r THE LIFE AND I,T i VEAS OF WAEIfIOoTQN IRVINpi..- By_ 111 8'464)liew, .t.'ierrtil'* Poles L New-York ' • trieage P. Putnam.. " • -11Rher 11412 * This p 3.01103 -t of a worlreagerlYi desired 14 - il44tiiiii ervrlio the**AtitiVi. 4 sit Washington Irving have delighted and tilstruoted. Suchva•lifelasiltid oltaiiiit, from the neture of the case, have much of the startling and the out ward manifestation,. which characterise the his tory of Yar n lese gifted and useful than he. But there is an inner life which the man of cul tivated taste vrill love to behold and study, and which is being happily portrayed by one not only of kindred blood, but also of kindred spirit. The entire work will probably consist of three volumes. The first volume traces his life down to hilithfrtfrath yeal . ,*ivhen t he was'just enter.: lug upon that career •of distinction which con tinued unabated to the last. Many of his letters are skillfully Ata&inte:thb narrative, , andllese are so cordial and genial that we seem to hear again the very voice, and see once more the kindly features of their author. „The information ( coneees'in7g-Ziermiaiit - intleii - and the people of . New; - York sixty years ago, to be found intkesopr„vill be hi i ghly appreciated by theifUtelligeiat - reiider and thinotices given of Sir Walter Scott and the - other European lit erary celebrities of the first half of the present century, cannot -fall mibe;read - :with interest.. Altogether, tiii4 memoir promises to be just such 6b7bribla'si, be)*lteert of:Witahington Irving. The paper, .t . ,yp ‘ e and I;linding%are faultless, as is the case with — aii M# futikun's publications. A DISCOURSE.ON THE LIFE, CHARACTER, AND:PC/WY OF COUNT CAYOUR, Deliv ered, in tAe- Rail of the New-York Historical Society, February 20,4862, by. Vincenzo Bata, PH. D., Professor of Italian Literature in-the New-York Haiyersity, lo,te Member of . the Parliament; and Professor of Philosophy in Colleges of Sardinia. Pp.loB. New-York: G. P. putytm. r Pittsburgh: .Henry .Ifiner. . Thiele a very-full and able delineation of the charaater . dad' labors of one. of the' greatest statestherf of modern times, by a gifted man who knew him personally, and who was capable of the appreciation merited. This discourse is worthi" kie'being rend and studied by every friend of Italian liberty. Nowhere else can there be found, in the same space, so thorough an account of the Sardinian struggle for Inde pendedce. ;w ANNUAL, .OF/SOIEWPIPIC. DISCOVERY : on, YEAR-BOOK OF FACTS IN SCIENCE AND ART FOR iSe4 Edit ed by Dhuid'A. Wells, A. M. 1862. Boston : Gould 4- Lincoln. Pittsburgh: .Roberl S. Davis. This anuultePiiiilicgoil)tas:beelome a publie necessity. Every man of science and mechani cal inanultydoolts_ forward to its:appearauce with tilelanateti. Far it is Oinked ,be faithful exhibitof alt the most important discov eries antiltnprovemente in Mechanics, Useful Arts,,,lTaturai Pililosophy, Chemistry, Astron omy, Geology, Zoology, Botiny, Mineralogy, Meteorology, geography, Antiquities, etc. to gether' 'with 'notes on the progress of science during,,Oe yearr wlitit of recent scientific publi cationi; obituaries of, eminent scientific men, etc. This descriPtion 'will show the complete ness of the work - before us, which increases in value Nom year to year. BEAT:I7IEB, SELNCITED FROM TBB WUITINGS OF. Timor&As Dn gIIIINCOY, Author "Confessions of an"Briglish Opium Eater," ete. Pp. 432, 12mo. 1862. Boston: Ticknor d• Melds. Pitis burgh: Robert )5. Davis. Thomas be Quineey was one 'or the greatest masters'of'' lie English . la - ni,uage; and every thing he .rote wati the ,produot of oaro and thought. "Brit his writings constitute more than a score 'of whiCh is an amount of cellaneous reading by the same author, that but few have the leisure to peruse. But all who lay any cliim to a knowledge English t literliturii, should be familiar with his best papers, which' are published in this volume. These are so ar ranged as to give % a complete view , of bis early life and character. They furnish striking exam ples of the pathetic aid the humorous, the quaint and the Micro:ills, tiniaerious and the ,sublime. The volume is one into which we can dip at any time with the certelatrof finding both instruc tion ari4 . entertaipuile*:, • TONY STAR'S . LEGACY;:OR, TROST IN COiT. F.NANT-KEEPING GOD. 111 the author of " Win and Wear." 'Pp. 888; 12mo. 1862. Ne York: Robert caner Brothers. Pittibuigh Hobert S.' Davis. This is another . of those acceptable and useful books, J ever appearing from the House of the Carters, and Which have so greatly benefitted thousands of farhilies. The design of thii one is to show Goths faithfulneseots illustrated ?in the history of a child, whose mother died inlhie•in fancy, complittillthigkl, .6 Covenani•keeping God; and after various vicissitudes all that the fond and pious mothei ititicipaped for her son was moteAtlian'realized. ' Chthreaders should ob serve the books.of Messrs:Tartars, advertised , in our columns from time to time, .by 2dr. R. 13. Davis. . ..„ CHAMBEREKAINGYOLOPIEDIA. lA. DICTION KM' OP UliknaillaiL `4ll OW/ 4,E DA***,llllo This' popeler, nseroli and, relh . 'piped" . on the latest edition of ihe•thirman Ottrirerea:• . Mons' ,fiestideri'is ;Ptilkikied !ti'y 'the :/ifesers.' Chambers, .of.Pdinborgh,-Sootland, but. is re-' published '•in . tOti ponotrf, by Messrs. J. B. Lip pincott * Bt CO., of Philadelphia, one of the strong- . est and 'beiit establiihed book .houses in the world. •' 7 ll:ll4:giryelciptediA is published in parts, two everyonsanth,. at the exceedingly low-prioe of fifteen cOnfit each.. The whole will consist of about 80 parts; of `which' 4b are now issued, and, will befeompriaed iiirsix,43l;fren 7 ohnips ahotai in appeeriitice to the varnia'"eti i of."Cliatithestilifiik-' - ; • formation; for the People.h This is one of the most valuable, pop , works that las yet made its ,appearinee.: treats of all ,the „various topics fgazia, au .fhs larger and me° cosily EncyclopOst'aliOjit'si more poptili;ilianne . l i hnelitatilf be ieen that it is really flute* arOtlie 7 ulietlo"? the/pi i ng:al scholar,.the men of business, and the intelligent family. Copies of the work will be sent to any address in the United States, free of postage, on receipt of the price by the publishers. A liberal dis count will be made to agents and booksellers. For further information, acidress J. 'B. Lippin cott 8; Co., Philadelphia. • BLA.C.KWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, for April, has the following contents, viz.: Cazto niana, A 'Batiks. of 'Essays on Life";.,Literature and Art,;, l The,TAves of Two Lathes; Political Tragedies in ..lapan ; A Box of Books; Works of Charles 'Loma The International Exhibi tion; Chronicles., of Carlingford ; Spence's American' 'Cajon. Republished by Leonard Scott 4. co., 79 Fulton *Week New:York, at $8 per annum ; or the Edinburgh, Westminster, - 4 °" d°ll 4 l4l !4'. l V.. 6lBl ßelise" tory an 4 'Black wood, for $ lO per ann S um. . , .Aq ,t 4 terlan Bawler. The PteAyterylof Dabnquet •• ' Held their stated meeting, ,this Spring, at Scotch Greve, - commencing on the evening of the 15th o April. ' `()."` The Rev. J. Allen was elected Modera tor, and Reit BAEO. irTayle4riJOlML 3 ' Notwithstanding ittlittiviesakfit weather and the almost impassable state of the roads, a goodly number of brethren were in attendance. The meeting was harmonious, land, with the- exception of a single case of discipline, everything passed off pleasantly. A large amount of business was trans ' acted. Among the items of business was the passage of an overture to the General As sembly, requestina. that 'the terms of sub scription to the.aome and Foreign Record may be so changed as to place that organ of the Boards of our Church within thejeach of the small and feeble churches, as well as of ,those having a larger membership and more pecuniary ability. ' Mr. John Berk, a German• candidate un der the care of Presbytery, who has pur sued his theological course under the tui tion of the Rev. S. Van Vleit, after a very satisfactory -i3xamination, was liCensed to preach the Gospel. Rev. Ludwig Kliebenstein, also a Ger man brother, was dismissed to the Presby tery of Cedar. ; , . John M. Boggs. minister, and. Wm. C. Morris, Ruling Elder, were, appointed Com missioners to the General Aesembly. The following action .was adopted, with but a single dissentino-voice • and that' not from any opposition to the principles which it involves. Resolved, That this Presbytery does cor dially approie and endorse the action of the last General Assetahly, in decikring the unswerving loyalty of the Presbyterian Cl4arch, to the Government of the United. States, and its Constitution ; and in calling upon its,members to stand faithful to their duty of•s'i - iliptAtllfe, 141 AiWful ninanS, the authority of the .Constitution and the Union. Resolved, That we are heartily united in suPporting the action of the last General AsSetably, in reaffirming in full theresolu-• tions of 1818, in regard to Slavery, which we ;declare to be, and' - from 1818, always to have been, the doctrine of our Church upon this subjeci It is the duty of the minis ters to bring, this ; declaration before, the 'churches, on all proper occasions. •: Rosolved, That it is with great gratifica tion that we see the leaders of our Govern ment placing their reliance Upon the "great Ruler of heaven and earth, and declaring that . " not to our leaders, nor to our brave, sol diers, but to God belongs all the glory." That we believe such a trust in God .for his blessing, in the use of the means, to be the only hope of our imperilled land., , , Resolved, That no C.hurch.stands before our own, in its devotion 'to the course of our Government, in its sacrifices for its pre servation, or in its prayers for its wel fare. The that'll'sa Presbytery viete,tendered to the people of Scotch, Grove for their hospitality. This people,.. of whom the Rev. J. L. Wilson is pastor, have with commendable zeal and energy,erected anew and commodious church edifice, in which they are now worshipping. And his' but a ,year since they sent out a colony to form nevt church organization. Presbytery adjourned to hold their next stated meetin,g, the First Rtdbytetip churah in` ihe City of IknbUque; OTATED CLERK. Presbytery of Allegheny City At:the meeting of this Presbytery, held last week, the following candidates were li censed to preach the Gospel, viz. Robert A. Blackford, James R. ilunter, and john Charles Beirhaner. •: TheyreAbytery, de the report. of a. Com mittee;'idopted the' folloWing as o f_ a. tion in reference' ,to* the proposnd Rev/ or amended Bo ' k •. '":- Your Committee are'of-the opinion 'that as. the. action of the next, Ataeinblyhean Constitutionally be only initiattyA anti not final id 'the adoption of the amended Book . —and as in the event of .t . tie . Assenitilfs approval of . .the net, Boots, it cbAittlhen be 'submitted to the Presbyteries for theirfinal action, a majority of the Prdsbyteiled be ing required .19; its , a_doptien,Eiti7th.pn? . Too of the preseut...Piscipline. For these Tea sone, your Committee re.commend the'idAp- . tion of the following resolutimci.: : Resolver', That this Presbytery deem it 'unnecessary at the •present time, to enterut laige into the discussion of the. .compara tiVe taerits•of the old and the reviled Ilooks of Discipline. STATED CLERK, A. :(1. P.' ••t = • Ti. Presbytery it itedstene • Met in- Oarminheels,. Pa., on the 22d ult..' The inumpiabimmees.:of , tire 'weatbeF:fnadi3= . the .number in attendance leis 'than is usual &Cour Spring "rieetrdge • . - ;Two young men; Messrs. games Patter son and Jghn Calvin Afeelifitoelr, ,were,re eeived undgrtde O&M oepiesby, wry, as ciati, didates.fo-the ministry. Rev. „Hitgh"o.; ; lteaborough: was choppn; principal ; and.; Rev. Joel;Stoneroad, alter nate • and. Elder -.enigma principal; and Dr. Hugh e cimpbell alterllaX . 4s l imissioners Co' the neat General' Assembly. For varioturredioneiTieshyteryrddeliged. to enter upon arcoAnsidoration ,of the. Rei -wised Book of Discipline:- In C' , reference to Supplies the following were ordered Mount" Washingfitm-Rey: H. 0. Ros borough, one-fourth of hie time till next statethiliPnitngwr • ; ; T- • , Petersbwrgher-ar. seporid .;.Sabbath in - May, abaiffer . that, as much of his time tr ;he fibe,:coogniguticA7lcu agree upon nektitatectmeeting. Mount ne,cimpt o asyi. cr15 . 5118445 I?t,xe leave to procure tlieig,imili3Ox i lie a niiil next stated meeting. . , Sctoiek/a/ 'l4zez „ •iilesiTte Banll,~ one •Stitibaih ai'diseretion—arid thereafter tie often as he and the people may agree upon, no,til the next stated . rtteeeibg of Presbytery; George's awk—Dr. .`+airchild~ fourth Sabbath in May,' On the secocitUdiy:of iiißesethini.;Pres- bytery adidanio to ineetisit,Lcizig:RAl4* the second Tneedtii Of 'Time neat, at 11 o'- clock A. M. BPPLniToolb.s- 9-- Ladies', Bible'liioit4iot The thirty-second annual,meeting of the Ladies' Bible Society, .of Allegheny; was held in Dr. Swift's - church; BOA* Bast= Rev. Elliott Swift.presiding.-- The annual Report of the BosH of. Ma n was read and.accepted. e Y W Report of the Secretaras as fol- " Since your last ...Equal meeting, the Board has held regular.quarterly meetio'gs, all of which were well attended. Some, three hundred nistatnents have beetiddo; , noted to : f 1014+, fifteen:, "twenty"Testamenfelstributed : gratulatiOn within the limits of...the . city. We lave also contributed 'keoUsiderable amount of funds to the Parent Society. For more 'definite information on'Aiiis.fioint, we'rifei you to the Report .of'-the'•Trolasiirer. You . PRESBYTERIAN -Bortha:Prnabytajan Banner: For the Presbyterian Banner will thus see the Board has not been wholly idle. Some little good we hope has been done, although we have great cause to lament our shortcomings. When we realize the facts—that the Bible is the product of Infinite Wisdom—a copy of. God's gracious heart to us, his erring children---thakit un folds the only plan of the sinner's salvation and of God's providential government , — that it is sealed by the blood of his, own dear Son, and that it been, and will continue to be the means of salvation to millions of the hutnirn family - -should we not all be stimulated to a greater degree of zeal, for ind activity and diligence in the distribution of that precious Book ?" The following Officers and Managers wers elelited for the coming year:' - . President-- , Mrs. - Vice-President—Mpg. Irwin. • Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. Hayto: Recording Secretary—Miss' Mary Her.: - ron. - • Treasurer—Mrs. Gibson. Lhrarian—Mrs. Patterscin Managers ---Mrs; Cochrane, Mrs. Brunot, Mrs. Jersison; Mrs. S.te-wart, Mrs. Breading, , 'Af ' rO. Sawyer Mrs.. Davis, , Mrs.-Greer; Mrs.- Sprat, ,Mrs.•Presion, Mrs. McMillen; Mrs. Sands, Mrs, Haft, Mis,sSieter; KissTorter rielk,Miss Blapkstook, -Miss ' Sproull,,Miss 'Tassey, Mies.Presslyi < Miss .;Whitten,-:Miss Thowson, ,Miss, Wright, ,Miss Mise Annan, an&Miss Trevor,, Report.otMrs. James-,Gibson, Treasurer; for 1861, is asloilows : Cash received at Annual Sermon and;for subseriptien'atid tines • ' • ' $265.51: Balance,on hand at annual uteeting 33,51 .• Bibles and Testament's 2.35 .... . . . $301.:40 cash-. remitted American. Bible • $190.00,. . • For discoutit's and dritts: ; 8.12 , • , .For ' .' 96`.66 Total • • Balance in hands -Robing Music; 'T was early morn, and I was dreaming Pleasant dreams—just half :asleep--- When a little white4obeif creature ' Did across my pillow creep, Kissed he first miliPs and forehead; • With the awcetestfond caress, Then a tiny thumb and-finger . On my ; eyes he, gently ,pressed Bending lower then, to•roppe.me, - Open wide he palled the lid, Wake up, mamma ;. hear the blidiesl"- • That's what Charlie' said ;and' did: • - And I woke to look andlist,sn,—,, Listen, just at break of day, To a bird:that• sang the sweat:est, • Wildest, clearest Sang it., too,--though . O'hill and piercing' slew the North windlall , around; • • And the snow, in fleecy patches, Dotted o'er thle frozen i gronnd. 7 .. Not a speck of bin'enbOn:hifo.,. Not a ray of warmth had he, Perched upon the leafie4i byanehes Of the fallen maple tree! Tell me, Mamma, what he's singing; What does robin=red-breast say • Butj. listened the-songster .; Left his perch and,flewlkwey • -1 • Thenl tidd. the white-robed.darling • • : Who abpve my •pillow bent, a That's a piece of music, ,Charlie, • Which the robins call.• 4 Content.'.. Though hismotes he will inotlexid'you, • Still, if you'll attentive hear, From the sweet, musician, .Charlie • - Xp .. h(aiin catch the song , ,6 Robin Shoes' hii Naiiingt bid `)" . '""` —lliin no '64! • '" W ` f- '" Yet you OAV • . That Meet song of pyititai-risi: yeti hiii 4 etiefi Skit, ," Won't you lath this .piece Of, Robbeir song of swat ;COnteiiti"! - t ~:4t);(...:it.:k:(-tio4,; Anon? Dntarnet-Ailtitt `Can 'With , •bilt Many boys ancl;girisAbc,jlaire no defect, i ; to. - their iimba,an4,,aansen, think their ev ery day duties,,g'eat AardAirt• Thy ;9f.- ten say , .. " .f`..V.dCay !" an,d, " What 'nil they have very,th ey„ hayo, work` 1,n2 : 1f0. What They do not lrnow .; sih'a bardshiiii are.' They Might tii!be aflame& tr•locik glase; for theiit i :Owg:".lzilligee - - ought L to cover with ConftisteL •Bifty-ofie there'ciikelio*, it, s4ithati;-iirib - o•lliteelling'al pea shoeidelieli; a child' irtioli a isearceliseetiViil r xtehilii:T* It lnrni) little Mote' thanlicintitibkailirbilii "it had but; four , toes on each:. tins 'toot' Yet'llie" good shoemaker .. a d wife poor infant• and namedkit. - Onatar:l l Why • they gave so .helpless:a.,!ehilit LI/ENO:high:. 'sounding name:l odnnot tell ; ithefitertain; Iy i nould not haws done 'it Irenr. f any, hope , thatarou_ ever become ~a mlclikr,,, ui . Y 4 t: 0R 38 ?,..r. an4Atlkrolre himself mOie.t 410 8 name. Lid) Otieiiliiaing ie., had no arms, .• r : ...• . g.an vsn7 eary to mmte good hie efe•ii. 'When' 'he beeaine.,:old' enough to think `h 'did 'not Ird cry let , can't 14 1 ;" •pd i no. armar teolfobtailipirit for'pie "But ha' Vegan'tedo With' feet OW toes what other •hilmis 'lingers.'lingers. yg ; •, fiat .; ::• 1 flt , a; : Thtieritith Nis ;Itait,uetedar'tlieiti odt mini - knife,. drowAllies 'on 'the 'floor With &ilk,: anddeven-oliVpittl'-figurgi paper with his mo.ther's, eoieeo I And he did thOe t f hings relf e i t o,n-mlisgetith4n'Anat ,bpys of his age. Bravo, little.Osetarlr. ' 421 0.„4PY Nfas.-. 101 10,Xith.449. 11 .• 11?R we 'b u .4*Actei. , ta'eliS , to, •Frite.,tkfiGA T he ~ TlglrMaile.c!. . o.l9l old tratiatar, whio, was • .86 ,iilease,4.iith,:the, • hoy i s th at'he Offered to tekioii,A4 to wrile'Withollt:i4, Pfe'rliTgirr!s".. ,oeptnd;ind one . year the 'winless ii:ear - wrote hitter than` a lly n ' the - old wri tt rig rnasterle liana!'" Apia Bair; bravo'Clesar •- ,`• • heAt:Wf 4 0p, writing class, C.tsiel ; ried=aiitle Mi.' Valid, but hisbfc'et at•drawing l geesa drawing l' .11e covered.'his' copy barks . ..4lth' pketelies ,iand•designs;.whioh werel'ao `atlikiilg'Mi attract tho - notiee of `an`• artiatit.4lfefgooll artist was astonished. - ''He got 'Caesar' ad mitted into the Academy of Design. -Will you believe it ? In a few years •Ctesar won thi highest prizes in: all the classes'throtigh which he passed. Then the peOple'of BANNER.--4SAT UED AY, MAY 10, 1.862. Lisle cried coßravo Omar Dueornet !" They were proud of the boy who painted without aruis:l Cmaar now - adopted painting as his pro fession. He Went to Paris, joined the Royal Academy, and won the second and third medals. His . pictures and portraits were in great demand. Princes and noble men becatne his patrons. His works were placed in Churches and picture galleries: Some of them were of great merit, as well as of great si‘ie,,add are still carefully pre served: . But how could he paint large pictures ? I will'permit gentleman who once visited him while he was 'at work,' to tell you whatp he saw..- He says a We shall never forget the impression we received 'upon - entering his painting room::,`J here, up on an easel, stood huge,..ceoVass, on which the image or the Greneral,began to assume the Tesem blance of life, and_across•the whole extent of the canvass ran with,incredible agility, like a fly upon, the Wall, the Stunted trunk of a man, surtholnted by' a ,nuble, head, with. expansive brow and eyes of,fire ; and wherever the apparition Teased alona b the canVass,- he left -the tritc.,,s of color:behind him' On approaching i'few paaeo,nearer, wewere aware .of a lofty but slender scaffolding in;fi:ont of the i canvass, up and, down and,-acrois , ithe steps and :stages of _ .which, climbed, and , crouched, and twisted is to, describe howthe ,sh;apeleisbeixm.wer had, opine to see- ..We ;saw thenAhatJe -was deprived of arms; that he had.no thighs; that. his short legs , were closely united to thetrunk ; and that I lifsifeet "*, ,feet'-were; WaAting, of" toe each. By one, of his feet lie,sherd a ; ,pallette-by the, 'other ; in,,his mouth also he car rigid a largo, brush and a second pencil. And in this harness he-moved, and rolled, writhed, andipaintedlin'o!manner more than marvellous S ,For some minutes,,we shad remained. „Standing, in the middle .of `the ,room, fc7rgettful of cerembrty ; and stupi-i fie& and mute, when there- proceeded from r • • • • 'this shapeiess' being a wade, ronsical, grave and senormis;i*hitino. Ushy name and in- Rs" i to :bp seated. ,Then.the appari tien, ing' down the whole' length, of. the scaffold to the grdund, advanced;' or.rather rolled, toward us, and with a bound estab lishedrliniself.on.the-sofa-at-our-sider-Ar was thus that we ( found ourself, forztke first time, in the cop:tie:TV:of lOpAicirlDaeornet, the 'historical pain r. .288' 7 $12:68 "In the course of the interesting. con versation that followed, this singular phe nomenon exhibited so much joyous humor, so ma p li frank coidiality, as won our silk, tions completely.. Forgetiing•'everything else; we saw him only a distingnishetiman i whOe friendshiP we coveted; and with'uni=, reflecting instinot,'we lieleont , our hand. Ducornet smiled sadly, with •alook toward his artnlesi Shoulders. Thus ,did- 1 his , wonderful- , map - conquer; his difficulties. Fpr thirty years heAoilnd on in' thikivay, nitif his.feet•iivere struck with paralysis. Then his. great . ..hekrt broke, and on ;the• .26th of,. April, 1836;; Caesar Dueornet died in the arms ,of his father, and • of="a friend who 'had' loved ' hint and served him with a father's affection: See, my children 'from' thii sketch,'wh . at wonders—inar.benione,— what'lfirdfatieda :overcome; what victories won, by industry, patience, cheerfulrleAsi :;and I persevehnee. ° l . If any of you - ever think your o a, - T1 and one, remember emsar Ducornet, and take courage. "Perhaps I Can'llelp •: , ;1 Perhaps I can help father,"-says little 4.ohn,.ee t he . ,looks,up in•his mothto,ls: • face.' ,ge has, : seen-herorad, anaionsAook. Be has. Watched.• his-latherreoming home from his daily toil.with amore-worn brow, and casting a troubled glailcoSlOWeid c radle' where , ihe twin _babies are lylng,.,..ge_l3,enre,tliat, something is wrong; and, looking up with pleading earnestnesErpvi he s e tin Bby his - mother knee, he b4s.tot know truth, Rit t perhaps he "can help father.'f alohn•-is too young-tegere-hislathertifielf . The:strength. and!tvisdoni of 7438i8 old boy will not bejeble'toqiihni6 Vie vigorously' With the' woiid. ' But to wrother's pleased, tender ldek, as she retsina' . glante, ph owsAhtitifyiinlig aerie' '7 ( 1114 a c ff"t l l o4ia 11. !rea4y ski."o 'or'use-;;; : • ,;, ,; v The v youngestogila criarhelp h is patents: Xarry , ,•!Pilary,' wheniyoui father :Comes hoin tired, from "dallyrr i tork,„%yertekiii of love :or.-..zsynipithy May be all refieshing • , spigit ar i r the dew t i hkflow,ers. You may , notllis•failA' f iolotleigla !Wl:earning:in your baud iPfxfild.,•ll.t.Aq .store, and Y.P! , .F . 99l l rt4litnir t s ;Wart will lieu you for your help. You will lighten your mother's .c4res., You, may spring qgicily.to do her bidding: ;:You may lholdlWillithe-babe —in your arm - stilltrie . fretful crying, - your. lmot er Is getting ready. the coon-day meal. You may come gently to your.mother's ; si'de,'as tiieei-tired with tie toil', °olll?.,raij",*-44. her ear, " Again 4, Ake , the del upon the 'flowers; shall „your, Word. SF:l' Our tntet4o:goefp-.ml.`9vdeßkrffpbAi. lgr=efreomepti tp: '''Honorlnnor thyffalOev and thy lhother,!' is 'th'E: commandment to which rGEOa&lkas an libibd ibis, • especial promise. , child who in:obedient in direverentlinyolith, 'have God's blessing in his nsaturef•yeafs. 'The childbwho :is a grief .0' his. parent's' heart, may yet' live • to:•know a: chi d's'' ui. !grdtitude to himself, 'arid; more than all,' ;shall bringglertit Irpourhimselfthe displos me 0f1the1k0rd , .......- 1 „TOO what you can to 11 . 2 . 11 yen!' earthly liesnfir - 71Terdens nrii 7 frorn yoirrarlEina ”ie and love. Do what youcp,Oo help the work of yourphiairfiltOkent. He hake work CO be done 'the world. Be -x3f. en in your early •days to-love his service. 11eh40-a place .foryort. •• Find -it. There . .14'i work for youiortDo it.=L-Sineday.School • 7- • ' • ' ,• 1/1 , qui - Komi tin .-. Is an EROI.IBII ern) CL&418:10.11. SCIIOOL, &raga - el opted in Berlin, Etolmes County, ()bid, seven miles East ol ilinlocebnrg. The third term strip ititittivire an p. y• k • 1868 .:: • TUITION,/ IN :AD Y11(04'1.08 Tail of 7' lite'T Y "WEEKS : .Common English Branches •? .r" . ' :•.!• . . ' $ 0.00 Higher Slathenatica i.and,theturelSoientes... .. . 8.00 ~ . . . • . Latin' and G facile hangosges., . ...... 10.05 German and French L . noikuagee, F. , xtra -- ... , . .... et .... ._ 5.0.1, Music on,the Piano, •‘•• !r...141..J.....1....«.':. ..... ...C...;.../8.04, Mee of. Instrument, N'. 4 5c ,11 ~ • . MI. /MONRY LIPPERT is 'en gig T.reo3Sapr_c,„ jou:triages and Music. He bee been teacbhig . in Chicago arid ttabrugh,lpsthelaektm,yeare,.arel ishighly,recununended foriner patrons- The ineetion rig the ansilituto I Is: eleveted andThsalthy - ! - Iledrhing can be obtairted in . p . rlyate famillea,at low rates._ , pupili actliPicito — nimcidieert 'tha'fainilY of the Prlesloal. To suchtthe 'charge will be forty-five dollare;l0 "advabce. This In'cludes boarding, room, light, luel, and' tui tion,in the regular branches. Buti`furthar . ' . . ity . It; q 11., •i 1 , 1 (1. 0 I,lfOrlf. 1 /44 1 0 2 tf " f rt .* ; jrat Berlin,MOhnei ueaty; ; lIIIMIIII ' , rho Rev.. 7. 0. 01111eni, now - of Berlin,' Ohio, ,taugh t ßehoct of piaci andAiniale.pubile,:in the • higher. breneheirdr education, in my vicinity, pith irrcat swoon. lie watt much beloved and'reirpectadi kola teibber, and I hiVe no doubt, with hie xa n iumbio.,eleOptnta,,M 4,,,erve r patronage • in hle..ncw, Inatitntil3: 8. O. JENNliklos, . r.PectOinfignitronzehnrehl.rby of:Ohlo. • DISEASE 0 )!I*IE''EYE. . .. , • .. .. . DB. JAMBS B. SPEER, MI6 PENN STREET, Pittsburgh, 1 , 01:, devotiiiipeciel attention to Diseases add Defects' of the LYS, o tiatl, porfurras all Sergi Qperatious , necessary for_ . , . Altar ear,. ' - inae2o-Bt* TagrINONIAL P"JCIJIEJEM - !:reoo4jan.. N 400; WEEKLY NEWSPAPER,' Published at f • PITTSI3T_IFtC7I-1-1, DAVID WKINNEV & r Co, IS A LARGE RELIGIOUS NEWSPAPER PRINTED ON' j.:,s; V_ 1 5 Blt,J;Til).;)t: : 3 E,wP•A-IL 4 E.w ; 3_awitai on all th e lT l Sne 4 4 cl of the day,; b9th.ltellenlen lindSeco; All : the irarioni enhieet;ihat•priasent themeelvee for eonsideration: and'that are worthy the attention of intern. : gent and Christian people, aie.dienussmi from the ChristlMi atand-point, and In the comprehensive, sprit of Christian charity and Onlarkedienmioletkom ' Itoittieheginnini 01„.9nr, present ,tiettinn yonhles, this pap t r, while allying Itself with.wrpolitieslparty, has taken'',thigh .m41;1°6.108; ground in favor of the Conatitathin and the regularly ordained ireiervation,ol ,the tategrity of the Union. Tts ntteiances have been . Dm decided,._ anci,they ,will,eonfinue to, be such wait the of,rebelliOntawbeen ant/tali quenched; anit our Wilipent once more eitablishoa: IturopeatuVorrespondence is unequalled by any Ober American Journal, in breadth el view, reliability, and general usefulness. is,a complete history of the progress of affairs in Europe, that is' bintl nable. EASTERN_'SUMMARY givei a ttlitipt9 'Oh* pUPtisiriess, .9144i62, reUgtoas con. . 4 ernk a t l l4t9r. B f l 44# l OP NVurral:ln fT.4' t•I s igW!TOR I K, ;AND. .e-~-~. , ..F. This ; is a fitetnre•fonifdan no other religions neinipaiter, and nsakes the hannei ninet valuable _repository for inf tion 'eoneeTing those places, to.all readers H ong okrP CONTRIBITTOR -! are e?me of the Vest newspaper writers in tilt! Church. wx we alsol;ave •- • „ • • OCCASIONAL' CORRESPONDENTS . in all ptirts Of. thalami • ' ' ' ME lIM The Compendium Domestic vid - Toteign:News is prepared with much Dare and labor. And just now 'the :news in the daily papers broftetredwinteertaitrand contra dietoiy that the weekly iaPers:Catbitiiriihyvtia'tlie Amost re liable newt for the.publip, slum, the opportunity for, sifting and obriection is.alloWect g• - • - - i Under6ol*mi of p : PERSONAL, the most interesting itieidente eletuieitedietth:lndtviduabs o pate, 'whether dead or lir#4, areroibpshed: And under the head of VARIETIES, ittlCgiveli,itte malts; of Science, Vravel r illaccrkii, statiati cal bitorniatiop, dcc.,• of most valiietWthe the sanie tam; most 4aluable ' • . • S , E -L E C T 4-0` N .8 fr"ohl batiks, magertnee r atuf other newspepereotro.4reir for the Ohrtetion ; the parent, the man literature and learolng Nor arts ho CLAIMSIF-THE , EARDEN AHD TILE'PkRM ioigotter ! ,l:lna:mucla.9f thetinfermatiotrieintedilfdisitath it regalerly presented. ``" 9110367EIVIOACNO i"1 This paper lelfurniihedAci :Clubi'of Twinty, •mbre:ati the low rate of 8146 , Tier additional: cOpy" to r Abe:pared - 4 getting up the Cl`ub': ' ' Ea'Clubs of Ten nr , It. 4 . 145. To Single Subscribers at $1.50, when sent b 3 .Mail. To Sm e. Subscribers ui Pittsburgh or, Alleg4eny . supplied by tini.parrior, at $2.00.. -7 ;1 aaar DAVID,,WKINNEY gf , e PitESBYTERIIIMBAIIINER, c . .. tITISBURGit ' ' NATIVE , AND- ,- FOREION; • Of Uneciiialle'd :•ilr EirszstsLy--L9W PRICES, for Garden or Vineyard, and . reception. of Plants in peifeet order guirinteed•in all cases: . . My CLUB LIST is worthy of the attention of all who Wish • to procure :Mos, of remarkable : quality, at little coat, for ; yard Or *firdeti: " • Desoriptive Cat3logaett,' Club List; - and Wholesale logues sent for onanput stamp ; 2",tiesa contain fall directions for plinth*. Illußtrated:Catalogne "sent for. two threFtettni • stolen& lit is a lull 'Unitise on the Vine, exPlainmg fiptire.hasers' and ; :planters *mire to' know for management ;of Vines in garden ,or Lyineyard, by a profttelen, of the best 'en, - *ravings ever, Madit fir the Parliese,. anti showing hOW fr 9 . 1 0, • tftrellis With;oni baseitailities nidin'worth of fruit and More enjoyment may be obtained than from a cold vinery of equal _ extent, and at a very small part of ,the cost. , ~• •;The 'VERT GREAT SUPERIORITY of My Thins over all - ;others, has, been very itxtensively.shovni.driring the past six sears, and I claint,as:streat. spperierity.for my, packinghefm , ••yrri'ep 'and the cost transportation"to Small 'will not exceed five Per lienglind , 'lnziaria clubs not 2 Pitrcenti,do .. little that all can have them. ." • .; • : . , •.- . GEORGE r "'REED •'' ' • N0..,-.6B_ , lfiftitl , Streelittsburgbi i i-- has consented to act as Agent for the sale, Of ; ity vines rn, Pittsburgh and vicinity • • • • • W; • • ' Iona; neariYeekslitil,:Westritiester Co., 'New-York: 1caP 12 44 1 .! ;.,:- • TWO WORKS, VALUABLE'O VRIe BENT BY MAw - "7. '- *P,,""" Vi.q/ { tPttrnYti., - /inomyrni, Assn, AIiDff'APRILOYEE.,, 8-1 4 1,29,11.;5;51X •LEOTURES on,t4A:Daueeit, Previntioit and Cure of Ciessumptioti,Skin"Dlseasos, Male and4femile • OthriPlatitts; ' 'On' the 'Mid rulers fOr , Protervirig• Meant). Bqo page's, engravings. Price, 50 „cents. 20 DR. Fri s oll'B,.N.EW WORK dieart Disease, Apoplexy,'lthentiatiem, - ftyspspsix, :Medical Prescriptions for these Meatuses: r - 168 .- mea, 6' gra*ln..ga n , Price ;, : Sky whic.Vßdok you will have,'giving Name, State, ociunt3 , , an.aTiACOffiCe. AddeSil; ' 1)11. 57.13: RITO*4-7t4 Broadway,'New , York. ap2.6.4t BY .d); Srr GtNTAINS THil PHILADELPHIA L S FEMALE SEMI'. "11"1" NARY, BLAIRSVILLE, PA. . A Home far Young Ladies. Rev. S. IL SHAPLEY, A.M., and Mrs. SHEPLEY, Princi pals, aided by a full corps of experienced Teachers. Accent• modations tor sixty Boarding Scholars, The ordinary bill or Board and Tuition' in the- regplar course and Latin, 1- ,460 per Session of five months. A. largo abatement, as here tofore, in favor of those whose 'exigencies require it. Ample 'facilities for Instrumental Music, Drawing,Painting, and the Modern Languages. Catalogues sent by mall, on applica tion. The next Session—twentiethunder the preeent Prin cipals, will commence May sth. Early applications are de sired._ S. H. SHEPLEY, Proprietor. marls-2m CARBON .Fr Brilliancyl -and Economy, ffISRPASSES ALL OTHER ILLUMINATING OILS now in market. It will burn in all style's of coal oil lamps, is pea fectly safe, and free froni all offensive odor. Manufactured And for sale by W.. MA.,ol;‹,EbVi r .Ns tvitellVr pri4,4emren _ . NEW W P E S . POR THE SPRING SALES, ,NOW OPEN AT Na. 107 Market . Street, - Near - Fifth, ninbracing the latest styles for , . PARLORS, OFFIOES, . 08 HALLS! . STORES, DININO•Roims, All of which, - together with a laige Vtisoittiterit of Window Shades, will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. lOS. . IRTGHES. ma Sam „ . SPRlNO'gri r riES FOR - Gent,lern.eits .aarTrrents, In great variety; embracing in pert, a large and wain. riected stock of Fancy Francb..acid.tpkliglh': CASsIMERES : AND ; COATINOS ,Together with as fine.an assortment of Black and .Colored , 'OLOTHS'ANDTESTINGSrtu3 the mainaraciaries : cif Europe :caw Produce, which amadaptad to Ilewants of gentlpTen of taete,'Whb appreciati stidaatill qiiality in clothing. . • SAMMY: GRAF: :le BON. , ” marlO:Ty No. 10 Fifth AL pit&blirob. , STEUBENVILLE. FEMALE SEM- I N ARY • REV. CHAS. C. BEATTY '.C.D LL.D., SUPERINTENDENT. ;;'PROF : A. M. PRINOWAL. • . .. • .'Ehis „School has ;been 3n .successful operation under the - samee-Superintiindetice for more than thirty years. lt is Well and favorably known. It"Wav the design of its foUnders to 'establish an Institution on-ChristiampunciPlee, whose aim would be to give not only thorough culture to the intellect, bat the religion ofiChriat.to.the heart. - l i fthisaka.,•Ohd has 'greatly blessed them. During its entire history the favor of heßolg Spirit,•has, rested upon - Steubenville iii.rinarkable for thebeauty.and headthfalnesa 'of its situation ; and is easy of Recess from everi.direction • by'ithe Ohio Itlvei'andltailroadß . '; • •'• A large Gymnsalum•liserecently been added' to its edricit . . Lion apparatus. . • • . . Terras. •• . , Nor Session T of FIVE, Months, .Beginning May or • • ' • NOveinber : • . - ' • BOincling, Light, ac: • - Tuition • • ' • 10 . 00 '4 WaslOng, INT dozen A.. lifusieePstnting, andNoilern LEtilmos, extrzt. " • The charged' arena low as- the nature of the accsiioniodri , tions afforded will admit: • • . • • , Prom these term's' a deduction of fifteen per cent. is made. for the daughters of Clergymen, arid for.any pupils that are sent, by sbidiers in "the army. ' ..••• • For, particulars, apply. to thelinporintendentAr Principal. RFADING FOR TruK, ARMY. Soldier s Camp rary TRY' AIREI - IC - A - N TRACT 89C1RTY, 10 NASSAU STREET, HBW ; TORK, , hicSeiustlesueda 'beautiful Library, , nontisting Cif,TWENTY NYE VOLUMES, ISmo., inclosed in a box, at the low price of 22.0 ; among , which are "General Havebick," Capt. Hedley :Vicars," Capt. Hammond," "The Blue Plag,"- " Young hfan from Home." Packagea of 3,000 pages of select Tracts, at MOO, are. put, up,to accompany the Library, when desired. THE ;SOLDIER'S POCKET. LIBRARY. of twenty-fcve ,volumes, in-flexible covers,,containing the Soldier's Text-book, Soldier's Hymns, The Soldiers. and Jesus; Story of - Lncicnow, and other appropriate works. The American Tract Society has furnished grataltonaly many hundreds cf thousands of pages of Tracts to. the sol diers of - Pennsylvania, so'well so others. The friendanf the `soldiers are availing-themselves of the oppertunitY of putting into their hands these most .valuable hooka., And there 'are not a few instanees where most hePPY, Testate have followed, the truth they contain. Books carefullyput up, and forwarded ao purchasers may N. lansiazt,L, Agent, ,107-1 Y No. ono obeisant scr,sst.Pl•ils: 'S - A -ERt ditEßs . . No. 60 Siniffilisid . Reeps ' co n st a ntly on' hand tar& assortment of Ready-Made Coffins, Metallic. Cases,. Shiourds, of; the latest styles. Personal, services, he allcalses *hell required; and, no pains will be spared to give entire satisfae , tion, and reliiirdthe friends of the many utipliniminV ditties neesestirilroonneeted with the preparations for initial, at greatly redneed prises: , Roomsopen day andnight,: Ueallic* and CarriaMo furnished. • • . - -Corner .411! Penn and St Clairr.Streetsjw FEE LA:RAD-ES T COMEERCIAL ;School of the .United States,.,vrithiLar patronage, of, nearly ‘ 3,ooo STDDEi4TN, in five years, from M. States, And Elw only one which affords complete and reliable insipid:bon in all the - following Mande* viz.: ' r , • I,4ECANTILE, MASTUFACTURENA - STNAMDD , It, APj AND BANN. BOOID:KEEPYNG:f*' Flapia , PREMIUM y.TALN. AND 4)IINAMIN7'AL ;RAMAN/31UP; 480, StriLVEYINE6 GINEIRANG,AND 31 nEItATIes $a5.00 pays fora Onniiiiercial Connie ratilitints anter,and revialv,at any time. ' Ministers' sons tuitimint half price. .• , • ,'„ • •". 'For Catalogue of 86 pages, Specimens of EirSiness and Ors: naninntal.Penmanship; and a' beautiful:College:idea' of eight equaredeet, containing a great variety of Wrlting,:Letterinn ,aintAlourlshing, inoloseM cents inatamps to the Principals, marB-ly 341.11{.11413 & 861.1 M Pittsburgh, Pa. NERVOUS , DLsEASES. . _ ....,11aving retired fron4cneral practice; I nowgive attention to' EPILKPSY and other Nesvous I,,Neetwes..;ll,these, for `twenty';years, I have had,considerable endow, sotne,of Which. ciases:have helet;iforefieen ptihlished 'la this paper.l, shall lekhappplo see and prescribe Jar. any" thud Afflicted,' at nip thrice, N 0.1,432 Sauth-Penp.„Square, -Retietite provided with ho#4: ,Whf. 31., CONICELL,3I.D. tear&tf ATR.,ow A fiIJA-... • • - This Carbon Oil, manuisotured by the Pendaylvanis Salt Planilfactiniieg Oinnistny, •is entirely 4 frai L from offen sive odor, is unsurpassed in thobrilliaray of light it.effords, and " - will, not explode.,, Consumers, should- always ask fiii'VATIONA OIL, both on ancOnnt of quality and cheap. 411, Ordersf.or letters of inquirr_ addresse& to GEOB.Gi 'thtidiOUN, ;go. F.A-asol Street, Itpypxrg4, i i9lll be prompt ; Anseweivi: , - " f,1ec21.71y ,F R 18 6 2 anct:Stimmer Goods for Gentlemen's ;-• t' , "Wear.• .• `9ii4aire riovYoh hnid' one of thelineit able - Stook of CLOTXS, lIIASSIMERES, and VESTINIVS; which wa,bEge ow had the ,platutiore cd: owling Pitt* ~burgh. Having selected 'them Eastern market with 'great care, we feel satisfied that we can give entire satisfOc- r tion in , pricer goods, and . ..workmanship: 4 • , Iffe lavith 'gentle :then wishing ; for himself et*, fataily, to etfii and . pxr. sine the goddaithd prices."' . ' •'lnarl7ip No 84 *ls tiireei,'Pliiiinugh, Pa. L- . • • • - • 4 1% - 1E14) 4 1V.3101111;XlEONI AND Ater WhOlOale and Rota i1.'7104 .4,14: ,, D, 11 • ia i s ; the Chaim IFOTS6URCHO-PA'.7 Rio• 'ti• . The Amer can Sunday'''Sc ooJ Union ::: r . ; The UP Sunday SeboplAiblarieCfor, distribution as per, legacy in .of the late OIiA.B.LES BRENVE., •be readYlor , delivery on ireVafter JrWrit/thank ..ThelSundey Schoohrentitled ,totthese Librarieenre:thOse established .in Allegheny pounty, Pa., since March , Sist, Applieints will' be required'td sitbseribe to statertiereer ing name, loCatiOn, and datelof organization of the, School; name and ?ost.9ffice . address. of. Superintendent ; . avorum number of teachers and attendinee, and:tintonor there Contributed for support of School. ;Reasonable evidence,' by. amount of - contributions:ant - toes: 10*L110, of the pormanoncootthe School will bo required,... ) Apply to EATON, 1,1. f Of EATON, Casa & Hamer, - N 0.17 'fifth St.. Pittaborgh. PITTSBURGH FEMALE COLLEGE TATRTEEN TEACHERS. Buildings, teachers, and course of study, of the Snit claim. Superior facilities afforded in the Ornamental branches. A. teudance last year, two hundred and thirty-seven. Three terms per year. FORTY DOLLARS per term, pays for boarding, light, room-rent, and use of furniture. 'Tuition according to studies pursued. The Collegiate year begins September 3d; .seconj Session, December 9th; and the third, March 24th, 1862. Send to the Presita% Res'. I. C. PERSHING, A. M., for a cetalogne. M. stmrsoN, Presidentof Board of Trustees. JOHN A. RENSIIAW. Family Grocer and Tea Dealer, Takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and custom that he has recently removed to the new and spacious w house, Corner of Liberty and Hand Streets, • (A few doors above his old stand,) And IMving largely - increased his sleek by recent pnrch nom offers to the public the most extenslVe and complete sortment to be found in tbis city; of CHOICE FAMILY GROCHREES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Teas, Spices, Pickles and Sauces, Preserved Fruits in great variety, Fish, Hams, Dried Reef, &c., besidee-an assortment of 'Hermetic Housekeeping articles ; thus constitute% a Houriekeeper'sEmporitim, where most all articles that are - useful. or necessary for the Family all may . be purchased at reasonable prices.. - • *Sr WHOLESALE AND - RETAIL. 'VS . • • Catalognea containing en extended list of my stack fur nialuid‘by mail, if desired. .• . .JOHN A. RENSUA,W, COT'. Liberty and gaud Ste., Pittsburgh ap7-1y I'SAr I 'OMPFER.O;! i t r pI I GE N TRANED FAMILY SOAP MAKER Made by the " Pentaryivanin Balt Manufacturing Cora pay." The only genuine and tatented article. Beware of Conrirfeiw..! Buyers and sellers of the bogus articles will be tkrosectited. - Poi 'sale; by 'all - Druggists and Grocers. Prices reduced to slit thatimes. dec2l-ly 11:11447ILMEE co., .COB/tRI OP FIRST,. JMD pBORT,..STITICTB 7 PITT6/1111101t, Manufacturers of • . SteamEriginei,-Minhininl and Castings. Also, oflalllsB,-TAl9l{4l, and :all other apparatus for re (Suing One. octl9-ly T R:R ANT. S Effervescent ganggvaa-ds,enskraarg. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally received the most favorable recommendations of the Medical Profesidom and the-Public as the most effi cient and agreeable Saline Aperient, -It may be used with the best effect in - BILIOUS AND FEBRILE DISEASES, COSTIVENESS, SICK . HEADACHE, NAUSEA LOSS OF APPETITE, INDIGESTION, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACII,`TORPIDITY OP THE LITER, GOUT, RHE UMATIC . AFFECTIONS, GRAVEL, PILES, AND ALL COMPLAINTS: WHIM& Gentle and Cooling, ..e.perlent „er ••Purgative is - Required. It is particularly adapteitte'the wants of-Travelers by Sea and Land, Residents in not Climates;; Potions of Sedentery Habits, Invalids and ,V Cimvalesiants; Captains of, ;Vessels and Planters will find , it a Valuable_ addition Co their Medicine Chests - . : • - It is in the forth of a Powder, carefully put up in bottles, to keep in any climate,-and ; merely requires water poured upon it to. Produce a delightful , effervescent beverage. Numerous testimonials from professional and other gen tlemeit oftliShighest standingthrotighout the country, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strong ly guarantee its efficacy and valuable character, and com mend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent public. TAREANT'S CORDIAL. ELMER OF TURKEY RHUBARB .This lieknd preparation, from the TRUE TURKEY RHUBARB, has:the approval and sanction of many of our beat Physicians as a - valuable and favorite Fatally Medicine, And Is pieferableito any otherlorm -which-Rhubarb is • " administeied,Oilhefor Adults or Children, it being corn - blued, in - aft/ism:ler t 6 ireike it at ones peat/Ibis to the taste and efficient in its operation. • ; ftl ' TARRAN . !I'S • Ailkil.P„R 0 Y E ; I:11 IND ELIB L E. 11,111 FOR MARKING MUSLINi.SfLK, ETC., has been mroved,pymiany years' experience, to - be the best, most per manent and reliable preparation ever offered to the Public. - The superiority, or this article is acknowledged by all, and purchasers and dealers will fi nd it to their interest to give it preferrimeioverallsimilar preparations. ...Manufactured only by , A. TARRANT CO., Druggists, . No.'ffiS Greenwich St.,cor. Warren St., New-York. -And for'Sedelffiruggistagenerally..- - jun22-ly MEHCELANTSI HOTEL, 46 North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA.. 0.. 'proorieto . ps. 'Slight Veit4l,-Cough, otv 41, - e .lrli7l-eseizgatg; or o,syje a ßoN cHip,i, which might be 'checked with a simple em ' / TOO \‘' edy, if neglected qften ter ninate.s sCriousiv. Feld are aware of MB the tm,*4d,..e stojming a Wirai_h. or its first stage; that -which in, the beginning, would yield to a, , -mild remedy, if not .tattended to , soon, attacks- the tunas. _ first -introdnO 4 ia air:viz...years ago. It has been proved that 'they are the best article before the , , public for AfaugAs, / Phis, 4.Atii2x-hat-' ,ferbxe-e-h., the :4Eraoking Cough in , / Pm.- aunifaistri, an.a. namerous affeetion.s the giving immediate reyef. I .l ll mblie iSpeAkeili and -Singers, 'Will label , them;°.efectucd for clearing and strengthening : .the. voice. . Sold' brall,a)ruggists and gerders in `"_j!(edicinen at AS. Dents per box. PRixiburekby :SIMON JOHNSTON, G. KRUM R. B. 'SBLVERR CO.; AS - '& Hal rAHNBSTOOK,. .B. F. VANDERVOBT, , ' - , ;HBNDBRSON 'it BRO. 'IIIIIE4/3114 AND LEA`I'RERSTO,RE D KISKPATRICK tk- SONS Bak Ith Third Street, BIETWSEN 'MAIM= AND CRESTNIIT STREETS, PIIIIADELPttI.A, . . . SPANISH...O.D SLA.I7OIITER HIDES, CALOUT ,TA END...TATE& KIPS, TANNERS' OIL, &C., AT THE LOWEST PRICES AND UPON - ' • TILE BEST TERMS. E i Ilicinde, of Leather in the„ rough wanted, for oevhich the higheitniaiket price wilrbe ann in cash, `or taken is eiceliiingefor Hides. Leather stored free of eliargeand, soy on commission. Liberal Ripe Advance& made en Leather eensigrett lAntek. JOHN M'COILD .TAMES S. MTORD Cc" ~..• NANIIFACTFIRERS AND" .24..itERS IN Hats, Caps, and Straw . Goods, 7\IiNtitESALE AND RE'rAIT,, • 121 WOOd Street, - rittsburciG . . .••• Ilavenownn Land for as large and complete do -assortment of Goods as can be found in any of the EasPern cities, consisting df • Fur, Silk, .-and Wool Huts; of every stylearol quality; ,CAPS of every ( quality and. latest .fashions; Palm 'Leaf, Straw, Leghorn; and PrintunallATS; Straw, and Silk .BONNETS, etc., ete.:,,Persontitaiphing to prirChase Wholesale or Beat; find it' to 'their advantage pa.ll,anti or-amine i?nr, marlfgy . 0 INVALIDS. • Do Not Despair Unliryo . ll:Wavii — Tiied the I=lMl2l THE PITTSBURGH WATER CURE-ESTABLISHMENT is delightfully situated on the banks of the Ohio, ten miles West of the. ity. „we..have treated. ; Malty hundruCcapia of nearly every .ki n d of disease; and can refer to patients all over the: country-whom wo have restored to health,'after everything else hadfaf/e4 "' " " The folloivirig are al:Mix* the'dieetises we' have 'treated Successfully - Imateriar CONSiaIreVION, Asthma, Brottehitis, Coughs, Scrofeda'hiirery faint SkiriTiiiiesse,Dyspepida, Liver Com plaint privets, Spinal irritation, Neural gia, BlieinititlismiLiimbago;llervousnesi% all. Diseases of the iteproductive Organs,"ttiabetes. Dropsy, Au:, EAT -.TO FEMALES iinfferiug with dirieaseaßecediar to their sex, - vve appeal With - T , conflderte.e, as We 'rarely "fail to effect aurea r in those asses.: . ante yon of your disease, but we entirely re movetfrom your system the toad'effects ofthepOisonaus drugs you lowa. taker,. ' • - OUR: cirMn is open to you. COirie to Ali and wit will in Bee little, fiend, yem home healthyrand fit Icir Wets - duties '' , Ternie moderate. Scud for a Circular, to W. 1L. 7- IIAMBLETON, I;l9*ll.l4:4 lits i h 1 urgli Pa. tebB-1 me l ETACIA:RICIC,OLIPORTAGE ivouldiespectfully inform the readers of the-Banner, that in `saltine to the valuable bo6kEr iireviimely advertised, they blive op hand 'Mk SOLDIER'S LIBRARY ; :published by'tfiet Presbyterian Board, ,containiug 70 volumes; THE SOLDIER'S : POONNSBOOK,-ONOMWELL'S BIBLE, and a -good selection of Book.a suited to Soldiers and Stalersi . frOm different. publishing houses in the Eastern cities: Through the befieriden& of Congregations and indi viduabi, as noticed in this and.last month's Banner, we have been enabled to send 'a large amount of religious reading Matter to different camps, and the gratitude with which the } matter and sailors, particularly the Germans, have re ,ceived Nieto worlds, would j citeer the hearts of efeiy.donor, if known:, 'We ftppeal. ientintr 'coligreintiOns to Send in their contributions, anditincernbrane the• present..ogrortunity to occupy a vast "missignikry , field among .. oar. own-know-cid- SOW; aeverbeforilad'oped to' them. ti J O VOISiG.. BAILEY, Traesurer, fib WLBERTSOIt, Librarian, ' No. fpr Hand Etna. WA II