Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, July 12, 1862, Image 2

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    • .
tesigtinan mAi niter.
A NOW Monthly,—See Dr. MACIMASnR'S
'Prospectus of the Messianic Witness. 'He
has• 'Ou'r best wishes for great usefulness
afid'great success.
Rev. David reay..—On our first page, by
the. aid of a ministerial friend, we give a
notice more extended than that furnished
by the Presbytery. We knew brother
M'CAY well, and can give our testimony
fully. n his favor. We knew his valued
father also How friends depart ! Happy
thought that there is a home to which they
are gathered.
Rev. James S. Woods, D.D.—The death of
this;brother was long looked for, he having
bad an attack of apoplexy twenty years ago;
and, yet it came upon us, producing a
shock:, Two correspondents, intimate an
quaintances of the deceased, have sent us
obituary notices. We publish, them in
preference to any extended remarks from
of own pen. , We must, however, be per-
Mittod to add our testimony, to the ex
cellence of the departed. We knew him
well froni early manhood. lie and we were
twenty-two years co-presbyters. Often
did we labor together in religious services
of great interest. Often did we eat at the
` - same, table, and sleep 'under the same roof.
Ile was a good man, a devoted minister,
and an exalted though lowly Christian. He
has turned Lonny to righteousness, and will
shine as the stars, forever and ever.
The suddenness of the call, to render his
aecount" and enter into joy, is an admoni
tion ,to 'those who remain, to be always
'Shall we receive good at the hands of
th'e Lord, and shall we not receive evil ?"
So said one, of the most eminent of God's
children,, under the severest of earthly be
reavernents•with which Man is ever visited.
The Lord has' again frowned upon our
conotry,'and chastised us severely. Why ?
Why ,was our artily made to retire from
before the foe ? Why did so many of our
brave and patriotic sons fall in that dire
conflict ? It was, one will say, because the
enemy brought on superior forces. He is
more in earnest than we; more wise in
adapting means to an end; looks• for sue
eess more in the way in. which God gives
siebees. We, as a people, are stronger
than he, two to one; and yet he brought to
the battle-field nearly if not quite double
our numbers. Hence the reverse which we
Who then Shall we blame ? The General
—the ~President—the'Secretary of War—
Congress—the , conservatives" or the radi
cals:? if blame could be properly located,
thin; to known it might save us a repeti
tion of our calamity. But a controversy
among ourselves would be great folly. The
fault :is very extensive. We have all un
derrated the power of our foe, and neg
leeted to bring forth our resources. Hence
we, are, beaten.. And now, if we would
suuceed, must go to work in earnest.
Use the strength that God has given us,
and use it' rightly. All this is common
sense ; and "thus every man may and should
The Christian however, wilt still prose,
cute the question, Wby this reverse ? And
the statesman also may give it a serious in
vestigation. The Ruler of all, means some
thing thereby. Does her mean to say that
we are wrong, and the slaveocracy
right ? Or would he tell us that we are
too proud' and , boastful? Or is he dis
pleased with our infidel spirit`? . Or is he
angr'y with us because we will not enforce
his , faws relative to the equality of the
tights of his rational creatures; because
we,wish too make a conquest and a peace by
whiCh we ourselves shall enjoy liberty, re
lib "ion, literature, property, marriage, social
refinement, While four millions of our fel
low, men, ,-dwelling in our land, shall be
consigned to a deprivation of all these, and
doemed; with their posterity, , to thehard
shiPe and degradation of a slave's bondage ?
Does,God say to us, " Let the people go ;"
"let the , opPressed go free;" "break every
yoke;" and`does he mean that these pre
cepts shalt be henceforth regarded as desig
nating our drity to the slaves;-and does he
purpose to afflict, us, as he afflicted the
Egyptians, till we shall do his will ?
The question thus stated deserves the
nation's serious consideration. : God as
really teaches us by his providertees as by
r his Word,,what he would have us do. Now,
whateier of aristocratic pride and lust for
doiiinioo 'there may have been at the ba
r, ,
tom of the conspiracy, slavery' is the real
foundation of the polyps.. On it the con
spiratore,plantee theirfulerum and wrought
the:lever whereby they moved the people;
and 'it now{ itrengthens thenk in carrying
on the war. God May then froln upon us,
and thwart,all our wiseplans, till we shall
see our safety onlyin changing the condi
tion of theaslaves -and' iii. making them our
friends" and coadjutors, instead of the toil
gn ' .
in lupporters of - our eneniy.
he plan of the. Government, thus far,
has been to .protect slavery. If the rebels
were eien - 120W made to yield, slavery would
be 'safe in'all the cotton States, and have
muchvitality in, the border States. But
we are not permitted by Providence yet to
reduce them. ~'-Why? . There is something
in the way. Howe long.. then must'we wage
waTt ?, litiwrioany,of our sons must'fall be-
Ito:14e shall relieffiltheOlbyemploying the
sid 4 .*iderid in l'rovidence ? What
)7AI ? Some .of us are very slot ,
to learn., , flThe late reverse of our army be
fore Riclunortd is, however, an enlighten
ing and powerfully persuasive lesson.. The
Lord bleei it 'to the nation's inetrirctioa,
as‘ti,v4 pjt,...kheart, apd mind on the
Ilbleot-Of. our dutiv 4 ..;,.." - F,..! ::'xl ,
Law is as indispensable to human well
being. It is the security of person, prop
erty, family, and religion. The law is
never to be violated. Its execution be
longs to the community always when the
community can afford the protection which
the law proffers. When the community
cannot afford that protection, as in the case
of sudden violence, a midnight assault, or
the prevalenee of a mob, then the individ
ual may protect himself; if he can. Ne
cessity is upon him.
So, in the carrying out of Constitutional
Jaw on the part of a nation. The Consti
tution is the social compact. Its design is
to preserve the nation in its life, its peace,
and its rights, and it is, in all its parts,
binding to this end, and is never` to be so
interpreted as to produce or to permit its
own destruction. Necessity may justify
the violation of the letter, to pres'erve the
spirit, or may render obligatory the 'ne
glect, or the practical annulling, of one ar
ticle, to preserve the whole. The country's
life must be preserved.
Is such a necessity now upon our coun-
try P , Let us examine. It is well to be
wise in time. He is a'fool who, will allow
himself to be bound, hand and foot, when
by timely exertion, he might oVerpower
Our 'country is now engiged in a conflict
for its life. If the assailant were a foreign
foe, we would know well what to do. And
if traitors at home were aiding that foreign
foe, there would be no difficulty in deter
mining what they should suffer. The
halter would be their portion-by the letter
of the law, as well as by every considers:-
tiop of justice. But now it is a domestic
foe, a conspiracy, a rebellion;' and' being
such, all engaged in it forfeit life. But
then, it is , wide.epread, powerful, it claims
a right, it would be regarde&as a revolu
tion, would be treated as a belli,serent un
der the customs of war. Here are diffi
The Government however, like the man
in his own house, assailed by robbers and
murderers, must defend itself; must pre.:
serve its being, its rights, and the essen
tials, of its happiness, whateVer forCe may
be requisite and by any and - all means or
instrumentalities which may be effective.
If the civil process could save the land, the
Government might proceed only thus. If
warfare—the sword, in its milder forms—
is enough, that limit must not be transcend
ed. If the utmost stretch of the war
power is the least which will , suppress the
rebellion and preserve the counrry, the
Government is boUnd to go to that length.
It' must be effective. It must bear the
sword not in vain.
In war, energy is mercy. It saves, the
life of our own people and of the enemy,
by bringing matters to a speedy close. It
is also mercy to weaken . the enemy, as then
he can do us less harm, and we may be
spared` the neetrof killing so many.
Let us now apply these principles to our
duty in regard to the enemy's slaves. fly
our Constitution, in a condition of peace,
we, may not interfere with slavery in the
States. But the Constitution secures no
rights to a foreign nation, and an enemy.
If then 'the Confederacy has made itself
alien and in enmity with us, waging war
against us ,it has Pliciril THE Cos STITTiTION,
no rights,, -:during the continuance of that
warfare ;' and if the Confederacy is a rebel..
lion, threatening the country's destruction,
and if i Slavery is both its cause and the
means of its power, it is not only proper
but it is our duty to remove Slavery. The
law of necessity becomes thus
. operative
and obligatory. Slavery is no imore to
stand in our way than is the lives of the
men who compose the armies. We shoot
dolvn the men to weaken our foe and save
ourselves, and why not free the slave to the
same end, or employ the slave in our own
aid, just as we employ the guns we capture,
or as we use any, other legitimate force
within our reach?.
The slaves are, to the "enemy, a great ele
ment of strength. They do his labor, and,
in a great measure, feed and clothe
So , far as we free thein, we'weaken him. It
is true that we cannot set them free farther
than our armies advance, but if we should
do it thys far, it woyld, be something. And
if we should proclaim their .freedom, and
guarantee it, they would' 'leave him 'by
myriads. And if we should: - enlist, arm,
and discipline them, they would be a very
effective force. They have the muscular
vigor,, and' the capability of endiring the
climate, and they can be taught the art of
war. And if it should be proposed to them
that every, stout man who would: enlist for,
three years or during the war would there
by secure his own freedom foreyer, and the
freedom of his ivife' and children, if he had
such, tens of thousands would find their
way to our lines. Thus w i puld we strength
en ourselves greatly, and , weaken the foe,
and shorten the war. We accept of the
Southern men who come to us. Why not
accept the black.? He to us a man just
as are others. May he not be so treated--
used-if we have need of him--used f if there
by we may enfeeble the-foe and strengthen
ourselves ? WASHINGTON used the negrod
in war; JACKSON used them ;ithe British
use them; the . Spanish use them; : why
not we ? • 4,
knd iwthis way, tab, iqywodld restrain
the slave from rapine. We would have, :a,
ful controll over him. We would also
prepare him for enjoying freedom. Three
years, or even one year under.the discipline
and activity of 'our army; viould give Min
knowledge and selfcontrOl'Whicirwopld be
to him of vast advantage. And so far ,e
think the ..nation is now 'almost, 'if ;not
quite, willing to go; notvrithstanding- its
strong antipathy to radical abolitionism.
The South has been so perverse in rebel
lion, and has so obstinately stood out
against national forbearance, and kindness,
and has manifeeted each deadly intentions
.Nand -"much vigoi thit ninny, ifirhifin
• * • • BANNER.---SATURI)A Y, JULY 12, 1862.
nearly all, would now acqujescein an act of
Congress authorizing the President to en
list, train, and employ in arms or other
wise, all able bodied men, without regard
to color, who are at present resident in reb
eldom, say in Middle and Eastern Virginia,
in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,
Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas,
and texas; the act to guarantee to any who
may be now held' to service er labor, 'entire
personal freedeni to them `selves, their`wives
and children.,
Some 'would say that this is truly the
humane and righteous-' course: Others
would yield to it as a means of self-defence,
made necessary by the,onemy's evil inten
tions and great power. While others might
think that the Government should make
one more vig,orous effort, to 'quench the , re
leaviiig slaverY to thelanence' of
events. We would not precipitate extreme
We .would,by no means feign a neces
sity. Neither would we' defer till ruin
comes. Let the people look wisely at God's'
providential dealings What would he
have us do ? That the nation shall be pre ,
served, we think he clearly,requires at our
hands. That • , slaveiy shall perialr we be
lieve to be his firm decree. Neale mean
that the event shall :'4 Siaeedy ?, A neces
sity ?' And by the sword?
As to our country ; does Ged;notcall
for decisive action? If we sit ystill, we
perish. If 'webeertne faint-hearted, We
perish. There is no appeasing the rebels:!
If we temporize, destruction ,awaits our
Government, or., by,foreign interference, a
war will come upon us terrible . beyond con
ception. Now is our time.'in
judicious and'energetic use of all the means`
God has put, ithin our reach, will bring a
speedy peace. Let there be no 'angry crim
inations among onrielves no vaeillation
and no delay.
The Lord, give viidom to our rulers and
our people; and in making .us the execu
tors of his purpoSes, may he deal with' us in
Commemorations of the origin of . great
and good things, are of immense benefit.
They tend to improvement. :They spread'
an influence. And of these the recent
Jubilee afPrinceion Was one onhe most
joyous and beneficial. It was eminently 'a
success as .to every thing conneeted with
the celebra'tion,; and the influence for good
is spreading far and 'wide, and , will long
endure.' We were' present to see, hear; and
enjoy. We then briefly noted the event,
and we now recur to it on the., appearance ;
from the press, of Dr. SPRAGUE'S discourse
on'the occasion. '
It'was with‘some tremblings, and many
prayers, that our fathers, in 1809-12, ori
ginated a Theological. Seminary. The end
in view commended itself strongly. - The
theory was good. But it contemplated ''a
great change in the production of the min
istry. It was to be an INSTITUTION.
OF MIGHTY POWER—mightyfor good
or for evil—a fountain of life, if pare;'burif
it should become colruPt,there would then Ce
forth issue thence far and wide-spreading
streams of= death. The training of the
succession in the ministerial office was about
to be , taken out of the hands of the many
and placed in those of the few.' "Professors,
and not pastors, would henceforth give the
theology, and form the, manners, and in
fuse the spirit- which :were. to pervade,
mould and perpetuate Presbyterianism.
The change Would be immenie. 'There was
a ~risk in it. And, fall relief could not
come from the thought that it, was but au ex
periment, for its influence would be con
trollini., especially when it would become
pecuniarily independent 'thiough a large
permanent endowment. Well might good
men hesitate, and investigate,. and leek
wisdom from on high. _ . •
But the - Seminary 'was instituted, 'and,
for hislf:P:. century, the Church has been,
heaven-directed in the choice of its , Guard=
ihns and Professors. •Wiser and better
men haVe, probablyi never 'been entrusted
with the care of a minister-produeing insti
tution. The Directors have 'been" sound
Presbyterians, men of piety and good :sense,
single-minded their office, having no
personal 'ambition nor':sinister aims. A
Seminary for the Church and for Christ
has been. their, one thought, and their
unwavering effort. Her Professors, also,
have been .men singularly devoted to ,
-their Work: TheY have seemed 'to know l
nothing else. - There have been an abnega
tion of self, and a consecration to the, pre
paring of a holy. and well ,qualified minis
try, which challenges admiration, There
have been ten of them, five' of Whoni still
live and , occupy,their, Professorial Chairs,;
and there has . not been a noticeable defec
tion' from orthodoxy, Church order, ors
purity of life; and not a dissention among
themielves, or a controversy with any
brother, which could disturb the 'street and
even-flowing current of Christian affection.
4 But, what a power this- Seminar3r is I
Thus far a power for 'good; and only for
good And yet, we pay exclaim, What .a
power I It has now in the Church , some
seventeen hundred ordained ministers, say
more than one half, of those who bear the
sacred office among us; r,aud it: is adding to
the'rnuiriber about fifty (every year.' These
all bear much of the Seminary?e: impress;
and , all have to it abiding attachments.'
They are the pastors in , mearly 'half ,of ,our
churches; and those mostly the more infiu
entlal. About a .hundred. 'ot them are.
Foreign .MissionarieS,". planting .the Gospel
in 'Populous. countries, and .giying. charac-'
ter to the growth of the kingdom ofJesus.
'Scores of them are - the guiditie heads'of
our 'Academies and - Female 'SercliCaries , ..
A hundred or more are Presidents ,or,Pro
Lessors •in Colleges., Twenty or .upwards
are Professors in •other Theological -Semi-
A Ihecounsa, Addressed to the-Alumni of the
Princeton Theological Seminary, April.6o, 1862,,
on ()opal/ion of t4e Completion of the,Firi4 144.
oeriEbiiy: "` ByWm : SytWia, D &vb.-
naries. The lamer pation of our weekly,
monthly, and quarterly jOurnale are edited
by Alumni of Princeton Seminary. And
a very large portion of the writers of our
religious books and tracts, hail from the
same venerated institution. Truly Prince
ton is a power, both in the church and the
And Princeton has become a power also
in its pecuniary resources. It`has' - its
main Seminary building ; its library blind
ing, chapel, refectory, and gymnasium. it
has five- Professors' houses, five endowed
Profeseorships, and- "thiity endowed Bohol
arships, and also invested" funds for
increase of the library,for aid to pupils,
and for incidental expenses. It has not
needed, for years, to appeal .to the congre
gation's for aid. It has had funds and
friendi; 'aid, has still friends' ' Who are'eU
largiag its attiactions, and ,are ever, ready
to supply-any new wants which may arise.
How much we need the unfailing blessing
of the Lord upon Princeton,to continue it
truly liis own `,_ handmaid, in the service' of
his Zion 1 It t behooves the Churoh to use
greatorudenoe,in the selection of Profes
fors. She shordcl frown
,upon and repel
the mad who w'tiuld electioneer, or plot and
plan for the office. The WORTHY Max is
to be'. sought for, 'and drawn out, and
pressed into this-service.
The_ , Presbytery of Philadelphia, under
, the griidanee of Drs: GREEN and JANE*AIt;
originatid the oyertUra'to the: General
setublY; which resulted, in the'establishing.
of the, Seminary t . pr. Dwrolpr t of Yale
College, •was, consulted. Drs. .110141EYN
and:- sli,rcuAltns were active men iu con
summating"'`' suating the plan.. -The choice or
Prin'ceton as the leeatiOn, was wise..
a lovely spot, healthful, a seat of Presby
terian literature, retired, and yet easy of
access to. the' great Cafes of the Union, .and
halloWedin its historical reniiniseencei..
- We should like to quote laxgY
el from
the eloquent Discourse now published, of
Dr.r SPRAGUE ; on the,seini-centenary occa
sion: But our limited space forbids. =' Many
Of our;readers will,'we trust; obtain it and
read the We shall give them, a
specimen or two. On the subject of the
Seminary's Patriotism,: Dr. SPRAGUE says :
" I canncit'forbear to say that thie f SeMi
nary is;exerting a. loyaland', rzoq , but
not an 'intemperate da indiscriminately`
condininator:y, influ r ence., - Ip Seems to be
, the order of Providence that every' thing
on earth that bath' fife, whether physical,
intellectual, or moral, should have its times
for 'going to Sleep. Thus. it has been with
American Patriotism-L-the spirit, which'
worked as fire in the bosoms of our Revo
lutionary FatherS, had not Only lost Much
of the &Ow in 'which it then manifested
itself,-but had so long been exposed to the
wild storms of party, that it seemed, threat
ened with absolute'extinction'. Wise and
thoughtful men were not without fears that
'Patriotism, in' respect to a_large part' f our
population at least, Was sinking into her
last, iron slumber, if she had not'actually
been arrayed, in her death-robes. But the
memorable 13th of Apfil, 1861; put to
flight that delusion. .The`balls that struck
upon Sumter did g much more potent work
than they had bargained for; for, besides
achieving an inglorious triumph over a
handful of brave.: but defenceless, men, who
were on the eve , of starvation, they turned
the heart of the Whole loyal part .of.the na
lion into steel. Patriotism had now no
longer a dubious existence. Quick as the
lightning, she multiplied herself into a,
host`of bright, angels, Who were going te'
land fro, delivering lessons upon our perils
and duties, and inspiring courage and hope.
'I do not mean to intimate that this Semi
nary had ever been indifferent, to theinter
ests of the countrY--she stands too near the
spot where WASHIEGTON commanded, and
'MERCER* fell, to be readily suspected. of
'that—but, until,now there has never been
'any great occasion to 'ut her toAhe test,:
and, since the occasion has come—thanks
to a Gracious Providence—she does her
work nobly; ;;not by stepping out, of her
',sphere; but :1 - 4y king aunit, for the coun
try's unity; espeaially by, sending forth
mature the - lights, well considered . and
weightyarguments, bearing upon the crisis,
for the nation to digest and apply., Pa
trietiiin," held, earnest, effective, but yet
thoughtful and forbearing, has inscribed,
her name on the walls, even the very door-,
postS, of this Seminary ; and, in her light,
well may the, whole country see light and'
rejoice. . .•
All readers to see the remarks
in the , Discourse ; relativw to , some, of the
distinguished PrOfessors
" First on the list of the deeeased, ap
pears the venerable name :of ARCELIBM,D
ALEXANDER—ii eirCuinstance, that reflects
double honor upon the phurch at that
period ; for • it was alike creditable to her
'that she had. such man within, her limits,
and that she had, the`, wiscinin to place hiin
`where his influence Would operate with the
greatest power. Re came hither with° the
benefit of a large experience, both ape
deMie and pastscal; and the event, more
thatisjustified the high' expectations which
bad been founded uponhis reputation, both
in Virginia and Philadelphia, , The feature
'of his charaeter, ; Which was perhaps, more,
obvfons,n n 4l4ll 7 perviding than, any other,
'Wei a' welf-nigh matchless simplicity. You
saw:this, first, in all!. that pertained to his.
exterior—the movements of his body, the'
, ,
utterances of his lips, the very , expression
of his countenance, 'you felt were in pmfect
harmony with the laws of his,own
ucl constitution., '',And the same character-
Istio,impressed itself upon the workings of
his mind ' Though the best productions of
tunny efthe best,writers, ie every part and
'every, period of the Phurch, lay, , in ; his
~memory as so much well'arranged l material,
and_ though he knew hew to.appropriate it
to the best advantage, and it had even be
mime essentially, incorporated,with „his own,
thoughts,, yet,,it never interfered in the
:least with, the, perfect, individuality of his.
Inteliectrial operations. Whatever he pro
dueed? whether orally or with his pen, had,
his Own, image and euperscription so deeply
wrought into, it tlin.t 4 its, genuineness could
hardly become, a matter of question: . - Ana
his simplicity; was perfected in the move
ments of his Moral nature—and here ,it
discovered itself in a frankness that never
dissembled; iteselitidependeticelhat never
:filieretti; in `am integrity , that` Weald have
maintained' itself even in the face Of martyr
:fires. 'wail the appropriate duties of his
Professorship, he was alike able and faith
ful. - Not only his lectures, but his less
formal communications to the students--
*fhe memorable battle -of Princeton was
,Ought. -withirt,!/44*,bto*ei t ilard of
tl"4l3Mit'brary. ,
isle eriticisms.npon their performances, his
ablution of their difficulties, and, above all,
• those never to be forgotten Sunday after
noon talks on practical and experimental
religion, all showed a richness and prompt
ness of thought, and a depth of piety,
`which, I am sure, none of us can recall
without admiration. What he was as a
Preacher, you who have heard him can
never forget; and you who have not heard
him, can never know. I. will only say that
ihere,as everyivhere else, he was the very
Tersonification of naturalness; and when
'dais inventive and richly stored mind was
set vigorously to work in the pulpit, under
Tabe combined action of' physical health and
strong moral forces, he sometimes held his
andienee by a power absolutely irresistible."
"'Dr. l AripxaNnEu was sole Professor
4)14 a sin* year. In 1813, the revered
and beloved name of' SAMUEL MILLER be
,ciame associated with his; and the relation,
thus establiehed ` continued a source of ma
tte] blessino and a field for cordial &itin
eration, for
,nearly forty years. I will
venture to speak of some of the different
:phases of Dr. MILLER'S character some
what -in the order in which they presented
themselves tome. a * * The next
time I §aW him was three years later, in
his own study; when I presented to him
a letter designed"" to prOeUre My .iotrOdne
ition:4o the, Seminary. ', His kindly and
almost paternal spirit,
,breathing through
this Polished and dignified manner, awak
.ened in' me a feeling at once of reverence
and `affection.; `and this mingled feeling s
nearer forsook. me in all my subsequent in
tercourse with him; and it is the offering
which I love to make to his memory to this
day. 'Those fine qualities of Mind and
heart which Were. So beautifullY reflected in
":his manners,' &instituting him the highest
type ,of a Christian gentleman, rendered
his preseicaanyWhere a benediction. 'There
was a singular grace and fitness in: all' his
word and actions. •He had much of the
sPiritof generous conciliation and forbear
aneb, but it Was qualified by an unwavering
fidelity' to his own, well considered and con
scieutions judgments.' His char.aeter, as it
came out, in his daily life, was, to'his' stu
dents, one unbroken fesson of love and
wisdom. And his 'meetings with us in
the recitation room was as creditable to his
intellect as to his heart.: for, while the in
fluence of his: bland' and considerate man
ner, there, as everywhere, operated as a
charm, We always had presented 'to us a
luminous; well dieested and
• satis
luta view of the subject which en g a g ed"
our attention. Dr. MILLER lived to feel
` the infirmities of age, blit, not to be the
subject of, a ;paralyzed intellect, or to wit.:
ness any waning-of the interest, of', the
• Church in respect to, him. Awas ono r -of
' those who were privileged i to see him, when
he was 'standing 'almost in the presence of
• death. I never heard such sublime words,
expressive at once of trust and victory, as
then fell-from his lips. Tim chariot was
already there; and it was but 'a few : days .
after that I ,heard he had ascended. -
" There. is yet another, Profeasit, who
died while in connexion"with the Sem
inary, and so recently,that thunumerous
tributes which his, death called forth are
still fresh in_ the memories of all of us—r
refer, as you know, to the gifted and accona
plished Awasoa ALEXANDER. I suppose
I may say,
,without the fear of eontradie,- -
tion, that a nobler specimen of the Divine
workmanship has rarely appeared, in the,
form of a human 'mind, than, he exhibited:
To, have possessed any one faculty in the
measure in Which lie possessed - all, would
•have been enough to constitute a man •of
mark. His facility acquiring knowledg,e
Of every 'kind, and eSPeciallY language, was,
perhaps without a known parallel; and this
in connexion with an untiring industry ,
,us the clew' to his -vast acquisitions.
His genius, was alike brilliant,and power
ful—it was equally at home iii"the heights,
andin the depths—it Could, breathe in the .
zephyr ;" it could flash in the lightning ; it,
could ride in the storm. The effect of his
preaching is thought to have been lessened
by the, rapidity of-his utterance; but his
.discourses are a randel in, respect
to • both beauty' and strength. As ateadher,
he nut only cammunicated froni shires that
seemed . inexhaustible, and with a fluency
that never hesitated,`,and a perspicuity that.
forbade misapprehension, but, by an almost
magical influence,; he quickened the mincii,
off his pupils into a .fervid enthusiasm,
which was at once a, stimulus to- thelifac=
ulties, and a pledge of their success. He
was shy and distant in common intercourse;
but these who knew him well, testify , that
`he had: not only a large and generous hearf,`
but, a strong 'susceptibility to social enjoy
ment. For more than "tVrentY :years',`, he
shone here, a star of the first, magnitude';
and the day that saw that 'star sink" baneatli t
` the horizon, was a day of deep and wide
. -
spread mourning."
This ,worthy brother, who has _been a
zealous and, faithful chaplain in the. army
for more thanea year, has. the unhappiness
to be now in-the power of the enemy: He
was taken Pri'io'ner,in the late eonfliet be
fore Richmond. He, will have the sympa:,
thy and prayers of his brethren. HE was
attending to hospital ditty when
The -following testimonial from .Gen.
,is a well merited tribute :
' FAIR OAKS,, June;lB, ,1862.
Dear Sir =I return to yotrtny grateful
acknowledgments for your noble and ener
getic conduct ; .on behalf, of, _our poor suffer
ers ofthis Division. From long experience
in- the field; no one appreciates , more sensi
bly the service' you thus render to human
ity and our cause.
If there has been one point tnore t6.n
another in which I have hitherto laborious
ly, conscientiously, and successfully ful
filled my duties as,an officer, it has been in
my solicitude for the sick and disabled. I
am thankful to . ..find you a strong ..coadju
tor.;, and when am a little more free to
separate myself from_ the care , of ,being
with, my, command, in case of an 'attack, I
will he- founXikt, Constant visitor of; the
, •
I am, most respectfully, your:ota serv't,
Brigadier :Commanding Division.
Rev. Dr. Marks.
Chureb Couttety.—The Synod of the: Re
'formed Dutch - Church, at their bite ineet
ing, adopted the fallowing resolutiOns
I?esolved That the Synod send to the
next New School General Aisetably'Ofth e
Presbyterian. Church a , C?inruissioner,
whose office it sha;ll'be to assurethat.'hOdy
of our fraternal affection and interest, and
to propose to it a yearly' interchange of
kind expressions by letter.
Resolved, That the delegates to the Gen-,
eral .Assembly ofthe'Presbyterian Church
be directed respectfully to suggest to that
bOdy the propriety, of`hiving all cdryespon
'Once between that Church and this,carrind
Central Church, Allegheny.—The Presby
tery of Allegheny City, on Tuesday of this
week, assented to the arrangement of the
parties in this church, by which the major
ity hold the property and retain their pas
tor, and agree to refund to retiring members
all the money they had paid toward the
church property.
The occasion was taken, to adopt a very
strong paper sustaining our country in the
present trOubles. The proceedings of Pres
bytery will be published next week.
Prof'. DAVID SWING, of Miami University,
has received a call to the North Presby
terian church, Chicago, late Dr. Rice's.
Rev. E. W. WRmnr, of Delphi, Ind., has
received the honorary degree of Doctor
'of 'DiVinity, from the Trustees of Han-
over College, at its recent commence
ment. 1
Rev. Dr. WAnswoairfr, lormerly of Phila
delphia; arrived in San Francisco on the
21st of May, and entered immediately
upon his duties as the pastor of Calvary
For the Presbyterian Banner
Mother Venerable Servant at' Cod Fallen.
Rev. James S. Woods, D. D., pastor of
the Presbyterian church, Lewistown, Pa.,
has entered into his rest. •
He was stricken with apoplexy, while
walking in his lawn, on Saturday afternoon,
28th ult:,.and, without speaking, died next
Sabbath • evening, abbut 12 o'clock. His
church was suitably clad inAnourning;and
an appropriate and impressive address,de:
livered by Rev. George Elliot, 0151 Tuesday,
lsttinst.. His remains ,were laid in the
grave, by his Elders ' acting as pall-bearers,
in the presence of his bereaved , family and
congregation, and a large> number of his
brethren, ministers and Elders, of the
Presbytery of Huntingdon, with many cit
izens of the place. Sad were the hearts
and suffused the eyes of many when they
thought that they should see the face, and
hear—the voice of that father, pastor, and
brother, - no more
Dr. Woods was born in Cumberland C 0..,
Pa., 'April 18, 1793. His parents were
Scotch-Irish. Hence, we can judge of the
character of his early'training. He grad
uated, at Dickinson College , Carlisle, Pa.,
under . the ,Presidency of Rev. John Mc-
Knight, D. D: He studied theology at
Princeton, and was licensed by , the Presby
tery of New Brunswick, in 1817.
He came, in 1819, to Mifflin Co., Pa.,
and labored in the region, from Lewistown,
to Shirleysburg, Huntingdon Co., embrac
ing Mc - Veytown, Newton Hamilton, and
sometimes 'West as far as Shady-Gap.
He was called, in 1822, to take charge of
the Lewistown and :MeVeytown' churches.
In the Spring , of 1823, he , moved to Lew
istown, and continued the pastor 'of the
church there till the time- of his death,
nearly forty years. MeVeytown, and New
ton Hamilton gave him a oill . for all his time,
when he was called to,Lewistown.
In the former field, his labors were abun
dant and blessed, and his memory is still
fragrant there. Dr. Woods was . Married to:
Marian. Witherspoon, a daughter
_of Rev.
John Witherspoon, D. D., at 'Ol3O- time
President of Princeton College, and one of
the Signers of, the Declaration of Ind,epen
• By r this marriage he, had dine children—
six sons and three daughters. Two of his
sons are dead..., Lieut. Jas. s.Woods of
the U., S. Army, and, a graduate of West
Point, was killed at. the battle of ..MOnte
rey, (or Palo Alto,) in the War with
Mexico. '
The family of our departed brother were
all educated. His surviving sons occupy
,ing positions of honor, influence and re l ..,
, sponsibility. A. Miller Woods is pas
tor of the
,Presbyterian ehurch,
Pa.; D-Walier Woods is a leading, mem
ber of the Lewistown. Bar, an, Elder. in his
father's late charge, and,Superintendent of
the Sabbath School; Samuel Woods has
just been elected presiding Judge, of the
Judicial District in whieh he resides.
His well-merited title of Doctor. of Divin
ity,. was conferred, I
,believe, by the Col
lege of New Jersey. Brother Woods in
herited his gather's stately person f _his fru
'eality and frankness, his unbending recti
tude, his ,energy and hospitality. • In. all
relations, but few men ,were more exem
plary. His family were a striking instance
of, domestic union, Attachment, and happi
ness. Herehis tenderness andeheerfulness
spread a constant sunshine. His friend=
,ship, and .hospitality many will not soon
forget; his 'heart and house were ; over open.
No one loyed more than.he did the Presby
terian Church.—her dectrines—her polity,
her benevolent activities,, her. courageousA
;and conservative spirit.
,•_Fo,r her purity,
,her peace r her enlargement and the glory of.
her King and Head he labored, and prayed.
To revivals he was amarm friend, and his
ministry, .was made, of_ God, radiant -with
many-,special visits, of Zion's King. His
,commencement in McVeytown was marked
by.a continued revival for two years , ' , and,
the present, well-instructed, well-ordered,
'and efficient state of, his late charge, With
their appropriate and elegant edifice, bear
witness to the power and precieusness of
his lOng harmonious,. and. anfaithful,
torate. ? What a forty
.years' record I
Dx. Woods loved ,intensely his own con
gregation. He was a, good pastor: He in
strueted and visitecl,,his people., and many
will. remember the.solemnity, tenderness and
earnestness which marked his counsels and
prayers, in his visits to.-the, house of sick
ness and mourning,. ; .. 4
As a preacher, our,hrothenmas evangel
! ice!, plain, earnest, and, practical. ..He did
note affect originality, oratory,,or.the graces
of eomposition. His „single, and steady
aim, was topreach,the G9,,spet dud do good.
NOthing gave him more joy i than the con
version- o` ,souls and ; the steadfastness of
his people. Thoie whOehave known him.
longest and best will miss him in the
I. insbAerY. There his ,punetuality, atten-,
: tion, courtesy; a,nd wisdom, challenged, the
confidence and imitation of his associat
His vivacity fervor "and kindness' made
him tt pleasant. companion;;discretion,
integrity,,and experience, rendered him a
safe, and ~valuable eounseller and co-pres
byter, r
Many whom he baptized married, and into the Church -have gone before
him to their reward. large circle
vives. , Great,. we doubt not, -will, be ,his
rejoicing in the day of , Christ Jesus. He
was not an, idler in the ~,Lord's vineyard
He,was busy to the , last.. He worked even.
when nature' and Providence called him to
repose.. ,When the final siiiernons came, it
did not, we Are sure, 'find him unprepared.
Although be could not, as he had, all along
desired, when he came to die, talk to_ his.
family arid tell them he was ready, we take
his life as the preparation and the proof.
A ~stranger could not . fail to observe,,
even in his last -years, his, serenity
and cheerfulnets. He spoke and acted
like a man who felt conscious of his
virtue—undisturbed by a review of the
past, and unsolicitous about the future.
Affiance in God, and an approving con
science, was the secret of his calmness
and peace. He was not free from the
crosses, and trials, and frailties of human
ity, but he bore them as became a man of
faith and fortitude, receiving the reverence
of the whole community.
What an eventful ministry! How we
love to contemplate and commend it as
magnifying the grace of God, and reflect
ing. honor on the work and worth of the
pastor, and on the fidelity and forbearance
of the people. A faithful, useful, honored
servant of God has passed away, and it is
meet we should make this note of the sol
emn event , in anticipation of a more full
and fitting tribute. C.
For the Presbyterian Banner,
Rev, James S. Woods, IL IL
LEWISTOWN, PA., July 1, 1862
MR. EinfOß:—lt is with deep regret that
I record, to-day, the death and burial of our
venerable and beloved brother, the Rev.
James S. Woods, D. D., of Lewistown,
Pennsylvania. He was stricken down in
his yard, by apoplexy, on last Saturday,
about two o'Clock P. M., and died the Sab
bath night following, at 114- o'clock P. M.,
in the 69th year of his age. He was
speechles.s and apparently senseless from
the time of the stroke until his death. He
was buried to-day, followed to the, grave by
a vast congregation of mourning relatives
and friends. The religious exercises of
the occasion were conducted by his co-pres
byters, the Rev. Messrs. M. Allison and G.
Elliott, assisted by the Rev. Messrs. A. B.
Clarke, McKee, and D. D. Clarke.
The first of July, 1862, will long be re
membered, in Lewistown, 'as hiding from
the sight of the, living all that was mortal
of an aged and beloved father, pastor,
brother, and friend. The large concourse
of ministers and citizens as well' as of his
own, dear relatives and
,people of his charge,
show the high estimation in which Doctor
Woods was held' by all who knew him.
It was my privilege to spend with him
his last Sabbath in the pulpit, on earth,
and share in his warm:hearted encourage
ment and happy cooperation in the ad
vancement of the Redeemer's kingdom : as
also, on, the last evening, of his, life,
in company with the Rev. S. Lawrence, to
enjoy a pleasant and, profitable visit at his
own hospitable home. He was then in his
usual health. ,The last incident I deem
worthy of a recital. _As we leave, his
youngest, daughter, Margaret, living with
him ' said,
"Give Mr. Hughes, one of your photo
And 'as she handed it to me, he remark
ed, in a pleasant humor, that perhaps I
would not like it looked so old.
I replied, that I appreciated it all the
more for that, and added, I would, there
read what I had written that day ;upon the
top of the Seven Mountains. So saying., I
pulled out of my pocket a paper and read.
as follows :
"I know of nothing on earth more no
ble than a godly man, in the ministry or
out of it, at an advanced age doing good,
standing as a moral beacon to point lost
sinners to Christ, and holiness, and heaven.
Sorely his ' hoary head is a crown of glory,'
and he shall be 'gathered to his gravelike
a shock of corn in season.' For all
such I hive love, and respect blended with
admiration. 7 So you see, said I, as :lila
daughter leaned upon his arm in affection,
that I apprediate such a picture. He
closed the interview by expressing modestly
and, playfully, his satisfaction at my senti
ment and, .gittification. We then shook
-hands and parted—his beloved, daughter
little, thinking that that strong, arm:would
so soon'be taken from her support,,and las
„expecting to ace his face no;more
among 'But such is human life
I feel sad in, , view of it " . The_ 'fathers
whsre are they? And the prophets do'
they live forever ?"
Dr. Woeds was an exeeedingly End man.
His own dear family first and most expe
rienced' it '; and then all - others that came
in .confact with him. His kind and. =large
heart was proirerbial. He seemed always
to forget himself inorder to make others
happy. '"J had reasons. from the first mo
ment of my arrival at Lewistown,,in'lB43,
to the last 4sit I paid him, to cherish con
fidence in hint, and affection toward him.
He was frank' as he was kind. He had
not only the Sweet simplicity of a little
child, but was always `candid in the eXpres
sion of Ilia gel:Ain:rents 'either in public or
in private. And The was sometimes plain
and bold in his utterances he was equally
candid - aid sincere. He practised no de
ception. He said what he meant, and
meant what be said. '
He was also good. "A good man has
fallen in Israel." He was not only honest
and truthful, but also pions. He. was a
godly man. This was his crowning excel
lence. He loved 'the Saviour and strove
daily to be more like him.
Finally, he was a useful man. He was
the; blessing, in train
ing up his own family "in the nurture and
admonition of the Lord,"finctfor the Lord;
and was spared to enjoy the unspeakable
privilege of seeing all -his children hope
fully converted to er r ed, and in places of
growing usefulness and power. H e was
- successful, too, in the work of the miniatry.
For forty years or more he was enabled
faithfully to preach the Gospel in Lewis
' town and vicinity. And many will rise up
in, " the Great D,e_y," and call him blessed.
His preaching was evangeliCal, earnest, and
practical. -
But I need net dwell on the ways in
which his usefulness exhibited itself in
public and in private - at home and abroad.
Suffice it to say that be loved' to "do good,"
"and that.he was "always abounding in the
-work of 'the Lord," and continued to do so
to the very last 'day and hour of his life.
mourn his death, but as those who
have "hope." We feel assured that our
loss is his Unspeakable eternal gain. He
endured to the end, and is saved. He was
"faithful unto death," and haS already re
ceived his " crown of life." Joyful tid
ings! May we, his brethren, "that re
main," "go and do likewise." May we
`" stand iir our lot; " and accomplish well
our generation-work; and when we fall,
"sleep: in Jesus," and rest in heaven.
Aed may the, consolations of the Gospel
be multi pled to all his 'beloved children
thus suddenly bereaved of the counsels and
sympathies of one of the kindest and best
of fathers; and may his smitten flock be
&ilia by the "Great Shepherd" into
";the green - pastures" of the Gospel, and
"'beside the still'waters of salvation.
Respectfully, Fours, D. I.lluoms
Ten soldiers who recently deserted from
-Fort Sumpter, and took refuge on board the
blockading steamer Seiteciz, state that the
`rebels on thatTept have ; made arrangements
,for blowing up the fortifications as soon as
it shall 49:,Appgent that Charleston must