KINNB i t 8. LITTLA VID M'KINNEY & CO. Editors and Proprietors. TERMS IN ADVANCE. I Nil LB ,SIIBECRIPTIONS • 121.50, I. o=lB 1.25 linivattsh to EITHER 07 TES Onus 2.00- : or TWO DOLIAItO, we will nand by matt seventy number tor ONE DOLLAR, thirty-threo,nutubem. adore sending Eli TWENTY subSeilbers and upwards, will .hereby entitlectio I paper,without charge. enewals should be prompt., a little before the 'year expires . eud payments by safe hands. or by mail. irect all letterito DAVID SPKINNET & 00. 1 Pittsburgh, Pa, MORE ABOUT ITALY. We have frequent letters from our friend Europe, but all intended fur the private e. The last one, however, contains sonic marks which way. be of general interest. e u.tys : f‘ My two weeks' visit at Florence was 'ery pleasant, I formed quite a number , f very agreeable acquaintances. If the of F. were not so unfavorable in inter, I would pronounce it a vastly ,referable place to Rome4iir 'invalids, es .ecially for persons who ve,alone. In the atter city, a single person OEM scarcely get lodging place where he will have society, nless he stays at a botel. There are no , oarding houses whatever. Iu Florence, owever, there are many excellent board ng houses where single gentlemen can stay nd in a measure enjoy the advantages of mac society. Florence presents far greater advan •ges than Rome in respect to reading ooms and libraries. Its main institution of his kind excels, incomparably, both of those f Rome combined. And to the Protestant .isitor especially, the religions privileges of Florence must recommend it vastly bove Rome as a place of sojourn. I was uch pleased with the pictures and sculp ture galleries of Florence. There are three .ain clogs in the Vatican Museum which confessedly stand preeminent above all oth ers in the world, but there is no one col lection in Rome that can compare with either of those of Florence. I was disappointed in the appearanw of the city itself, Some parts of it are quite pretty, but it is by no, eans as beautiful as I expected to find it. The environs, however, are surpassingly charming. I took two horseback rides in different directions in that country and was. .elighted. The scenery excels 'in beauty nd variety that of any city neighborhood know of. I was surprised to find Flor nee quite an expensive place. It wa r s once oted for its cheapness of rent, provisions, .lothing, &c. Jt ie now I believe dearer .ven than Rome. Some of the citizeJs scribe this to the change of Government ? nd I saw clearly that its increase of taxes nder the new regime was a cause of con .iderable dissatisfaction. And I may here ate that I am confident, thereis not that ~, o rdial and b weneral 'acquiescence in the su ,remacy of the Piedinontese section, that ,t.ost enthusiastic friends of Italian unifi, Cation imagined. Besides original sectional nimosity which still exists, though latent, there is little doubt that VICTOR Pd MA.NUEL is far from being personally popular. He is said to be reserved"in his manners, and many charge him with haughtiness and culpable want of sympa thy with the masses over whom he is at pres ent called to act In heart, Vilma. Em- MANUEL has many excellent qualities, but I cannot myself feel much interest in him, except as he is connected under Providence wish the welfare of Italy. " I attended twice a ivefikly prayer-meet ing, at Florence, held at the residence of the widow of the late Rev. Dr. BET ARNE, of New-York: These: assemblings of Christians 'front lifereit countries are quite - interesting. ift:t 'the first meeting I had the pleasure di seeing one of the Me dial (the husband) Whose perseeutioa . by Rome excited so much feeling p few -years ago, throughout the Protestant world. He was dialled on to lead in prayer, which he did With great apparent fervor. My. 140- Dotrcut regards him as a truly pious man, though he'saYs hp has unfortunately. taken up with the ,pecillier notions of t4e I:ly month Brethren, and cast in his lot Wlth, them; ' "Rev. Dr. Itty*yras absent in EnglaUd during my visit to Fforence. I got acquaint ed with his wife and found her very pleas ant. She showed me through the hiiilding of the Waldensian Seminary, with which I was. well pleased,. I long to see the Wal densian Church succeed in the part-she has undart f alteb with reference to the evangeli zation of Italy. It is sad to know, how ever, that there la considerable difficulty in the way of their suocess. Thintalians do not regard .them as really identified with themselves in a national point of view. This is an unfounded objection and arises chiefly from the fact that they speak French, which latter circumstance was ne cessitated by the persecutions of the ChUrch of Rome. In the second place, the Waldensians are viewed by the Italians us Protestants, a name so stigmatized by the priests since the Reformation, that even Ital ians, sincere ,in - the search of the truth, min uet entirely diveethemselves of their preju dice against this denomination. un deniable from history, howe,ver, that the Waldensians existed' . long before Protest antism was known as a name. Again, the Waldenslan form of Chnreh government so like our own, systematic'and orderly, is not acceptable to converted Italians. 'They have been so bound by the Papal rites, that they are , iiiipatient to excess, of Church re straint. ,:Another ground of objection, and perhaps really, though not so manifestly, the main one, is, the doctrinal views which the 'Waldensians hold respecting God's re lotions th his creatures ,as their sovergg4l Their Calviaism will, .1 fear,,constitute great barrier to their extenaKe usefulness, And it may perhaps be as well far the Ital . : ians in their transition state- not to be troubled much with the strong meats of the Word. We may rejoice if they will but partake at present of the milk, that they become at least true babes in Christ. The Italian Free Church, which resembles in some respect the Methodist, may, be instru mental of greater. good, in the ,conversion of the mimes than is possible for the Wal densian Ohristianc, just „as the Methodists have done in our country an immense and glorious work, which we Presbyterians with our system must have left unaccom plished. As the Calvinistic ,element is, however; indispensable to the .perfection of the Christian, an avowedly Calvinistic de noihination is doubtless needed in Italy, and we may be , glad that we have it in the Waldensians. All good men` should wish well for, the success of the diffeient denom inations tiOvVengaged in the worlilof,evan gelizing Italy. lam sorry to tlay .l that cannot partake with many in their sanguine expectations abeut. a speedy and tprough transformation of the spiritual condition of the Italian people. In the first place - the GovOrnment is, I am perfectly satisfia,,ep posed—utterly so—to the overthrow of the Papacy as a spiritual system; and it merely tolerates Protestantism as a necessit y, founded on. the principle of freedone.of opinion and action in religion, which it ac knowledges to be inseparable from a liberkl Government. “Againj-the great stir Wirikear . 0f anlOtit .., . . . . _ ; „;., • : r „,=, ,r _ .... •i• ... crt- r,-; , .': .)... I ' bi ...,... P .., • '' ' " e A .-- s , - 4 41 .i& . . —.:. :. ' c,-.'. ia:' : ,:,' .~, . , 4 ~.. - t - - - rs' , 0„ : : If. ' . :. Q: , ' :i. i ' , : ''' i . 41 ,:s.t ~i., ~,, =-• , , ~, - ' , ~,, , • , . ..s , , , . • • • . VOL. X..l.Na- 48. the Neapolitan, Lombard, and other priests, numbering no doubt several, thousands, goes no farther than' a partial reform. Very few of these priests , would tolerate for a moment theAlioughts of an utter sub version of the Pommy. They wish the Church to be purer, but "they would turn away with- abhorrence from Protestantism as a:.substitute for their venerated Papacy. My chief. reason, .however, for -doubting the, speedy accomplishment of at least ; a thorough work, is, the, lamentable condition of the mass of the Italiaapeoplein_respect to instruction' and morals.' .Lornbardy and Piedmont the people are to a respecta ble. degree enlightened and, moral, and the cause is very evt,dent; But in Tuscany, I learn from reliable statistics, there are only from ten to twenty' persons in a thousand who can read. lathe districts thirty miles around Rome, not one in a hundred has any knowledge of letters. And in the Neapolitam „province,, child in a thousand likinstructed: Ad' 'to morals, all travelers:; unite in testifying unfavorably. And} merely , the lower class who fail in this respect; the people of rank. and pretension, with all _their politeness and plausibility of manner, are to a. great, extent corrupt in principle,. and unreliable. in their professions. .The trades-people,are• notoriously tricky and dii3honest. I doubt if one .in a hundred would lose a good, chance of cheating you, sand most of them. will seldom fail to find a chance, uniss you are wary. lam sorry to say , that will,, as a. rule, never hesitate to advance. their own interests at' the expense. of moral. principle. It is even necessary,. lam formed. by Protestant: ministers, to be on. the watch, in admitting the poor people; , especially, into the Protestant , Chureh. It , is known &hat maWrial aid, is :rendered fby Protestants to the, needy of their comtnit, , : nion, and some have dishonestly professed, conversion with a view to this benefit. "That the ignorance and: immorality of the Italians are the legitimateLresults of the Papal system cannot, be do'ubtediat leastitY Protestants. But be the Amuse what may, they are fearfully prevalent; and., on. this account mainly, I look upon the thor. ough leavening of the masses with the pure principle of the Gospel. as likely ; to be, humanly speakino. b , a very slow and gradual mork, though.l trust, a constantly. progressive ..and certain one, in the end. think nothing: is gained%bylindulging reasonable expectations, and, :encouraging them. in others. ,If .'I differt:erroneously from, sanguine friends,' I shalbouly b-, glad to discover my mistake, kik I wish the :very best for Italy..' In Nemoriimi, The only notice I have' seen taken of the' death of Rev. D. McCoy, is the action of the Presbytery of Clarion. There are some things in the life of this deceased, brother which are interesting, but which could not be crowded into Presbyterial. action, with out making the minute too long. A space in your paper is craved for the following remarks : Brother McCay took sick while with the. 103 d Regiment, of,which he was Chaplain. He endeavored to reach his home, but be came so exhausted-from-fatigue and suffer ing, he was compelled to step short' in 'his' journey, at the residence of-his brother-in law, Major M. Buoy, in Lewistown, Main County, this State, where he died June 4, at 11 O'clock. He was - born in this town, and though he had bects' absent from it, with occasional exceptions, from', the time he entered Jefferson College,' where he graduated with credit---cinnrig`his theolog ical course at Prineeton--and'all the time of his useful pastorate at-;Bethesda, Con cord and Callensburg churches, a period in all of between twenty-five and thirty years, yet a'kind overruling Proiidence brought him to the place of his nativity, to die among his kindred, where , he could receive that attention and nursing' which a sick and.dying man required, and which it vras not very likefrhe could have -received. in any of the hospitals of the- army; among strangers; 'however attentive they' filight have- been. Of the early life of thin dear deceased brother,' the writer knows nothing person ally. But -he can states few remarks, by the Rev. J. Woods, DMlnstor of . the Presbyterian'ehurch at lieivistown, to some' of Mr: McOay's friends, on the morning they left with - his remains for Callensburg. , Dr, Woods spoke of brother McCay having' applied'!for admission to' the church while very tyoung. As' it was such- en uncommon thing Tor, so-young a man-to ask church prii ileoes 7 his father, -who was an Elder, and n very j udicious man, advised. him to with , ' draw his application at • least for a year, which 'he did; but on renewing" it at the expiration of that time, he was most cor dially received, and continuedf - to be one of its most conscientious and consistent mem- - bets. From what is known. of his business - habits in after-life, and fearleasness in the discharge of his duty, it is presumed he was active and faithful during his collegiate course. While at Princeton Seniinary, .testimony is,•borne by his associates to the :admirable Met he always, displayed in transacting-business in their Societies. He' liad the confidence of his fellow-students was faithful and fearless in the discharge of-'duty, but at, (the same' time .kind and courteous in his manner, and eaieful of giving ',offense. He was always :in his plitiernt the prayer meeting; and gave lies undivided' attention to every effort Made by the students for doing goad. Unshaken confidence` as had in his piety ; prudence, and sound-juilginert. To his judgment, and tact 'for business, every memberfefthe Presbytery of. Clarion can testify. =ever was'=any, man more missed, than was!..our deceased brother at the meeting of Presbyterynn - the 10th of June.last. We then-tonk action refer ence to his death—knew he wdhld - 'never meet with us again—iiifiltrillywe can say a solemn feeling came over us all. The „congregation with which' we met .will not snort , forget the 'prayers and the addresses made. at that meeting. F ro n t th e =opening to the' lose of our sessions there was not a, prayer offered, but the most:feeling 'allu sions, were had -to a bereavement 'most deeply felt ' And some of the members; in attempting to express their feelings bear testimony to the -great worth of ~one whom they knew so well, being on the most intimate terms with' him from his ;first coming to the place of his labors . , 'were scarcely able - to give utterance to what they desired, and their hearts dictated. It will be hard to fill his place in our midst, and his.absenee will be ioncielt- • E'er the Treebytelien,Banner, As a preacher he was not only accepta ble, but decidedly • popular. Our congrega tions, throughout our bounds, were always glad when they knew he was expected to assist on communion occasions. klis min isterial brethren loved him. In labors he, was most abundant. Though not rugged. in appearance, yet he'.possessed great *en durance, and fagged but little in labor, however • great. This was particularlYob served during the Winter of revivals in, our churches. Fer about four months he, preached nearly eiery'Alay, OTT what would; average one sermon a day for that time,) besides almost incessant efforts in other things' connected with the, extensive 'revi vals of that time. The writer will never forget the willing and abundant services he rendered on two revival occasions in each of 'his churches;, and many, of the subjects of these revivals doubtless hold his memory very dear. The same thing, I think, can be said by Other pastors and churches_ in our Presbytery. And I know his' own churches, now mourning his loss, can :and will willlogly, bear the most decided testimony to the great faithfUlness with which he performed' his various duties, and the paternal love he, always manifested among them. He was, indeed a successful minister, „as ;:the pros: perity of his charches evidently shows. From his known conscientiousness, we`; have no doubt but he was faithful in, duty to the Regiment, of which he was Chaplain. He entered, upon this new field of usefulness, with great earnestness. He loved the sol dierS, the Government, and the, glorious flag' of his beloved country. His prayers for the success of, our arms, the crushing of the rebellion' , i the restoration of peace on a ,solid basis, weremost fervent. In a letter he wrote to his family ,on the 12th of May,, he stated : " L found' myself a good deal fatigued yesterdy, but preached at the usual time. My . text was; 4 Be strong in the Lord, and in the:power of his might.' The atiendapee :was good, and the atten tion given solemn and earnest." , This was his last sermon ;, a suitable subject for, a farewell discourse. Hui Its Sueeess, none can tell but he who watches over and waters the seed sown. His native lapd, and the soldiers, shared largely in his last thonghts; A very f e w. minutes before his s ';death„ be clasped his, hands over' his breast, and uttered a short" but a most fervent prayer, in Which. he mentioned'particularly' the soldiers, and plead -for the restoration of peace to our troubled land. He was asked, if Ile would not join in supplicationAr his own recov ery. Eie replied he, had, and could .ask that'blessing, but Was perfectly willing to leave all - in the hands' of his heavenly Father. His' sister was askedto sing, and with his voice tremulous and choked: in 'death, he sang nearly two lines of " When I can read My Aide clear," &c., and soon sank into death's eel& embrace, and passed to, the mansiona Of . eternal rest, to be with the God he loved So dearly and served so long. At his own request his body was brought. from the place of his birth, as welt as of his death, to repose among the dead of his charge; till that day in which the voice,_ of the - Sen of Man will call him and his people, to life again: The affectionate regard of his people, to wham.' he will' no longer preach, ;was cony, spicuously shown 'by the many who went, out on the way to meet his remains, and the many more assembled at his home, now se desolate, to' obtain a last look of all that was mortal of their dear and beloved pastor. The immediate 'cause of his . death, Dr. Vinvalza, his physician after his arrival Lewistewn, said, was UleeratiOn of the bow els: 31e . was in the 4§th. year of his age,,at the time, of hiadeath. (3 P. C. Mode of Preaching. The ,following v from the Epiacopak Re corderycontains some facts and•; thoughts which may be ukeful to Presbyterian minis ters The advocates of ;Te22,zoriter , have s frequently appealed to the,example,of, Demosthenes, as of,that of an orator who prepared in manuscript, and then commit ted his orations This position is effec tually dispOsed of by the Methodist,, as. fol lows : . Modern critics suppose Demosthenes wrote out his orations, before ,their delivery, be cause some of his opponents objected that his discourses " smelt too much of the lamp;," but this was only a sneer, and was inferred from their great 'ability, their close logic' and .closer diction. These; however, Were, the habitual talents of the orator. Itt any extemporaneous' speech, he, could not but exhibit them, for they had become, by self " second nature" to bird.' But what do the orations themselves', show?' Why,•you can. hardly,turn to ,one of;; them without perceiving that many, of ,the grand "eat passages were impromptu, palled out by 'something said, on the occasion, by ahoppo 'nent. Some of tb.e best in style and poiver were delivered •in reply t& - speakers who bad preceded = him in the same .assembly p and deal with their argh , tnents. The , sec :end Olynthiae, the passionate oration. - on' Ac the the state of Chersonesus," were unquestionably thus ,:spoken. The -great' Oration for the Ormon,lis full cif 'allusions to what had just been said-by _?Eiichines;. it is continually breaking out'in extemp'o 'raneous bursts of'allusion: and invective; 'and3 these grand paisages , could-hot be ex- , ,tracted. without spoiling:the• best effect-oP the spiech:.. Demosthenes had ample time• to,prepare , ikete, and- .arguilents4 for about. eight years4lapsed after the charge of.lEschinesi before :it was brought to'an issue in the, glorionsitdebate4 which pre duerid the greatest speeches offothorators; but Demosthenes had to follow JEsehines,- and''answer- , his arguments,,,beardk proba bly, for the .firstilime, on the spot. We doubt-not thil, the.anCient orators:prepared, anxiously, their speeches r =as •every ",ex temporaneous" .speaker-Ashould-r-but we know, that their,orations wereinsually.Writ ten-„out, after, delivery, , for publicationsia. ,fact which somewhat apcouute-for their ap parently prepareditylei i ,we , know, 4,lcafit:, that some of the 'best speptmens of' Coro and Demosthenes 'must have been,' proinetu, produced by inue4iate provoca lions. And one further fact we are sure of, namely, that they 4ici not no. Their'ex ample affords, therefore, no. 'defence eflOur modern pipit manuscript oratory—s pre poster*, an insurmountable impediment, to genuine elequence, except "in cases of ex traordinary- genius, like that of Cheimera an,ex r cePtion which can, hardly be found once in'an age, and which 613i'sbnyir8,hep PITTS transcendently great Amy. might have been if untrammelled by the manuscript. • In one point in the above we-entirely.Co inoide•to the other we disagree: It it dear we think, that memoriter speak- , ingis, not: is, not con ducive to , true , eloquence ; • but - we, must dissent from .4ta.,po,*ition thatex tempore addresses are these.. best fitted. to the modern pUlpit. Such addresses may be• the. best in the - Methoditit comraunien, where,' under the itinerant- system,. the". preacher it 3, obliged to act as catchist, as . well as , , expositor.. And such addresses,„ also are very valuable in those less .oulti vated congregations *here talk, rattier than disquisition, is necessary to ll' eaure , Ahe hearers' -attention. But we. , area. confident_ that ,in the, great. majority, of, Episcopal - congregations, written sermons, at least, once a week, are necessary. . yr,r,iting, says . Lord Bacon, makes an =adman ; and the unwritten sermon is :almost always inertai3t,:' , A glieeiplined mind soon reetritaiat itirwant , of method, at its loosepess.ofstyle, at its sameness. And the , unwritten sermon is,. byfar the'least original, for the. speaker's"' mind- runs unconsciously, J when it' is: e t troubled, to its old and aocu fined . riikirti , ,A% drags. out, certain familiar_ ti,.. itaintatrceriiii' the,. Way . of thoughts or illustrations,,tairs them, before, the audience, aud theaß.lais them away again, to he brought out again when he is` next at a loss. ~ . New at ail this; disciplinedand thought ful,- minds revolt;. , and it should -be re.col lected, that it, is disciplin.edi, ,, ,and thoughtful: , minds _that give-tone , the, opinion of others. If they pronounce against the : minister's capacity to instruct, his intelinc tual'infinende over otheii is very Much' The fact is, that, opiniml in the,Episco-;7t: pal Church,is,returning• to i p,juster,view 9f, the importance of written! _sermons..,_ , The memorial , movement of four or five yeais ago, while-it- brought' ;much° thit vas' °' valuable,, .brought up also a great , ileaLof;(. trashs and among, the latt*, Was the, notion ' that .there was;,n usdiscovred and !poi v ilized territory called the .4 masses," which the Episcopal 'Church w*to go outside of itself to preach to, learning "'for thii"oll*- pose some new Mysteriondlanguaan .which these " masses " could alone, un c agstand, The notion Was, somethiqg tike, that which Sidney Smitl'i-rdiculed - *nlie declared that, there Were three sete.s.: men, wninen and crergymeit, or, like4t.which go,me,of our New-hlnkland cen tentrtorsries . hold,,tha.t r . the world BOat oll ,, (?r_,notr,POPP: t But, this is not true. Pi l e world is not di vided into lipiseopaliatis,itidthe umpi . i t ": The greaklindy of our congregations have very much the same wants as these !'ines,,;ee;" and the "..masses,"" at least in the, country, have at „leaSt ss decided,, sprinkling of educated men as. ourselves. The great truth _we have to, adapt onrselves to, is, that the Episcopal. "Church, to.reach thoie cut 'side of her, should take thone,mpans.which she finds .most; effective, in Arching those, within. And these , are, .we thinlc, the_ mingled use both of extimppre,anci: written 'sermons, so that the etigines,.of exactness, and freshness, one side, arid.of col, loquial freedom _on the„otlief, may,-betlr emProlTe4. RG, skyrijapky 12. at 18 0 62. 111 1 P EIIROPEtkiGOIMENINORICE. Paiitt Synod- at Rome—The J,apanese.lfartyre Tlie'Allocution • and , -the Dinner:—Papal Mission aries Nand Madagasear..;Thi. Dlt'ficulties Of the Scottish Estomshment, Despled by theWobgaty.,: Traymition.State, of: I'r'eelingand-Tendeneiee,eo o te. Litufgg and Atone—Dr.Oppnictian!' —The IL -2).'s and '" Attitudes in Woiehip'!-- . Failure of the -Eetablishment in Largez•Toiane-- .Banktutitcy, of Town Crouneiy thereby-,A able Future rhre:. Irtsla Deputation .akthe .firee Aaa ly—lmmigmtion of r S:epteh4,.,FnmitieA to, freltend—Ynoriale of 'Education--)l , issiats • ,quel A3eliooli Oonnought—l&iiiii of' :"Utifer Re Preebyterian sisitoV Hieterrid al ..eitnunutc —Manseevanki.Americas Pastore. LONDON, June 12,'1.862. ' A ROAD SYNOD has been continued" day after' at R o me..' The Tame cor: respondent says : "Never was BeraeSo full of black coats---a most ominons assemblage., In Tact _ the greaf - Clerioal demonstration which is - being Made.may lie, regarded r as : th:e %last sad attention. Offerea'to departing greatness. Here we have by the Allousa,nd, the guides .and directors of' the Roman Catholic 'Apostolic Church': Dr:'Wiseman'' from - England ; the'Archhiehop 9,136'04* i and the Bishop of Orleans. Hungary represented by a dignitary drives about - with - a 'hussar •behindhim;'wearing, apricot-colored boots, and a sabre „bilis ' side. Spanish bishops are 'here," '(M: De Morode greatly offended,theseshovel-hatted and numerous dignitaries;by intrf44, 0 5. 1 4g , them to the Pope as fg the Spanish fleet I") " while prelates, AVM the ; East have also arrived to belster up what may be said to be at last gasp.-=the temporal power ef the hrimble Pisherman ; The French Pai n dinals did not arrive tilliate in the'week ; but Priests and friars ard'iirec4ble, and give' evidence of -Strength toe byr . the shout, ( Long live the temporal *yer of . the Pope I' The Canonization of the Japanese mar tyralasted six hours, and was attended:by 44 Cardinale and'243•Bishopi r beildeS the Diflomatie•Corps The Marquis deL a - letter the Emperor's AnaliaesadOu'i.4 'GoYoni,made a Senator+--ind'i(known OS= my of the TeniporalTower; made hyps critical offering i(by his Inastei'S•il l eSire', ,course,)' of 3,,000 frantic to the expenses. of, the ceremony ! The" Canonisation itself was•apretenee , to bring this'Papal , , ; Synini,_and disgusts the world'' ; ':The tine animus Comes' out in th'e'P,epe's Allocution;, 'reasserting his' purpose :,.deploring dan4re,, end, yet encouraged in his obstinacy ti by:the unanimous 'adherence Of the assembled bishops. After the ,All9nution, they went to dine with . the Pope. lam - sure one Cardinal ' R io , a 'proininent part st that after Wi)ertissement, and venture to surthise that Archbishop Hughes would do'. full justice 'else to the banquet. Very proud are :these men.;;: very' boastful `are their words but dark clouds of inisgty,ing,, and " ghosts"" worse than. that of Itankuo, Inuit,' flit across their horizon. Their day _of reckoning will come ; meanwhile French Bishoph have di4itched i a large, body of priestS:te Aye Bibleiti there before the7ni, and phrispatill is King,. ,Nitiliehotile•Xstah lished,,,C4T44. of ,ScotlgAtinvelved by sulmitting the',State,yoke, in, 1843, are wsxing _serious,. especially. _inasmuch as if Lord ,AboX4Pel4ol.ati•onne is amended by Parliatnent r it pnly "• shift the _collar,f ; , and pot remove the bArtien • Dr. Candlish r in a powerful speech -in-- the. PreeloChurith 'Assemblye : exposed the otm4thirhiPaialittlit6iiteentir ridienled_theit. a,bj ect.positien,even in the the new bill which they wish--pelhaps in vain—the Legialature"`to 'pass. And after all, has the Scottish Establishment secured iithin its pale , :the Scottish • nobility? Verily,; few ,exceptions, no. The, late „General .A.,sseinhly, was closed by , an address from ,the' of ,the kocyzator, (Di:Biseet,) in which the , desertion of the nobility- was ackilOwledged: But it was scarcely: just to' ascribe this to,the Disrup.: tie)] forthe n heritorn and landed pro prietors, ft i erce against, the .secession, ,not only in some cases refused; sates for churches public opinion benaine 'too strong for them, but they also said to one another; Let , us .staud lg . :Established Institutions 7 -,det us:rally round the, dhurch and thus,they too were *oderates with a ven geance, or to use` :a well-known phrase ap plied firdt'to the clergy , of the last century, who'foiteit.minisCers onparishes with com- tanies, of dragoons,: fierce .in !'modera tion." Referring to the n Disraption, Dr. isset said : • t "At that (lute,, now nineteen years ago, a„ numerousvery' - W; orminintera, on grounds Ihich 'seemed to thoin-gaatisfautinyvaeparatect ont.the Qhurch of .'their fathers, and, took with them' a large proportion of their much-attached flocks, inc.Si) that great defection occurred,. another has been,,in,progress,numerically much, : smaller • hut Whicti, in cotijunctfon with, the Other, has,produced many organic- changes in the, pondition of t , Scotland. The, descendants ; the Lords of the' Congregation, attached to the Protest ant- faitirand to the principle, of an Estab lished Chut:ch, ,had, with few exceptions,. felt it hitherto a duty to worship along with their own people; :when. SP' great a division "among' thetic.49Rk Pisci.S.;a , large,proportion of our , axis tocraoy (in, many, oases not without a great in 7, 'ward struggle) felt at liberty to consult their own' predilections and, join:, the , Episcopal- Church. Edticated many of them are in the Southern 'find 'c&the - island, they tieciinie at an ,age when : the heart is tender and most. susceptible of strong religions impressions,,,attached to the Common "Prayer and more imposing liturgical :worship- of 'England;- yet but, , for the , great schism. that had tecßurrS4, there. to belieVe' they would have withdrain from the services of the National Church, theirlirea-• once at which- -was...the- proximate cause of so many advantagek" ; He next descanted at,somcol ngth. on the strong and growing desire amongcongre gations of the 'Establislimentirt' towns, for changes in the form of.worship. 1 Now for myse,if,,l do, not wonder that there is a de sire_fOr sore, change, and, that there is some ileago . ,nableness in what is proposed. Let us honestly confess that worship in song and prayer has been` too much neglectedin ,Presbyteriankfamilies:;, that there-is; a teti= deny to: -irreverent -impatience • de votional exercises, and in s .. Scotland espe cially, a rush from the church before the benediction is well. pronounced:;' and - that (f to heen'm the'sermon'-is toe frequently he business.tfor which people come. For my. part, I believe that there is a kfrAiu, e§s, about our Presbyterian service which,Congrega tionaliat worship has not--that the Presby- . Orion forbidding (in'Scotland;) of byMn singing-and - of- the'-uso Of the, , Organv 'is 'a grand mifitake 3 .especially here,iniErigland,l and that the rising Presbyterian generationl in both parts of this island pre in, danger. of being. drawn, away from '.the Church of their fathers by' a' rikkaiti, which is 'far mare Piritan in - the: , strict sense- of the , wordythan r, it=is Scottish. Itlis-worthy retuembrenee..that the, eottish. ,practiee, of . `",` w as sitting d uring singing w not adopted Sccitland in KnOxa - daYs, and that it was :imported from England after; and 'in coo exion - with„ , :r.thu• Westminster , Assembly: I : Nay, .John Knoxts !forms. of ...prayer,:mere ;not disnsedtill,about that time And now, let us hear Dr. tiSset's,statement: cannot conceal frOni,ourselves that, opinron =(or 'if you will, taste;'sen timen4 feelingO' is a state , rapid. tran sition,---transition• ultimatelyAraceable per haps, to, the conviction ,that. men, owe to the Lord, in,overy .regard,the best of all they possess. ' That'a largo preportion - Of Our-people in the most -intellectual and re fined congregationseightfora least a•prac ✓ticaliresnmption of what was,in,use for an hundred years amongst vs," (the reference hareiii to KnoX's Liturgy) " after the Re ferided 'Faith was introduced, and whet'in ,perfeot harinotry4vith , free prayer, long o`p-- mated most beneficially in several _of: the' 'Continental Churches, framed on the same model as our own. To frown ,on. .auch changes, is to declare' to ~o Ur,, ebuiktrYnien most advanced- in religions sentinigreand musical Mate, and..whose.,deVotional f feel ings are martietl f -if,l,may l,rto the -more refined and soul enrapturing concord of - sweet sounds; that they' trinstlnd a rest ing place for their spirits beyond the Pale thooNati on aloC hurchi Though ,I have earefullytabstained: from. mentioning, my r cony i iction, ~that much, greater. elasticity in the, mode of condnetL iug 'our worship " . would binder, the blessing of llim who is-the..-God of übity,-oot. of ssmenessp give .the best hope , of..reviving and strengthenix% our. Ohurehi yet •It \is d*„to,,say l thst,mapy clergymen and mem-` hers of phe, Church of Scotland, not the last in name, acquirenients and worth, have frequently - discussed'-the matter • With me, and lave arrived ! . at the Lsame.,conclusion.'? . I quote oneirdy for ,the 'purpose- of' .showing that the,,-Scottish Establishment' is in bad plight, and, that While Dr. Bisset Mat be e right conifetiod i iet English Littircii3ali. forms- are sure -to.outbill.- anyoSeottish greater elasticity?" with the, highest classes , Scotland. tigt.t, there is a transition, condition. from-past rigidity; is . pretty, evident, and it., made' progreow. sn fir among the Tr. P. 'Preshyte.: rians as.-to lead- , (somedyearslaao;)' to-the adoption...,ofpallymtt Book, anlfain- some congregation to a},change. of t , attio.des,irt., ~public worship,' The, following F is a re cent illustratiOU'as, given by the` ' Glasgow AfdiiingVournal-of the 9th instant : •tYeatorday , ;the congregation of:Erskins, (U.' r.):glurPh, South ,Portland street, : (Rev- Driuntuditd's,) adopted the'practice of standing durinupraise aid kneeling, or rather sitting, 1 durinprayer.;Hitherto thia r a le has been par-,I tially m ' operation but up till yesterday it has.'•-staiawhile singing only at the ,camluding, serAise i ,cf praise at,each diet. Yesterday moriing, in stating the wish of the session on thetsubjeatiMr. Dinnimond intimated that. fours no ; ;person . should bkadmitted, to ; the church during devetio4l exercises, nor dur ing the ordinary reading of the chapter ; per ties i whoshould lkapperLto lateito be allowed entrance ,at. an interval succeeding AlkeSe respec .tive exereises'which,, Would be afforded for that ,-purpose.''- • F l ',ee- ,, Phurc+h now. ;Ykt.4allY;,holtis the *li f tablishinent principle in .abeyance, ',and' is relatively it'd really more powerful than she ever was: . If; - 'as is Probable, she andithe United Presbyterian.;Ohireli merge intouone :great ibody within the. nextiten years—what with defections to Episcapa, -cypg,rowing.dislike.towEstablishments, and StatetOntrol, and. to fiheleeulent-moderat ,irAilliVii stilt 'fittrat4ol4**6l4 711, WHOLE NO. 511. parishes- 7 -the" Church of ,Septland " will become a miserable minority. Both in Ed inburgh, Paisley, Glasgow, and Dundee, the Town Councils have the presen tation to the city churches, and. are bound to,pay.the' ministers their:stipends,) find that the seat-letting, is totally inefficient to defray' the neeesAll expenses, and"Thas the town revenue§ and taxation are most seriously affected.. , The Councils of - both Edinburgh and , Paisley are said to "be in- solvent through their churches!' The Irish Assembly's Deputation at the Free . Chareh Assembly, delivered addresses of a, most interesting character. Mr. No-' Naughton, of Belfast, formerly of the High Church, Paisley,, appeared ,at the head of the Deputtion. The following passage is from his very able 'speech on that„ ansition conditioU through which Irolona is pass- ing, and which Doetei •Maohale is keen ennugh . ' Ireland 'has •of late years. been-undergoing. greater economic changes than any other portion of the'.kitikdnin: When nen you' that; within the t short period. of nineteen .years—since-the •pemod of the Pisimpton--,E3199„9,0,0 1 .w0rth of, lag& hay_e ehc3. Disruption— in the naturrtherea and Landed 81. Wirt, involving a change of property, and, introducing an immense amount of capital, energy,. and agricultural skill, that. are telling -confessedly upon the -aspect of the country—assimilating Ireland more to Scotland add England than former times; and that these changes like those Which . Dr: 43egg brought out so admirably the . other evening in his r. ct Re port on Houses for the Working Classes, ", will naturally tell upon the peitPleyou will easily see that they give us facilities of a peculiar character for the introduction, of. the Gospel.con mirrent. With these economic changes: Changes •as . ,thei population-have heen•going on no less extensive. Two tides have been stream ing - Over Ireland - -•-•one in the direction of Aus ' tralia and• America, to some extent also to Scot- land and England, going, out of Ireland; and another; °Maki corning into Ireland from Scot land; - r4tnd I,:trtst in'its character and canna- quences, like ;the .gulf streams, .whickbring. fer tility, and health. Generally speaking, the out going, element , has bein a Roman. Catholic ele ment, the incoming a Protestant 'element, and es: pecially a Presbyterian element from Scotland. (Applause:) lie doubt that these two changes,together, the cittgoing and the incoming, will tend to make the South and West of Ireland seiriewhai like 'Ulster; and like the changes which.toCk place, Seine years ago incur own be loied land. In 1848, the population of. Ireland in round numberi eight millions and a quer- ter,;_ 1861, itf was five and three-fourth millions, making a deorease on the. gross population of two and a half - millions, or nearly the entire pop ulation. of Scotland, if you except 'Edinburgh and Glosgow. You may thus have an idea, from the decrease of the population on the one hand, and the introduction ot'capital on the - other, of the ,economic .changes ; that are,going on in , lre land. The great La/.98 of the population who have lenthouie consisted, as I have said, of the Romish element; ,while of those who have come to Ireland, there have been hundreds from Scot land, tending to change 'still more the relative proportions of Roman Catholic and Protestant, giVing accessions , that. constitute centres of light and influence to the Protestant Chinches in,,,the,t dark land. I have here a map drawn up by Mr. Bliller„Prince's Street, Edinburgh, with red dots showing upon it the . places where Scotchtnen had settled;. , and I put Mute' the hands of 'the Mod erator for his information. This map waslndica tive at once of' the migratory and also the grega rious' character of our Scottish countrymen. You will, observe that ; ft ;large number have,come , from Scotland, and that wherever a SCOiChtilala, has fixed himself, others hav'e'cOthe and. settled down beside him. (Applause.),,„ . The Irish Presbyterian. Church has been wise enough to avail itself of that Nation al system Of Education Aid', with all its flexibility, is so detesta by the Ultramon tanists both inrand out: of Parliament, and Mr. MeNaughton states ; that there is not a Presbyterian school c,onneeted with it in which " we have not liberty to teach the Bible and the Shorter Catechism. More than. this; the power of reading among the peasantry •,is , enormously 'developed. In 1843; there were only 282;000 child ren the national, Sehools, out, of ,a population of eight millions and three ,4uerters : in JB6l out of a population reduced to five millions and three quarters., the 'number was' 804,000 children in the same. schools, showing, an . increase •of half a million, in leis than twenty years!. ; Thus," a. suitable field" is op4ned up for the employment of -colportente to scatter the Bible and other religious beaks over large districts of 'lre-'' land,.mhere,fortnerly tnhave sent the Be hie, would have, been to spend money and strength in, vain." ' The Churches alSo are now seeking to evangelize a °binary whilih'so long 'was neglected. The , Episcopalians have a Vig-' orously managed mission; the ..Independ-.1 eats, the Methodists, and the Baptists are each engaged - in missionary operatiens in the country; the 'United Presbyterian Church ikwalking. your , lootsteps, and have this year t resolyed organise 41,MiS sion to Roman Catholies,,makig,Publin the 'centre of their, operations. I also re joice to learn that' men of truly evengeli cal spirit in the Established Chuich of Scotland, look to Irelandas a•glorious field' 'to organise a mission to- Roman The recent . Agrarian murders—shielded and sympathized with by the peasantry— were'referred to by the speaker, and amid lend tokens Of assent and approval, - he avowed his conviction that the' ." Confes sional," is, the, murderer's encouragement, for'" he feels and knows that he can obtain absolution for critne."' All the inore, thereare, should the Oluirefies seek. to res. ,cuerLreland ," from the fangs of. Popery." At the same time Mr .MeNauabton -said that the present .was littl,e7.more than time of " sowing," and that there is no, r,coiintry connected 'with ourselves that is'so strongly impresselzvith the Ultramontane spirit, and the religion of,the. people iS be. coming,more and repro that of Mariolatry.' The external prosperity of Irish, Presby ,terianism was pointed out, in the J . act, that within the last !even or eight years the missionary contributions "bid risen from seven or: •eighetuabout fourteens thousand pounds, ,and that-R.60,000 :had, been col leaked for churches and ,manses,. The . ex-, tension of was Church to the West of Ireland was also delioribed by'annther mein berof the Deputation, 11e.1.Rer.4. L. Ren ton'. Not less than one thousand Scottish families have emigrated ; . thither and six new cengregations.have been organized re .Oetilly. Then, in Connaught, thsre are twenty-three' missionaries, or stated` Min isters—twotof them;converts froM Roman- ism. To, , aid these laborers, there are • twfatY SPriP.flire , Readers, fOurteenof whom paid one. year,;15,396 Yisi,ts,,and„.con versed nearly 40,000 ,persons on the subject of personal Salvation. As the re suleof this miesion;ininiteen *new congre gations have been organized; and eleven new_ churches:end ten poinfortabl,e manses. erected. There are now twenty-one mission fle[tfs, with forty-three mission stations. There are besides, fifty-sik day and Sabbath schools, , in. which' , 9;680 children have re- Ceigglka 601L/Arg.ligioqs..educatiottz,elleave. Allik ' l 4f , B"f 't1:4),n§6044141414 TB3 PRBSBYTERIAN‘ BAINES Publication Office : DAZE TTE BUILDINGS, 84 FMK B! " PlTTElatrnan, PA. PHILAMILPHIA t ArTH-WYST Ooit- or 7TH U 0 Otizetbrx ADVERTISEMENTS. TERMS IN ADVANCE. A Square, (8 lime or leery) one insertion, 60 cents; esub subsequent *tubs; each line beyond ,eiglg, 6 ate A Square per quartos, ; 'OsolVilhe laidltriitkt, ZS iioots ' A REMOTION made to advertisers by the year. _BUSINESS NOTICES of Tarr Hama or, lees, . -00 eadl dltional Hue, 10 cents. D.ANID , 111 9 KINNWir ix. CO., PROPRIETORS AND PUSLISILERS of these children, and never have I found young persons better instructed in the doc trines of our holy religion." The present fruits of the Irish Revival in 1859, were specially noticed by the Moderator of the Irish. Assembly, in answer, as it were, to the natural inquiries, "Have all the effects, of these awakenings passed away ? Are ' there any blessed results ? Arc you still of opinion that it was a work of grace, and a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord e' Here, again, I epee* with all due humility and caution. I believe ,that, during that wondrous time of revival there .were three hands at work in Ireland—the hand of the devil, sowing tares among, the wheat; the hand of man, intermed thing with the works of the Lord; and the hand of the Spirit, doing wondrous things in righte- Oneness. Much of the excitement—l, might say almost all' of it—has passed away. Much of the good seed, I grieve to say, growing up from what,we did not at the time conceive to be stony teound, his met with the fate predicted in Scrip ture, and boa borne no wheat. But there re mains still: to the praise and glory of the grace of God abundant blessed fruits, that testify to the great fact that God was working in the midst of ;Ireland, gathering in ;the precious souls of men. We can say, upon the best authority, that very many precious souls have given evidence of having undergone a true work of conversion, and are now living in the fear of God and for his glory. We have found that, after all abatement was made on the score of excitement and mere emotion, and after all abatement was made on the score of those who, only fancied they were under Divine influence, but who turned out to have been laboring tinder some kind of decep tion, there , stillyremains authenticated oases of admit' conversion. There also remain many cases of precious vuickensng of God's own people, who are being roused and relied to higher development of the Christian life, and are becoming standing evidences 'of God's mercy in the midst of a be nighted people. There has been, moreover, a large addition to the number of those who steadily wait upon ordinances, and the number of children at tending our Sabbath Schools and other means of ministerial instruction. .Besides. what I have men tioned, there is another gratifying proof of the good of revivals, "viz., that those laboring in the ministry have far less difficulty than. before in finding suitable agents to carry on our schemes of Christian enterprise, and Christian benevolence. (Cheers.) I believe the foregoing to be a sober and trustworthy-estimate of the results of the "year of grace," although these have by no means fully developed themselves, espe cially in the increased supply of the. Gospel ministry, and the higher platform to which the professing people - of God are rising as to prayerfulness, zeal, and domestic piety. At a recent meeting of the English Syn . od,in London Mr. Moore, of Ballymena, gave a similar '.statement, adding, that Bap tists corning over from England had adopt ed an intensely proselyting polity, and had induced. some to be dipped "—so that the spirit of schism ,and contention had mani fested itself. I believe this was chiefly the ease at Ballymena, Colerain, and London derry: I trust, however, that these things will " falLout,'! after all, "for the further ance orate Gospel." The Moderator of the Free Church, in his address to the Deputation, gratefully referred to 'thee - sympathy of the Ulster people with the struggles of the Evangeli cals before the. Disruption, and to the extra orclinery,welcome and hospitality received in several visits from them. "We found even the trish ministers coming forward to contribute to our funds—denying them selves luxuries tharthey might supply our treasury , with needful means. The fact is, we came 'away from Ireland to fight our battle, here, like, giants refreshed with new wine.' He concluded as follows : "I am happy to find that you are taking possession of the land.on the other side of ,the Channel. You are very, like the Israelites of old, when they, went into Canaan; you have got a footing in the country, and I hope you will go on and ne'ver rest until you are suc cessful in 'driving out ignorance, supersti tion, priesteraft, and Popery, and shall ex terminate. the Hivites and . Pereyzites the land. [Laughter and loud cheers.] We gibe you a hearty welcome, and with the greatest delight afil'pleasure, and from the bottom of oar hearts, we say, God speed you." , [Loud cheers.] . ME rPRESBYTERIAL IlisTortroaL AL mANA.O f0r,1862,, was handed to me a few, days ago by a minister from Canada, sent by Mr. 'Joseph Mt - Wilson, the publisher. This admirable, ecimpiehensive, and unique publication needs no eulogy from me. No man not _thoroughly industrious, accurate, and :I ,may say , enthusiastic in the right sense of •the word, could get up such a -Work as this. - The portraits of Moderators; engravings of churches, schools and col leges ;- biographies-:of ministers, elders, and missionaries, (a very interesting feature of the volume,) and,ether contents, present to the ' universal, Chriatian faintly a remarka ble amount of inforthation, and tend pow erfully to promote and cherish a true esprit du corps amongst Presbyterians the,mselves. I am particularly gratified to find that the Editor of this volume has Made such an effort to stimulate manse-building in the United States, and pained to see from the returts,made, that there are thousands of Presbyterian,pastors without manses. Often have ,I referred to this matter in the emcee of my " correspondence,",and when I know how;, in Scotland and in the North of Ire land, manses are not the exception, but the desire , all the more earnestly the day when; " Meek-eyed • peace " , restored-ito your cenntryr, and= with ,returning, tel presperity, and - a fresh baptism of -life, light,' love-.and , liberality vouchsafed' to your churches; the standard of 'Ministerial income will be-,nniversidlY 'elevated, 'and Presbytery '.more,thoroughly consolidated by a manse side by,aide w4hthe,.citurch and the schobl, in every paris hand distriet. J. W. ilitlf!Pay:4!reactting. The,disqu9ign the,-late Getwalulte senibly (old ot C010g1134339., on the support of the ministry, 'brought out the truth, that when " - a minister is in debt; or tie -crippled . itt his resources, he loses:about half the,,working = power of <his brairo When., wi,ll, congregations,', learn the truth, „that as,they,stint their.preacher, or are tardy or negligent in paying their, dues, they rodioe'the quality of the preaching:—Advocats.- Atrkan..L. E.. Charahi There are, in the,Afrioan M.,Emeliktrebi in the Unite4-§4tes, from thirtlAP fortY , tbouiatid tientbers and threpiseopaL distrieth, under Bishops tE ops Quinn,qutnn Paine,, and, Nairey, respectively. Bishop PairA repVer sents the work under• his earemilflourish= ing, and says thatsinee the, war,eommeneed.t he has extended his lines ,„eight miles. South of Washington, where - he .has estab i lished a.ohureh under 'the - care of °imp°. -tentatnissionary, who iSisisuiedidf aase..e ation-frona the Gtiventmenty
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