !Ali e, 5t0r:. , .,1 rs oils .or the usi: .:.tulfftMYk . ify , tho.. wl. tfcr . , ..'ol , ,ib ,a?,itiwiF,AAThibATioN:unwiiitE PHOTO! , . GRitpitko. tortuas . bee:nuintiod emit by ikti9 tlaok;nofi Ibis ,eity,owhieh ..munt Ine`et : the ; . "appiol?stion AO alljlivels-13f ! the nheiintifati : Itr kg i akibitigas p ioph. 19n triccdelteiti? . ',lllittilefi fect :of; itbe 1 ipietaie :firm -.: ibis, plifek 4trt ~ • • 't.i, ,assfiktes; . ittibeattifniiitlehi:,leitg a 1: .a f fi Tfiv it a linitiv::whichllie:J:fealiarlyitiil twill 1. ilituiftitori ? . 7ihe:tritasparetrepornthe , poiteliiiiti giy'es.. , a ;44, tin& . character:, tirtha , pi•ettliW . *hi eh ha/ f who , are'- familiar withrth le *Mtg. Ilainqlabhde' s niviiisc'appreeiatep i although. thit , t pahotßgripilic i;p ictu re ,ii..asimichvelipdtioY. : • f too anythifigilieheito: , sikii . upoh that.matiP 'vial:sag aim-paiaitingaitoihet work of .iittv -.• Akoild.it :!sill Jed., ban ,bueilln itID - r . , "le : , .114(EitiV.* ED _,W": Sc ik ,M. ,•,. I ittilie Wit*); :2eir 7 Oil gig 13iSiU"oe .i: a z i t AiSPWiiii 9 feritigd' u tiVelPt liiiil . J 2 " 14ile'd/...6h 4 :Mb '2Bth ult., from BoitOh l ,' on ithe u. St,' or -- of - 15fir,"foratidial; -to rejoin 1 ithe'lfietit - '..Miiiikeii: 1 " There are now six I ibrabletrd iii 4/13 Lietitft4letii& .14 1 that mit). ''.. aim, Alev..: •Jeseph. Scudder- oantinuingl-Wor .' -ithe ipreaentiArtheiTha,islainoyief the Riftp. ili.rktfr_Sevi4TegiriAtaalir-oluatefpnk ; • ~. 9Ra al , . , 4, ~ . , , *,, Ih4q ! X i ni6 l #l4l4l) 2 1. *Ois*ItiAlirilit qiiii* , fietial ist•lio*iiii#ll,lifitettliineilil 's6B .., MifaietS'il ", ; . iiiiptiieifikihil"rit.ikor6o' Is day. , The ':.. , . iiie, i finAhe'riftiiiti'dfate‘ f , .iviiii h;ilBl6oglies iWittlieltailfeliCMoiiih.V, p•Ortfa* ; ,t ( Wtm,..'-tatitiedgaihmed 9 t6Wlissa. i, 14 , eif 40W :that Aiiiih i htfi',f align:flit 15ed .WlAiltilp 2./ti r .44itie .... 1 • --•• r hi ff itho e i l . p kindi f f .., I • m.4g o lg . § l l , , ; e .if •, , < ‘'' .. ' oci t iiiaiidatr* fir‘itai4 3 axii 9 i ; It l iitionzoooll &Will/ , t, VseneAnk nilai i illifienar iiiu*szasi irifilbilVat tun • ~.. . .... , dblat s / ga /I,lr. Ai .t, ~t p .t f tVI,F:t ft SW !..:)/ lil I . i 4i ev•wi slt vretairr.7(4) mil r,...:rr (twit a Ok • . • • . . ir e i t n t ) IFCCI FI TM. Pk ii tF,IIFV/. I AWCW : I . QE; • . rigs., , ~ ~. ~,, ~ ,_ ,m-yet.coine under ' t - I°Piciii* * ltliltt , . 1 . .i t n.SWPD lelattif4.9o., P PellikoCif:sP4P.go 1 ' 3 ,1*61, ,tli:l l 4.'o?lP.. l l. l :o 3 d:Bl, l ?*Ye9g.f P' PP:6 .zi *nPft : iilP;•, oo ,Wpft9;o4. o l . •Rtltlidgßea: 4 04 ( st! i' l'e37 3 ,4lt., 7 ,4l.4:44firlfAslutiPatt T r ' 1414 re:' ea ..g4=4iialbri.:,lo9o§4) 4.*1 Onv,et , `4alisalia peraoss. The first declares :Ahat : . 14 R , .ilielfirqCne0,s,ilvitli , t1 ) P 1 1140Ittill nn= "Nesi,ti..i,li.gieftn, 11E19en,yreir,,q,39„oi;allijnylpicertigens,. *Y39I , 1- fh4J 5°,P.02 1 A.1.1:41). 1 404164:. • .serm,:met.,lEtgen,.lomptMoßi.emmernigg i if,vnißiki,ilfg, .00.0V9najfEg.R9filikik Aso)6 7, 0 1)d .o.l.3l4 , o7o , PE.4; Bl 9Moomivgs , g•iasy l ' fi tiitft Att*':fllllr'4l4aigliell,l/elkelr) - WrAlut,. (. "'Weltlnnii the‘kekOw-04, 449.T.MCdeJAY, , MI, it IstipPLt, 0 Fhi.,:a), lifrt(tOft.. - Allaidpakt). has. i '''ir-to,ifiPo l6 . l s - ;u•id a iouir4 i Zi 13 ili 1 li . /0 ' ' ll 'l n. .' ' ' m'1318% . " bit siglieit ! ,it izwisrOwN, ~ E. (1 pry 1 I,Fiiiivalv•--.l3aotismt by stmitifdtitith litrarrindr 4 o itniniaterha 1 bid tifeAsaiiiisifoggiW Riveilt; that- fphiSe - i.on [ tlin:cltlit ifiNt... l ) t6e*ftihhill drediand.twairiersons. Irrl if t ,'. . ..t 'slaw' . : „ 1 1... own ,t,111.1/ , fflA , w e y or , - :.n .. ' ,I;.!; -' • • - t.A.1,1 Itlee.:11 I},qt - 1 - ,I •; ! ..yx.r,, 4 Li Zifi $1 : . t aq / RI i Tait o. l 4 l rol2Y.4iiiiil4 ll 4o4llhlClip' d 1 dbillr ltie,. l iiiitifiAteiNeiittileig i g;' l 4.• i. , .“ to4m h.v.,aloi .4 1 04si. ! fttil la ail ' 14,1 " 041- ine, /14 0 ued i f il Mblit -Al •..11111V ii431arr by 4 . 'te isiesiilent::: 33aniera—LiVilk ~ 1 t orty,n , owers; and inercbanta °are aniieus:.. [. hive theifull . 43omplmitlatiinirlelfiVivittibleti (1-• I i-arii'i t iimintoAnseirt'de'iii l P,: , ..44l,l 4 : l : .s4 i .,,` fi'Aii . :.: 17 4.641t 1 1i iiii`,'Mi t tifeeli!W qi - vi;,loxistiii! ••• ~,,...:, ~.., .:„....4, „...„ ,vi 4 1 / 4 4.. •.. I . tO,J. :lir.Kiffghtildeqp,igi i nVy3Y. t) 1 4.4 , gpal f ree-: AkfilikriA• aid 7i6 17wc.,-.1 o :1 , ;I .1 Ali?, sti ,: i ' ''' !People having country residences hii!+fii i 57 ' 1 . -••: :t r • .7. Laiti• L ~',.i iv trlivi•vr 11: , .i -zinipiliqr, tiiaaled' i jd. thein,... i os 144 1 x, . . ~..,,, c. ~ uth.,_ ti , % •••••,. , . 13 ~ ,r. J 316 1 111 0Y 444 RPOW I RM'g 9 I I PP tC. A 11 14061 1 / ' 18r itiapitywiddiiitantairewittfotha•oolidi alai( • • , ij 'ileri6its ileitiplesivintike fOundit i vitchi , blitiliti" - 1 t • , • . .% ~. ~, 7 i i i i t it tlittli 'dife r ilikaiterte ,thi/lit i t4ll;lett• 0* hii %R e. C IA I PY t tiO ° f 1 4 4 P ° 4 l / t . )'„if 3 -0 0 4 ~ ' I 4 4 ,O." inf OAS - ° 3 T, l l9 o : ll nell.4 l e l 2.titCl tlfritgity, t viNdointsigenoe. on .thetart..mfor.ifleetihr ''' i i n i n d a : t; ii 5 1 . ,,ri 1, ; !!! wit it, liiT.:4ll Jrut,c,. 1 ...r. ':,• ' ; ' visii__LL •d f ri .fi ne i vii • 1 ict li a.,i. , • • .. " a , trlOti Oniusuil ' •t Ciblnp etan of the --'-lv .'.upluara ~..,. a..fi ,r.. „. -, .• this. 'lB tens • • I tiattly •SI thiNdefancip pf . 'cgrlmAti i 4 03:/o Ms 1 .azolls .hP.fh t tels the public , 4 1.1readj5nn viatittiiimimpbetfiu'expended eni , tlihrenterptise.sh Ati':NSte‘inklins r porOgMfkr ilt r i:.)liiliVgian'be leegeaatVda?. J•• i i .nt l • •-1, t ••;.•1413..,;1••• I` t02:0,i mittre: on :Raial4fTairs, "if the govern men VwillVnot complete the battery chip' rt. 74,7 ..- i -iteelfrthat nepvil!, - on condition that the! vessel be turned overlo him," complete it! "at his own risk and expense withini eighteen months, under a penalty of -one; hundred ithousand. dollars ; 1 ;A and tke gojr-i emmentlan take it'aftei it 18 81141114, if,( lirtlfeif — opiiiiens, it is ii - sifeceis; 'it' tfie. amount; lestireated , for its completion; viz.,' $783;2944 ~ 1 ..:-:,,,,, . ~ , . . ~ ~,.! ':.ofelif t x.ll . Eloaiiirma hael l echnm en aid': the: re2iiiibrieitiori'oic the tWoS"valitible wiirki'on .1 • .iii 2 'lll'U' Erfillial ''4teiatlirci • and' e• . Imp is. n.-: 4.iio,"4iii - Gleoite.l'L:"OkkiirPL.D: ''Tiiii , IWErinoil'iiip,linitiOndigneliteiliyPilhiql Mi r thiPNOttriiiii - CoriVi l eig"iinio, FIC . 6iVer! ILLlffinnittlirEb t etsfi;htiiiiiiire:' '' ' ''' ' i . '": l qlletnii iiiniittadin a GiA . Oinfainiiiiii-i liVie i; or, 'bfiliennihf i lteid,r!, bij'. .1:tr: aitil-' -iiiire,, , . • ..• !•1-n., T .-;t : .. • .f,,..y• oill• ..• „.: 1 i elif -.6 ?'. Tliti, iiiii)letinili iiniioiiii4 f "ie voinide'cif tilralke: Billie; iiitelle;Y nags ' Ifriclili,; i If* inilikt iiiiiiiThr.Tnetiiilit,"' s ii r r ry . ; v e y itift wn :i. : , ; : 5,•111:(,... , (ii ' 2..i * Vai'LlTiltriTibi3 l oi n ili4 i j3oA4l the FrgimphtThecircal ,qeminto ;in 'Mies, city, Rev. . Dr . tea 10, Welf,kriown tor his; 1 defence of, the .',:Trykom: for the ,Titnes," and', ' for his 1410 Cl!iirelmnpiples, was elected' to t ePiofestior64 l ,lnag . e ; vacant by the death' of tile, , lat f elji ri T mi . !? fi r r „ The follow 1 ing wal the'VOe: . Whole imintei*Cf, l iigi,4l l 4tl : ' i , - Yeeedgiiiibi t i fi cliitk i ; ii p„ -1 : . .F 9 i , :iiit *iv:llk:Bab* ? i :', - : f l'' ',. ;iedi , ; ,,, a t iee : i. s l3:: a ddviu...A . ,:: s; )f !. , .... iii . itiTilt j elf:iik.l47 4 l§ll4l;Bl' i - * Siink, - ' .:' • -2," '-'. -', '-, •- • Arii t ~..),:,: ~ •,; ii.,, ........, 1 , rs ~...,, 1 . Whe /3 °ll ' 9ll /4° l l # l/ h. * 541111 4 4 17T 13 rinitilnnifyLslaiiid • ufre i's.,roteieor ir - ittiiiii i al 'Litei'AuWall,Naio ( ,4tlOß, of gat „, :g: ; : •t a.,911 xv. ,r, , .. ..,:., . -• . 1 e • , , 77) , -.(14 'ln ki9ditqUl 'Odd') biEl; ~.,'• ' Wig eqtAPlAilg itr, , ,Zl.4.ainitil 41.401 a m- •rtift"7l - er.17. - r, Trsamt ,rArt portant post is a most singular proceeding, andflre;.eari 'namely ibiltivelhatelt:will. re. fit - thygrtisii . bo'dy . of I . 1 i_pis??palians Toimttg. IhniOrts tiftn.o7l.6fi F 21 00 0,01 iffer3l. Bl flng , •uP his remarkable qualifinationifdi tilt resipon isiblt'llat;t 63. follotvir 3 / I 'ii 1 ; 4 - - 10 ' 7 "; 1 atilitT Rita ViiiillglFpaseif viaata , -6 xt e e delitgal t en On 3 is pm ! .wynll.9 '2. ailipeclitreiveelf *hog satitiii) .20e • 6"fqxiide r ' v ki w tWO Ni%lifeh qtraid'iniits country. ..., . ~. . .. c , . .. ~ if r • , 911 1 g1Te" . .pretisiic.'or ttig - .6 taon ii. an k ‘ i iikliviiiiil - re . geilfiritiia l; ilaiiiiß 'tO l 'biß tid'cily'' i thilti t 'llaa L lietfigNitiliiid'O:ai s ix Baker • livriier 'Or 6 aliiiiiir . ; `, l chit', aaiii . Itil Of 1 ittll WI • - 0 . , 11211111011. 4. Theziet v ith i k •i e eP • e •, t.he a ' te 1 t lts infai u oi l &if. hiftiiiiii 3iiaiSitiiiite * iii7 ; Ahe Clinibil l gi'V' greit'oaso u ke iiclisiiiipiVid diihminait; :iiii kihiaillhvilier c loragif VA 0 sitali.ligr a itectiail !nag Welt' diciAiiia u a .. ' bik but 'itionld'imiejuktfvtlie'biifii slificiii ' irikliaint fillik 1(6 ifiliNA,"lii 1 4,3iiiirittil‘ geamie ai iiiivilieoriftliciii etsie=ifte: 7 4ijiikii faith' 'orth r e i hind.'' 2) ' ' Thic "''''' 4fri3l ' V - ;li .''' n h '''s„." iokandat'4irialatatai f a ilierigiii! frfe i ~ ..y, -,....... ,rb.... nvlt tl s • Xi ,•• •ril !hinny° Amami =livery ark his' been, published `any . I•To , - ... elArawpi.. ,'' '' "e tiplailky 'm ", ~ „ , etlk*U . the i et& ( 61 4 ,0 f ir 1 141eii i irlii) iiiiiiiit, Aid ita r •wilt , WWOß very t tfix AliiiSie t t l :'Btiiiiii I it....,ig„...,,,, 'gee wiiiirtill now t failir , glacily sent illiirimpflriti i tiW oillyllitliJ itiV twhiolivelahned Wl* iiitondet fot ill 'now see !them .Ootarieltedleiredeiviffllo . 'hi, verpreiatieri-! ref+ 41413 0 4 Viii 'ilfeag oode'li n 3, 'whom, more than in al? y:tothel 4 :ostifiiiEn't' 'Divint of iotter,com'milditon-,' the eherch i Wee , idveylend'i ova, n0t•44 1, t6 Ilkidia %Mil 'but'' EttritO,udoctrinal , ; and) idieletithi t tie:al fit demi it - of guide, 'deolatordliteiiant lof leatifil` iderfie4; oth au ... ,II boa: ,t 7.1;.! 11:1,1 .'403:41:1. si 1.3 ,%thlyjytit * ;I‘l . , nj , , , .1 1 4Iti e s 'tiZ t Wt o i.trti f ahy ri rrj *4E . ~.Moir PiTst,,me-ug. lm - InPIIPPinMOKOrs of sick; And , INlUt;dtareol,• didiestdoothebhospitele -ere Afulkr ;oared' fer,; • isidlargol4epefactio'ne a=e 'elidikatitly tesihtliarbirs in th ilLi a. , !X • Ar y tiO ." • PT 1.4.7 • • V!ke RTR2I9 PlPftiqeV4 l eßt: 'Yr : these ; en - 1 *PAM Ote • .1•044.e4i itdclu•Sooiet,:y, *ltioh•lelteo /Dr:. ''Seere= *7. 1 -'81144M0 tiddlers' 41 11_ th ?!t d dr4; 113 ;t el isse %)".Pln •• • „ eip qt% t o ; the PiCe. BB TA, PPOrkio;_aliilmanr •lisMeeyiblsiesslage arm. 041.7 implored ;for her i km& >theidel; iiirednegre :het.; Alnd' shall live nrTed .man a i 3 ;449F: 41* • el, 47P.Itatatbilym cfsAhrietimi On se.. from , thistfoitrisetii% mineerti • witlfrhtiVidilielidAris i t , wor kr 3,041 mg' . 0 1.14 7:0%. 08.1 4: )1;"1 I.; tit ;OLIN • .. • • -TO 9 A P . I . B P9MAY! P r if*Trite 4 24.9o/f An .this City ; Ingl ;beeit f. fßilyl ilinglankted c l: LI ThC: , following . Professors :have : boon elookidlf ,),' 1 k %RAO: I W iimien l re , ;130 41.'; - "BililiAl , Letwir i i ml it h v: e j e r mi ,W. : D a pi, H i s : 4a. 'oty,:rgii i9 d'Af. fliO } ,,p essiaaiii444, , tti; . ' iiirlitfy,lte"Zglin w .i:Viiiglilw a M 114: - rattbial 011ie ; T.werifgflran l Pielk.l)4,, i Oritintiltangiiiigis ; ( 1)f l iv i Goliaifill3:10:; . 'Apologetics. Acting Professors :. ~Itt. Air: * W. B. ) Stevens, D. D. •Liturgi4rlr,e%N. A: i pb l l9.‘o67o;`l),l l Zipl 4 canilititti c .' : - .t ';`:. 'Nei MUIVII - Of the ..04AUeitiVINs:ag 1 .Ite'V Sktfaa te0,...i51g.1iik.1010310 0 451;, 5 "delit4ild - pirR445 . 4:.„ +.(-- Liiii4, ike q . /PIZ . Vtil :;•.114A I ,JOIJA. , '!". oilsi 91911 fI ii , i .1 'lli A lIEVAT ADhlaillikithealthilAkuiP4-: fißrbedriopthiprteitv,itAtiiga r lifiippii93- :thi, - i ci ,-' 46Sar o e. pilaki v i e va n mairP , ti 941 4 20 1 . 1.-- . - ' ,..-1 " - • j .' el i a,‘T, .01.;11,.. s d luit.l.et u ;'oo / l A re t Aiso4. l , - 30 T 8 P4 gan, : ~O:',o:1;,lielsa I,s a iN.f,p f ulto..Ang i store, :i *th. rk.oitikalioliollibsinly:;l9.l4N...,ikpee. o Ilitilio l ithi4iisi" coiner Of olientpsl,and, .1 r tlooond :r trerts itt lthitaleAyia., Nine Bap -4 all Pp. i l,_atsifizipy, L .Pr i sellterians, .(Preeeyte alio in legit - 'if not et in .ti• ff n me,) aird - ii el - 1 - 73, Ra apl farmed . at seminal Afe ' ill .''' ni4l.othat day i f 11, smell •thimeif how*.mamytprecious souls , !lye koiNcli Al?pis+.4lnsfluAklyaltes• -with so nthce r mc gath,tll l Mis t a,pi i the ...song of 1 /9 %. 1111 A1t A irlMP:l9flhigli!,„4o4 go, >4 i t riel i gq P hit kr l o , 49, l3 ..iA some„ two.. ila un e l% P 4 .813° 4247 , M1inge4 0 0 bur ea I#4Y 9 FP)SI ' PI 4IB O,;PRP"Pm4 6' A ..*144a44. coMauPiqai? O.; f_Mi .10niqutriet. ' es , strMity , 110,,e;. b7h4gLi.!i;,W.J.*.folr4EXPWltii.:oc. .t,"retßyspr?f,f l , of , !niiiisters,,,of . enitrioning.. '6)6b9il l.iFtPftwhitrW 4 4, *R.4. B r, qe*:44 - .. :#4 1 # 1 ,4AP. 1 `.., 3 t P, Pa, l ano , ;,fiTPie4:PiAktif 11°V+114in*?1:#3114#8;' etg,e,*'ll94"tl4B°' i ' ' z ief a t-..5 1 " / ”Nie's arid 4th , ".PPlvierfAl lEF9k-i, %. 3 ,. / 9 1 4 9 g0; t1 1 6 hPrRP. 1 07 4/...?, Ihe:trAtihr I- Ivwe u °l 7l s itte. ' ; .'fi ) .!?ri licfor.e. : 64.. li f4ti t sflllail dEßo4l,thii: enAikA . 1 4 ,: h titaT .0, a , ,Bri, ,v) ~, A pr s , wa tt ,lm. - 0 ,,-.o.Yl,9X.iippßpi,l:'l,ting tp,,P.IKFR,T I 4itke, L twir.iriv2tTl i filx of,!ur,,, i _loPo iltilmtie6si rxii‘ , l.,mir- - ing:i .!ti-..P ApoßgtmlArb i . in subnisg l ainners..ti t King Emanuel, in devAtiplng_.all the graoeff. of piety, and t ra tild i g• the: branches of the Messianic vipj°,:th* production and nurturin g of ta t tle rich fruit of the Spirit, love, icty , iiettd4; l'ong-Viffering, gentleness, goo:laess, faitk•meekness, temperance.'" PEESP;iTEILILL NOTICES. The PRESBYTERY Ol± SC/111YLER wiDareee i n .petry, 'Pike CduitY,'lli, on Thursday, Sep.. t.R 3 11A1, 4 4 4 114g 4 2ght1t: 2 1 40,019*, P. seven members due. THOS. 8- VAILL, 7 - 3 . 7 . !•'+ j Stated Clerk_ . 1 , •;Tile; confiscation , Bill. t.Thsrieport. t of'the 'Comniittee, Of Conference on the,Colifiocathilrbilladopttolvby both Bowies, i s astfollows4:'l .itif3lf) it:wrio; . { They, rectinossisd Oat the: House"recede from theit ftlittagreementtainkagree-tio the Senate, wi t h c s eTtalEhpsicOifigfiggnf„sos,t4rprovide as follows : .E "'l l l7 porsOn who shp i connnit the _ crime of tr'S;istiorVogainst: the 'Sfaies, and Shall be adjudged guilty there's:lo'6in Suffei 'death, and althisuslives, eif the!hos tisty;. , shall be declared and melefree,_or,he shall hntiniprisossed for not less than, live r years, , and_ .Speci not lees than $1.6,004), and cll his , estate, seal and personal, excluding 'Shoff lie levair itpOis ' any sale orconveyandeliofihsrcontrary' nbtiiithstanding. If , arg,persop, ohtsliOlusscsafter incite,, set on foot, "foist „Or, pnatge t .,n any, Tebellion cy insurrection againEd"the atidtpnt,.7,o,f,94e United i litotes, or the laws thiiiebf?or 'dive aid:or-comfort to any ihistAtetl6n, and be convicted Ithereot-gsnithipbrschialfall be punished by thet,crteltuip„o f fotlliltistgersonal property of every kind whatever, or shall be punished by im prisonment ten years, and tined not exceeding $1 . 0,0K Alia' hiesilvil, has any, be liber ated at the. dighition lif-rtke NUM, and all snch property;;.ezeludingislaies,.shall be forfeited to the Untitpiljeqftels••• El'frY Person guilty of either of the offenseqesoriked inithin.act shall be for ever ilidgiiithte, calf/qualified to hold any office undbr ith'elilinitel i Sti*" This ace is - riot to be nonacid& infa)iyaiiigY'lci.tiffelst Oralter the pros ecutioni sconviction or.iiunishment i of !any person fitijty o4,txlimipjploo44t4Pe United States. To impure thnerkdy t ternsß!ation tlu3,present re bellion;' tra reaiderd. is atitlonied, to cause the seizure of all ikiecnial, of such persons,t:Shd; apPbosithritse' 'the 'prOCeede of the same •for. th e isttlip iirt (skits 'United States. • Five elasses,et persons &mg:1,40 ky . the•bill : those who shall hBreigtek holtAbe office, ,of ,President, office, Foreign Miniat'eri"eihl, Vain!' thie r 4O-Miiled . ".dorifed erat e States: rt hertPreiidtffit isf , antheriiiiidlo-iesne a proclamatitin imdlifi after siliy,dayr all•persons la „not, etspinn p te •their aneTgiance, thfirkolerty ihigi.be,foxfpitmil,, etc., ~ All slaves of persons iraftei'enliffed in reftell ) lini., or who shall 'in 'comtirt'thereto, escaping to; :auttitilLing , rettigh within lines of f lour;! l arntyParillalholaves deserielfb3 , their masters and.ooming . -under z ecatral •of the Gov ernment of th ( ;):coite,sC4at r A,,,aftd,,nu, slaves found at place ' s ocCugeirtti riberfOrtiee'end afte lijrUniVed be held totbe qaptiviss' twor,N and tbriforevef itrge f'rom their•servicd, sand! sin longer/held uss salaVes. sjave,,escoping,from ,one State ,to,ossother, State shall hi; dellyera tip except for, crime or. some offense liiClit'w" of ihe',Uilfd,d;',States, the , clakinlitit'shill'fiiiitninkii clittli.'a ( c. to his , ; r - - 56 - - ti? - gB 14 lawful!. o wfiership; ilia tie•'?haB notyb9rne ar,ms, jn,jthafpreseztt-s febellioni.or kizemaid and cfnfort,thfiFlto,, „No, Raw! pag.,Ked j ia Raval or military sertitce, fill;t11 decide on lt,he .validity of the or . (itiiraiidr pain of bank tdisiuissed ffioia'?.b4' seific.".The'llresi derit 'is . authorizadi, te einpteriiiecide -Of Afri can: descant f9r, the , iauppreasion: of,:.,the rebel lioV, and use,!.hen! meaner as ,he may deem best for thilonOic and:4le, ;Presi 'also' authirizea'' tein i ti.lte'Pkovision for colezillibrtha )14hielis"biyiptia! Ihnitti' of the United - States: :Thei ' authorized to e.T.tendt to; prisonars,in,rebellion 'pardon ! and am nesty, on, snch i condicione alLhe ; may deam,_expe diarit foilge public w lfare.. of a:Mended so ig in read : "-.F6eLife alqiipreimion df irintirVetion' and the puniiinnenti.aftdi seizure- , of the property 9f :Ake . TlP..... l BsAnachriAgitikr.;Turlloset o ;:•9 - : ett! ii 11 "1 V .1.1 TWO , 1641 r if 011 T .IMoybooo i 10 0 An . yv. t~l{:IIE ti • .1:40.1414E10nd ( Fyitritur, of 1 7 . 14 tk.received. 411 1X 1 _44400, 4 ,51147! PUTrAff O / .440! ikeeeilt.' 01441%k-roe I , ‘ 1(4 -b:I. ;• n: _ • e e li An. t4 0 4E3 8 iyaltirdal,euidicie of. I tht,,several. %rasp of Be ; breanerittiy,:iiiis that thi enerityliatitatin a strong .argsitaiiksti4afiri , ou the *ixentibtittl.Berldeiji htimidetfeti under!' cover 'Of Meg gunboats • fhinmatierae . Eight !reaching to llEKring Creeic t wit erq this posktton is defended .by an, almost impeasaMe morass..„ , r It`Ras 1311141613 ett I strOitid itire been 'MISSY& '...jetittiriliiY;but-therwlialll;iiiii - no fightingltnkintithe (It is sot to be supposett i thatt the enemy has• select:4mi these plan iskisM se..ithetllcenS o 1 1 4 8 ;4 110 :. fireiat 8 .44 14 , 1 * - out good - sons . The Etat and =opt. apparent ef t ttlit4seU'.`44lt,,.WeStoVer`Liallig;lerhaps' the very-Jainett RiVer. iitiaani t for'ntifes upland; vinwn;Atteing hroad and deep; iffords both excellent t ealroom for, gunboat S. and/transports ; but Alt ~j3t an,maans the only tatirgifnge, of this po,tttoo. . tiOttra A' this ftigbi : o . ti there area% thlej'esitief BerkleSilinnatnaiiifire 'itiiiiits sable'savitoqt running from near the Ciutrfeki•Oity Rosidvtib It.tmJames River; 'making sue fFligfArks •fr°P' l 4" , 15arter , 1F in possilfel.lVitln npartfr,of a,,mild94 - where the 4„. crosses RohlirLt'snnf rrtnninjein'•a'SOuth eedtersyi t , sclitfn:' ' skirtg oni the North' and ; East of MAI klanto.Si ottisi of ;Berkley andlW eat over, and emmtiabiute x tbe , .I?tmes „River; at - the extreme ,Euhtern • boundary . of the % tatter. , The whole ettnikitelif 'this” Creek is impassable morass, 'Whiggieksfititli'NtirtheikliidiEttst'ern banks ex tendoheiglitstnlimiloic toltuig range of hills 6 4119:verliOist4e , N. - 00toYer ..tuid Berkley estates Faint ,ofcer an eligible i poiMon for heavy _guns. seen that, protected on the South by r i bs 'frrfertitict r ltis 'gtinbesta, on the We st' by im- Ipanklible :ravilies,Jais i dl 'OW the North lied East by VeriingtOreek,aunitheilleights ofiErilinton, the mnepor'spposition w pressins but one pregnable PieONCloltel country . North-west of Webt4Ser, friim a quarter te'iChalf mile in width, lying between - 41e lieitil'efitlie ravines, and point Creeksertnisel'Oharles City Road; but. St. isfinertain that. the , :onerny, with his im !:mense resporcea of men•-and j inachinery, will, in , i k a very b - rief .period,opetruce r by art this only natural 'entrancedlfi ets stronghold . Already it is iFiLlifiirialgi'd inriboins and of his siege ..gunts;itidatited'oliatliio Enlinton hille. Another dal; may see: itistrewsi-with felled..timbers, and belittling with field batteries. ,In enumerating the adva_ n ,„ntitaes secured to the enemy, his present. .potation, luesrpenor facilities of transportation Inuit 40:if. tie omitted; whilit j our ammtu3iton and Stores must be wagoriedrie distance of nearly 41,1iftiv smiles, !his isteaketers!'and transports are truntg>np to 'the zarty s tiogrs of his tents. For *the . enefit ,of ;t4istant readers, we may here soy t atimettl4 of the character pf, the country sO itiddenlY and unexpectedly alte seat °Pim!! has been:Shifted. Ten days ago, jwhen etittn huleaguered Richmond. with the :excel:42n Nf, about:, five, wiles of Chiekohominy low gronnd, he'.occ o pled the most •barren, and at the 'title titite l the worst-watered and the most flinhlialthr-regiOnliif 'Beldam' Virginia. Agnes, ohOop-poles y . and whortleberries'Ave been always the only ; sure : ,cropd,of the country. With a ra dine_ of tee miles about the i ßeven Pines, taking that Airit as centre, and ,hnt,two living streams crotte l 'ihe"Niiii' Vile or Villirinisburg Road be tween Richmond and Bottom Bridge. On these two treitclipirith the Se-VW/Pines as their heatlV quarterailthevery piek-f4ad, flower of the Ncirthl • ' etat array:watt, concentrated„and here for weeks,. ' their iigOrand numbera,m'elted away under the , isithienciNif" number water, and Southern ,s 1 • tm. ;,' but -by his hasty! trip :through . White 'Oak ,Swami), ,•fileClellairiliasi' emerged with thinned • enkiirAfte a more ill@nlait land. A broad,iresh ,aner t tlows beforelaim,„whße his tired and luingry Lordee will find'boiind]ess supplies in as fair, and "rich'sl t vahey es tie' BQn eltibes on. ,Tll.ocountry'ef thei.lower James Raver; is the . ..;itirrgarden-spet:ef Virginia, and "owl** does Ake moil better t reptcy . ;the' toil and skill of the Aiisbandman., iFor defence, - *mpplies, and healthfulness, the army's present position is greatly, preferable to ;the formeri t end these things ate immesely. de .,atirable shonld'ihave longyfio, wait for -rein- Iforcemeltts 7 , :But:if it has to assail Richmond by Joni forties alsgte,(its formers line was preferable Ito that Which it.novr occupies.. We hope, how ever, Ostithei.9 . aines RiVer..may be opened so that the, gunbeals cancooperate' . • Ell 11l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers