ri GAing: Dome. • Win you come rytime, roy'pretty one'" aaked.a little child, , " - Will' you come with mo and gather Hewers ?" She3Poketla4ialme Then, in . t),Avv,, yeiyeeh,..aintle voice, She.saidf . " I cEssnot come, I muaii i iket lenVe thin narrow pith, Faq alikgrOg h6pe." Bv.o 'toil!' I asked again, T 0/4 p ining.bright, Aikil.y,od;n4ghtid , w4te a lily-wreath Tailarry, hoine•st, night; aotaltiAitoviirni pleasant things Ig '?‘ *MO come ;" Bet siitsiairriirsd ae , before, " N'a; t.dank home." Bat TooKlif ABM; ftettiestok'green, And nestktlieleafy trees ' Children are playing merrily, • eael4v C• Does it, not lust.your:tender feet ThiCerlinfpitthito tread•rt ' " 840 i tiptte5.;. but.l, an going ,home 1" (Inee - more ahe eireetly said. " My Father bade me keep this path, Nor, wierAsn-aside; "Thii lea*, away•lrcitif, hinu , Is Verx amooth i aud-wide ; the delde7 4. e s. frimh,ed nool,.and green, • .....Pl: l lgMtibit/0 1 . 1 *A ra c ; ZuCthose around my own dear home - .l A:re . &Mei* thin these. • iriimtnii‘loiter on tho road, - For 1 Ixayelar Co ,so ; , I And should like'to Teacp the door • liefilie4lie snnis lotr.; ••' • • I must • he,t4Ptrirl 4)*** 0, wilkl,eu tAt•ettsie toe ?... - 51 #34 0 !nejt.: 0 17 , *tq u it .end t.bret* le room forkyou' • • I • • •• • 4 1Acioliiier little hand in mine ; • Tdgethirre went on ; • 13iligileintbriAnt.,'er our-path • TicigepeAdjunbeams shone. ..jkllenatkrie saw, the distant towers, But ere i'ie'resehed the • gide, b / 1 40 4 1 1 . 3 t o . 4o 6l l l 4o4;iiiifitiPg feet, 'Tee'livetiorkto 'wait; ' as•lhaiitailiedzlier. , ;iiiiii;nit face Qf.gtet#.4slool4 o o.WO:Aon'N 'I hoard sOllO of glad songs, • AHome 1" . . .1 .1. ki . — Friend?. Review in'ltt Authority Lind' (frigid Divine. t • r peruid ; thousands , of o 4 , auparms , thou sands have freely given of their substance, `while as many mere are ready, it zeoessity requirea4., to ffillqw their ,exampl e; 'preserve anal defend .the GovernMent of thee •,. • • No tettaAfiartednAmeriein wonders that thesettasaitatonialn , ofTratitudeland'attach'-' molir iefe' filitA) gtven. Government is worthy of our love.: It"bint blossomed' with blessings. Its hand for us has been strong aparkii ' as_apAufaiti :At; home, , ithas kepb, watch With irikilance over our persons and property,;Ahroad, our eons and our brothers, whether. sailors, merchants, or bilielkttai. have bPPn..ffirki,!ilii.tgivert ctaNin: wider the.••protectim -of. its 'flag:. 'one. shield of ourtGoVernment beerbegi a surer the,. likneir4 "%prart-Amerippoi.oit#Or ,1114; - ked::§c More worth thin tile like elairxi,of a goijia;n: in Ni st ileiwgigiiiies i lti The poor and the Th.eiviressitte assurance,:of..cfood, shelfAybelothiligi' . iitOrfilance, and if Om die,Wfilkiri of burst 'and tura. airdliiiilvilllie — fdriaat4 and , welcomed to any plane of honor which they outjimaliej• l pf ,thit • for vi'qrin%aitrvelititt?Ant`iff mies gather; for iscinaintenance men freely give; for its pritiervation they fer vently pray. But is the! cal' oPonficoitirtry one of gratitude and l interest merely? Has it no es9e,_pion.? 'Truce ie.ipktiehority ? Are ittrolagina'thily 'those Whibh ar i se from man's assenb,tr cant it. ,demand qhedience and support4ifiVihttebt'Gcld's brmmand ment ? In one word, Is civil government - o f Grod.ra a • - " To answer c‘ thcat.ocatittrkzfe.wat go to the Word of Arid tmOn this subject the holy Seriptaurximpjamroleiti and ex plicit—Sek.l3om. : 1-7. _ W.Q 401TTXTT.t,.., 1 : • f: Z we 'earn Pa p ro spyv.m • ?, , 0 k t,18.4.1 01-4 vine institution. , natAiver anstract and and pliffaiOphiWil'irith - there l iaarliikiii'the sfietrigit tha,V,AR l it t iftokot a , theirljustr , powen4soretelortonsent' , of; the giOretie,,.4; tho44 l .l l, itkiii;o4.4 o Puttteiiiiille tattle doctrine that governmenkia w ere human compact,Acriv i ing add authority• frora•modothat. it , is.A.ehoiee.of 4itls, inirdatidti tilltiscosily,; Or' a.miNge. from ganareiiir. Whrieveztliere•areiintAl ligent pritatintel Anzughoixtalheinusiiverse, governments...exist. In this. world ; it has ~: t o. 06044 • agthorit l y , to ;vari ohn . qflises-thi the family to• parents, in This ariangement is desigo4 to:;iceothplisli) 'eaten Weat ends for this world--and • the world to come;. . ant . O4';‘o4 l 3lfl itfrtilitlemp73ratyrel444oi those under ritibiiietlini, their dlseipline and instr4bilore,_ ih'...reirelaticnitotgreat:trutlis o veharaetiti;' ttudk 111 ' various , tiiffi the acColopliahnient"of his; 'purposes. The gasafaufialaiteEhialtngnitiknmenta: 'have on 9 4l4 , ffetitihinie Qf~ari'e~vrb € tilt,: tire! vast :snits achieveo4them, thepositive co .!.. rids. gyqvlarcTirtheir. aulholftf aft' ported, utterly / disprovi• - "those theories which intiVeAgoiWillieniiia•auniiiiVivioe, which give rulers authority than tlitfOliiiar 'ejee,j4i4"9tiffigia.a , matter. of , marrihnice. Itlitteivr areve4d'a min* . WeVelgi,Ns , Abair iititiar. liar God, and! 0 44trVA' "eo.W6heir trust., not o l ty to ' the p eople, butpin Plaartg4o.o*-aPd Placed;4 l oP4 l, it; and th2fit, who yield to them. reverence 'and auttrassion, are, in so doing, honozing.Godli authority. Whet!,,ilma r Aikole says, "The PlArri tha qi" P Grodi,jk is, eyid rt . tica nibre vm ia/eant thin' that he establishe !l gpvernment inh the dbetfccet. In deed, can gelivernm,entle an.eidinance °Cggdoor l c r #Mtio3l ll 4' Igy t ationt. can claim obedience by virtu e pftwookir3landty mUlt, Igi'AtT4Wie GlA a lhi n gtglit4 4 " tutkw ift f r a ti but noti require from any Cle :4LoWea-i -eii-Ce,altrabrie ratianUrpravror:t 0 ithipt p . artivolg. O ,e l etfp.,Wdrallesk o • liity? 'W d:Tovernmerite !afts! , :t, , or4timuitie• •of. 4 144/54dAtelikiitt:Aili i114 f arrTe 6 j a". f .PPr a ltil' lra'r .e ll r al l a . w..ieaistaaoe- to God s , pt the attem . p . to kyttr4trA ii em' i lit or i m evagainit the.inajeaty efltiexel, which all riliWis have 115050A1-2.5041° the "Tl7l es6puntalamera imam). test C we,. When ,childitinl*l'Nerat* fight for the maintenance ornthedigoveni.: , MikilmllBl,49ol3lztpt aeitYyt Atc.iPot.ititi!cori3Of 0442.44thickr41/206FlaMilleri rdeflitlt4ol4 goes forth..to Au battle for God,: and ,oe . Christian- rninisAer may .urge .. Akint to 49,. may bAeas him,„as be goes, tuAdbid God-speed •in his work... a." will gi ve,".. said a wealthy manufacturer, "1 will give dollar, my ,last .child.. myself, neeesew, to prevent the overthrow of this government!, ' Every. heart cries ' Amen; he speaks " a man, should Speaic, The obligation ''to uphold' our government is such, tbatif need be we Must:forsake father and mother, and wife and children, yea, and our own life also, for its sake. Of what, worth would Any of these- be without any government, or anylhat gave promise of stability? That an existing government ruled by divine authority does not imply that. the means by which , that government was es t,ablished,.or Use coicluct of those adminis tering it; have in. all. cases „the ;appr99o heaven. .illarriegelsi . G.l4's ; ordinance,; , bu4 God ,does eqt approve of the.ifraud pr, en, etousness,. or ,other unholy, R . 3ans marriages are okten brought about; nor may those,. who ,have :been,utqt.ed. refuse, 'because of' such wi4a4Pl4,r l lo . ing, to remogniie. their. oth'er'therelatien .6110! formed , the duties; arising the refrom rests on God's command meats: Nor does tlie.faet . thae we may' • laWfully seek the 'repeal or' maifiealiai bf any and that we must elwaye refuSitlo comp/fifth any enactrueiit requires us '''to 'against God; against' this doetrine.' Parental 'authbritti as all admit, is not derived from but from Ond,:andlia enforced? by thettneitt , solemn sanctions. And yet; cases mighti arisetin which -a child would •be justified inf. refusing to complywith the requirement of a parent. , But these exceptional instances ' do not weakenl-the statement that%,the:- par ent stands to the child in God'a place,-andi rules by. hia authority.. ATchiamayleartr• bottor.. , aed.tobey his, father,, .and :yet .u.sk,,tbakapple.oemmand be changed. or:.re. % tialjed. ; A . ruler may ~.,he,, ,• oppressiye,er, pay, have obtained his office by; ' unrighteous means, and-a_parent may be •"orutdrofworthlessi but in: neither' «lee-does , this' diattoythe• 'feat • that ' the is bile of Divine origin, and one which 'has sau%tieri:" Mho' eltri tell whuw'desi. rable.iesulti•may:ildtr -in: God's proiidebea• from the , verkaiilitifttheiuler; or Tor_ what : wiee reasonalleins.beerr;aPpointeti? h Thg obedience*-.to -government required , in , the. Scripture:.is •f`:obedienoirclipontlirineiple, , not,only when it costs n0thing.. 1 48.'015444i ence to it .ordinarilpdoes, and lanean thard3yl called., the • fulfillment of .az.dillybat• wheirlt•costa something,"„ankeven involyes submisniontro,greet l ead , .opp;easive• And. in those extreggfrapi,rareArteeg,wherm.. • We.refuse to, obey a,litw„honaunucik t regrOm us.to sin ~ against,grod,exen, theu i the,Word, Of God and the example,, of l inpphe,4; and tipopskles teach us : carefully to i givelb ,thos,e t who arc in author L i A ty houpe .one .to their „office T.. ). in the ti. - , - ..1 Athefial'A Me4sOlger- ,• Cott Cour; - • Quatiati , ind r yigh-Living; • ,t,•• • e: ;711 Anltall.aa` ._ . . nobleman , oneof the yin greatesk;ot,,liging etatcsmen,Aied,recently,, "46:qP!9,,Pf.fhil0.1' - egag4.Yca r f ..Aitgr7 iTt,„ irllglikt . 4l,. E Xt . p9,-..ym and t ,ltaly, four, na iume;Fneerpl,y 2.4g:9%4804i Arta,. as , did. .., il2e,,,f i riends,„9f, ltngiv,.lilierty,.everywhere. 13113414g11t toAutirAnni*A. at JaaSt. twenty,, 1 teari r lopier, io.haveUsed the power whin 4 ll .14{ , 4R, - +IT ;) .4 , r.•••.: ' 1 1 t, ' s. , 1 olg. experience a ...great intellmt, and. i. gi ; antic iiioi,iiiio abilities gaie lir fOr good .? 1 oi tlierdinie,'NFUnited ltalY,, 'and for Wan-, , • ~ ~ .••r ~. ind. But he died before' Ids 'time, While intetrenrexsensenith' — of _hia.:poweirhistreffiz . Pi/PiPlrOUSit'litliTfalae;./.as PlanYaTaatill/1 31 4, }save done before. in cobsequenee, first, or kielditif An„tlie., gFatifi'es.ti on _of.* .snimal i appetites . ; 'and 'seblind; by the' 'Weak pre sumption, not uncommon, . with smaller ' minds, of pAgrillips,foTlimself,.of being - his m oiT t. pbysician. The pub)re record , o a f ; hikealle4l: . “ s •Ile• died bf,congesitomilf .iiie, brain, arising from inteni6occupatain;cwint bf bodily exercise and 'iiither too.streng an. appetite; or else. an excessiveindulgenee in the ,pleasuppa r ef, hie. well : appointed,, fuhle,'''.. • in plainer language;. he died of . alipplex , y; ' from eating' too much and "eieroising.:too 044+.;:1n . faet;Mie greatlgOint could, g0r7. 1 irrn-at nation ',better 46m ,le: could govern. !lioeol.f.. ViCirtaimptinn , csimpletecl.o*, rain 4) ,t` .1 1 0, 3 ,:aPAtfralat 1014.1".0.;aaa vigorous' eonstittition.? : We, live:' all reSd,' of:. the, Betnan }der lad loy.e4,444o§,welil.fltipt' When .he had swallowed. Aniumach•lui , his pauneli,cenl7l possibly .1614.Whe 'AsoUld..,.talri an ,ameitiei, Oat he migto .. repese the. pl . ,f sure..:.:Ceunt .Cavour: had, for, a, long :time.. l)el'a a giaat:fatda.r 3 ~a 3 . 31 . 1: as lie iiartilatid lir! taking . , no .; exercise , • he , : -mad e . ten? latch - I ,b1604 7: ,//airiUt , ',::toiroif•ii,l:44 , qUility , e - niid being It great th,inittay, this'..!lptracted 11//f . blood to the brain faster than it confir -SS. ' conv,eyiel.'„JimitCy; by the,. tiiiiggish:', tieinal. hence - .there was . .such ii , gi i eubmiounkttlution,• that; Ilie„. brain -Wini,,boniplesie'o,•:.o . 63i'ded,: and, tha'riwers,of life worefbt At Miorinnt, in a state of suppressien.. 1fe.:1n7114, 7 4341, out, id d tiovions,inilar "ittitelcit,llitit, VA" quiekest•Wsy ty gat relieved of the surplus of .blood'iras..tb,opeik a.3;ein in the ' .arm arid • speedily . '" ,14911,10.* s . , hinkself again" 4 ' 1311 . P,. i n this-Ault, ettaok, having. lio• •menicat• knowlecigii le.Yond2„4be, general .fitet ':ilint ', bleeding .r . had.' relievg4im bef ore ; he in/ feried that, it mould; do. dia;wineliadAhat• the,. only,: rule togov,ooi , .lo,oBol.flit i Va/ •UP let.•the blood , l ow untrAbleas relieved, and. , sk - often,lati,,.the:,44iiiptibriii .reft.urned:;'; The result was, tilt .hrid*Pot..Booefdt his .pliisioiaikyirtiiit f0i..,,a ,Orotessibnal•bleeder; wfilikfisrWhelaidtity . 4thisiiied; in ''hilening a ; veinpandles . ttarthe blood run until. he was orderiCtii & idoPp7...itV, 7 7l.4.eivae, neither the', bleeder For the CoAnat'e ,plasicians ware to biameNo t anselie:Wilnin'effeet bled to death before ,he piinsil4' saliysi clan. at. all: . It is admitted that 4 Citurit, Cavonr was bled toleeth:P 'lle. Wili,l)led seven tidies ; but ' by, his own dirbctiOns, given' ',, to , a npn . '-`, medibalmmi.. . , , There,- art;notr•laf. ..fekiperiona' Who; : fiiii: ' : having '91; 0111 flllat' . ..,oertain goaueffelitir Tollow,SCpsiVin,rlimedies, do not heairate 'to admiriiste,r,' , Ahose . ,remedies, under . : y appear to them to be - sin:Aril. Circuinstances • i •and'Aie4 if is 'easy to ti l 4lo:ixitti tha:Atia4i• itioe Of imwsast i ng the ; nuantity - nr farce of ;tl4l44illay, iiiiiirAtill i e r effect ie,dot.deiiiiip4t 'entingle'''''Filrif,eir Limes; or 'forAfivia'o*' . siderablediMei•they, are apparently , success.; fur; .kaii,so,regadence,With.greatrapiltity;.: :add denokheidtate , t0:04.. with :the' 1;4 7 in 0661011,0340; i:' thalieve I knowilibit es''.,linjeh as 'the ,doetlrb'do •" 'and aiiiiW. with a rag dipped in Fold water, or a bottilei of red-pepper, or a. pj,,ii,g4f,•;o.4i Pk na, ai , ir. bpx•pf favorite pills, tittt,hink themselves' invincible, practitionert ..`.'Count. Cavou's gret remedy was the lancet.; w . j.th,,that; sk hand, he felt 'defiance to dea,,,,th and the doc tors; fiMi l et ibige be r isAfi s is not WA/We 102 915,a.: , fs,t,,y4t, . any aßfiAllialek),: o oo l , relpiatad;:lba ,,,, t o ' lusellte pi) . *er,,t; gat! That (blood-let,treg;• often_ repeate d,_ tends to ine,retufe-,the frequency .of the attaeks,",whieli it seems'to r e move, : 3d. Thaetw4 itibuettl, will appear to general observer .precisely ideoo4.44=tlWrigOOYsitlLiAtlrglacige fin orr4s '&3O would kiiViVtihe -ofhtirrinrceaw PRESBYTARUN',.BANNER:-9=SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1862: sequence ggLa 92) 1 149MNsidoh 1 35Y.11 Put feasional eye would note. , t The:atim:z bf. the -'whole mitten. is 'this; that ineiiiiil fool, wbo, in a grave' case' of sickness as to himself, his family,;oetboee under :his control, ; fails. to• call in prpmptlY la regularly, educated physician i or One who s , if not regularly educated, has . .had 'long years of practical-and-extensive experience; ' and when death results,froro.such omission, I such an one is a constructive murderer. It is au inexcusable stupidity for anyone , . 'either to give or take advice in Bicknell,. except from a physician, unless a phjsician Isan not be had; it is worse than a stupid-. ,ity-•-if is 'a pitiful impertinence and •a 'trims: i . li y . , . . , ?, ' N'otiiiiii ago a great theelogian died In, the, very,-prime: of his life, before he was fifty. He•wasr said; to be one of the most learned=DiVbindliitini. . 'lt was algo Saieici hire• that'he'a4eein'ed to speak': of pki,;'. oialks w.illii kina'o cez?PP l o , i" lyldeel7.„ ing Dim, he all Owed a trivial disease to progress uncheCked, until it . ..lit:omit of a 'fatal - aara° l 4 ' .: It kiii.14341.414 t . .et, the evening of the very' day in -which he had ridden out, and. when-he supposed -he..ivas 9n.Aka. point ~of getting . well. •, It ia, An_ be : ' hopsd,•his theology was .better.. than •his ' The fast ttenterice wasr-eberoelyibiiidiisd: when. ' 3 P APlPi•ali as e eT 9 Aah'i's t ba :ol,l 6 N' 4 7 ing,,.Wini,rej!,,. ) in „mi n „ 9 1),,: . •, ~4sab u s s fa , eitineuilx laudineighbeioan Itigond-ariant , " He was in the . enjoyment of a •largelierz: don , of health' 'and , '1404 alid . lialj‘of fair 11 . .; . :live' 1." 3 : 1 i, v i l Xo l4l llb4P ' ;A : ;' \ha - 0440. ivitk: 1 314444 PPM 141944. ' -Ir'Ang fico l l 3 n, towed to prescribe for himself' when slightly -unwell, an&being-unawareuof the: niturig E 4 the disease': under ,Wlifeli ' liii:fgailabor: sidg i. he iiiikle'eted'. tiilgall.: l 24ol3lo,';until. itovat too fair to afford- 41,04. f any ( relief" i Nhis isvas %precisely!. the, case., with.) Count : 1-04 , Yiklit.r.J.ALailkillaXiikat,..4 1 4,ELWACIa. ing to the 'Linden Lcrizeet. He doctored ,4imself until linlap.re t a i lly i lyipg4le phy , 'Edelen being eilled•inla.verytaWhours be fore he expired. ;This-is a most interestingtubjetet; - and is "Of incalculable prectimilitih*Ortance, be `istiuse•••ithist• a 'speetallapplication to our gieatest m i en!. Cattour,'Dmiglaa,and . W.Stil:,. , EteE'iiiiie till'great'menAlead and she'd; oders . alloye lhoisnail e li,ons of their-0000i*, ' and ihe manner of their lives, their last illness, and their 'death' was . ; remarkably; tdmilar. All had . been acaustoined, 'to,' 'think freely, to '" live high,!: aceneding-to. ratePted r.ftP o o 3 l;:lat'ive.re". fet...:o6:l** p , toinseneibleifer some days,. with' only 'an'. oecssienA., D and„ ipstapta.neous gleam : of-in : , •telligence, and the t iogreat minds went' ouk .iii the nightb r of ,inaensibility.. , In, either. „case, tlittie were tiiilions of inoi,wholf:Ould; (~ 1 hkve:sgiven , all t ,they possessethin;ths-world. to have known the true natare,.of their• maladies, and to b ave possessed:•th'e - ineatis'. of their ettre-And3tir lif thereellinititiides' 'of other great men who are destined,Mthe same habit brliy; the AiiiteWd'Tif ill ness, and' this'ea'mn death o f ''meidaldark b' ; ness, the unprofessional_ reader may be. .ytarned. hereby, eir_t.ninpipiom alpelielliami B a O P 6 . ' Tollek.t.D o Y,.oBo449tpriu?ille ;Rot h , 1 4 •'' A you,,.value lour . health, ,your °life; . your; %bad. • A,t - ithe ;name:tti'Me, the -.educated' `ph psi dans fiche' tigularly:TOad Pie -*jouijia? :nay makell vietlif tie 7 ,thliko4tifpo of this` 'article, , which will . "bi„ef: great piactical 'value ai long ; a i s ilie3r. i live, t , i . '' '• It la' 'icio'ofteii &elate:of didtingiiiehed 1rT. 80 441 t.tufp :.iyoctq. .tlimm3 .4 1 . kii 9 iuslk . ,= ' inient,Of' the ~ attending physician becomes 'se...disturbed by the .seuse;,of-•his responsi bility, that the. chances. of. success are- not! .half as great:hl:if the . pie.iiiit had . ...644, ;a,' ottillaboitti: 'IC is said that Sit:ll.Bl4kt . 1501.1.74113 . 1.111.01tek to.: die, because, it, 'c hurt,' ; Ililla " to . adjust the broken- bone:. lfft: Webster w`arkilled'bsra' fill •friini-lifiener riaei'•'He did 'ilk; it is' tree iiiiinglitieli• die, but ,be was devi#W,sitePVi -NI - Jetfoil's ‘sPateni re`c4ived'ashett•fre which :ii never- recovered, land •wheii•le bosom' .confined to his bed, the impression was Made that he was Buffeting tail sonae ail- 1 _went"of , the' stom witil:l l ill" Ciaiiiir ll.' of that ' 'organ was .Stated' to be•the malady, and air; ~persons' never, revive'? 'ficiin it, the public . mind 'iiiconciled Itielf..llO an inevitable necessity. But, a post-mortem examination exhibited.the4aot , that•there.was ,, nothingl ? like cancer in the stomach; but there was 'a substance in tha q liver,•tc sable& as tar," 'which was nothiliklinire , thinAtiated bile, Which with very great certainty could have i been carried -- ofFirom. the 'system - 'by' a timely. eibibitien.of•ifficientihapatielsam* ' dies. "-With efiti#l l :43litiOotY L lkr.,,,'D2o4o4.3.:' . could ' - hivebien sattig . .if! ;I;he.:** way..., .111 e fact is, Northern physicians t have such I ";atil 4 ayibilin c rliPitspr Tof *Medicine, 4 of a;! ir4 1 , 11 1) , R0PAR.4. , v-I.4 l 4o4,flikYvOki. ) AeAl l 9le 43B, ' , jarga s et eateriengwvjoArnalso, iitesinadocK. ltOrsi, veget t atiensi-:spirittuiliiitilia 'id. enssosi`- thsit 033082 re AituiyPrettiig' .tligirlifttifito • 'die"b3' dbfiiatlii - iilidn'helpleally 1)46'.0ie current of any_popular delusion whiiilibap- , Pelpildlie*l et the takiest‘B#K:all'liiy.49, pridlviirr cod-liver oil ; l ili(4 ll oPphate),3.; brapdy i and .13cintho: 1 . , nrhis ey. l ',.lslearly i, .vi#.4._"liii,,e l A, t 4 ) !A4iVIk 1 . 6 . " 4, I` o!4'.:',fii ` in . ,RetlpgrapA 1410::been041!IMAitieliT:liy . `advice of 'the "family pLysieisn.".taffith inA.Wath-9.adY.Al.Bfla,,EtiEgglAckwnr, :East, who was taking, by advice of a regu lar physician, 11,1%91,E4ritijObrry pectoral, '.the phosphateq, 'cod l liyer in), and half ,a pint 'of Bourbon whiskey a day I It does seem to `.us.-that-New-England, with all her boasted u in i nce, :isigetting no.betterJast, both i tOrge , • ln her theology and, ,, ber••physio.••• Is the ,BOIOOIL :NO,Cgkiiii! Old WiSfirrO 4 1. 4 7 Mai.' tai. ? ilediP:al; , -0;13344 . of•-•,New , -Eogiand I asleep.? , k 9 Ls thes.,HtiWtotothe Ilifniferiiie' ••", chocked ?" Or ayr - these reslaltp , the . „ls3- 4itiP4O d ijailti.ilCo 4,l 4irtiackiptif,l 7 l, the'MTP' ;ifitllia!4l/49:10ge;PeNlied:T -as t he biggest gun—ths.lastrosonkwhenall , .other things fail—a plite-of , vitim a bottle "or."*Clierry:Pietoinif 6 lorf'it.ifiiihiiiki?- l at i e a - a fd t.t a , ri4W:4lNra,-14h4Y-41"/ of -.TiroPto#,.: rt• • ~.! 'i inilt;3l. ,i.t.:•. ,.. ..f)cqui : •• • • . • . •• AtelliftickblOtiiiP=Pne 'of - oufibldieir thit.POW.44;,ilPcil;'o4•i at •kr where a book or a newspa per is .a 4 &malty, and the good-woman of the house vies' given i‘to they nsrvelloiie; `when -TAW!folk ••() -...• • •, . f s , • • , Tbranti‘ ,, ..• 440 ; the woman, 1 8 7 :l. mover seed; : akch i e, sight of men befere•--U . k--411 my barn days. Mlitite • 'elf (hi? th rthbyTalliiiiiinie•r•fre4trb'e- ate •• 7.r. IT 4.1 J, iii/itElsy I • .171W 1 nn IlitiA' 09: adrioestlegog , pc . oly 044 ''Veitiri; pa, seVerill,'yearslitefere brelWo'fie, reulaii' gaff iilnfOind"Vrbtrykcilld h tbeconi e 'eh ;thickly .thit itlas" er becOmnedlisb li ay tb tiiitYthem to aribingat'e' the'Sdutli, lb`leittiidobf ithein(m ' ' ' r " Wal," said the woman, "I le'okolitl Imnrt bye so,,,fpr aielcp - Rmy uever 411;ti kt . waiia 40. 4 11 ,-ppic k ,had, betteriAake peaceois Sp On •as • they,eany • or we shall be overrun." .1 , • Ufa: , 1 / 4 The ,sohijer,rechoped, sb,e qas .ahout right f ithat7til4Mlfri4l, o ll44 3 it I - 149 11 . m- !•e,7; 44 tt.t-g".2. ezcz ,Drawing Nearer. 1, /Or now is your salvation nearer than when yi • believed.' ' • ' ' Resier? yes ! we feel it not 'Mid the-rushing of the strife ; A 8 we metirned our changeful 10,. Toiled-beneath-our shadowed life, By 'each step our w.orn feet. trod, We were drawing near to God. When the darwatiall withdrawn, And we walked in:tenfoldnight, When.we panted for.,Ote damn. Of the eves-blessed-light; • In theselours of darkness dim We'Were'lltandiiehear' to him: When atield , fo ; ptroke Ats#,Jßip#l. l 4..erioillt.fsPwxl, When our best_ belovel.,;broke. Earthly bonds to . take their g l ory ; By the niiirlaitl • Naiirelodietr nue anti!' In those days et , pittat 'sniile no more., Whenc*l4fFis . :ffere bleeding shiw,; • Stricken; stricken—ohl how. sore 1. • 'While' we lay:beneath the rod,' ,We Were nearer to our Gcid. . . . *l7opipn of OuF , home, 1W ben saw I,llenglory, high, • • • Flooding strilliiit'Spothis:dortus ; In that, hour:of raptured sight, • ~ Pr! , 44 4 4,3 5 '.? Afs e arar onr,delight, ,Throughthe. long And vanished ; years,. Do4,btingi,9trugdknig, and. depressed; •'Shroudiffirwith'the'ir mists of,tes,re,ir. We wer_elassipg to our rest; vieM ‘ ti 14: -,,.• ( 4lstogl:4 l 7l l,4ll: 3 :APilTertAsillels• :: • VAkitTal • , --r, .Deserved Rebukei—Wendell• Phillips,. in •a. speechu- att' the'NewlYork• :meetirri of the SOoietif,, aot6v ingly,, l!arke*„.as,,siaYing,ip. 1856, "If the AmArie.an•Zhuroh;had been' sunk.throngh thetearth to the antipodes:fifty. years ago, the .cause of liberty'#ohld have beekmgeb.*tfier adianeed thau.itnow is." The.kuilienot Imre_ in, p sympathetip moodis fts t ap,plak4se free give n ,before an d af ; oak., whenever there was the . slightest once= sign; but when thiAi'fitiiicionir sentiment was uttered, not - a toque moved, not a hand or footomB SiPeArtsAlhrientned para. Iy:zed . at,. the atrocity of_,the speaker.,,, waivai t Plinstign ingellijerter 601 s it, an .ie•expressive,:sileneefr conlidering, sll. the eimums. , tanbei. , E,yeniffFilPhipips:saw . theatato Of 'the etisiiiiinir hinie l iroith"ieft' $..ecmgc,97„,.. • ; • .• rhkokitiiiircfu at :P4tol)P?94i Pat* bids on. b4i4 1 ,:04. bid4,l4loo4.wereicotribute , i the :people: ok -Louisiana; thb zproseoutiovi , of-the war against fill.i'!'Piiitlif?•un'del-the Beauregard. There' fire nearly fliadred of them, varying in 80e from .a cow reit trifigii, 'Church bells. Most of them are ofittliiiiitilviised on steam beats Arid ipitintatione. , ,, Tk4s consignment. -otlbell-nietallisfeighat tabour 'tons, and is valued at about 45111.,600/'" • Chapslatp_ ,741/e'l:A.4til.ilm)t-General • re-. ports: four , timuidrsd ..and.-thirty-seveirregi mental.chaytains in service and-1020V 'pay. . 114' 1 . of; sifcliriiidred f f and se'voluNlii. 'regiiiieets are . . Offilie g andipA 'many, .of .these, regiments,. the OtaLrolls, ,which the Chaplains should: Vie;are missing, but frog! , the rolls which lade. een received; thererare three hundred 'and 'xiiiieff•fiii Chaplains 'on' diipii;twenty•-, ni4%.4 1)64 . 1 1i;;i44 IP±VT DrAntittliink.oferYine, an 4 - 0 1464! 44.01itAiiiliOntjeake. • )ilitik - 80ja.)04, * - - 4Didri ihe f ite you ' t.i(in irY'Wa~c,,.BJaranrfiMiitt shim , by side:owitliv, yinginia.•white lmen” After theiwar l f the Tirginia • Legislature4e cognized• the.iralnificifitlieir services as sol 4iera, and,, mode 'the*, ',free. !This fact showstwn. - -,.#04.in, hOth doubted in these -latter days.brsome—rtbat black men, slaves, `Were serviceable • soldiers; and that freedorq to The Bedford Aferl Off.• Sated 'thilnb Vireo Teasels, including the Yer'lltown: Ja that? 41i 4 ea hafe been .I.umlfiyer ' ' he r un filled in with radii • and other material. ..eaa)ty-horrified pritishera ~I t o „tbja inollf.),..4.9,bspzucti g ,nayiga- film (loverinpen;, ?epode it as„a palpable, fadteie ":in. the, present ; ~ebJ .lickl4 "Ji.Ove*,leAPlittlinid the, •expeetation Afl abhieving.a•revolutiont../WhatWherdeeired; Vas to open '"ir :point • for foreign.: interiren- • tion, the Union. They began ' their in ~n gaee even :before, thiNt ventured •,upu4,,rebellten, eyer, since haie. • tlionxelyes to .ois work .!. , of , .iniervention:. The • preteneer:•of ievolution ,, was • therefoxe fraudpind !is 'now exposed fir the world. 'not, dolibted that Wage - .views ar . e,ntit i oeso,On !will, be known to,"`J..ne Ettiopenn ! 001,/,reit threugh. the Searets e r : y• of „State.•. •,.. Rapi ‘ d*idge*-Bitilpfitg.ff. Welt th e and CireekAeld,gailrgad; now head„ engineer in, AlioDowo - division, gime, built three miles of railroaistittlaid the traekroii. thcitsanie in-three' days:: b!ridke;r4mitWigredEtriokslkurg, was buili by ihi 'in fifteen ' 'ones ifOr:fitiv,bloiy, ftti l ik! OitY.r..i.l3ie.*ls . over . A creek , lfaa, forty feet above the stream, and: one ; hunv , i dred riffekiintbriaki . ;the olose.,of ,teen :bonny Gen: McDowell , ado 6Mr.lbutrt: rode over the;strnettire•on an engiitel;.!,. Neither Englishmen morr:Frenchmenliave been r forwird to recognize the fact that the Itith - of April; I.B64,:witaa . day arl4liejlY *thPricaAltAidrY. aff:thi44 l 44s l , I day ainee.:ithzt 'of r tlie,,„aigning tht..mo-• olarations,of,lndepeodenee---theAity of Ake century whichswill holionored thrOtighfill tii#CwhittoVeti*.lib *the defhiny " When the traditiious ' of. jea!andJfin, s 4 vi 446,8 are Mien.4 l 4aegrgilffl;a l PUhiggkvAitingslargo eke: graves, 0:10/911.i)P?':9,08).*4,,litiyivi. 11 opma. lA,keve9p4e..ci t: na4umil leatiyala r amil,tlk,f irelormemof,the, second, revolution welbeeemntosformAathe •viets, , of the' Pesti ',UAW group *di 'thhal . p!ittiottePlif the first. people of the lliii(e# gtatee ,ettbecc,Sl*.a ilfmth r ng, nottioil Till A;PAligte: )441 6 .0 11 ,441Cfm0dAKi-; iwien t t t hem,And : 4l,thoseeohrietian ;nations which' hadiontgrmini •the.barbfirism ing men ae alaitoridditiosethe- naticiO has' oome over 4ot , thd isidteou 'irhitilt• we stand. u**!l, tpa.lmic 11 # f "ref+ 'is twit% qvAified %O s a,p %iitt iPy ifithout i3;dsgiving •anithypoorisy, against the slave trade:. Ik.is no longer a tlubjeet Sor .the,.skepticisms and ;scoriP of the world, because-of the-contrast between its &profession and its practice. After a strug: gleVei,‘Weili•ihn best and worst` eltemeniB of ,its Wogglep rolongtt i hr o ugh tw9c4APNLati* - 17 4 t Wan 46.41 donor 1 og t themational,territory ; and the National Government:has ceased to be a slavehold lug power. „Slavery has sunk to a mere State institution; ;and, deprived , ' of na tional : sanction and,support, and exposed, as- it, now, is„ to the condemnation of the Ameri - ean Government, it cannot. long sus tain itself under the scorn and loathing of human seciety. As a national. institu tion it could; assume to defy, foreign opinion. As S." domestic institution," reprobated at Washington, as London and Paris, its doem is plain, and its strength. is broken. —London Times. • Memphis, Memphis is the entrepot of four railroads, tra versing North; last, and • West. ' the lines running North, are now practically in our hands; so alscois the terminus of the linesamn iiing, South - tromlliemp,hke, to. Nei Orleans; we hold the Eastern lines beyond Corintli.cir Grand Junction; Iheihort trip running West into Arkansas, is'of vo•value whatever at the present 'uncture. The city can,be approached,frorn the Tennessee Myer by two lines of railroecl—one crossing the river near Fort Henry,' and` the other, the hifein"- f)his and Clutileitort; crossing it at Decatur.' The following _table m exhii4s the, distances to Memphis from some of the principal points in the South-West; Cairo to Memphis• -, 252 miles New Orleans to Ideruphis 789 " 'Setehez to Memphis 459 " Vicksburg .to• Memphis • • 349 • Corinth to Meinphis 93 .grandlunction, to " Mobile to, Memphis 411 " The railroads, hare-added ,greatly to Alto com mercial 004 of Memphis, though it is the river traiE6 whibh has built the City. The ship ments-iif cottsiitilimerfrdin the port, in the year ending September 1, 1860, amounted' to; .four. huedred, thousand bolos; and, its general husisess, in prdinary ,timeo, is immense. is the great point for cotton and produce cif„ Western Tenossee: , ' ' • " By' the-latit 'census-the' population of Memplits is put down tit.abont 23,000 souls. =I i .1 UM SUGAR DROPS., The most safe, pleasant and effectual remedy for . Worms, ever disonered. Combining'- the ACTIVE PRINCIPLE of well lrnowp YEGITABLZ 8171118TINOR80-11 Bach. a manner; ea to INBUBF TIME .EFF,ICIENM and at the same time render them ' 'EAST TO BE 'ADIILITISTEREV, and free from those umleasout and often dapgenOUN Meta produced by - Teradfdrie - in the old form. IX'S. BARNES. . 202 BroolWay, New York. . _ _ n5-IY . a is Etwq.,::ALONG., • r- ar , • •.• , :-T ll n C l ' II re, g?lth'rinr,... from pet:4' Ind frcl3far.., . • ''Frjl 43,14 s ist,onwE :„ BEC'OND VOLUME. TO "OOLDBN (MAIN:" In answer to numerous and urgent 'requests frOmSuperin • tendents aitd othem.who:haros;Sed the. If4or.nme-CMAnc" ; in their grindaiSeheols ever since' its firSt (kip, 161,)`t,he tiutitor has thecpleasure of annininaliiethatid.bati now, oonipleterka.seeond volume to that-work, of. th, ,newest and'ehoicestmtisic, and poOtrY. - r ' The new valtune is entitled ;., ; TEIA,qOADEN SHOWER'.'. .-; All telutterioheen "chained" to, mode, in their, B,ehools for the rttet'year, ik.6* desire a "ehoerifr"••'of , • mays 1 3 !gta40e 1 1 1 1, - 0e 1 94. 1 Pg 15 centsfika qP 6 ,e4inen 01410 Whf, JS,BRAVBERY, 421.44,mw , . N. Y. 4' 'PANE. OP-GOLDEN. SHOWER.,--Net.Caah; , Per,hundred, in paw covers $1249 Perliniclied in board covers W?L BRA.DRURt,gL groom° firreet, N. Y. TI " TVIBON;'PHINNY•k - Cei.,4S & 40 Walker liT r At.v4.ipcx. BOOKS :FOB, SA LIE BY. THE'BOARD OP 'tOLPQR,TAGE,- In Remittlay4s,Npw,.pullOings - , 57, Hard . ' eTZSIITIRCIII, PA SCRIBINTEIPS NBW PUBLICATIONS The P l llaee of the Great .11ing. By Hollis Reed $1.25' Minima Complete Works. ' , trots Pdr vellizite ' ' 1.25 A. Alr;andpr4's 4 Sennons. F . ".. 1.25 ri J. W. A,leinnefe's Thoukhis Preaeh'ing 1.25 W.:Alexander on Bank 125 , The Bible Mears• I.t 0' The, Three Gardens. syAdam9,, ' 1.10 4 Alexander's goita 75 Culbertson on Chin iteligioirand Snifeistition...:: 75. BY BODBRT ,CARTBR4& BROTgABB: „ The W.ay of Life. , By Guthrie ", 1.00 TlMlnfieritartei of The Byiaine ' 1.40 Commenter 16p B'49kiel- 'l/.7t 1 9 3 8e. - ' ' 4 ' Solitude Sreeirened. - 60, The Brokenlnd. --By ellereaved Mother' ' ' 75" Christian's 4.44, Jalnes ; 654 Grapei 'of'Esehol; ' 60 The Hart and the Wang Brook. "Ily same - " I" 69 , Ranalir Prayer.-. ..... 75. 1' Morning and-Bight Wiitchent By Leine. 30 , NUR aired Words;of Jeans, -By ..... . . ..... SS , • Child Book of blvinitY. ,By same 25 " Memories of I:fatherly: -Hy same:...' , • '6O, ... • • clf•gonasaret. By, same Footsteps of St:"Fial. Bate ' • - • I.oo' J Sunsets on Hebrew Mountains , *.S.x stone. ' ; 75$ r: Mrs. Sherwocors Clever Stories • 'Ditty is SafetV ' • • '' 25' U• Jack. the Sailor Boy • ..:211„ Thalto•y!s IhMk. By Mrs. L.YH. Sigioniney 40 The Girl'S satnit..J. , • • ;;;;- •• 40 , The OhildrernFflook. By same 35 The Water Drops. By same • 40 : NELSON'S Pip3WCATIOrtS. The: Bible Ifour;.o , Scripture , Lessons for thelottle • , Onasat Ileum 75 Pioneers of 'Tanana Parta of lboWnfid` ' • • 1.00 The-Children's Chuich at.Roine ' ' • 1.00 Preet , cal Christianity. • ..By Abbott thy The'Shepherd of"Bathlehhm.u'ltya . A.L.o P Truth-Made ; SlMple.; ; By _Todd - • -• 4 75 Bodd's Lechlien to Young Men ; ;to Young' Ladies ; ; *";; 40 All Pia jAhlioatloPEof •Prosoytellanßoard,;ancla larg ) nutonertrom,the American Tract Society and Sunday School Union; together with -it large"and'acellerit assortnihnk Of itabb,aty Schoolßoolns.ltermals, and ,Tickntsj • Onstantly lons i gds . . • 't. G., BAILSY; Treasurer. . febls4l, ). • . JORM;CULBERTSON,;[Libiarian. A: - R B N' :0 'f ' For: Brilliancy ,,, andii , ffloottomy , BERTABBEE" ALL OTHER , ILLtiHENATING OMB market., It,nill , burn in all styles c64,cril lampp n. pe' fectly end line' fromodot: Hannitanre and ; f • :f : • W. MACKE4DWN4 167 I,Tniziivir STRMST. PFTTAAITRiIif. O. . SPRING STYLES FOR -Gentlarpsett.,4,s GraDm:ep.ts, In great varieti; hirnbriieitig in pait, iiiiiojanCirell. lected stook of Fancy French and .English CASSIMERES AND COAtINCS o vgaba - witii 'fur tritraii aamortaneirit Mick _ and Colored ~aLoTHS AND VESTING§oo rhe roannfeßtßriee of Europe "elm produce, Which aro; idaptea. tlfaajinte of gentlemen of teete, who appreciate etyle and quality irolothing. , . . JgAIKIJETI4IIAY-tff bx,. mwr7A-;ie r. . N.. 10 1,011:111:...1191.1.1* 7 /. , Corniri , ollt Penn' and St. Clair Streets; 'ut Vittgbargh, E AR6EST COMMERCIAL School of 4ie4linited States, Noah a Tatra - nage , of nearly 3,000 STUDENT lial five years, from 31 Btatee,,and the . only one which ,arfertisilWpiete and reliable insanitation in thltablioiviiielirlineheii; Mancartrias, MANUFACTURERS, STEANINOLV,* 'AND .;C , atis.:l3opir,samplict. ' . „ADP PREMIUM PLAIN AND ORNAKIENTkL PZlalinaup; • ALIN), SURVEYING, ENGINEERING, AND MISIMMATICIS --GSNBILALW: • • MAO pays for a Cnmmertaal Course ; Students entneinfl review at,o4.mell ' • Ministers' cone tuition at half price. For Catalog - tip otijote,ppeeimenfhof4,4l_rtiovee, d a bevautifed Coltege‘view of eight and Or=- nsni : E! eut t l I nTa nt i'l t P g' a an K , at videty oi'Vriting, Lettering square in stamps to the Principals, l and markiy Titt t atrgrgii 4 . NTX:Ftv;9I 3 :4 ,PALPY.O,F4. • • ,• ` • Korb* retired from general proof:lo%T rirk"give* attention to B,ET,lftiPST,ami N otifer Nle-eous ,twenti , yeeirsJ I 6ava hed Coffsiderithle snow-fie, some of which, liceses have' beetUW(li* henn 'Publish& 'in %filial:Ai: be bappyito seeiktulipliscrtbd for:tiny thus atiiietsd; at Any office; No. 1,482 ii9fithtPena irottieMo , provified'wit}i Mimd. ' VAL N • .-,coitzig..l., Dup. , 11110 A.T4I. OIiPA - -This cir ' bontOil "-. • • b3i-'the Pennsylvania Sai.Nianutiotei#g .Company, ;is entitelyAree; from offer-. slue pdet. ie vAsur,possealn - the,brill is:3*y alight it Affrords t ainl. not '-expliicie:. — Oofieuniere shseild always ask for NATILONA4IIi. boat on Li:mei:rant of 'citialify and cheat: All orders rol le inquiry ; 1411413 , 0 Ito efiggfg OALTIO JIN_ Pliratyirtie ociiiifOratfiriro ."1 TRY itkeliELTIS t MAN VEGETABLE Oil COlllEl'lOl3, 1=33 A CXRD. P Vos-a4rt.aw; WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Published at PrriTS.I3XTRGI-1-1 BY DAVID tritiNittri Ting XS A LARGE ,RELIGIOUS NEWSPiAPER PRINTED ON EXCELLENT PAPER-, AND IN SU PE RIOR ,S, T Y ,E IT CONTAINS .4 4 M 3 1L4001e3 soalliet on all the Imalin,g tßpics of.the'day, booth Religious. and Bee. 'War. All the various ,subjacts that present themselves for conaideration, and that .are worthy the attention of intelli gant'aaa Chriatisu people, are &Missed from the Christian . stand:point, and i.r• the nomPrelieuiden spirit of Christian chaity and erilargial bbnevolence. - prom the beginning of our present National troubles- this paper, while spying itself with no politicaparty; has taken high and fearielfgropndp favor of thsConshlutionartthe re'rlilarly ordained Government, and of the rueservation of ,the integrity of Union. Its utterances have been Gm' and decided, and they will continue to be such until the apinlbof rebellion lies been entirely quenched, and our GOT ernment once*re irmlynatabliehed, . OUR European Correspoideikee • latlequalbal. btaay other,Arnericanjoarnal, hi breadth , of. vie!, and garland usefulio;tvi.„ It. is a compete. Watery of Lhe prArese of affairs, in. ,Ettrape,', gat /Aral- I EASTERN; SUSI-1! giTal a complete view of toteineee, optinon,F:,gp, ceime, and nalttem and ttanga is getatal ? lita-8.N9-.I44LNES, 'II.EW-YORK AND 'PiIILADELP.II.IA This e feature.lound in no other.,reSigieue newspaper; and rriakes,the,.Banneras most valuable 'repository:4er' taftevia .lthin concerning those.places, to all,jeaders. ONTAIBUTORS' are Bose of the beat'newepaper writeie la the Church We alep 'have , ,OCCASIONAtiteaftRESPONDENTS itie land. Tliieciinpendinm of Domestic iand Fereigt..News • is prepared with pinch care and labor: And jasipa.pw,ths, news in the dailypapens is often iso naoertaiaand ozntrae 4110°17: that the WAek!Y,PK,r.s, ca;IVP , bilar t*lk rst:rt, re liable news for the public, since, the 7 ..ni em 3t g for Sifting guld correotion.4 @Bred. .11rider the Iteia of PIMSONiM the inane intatiating Incidents coninktiiatzmitteinii4dnale o note, whether dead or living, are pribliehed. ' And underlie,taid'or are # l . l °? 111° of Beteac°2.2!".Vell Di °Terft ea. Information, 3ngst value, v)*e.pOlic.' • While at the same 4. ,11 4e most 1 /4"PI, S C T 1.1;6 frion fpoke, magazines, and other ro ormrape,xls aro glyert for, the othfstiai, thopment, the,maniof literkth:ropoilthoothg and thE , the childrgn. ; , - NOT are t3le CLA./NS 01 1 411B1MillidiAND forgetted; but much of the inthilnaticissiieeled. for both is regelaiiy . pseesiSied:__ ~~~, This rim le furniahed to OW% pf ,Twen.ty.ar moreA to,p tpta!Pf 41.2.5. par .annum; 844444"*. copy tR tho itrapn,/pirtppg,pp; the Tw.:oppige, at $11,45. -To Subrril*A44,44s,p o iwYeniaepti43: Mail. , To Single pbsoribara, ip gt„tliktnial or 4.l),lphapp , , supplied by the Parris*, a t:s2o.o.oai Addr4B - . DANTE> ivr , KIN-zbtEi 1171-:- &L. OP.; PRESBYTERIAN BANNERr d t iITTSBUR4II, , PAi -wist • , • • - • - 5 1 7osdE S "EJ Bz. :5: 11. A. .A.qN 5 5 . . . Calticiaiebri; EBlCAO'keii Land, Warrants; rent lands and Town . Property, pity,,Tgi4el,,,Atkpiitapni,tkcins, ninktinninOttvelancesi examineltitlen, attendlproinfali to the eeP"Op of dehteta WeIiPAT WAhridsVO4 ,Co, myl.7-4an . . - , . fItA:Z E Aft..9.VILER§' _ ""Ebitit - IPlN.Nos.—AribihBritifpfiathi large Simon lletalrex,Botiowitod ,Plans, -froin illoiralton , lßrothers, Work, just received and for sale by :my3.&ly ' JOHN EL NCNDLOH, 8i Wood Street: ($ 0 ILASONpSw..IIVILIN'S. HARMONIUMS, "• f uv A third supply of three elegkrit, WA Cli e 1411411110 • ived Ao•day. TeacherB,-, Directors Off - Schools; Sinallfglldasterii,Leilders of Choirs ; and th,oliniilio,gpperaßy i are re all , and exatnintil theta' : at the PußlCwitrettiddia,cd, . . .-; mrmy idELLOR 2 81:V(6i sireei. . . 111104,4, HAMAX, 7SIAW6VADR4N6,, at. o 13.50,4106'576, $6O, and $lO, received and for Bale by :s tfrORN.IL. 113171 0RiceWiaidStieef.. myl3-ly . _ Tr,-))5lNa PAAA,O S-71T: W-tec '7 octave UIIICKtRANG lAlfioB , received and fox vale byJ01313:114 1 61.11L.b011; 813Watal:3tmer. myl3.ly • ETCAND"ILAJVINEP,R 4 I &NJ:kg) AT!, :: ? g5 EN; EGO; $75; E 1 00,v,28 'act smo I by 7 iilylB4y • 30gN Al AIELLO% 81 W,ooll Street. • It 186 2 *Thu) and'§ ,, , , iiyfipir:Goods for Geptlemeyt's E3=3 , We Inkier now on . hand one of the-Pinest and Fashion= able ,Stock' :of, CLOTHS,CASSIME4 Z)% ' , an( ;YWITIvis; 4i:itch - we had. the i - A - ,nre - ,cd "oi , etting in pitta. . •lurgh. Ravink. selected. thent in the Madera` iriarket , Wfth , igren4felal Battened/hat we can give -pnti,ze, entiefae. tton in price, do'ode, and We in v i te &date menxitshing etiithinglfor bimeelt or family; tp,cellatiti ex- IMAM) the goods kilos. • 1 7 • . . 15.. 1 ‘.uT 3 i; 34 - ww&T • =ma MBE .1 =I 131 . IITTSBURGH FEDIII. ,LECOLLEG • • i : . T . BUTBEN TRACRIMRS: Buildin g s, ten' ehers, and course of study, of the brat class. Superior facilities afforded in the Ornamental branchts. At last year, tom hundred and thirty-seven. Three terms per year. FORTY DOLLARS per term, pays for boarding, light, room-rent, and use of furniture. Tuition according to studies pursued.. The Collegiate year begins September ad Secomi Session, December Stb; and the' third, March 24tla 1862. Send to the Preaideht, Rev. LO. PERSHING, A. 81 for a catalogue. , .M. SIMS:I. I ON, argil-1 yPresident of Board of Trusteee. JOHN A. RENSHAIir, Family Grocer and Tea. Dealer, Takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and custom that he has recently removed to the new and spacious w. house, Corner of LiberlT and Hand Streets (A few doors awe his old stand,) And having largely increased his stock by recent pinch now offers to the public the most extensive and complete sortraent to be found in this city, of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Foreign ,and .Doznestic Fruits,:;Teas, Sikes, Pickles and Sauces, Preserved Fruits in great variety, Fish. Name, Cried Beef, Ac., besides an assortment of:DO:nestle Nouscheepirtg articles; thus constituting a HousekeepeesEmponum,whert most all articles that are useful or necessary for the Family all may be purchased at reasonable prices. JEIP:WROLESALE AND'RETAIL 'SEFE, Catalogues containing, an extended, Lise of my. Mack at nished by mail, if desired. JOHN A = RENS/TAW, Oor. Liberty and Hand Ste., Pittsburgh. ap7 ly Sii.PON,AFLEI,!.,Og f ONCENTRAT,ED- 'FAMILY SOAP MAKES Made by the Pennsylvania Bait Manufacturing 3ut- Fbe only genuine:and patbeted article. Bewarit ot Counterfeits I Buyers and sellers (lithe bogus articles will bb prosecuted. For dale by all Drugglsts and Grocers: 'Prices :reduced to Fruit the times.. Oeu2l-13, HARTIJI..E Br., Go., CORPIZA. OF Fran AND SHORT • STEMS, .PISTEIBIM PA. , Manufacturers of Steam Engines Machinery-, and Castings. Also,,of STILLS, TAILIKS;iand 1!.1.1 otber appairatris for ia= fining orll9-1p MERCHANTS" HOTEL, 46 North-Fourth; Street, PH ILA DEL P 0. M:KIBBEN, & 00N, PrOpiletoys. marrt-ty . .1111)1P.;,0IL D AN , VEA.TIETER STO RE D. KIRKPATRICK & 8ONS; No. , 31 ' Sal/1W Tara. Streit, BETWEEN M.SZEGET AI9D OBIZEITNUT 3=l=B, PR3I4/170.1 , 1118, Have for Salo SPANISH AND GREEN' SLADDECTRIaIIDES, oxictrr TA AND PATNA KIpS, , TANNEB.S!ADL, *C., AT THELOWESTPRICES AND UPON' THE BDST,TERMS. Air All kinds of Leather in the rough wanted, for which the higheetznarko , pric6 will be 7gi,VOn:in!cash, ,orAvkep.lo exchange for N - Leather stored tree.ar charge, and spy on eortidesion. - . - Liberal Cash deviinom made on Leagier 40 Us JOHN D. ICOORD llNlEVlVAUlarlialfilk-010A15141114:4, .14.4310,7PACTFIRERS ANT) •Dk4LER;Sr Hats, , Caps, , andszStavkw-G:s4)thif: WHOLBSALE AND E,EI3ATT., Id W,OO CIS t I ttis Have now. on hand,fer Spring . ewes, as large and complete an amcirtmeileOf Goodiras can be found lni any of tiidEsetein Mies, conaliMmit . 9 l - Fur Silk, and. Wool .1-lats, of every style , and qualitY; CAPS of every quality and lateat fswhiona; Palm 14a; Straw, Leghorn,. and. Panama ;HATS;, Straw and Silk BONNETS, 'etc.,. etc. Persona' wishing to purchase eltNerr by:Wludefatle or WIWI, odU And iti to their • suivittitsttro ran And examine ottr ntrek. marl9-ly N. - If A L I '!1) p Do Not. Despair.Datil Yqu Have;Tried ths , Water Cure. THE' TITTSBITREIT WATER" etrill' ESTABLISHMENT is delightfully situated on the banks ,of theOhio,,.ten West - of the city:' We have treated - ninny hundred eases'cif .nearly, every kind of dismuse, suld . can ;refer, toixatients,ali over. the country‘wliOni we' hanfiestored to health, after erevylAing,efse had failed. The following are among `the 'diseases we have'irented successfully:. 1116PISINT CoNstxPrimi, 'Asthma, 'Bronchitis, °ugh', 'Scrofuig,overy : fbritt of Skin,Dislase,-Dripepala, Livar.Cota- ConWpation of the Baikal% Spina[ Irritation, Neural: gia,NtetirOatjsm, LuFtbago, Nervonsnels, all,Disrsv.sot the Reproductive Organs, Diabetes, Dropsy, Arc., &c. T.FEREADES. sateen& wit& :rikesses.peculia r their. sex, `We appeal with ,confidehm as ive rarely fail to effect. We not only cure you of your disease, but ie entirely; yt: moyeArthYour BYStAM Olebildieffselsofthe - poisonouSdnugs you nave taken. OUR. QIIRB is open to-you. poise to - ma 4103in:will 111 due lithe send you home healthy,and fit for life's dulled' Temp, nabderatg, Bend:for a ;Circular, to W. N. 'FIAMBLLTON,,hI.II., Pittsburgh, Xs. fob&Ly. L. I It The' Aittencat Sunday School non FOR DISTRIBUTION. The...slo Sunday, School Aiibmies fOi..buthut sib per legacy in Will of the. late CHARLES BREWER, will ;be ready tor :delivery on and - adtei Jallyadtb,lBBo: The Sunday Schools entitled to,these Libraries are those established in Allegheny'. OeuriV, Pa 4 -Billo4 March 1880. Applicants willbe required to sitbscribe to statement giv ing name, location, and date of organization of the School; • name and ll'otit:OiSce addratig of Seperintendent; average number of teachers and scholars in attendance, and amount then cOntribirtellfor SuPPortof School, Reasonable evidence, by amount of contributions and db l . erwisa,Wf the pefinanerica of the School will be required - . Apex toF. R. .EATON, , - - Of BarowMacriine &So., 1 , 1,17 s•urb MEM wwipirt, e k WI I; 0 Y 3 VP RIX rs, No. 27.Riftlx Street, - PITTSBURGH; PA. ...:"A - *ARDED TOE ‘I 4 'I72ST PREMIUM 1e; TICE U N J / , A T E S_ FAIR EOE;;THE. YEARS. 1.8E8;459, and 1860. IBM UPWARDS OF 80,000 Bout IN THE 'UNITED STATES.: Noresthan :-20;000 Sold the Tast:-Year. We .offer to the , p!ittliO , WML,EK&.7WILSON'S' Img#OyfpO*INA:,MA;HIN,ES CED PR I-C E wititinareiktedennfidence , ef its merits as the best and most zeilsbleFeadly Sewing kisnldnenow in use. Itlvorys equally thickest and thinnest fabrice, makes the lock eti,tch impossible to unravel, nith,the essential advantage of being alike on botheides, forming no ridge ,or chain on the nadir Siniple iu corisiruction, AfORE SPEEDY 1K MOVEMENT, More Derable "J than any oilier • Machine. . , , Ore Om tefenti,ble' tie pirobaser to , sew lordirtary.seame,".cateb, hero,:f6ll;;"quilt, -gtith‘, bixidAsnd A,n01r.,, all on, .the. same machine ; awl lotatrattLit for three, Air CIRCULARS'-Xi. C6rtiainitvi: ; 4estimoniali .Ladies of Oi l Ilighast EAST AN D giving prices, &a, will be furnished gratis on application-in • parser - 03Y i3j letter. 834.3WW31 NACELINEf,NAEDLEB, SILE„..II 5Z DOT` and MU constantly on liana. SUMMER. • apl.2.Btn' SABISO.N, 111VICOrrAWKII; No. ett Sraithfield Street,.keeps constantly, on hand a /arcs assortment of Iteadyalatie Coffins, Metallic' Cases, Shrouds, &0., of the latest etylas.. Xersonal services, in all cases when required, and no pains will be spared to 'give 'entire satiefac tie n, and relievntb.ef friends of the ,Xattny-unplensant duties 'necessarily costntkted - Witif the pre*" stations for burial,, at tEr t t ira Xig is et .b Aftfralt9P,n antinkilartlctr JANES .8.-11TOBS) ,WEST,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers