II J. ALLISON 8. LITTLN AVID M ' KINNEY & CO. Editors and Proprietors. TERMS IN ADVANCE. 1 4 ;5ci1.6 OCUSOTLIVTIOBB $1.50 IN CLEns 1.25 IP:1_0'1.111EO IN EfTlll,ll OP THE 2.00 . Two DOLLARIi, IWO Will jell , ' by mail seventy number thirty-three numbers. p..;wr sending WI TWENTY stibecribms and upwards, will thereby entitled to a paper without charge. itenovais 'dwelt' be prompt, a MEW before the year expires payments by safe hands, or by mall. uirect all letters to DASIDIPKINNETA 00. v • Pittsburgh, Pa. Original. The Absent, 11Y A SOLDIER Away-from home and friends most dear, In this disastrous day, Far off toward . the rising sun, Eight hundred miles away. CHORUS-Eight hundred miles away, Eight hundred miles*away, Far off toward the rising sun, Eight hundred miles away. . Along with those whose hearts are brave, ,My country's call t' obey, „.1 grasp the deadly firelook, Eight hundred miles away. Cnonus—Eight hundred, Bto. While dangers threat and duty oalls, 'T is here I mean to stay, Prepared to fight the enemy, , Eight hundred miles away. Cncyaus—Eight hundred, &o. But while uponTotomac's Nhnk I'm called awhile to stay, civi I forget the ones I love, Eight hundred miles away,? Cuonus—Eight hundred, &o. Can I forget the partner dear, With whom I used to stay ; The many joyful , hours we passed, Eight hundred miles away ? Cuoans—Eight hundred, &c. • And then those prattling cherubs who, Amid their childish play, Have often swelled my heart with joy, Eight hundred miles away. CrlOßUS—Eight hundred, .Sto. Alt, no' While life's warm currents gush, And cause this heart to play, not forget the ones I love, Eight hdndred miles away. Cimus—Eight hundred, &o. And while beneath an Eastern sky An exile I shall stay, I know I'm thought of oft by those Eight hundred miles away. Cnortus—Eight hundred, &c. qt. should disease or rebel foe ptrikl.down this feeble clay ; [r should death's shafts be hurled at those Eight hundred miles away : GMAT'S-Eight hundred, &o. Still there's a home, a blissful home, Within the realms of day, Where they and I shall meet again, In heaven, far, far away. Cnoaus—ln heaven, far, far away, In heavtr, far, far away, Where they and I shall meet again, In heaven, far, far away. H. H. For theVreabyterlan Banner The Christian Rico. "Ilustration gives us clearer views of and causes it to make deeper impres s. Paul knew this well; dad he most ipil alludes to things with which men familiar, that he may both convince and te. Among the honorable and popUtar ests, of the day in which he lived and people to whom he wrote, is the foot The course is prepared. The ,e is set forth. The athleta3 are en ed, trained and ready. Tens of thou ls of people are collected. The signal iven, and the eager expectants of glory reward, spring at the instant, and press Ard in the course. The mighty multi e look on with breathless attention, as and another lag behind or fall by the At length one has reached the dis , goal, his name is shouted by the pub herald, and his temples encircled by the 1-earned crown. The palm branch is !ed in his right hand, in token of vie -, and his native city, exulting in the ior of her successful son, conducts him with the most extravagant demonstra is of joy. uch was the Grecian race, and such its ird. Now we will look at the Chris i's race, and the reward he shall receive. his course are many difficulties, but he it " run with patience," not heeding the in tongue of temptation which would ace him to loiter, or, altogether turn le from the way. Think you the ath ., as he strove for the Orowri, cared for t else ? Did he stop to pluck the way flower, or encumber himself with par es of shining dust ? No ; he ever ised on, disdaining even to glance at any Ig, of minor importance. So the Chris disdaining the petty and dangerous .ments of earth, must ever loolc for- I, fixing his eye with an unflinching gaze the pleasures of eternity. He, too, is surrounded by " a cloud of ,nesses," who watch every movement ch intense interest. I have often thought we could but realize this, what a great luen cc it must exert on our daily life. Not ,y are human friends and enemies watch ; over every step with closest scrutiny, ,her wishing us " God speed" or rejoic in our halting, but other eyes are upon , , some of spirits dark and malignant, who busy themselves in placing stumbling blocks in our way, and whispering evil 'thoughts and blasphemies in our ears; oth fors of spirits bright and pure, who have 'charge over us, and, by high and holy mo [tives incite us to persevere. These are .thoughts which might well duce us to take heed how we run ; and love all, did we but remember that " our ;avenly Father " is ever present, chiding ld bringing us back when we stray, or Ith his strong and gentle, hand raising lid strengthening us when we stumble and. 1 .1. Surely such a consideration would impel us to watch each step .as we press •ward. But is there no reward offered in race ? Are we to have the - Oil, and , and strife for nought ? Yes ! Thanks t o God, Who giveth us the victory, there a reward 'offered ; one which far exceeds we can conceive; for we run not to iin perishable crowns and withering ins, but those ghat are incorruptible. In language of one of Zion's sweetest "Palms of glory, raiment bright, Crowns that never fade away, Gird and deck the saints in light, Priests, and kings, and conquerors they." When we shall stand within the walls of New Jerusalem, and " look o'er life's ished story," all aglow with the bright it'd nide, we shall almost forget the trials the way i while " On a green and flowery mount, Our happy souls shall sit, And with transporting joy recount The labors of our feet. " Eternal glory 'to the King, Who safely brought us through ; Our tongues shall never cease to sing, And endless praise renew." Melt is like a snowball; leave him lying idleness ' against the sunny face of pros rity, and all the good that is in him melts ray ; but let the jealous and envious per ute him, and it gathers strength at every !volution, tiil it grows to an avalanche. rviliiyfirian .• • •., VOL. L. NO. 15. EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE THE "TRENT" BOARDED, AND THE SOUTHERN COMMISSIONERS ARRESTED — OPINIONS OF TIkE PRESS—A UNITED STATES VESSEL BURNT BY THE " NASITVILLE'—"FREE CHURCH CON FERENCE AT EDINBURGH—FOREIGN Hisenoms AND LACK OF VOLUNTEERS—DR. DIM/ AND HIS UIRAND IDEA—Do. Tormor's EXPOSITION OF IT—EDUCATION, AND EVANGELIZATION IN INDIA—DR. CANDLISH AND HIS ADDRESS—Da. DUFF'S LET. TER ANALYZED—THE EDUCATED EINDOOS, AND INFIDELITY— GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES —NEW PLAN FOR THE EDUCATION OP FOREIGN MISSIONARIES—THE POST OFFICE AND ITS STATISTICS. LONDON, Nov. 30; 1861 TFIE SEIZURE OF THE SOUTHERN COM MISSIONERS by a United States vessel, on board the Trent, West India Royal Mail Packet, has awakened a,profortild sensation here and all over the kingdom. Happily we have amongst us such a man as Mr. Adams, the United States Ambassador, who, at the Mansion House Dinner, justly said that one great duty devolving on diplomatists like himself was to give ex planations, and smooth the path of peace and brotherhood. A painful feeling exists in some breasts, from the idea that Mr. Seward seeks a quarrel with Great Britain. I trust it is not so. The Times and Daily Telegraph both calm the public mind, while yet indicating the, tendency of such events. They show, as does the Morning Star, that, strictly speaking, the right of search on the high seas does exist, and quote both American and British jurists on the question ; but then, that this case is not within the rule. They evidently write in harmony with the views of the Govern ment, which studiously desires to keep the peace; and it will be a woful day for both na tions if ever they shall be hurried into actual collision. May God forbid it! and let all goad men, in spite of tdie preachers of an tipathies, revenges, and " satisfaction," say Amen. The Times' leader, on the day after the' news arrived, was studiously calm ing in its style. The Daily Telegraph wrote in a similar strain, and the Morning Star said : " It is at any rate to be desired that questions of this sort should be dis cussed without heat, and decided without haste. If it should turn out that the San Jacinto has , exceeded the authority which the law of nations concedes to belligerents over the ordinary rights of neutrals, we doubt not the United States Government will disclaim the act, and refuse to take ad vantage of its performance." The Con servative Standard, which represents a party which likes fighting more than oth ers, was quite vehement. 'Chase great hopes that by the spirit of Mr. Adams, and his conveyance .to the ,of of the reasons of the British Cabinet's decision, as well as by,Lord Russel's own letter, peace may be preserved. Last week we had the first realization of the American contest, as brought very near to us, in the appearing on the Southampton bars of the Southern ship Nashvilfr, having on board the officers and crew of a merchant Federal ship, which had been seized and burnt at sea. The dismissal of General Fremont, and the avowal ,of the Government that slaves in the South would not be emancipated, but that those eMployed would be returned to loyal owners and their services paid for —while more easily understood by yourself and. other friends of the negro than by English people—have undoubtedly dashed the hopes of thos6 who were looking at the war as likely to have an anti-slavery issue. But the end is not yet; and who shall ven ture to say whether the abomination may not, in spite of human calculations or counsels, have an issue which will destroy forever the plan of those who so long sought; extension of slavery ? The reported speech of Col. Cochrane, and his proposal so vehemently applauded—of putting arms into the hands of the slaves, seems to indi cate tendencies which may end in all that has been hoped for by philanthropists. The difficulties surrounding the whole question of slavery, can only be appreciated by yourselves.* A' MISSION CONFERENCE has just been held at Edinburgh, in connexion with the meeting of the Commission of the Free Church of Scotland. A serious diminu tiou in the number of laborers in the In dian field has taken place. Dr. Duff, and those who remain at their posts, are over worked, and there has not been that promptitude of volunteering on the part of the students, licentiates, and ordained min isters, at home, which might have been an ticpa.ted. It was felt that a free and full 'conference at Edinburgh might be the means of giving information as to the ac tual condition of things, both discouraging and encouraging, as well as of rousing a spirit of prayerful zeal and self-consecra tion. It is well known that the Mission work of the Free Church has from the first been largely and directly educational. This was the grand idea of Alexander Duff, years ago, and the great men of the past. Chalmers and others thoroughly and heart ily endorsed it. This feature is still to be preserved. And as Dr. Tweedie said at the opening of the Commission, their in stitutions arc educational, but it is for a purpose, or rather for a crowd of purposes. These purposes are as follows 41 First, to train up a native ministry and na tive teacher& for India, as the grace of God shall prepare converts for the work. For reasons which it would be superfluous to explain, that is one of our great aims, and in that aim we have been blessed, in no common degree. The con verts laboring in connexion with our missions as teachers, catechists, preachers,. and ordained ministers, are such as prove to some minds that the Spirit of God has blessed of a truth the la bors of our missionaries. But besides the aim now, referred to, our missions keep in view another vita object, the grand terminus of all mission woilr—vis., the converting of souls to God. In the class-room, in the chapel, in pri vate intercourse—in short, in season and out of season, that is kept in view, and, as the result, 110 have been baptized: in our mission at Madras on a profession of faith in the Saviour; 137 have been baptized at Calcutta; 61 at Nagpore; 88 at Poonah ; and 116 at Bombay—malting 501 in all, mainly the fruits of the. Spirit's blessing on the labors of our missionaries among the young, This is no doubt only the day of small things.' But Omniscience itself, Omnipotence itself, asks the question— , Who path despised the day ? ' It. assures us of a brighter day to come. But our missions are more than this. They have other work in hand 'along with that now men tioned. They are in principle, and in, practice evangelistic also—they are so, ,I venture humbly to think, far, more than is commonly known. In considering .this point., we have to keep in view that for some months in the year, firstly,, that by reason of the heat, and secondly, by reason of the rains, it is impossible for Europeans to itin erate and preach in India with safety ; and mak ing allowance for that, I for one am of opinion that 'our home 'church has not, as a whole, un derstood the extent to which preaching the Gos pel, even in the usual technical sense of the Word, has been going on. There are some of our missionaries still alive, and some who have gone to their rest, who gave themselves heart and soul to the work.. One of the missionaries .of, this Church—the late Rev. R. Nisbet—took his place among the foremoSe Mahratta speakers and preachers in India. Others have preached, and do preach in Bengali, in -Tamie, in Telugu, and other Indian tongues—not merely in schools —though these are one special agency; but, *This last remark is judicious. Surely no Christian, understanding the state of affairs, could recommend the sudden emancipation and general arming of the slaves. In freeing the slaves of robots, it is necessary to give them em ployment, and , to govern them; and circum stances may show it to be both needful endwise, for a time, to enroll a portion of them as a mill tory corps, lo'aid in erecting and guarding for tifications, and thus to bo under more perfect government. We trust that those who would turn Ahem loose, uncared-for—to suffer and cause suffering—arc but few in number.—Ens.) PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, DEC EMBER 28, 1861. moreover, in long tours, from time to time, the Gospel is'preached, discussions are held, and all the tunial appliances are employed for winning souls to • the Saviour. On the one hand, and I crave special attention to the fact—other Chris tian bodies in India are largely adopting the system in our schools, as fitted to undermine the stupendous superstitious of India; and on the other, our missions are from year to year expanding in the direction of preaching. At Madras this is signally the case. At Bombay, Poonah, and Nagpore, it has always been the case. At Cal cutta, where the educatioual'element is so promi nent, there has been far more of direct preach ing, I believe, than the home church at all sup poses. And slowly, but steadfastly, that is ex tending. Regarding the preaching of the Gos pel in every possible form—to young and to old, to Baboo and to. Pariah—as the grand result of all our, missionary undertakings as a missionary Church, the end is kept in view; too tardily for the Charch's longings, but yet according to the means which are put at our disposal. For years past it has been the aim of the Committee and of the missionaries to extend it more and more." It will be observed from the foregoing, that if education is the means, evangeliza tion is the end in view ; so that this grand end is every year more largely aimed at and attained. " The system is outspread ing—preaching the Gospel is ite.necessary terminus." Besides this, several of the Free Church missionaries have been em ployed with other missionaries in revising, translating, or perfecting translations of the Scriptures, along with other bodies, into some of the dialects of India. Some of them also are the authors of books and tracts bearing upon local superstitions. The Free Church has also Missions directly Evangelistic, among the Caffres and Fingoes of Africa. Dr. Candlish, Moderator of the Assembly, delivered the, first address,, or rather, as a lengthened and very important letter had just arrived from Dr. Duff, he analyzed the letter, and expounded it as bearing on' the theme which he himself had, undertaken to speak upon, namely, the Constitution of the Missions of the Free Church, especially,as regards the cen tral institutions in India. Dr. Duff's let ter began thus : " Our system ought to be judged of, not with regard to heathen na tions generally, and 'least of all, barbarous and savage tribes, but with reference to the special peculiarities of Hindoo society, anti providential circumstances connected with its government by Great Britain." Starting from this, Dr. Duff proceeded to argue that the great object of all Evangel ical Missions is to save sinners, and that out of this arises the question, How is this end to be most' satisfactory accom plished .? To begin with schools among savage tribes, would be absurd; but in the case of Hind'oostan, with whom for, the last three thousand years there has been a knowledge both of reading and writing, we may safely begin by educational appliances. Dr. Duff's 'second proposition was as fol lows: " Although we may begin at once with the multitudes of theyoung, we must do what we can for adults.", And he affirms that the Free Church system of Missions, contrary to what has been some times supposed or said, "was deliberately planned to be an all-embracing system.' "If all the parts," he continues, ",did not come into immediate operation, it was be cause time was wanted for their develop ment—even as all the parts of an oak, or of a cedar of Lebanon, are • not developed when the seedling is committed to the ground." He then points out that " the main strength of the European agents hitherto has, doubtless, been given to teach, convert, and then train converts for the office of teachers and preachers, believing that in this way they were multiplying their own personal agency ; believing that dod thus .enabled them to train evert _a few of well-qualified native teachers and preachers, it was doing more for the evan gelization of India than if they spent the whole of their own time and strength in directly attempting to preach through the vernacular to adults." There are few thoughtful Christian min isters and people who do not increasingly feel that a native ministry is the grand hope of blessing to heathen nations, wher ever they are found. if Judson were living now; if the living, loving, laborious Lodiana band; if those who, like Ander son, of Madras, died in the fullness of their strength upon the field, but who had the joy of seeing such a' preacher as Rajah Go-Paul declare the glad tidings with a freedom, force, and fullness to which after a quarter of a century probably no Anglo- Saxon missionary could attain--were these able or alive to testify, surely their verdict would be unanimous. .Even with Jews in Europe, we find that to deal with them most effectually we must pave converts from among themselves, fired with zeal, full of love to Christ,'and able to deal in a way almost impossible for a Gentile, with their Rabbinical prejudices on the one hand, and their Rationalistic tendencies on the other. And thus it is that by far the majority of the various agents , of modern Missions to the Jews—Episcopal and Nonconformist, Home and Foreign--Lhave found their mis sionaries mercifully raised up fur them from among the first fruits—from the early con verts. This, too, must be the hope of India. Infidelity is not, as has been sometimes said or insinuated, the result of the system of teaching in English literature, science, &c., introduced to India by Dr. Duff. On the contrary, he writes as follows': " Our Central Institution, in Calcutta, has been greatly blessed of God, as a counteractive to the rampant infidelising tendencies so ram pant around us. It is a simple fact, that emit paratively, very few, indeed, of those trained in. it have openly joined the anti-Christian infidel. ranks. Many years ago, when the infidql host, under chosen leaders, openly challenged rae, and we met, week after week, in assemblies of be tween five hundred and one thousand, for public discussion, it is a fact, that not on educated in our institution was found associated with the leaders, or taking any active part in favor of their cause. On the contrary, again and again did some one student—who, though he bad not openly embraced. Christianity, was fully alive to the fallacies in the arguments..of its opponents, from the instruction he bad received in our In stitution—rise up, and boldly, in the presence of assembled hundreds of his countrymen, deal out the most triumphant refutation of their sophis tries! • The immediate effect -was quite electrical, and the result, as regards the,Christian or Bible cause, in a general way, unspeakably beneficial. As time rolled on, atheism, under the assaults made upon it, fell into discount. Young men, educated in Government' institutions, ignorant of, yet hating Christianity, but feeling the want of some religion, fell back on the supposed Mon otheism of their own ancient Vedas. But here, again, the effect of the tea Ching in our Institu tion became very noticeable. Accustomed as our young men were to the examination of his toric and other Christian evidences, they saw and could prove that the Vedas had not a shred of solid evidence to vindicate their Divine authority. Accordingly, very few indeed from our Institutioni; either directly or indirectly, joined, the ranks of ; "the great and numerous Ve dantic party. At last, the real nature of these books and their contents—often as puerile and false as the popular Turanie fables—came to be better known, and it was felt that their high pre tensions were untenable. Then they entered 'on a new career, and formed a new-fangled system of theism,' still erroneously styling it Vedant igni, bnt to which we gave the name of Neisr Ve tlantism, to distinguish it from the Old, as also from any definite European system of theism. For several years they kept tinkering at their new theism; but it wits found to be very cold, and left many, wants and cravings of nature un supplied. Well, they did keep drifting about Very strangelY. And not later than 'lust year they got into what they now reckon their final haven. And what is that? .The haven of in tuitional religion! On this new light, which they have obtained fromthe spiritual Pantheists of Bu rope and America, they have published a large series of tracts, alike in Bengali and English. They have renounced the name of Vedantism, and substituted that of 'Bra'hmism'—Brahma, in its neuter form, being the term of the Supreme im personal essence of old Veda.ntistn. Brahma they have connected with personality of some sort, and all the truths concerning him, and our relation to him, are discoverable, not by rea soning or revelation, but- by intuition. • When religion,' say they, lies in our intuitive con sciousness, its truths we directly perceive, we re quire no argumentation, they approach us as self-evident realities. They are t spontaneous, instinctive, involuntary, praccioitl, universal, primitive, original, self-evident, idiomatic,' &c., ftc. All this, and muoh more, they attempt elaborately to illustrate, and in so doing, furnish long corroborative quotations from the writings of Parker, Emerson, Morel', Nelson, Poston, Greg, Francis Newman, Sir William Hamilton, Kent, Cousin, and many others. For aggressive put= poses, they have for years past been organized into a regular Society ; they have their house or temple for weekly worship; they have a sub scription fund for the sending out of preaching agents and the establishment of propagandist schools; they have classes of disciples and in quirers, and a large body of full or initiated and recognized members, gathered from the higher and wealthier educated classes—their influence is at once persuasive and powerful. It will be observed how "intuitional re ligion," under the name of Christianity, and as now with hellish subtlety affecting many minds on both sides of the Atlantic, (as indicated toward the close of the above passage from Dr. Duff's letter,) has assumed an associated form, full of 'evil and danger. But says Dr. Duff, "I have bean watching the effect of all this on the minds of young' men admitted into our institution. E:of the number who have joined their Rranks must be small indeed." In fact after closein vestigation it has 'been found'-that " only" an infinitesimal fraction of Free Church students and ex-students are members of the Samaj. This is a very telling state meat, because that " During the last, thirty years there must have gone forth at least, about a fifth of the educated' youth of Cal cutta, and that they are to be found in all' the mercantile and government offices in Calcutta. It, is-," the Government Schools and Colleges" (wherein Christian and Bi ble teaching is excluded !) " which almost exclusively furnish the leaders and Mem bers of the Brahman Saniaj." Dr.'Duff, therefore, argues for an extension and ele vation, rather than a ,diminution and low ering of the system of educational insti tutes in Calcutta. Dr. Candlish thoroughly agrees with his views. • • It now appears, as , indicated by Mr. Braidwood, that the 'Wesleyan Society has established an institution of this kind at Madras, that the Church of England has hid . it down as ,a rule, that-an educated native Ministry is essential_t6 success, and that a missionary of the - London Society had established Iv school , iipthe heart of 'a native townon 'the Free Chtirch principle. Doctor Duff- says : " Many of our young men are in• that state of mind and of ac tual knowledge, that in a day of the 'Spir its outpouring, hundreds of them mightrat once be awakened v q4ickenedi and-led joy fully to embraciiitettagh as it is in Jesus, becoming at once a well-equipped and well furnished host of believers." In the'course of the conference, the RevA Mr. Johnston' very ably showed that We?? Free Church,'Missions would be quite adequate, and as to their educational as,- pect, scarcely defensible—as souls needed' immediate attention all "around—but that they formed a part of .a great catholic whole. And so we regard then]. the more complacently when we find that in India there are now four - hundred European and American missionaries, forty-eight native - evangelists, seven hundred. , catechists, three hundred and thirty-on'e native churches, eight thousand five hundred communicants, one hundred thousand converts, one thousand three hundred and fifty vernacular schools, ninety-three boarding schools, one hundred and two boarding schools for girls, one hundred and twenty-six English schools; three hundred and fifty day schools for girls. Besides these agencies there are twenty five printing presses and several other means for translating and publishing the Scriptures in native languages. The Rev. Dr. , Wood i ex-Moderator of the Free Church, and one, of the holiest and best of men, spoke admirably on the abso lute necessity of raising up a native minis try by educational institutes, and also showed that in teaching there was really evangelistic work : " I confess I have no sympathy with any brother who can find no evangelistic work in our missionary educa tion in India. My missionary brother may have no genius for mathematic's or meta physics ; but with his warm' loving heart, he will hardly tail in finding congenial work in leading to Jesus, by various paths of knowledge, the youths who come day af ter day, to listen to his instruction." As to the future of Christianity in India, Dr. Wood said : " I have long had a conviction that in some such way as this will India be Christianized; an extensive spread of the Gospel, without many conversions first, and then a sudden extension, a glorious day— nations born in a day." The " Mode of Training for the Mission Field," formed a second theme for confer- , ence ,e c nd was discussed at length along with kindred topics, by Principal Cunningham. He referred to the fact that among students at home 'there were " qualified men," but that these do not seem- willino• b to embrace the opportunity, or listen to God's call." He does not consider that young men who are willing to be missionaries should; be sent out too early," or " educated apart." The solution of the difficulty as to fresh laborers, must be found in looking to the Lord of the harveSt himself, and'thus both educational and evangelistic work would go forth to the satisfaction of all. • Dr. Begg thought that the health , and lives of many missionary volunteers might be spared if they were kept long enough in this country" until at least they had ac quired a knowledae of the Sanserit." There should also be experienced retire&mission aries near the students in their preliminary preparations. Dr. Begg also referred to the number of the young men in Scotland,. who had been converted in recent revivals, and who were full of love and zeal. He considered that special training might be given these, and a shorter term of study be recognised ; provided they were found oth erwise adapted to missionary work. As it is likely that Scotchmen will go out as Col onists, for the cultivation of cotton in In dia, and that among these and for the ben efit of the natives employed by them, the ' converts who were not to study in the reg ular way, might at once take an important position, and acquire an immense influence. An intelligent gentleman, in a . .very promi nent position in 'lndia, had' written him (Dr. : 846) . in answer to his InqUiries, that he , believed .that "a very large infu sion of Christian life might tbe, directed to India ,at the present moment, in connexion with this movement." Mr. Mclntosh, of Madras, gave Some ' very gratifying fedi to show that at Mad ras &large amount of directly evangelistic effort was being carried on. - ,The Earl of Dalhousie.,was present at the Conferenceo, .Lieutenant Colonel Da-, vidson delivered an address on " The,Dufy of the Church to' the heathen, and espe cially India, and the best modes for calling forth sympathy for the eause.".„ fte re. ferred to the self-sacrifice of the Haldanes, as to evangelistic work in dead times, in Scotland. He dwelt ou the duty of parents to consecrate their sons, and not tolkinder them going forth to the missionary- field. He related the case of a young man of promise, who was willing to go to India; but whose mother hindered him, and how a friend had remarked "It is not heathen mothers only who are hindrances to the Gospel in India." Intercessory prayer, also as an all important means of securing blessings, was specially upon. Ai the Old School and ocher Presbyterian Churches, have missions in India, and as I have given this full analysis of the Confer ence at Edinburgh, that as many as possi ble both of the ministers and churches at home, and the American missionaries abroad may have accurate information, let me give you the concluding portion of Col. Davidson's address—adding-that as a ref erence is made to the Lodiana missionaries, and past responses to their invitations to a New Year's Concert of Prayer, that I trust and believe that special rgaijrer for India, in January, 1E62, will begine Of the happy issues of this Conference at Edinburgh: Col. Davidson said " There is another nnportant, an-Important subject on which, if' time admitted, I should wish to say a word ; but as it is to be spoken to es pecially by my esteemed and respected friend, the Rev:Mr. Charles BrOwn, I cannot do bettor than leave it in his hands. The subject? Prefer refer to - is intercessory prayer for,lndia. Much has been said about the chalacier and fitness of our mis sionary inadhittery ; and 'it is important 'to look to it, and see that it is framdd according to the apostolic model, and impelled by n e real love to souls and loVe .to God;' bid 'be our - machinery - ever so- perfect, it-will not do its.: work unless' God is pleased to, pour out the influence of his blessed Spirit.. In this view I believe the most important question for the oonsideration of this Conference is, whether the extension of the Gospel by means' of our missionaries in India is not hindered by the iestrairiing of prayers on the., part of those who send them 'forth. Might not something be done in the way of making our prayei's . for India more' special than they are - at present? Individual missions, paracular localities, and particular ef forts might be especially prayed for. We have had in our- own land many precious examples of God's readiness to hear and answer prayer for the 'outpouring of his Spirit. A very ;striking instance of this in India is - related by Mr. Mor-- risen, of Lodiana, which, in conclusion, I will, lay before the Conference. You are aware that Mr. Morrison is that missionary from whom origi nated that - work of intercessory prayer for In dia, which was responded to throughout America, and also in this country a sermon of. Mr. Morrison's, the following- passage occurs It. would appear tbat in consequence of the appeal to America, unknown to the missionaries in In-' dia, the first Monday in January, 1858, was set apart for special prayer, for humiliation before God, and prayer for the misssofiary work in In dia. Now, one of the - missionaries at a station in India on that very same day makes the fol lowing entry in his journal, perfectly unaware of the pleading on behalf of. missions that was taking place This has been the most solemn and interesting day I have witnessed in India. At our morning prayers in the native language, three strangers were present, who said ,they had come to inquire ahout, the new way. I found, on inquiry, ,that two of these were the parents of a blind4nan, in the asylum, who had expressed a desire publicly to profess Christ. ' Our son,' said they, 'has been blind from his birth, but now he ,says that. he can see us.' A heavenly influence, I am persuaded, is with us ; ,our Christian friends America Must -be praying for us.' " This is a . most encouraging, evidetce of the power of pray er.; ,and:can we ,despair of thepower of prayer for 'lndio.? I tritst.' that brie - result of this Con ferenCe. will be,.thet; there will be humiliation and . prayer throughout the - churches—earnest prayer to God' that' he may pour out his Spirit upon us—that he would thrust forth Itibbrers into his harvest, for truly the harvest is great, but the laborers are few. (Cheers,) It appears certain that one of Dr. Begg's practical suggestions, namely, that mission students should, iu- the Summer vacation, undergo special training by retired mission aries, will be adopted. Dr. Candlish em phatically endorsed the idea. And as to the result of the 'Conference, he joyfully said that there had been a large measure 'of unanimity, and " we are all with one heart and one soul, determined to support our IEI 3 , borers out in India—Dr. Duff, Dr. Wilson, and the others----to the utmost, in their la bors, which have been so manifestly owned and blessed of . God in times past." THE POST OFFICE ANNUAL REPORT is a remarkable document, as illustrative of the working of a machine especially identi fled with, and essential to, the dev . elopment of modern civilization. Last year the num ber of post offices in the United Kingdom was increased by 29, making the whole present number 11,441; of which 818 are headoffiees, and 10,623 sub-post offices. To these must be added road letter boxes, (pil lars in the streets,) 515 of which were, erected last year. Thus the Whole number of receptacles thr letters is nearly 14,000,, while before the establishment of the penny , postage, they did not much exceed 4,000. The number of letters delivered through the Post Office in England in 1860, ma' 462,000,000; which'is at the rate of twenty two letters for every man, woman and child. In Ireland the number was 48,000,000, being at the rate of, eight for each person ; in Scotland, 54,000,000, 'being at the rate of seventeen to each person. In the Uni ted Kingdom, there were 564,000,000 let ters delivered, which is 19,000,000 more than in the previous year. This increase is at the rate of 3f per cent. for the United Kingdom; and it is, pleasing to observe that. Ireland participates in die increase to the extent of 3 per cent. In Liverpool the proportion is 27 letters to each person ; in Birmingham and Nanchester, 28; in 84,; in Edinburgh, 86; and in Lon don, 43. The facility of postal communication contributes powerfully to enhance these figures. Thus of the 19,000,000 of addi tional letters in London, 3- were London local letters—that is to say written in Lon don., as well as delivered there in one or other district or suhirb in - theXeiropolitan postal'aree, extending in some cases ten miles from Charing Cross. Nearly 71,000,000 newspapers were de livered last year, and about 11,700,000 book packets. Theincreise in book pack ets was /00,000; of newspaperS, 450,000. Of the boOk packets, half a million deliv eries took place in London alone. Faaures in, delivery, from the fault of the writers, in 'part at least, were startling ly extensive. Thus, nearly two million.s' of letters, or one. in 256 of the whole, were returned to the writers, owing to failures in attempts to deliver them. Three out of four of these' failures arose from insufficient or 10 incorrect addresses, and more than 000 , were'posted without, any, address at all. " More than 20,000 letters now arrive daily in London bearing only the name of the addressee with the simple addition of Lon don." Of these last I may say, a consider ablle number will reach their destination, because the names will be - found in the Trades, Commercial, and "Court, Guide" tists-,--the last comprising a large Tropor tion of the upper middle class, as also cler - gy, ministers,&o. Bit others will' be irre r vocably sent to the Liminis literarum, (to coin a phrase) or " Dead Letter" office, or else sent back, after opening, to the writers. There are many letters which come to London' which, must drive the postmen almost to despair—particularly if addressed to " Mr. Jones,';', • ." Mr. Brown," and'"Mr. Robinson,""Mr. il*orp r psimf' ` But the Smith family are even larger than that of Thompsolb, otherwise called by ,the, tor mented Frenchman " lodging in, London,. knoeked so often--"Konsieur ".Tontion.:" WHOLE NO. 483. Mi.. Punch once said that the greatest misfortime for a stranger arriving on Sat urday night in London, and without any money in his pocket, would be that of a man who had an introductory letter to " Smith, Esq." But returning from this digresSion to the' matter of letters, let me close the statistical record by adding, that for' the distribution of this mass of correspondence, the mails are conveyed, every week-day over above 144,000 miles, namely, 39,047 by railway, 32,297 by mail-coaches and mail-carts, 69,- 994 miles on foot, and 2,838 miles by pack ets and boats. = There was an increase in 1859 of 4,000 miles of railway conveyance. The staff of officers in the British Isles is 25,192, of whom 11,298 are postmasters, and 11,880 carriers and messengers. The gross revenue of the Post Office in 1860 was £3,267,662 from, postage's, and £121,693 from commissions, or money riders. £1,066,920 was disbursed in sala ries and pensions. Nearly the whole net. revenue was derived from inland letters. For the sake of trade, and for political and other reasons, it is considered necessary to carry on the foreign and colonial correspon dence at a loss. Ve - are told that if the whole of the cost were charged, not only would the sea-postage be absorbed, but the operation would show such a loss as amount ed last year to £410,000. On each letter to the Capb of Good Hope there is a loss of about 91; on each letter to the West In dies, a loss of Is. ; on each leater to the West: Coast of Africa; a loss of about is. 8d;; on each letter •to the United States, via Galway, (a bad prospect for Father Daly to get the Port Office, contract made permanent,) a loss of about C shillings. OHO of Hymns. The. origin of &rhymn, Or of any literary ,produCtion, is often the source of the high est interest. , we tut knew the biogra phy of the sacred songs which are the fa vorites of the chnrches, we might frequently see, at a glance, the explanation of their power, and of the strong hold they have upon the heart. As deep feeling in the orator:kindles deep feeling in his hearers, so the personal experience, or irrepressible emotion of the sacred poet, poured forth in the hymn, perpetuates itself in the 'hearts of multitudes, who feel its power, though they think not of its source. The deep solemnity of the hymn, ," When rising from the bed of .death, erwhelrae with guilt and fear," came;_heyond question, from the circum stances in which Addison wrote it, just as he was recovering from a dangerous sick ness, in which he had gone to the very verge of eternity, and looked over upon its. realities. And so that beautiful and im pressiVe hymn of Cowper, "'God moves in a mysterious way, 'His wonders to perform," . had its origin in the mysterious dealings of God with hip own spirit, and in the faith that, in the darkest hour, could say, "It will all- yet be well." Both these hymns were wrought out from the experience of their authors, and thus clothed with their singular and wonderful power to thousands, to whom the names, even, of those authors were never known. As other illustrations of the same general truth; it is said that the beautiful and touching lines, "I would not live away," were written just, after the death of the lovely and accomp4shedelady who, was soon to have been the Wife Of its author ; and that it was when Cowper had taken refuge from a terrific storm, in a cottage, that he penned the hymn, S' Jesus, Saviour of Illy SOUL" We have lately met with. the history of another hymn--one of Wesley's—that is sung in every quarter of the globe,; and though it originated rather in a locality, than personal experience, yet that locality was such as to give to a truth all the vivid ness of an experience, and clothe its ex-, pression with a thrilling and heartfelt power. At Land's End, on the Western most point of England, where a high and narrow cliff of granite stretches out into the broad Atlantic, while the boundless sea is on either side, the Bishop of Litch field was told by, his guide, a Cor nish miner, "It was here 'that Wesley wrote his famous hymn." " What hymn ?" asked the Bishop. Surprised at his igno rance, the man replied, " Why, the hymn on the sixty-first page 1" as if all the world must, af course, know what that was. And the prelate was struck with the pertinency_ of the anecdote, when he found it was the hymn beginning, . t' Lo on a narrow:neck of land, 'Twist two unbounded seas I stand, Secure, insensible ; A point of • time, a moment's, space, Removes me to.that ileavenly place, , Or shuts me - up in hell." And so, doubtless, almost every striking and impressive hymn has its history, which, if known, would reveal the secret of its popularity and power over the soul. Such hymns as "Just as I am, without one plea ;" " Rise my soul, and stretch thy wings ;" "Rook of ages, cleft, forme;': and many others that might be mentioned, each probably, had , something peculiar in its origin, clothing, it with its peculiar in terest to Christian hearts and for every aae. Would that all'ibese historic% might . be searched and Written, aud "thus made' permanent for the Church. Who will give us some of them ?--Baston, I?eeorrier. Pulpit Oratory. Rev. William Taylor,- in the ":Model Preacher," dwells much,upon the power of " surprises " as a means of (raining and keeping the attention of an audience. In the form 'of letters to a brother he writes, after speaking of the difficulty of arresting attention : " You have no right to complain of their, inattention, and it, will do no good to scold them about it. It is your businesS to arrest them; knock 'their thoughts and reveries into pi, and, sweeping -them away; insert your theme into their minds and hearts. To do this you must wake, them up, stir the sympathies of their souls, and, thrill them by all sorts of unanticipated means." He further shows this " surprise power is abundantly used in " nature; providence and inspired word," and; illus trates its appropriate, use,by instances from common life. His suggestions on this point are original and striking. Aremedy is here proposed lor a wide-spread evil. The eccentric preacher carries out this.plan to extremes, but hewins attention. Others in shunning . his errors, should learn wis doni'byhis success in this respect.' A 'Wood Conversationalist will varyikth hii'matter and manner, and When he &ids- his wearying' of one. subject .te will, adroitly turn the conversation into a new channel; but the preacher talks on and., on in the same unvarying strain, though' his congre kation'yawri' and 'slew; no plensant turns nor unexpected openings into' resh fields of beauty atid'of wisdom. Where-it -the use off preaching when _the, people domotimar ? If the truth% important they ought to. hear every word ;, and , if thefaTult is the minis- 7 I,er',s, great is his responsibilitil "When preaching no 'longer interests- ork"l3i _ :„,1!= Publication. Office : GAZETTE BUILDINGS, 84 ItrrrEt ST., PRPIIBRIAR, PA. PR/LADRLPRIA 7 SOUTR-WRIST COR. OP TRa APO 0428110 E ADVERTISEMENTS. TERMS IN ADVANOW.... A Square, lines or less,) one insertion, 80 mite; each subsequent insertion, 40 cents ; each line beyond eight, 5 di A Square per quarter, $4.00 ; each line additional„ 88 yenta A Rai:moven made to advertisers by the year, BUSINESS NOtICES , or Tea Hies or less, $l.OO ala . id. ditional line, 10 cents. DAVID M'KINNEY & CO., PBOPRIXTOIIB AND PiliolnlalaB. palls, it is time that the sermon should be brought to a speedy close. When thought and expression have both received due attention, it remains that the manner of delivery should be a subject of the utmost care. " The basis of delivery in preaching should be a dignified and earnest conversational tone." If inch speak as they would talk to us, we listen with in terest; but in the wide range of truth to be used by a preacher of the Gospel, and the minifold varieties of form hi which it exists, there is much to call for the exer cise of the highest, art in order to present truth most effectually. "Sometimes men will tell us," says a writer before quoted, " that they prefer a natural and artless elo quence, and that very diligent preparation is inconsistent with such qualities. We verily believe that this, fallacy, ,though it lurks under an almost transparent am biguity, is of most prejudicial consequence. Nature and art, so far from being always opposed, are often the very same thing. * * * It is natural for a man who feels that he has not given adequate ex-, pression to a thought, though he may have used the first words suggested, to attempt it again and again. He each times approx imates nearer to the mark, and at length desists, satisfied either that he. his done what he wishes, or that he cannot perfectly do it, as the case may be. A Writer with this end is continually transposing clauses, reconstructing sentences, striking out one word and putting in another. All this may be said, to be art, or the deliberate ap plication, of means to ends ; but is it art inconsistent with nature ? It is just such art as this that we ask of the preacher, and no other ; ; simply that he shall' take dili- gent head to do what he has,to do , as well as he can. Let him depend upon it that no such art as this will ever make him ap pear* the less natural." UM We think Archbiihop Whately, in his admirable treatise on Rhetoric, has inclined too mud' toward .discouraging a proper at tention to preparation for public speaking. After comparing the natural and artificial methods of reading and speaking, and very preperly deciding in favor of the former, he thus writes : The practical rule then to be adopted in confirmity with the prin ciples here maintained is, not only to pay no studied attention to the voice, but stu diously to, withdraw the thoughts from it, and to dwell as intently as possible on the sense, trusting to nature to suggest spon taneously the proper emphasis and • tones." This is a different conclusion from what we arrive at by hearing of Demosthenes in a cave by the sea-side, declaiming with pebbles in his mouth, and of some of our most 'eminent orators gestictilating before the mirror. Unless public speaking be an exception to most desirable accomplish ments, excellence therein must be attained through effort and cultivation. "But this will make the speaker unnatural." No more than the careful training of the me chanic will make him an unnatural work man if 'it is properly done. Are young speakers always natural'? Witness the exhi bition performance of young meti in semi naries, or the " commencement" exercises of a college ; what stiffness and restraint, what awkwardness of gesture and monotony of voice ! How many do we know who who might have been eminently acceptable and useful in the ministry but for some grievous defects in delivery. One has affectation in manner, another utters his sentences in a sing-song style, another one storms from beginning to close, no matter what the character of the 'thoughts he is expressing, while a fourth is void of that life and energy, the natural index of feel ing, which alonecould gain the sympathy of his hearers. Much attention could be profitably be stowed upon the early correction of those faults to which speakers, and especially preachers, are liable. It will be acknowl edged that a minister's usefulness may be crippled, if not destroyed, by certain ex ternal defects witnessed in his ministra: tions. And if these defects can be reme died, who will say that undying usefulness is , not sufficient motive for making the effort? To be inexperienced and to be natural are two different things. The young ea gles of the nest untaught to soar have to learn the art by slow degrees; their first attempts are failures; the parent eagle soars with a grace that isnatural to her perfected powers. The babe who attempts to walk, and the man who does walk, both- follow nature, and the latter is none the less nat ural because art has been employed in his ease. Yet we are, told that men may be conae perfect ()raters without the use of art. "Does not 'the little child naturally and forcibly -describe -the occurrences of its daily life ?" Aye, but the inexperienced public speaker has neither. the advantage of thenie or circumstances to make his case a parallel one. The great aim of his efforts should be to gain, amid all the disadvan tages of •his new position, the simplicity and artless power of a little child.—Chris. Advocate and. Journal Lame and Lazy.—A Fable. Two beggars, Lame and Lazy, were in want of bread. One leaned on his crutch, the other reclined onhis couch. Lame called. on Charity and humbly ask ed for a cracker. Instead of a cracker he received a whole loaf. , . laiy, seeing the gift . of Charity, ex claimed, "What! ask a 'cracker and receiVe• a loaf? Well, I will ask fora loaf, and I shall expect a lead of , bread • or , if I ask a biscuit, she will give me a batch of bread." , LaZy now 'applied to Charity, and called for a loaf of bread. " Your demanding a loaf," said -Charity, "proves you a loafer. You are of that class and character, who ask 'and receive not ; you ask amiss." Lazy, who always found fault, not for tune, and had rather whine than work, com plained of ill-treatment, and even accused: Charity of a • breach of an exceedingly great and precious promise—ask and you shall receive. Charity pointed him to a painting in her room, which presented to his vision three personages, Faith, Hope and Charity. Charity appeared fairer and larger than her sisters. . He noticed heiright hand held a pot of honey Which fed a bee disabled, having lotit its wings. Her left hand was armed with' a whip to keep off the drones. Don't understand it," said Lasy. Charity, replied : "It means that Charity , feeds the lame and flogs the lazy." Lazy turned to go. ,"8,t0p," said Charity, "instead of coin give you counsel; Do:not go and - live on your poor mother, foryl you'a rich , Rich ant," eclioed Lazy., " Where shall I find her ?" "Yon will find her hi Prpverbs 6th - chap- ter and 66. verse. HOW long may it, tad a Man 'to embrace Christ as life 'StiviOur "';A s' as it takes adrowning man ta= let! go a straw , andlay 401(.4 an offered-W,, iitue,goodnes.shiunotruos when no eyes, ex t eept that,of , lienven„,[ire upon it..