V'XINNE ALL/8014 S. LIMN. AVID M'KINNEY & CO. Editors and Proprietors. TERMS IN ADVANCE. eltriaLl BVISSORIPTIONO $l.llO IN CLUBS 1.25 DsLivigim IN Errals.or, Tip OVII 2.00 TWO DOLLARS, We WI 100 by mall seventy number for ONe 1/01,14%, thirty-tithe übmbeni. p lawn gentling us twatorr eubsonlbere,ppd upwarde,, will thereby entitled to a paper witioot ohms°. Den male should be promptohlittli betbre the year expires • Send payinentl by satelmadokstp.br,mati. Direct in letters ' DAM irlilPitET CO" INittebbigh, Pa. Tor the PreehYterian Banner. Diligenie and NOV f t " 'see whke Cain - fort of his life Mr. Ilarriso• takes; said Joseph to his father; he is:11110o at work. lie never takes any time , 4O rest." gl He sliteteet - night, don't " said Mr. Armstrong. ,c y es ,. suppose hedoes ; bit 'l' never tialtAlurresting to the daytime." "Re is a very strong man, and does not . iteediriuch'rest during the day": - " 1 *wild think he n would *it, to enjoy. hintoot i iotrietimqs.". 14 X Presume he fiayth ndie:enjoyment in exertion.. A man who lovei hisivork, 'and , is diligent in it, finderpleastire init. 'There, is.a great, deal more :etlltYinent fatnatl. in ex ortionlhin there inirt rest." -,, ; • The that, enjoyteent is ,found, in: rest lather *trr.in :erettion,ls :a'comMon one, but it is not at:all in aceerdince"With hu man ezperiotide. The Most, active men— voluntarily native, are thnmost 4ppy Men.. know that many an active man has looked i'orward to al time of rest as the time of enjoyment; but *hen that time of rest hae ome, he has foUnd that heWat:less happy than he was in the days:of exertion. tied has so made the body and the mind, that it finds its happiness in healthful, activity. The same law hoids true with respect to the religions lift. A life of retirement, - ineditation and prayer is thought by many to bring the greatest amount of "enjoyment. :letirement, meditation and prayer are pleasant; but when they forni the staple of 'de, the highest religions enjoyment is not reached. To: this, activity to doing good .!s necessary. :,:No man liveth 'unto himself. letirement, resti..may conduce to peace, I,nt diligence is necessary to delight. The liligence of Edwards, of Martyn, :and of :?ayson, contributed to their , intense me enjoyment—their delight in sacred •:hings.. • Instead of seeking, for , enjoyment, di rectly, let us: seek for diligence in duty. Diligence lies in. the way to delight. Luz. EUROPEAD -CORRESPONDENCE. SPECIAL I'IUNTN IN TRZ NNW M&BBa Airp mca Painaseu—DzeiscustoN of WAL—TI3II CASINZT-43ENNOm AL SCOTT'S LIITTER--CIALLNITY IN zni2411161011-1310/ISTNZET AND 111111 1 i$D—NorlIAL RUTNIX AND nvimuaNati FOR WORE ma MaN= NAGOND 804001 d AND RAO 0014ZOTION—Wycwria AND LOLLARDIr—Xxxna tun AND TIIN LECTOR'S—JUT TERWOUSIt, AND TUN FIRST EACH.= BIDI,E—WiaLIFFN's " ASONEV AND TIMM LIBI3ON—A PintaoNAL VISIT TO LOT NED,wotmn—Taz OLD ONvnan—TD .Litzucta," tam FEZ CAVIL ANTIODAILAN—PODINOMDT. LONDON, Dec: 7 , 1861. SPEcuai PRAYER is being offered in con nexion with the Anglo-American crisis. "To OUT knowledge," says the Record, of Monday last, "'it was anticipated in some of the metropolitan , churches, yesterday, and we cannot doubt but that it, will awaken a response in thousands of Christian hearts!' Mitt Marsh had previously Addressed to the Record, the following letter : " Sir :—At this moment when a. war with America is imminent, will you not call upon the praying people of the land to beseech of God yet to avert the curse of war—a. double curse when it falls between kindrea nations of kindred faith. " I am, &0., o f Ppm Au'uoa OJP,THE MEMORI " Ais OF CAPTAIN HEDliFik VICAIEtEL!' It certainly is a special duty =and privi lege at such a crisis, to repair to the throne of Infinite Wisdom, to the Mercy Seat, over whieji sits in his glory, the Govern or of XationS., How many the 'true chil dren of God are on either side of the At lantic—how closely connected multitudes of them are by! European birth place . and Scottish,Ulstdirti English blood ! And then how, if they share, as both parties. naturally do, more or less of the chafed spirit of irritation which, as it were, fills the air around them, how it tends to bring both into a humble, contrite, forgiving, for bearing condition of mind` and soul—when. "debtors," to justice theMselves, and need ing a free pardon from the' Great Absolver, they say to "Our (common)_ Father which art in heaven, forgive us our debts even as we forgive our debtors !" May that spirit reign and rule. -May it find enlarged and" honest'utterancein that fresh New Year's Concert for prayer which American mis sionaries Were the first to propose. And may the lanswer comea-rsuch as-,the real friends , of -Evangelical Until and Protest ant strength, would and ought most earn estly to desire and long O." The conviction prevails Imre that our Government does. not wish a conflict, and also that President Lincoln is of , the same mind, and likely to disavow thallroceed ings of an officer, who, it is now sler,..acted without orders, and proceedings, whether legal or illegal,, not only exasper ates many, but also daniages , even the Fed eralist cause both politically and in refer ence to the tremendous home stiliggie in whichthe United States,. by no fault of their own, are involved. Thus evil is done for example, in the sense that a loan could not now be raised, if it were required, so 110 to arrest a drain of gold (ere long be lieved to be coming,) tathis side from New York. In like manner, the prohibition by Royal' proclamation, of the departure from the 'United Kingdom, of saltpetre, nitrate of soda brimstone , arms of., all kinds, &a., of which .immense quantity had lately been purchased or ordered, must be a loss of no small amount to the cause of the United States.' . . . General Scot*. letter to the Paris•pa pert., tends to increase hopes of a peaceful settlement, as be clearly denies that any order was previouslf given to Captain Wilke to, stop English vessels, in search r. for Udel and Masonf , kAt, all events he is anxious to prevent a War. But the dif ficulty is, that he calls that "a pretence," which our Law officers (lona& ~the law of the question—namely;thothe, 2, l rent ought to have been taken into port. .Alas, if it be true what the Daily Telegrapk,:says of the. issue of negotiations: " Those' who know best, hope least; .and we may talk of;, this coming conflict with: only too .01100, 1 la that our talking;, will , have been' ffitown away," • I trust and hopathat,this will prove au unwarranted foreboding. A DEPLOS,ABLZ CALAMITY has occurred at Edinburgh. Upwards of ninety persons have perished by the sudden fall of one of thorn old and lofty ,bouses of, the r itigh Street, which have: arrested ,thaeya of ev ery American visitor. What-great, his toric stones and persdnages have been iden tified with that ancient path*ay - or ;the Soottisli t past. There stood and still, stoinTds the house: of. John Knox, to Whose, upper most story I have penetrated ere the 'Free Church purchased it, and placed. a churl% by its 'side;nol-filfed with living pars, a O "and tho i oe of that" bleSsed'EVAit*" gel" which Knox loved to proclaim. Up that street: oft swept .Royal, proces sions from Efotyrood Palace to the Castle, and there were seen the dancing plumes,. and the kelted bands of , the Pretender and his followers, in his short-lived possession of Edinburgh, in 1745, ~The strength,-of these houses, with, theit; thick walls,-must: have been great to have, endited so long.. But now a warning has been giveti by the sudden and overwhelming, T op, and ”by thobe 6astly, mangled; suffoexted whose corpses, Seen by „Di. Ciut rie, furn, ished the : great prop* with ►u awfully. + ~,.. . ...__ ..,,,... $ . 6 . ~..... ...., . , ~ .' - it..,„ •.,.,..,,,... ,„ :.„, ~:-. .„.,....„ _,,,„ ......,..... .- 11. 0 - - - ..: \,..__,/ . . ~,, ~ . , . .. „ . Mi - A,33 , rfirr VOL • PTO.` 16' awakening appeal, soon after, to a crowded, congregation, and a solemn call to her " ready." Dr; Begg, who. ik;yhry ninth; religiously, of a Tribune,,ofithe people s sad.. who as a Suet; making' righteeni bnioralizing " both is systeMi"Plevalent on Scottish farms and pasture .grounds; has taken advantage of the Edinburgh calamity, to lift up' his voiee'in earnest protest on the over-eroved. big of the population, and on the necessity of providing the working classes with proper dwellings. " THE RAG-Cor.rxeriNG BRIGADE " such is a new development of the Ragged School system. The Shon-blaok. Brigade began with twenty-four boys, but its num ber: for the year. ending February last, was three hundred ~ancl thirty-one, and their year's earnings were 44,447, , .from shoes and hoots blanked: at id. eaoh pair on. Lon don streets. The new movement will be- gin with January, 186/ During the month .or October last, no less than 7,850 bags of foreign rags were auctioned at Liv erpool, alone. the rags in. London itself, clippings, &c., must be immense. There is a class of dealeis in them, who keep " Marine Stores," so called, and where short, weights are often used, and their proprietors often tempt servants to rob their masters. Now we shall have the fine boys in, clean; dress and uniform, calling at our doors for rags, ,hones, kitchen stuff, waste paper, worn and broken metal, &c. They will have covered trucks, scales, weights, and receipt books, and, pay ready moneyfor, their purchases. An adult su perintendent, will, for the first few months, accompanyeach party. A " Brigade Bank" will be-established, and no boy will be raised to the position of collector, and in trusted Itith the money`' for the daily trad ing payments, till Jut has at his credit in this bank, a sum sufficient to'gUirantee the amount orhis daily. dealings. Store rooms will benbtained, where under skilled man- agement the boys will.sort.and prepare the stuff for sale. Could not this movement be introduced with great advantage into American towns and cities? " WYCLIFFE AND LOLLARDY" WES this week the subject of a very able lecture be forethe Young Men's Association, at ,Exe ter Hall. The lecturer is an eminently useful and Evangelical preacher in the Es tablished Church, well versed in, or rather deeply imbued with, peculiar views in the ology, and wont' to address awakening or edifying discourses' of rare excellence to a very numerous and deeply attached congre Lion in Solloway, Loudon., .The lecture— although it lasted two hours—was long but not lengthy, and' in the middle of it a hymn was sung by the vast audience, to the Swellina b diapasorr of the great organ. The first part of the lecture gave a pictorial and historically faithful sketch of the social and moral conditionsof the 'people of, England in the age when Wycliffe appeared, as well as. in that immediately preceding. The baie King John and the terrible Papal Inter diet, by which the whole kingdom was put under ban, the mass‘ left unsaid, and the dying unannealed and unshriven ; the °hunter and reign of Edward V.; the wealth and luxury of the regular clergy; the sudden rise of Abe Dominican Friars,. their immediate popularity, and their sell ing (in connexion with •preaching. at Fairs and the exhibition of holy ,relics,) of " pardons;" their greed and covetousness; and then their denunciation. by Wycliffe, his circulation in MS. of small tractates among the people, showing that pardon must come from God alone, and through the merits of Jesus Christ; the spread of the leaven. of Lollardy .specially WI the midland counties, and also in Kent; the danger of Luther from the.enraged bishops; his appearance at old St. Paul's his pro tection by great nobles espousinghis cause; his parish labors at Lutter*orth, in Leices tershire ; and, above all, his magnum opus, the first translation of the Bible into the English tongue—finally; "his death and burial, and forty-four years afterwards, the exhuming and burning of his bones by Papal zealots~; " his ashes, as old Fuller bath it, being " cast into the Swift, thence into the Severa l thence into the Narrow seas, and'so passing, like, his. own doctrine, all round• the world." Mr. Mackenzie. very strikingly pointed out -the indebtedness of the Englishuatiou to Wycliffe, or rather to Him.whe has kin died inn) light and usefulness this " Morn-, iog Stare. of the Reformation." And. lie closed with two solemn and weighty les sons, a disceurse which was received with great enthusiasm—the first; how much one man -might do; and the-second, a voice of personal,- monition to every youth present:. ".My son, , ,know thou the God of thy:t &the; and serve, him with a perfect heart. and a willing.mind ; if thou seek, him; he l will be found of thee, but if thou forsake. him, he will cait,thee, off forever!? A visit to Lutterworth had been made by, ; myself, in the discharge of,publie,duty, the week preceding this lecture in, Exeter Hall. This coupled with my, personal acquaint-, acme with *Mr. Mackenzie, made me feel ihe more deeply interested. Let me try to take your readers with me to Litterworth. - We` ave got to a railway station nearest to 'it . —nearly four miles ff o--en the midland counties , railway. We must walk those four miles. Well, let it be so. We are on the broad highway, with almost as broad an troddenmargin, quick set hedges on either side, and far as the eye can see, green. fields, Kilthough,,,tlevember ,is almost ,at its last breath,) on which are herds of cattle and ffeeks of Sheep. These are among the , fittest 'pastures id all' England, and these old ditches that divided them—just like those at Kenilworth , and in the neighbor hood—can be little changed since Wycliffe's days. The associations are entirely agri cultural ; and that front - a' small market town,. in , the midst of such a peaceful, bucolic legion, should.go forth an influence that should awake to rage.the Tatican, and almost convulse it with terror, _ and mt the same time should draw forth (for,thebene fit of millions unborn,) " from dusky se , questration " the Scriptures .of Truth-7 this ,is hard to realize. Thus felt I, „too, when J,atood once on the field of Waterloo,. se site**, and nature in the, freshness of sweet Su‘mer in its noon; so have I, felt at „Newark, r , in Nottinhamshire, whence Cromwell's cannon, planted on th ' ese green, artificial mounds outside , the town, _bad drigen .out Charles 1., crambling ,the old caitle about his, ears, and compelling him to give himself 'up to the Scottish army . , but three miles away. Such meditations bring us to Latter worth;on the West' of a swelling 'upland, and tctits old church Mies. to the left of thelltighway, once, as in. Wycliffe's time, mroWned with a spire,"'(Whose model' is within the Church;) bui that taken away by a lightning bolt, as if to say that ROM P S' proud pretensions were -humbled to the dust, where once she said, '" am a Lady 'forever— , * * I shall know'no sorrow." Soon after we repairi- accompanied by a ,courteous Congregationalist pastor to the church , itself...An old: woman custodian _of ,the keys is sought onti and. , while there -is a little delay:in her,arrival, we survey: be exterior of, the building.. .The nave; is narrow, the, channel, still F more , so. The, ,achiteeture is, ,evidently: net, unique 7--, it. is. of ..,different styles and centuries. , One por. 9 ;URGH, SATURDAY, JAN HARP 4, 1862. I tion., only, the nave, is, as old as the four penal century, and beneath the low arch fir that old doorway in the Southern `side, ofttimes, it is believedi. Wycliffe had stooped, going to and..fro in the discharge of his priestly functions",--for he lived rand. died nominally a pries! of Borne. But now the door is opened; and we enter the 'building. It is sadly disaPpointing as to the' aspect of antiquity,' because the high-backed pews of.sthe,' last• century are everywherb except in tht. chancel .itself. Here, however, are the nave and the old, arches perfect—the voice_ of Wycliffe once chanted "matins" or " even-song" here, and better still, gave forth , utterances .of truth which reached flowingly the hearts of many whose dust has, been •resting,without in the old churchyard, for well nigh five hundred years: There are here also the alleged relics of Wycliffe'a time---the' chair at the side-of - the communion table,"-in which he was wont tocsit ; the portrait in the vestry, (or sacristy,) which was said to have been taken from life, and the holy vestment or " chasuble * " in which he used 'to minister at the altar. As glibly as that well-remembered old' 'woman who showed me, at Warwick Castle Lodge, the ":porridge pot"-of Guy, Earl of Warwick, (in which. messes , were pre pared fbr his, soldiers,) and who concluded her, fee-prompted description by taking a long crow-bar and sweeping it round the edges of the porridge 'pot, causing it to ring out in tones of, thunder ,the echoes of :..a mighty past—so ,glinly talked in days past the guide who led strangers through the parish church at Latterwarth, and 'pointed out the real and original relics of John Wycliffe. But alas i l for. her. Her "occu pation," if it is not "gone," is now shorn sadly of its glories, and she can only now take you into a corner of the sacristy, and show you a very old oaken chest, clasped with iron plates, (a real dry-as-dust box, older, perhaps, than even ,Wyeliffe's time,) in which she . thinks the great man . once kept his books. But how is tins? Why, a famous Rug by antiquarian, and a Member of an Eccle sielogical Church Society, not long since appeared at Lutterworth. Thoroughly " up" in all architectural. styles, and as, cognisant of the ages of arches and archi-, traves of oriel windows and pillars as is pro fessor Owen, of the ostecdogy of Magathe= ria and other pre-mundane mattersythis cru el and: relic-c/ast (excuse meceining a word. for the nonce,) made out by, a demonstra tion (in Lutterworth Town Hall,) convincing even to the reluctant Ltitterworthians them selves, that the " chair" was comparatively modern; that the f‘ portrait "I.Waa but the copy' of another, which ,itself 7 -presenting Wycliffe, not• with the beardless, face and, shaven crown of his age and priestly office, but with the flowing ocks and long beard, such as were worn two or -three-centuries laterwas a make-believe, and an imposture. And then—as to that robe of divers colors, 'which is now covered over by a glass deer— why, it was proved that it,' could never have been worn by, a priest of anyage at all. Sic transit glarza—not of Wycliffe,butuf rel ic-worship at Lutterworth. Wycliffe, how ever, lives, in the voice of every shore of that sounding sea which bore his ashes around :the world; and lives in 011 r ONVII English Bible, which speaks- truth _and comfort in the-backwoods and she,alings of American forests and prairies, amid the pine woods of Canada, in the Australian bush-fire, and, in the myriad homes of the Anglo-Saxon ,race. Wycliffe is, dead,- yet alive. Kings are dead and live not, for " all flesh is grass, andxll the glory of man as the flower of grass—the grass withereth, the flower fadeth, BUT THE WORD OF oun GOD •SHALL =AND FOREVER." On the Northern wall of the church at Lutterworth, are two cenotaphs—one in: memory of Dr. Ryder, who was formerly Rector'ef the parish, but who became Bishop of Lichfield—holy, beloved, and long time a great evangelical Light. and Witness for. Christ and who "multurn jiebilis occidit -" the other in honor of Wycliffe himself, erected about twenty' ears,ago by the Rec tor- Mr. Gurney, now the vigorous and;'ex cellent incumbent of the parishof Maryle bone, London. I cannot refrain from recording, in your,columns„ this 'just and loving tribute to the. illustrious Reformer before the Reformation: Sacred to - the memory of John •Wye liffe, the: earliest: champion of ecclesiastical reformation in _England. •;. He was born in. Yorkshire A. D. 1324. In 1375 he was presented to the Rectory, of Lutterworth, where/he died' on the 31st December, 1384. At. Oxford,.he acquired.:not only the 're nown of. a consummate scholar, but the, far *tore glorious title of the Evangelical Doe tor. His whole :life was one 'impetuous 'struggle agairist the 'Corruptions and en 'croachments • of 'the +Papal> Court and- the impostures, of its devoted auxiliaries, the Mendicant Friars.. , " His labors in the cause of Scriptural truth, were crowned by one 'remarkable achievement--his translation; of the Bible into the English tongue_ This mighty work drew on him, indeed, the bitter ha trecl of all who were making Anerchandise of popular credulity .and ; ignorance. But .he found an, abundant reward in the bles sings of his countrymen, of every rank and age, to Whom he unfolded the words of eternal lifet - "His mortal remains were interred near this spot, but they were not allowed to ,rest in peace. After a lapse of many years, his bones were dragged from the grave and consigned to the flemes;and his ashes were cast into 'the . seaters . - , of the adjoioing stream." I am not aware that this. inscription has. ever been published- in the 'United States,. or even in England; probably it appears in print the : first time in your columns. It is painful for me to conclude this somewhat lengthened, bar I trust not uninteresting notice of Wycliffe, Lutterworth, by stating' that the true old Gospel is not preached now • in the parish, church. There are both Rector and Curate; they are not High- Churchmen and exchisivn; they are civil and courteous, but ' the sheep look up and are not fed." Life, light, and power, with the Gospel of the grace of. God, are, alas! 'wanting. P. S.—A terribly disastrous and de strUctivre fire, involving the lois of life to a considerable extent, has taken place at Ant werp.;.: Thereis, great depression in, stocks, and shares. 'Consols have fallen since the news of the Trent affair, about four per vent. This does not - alter' the state of political feeling; `but indicates how very unsettled Matters have heednie.• A Paragraph froin the Paris - J"airie.puryerts to _give :the; gen -erall bearing ofthei dispatch sent., by the. British , Grovernment.to Lord , Lyons,:it from :whidbi", says the 3 1 intes'. money article of this; day, " it would:appear that the Cabinet have,k in a spirit: of conciliation, restrained from .irequiring, ~an apology, contenting themselves with Simply, insisting that the wrongful, act should, be remedied, by the atirrender ,of the persons improperly cap , turgid. This," adds the a l bites, !imam. read: with great i intereat." . The same: article: hasu the _ following:: "Considerable , anziety.• prevails-, as ..tti the period which Willibe allowed for mail com-, tannication,yith Americat;lnibaap ota deer ;oration of war. This matter, however, has been well provided for in a convention concluded between the'two countries; dated December 15th, 1848, *hen Mr. Polk was President of the Unitid States, and Lori Palmerston was at our :Foreign, office. By this it is stipulated, that in ease of war between the two natio*, Mail packets of - the two services shall a`ontinue navigation, without impediment or inolestation, until siz weeks after a notificatiOn shcri I 'have beens made on depart of eithervitheGovernments,. (and deliverecl.to the OthOr,) that the aervies is to be discontinued; In which ease they shall be permitted to return/radiant/under special, protection, to thefr respective ports. , ,The feelings suggested by the words of this convention, and the possibility of a dirul. lion and gulf of separation between:kindred , minds, sack as; would stv„, ultimately, eor-,, respondence and, letters of all kinds,ure too ; painful to dwell on. But I have ,strong hopes that God, in his mercy, will rule it otherwise, - • - • • , Mr. Bright says that tlte,Seisoaremboard the Trent, was " and A hati," ,but urges the nation to be 44 cairn,"anii strong ly sippOrts the Union cause. Mr Cobden calls for a' complete reikiork,n,a amen& tnent .of internationalhause. iSelecied4 I Come 1 1'hee. , I come, 0 Lord, to . thett In esa and 'grievous thoughts I hear thy call, And I mutt-come,-or else front theta ' Deeper in misery. • • I have not kept thy And yet thou biddest me to taste thy love; ' Shaming my faithless heart that e'er could rove From thee, 0 gracious Lord • Shame wraps my heart around,, Like morning gloom upon the mountaina spread ; Indignant memory, avenger dread, Deepenseaoh restless wound:.- Yet I must come to Thee: Thou hest the wads lof life• and, thou alone; Thou sitest Upon the Mediator's throne; - Wherashould a : sinnertee ? Nor saint nor angel's WM Could lift the burden from thisidaded 'breast: Weary I come,. and thou ; wilt;give me t resk—r,: Thou, wilt thy word fulfil., COMO tolhee, since 'all. To faithis .poesible, in faith kaolin r As blind, and daaf, and halt,, And; mOuted, And dumb, ilafbra 'thy, fedi fall Whom didst thou turn awayl 'From what distress was hid thy pitying face , What cold rehuke e'er checked the cry l'or grace; Can /unheeded pray! Saviour, O come to save? . Speak but the word, thy servant shill be whole; Turn, Lord, and look on me quicken my soul Out of this living'grave. Enter my opening heart; , Fill it with love and peace, and light from heaven ; Give me thyse/f, for all in thee is given ; Come, never to depart. MISSIONARY, ENTERING THE -OPEN DOORS IN PHINA... —There are now in the Canton province about 28 missionaries at fivn*six'stiitiont3'; 10 in .Amoy, B , at Foochow, among:-.600,0 . 0 . 0. inhabitants, making 18 in the Fnnkien province ; 10 or 12 in the Chin-kiang, province at 'Nino° ' 23 in the Kiang-sn province at "Shanghai, 7 in that of `Shan tung, 6 in Chi-li, 2 in Hoo-peh, and 1. at Nankin; makingover,llo Protestant , mis-: sionaries in seven or eight provinces of this vast empire. When will the Christian Church fully odeupy all its provinces with the heralds Of the truth ? A KAREN RETURNING TO BURNIAEL—' It will interest our readers tuknow Lahnay, the Karen convert who came. to this city some-six years ago, left for.as sein" on Thursday, in the ship Premger, Capt Dunbar. During his stay here he has enjoyed excellent educational- advan-' tages at Fairfax. andat Madison ILTniversity. At the invitation of hie.own people. he now rdturns to labor among them asa teach ,- er and preacher. He goes out unaer the auspices of no society, and' his support 'on the field. is pledged by the Karen Chris= tians:, This is the first.case of r ,t,he.kind.in our missionary history, and the, prayers of many will follow him to his native, land. .Through the exertions of A. Locke; Esq., of Watertown, who has acted'as his guardian, an .excellent... outfit was, secured; his expenses paid, and all; necessary, corn,. forts provided for the journey , Watch- man and Reflector. IN EAST PRUSSIA a great change is in progress in the organization of churches. For a long time past, office-bearers have open . been greatly deficient in qualifications and character. At the present tiate,-hoirever; every parish.nr congregation ,is ,adeptiog, the Presbyterian plan of having- a:beneh of - Elders, and steps are taking to have only .men of living faith; pure meials," and a sincere and. intelligent attachment to the Church, introduced into • this ,-ofriett, or sit" in Church Courts. As soon as-the congrar: . . gallons generally have elected Buell Elders,,,, Synods are being organized ; an 4, as, the effort is making to have them etennosed of the right kind of men, great resika are an , ticipated-for the cause.of truth awl right-4 eous nes& TEE POWER. OE. TELE G,OEPE:F4 beeettr4 fully exhibited in the following incident. taken from the Missionary Advocate " As we were concluding ;breakfast this morning, : a very respectably dressed ,elderly; ; . C hinaman entered, and addressed-a, few words to Dr. Legge on businem. As he , departed the Doctor remarked, theye specimen of what the Gospel can do for a Chinaman. • Twelve years ago' that man was a miserable, tattered, .filtby opium-, smoker, a cook, on small wages to a.colonial policeman. In some way his attention was called to Christianity, and he gradually broke off opium. smoking,.-hecatna an at tendant, at the London illissionary. Chapel,_;. and finally applied ,for baptism. The pro, bation was passed, and the time,set for, the administration of the, sacred' ordinance ar. rived.. the church was ,crowded, but the candidate did not maka his appearanee,Ank the services proceeded withont him. Near, the end of the meeting he came in and ex,- , plained thacause of, his delay. Hs hrntal.2,' master, had compelled him..to cook e, late dinner, anethus eninedlis detention. xis; excuse wa&aceePtefly.aolilt; was baptized:: Temperancit and,inoderation„wi,tb.the,qoan-,, , , tenance 441.,thristien, , Extends , sit ,ones pn . JiltrLAto prosperous oimg4wes;.a4 4l , 6 now owns a. flock AftY2 or 2.okw,t,t whose milk is uset - ;t. 3 , foreigners wi the., colony for want .of, cow's and Whosat, flesh is sold to the shipping in the harbor Concluded. Dr, Legge, every now and then he, brings ~.me ten. dollars as an offering to the Lord.", Buy. Jksizs..STiseats , Isot,hesti,sent, out by• tgei: Miasion , ,COmmittee Free. Church : of = Sootland,sto I examine , :the , Zara-. besbcountry iroAfricn, and reportnpoil thei eniedienityjOf ',establishing thero a Snot tish Presbyterian blistion, THE BAPTIST MISSIONS in Northern ,Europe, which have already achieved such great results for Germany and Scandinavia, are rapidly spreading Eastward in Russ* and Poland. ; ,They have;already three hundred members among, the. Poles, and in Russia proper - their cause is likewise pros perous. Their 'success argues well for the future of Protestantism in the powerful Slavic race, which occupies the whole of Eastern Europe and of Northern Asia, and in which hitherto Protestantism has been but very feebly represented.--/liethodist. THE MISSIONARY'S WIPE.—It as upon the missionary's wife that the cares and, la hors incident to rude and rudely-furnished quarters and scanty means of subsistence fall most heavily. - In the quiet sPhere of :her daily life, aWay.froM the sustaining ex , eitearent of the world's. obeervation, and the cheering yoke ofits sympathy, are found' the most, exhausting endurance, the most trying seem ces,the` noblest hero-, ism: The birden that -geese's'. most crush ingly.upon manya MissionarfoSpirit to-day, is found, not ; in his anxiety. concerning- the success of, his work,., though_.that may, be, great s nor In th l ediscouragements that be-, set his h, though they may' be laity, but the 'faet that he is Compelled to•see his best friend 'and -helper, the heart com pardon. who, while yet in her .youthfril freshness and bloom, left a home of abund ante and luxury, to share - with him the ii eissitudei and privations of missionary, life, bending, bending, bending'graveward, while arordsrof cheer and courage are still on her lips, and he, for ; the lack of a few paltry dollars, powerless to lighten,her toil, or to do aught to avert the'blow that threatens to darken his home, and east a - sad add brood ing sharlownverall--the future of his earthly lite. Scattered throughout the Western field, Ave early-made, graves of wives .and mothers, which commemorate desolated missionary, homes. Their names have no place in the recordi of earthly fame, but they are written heaven, as the names of those whose death, in the sight of the,Lord, is preelous:---Honte Missionary: BRIEF. READINGS , KEEP TO'ITHE "Keep to ,the right," as the; law directs, ger such is the law. of ;the road; Keep ea .the right, whoever expects &calmly to carry life's load: ' Keep to the rightwith God,and themorld, Nfir wander, .theughSollralluresi - Keep t to the right,, nor )ever be hnrjed Frew. what iry the .stitute is pies. LWOW- FOREVEIL-71 . must, live,forever --not this 'body, hut I. The body may be consigned to the flames and reduced to ashes; or it may-lie down - in the old faniily burying-ground 'and moulder back to its original dust with the dear ones who have gone.before.. I must live. 1 must live, when. the names or Alexander, Washing ton, Wellington are forgotten. When the memory of Waterloo, Solferino, and the re bellion,of shall. have perished ; when the morning stars. that sang together at creation's birth shall have sung earth's re %Mem,`l shall live. Nay, when those stars themselves shall have been blotted out, I shall only have4.egun, ,;.• :and I must five forever, awl- ever . A fearful trust is committed :to me, which can : never lay Dounrin • ESE. OF RAIMENT.—"-If thou ali take, thy, neighbor's raiment to pledge,_ thou shalt deliVer it unto him by that the sun goeth dovin ; for that, is his covering only, it is his' raimentfor his skin; wherein shall he sleep _and it shall come to pass,, when he crieth unto me, that I will hear; for I am aracious:7—Exodus xxii.: 26 27. . In all parts of Southern Africa'the skin cloak is theiovering of males and females by day, and that in which they sleep by night. They 'have no other bed-clothes. The Hottentot cloak,is composed of sheep's skins, retaining the wool on the inside; in which he sleeps, comfortably under a bush or tree`wherever he goes. Deprive him of that coveringi - and-he would'find himself most nneomfortably..placed.„ , .It would be a cruel act.- The natives:farther in the inte rior have-=cloaks made from the hides of oxen or eels, which they hive a method of making soft and pliable and use exactly for the samepur.poses as the ethers,inamely ,for clothing t and , for sleeping in.-- Camp bell'a African Light. ROWLAND HILL used to,say,o.See there be no sermon without three Rs in it;:Ruin by the fall, Righteousness by Christ, and Regeneration by the Spirit. HASTE, TRAVELLER, HASTE llaste, traveller, haste I the night comes on, And many a shining tour is gone; The storm ii gathering in 'the`West;' , - And thou:art der, frOm home `and• rest,— Haste, traveller,. haste Oh ! far from home thy footsteim stray, Christ is the life, and Christ the way, And Christ the light. Yon setting esin ero , the moon is seareeTheguri ; . .Haste r travOler, haste HOW, A, CURATE . Bxqa.mx, 1%. ; RECTOR.-- Archbishop Whately, in his "Annotations on Bacon's Essays, relatei the following anecdote : " A curate of a 1:ondon parish, of most exemplary conduct, *as accustom ed to remonstrate very freely with any of .his people whose life was not what,it should have been. They wished, much to get rid of him, but Could find-no pretext for com plaint; either'to the Rector or the Bishop. They therefore hit upon this cunning plan : They drew• up and signed a memorial, to the Bishop, setting ,fortli f the admirable, charac tar of the entate,, lamenting that,. his emi nent worth should not be rewarded, and earnestly` recommending . him for prefer ment. •Soon -after, this very .living quite unexpectedly . betame, vacant, -whereupon the Bishop,, considering how acceptable, as well as deseriino• he appeared co be, pre sented him to it, informing him of the me morial. The good man thanked his people with:tearful 'eyes,*rejoicing that they had ,taken in good part.his freedom of speech,'ad assuring them that he would continue I t'll his life the course which - had won their ,approbation." Wharf are the Nine ? Our Lord once asked this question when ho was oh the earth. He had" eleanseCten lepers, and only one of them returned to ex , press his; gratitude !for the, mercy ahown him. The, others luade, no:tetnrnt whatever to the Soo ofrtGod, and ,• it, was,: this ,that. made him -, , ask,. FA;Where xare; the nine -r It shows. that he 4,expeots; some IltakentioAkt gratituo.: froM- ,thalw he ffsvets, anaPleela the basenessof aot when an refuse fo r acknowledges their-, thankfulness. t And Surely:its:is not too much fort him to, ex, pect. Be; . makes .no charge for Itia cies. He •setti-uo price on the -dewdrops or the sunshine, nor on the , bread we 'eat, or the raiment, we t weari-, nor for ,liealtle," home, , 1 0,f t iandai—licx.for his life, his agooies,his blood—r, inSrifor *iamb s oriveace, Ts, joy .in th e Heit i Ghost, With him eveyythiti:: "-without money and without ?price." 9 But wVist3 all ,his,:,gifts area free, he d?ps ‘ ask, 'tome return from thosO i lie ? has,hernendea„ WHOLE NO. 484. He wants what every 'father asks of his children, a loving heart and a life devoted to his interests. But here iswhere we see the baseness of men. How few are found ;to return and give glory to God ? Yet where is the man who• is under no obligations to him ? Not merely for general blessings, but-also and rather for special merciew. to soul and body, and family, and success in life ? , And. what promises have been made to him in times of danger and trouble, on condition of his deliverance ? His deliv erance has come, and they were rescued ; " But where are the nine'?" Oh!'it seems to us, that question. must often be -asked hp the Son of God, in these - our days. On every Sabbath day, when the ahureh bell _calls men to worship God, he enters the sanctuary,' and, remembering how many who haVe been favored; have heard -the call, but are- away, he asks again, as of old, "Where;are -the_ nine?".:,At- every com munion season, he * comes down and calls the roll, and then in amazement asks, " Were not ten cleansed ?" " but where are the nine ?" Every night when he giveth his beloved. sleep, and rocks, the cradle , of the earth, he hears voices of singing , and, prayers coming up from altars at hearth: stones, yet so few in number that again,µ as of old, he asks, " Where are the *nine ?" We pass around our papers and books for the names and contributions of; all those who are willing to aid the cause of . Christ and in the world; after these lists are re turned, they are scanned, by the eye of One " who was rich, yet for .our sakes became poor," and missing. the -names xof many whom he has; delivered, he inquires again,; a But where are the nine ?" ' And this is not so much the language of inquiry, as it is of astonishment and pain. To be *minded in-the house of his friends, to be neglected.by the men whom he has cleansed, this is the hardest blow of all, and infin itely worse than the idolatry of the heathen, or the unbelief of the Jews. But there cometh the day when that question will be asked again. When the sheep shall once be separated from the - goats, and Christ shall compare the number of those actually saved with the number he favored with great blessings and opportuni ties, he will once 'more ask, "Were - not ten cleansed? 'But 'where are the nine?" And there come :aback•: from the re gion of the damned, the reply, "They :are here 1" Then, reader, " give glory to God, be fore he cause darkuess."—Lutheran and Too Much Talk--Too Little Prayer. Have' .we not in, this caption indicated the.great mistake, not: to , say the great. sin —of the American, people? We ail talk; we discuss; and speculate, and criticise, and find fault, and " opinionate," as a friend of ours has it, 'concerning the movements.and aspects of public affairs; but we fear that comparatively few really and humbly . , and fervently pray over these matters, " spread ing them out," - as good Hezekiah did his case in time of trounle, " `before the Lord." 'Evens on the day of our National Past, your decided conviction is that, there wee too lit tle praying in proportion to the preaching. A very large number of very good sermons were delivered; probably many more than were really needed; and- so the sermons were talked about; and the war was. talked about, and the Government was talked about- and the secessionists were talked about, and all things pertaining to our con dition were talked about, with the very breath that ought to have been spent in prayer to,God. Is it not so :2. Jehovah says, "Be still, and know that I am God;" ; but we are hardly willing to be still long enough, to know this as we ought to know it. Physicians are accustomed to judge of the state of the body by the tongue, and somebody,has reinarked.. that philosophers judge of the state of the mind by the same means According to this method, it may be fairly assumed that the mind of the great majority is in a fevered condition, and need's cooling and soothing . 'appliances. 'We recommend ,a more thorough, trial , . of ~the tranquilizing efficacy, of ,prayer. Thou wilt keep him :in perfect peace • whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth tbee." $o it is written. But we shall have little of this quiet trust, and therefore little of this, stayed and peaceful attitude , of.soul, without more, prayer—a more, constant habit of carrying our solicitudes to God, and "pouring out our hearts before him," instead 'of ceaselessly and nervously talk ing our thoughts to our fellow-mortals, Who , are as ignorant and restless, as our selves. And certainly we should serve our try better by less talk and more,prayer: , It was >by solitary, wresthnk, importunate prayer, that Jacob became Israel, with the assurance. Divinely communicated, ..".As a prince hest thou power with God and with men; and'halt prevailed!' More of the true ".seed of Jacob," more of Israel's power to prevail with - God, is.our country's, special need in this hoir of her < trial ,and peril. While we seek to increase the strength and efficiency of our army, and navy, may the host of the praying ores be multiplied, and the breath of 17fUtt talk be largely exchanged for the breath of prevailing supplication.--Christia.n Treas ury. ----Bomar. It is too much the' custom for men of the world; and those entertainingliberal ideas, to sneer at religion, and make its' ministers' the subject of their scorn. We take it to be a sign of cowardice , to scoff at either woman or a clergyman, for the sex of, the one and the profession of the other pro hibits a reply. - Whatever may be said of individnal'eases," - there something in the clerical profession which commands our re epect,- and, especially; -when considering the position theybave assumed in the progress of the present rebellion. Throughout the, loyal States the patriotism of the clergy men has been extraordinary, and no engine of 'public sentimentr''is more powerful and patriotic than the , pulpit. Some of these appeals are among the most splendid speci mans of eloquence,,and their effect will go far toward, uniting the national feeling, and concentrating' the loYal energies of our people.. • ; - There is a general and a just+objection in, the ,minds of the: people against, minis terial interference with politics. This ob jection is just, if those who make it only preserve the proper distinetion. The ad enco of ,partisaiship--=the }management of party conventions ;:the intrigues and slams of our,elections—can { onlypollate l lhe hely. call 4, „pit there are times ,when, politics rises' into Patriotion, when the , Country tie= mzurderef lief 'people their utintile energy' and , manage the .State day-40-ttionow. it may be necessary to. sale: the , State. In its management we may, ex elude 'the ministers of God 7 -4n.its salva tion we can exclude no , one. - The-religious element enters largelyzinto this war. We. have :regimen* as wtgid and orthodox ter : the. cohorts - of-,the i ftretector.. In -- previiii i ng : literapnrefer.,..the nay, the various ecelesuatical Societies have given great ' iniount of time, and" money.. , In :the hospitals-the hand of , kindness'is the hand of dev,eteeKand:-the igeetiarllf Religion and the War. ;-- , TIE.R Publication Office oextrr• BUILDENtta* PIMADZLPICII, floma-Wrerr . Tra a IiONEM - ADV EKr SEMENTSV TERMS - IN ADVANCE. ' A Square, (8 Hues or lees,) one insertion, 00 seats; subsequent insertion, 40 cents ; each line bvontgl 5 ell A Square por qoar,teri $4.00; each, linesolAjdo cad" 1 1 A Rotuonow mode - tolidiettooloity-the ' BUSINESS NUMBS of Tex lines or low, 10.00' sorb id. ditionalliney 10 cents.' • DAVID' lIPICINNEY, k CO., • Ilioritrnoas aim Pommal. the wounded and dying are soothed by a sister of the •Holy, Church. In maintain ing the discipline of the camp, the relig ions influence is controlling, and many a fierce spirit which resists the threats and punishment of the officers in command, will melt into tenderness at a simple prayer, recalling other and more innocent days. We, therefore, read of the exertions of the ministerwith peculiar pleasure.. bet these gentlemen go on in their good works A man will fight! better who prays to God .and keeps his powder dry. The Christian soldier may be a fanatic or a bigot; bnt hp has "a sense of his responsibility. -and a.. knowledge of his duties which belong to the true soldier. ~'.Atone, all, he .has the : _ conscienceof this fight, and in -this fillet:- lion we want- men who feel the principles at stake,,and , appreciate .the .holy causelot which they fight. —Press. Do You, Reail Did you ever _think of. the pleasure. to be derived from reading ? To hold- com 7 ., munion With the,minds, of, good men in all t _ past ages—the purest and nciblest, the most , intelligent' nd far-seeing-4s certainly very pleasing. Sweet as honey to the tastd -aro the glowing thoughts and emotions Istirred by a good book; and.he who.knows how to read has always at.. hand,. .when,.: among: books, a ready means for deriving the highest .enjoyment. He nay truly say, «I steed not go abroad for joys, Who have . a twit at home.". Did you ever think-of the projit of good reading_?_"- How much more select the Choice of words, and the arrangement of the style, than in ordinary conversation t" and then , how much more rapidly can the, mind take in •ideas from running-the eye over the printed page,,than when it.must a. await the slow utterance of the lagging. tongue Here. is the choicest and most varied information collected by the beat men of-theft - ages, all -brought together and preserved for-us, -how• profitable; therefore, to read all this, and ,to• do ; at. ene's leisure ! Besides, did you never think how a good book to read, or, rather how reading di9rtin ishes temptations i botipto evil thoughts and to bad deeds ? ,om Dr. Watts sang: with as much ,truth as,poetry, 'to say the, least. .For Satan Ands some misohi'ef still . For idle lunids to'do." With' much greater force may it be said of that game industrious gad-about, that he finds some mischief- for idle minds , to think. But reading, whileit employs the mind, will drive away, all, or, at least, most of those tendencies rto evil thought, and keep ~the mind occupied thoroughly with something good. And then, when you are reading a good book,how will= that-business drive, away evil associates, and so fill up your own time, that you will find no oppor tunity to engage in wieked or in unprofita ble deeds. Add' together, then, the Plea sures,• the profits, and the securitics.of read ing, and tell us, young man, tell us, young woman if it will not pay to form a habit of reading Y It will not coat much money, and will save`a great deal. flt will not cost 'much labor, and' will make that labor very sweet. It will not demand a great deal of time, and will make all time pass away swiftly: and. agreeably. Learn to read, then, and follow up the practice. Joy and Praise. What was-the spirit of the Gospel as it existed in the experience of believers in the apostolic age it was •preeminently a glad and joyous spirit. They bad received by faith a Gospel which-brought them glad tidings of , great joy, and their daily walk was in the fear of the Lord and in the com forts of the Holy. Ghost.. A natural, and with them, the habitual expression of this -joy was praise. No' sooner was the Lord parted from his disciples, and carried-up to heaven, than they returned to Jerusalem with• great joy, and were continually in the temple praising and blessing God." Praise was a part of the daily expression ::of that Pentecostal gladness with which _thousands of new converts at Jerusalem re ceived the rust great outpouring of the. Spirit.... "And they did eat their meat with gladness -and singleness of heart, praising God?' At midnight, in the inner prison -at Phillippi, two prisoners with their feet fast in the'stoat, were overheard praying and -singing praises-to God. The peace which passeth all understanding kept their hearts, and One.who never sleeps, and who , has promised never to forsake them, was near. Both they and their companions in the faith were often in tribulation; but as the-sufferings of.ehrist: abounded in them, sotheir consolation also abounded by Christ. They, knew, how to he abased, and how to abound; how' to' be full, and how to be hungry ; and in whatsoeverstate they were, therewith• to .be content. Whether they were. la favor -with -all the. people, .or were led forth to. prison and.to death, they went out with joy, and were led fOrth with peace: They knew not What a day would bring forth; but they were careful for nothing, casting all-their care on him who oared for them. Incised be ,God I ,the joy which prison walls and chains, and .midnight darkness could not extinguish, was not confined to the apostolic age. ' The history of Chris tianity, down- to the time of Constantine, presents-the great • body of believers as be- • ing : ,pervaded, to an extent• never since re , sliced, with the spirit of religions joy ex , pressed by praise. The, living spring of gladness' which had been opened in their: hearts poured itselrforth in exuberant ; , never-failing streams - of - sacred melody. It sent these streams -winding and purling along all the paths , of life; making them, like the garden of the Lord, a perpetual' delight: In their social gatherings, in their homes, and in their daily private walks, the early Christians lived and moved in an atw mosphere of praise. Generally, no 802.3016 of household worship.was without it. The reading of the Scriptures, prayer, and se,- crolsong, besides opening and closing the active labors of the day,.a,ccompanied: their ordinary meals. Through a portion, at least,. of the pertbd yrbich we are now eon., templating, ; ,the notes of • tuneful worship might have " been 'beard ascendini from , their happy dwellings feur times in- siday. And there.were -those .who, like w Psalmist, , rose at midnight -to l give thanlw-tn,. -.custom which said, te-have originated in those, persecuting days in which Christian as seniblies' were compelled to seek the cover of night for Safety. " Song's dedicated to the praise‘of,God,'' says 'Jamieson, formed: their Teatime in , privatel,;-and their fem.* recreations ,at_ their,,,ftunily andr,triendly Meetings.". When the %family , group dis persed from the lirott hotuieholdaltiir, each to his daily oectitiatint; their l'adites 'still cheered themiu Jerome, writ, iag.from 04 , 1 rural setinsmeo, which ; 4, had .soughtvas, , s, "petteefitl rrt," attar ,4 4 stormy 'though we 'Sre, we are all Psalms Slime break the pervading st* bkass..=- - -The plowman is .singing hallelujahs: while, ha tutus his Arrow., Tho,,,reapex otolaces toil with hyauns, s „TheiTineyArkdarser, >w he >primes hits-vines,rihabto s omitipmg f rom the Igraine Of - Pavid.- These are our songs, andysach the iiiett* with , *hick oar lova it) ideal•"---A"e4 dad Maks. .;