1. WHIRRIFIi S. LITTI.II :DAVID NI:KINNEY & CO. Editors and Proprictors. TERMS IN ADVANCE. SINOti SUBSCRIPTIONS ~,,, 51.50 1 - 11 Cir,tnie 1.25 Draavtimn Id EITUEIL OP THE CITIES . 2.00 Two DOLLARS, We. : ,10,11 aenrLhy. mail seventy number for ONE DOLLAR, thilty-three numbers. r. , olora 40",111,13 tie TWENzt:Ellkizi6rlbers and upwards, Rill Athereby entitled to paper without charge. I:enemata should be prompt,ll.llt,tlo before the year expires bond thtyinehtilig,Sale bomb. or by mail. • DtrOot all lettere to. DAVID M'KINNEY 15 CO.. Pittsburgh, Pa. • , OrienaLl 11 piton 'Song. We meetAt freedom's altar, Our faith anew to plight; We4e4ithe irtive'old banner, Stars and stripes so laright. Long live the Union, And Heaven defend the right ! Come, bre,thron, (Air fittlitrs, In harmony we 'll dwell; Their natnes we fondly-cherish, Their deeds our bosom swell. Long live the Union . Our fathers loved - so well, No foreign faeoiSsailing, • Shall break the mystic band; Nor trelyKTrinward lurking, Weallenat single strand. . teod save the Union, crown with peace cult , land. ' ? on 'oOntinent and ocean, • • O'eprnountaia-top and vale, ' Our leagle, proudly soaring, And,waving flag we l bsil! ' tong live the Union, I,Tcrlet,its glory fail. 1-i Aroura the Union gather ;TIM Memories of the pdat; ,And hopes around it cluster optima, while time shall last, -...trod save the Union And bindits pillars fast. . We'pledge our life and treasure f i t; heek our country's good— To keep ENTIRE the NATION , Unrent the sisterhOod ! Long live the 'Union In all its amplitude! Are lon Called to the Ministry ? The duty of every. Christian to examine himself whether he be in the faith, is one of universal acknowledgment among the people of God. The fact that a man t is in communion with the visible Church, pre.. supposes that he has duly .considered whether he' has been called into the king dom of Christ by the Holy Spirit, and that he often reviews the evidence on which at first he rested. the conclusion that he was indeed a child of 'God. This is all' right, and wise;' but 'we ` are afraid that there is another question' very closely connected with the interests of the kingdom of Christ in this world, equally obligatory, and claim ing no less our most earnest consideration, which a large number of Christian men, either never consider at all, or else codsider very superficially. This question is the one placed at the head of this article. It is our purpose to ll to it / the attention of two classes of. tristians : 1. Those who, have already, ddered it, and having decided in the iative, have entered upon a course of aparation. 2. Those who have lever moldered it at all. To the Ammer we )uld say but little at present, except to iunsel them, that they frequently review Le ground upon which theyhave coneluded tat they have been called of God to preach ,oe unseen:liable riches of Christ. Dear brethren, if it behooves a man 'often to in quirt:vitae the Soundation of his own hope' of heaven, surely it becomes him diligently to inquire whether he is Called to 'an office, the functioiiti of which are so intimately connected 'W'ith the eternal happiness. or misery of others. If you have been really 'called by the Holy Spirit to this office, you will• often' ask; as did the Apostle of the Gentiles,'' Who is 'sufficient for these things go .Who is su ffi cient to exercise the functions of an. office from which are the issues of eternal. ..life, or eternal death? Young brethren, you who are engaged' in preparing for the work of the, minisoy, we beseech you, in the name of the Master, that you nonsider, again; and again, whether you are called to be ambassadors for Christ: It is, heWever,' to those Christians piing men Who 'have never considered this ques-. tion at all, that we propose . now.to present it, And at the .very outset we would in quire, how it .has come to pass that you have never considered a question so mani festly associated with the interests of all that:you profess to hold, dear ? How comes it that the foremost of all the instrumen talities ordained of Christior the ingather ing of his wandering sheeP, and the spir itual nourishment: of those already gath ered, has secured, se little of youi attention, that you have never inquired whether you might not be a chosen vessel to bear the name of your . Savionr, far hence, to the Gentiles ? If 'the very' foremost 'purpose of your first love, in the day 'of your espousals, was to tell others 'of the Saviour you had found, how is ,it that .you have never asked yourselves individually the question, " May not this be the business of ly life ?" Mark it well, we are not now addressing those who have examined this question, and decided in the negative. We are ati= suming that you have never weighed the matter at all ; and what we would know, dear brethren, is simply, this : how it is that the question has never forced * itself upon you ? =We confess that we are at a loss to discover how any young man, over whom the Saviour has thrown the of his righteousness, freely pardoning all hi s s i ns , anti.into whose soul he has breathed the•Spirit.of peace, and love, and' sonship, can fail to' ask himself the ques tion, "Am I not' called to proclaim this Saviour to =perishing sinners ?' We know of no solution, consistent with the assump tion of the vital Christianity of A young man, except this—that' lie ha,s it once en tered upon the service Ch.riet in some or the many other departments of. Christian labor, and has become so engrossed with work connected with the progress of. Christ's kingdom, that he has lost sight of the claims of this questioti.'', :Regarding this as the true solution of the enigma,. we would ask the attention of all who have neglected the question from sueli:eauses, to one or two considerations. I. God has not left it with 'the`' iridivid ual believer to 'choose in what capacity ; 'he shall serve him. This is a recognized principle of the.: Divine administration both under the Old Testament and ., the New. Ile who ordained . the offides of prophecy, priesthood, and kingshipOiiider the former dispensation, and desi'griated men to exercise the functions of .thesii othees,qilso claims it as his, under the 'Gos pel dispensation, to ordain offices, and'Aill and qualify men to fill them. In viii ,pf this unquestionable principle,-then, dear s VOL. ~X,,..N(X:.2,6 brethren,. we would ask, who has chosen your present spheres of, labor—yourselves or Christ? If you have chosen for your selves in what capacity yeti shall serve, is it not manifest, if the principle assumed be a valid one, that you have usurped one of Chris is •oven prerogatives ? Can you con ceive of any possible way of escape from this fearful conclusio, if it he true that it, belongs to Christ to make the choice which You have made independent of his counsel? ,If you have never considered in what ca pacity Christ has designed you should serve, and have consulted your, own taste or convenience in determining the question, is it not •manifest .that you have conferred with flesh and blood,instead of consulting the Head, whose ,prerogative it is to assign .to each member ,his place and, office in, the - mystical body? 2. The second, point to . which we invite your attention, is the , character of the signs by which the vocation, of a man to the ministry is indicated. ,Christ, in call- , ing Men into the ministry, since apostolic , or primitive times, does not designate them, or indicate, his purpose, by miraculous en dowments, but by gifts which may be over looked both, by their possessors and by others. Th is lays upon men onus of a strict in vestigation, both in reference to themselves, and others whose:credentials it may be their duty to examine. If it were the wont of the Church's Head to designate the her-, aids of the cross by gifts of healing, or of tongues, a man destitute of such manifest indications of a call to the ministry, wonld incur no guilt by waivinvit once the con sideration of this question. He might con clude; in the absence of miraculous gifts, that, he was not called to the office of an ambassador. But,as,the gifts by which tice Master . indicates his future ambassadois are not miraculous, there cannot, be such prompt and facile decision. This will be all the more manifest by ref erence to these gifts. Aptness to teach, capacity for ruling well, blamelessness of character, vigilance, sobriety, modesty, hos pitality, benevolence, patience, gravity, are among the endowments of, a Christian min ister., It is manifest that there is nothing miraculous - in these qualifications, and it •is equally manifest that the .man who pos sesses them all in the happiest combina tion, is most likely to be the least aware of the'fact. Now, dear brethren in this lies your danger.- As the data furnished'hy the Holy Spirit, as the ground upon which a man is to conclude whether'he is called to preach the GoSpel,• are' not miraculous endownients, is it, not clearly possible that you may . have overlooked qulifications which would warrant the conclusion that you have been called to the ministry ? If 66, then you may be engaged-in the prose cution of a calling to 'which you have'not been called, and may be guilty of despising your high vocation tie an ambassador of' Christ. It is not our purpose to impress you with the idea that; even in this posi tion, you..are not 'serving' the Nadter. We are ready to concede ztliatiou are, and wil ling to recognise the sacrifice which you may layupon the altar. But, the point we wish to urge is this : that it, is not your prerogative to choose in what`department of labor you may serve. This behings ft) Christ the Head; - and is a prerogative which he will Mit give even to a member of his mystical body. It is; therefore, your duty to ascertain what' his will concerning You is. Your 'proper attitude is that of Saul of Tarsus, when arrested by the Sav iour—" Lord, 'what wilt' thou :have me to do ?" And as your spherevf service' is not disclosed. by special revelation, you ought, as you value the favor of Christ, at once to apply yourself to the examination of the endowments which the Head of the Church has bestowed upon you?' 'The nature of the endowments will determine the question of duty: If yen haVe the giftiWhereby Christ is wont to designate his .4,rll3sisstidors, then you are called to the office of an ambassa dor,' and are bound to prepare for' the dis charge ,of ite duties.' Your - firstrduty, therefore, is to consider 'for yourselvds, -in dividually, the questiono' Am I.calle`d. to , preach the Gospel ?" TrYdu never' have I considered it, we.counselyou to begin the investigation now.---Home and Foreign Record. Lo AN. The Banner and the Soldiers. [A young lady who`:sent a copy ofAhe Banner to her brother in the arniy,,thus writes, to us :1 1, 4 ROI . . Awn DEAR SIR :--7-Not long giOe, I . sent a;note informing yOu, of the reCO - 'two papers, one of which I inforided you I'sent to one of the soldiers of the 24 Regiment N. J. volunteers. 4', will just copy a part of the answer - I received from him on the reception of the :paper. After mentioning the reception of 'several paper's . ' which he valued very highly, he says "But I must' say that the - greatest treat II have had in the newspaper line was the arrival of some copies of the Presbyterian Banner, a paper, the reading - of whieh i have enjoyed since its firit'publication un tii last Spring. With what eagerness 'I examined it, and with' what satisfaction I found it to be the same old paper that it used to be Row offal:l:have I thought 'Of the Banixer,nnd wondered whether it rej mained the same 1 'Whether those valu:. ahle and `interesting letters headed Lon and signed 3. W' were still tolre found in it. And how pleased was to see' -the saute , familialq-'heading and iliesame :signature attached to just such letters as r t expected toifind, if , I found any, froth him used to be intlebted' to' J. W.' arid the Ban'ner for !ranch (reliable, valuable, and interesting inforna'atioA "from across thee ocean, which rconld never find in the same compass in any other correspondence, or in' any ether paper. Then I- could always rely ion J. W.'s' statements. Not bit that he was liable to be mistaken; but I venture WI say he seldom makes a statement of any' kind that seriously.misleads any one. ~It is' just like him, to say allhe has to say : übout America.; in a few .words, but those few words seem to express as much as,a;veluPe :could do. Then the editorials were, read with,. great interest., And then ; againv I noticed other familiar signatures, as J. ;.4.!:Sic. One article which interested me as. much as any other, was a letter from ` dated Bangkok, Siam, :.Nov.. 4, , '1861; in Which„h,e tells how earnestly-and anxiously the missionaries and other Amer .-leans there look: for the arrival of every mail. Ile speaks sf,tbe sad intelligence of ,• ,the humiliating and ,disgraceful defeat' and panic at Bull Run. , I wish „I was able to convey to ;biuk ~immediately, the Clweringinewo now pouring in every,day." n,This is part 'of Ivglatliur soldier says,ef . . •• , , . . • t .: • . . • .. ••• , PITTSBURGH, SA.TURDAY, NI. ARCH 15, 1862. the ~ B anner. Did I not greatly desire to preserve the papers, I Would continue to send `them; or had I the means,to pay Sur another copy, I should take great pleasure in sending for another one for him. Yours, in haste, E.M.T. Troutlos Missouri [The following from Sparta, Mo., will give our readers alittle knowledge of the troubles of Christian brethren, and help them to appreciate their own hOrne com forts.] DEAR SIR 7,- 7 -The past year has been one of great trial 'in this State, especially to these of us who have had the courage to remain loyal to our General Gevernment. We have passed threugh many difacul , and we do'sincerely hope and pray -we may never have to . experience :the like again. And not only in a political point of view have we had trouble, but also in our church. Our church is but small, only twenty one members, and all have been, and are now, arm friends to. the:cause of 'the Union, and to our beloved General .Assembly. But our misfortune was, last Spring, to employ v a ministeas'Suppiy, who was a Secession ist, both in `regard to our General Govern= ment and to our General Assenably. He preached , ,to us till. November, when we differed so far from him that he had. to leave, and , now we are without a minister to break the Bread of Life to us - , Sand God only knows when we will have another.- -I trust- that in his own good time and way he will send, us a faithful pastor, to keep us from wandering from the fold. What makes this - Cage worse in our view' is, that this' same preacher was born' in Pennsylvania, -and raised in• Ohio, aud.we think that any per son born and raised in those States, with the advantages they afford, both civil and religious, is surely far left to'himself when he will turn rebel to our , common country. But this man's misfortune 'was to' marry a Kentucky lady, with a few slaves, and we supp4e. that accounts for the course he has taken. He has been,in this State twenty years, and has received,-from.the Board of Domestic. Missionsof the times," there be under our , own , Government a vastly larger ,num ber of this class-than there is at present. I have no doubt but that it would greatly redound to the ,good of our Church, and the temporal and spiritual welfare of this population, if 'we could immediately send a number of _missionaries into this'fiebi. Then, our , Stated Clerk of the , Assembly is no longer shall have to select a new Clerk, and,when, selected, he will have a double amount' of labor to perform 'name= ly, tot-bring..up arrears ; -and to di ' scharge present''duty. , 2 .It seems , fitting that the new, occupant rof this 'office should be se lected from. thesame city that furnished his, predecepsor.l The Boards are chiefly here, andthere , the Records have =long , beere -kept, and this will long continue to be a great centre , of action. It is always well to look ahead a:little; and prepare for the faithfurdiechaige' of the duties which will be 'devolved Upon us, and these hints are merely out to further such business. A liliEsuirTMC For the Presbyterian Banner Acknowledgment. MIL EDITOR' e=A love of publicity is •very farlifrom being he cause of a desire to crowd your columns 'with acknowledg ments of 'favors receivedl and were , it; not for the frequency,of inch acknowledg,Ments from other recipientsof the kind attentions '.of their people, I should not intrude. = But equal tokens of kindness deserve, equal thanks; and I think , the iiheraiity , otthe ;good people of the churches of Long's Run 'and Madison aught ..to be .recorded; that others may 'igoland do tlikewise," for those whom God has set over them. The pastor of 'these churches has been the recipient of. numerous marks of kin& ness, during all the time `of . his connemion with them. From< the young ladies :and gentlemen of `Long's Runlhe has received,- among other things?' an elegant family- Bible ; a copy of Spurgeon's, and one of the sermpna of Guinness, and a bea,utifullElymn Book, and from the people, presents too numerous to mention; artiong them maybe mentioned the keeping of his horse r free of charge, during the whole 'Slimmer.. A few weeks ago a delegation from Mad hien took: possession of bis house;arid soon the tables.were covered - with all kin& of good things; while many valuable`presents were left by them, and were rendered still more valiiable by • the cordiality with' which they were given. May the Lord blesg them. all, and -reward.ithem abundantly for their kindness ft WILLIAM DICIiSON, pastor IfousekOltt Etby, BY GRACES GREENWOOD What a joy to htnian eyes,' when it blughs, i when it cries; 'What a treasure,lvhat a prize Is the househola baby! Be its tempeenAmg, falling, Is it cooing, crowing, squalling, . 'T is the same dear, precibus darling-LL Is 'the household baby!' ' "- If the ',scene without be dreary, If the heart within grow 'weary, Baby wakes and all is cheery,— What a rush for'baby Anima's eyes gro7 bright with jey- 7 -, qranclpa laughs, and " grendpa's boy" Gladly leaves his last new toy To play bo-peep with baby! • Sistersirom their music'run, Maud has caught the sweetest:one," Gracebends dowp. girlishfUpp To make a horse fol. Up to every thing we knoiv, Hands and feet'" upanAlie Igo," What tv funny,ereatile thlingh, Is the hbtisehold baby! Bring the puppy anduthe cat, Let her pull, and pinch, and pat;; Puss and pup were' made for that=-LL Made to please the-baby!. Bring that china vase, mamma, Get "the mirror and ; the hammer," Any thing to make a clamor, And:. delight the baby? Let it clang - and clash away, Let it laugh and shout and play, And be happy while it may, Pear, mischievous baby! What a joy to human eyes,' What an angel in disguise, What a treasure, what a prize, Is'tlre household baby!, EUROPEIN COURESPOPIDENCE. Hemorial in honor of Calein—The qpnevese Circ,2l- Zar:-:-D'Atibtine its Author-L-eolonization the Duke of Neweastle—Seinland andTital StatisL ties—A ":cueing" UltramontanistL--Impenitent Rome and Her Fate--4runneries in, En§and„and Kidnapping The Ragged, 4shool Gni*, and Fands—Loccil E f forts and ''.24niversaries= I'Lhe Lord' Hagar d'udge Paiite"' and ' his Erktivb' • LONDOk Feb 15, 1862, , A MEMORIAT., TO CALtilsi, in 11W1:) city, was stigg,ested during the sittina' of the Conference. at Geneva, The idea was received with special lavor. • The following statementds now, I - preSui3M,. Wing circu lated elsewhere, but, my.knowledge of its existence arises from its haiink - appeared in the Banger of Ulster,' as 'addressed to Professor 'Gibson, of the Irish General As seinbly College at Belfast, Doctor ; Gibson anticipates' that the appeal elicit a suitable response of 6,11„1h 2'i♦ heients-4:41;4‘ Reformation in other lands," and that' ";when . when the • time arrives 'for %trying-it into effect, material support will not .% be waiting." The circular is as , f011ows•: GENEVA,- Ja311.1417 2,g,i1802. DEAR. SIA :—There are few things so delightful in Christian' life as the un i on 'of bregren to glo rify their common , either byproelaiming his eternal truth, or by showink their respect for those 'of his servants whore he has honored by making instru.ments of good on earth., A. S. The Evangelical Christians of many djfferent nations, who assembled at Geneva in SePthinber last, rejoiced in feeling the deep amdliving unity which they had, amongst. them, _through Jesus their head,' and they manifested. this brotherly union by voting the adoption of a resolution which proposed the erection of a memorial to the Reformation and toqhe great Refdfmer of Geneva. You may remember, dear Sir, that on Septem ber 6th, the lecturer, whose subject was the Char acter of Calvin, reminded his audience that fin two years and a-half (viz., the, 27th of 'blay', 1864,) the third. centenary of the death of the great ReformerWOAldVccur, and'it was proposed that on that occasion-the blessed work .of the Reformation of the 16th'. century should be called. to mind, and that to 'celebrate it some monitment should be erected to the memory of the great divine who, did so much to restore the pure light of•the 'Gospel to the church. The nature of the monument was not determined, but the general proposition was agreed to by theussen,ably with cordial Unanimity. We need ntit'be surprised at this, for if the Lord cot:hp:Landed his,people "to remember the day in whichlthey came out of Egypt, out of the Jio - use of bondage, for by ,strength of band the Lord brought you out, of this place,"—we should not forget:the days when the Lord brought our fathers out'of the Egyptian bondage of, Rome into the, truth andliberty of the Gospel. It is because they Wetild not forget thoSe days of. deliveranen4hat our brethrenunited with us` in voting tv: memorial to the Reformer ; , and; we should, be happyjo see you, dear Sir, and many other friends, here on the .27th of May, 1864; to . celebrate with us the day on which, as it is aim ply and nobly 'expressed in the registry of, the Geneva Consistory, John Calvin went to God" —this short notice being the only mention made in that document of his death. The commemoration of Calvin's death should not, however, consist only in a meeting of Chrier Ilan brethren; we contemplate something of a more durable character, and which• might be the means of lasting good to future, generations: committee has, therefore, been formed- of minis ters and laymen belonging partlY:to the National Church' and - partly to the Free Church, with the view of Carrying out the 'resolution ef September;' and thie•committee hascommissionedus Wwrite to you, dear. Sir, to ask you to assist- I ns in.this work. , • We" wish, in the first instance, to have our ad vice'wrio -the kind of memorial which it would' be) well' e erect, and also of the use to which it should be assigmed: - • We do not think of erecting a statue; for such.a monument would, have. been. repugnant to .the humble Reformer, who desired 'there might.,Mot. even be an 'inscription on his tend). A friend has , suggested that - the memorial should be ari hospital to be, conducted on Christian - principles, Calvin himself having ',offered 'to preach- to the sufferers in.a Plague. Hospital; but,: besides the expense of erecting the building, there would, be the cost 'of supporting institution,. and we think it better to leave lauch an undertaking to private charity. Our idea would rather. be to , erect, in some °en tral situation,,. a hall for public meetings, and which might also be used for preaching the Gos pel:JO the working classes: Ground rent being high .at Geneva, it was , proposed. to take advan tage of 'the lower story tor school-rooms, , to .ac commodate weekday, Sunday, and evening schools. The building would thus become,. with God's blessing, an instrument of evangelization in the distriet.wheredt wouldtwerected. The site for this building would probably be on the Rive Gauche; at a shomdistance from the short{ distance It, is the part of the town most in need. of such a place of meeting. .on_ - the` facade we , propose Miming an inscription ' ioniethinglike‘the 1 following: • - Elevee a, la memoirs du Refoithateur de Ganeva, 4' ' Jean Calvin; par dos:ehretiens evangeliques de: toutes nations conforinement an 'men exprime gems le§ ponfer T enoes teautes a Geneveien Seilteniber, 1861." dear Sir,, eye us the benefit of your advice i'n this matter;'for, a,s kon"niay -Little. Pilgrim. " Salle de la Rdforation, :perceive, our project is but infancy. Any suggestion's you 'may Offer 'will be welcome, whether with reference to the project itself, or to the best means of carrying it out. Our great Reformer had grace- givenlim to. do. great things for the _benefit of the human race. Calvin held up on high the standard, of the holy • SeriptilieStif God as our ride 'or faith; he sound ed their ;depths, and•dreWfrom them the treasure of the imsearehable riehes:of Christ; he showed in :their unitythe great : doctrines of truth; be was; like, St. Paul,,, the ,preacher of =grace; ,he: 'urged the necessity of individual conversion, and, 'of presenting ourselves a 'living sacrifice, *acceptable unto God ; he tried to unite EVangel idal Christians in the bonds of charity and con cord; and..now,:in the !nineteenth century, the doctrines which he drew from the Scriptures are preached throughout the whOle world ;. who F lave tin:T.:memory cif!Calviii join, in raising an humble monument to him on the ShOres Of the lake wheile he fixed' hiO litrine;itt! ,the footoal the anowy.Alps , Whiek he , gazed! upon! ,with admiration. . !-* May they theiihearletheWords which he so often repeated to his contemporaries --A' No. other •teaqh,ing than that of, the :Word of Gad - No other milli than, those of :the:cross of Christ., ..NO :other - sanctification - tkoit 'thaeof the I Holy Spirit , ,If , these : these great !truths .eottld.le made - to shine in many a hitherto dark place, it ou,;d raisn_aMoriuthenfkOlt*Ouldhavirbeen ' ear to the great Reformer.! nob monuinent. however, does not include the; one we have pro:- posedi'Whichwe desire may become; by the bleal• •sing 9f i Gocl, : the means'of bringing many :to the .knowledge of those ,great „living and, 'nternal truths which Cahill loved. , . Our Geneiese brethren will, we are convinced,' contribute,. liberally: to a .building, which, it is 144 *rill be a work of Tuitional useftilnese; but as . ! England, Scotland; I'faiico, Rolland, Ger many,. and. even India and America, acknowledge Calyinia their teneher, we are,sure they will not ! be backward in- shoivink their grateful reeollec gams Tiflis labors. We .ask of God that, the exefr , cation of the proposition of the 6th' of September imay le to glory, that. it may Strengthen' our love for:the cause_ ofthe .Gospel:and of• thelless“! ed Reformation, and maylm a,means of blessing, i'MtonlY to us, !bit' to the many strangers who malt bur • • =I rpg.sin, ,Sir, T in the bonds of „your faithfurilekviiriLs'aiiit trethi , • !' • MERLE CIYAUBIONA . D,M, . :DUEY PASTE * (IwysiEN, THEOVORE Meiran, Hombre i Consistofrre. Rev. Professer.Gibson, Belfast. be of SerVed that a member of the Established` turch of the Canton of Gene va,' signs this doeurnent. HO is-a `type of the :rising tide, of. Evangelism in 'that old fortress of truth, and ,a pledge and earnest of the day when the. - Cathedral where the Deatorpf the Reformed faith. and as such recognized- and 'hottered in the EngliSh Universities and all over'Europe—Lshall once more,. inspirit ; exercise , a, legal sway 1 . 47 the-pure preaching,of, the Word in the yohle Cathedral which once echoed to his clear voice, and when - a hushed multitude sat at his feet. While Professor Gaussen gives his, riame , and ;approval to the docu ment, I •think it ungnestiona.ble—from in ternal evidence-a-that it was written by D'Aubigne himself, and by, him alone. Those words, so analytical and Aistinctive in their structurc-L-tis the 'essence of Cal virc'e teaching, nail& -that in , Contrast not , with Romanism alone, but witli Lutheran isin and every form of Priestism--" 4Vo other teaching than that of the 'Word of --God ;- - other merits than those O . ' the Cross of Christ; no other sanctification, than that. of ,the Holy Spirit"—how thor oughly do they bring out alike,the style, and the sentiments of the .illustrious.historian, Of the Reformation 1 . And how far 're-' moved from party spirit, is the spirit which breathes throughout the whole document In truth, I am: persuaded that this appeal - will awaken a hearty response,. not from Calviniats strietly,so called, or frOM Pres byterians only, but from EvangeliCal Chris tianS generally. - The proposal, too,is emi nently practical; and the idea of , it gives us n fresh ..glimpseuf the koring, aggressive spirit of,a revived evangelism at Geneva. "A new era in religion" was, inaugurated there—so says a competent witness—hy the Conferenbe". - ' COLOSIZATION has been favorably brought before the pUblie, in connexion with an anniversary bauquet of the Australian As- The oc.casion was.the.7sth anni soeiotion versary of the foundation of the Australian oOlonies. , The Duke of Newcastle, one of the Speakers, remarked- that the Australian ,Ooloniespessessed a population of 1,250,000; and arevenue of the comparatively enormous amount. of L 6,500,000. They carry on. an. export trade which occupies 1,500,000 ton's of shipping, while their imports are viTOrtlf 425,000,000, of Which less than £16000;000' come froth the mailer Colin - try. Within the last - ten years, no less than £lO0 f 000 7 000 worth of gold has been. ex.ported from Australia, and,prinoipally to this country., During ,that ,period, also, the nuMber of acres "under cultivation in those coltinies;Toie iron:1'60,000 to 300,000, and. the export. of wool 'had' increased in value from £800,0,00 to £2,000,000. The Duke concluded by saying that our object was to govern our colonies by affection, and , that hoped that the day Would never come'when 'a single red-coat . shcculd fire a shot, br point a bayonet in. hostility, at any British colonist. - . , VITAL STATISTICS, •as ascertained in Scotland, present that, cOuntry in a: very favorable light., In reference to the pro duetiVenees of marriages, some curious facts have come out 'ln preparing the Giaagew table,nne mother who r was only 18,' had four ohildren,.one who: , was 22 had seven children,,,,and of two who ; were, only 34, one had, thirteen, and the other,fourteert children'; and on the other hand, two wo men beeame mothers.at 51, Rini. at 52, and one in the 57th year of her age. The pro portional- mortality" among women is less than that of men. . . There being no account of religious-pro fession in the Scottish Census, it isworthy of notice that in Scotland in .185 . 6, of which the records are' now furnished, out off every' hundred marriages, forty-seven were celebrated. by clergymen of the Es tOlighed :Church ? twenty-two by the: Free Church, ,fourteen by the 33. P. Church, nine by the R. C. Church, not quite two by the Episcopal Chiirch. These numbers are considered`by many as roughly to-indi cote the proportion of the 'population at tached to each denomination. However, the non:Chure,h going ,population are nom inally reckoned as belonging to the Estab lishment, and' just like a similar' class in England, they go the Parish Chitral. to be married;, Wlie.rea.s the' :bona fide' people of - the Free and IT. P. Churches, go to their, " own ministers." In English parishes,. there is many a man who could say (as has been said ere m:4O haid never been at Church but twice in `illy ilk—once to be ehriatened, and , nektA to be ~married,;"• and 'then be at:Ms ; shall. be, there .Iwhen am burned. . Rethrning to. the Scottish statis'ties, it appears that in eleinentari' iducatioL, 'Sea. WHOLE NO. f 494. land is ahead of England-88 per cent. of the men married,, and 76 per cent. of the Wome zi were able to sign the Register. In one year, besides ethigration beyond seas, a number.as large as about 13,000 left Scot land for England and. Ireland. "Jaw Northern neighbor," says the Times, "sends us in this immigration, many .cool, clear heads; she can boast and prove by tables and returns, that brain diseases are' very much less prevalent and. fatal in Scotland than in England-- 7 -a,fact of which it would be, interesting to know the cause. The in-, habitants of towns in Scotland, are cut off by hibercular diseases, in twice the propor tion of those in- the' country, a circum stance which seems to favor the doctrine that they, are diseases of debility and, im perfect assimilation. . Of the excessive mortality,of towns beyond that of the ru ral districts, nearly half occurs among 'in ' fants under five years old." ' ' , CURSING is one of the animal pastimes —on Maiiiitly-Thursday—by His H.olinegs the Pope, and anathema sit has been ever 'lace the Council 'Of - Trent—VT even .ear, lier—a watchword of, the system. But one of the newest and most bitter bits, of mirk 1, - ng, is that just emitted froni the fultnina-c tint manufactory of M. Louis Venillot, formerly editor of the`- now suppressed Univers. << He is a kind of demoniac Ultra montanist, and so in two volumes which he entitles " The Perfume of Home," (in this case the fragrance is very supper-like,) lie comes - forth with 'maledictions of extraor dinary fierceness.= As to Cavour, he was not merely, amoral monster, but a.physical one. His head, his features, his bust, his legs, his spectacles are mocked at, and Piednioitt is sufficiently punfshed for its crimes; by haVing- his'statue on her soil. But the person on . whom he empties the full vials of his wrath, is Father Passaglia, who as you are aware, has published a work roving that the temporal power, is net` a clOgina 'of the Church. When he Speaks - of the - learned Josuit,/ie gets be side himself mid. 'raves like a maniac : " But here," cries, ," is • the .real in famous wretch, in comparison with whom all, others seem innocent. Here is the, monster more formidable than fire, worse than the 'Pagan, and the renegade. This is the priestly enemy of the Oharch; the 'parricide, the Judas, still. wearing, the robe of the Apostles; hi,s mouth. still full of the Divine myStery. Infamous wretch we , will not despise you; whatever the paltri ness of your mind, crime is in your heart, and this crime is too great. May: you be accursed for this crime of your: heart; may you. be, accursed of, the people you have scandalized; may you be accursed by the astOnishelf priesthood throughout the world; may the 'Bishop who ordained you 'curse his hand ;' may you be cursed in heaven ! Accursed be you, sacrilegious priest; pro faner of the altar, abominable parricide, violator of the most sacred oath—all that you have betrayed, 'ten` times over. It is of you it has been said,- ' It hadheen good for that man,. he had , a:lot-been horn.' If you don't-.repent; may--God count your steps in, the path of evil,, and not, forget, one of them ! May he accumulate upon you the lOad and the infection of the sins `which you cause to be Committed, and of those which you may have remitted ! May all thehlessings which' you have received, and which you have repudiated, turn ag,ainst you! May they fall heavy on you; may they crush you like a sacrament of Satan ; may the holy ointment burn 'you; may it burn your hands held for the gifts of the, impious (Victor .Emmanuel and his alleged bribes.) "May it burn your forehead; round' which the light of the Gospel was to have beamed—that forehead which has conceived felon thoughts:! May your stained robe become a robe°Afire, and may God refuse' you .a .single tear to temper its fierceness I And may your stole be to your neck as the 'millstone to the neck of Babylon, flung intb the pool of sulphur ! t !" Imagine. old Pius; Cardinal Antonelli, (perhaps he, will ,/augh and. sneer—infidel and -sensualist as he is,) Wiseman and Cul len, et hoc genus amaze, crying " Amen" to this! How Christ-likehow ?ea the Apostolical succession here'indicated! To " call, down fire from, heaven."—Leuch is the spirit of Rome. " The Son of Man is not, come to destroy men's, lives, but to save," is the watchword, of the Gospel. Clear it, is, Ist. - That Rome would burn her ,ene- Imes if she dare. 2d. That she is in, a great frightHlear begets .hate—sees her hour approaching, and . feels the rumbling beneath that tells of subterranean fires, that morally shall make her ,another,Pom pcii. 3d. That she will die with Curses in her mouth—semper eaclem—cursing to the last, even while she shall perish in her guilt;-"'and- when the true Babylon, with the real judicial " millstone," 'shall be sinking into , !‘ the pool of sulphur," her lips, to the last, and until her gurgling hate shall•be drowned in extinction, shall blaspheine - God, and impudently Curse her triumphant and jubilant foes. But surely there is another kind of 'solemn supplica tion, calling down jtidgment on system, not men—" So let thine, enemies perish, ,0 Jehovah P' while we add, "Let them that love thee'be'like the 'Sun, when he shineth in 'his strength'" ' , `NuNNERIES in England are fast multi plying, and more and more is 'it evident that women whose,superstitious fears have .been .wrought, upon:-so as to enter these. places, regret too ,late the stcp they have taken. Like the prisoned bird, the- cry of many a heart is, "I cannot get out." Mr. John Macgregor, (well known as one of the Honorary , . Secretaries•of the Protestant Alliance, and who , some -time ago met a kind welcome at Philadelphia and, else where In the United ,Sa,tes,) in a recent speech at Upper' Holloway, gave'some pain, fully interesting information on this sub ject. Ile here read an extract from an affidavit made by a' ; nun; showing the in dignities ,and cruelties to which. she h4d been subject:ed. A, friend of, his had a sister in a 'nunnerY, and as penance, .she had- to kneel down before a shrine of the Virgin three times arday; and lick the floor .with .her tongue, The, object ; the, priests :have in view is to break their spirits—to crush them— . So that they might be bent as, i theY pleased Kidnapping`is also practiced. ' 'lt appears that eyery.convent in England bawa corL responding.-..numb.er.oin France, so thatiwhert a, stir is, made, about a nun, she-is imme diately sent abroad. _There aiielipw. -0 , Inindred mid;SiitY-tim i ninltiqi. , il' 4 .- 1 . 3 4 land; brit' 'ad years" tie 'ffiel'e eie i v fifty.' "IP the French," t silfit il'r: az greger, , 4 P fdund it heceasary to - =prevent I= TB3 PRESBYTERIAN BANNER 4,42MtTE BUILDINGS, 84 Frrra Plitataracar PA. PI3IIA.IOELMUA.. 00078-WEST 00E. 07 7.10 AND 071118.11 flit EMI A Square,. ( . 8 lines or leas,) ono insertion, 80 cents; each subsequent insertion, 40 cents; each line beyond eighty.. cts Square pek quarter, $4.00; each line additional, 38 cents • A REDLIOTITT made to advertisers by the year. - BUBDIESS NOTICES of TIN lines or lees, $l.OO each - ad• ditional line, 10 cents. kidnapping, surely the English ought to do so too. ' ZAGGED SCHOOLS continue to do a great work in the metropolis: The Lord Mayor took-the- chair 'at a recent meeting in Upper, Holloway. The speech of the evening was that of Joseph Payne, Esq. In the "morning, as a Deputy Judge, he may have . sentenced 'a thief or a coiner— born;too early for:Ragged School training —to imprisonment;. in the evening, with his ,corrugated face, and his small gray eyes radiating " fun " and kindness, he thus entertained and instructed the com pany No doubt therwere acquainted with those in dia-rubber figures which might be pulled out as long as Don Quiiote or compressed as flat as a Dutchman. He was something like that, for he could make either a long or short speech. He would he like the Dutchman, however, and give them a short ,speech.- ,was very glad to see the Lord Mayor and Mr. Sheriff Twentyman here, and. he was very glad' to see himself. (Laughter.) The Lord Mayor had his jewels on, worth ever so much money, and Mr. Sheriff Twentyman bad-his gold chain, but .he (Judge Payne),was better'decorated' than any of them, for he had on his Whitechapel waistcoat. (Cheers.) This waistcoat was made and given to, himby eighteen ragged boys, taken out, of the streets, and taught the, art of tailoring. (Ap plause.) He thought nothing of those who paid large sums to West-end. tailors, when he had his East-end waistcoat on.. (Hear.) There was one thing about this waistcoat, too, which made it peculiarly_ fitted;. for ragged, school work—it was the same inside and out. If he were to turn the waistcoat' they would not know the difference, and if it were proper, he would take off his coat and show them. (Laughter.) , The Lord Mayor was like his Waistcoat—the same inside and out —(hear)--and so was Mr. Sheriff Twentyman—. the sheriff with the ungrammatical name. (Laughter.) He supposed, however, that it meant the Sheriff was only one man but he was as good as twenty. ; (Applause.) Ragged school work was-- They must reach down to the children in order to teach them, and, as Lord Aberdeen said, they must 'never use eixp'enny words in addressing children when fourpenny ones would do. (Rear.) And then they must preach to them, and beseech them to, payiattention to what .was said. Then in the work they must— Feel humility, and Sink gentility. They must "feel -humility " in ragged school work, and ".sink, gentility," and it would be a good thing if the ladies took, off their crinolines. (Much-daughter.) The children were to be taught— - The - children should be taught to "think of God's look." God was everywhere, and had his eye eveiywhere, and could see the smallest child in the darkest corner. (Applause.) Then they should be taught to "read in God's book," to be-. come acquainted with his Word, and to "act as God's lewien," for many of these children had been the means of bringing much good into their homes. ,(Applause.) Then they should "seek for God's heaven," which was to be found in the Bible; and it would make them happy in this world and in the world to come. As the savage said, when asked what' religion was, "It is some thing good heie," putting his han on his heart, and " something better up there," pointing up ward. .(Applause.) What did the ragged school work do ? It ,does a patriot's duty, It shows a Christlike beauty, It 'saves the 'nation's treasure, and It gives the angels pleasure. The first two he would say nothing about. It "saves the nation's tree sure," for if there were more Ragged Schools they would not want, po licemen and judges. (Hear.) Then it " gives the angels pleapure." They were told that there was joy in: heaven over one sinner that repented. What , joy must there be, therefore, among the angels at the number brought into heaven through the agenoy of Ragged Schools. (Applause.) 'agged Schools carried. on,a work of— Mollification, Qualification, Ratification, and Gratification. " Mollification "—The work melted and softened the hearts of the 'children. Two boys in going to school had to pass a very fierce dog. The animal barked at them, and would not let them pass. The biggest of the boys got a stick, but this only further enraged the dog. The smallest boy had not yet finished his breakfast, and had got a hunch of bread in his hand, and he threw a piece to the dog. The animal immediately ceased barking, and after receiving another piece allow ed the little boy to pat. him. The other boy then threw away. the stick, and they were able to pass the dog ever afterward:. without fear. Kindness mollified the dog, and so it was with these children —their hearts were mollified or softened by kindness. (Applause.' Then it was a work of "Qualifica tion," for the children were qualified for situations, and taught habits of industry and punctuality. Punctuality was a great thing. • There was a boy named Billy,,who was very punctual, and was al ways at the school in time. One morning ho rushed in just as the door was closing for prayer. After prayer a tap was heard at, the door, and a little girl put in her head and said,. " Please, sir, here's Billy's shirt." ( Much laughter.) Billy would • not wait for, the shirt for fear of being too late for the school, sp his mother sent it after hiin. Billy was determined to be punctual, and he no doubt turned-out well, for punctuality was at the foundation of all good. (Hear, hear.) Then it was a work of "Ratification"—it ratified and and confirmed the children in their good habits. (Hear.) And it was awork of. "Gratification;" it - gratified both the teachers and the children. All parties, rioh and poor, combined in this good work. (Hear.) At this, meeting they had the Laid - Mayor at the top, and the ragged boy at theliottcint. (Applause.) This reminded him of the, picture of the " economical' dog "—a dog with his tail in his mouth. And why an econom ical dog - ? because he made both ends meet. (Laughter.) • Then "giving.thanks." They gave thanks to Him from , whom all blessings came. (Applause.) Every nne should assist those who labored in: this work, aid Bid them God speed, Copy their creed, Follow their lead, and Give to their need. They, should "bid them God speed,': and they did so by ,coming to this meeting, and encourg . ing them by "their presence: "'(Heer.) Then they should copy their.crded,r-whichwas, "There's none too bad to mend.", (Hear.) A lawyer was told that 'the authdrities - were going to put a man in the ' stocks. " They 'can't do it,' said the lawyer, but they did do it. People said they could 'not make any impression on ragged boys, but.they. had done it, and could show the -fruits of their labors, Then they should " followtheir lead " Lfollow their example, and " Give to their need." , The Bishop of Halloway, lady named Bishop, who is Secretaryd ( laughter, ) had brought an account-book, and no doubt she would be happy to' receive subscriptions for the enlarge ments of ,the infant school :, (Applause.) Two elegantly dressed ladies visited a Ragged School arid piit'nothing in the box. Two plainly dressed ladies followed them, and put something in. "Do you see that, Bill ?" said a boy. The first were artificial ladies, while` he others were real ladies. (Laughter.) Harvey stated-that: there were twenty ladins i to-one gentleman at this 'meeting, and he ( Judge Payne) trusted that they were real ladies - and' not = artificial ones. (Applause. ) Judge Pane concludedwith the customary tail piece, liiill,6sBth production, and resumed. his . seat 'athid kpplause: Varied ''are 'the - 'gifts of -God's' servants. Thriee. happy- each who ILSW his' own 'gift'. fon , theoDivute glory. . . !1s: ITTIALat, lath tasted ; lie of §irt wilcfeqr.to rill, lie t 1 t=l fe.li j ilettArietrtes ni4roy will fear to of fend it..-07tarn6a,.'" Publication Office :4 ADVERTISEMENTS. TERMS IN ADVANCE . DAVI,Irci.VKIINNEY & CO., - PROPRIETORS ARE PIIRLISSLERS Reaching and teaching, Preaching and beseeching To think of God's look, To read in God's book, To act as God's leaven, and To seek for God's heaven.