Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, December 28, 1861, Image 2

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• 44 .- ~ i t
vres tltrtatt,
IiCEMBER 28, 1861.
OVVERtitiViisWckased e for our office the "Right" to use
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on the White margin a 'small colored "address stamp," or
babel, whereon appears their name plainly printed, failowed
brth4 data up to toiLich they have paid for theidpapers—this
betnr aitthewYseltrby an Act of Conress. The date will
ittsisys4bo advienceA gn the receipt o f subscription money,
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be an eve-rertely and valid receipt; securing to every one,
avid a 'so
a . oerfect knowledge of his newspaper as
that Vany error is made he can immediately de
ad it aid have it corrected—a been alike valuable to the
publishAr and subscriber, as it must terminate all painful
netitdidWitandinge between them respecting accounts, and
thuntend toporPetuate their important relationship.
Those in arrears wit/ please remit,
Dedication ot a New Church in Salem,
Ohio,—The" neir Presbyterian church in
Sidem, Ohio, wail dedicated to the worship
of dad, last Sabbath. The dedication ser
mon; was preached by the Rev. SAMUEL J.
WILSON, D.D., of the Western Theologi
cal,'Seminary, to the largest audience ever
assembled in that town. The church is a
beautifillOne': cost over $B,OOO, and is ea
pable Of seating five hundred persons.
The people deserve .great praise for their
taste, enterprise, and liberality in this good
work. Brother MAXWELL has many things
encourage him in this arduous field of
GenertirAssembly of the Old School
,churchestin the Confederate
States has met at Augusta, Georgia, and
elected` the Rev. 'FRANCIS MCFARLARD,°
MD.; Moderator. Dr. MCFARLAND was
Moderator of the General Assembly that
rt •
mat, in ,the city of New-York in 1856.
Ana, mon. , upon whom our whole Church
havlbestowed honors, are among the first
tti•seek its disruption. •
The pastor of the church in which this
Southern and Secession Assembly met, is a
native of. Steubenville, Ohio, a graduate of
Jefferaon, College, Pa., in 1844, studied
theology partly at the Western Theological
Seminal and partly at Princeton, and was
fox:several - year@ pastor of the Chartiers
church, in .the Presbytery of, Ohio—the
Rev.,,JosEPu D.D. It is not
improbable, that all the different branches
of the'PreshYterian Church in the Seeeded'
Stait t es may be united in one General As
sarahly.. Already plans for the organiza
tion,Of schemes of Home and Foreign Mis
sionary effort, Publication, and Education,
haw bean:laid.
One of the beneficent effects, of the Gos
pel, is to induce, the people to make provis
ion-for the old and sick and enfeebled poor.
The cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny
hbAre each a well conducted poor=house;
And County Of Allegheny has an admi
rable establishment of, this kind on the
Washington road, , six miles from this city.
Thelneation is a beautiful one; the farm
fertle 'and Well cultivated; and the build
ings are large and commodious. The,pres
ent number of inmates is about two hun
dred, comfortably clothed and fed with
abundance of idain and excellent food.
The institution' ! is under the supervision
of. Mr and Mrs., PATTERSON, in every
way admirably suited,for the arduous and
re'sponsible position. The matron is Mrs.
Kiirls," who is devoted to a', work for which
she possesses rare qualifications. The Di
reetors; Messrs MILLER, and
OtpwA.NT, are untiring in their efforts to
saveothe County expense, and to make the
vein. Comfortable and happy. The County
ovio them a debt of gratitude for their self
denying labors. Much attention is given
to,the moral and spiritual well-being of the
inmates. The .Gospel is preached to them
almost every Sabbath by some neighboring
minister;- and they are supplied with Bi
bles religious booksa tracts and newspa
pers:} . I Such` an institution is a credit to
any county.
ahese are always pleasant, when accom
panied by evidences of esteem- and cordial
160. And`such it is our' hapPiness often
to receive.; smoothing the roughness in
on.r . , editorial path, and cheering us in our
aisidnous toils.
' ;A letter from a.' Ministerial brother, just
$413 Thinrfar have found a
PO. 1 , . 4111,
readiness. to sultscribe for the Banner, ex
eteing,that,oft any former year. All loyal,
petople.-are-Iplease& With your course in re
ference to the Government and the Rebel
lion. The promptness ,with which you
took your..position,,at •the opening of our
troubles, and, the consistency and spirit
with ,which you have'maintained that posi
tion, give great satisfaction. None ques
tion- the' propriety ' 'of , your course, but
Ot i ose who are disloyal at heart. The wish
iCyour friends is,t i lLat y,pu pay be able,to
holli n ni • your:rway and beCome stronger
and strenger."
Another= letter, by a 'Christian layman,
reeeived'at'the same time, says :
Your,course inzelation to this unholy
rebellion isi , gaining you hosts of friends.
liaa . areicontributingTowerfully to the for
itisa eon, of a correct 'public sentiment upon
the duty. of Christians in reference to so
el audriaticoma sins. „This is ; as it should
be., ,The law, delivered by Mosss was writ
ten. oh two tables, one of . which defines our
thitY to' 'God, - the *Other our ditty 'to . man ;
and that .minister who, fails to enforce the
duty of :copiliance with the. whole Dees
logite, is dekeliot tp,his trust:
7 " I 'hope ,the Treshyterian Church may
soon be found occupying its predminent po-
Wien of the old revolutionary times--fore
moat in defence of Liberty—foremost in de
nunciation of. oppression.','
Some„of- the 'most judicious, and causer
' of our brethren; have expressed to
us / their aPProbation,,.p few subscribers
inkve l withdrawn. ptlefft l „v i e - ; taken, their
places. We= accordlocl t 0 , ,, brethren full
Constitutional and 1 01tristian liberty, even
iihbie f? -its exercise' operates e` '' '' st
gain Ou
rselvel. t , r -
We again ask our friends for coopera
tion. We wish,our spluter,iption list great
l idtrit r ulT e A : .:;,'l r, : tb tiwß mq be more ex'
tegnivelY ,a , afaill ;' alla-.1W,#:44 2 at we may
Web (the,' means of living, inLcomfort and
doing our part in seppOrting 'both China
and Stafe:as - enletrirdlir - Scripture. The
delifisfifit)nin lov#Patitieiising income,
t aes
an increitang u otirsitigqiidiz i alle l ci Vi
neeiffat ,
The year just hastening to a close has
been a memorable one. Rapidly has it
passed away, but deeply has it impressed
itself on the records of time.
In our .own country has the year
been specially eventful. At its begin
ning, the sound of an approaching
si,orm was heard. One State had seceded
from the ,general Government, and was
placing itself in armed opposition, while
others were.preparing to follow. Rapidly
did the frenzy spread, and sadly did it
infect its subjects. Politicians, planters,
tradesmen, lawyers, ministers, women and
children, were carried away from allegiance
by the hurricane. Soon seven States
prove disloyal, and set up a govern
ment of their own. Four others fol
low them. The Federal City is threat
ened, the rebel flag floats defiantly in
sight of its inhabitants. Men are amazed,
overwhelmed, paralyzed. Sumpter is fired
on and taken, and the American flag is
lowered in the presence of traitors.
This is enouah. The spell is 'broken.
The heart of every true American is
touched. The old spirit of patriotism is
revived. Party lines are broken down.
Farmers, mechanics, laborers, bankers,
lawyers, and ministers, rush forward to
grasp the fallen standard, and raise it
higher and plant it more firmly than ever
before. Matrons and maidens exhibit the
spirit of the women of '76. Parents arm
their sons for the field; the wife sends, the'
husband, and the blooming betrothed does
not withhold her lover. Soon an army of
half a million is in the field, with muni
tions of war such as an army was never sup
plied with before. The progress of the - in
vader is stopped; the capital is safe; and
the entire suppression of the most inex
cusable and wicked rebellion that ever
reared its head in this world, is only a mat
ter of time. -
It is' true that we have had a disasters.
Big Bethel, Bull Run, Ball's Bluff, the*
death of General LYON, and the surrender
of Colonel MULLIGAN, will not soon be
forgotten. But let us' also keep in mind
our successes—in Western Virginia, at
Hatteras, at Port Royal, in Kentuaky,: c and
latterly in Missouri ; while Maryland',
Kentucky, and Missouri,, have been held
in the embrace of the Union. We' have
raised not only one of the largest and best
appointed armies the world ever saw, but
also gathered up and created a formidable
navy; while in all our vast expenditures
not a dollar has come from abroad. Nor
should 'we lose sight of the fact that -the
controlling power of slavery, that bore
itself so haughtily in our, national counsels,
and that with quiet self-complaisanee as
sumed so much in Ecclesiastical assemblies,
has been broken for ever.' It has exposed
its own designs, overturned its own an
premacy, and must be henceforth content
with a lower place, and an inevitable de
Much pain and suffering must necessa
rily result from such a state of thing,s.
Many, have fallen in the field. Many - he in
hospitals. And great sorrow rests upon
many families. And what self-denial has
been practiced ! What sacrifices have been
made ! • The wants• Of the poor' and the
sick have been provided for. ' For these
many now toil who hitherto' knew not the
signification of labor. And the Bible, the
tract, the religions newspaper,. and the
pious chaplain have gone forth on their er
rands of love. Christian nurses find their
way to the hospital and relieve its dreari
nes's by their smiles, cheerful words, and
delicate attentions. And notwithstanding
all the fearful evils of the camp, many a
drunkard has there been kept from his
cup ; many have there for the ;first time in
their lives heard the glorious Gospel of the
Son of God; and though it be a fact that
in the camp many will throw aside the pro
fession of religion altogether, , yet many
will develop graces and awaken to useful
ness,such as might never have been exhib
ited under more favorable Circumstances.
And how much fervent prayer ascendsto
God =for our country, our GoVernment,' our
Congress, our Soldiers, from our Churches,
our prayer,meetings, our family altars? .
The year will also be remembered be
cause of the—Completion . of: the work of
sundering the Protestant Churches of the
land. Every church any part of which
was in the Southern State's einbraced in the
Confederacy, has been rent. Ministers
loudest in depriving the Church of all
power of uttering a word relative :to the
duties of Christians as citizens, were the
first to repudiate their own teachings, and
take the lead in disrupting both Church and
State. " They,went out from us, but they
were not of us; for if they had been of us,
they would no doubt have continued with
us." The sin of the schism rests on them.
The most painful thing discovered in re
viewing the past twelve months is the
low state of piety in our churches.
Men's thoughts have been otherwise occu
pied than with religion? Christians have
been agitated about other things, and have
given but little attention to the concerns or
the soul. Our temporal calamity has been
so great that we have not been mindful, as
we should ha,ve been of a still greater ca
lamity. And the Amconverted -have been
indifferent to the welfare of their: immortal
part. Rebellion, treason, and devotion to
country, have filled their thenghts,. but
alas! they have, forgotten -6cd. Still, in
many ,places there are those who mourn and
sigh because of the desolations of Zion,
and pray for a return of the Holy Spirit;
and here and there sinners ,are found turn
ing unto the Lord.
And add to our troubles, a fei days
ago a cloud of war seemed to he wafting to
us from across the Atlantic. May the
Lord preservems from this new and great
evil! • _
These things' have a purpose: We-de
serve severe chastisements. As a nation
we have sinned' ' and as churches and
individuals , ,we transgress. The. rod
comes in mercy. . leads to repentance
and' reforrnation: God is teaching ua
' ai l a nation, as churches, 'as Chris
tians, as , r ,citizens. Oh ,that we,. may
have .wisdem to understand hisAessons
Let us consecrate ourselves anew to his sArr
viteitrusVin his providence, trust in . his
griiCe." He'doetli ~L et
he iine to ourselves, `true our
t 9 ezi,i4.*ltru,.r.lth )4 ll l Y-Nr?A'
"Behind a-frowning - providence
He hides a smiling fabe." '
There is no small degree of eomplainings
against our. Government and Generals for
a want of successful progress in the waging
"of the war. We suppose it possible that
more might ha - vel been clone. :It' iiipessi
ble also that an attempt to do,more r , might
have resulted in defeat, and great conse
(pent loss.' And this is not only possible,
but even probable. It must be remera,
bered that we are not permitted to do just
what we please. We have a foe before us
to dispute our progress—a foe powerful,
brave, and cunning. We tried further
progress at Great Bethel, Bull Run, Ball's
Bluff, Belmont, and Wilson's Creek; and
the results are known. The probability- is,
*hat the Government has conducted the,
war with a very great degree of wisdom,
and that the fault has been,a. rather too
hasty advance.
The exhausting policy , may, in this war,
be not only the humane one, but also. the
truly effective. If you can. safely hold, on,
and your antagonist must perish , by delay,
you know how to make the victory "sire.
Now, if the North are unanimous' and reso
lute, they can, without much suffering; and
with no near danger of •exhaustion, place
men and ships in such positions and num
bers as, by fighting'only a few battles, and
these only where success is certain; to
strain the enemy's Power tothe utmost and
wear hina out rapidly. •
Toward this policy we'mlist confess that
we have some inclination,especially as it is
less bloody than a direct and vigorous ad
vance, and es, oureuemy's great power lies
in his fighting, within or behind his fortifi
cations. And we are. willing `to l6ve the.
choice of the , mode to our. generals, who
have the fighting to 'do. 'Their judgment
is immensely , ,superior , to roursi , as is also:
their information relative to the positions
and strength' of the foe.
But while wel.have some"leanings in the
direption indicated, we ?eel farm ore favorable
to a rapid advance, using the means mast
destructive to., the palier of the enemy.
The war will be endedthe sooner;' and' the
peace which is to faliew Will be the,more
cordialf and enduring: -Nothing short of
decided victories over Our foe', in the bat
tle-field, will humble his pride, ,, check his
boasting, and make him kindly and eqr
diallY take his place, side by side with us,,
on terms of equality and fraternity. If
conquered by our navy,, he will, grumble
and fret, inasmuch as he has no navy to
meet 'us. If conquered by' our using his
slaves, he will still be unhumbled and think
himself wronged. He hai been wont to
despise our manhood, as inferior to his
and if he is overpowered bithe means al
luded to, he will despise us still. But if
conquered on land, which he regards as the
field of his prowess, conquered •by the riffe,'.
the cannon and , the sabre, his own chosen
weapons, he will feel hipaSelf to be really
beaten and will acknowledge our power and.
spirit, and treat us as worthy of,. respect.
Another advantage to flow from a prompt
and vigorous*'onward movement, and the.
consequent shortening of the war,• will be
our relief frothithe danger' of being em
broiled with other nations. To this we are
constantly exposed, while our warfare inter
feres with the world's trade.
While then we would not utter a word of
censure for the delays of the past, nor take
any part in pressing our commanders to an
unduly precipitate action, we 'would give
our vote' against' delay, and in favor of the
+ use of the most effective, means
of crippling and - utterly conquering the
foe. After he shall have submitted to the
Constitution and the laws, we would be as
lenient as justice will Permit, and as ov,ii
erous as may consist with security for the
future. -,
Amid the' exeitenients of the day, let
not ministers or churches forget or pea
led the following reeopmendation of the
last General , Assembly, viz.: That the
churches - :be requested to obsersie the'
week, from the sth to the - 11th 'of Jan
vary, 1862, inclusive, as season of special
prayer for the prosperity of the
,work, of
Christian missions throughout the world."
At no time has'the American - Church had
areater reason:for . Prayer I thati'God would
protect and bleSs his people and save sin
ners, than now., ,`lhe. ; times arc..oreinous4 ,
but.the , Lord reigneth. ' , Let us draw near
to him; humble' ourselves before him ; cast
`and s
our care upon him; entreat his inter
pOsition for thesake cif his dear Son,, Jeans
Christ:He is ready to hear, the voice, of
our cry. He will .send deliverance now, , or
give strength: and grabe for the' endniance
of yet greatei'calatnities. ' ' -"
The followin.' topics are suoomsted ,by a
Committee of the Foreign Evangelical Al
liance, as .suited 'foi la:probinent place in
the exhortaticms. and prayers of the' sub.!
cessive days :
SUNDAY Jan:. 5t ermons on.the
Holy Spirit ; "his divinity and, personality,
his offices and ,operations. Prayer for the
Lord's blessings *ion : the services of the
week. -
iMqNDAy, eorifes,
Sion of sin: as individuals, ai
as churches, and as a, nation. Thauisgivl
ing and ; praise for recent religious
ings. •
TUESDAY, 7th.--Hpm objectsfer prayer:
The conversion of the ungodly, - the cessa
tionok intemperance and immorality,l'and
the spread of vital religion in our families
and households, among our rulers, the rich
and poor, our soldiers and sailors, the
authors of our literature, secular and'
ions. •
WEDNESDAY Bth.—Foreion objects for
prayer : The revival of pure Christianity,
and the extension of 'religions liberty in
Europe andtheiands of thn.East; the over
throw of everY'form of antichrist - ion error;
the , conversion of the house of Israel; the
prevalence of peace among'all nations, espe 7
cially inAnierie,O; and a yet: more abun
dant blessing upon-onr brethren and sisters
engaged in the. work of missions, Chris
tian edheation add literature in fbreign
9tli:= 2 —The Church of poa
and 'Christian ministry: The increased
.. of tile Church, and its more de
cided separation from the world; brotherly
hive, sympathy, and union of labor 'among
the .Lord's -. people; a higher' Standard' of
piety' and po'wer among Christian ministers
and all their felloW-laborprs,;:'the outpour
ing of. , the Spirit'Upon burfirtivereitres
cUlleges, and on th c , rising Mil:astir at
large ; cOnversien: of the yoliiirtg, and
lite blessing . :iiPote Sunday`, and k other
"of pisa : that
ki''may' v late . 1.060 i-red 414' inoreased'fiith,
reverence'didloVe';' - filiffit:e astalunts "rony
be enlighted and brought into the way of
T____:U_ A f v ,R DA: .2 6 1
truth, that ihe power of. the Divine quit
I may attend itirpriiite study; and its mien
lation throughout the world.
SATURDAY, llth.—Tbe Lord's Day:
that its Divine institutions may be recog
nized, and its desecration at home and
abroad n 3 ay cease.
SUNDAY, 12th.—Sermons on the signs,
*dangers, and duties of the present times;
motives to personal loliness and Christian
No two countries should be more tolerant
of each other's w'rong-doings, nor more
ready to contribute to each other's welfare,
than Great •Britain and. North, America.
The freest countries on earth; the most en 7
lightend ; the•most nearly alike in, laws,
oroverninent and social institutions; the
most •intimately connected and mutually
beneficial, in productions, trade and com
merce; identical in language, literature,
art, and science; kinired by blood similar
in religious faith ; an &having capacidea to do
each dther the'greatest injury, with the
least resulting benefitgAeing such, the 'two
countries should love andthelp each other,
and bear and forbear, and 'Permit nothing
to engender strife or provoke alienations.
Our own feelinns have' long been, for
England before all the world. In early
life when reading the history of the Revolu
tion, • and when rnoting the events •leading
to the War cif )1812, we; felt provoked.
But all had passed away, on' our
contemplatin.' inch' •• facts as are above
stated. It has hence been with extreme
palepthough with, an abiding • spirit, of: for
give - rids, that we have" witnessed the' part
taken by the English Since the breaking out
of the ,Southern conspiracy. And we fear
now, that there is great: danger of our mind with the strong popular anti-Eng
lish current. We will try to interpret their
course 'charitably, if they will not compel
us to conchnle, that they are determined' tc;
do evil.
As a sample,,of the current in which
public sentiment begins to flow, We quote a
paragraph from that' sober, sensible and
ably conducted journal, the North Amori
ctp?..=: The editor is speaking of the Trent
affair. He quotes• from the , Queen's pro
clamation warning , British subjects that
they would Dot be protected,"`" in carrying
officers, 'soldiers, dispatches, armS, military
stores or materials, or any article or arti
cles:considered•or deemed to be contraband
of War 'according. to the law or modern
usage -of nations," and 'he argues henee
that the act of Capt. Wir,K.Es cannot be a
cause for war. But he adds
" The truth. undoubtedly is,,that,the as-.
cendant ' sentiment in. England, -is = really.
hostile- to us, is really desirous to aid the
rebellien, to break up this Government into
two ' or more jarring factions, and ,to ruin
and -rule.ns both and all, as far,as possible.
This selfish enmity we ,fully appreciate,
and, will take care to remember until the
world ends. , It is not likely that a ,eon
dition of cordial friendliness, so lately nearly
restored.: atter the sufferings of two early
wars, will ever be attained. We cannot af
ford to waste much love on a nation which
seeks the first moment of serious trouble
with domestic treason, to stab us to the
hea;t. It would have been tolerable to find
England neutral in this contest, but it is
,to find that country violating
every ,profassion of opinion, every asserted
step of athelioration in the intercourse of
nations, in order to destroy us, the most
enlightened nation ofthis continent, if not
. .
of the world." .
As we regard. freedom and Protestantism,
humanity and the kingdom of Christ; we
regret the aspect and tendency of affairs.
WeWill•not accept a war with Enaland, if
we can, avoid it; but if forced into it, we
shall approve of not only waging it with
vigor, butrof enlisting the aid of France,
or Russia, or both, till the wanton foe shall
be dee . ply humbled;
Our contemporary quotes a brief notice
ffOrn our columns: '
Illinoi Presbytery, at its
,late meeting,
pasSed a series of resolutions, denying the
right of.any ecclesiastical body to take such
action with regard to the state of the coun
try as was taken by our, General Assembly
last Spring, although the Presbytery is
careful not tti iitention that proceeding.
This is the Only Presbytery, North' of Ma
son and DixOn's line that has made such a
record Let it : stand;.rdppe i in all tlie, in
gloiious distinCtiOn lias 'thus acquired."
rt then aads: •
:!..‘ The' above sneering paragraph we clip
from the Presbyterian Banner, of Pitts
burgh. The, Presbytery of Sangamon, we
presume,:.will.not be greatly moved by it to
change their wise and judicious course.
When the other Presbyteriei, which are,
now,fairly launched on the ; spa &polities,
find themselves :41 split up,and..diTided, as
we, pre . dict they„will : be before,our. troubles
are settled, they will wish. that,
Presbitery, of sang,amorc, they bad, let,
ties ;alone altogether,. and confined ;them
seltecto, thei ,spiriVual functions,. which;
are all the functions that a ; Church ,eourt
ought to -
The' Presbytery: of Sangamon was as , re
ally meddling with " politics" itt`cenSaring
the course of the Assembly, ag was any
other PreshYtery in a i pproving of it. .A:nd
_brother. f of, the , Herald must.• be sadly
deficient in his knowledge of what is said
hy. M 0 kES Idnd , the . . Prophets Con public af
fai °and the ;action` of bin Saviour'
himself oivinetribute, (1 decidinc ,
`.O for
otherTthe,question too vy:hat civil authority
they , should paytribute.;. and of the teach,
ivas Of*the Apostles <relative to the duties
of the people toward the government under
which they live—sidlY deficient in` knowl
edge, or under the Influence of son) e strange
feeling, when he could write the Above par-
We have quite a number' of ' feeble'
churches in our land. Yery many are not
able to.haye a:pastor at Otbers keep ;
pastor for, awhile, On• a small salary,:poorly
paid; and they get in dibt, and starve tbeir.
thiniiter f and he: leaVes them Others
keep their minister,blit do noelourisb. „
They sendoff no colonies, and do but lido ;
for e,ducation and missitins.
Why 'all , thie ?),- It iSthe nature :of re=
ligion, when the true seed' planted in a
good , soil and well . nurtured, to grow,,
thrive, flourish; ; , It so in the individnak
soul, in the community, and intherwide world.
Why then have'we so many feeble churches
=old cl . ,
which, for the time,
should have possessed, great vigor, and been,
bearing muclaruit ? It r, not .from• a ?des
bitutiod ot sound k 4orflel ,reaching,
through pastors, supplies, books, tracts,-
and periodicals, a great amount pg . religions,
instruction is given. Why theri do they
not grow ?
A few churches, are so situated that there
is not material on which to operate—no
disengaged souls around them who might
be brought in to increase their numbers
and strength. Such churches, however,
are very few. Such a situation is exceed
ing rare. In the bounds of almost every
congregation, there are scores of people
who belong to no evangelical church. Just
look around—let pastors, elders, `men; wo
men, and youths look—and see bow many
immortals there are who attend no ortho
dox church—indifferent ones,•,unbelievers,
Universalists, Romanists. There is mate
rial in great abundance, with which to fill
a church.
Why then, we ask again, do:such nuni
bars of our churches remain, year after
year, and even generation after generation;
so very feeble ? One reason, and a preva
lent one is; they do not present attractions.
Their light does not shine. The spirit of
Christ is not manifest. There is but little
sociability, little kindness, little love, be
yond a small knot, possibly, of kindred or
otherwise attached. ones. And there is
some , strife, some tale-bearing, and much
cold indifference toward 'the stranger; the
poor, the' retiring and the less educated.
Nobody , wants to join such a society.
Other societies present greatly more pros
pect of kind attentions, sweet social inter
eourse, friendly greetings, sympathy in sor
row,. help' in the ' daY of need. Bence the
old resident stands off, and the new corner
does to another condredation • and. though
the city, or town, or country becomes more
and more populous, the poor, feeble•church
abides still poor and feeble.
Our readers, by this time, see. how to
make a church flourish. It must be made
attractive—a sweet, social.peaeeful, cheer
ing, edifying, helping Christian home.
Such is the title of a discourse by the
Rev. E. P. SWIFT, D.D., detailing the life;
labors, and character of a venerable lather
of our Church in Western Pennsylvania,
lately gone to rest. This sermon, was de
livere,d before :the. Synod of: Allegheny, at
its late meeting in Newcastle, and was lis
tened to with fixed and solemn attention.
The text is a fruitful theme on such an cc
casion"Your fathers, where are they ?. and
the prophets, do they live forever ?"
The Rev. ROBERT JOHNSTON -was a lin
ftl descendant of OLivER: CROMWELL, by
BRIDOET his eldest daughter, who;was first
the wife, of General FLEETWOOD, and af
terwards of General IRETON. He was li
.censed to preach the Gospel by;the Pre&
bytery of Ohio in 1802, spent year as ;a
missionary in Ohio, and Kentucky, and
was successively pastor of the churches of
Serubgrass and Bear Creek; Meadville,
Sugar Creek, and Conneaut Lake; Reho
both and Round Hill, and Bethel in indi
ana County, and took an active part in all
the educational, temperance, and religious
movements of the last fifty years He
died at the house of his son in Newcastle,
Pa., on the 20th of 'May, 1860, in the 87th
year of his, age.
The Presbyter, in preparing to make a
quotation from our notice of Dr. RICE'S
Sermons, says , : , "' The Banner, of Pitts
burgh, has an able review of these sernaons,
from which we make some extracts; Only
reminding' our readers that the Banner
took sides' with Dr. RICE against Dr.
3.IAcINIAsTER on the, effort to oust the
The t'restiter should not attempt to re
mind its readers of a thing which never
occurred. The Banner never cooperated
with Dr. RICE in any of his Seminary
schemes; ,though we were the early, and
unwavering advocates of a Seminary for
the North-west. We never, that -we are
aware of; made 'the 'slightest movement to
supplant Dr. ,MACIVIasTRit by giving his
place to Dr.
,PacE. Nor did we ever advo
cate • the appointment .of Dr. Rick to a
Professor's Chair.' The ground we steadily
occupied,' - regard Professors' 'in the
Seminary was, that the churches in the re,
gion tcp . be,served, should have the nominat,
ing ofifthe , men - ; - men on :whom they could
;: .
Beefing in Behalf of our Soldiers.'—'An in-
teresting meeting was' held in the - Second
Presbyterian. Church, of thi.s city ;..on
Thursday night of last week, to take into
consideration the .:religious: wants of—our
soldiers, especially of those from this vi
cinity. AddreSses 'were made by Mr.
Bus, Rev. 'Dr. JACOHUS, Rev Dr.'BArxn
of New: York, and Rey. Mr. CHASE, of the
Baptist church. ,'We understand that anoth
er meetingwill soon be held when definite ac
tion will be' taken. We are persuaded that
of tr ' people in this -region. have not 'been as
watchful for the spiritual interests of those
who have gone from. us to fight for our coun
try asithey ought to have been, or as Chris
' tians in some other places have been. It
is high awake to i
duty n this mat
ter, for while many regiments have excel
lent chaPlains, others have miserable ex-
THE Boos PUBLISHERS of Boston have
been holding back some iMpOrtant works
for several awaiting a more auspi
cious time. These are. gradually ,finding
their:way'_to the publie notice. Among
other new r books, Messrs: Gould , & Lincoln
have just ' ; issued Ellicott's Life of
Christ!' A course of historical lectures
on the life of our Lord jekiiiOhrist, being
the. 't - Iluisean!' lectnres for the; year 180,
preaChed - before the UniVeisity of Cam
bridge,,with notes, critical, historteal, and
eiplanato7, , and arcarefilir prepared in - -
4* A achokaTly, and able'work, not
making a• parade of learning, ''yet not'
ihiinking from, its exhibition Where: neces
sary,,but-,Chiefly, anxious to give- thw ripe,
results ,of investigation to `forms aaariteii to
popular use. The author hawgiveuspecial,
nlttin'tiOn to :the eltibidakiiin( l Of' thee Order.
and, succession of,,ovents. book of this
kind is inlmany'eanes more' valuablelOr a
prope>y egapreilOilsii)n of .the,,Gosal nor
xatives .than)the minute oritieisros, Mid' , air
nOtatioril'of ~the 'professed, naMMensaik.
Aftunroading: this coarse, of. lecturei3, on'ei
would sit down to the•reading of the Gnu.
pels with greatly increased benefit and in
TaE FinsT NUMBER of The Continental
Monthly has made its appearance. It is
intended to discuss, political questions; and
also to employ some of the hest writera of
the day, in its literary department. In
some of its features it, appears very much
like a rival to the Atlantic, This number
is fresh, various, and able. The articles on
the " Edwards' Family," and on the
" Grave Yard at Princeton,"„are genial and
appreciative: And , the Opening paper, on
" The Situation," is a calm and thou s
view of the , Egreat struggle in: which our
country is no , * engaged. The longest and
most *ambitious article treats of Ralph
Waldo Emerson, in a style sufficiently in
volved and inflated. The development of
Unitarianism in this country is made' the
starting point of free thought among our
people; and the most progtessive Unita
rianism is regarded as tne'highest feral of
religious belief and culture ; while its
opponents are spoken of as. actuated. by
anything else rather than a reasonable and
Christian spirit. As might have been ex
pected, after such an introduction, Mr:.
Emerson is made the highest of priests,
ministering in the holiest of temples. And
when he reached the pantheistic and blas
phemous conclusien, " I am God in na
ture," and, declares "The -simplest person
who in ,his integrity proclaims God, be
comes God'," his eulogist says : " In Emer-
Son the lash height is reached;" and may
we not add, the lowest depth. We trust
this is not to be, the animus 'of this new
Monthly published by J. R. Gilmore, 110
Tremont Street, .Boaton. If it is, the
shorter its life the better.
THE. ABANDONMENT of - Unitarianism
and the adoption of Orthodoxy, by Rev.
N. S. Folsom,' who had been for twerve
years a Professor in the Unitarian Theo
logical Seminary at Meadville, Pa., last
August, was duly chronicled; ,but he .has
already returned to• his former belief, and
withdrawn from the Essex North Congre
gational Association, with 'which he had
connected himself.
The, late JACOB HAA - Es i of Charlestown,
Mass., by his will; bequeathed $20,000' to
the Bangor Theological Seminary, fol. the
purpose of establishing a Professorship, to
be known as " Hayes Professorship.'!
The venerable THOMAS S. WILLIAMS,
LL. D, for many years Chief Justice of
Connecticut, died on Sunday at Hartford,
at the advanced age of 84 years .and 6
months. - He was a graduate of Yalu. Co
llege, subsequently studied with Chief Jug.:
tice Swift, and was admitted to the bar' in
1799. He. subsequently represented Hart
ford in the General Assembly a large ntuu
ber of terms, and in 1817 was elected to
Congress. Between 1834 and 1748, when.
he resigned, he filled the position Of 'Chief
Justice, having previously been an Ass R,-
- Judge of the 'Supreme Court. .
was the President of the American Tract
Society, and one of the Vice-Presidents of
the American Bible Societ , .
The suspension of SpEcrE PATKENTs
by the banks of New-York city has been
made the prominent subject of financial
writing in several of the New-York jour
nals, which
,have taken up the views. e4,-
Tressed from time to time by the foreign
banking firms, and agents of houses• abroad,
who sympathize with the rebel cause. The
object of the foreign sympathizers was to
cause a run upon the banks, and 'coerce
them into suspension, in order to embarrass
the future movements of Government nego
tiations fbr loans, in the hope that this
state of affairs would paralyze confidence,
and pave the way for compromiie arid rec
ognition of the Southern States as a sePs.-
rate Confederacy. But the journals which
have advocated suspension, during the last
month, were simply in the interest of cer
tain stock speculators, who have been striv
ing to get Mr. Chase toissue's2oo,ooo,ooo
or $300,000,000 of irredeemable demand
notes as , eurrency,,for the -purpose of pro
ducing an inflation of prices by depreciating,
the currency of the country They then
expected to realize irrimense profits bY
stock •operations. i , On 1 ,
Ttiesday inovaing
some of, the journals reported that - a
ing of bank managers had been held~ on
Monday' to diseuss the expediency'ef 'Sus
specie payments,
s4RO ate
t , that two of the leading hanks were paying
coin only in small•.su - m.s." .The whole of
these statements were withoutloundation.
New-Yoil has many a "F_EArtrArE, CON
FLAGRATION inscribed on j.tsannals.. The
greatest was that of 1836,, which many of,
our citizens yet vividly (rememberlt
broke out.on a bitter December night, and
raged three days before. Jp could be stayed,
completely laying waste the business part of
the eity,'consumin g six hundred and forty
eight houes and :sieres,,llith_,SlS,6o(),o9,o
worth of property; nor was it stopped until
huibliPkge were, by thegrder 011 -`t6 Mayor,
blown up with gunpowder. In .1845 oc=
carred atiplher, great'fire, :whiO3.," though,'
happily inferior in extent to that 'of *1835,
yet, did imMense damage, Taping the
the entire district between Ahe,,hastern
side of Broad Street and Broad Way:
THE steamship Gay of GlasgOw which
arrived at this port on liondaY from
erpool, brought one hundred and t twenty
five cases of. arms for the goseiiii'lent,be
sides a large quantity consigned.. to private
individuals, and a large, quantity of "'army
blankets. An additional amount of arms
was ready for the steamer, but she was un
able to bring ,them.
Quvr.s A SUDDEN' Cirmszekt haS taken
place in the ownership and .editorial con_
trot of the Indeßendent. Dr. Bacon' of New
Haven, Dr. J. P. Thompson,ef:Nei-irerk,
aandDr` :Stern:Of . ..Week)* , w h o
have been , its editors fPonx, the beginning,'
announce in iather 'curt terms their with_' and ".that leneetertb:arnmt
responsible for 'whaflnaylappear its
umns. d Henry' 'Flrcirc4 .Heedher
issued his salz4qtory as responsible editor Then name of .
- khe present proprietor. °t'
yet been made public. y,,
hharinterE Of the Untie " niti the future .
can roreten, any more tein4tin
P, en t 4 AY e; 1 kOlEt"
one, can, deter-'
!nine from the text,`what 14t.Bee.
h " : " . 11
preaph t about u .0 not bl
3 ' B
, PrAni,. that
1.16 will
: th4iglid
general course, and ccrf46o4
a-sarvore ee sex4.ll.ofpydstrolloin:e,fottv,mito
frequently disavowed any responsibility fdr
the utterances of Mr. Beecher in the
mons published in its , columns.
, TDB OLD BATTLE-GROUND, at G er ,,,, „
townibas been ,at length invaded by
maids of modern improvement. A
did mansiUll is now going up on the',
where the strife was deadliest in t h at fi ,; l
encounter. This entire property was
merly owned - by the Chew family, 0n ,.,
whom beeartie the wife of ex-Senator 31„,.. 5,
whose ambassy to Europe, in behalf of „:1:
cession, was so u nceremoniously stor - „
and who is mow entertained at the nati,,
expense in Fort Warren, near Boston.
. THE EPISCOPALIANS are now erect:-
inLthis city, an Episcopal Hospital o f
architectural, beauty and of large size.
The entire building will consist o f
group of five pavilions, of which thr,
only are now being constructed, design at ,
as the centre bitilding and wings, cone eci ,
with each other by covered corridors ; t i
length of the Tare front thus formed, i,.
ing two hundred and 'fifty-eight feet. Th,
depth of the centre building, includin g 7t
chapel, is abaift*O-hundred and fifty...,
feet; that of each wing, two hundred tec, t
and the . space between them on each side
the centre, sixty-three feet. The em i r
cost will be $250,000.
The consent of the canonical number
Dioceses having been obtained, and f,,,
warded to the Presiding Bishop (Brown*
of Connecticut,) the Rev. Wm. Bar.,
Stevens, M.D.,D.D, Assistant Bishop e l,„
'of this diocese, will' be consecrated to th e
Episcopal Office,. on January 2d, at St, A,
drew's church. -
Since it is not generally supposed Vila ;
the Rev. JOHN C. LEYBURNE, D.Dh, latei:
one of the editors of the Presbyterian,;;
likely to.take his seat at the next meetin. :
of the General Assembly, there is alrert,l7
considerable casting'about for a , sueees,,, r ,
It is said that there are several gentleim,
whose friends favor their claims, Let this
marter rest until the proper time. And if
any persons attempt to electioneer for then.
selves or to' allow their friends to do so,
advance, let thetas' be passed by when ih
election comes off, whoever else m a y be
chosen. Canvassing for place in the Church.
shotild meet with a repulse such as w ill
cure the 6711.
Philadelphia, has 'been :called to San
Francisco, to the church lately vacated
by Rev. Dr. Scott. We have seen no
intimation of Dr. Wadsworth's view of
the case
•ts ($
Rev. T..DE WITT TALMADGE, of Syraeu , e.
New-York, has declined the call of the
Third Reformed Dutch _Church, Phila
delphia, late Dr. Berg's.
Rev. J. M. Baitzuos,-it,QA.ce address ,
is changed from Superior, Wisconsin, t
Hill Side, Pa"
One of fayson/s Inastrationo.—Said he :
" Suppose; we ,perceivo a. tnunber of chil
dren ,playing s pgether,:in; ,the street, we
could not,, without previous knowledge, de
termine who are their parents, or where are
their homes. But let one of them receive
an injury, or get into .any trouble, and we
learn, who are Ills parents, for he immedi
ately runs to them. fora relief. Thus it
with the Christien and the man of the
wer l 4 While. we observe them, together.
pursuip&the,Nutte employments,and placed
in th'e astneArcumistances, we- may not be
able-at once,tp,distingaish them. But le:
afflictions :Come upon them and we; are ee
longer ate loss ; the man of the world seek,
relief in r parthly comforts :while the Chris
tian flies to. his heavenly Father,- his refuge
and support: in the dey,of.trouble."
Sinirgeon at Bristol.='-The London
Daily News gives an account of the sermon
by Mr:Spurgeon, with other °itemises, at
Bristel, , on the occasion of the opening of
the-new -Baptist Chapel on the Stokescroft
Road , . c' The' details are ,srieh' 'as to give
ground: , for apprehension- thai 'the nerrow
organization of the pfeacher is becoming
seriously impaired by his la,bors.
- • -
Nethadist Preachers,in3he„Sohthern Army.
See f it 'ita.ted,t 4 lialre - the Confederate
army, aroUnd Minhiseas there,are one hue
died and. twentyMethodist.preachers,
,privatee, captains, n or, chaplains. 11
civalry, regiment washeing recently formed
ip.',teses, to be commanded:thrOugbout by
Irdethedist .clergypieu l . Dr. barter, Presi
-4A of the -gonle Ilniveriiti,,Texas, thor
oughly acquainted with , Military, matters;
Dr. Boegs, . who has seen. service; Dr.
Wiikos, Texas, and Mr. ,Gillespie,of the
Prlkana'Aclvocut e , are....t0 1 13.0, officers in
thiS' regiment th . e..equipments w ill be
lanPes, of ;th e celebrated Polish
Lancera - rovOlVes and, double-barreled
d shot
Jeremy Taylor's Po correspondent
of the , ScoW,.sh , Guardian. - eays "A s you
have rrecentlyfadraitted.=seve r al letters on
Irish Chui• h matters into.our columns, I
think .it:may liossitly interest-your reader. ,
to; .know. that. :the , qiidentical pulpit from
which Bishop ..Jeremy '`Taylor preached in
Dnorncre Cathedral ; after having done duty
for some time as a' dog , kemativis now usee
as :,a Siiramer,hOis e in the 'garden of one
Majee, a:. builder near the , fawn of Warren
point, .County of , Down,'lwbose 'house is al
',garnished=with .various` ornaments gath
ered-from different old ..•Churches."
Dr" 11 L Bretkinridge"Said, in his late
masterly s6per on `this irvil War. Thera
are ons in which vast bodies of Blares
iiia 3 ; be considered aVery.powerful elemeLt
41* the military strength of' the South; the
chief of which bonsideratiOns are, first.
that, the militarrfiiice'of the 'United Static,
should not be alle'tellenetrate the heart ot
the disloyal region;,and secondly, that af.
ter penetratin , g 7 that 'region the General
G-inerinn'ent 'should' le weak enough
treat - slaves hands of the
rebels and traiihrs,'ailif-it Was sacred."
untor-plated Ifessels;-41, is stated that,
t i b e . „ l- 911 ; are; abandoning the idea ot
P l 4t_lugwpodeu ships,, and,,to
huild , ren4 ,pf, iron. Wooden hulls are
found to: he, incapable of enduring the ri
bration of so heavy machinery and gap
while under greatsso ternal weight. k
Glair" for'iliik'roiS
failare•.,,-LNo 'woodenS . lAP_ can sustain d
armor n ecessarYAlrresist modern ordnance
without being racked to pieces.
3-4 i declared to be
fire . - .PrqP.L.-Ciiinum—Thi l iron column',
nsed,s* t he , constraction- of the ftre.prou
w arehouses in- Liverpol are'all hollow. an'
arc filled inside with fire-proof concrete.
The. Old- Pathw , ==glirete• are eight thea•
sand. 174L/rera now:enkaged upon the Su"
can, hi.llht,, 4i:intended that steaLe
comminircation 'be established bS r
betreenithe ..Mediterranean and the li, it
Sea zh. •
L •• 1 •
AlliitakeiV ..., c4infeirig 'our nationi . !
ilidebtedueas : with that of other eountri''''