Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, January 11, 1862, Image 1

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    WKINNB t 4. ..:r.ALUM*
Editors and Proprietors.
TAR M. 50.1 N, , ,AJ) VA NOE.
Small Buneantrrtont 01.50
DZolani 1.25
ItVIIJD mums bit %hi ...... 2.00
Two Doitas, we will send by mail aliment./ number
*or OKI", MAR, thirty-tbree numbers.
' , Amore len as ,tul 1112:111'ellbeerlbers and upwards, will
tberebY entithei,t o u , PaPer without charge.
on wale shoold oe prompt, a little before the yeat: expires
Band payments by hands, or by mail.
West ols letter. to DAVID WILINNEY & CO..
Pittsburgh, Pa.
What I Live For.
br O. LINN:Mee liittrite.
I live, for thope who love me,
'Whose 13earte are kind and true;
PM. the heiVen that smiles above me,
AiniLawnits my spirit too ;
Fox ull.human ties that bind me,
iqr the task by. God assigned me
YqfAhe bright hopes left behinctrae,
And the good that I can do, ;
live to learn their story,
Who've suffered,for My sake;
: emulate their glory,
And, follow in their wake: -
Bards, patriot*, murtyrs, sages,
Thernoble .of all,ages,
Wheso deeds.orown ilistoiy,'s j pages,
And Time's great, volume make.
I live to - hold communion
With that is pivitto ;
TO Tea there is a union
'Twist Nature's heart and mine ;
To profit by affliction,
Neap truths from tieldaof fiction,
Grow wiser from conViction,
And fUltil each grandlesign,
liVertOLlMilthat Sefton,
By-gifted minds forotold,
When man shall live , by reason,
And-riot alone loy gold;
When man to man united, •
And every wrong thing righted,
The'whole'ivorld shall be'lighted
As Eden was of old.
"Jive for_ hose 'me,
Ror those :who know me true;
Portholes-yen-that smilesiaboveme,
And•aw . o.itomy spirit toe;
For •the , oatteethat htelre•iissistance;
For ttieirrong that needs resistance,
Fdrsthi ftiture in-the distance,
ifkitkilhe 'good that'l can do.
Nor the Preebytexien Banner.
A Life,
14 -I will not , spend this, year as I have
spent tlke last' one." Thua has many a soul
resolved` al the commenemart of a new
- year. In how many instances has the reso
lution been kept ?
Chriitian reader, will you spend the year
Upon which you have entered as you spent
the last year ? Do you ,not need a new life
for'the new year ? Will you not resolve,
bY the help of God's Spirit, to lead a new
Does not God require it of you? Does
he 'mot require you to seek first the king
dom of. God and his• righteousness_? Have
you, .during the entire year that is past,
song ht first the kingdom of God ? His it
been youx aim every day, nnd every hour to
beeome'holy ? Have you 001 times, and
in every, action, sought to please God'? been 18' earnest in your efforts to
make othern happy, and'to promote their
saltoation; as Christ would have you to be ?
Have you prayed as much and as fervently
as it has been your privilege and duty to
do ? Have you made all possible progress
in the divine. life ?
If .not, then you need to enter upon a
different. coin* of action—upon a new life.
God requires it of you; and `that is a reason ,
which ought to have the greatest possible
weight , with you.
Your-profession of attachment to Christ
requires 4it. By becoming a member of the
Church, you have professed to give your
self wholly, to Christ. Yon have professed
to recognize the truth of the Div ine decla
ration., ." Ye are not your own, ye are bOught
with a price:" Has there not been, during
the past yeari'a great want of consistency
bet Ween your 'profession and your practice?
Has there' been, in your conversation, in
your mode of transacting business, in =your
general bearing, that which would lead
men to recognize you as Christ's man ? as
one who was doing his work ? Has any
one 'said of you, on .se'ein,c , you at thecorn
xnunion. table, " I did not know that he was
a professor of religion:?' . " Have you ne
glected the -meeting for social prayer ?
Have you loft' your pastor to do the work
of the Lord alone.?
The answer you may be constrained to
give•to some of these questions may Skov
t &it your professionuf attachment to Christ
idquires you to enter upon a new life.
' Again, your past life` may not have been
Satistitatory to you. Airas there been an
alacrity in doing duty _which has rendered
your life `joyous ? Have you had that peace
of mind, that confidence'in Gad, that look
ing forward to your " happy home," that
consciousness of thelove of God shed abroad
in the soul, which the 'Bible speaks of, and
which you know some 'Christians experi
ence? If not, your life hits been far from
satisfactory to yourself, and has I , isome far
short of pleasing God. You need to enter
upon a new life.
It is possible for you to enter upon a new
life. The means of so doing are still.with
in your .reach. Christ is waiting for you -to
do so. 'f be Holy Spirit will aid you. Form
the solemn, life-influencing, life-enduring
resolution, to= enter upon a new life with
the now year.
From week to week we will endeavor,
withy God's blessing, to furnish some sug
gestionslvhich may aid you in living a new
To the Soldiers, on Preserving Health,
Every patriotand =philanthropist will re
joice,at every effortto preserve your lives.
Bram fatigue, and , exposure, and climatp,
you , are especiallyliable ;to disease. Such
of you. as may read .the following sugges
tions, Will lend them, to, your comrades.
Yon will particularly remember the poor
soldier, who marnot have friends to send
some, comforts for thwbbdy, nor any
thing for his mind.
Let me tell you, noble soldier, that
almost all diseases are caused by o a,cheek of
perspirotion and want of action on the skin
to, whichyou are peculiarly liable. Atten
tion .to prevent this, may not overcome.ex
cesses in eating and drinking,. and wrong
indulgences; but if you will deny yourself
of these, and if you can attend to outward
heat and action on the Skin, you will or
dinarily, by the blessing Of Providence,
escape sickness..
, 1. Then let your body, and especially
your.,back, be well rubbed with a, rough
eloth r morning and 'evening, preceded oc
casionally by water applications; butalways
leave it dry, and red with heat.
2. If overtaken with chilliness, hasten
to this :operation, and to heating yourself
and lying with the feet to the fire or fur
nace. If'costivelia piece of rhubarb in the
toot, as large as a bean ; or gentle physic
may by next day-set you right. *lf there
is a coated tongue and fever, if you can,
call your surgeon; but not without using
outward means, frequently. A large num
ber of physicians make the stomach-the
only battle-ground against disease,
3.. If you are elided with diarrhea or'
fl.yseritar,y, destroy the inirit.ediate cause of
at, by using one-fourth of tea-spoonful or
pore of good soda, in water ,• or, if it is not
at ,hand, take your best woncrash'es and`pour
- onbiat water, and drink the lye off in half
feibtfpfilils frequently, and sufficiently
VOL' X.. NO. 'l7.
strong to taste it. If there, is &tendency
toward typhoid fever, or •continned dyeen
tery,.Whioh you can partly tell by the dry
ness of the tongue and:disobier of the head,
, with -some sourness of the =stomach, often
;known as heart-butot,t still 'ase 'the. soda!, or
lye, witla theontwarimeans r and;keep quiet
and lie with, something .warm`to your feet,'
whatever else may bp done. You might
have sent you, in a tetter, to have on hand
in ease of absence from --a phyairain;-five
grains of Sulphate of Morphia; which,
though appearing.sinalkwould maketwenty
„doses when divided. One r or. -two, or.three
, of these,,four honrs.-apart, ; might stop the
bowel complaint and lease4pain. Use it, no
longer than is necessary, and be• careful not
to , shut ,up and acrid matter. By a
pill or two of,Nue, mass,. or two or three
doses of calomel, ,A few hours apart, each,
two grainsoihink would'be about the size
of a small pill, (and with which should,be•
combined the one-quarter of a grain 'of
Morphia, if the bowel complaint continues,)
you may carry off fetid matter ; also, by
using, some hours afterwards, about a table-
Spoonful of magnesia ' •or that much :of
castor oil. - But much ,physic will bring
back the distress. , such a case 'your
1 drinks should be warm„ and made of slip
, pery , elm, sassafras-pith, barley or :rice
water. In, theabsence of ground, mustard,
you can have applied to your stomach and
bowels,' hot ashes, salt, or flannel. The,
cleansing of the 'tongue will show that
calomel is nolonger lamasery. After the
disease is removed;the stomach may be
strengthened"-by the use ,of, wild chery
tree bark, water, a n d ,y• atill be sweetened
with soda or weak , lye ;; but, avoid the
ler's pies, and other indigestible food, or
you will soon be worse than ever.
4. Colds and coughs should be early in
tercepted by Using the outward meansmen
aimed, and if bilious, a little gentle physic.
Y e ur fellow-soldiers-can 'scatter a pleurisy
by continued rubbing ;before the fire. If
you have liquov,,orly use it en the outside,
by 'heating it:in a little cup, and then set
it on fire and stand over it, surrounded with
nothing but your blanket, till you begin to
sweat. If you • sweat much, at any time,
remember to'have your skin dried and ex
cited before, yon, rise ago out. Adapt
your clothing to.the changes, of the weather.
Do not atand, or, sit, in a draft of. ind after
sickness or sweating.
5. Officersand cavalry soldiers eanpro-
Met their feet. from,•frost and , cold rains by
using the wooden 'atirrtipmiith strong leath
er tacked' over' it; so - as te:sereen the toes
above 'and below, The,:iorepart,of a:large
overshoe sewed , and attached to the stirrup
also prevents the Toot Tram; remaining' in it
in ease of accident. •
6. The" 'celebrated - Bnarliam spoke, of
things, as • essential to. health-!—& :cool
head, regular digestion, and warm:, feet. , I
add another*" godliness.". It, 'has "'the
promite of the life that now is," by con- .
trolling the appetites and Passiena, and
giving an intelligent, cheerful mind while
seeking to maintain,the, life of the nation
and to secure benefits for posterity. It will
eaable -the soldier to die in peace for 'his
cottatry,as did:the'Scotehnian at the battle
Waterloo. . Wing .Inertnlly ; Wounded, he
asked to have his finger.placed on the text,
John xiy 27—" Peace I leave with you ;
any peace I give unto you;" &c.—and he
deputed in peace.
/a conclusion, let me add that Dr. Hall
has published, . at. 'V' Irving- -Plage,' New
lork, a little volume for .soldiers—teaching
how to guard against - prevalent diseases;
containing a system of camp cookery; with
devotional reading, information 'or,State
affairs, Stc.—Tor 26 repute, post paid, and as
low as 10 cents where a number are= taken.
By all means, send for it, for know the
author to be every. way worthy, as 'an in
structor in his profession. S.a.T.
P. S.— Obtain from . the Presbyterian
Board, at. Philadelphia, ,No. 821; Chestnut
Street, the "`Soldiers' Series," for 10 cents.
For the Preibyterten }Urine
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108ORPIA utgaspompipt,
Imaumetem gone OP INTERNATIONAL' , Pmez—Parass MART
not, Kw tEsurnme , Han.--Tam Lanz MEM, AND
litz.rdso** -- " Tax LorpoN AlpuraaAN"--:•PEassym ON. Tas
Lp~oanra &# B7ll- 7 - A LoWDON oAmr. O#7I!ISTICSIS
MN Or "TED MOWER EJECTED MuosTsas ,1602:—DR.
lamer l'aucosoazosz BDUCATIOICIIC nue .E.NenanTinviat-
Bffaa — PA RTI A L , EuRF P ?", NB 7 D " O33IOuW TPW A:43I43AL
LONDON, Dec. 12, 1861
MORN •CHEERFOLRESS,• as to the•preserva
tion of international peace has been felt
durin&the presentweek, even althongh it
is, impossible for us to know, for at least a
fortnight ,what reception :has ; been given . k;y -
President .Lincoln to the request ()tate
English Gabinet. If the great middle
class—the ,religions, flu:T . odd7, earnest :
men, who do not in America seek or take
seats in the Itni.ted,States Legislature ; be-
Amuse they will not stoop, toflatter •tile low
est of the population in, great:towns—were
to decide this matter, it is felt.and believed
here, there would be . but‘one issue. The
Ames' correspondent • at Washington says,
that .General WilelJan unaoubtedly dis
approved of the seisare of the . " Commis
, sioners, i '_ so-ealled. Rat he thin•ks their
the Lincoln Cabinet yield, it,will bretaknp
the Republican patty. Nevertheless the
.funds and shares have. experience.d au up
,ward rebound, and time itself, 'ander ; a nier- T
()Kai Providence, will, I trust, lead to the
effectual =healing of breaches, without the
terrible resort to• the sword. .The threats
of-,represented by the New-York.
Herald have compelled the Government,
hereto take niituiiires - for the strengthening
of Canada, so that , ,all this week and last,
preparations have - been active, and the
Persia and Austriddlici, with three other
vessels, clear speedily `ivith. soldiers of the
line, artillery, men, large guns, and also
with a great number, of - slitiges, for convey
ing men over the ice, if required. For
myself, I am no prophet; lint' While:greatly
cast ,down atftret; I now cheerfaill3r antici
pate a happy deliverance to - both countries
from the awful-gulf into .which they seemed
about to be pluilged. Depend oporr it,
,neither, Lords Palmerston, norcßuaseLde
sired war; and a great commercial nation,
thatihas•Already suffered so much , from the
American crisis in matters of trade, shrank
back from-the.dread alternative of; a drug
.gia, the end of which would be destructive
to very many; as to their earthly substance.
A, prayer, meeting has .been held in Ex
eter Ilall---convened by the Evangelical'
Alliance, 'to ask from Almighty God the
blessing of continua peace. It is be
lieved that about the time united ,and
earnest supplications,were ascending, the
news from England would reach Washing 7
ton. - God grant thatfall our fears may be
averted, and that marvellous things, which
we knew not of, may. une xpectedly appear
for 'the reestablishment of peace in Amer
ica, the arrest of the terrible 'waste of war,
and the downfall of oppression over any
portion, however despised or.degraded, of
the human family am well persuaded
that the American .Ambassador here . is
segarded'irith the grecitost respeckAid es
teem, 'and , that he is in tie kindly inter
ehange oflrank and. daily . communication
:with Earl`Russel. - There 'is it-new paper
published The' lionclan Averir
Can, Which',l grieve to say, indulges very
much in the style of the Herald, and en ,
d'orsea' !the- violent letters :and speeches of
Mr. George - Francis. Train, whose street
railway system has,' been partially intro
duced amongst uti. Those who'4)reach
violent-measures atm& a crisis7are deep
ly YesPonsible. Our prayer shouldeverbe,
if Scatter Thou. therpeople who 'delight in
war I" The contagien, of war .feeling
npreads quickly and Widely;
. and it all the
more' behooves' Christian men to' be gentle
in 'their 'utterances, 'and fervent in their
The pressure on the -manufacturing pop
ulation increases in the =North and :Midland
counties. It is •a great, mercy that the,
weather has .been comparatively -mild ; but
even with this; hunger and cold, from lack
of wages, vial urge numbers-especially
in Liverpool,:and in Lancashire and other
counties. The 4fanchester. Guardian last
week presented a tabular statement of the
; of employment in -the cotton
districts. The returns are from- ,233
nulls, ordinarily, emPleying '266,507 opera
tives,and the result 'shown is a reduction
of 84 per cent. in the workinglonra. , The
,total number of employed = 266,507 ; of
; unemployed, 26,094. At' Christmas, .it is
said, the rate of employment will decrease
fifty Per cent: Indeed,, many firms con-
I.templated stopping far a clear mOntli.
Others will limit the cessation to aiveek.
A CATTLE SHOW on a vast scale has
'been held" =this week at • theltaker - Strect
=Bazaar. 'The= , stands -provided , this year
tamounted tomeasly one thousand. ,Among
the competitors 'for prizes are the Prince
s e
Consort, a n d the. Prince of Wales. This is
an annual exhibition at this season' - of the
year. The" - cattlei-Sheep; logs,-&c:, -come
.froirt allparts . of•Greatßritaitr. - The Show
:is 'something
~marvellow—in enormously
fat oxen and, swine 'especially. Thousands
pay their shillings for three successive
4ays, to viei'the great collection of hi incg
Creatures whichwithin the neat fortnight
will-be all gobbled'up in the'Chriitmasies
tivities ,of -London! and its suburbs. -...blext
Week we shall .see the ,dead meat hung ,p.p
buteherk doors, Rdcirned with ribhkrks,
and the amount 'of pike money (where'ox
or sheep has been bought and duly
,tieketed thereon. :Now Also sets in the
stream of-turkeys, geese, and other peul
try,,lrom rural•districts 7 ---all in,preparation
for the approaching holidays.
- T.44 ,NONCONFORMISTIS" : are making, spe
cial•preparations to, celebrate the • Bicenten
ary day of the ejectment of two thousand
ministers (by the 'poising of the Act of
Uniformity,) from , the Ohurch of England.
I have been 4ately 'reading a," History-of
the Church England, by the Rev:3)r.
Short. It was written when he was Rector
of the Parish' df d ßlOomsbirg, London. He
is' noir-the aged BiShop'uf St: AeoplOn.
Wales. He is a candid writer, and plainly
and honestly6acknowledges i the wickedness
of the conduct of the Churchmen of_
seventeenth : century, in that' they Made
stringent requirements for the purpose of
driving out the Puritan' clergy. At the
Autumnal, meeting ofithe Congregational
Union,, held in October at Birmingham, a
resOlution was Tossed to the effect tha% the
24th of August, 1.862, was "deemed a most
suitable oppOrtunity for commemorating
,the= zeal, self , denikl, and , consiAtency of
those noble whom the Noncon-
fortuity of this, and every subsequent age
is, and will be, indebteik, and in magnify
ing the grace of - God in their high, 'con
scientious littaeliment , to :truth . and free
,dom.". The Union also recommended that
dile, preparation sheuld be made .for the
Observance if the day; that sermons shall
he preached in ' all the places of worship ;
that efforts shauld4,be made in the 'parishes
formerly occupied by ejected ministers, .to
gather up • such particulars of their histo
ries as are, likely to he =instrumental in re
viving the spirit which'they displayed. It
was' also agreed to, 'that attempts - be made,
'by prompt - and -timely measures ) , to origi
nate new and additional chapels. in the
theof, large populations, to perpetuate
the memories of. men who, by their suffer
ings and zeal, secured to their' descendants
the liberties now-so happily enjoyed.
The Congregational Union also contem
plates, besides % the = raising of funds to
build fifty new chapels, to make a special
effort to. raise a large additional...sum to
that "Pastors' *tiring Fund " which was
originated 'two or three years ago. It is
also urged- that the 'standard of 'ministerial
income should be raised, if not-by a common
Sustentation Fund, at least by other united
action, so. as- to.seenre a decent.competence
to the humblest. pastor. I should..rejoice
with All Myliesrt if this last were indeed
accomplighed.- 'The condition of sorne3Dis
senting pastors: is. truly lamentable...
Da. late Principal of the In
dependent College at Manchester,,and edi
tor of " The. British Quarterly"—a manef
great talent t s,and learninglelivered a no
ble, address at, the. Birmingham meeting, of
the Congregational Ilium, Calmness,
force, dignity, 'solemnity, and masculine
eloquence, distinguish thisspeech, It pros
duced profoundimpresvien. In reference
to the tyranny that led ,to the ejection, of
1662, he, referred,to,,the warning of Crom
well to disputing sects : " If you wrangle,
you' be throat to the wall. Charles
Stuart will come back, and youwilljallthe
left to .feed :upon ,your. little"crotchets as
you beat may, ar4 very sorry provender
you will find, it, I warrant 0114 As to
the course of oppression by the eaclesias
tical rulers.ancl the-politicians of -the same
school, in power, I).r. Vaughan . said :
" What was the course they did taker.
They not only decided that all which had
been most objectionable to the Puritan
Ministers under Elizabeth and James,
Should' be retained,•-biat ainichit the man`y
little changes introduced; neatly everything
.was on the Anti-Puritan side. Nor was it
-enough that these things should be retain
ed,und presented• so .as .to be enforced.
Men were requested not simply to prouiise
that they -woUldf observe 'the things pre
scribed, hut 'to express - opinions •coneerii
ing' them. I suppose we all of us-have,mire
or less, to conform to•things whic we
should not ourselves have originated. I
apprehendt that Whim: a' thoughtful mail
connects himself 'with - any religious' body,
he-finds somethings there which he'-would
nothave placed ',there. takes.his
,ground from a regard, to the .great princi
ples which he finds there, and. which, he
really approves. And so the Church, of
his choice;is such, not4ectuie it is in all
respectsjust ,snell as heyouldbavo ; shaped,
but because it comes nearest to his, impres
sion `of what a 'New Testament ChUrcb
should be.
But the pinup. men of 1662 were not
allowed to make any. clistiarion, -of ; that
sort. They were required to ive,theit un
"feigned assent and Consent, to alland every
thing ,contained,in the,,Book "ore.COmmon
Prayer. What ; was this, but to call upon,
those men to unsay the • controversies of a
whole age., It was to require theraXwrite
fheinselves apostates fronrprincipleirwhich
they avowediand.proclaimed tithes int
itemorable, as df, the greiteeksignificawce.
But they were to do
,this, or to,become
homeless and puniless--4 disowned and
iiroieribed f elass. ItWas aerliel alternative
—what is *arse I every shade of the cruelty'
brit was - a designed inhumanity:y The irti
tention was; that E these? pions fallen sliduld'
be converted intii4inaves or outcasts,; ;that
they should either, remain, in 4.e: clpFeli. of,
England minus their character, or golit,,
minus • the means; of subsistence for thim-,
selves and theirt families. " 6thlitier'ot
that time said 4 one - Of those ••Inen—‘ You
have made-.the ,door ' strait; that ;I ; fear
very few of those who have. scruples ° on
such 'Matt:6.'6;4M enter "in, , The EPis.
copal answer - wks--' l 'lf we thought - that'
many. would- &Aer in; we would 'have 41one•
our best to .make it.straiter still? .
Dr7,Vaughan Points to the xesult ef that
noble day of sacrifice to principle and, con
science that " atthis day half, the people
of England, can ino lefiger' .be. 'accounted
members, of 'the 'English Chuttli." He
then goes on=to contrast'
of conduct, the- Semi-Rationaliet clergy,.
Maurice ); , and • the Essayiets—:." who can
bring themselves to do - what those good
men dared not dn,,andlo 'ProfeSS'belief 'in'
what they really do not believe. He 'then'
adds—"tWiiit shall weasay:of:certain:min
isters in the Established Church, who have
lately been•at-auch, pains to, show not only
how lightly they 4old the matters ,knelrided
in its butt 4 hat' they account" gyen the'
Book, on which tlfe-Church is prift&idly
founded, to be ,a beak-mere ditifigtiredithin
almost any other.Ancient , ' book, by false
SOPl.ectifalSe -histern ,a/44 f:alae-.tenehiug ,
of neariy,
• -,What shall be said,
When; we rook at men like - Baiter and
Howe, and' bring thenr` We' te 7 -fage;;With'
Doctor William and Mr. =Wilson'?.' Box
ter and Howe believedlnearly all thef teach-'
lug of Church et ,Englandi. their :,ex
ceptions were restricted to .parts; of the
Ritual. Bnt-thliselnen ? seem; tmbelieve in
scarcely . any „of:the things o their
Charch was . "designed. „te' teabh.•''
a•-c = hit 'lv' -
Williams` {and ter and - Howe - caul not onfor ile
iirilion:Are -dressed' in the
trappings of the Anglican priesthood,
stand at,the .altirs.of_the-English...Church,
and avail the4stdve,s.. ef, all. the influence
as teachers, ' - 41hefi that sfaire i hiniven
thern. What.4cliffirencejti conscienceir
Dr. Vaughatilin this adrairableld*eune,-
while paying, it, Marked tribnte ir of rrespeet,
to the ~ErskineS:Ofthe,last.,eectury,.and the
leaders of thew cottish"Diernfdiliniii 18 1 43 - ;
as he , had torevi,''ouJilf done' tothe protesting'
bishops - whoin James Ifil..sentreO the Mow,i
er, gives the higher bettor theßgrAaril
ejected clergy . of .'" For;" ;serY,p,h-e., /
".they were faithful in' the face
and - losses niches' were not IninkiVEng
lish- bishOps, wand : Scotch dPriabyterians. ,
0 yes bye depirted: spiritsplierelas, in ,your
presence, partaken we trust of y,our 4 faith ;
and feeling, in I thankfulnesele that Father
in heaven who beitoWed dri you,",flig gifts
that were yours: I'qdo We. look.,
who himielf,w4s made . pCifeet thre 4 henf-,,
ruing who has long since, made
feet through r siiffering ; and I prayer
bursting frefre'the depths af < e'er spirit is
this, that it.may a if 'We-hive
to suffer like You, to snffer.arelhestilleg;'
to live, While we live, aiiini.liqd,;_po:
when we,die you . , died
minitiers - ef'Lendenand
vicinity, haVe this week held' a meeting
'With kindred! objects in,view, to thoie eon
teniplated by the Congregationalists. So
that next year will doubtless 'originate a
mighty Evangelical and aggressiveHoine
Missionary . *overheat ,in Engh(nd.;: under
very it nebltiapiratione and -to lin ever,
lasting :benefit- of myriads unborn." 'The
longer and the more closely I examine the
condition of the, English popnlation lieth
in town and country, the more Lam satis
fie'd of the value of English Nonconformity
as light in darkness, and as in connexion
with Wesleyanismt, the only sourced bles,
sing to -the people in many parishes, where
" dead men ' are the incumbents.
in the'English Universities . is. truly deplo
rable. Clerical educltion at_Cambridge and
Oxford• is almost unknown. The, only The
°logical education which Cambridge affords
is confined. to the Greek Testament and
Palefs Evidences. And ..Cambridge sup
plies rather more than. one-half .of the re-,
' eently ordained -.clergy. ;Oxford ~ sends
one fourth,t and the ,remaining. fourth' are
supplied by the Durham and other ,provin
dal 4heological Colleges ; with t the .excep
tion of literates, that, is, self-taught
and privately educated persons; theol
ngY. ,
tne examination required in the
.Cariihridge system; no preparing lectures
are given by college tutors to the students.
They must read up the subjects -forgietn
selves, how they can, and when' they can.
The results al.e. very Unsatisfactory. The
University sends' out, from 'thirty to forty
wranglers, and nearly 'as Many, ; first-elass
men in classics, every year; and yet; last
fear, not one Commencing Bachelor could
be feund,- worthy ?of- being recegnised as
first-ciassin Theology . .
And.such Theology ! On the paper, for
instance, in -a recent examination' on ." , The
Liturgy," consisting of thirteen' queStiens,
the tenth 'is this t.." , Explain the tenni Ru
bric, Quinquagesima:Sunday,Octave Read
ing,Sayinb cr Vigil, Dominicain ibis; liege-
Days,ehrism, Chrisom."
"Is ,this," -says h
the onest .Christian
Observer, (an Evangelical. Church.'month
ly,) "Is this Theology? Aiethese thingi
worthy of a University in which Beforment
once tanght, and-Whiteft mud Cartwright
once .disputed ?"
The, paper, also, on 44 Tlie . Reformation
'E ngland, contained'the following goes-tion, one of Six i " Mention seine- of the
books which .were--.4he7 precursors., of the
Reformation. A Make ; observations i on "The
Bishop's Book, and Pole's Hook, 'Be` Uni
tat 'Ecclesim ?' "
As to partizanship in this examination,
the 'Observer'-sternly says': "Nor de we
quite like the tone of the questions on
‘,TheiLiturgy! In one of =them, thehan
didate ,• is required to shovi the, fy,t,//i,ty. of
the objections
• made ,at the Bavoy. Confer
ence, by`the NoncOnformists, to Certain ex"-
pressions in the Marriage, Burial, and
other tierviees. .This is not saleasilrdone.
Many, if not most 'of the.passages, are in
themselves ..objectionable., They, are ,felt
by the great body of the clergy, who have
had long • experience, to be a constant source
of disquiet tolhone,st-ininds. :They are 'the'
blots which disfigure our Book of Common
Prayer. They might have been conceded
without the slightest inconvenience 'and'
this trouble they have never ceased to give`;
and the mischief therhave 'done; Vekmin
regardlonlyas wholesomerrebuke to:the
pride: of: obstinacy; ; ,and ; a, caution descend
ingfrom age to age , against -the repetition
Of such a Oeach of the law of charity."
A Tamhridge examiner lately 'sent' an
experience&elergymanrabundle of exainil
nation (so,called theological) papers, with
a request to know,his opiniomofthem:s".l.
amglad," was the significant reply, " that
I'am - not' obliged to 'undergo yOur yam
tary' examination, for I am sure you would
pluck me:; and if- this be - R. specimen of
your theology, I. am glad,thati you are not
a candidate - for my.cnracy, for. ,I • am afraid' ,
ihohld'he obliged to pluck you."
'" 2 distinity. College, Dublin, requires two
coitr*of TlMolegical,study, and hence
Irish elergr:- . -not fergetting„the national
warmth Otteir temperament their frank-
mess' ofmanner, their pteaching -not utistu-.
diedly, hut: t.' - x - tomporep (apparently,)
and aiso their,clear statement of truth—are
infinitely superior as a class; in the, pulpit,
to 'their ,English brethren.
There -are local coiieges in cottnexion
with the Church of England, which profess
tookgive 'theological training, but which I
fear eieroise,a very mischievous influence.
Such is that of_lSt.-„Augustine, at• Canter
bury; that. 'thiddesdin, near Oxford
-Where sontething like monastic discipline
preiaili, and where Dr:' Wilberforce is the
animating sod ofa throughly High Church
movement? if not .of.; something worse and
something :more. , is probable that, in
creased efforts will be made to increase the
means; of theological edueation, both in and
Out of the Church:'' • The authoiitiew of
.Scoteli;, Universities—especially Abeideen
—are exciting,themselvew to rise 'to a lofty
standard alildepartments. The. number
of Scotch students who , study for.degrees is
greatlyincreased. , At Belfast, ' the advan
tagesto the Presbyterian youth of Ulster at
the , Queen's- College for = seienee f daisies
and.' philosophy, and-from the preleetions
(subsequent to the eompletion of an, under
graduate course) at the TheologlealMall of
the - General Assembly---:ate. of incalculable
vaiuel gEW,
Thissel is said to be engaged
in writing a'werjc entitled, ‘ ; ',llie;Political
'History of Englin c d."
Major :General Sabine, an eininetit;siipan,
heSheen Selected for President , ofthe ROY=
al Society
Mazzattils "sai,dio dangeion4
Don titan; theNanish Pretender,, ,in
the London Money, market, asking, for a
folin• theF moneYlo be, repaid by Royal de.-
'mesnes--when lie gets them.
TheYicar of.,Searberoughlas withdrawn
lies Anipport from. the Institute,
in : that, town, -because the large room-has
been the 'Oongregational 'Dissenters.
The occupation of Rome since 1848- has
coat, the' French Government nearly one
hundredJand Seventymillions of francs.
In the.recentiPrussian electionsithe fem.
dal EFtrty,.,,sn'ffesed. great defeat and loss;.
but, Von Sehlenetz, theleader.of the ; ,
e MM ral . pposition,, and Bethnii, Von' allL
'weg,Minister of Public una Worship--hOth
.Christian men=haVe failed in hein g elected.
Large sums 'of money have, been recently
re'co'vered brthe divers, from the wreck of
the R0yq,1.:01,746 - 7:
' Deerfeof,- thelltiiierican Indian, has won 'a
' fresh footrace at Norwieh: 'lle finds one
opponent-who-is , almostahis- eqt.tal—a man
called Brighton who iris ::but.five ;feet four
Nearly 15 - ,000 persons- were -present at
thetfumeraliofd.Father , Lacordaire, at Paris.
The crew 'of; an American ship, at Car,
;clog, las ; been hen ded ; over to the Aperiean
authorities, charged with muideiing ; the
the mate and a seaman: - -
, The -Early Frmiklin. are Ameriekii ship,
took fire in Plymouth -Herber,. lasttweek,
ned.,considerable slamage, was done. it is
suspected:that Mho e fire= was= several
of the.,erew,being S'iltherners. Eight of
the, men,have absconded. ,
The 'peninsula an Oriental Navligation.
Company has a splendid fleet of 83;885:tons,
and horse n power, 17,711. Thelear's , rev.=
.enuelnp to Sep,tember, was npward! Of ten
millions and a,half,of dollars. .The : share-.
: holders Tgeßivemearly,lo _per „cent.
Mr,,( harles- Diekens', .stice,e,ss in the
Ifroyincesislareater than:ever.. Hiss", Read-
iilgagfiaretWettdarfally. ,, popnlar. , Nelct year
be will t read frequently in. London to the
milliotts - of _strangers who , are, to be our
craests. , '
. TheMustr,a(ed•Times-writer, who signs
. himself, ,a-‘ , .Lounger at the .Clubs#7 says of
.the ,Prime - ,Minister'and America: ".1 have
faith in.:Palmerston: He knows. what war
is,,whiele-many of ‘us. do not; for -so long
back: as 009. be was,Seeretary at War. In
that off ee t he. continued till lcrtg . after , the
peace of 1815. And , Earl Russel, too; is
.old and experienced, and not likely. to •be
throw 4rofhis , balances. Indeed, we could
.hardly l ,be in better hands." The writer
also says of , certain. , American papers, that
- 44 they ' means represent . the -'.solid
,opinions of:the wisest : and best men of the
ITripping lightly-through .the: sttnshins,
Creeping 'mid , the , sliadows. gray,
I •
Pier awiftlyflitting; flitting; '
SPeed fife:golden hours away.
Laden they with joir 'or 'sorrow;
Pain or pleasure, sullies' or ieirs,
Wire under sailing orders :
I'Down the ebbing tide of-years.
ours are golden censers, beering ,
Incense , offering ever more;
cElhininveoile,atudoing swiftly,
Till they releh the other shore.,
L Sorne'smong•lthe , links there may
I Rutted o'erwith'bitter tears ;
Likhtsror shade are deftly woven
rn the annopy of years: •
Sheen And-shadow intermingle,
I - And thelouri, so, sweet and fair,
I _Changelull oft to ;weary ages,
1 Through the Weight of woe - they bear
I Yettihete,np ef.orieLbitter ,
Ility;be to us for healing.given,
And.our , funeral lamps bevateh-fires
On.:theluuter Walls , of heaven. '
Happy : hours O, ~words, can never
Ralf their depth ottmeaning,give t ;
.110 w, their benediction brightens
All the world in which ivelye
Golden itenis I like shining headlands 1.
Jutting e'er the tide of Time;
'llifaine e'er: the' wreaks of, sorrow,
••Crownldiwith majesty sublime:-
Geis fiom John limn;
BORN 1680—DIED' 1694
1. it 'is-not.,-talkingpbut - Walking with
God that : giyes a man,?the I deaomiaation of
a Christian.
. .
2. VIM gate leads to life is a strait
gate, therefore we • should fear'. ' , it is ,an
open-gate, therefore we-should hope.
8— God repeltedAhat, he made. man, but
never repented thane redeemed man.
4. Nething, grieves Christ more than 6;
havelis leVe Slighted nothing Pleas:nth' him
more than'to havk - it accepted:
5. If believers are. , condemned by the
world,, let them, remember that they shall
not be condemned with, the world. Sin may
live in a believer, but a believer eanot liVe
in sin. It may lose it's dominion, though
`not leave its habitation.
6. aA. child of God'-had rather ten , thdu
43and times, , . suffer for Christ, than 'that
: Christ ; shonld suffer by,
7.. Refianee is, the essence of faith, Christ
Is — the ' object, 'the Word is - the food; and
jobedience is the ; so that true faith !
Is - ii, depending upon Christ for salvation
-in= a way of .obedience as' he is. offered in Ow
Word. - •
8. God will either keep his saints from,
'temptations byhis preventing mercy, ox in
temptations; 'by /his 541:kitting mercy, or
Ifni& a way of escape , lbY "atins , dogivening t
mercy. . • . .
• 9. As Christ came out of his.,.fettllcals;
bosoin, so the promises mane MEloti Q 044403,
Hou N.
10. Prayer (loth net eansiit in gifted ex
pressions and a volubility-of speech, but in
a brokenness pfleart. •
11., 'they are the safest who are most in
their closets;, whO pray, not to be seen of
then, but to be heard of Gad.
12. .4herent righteousriesi i 8 the evil ,
denee• of our salvation ; imputed righteous
ness the foundation of it.
Y 3. Let no day pass without'a review of
God'a .
carriage toward' you, and of * yours to
him: of mercies aid affiiation's-of
duties and )our frame of heart to dOthem
--of your sins, and inelinations to sin. And
let God have the, glory,of what is-good.
,14. God doth sometimes on purpose show
us the creatures' eMptiness, that we may go
to his fullness. •He' makes us see'ilik area,
tares •itio >be broken= cisterns; that wel MaY
know.hiro, to be the fountain. ,
EndlesiPsnisktent. -
We are aware that the wordi Which
have just penned; involve the most solefun
and awful mysteries'of our faith', and fur:
nis,h the - profoundest ; themes of human
speculation, None ,but. a..bigot or,a , I:eol,
can dogmatize, with' flippant levit,y, over
the difficilltiei l which 'beset either' the'affir-
-milieu or the denial of the doctrine of end:
le,Ww simand endleis misery undekille gov 7..
ernment -of a. wise .and bei,mficent Moral
Ruler. Trusting to our ,a ,priori reasoning.
and sponteliceue coniictions, the ,pr Agent,.
iee:ms'easily disposed of 'God is a betiev-'
olent.and gracious Father, and as such can
not but ultimately make all his creatures
happy. Ile is absolutely good r and must ;
desve their , happiness ;- he is absolutely,
Wise, and can devise methods to secure it ; 'he
is nbsolutely-powerftti, and"able to execute'
all that hisigoodness prompts and his wis-.
do' plans.; That under the reign of such'a•B jug moral evil should be endless, that.
sinand Misery, to which.his whole. nature,
is -a, Solutely opposed, shoUld find' an der:
nal shelter Within ' precincts'
of precincts of'his de:
' a .
!minions a fact-from.! , ivhich our--natural:
*reasonings, instinctively ' recoil r and to the
belief , of ,which onlithe sternest and most.
indubitable, eiidence can reconcile,us.
"True; the opposers oi.iiiis 'ilbelrine have
first, to encounter, the seemingly . express
and , decisive testimeny of-the rScripture.
No where Aloes the Scripture intimate that , .
theultimate and utter _,extirpation of evil
is. any part of the, plan, or is eisential to,
the hondr of Jehovah.' Going , away r inte
everlasting-punishinent, and that, from the
ordeal or , tbe last judgment; ;shall not see
life for the , wrath.of God abideth on them.
hath never foraiveness neither. in this,
world, nor in that which is to come;. pun
iShedWith 'everlasting destruction'• froin'the
prese eof the:Lora ; such are among the
nume us.declarations by which the Scrip
ture ems, to 'put effectually to rest all
doubt upprr. this ,question. Awl while.
suchis the testinio'ny of Scripture, theolo
gians have not found it difficult to Vindig
cate the rightfulness - of: the DivineF pro-'
ceedihg , imthis matter.. The voluntariness
of sin; the consistency of , punishment,' not
only with justice,, but even with benevo
ience, the perfect right of God' tnAleal in
Strict 1 justice with. incorrigible rebels
,against...his authority-:--alli this , hiss been. ar-'
, gued,with,a force and clearness which, meet ,
all,the Amends of the logical understand-
All however, fails with, nianylo be
satisfactory. ' They place over against the
declarations of Scripture, and the consid
gratiens of mere right,,the deeper,dernands
of their reason% Adtnitting,that, on tech
nical-grounds 'of right and Justice God may
punish sin.eternally; and allow the everlast
ing ciiStence of evilin the universe, yetis
such >a.system', on the .whole, _consistent'
with the attributee of Infinite , Wisdom , and,
Benevelence ? Evil is abhorrent to.his no,
tun ; virtue and happiness are, his sole and.
supreme delight; his resources are infinite; -
-he can : do away and utterly destroy evil;'
may we not confidently anticipate that-, he
,and that the time will conae (when.
only good will prevail throughout his broad
Now feW, doubtless, have'thmight deeply,
without , Struggling to come to such eon
clusion-teescapefrom thehorrois involved
in the endless .existence of , moral, evil.,
But this, reasoning encounters yet one
other serious objection, and one which must
forever Prevent its advoeates from relying
upon "!it: It wrecks itself
against the fabt 4hat-sin and.misery, moral
and physical ; evilina thousand forms, are
actually - in the universe, now., 'Tc,,the alle
gation that supreme wisdom and goodness
will' not to/elite evil hereafter,' we are
foreed to reply that supreme , wisdom Wand
goodness does, tolerate them now., If' moral
evil may exist, in the universe te-tlay,;we
know co reason- why it may not be allqwed
to 'exist, to-morrow; and that which may
exist to-day and to-rnorrow, without - con
flicting', with the attributes of `Divine wis
dom and Love, may ; for might we can see to
the ,contrary,,exist forever., ,We know no
argument which can,lie against the contin
uance of moral, evil in the universe, which
Would' not have lain against its original ad
missiont It surely must have been: as easy
for God Ao.have prevented 'it from getting
a,foothold within his dominions, as to expel
or destroy it when once established.;,and
any Moral considerationa lying in the na
ture of his attributes, which would prevent
his allowing it to ;be perpetuated; would
seem equally valid. against itsbeingallowed
to,exist at, all.
If it be said the idea of' eternity in
trKlucesva teW and essentially difrefent elegy
merit into the"ease, We answer that wet.d6
not , see it. On grounds. of mere expedi'
ency, indeed, 'what is admitted. , to-day may,
be abrogated tO-morrow. 13ut as apatter,
Of flindamental right and intrinsic
dl5 fitness,,
that which- a' Being may allow 0r 1 4,6-day;
he may-allow or , dolalways: • Thelfahoint
of viewis this: that•which.God doe,skulper.
mits:atAny,ene time, he may,,for aught we
can see ? do or ; permit :„at any other time.. There is no intrinsic or necessary superior T ,
ity'pf the 'future over the present. Every,
present moment was once .futurit; every fu4
ture momeritywillbeiat.some time:present ;
and that which the all-wise and inset:4ole
providence of
,G,od allows to- exist,,,.or
causes to exist at this present ra,oment, he
may, without 'deregatiOn frow;hiirighteous
character, allow, or' cailso"to; em 'at, at any
of the-futurepresent momentarwhiek make
1 !-P , iqulite-4 1 40 0 P- 7
We. do not give this 44$A, positive argil ;
went in Fed of Ow endle,ssaesa of moral
evil;* but as a negative argument,'We be
'neve it decisive against thhse who,^ on - ",a
priori "-‘grourolawouldaejeet the testimony
of, the ScriipPyes. ua • this. point. z They
have , got, not only, to ; encounter the, testi
-11day of Sorlpture i but the testimony of
'fact.- Ilteasoning we. hive
.deeidod onhesitatingly evil
iwmiOd navvtAkiive been,,admittedlwithia,the
dominions, of a, Being absolute, alike„ in
, odness. and resources. But. our reason c
ings ',would* have deeeiVed us. _ F,lVil` has
been admitted,And has been: , permitted. to
aage,ito an eitent :utterlY inconsistent with
,the,doetrine ofthose,who findin,God noth
,ingulauca mere tender,
,I . :ether, With these
'facts hefOrethein;:they may Wel,l,,be modest
in "reasonings upon the neeegi,4aryle
nunids of=the Diiintminture, an&-bebtow th
,raject -theopositive ?t*stipiOny,,ofrthe.:Vord
0f1.49 1 1-.. The, SPlo,,tWlassertn, the exist,
•• II
; •
Piablication Ofacti
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once of sin and suffering hereafter; it has,
at least, in its support,,the fact of sin and
suffering now'; and with this before him,
no honest-minded man Vut will think deeply
and - hesitate long, before he comes to the
conclusion that the Word of God is mis
taken. He may, and probably will, shrink
from the awful doctrine of endless sin and
endless punishment; be may try to find
some means of doing away with: the appa
rently decisive :testimony of Scripture, but
with hid eye open .t.o. the solemn facts Of
human existence, ,to the, prevalence of sin
and suffering, and- death, all around him,
he will feel that in these facts the Scrip
ture doctrine finds a support, which no rea
sonings. eau 'effectuallP•shake. He may
doubt i andispeoulate and struggle , but, af
ter all,,here,isthe- irord-of God, which in
forms hiM that moral, eVil will exisfliere.
aftsl 4 4,' and when he, turns away his skepti
cal eye, it is `met', by the solemn confinna
tory-fact,- in 4he book of Nature. and' Provi.
deuce, :Oat-moral-evil exists -now. Better,
then; infinitely better,' to aoceptlhe facts,
and the conclusions .which„ solemn and aw
ful, as, they, are,. spring, ncpeasatily from
them, than ISM:01w those facts, and throw- .
jug; ourselves back rthe . dedUctions of
oiir Teaser' to Ori, the chance of Making an
awful and: akirretrievable. nt4stakeor.Ex-'
fan 'er
The.,Sitvine.,im W
- I: I 1,
After , these things, I heard, a, great.
voice of much peon - in heaVen z laying,.
salvation MA glory ,and' honor
,tnd powe,rointo the-Lordnour Grid; foe true'
i.nd'righteeu are lisijudgniente.'?
When :the .prophetic,writer,
,beheld, this,
glorious vision, little of , the ) Work of the,
'46spel among 'men had been perfeeted, and
is victories conht hardly haW hien con-'
•idered as begunv-Ile wan-himseif a prit
. mer,inthe islandof ; Patmos, , ,! 4 . ifq the• Word
if God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ.",
I)oubtless 'myriads had then 'been washed
n the blbod' cifthe Lamb, and had foind in
resne theiri glo'ribus tl• 011e:41R:de
influence "of .the.lGcripel on: earth was but
' - he handful of. corn on....thetop,,of the moan-.
ains.NCt yet like, Lebanon_had its glQri
.,us fruit begun not Yet had itz,
..lonverted irTliabitanti &the cities legiin to
ppear=like graswrirr the earth: Its whole
',vork was. a.missimuip , aeforeign world just
; laborers i were .few,;„
its pro
essors were the single adds' of heathen
-I;enerilly, perhaps, in the IbWer orders of
nen --just emerging lfrom: darkness', ~and,
lying to. the rising beams.of the, light of
.ife. Had one asked the, members of .a
espectable synagogue, in that day, their
rpinion of the pr4pects •of this new mis
don, or consulted the wisdom' of the most
.3 aim, and intelligent Of:philosophers in re
gard to its actual influence, and ,piobable
success, how likely would have been an
utter ignorance of tlse whole sahjoct . how
unlikely the Smallest respect for this strange
teaching, as an element of power in the
earth ! The prospect of its triumph was
the, work of, faith... The assurance on which
it rested, Was simply the, accepted word of
an unseen God: Conceding the fact of this
testimony, doubtless, the assurance was ad
equate, and itsaccomplishment was certain.
But it involved all the elements of Divine
power, it warred,with" all the conclusions
and just hostility of htimen reason, it was
.apposed by tire appetites and habits of
the world. Every,step must be a contest,
and every attainment must be a victory.—
i'rotestang Churchman.
a BeautjfaL
C 4 Out ; of the ground ; the Lord made ev
ery tree:that is pleasant, O the sight."
On this earth God: has given us a beau
tiful world to live .in;'and he has fitted for
us-a, home above, en-a most grand and mag
uificent. plan..
The soul of man. in all climes, and un
der all circumstances, pays involuntary
homage at the shrine of beauty.
Education andlhe :peculiar habits of a
mind, have'much to de with the perception
and appreciation of the, beautiful. A sculp
tor will pause in utter, unconsciousness of
:•utrounding,scenes,,satisied with the beau
, ties of the Apollo Belvidere and Venus de
while au artisan will be equally
enchanted .with the beauty of a finely
w_ .nought . , •
The natnialiit. will become enraptured
with the",chaiths of a spider, the botanist
with 'those of 'a flower, the , geologist with
the very dust beneath.hia feet. The artist
will lose himself in the contemplation of
beautiful landscape; azidwill grow enthuse
astic,oyer;the soft tins of the distant hills,
the gracehil , windings of,the silvery stream,
and.the lights and, shadows of a pleasant
That . thereisand always.has been a love
for the heautiful we ,may infer from the
fact that certain objects, such as flowers,
the,suri,,moon aid stars have always been
admired'and considered beantifut
Obildien leVe':beantiful things. The
tiniest little thing'will , grasp after the fair
flower, listen with -delight,to the song of
the gay bird, and watch the,glad sunshine
with joy, and qhelittle boy will deposit
hii .hunch wildifloweraupon the lap of
his mother -with a look of prowl .satisfac
tion. .
We,lave beauty,, with, a love that is al-
Most - adoration, and we glory in that wor
ship, since we beßeve. Rod to be the reali
sation, of beinty . :s great. ideal.--.-Free
Whell,ZADSl.o,'the'Swiss Reiormer, began
to feel his need of the wisdom which come,th
from above, and to search the Beripture,s
that he might .fincl, it, he tells us, that,
thiloetmhy and ',Divinity (the 'Divinity
which, hi ,taught 'intim schools)
were always , reiging objections'. 'At.last I
said:' to. myself, ..I must , negleet , all. these
nta.ttnrs, ; and;, look, for, ; God's will in his
Word alone. "I .began earnestly to entreat
the, I.lord te grant me his" andlalthough
• red' the Scriptures Ollly,ottley became
Clearer 'to me than if I had read all com
mentators.". Ile - 'read' the. writings of
Origen, • Anthrege; Aninstine,&c., but not
as authorities. "I' study . , the Vectors,"
said he, "„with ' the snap end as when we
, ask a' .friend, 'Hew do, yea, understand this
' passage? - The Se'riptures was thelouch
ntoneby whiCh . fhe tented - the holiest of the.
; fathers."
'lt was thus: thetthe light was caused to
out of the darkliesitwith which the
, Papacy' had austere& the'4irth ; 'and if we
wish . the tree. - light, to continue shining in
the dhureit„.and to.shine `more and more
Mate ;64 ;perfect. daY, we must follow the
same inistkOct, Andif the various churches
are ever brimght'tethe "'nearest 'Conjunc
tion ' and uniforniity in doctrine 'Worship,.
and` discipline," . 014 work wil,l- 1. 4 accom
hy -the Werd.alone.
legislation, which hon. heett chiefly relied
an ;for Awo".*-centirries,.his signally failed.
' It %Rel..; eveir ,when, the „magistrate stood
radys " civil ,sanction " to the
decrees:, of the. hn eh. ;Pie keSult has_
gentirallk;Nur,- tontreliersies, new
stylies, ineyedikrikiiMs. 4 -Yet manyienni
tci regitdA as the.onijr, panacea for .at the
eitaterits,-ofLtike: Otterch.f. A.Attlq cbgfro , -
i nerve: show 4., thet. soh
are notthe, rapst:diligeetliPtu4