11 M •INNgP V . ( D teI'ICINNEY & CO. Editors awl Proprietors. TERMS IN AtIVANCE. brats SUBSCRIPTIONS 1.50 IN Mum, 1.25 DaLorna. IS MITLILII Wig! OITIIS 2.00 Tno DOLLARS, we will send by mall seventy number and .or OYY DOLLAR, tblrty-three numbers.. east ors sending us ? hav e been done, atuthavisilell undone muCh' that ought to have been done, in this:time ef : triali'lrillbake, and blasphemy; but concerning the wide schistn.which if reported fo.have eccurred In many Soiithern Attsembly'svill take Mi . action' at this It'deetarki, howe'ver;lts fixed pnrisiee,'utider all pes s Ole for ,the.extenelon and perma- neitt Maintenance, of the Church. under its care, in every . part Of the Unitedltates. Schism, so far as it may exist, we It,pe to. see bola , If that 'cannot be, it will be disee: 111. We recs . :it'd Our .gratitude to ,God for the..prevailhig unity of sentiment, and; general internal pence, which have characterized. the Church In the Statue that have not re volted,,embruci ng a great majoritysof the ministers, congro , .gations, and people under our, care. It may still be called, With emphasis, a Mimi, orthodox, and pieue Church ; and al, its acts and winks indicate ita'right':te a title so noble. Let it strive for Divine grace to' maintain that gmidireport. In some respects the interests ,of the .Chureh of God are -very different front those of all civil institutions. Whatever may , Bridled.; or any. other nation, ttill'Ohlirth. orChritit 'Must Ahide on earth, triumphant Oven:over the getes of hell: It therefore, of.eupreme importance that the Church shout(' . itself froteinterial'alienetioris and diiiildona, founded -upon questions and interests that are external aato her, and: which ought not. by their necessary) workings to cause her' fate to depend on the fate of, things . less iteporlant and lees' enduring thin' bartailf.! Dieturbera of 'the Church ought not to be allowed---esneciallkdisturbere of the Church 'in 'States that never revolted, or that have been cleared of armed reb els; disturbers, who, .under many false. pretexts, may pro theta discontent, dlelbyalty, and general ! alienation, trndi rig fo the unsettling of ministers;ito local sal:dims; and to mani fold trouble. Let a. spirit of qtilettiess,.of mutual forbear ance, and of ready ; obedience, to, uthority, both. civil and ecclealistieal, illtistrate the loYalty; the orthodoxy; :arid the :piety• of the Church.: It Is inore•eapecially to ministers Of the Gospel,: and; amongst them,: particularly 'to :any whose I first impi.sisions.had been, on any !remittal., favorable to, the : teitiblemilitary'revoliition,whleh has been'atteMptill, which: God's providence, haa hitherto so Mg:pally retnike'd, that these decisiveconsiderationa ought to be addressed. And in the name and by the authority of the Lord JeRUS we earn ' estly exhort all who leieGed'or fear his Wrath, turn a deaf ear to all aunt:leis:and auggeetions :that tend.teward a' relte- Don favorable to disloyalty, schirso,er any disturbance either in the. Church or in the country.. There is, hardly anything more: inexcusable' Connected with the frightful .conspiracy against which' we • testify/ thee the 'cionduct/ eif Mike of:Ili:c -heerers and membeial of ,the Churol*who, although citizens Of. loyal Statee. and,subject to .the control of lnyel Presby ' terles and Synods,have beeti faithless to all anthbrity, ;hu man and Divine; to whiciethey owed Subjection. Nor should any, to whom this Deliverance niareome;fail to bearin mind that it is not only . their outward conduct ooncerning, which they Ought to takeheeil, but It Iselin), and 'especially, their heart;:their:tensper; and their:unitive/ in the.'sight of God; and toward the free and beneficent civil Government which hOlias bleated its wiWul, , agd toward the spiritual, common- Wealtti`to which tliOyiire hubjeet ! In 'the Lord. lii all, these respects, we most tut give Wiled iii the 'great day. And it Is in. view. of our; own dread ,responeibilllyito the Judge of sulch and dead that wa now make ,thle The paper lens tipon the dstoket, tve:d made the first eitieAial I 'order foe Tiiurs .~lsy attar noon. The reading of this paper W 943 1416*(0 : to with the moan profoend attention; ana hts• deepest-iriteteet. DOMESTIC .DISS/CNS The ,nrdeit of :the dap4Reportrfirom the-Ooid- , mittee on the Board of..DomesturkEiesions—was Dr: MoDortsim submitted the Report, froM which it appeared that the Board had, upon last November. incurred si debt' of. $28,000. . That since that. time the. generous' contributions of the Church had enabled theni:to pay'off; their whole debt, and-thatithe-salaries of • their missionaries , were all psi& . IThe.Board; isiiow free from , debt. The Seoretiary oftthe Board also stated that, in addition. ; tonthisirlmbney receipts, the ladies had...oontributednin , clothing..etc., for the support of the missionarieseabout' $16;000.- The °Report and. Resolutions were adopted. , . The' second:-order.of the• day—receiying the delegatas from corresponding: bodies—vuoiext called. Rev.. Dr. •$ . T.. STEWAB.T; delegate from the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,: wasinvitedlto .the:.etandoand made some.excellent remarks on the spiritual unity of the churches. In the couree,pf,hiaremarks it , was stated that his own Chiurcih., the Cumberland. Presbyterian, las now two' Institutions, sixteen chartered Collegel, and, thirteen A.eademies. Their 'first ,POsbytary,',was:orgaiitized alittle over, a half a •Peritoryago; .now;they have twenty-four Synods, 'ninety-seven Presby,teriss, , one tholisapi two huntiredandseventy,churphes, one thousancl i one hundred ,and filt:itainisters, four hundred pro baticiOers fir= the .utiniatry, .and,,abOut one,htin dred and:. tWenty s tilousand • megibers .in ,opm mtiniOn. . • * Dr. STILFAIrr, expressed his hope:ft:mml64aq tinuid :i . nterelia,nge, between ~the .tienerar„ils semaly,a4ii his own .Church., , ,ne T , l73 o .lif pr od . s er te a w to a r ; . t r . aplied , iaa.v i ery_ •. ..12ep .: Rai. :liptcrse, delegate Item the Beforrnail ProleStaUt Dutch. Church, was •,also, escorted to the stand; and delivered his mission of brotherly. regard, in a moist , eloquent and attractive manner. His allusipu„to, the. late. Theodore. Frelinghuysen, and pr. Detliuue, ,as members of.,his own branch of tite : trepykregbyterian family, was particularly ;beiantgA and • . :-. 1 210 Moderator's acknowledgments .ot these :Seim* se,q,tigpeqta ex.ceedinglyi happy .sinold.faiaA• • i , APITII;NO014" SESSION. • • v .• C.. rDir.AIIPATIP 3 , riBM/Gkr,./.1.0.!ti!B• „ 0 eneral Synod' of 'the Protestant deformed Diasli Church—Bev.. •Allred Nevin, D.D. To • the Associate•Roformed Synod of. Nets- York --Rev:•D: Xf:-Junkin; D. D, • • • • To the. Gerieral.Assembly of the Cumberland. Pres byle6a'ni Church , —Biev.. .Breckinridge,.Di D. To the Assocniedlefoinsul Synod of: th,e South-- , Rev. J.,Q.,ll4e)Lus, D.t D. . , . To. OR, Genera/ ~Atipernbiy of A9bertlyattp, *SED of PvittgeiiiolihXdattit 1 cation; unkle.a clew ana.;42 Mannieliiivhich Board Vid'iond . u44l itd' business ,. Rail anitieraii;o4,-iliaries -** ,againaC,the - D0e:4.C.7.0011€ 4 40e find iiit; • r t e b ,propilgiOAAt;'i*,(ttniti, Aa`tiard t.bo:*Aba.)i.ol3,i -).1,M.. ~'taboill ,41;i:ltsiarif covered. - ertleinoli 4iptind:thtit ,!‘ «mkt ri01..b4? 'expeisteAlri the - t i e alhitteif i e l hite,..tharlpi s phbuld that Aind,eotOfid Voi,e , Optile at 'The i rilli,4;V•the *aid 13,abeen. iliecathe 'mOinber, *and, he vis!ti a na ' a ' ln g 4Bo 3 ; l 6ol ii - Al An, Parry out objects- i tirid in it otatiOn,, .He` knew that Itherelittieom‘dia b be ` eni:P r Osedat thpieniarkinsidp . the br'Otlitir f .fro,tn i ifAlleg?onY,, fit twits &hal: o ther's: existed an'undiir current , dissatiafactiOn.abtlittisfibtOr'y 'to' all were few; ,and 4e`doneldded tiout tliefkidt, that during .the pat‘. year, notwithitanding the troubles in the j eonniry t more, than one: htindred churches that neVPr:lkifoie '6ol3olhited funds to its assistance, had, popti to thini i 'kelP. with .enn &Umiak:lns 14 1 .1110,:the. 13 3 9 i0da Pi4o 6 -. 1 0 t bf4 l !b:SYnOrctki Boaill .of . .ColkOtagf . rid:ditto! , Obtrilitttp.aßy ;think AO ibe:snOpiri, or* Gokat Boos: pa he, concluded !Sa l t: ,f l '. 61P Ole iithets..WFs, ,marls .kiglietaysgoyal: th ‘ 4s,,gaie an, - ,acdonitt of,l,he,donigs i pf the - - Apar& the of Vo§litilaritt, lie hoped.-the Asseuibly,WOhld'ApPpfni.p4l,l4 'nada tC,ezatnirie into the alfilitOf pa il ; and he would 'be happy to ki . ve.them sniff to prosecute their exanquatibli. At the ootielnsibri -cif Di: Bonindiii remarks. IgC . Punsinte 'Offered the'follOring - resold= tiOn'!ii CO' tate the" plebe 'Of- thole •bittieedq 4- Dr: lidAhOY, Friday." lie incritid'tlidt - the :4 iediry• had' asked cOnniiitlie 'to he apPoirded. to Make '• '' s'e lies&thi resolutions asr.'folleiis: •••• ~-* IZisetiig r That 'fin''view or witikiiiiner Leif& in this - and'forlitq GeniiiiirAtielitblies; a oonitnittie of nine' Eldins',' of -Which Chairman, be appointed to maktAitltorentli r HOLE NO. 505. amination of the affairs cation and report to the next GeneialvAssembly. Resolved, That the-said- committee shall meet in the City of Phillidelphisk ?at the call of the Chairman,. and_ the, Boar*: is: hereby) d.ipeoted to give free and full o p portunit y to the. committee in carrying out : the . objeqii JCs . apppitattubnt, a4l4* . ittiy informatio n csmiimittie', 2 May . tlesiTe to procure; and persons . from 'aiirpaii off , the Clitirell' shall iiitve full' opportunity .. arid 14.- quested,' either ' in 'person 4e•hy sent to the committee any. objections, or doubts 'they may entertain :in regard to the plans and 'operations of th'a tOard. Resolved; Thitt'llieltchtilf 'of Public ation Vadi reeled to payt.he'travellingexpenses of the mem hers of this committee,:from theiTreasury. , Dr. , tio &BOY spoke in:•ritlatiott tolhatters , cod .nected with the Board•of 'Publication, and ad vocated examininginto.the affairefofi the Board, and a reduction of site. expenses, and. accepted the resolutions atea-subetitate for those,offered by. bim.r.: • Dr.• JurnErninade stirrigig speech , defending •the Board.- .illothoughktliat , the genarabimpires sionwasi heldsltat there'WeS borruption in the .management-of the 'affairs bf the Board;,kndsaid 'it wits.utterly unfounded and untrue. -The Board ,fditiiihedi their books cheaper than those of any ..other. .organization, as had:been fully demon strated. He bomparedit witli.those of other de nominations--Lthey . had about $237,000 employ ed, and the capital:was still accumulating. The -Methodists •had over $570,000 cataat•employd, and if they Mid conducted their.busines.s•as eco •nomioally asthe.ißoard of ,Publication had, they might oover China with ,Bibles and . ; bring that nation ‘to bow, ,at .the foot of :Ethanuel's Cross. He was surprised, in passing through the streets of Columbus, to,see so many children,. and popu lation was still increasing; sod- if, the -: Board would keep pace with the increase of ovulation, .its Capital must be • still more increased.„ ,wished it was even a million of dollars i pow. lie ,thought it was best to let; ell enough. alone. , Dr. MARSHALL also made a few remarks, when ,a vote was taken and the resolutions,adopted.. Bey. STUART ROBINSON, on behalf of ,himself and. 14r., Hoyt, read a paper in response to. the :4rat 01, Breckinridge. It was referred to the `some „Committee. , • Alijoiirnede with devotional.exeroises.- . „ Day. . • • T.UI 3 §,DIS7. by,ll4.3federni4;;. , • , ,*ariotia.bAlri 7 o4. overtures iteard .drePeied,9tm e. . • Tlie ..Joidioinry,gommittricirepoit.47ris to case o°. .;Ptlt4v-, Abbott, .of 444.400 peAed.olnlater, ana.4 s **4 410;riaceo,dpcketed-for ;hearing at the 14=1. perierrif . Placed on the doeket... , „ • - . . . ~ Case No. 4., appeal.,of, p r . :Break inKidgit i Ngl sixteen othersifEOßt.the Synod of ..fientusky x pro- Fienting the ~quefj t ion to . the, right of suffrage in settling a,mituster—whether,tha.t. right is.lim ited to the members of the church, to the,er t cha- Sion of ,persons of. the oingregstion contribotting to, ministerial, support. -:The agpenl was dock.9tedl.: •,; ,1" un motion of Mr. CLARK, a unanimous vote, of _thanks was.passed to the,railroads, forabout+ tlo.ooo:stooti.•againelithe In'ilds • of litii 4 BOSO.' 3 This;•lis iiiii . c*cause:Oini :ConsidirAilnifirS, ibithii - skitme* . ef the ',,liorli. But, though this hid , tieentaNyciir oedeprestsion, lisiii•irai,'itilitiAliofigli - hinirfr• bitirrettie hid 'done 4QtkinstoyAlte €4.4 , 3 , ,Pc.4t.M.1tAritn@t4 40 . sl mosi, wellous to his mind, that. tbeworia•lad 10•140n;'400iirdibt;',iliiirtaidin;f.4 . ' .: t: O4 thought:. 44 .. L thA",tieming Year. • wild; ;4- quire their'•••best • efforia tio sustain:: the •Sosril pnisAniiiol7::' niiiCbtiniated 3 thatis'olnaP 4 , o . oo would Ve ..0414tii . Ai e south fri• detection. •Thirteerenewmise4maries&renewlnden paint *Rtjpiihflotiig4-feld; iind i'llii•dltt e tl6, passeget,iid,Woper •sortleaitSS ...m4tri onire about: $30,000. He said itiwiieldre seamigetnem in the Church to achieyetaillinecess. But. it: .could be done,4 prow eilo4o!4i:me.cie. Hu remarked that the,wholeworld waenow, in the prdering,of Providence, o P.ill 3 St.9.9nen.q l .# ll ' 1 ppere,tions. There is pot noy,op. HkeYsee 4 of Ate tobe • any considerable p nekton . net 'opal . to.O • I :7 The. Preili.Wigis4;AWß ii . p . iii . 76%:* zfial. . been sufficiently liberal. We have now scout ! threet:htmdr,ed; tthontiand•tmemberew tessterSzbitu • dyed thousand loyal—and theramonnt/contrihrttne is. , bue Sleto;ooEttaanivally to ihie4osutie.: %acrid' he thought if there were thirty, instead of thiipitom m'eroready;;,theymmfghtl.tto/bit tient: r.- Hooditekthe remarkable fact thatrsome twen tyliva • yeeirScegn ii-good) raw, ht*gotitiAol Southern Indisysand bad there labored and died; but had suceoeded •in getting arourathitheamhurch of; big lonerbondred and seventyopertiOnsN from ' among)•tho ! heathern Hda nbrothenalookitheEwerk ;, but his biaith ..14i1- ! ing,nhe had toloilme rb woe . for, ag)seatbon: WiseXt restored Ate Jhealth4, the • destriidl In, return . ; find I w'as , toldibptherßoerd .thaitotho Ilona& rio,toepg hiin cheek; ehoicanatitoofz: bating as fund& l' •The ~. church in India heard of this, and) „heathen: Aboug4 they hedhbbri, ,otedi nomm; ot.tbeitilet I were a mietrthejmioacilmmiihEmewsialiord Ilds,