Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, January 04, 1862, Image 2

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    ao.l {ta.Q. aGs
: tiolin9ll
11111 , .1 , 451: dv.e
rts auntr.
• 4 s e,
AF? Baltiii,Llpatretieskt ***oily "ROM' to use
Pick's 4004111111a1d til ntisyndok Band, all, or nearly cat,
of our subscribers num have their papers addressed to them
r egulierirbrasinotelarty -unique. Inuel!inq—whid -rfeiseeno
en the white ?nciryin a small colored address stamp," nr
abel-Whei•edssapPears their worse plainitexpriit4 fond Wed
by thtdaloup tar hick they have paid for their EaPerr — ,lhis
l'einj teuth'ceriserl bV an Act of angtes's. rht"date
always lkailingmlaiOndhe receipt! of eubseription, money,
in eamcg atcoraunce bith the amount so received, and thus
be anbAtrenily andtalist reoeilit; 'securiny to every one,
und sst,ail limes, : a perfect kpotatecipc of /Lit newspaper 4e
eatinOii thhtif any error fewade lie can immediate/3i de
tect ipand have it correettel.-4Chnott.tafike ea/liable to the
publisher and subscriber, as , it snaft, ternituste all painful
utistnierAistandings bit:often thetn *expecting accounts, and
dhus tend to perpetuate their,important relationship.
" 0 1 , , ,, Those in arrears will please remit.
Presbyterian Church ,-L-We undei
stand that ,the I ev..SAMUEL J. WILSON,
D.D., . of-tile 'Western Theological Semi
narsrhis been invited to become Stated
Supitlyri?f,this e,hureh.
06 of
McCLurta, President judge, of the Court
of Common fleet, and Quarter<Sessions, of
this County, for the lastien - years,*died at
his residence in thif cityl`ri the morning
of the 27th instatiti. ,., tTudge McCLunE
was4ari. able lawyer, tan:uptight judge, and
a most indefati able strident in his'profes
sion: native Of 'Carlisle,' in this
State , to' iiittsbUrah in 1829.
Few - ,,rnen in the State.,were more generally
knoivn or respected. .
; -
Installation of Rev. Dr. Jittobus.—Accord
ing "t i e appointment of the Presbytery of
Ohio, the Rev:Dr. JACOBUS Will be installed
pastor of the' Central Presbyterian church,
Pittl3burgh, on the - evening of the sec
ond; Theiday of this month.' The Rev.Dr:
preside and preach the ser
40v,.. Dr will give the
charge, to,the pastor, ands Rev. Mr. LEA, to
the people.- (Di:4 - lA.OODus has been Stated
Supply thiW Atureh for the last four
yearhllnA tl tinder. his ministratiens it has
reach i i s ts present flourishingeondition.
Prayer will -be , Heard.—' , .Every one that
asketh receiveth2' This is absolute. There
is no, reservation and no.exception These
are I ) ,riptural words, and ~are to be taken
in Scripturall sense.' Ask for things
which God. has, proiaised ; 'far things which
God gives 'td thosa loves. :NA
submissively. as, to the time and manner of
bestowment. , ~Ask in the-name of Jesus,
and , be mire that 'you are in' earnest, really
and'4idently desiring that- :for which you
asks ' end , fileldini with -A". 'importunity
xtV • t ; 4
Whio ri , ill - 0 , take no denial. :Verily,. God
will.hear, You,, and that speedily.
Chtistmas.—The twenty.ftfth of Decem
ber was a happy'day trt i VittibUroh:' There *
was a little snow: on then ground, but the
air WitS Mild. Such null titudesas thronged
our streets in: the *afternoon, we never be
fore saW, 'on 'a'similar occasion: They'were
the old and yOlitto male and female, boys
girls, and, babies, the rich and. tbe poor.
And all aglee. They had evidently en
joyed a good dinner i and had either given
or received presents. And we neither saw
an intoxicated'person , nor heard a profane
nor an angrywo - r - d — '. rt l *dotetbe soul good
to witness the eaSe; Pjaa, s :aed plenty,
which make a whole =people happy.
DO'N'T Han'
New Year has come. Parents provide .
for .their- families, and .paetors . for. •their.
flock's; and renewals of 'sub's'cripti'cinsla
religibus journal should be ,promptly made;
thefleskituteshorild,beipt4Ced to giire thelr
namea o apd- the ;poor -shouid be supplied,
gratuitously, • . i;!
Yerinit as ebb to iiiy; that some of our
kind:':frieeds, .c (v. .t e l ders, er
a, who
c -
sen i .4lisi,,:a;74,73;,#tikthe4 .
stunAng;taat:paymentwetthi l he l made
.iitt a
feweiteks, are permitting- the:•time to ex
tend 'ti) mon<lis J'There is atom 'e 4dinger
forigifu . Matter 'pt'
this nature iselliejaye . 4 l .:44:l l eve.elwLLY,
considered on-r,:eetetprimmanVeraiivet.: We
laborin'conjnnotion.with , those‘whosie,duty•
it fir 'rto` feed' the •Ohiiichquf •Gbd."' - We'
extend • - • r. •.•
niuch in pridpihg . e4artct ,
to t4e) . 4.wenP, 44 It? lAA LAtiTtl6.r!lT° so
low„ that we, can afford ueit.her tn.,pay pre-.
miums 'for .anbacribersJunr; th 'endure losses
on subso t iptions. • • ", •• ;' • '
V i e v *ost cheerAillY i ecl;ere4itfor
weeks,,. to. those Who.,Oinfire i te help.the pee
ple:ufitheir charge tolebtain the BAnNBRi.
and; wherehr!werdetstkire hope that . none
wilt thi fergetittl:+' e ligirciouiniencemeet ot-
LI 'l/ 114 to? 446
th tM I LF T f i lig s • Jl P!lTY
doPARIZAT-10149Cyf.o.sOPore ,renewals,, to
eniarg4l4he) lielprouito perfe c t, the ',pay wee t.
ic,,, .....i.i. v i;,..: , 1-, 4 ...
igc,t, wa s the'rps n i t e ftayeply . llft,.
whP.gliPkured to . titei ISlMilieiraP ' a d l pro
claimed,. the: Savionecivbirth.. :Ohkistraaa,
was tiim 4 ltappoi ntedolied; luitPATig i med.:ex=
tetkine "theca' : OhieideVlV iioifinVelkibrate
~.,, ~ : i flitrl I '.•
the : jo iiii i •Mrvikt : ,„ We art? „ iNit.tioi.fre
,tliat .
thel:sth.of l beopinkler ;mos the day,. .".44
it ikbertain ) ifsoni : the.)fact that thei iSorip-
ttifm eontafieliot4iiijkinAimi;
l and no - definite
information OiNc o llrtrie j e!;tinie of !Christ's
first atPParanciirniiirA4777lk4:9Pr4lin.Autt"
the,Observance of r c.nempiyercaryi is not ; in,-
curdbent : on the LClhuirchti ;Hence.: cow,
seigkektis iiiit . bortedritintittilit'a festal day
has" iti , use; 'Vita - the l- itellikine,,ind• * . gifts,
-sti l . ai: t 'l 1 .. • - ... ~.. ' *Si, • - i
an 4 IPPOGY I KO .• 4 4
i PiFiliWlll 60 E 1 4R:tate
to oseiemblicifcthefSmitmi's aosning7^PAW4'
and good tioil4. -• • • 1 . • -. S" . ,01, : , ... • ;..
The tlifrigibitri*fotiCll iiaiLjitst 1 fiessed;
fo6d tuiY 4 osViiii 00iikestrife;iitiliei .
tami c enjoyingAtimial i peeee. till,,h;iiti,.
erg, joyogsneaditurea'moi 'forbidden. We s
ha& the consoliticilt6 7 know that•-we were.
coilteb ding . i tar i iitii'Veaf . r3OCialfrilbittletil
°6 410r.°0 4 c;, 0; 71 ,414 1 0; ?ro4, l faYtlie . '
st.A;iliky a cf,good, gow,ernu . iept, for. th e; itg
pity of (the laboring ciages;, for. geoeridced
urratiorcfoti,uitiVersal' suffrage; for !thelele
vralOa of tlie"thamiati i ,lur l ititert?autreit4l4
•,,, • yt:som , • nat/ h. c,
it3 13i 131 , t , IIB 4RTNAler ha ß i Verti i : t Ai th Og i
temporal toad thins, Npititw4,, 711,47 i .
The peace and 000chwill whioltioe-tn
joy" iti r ')Ae free Stens, ;vas
, eispuryf
khsd tte ivat:agießwrifiii'-' ea
, l eA, b n ~ r- .
PilgUfTs 414 w a4 B i j . 4 litc'°ai4Pd Yew! F e ;
ataille to:touting and ,pqr j irliiatiag therpof
is6fivoitths many. times 'eke cost Avhieh7,is
13 14 dartdritilirthict4# oftritkil'ireisent
fdA4"t i iiiijißiFt ii,Cti r o,neittie. ti eutiei'and
ilafor:4ri );Ito! ITr'6Biiitriv B e,i';‘.43l:3Vik
s i
ekirieig 44fit , kiiriOgiliew wtira9 l 4,6.PßlaSe
and Good Will. •..,tr.) 7lez 4 .3* - -s' twn
"Eioar rapidly time iliesi.ATlr u.Or
gdim. There were tie dements,' and
Al ours, and days, and weeks, and months.
eir number counted largely; but they
la , ;,and how brief is the retrospect?
Movrminr-yeafs hive 41../Wea ? Let' 311 e
'' -
added-to my stock of knowledge—especially,
-of spiritual knowledge—durhag the. last
( twelve months? How much have I in
creased in self-control'? How much .ad
vanced in - meetness for heaven ? 'How
.much good have I donn,in
,the world—for
society..; for the poor; for tho Church; for
Jesus? The account must soon be ren.
tiered; full, without reserve or conce f ahrientl
and the award Will be 'just, strict, inn*-
, tial. Every' 'man shall receive the things
done in, hie body, whether-good or bad.,
New Year is tr time fortsettlements; and
every 'wise man will endeavor to have his'
accounts "squared;" or, at least, to know
how they stad
d, and whether he is able to .
pay,..2nd what indulgence he, can have.
Especially. will the wise man, endeavor, fo•
have matters arranged on the Divine books
—to have his aceOunt passekfandapProVed', .
respecting the talents entrusted to hint,; to
have charges erased ; to-bring tike Surety; to secure the Advocate; to have
forgiveness,' and Stand ''at one with hiS
Master. llow ls it, reader 7'
Well, what are. your plans and purposes
for the new year:!' An improvement on,
the last, you" say. Very well. :You will
be More humble, more watchful, more in
dustrious' more benevolent. All good;`
• .
very good, but not just the perfection of
You talk too much of gengrals,
and‘of , abstractions. You. should come
down to things definite.; to activities,
You must"account for things specific,;' for
things, one by one: Yes; and you,purpose
to have •it so--a seat in the church, and
yourself and family •there'; and-those little
fellows at school; and a Bible, hymn book;
eatechism, and religious paper, in your
house; and you will 'attend the : prayer
meeting too, and the Sabbath'School ; yes,
and' you will erect a family altar; which'
shall be done this
,very evening, and the
,'-the morning , and'the evening offering, from
this good hour, shall neVer,fail.
right; go on; your own mind, enlightened
by Goirs'Word and Spirit, will direct yo`a.
We wishyou A HAPPY NEW YEAR. The
,Lord bless you and yours abundantly.
In thi.question of war or-peace, Christi
anity.has a deep interest, -and•. Christians
are bound to Use their influence. The
principles of the Prince of 'PeaCC - arc ever
to guide them ; and especially. are they to
regard these, carefully, in times of danger
and temptation.
In the present attitude of 'affairs with
England, we feel confident that we are in
the right. But ,the English feel equally
confident that:the right is with them. The
two nations - may be regarded as equally en
lightened, honest; upright in their intem.
Lions and Christian in their feelings; and
also as equally' preindiced, each in their
own favor. We say to the English.:. "You
regardthe Confederates as belligerante, and
hence, according to your own .laws and ens
toms, we have the right to search . and cap
ture." Theysay to " You .regard the.
Confederates- as rebels, and as such they..
have the right of 'assilum, and"-must be
protected by our flag."
Now what is to be done ? If bOth par
..ties wish to do justice and avoid war,,tbe
course is .plain--plain and . easy, -`on , the
principles arid provisions of 'former trea
ties, and public proyisions anddeclarations,
In a treaty, between. England and t:he Uni
ted -States, relative -to fisheries, comnierce
and navigation, ratified at Washington,
Sept: 9; 1.854, there is a clause whieh pre
videS' that, incase' of differences arising be
tween the contracting parties on any mat
, tern connected with the treaty, the question
'in dispute shall be referred first to Com ,
raissioners, and'in the last resort'lO
bitrator or umpire to be mutually Chos:eit - ;
" the high contracting parties "—such,, are
the,terms of, the :treaty, (f solemnly engag
,,ing to consider• the decision of the*Com
missioners conjointly, or of the ,arbitrator -
or ninpire, as s ure case may be, ns absobite
ly final i and conclusiye in,paphcapn.decide4,
upom by' them :or him respeetivelyr"4.' r C't rE
This certainly, if . taken in its tritesPirit,
and in a gbod spirit, indreates a just, ussy,
pmeticablq, way pf settling the
i-present difficulty. .
• ,
'Also at'the.' Pari4voo nfeteeo 'Of 'the
'great: EtiroPeart
was made for all such eases. 'The:prinaiple
of, Aospgv,A.T.Eop,wa* there.introdiped. t by
:'Lord OLARPIND6N, the British.Plo4potaii
, tiar3Taid was 'sr:hided - 14 ienininiouti con
sent, as Mows :
: 4, The PleniPcitealiriiirda - inif
.4.0 express, in. th'e n'ainff:' , of , thiiiil Govern
, niempf,the wish that states:betwee4.whigh
Au?Y4raCT‘i ol /0.
sh4 3 o, ill ogore appalipig„to ary!§,,bif.v,e,xt.
olinrse, %far as cirpuutsta:Acea,
the good offices ofa friendlyAllant.if'
To this princiPle* the' Unit:9Bl34W! then
guyiliiheir'adlueuCtisc aPdth l ei:
' ll 4° ,V• .X° oBl ;:4o. 3 ki t Pil•
also spoke largely .in its favor. iNa*.
descilbedigy,Mr. ThrapSTONE "•as.a• great •
triumph,' a pewerttli 'engine c;nV.lfehitif of
and( • I TAIL:
civilization 'humanity. V
te -Fta-y!
:Derby refeired to it, as" afe„,plie4l:4o,
wbioh, to its, en dlesa• hon or,:wes:-;am bOdied
•id , the' protoccils of 'the Conference , :of
'The'Earl t'Mainiellbiiry pro=
nTiliO4:' the
kno*legii9g siiCreOppneAclinge,i l ly;
(Tile, as, in his judgment and that of the
Government: of which he 'was a Member,
", one of iy iiiost:imporldzitlto
and to the, security of the Once o f Eu
, rope," I,;kcpanse,..?. it, recognized Add, estab,-
lished , the •traik 'that time;•byigivirig place•
for reason to sperste,is as' mail preven
tative as a healir'ef SUrely
then, irate as our aregletWitl i
iof.refu#e t p, abidp their :i ownf proposi 7 ,
tion; solemnly. ratified! by' Eurbpe;:audreor
dially approved . of by theltrateitStlates.
It slight' difficultybf 'l r oner 'obnieglii the
way, in that they their
. ‘,‘ rem a in AnAqp.nee, while rte
kcitiatiOnn are then re-;
lieve their Wean es ily:affoidlAki
• - 1.!4J.1u•s •-; • •44:. •-• • 'z'
59 9 i f tRj Ul litttittI#Ts i ltitiETTAT
, 1 4 5 .9, r ti b rY ie N I 4g4'.:TltiTO t 1 : 1 1 31 4 #‘ Bo2 l,d.
SLI ninar4if v4thcipmectotatpteet
l i i la
• PoMI , . 7
_ : ,
h eby strenaien c::;
fp 0
)r Secuti r 4 4 lonereo s ;Wral
b s" e
and the princi
a 'the flea
shall protect all who sail under, it," subject
only to express treaty stipulatiolrand a
regular legal investigation. Yiel i d t the
" guests," and sub.4i - eilieiwhole•questisni4
~,enlbracing„therein .the.rights,of-neutrals,=,
to the friendly decision of ,France, or. Rus
= • •== 0 •
,sia, or • both; or` these, with AustAa,`Prui
k ia and Italy added, and we, will gain a vie r
tOry, moral, political,' and; social, of value
inestimable. And we' will lave the ap- 1
:proving conscience of a people geverned'
and guided , by Christias principles.
After the above was in type, our ex-.
changes hrought us the information that our.,.
Government had yielded to the A3ritishre•-'
quest, to give' up the Corifed'erate'gOinntiibi
sioners. •Welare glad of it.- The rollt
a.sylynt we have contended'for most strenuL
No political refugee has ever betir .
surrendered by us. And we, have insisted
that the flag ; shouldprotect all, who; sail un
der it. And the right •of 'impressment
by a' naval officer, we ''have' ever 'denied.
,On these principles We Went . , , to war,
=with England,, in 18,12. Peace was,
leaving the question ; unsettled ,but we still
affirmed ;the principles. And nOwwe hold
that the Coe federates are rebels: We will not
accord to theiii the rights of he'lligerents."
Hence, while under' the English, doctrine,
'we might take them. ,and the :ship, yet,
according to 'our d.oCtrine we had not the!
,right. , • 'They Were political refugees, and
had Sought' asylum under the li'ritishfiag._
We then give them, up, on our own yin- ,
ciples, and England, by demanding them,:
has affirmed those principles; and France,
joining with England; his givens her
sanction. If thenEnglandandFrance - are
honest in all this,,we hose gained a great
victory.- We shall,- by, the gallantry' of
Captain Wiracis in applying'tOthe Etig=
lish their own ruleMnd by'the wi'sdoin of
Presidentl.aNcovisr, and Secretary SzwAnn
in their diplomacy, have,made an,attainment
which the war of 1:81.2; and fifty years: - of
negotiation had'failed to reach:'
But is England . honest? 3V,e fear that
, with
5 - 1
she wishes to' pick• a quarrel wltlrns`in the
day of our adversity:. We: Shall`crejoice if.
we may find her upright arid`peaceful.'
the News Department 'weprelent' the cer...'
respondence of Lord:Li-OS and Mr gEW-
AltD. Let the whole be read carefully.
Mr. SEWARIA letter , is most able: •.:-
We are not disposed to adopt the com
mon saying,lhat "'Death' loveS'.i' shining
mark ;" because, the fatal archer is equally
sure in his aim whether he directs the ar
raw at the brilliant or the .obscure., He
never niisses; and is-not peculiarly choice
as to the object. 'High' and low, rich:and
poor, 'learned and illiterate, the righteous
and the wicked, prepared and unprepared,
come equallywithin the scope of his vision,
and find him no respecter of persons. '
It is but a short metah since we recerded
the death of that valued brother in Christ,
Rev. lA-Emtv Ins what be the midst of his days,-and the
prinie . of his'usefulness , thnChnreli,.his
Lord said to him, Come up higher, and the
obedient soul ascended. And now thesame
Lord has demanded the presence' of 'two
otbers,,near liis throne above, •m ley also
are . gone. For them_ the- day pf toil has
ended, and the inimortality of rest.hasbe
vun. Trials' have 'been endured :with ph
tience, and the - conflict waged to a victory.
and henceforth the conquerer's crown is to
he worn in glory .1 • t;
'Rev. WILLIAM M. SCOTT, D.D., Profes:
Sin of- Biblical literature.end Exegesis in
the r. North:weitern Theological Seminary;
died, at Princeton, N. .tbe residenpe of
father-in-lain',Tir. HODGE, OrtDeepraber
22d, aged 44 , years.] wai born. in 'Ohio;
was graduated at 'Jefferson. College, Pa.;
studied Theolouy at - Princeton, N. J. ; was
Professor, .of Languages at Centre College;
Ky.; then aqiastor in Cincinnati, , Ohio:;
and finally Professor in the" Serniti - ary at
Chicago, Illinois.
.Dr:ll3oofirwirk:afohtldut4he Weal andi
f totlitliTest tien'6iiMirated . the'eyiefgke.r.
this fiti: d telentklearnii?i,larik=
•, A • WI •
try, and probity—a gOod man and.efaithful
'Servant of 'Milli:. 'tit retifkfilo i rif his
vr • ;
w Lao 'i• . •. -; labors;
hisworks will follow hini. • , • •
-f1•1•• •:.; •;•••• •• A. .7•A:Z. 'A .
;:; ; Rev. LA** O AEF4PE?4PiII.r i •Ri NO. at
his home iu.
, e DeceMber, , in :the 59thjesi , of his' age,
r after an illness of tell months.. His disease
4 • •.i:;-• .
was drb i t i the n?arll,4 t,,
York, and spent the earlier part oflhhvmhi,,
'istry in 'the Veriterif part of' that State. At
the thin' ilie - disruption of the Presbyterian
dtatiVel Of lsrge nn t m„l,4l. 'olrWeintilial?cani ) Of'
the :i44e,m.kly, Dr : an4 Oie.;9?PlAg*
,ther em. L Am hly,Omp,sniwitopd:firin
ly on the oldlplatform. Most ofiltrist.neighv l
,btois• wEn t • hitf lin(fteht
a!'4 2 :ao . .e°de, 4 4ils, 119 1 11.4504.1 1 ._,.diii01/910.4t,
.bir:hisf,vdiee, and. his., peep ;Hem.-,
- . ..urouht writer; as all &nu* , irlio.;havefreadi ,
Dlifiren ces between 1 01 d 'raid 7 11eit .
,TlieOlOgy," and'.
g9r.4 Pl44l)ec!Clffe!igtC94tilirwithicl two
or 'yearsioClP.r. ,OpEASEMAtes- death,.
e tiettwas .pastor.diothe PonrthsTrisbyterian.
, f4wgaYl 9!:AW,Vq, he,s4fT:
!fetedi espverelya from. , :disease ~'b,ut:,;his.
'faith' abode lrai, land :Mil desire fori
ipriiipeifty wait unabiteiL B3
"ar:4l4 L. • ; t
~..iii,l,lsli.Es. • :DECEASED.:,:,
, .
celobrationstook,;-place in all the , Episcdpal,
and :Ronaarn,Qatliolic 'churches; and Olt:
Chrsetmas Tia. - y - P'tha ' , Clergy • delivdred
.couries at;propriate ' tb''.the'day - ' For =kik'
of ice ttere Was 110 liatilJ :frolic , da the
.Central : P:ark &nods; but ,there were other
lainuSements Ito'. take the placei ofi;.intdoor,
sports, and the Christmas anniveilify:
Ito` upon US
I in: g118.T.; OUSE, tty,
Park, ihas''..-Progressed''far 'coattil for: '
the eitiner %lane" which was deice'
with apPropri uie Mani This edifice
f is int:ended to be worthy of this •t • t
elherbtls. ilAsAs Ce,urt :House: in ,stich 4 :o
E city Its! this, Aatminense 7 s t r •-• ,
1 •
• The' Irtsuakok in'
• ,
!lave special dread, or Petrolenm. or Carbon ,
At- a, late ; kneeting,, , they, . passed. the.
Reabilif'd, That Petroleum; Rock d'
iff',.& l 6Yilde - bi . tinrefitiedTstate,"he.:
SEILER, 01110. d .186 . 1 s areii onrush iable'; v.
We last week notised ,fledication of a
cept• w hen' stare e
„ache an d.proper
edifice,f> '''f ) „ te ,.;., • velitll4;od - iliedi'6nd''Writrelibdsee, L ' specially'
.1 71. !i t ad aYt;ed by theiit"C,Oteti Otioti Veil that
this : happyy A e • etc — a exeldeiv - ely to the 'Stare&O -- ''
sent , us .the .following , -y Let' 'eteli - 0f..-thibstandeS . - di`
"'The . ..Chttrehs of *Salerni*tta',-,:rorgailized-;,. ichiraiteri and t cn,at a special rata of not .
November 3i•4B32yby)Rev. CLiMENit:VAri4; ksi 11/Fee/it* k 4en , e n
'l,AvijiGilA.M,....under , 'the. authority ''ofathet , ! Ridhie g a; ! 'flat - 'Benzine, Binzole anti
, Presbytery. of Beavet) Far seven
served:theleotigregationY,as ' , State& Sulsply.,:: ;barrels r Mess, 'b'e eked as °~ i Speeially f „
Rev M M'eCointg suceeedeViiirm Jab , : i lia:4 . o6'ls . iflah I: 1 and
nary:v:s;llB4(k diViding this ifmesiegttallyi I *hick", Irept;i trlar'Pe'f'YquaratiireP tliatiL'
between Canfieldl , and Saleta -
Re'v , . S: sinfededed - hint 1.t`52,;,t anerliesk'gkdlitide TeVoie s uiif'RdeV
until . 1850:1 baPiel,i' 2 3 ,heifilijaetb t'fie flame
and` continued pastor .until'Jtine;• 1867. -in .4 Etta °t
Decembtivof the 'same-year. he was sitheee& '
ed , :ibyttife,•9l..aseat paitor:. •!. " ( 7 7.f14 reffrib *ilYeiAleillif Oil; Keros"he nd (fir
On Stibbtalfj ; Demt 15y,the,•congregatimi:, lion Oil; and all Oils mitialfactirreil 11 1 66.iC
took Joime:9f <tlieir =little wnoden—bnildieg, • Coal, Rock Prd -Eat 1 4;05 1 4014:1Pattaiexixtkr,
prepartiOry taitakin poisessi On/ rOklesst Kfuan thati Iten9Var
and •• toniee'::nehlei edifice , ' whichl .4 l.l3PY Haag; eitiSsed madam •,•71,andi
erected"odiVlVlsdidd !SpOtsf-Vlitirdpf , tiibr whAte (kepi , iri ; largo; t quhngitieb atbank. Eel.
y &its itsdord - ,4 their father4lhadbifilfiirietittli
baiidtac acid: iettii inv397 Invo tins," and charged aft... 04.014 csiveletbra
a fi 861
ift: P " ..112
' ‘' •
. - ter t. It
"Both ?a ref
With full „,b.rf ey that
older TS de te their'
sanctuary. Though plain and mean in ap
pearance, it had many holy associations for
"It was with such pleasure as is only
r bit e
fett aftes a i10n„, ,, ,41rd ous,
success u
effort, that we assembled in the new hOlise,
for the
and united ;the worship - of, our God.
Professor WILsoN was with, us and
; with his, eloquent and cheering ;words;
stirred ,our soulpand.quiekened our love."
Rev. DAyxuTAGGONER'S pastoral rela-,
Lion ,the ~nhurch of Pulaski, Pa.,
was,, di.ssolved. , on, the •17th ult., by the
i. Presbytery of:Waver. • ,
THE ; bTpr4ATION. OF 1 LE.548 % MASON,
SLIDEDD`: AND ,BESTIS irom.Fort..Warren
has beeri,,as: a; matter of course, a'subjeet of
great rejoiging ',tut 'these 'gentleilien and
their traitors and conspira
tors against
,go - yerumentwhich 'has „sup-,
ported and enriched them almost through
life, do not 'seem to-have..faied very . hardly.
TheY'llave Wien-confined. in spacious rooms,
.and the. Mayor. of Roston and its aristi
eratie families, vied with each other, it is,
said, in sending, them', the - , rich est , Iniuries
and dainties- which -"l:l:letterer-skill could
„procure. Their tables ace loaded with the
.Cestly viands to snob' an extent that they
could not copsumthem, and beautiful' ern-,
broideriX and l eAcTiaritlY;wrimght. carpets,.
counterpanes and blankets were .provided
.for them. If all this be true,we,have only
, to say, shame todyism to men
'Whose treafori,,is, coupled With a ,life r iong,
insolence and overbearing assumption:
All this has been done while Colonels
Corcorau, c ood,,,a.mi Lee, Major Revere,
-and other Unice.
,prisonerfi, brave and noble„
Men, taken orathe battle-field <in defenCe of
their country, are languishing in close cells,
fi k oisorne ,and, filthy, in . : Southern. jails, al
lowed insufffeient clothing and miserable
food by their captors; aid no sympathy is
manifested for thomby the ; , citizens of, those
cities where Ahoy , are confined,. ,
The admirersaof THEODORE PARKER' are
still bringing out ' 'his productions. The
last announcement. is a volume, of Trayers
accompanied witlr a 'portrait'Of the author
Thisi , certainly be , a curiosity: ' "
THE AMERICAN BOARD, in„aeoordauce
With the action taken at Cleveland, has dis
continued the:Toiiiital'6'r.4favidn.s 'and the
Missioncer)):lerald hereafter, , will, derOile .
less sPaee'iotli - e letters of missionaries and
give more attention to the proceedings or
other missionary and benevolent SeCietics.
IMatrer is alga to be' furnished fro ' M the
mission' hmise . for publication in , the relig
ions papers.
A most commendabler disposition is be
'ginning tolici manifeSted by almoet all the
great benevolept, Societies, in, curtailing
expenses without impairing usefulness. To
bring this ationtims,.epst some__discussion,
and displaced sonie , officers,who , ,, , supposed
themselves comfortably salarieii for life, but
the resillie Worth all the'effort' it 'cost. '
CHURCH . , jtist completed, is the most costly
Protestant 'church edifide in“isTew , -Eriglandl
It coat $140,000 -v .. The did"-ashioned,squqre
pews of Puritan :times are adopted in this
church We trust , that Are long the, old
Pnritan.doetrines'Will'also-find &place here.
BiN;lililN' i luaKka; bariMenti, ,
• :$ •, • •
Mass ,• 00,1 M, :week at, the age, of ninety
years. His father died attlie ag,e of eighty
eight ; his l grandfather at ninety • anct his
. great-gfrandfather atakinety-three; :Tor- two
hundred 13rears1 three; hundred- acres of land
remained xn the poSseSsiori of his family,
,descending from falter to son,feur
THE many friends of the Female
nary- at - Mania 'Holyoke, Sonth Hadrey,
throughout theland, - ;will be rejoiend that
another reyiyal, of great interest and power
has begun in that •As many as
'thirty hopeful . inonversiona'are reported; and
fifty theuneott'inited
the Seitienar;Y:lrn'nuMher4 anKin(4.the
t quirers. 1 3310, 1 , poppliaaiy
refr eshi °rand: en couragi ng: at ...the.t roseiit
,moment; aid -we • trust this and
" 1 '
pitttions ofleirniigAwr Loa ape
•pial Isubjeot of t
f.f ooel
rev ng prayer. . • 1
" ova .119 ArEITV:TIORA. , ;
e ** 07 . 1:11 :.• ,
A rNin7,IMPI gioqt
itk..stoqk ~mariett 4s,qaiet ; spa
,whoo,„ hemp lrealiaed 1 landsome loriVitest hips
litttifitriLl4iial cOiafortablet. ;
Ixl:5 I
Tins tar', m e usual. , unristiaaa Lye
out . ‘1 • 2 . • , •
11:1;, e, ,-.
-* qi .•- t,. -,-:, ~,-, ~. •
'l 4 Nn, ?no 01 - .) '' ` .B ':
.DisT Eri r omilevig Di 1 . eso 2 , 1 i .
„..lieett • nail . praied inthis;;citt 7 The I.
,M'S °Alcor lip n ..: in the different de
/4 That - ' s -ucli meetings the
fin.ier ii;irtif. Mate '
- .4,' - . ininatiolis.irt . 46i?
mon, the anther of `sev- , 4 3 . wiresent should be
rt - I , Weir and an orlof the body CO7l,
(0 ,3* 2
eras popular woilkson astronomy, compiler'
fining the leaders to .a-text-books and
of a hymnbeek, and a lecturer of some re- tares of any one Church, to the exclusion
pu frh, professor has' been manifesting—of those of-the others, must •,,,eirtiiaarda`
. t
an tineoinfortablespirli 'fa stsine time, and
•stro.y the ehdradter
Resavetitthat 'we Cann6e, consisted
014'6 Convintion.l (7)
hP§ell4,9„atly, been anxious for an onnortu
. - --
——' " —'' *th-the-teaohings- of - onr StandardKlartr :
pity to kick out of the tracesof Methodist wi
• • n which e
ormally re
government: . ,cipate 113 a Conventio „J .
and { discipline
.' The occasion pudiates the doctrine:that the ;whole T.Vqrd.
has no,w arrived,, and the first service of 'of God is of use to direct us in EVERY PART
the ;"Conferences of Independent Metho- of Twine worship. , .
diets" has been 'held. About' twenty dele- A' esoble d , ,that tto, abandon our pranelplp_s
''and 1 - - in reference_to a aospel Psalmody, on such,
gates, lay
~c erical, were in attend-. for the a.ceommodati,on of those
occasions, ,
ante, representing Independent Methodist who adhere to Rouse's Version, is,seareely
churches in different,of'
,less"objectionable,than it ircsuliflio to enter.'
parts ; the country. -lan „.„,
Rev, M. Staple,. of Brooklyn, was chosen into in 4..rreeteee•P .with the. the; tile"s to lay
President j• Rll.of
, New=
•aside the New , Testament Scriptures, for
:Rev.. :.IT
the time, in order to unite with the* for a
York, Secretary, an d . James M. Coburn, of .season, in—d
acts "ofworship-,J
ip. . ~.
Ne*-York; Treasurer. Two' young men ' Resolved, That until the spirit of mu
were ordained to the ministry and ar n• ' teal - e l'' ago . d concession mark the
-1, rari,,e-o er nan
ments were made for startiperiodical,
dinks'of religious Conventions their
procee ,
starting a _ ,
:to be ealledthe Methodist Independent, to o:feet's must be pernicious—fostering
and Bigotry in those'whose 'princirdes , and
be edited hy
ProfessorsMattison The 4
P e " rms - rare . - adhered to ' and wounding and d
cuiarities of this sect are that, whitethe
adhere•to Methodist doctrine and mode
of forbidden tb conduct the,services according;
:worship, they have no " Bishops,',' or to the usages of their own denothinatibm ,
"Presiding Elders j" the churches are in- MEssits• ,Erirrons:---:-The above pram
ble and resollitions Were suggested by the
dependent of the' Conference own •
, , their proceedings of a RelinioioCerrVen tion um'
church property choose their ' t - ' '7*
' b ' * • '
- - , own PaS 0 -S, at Shelocta Indiana County, Pa, on the
and retain them as long they• a 17th ult. With ' ' 'I 'would as please, an your permission, won
. Conference, composed of ministers and like , to have -them published,4hat brethren'
lay delegates, has .no legislative, executive may, if they deeni it advisable, digenss,
or judicial authority over thelocal them •in their respective PreSbyteries:
churches - solemn "
For m part '1 must enter my pro
beyondthat' of mere ldvice and ' • - my
gunny'everything • '
, , , . ~iecom- test against up for untoh,
menslation:, 'The' Articles Of Faith of the eitherl , in Church or State.' ' `
Methodist Episcopal Church were - adopted ' '. ' ' " LIBERALITY
by the Conference, and recommended to
' - t.he local churches as a doctrinal platform,
and a carefully prepared plan of union or
constitution was . adopted a n . d subscribed'
.'all the delegates, present. * • ' •
Taßlikao' of Puirrix, and bie'elocillent
brOthei, Charles Anderson, who 'displplo
Condnct 'in Te xas, attended
`Bev. Pr,', Adams' cAnrch yesterday,,each
unaware other's-presence .nntil;the
end of the serviCe.'rThey liad"
each'ether for yearn. As the''
was retiring, they met .near the pulpit, and '
'never Was ,there, a more fervent er, Aender
reunion: *wean : brothers: Can we err in,
believing ihaftwo.suchsouls, tested na each
has beet'. ithe sharpest earthly oideal,-
must be 'ktiliAiiiiiiiVother inore'firinlY than
cm'? Par ma '
THE BiimSArduni . 41: Touszle,.D. 1)4
the ditbinggished Profeisor - -of ' Biblical'
Leaiiinglit 'the, 'gemi
, 7.11:' , • VIVI_ t -
nazt . * . "..ths;::toieistant *Oro - Pak church,
in this .eity, r died of, typhoid •fever on Sat-
Ardai•evedingilast. Dr:ltorner;with avian
eminent - liOt -on)y•fo . 'MS= learning!ind his
high 'Pciiition:ig minister; but
for • his sitnpiiiity, of .pliars.eter . and . ;his
cstholis, views. .His. loss will be.deeply
~ felt., not alone in his-otrnidenomination;but
throtrghoht the Church
It . is -stated • •that .10,4 j TAPPAN
takes-the place of:Me-Bowen An:lhe,pub
fishing depiirtisent 'Of' the: independent
'newspaper s and that tfieNiiniii - clitors Will
not write fOr the paper in, the Attire ;
Ma. BARNUM is again before the; public.
He has teated'the use ';of the teetnre-
Rociik te:the Christian Al=,
hence, of city, for e;tinien prayer-meet-.
ing,en 'the lait night of the. old ! year. We
~lesm.4.luitnit; was iolbegin at. eleven .o'elo ek
•aud , close at" One. Pre aching i§ . 'to take
4 - 4 . 0 the
'APiansejp t.. the ppixm room. 11Fesehing in ,
theatres, in LendonOt is said; has been
prodnetiveief mach good.
But iti doilbtful -whether' this has been
ildrufiently tested to &lye enough data for
`the 'formation Of,. a correct opipissa.
46TAIOk'Long„'ialand, of
s oa ey, , p l' r, T ill hela ". serNici ' eeej
Jan nary. 7, 1862, Ar,cowpyrsora..
'on, of, the• ; 2ooth Anniversari,of)
'tablishulent- of .that-church. Alkr.Veisons
'who' era. 'been clYtinectea r iktip 'the
congregation arc invited, to ,'d- join,
uPrineeton, theoldeat postoritirilii
preachnthe E.:Stisnin i s S'qpleirk' at fto 'bloo
Janiatiy , ••• t• • . • .' 7'
Aaa'4 l l9 - .41.0NT8 laws beenmadibindnos
cr the churches in.this city, - forAhe:olitasiir
one .of
of prayer, mentioned
11.• las h . warm w ,' tftere . ever was a I t / i
me •
WhPp+ • f
•.prayer,forgootinuppa„ d, tet supp_le*.
ti on before l'elodv Jthia. su eh' a timer:;; Let
* . prayer bo offered and let ansirars
to our.prhYers: ' '
. '
u. i VP.ffirfAiliELPrint •
#A• • I • j it ;: „0,1
18 1143 . 111 . 42 ,P 011 1 P
' 'busy Aißle At; the ;Navy ;Yard All .tlirough.
;the: •Wi Merl Pfew;- If any,
tb"Be The
• • -• 4 .
ibieh are soon to lie commenced, - wi)l bpAbi
wide l field :for, the skill and-.efiergy,of bur
,meoharfica; t • • a
VT; . IS'ACFCtIt Of ` Pifer 8
c i rsPiktP al Pt4 l 44atelide - Pitri9Ye4 ) 3
Charleston -South.' Carolina, is the :Rev.
Mr. Prentiss. He wag formerly of • the
bilureh! of 'the' BOVliiitty; in this' city! 'The
othe itieciifel`cliiihli .
; IN A
q un i ed M i ', l Vm9l3 I Y a nci? l-
7:tuicihner;i.94 o ,,Prt.gf9 sicadiest el4x l Tch%
; ;America: • The- late, edifice was builto ,before
"'l7so,'from ad design - tby Okillisittigher
... • • -
• Wied
bf (1.
p2F,sy .is sti ll takeimbi, the
piirdhesi , and , YoungialetA Christian , As
vsonititiwit, Of. this•ci ty i in the 'Spiritual wel
160 andrintterat
41)giiila last week foi:'
•. m fle " I •
„fyarte ehnreh at which stirring apd able afi
•.i.dresses,vere ma tte
" I .Caylnrdlta . .. J:opkiOhnmhexs.ankothers,
j')ehalf of the soldiers. And prayer is 'of
!ere& every'd'ay at 'the'
Sansoin 'Streat,: — ~ •
• . .s•.
O.: 'Ol 3 / 4 0
/or e Presbyterian Sinner.
tnio / a Conventions: 1:1, ,
' -WHEREAS,. A., spirit of professectliberaiity.
senuanifestnng itself on) ttepart oft some re-: ,
d )igi'ou
denominations who 'fors:km{3r stood;
n Utt , 'u• great distance. fie& •theirChiisiian ,
and:lwkoleven•werit;so far aktb
- filet eeelesiastioili::penalties' upon their.
memberalAffor - 04! , sin of occationgt ;hear=
ii . d.i; . ;alidPwherttam; theii - sre certain
''leading.' principles whit% should abe iikcergv,
°niznd bjelthose wbo..uni tei in.Lthe: worshiplof ,
SAKI ianmssemblyi col I e ctelltbY. spaa *info
d tation from the various eian geli Cal chuteht;A:p
and', .! whereas; ,; bur , ,iipeoPloitshould thitTe
/ I some plain; rtiles - toiguidolthemlirestitionmil-'
teutofi le on ie tit i66o of :a re i ki6d,
efeireditto3;4thttieforwked, 'az%
. The,PRESFYTERY OF S . T.' CLAIR SVII,LE will meet in
thei church of Bench Spring, on the Pint Tuendey•of
nitt:t4 at I O'clock P. M. .70 EIN MOFFAT,
• • ••• : 'Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF iticTILANO . will meet in Mt.
Vernon, on the Third Thursday (tholeth,)•of January,lB62;
at 2 o'tiocit P. M. JAMES B.OVVIJAND, Stated Clerk,.
tntra • • t
Our t i rosipe i!aysayoesed clreekriver,.snd made
s alight advance toward ,Bowling clean, •:,
• • Congress. ,
But little hilliness has •been qione,-, in either
House, :since ourlast,,the holidays interfering.
• . 3 ' "" Port *Royal'. •• •-•
Our °fume ; are exteuoi#g i their,pouson of
ihe lalanda,aud increasing-fortifications:,
". ofipecie,Paymenti: .
The:, Boston ; . Ne+aror)e, Philadelphia
Banks ,slFBlt_ Monday.
. Some of, t y he
Pittsburgh B,” ,k s followed A. general aus-,
- pension is praable.
-lion. Robert Ilelttight.
We are indebted to 'this gentlethan for n 00 . 17
. . .. •
of MajOr 14oidcOalle- ,
Report of the
mission to.llOrope in 1855 and 185 e;
les a ;met 'moist , , information ,on Military
We haVe often called. the attentioxi'ot•••oitir
readers to this' . excellent periodical: - .41 11 1'S ' is.
monthly, of 144' pages, OviiiiirniziC Weald* .jn
,diciously made from th'i beittif nice
Journitle. Edited by W. 1r. , 11144411, NiiiPtiork;
and sold •by Henry .. bliiß; f rittlibilitgli:'
JinUary number is rich in matter ,'' and Jas two
beantiful steel engravings.. . • ..
The Rebel Loss at Draitedvillevt • ,
Eiridenees are accumulating iriii r gi v alipiNhat
the rebel rout at, Drtinesiille, Wits" . 44 !perfect
panic. They scattered and . ..fled in greit'disor
der; and if there had been , a ri4er 'behind theM,. ,
is' there was 'behind our men at iorspiuff,. the
caltiyes and the killed would have beeri
• : : • -;
numerous. One who has professed to have per- ,
pet. knowledge , of the result of the figh,,witen
*making of,the slain, says: .
Themnemyinever came.bsck-to burg.theirdead;
but ; they,iwern nnried by, the citizens sof f •Draines,
i f(e aays,they buried;ffle hundred and id;.
Cy -five each a sepasrati grave.
Avis preient r atillie btnialiainfoatiiieed the grairek
Among the dead bodies was tlikt'br+Gren.'Stewart.
His; remainstere' identified-.bylis name being
'Written op,' /pp },underclothes,-;Pp,i ; iaword . had
been taken ; away and, slinulderitops,removep.
:The head,'Of COL Taylor was slitit o tiorie
,was killed unile:i;him.' • ItiiiliodcrivsliCiascilbinid
-andidentified byiletterafmind onAiis periion:4
• • • '
ThP, Farmqrs.litgit- §chcol.
The Catalogue , for4B6ll4 finned, , '.The officers ,
•President Pngfi;'•and' - ;profeasora Wfl6°6; l '
IVhitnian; Baker and! 3enriings. Clergymen dit f .
the "neighborhood, belongingle. different: , denOnit!
inatiensi`ifoi an Chapfill:tali The number , or st u
dents ie Tbe conYee of f
and practical.- The' buil dings' ir . frl 41481 . and
,data. It is 'ilee:*-tiliadflitOebiOOl
shall end'
NOV L'ige 0 'l;e 3, . e".
of good character •
character,, i
, and. n i abidnows; to
have the elementary iicquimtiona ofithe goiniqn
nehopl t &e.
.They pledge themaelx,eito3 obeely„ 1*
the rPlei 3 l, Orpe,Picnlre
and slooyeir in. ,ndannon. wtich . will
boarding, wirbing..rootni and tuition.
Addrges_,tLe P Teli.4enti*rif Akclkol4o6. is;
Farmers' High School c9Txtormlbw;,.. •
Charitstoil *turd 3116 1 e Fleet :
i1tt1. , 17 3'
Sixteen voseels..Of the:ll:oneflot.#4.ltav,e bean
intik at. t 11 - p.ogatwiny" Charleston harbor They ;
were old •5•ba1ar5.,0"..27444;500 totoolandtbearjly.
laden 10tk graigto 4001 (15.' Otraty. stink4in
twg'lo.iyhojes,te _elapse the .sand coq settle-betwepa them. They arte.
to NV:bedded immovably, and to"effectnally.block.
4,ith.e.vassage way. Thera are tvio• or.ithree
'other., paisages: whiol f ad in t: • small Evesselsciinds
641047. whirl ships , of a considertible) gide ihtij)
enteci:: This: lastlisAikelY 'to be Sioppetl
ne•blockide *lll then be rendered easy.
Cherlestbi wiirithiis we reduced to-tOrtitie
coasting trade; with vessels 'of a: very light
until the tide» and storms. shall Vavelbiiene'd
new channel. IThis maylbesodn,'Aitt•iitaY,not
be for mani'Years. • '• ' • 1, -;.*
It causes isfidndtartO think 'of
striinting the innitai4s Of ti l de ; yei: it "e'an
noeing. belrei(artfild glitiOne relt*itiO,
and; that .toc;*
' ~rltli the
r4eSSeis the 'ciknao!tM 1 i.;z iheotjei i 17fi oßftth, #neooitor smfavrpxi4 i, tps9hßi*riMSs*
. 1i g h,t4 5 4 !"14n6 1 recently biew•,V,lnikPrioll3•l"r•
.M 10.106:
-PeAB44 ..9004,ATIAthe !!QtriNiriltlt9h!
tritdlt 83)514., 1)10 1 4 . 1 34..kerye1*
I:l4l4aPti. -v - n! •
41thatentaa*tthaU toxita k v
lt t o : e a rl a A e i c selimfre:lngisunW at theinmi l;ht
bOt.iovdenee was n
nee no , the,T i e,.
by meant; ofra devouring
firc,r,tonimning,ibetween, four4and ;five :hundred
baiidingh in zentral btisineds pareof thetcityJl
%Da tespeoialliTharlestOb;iralt:
thefountaiteoftke donspirec3i-khfch;bibitglit:
the 7peniodtznTherel,4*6t4iotlii,a initinumv
ciAl ' etd ft t irto'l l etistilal t i4
Thh r ie the army
ful aithority:il-Thed the fretcgen waixfAg,thl 146tit/to
The Eclectic Magazine.
~ . , : .' n ~~. , '::y~ ..r
t made to float .7; alibittliirol the iOteirn&C visitation
I Or justide, by those whom God has charged to
not bear,'Peik.zword in vain, 113 ' t 6, 'be expected.
Vengeful' feelings ,we would . not cherish. i n
Ivrath we- would' do noel4ll-. But wickednes s
mist ,be, suppreasid; ivatt..whern and 'how can
thi s be done bu:t,by.ritiakli9l.Vl - iitithors and lin t _
~.t) 9 r.
ping their.poWer
There Seems tojim a 'generit.P:acquieseence in
the dispositiun,srWt..has been pails of the affair
of the '.7!relie ,ZO!*L:yons and*s6ward have
.been plsastiFraiyilaintting,ing the courtesies of the
:treason; ida I,hare are 'bright, hopes .that peace
lath all the Powers oblitprops will be maintained,
at least for a wimp longer.
There is still. no impor,44,minteteent. of the
army; but drills,, xevitwe, 46049..... keep life
Dsc. 26.—This eveniWahentopve* o'clock, g
fire broke, ont , 41. ; u thls,GlaygnmenpAstables, on
'TevieritY-seccild, betwien Valid Stiets, and iti
an hour an a half the -whole of the - stribles, ten
,in nninber; - were (either destroyed by'fire or had
been pulled down. . ! The stables - covered about
'fear acres - oaf gsoriddind.:cintained at. the time
?the fire, ioke eniotkonl.,two thousand horses, of
eihich"iillierolit. except thilge in the long
centre stables on fTweitYrsixth''Slieet, number
ing aboutigiWo .. dintidied: • :Some ot,t4e , sea
eaceped4er,e; so ; :lindly burned : t xhey
'Hied,. and . -otherB,ll*. ,tg a ben -The total
numberloii is'estithate. d at fr,oni two hundred and
-fifty th . three
The Joint Oornmittilit' of both' Houses to inves
tigate the.Condnot of. the war, are holding daily
sessions. Je-dey, they= bad - before them Gene.
MoDewoll,„„ ) .Heintaleman. „and., Franklin. The
Oommitteettie y ying to find flit, the causes which
led to the ;
A dispatchNiesVeceived Gen. Halleck to
.day, whiohlatifithinces that Cortishop's detach
,nient overtook a party of bridge-burners, of the
*North Missouri, : Railroad; on ,fitonday, - and killed
`ten of the numberAooki,geventeen prisoners and
thirty horse's.. Gen..,HaPepk also announced that
all d, the: reili6d would . repaired in
three days : -- "* . " • •
ST. Louis, Dec:27.-,-,Thevfollowingf relgUite of
regent, militaiy operitioni ize,Alissouri are ob
-4.inesl from a.-•relisblelsourevssithin-the past two
!I', 'LW-.
weeks : '
, The Union army cilititred,4,6ooirebels, includ
ing about.4l,commisaitmed,ofterts, 1,200 horses
and mu1e5,,,1,110 standtof.R.romi.,.Zensof powder,
+lOO Wagons, & immense amount of Commissary
:stores and cattp , equipage, and. aJorge foundry
.t Lexingtein 12 sed the rebillegfOr'casting can
'ion, shot ,and ~Mtist of Ann:rebel: craft on
:the Missouri ! rivere including .fes;r3s boats, have
'heir destroyed -or captrirecL A pretty clean
:sweep has been made of the whole country be
tween the Missouri an'Alltagen'trera, and Gen.
Price has bekti,blit)OffTnirii*llistippliett and re
cruits from North Missouri. He is in full retreat
for Aikinsas with littifhole army, having passed
throOlifi Spiing6eld'on7Menday Our loss,
in accomplishing thtisii important . results, does
not iiiceed one hundred filth* and wounded.
Tfill'eft are the resulte,of tl e t bcil rent etrategeti-
Oat Contliination t e„ of gen. which have
been by Generals Pipe, Prentiss
and McKean ; 'titff. O. Davis, of Fort
Sumiter fame; FYI& t.tte„ regular
army infantry, and...thei "hritie soldiers of our
army, reit:atm and - ioliinteeri. Price's efforts,
through his emmiimaries; to.-stilEdil.frebellion in
North : Missouri, sadAtimulysneousljs barn all the
railroad bridges,, stations, and rolling stock, on
the 20th of this moitih,,iti,ecocirdance with plans
promulgated froth 'the iebto' &nap, have been
completely foilerli , toralicia ei'tent by the ener
iy of Gen. Halleck and.tile mainly of our forces;
ing the...saverity of Ale weet,ner.,..The damage
; lent; 'fo the North"Mheintiri-and Hannibal and St.
'Joseph railroads iieeir Mitch 'tmaggerated.
*pairs . are rsiddly being:madet !anti both the
Ortli.M.sElour,k.:..kallre,ad,_:l4l4lteleffraPh; wire will
:be ii.workurg order: to-n ight.
tr TO l 1:01'0,gh "fiurntiri; "areeady been shot,
and fifty - are' li b , lifose''oOnfillemint to be Bumm a
rily dealt With,' ;under 'Genf' Halleck'S 'stringent
orders, in a few. days I:4kb Confidently expected
'that our moving columns
• effectually break
, up bridgeArnisitßieyirtiblklMsouri t tas, the re
hellion has been pred,South of the river. No
bershoiii t a thesiabtndiels. General
:Halkask7l3emottleis;nrith .reference to all
•bridge burnems„ t ires to skositsdown, every one
. thakind ittemik:
Dec. 27„, 7 -.lzi„,accogdance with or
:dors ACMDen:'. - 3itleck, lite Prevost Marshal
General . direqa thaf.sii s tegtAies, now confined
in the St. tonis Cotttityjnir and advertised for
Sale, under the.:Statal)statute, lie released from
prison and pit?fleciluntler i gte control of the chief
Quarterioaster - 9C,tlill i depiOtinent for inOor till
further erdebe t . sTaves being the; property of
rebels,' inalhaviiti Won need tor ineurrectionary
purposes:i - , d i ;0 5. .
9.--.Yeateidadr . ; General
rrentiseowith.l 450 men; encountered' and dia
sersed,n 1114r,,nt 1 ;;.ehela 900 <strong; -.under Col.
Morsry, 14 . 7
,Boono county,
:and woullitg . , ';of then', andl,caßtriring 35
prisonere,. 961torVesUnd 105 tui":" Our loss was
only 8 killed imadll Wounded :;' ' • • "
4 „,t 1 Fort, hokono.,
The ..thailldAlttatesrjraxisport steamer Baltic,
*high. leAVNaar-,:york.aa DecemberT. M.,
with :the :fmmty c liftik egi ident Nea:roik" Vol
ontieis,; arrived leFoit Pio'kens (in Dec` 113, et,
5 P.A: "
The . .BeViility-lift,foßegiment; , numbering 800
men, daMackireped: hick of ROA' -Piettenis, on the
. gronEdj9rnerly c i coppiq.pir Billi.Vilson's,regi
ment, who have been RpogLiO 24,93109 n within
;the intienehments. "'"
.AncireaSne. ilie ''foi;dtiegri . `l3aritii . loiti Island
nmontitt to' sbont 2,sooiThen. Gan. , Bragg- has
received rei n fore em enti th e ; •likt,e bombard
„making the wholp,momber n oflu,en.under
oggnuand about. j.?..000. , .
Ve•flioltes. is in Ihe : istirio ; condition Wet the
liatiinitl 4 gins left it. It'; : is'An'ooekiiiiedby any
is . ,rgencireo:Y • rie walltii of 4 Ffirt,.Piokens do not
grve.:loiir evidence) ofe*titucy bi.tfhepbornbard
fnent, Fre grnertts t of Ishells;' : howewArj are:found
.trewu for smile hgr.inad,tlmillort. .
L 'Around shot, weighing 'IV pounds, which had
IMAsixl over the Yore; Was itiund bir the Soldiers.
" r
Nr. - Chase'tlyatem of .Finanee.
I r I
A pamphlet Mitt appeiired from the Government
Printing offtee.uridersiteed to he from the pen of
Walt 41;e5tillwAll, tot LNem-York; whiob Idisbusses
13.43rP1iT • c) Ht e lfatTlian. 11" . 121 Pretilliat.9l,National
`finan , no avid cnr,:en i ty : ..ano the a4(.lltional propo
sition l icw!rcatie - lht theliebi•etary i `tra enable nil
.eiistink baillti; land t asltociatilmstir'ifinking pur
•pcset! tirlhoslozhe• National institzitions. In the
9 1 theMiier; ;the; %Constitutionality of
.currney t mopostd bcycud lion*, and if
'properly managed. the' Secretary's plonwill fur
nish for the nptio! t all the credit andmoney that
a p r nderit it A?immiatiltiiiXl ought "ItO' r require to
oonolude•thevar with an honorabletpeace. The
stet emen te...lpd eanumin't a id' the writer•th oron gh y
exert:tint/mg expllin tbo Seortarj: j olystem, and
titre iiiten4ii to prcve,
A r tr i ;e: s ' l fhlA:the ciidit of tbis,gov:ternment de
pendslnniegi uPon-inanoial adrillfina9l:6llCh AS the
ability of 'the iiation tO sustain. ti debt is suffi
cient., wittere ,-, Proner satiTLY.;:econoray. and pro
dense V ° %tril 1 . ) Y491 OP4 - PtrearAllimits•
Second Askin g Jimmy foi war pur
posei, the Goie4linient. btritiukto'deviso a plan
that;Will displace ili ffew t iiiMovidintllseenrities as
posible; andqweatelio'disPositiois to foreclose
mortgages. Azar iristrabAthe,.. t .ine of taxable
i PioVertY• • • • 4
•, t Ai/ k, b 12.1t, ' .
nira : zsTjitaz,e
.tinfrzt moylprganrze under
'an tict COn national institu
tions, and illsgt litsatfin; eiafte.fiaCal agents of tht ooVeelt Aaxes•-anti other dues, and
disburse tbe l istant4k
of the Union. fpriocommission all parts
Fi nart/ 14, Tbatrtliebinide which may be receiv
ed ;from tall‘•_'llgnics ;will :be looked up in the
TreaSorYt, a lliahijkatttlieeby, the National Gov
ern • will : piwtsmot_a full and perfect power
Over " tile eurrezio,T e bilistouch as the Secretory
`loaf tiell`theAdb : 3 .L'h - iiissisited. and redeem the
'.bills -of.' insolvent tben'ts. •
• : That, thegoiedit.and soundness of all our
ounwncy will ; depend upon Like care and skill
witli t7 4 ? ( f llll 4,Pp l 4ll4p , rorr4ses and pledged faith
'of thelintion'atcelzekt and - retieemed. If the NA
tionalliffh6elilr remain iinlblemished, then this
cplan o f i Naiinnitlltianbir and currency will pre"
4teetittank,,bipsi against' depreciation, and enohle
' fie - Q 4 ° Bl pf liondli iohtlin all the money for ire
inattlntiaengo,WM:ild authorize it to ask
f o e a Or 4.„%.
° l`he le4t4iky Legislature.
T b eftol lqw4tr.nie:znbers have been expelled
froinipielkohukettpt ai4ing , in:thcrebellion. viz:
Jelin fii.A l iott .ipni9f.iia4theirson, A. K. Boon,
G. :ItB i l Vertiloth.", R liforxil; G. W. Ewing, J.
'C. tillbe'`iiiitJek ' ld
Sen'tiffi, reeommended the
expnleion oft Sobneaup for! the same cause.
• pelt "t dnd
r 2.
Adittgrili,,oYetY brinll4l''iii'd ten Airs old,
has 1673114aig`d 'Bahia 4•e.' • His name Nuts
. T eel e' c lifith l / 4 4.1Egjwii s • born in lialtitnore
•iiiteittfivieitSt ga l tailigV•biit six houses.