Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, July 19, 1862, Image 1

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    WKINNE t 8, LIMB
Editors and Proprioton.
.. •
T E'R' M et IS . A . OVAItt E .
.. .
gt74llLll 801180nIPTIONE. . g1:60
1 y Ottull t 1.26
Dri.rvmso Is mass or ins 'Cities 2.00
For Tett Docuar, We =lld by mall seventy numbpr
and inn ena w
Do.An,..thi rim numbers.
ritstork Banding as eutiactibera
,arid upwards, win,
choidby entitleiatditlitrier altDetat charge.
Re newels; ehould b 6 o9l:ppe, before the year expirall
Bead payments by wife bands. or by mall.
Direct all letter. to • DAVID M'ILINNRY 00..
Yor tit, Presbyterian banner. ,
Cite of the Central Chureh r Allegheny City.'
At, the meeting of the Presbytery of
Allegheny Cityver SeWickley, on the Bth
of 3uly, to eimeider tho report of a Com
mittee appointed . ,to visit Elio Central
church, and if possible to heal the dissenio
sloes which have arisen therein, the/follow ,
ing,action, was taken; and the `temporary
and-Stated-Clerks were directed , to publish
ite , the Ilredryterian Banner thi 'documents
which ,itre pecessary to pleee the subject,
eletsrly,befera the public. , ,
The. first pt, these documents is , the :Ric
port of• , ther.Committes 'appointed at the
meeting , Of 'June lOtir; through their-sh all man, the itev. Dr.Btirp, as fullos's:
" The committee)riappointed to' confer
with the memorialists andtbe other partoi
the congrepstitfir'Zif' the. Central of
Alleghenx,Ott'in reference .to th'e (1114=
oulties f,T,Titiitigin the said' chueoh, wenici
rospeettOrpreaeut toPresb d ytery the dol.
lowing.repott •of • their procee Jeri,. and. the
resnitti Of them :
‘,g i yoo..Anidittee met , at .the Wit*
e i ltitroh, agreenttly to appointment,andlietli,
parties.bsinel duly and fully represented.
their respeotive , •committees, proceeded 'eb
hest both, as to the nature and, exteit
their, existiqc'dlffieultieti and „the .p OT.
bill ty of as amicable adjustment. Haling,
spent, somer hours in this way, on the. daffy
designated, they, by adjournment, met ttliithi
a second tithe on the 8d inst., when thei,, i fol-.
lowing . results,were attained : i ,„,
"Your.committee deemed it a• matter of
importance-in the.outset of theiri!proiseed
ings to ascertain the extent of the dieetatk•
faction existing In the'ili:
other worde, the comparative strength 4
the respeetiv.e parties. So far as this could
be determined, it was found thatribere*
were 174 of the members and pewhitld4ray
who adhere to . the pastor and congregation ) ,
and 91 with the memorialists — that for the
erection of the church-edifice, the former.
paid.sB,46s, and the latter $4,927, and the
amount of the pew-refits of the fbrrner is
$1,113, and the latter $1,099.50.
" The first queetionwhieh properly staMe
before your committee was whether by any
means of mutual explanation and , fraternal,
conference, these tWoparties could be amica
bly reunited' their existing paStor'al rela
tions, Beth'sidee eipressed their belief that
there were no •personal feelin gs or alienations
which would •prevent 'their harmonious re
union and cotiperatten tinder a different re
lation, but while,',o4* majority expressed
their steadfast adherenee to their pastor,
the minority alleged that they could not be
induced to remain, under• his ministry,
while he centinned in words to avow, and
in action, to, expre,ea ) as they believed / his.
unwill gn.ess to , pray.for the euecess,or
arms, sad a.. blessing upon ithe , efforts:tor!
our; Government , to• stipprestiL the 'rebelliOn.
On this stibjectit was found 'that t ‘ here had,
bee9l,4 l o..99 l 4ciltnpaiently be, no, change on
siti.her,,.ailiih i aq¢,..your, committee accord-•
ing(yrptecestded,to it.eccond.inquiry which'
they had presented; viz., what terms'
the parties w,puld respectively prop,ose.for ,
an amieithle"ridifinibieintkik ? tlleir peish i niery '
and other claimeflif claim , division e ef the
eitingregation tdi'onld be deemed neeetisiiy.
The' m eta orlalidg 'Proposed at' tare first
ing either to refund to the other pert
the congregatiOlt all they litd: peidloi the
erection of 'the' churoh-edit* l 'niiii "tkri''l4s;.'
tale 'Fitllisivqoof/
chartAr4 ,or if, the others prefesred,iti theyl
would, Cu , being -reimbursed; iin'ithevittimi;
they • had' paid;'relinquish alPtlidttblisiabe
to the, ohuroh , property and oliatter. , At '
the second meAting,the majority.awded to e ,
thefirst 421 t these alternatives,' and proposed,:li
to refund to:tire memorialistertheamounto
of their entire Outlay, ardoutitibr,'to
927, in regular payments, if es,tituities and
individual,claimants, they, would give them.
the exerlueive,and peaceable possession. ofr r .
the 'property. The memorialists, on the
one side, and the committed Of' the conirtei:i
gation on the other, unanimously aseeng
to this agreement, and the conference witty.
then closed. '
"It will' be)seen that.this adjustment pre-' , the meilorialists, and accepted by -3 ,
the 4 chunk' las reference simply to the,
pecuniary and . . other, claims involved, in
the separation;' while the duty prescribed
by' the Presbytery, was that the committee
should, if possible; reconcile the differ
encetr'' existing between the , twoparties in
the churbt. .Theipreservation-of, the unity;,
of the ohuxoh 5,,0l far. as ,Presbytery is -con
cerned is itheiparamotint desideratum; and
this arrangement 'of the pecuniary qui*
tion does not 44, to have r4ulted,.se- of
coupe ,it did not,equtemplatei.ibe. mom
pliahment of anythiegttoward, a qeoonoili- '
ation of differencee =The two.-parties in
the Congregation are . separated as wiilely
as every . and an iraporteit i .' post in the
church is weakened to a.;serious extent.:
It it be that the pastor
blook..f`L in the way of a reootteiliation;'-
should not a sincere regard TO the
tarots of the ch i tirel be a suffiCietOnotivit.
to induce Presbytery - to recommend;:to him.
the resignation, of.l the , pastoral , charge of
that congregation. • •
"The Committee; therefore,
Prealiytery the adoption of Lilo or the otlei
of the follo,winisaltereativei f viz.,:
"I. That inasmuch as the continuance of
the present' pastoral relation involves the
unjust exolualOw *UM their rights' of so
large, a number of members of this congre-,
gatten who, although numerically in a mi- •
nority; have lunch the largest pecuniary ,
interest in the church building; and that, •
inasmuch as the preservation of the unity
and integrity of this large and important
congregation is of muolmore consequence
than the interests , of arWindividual pastor,
therefore 'the 'Presbytery:earnestly re'coiu
mend to Dr: Plumer the resigriation.of his
Pastgrfillharge. ,
a 2. The 'second alternative which the •
Committee recommend, in view:Presbytery
should not deem it expedienel# / adopt tl?.
course just stated ' is, that thric i 4ssent to ~
the pecuniary Arrangement, agreed, to by..!
the po.rties,.and that measuresibbtaken for
the organisation of the minority into.n new
congregation, 'Or, in case theY,..49
. not
prepared aepresenti 'to go inici.s64l4 , fift or
ganisation, that the money to be refunded .
by the majority he, invested and .heldrrfor
the erection of a neer Presbyterian ch'u'rch
at some future time, in the city of /Vile
Shattld this alternative be adopted‘ by
Presbytery, the Committee would suggest,:
that in view of the causes of this coriternJ .
plated division and the adanger of a mitt'
construction of, the aims of Presbyteryin. '
assenting to it, the brethren of that
congregation be carefully and kindly re-''
minded of the high ' , ground' , whirl,
, Z;g11.11066ge1.1frj.t.,‘,21/0011111C.,41.10triVrAtie-,11 , 11!4,10,...1 MENNOMiteB/40/44/0/10/111/MVX - - •- • • NorroletAlammingoarmolowstnimermt.
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vast uniniekity, our Chtireh . has taken on
the obligations of our, people to a' becoming
loyalty to . our G:ovomris . nt„and . aympathy
rit4 iP.itti eff9r*fe PlttPrise.
log rebellion • *hat ',care taken, by
them to, discountenance_ d isloyal sOnti
en te, !..) „bp
p wi all our
pburcbes in maintaining spa g ivin g utter
ance to thit.silerell And no ble ; adhpypnee to
I§,ip i gto ‘ Rtitition,ot tbia,*ltubliß, l npa , the
Po#py of thnt t , pat t ion, „for t ochich the
resbyterian Church has ever beeb
Acuios44 . and that it . th,
is i 0210 1: peisua-
Auwthat our brethre n:ok i thatv Ohnich wiil
:kii#llY: receive aiid, iii i ilifully. m tifted this
Preebyterial counsel,*tlat We . nowmupti93
,this arrangement, end.,4ivhdon i of the eon
. . • ..• .
lie • a
All Whit* pee lls •
it - rtily i; vire
: # :•• •••,,
a .1141-1.4.1 . "
.•,: , • ••, , I I‘
••• C "
" gi Tthad. H. 1 14E 1 4114 1
The Presbytery app i rved
~ eSn it he pre
amble of the refs:ill, coot,itunjA a narr#t,i'ye
of proceedings; end amotion Foif made •too .
adopt the 'first tittefnati,vd . i' oiesing,4kue,:
"that the Presbytery eainmily, ter.4lMutz p il
'to Di. lihiVief the' resikaattoe of
. After free and 'fall . ',frite?- -
ail:tett+ :Of sentiment numbers of
PreAbgtkry iiihhictio'o . `as also, ` . 1c 1 1. :
mad 'by 'severiir'Or gte MeniO.llll- ,
iste and other members of the 4lieit'egidipti,
the Wass. 'eu;•ana istiheltifd'in a tie,
aw.followsw, , : f d z•
1 re oliarnn r , D.D;;;•
l a rh , " l, l ifir API:WV:J.646 r Oonraday.
wift,T:ll.Nevin. . ,
' •p:
Neritl;' Cameron, 'J.••Tt.
Ssoftl3B, !Bo Et: Davis.. 11 ,
Rev. Dr. Elliott sakefil , excused
fi . ° lll: 3 °wins , !ko • NtotryAal relations
PPres"Fq IPA
Apf. Dr. Eiwift vo t t4(tnontiguni x ,(not
Sr4(iblitirdaard, the elaltogi4* , the Cent*
church, and one of the melnorialliste eye-
Tpiaining, pt. Dr. Plume's
voting_ on aoiOntit,pf these relations.
-11:ev.;13ViitIBr:Ow141dc'egh013Cena to iNtYP
been presene
The Moderator Rev. D. A. Cunningham,
gave the casting voto, in t.,lo..ii,e,gffti7p ) ;tlt,us
d e iorx ng„ the questitia .4)01:
pastoral' refaticnikci
the C l eiiiral 'Church.
, f'resbytempow lad,a rifeejse• ,
After reness o Ae suhject wss r esumed , ;
and, on motion, the s,econ&alternative was
amended by striking out Slr, after 'the words,
<<agr~ed to by the partieS;j :. in tile last par
itirreph Int ; one ; arid it _ w sdoOted
With great unanimity ; lAythis antion4he
Piisbytery gave their sanction . " to tka,
enniary arrangement Sgfeed,lo the : per l .
as it is concisely . stated the:nega
tive Tire44tO the Rei9rt of the .Comp,
The Rev. Dr. WilHume order„to pre- 1
vent public mieconcept!on, tei the ,trie,
position occupied' by , the y' :lieshytery, t aii
mono fully to make knowntbeir viewsynew
pm l
ented the following paper :
As. an expression of the yiews-of. the,
'l s t,..stly,tery., in regard to our pending Na-,
tional ,diffitogities, tha frillowing• action• is
hereby adopt,nd, viz : .; .
"lst,.gesqved, That m thaliroaeat rebel
whiqh a portion.,of ,the phople of
the, Southem tiites„haye, i tiseni up lin arms
against• : thq., qov.ernp l ent l g these United.
States, and have forced upon us the altern.: ,
ative of yielding to their .demands, or de
fending our' •41try aziatebta l la'asnation, by
'amost deplorableoivil a w,ar,, is. wholly
without excuse, iind:desperafelY wicked.
' Resolves; ' That tlislilatiocess cit this
rebellion; i nvelvitig, as it * *bill d; 'this
'late rent of am independentvand , decesiarill .
11 994eilegnfe41fFa9Y, ba B 4 l 6lVs o ,o l ,y , .tutiopti
the perpetuation of humul o elsiry,fiediM,
corner-s t tone,' would be Aril:tuns to, our
natibn, arid "dimlitrous human idle;
add .theiefdreiiii , is our- 1 04; as; citikbnil'
and--aa-Uhristianslito , seek, iteibverthioWll4•#
whatever ,expeuditure• og treasurer- or -of
blood may, be amid neoesiwy, -• • .;
311;` - ervecti That it' is. the duty
all -mitilhteis 't6 iii6tract'~Ell~lii~`peopt~' 'to
their duty.ins' this, Iterriblif (*bid ; 4 ' ~iid. iii
conducting4hei ; devotiond oftthelsanctu*sN;
to praya.parnestly to GoAdf9Ai-lais ,help r in !
this time of trial ; tlu4 weak:loE l o4in ours .
Government; that ifoidd, give, 8110Cti88 to.
our artnrele.;' that ' he tie de
vises -ofibur enemies ; and *mild forigife
their c sin and. give them abetter minsijethatt
he .-7. ol 4 4 A„'renlinre . the eatlf l PC o f
controversy; and, inhiii - ciwn time and sm, / ,
restore to us unity and peace as a peopliii7
thiiiidoption 'of thiiiil*fic i the yeas
and. naltuiwarelLoalleii;.;and'Aremilted I a's
follows •
i f f l at7—E * l-1 '• SwiftyPt i l mht tit9lare.9,
D. L.. It.(ll . oAboy,'
VP„ Nin.kinfl A, Oul,3lljitg/NR) L.
L. ilonrstd,, Bwifti,Aohn ,Lannikki
Blaimir-,,A,1er,.7-,oftmeyon, , Davis
:~Teyin. • . .• 1
. . .
Reir.'.lir.',Elliott, poi iecessarily absent,
and . by .permisswnof,
,Presbyter ; , Rev.
hen tiaTne mar palled, de
clined'. voillig , and, assignedredepStiffoir this
D: E. NeVin'tina'Res. il John
Brown were also absent, though they ha
The follow t ing,miniateramerelnotvreaent ,
at any of the aesat9 l lo)..z.:,49ysi N 4 11414,d,
E. S.. Blake, John DaTli t. , jaßies lap;
Th of tliii vote was Yourt4nrite.
nays, tibke !I se
were abseat;' ) . .
"VG • Stated`
lemp. ofetv
The I:ite4ll7id WCAy.
• • BMI/8: AMC( ' ' )`
Near Cataberlanddtheprfenn.
' It is with profound iihrrYw thstln - this .
:far-off country I hive."kMaoi,.abrittil'
notice of the Rev, Davidlf'Unky; i mialbW
'nos -Via elk :the privilefOarliiihg
9r 4 1 . * • in in' etne!...le toriihd
006'411' Wien' 'Within
aoqiitsitithinioAsililea•ti spoils ~lfYcl tde--"
lea lifti!"'Atikiable:iie his dispbsittdii) . ap
iii 'a mind cif 'a high oxilei;
to life Was 40064114 tolyy 'his con4iiiigitifil:
as 'a
few of his sohoolfelloWilidid playtnatetill
the .Jttnista, that areAteft,'Will• remenOti
with gritificittiod"ihe'insiiy kind Rota
of frietidshiplkatowed qfpon i thinii by their'
-devilled" friittythat"ithilellibt >tisd Vpite
rink find nooiluogiillrotiitliiiblithrtell;;xet
, nevei with baviall.',C4. 'l9liirtiavit.if
departmetiVaithegiiiiittaifigitr l 'or 4:nllSe
never carried him'intwezeite'eients; or lured
,him into the patbsCdf.ftnisohief.'. Others
may have tasted the fruit of their neigh'
bor's garden witkget,....ttowner's_permis
sion, or_ the watermelon t ,could.ogly be
had' by' 451811i'ibinn
wand rind ts, bug 40hiCIPteti-iofeeii: is , toblEed
npow aie a Itinthftil diseretion, Necirie
of them 'by tbe„ subject-O,P. this
Ateligionearly l ,l t ife .i kia • taltp feat ,hold
upon him. The. ex:nipple of a fattier o'4,
if 'he Vriid'at latit Wig 119 his rigftP ad-
.hereocert,O'the 'Odipelltriitliti which .14 . 41 - id
with!• almost puritanical rigor; 'or de-a
mother. who, .with
• .Christian meeloomi,lay
for long yeare„presprfiM . ,on, a begLef Ark
ness, had its influencer formin g *t
idier nfithis Wog, :
" 'Forty' year's, Sine*); 'of there Wei but
little church seividelefllinY 'kind in! fteewiti
to w 'l2, other thaa:.that which-was held in the
old Court
~ ‘ l feitqi s .thatAtiiiint old edifies
that stood the centieof the public square.
-II ere; Peri each Sibbithit
seen thosi3 ,-, 4enerated fathers 'of theit'res
land .Mri .*Robisoti; add 'indeed , tearlyt.the
whole-tiownewending their way to hear:the
Rev. Mr. Kennedy-preach-from the Judge's
bench, ,and, here.was thchcrite , zofimptism
perfortheit M'ety ; Ittiritr long
after, years, when ! . the. Rev , . gentleman, ; by
an appeal ' Cbe illecitiVed'intti the ministry
of the Church which he had been
.iuki&ndeci l fer many,
years ; Young *Cab
'Uteri" but' ritc4intlY uir' sit,' as
'Of hi ''jhtiges. In describink 'the
ii6ae 'to the'
,Writer he spike of it as one
tilat'eaneed'i.O*.liii:,Oreast 'emotions , singit
iiiiiifyi;'4d.'pet, gratifying, that' his
.ftret'pastor, then a penitent man, could' by
his'vote be reatersd to .the ministry, and
eonld again go 'fciftli to preabh the GrOspel
of Jasue,Christ:, That vit te' Nes given,;and
ihat old man lilted 6 . '411 him blest, and - he
Once more rettliectlto' the. 'town where he
had' so 'ong' rnintatertsii; 'to find 'leaky
o'h'ltig‘i; add Slime 'of them, alai h'oir Sid.
That the subjedt"Of our sketch took it
lively interest inuthe, 'Success of our arMs,
I can,readily believe,;: and the factothateliti•
followed the army li of his country_ to the
tented field, that he .Might minister to, ilia
dyi cimn tryinetWip`oke ot la: heart Wit
right , pleoe. ' • •
Few ever passe& lo ithertembosorviieM
prepared : to meet a lightcoosjitOge AAA
last great, day. May4e influence ovine
exaMple be felt in, l on g after .: yettail •
TliOkezier'his cichiAtifilsWl "survive
him i Willtrdinember lib cie .efeeihuiti
lc. hist class, how he excelled in , hislitadisk;
apd how readily hp,,tixank, in : knowledge,
tf bp , his stre a k. voiee„llo,Nifitt. 1 4 0 alot
tile attention of the lovei, rhetorical
display, yet he never failerteaffitct"the
int l erwst. of the attentive - listener, , as his ais
ovitirae§ Were clear and.niethOdiealievinoing
no-commoniorder. Ma
that of an empty- bubblii,t but e.delith ;of
learning that\ 4,a-be appreciated-hholdd be
heard and studied , withfdeepiattetitien.
Farewell,:• friend'. of Aityi• boyhbodt dayei
Your cipitit has-fotindameeternahreatuiird
,if' aret per
:mittad i to rai !as pour oioi den in: pitiise, -that
yowtakfullvoioar that , sweetlycasingtin',..thw
old , etione4thurchi was" fbit a preitidwief
your4eavenlrmusie. Green -be the. grak
over ii your Jove& tormk have' beetit
gathered your fathere - atitid-ithe scene's:
of your childhood, and: that little fatnilyi
group if that,fortyrars siri t ee,formed : a happy
Aes i kly , paitied: i to ,that.
rein:l44d. ," • JitNIATA.c
r r • rl
Mai rß •thee
her oft.yonr papproeithiprofontidstriefrand
amazenaentlyOuvr aiticli 'relating fti4fultWox
eeedine .of the:.FrefihreTY SfT4H9II I I9II
° it y) Linakt.e:ll l ltrgllt?nex , V 3 d-e
tion of ,t be: nifscgt t exs.4 . ,ioi3 Oeptral.,grek,
brAiikt,h4o; 41 1 ,86/94,,VA,.
staniimentS. „ gendbisk. ,
PhimerWa . ). 4 l l4 . l .o l rei 'Pena -jet ft*
immedia% vicit4ty" tont i thts ,theolisiun will
P r°s l' i cei AFlreeS . giet4trellleheME-7.
tions; of - ,the_Phnbaki `it.,possible ghat
o f , 66 . Pillitto. l toe eee9ed Iff4lnir‘
nary in oir Ohara looatedr in .the centre
of; the most loyal4.porticw , of out land,:
while ministering to a feeding Chnych o
at a time when the Government is engaged
iota dath - stinkgli, With the ilk&
wicked' and . .groundless rebellion that can
deeolMo'a oonntry,• r tifnfaxi'tir lead this stiF
grim** in::l)lliyerito Gcid;for his blessing
on ShV"Gkivernaient •of 'the' conntry, in its'
efforts to stipprebstlais iebellion;and to gi4e'
thatikii for the vi•atbries 'obtaireed- by oi' •
armies • " '
:Is' iVriiim — btiit,thit'sielticielniihViiiiiiW i
onieli! • a iii're6v .
our duty in the !Mild ; fikoirlibt inWhiiili'Vet
iivoinngaged 'What itrinfallairat * 2 .
itz'hird&iittubtrtdP r.
everything inducing him tiami : l'oyel,i4
- potted in his l arofessorship, ,bybtherhard
earOngs t of.thiingidii . familieCsonie , i3f.
vh.19. 101 c BAIA" Wive ‘lu_ l ready Abed! their 61 ood
;iiittl9/ . 4.trit 7 oiwa thitlionid trehethlon-zp:
and sustained, in part,;ohureh,i - maiiyil
if not all, whose mernh,eiw, T .presume, would
ihe willing to lay down_ l th;it liv'es for their
. 0 04R4;a1M
7AYetjiia filice-of thud
'othejdnr,ationf.;,ahnlutey refusing , swlr r
tam the . Goeriment. thatdi t titects
. feedilittn. • • 041"
The' other in , a border • slave , - State r pt&7o
fearfut gate ? t j ,, decp-okyfrilf. in, Tebelliodi at
the, Tisk of the Nue of,,,A)tegy . iltyins,.:ltnct i
lifeliself, totally and rearjesslmesponam thR
'eaneEk of Mi . prajia'
forthe Goverthiiihgrittt"dife ,aB-'islad'
tains it with all the power of his great.
mind . 4••• • •
TVe refulail .nf l `P
Dr• UMet ..0 ,pR-y for
.the zGoiiin&ntit, for 1'413:
torinie;rin 'the cifenWsetni&ll:lfrilta'atolili
noaking but treasoni. , ;darle
'treaaony and treason of •it .character , that will
dive molLt,etfr i e,ttnil ?Ad f9;k4„Fo.ngn.rt,he t thn :
enemy.'This 'iind neutiilip, is . , posi
tive thtP 9 Vet
; g o forth , iiowlo , ' the , Sokith',l'ais it will go,
that Dro.Plpmer,..a.ifrofessor, iu , Allegheng
I :oeurinary, and pastor of the Central church,
in .ylegheny.,Pit'3s ißr..the
. patriotio„
. tyatiof Tittalinish , such sympathy, itUtitmlvetranibi,.bhith.k.AritrAk.orq.irfok
4e sickens of t e•-•Ociverii iffentp in piitti
trdationicdefyirigothetChnreh andlthe
'Presbytery, _and ~.i,t, dn., ..Anore ,• to
liitrongthe,n 'the;.,lianda t ,of i the Tebellifin A thm
if CdozeLor the firs t pohttciano o Pitts-
I A, ,A.: 3 1,f5. 1. 24
• /or the i'teebytetimitiumer.
NEWI itURAPI,I June 23i 18621 01.
burgh • should 'come tint' thd - boldly avors ,
their sympathy with;;thet ribeito Why ,
poesnot D,r:, .Plcner )esee b and, go • where,
are, kis sycnrittilii,t,-Igivisilrely hops i the
Presbytery' and the trec ors will ,act in
thief erase, a's bekailia J PAidai ' obittic
piano, ;if Dr Pltitirtg QUI natttlhiiighlbirk
eonduei, or voluntarily4remoVe.i.
In Alexandria, and elsewhere, gh2 . l . 3llhes
hive'ben removed or
tlitf'4%4 shuld'igitshA'affirlialt Ruda"
is guilty; and I am bold to sin if yourlig
tiole gives. the true ~stap of,thp;
;ca se, he
ought to re' removed s eine authority
bqtti *chit' 'We Semin i ar aV4ttirftbjhllt;
l'Asbyteh a 4pr,tritegtors
can; do it, lett'be Govlrunient do 11..trtult,
when the' , Presbyterpideets ron tho neconct ,
Tuesd4idf diT3P6sh
41146 ifte - 14111V4igit
f er,
°t . ' the, Otalittraleklinhof
lad as win. be in.•&mordant*•twith fruity
rieweontmemi, und'initrio ascii ri) ,;;; ; ; : r).l t a:,
Witil lid § o`ltYtih ( t
lailgt B dAtt. tlftl e ttlit a
I .•brthe'
ftL) LOW !) 440. -tit. , l ti
whole, .all ih
t iit , Ce I IN 94, 3 , 15 . two;
things rather.,surpiised, mi.;;,;;Theyrlsay,
there is ;waif's, iniprdper iinthe'Tequestrof.
the memorialists to tlieir pastor' ttriliffir
theahlihttilViialglrOyrkol49orsA,i .
hdthihg qf ,
indifference, whethen Lthe; per toomplies ;
with. itmtittld been) so'2--iir,s
at' kast; dof' a Mita tlie-
PreelWcy `trilr
~The last seems. a tittle
singalar—why appoint% committee ttovisitr.
the church to endeavoroto , rtlt•ontile
elicest . How can!, this, be done, so. far as
the memorialists ttroomeerned, in aril otter
way. ths.trabiliadtteinttietri to stranzit'ane
ldttDePlu%lit'dli l all'heynipee.,'
have apneavet? ae0Z; 1 444 8
with:rule prinoipiesio£Aoyalty, if a! ;
mitten /had; beenuappoin ted visit Dr,
Flamer, and endeavor to bring hill:1 11 1Si
i?eiger , mindyand Andric, himuto discharge
hisiiintywr acloyal
II 6 9.f
~.. ' • •,, • ••.A 6 . Ji..g..; ~
li i iip t i.7 ail s the ,
Ergi-d.trakcig and ' Geizeia' 0 1 . 0 ..2W;L--Ne' . Ern- -
peror and a Ace ' w . Election--A Papa l , .473.01 .at
ltireL-A tii7.o4 Aiioß,,Piyacktlig:, l ifi,;,,;S•er,-
41wn . Oi'ilie, Naiiet*--Tenicteipal 'ZeaI4TR f.a.k.
4 risio
• 6 . 44'6113'0'4 I .A:tiiiticle'a .147f - L- . prii , 'win= .
ntnnsnid his
,#,*ted A , i . .fitiAr, A,
,Illed ,41 . 1, 7 ,
biiiinc-1- 1 If ,tope,
u tkat hen. .the /VT, ‘prycin
Ol'HidliAisi•ellintrX*44, W i iiie:for,:'l3 af-: ,
,Ile,ci iittirßW*'--Viii - A;rhiffaciiieits #Naii,Wr—,,,
Chtii.aVieArtpfifeitlvisi:4Pi44 /"zpietattojzi
.. A' culmh-itiipLiv' &.:F44niinite, - •
, •'• I? • •L• LONDONJ iTwts••l9; .4882:141.
LOttif 4 id din
gov r OlihiiAg
440,0 fftll l l l 9 l 4 .
JaPPaaBo..AMPOS4On: . tavoi
liongtoon tinned .andt.inoeseant , explorattidn) . :
of every thing worthy of examinatiile"
whether ofl.thingsricurions,ithings' qiciienL
tific, artistic, military, naval, or me9IYR/00'
as vv76ll' fiinV to J tllo kr6tilt i orliig*t
day was 811,41* ti4sr, `!;PflEßY.4.l..raagai t at -y
Epsom qttowntr , and:•itherei add •oult oat%
sin ea theivaTival t quivi ithebu 'QV lOoktie
on aV th4 ) Vr66Wil l wifleirsTatk b atid*!
- 6 -7 1 4.04
Blow fitioopingd.
forward asptheuhorserctrme-initorsee WOole•
was thelofinyjelq •• tii t
' • ."' ' ••r
PliesteittlfeigieflibeiNirbi l iefivia 4 llol.-
vo . , tu.
,tint, ed •it BR n 7. t 7OrlUi •••ii o u j aw r ,".kr .1
6011:11.atilien singtonspi *a day.wheri heart* ,
and incessant rain fell, nelitty'4ooookvititbi
itose trnade o thaitiyAyAkit4l . On another
day, tivil.4,4titude
to '58,000 . And yet dere "is More, tb
e aff.
Rid& alt 4 llld6.
Looking downinpoiritheixarisepts reithrek:;
side c anA t alpeg theignati k illave, :the) f
sun shines bright on the great gtass,,dpmee m ,
the multitude itselfdit . full' ireinterest.
Bonk' slier tiOnto rand 001 - ftWlniftll4llo6,4o
centrat,er pwds moierthmtrothers=4ueirfasrf
tkeiJ4l44l ( 00 101 ktPPuarNlll44:
cassj, the r ifiench : and Austrian ,
wi6l "'their eintarttapestri'e '
Eitlisir id isPlay srof witreirdPiiletly
tretspe, ; groups ! : and, `tropbieet 'of) andm
silver and ~ precious. stories • togettierovith,.
the' agriiMltural implettents anclading,
re4l : ile
• cry-hi MOtion..."..litlifi'li4iiff a
larger. n ufirber .of iartigagi mute 44
, age to the ;4hilkitittny r for, st i bb eiprfiss
; pose of Andy and self-imoyegymt r eknik t.
:there can be no reasonable doubt, that et!,
fronfihb Bili'ibiiilfeciftifBsl' a iiiitfftY i'th
,pie= towat&hitprONrementAventrloith evelto . -
, the ,eivitimil i .gr,orld,.sO l eysta ins a
gireegrikk,i!..lfe aow s3o ,Nnut t .n., juarter
' stirling i bas, area) , been %mired.
- • rair •.-; •til• :,)(11
"from-the o seamn racKete, c • ognesil
- front: die is V011014 8 40' 'fob AO;
prawns; and shilhugeriat•the4oori.V After
ith.i!,450. 1 ,94y:3 1 491 tl!ft;TO;gitY-74).0 1 stfatiiINIc. :
; win lower Amy l return-ticket s,
I:thefin a iina4 ir iiiprOvk ‘
jthc eau Of
cida,b er , - - g•i: • •
i .r-het, ePrigdfi of; Wilealwiinto iristately,i3
this. flt*.ki4cFri4 3 4.irtiftbuiliitl l .
has r etu r n s frguli,P,lo3,l i•ThrSLVitfat''
'of. Zeit 'Lenoir `'' o r '
'ors soda
ehildratru.haveri now -all rseeiirtctke:•
Exitykojtivii, mingling pi t 1 witly,-,Ake xt
people arid gen i prally geing i on, the. Bikini 46,
dayd . Noti i iiiteettni•priae or , exclusiveness.,
.marriagetifitothrroelebiStEdituboutt thigtiPi
,gin l 4l4V9l43o3% . :,iiiikocSnt(the Quepapoosti4
at th,e.fsia,.4 7 .ll.l ..,•,rep,ortedtkka i l
health,. and,
privately:A 131iivep ivotddi be ;too :buggelp
paißfal to ! lier
(isoost pervadesfAlteu•ktigdomilTlittrit
is partly, oansgd;.by -:hhe *RPTA4 I2 IOI,4;,oci i
wet ouninier p artly £he newtio fresh.
'dna fiiirilitigarnliSti 043=V'
protrandlin °Nit& kirbygliPrdViarliiifothie
editipaignr. the. , •destritotreer :Of edttonriiir I;
. te t -rise -.43,4*prigtO, bere i , A l a great_;
" 4 "%iTi a- i(V,ilVlAfttiltt n Piq**tere.ri.rP'rk
'fitilting. &ere ram. n - this "f can
ittulsi9A;LiPtiftingl . : 'tge - teigill''• 1'66 .41"
Ai* ii ",;,title;.'tht3''sitlt'ness''aiid 'inie~
amtiaiVnin g 9 iiir F thei , Stilith,i (the [f
hurrying, ofoo „many . sonis ; ,ioto,,eterinity,4!,
`the agonies. of tlae . , ay,ounded ? .,the distaste .
natidhiliestur&ii;:aidln iv a;viord' the woes
;si?f viiiiM'llitilie,n•With b irdiliegiti4ititif
.:possiolritiffgfinglis igd4atetmiiiitl;i 4 aModiejili l
peforer.thetinithisr - of!zianye.Cliristia*meac
Tur.': . Ettou t b* it!
.disiiolve the 'Flinch Legislature, rifearipgar
that the return of' the Bishops from Rome,
. .
ink colors; 'might oitifinenife:' the elections'.
He. isi L made ito, feel that: ithe quatrelds. not
I..qcelYe: ti ), 11" 3 1-itittneell hiPePlf.4 ll A tthe
rrenoli clerky atone, but with .the whole
Oktfigatisloild: PO Pe
pliesielittd erdek, itifcned twent y:
One:Cardinale: and two (hundred 'and Arty ,
four, , ,Bishopsi, , j , lsTatiOteOninecYcr.,the -Shed
%), TrPßq d !rht qrs. 495 ; hie feo.4
In ft the fact t Popp Pins IS. in "his
xiy^ot frigflVlOir, W113624111ift over Eli ow,
aged 4 land half: •heaned,woonjitill
summon h4.ipide ,more pre;
Jates in& cvenita:ries of every grade .and
tioin' all Outs" of the . world, than met. 4
the'43144,4 Chiincir ,
forithenthbinentbnit talked
anitdecilaring the,dootatties of then Ohureb;
',Tegkevel 419/0 3 1 'the ,rt.f9rl4-ef
the conduct ~pf.,ite.A‘mptesirkin? , and .if
possible; tile' ofeace
toiiiicortiiin't" ;j4all
We celebrity+ to - thie meeting,' tibere iiins l
kereil ( tc.subtoribel to the luta itathoiitatire
tYlgr stua allfAkt.iPlin.eiPle§ . And; diKlAixiesiof
the teen uatholipiteli . giom, n /P,,liipel,pl,
'nlBll4'l', 144 . oth
irliereke' 287' Ciddiiiig
Archliishopk , .‘tnkialtlidiklgVel htlitenild
to: 'Romeokt tbe &St: call of lPio Nono,ianct
the 49 , 141 43 !h1it0 be' the A39! 1 .4 11 ,40g9f); PA'
the.Vpiloopfry Vatholip 3 1roirg
the 0/ 1 8:Dl'osiler 4y c o
Pertifdibithierrinihnioiltlfot'od t dee
porta Papitiy. A;rAinoiii 'the , -Frribi3h
late thoihost ,tapdetateiimii4tl;forbearingi
and 0.9,Whk.441 1 9 8 ed P.-414104 4 0 .11 what,
he osoooMielit, is, by gonvai r apuission,.
Oiralifitnittriiit;'''`AAhliiehop: 'of t
011 1 AV lane; hiet t niil"
nenoe obtained ' an' sudienteof .2the'Empei!
cior 4 , 03 1 41r5el b/eysivisnd-to him hisiitri-)-
Kessioof 4, tore, settim ?AN ,lelt,ito t hould,
be said t h at", were 'thifaseirliTch . he,
;that iff tiny- event Iforaett Rolinkearf
ftotne o he,, Oars); nAI Btorloti should al
11M•r a.1 1 ° ' k is IVO; MI W141 8 1,451, 1 :0 0
together 011,: i bik coucaunr, retire yr , onx .
'the"Beilla hs •
ittpa l gt„
therVist Wieh lief& tliffiel4ciihils
'before theTseal-ofAthelpreiateheated iar
t , ?Oat eipep ug.atateme. i
shall have bPfl:olo,2lnlPlie#4rttOP
:of i the rural anl of Bowe,
4feeti6i a.
; tiledittlaCC7
:mticatfl• I ,-,; !.r. . .••• .1 el-
PAgakigft.thetflierigisyle .thei
e t?ttliA B, ?AnoilWrell*P , X.Pric,4 l 4Tellt
as prelates, and als o of laity, , morn ing
• English converts Whig
rfatithualliailr`byltliie ' bf i iirielts
ttris , saiftiltheietwere iiimthousand.Y:Yrenchi
ki&oes, ,pathweP,cAelOTOticP: PrOdomillAtedi
'but the Cana from Ireland, anil EnOan,d
tr 2. . , 4 ,,1
R4olcAn aid cash Apserysa, Norway r , pain,
-11 Ver .7;
! in ,„ s
7 A11 , '- safe 't i ne ViihrhifirWillitiatha t this .
. ppaccasions, &c.,‘,ff haver sent-,tlieir ftshei4
moRit:PAVOSe i n VllB.4leftt,A944;rll4ollert.;4
11,1, it it a, great tbing,t2 have,,,the,pAeg s
of oohed in,
preacher; ad febt[rtg a f crowds& congress:-
tip.ho odd : dire liot•Loome.-lere so:
nkLlPk.ta tffil/i I A ,PIIP(4 I a noPiSO,tioTr of Aimk•
b!•iiqiea mar ty r s qapauese t ) ," i as.,to.ogry
oh - the"ar 0941..'`NV6 prieeis"gglit. not I
with ihvievilifd'; - WWI tW sWeittkif
the Spirit, which is7,the'ffoid 1 0f- God;}'
L' h l l .4lllo ale
weekday`ti t an itunense,
i t eEliflighc`Wfil ° a`ii4 effect
elfise of rtitehieniiiiii,4e
three roundslofelippingi-baiiassi andrahout!
Long tive s Pio lipho • '
- 8,411 finer,e ; r i enwirAleatcene• to* place.
when Ibe l ililtemt,Lil.le p preached
the co ruins of tie Cideiseuni:itself.
.A - Vllllt wildviabefed ifiladorii, attar;
i ivhi6hfigiobd , troßith4 kio
with. assiStautipriestaoand.)soldisis d •
'dies mesa; hppd,: ; viti,,grptips.-.4f t spegtii- i
hors here and there Jound
etke. ltrirde
inolB6lo4;llgl4,'wiiii ) ' lin "a 6i
"Entreating,:#enonecing, nigniopstiating,
XACTR 14 1 dollMolO
. orator, contipea. for upwards of,
'an Weer' 'bits off' bit'
Judie 'Wild Ilido ll for . ihil
*COldsatiami lie.) l n4illibiettifitackvithreejibLll
• eStimmerr.i Ake. t , crowd.
whom ; 1 1 , 3 P , FrATok
iwere inßrit: force of Rom l ns g Olrg !
f4w!"` A* so : y
hie bonier itintivre'l sir iroligt-htihirffithini
l evAT• , •0 talLtilt•t.:n &In :.,-tws
rim Pr$.. 16 4:018,1 1 91 1 11* fes‘v,
alien anti' "Trial' uatielics. At iott - 0 1 ,1 3
„Bishop • concludes his aermcui,
an - 'eager' Aelifilibritl
I Cpoweittofethelecipe•vand vcottnVeif
echorthronghbkho khdoteteulmvaceanipaniedl
ibye,r i lee apd.,l,ll,onhlt,
gle pouvOir rem orelli put
.51n 1 : 110.1 rp
t fu,,
opt' quite ale r. Cer?ainls , soldiers
sh6sitga eilhd;;;' l3 ViiiPligiOrehh'!" critligii'
lielenEerier7prieettl rabbet% v at:l4B; l *SM
'holsliogAt fodbCkg(i)..titneoiloftr, .bent it Avert
the multitude, who ,were on their kneep,
three times, ! and then the shopts, burst out
l iskoitedutoienthwiialainpiriving/theirlhaWin:
Ithe,,a,i.r, and - erTing !PAN
) 31 }t 9. 1 E 4 1%wP39.
[.come who sneered: And died the soldiers
croWdtotoitrell'iiilFrenikil Laid ti'd e ridlea
"Of thbattostetrikin g scenes evermitn esseiVi;
3 All this.avaiiiiSigfs QAmmittc..? r
' l l ec T e * li r k liT: a d r im i ipf i yirLo w iT#.9. l
parliiee e dirt ans
ltdn , ivho wait Tor their
thoKtiMe4ringresetidii :ss 'be'they
friexids otrecoodel who..edulieidayd:oto °mi.)
'lnitcfqx°P.M9Ps , Akcm,DA!* htilet
„Romans do lio,t i eourfomhm the eat
of iatiOVelirritaemptiOli unaer
Vattgittiflitlfie 7 Wei:natty:et'
Tole , dairsosznler *Om thikthittrredl. Alas ;tit
ktle,cleriottl pciwor,lnojatiliS ol 4*-"' ! „"'`' 'a
ti.,,pair.,,,o ß keti c t 9 , ats• Cffixdical,
tW.ise.Fla,r44 PrerqFP;l,S l dFari-a . cldr9s idtioh 1
.wal . ; acciiiited l ,Tiieause;ii: Wait "ikneidefta.
Piedinbiatiind 1007 gay 'that-
Idur pre ten tie . 4erginith.aspires,ehould,
iiii°,tYlnclTlEfitgAtdl ) YAßoll - 71:° TARPit
ghair. f oertiinbr a.pantrus i Aweigh (
v for m .. 1
ireettli4tiiittho Voilifalln r ofultfil3 pita.;
than , for Imph selfzidn fiditxtiyet
inistatestroinlik9go4,4,ll?igefrearritnietlit 5.'134
m i ry the chair of St. Peter. Hie cunning
ndrivisdo . ni, eve* fag . 14 Infinity
Login, and i ast:hiirrattemptnlat' Englifh ,elor
queNce arejotjko4ovr i -pcpp4Ang; o?f3Agiiitl
failnyv y I V() nb doubt
ICiiiiilliti4 . • biliign :' , 4 lsa*eti z ial i iikaide )
it iOippiiiiititei."rit hi , ' ' lie Thi'llhiri:ds
and State R eview. -• , llpieedited:bylltrolu
deaeon,Dennison— i the,itaine.',whsolutinAinti
that the sicked es well as the goslly eoptr
tuuntoant eats andlrinks, reelli , und'tinly ?
tile • bidi Vine 'Maha l if' Z Ci'liiiti," iii"Pr:i
teki'fig , Of -'the• " lioird'i- 1 8upprii0 1 &Wig
tetionally;. thel" , shrohdesiecur isna-frank,
I?eartYi fklinALT Alita,;(l/ 1 43 , 4904.1 1i.k440
tr,t-oftketiAtitru:h64olt V lia°"o64;l
tlemeti'fitiiiii::` "Bid "he' filial ticii2i'p l i:piled
by, lip ipriestlpand i High. ChurdluiruitiOns.
;`iPtilo.og skigthlLOecirktlinVae- of his khr,t
,esimp'spetsl 7 - T in the,..beginnin t og ;
Altrieil • Ogieet-4foin theliks ot si oneon
foiMit' iniiiilitiirl ft wlii - iiifd - nig ho Diiiiiil
sonpluothet IlleolttA haditunkliWeiopckindblii
means, fain l'udriinlawfalisto driven:Dissent
ont.of „lii.i,nen; parish Ant *main: -There
7? 1 1 lA l l i ff t s;n4l °6B4 4 l Xt t likPo °9r Ai t t e P
were de nunciations. Wow thepnipiu at? in.
Piivtitilitd r ll44 aln i tlithdV& eresoli4
eariied•outtthetliio AM' thivulttnitend tits
parish btatiminliSoltool,innietisLittt pozenta
ft. 49410 9. 11 ,9 17 149_A) 0 Y,..9ArgiTt4 0 g 9 t,9o9infe,k
n IPP, °4, j. r ei ~„;013 i ii ttki ,, l ° M nil lrimiig
uddis.i•Htut noon, as ta e getter light las
distil ;eked:l%llA' built;' • atit the a 'fa kit
rnistress:t i of %hove typErtteitvrandfrihie
Pijuto.d,f iaspouneetnen ts ofi fees luid ieetudii
tislf il Plt!',4f4TrAlke4 (i !I F I3 P . P?: 1 i.P I` a r ; Prir4
house, and put.plzt a s imple notioe,,t,o the,
elfekr iflitP . oif i such - i day, 18611'07;1 w ould
• bertoPiled; ) anitliit` ail . dh . il dithi "idiiievivie
1 echne, .arid - .:thats they.) iVere'zat !) entire liberty.
1 VAL oP 4. -.• el iill evt, eburobl ,ori. eh ppet inn...44:1.,
• 5 . r44: 14(1=.1 :. .; Tho e ,illmsuA 6 f Alliiina B - 10 ,' , RPT,
set Fuld ci eFeal'.-tiae desians of the Tiaeta
flieterdiiiii; mi l d ticlikehelefetite:pgiiir
h*Siiiodkeiweilltlinti Disiiiit A *is Ws' lid wkifill 1
ias•ever, and that hmlnid. , tipent• Xlioo.ol4w.
il r eLPlre tigv: lam I , ciltod.rt . - ia pi „plc , .
„Nov,. tne Aar . a Ileaeon,.. uneursil of 'Eus
&size, TUiliiiiiiPtheeditorriThali, :LIMP!'
Jaes , . iiiii.s dedhireltr'ilid , iiite i tiblkiviivV.”'
Esti t nkpl,..itt wiry tripeoto .it..juts ailedirsiiiJ
* 8 4.T11,Cliekt.Pailii6piiki.4,PritiSqd: WART?.
it-Till it I OPERIPItaigI4I.9YdrIMIRRPT.
hate) and ' nen enough to mAds slut Or
cilB'iihr i tiliesl l ••'`.iii4liii ). Tagiet intyal t alf
filPitil l44 t hi - fir: fiii Denitis l in bliendle io - viici
r r porV
theiatt.dmalnutsafw Anitiaamfor Mini
t, . • • 1
is YAP, it. iff•Pli. 00 . 1 gOe 9 1 .5 vtoitutkAlisv":luk:
; 0 9,94 0 9 8 ,.# 8 , 4 , rmp i lif,, ;49- B MtreiV AB:.
io 'grind thet . the ChUtZh?, of 'England hat
Inlithiiiig •Wareallinic atirn ril"lb i Je 2 -Ltlite
,g 1 er Etothsefutroli, help:gas; truly enberght="'
:thete'.‘ eani• hal none, ,exceptfroutoiithin.:
VOl Is / Irp,ter v , surely, . thaji, the c gright s ,g 4
I s . Q,lan z 2inf , 4
. tiiii ; ll,v,itigelosij§ B,i,m r .. k ke i
,BibenioSna64l,t4ioir began -4hO' ory,oni
as if the .otiiiiisht wee tiireafaiatiguivatio.: l
*kn., y. AC.41111 e'tePtairit ..isexuortlitest.
The /Ariew insists . that the, intern 9pldi.
tiiiii of she ; Uhl:11411 . ' 1 1V inmo st. hit • 1. le
itieitinititiniiiity;ibiat l iii i AV ,i 4 •,thitigil
added tOitikiirlittlitioila iihalforWir there
is 4fitio present fear ;V •:. indeedli thine is _.4. , ito'
cgi'M ff# 1 .40i.!;.0) WilittAlioieret9o.9.,l` , o.l2angii
as in Jim ) tanae 7 7ofiainiiOsf!er,4f.. our
social iel:atioris, , greater thanlc e asy to
foresee!'" Tlie contlitiSe''ar t ilii 7 triendi
alai English, Church`, however, , .dainoto to
iit. ; .basefl on j its .k'antity ; ,stn4 close etelitetAion..
with O lB , '*aPA tltt. iIiP 3 P , 'AI ~: i li P7 s #3 P d•;•
vOalitYlitil l eee;o' - ' i .
—lt; u.....n,, , ..a7 t i L • ilk" fikt dij dut r ) ilt .
riaP tOoten:l •of
"r" ..ryfr "
1 aiafiiiiatAtisinigii;viiied'W•ta ah" Evan;
gelloaetaki-VOititfr bdt:' o 4ll%litl n fift6tli
thii:TraetananAihtelZ:towei.7/ The :):niitsting•
• 4 1441 . 7Te_. 1 049,gi o .togiYuP,§ l P? .tilf-Afripg,
away of square . pews, the gft.r i ttl i g for the; free
and frequ ent i ,k4a . tiy) service s of ilie'peotile l
,thefinekeniiii`loe Ohartsleiilibliii,t he Arlie'
elerieiblifs-of the olergyl , tlie di+otititlikif
opeciallyrokircreny the pate).
ieiliTill,Af.4he CtiPtr*iß, i§57 10 404kR4'
ttliOrawing togeth aer eleNgy. ant IRity : -.
, thAre'ice 114"i61.01ilioli are i tuttfoiedlq
tievat citi&siiildintitidlisliid'ituieek of‘lidall'
. .tional P. etretigth and ...;infinetio.xj43enittail
,li,illi.Ydgi.ittPiltto..poskimaillg IgAviblipt
'" 7 4ll r h ()OW P9P i P v irlgltt,ifhil3e l : 4 l,...„,,,:z; ( WE
;leer/41(135'0t' revival toksns,, , oars lifey, no t e
T o-6•hibit246posy.‘ r igrvip,, , g...4hOtticil
eieyear t sei 1 4 if ibielid 'pilitic . lat re ibif.A)
viientmithertkaniiiiiii re-baptized Rpikitualb
I ra _
litffittrArl. •:..:. 1,1 zu;2• , -.•-.:i.r.: :Ai< 131 ,7; Ike
I' )
lie ORA ALOPti3 I I9 lizig:
Idistntetiing 7 ,thilga 41 i the I,Es . tfilAhnikent, ,
ihnt they efily calf flif an in: creased sense s
,Oi'•liii • Ponliibffitgittid‘' . m(rib Jialkilf t ifogo':
,Tiriretis).faiciostitici;t3gi h'or'riblelmi
.faitklifulnestuoofionien•wiikev•the • lEgsay.istev
Tl l .9,4leistirbAeiga ol 3 l,l 4enßl.:andortitiTter
iof a A Church irhieh , tiey delikw i their
7...k. - .4 .t 0.7.
and"' I.:d tr 4 r • 1. ...;
power to sap overt rpm', That is
Iv6iftrii/41)nt• goeicibid lot Ispokliiili v iaiiir -
3 Traetiirian eireraktiiry tl;:. trititistiaitlinirAii!
tiuthoo_f emirse I, .Then there•nre the. proppii
8 i15..!?5,4i 3 .§1•193% •21).conictn:P.faitlie VAAtrAki
oinlierttancl, l ia tty„tyhiO t h ; iis. f. maßt,thiN,pr? ro
, po4'd,' abolition of bliiiittolizates • impose au
I)ii&eitiiiiiptithicildrala IPaC t rtiiiiniiieg . '
ALndii which ithe AM.& kr& ‘ f rieht enottlf.' Id
nsy,, ) st (thousand , ..Vmter:ov'etvviary 3.*Atar.
Pay , ,i,.. Av.v. iy* ... c .
j ,`Theik ittlrt , sl* aoCliiik.:9,fAallitifkk , do9fs
s , ,broingAur .time ,7 in "%tie hae4 an in ;
aeoisiailiaib: rikiiiiitieank,niyialkdrii 11: to . '
Aliei&itilitikiiii 'good feviire; Eikit %Wag'
should' always,ivait omfrevival'im.doriPituV
Id not to be. Made ,71.0:forentaili it:4o AIWA :
' a reproof ; to the Unionists and 'ultra,
•fflikairfia tr tilloißittriii r eßneiliela i nAili i ,*
v014444'10 •liiigtodiPlOrittiletiaitifie6- - iiie.'
)3ntrstilkkgiroisellbondruit {ithottititiolglegik
nd . fe9l4 Agitalei99;: th A :rovjoion,o7 the,
1 1 / I c , i triT;" . .A l Atllehig. M9titsthh.,e'll4 l ;Bl4!
laonmenf, ac it w ere ); e . geknerar consent oil
l iihe l liki+Wil i Jelht ' hnetitil t oi n '''esidfiwg '
~ yl/4/inb.o l. AidiealilotiVrtice iiieerili* %V
thisoiwßliire..-told I,t hate liSe eidutd . doll falai
greatest service An . the,Qhuroii who o minglct
14 Pr e i2PAO; t1 T °I B%Y ui W a .F 44 %P.APRKr i Pjf 3 g:
anniora itir in tie piriit; ilia upon refirsti
Itqf the spiritual judge to deal with the cage
i rurld7applyl to (the .. Q ugen"e -.BenitUiloi al
ttlla 7L AW CA I J ii30 , . 1 .59 1 1 1 1414:0 1 4ii einOlt ViPl4 l 4
,be 9P l ?, t ' l i ju g.a. l 4l4ift e rY, 4 ' l 7Pit i Arillti
for a b-eioh or iirkri . nat 4iiiisrptinel tuft,'
qh DgliniMil dihapticli3 sW.p . 4lß,'Wlitillbt.l7l'
)asseptililibisgh!VelTritngllYriirpeAhiettcla e e; it;
Alarded , Dizt nbrtinthia ; iin4itnivhili, 'there
imuithobt :Ye 11 90 Ponoefileigo, ior cgilliit.T;o;444 ,
the Piffiteutol; : 7,4ilY,`i t O er atcPP".“Viititt -, .
Tehoigii"thiPiniiy insure ?re's ' aegiainlte. o n'
ihe - ehi6Cl4'ilie,iif tract ; 'ahitiifell, l iiitY Vie
,difpairl eve ii ; off Willi, iol tife,poritio6PlNbita'
confrirmilepeandi9the-inonitin , Oatholirip-tfoiit
t,` tilikti•ill i.49X1-14i 1 1§19 1 i1. 1 .7w 54,e 'ill:T:40141u Os ]
attr Af e r t 4,,ack-Pir..lNTß7Pahn to 48;115
work Vjetting nertmotio ever e ,tt Diefr
Itior:" rt l ielrate tha u the Adititeif i
0 1,itottal f bttceshicitir iinogitehilirifitiintel
!dere unknown to ordinary and common.
vira. .
• .
•••• :6 • ... EU, 16; • 41 I:! . .•:frf' • : 66?
GAZbTTg Bunn'Nos 84 Pura BT., PrsTract
A Bquare,;(B.,liptr; oriteses) one ineentistki'Veg:i e' sa
ealie liti nent ine4thon; 40 6siniN; Yabli' link( 134 ots
.1 Sqnsus.per.quarter,.s4.oo+-enchlinaisqltkonal,4B.4stote
A REDUCTION made to advertisers by the year.
IsIDUMNIM NQTIOI3, of , ftsulinee or-leesi slip j,ipgit, ad .
&lanai Ilme,lo cents. ,
7: ' • 4 . 19 ' DAVID. 111 I KINNEN" , at CO.;
.-% , • : PacTIMPF. 4 , 9; E.'lll4;
.i:1:!i:1tr'':) {.7r:
!,, qtr....! t:,u• , ,i t' - . - 1.! iasr i. h i ts
sense Dognencoeil, ann tnat it e no ted
, i i
- hilt & indwetillapselit the -bhiesiiiik"Pirislli,
!thin tfearnac with olds- waken , *lnk s' molten
by,tAsk..' Ann, 3aill t , c one, ,day s fall helpless and
#faritTi t 2 O'Stß:lindt ..,A.V.Y.i •
i„ l iP,S.÷, n Egs , Leenssing, after" kightssoml
iiMiantiEMer•O I ;}dia L .b 4. XPOAMits blats
atlas I Awes o n l y to dlo. Such is man ? —stiett
itillitillir gielittliis. liti 4ore - diii'd ' sa'd:
Witty' zeolite' sir . ziiontbis ' ego,'' Ili Oalisnitk.
nu His death iisrhieh mew:red only aew days
8141' .1 1 i13)ArkirslAomSe)is) slePPlMolloreli•
He, rendered.great ser , yißesito,,t4 E,pire
in a:idost djfficult ernes, and discouraged
ieveritY 'toward the Sepoy aaVirers:' He
was the only eon of George Canniiirk,' the
famPu'lraileSTtow,diqfic,B7,o-, - ,Hiswrife fell
a wet( a it ill num ago eciihe'ilimate
Ofinindia ; rthis; and , over-workbasisffeut
0 his Ertoio,fiiB klAll.Year4 - I:ati .
t on AlF4R l !li l f t ir a gt) of. OloAtvivell ?
tt ,an em in ent. Independent minii
telfVed•liat Wielt, tigiedl4: L.
' ; ' "" i
: I . Tilitilinftethliti/ ilo -reattotil-to - dblibt , tiiiit
Omit. Persighy; in I hid visit :last week, tii
Tioaclon siNttely•orgOd,:49l laPrd . ,Palmerr
ston th e romi.l7, of a jobs', preposal, for
`` IneiliatioA lind 'tha:i the' Premier de
ellii'dd ttlls i tiB?""PliiViirseirariti the Tories
weitrdisappOint . ;'many others who earn
eAtly .desire,theleessation of .the war,.must,
lilip pAysielf,, feel that pod its in the, storm,
i tt ll igrra st liPti t !it eri ik i Ep ur p? se is Serve,4'
es•stet i‘s i—•heeet..ter r n'• ' ( 010 'ls'
I t s ' Chief inifikit *oft Voti both Way:.
13 1 .0 1 ; D9.3..e1 ;tI :st
lainly,.a church madb e ie revolution that
Weir Mintitier,'mulit . iiiraiksfied to live upon
whit AhOiithiitild'ilicilToWit l ethe end . of Itid
m t cntht ildt • tl* Minium t - he little of r much;
and:that • theyttwOhldf . ittot , from ;that time
!tr?.varA , J;k34,... 4 4einagveai V.l'utealc‘a any:
pr:rular. main. Thiß i rmobtion they . conk,-
muni t dated'lO iteir pastor 'watt 'this set
!advice—" Brother . you must squeeze ; the . areliarctf' He eplied that 'hewoiil d
think of,the matter, And see how the. plan
'f#,;(4)tetTa aelg! er• :1 • •,.
In a 4 3 *.liftij..kee014.-elletl, the .9sTner.
wits'a; Menabeit . Vt
ind litni *MN' net
imgditto Tiny speeitio sum for 'the • hOnier
ifrent a thetr•tinie forth; ithafe,> the 5( timetit
were 1 1.1 4 q . ••IY4) 1 letiefa 4 l73but , he
would . pay _prit
• euuumstamtes would
iperme. . tannic* steryt
atvim an,
and ,
ea, *Uhl
(a i attihish irlitr
ilets -.bottom , this. .nutionr=4 " give' silo
i thigetkas ,yl2idiegy one
19nek.0 thtng:t ~409nght
~ a dvance the reni.a pound neit year. I fOrt
, 11:4: • -1,,tt111..' r.):
noteliall have my house, I am
.sure, for
tone panny,:reaassi4 . •
; sad:theta the miller, and asked
ra, , essfek h olillotir ".Certainly," ,said the .
41* dc i u . r it .*9S I F , t444.tin
aajple r ain% you o f
cl ii igladef iv •al islat : ifitt* avaie'ol
fed klie
()Teat consequence, as the order of •thingi.
s changed ; 1-aurtn give -what I can for
t. Broth&PWliqmfrist Attieze ; the
.tines , A.Xo_llha t itl 2 ) ll `..`! • bad,".
: swered u ,the tnust have *scord.,„
ing~ to triillin g s per .sack far 'it
rib ~maa, who' sell tour ' upkrCett i i iii n
or t hipt Cs: ,•arf r
/tel.:nett 1 pia:Weeded.. tO I the fainter; , and i
08,44,for,adttuilhol, of : wheat..,.. ; The • farmer
alf.d tiftliabp lo :l l fliaVe ( 4,..hotip.,;vr,ould cost
htm eight sht and' siipnce. "No,
iiiilfrotliiir"lspli - ed the minister; "eyon
, Inuit Squeeze the times are hard.' '
give you as much as I can-,at theaend .
• the month after seeing what the.colleetions
wif! . ‘4l,hat has that to do with the
•pika, 'l4 *Neat it" 'Viola:lined 'te, rainier.
egreittutecif to . pit y 'heft . Mbnkii;
and, lbrdo flint kianwhowe to biing
benr,cbetween wages, ,the.. tithes and..
the payments." t!reth9,?cept a large
farna,.mid paid 'specific wagvs, to his labor
' ei4 j etteeii'laCk, 'At i e.'hiAf-witted . l)4, wlio .
wilettit hialdid fetish tha 'Co Waror' '
dein ttherouthoudeiri.ete:.l. t a
nc minister next eallediuptunJoin4.tbn
i 10 0;?Te 1 5.1fi kciripg .terms. .
for a ,pmr_ of shoa.,-begkn put the
ae brabli
48 two chimney flues ? and talk:ie4
ticallriesikoting Iltuoh forms..
ipughsifatoh:upUill ahineltiltier thttie.i
) pence," ~7 7, 1„
bier Ideat e ' fwd . q , Sol .mucbt 'pound." : flnd
the :tailor ingitathd Avon , Ott .regithic
pricififfoiihis4drnroodities) ;... ; .7. " q .
/ Orewarfromis; the mitaiihir wettt info
_ .
thtrstkoplOPlits pfincipad leacoh,(and %As&
Mtn for. some vsmall Oartibles tecelfaarrtor;
thef.hse of his (faintly,- shah; as iv . 'Suited '4*
sbap; aikradcotenkitr,i ;
I tivoodacces tea; ra :of
C acdac ..holtobsC,Cc.) • • li.itgriltokidgodiel's
th ihr /main( the rgroiril lieggn`
n their eat r i IP( SS yoiri newt •i no t Am i te ,1461- . )
time iii rebkbnict,R•nterittptied(th4 Ida
to pay for" diem , ' as - eirifiliV
, stances , Iperinit: • 4 13tcitlieiv AiriticWdtil I
sguii•zi,s2 as ! the •titniiii iikrerhtefrifaiti: With
roe eat'. Priserrti cbctil v'l , fel"copseilifiP •
tiorsllifor2,llkewo !What, /16 in; Ilowdrl 4l3
4 Equeeeffir:i said thei• shCIPIr eep !willifin
kins—sorprisev w hat Ido yoi
lite NV hat 7 'ion)! itesle===hb;se
.AtiaLbeiriel(P.litutiltit tat"inbile6ll 3
tpiitstl the vasityr, "oft:kit los shill+i not y nity
the tetras 'Athol , indAthQ 1 1.
u iniwthnike , obll'ectiot. vrill , l4`l ll l l twit' • i
4 111 i) t fdd , fot Idol& isid!ctlifitesbCPl&ketir
ami obligediltolstoPit eeriaitiliptibe for e i -V•ery
article, aud halceliftri;atdfilff
, u k ) ; at i x t,g ree efi,ao i f
j ait3o li ndeeditiietethilfii,d4he
' 11 "1We117 -Lies athercuimno'lede
dsque_cre f .and,,thatultasknohhof the freiehaxitas
.nhard times. If I was ablir.toytperfoiori.., 1
imi r!lftit4 , libi gull 0 9 . 10 . ,11 K. 10 thA.. 11 9 t. loB tv.M
I .,aad; i fisine3Tur plan yropld, o wyfer t , g qh
110. , Pe l called on k i ll the - MemberiAtat sa,,
1 44 alythirkg. for the use Of"M"ad; 1.. iintenedi't
: iyour..ilihitio %rag ' •1i kely ki,o' ft an ifitrilui loictli f oii
~.musdA irav&::a flocikietar 9 :73rifehv-rtfoi ydriku'l
goodigLthe ; 43 ivrkti(DP ( my!)hduite, s ,4h6 'hi Nap i 1
ilie3shoemaktill thedtailoOrhe O'Utibhilf,libliwt
pittisoifi liiristiielo i =rot i 'will , ncii. l lBo aikeein
atihavW a vpimitTellaflstzgraildr atu:Oritiee tirgt4lo
„pitecifatrwillfort, initheisti pay Mirage t 1 PAWS
, for Atli litog - tictitmiai ri 6 t oekfiliffiridiP )to
, r parray; 'war ivi*hbrilizOsiAtfityq444tel
' - that;ik.So, jtiotiotpitioiiAblo Au ;liiiy) failP -f? f' 1
10 13eforeltreich qiktred tovkiieeive 40140 6'4' "j
recolkithi 'lnonttlity!dforsiinecg.lyda itullibi ert '''''
ir must bet 411tiug fl tavieSeiltrii. that ,liettiQezi 1 1
oroirihlroto4tion vouidiat I , gib.y iiiive 'gad "I'
fiom , ewelift P lidif Wifilirtimi& tegliferlaitte'
in modtufatay t i at o rrrp' m hip re f f ygirit, ; . i m l.4 n..
, lwilliiiga-liftg'ca the movoisvaiteilveoliymw
Ili , thttaketibeiVib , itideokiLifttzbabauwo•
_Weishrißalgiitokcegritild.ot3di If r. : .-tlutyi,')
ccuti.:4;44,-- . 1 11:ilitialur--..i.d lo App.
f4iatiy, it will not I 1 ertermiz)bereieimiateat4
treat him in the nine simmer. •