Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, July 12, 1862, Image 3
htlmttrian, Namur. PITTSBURGH, JULY 12, 1862 The War. The last week has been a period of pain -1111 tidings Terrible ,battics have been fought, in front of Richmond, and though our ttoops claim victories, and a remarka ble 'success, yet their s victories have been bad amid sad losses; and their F necess has been the saving of an endangered army from annihilation. The fact is that we have lost some 15,000 to 20,000 m'n, 30 or 40 field pieces, much ammunition and army stores, and are 15 miles farther from Rich , mond than we were on the morning of June 26th. These are the lOsses. The gains are, that we have a large acquisition of military knowledge, by our experience; we have escaped destruction from a vastly overwhelming . force, which the enemy in his despairl'hed collected; we hdPre killed, wounded, and captured some 30,000 of the 'opposing troops; we have ,changed our basis` of operations, so that our naval and lend 'forces can cooperate ; We have saved nearly all our material of war ; 'we have taken some cannon; we have gotten our army into a far more healthy and,inore comfortable situation; and the country has ' learned more of the power of her foe, and been incited to more vigorous efforts to of feet his speedy conquest. The grand failure of our Government has been in underrating the power of the enemy. Henoo the refusal of many regi ments which tendered their services, and the stopping of the recruiting service, and the many hasty and inconsiderate advances of, our troops, and the dire repulses which we have experienced, and , hence the'-pro tracted war, and the many deaths of ,brave men, and the danger of embroilments with foreign nations. We trust it will now ap pear that having bought wit 'at a high price, we have abandoned our folly. Bomar three weeks ago it became manifest' to Gen. MoMellen that he could not have reinforcements adequate to overcome the rapidly accumulating army of the enemy, nor even to hold his own forany length of .time. He must necessarily keep up his connexions with his souroe of supplies, and this, in his advanced position, now not be done in presence of a foe now become greatly his superior in numbers. He must hence either „ retire to West Point on the York River, or he must so change his po sition that his rear would rest on the James River. The latter,' though the most diffi cult to accomplish, promised the greatest advantages to the army ,He accordingly commepeed arrangements to that end; but the watchful foe, who had been gathering strength from every quarter to overwhelm our army, speedily discovered the begin nings of the movement, and hastened his efforts to accomplish his own purpose. 2he contest was commenoed on Wednes- day, June 26th, when, after a brisk fight, our left, near Fair Oaks, advanced about a mile,'and occupied the position which was intended Wibe the right of the new line. On Thursday the' enemy enghged ' our right wing, near Mechanicsville. Our men, about 25,000. in number, under Gene. Por ter rand ~McCall, were assailed by Gen. Jackson, with his Shenandoah army of sortie 80,000, and by a large force from Richmond. Our men, having the advanr 'tage of entrenchreent, made a stern resist ance, Maintaining their ground through the day, on most of the line, and destroying many of the enemy. At night ours retired some distance; and formed a newfine. On Friday morning the enemy advanceCearly , to theiFitttnelf* ThO was ,a . terrible days battle. lt was at &nes' Hill, , Our,men suffered severely, and would have been badly}Men had they not betn reinforied from thecent r re. The aid afforded checked and *ran, dtrogito.:l4 the; adVaneing foal But our losses were very heav:y.--.Atmiglit, our troops retired across the Ohickahominy-. On Saturday there was not much fighting. On §abbath ‘ our army, having sent its \vegan trains forward, retreated toward the James river, the enemy not annoying them much. On 4piaday the enemy pressed upon our rear, end there was, in the neigh borhood of the White Oak Swamp bridge, another terrible battle. The enemy were still repulsed, and:, onr movements were slow and in good order: By evening, the cattle, the wagon trains, aNi the advance of the army, had reached this river, at Turkey Bend. On Tuesday our army-retired a few miles down, theri , ver, to Harria,on's Land ing, for the - sake - of a better situation: 'On this day the enemy pressed halld,'"and' the most: obstinate fight-of the week oi.hid. It was, however, with less loss of life on our part, and - with greater loss on his part. It is astimated,that 10,000`;'± his men fell on that Am, and his repulse was_ a. route. . It was of this'day's movements, ''an'd not of the whole series of battles, that General McClellan 4r6tet to the War Department that he had lost but one gun and one wag6n. Of the loins on the previous days he Ihtntbefore spoken. Our less is put at 1;5,000 to 20,000, and the enemy's to 30,000 to 43,000, taking the statements of prisoners, and of some Rich mond papers,. which were captured. We lost more prisoners ,_than he, and he lost more in killed and wounded. The reason of his greater loss on the field was, that our men, at the beginning of the battle, fought in their, trenches, also, our irtillery was su perior 'in his; and further, trusting to his numbers, he threw vast masses 'Of Men on our lines, among whom our canister, grape, and, shrapnel. made terrible haVoc. The official lists, when made out, will, hnivever, give numbers differing from the above hasty estimates. The result to uk is, that we hive a stronger position for defence, than wer . jiad. But defence is not our object. We would advance; and in this aspect we have gained nothing, unless , we can"' clear the Jangt,ll river so that the'efinbepati prOceedei!n nitaneonsly with the army. To clear the river will, be a hard tasistliFßOLitt,Wetegeot ive can be done Wifgont N;ast 'reinfordi- men ts The precise strength , of the two armies, it is impossible for us to ascertain. Ours was probably about 80,000. The enemy's we see put at 175,000, and, even as high as 220,000. The last is doubtless an over statement, and. even .the first:may - be come= what exaggerated. The reverse sustained by our army is to be deeply regretted, but it,may tend / to the furtherance 'of cur clime; if only We' - shall manage wisely. We have the strength to overcome any amount of forces the enemy can accumulate,-and his collecting them in one place brings them more within our reach, while it leaves other ; parts unpro tected. We would greatly either have hiS' 200,000 men at Richmond, than divided into three or four armies. _Only let us hold them there; inder 'elchinsting pro cess, while we operate with energy in the valley of the Mississippi. Let =that be cleared out, and Richmond can be man aged. The President's oall„for, 300,000.)addi tional troops is spoken Uf t with much favor, and <tbere are indications that it will be niet by volunteers. The sooner the letter. There a report that VICKSBURG is ours. It is also said that we have men at work opening a pass fbr the river across a'point, by which the , channel of the liver may'be changed. If tio, it will be a.dire calamity to that city ; but it will 'Save much trouble in keeping open navigation; • For.the Presbyterian Banner Death of the Rev, •Dr, Woods. • `, At a meetipg of the - Elders and Trus tees of the Presbyterian church of Lewis town, Pa., July 4th, 1862 : _,- ResolVecl, That in" thii death' of thn Rev. James S. Woods;D. LI., who died on the' 20th ultimo, at is residence in this r3lace, the congregation have, in the Providence of Him who doeth all things right, been' deprived of the services of a faitbfal , and able minister of the Church of Christ, of a. beloved pastor, and the community in which he resided for fOrtylyears, of *kind and sympathising neighbor and friend, and upright Citizen. Resolved, That the lite attendande of niinisters and people of the Presbyterian and other churches, of all .denominations, to take part, in and witness the' burial of this - venerated and venerable minister of the. Gospel of the great Redeemer, gives assurance that he was a;,good matt. and an efficient bishop in the church., Resolved, That the loss to his congrega tion and the church, by his removal to the upper sanctuary, as well as to the comma- - nity in which he so long; lived and.'active ly engaged in every public and private en `terprise which in his 'eatithation 'tended to public and private welfare in religious, ed ucational, and benevolent institutions, is now deplored and may ., be more hereafter. Resolved, That for ottriiPlves.:and dn be half of the congregation, we hereby tender our sincere condolence to the family of their deceased father and oar friend, and pray the God of our fathers that he may graciously remember us in this severe af fliction. • Resolved, That , copies of the rforegoing resolutions be furnished to the family of the deceased, and to the Presbyterian, and Presbyterian Banner, and to the newspa pers of the county for publication, and re corded in the chureh-book. ' E. BANKS, 'Chili -than R. W. Patton, Say. For tlieFreebsterian Banner DAVIDS' ISLA . l.4isi s eTilly- 4, 4842. Ma. EDITOR, : - The ,:undersigtted has been a week at the United ; States General Hospital here, and in the vicinity. His mission is to care for - bli son, Watson J. Young, who was wounded in the battle at Fair Oaks; and also,fer.several other sol diers of Butley Davide Island is *on the Long ISland Sound, eighteen miles from New-York City, by water, and twenty i miles by railway (to New Rochelle,) and two miles by land and water from New Rochelle,_making twenty two miles. The island cofitains about eighty acres, all cleared but two or three small but lovely groves. In these groies the pleasure-seekers and the invalids,' from New-York City, have for years found: a pleasant and healthy resort. The Neptune House in Pelham, opposite the island, has always afforded accommodations for them; there'being no publffbense on the island. ; This lovely and salubriousisland has been rented 'by the Governnien't for a hosPital for sick and wounded soldiers. A better location could hardly be found. Here are tents sufficient to accommodate nearly a thousand, art&harracks are in a course of erection for'B;s'oo. There ate' now* about three' hundred Sick and wounded soldiers here, eighty-one hav ing died since• their arrivah ''They are welt' eared for having excellent medical attend ante. ;Rev. Martneluke- , Dillon, an ortho dex Episcopal olergyman, spends some time with the soldiers almost every day, ministering r to their-temporal:and. spiritnal necessities, 314 7 , The citizens . of New Jtochelle and Pel ham kindly furnish them with 'comforts someof, the. ladies visiting .theth. almost daily, leaving ~them books,.- Ful l speaking, words of' kindness. No visitingas allowed pit.* Sabbath, and I was willing to be: shut off from the island' on" the day of resty (although. I :had intended to employ the dt!ty in distributing tracts and other religious bOdks,)'*hen the' same order kept Of, thoSe who would ,have taken license to desecrate the day in, idle cariosity. It seems hard, however, that a mother whohad come from a distance, aline° late on Saturday tivsee her wounded son, could-not get permission to visit him on: the Sabbath. 0 how many fathers and inothiUisloave come, during this week of my sojourn, from various parts of the land, to hunt oui: their noble sons. And'some came to learn 'the sad, sad lesson, that their beloved sons, hadhien comthitted to the grave. Beeeltwoocl Cemetery, rn Ni 4 Rochelle and . Cypress Hill, on Long Island, are the resting places of Jmany.... 'I could tell how I met the atuciods -fath er, who put a piece of money into my'hand as he was leaving, and requested :me to' purchase a Bible and . Prayer-Book for his son, - and wept as parents know hevr''t6 weep for their afflicted children. I could 'not but think of the 1.0&I Psalm, "Like de a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him." I could tell of the young wife coming• to find her husk band, who had gone, forth in his patriotism, and beau brought, back a Aufferer for,his PRESBYTERIAN BANNER.---SATURDA Y, tILY 12, 1862. countr3r.. I could telluf strange,. sad, cruel wounds, which I saw dressed with skillful liands. Here was the'man whose feet were both blown off by a shell. Here was one who ha& received five bullets in his body. Here was another through whose shoulder and back had passed a grpe-shot weighing a pound arid five ounces, and he had the trophy. And here was another, through whose scull there had been ploughed a groove two inches wide, and so near to the brain that its palpitations could be distinet ly seen. The morning I first conversed with him, two pieces of the scull bone had been taken away, that were pressing upon the brain. In relating The sensation produced by the operation, he,told me that it felt as thongh a train of 'ears was rushing, over his brain." T..t. is in scenes like these that we see some of the terrible, eyils of, war. But the necessity is upon us, and ithese young men utter no regrets that,they made the sacrifice. ' I expect to get a short furloucrh for' my sou, and others, next• week. Truly yours LOYAL YouNG. For the Presbyterian Banner. Congregational Meetink. At a meeting of the congregation of the Presbyterian church of Johnstown, Pa., held on - Monday. evening, June 4, 1862, James Potts, Esco , was called tiak the chair. Hon. M. Canan, Dr. C. Sheridan, and C. L: - Pershilig; a Committee appointed at a • . previous meeting of the Session, reported the following resolutiens, whieh were, unan imously. adopted WHEREAS, During the absence of our pastor, Rev. B. L. "Agnewi, (who lika re- ' cently returnedlo his charge,) 'as chaplain of the 76th Regiment,. Penna. Volunteers, in South Carolina, the..congregation was, supplied by. Rev. W. A. Fleming,. of Peoria Presbytery; therefore, Resolved i -That -in-separating from Rev. W. A. ; Veining, tbiii...epngregation,' , „desires to bean .ito this abilifrc,as a preaclierverlitiAtieal . and usefultutss *ibis Mastef'alee owed,Re Thnt:, we cordially ccommend BrotlikPlefiling as a mlnister", fait ful : in the discharge, r of'every_fitity RetlNiiill4to his calling):and *destiViiig` Christian fellowship and - confidence Resqhml, thesaPiticeedings be py.,l?- Trih'unei: Presiiyte.: Tian and PresbyteriAa., ; VARIETIES. ~ New Oath of Office Required in Future.— A Committee of.' Conference agreed on the following bill to prescribe an oath of °Thee for every person hereafter elected or appointed to any offiee under the Govern meat -either civil, Military, or navar, the ; President, of the United States (whese oath is prescribed by the Constitution) be ing alone excepted " I, , do solemnly swear that Dave never ~voluntarily borne arms against the Government of the United States since lilhave been a citizen thereof; that I have. voluntarily given no aid, countenance, coun 'gel or encenragement to persons engaged in armed hostility thereto.; that I have neither sought nor accepted; nor 'attempted to exer cise, the functions of 'any office whatever under any authority or pretended authority in hostility the Government of the United States; that I have neither voluntarily re nounced my allegiance to the Government of therUnited States, not; yielded & voluntary support to any pretended Government,• ,au thority, poWer, or Constitution hostile or inimical thereto. And Ido further' swear (or affirm) that, to the best of my knowl ease, and ability, I, will support and defend the Constitution and. Government of the United States, and all laws made in pursu ance thereof, against .all •enemies, foreign, and ,domestie; that I will "bear true faith anti .allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reser vation or purpose of •evasion ; and that I will ,well and faithfully diseharge the kid; ties of the office on which I am about to en ter, so,. help * God ; which said oath, so taken and signed, shall be preserved among the files of the Court, House of Con wress, or Depalihnent•to which the said, office may appertain. And . any person who shall falselytake the said oath shall be guilty of perjury, and, on conviction, in addition to the penalties now prescribed for that of fence shall be deprived of his office and, rendered incapable forefer' after :of holding any office or. place :under the' . United States" • Movements 'of the Orleans Prinees.—the three Orleans Princes—Prince de Joinville, Count de Paris,.and Thic de Chartres—ar rived at Washngton on Wednesday, en:. route for Boston .and Europe. They re turn to Europe after "a campaign of a num , 'her of months, in which they have ha t d no oppoitnnity to earn personal, distinction. Speculators in' diplo i matie matters try to see special significance in their sudden depar ture. Some think that it was occasioned by a friendly hint from Queen Victoria, who, is a r -stanlch friend of the, Orleans' family,-that they ought to come .home be fore they,become involved , in a posi tion, in which threateninff events might pOssibly plicuthim. Qintall PUS. =I Rational, lediciite, ,Edited by C. H. Clesi' eland, M.D., Cincinnati, is a monthly of .32 pages, published at, si.tlo a year. It gives Fkuph valuable informallon. FrontNicksburtlind Vile' River. B.—The ,steamer Stinsknsi' from Vicksburg on "the 30th, reports the bombardment as still continuing The town is,the . . . . . The news froin White ririer,7Ark., is not en bouraging: Col. Fitch still holds St. Charles. " No relief has reached Gen.!psis. . The whole - country borderin on White river,: 'is reported in arms,, • The boats were frequently - fired on from the Address to the Army after the Battle. READQUAItTERS AANY OF l'lrk POT6 , MAC, Camp neap Harrison's Landing, . . - July 4, 1862 Soldiers of the Arniy, of the Potomac : - tour .achievements 'of the last ten days have ithistrated the .valer.and endlirance of the American soldier. Attacked by superior foroes, and without hopes 'of, reinforcements, you have succeded in el:tang ling your base of operations by a flank movement, - always regarded as the most hazardous of mili tary exPedients. You have saved all yoUr mate rial, all your trains and all your guns, except a few lost in battle, taking in .return guns,,and colors from the enemy. Upon your march you have been assailed day after day with desperate fury by Men of the, same race and nation, ,skill fully massed and led under every advantage of numbe2r,:and'neceSeity .position. Alie, you hays, every"' Conflict, beaten - back yourloes With enormous slaughter. Your oenduct ranks you among the celebrated armies Oblatory. No one will now question that' each. of you may always with pride say, I belonged to the army of the Potomac. You have reached this - new base complete in organization and unimpaired in spirit. The enemy may. at any time attack you, we are prepared to meet them, I have personally established lines. Let them come, and we will convert their. repulse into a final defeat. Your Government is strength ening you with the resources of a great people. On this, our nation's birth"-day, , we deolare to our foes, who are rebels against the best interests of Mankind, that this army shill enter the' Capital of the so-called Confe'deracy; that our'Natiobal Constitution shall prevail, and that the Union, which can alone insure internal peace and exter nal security to each State, must and shall be preserved, cost what it may; in time, treasure, and blood. (Signed) GEbICGE B:MOCLEiLAN, Major-General Comiinding. FORTRFAS Zuly : troops ar rived here, from Washington yesterday, and went up the James river in the. evening., r 7, Four small steamers, with,fogr barges irt.tow, arrived at Fortress Monroe this morning, laden with artillery, nien, horses; &a.; aid iveradonlit less bound up the A skirmish, took ,place yesterday-morning near our left, wing, which resulted, in the defeat kt of the•iebels. We took one theurid rebel pris oners, and three small batteries., Our,,,cavalry followed them till they passed'beyond White Oak. For the past two' dope the rebels have shown little disposition to, fight, and; yesterday , relin quished their ground 4nd batteries almost with out resistance. 'Gen. McClellan sent, down MS rebel' prisoners to-day, who were marchettirith Fel:tress Monroe in single file, and a more unique spectacle never could he dreamed of. Their' wore' all Soitti dress, much. of :which.. a.had . ; undoubtedly...been taken from,.eur t soldiers. No; two .werers alike, throughout. , Fossit. - sss) woritan, officer in charge of the.sick awl *blinded at Savages Sta tion states thatill were'reineVid previous to the rebels advancing on that place:- :Gen. lirelellan has advanced about seven miles up the James river since the4th. , No fighting within the last‘two days. :Besides the gunboat Tearer, captured frearthe; rebels, another small-gunboat was captuted., She encountered our gunboats about twelve miles above Harrison's Landing. The lliiiekeibodker left this eiening . ivith'696 sick and Woundedlor Washington. I A flag of truce returned to-day from a -cruize up the Fork river, 'At CuMberland was ,fo,und ninety of our wounded `Seldica. They 'were - brought a Teti miles away,' 'Whem the rebels' compelled 'us' to return them , to =the hospital where they came from. All.quiet.on the James..river. From Gei Week's' Army. CORINTH, Miss., July 6.--To Hon.Hthoin M. , Stanton; 'Sefretary of liar': Official reporta have just-beenTeceived of a brilliant affair of ouecav ; alrynear Boonville, Miss 4 on the Ist Col. ,Sheridam: of the 2d Michigan eavalryovith. two regiments of 728' men were attacked by parts, of, eiglifieginients'of rebeli, numbering some 4,700, ; men, which he defeated and drove' bkelt' after g . seven hours' fighting.. Our loss was 41 killed wounded and missing. That Cfthe eneniiniust have been Very great. The 4 'left 65• dead on-the Official reports vrillibe forwarded Sylniail: I resPectfully recommend Oa. Sheridan,for ;pro . motion, for gallant conduct in battle. ' 1 (Bigned) . Major-General. lIIIME=I July '2.---The = President approved and signed: the , Pacific Railroad and. the Internal Revenue, or Tax,bille. ,.1 The President, in accordance with the provi sions of the recent act, for the collectien , of rect taxes: in the insurrectionary districtstwithin; the United States, has ; issued a Proclamation,. declaring in what States, and;parts of States, in surrection exists, namely Schuh Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, tiulisiana, Texas,' Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennesiee; North Caro lina, and; Virginia; excepting from the, list :Leer tain-named Western counties. ; : July Richmond.= papers,-. of July •2, furnish a mutter: of items with,regartito the, battle of Monday - , ' -, • It says that on Sunday, Geni Bill and tong.: street, with their divisions; croak& the ,Chicka 'hominy, and late on Monday afternoon, attacked the enemy, about five`miles North/West of Dor town; nil' the New Market Road. 7 The conflict:, was . terrible, and: by half-past eight - o'clock, the) enemy,,had been, driven-. a mile and a half. • At half-past nine, the enemy ,being. heavily rein forced, made another stand. The loss on our (the rebel) side was terrible. The 'Situation be ing evidently hopeless against snehleVeipower ing forc'es, Gen. slowly-retreated'areid the vociferous: cheers of the :Yankees. '.:4 r• The Examiner, says it thinks that •the division whien . went 'into the - fight, on Monday, 14,- 000 strong, could only muster 6,000 men for duty, and that the loss of life exceeds that of Any battle 'or siege yet fought. July 6.--The rebel gunboat Termer :was cap tured in a bend of the ,l'ames River, on the 4th of - JUly---verY important 'pattern' were found on ,her:' Jiffy 7.--There is nothing new frem the `Arty. of the' Potomac. We are-tissured=?by Gen.' ..Mc 3 Clellan, of the excellent spirits of the men. All quiet up to 8 o'clock A. M., to-day, • The President has nominated 'to tha Senate , Gene.' Keintzleman, Sumner, Keyes"and FLU' John Porter, to be brei'et - Brigedier-Getierals in the regular army, and: Major-Generals of volun 2 teers, for gallant conduct. in Ale field.. „ The Lynchburg. Republican, of the., says that it was currently, reported here, on, Saturday, Mint Beauregard had been suspended 'from his command of the army of the West: The . cause 's not known. If the repoit is true; it will raise storin about the, head of the President, whiiit h6,will ) fiud diffioult,to allay. , ,We sincerely trust there is no foundation of the rumor. The vessels in, the James River are formed into a separate squadron,' distinct from that of Com. Ga dshorough's blockading the coast. big. Wilkes is ordered 6' command-the river squad ron, and left for his . post this, afternoon. 'Mr. Porter 'introduced a bill providing for 'the construction of a Governinent ` , *Railroad from Washington to Point,' of Rocks, near Harper's ForrY,' Wended.: to 'giv'e7an outlet from the; • capital withqut going through Baltimore.. , The bill;establishing nrsenals a!,'Columbus, In diantipolis and itoek Island, for the .deposit,and , repair of, arms," hae, passed the' IlOnse,erid will become e, law is soon as it receives ; ; 'the PreirP 'dent's signature. • - The Star'says that a distinguished , General of the army itlie Potomac, who arrived - in z city, this morning, estimates the rfshel loss io killed, ; and wounded,' and those otherwise rendered hors de combat,• at the immense number , Of £ 75,0 . 06. They refuge to receive a flag of trnce frem gen. Meplellan„, , conveying inquiries ,relat,iy,e to, the, fate' Union officers and others, believed to be wounded 'and prisoners in their' hands. This evening great disinclination to nerinitting Mc- Clellan to obtain any inkling, boweier obscure; of thelr, real,oondition since the termination. of the battles, is, discernable. It is„eertaief, that they have; been utterly unable to resume the Sght. since Timsday last. - - ' ' • Sufficient reinforcements have' reached Mc- Clellan to render his•position entirely: secure. ° July B.—The Senate adopted the FlititneeCom mittee's;anieltdMents to the Tati'ff bill, and'patni ed it. • lOne amendtnent , proVidesithitt jail goods in bonded Niarehouses.on- the first of :.Augustpand. .all. goods ,on shiphoard and in public ,storps at, that tiine;Shall be regnirel to pay the regular, The Treasury Note bill passed the House to= day, and Will 'VecoMe' a law as soon as'aighed. It, authorizes f theYissue of one •hundred-and.• fifty millions,more treasury, notes; thirty-five:millians to be in denominations less.than, $5. , The Pay ; and Emolument ; bill cutting down in- numerable perquisites of army ,officers,,,Rassed both houses to-day It outs off large extra' if lowanceS for'forage: eitte, horses, fuel, servants, Sze., and it is claimed, will save the Government ten or, twelve •millions yearly. Returnsl i to-day show .that there are overAen thousand wounded in, the hospitals ia and around Washington. • The Star, of this evening, says that, on. Friday last, ardiviiion of McDOwell'e army took ,tip, a line of - mareh'for 'Werrento; which point , - it nowllrolde It is 'Tireinuned thattliri2nickinttent From Fortress Noires. Washingten... ; is 7preparatisfy to a • piampVioncentration of Pope's army • The Richmond Dispatch, of 1-nly sth; iman ar ticle on the, late engagements in front of ,Rich % mond, says that from the most careful and re liable estimates they can procure from officers and the authorities; it' appears their losi - in kill ed alone was= about> ten thousand.. said 'of the ..wounded and missing. ; - Anur Movenients. Pumannx,rata, July B.—A. letter to the. Press dafed July 2d, from NeWbern, says Gen. Burn side's entire corps is in motion, boundinland. - probably 19 support Gen. McClellan. You will hear news from• Burnside very soon.:. • By private letters received , :irk , Philadelphia last night, we learn that Gen.McClellan is every where pushing the , enemy back, and advancing hisnlines: In a few hours Gen. Pope will be marching Southward " with.. a hundred thousand, :men.. Richmond, attacked by McClellan,. ;Pope . and Burnside, mini :fall, and With it the ;ebellion. The event will not' be long delayed. ~ - - . ....~ ST. JOHNS, July 7:—The'Royal Mail steamer Europa passed' off, Cape Race 'tit 'midnight, ou the 6th. She left Liverpool on the 28th via, Southampton, on, the 29th, and brings two days later tnivioes. xhe news from AMeriee, by the steamer . Per sia,' calmed increased eioitemeut in England and' in the Liverpool•cotton market: 'Prices had-fur ther,advanoed. The London, Times, in its 'editorial on the date of affairs in.Amerie,a, ays the . tiew,s shows that. nothidg much cawbe expected before Fall, but it hopes that, means' wilt be devised: . by'which the' conflict may be ended . ; ; Th e . French:Chambers have • adjourned:. Ru mors are current that the Emperor. is consider: ing.the prineiplee of the Mexican ,expedition. The embarkation 'of troops to Ititlexieelad been pruvisiorially. suspended. - 'The ship fAmeda Snot!, ashore-near Basgin V:. ,, ,'.',:1 , :', i',,:....:.., „.;:,, . na . .... ~ --: r , 1 ~„.....1 ....::: ..‘ .:.PlROyartknarkef. •., •. • !'.r EDNESDAY, , July ts 1.1162. ASTIES-LS . oda Ash, I8g)8 1 ,04; :Pots, 4@4*.; Pearls ; ; byte. Vie stack in first hands is amnia_ for, all ordinary pnr es BACION--SSouldera, 434 c ,Plain Rams, Or.; Sugar Ifarus, 90. BEANS-.-Prime White, 51.80. per bush*)l.; ; BALOON-L:Sbimlders: Han* . 6e. 1 0b. BUTTBE.—Clholat ;toll, Ba. sa:11:p. • A ; 01TERSE-:Weetern Aest?rve. lb. • Ecqs=lob...pir dozen.: • ' • s• FEATHERS—Prime Western, 45c. 'ftdb 1 EEDl=4•Rye Stiorts, We. cwt.; 76e: TLOI7.ItL- . -14xtrai $4.4 . 0@4,50 ; Rxtra Fatiti i',l4%ll) , ;."Fancy'," iciff4i‘ Rio; 83 Ripp,...§Watic.. 141 olasses, bite. ; ! • nAY-$t af scales.., I LlME•Loitieville. from.statv, sl.2fipii:bllll . ••• POTATOES-7,l3atihainlookß,Aoo4 1 4 1 4fedp ,450 .1 93 0 ) W1L • SALT=LNO.:I; $1.40.` SEEDS—Olover, - 40:7)1(08.80: 'llm4tiltyt; UAW: . Flax; . • • • STRkitINE--9346 1 3 1 4. it), • , / '- 4 r•-4 -, TALTOF;774OI I IO4 .c.c4 Co'AutrY•:•reAderrA, qo . ••Ittlat JEFFERSON' UOTiIiEGV-- - --The 13da'rd' of Tiusteel tint atbat on' TbrEiriAr, - tfia 4th f August, at 10, o'cldck A. M, = - Theniekitoni are ifiqueitad to ba'piiiictual in . theif, attendance. - .; 1 ; i‘AIIES.MTICILI:OIIII,It, Pie A 94? 1 ,0-, xi Conime:2 ol,l : 3 °t, ll l'lat9iPlacefi,tjeffer - , eon tml4Pga, art yirDNliaDdY, sth of„,aagust. • Exei, chats to'cocrimende at 9 o'clock : A. Af, , - BANCIIELOWS HAIR 111M—TR-t'tisi,lN ." • RIZ WORLD. •-1 ` • . • ',. • WILLIAM A. BATOITELOWS - celebrated Hair Dye pro daces a 'color not , to be distinguished from nattire— , warranted -not to injure the itair in the-least; reniedies the ill:effects-of , hed-dY_ekeel leeiget44 l the -4eir , ter. ;life. . AßßYr RP;O:t DUSTY.;II4IL instantly tarns a ,splendid,Blantr..or Brown,, leaving the Hair soft and beautqul. Sold by all Druggists, signed r tWlitiAM Af.laTCll , 7gLOR' on Uzi four shies 4f eackibar-: r`i LACToRT,, pia. ; 8r )191 *ay flranwrylizw:iXoam. ; .(Late 238liv9ulway and 16 Bond St ! reet.),; r jun7-1y DENTI3 BY : ;Dr C:., 246 Penn 'Street ; litte4:3s ,cofalkbrailches ig;Atai,,Dental.profession -f el f 3-1 Y t WA 3VIII. FORBAST,.. "Carpenter , ana -Joiner I .4neen: siVhruAl ;Street Aug. Cherry Alley. .All kinds of House , Repeleng4lone.un short notice ,and in WorklanlilEe - ,oianoei." 'Ch'irgeeisoiierate Leavi'Veir orders. All orders promptly attended to • fiye...2m.; • :„,, A - A; A • • , .. . :.„.., t .- .., -.•.. . arne - - -- col, .0 , t. v . --,. J MEE On Jung 4 kbt -by Rev; CaA ;.Cunningham; •at the residence of the, bride's:mother, Mr. Wlison C,TritittitCHAle Le' iikkas Bins. J4e,,d i titOTElßitS,. both of teeker COunty, ' • By Rev J E ;Woods, •on Alio morning of the f 22d 6f May; Mr. Rinnin BLS.bkwcin - b to Miss Wiircuti'botn - ''Of Frankliii : Oeunti! O.' On Thursday moining, • dune''26th:"-at the iesi- 1 denee of, the bride's; father, assisted by Rev. 11,2 O. Galbraith, SAY., Apar*tti TAYLOR, Of, St. .Mary's Ohio, to Miss NINA, Of Fair field Conaty, ' ' • , • On tile 2d. inst., by ;Rev. A. 0. Realtwell, .14r. DAVID C.' taaliss-itiny R. WA.t:s.irt bath of Allegheny County. Jane 32th„by Rciv. Jahn /lice honse int Greenville, Mr. SAMUEL Invitin M'Comis to bliss Cs.ntAitiNE MOOK; - both' of Greene Tp:, Indishe, County, il lt arp. . : • . - km* Boo m,lens' ,Pcmecit laws,,Bia‘ . 11t031011*Illnii '•• • '• DlED=tp Obbrahville"Clanda' Ociunty: - Pa;, gaze. , 2Bth, dip'theria i .PR4NKIB,`'I*.th eon , off3ta.,D.., and Eleanorieirall, avid 8, yeara. ' 4 ' ° ..1,11t1" . 7r11, AP3 1 pj:Eti r7 -thiJun p 29th, in soca.* Valley,; Blatir , Ike redden - ea of his lion: ITOOki; W.'wittirAm aged 7 , 7 : =ieareand'2oA*oi3, `, •• DlEj:ll;',lntt.ho f 2d of ' Tune, tAelBSth 'xi:tar:Of Ili age, aniOn "!..le s calm and . peac d eful 'hope of lititinous ' rinstirrebtiOn, "'JAME§ SCOTTi. ,father of Thomas Scott, Ruling Elder in Lebation I Presbyterian church.--.... PIRD 77 On ,the.,4th,inst, sp i ,N lmjand,peaceful, in bope of a beiter,.'reintrec t ion,'rs.Llt LINDA', winkor thonas ; Rcott, in lig 'l39th' ,; ,*eai•iir.ber ag e. R• -t - • , am: 7 ,, •••• ! • ' . , DIED,, in'tke4 l.6 llPite iit.!Acamburg v ,Tennefilitse, „or, ,eainfir, fern, JAILEMI9H ICESZEIC, pViiida or 'co. 1..,.:18d Beek Q. V. 1.. 'G formerly of Fairfield Cp.. in tket2Otli:year of is lie. tinal•r" 31. E. W.' • rtfui: 1 , # DIEP--74 , ,Citer17 11 illiARThinCVQPIA3', on Sabbath, May 11114 HANNAH SUSANNA, • eldeat dattetter of ~I,o,moshn A. , an d gra, - fAdair,..ilod'2epiiiii; radian:, B dliit. l r. r . : •:.• She ..rte .metner.,.of the Harmony terhte.ehurefi•'4l l ) B lr,'iteV.terie . d her assurance of hvoixtibqoponod. Shortly before, her death, wen xeiy orrea)t„abe ,eaici to .het; xtt i otim,. 4 f Nod g . ,heaTen is ob in* I t e i t eM,AlTl'" Her *l4litti• PiteEoeee " 11 9° 10 . - ill" the timid he4eVflte , l o 9lcrtinviklli t94eet4 lon s o,geor. i i • .' 7C. .DIRDr-rn.Pliervhill;:ndiene o ,ti. BablieW lay 4ili; 1882,'ItOttERT;iiid t n alei. sidi'MaryddiCe,ypeftersOldvtreetedttlaideP %Os 28d year. 1.4 • Vl* shaft `ears, r 'tibias iini4 ll.- eilidi .'*it irviiral 'lm uredinOC 3 : . /F , a-: iiiiihritVyiaili - beldra Ms the had boa r member of liarniony Presbyterian 'church, and ." conducted himself alwaYs in g manner beekeing the Chi'titian_ 'Character., His Conversation during' his slakness was very comforting to his friends, and profitable to all.' Though his Worda were plain his manner and spirit eloquentlY preached the Bailout.. Be was anxiously 'desirous to bring the ungodly ,to Christ, . and to have profes sors of Christ walk worthily of their 'calling., He would often express the comfort be bad in., having 'sought and found Christ before he be came sick,and the superior value of heavenly to earthly blessings. ile ,NritAlt, peacemaker, and - earnestlystrove that should feel and , aet in a Christian spirit; "Being dead, he yet speaketh.n., May we remember his words, , his wishes,. and his prayers. ; ~ J. it. DIED June , 24th; 1862,- at his, residence in Coshocton County ,' Ohio, , ROBERT RAM SEY, in the net. year of his age: In"thi'ntoritirie of the 'day he died; while' in apparent • perfect 'health, he was itrieken down , . by a stroke of paralysis, and only survived eight lIMIMEM The deceased was in Ireland in 1701, and" emigrated to thelTnited States in 1816. lle has been .a member of the old SChool 'lq , esbyterian Church' for the past, twenty - eight years, and' foi the eighteen years last past he has been a Ruling Elder in the -congregation s of: I Kpenei.Ohio.; his death the congregation has, lost one ,:Of its , oldest:ad most experienced elders. Hp served with, greet i neceptance in,the office, ,for the ;per-, formance of the duties of whichhe,was remark ably well fitted. has heen long and favorably knowri assn,aotivpand;Hberal - supporter of the ,Church sicinity.: , i• his , friendship and, intereohrse with society, he was true, , ,just,, and!' lionorable l ;:•and his uni-` formrpleasant 'demeanor And affable disposition, - `secured for him the esteem= of all:Who:knew him. `•, He Tleaves: an aged and s feeble.'companion to . inourtkimid the' growing .infirmitiel of , old age L'-this'ArYing bereavement;;but She'irienims"not., `Without hope, for we have good reastni=to;belieVe that he has gone •to mingle' with the Saints in' 'gloryt`• = • ' • 3." L .Ta. •DIED - Of, PliqUU lo , l 4, Carllefitle, - .Clarien Pa.,,J•nne 24th, the Koh: WILLIAM CIJILLL,. the 82d yeir of his age. ‘• • deceased Was, Jlorn! on the gad, Pf May, ,11,81., in( County Atarim,lreland.,..When . about: - fourteen years of, age. he , left the innd.sof- his :us tivity,. whet() ,he had„ already :aoquire& a. good. 31 education; and came :to : the., United ,States !Anterice.. „ He - arrived. in Philadelphia,t June f16tb, : 1795. -iirOctober,lBo6, hC was united , • marriage ' tcn Miss - Sarah Vanleer, by, ReV. ; Philadelphis!i Their union 'was a longue - rod happy - One. .On f'. O - the Ist october,- , 1.520, 'he and his ' Wife • united With the Predby.-'' `terian Chnrch dr.Bolesbimenentre Conthy,' under the pastoral eaire - 'of Rev. Wm Stewart by •which • profeesion' of 'their faigh in‘ Christ, a c tame be was baptised with' all lila house i• ' FroM'Centie County he to 'Armstrong,' how,Clarion _Count', ?ti` the year, i 824,. and united • ` , with 'the Presbyterian ' - clirch` of Licking, by` ; certificate. ln 1825 ire was'eleil of Ruling Elder in• said.- chureh-,--and -was or dained andjustalled by the late Rev,. John Core,, , then peeler. He was devoted to y " the intereits of thec'eliiireli, and fsought , ti.boie 4. 41 P -things its . peace; ~ p urity,' and- PreSpertey. He 'Was' a of sleep /'and 'earnest even , de, itirPriVata xn tic an Publibly the' church; His - pastor and`'brethren in then eldership have lost itilleinCrien r cied'iencljndidious counsellor ;' his aged andraftlicted wife, a devoted' -.husband; and his children, a (leveled - father.; They, all mourn their loss for hireto Hie was,; and to die , gain.. 4 Blesied` are;the deid . , .whiCh die in "the Lard:” T RE. MESSIANIC 'WI.III',NESS. ' ' .:. ,• . -. . . ..'e."l):' MAC - . MASTER.; • r, . - ..-aw...• - , J•-. 1 ' 'J t . in j this via :gas 1 born, and for this 1. T o carat 1 into th - i Ibbf a ; lAitt. riltov2d. beat' , w itneas . 'th;e , triOth'Y' Ye' : sinili be 1 1 14.1 " 8 1 444° . 116e 7 " 1 -7 P9'F' : T : MEE •, . . • The enbentitier irdpoteitto . eetnbliehtln 'the city or Clow'. lati :n9monttd3s ptrelleetthoni to: be :called .27u Ifessitrnic Witness.) . •'. • It le IntendeWthatltie titled the work, kroutided on the' . 'Worths or:onr•Lord .whrch.wre have ad0pt...41 ae a legend; shall indiaite its pridondnaht character, its main objects , and ite chief'end, - j • 41`.• • 7 .• . : , linder,Ohrist, theMlneirs in Chief,' the, Church with , mini try is the Divinely ordalniall Espneiter of the'Oracletrof Gild; and therein the Divinelyordnined, Witness to:the ?des- • slab . , as the Founder,Establisher, and head . of -hie peculiar, Kingdom, the Chery:add as Ifeied, DS the Chtirch, overall'• states, kingdoms,, empires, as outlying provintes, we man. 180 speak ; , nay, over all things in heaven, and in earth, and unddr the earth; cab inits tretniephere and liCeUrding•to • its own proper nature, and the perullir. law, ,of its own' being; all' variottely related to the Chtrch; and 'ail made ' subject to Him who, while lie iy Kr,ad of the Church., is also the Prince of the Kings of the earth, and the •First-born, that is the Loid, of the wholeicreatiool (Oomp. John 86, • 37 ; Acta i : : 20—'4 ; Phil. : it-11; .11.0V..i :1, b; C 01.1: 15.) Chlifit, the &Mira and true Witneee, calla upon•tbe Church in general, and upon - all and •sinionlar the" membere of the Church in particular, to unite thei r testimony.,,, with teetimoriyi to' all truth touching - this the enhject met 'ter uf• their common teetimooy. I o obedience, tratitia call ef,s . I fione Divine Lord, among the . great cloud of witnesses who 'have tisb4l their tixtiniciny adiPenteied into rest' and the •' ;many wiseessee,on earth who ara„ yet, didivering their teed,- i1 imony, we,claiin, through rhe,',.*ssiasiie .Witnelii, an hum-. • ble place..L I. 117.; Aa the dominion of the Messiah_ is s. wide and great do- , minion, embracing objects and events, and intereetv, maid fold, varlet's, and, yery islivectilled, the, range anbietite treated in our proposed work need nut be narrow. It Is not intended that the work'shill bi;'Orofweirly epeakitig, the:Creels of Any party, or strictly even Of..allY denommatian ' Church catholic; but that, white Christian and even Prissily terian in its principles, it shall btogenerat io its scopd, and 1 wide in the range of tie topics • embracing articles, biblical, exegetical, theologine, eocLisiaslical, ethical,•eithico' poilticalf f i'philoariphical, literary and Pliseellantove;regard,beinse eon,: etantly bad In all to the leading objects and ends of am.- " wink •It Is our purposetbatthe predirmlnint 'diameter , ori( the work' shall be •expoettory .and didactic'', rather thaw,' polemical: but'that it shall discas, ati thete may eeem teal occasion,' in avoids of trolly/and moberneee, freely and fear lesely,lthe living questions of the times. as ,well xe the, great, principles and intermits which belong all - - Arrangements have been made to secure (rpm able writer!: t ,contributiOns to its pagas tippropriats to its character manta. , feet!. Within certain-11watt not , inconsistent with theiselbf 'which the editor shall be thejWigiN•6lXlle, .diversity of views, . on subjects which tire ridt'iiiflkitti nor of cardinal fmport- " 'ante, will be allowed ; each•Airitei-. being Aelemeible for his , ,own articles,. which. unless ip mcceptional cases and for spe-,, dal mean 6, ' WM Ilpfrilr 'dyer hiegriitiale, the editor' being' responsible only for their publication. ' The work will be published monthly., Each, number 'will. 'contain forty-eirlst pave; 'crown octavo; oirwhich the ,forty pages, will be occuldedOxtbetinticipo articiee„TlLTYll4 . in length' from Atone bier pages,to'twelve'or feurisen uanally 'leaving about eight pages for minor, irtielev Lucinda ncahort • notices of new publications, • a summailrjlew , of, public affairs, ecclesiastical arid Political, a home-and' sOrdeld,. lit- •' 'erarx into lipnce, etc. • al{,, •• "0. • The work willke wall printed in ilnaU pica, on, nne whits, paper. and the whole Mechanical B:libation ',lithe handsome . kin all respects. The prioe will,he one dollar strictly in ad vance, for as volume of five hundred and seeentv-idx• 'Pages. •'` " ' ' •t et nth tint numbs will No lesnal as soon as a sufficient num- , ',fear subserlfferi shill' be obtained to' furnish a gnaranteePs, - that,the,publication,will,b • eeiffeistaining., t , onhactir . tion price of the Eng volume will be payable 'on delivery of the first number. ' i Persons who may obtain eubscrlbere are requested to send a listof the names, with their poet-offices addreimesalabdnly and correctlyritten, by mail, at an early day dlirected• act r , E. D. ,MAC NIA.STER.• , • MEM ipaE . pipitt6, •The Bfflcrosoove eimpilfled,end adapted to popular as . 'as Scientific - 6e: A new optical wonder!' Patenterfliebruary'•' 18.1862. This is the only itietruree'At of. high . mow Vitriois: , ; which ,requiree .no focal adjustme,nt. .. therelbro..arck be 'reititili , need by every • oreveien-hyi children. Ofithieinly Two.Dollers. iterwithin the,rencb a ell in l the-ooMtelonlty, and should be on the table of every fatrilli , . Thlebeautiftil and ornamental instrument .renderte :the , blood,,pue,,and milk globules, end eloper cent!. at well oa the anithaloillto of stagrianewatnr, distinctly visible ;'shows • the tubular •structure dr heir ;..the ,circuletloo of the (bloil4l in the web of a frOg's foot; 'end opcne up the minutiae of; creation to the View of the aatbniehed *older, g!wheie: , :. uneeellrted. eight no beauty treoa.7 „It ttnurrnntoh ap ,eudSpae. source 'or home amusement 'end 'instruttion ,to ever); especially to the young... • , •,- :1, , • ityl vi • Asa, Gift or Present to alrieed or child, it Is piisurpaipted,.. •being inetrnetiye, amne . .ng and ehealti s : • ) • ; There ieno other Leila mn,do like It thpate fies • a • 100 climate - re or 10,000 U11104;140, - owing to its etmVltrity, it . Is inOdiaahle 'for..phyeieLsne,' ecienttllc• men: students:map Thabove wlrl *meat' by milt:tb' any address, 'on pt of $2.26. P.L.2) ,bnaii OBERT loavte r . • • .! 43. .13 Wood Street, Prtieburgh.:. fj , 2t Q l „ElLftreLASU i tiL.scHooL FOR LADIIt - S, coiner of salmi and•SO'Uth lAlbilheilYielfY, PI- •' l 44 , o l 4 l4 4kkiiTa• • • ,tnar29:Ty • • ~t ..117:43,t,A3NTEEItS. A 081i,y,• - should not 64 , until 'with TIMItYId 1.8 AND, OINTMENT: Noti Scoriyiw Pog, IT ovum, nod Bowoligoloptatod= bi 'nl9olotifileidfoll4 .nifetYrricoliv . 4 )dtc.'ir: 1 514 1 14. 6 010311%-tir..-i al NM EDITED' BY Tn F. 0 It: f. INA ;, TIOWEr sawswe macqm*Mee Established - 1845; Perfected 1862. • Mr. HOWE invites attention to the' important improvp ciente which he has recently made in his Sewing Machines. which enables them to do a larger range of work with lass machinery, less noise, leeiatzotible, and more perfectly than any Machine now before the public, 774 e teisednp of stitches and breaking of needles, an common and annoying in other Machines, is entirely done away with in the lerraov an Howe. No trouble in making any garment worn by male or female, howsver delicate or heavy. with silk, cotton, or linen threads on the same Machine.. We Ilse a straight needle, and the stitch is elastic and alike on. both sides. For Shirt Makers, Dress Makers',Vailors, Shoe Binders, Gaiter Fitters, as well as for every variety of Family Sewing, thetinproresi Rowe Machine now stands far in advance of the Machine,: ,d the day, and they will be sold at &Much-less price than any other Machine capable of doing the same iangr of work in as good a manner. No person should 'think of purchasing a Sewing Machine ,without first geeing, tbia , —the latest and, greatest triumph of the original inventor of the Sewing Machine. Persons at a distance can order a Machine with the Mann factorer's ,gnarnutep that it will reach them safely, and prove every way sattsfacterY. ' A. few responsible Agents are wanted; who find our terms liberal. Send for descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices, and address the "HOWE SEWING MACHINES," j une2l 6 =I W I ,ITUATION WANTED, By a Teacher, of,twelve years'. experience, competent tri teach the Classica and blethematies, as Principal 'or As sistant Teacher .in some.. good Academy, Seminary, or per manently established School, male or iMnale--but male pre ferred—with a fixed yearly salary. Good references and teetimonials I Address A FRIEND, Jun2l.-4t* tock.ltot N0.'104, Pittabnricti P. 0. C RI LD REIVR,-.OARRIAGES. ;PRICES GR'E~ ' T ' LP RED et CZ' D ''S. KENNEDY; Agint, Continues the manufacture of OHILDREN'aI OATtItIAOES, ak the old stanch ! : • ' 1 ' .40ir NO. 177 LADOOK BTftpr, ALLEGUSNY.7639, Persons wishing to purchase, at Wholesale or Retail, will 'find it greatly to their, advantage to call before purchaaing elsewhere, jun2B4lt READING FOR T• HE' ARMY. . . , Soldier's Camp Library. THE AMBILCAN TRACT SOCIETY, 150 NASSAU MEET, NEW-YORK, has just issued a beautiful Library, consisting of TWENTY FIVE VOLUMES,IBmo., inclosed in %box, at the lour price of $3.0 ; among which are "General Havelock," t' Copt. .Hedley Vicars,' " Capt. Hammond," "The Bins Flag," " Young Man from Horne." Packages of 3,000 pages of select Tracts, at $2.00, are put • up to accompany the Library, when desired. , THE SOLDIER'S POCKET LIBRARY terentylve in flexible covers coittunlig the Soldier's Text499k,, Soldier's Hymns, The Soldiers and Jesus, Story of Lucknow, and other appropriate works, 42.00. The American, Tract Society. bas, furnished gratuitously many huhdredi - .1 thousands & pages of Tracts to the sol diers of Pennsylvania, as well as others, • • Thefriende el the soldiers are availingthemselves of the opportunity of putting into their hands these most valuably books. And there are not a few insteneei where mbst happy'restilbr have followed the truth they contain ; d le 'Books carefully put up; and forwa e as pure users may direct Address • • , 11: EN T R.E.PRIhISBYTER lAN BOARIu UN PUBLICATION No. 821 1 ,Chestnut Street Philadelphia, ;FOR 54813,4..T.H-SCHOOLS, OVER 300, ' TOL ' 468; iRDRACINH r BHDEE ,EDE. CHILDREN AND A 4 L S 0 - OONMENTARIES; CATECHISMS, • QUESTION-BOOKS, H Y -BOOKS, MUSIC, BOUND, AND IN SING L E SHEETS, • r.) t. •CL A.S.S. BOOK, MINUTE-BOOK. 'CONTRIBUTION CARDS, TICKETS OF VARIOUS 'KINDS, • - TAOKPITBi OF SHALL BOOKS FOB GIFTS. . Irkutht. Catalogni prlce,eof :which a diecount of 25 per cent. is made on =Quail over $l2 when the cub, accompa nied iliVniddr. •' ' ' ' • • -3 ' l • • Catalogues,Will be, sent application. I THE SABBATH-SCHOOL VISITOR, /I:.ldonthli Paper, aitvoted to the beat Inteieste of the 'Chil dren of therPosebyteiian Church, fol , whorls no better pe '.riodleal eau ; he found. Printed..on lino paper, and beau tifully illustrated. ' ' terms. F •:a single:copy • For l'en,oppi4B to .0116.addresa For 1 1 1fOt'eoples to ono Mdins . For onOhnnOrM:copietkto ono address:... WITH' Pangern POSTAGE ADDED t For fifteen Copies to„ one Olreee Porlaity coiiiiitolOtte'addiess • For fifty, enpies,,to one' address For one huntinnt 'copies' one address Pleads address orrdets for BOoke , WINTEMOP. BARGSNT3 ,-, , Business Correspondent:: 2.‘ - • I PETER WALKETW' ,821,Chentnirt, Street,,PhiladelOts,„ iEi` For ` aie En Pittebnrgfi at the Freebyterlan Book_ geoin4s7 Haturgernee• •I' • „. :r, - bni-tr • aneforAhe Visitor+ to L' Y - • e 4th0r4301, - atliCiii 00..1 1 t3':•:tni.44A1 It.: • ••••:al v):;:11 - • : • • 9,30 : •1 ?i -;011 : I, ,•!ett• • SeirWhOlelialg a4d *.:1:1.` • • ; • , r1 , ),“.4 tly lAr1414140110,..• 114 511ITlITIP,LD STREAT, t•bt 644;4. • '94l;it t g, • , • 7 7 - 7 7 . ••;• -Zr/* PITTSBURCH . • , E INVITE THE ATTENTION. 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Covers; Damasks; and Moreau's,: Lsce and Muslin Curtains, Dimities, Furniture Chintzes, Window Shadings; aiK;.&e. ' 'JOHN V. COWELL & SON. ••• , :4 1 ; iiV• Col Vet of Chastnpt and Seventh Sta., Philwrio}rhirt. =EI till • ..A .. DOUBT,4EmiIEED I $ • 'Oasis' iPiano Style IiCiEtObEON: order for ninety doilarii: 'Jur sale by ?- 1 ire )1 •is „ say.l3 JOHN. H. 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DIME* htitory the 'OD OT the tiotyflpfrithaiireisted Upwir,c, (-; '.1•I a• ! j stimbe,nville is retearitahlolloklantibgssityand heigtleollogo, of ittssitioitibtri; rind fir' .u 4 or.ft-ari-prosn'tivofi tutectior e ; ObJP Weer. and ittailtoothre sr - 'rat • • !la , A • . *Bei, Gintasetzun i tias tooeaux boon-sama tolls Oath*. d i m : - 911T 51: : '?; t:;, errn.s , i; ••• • .••,,• • • • *Ai: moo Are tub t. l tiondit m g" • al; •1' :iliermuller rm. 3.31 .Y.:1141 ••• BoonggitglAtacA--m , ....-111 tuition . •:J fl') lux • ..,•14f:t lir.usic,A'alntincs,A94 • • tin ' chitiWie lire, tis ito ic t"til,lai ii tocoonno4s.. 9fiz! .1 7 ) A il ti.: .; •'" From are terms deduction of Arr . oust. ; li st a for the danklftkii tad far #3l) , pnIIDs dent. bY.I/ 1 91( 1 ."! ) e.RFAY• t' t. ••i .• •A - For pai gulary, iktioty to die Bopotentoisdeitt 0 • trokr44lolg. , 013 i;1•1 i y 1,: 11 1 ,, ?Ile 7.7r717. urn! reemz, ''n 44/ _ l, 9 b '' r e.Yo 6l . o ` l K 2 l.', l " - • PTICEr 7 . THEi -4 0 LA BILVis EMMEN Y • VOU NTT "Me 'dapliciais ( for yotit 'Mies 0f:1662 wlllibe bereadlues. at tblabfflomottland Wait the NIBggT DaT4I),v;JITIN NEXT. for ttleyetymen6 of Coon tr Efate; Pooir abd . Raftidiii , YU* totowhich'it , abatemb a t!of, ",16ROENT. bo*,,llMved,fl,44,lel the time preenribmrbr law. The Relief Tax *alleges to ba. paid within! the pieicribed this, or f6tVaddLthin of 10•Imiti' cent. will be adde4... . „ • . , •' •4" •• • Bata of • Cdanty 6 mills. • •• • • I .'s ,:`fi Slat. Tait Poorax... InteYeac on ...ROW , Raitydad.o, oll(•t4.•. 2 l t. 4i order thepublic at large' erkay oetter accomMo;• • engjtated that the realdmita of' the 'Odes aud lad nt t Va r. i ,' c: 1 ? 1 i 7; ( l a St th e Mi n t a) it•t' their, Taxep .on ' t . Wpm." country dritricteunka9th4yu the ftakllyertOit of elik c:MI4 k l et • el'Wkriusibireaioret‘f44e , 6o Ta64llo364oOttiet-i El 437 BuommAir, NEW-YozuL K. N. THISSELL;Agent, Nn COO i" , taat,.r,* nit."., 41,00 4.50 . 8.00. $ ...-