VrtshOrian Xininta. til i tB'll l olKlN, SiVIRLDAY, JANUARY 18, '1862. litstbflAion 'bf Dr. Jacobas.-1 1 / 4 his oc %burred, 'as appointed, on Tuesday evening. Rev. Dr, 1 - Rl4/ARD, in absence - of - Dr. Er, wont, *cached the sermon Mid delivered the Adige to 'the pastor; Rev. Mr. LEA de- Ilivered the Charge to the people. The %church was 'crowded, and a close attention was given to the exercises. The prospects .of the congregation are very fair. Bow , They .ho ; Things in Chicago.—The Wabash Avenue Methodist church in Chi cago, is One of the most elegant churches belonging to that denomination in this. 'countr,y. Like some other churches it:had a heavy debt resting upon it. nut on the fourth:Sabbath of last month, after a ser mon by 'tamp. SimpsoN, the Congregation in a few minutes wiped out the entire float ing debt, amounting to the sum of-$25,000 I !The moral to be drawn from this is, that 'there are but few churches so encumbered with debt as to, be unable to tree themselves 'by a united effort. Our European Correspondent, this week, almost excels himself. His remarks on the death of the Prince Consort, and relative to the Queen and the Royal family, are pa triotic, emotional, and evangelical. His no tice of the views and feelings of the Chris tian, middle classes of England, who depre cate a war with the United States, will be read with deep interest, and will tend to soothe the excited emotions of our people. The London Times, and other party politi cal journals, are no more the.people of Eng land, than the New-York Herald, Tribune,