D WKINNYI J. ALLISON' - 8. LIME AVID M'KINNEY & 00. Editors and Proprietors, TERMS IN ADVANCE. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTIONS $1.50 IN MMus 1.25 DELIVERED IN EITHER OP 'TEE; CITIES 2.00 Two DOLLARS, we Will Meta by mail seventy number for Oxn Dozen, thirty4ktexuarabers. r 'storm sending US TWENTY subscribers and upwards, will thereby entitled to 'a paper without charge. Jnewals shonldbe preMpt,.allttle before the year expires ,s4nd payments by' eafeliande, , or'by mall. Direct all letters to DAVID M'ILINNEY & CO., ' Pittsburgh, Pa. For the Presbyterian Banner. 'tight Behind the Cloud. The experience.of the true child of God is of such a nature as to teach him the vanity of. earthly.enjoyruents. These may be gratifying to sense, but they furnish nothing to satisfy ,the yearnings of the im mortal soul. They are broken ,cisterns that can hold. no water., The thirsty soul cornea to the% but goes away disappointed: Its thirst ; Gan only be ,quenched .by drinking ir , nn,. the living fountain. To , , the wellspring on high the Christian resorts, and his drooping soul is revived.. But'of ten, alas, in this wilderness world, he for ;eta his compass and with no landmarks to snide him, he loses his way. He feels that bulling thirst within, yet he has no uner ring needle to point him to the well (Alining winters. Ho looks to the: heavens, but they kr 3 darkness;, the great light is veiled with clouds. Discouruged and disheartened he knows not whither to turn, or is almost re,tdy to give up in despair. He forgets that behind the clouds the sun still shines in all its 'brightness, and the len v,oltge of his heart is, "Oh, that I were as an months past, as in the days when God ,preserved me; when by -his light I. walked through darkness " But man's extremity is God's opportunity. When man is irought to feel his own weakness, then Clod through Christ, his Son, offers to be his strength. Oftentimes he hides his 3e in mercy, for a season from his own, that they may be led to feel their entire pendence on him. His love is still the .me. This lesson, poor, weak, short-sight,- ' man, is, slow to learn. He cannot re ze at once how, " all things work to- her •for .good to those that love God." For score of years the children of the .ptivity wandered in sadness by the streams of Babylon, and hung their harps oa the willow-trees, refusing to sing the songs of Zion. They mourned the hidings of the Father's face—they longed and .played for the time when the dark'clonds should be removed, and the smiling face be or ee more revealed. Their hearts were ever turning to their own sacred mountains, •their own loved temple, there they would •bk, and there they would tune their harps anew, to sing of the marvelous things wqich God had done for them. Such also is the experience of the Chris tit.n—an exile, he longs to return home and be reinstated in his Father's family. D irk clouds shut out from him the light of tl:e 6uu of Righteousness. In darkness be gropes about for awhile, but faith as -tures him that the light is still shining , d points to the silver lining which some aaes even the darkest clouds have. And nee the longing soul will not be satisfied til it has caught a fretih glimpse of Him io is the light of the world. Then all lesser lights dwindle into insignifi 'ee. ;low rain all outward efforts to supply thesoul with joy 1 The noontide sun is dark, and music discord, When the heart is low." The dealings of Providence toward .3atures often seems mysterious. Our ughts are not as God's thoughts. We not tell why he does thus and thus. afflictions and troubles never come by Luce. When these compass us about:as a .ck cloud, faith enables us to say, "even Father for so it seemeth good in thy , 11 t," As the Christian advances in the Divine and grows ripe in experience, he finds Lt these dark days are followed by great grees of light and special manifestations God's goodness; and, then from the pths of a heart overflowing with. grati.. le he can say, "it is good for me that I e been afflicted!' Then when dark por tions clouds loom up before him, he does shudder, but fixes his anchor firm rests secure, for he has learned that Should some hand but touch those clouds, E'en in their silent faces, could be read, Unutterable love." When the course is finished—when the ;Lrfare here is ended—then the Christian Ali enter upon his eternal reward. No :c clouds shall darken his horizon—no )re shall he mourn the hiding of the n of Righteousness—no more sorrow ill dwell in his heart; for in " the many ,nsions " the Lamb is the light and rhere'll be no sOrroW there." The Light ;11 no longer he veiled by clouds. His illgence will be eternally enjoyed. There ,e Christian shall be I forever with the ord, who is his light, his life, his hope, is all. ALICE. God our Hp. "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I 11 deliver thee, and thou shileiglorify How precious such a promise! It is leious to all, or at least ought to be ; for know what days of trouble and trial are. it have been born to trouble; and what n be more desirable to them than deliv- ance ? Such promises ought to come to tl c poor soul as the very balm of' heaven.• But what aro we to understand by calling oil God ? Understand it just us literally and just as simply as you can. It is no h,trd thing to do, and ought not to be hard tc understand. And indeed in temporal matters it is perfectly easy to understand what it ie. If you were to hear one man telling another, if you need help, call upon me, you would at once understand what be meant. You would understand him to say, ii' you need help, come to me for it, and - •I will give to you Ah I men know what it' i; to call upon their fellow-men for help, a id to call upon them in confidence of re ceiving that for which' they call. If they ,greltly need help, they do , not have much hesitancy about asking' , a iitind, obliging, 'hle, hearty friend for the 'aid he has prom ed him. To call upon God, is to dog the same Ling. It is to go to him in prayer, and onfidently ask him for that which you red, and which he has graciously prom ,ed. And we do it in Jesus' name, not. ir own. " Thy promise is mronly plea:" Prayer, whether it is to God or men, ia' e asking for that which you need, and vrtily desire. Calling upon God in the of trouble, is praying to him in the' / of trouble. If you call upon a kind, obliging, faithful, le, hearty friend, you do it in' confidence. ler he has given his word, you would illonor him to do otherwise than to go to in confidence. Solou must call, upon .in confidence. If a friend is dishon d if you do not go to him in confidence, =oh more so is it with your heavenly her. Does not the want of confidence lw that . you doubt the faithfulness" tr friend to his promises ? So the want confidence in prayer shows that you bt God's word and faithfulness. You deceive a friend. He cannot see the tbts which exist in your heart; but the :d seeth the heart. You cannot impose him. Then pray believing. B. It is only heaven that is above all winds, trms, and tempests. ttod did not oast ...I an out of paradise that hp, might be able' try find himself another ,pitradise in this It arid. The world and the, believer must p art, or Christ and him will -never meet. 4 ‘ Ye eanuot eerie God and'mammon." „, For the Presbyterian Banner , . # itt ' :••., • . . = VOL. X.. NO. 14. For the Presbyterian Banner The Banner—State of the Country. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 28. 1861 DEAR, BA.I4NER :—As from thy first ap pearance I have taken and read thee care fully; allow we to bestow upon thee a meed of commendation. Though thou didst have to struggle hard at;the commencement of thy being, for a standing among thy breth ren, and, though to do thee harm some endeavored to dispute thy orthodoxy; yet, thou didst, hold on the even tenor of thy ways, until thou hadst established a perma nency of thine existence, and an unques tioned title'to thy soundness in the faith." To leave:Off this 'address to the Banner, allow` me, Messrs. Editors, to say, I read your paper with both profit .and pleasure; and, though' we hive ,many 'jived papers in this city; many more from New-York and Boston ; yet• still, no one is more wel- COIIIQ, than. the one conducted by you and published at Pittsburgh. Your course of late, indeed ever since the open outbreak of this - Unnatural endwicked rebellion, commends itself to the candor and good sense of - all citizens loyal to the government,-and, especially, to the appro bation of all. Christiana. Was there ever, in the world's history, au& a rebellion? We have read of rebel lions and conspiracies in " the old world." We have heard of them in our own Repub lic—of "Aaron Burr's," of "Shay's, of The Whiske,y, in Pennsylvania, and of the traitor, Benedict Arnold. But what one of all these, and of the others found on record, ever partook of such ingratitude and malignity as the present;? Men, nour ished and dandled by our common mother; men, " grown fat," like jeshurun, upon the spoils they had seized, have not turned traitors only, but- "put the knife to the throat?! of that mother. The rebellion, thus inhumanly begun, hasi if possible, been carried on in a more diabolical man ner. Your senior editor well knows that the writer never was an Abolitionist—was not only,willing, but an advocate for the South to have all that she could possibly be enti tled to, by the Constitution. He was op poied to the so-called personal liberty bills" of the North. He was in favor of returning to their masters those "owing them service," who escaped into the free States; and this was his feeling up to the day when the rebels opened fire upon Fort Sumter. But, from that monient. to the present, this Southern sympathy has been dead, and a feeling of just indignation and retri bution against the invaders has taken its place. The same, he judges, has been the effect upon others friendly to the South. Why, but one year ago, before the 'above named attack, in this good old city of Phil adelphia, the feeling in favor of the rights of the South was so intense, that it was feared, when Henry Ward Beecher lectured in Conceit Hall, before the " People's Lit erary Institute," 'the audienCe would be mobbed; and the Mayor ordered out the whole Police force to keep the peace. Yea, more; Curtis, well known to' be a zealous Abolitionist, was prohibited from deliver ing his lecture, after he had come from Boon here, and after full preparation had been made to hear it. But, how is it now ? Ah I theiadvocates of the South are not to be found. Beecher, Chapin, Curtis, even, .have full swing. Even were the Mayor to order out the Po lice, (which there is no fear of his doing, he, also, having been converted,) it is pretty certain that the liberty of speech would be maintained by the, whole mass of the population. If the maxim ever were true, " Whom the gods mean to destroy, they first make mad," it seems emphatically so at this time. The writer believes that, although we have tried to keep the slavery question out of this war, yet Providence designs that it shall come ; and that slavery shall find an end by it. True, the responsibility will be upon the South, where it ought to be. They will have no one to thank but• them selves. - It is as clear as the noonday sun, that if they employ the slaves to aid, abet., and strengthen their rebel attacks upon a lawful government, that government not only nay, but is. absolutely bound by every just "and right sentiment, to palsy this arm of slav ery upon which they lean; and, however government may hold:back this point, she will have to come to it ; and the sooner the better—the better for the North, the better for the South. Let us have it. Let us thus end the strife. We can do this with perfect jus tice,' by Confiscating the property of every rebel, slave property as well as any other— slave property first, as the most objection able and "contraband " of all property; and by paying all the loyal men of the South .for their slaves. This course once adopted by the war-power, would speedily end the . . con test. • QUIRTS. John Angell James—Per,sonal Habits, &e. It is needless to say, that John Angell Janies was a great worker. He enjoyed incessant: activity. Says his son.: "He diligently redeemed his time. Meals were dispatched, in his house in less time. than I ever saw them go through else wheke. Though a stout man, all his move me-nth were quick; he walked and wrote fast,t and he dressed with unusual My stepmother was active as - he was, and never kept him waiting for her at a meal, or when going out with him ; and she re marked with 'great pleasure, that Bonaparte gave .the same, praise to Josephine. He was generally .in hisAtudy soon after seven, and, believe, spent in devotion the hour before breakfast, (which, in Winter and Summer he took at eighty He never sat more than half an hour after dinner (at two; or half-past,) and not a..minute after breakfast or tea. After supper (at nine) he usually read an amusing book, and think he did so at the end of the _morn ing. He wrote his letters generallyin an afternoon, and grumbled if he hail to take up his pen after supper. Though he dis liked the occupation, his letters were gener ally very full, and almoit every one who wrote to him on a matter of 'personal re ligion, was sure of being answered at con siderable lehgth. His chief relaxation was to spend half, a day in the country, and he could generallY ., inake time for that, if al lowed to fix the'day. "Nothing seemed ever to incapacitate him from workingiminp to supper-tirrke, or tb dissipate' his.mincL: He could breakfast out, and when he returned fall'to work as usual. When he readted home in an af ternoon, after travelling.all day, he had tea as gnielly Ai it mild be got; and then 'went to his -study, and generally on such occa sions was later teen , usual at supper. He never ,ga,:sre up working unless physically unable to sit up, and made nothing of a headache or other ,ailinent which would haVe laid aside most men: Till the last years of his life, he wrote standing, and to th*he attlYil?llted , his health." , Of his personal habits and benevolence we have these notices was' very neatlin his person 'and dress, , andtwas very particular not to ap. Rev in,the, pulpit with his.hair, i,n ,disor PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY, DEC EMBER 21, 1861. der, which cost him some care, as he al ways wore it combed straight up from his forehead. He liked everything about him kept in good order, except that the books and papers be had in hand always lay about in confusion. He did not seem to have or der and system, but he must have had it, for he kept going the great machiriery of his church and congregation, with ease and comfort to everybody, and without the need of any painful convulsive efferts. " His almsgiving was very great, when viewed in reference either to his income or expenditure. No relation or old friend, and scarcely any minister, applied to him in vain, and he gave even to his enemies. To do this he was very econoinical, espe cially in his personal •expenses. Bat he showed it only, by not spending money, and not when he spent it ; for he was very easy in every transaction, whether 'he 'paid or received. He lived as plainly ap he could with propriety, and he gave away the re mainder of his income. He held it. a sin for a minister to hoard, and a . p least an equal sin for him to indulge in- display. I never knew him so shaft with me as when I suggested it would be mercy to put two horses to his carriage, which he kept as a matter of necessity."—Methodfst. [S c ed.) Lament of a Father on the. Death of His Little Son. TRANSLATED FROM A MEDIAVAL HYMN Child, by God's sweet mercy given To thy mother and to me, Entering this world of sorrows • By his grace, so" fair to see Fair as some sweet flower in Summer, Till death's hand on thee was laid, Scorched the beauty from, my flower, Made the tender petals fade. Yet I dare not weep 'nor murmur, For I knew the King of kings Leads thee to his marriage -chamber, To the glorious bridatbrings. Natuie fain would have me weeping, Love asserts her mournful right; But I answer, they have brought thee To the happy world of light. And I fear that my lameatitigs, As I speak thy cherished name, Desecrate the Royal dwelling— Fear to meet deserved blame, If I press with tears of anguish Into the abode of joy ;, Therefore will I, meekly tovring, Offer thee to God, my boy. Yet thy voice; thy childish 'singing, Soundeth ever in my ears And I listen, .and remember, Till mine eyes, will, gather tears, Thinking of thy pretty prattlings, And thy childish words of love ; But when I begin to murmur, Then my spirit looks above, Listens to the songs 'of spirits— Listens,-loriging, wondering, To the ceaseless glad hosannas Angels at thy bridal sing. ' EUROPEiN:ORRESPONDENCE. MIL D'ISRAELI AND CHURCH PARTIES---47 ANALYSIS OF HIS SPEECH—TORYISM END ' ITS DESICIIIS-.THE PROMISED AN. swen. TO THE ESSAYISTS--THE LEAVEN OF RATIONALISM-- 44 TREE" AND " DlVlNE"—Comumrsom AT LEEDS ON RE FORM-7/NANOIL FRANCE, AND TEL EMPEROR—RETRENCH MENT AND .SELF-APNEGATION—PROMISE OF PEACE TN EU ROPE—SIR ROBERT PEEL AND IRISH ULTRAMONTANISM— STORMS AND ERIPATIUSORS...POSTSCRIET. 'LONDON, Nov. 21, 1861 MR. DISRAELI has been appealing to the fears of the Episcopal clergy of all par ties, with the view of smoothing the path of the Tories to office, and forming' a great Tory party once more. He declares against the unconditional abolition of Church Raw (which are but the " outworks" of the Es tablishment for the repair of Church fab ricks, and totally distinct from tithes and kindred endowments,) and is still ready to oppose a revision of the Liturgy, as-well as the opening of the. Endowed Grammar Schools of England to the children of Non conformists. He talks as ,‘ a Churchman to. Churchmen," and that especially in the diocese of Oxford, whose Bishop sits in the chair, while D'lsraeli compliments him self and endeavors by the assumption of the garb of a theological critic, to bamboo zle the assembled clergy. Dr. Wilberforce the Bishop, urges on the work of Diocesan Schools, but when an aniversary meeting is held, •it is found that only one-fourth of the funds necessary is supplied by the laity, while the clergy furnish the other three fourths from their' own scanty resources. Making this his text, Mr. D'lsraeli pra= seeds to ask, why do the laity thus feebly support Church Institutions? He says that it cannot be from "want of Clinrch men in the diocese," because these aid nu merous. The true reasons' are found in three feelings among Churchmen—" a feel ing of perplexity, a feeling of distrust, and a feeling of discontent.", Well as to ".per plexity" people are puzzled about, the " ex istence of parties in the Church." 'Well, is it any wonder? Certainly not; but says the orator, "perplexity founded on that ground, is quite baseless." And then he proceeds to make out, of the fact that " there have always been parties in the Church," a reason'why there shOuld . neither be perplexity nor "anxiety." .Only think of a man who is cognizant of the Semi- Popery,, the Unionism, the Evangeligalism, and the Broad Churchism all tied together by a ligature, which, if once unleese'd by the dis-establishment •of the Cluireh of England, would' cause them to reside from one another wide as — the poles—only think, I say , of the cunninc , treachery and state craft that prompt a party leader to come but with such 'words as tbese . :—" The ag gregate of experience; justifies •the expres- sion that parties in the Church, instead of being a sign ; of its ,weakness, are rather symbols of its strength !" It is too evident that only the "Broad Church Sehool and mere Men' of the world, take this view of matters. But do men, in earliest; of all other parties,.believe or endorse it? Are they not constantly anathematizing one, another ? And if' they were free to-morrow, would it not realize a " scrimmage " which even , now is only : par-- tinily suppressed, which`, sets the Record against the High Church' 'Guardian and Union, and which leads the High Church and Tractarians to denounce and detest the theology, of the "Puritans," and the tracts of Mr. Ryle ? . AS to the " Essayism," Mr. D'lsraeli is strangely inconsistent. First of all; he de nies that its supporters - ' are-warranted claiming to be " free in inquirers,"'ind that therefore the right of free-inquiry should be conceded to them. ")for;" says the, speaker, "frn my opinion, the: principal authors of Essays and Reviews being cler gymen of the Chttrgh of England, had en tered into solemn engagements with society, 1 inconsistent with the results-recornmended in their, publications." , mother words, these writers have perverted,the article,s,to which at their ordination they professed unre served "assent and consent." But after this righteous and common sense poi:Wenn nation of inconsistency and dishonesty; Mr. D'lsraeli still keeping in iiew'a great party purpose, 'and the closer :union, of Churchmen of - all shades, in order ~t o "its ancomfilitilitneni,‘peoceede to - ask Vf t and Reviews: " Is 'there any - thing in that volume to occasion iiietrust'amorig Church men. He then proceeds" to give a 'sketch of the successive schools' of German Its- tionalism, showing how they have come to naught, thus at once laughing out of Court the Essayists, on the one, baud, and seeking to dissipate the'' distrust ”- of the great body of the'clergy l .on the:other. But let us hear the orator himself . and mark his elaborate phraseology, and, alas ample command," as one has eiPreifed " over a diction large, preOntions,-and im posing, promising, .deep meaning, and elu ding by its vagueness, the grasp, of rival controversialists :" Dismissing for a mnment the character of the writers, I am not disposed to evade the questign —is there anything in that volume to occasion distrust among Churchmen? I think it perhaps may not be altogether unsuitable if one or two observations be made upon that aubjeot by a. lay man, and that the brunt shouldnot at -Ways be left to clergyren t ~,T,ie,volume in ques tion is founded, generillY" speaking, on the phil osophical theblogy ot - Gericiiio. What is Ger -mu theology? It is of ithotgreatest importance that- a. clearer idea onithat subject should be en tertained tha,n I have found hitherto to prevail in most assemblies of rET oountrymen. About a 'century ago German !theology, which was mere 'mysticism, became b , a natural law' of reaction -critical. A: body of philosophic theologians gradually arose, and rformed la the course of years a school which introduced ; anew. system.of interpretation of the Seriptures. They, accepted, without cavil the sacred narrative, but they in ,terpreted Supernatural events by natural causes,. :and they adopted as iliemame . of their new syg tem the title , of, Ratitinalism, and, called Ahem selves Rationalists. Sup,perted by great learn . . mg and even greatei ingenuity,., the success of this school of philo i sephiCal theologians was transcendent. In the course"of fifty years in` whiCh it, flourished, it absorbed the Opinion of all the intellect of Germany, and very greatly influenced, no doubt, , the,opinions off the Pro testant Stites; but Where is Rations and 'where are Rationalists ? They lave. tamed to exist ;. they have been erased from -Writ e ee tual tablets of living. opinion. 'Anolii.elq . school of philosophical thedlogians arose in Germany, and with profound learning and inexorable logic they . proved that Rationalism was irrational— (laughter)--and they substituted for the rational scheme of the interpretation of the Scriptures a new scheme called the Mythical system. But 'if it be true, which undoubtedly it is, that the mythical, theologians triumphantly demonstrated that Rationalism was irrational, equally , true is it that by this time the mythical sySiein'has it self become a myth. (Cheers andAaughter.) The most eminent and most distinguished vota ries of that school. have enlisted their energies and devoted their powers to a new and all-tri umphant development of German theology, :which' is now raging in ,that country, and which, grel deference to the spirit of progress, will& is the characteristic, as we are told, of' the nine teenth century, and which generally ends; in a recurrence to ancient. ideas—(cheers; and:laugh terj--thia new system consists in a most able re vival of , Pagan Pantheism. (Cheers.) Now, that is a literally true , sketch' of the various phases through which the most intellectual opin ion of Germany during the last., century has passed. (Hear, hear.) I ask you is the Church to be alarmed by such overreaching and capri cious speculations as these--(hear)—and is so= ciety to .be disturbed by a volume which is_ after all' but a seoond-hand medley of these.discord ant; inconsistent, and self-destroying theories? NO religious creed was ever destroyed .by a phil osophical theory. philosephies destroy .-them selves. `Epicurus - was at least as great a man, I apprehend, as Hegel,_ yet'it was not . Epiciirus that, subverted the Olympian religion. •-•":. Is there, then, after' proving - Wet the Essays are nothing better than apqient Par theism, nothing to be done; are they not to be noticed or answered ? Why are not their authors, who are " clergymen of the Church of England," and as such' have broken their " engagements," noticed and answered. Let theta be, says Mr. D'lsraeli, by those who ate equal to the occasion. Nay, let " authority;' 'the the Bishops, the Convocation condemn,' n for not to ,do so would be "inconsistent." What next? Let there be punishment of the heretics; they are, as Lord Shaffsbury , said, eating the bread of the Church, which they be tray, and sapping the very foundations of all reverence for the Scriptures as the Word of God'; but says Mr. D'lsraeli in the true spirit of a man who has no, idea of bearing the cross, or facing the hatred and ridicule of the modern Sadducee,' itly more than adopting the ritualism of the Phari see, "The .nineteenth century is a season, when the Church should not punish error, `but rather confute it." And thus the man who charges' Panthe ism on the Essayists will permit thein un scathed save by argument, and in the full possession of posts , of trust of the cure , of sours and of larger or smaller benefices —to remain within the bosom "of the Church' of England. The honest-minded among the clergy must suspect thetsincer ity as to either truth• or godliness of one who could give this counsel; and see that, there is an object in view, political party, and personal ends to be served. And so when Mr. D'lsraeli speaks first with re spect to the new views of those wholong for freedom from ,Erasian control, and are dreaming of a Free Church—not like that of Scotland, which' has no " priests," but Whose ministers and' office-bearers are as zealous for spiritual independence and the rights of the people as are the` people themselves, and who, moreover, are chose,n by the people themselves —he tries to frighten them back to contentment with their bondage, and to put away their medimval notions and aspi : . rations by , . telling- them s that - England's Church, :now a zreat centre of light, learning, and liberty," (1) will, it disestab lished, become a poor, despicable thing, ike the Episeopal'ehareh of'Seotiand, and. " sink into fastidious, not 'to say cynical congregations." . And, so f the man: who ibe c,an life as a Liberal 'but whoSas achieved position by attacking,and badgering almost . to death . Sir 'Robert Peel, and has Placed himself at the head of that country party, whose , bigotry and., , ,bucolic.: stupidity: he must despise ! , in his leart r 4hiS man tails on the whole . clergy of. the Establishment , to. get rid ',at once and - forever of thoir " perplexity," 'their ` . '"'diseentent," and their ° distrust." , ithrenigh a thin veil' we see a mocking face, and hear a party rerY this effect : „" Rally ;round Lord Derby,. the friend of the Church.. S - Upp . ort the eplai servatiVei, who. haveproteated Yoni r church- . yardS' from' Nondoriformist invasion, ' se cured , yoUr!Criainmar&Sehools 'againatesN'ou::" eonformist :Trustees; and maintained your right tax those ; not ,of your .own faith,": It is not at, all likely :. that . a: ,general elec tion may come off neXt year, and , no doubt the clergy—a timid band; alWayS - depreCa-" , tine Change—will, in that , caSe f lUit their' retirement, and heads:a new crusade.'But as sure ai they do, so;, they. will.evoke. the spirit of Liberty and Reform, the TOries are for Church and State, theWhi.o ) aa'a' party, must, far ''"self r' scribe on• their banner, "Seligiciue erty,"; and help: rightk, earnestly:thei,great;L! middle class, exul., that. nearest to, ::these. ! , among theartio_nsr to p obtaincleptoral Writ sahoierit' , o) keep ' down a Teryiste, whichaims' at , diiininihde virtual encouragement.' off despotistulfilvfor Aftor vele menee, it is ,not ; „at: all ; likely`, he.,and , hisparty, if they enter office, will be cortt 7 , pellecl to `bring in 'a bill for 'the settlement of the rate 'question:' -He that the ".historyof !minorities is that , of:: success," ; `anclsq ; will.;it be herein continuous majorities, ; , who their own corruption. ilt7; 5 " it in If: i.; ANSWigI3 Essayists #re t likow RO'nilog-- z Ospenialiy,,One vele*. orate character. Mr. Murray announces the publication of ".Aids to Faith—a Series of Essays." It is a joint perform ance, as were the ESsays. And thus Pro fessor Maunsell treats of Miracles ; the Bishop of, Cork, on the Evidences ; Dr. M'Canl, on ,-Prephecy and the Mosaic Record of Creation ; Prebendary Cook, on Substitution`; Profeasor Rawlinson, on Genesis' and thniuthenticity of the Penta-, tench; Dr., .Thompson, (Bishop-elect of Gloucester and .Bristol,) on Atonement; Professor Brown, (of Cambridge Univer sity,) on Inspiration. This volume is seen to attract 'extended observation, and'to pro vole replies from the Rationalistic party— but probably not from the Essayists them selves The, leaven of these principles is very formidable. l lt is found in a series of pamphlets to be purchased at Railway sta tions all over the kingdom. '"Tracts for priests and people;" nrtieles by Mr. 'Manrice,.in MacMillan's Mag,azine, as well as in "Tracts " (of the, series just men tioned,) Written by him; while the Daily - Telegraph standii up daringly to endorse thecviewS of the New School, as well as to deprecate and , denounce all-attempts to eject its opponents frnni tthe National Church. thus oneuf its articles contain and abuse of Lord Shaftsbury for a speech at a Bible meeting, speaks about ScriptUre":-:" We bglieVe' it to be. Di. = vine 'becduse is true, not true 'Lepause 4 'it Divine." the 's'ecret wel .itnown tittle initiatkd, of the mysticalsen tenCe to be found 3& the doctrine of "a verifying faculty," -al' put forth' by Dr. Temple and - Others—in other words, in the startling affirthation that man's own con scienceand` intuitions; and not external evidenceS; , net flivine' insPiration of men who could' not but infallibly speak the truth , itot , mirables, however well attested as Wrought by a supernatural power—that this " conscience," this "verifying fac ulty," must trjr, at its' own bar, and test in its own crucible between the gold and the drags, the false 'and the true; and what it finds to be " true," that only is'! , Divine." Your Will perceive what a deadly, God4nSulting, man-exalting heresy is here. ~. A POLITICAL CONFERENCE on Electoral Refbrm has just been held at Leeds. It was composed of working men's delegates, aided by some of the Liberal members of the House •of Commons: `The ap proximation toward union, between the masses and the middle classes, and con 'sequently between the; Whigs and Radicals, was significantly indicated by.this remark able 'Conference, Which was free from all noise, or tendency to extremes. I think Lord Palmerston . and his Cabinet will be compelled next year to take steps for an in crease in the representation of the people, and that probably they may, by Conserva tive temporary, success on this, or a kin dred topic, dissolve Parliament and thus secure for the nation great benefits. FINANCE .A&D FRANCE are: repeating themselves at this moment. The first French Revolution was undoubtedly pre cipitated by the:financial condition of the people. Charles X. was swept' away by a financial crisis, the same statement, par tially at least, applies now.• The French Emperor is ,compelled suddenly, to find a. deficit in his finances of not less than. forty 'millions sterling per .annum, and. a deeper gulf still' opening to swallow up his dynasty. and, himself. He therefore, in his marvellous sagacity, calls to his counsels, one who, in more prosperouS times; was found, too faithful for 'lmperial sycophants to endure. IVI. Fould, a Hebrew banker— a thorough Liberal, a great financier—hon estly tells the Emperor that the country is going fast to ruin, and that there must be retrenchment, at once, and-with an unspar ing hand. The result is, that the "naughty boy," acknowledges: his wastefulness before all Earopei, declares that he is not bound, as a parvenue, : by any ancestrally regal claims, to, keep .up possessions and estab lishments, and inn, word abandons the right hitherto exercised, of raising by his own authority, loans and other credits, over and above the Budget voted by the Legislative Chambers.. ,The effect of the change.is as tonishing. It calms for 3the present the fears, and tends : powerfully to increase the prosperity of England and other. European countries., It, clearly, says that war is post poned, even in Italy, and that in 1862, at least, we mayhope for a continued "Jength ening of our tranquility;", and that all the world on this side of the Atlantic will have opportunity to come to the World's Exhi bition. in London. God .grant that our American friends mayhave full liberty and opportunity to come also, from the cessa tion of the terrible strife now raging, and which financially must entail sad conse quences on the. people. It is given out also that, the Emperor : proposes to visit. London next year during the Exhibition. The Queen visited him in 185.5, at the opening of the'Exhibition at Paris. The more .of these interchanges and interviews , ; the bet ter. Meanwhile, the 'commercial treaty with. France ,is increasing the. Emperor's revenue, and by reductions in the army, and other means, a vigorous effort will.be, made to make matters, square. But if war break out—as I tear it will do in spite of every efiert, in connexion with the Italian and Hungarian questions, and that within ; two years-=-onee, more blood and treasure must he poured out like water. • SIB. ROBERT PEEL has had a duel with' Dr. Cullen, the Pope's Legate, end has cer tainly achieved thereby immense popular ity. The Archbishoii ransacks Parlia,men tary debates in 'order, to held up the Chief Secretary and the friend of the Queen's Colleges in Irelaud, , to Roinish hate. He strung together • all that Sir Robert Peel had said about the' oppression and impris onment of 'Bible `reaaers in Spain, (very ranch to his honor,) and invoked the wrath of Catholic Irerand'On , his ihead. Dr. Mc-' ;Hale (" Jelni r of' Tuam,';) ridiefiled Sir .Robert, because that a fal.se cry of " faraine " had been put to silence by the Secretary's personal investigations in the West. Mc- Hale saidle had travelled " as in a trunk," ai•band-bOx, seeing .73 othin g—th e opposite of-truth. At Sligo, the walls• Were placard ed with Onllen's "'extracts," and comments thereon: Upon this, the son of the great Peel uprose in his wrath, and at Sligo, at •Londonderry, and finally in-the presence of the' Mayor and- - Corporation of - Belfast, gave a thorough ''`dressing"'+o the Arch bishop and the whole Ultramontanist fac tion in Ireland. .'Tlie check thus ~.baldly given th"e"m--in contrast . with the &Meas.' mans made too often' by both Whigs and TOries-`—is , highly Igratifying More than' considerable number of 'Rem ari' Oa tit .reient 'CulfenP.s entirely withrTthe-princiPlW of Mateo:FE& .ucation. and inf `freligiOns toleration; "and ren clorieltlie- new scheme Scliolarshipi 'for' the-QueeresCelleges, as inaugurated by Sir Robert himself, by large donations them selves. . DREARPITX, STORMS have , raTaged our Ejtatern.ec4ts,;,eal there, ,has been loss; of 4fe: Opa,i,e;alif t ) te ,d,thk is:the djs.,.. regard by eaptwis ;the r irarniuga, erftttheiribitaliiysrapik:;frord4he ralty ,r4zry,jof, RdYlaf N.oll;SafilP, ll l !3loFe4 4 'eed to, §ei7 , eatifie l akeiiraby, the poiveri'pred.f.gtini WHOLE NO. 482. the weather at any time I for the • next twen ty-four hew's, and thus some do take varn-,, ing. Biit others " ifo not believe," and so venture forth, while the Skies are treacher ously calm and clear and:no danger seems nigh, and are. lost. Alas „spiritual things, ,how true it is' of multitudes who disregard Divine warnings conveyed ,by providences and ministration's of Pastors, parents, friends, ," they will net believe." And so they perish, and That without rem edy. n: J. W. P. S.—The Princess Alice is to be mar ried early next year and the Court season to, begin much earlier than usual, to the great deliolt of West-End traders. The British funds and stocks of every description have improved, and money at the Bank of England is at 3 per cent. The frost =set in' 'a few days ao; but speedily disappeared. , It •is expeeted we shall have rather, a mild 'Winter. Thomas Buncombe, AL P. for Finsbnry— a remarkable man , of Radical politics, and a great friend of Italian and Hungarian Liberals-and refugees—died last week. At. Baines, M. P., of Leeds, estimates the working men's wages in the. United Kingdom, as worth (in good times) 'halt a million sterling . a year. ' He uses this as a reason , why:there should -be an •extension of the. franchise, , = A large amount of Surat cotton (from Bombay Presidency) has arrived at Liver pool, and-checked the rise of:prices. About 7,000• work, people .are employed at.".lSlan cheater alone. ' ' Children and Angels. i want to be an ang,el, , And with the angels stand." ;. Thus begins one of the most pepular Sunday School hyms. This :hymn. is sung nearly every Sunday, by thousands and tens of thousands' of children. Ve have heard it a great many times, ands yet we ha,ve.neVer felt very' welleatisfied with it. The painful impression has been forced ,upon our ,minds, that the children have very little thought about it. Do our chil dren really want to be angels, and with the angels stand ? We fear not. Do' parents desire to have their children' become an gels ?• If so, they will feel the necessity of laboring for.them, and striving in every way to have them become'Christ-like. We often think a mistake is made in talking with children too much about:heaven% We know but little about hea.ven. The Bible does not give us much . infonnation, and it is hardly worth our while to speculate about that world which' lies beyond the re gion of death. But' we de know great deal about the: Lord Jesus Christ. We have his life, from• his birth to his death, all written. down. We may study it every day, and always find :something to interest Now, we: shoilld , take our• children to _the etudy.of this life. It' is full of inci dent. Children never tire of hearing about Jesus. They will hang upon the: lips 'of the mother ot teacher while'this is the theme, and never grow weary. Should we not strive to, have our children more like Christ ? If we wish - them to become angels in glory, they must beconie 'Christ's Jambs.upon the earth ;.• they must have the spirit of Christ; they must live and act like Christ. And this involves the whole of practical religion. :It iw4Etin to 'expect that our children will become angels, un less they first give themselves to the Sa viour walk in the 'ways of his com mandments. ButZuparents, , in their own example, and :by :precept, always' keep Christ before their 'children? We fear not. They teach• them to sing hymns about heaven. They tell them of a gloribus and happy world. in' some far-distant place. They speak of the beings •who dwell there, and call them angels.' But they do not show them, by'their own lives, nor do they teach them, that Jesus is here among us; that heaven must begin on earth; that chil dren may become angels here below','and that if they become angels here, they will surely , be angels hereafter. We do not, in these remarks, mean to object to the hymn of which we are speEtk ing ; but we would like to impress upon parents: and 'teachers the importance of teaching •the children what these things While speaking upon this matter, Fwe would suggest whether, in our Sunday- Schools, it is not generally the ease that too little time is given to instruction. Children are fond of singing, and they are fond ,of being amused; and this leads teachers to forget, sometimes, the great ob ject of. the Sunday School, which is to bring, children to Christ. But to bring thein to Christ, they must: be and who Christ is; what he havdene; and to dO this well, requires much and skillful teaching. ,They must be told over and over the same truths, just as the faithful-minis ter of the Gospel must" always preach Christ. should know nothing else. He should >do nothing else. Let- our teaChers be faithful and , persevering in telling:-their scholars about Christ, and what he has done to save and bless them, and they will find their reward in many souls gathersd into his fold.. Then will they sing in spirit and truth, "1 want` to be an angel, And with the angels stand." Parish Visitor BRIEF READINGS. EARTICLY Soknow.—Vhat a beautiful illubtratiore Of the outgroWth of earthly , trrief'is found in the followino from Alex ander Smith's new poem : "The saddest.grave That ever tears, kept, green must sink, at last Unto the common level of the world Then o'er it runs the.road." - TONGUE-TICE.—" Itis,indeed, a striking instance of our.naturai self-deception; that persons who would quite shrink from the idea of committing most of the 'crimes which are Condemned in the. WorcUnf- God, think little of theLvicep of the tongue.• Pont anyone-who is duly jealous' of himself- - will always watch:; 'most: carefully , against the sins, which are‘ the least unpopular in his own circle,' an d , certainly , the great evil of what is called in the religious world, chatteration."—Wilberforce. IF THE power of the human mind had its i growth in the 'wilderness, much more must the love ' and . conception of that beauty whose every' line and hue is, at .the best,'a faded ithige of God's d i mly 'Work, and_an Arrested - rapof sOme..staiof tion,_ be given: : elkiefiy„in theiplaces! which. he bait gladdened ~,by4planit. n .g,: t .kerei tt he AN IRISH tOY's LOVE FOR HIS ENEAFK., In a school itL„lreland, one boy, strnelc another, and Whenlie"Was ifinut d .tohe :Fin ished, zthe injuied• ISOJN :beige& fs' {h'. pardon. The master .asked, t‘t*hy-do you.vish to . keep him from being flogged,?‘! The boy replied, " I hare read the NiiWlTeStani t eni .tordeJesiis - Christ" said! that.we 'should aft:fig:iv& 'oni'l &gni& ,andr.thereforoxLiforgiviwnizar soda tregLfte '!AlVi'q..))%lP.MT4.hociclfor... guy at.r.totri'eTzsii.rordrim.: , =:"Teinitilsl,4l i m”9-A-70*PkainrolengefLoiftee. or-00(mb' : . ax' li= . '4lblicatic3a. G I .ZETTN,BI7I'LDINOS, 84 Finn rivt ol ".4 l ti kt gi Piarcaratlentai, Sousa-WrszOott. V . • : • ' ADVERTISEMENTS. TERNS IN ADVANOV. A Square, (S lines or less ' ) one insertion; 60 cents; each subsequent Insertion, 4,0 cents; each line,beits A Square yen quitter, $4.00 ; eattaine to Altus:lemon made to advertisers by the year. BUSINESS. NOMBELof.'I'Eu lime or. lean ; sl,oo—endi. ad ditionai line, 10 cents. DAVID -mourattrir Arco, PROPRIZTORO ,AND Pußussiss. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting, : " no one has lieei'Vear to• dekth a greater number of times than I have, in the same number of -years. Your see I am a 'young man. I have.been very wicked. But I can say. that it is a blessed thing to trust in God so as to feel that a roan is prepared for any, event —life death. I was in Ida battle of .Manassas r and when I saw many around me and many >others under cover, I * lifted up my heart, and voice too, to the only Refuge, saying :, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, left, me hide myself in thee.' And ' there I stood unmoved, and feeling safe amid the cannon's roar, and the iron' hail which was .poured in one remorseless shower upon us. I never in ,all ,my life felt more quietness and'securitr' i " R.! g SALUTES ON THE SOBATEE—The Ckis tianintelligencer, speallinkof'Coinmodcire , Stringham, states'that he 'never fired" 'a.Aa- Jute on ,Sunday,,when he commanded the Mediterranean,squadron. ,If•he entered a harbor on Sunday,, , or, if, being, in harbor, a salute, by any custom, was reqtdred on Sunday, he sent, =a - inessage to the atahori' ties that he.didrnot, salute-on the Sabbath, but would on!"!Menday., So, on all such occasions, the silence, of the American ilag-thip was an eloquent sermon , For the sacredness of the day. THE VivrouY.--Thiro are ministering angels around the deathbeds of believers ; and= celestial welcomes for the'righteens the moment after-death, we are Christians, the .bitterness of death will soon be over with us; and, when we look back upon it, 'it Will not seethirnioh. " Wherefore com , fort one =another with these words." THE FALLING Taxx.—" If the tree fall •toward the South or toward' the North, in the place where the, tree falleth, there' it ,shall be.,"—Ecol: xi :;3. There is a solemn meaning couched under this metaphor. The tree will not only lie as, it falls, it will also' ftill as it leans. And the great ques tion which every.one ought to brini home to his own bosom without a intimen - es l de lay, is thi&:, What' is the itictiantime of my soul ? Does it, with all its affections, lean toward God, or from him ?—.T. Gurney. ELIJAH GOING UP INTO HEANEN.—The archangel Michael disputed with Satan about the body• of Moses; 'and there have been many disputes about that - dispute. But. Moses died.; and the Lord 'buried . .hire in a valley. in the land of Moab. Earth has his dust j although no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this 'day. But; indisputably; if it is possi ble, =to understand, and right-to credit the Bible, Elijah left but his prophet's t mantle behind him on the earth. He shuffled not off his mortal coil when he 'went up in his fiery chariot ; bathe mortal did, even then, put oninimortality. It was swallowed up of life: He was e'hanged ;he did not sleep. He was :translated; he did not expire: , HE who is 'open ivithout levity ; generous without waste; secret without craft; hum ble without meanness ; bold without inso lenee;" 'cautious without anxiety ; regular yet not formal; mild yet not timid; firm yet not tyrannical—is made to pass the or deal of honor, friendship, VIRTUE. LUTHER AND A DYING STUDENT.—LA ther once visited a dying student, and asked him what he thought he could take to God, in whose presence he was shortly to appear. The young ma.n replied, "Everything that is good, dear - father—everything that is good." Luther said, "But how can you bring him. everything good, seeing that you are but a poor sinner?'.'. The pious youth rejoined, " Dear father, I will take to my God in heaven a penitent, humble heart, sprinkled with the blood of Christ. "Tru ly," said Luther, " that is everything good. Then go, dear son; you will be a welcome cutest to God." 17 3 e THE. AGED SERVING GOD.--May the old servants of God be dismissed from waiting on No; their attendance is still re quired, and shall be, still accepted; they shall not be cast off by their Master in time of old age. Therefore, let not them desert his service. When, through the infirmi ties of age, they can no longer be working servants in God's family, yet they may be Waiting 'Servants. Those that, like Barzil laic'tiketunfit for-the entertainments of the coVs,..of earthly pritices, may yet relish the: pleasures of God's courts as much as ever. The Leiites, when they were past the age offefty, and were discharged from the toil some part of their ministrations, yet still must wait on God, must be quietly waiting give honor to him, and to receive cora ' fort•frem him. ,Those, that have done the will ef 04 ,-.and "their well-doing is at an end, have need of patience to enable them to wait till they inherit the promise; and the nearer the happiness is.which they are' waiting for, the,dearer should the God be they a . „g„„waiA go, and hope shortly to be with WrnalVt- , - - Ycitthezo Henry. Mothers . write to your on in the Army. Write in the fullness .of a moth eis heart. Write of a Saviour's love. Remind them of the tears that have been shed over them, and the prayers that have been offered up iO their behalf. No one will be so likely to reach their consciences. "Did you see my hand up when you asked who wished to be remembered in prayer' ?" said a youthful soldier to the leader of a meeting, whom he had called aside. " No, did' not observe you particularly." 44 Iwas clear on the outside of the signs, but I raised:my hand high as I could, for 1. want you to pray for me. When you spoke of our mothers, that .they followed us with theirrrayers, my heart was touched. I know that my, mother, prays for 'tie, and earnestly dviires my ! conversion. I have a lead from her whichar received to-day." Here he showed the letter and the gentle man remarked that; it had been exposed in some way, and got wet. "No," said he, it - is wet with. tears. She feelsthe deep est' interest in' me, 'aiad I desire to be a Christian. I wilh-you to pray for me." That is the hold, mothers, you have up on your sops who have gone to'the wars. Improve, your opportunity. Write to them. Press upon their attention the 'great salve flee. Reinind 'them of the great warfare in which ynte Must taken part. Your let ters will beread:with tearful- eyes. Your words will sink deep into theheart. Amid the .temptations of the ,camp One, asguardian, angels YourSODS have gone from :yogi;, but, you hold thini•hyq. eei l / 4 1.uthit; can 'hair" 'them to , • heamin..-Christiaittilleporderit Not, long ,:since. . the ,Bitliop , of London wrote Air,4porgeory. as•follows-:—‘c s deed when I think .•of the thousihnds of ,v • = souls in the Metfopolts whom the offort4 of, all us.` tail . te:r'.ous &NO think/G6a 'dint': these powerful means of influence , 4vhishf ar yon 11.9 1 .04wItitrfhfiltl#91. 1 ,1 11,0h etE l th i t eause ‘ 4O tln rgig /i N V i ee uk i ‘4artis 6 ll4ra al4s s iVfi.: l Sphrgeon als,:-- 4 1 4 hese 4re i lugonn ! , diOsnifP'*lffel?''S'eMifits",, 7. `o ft ehrist thus, nr .r eaic of one another.' . '''' z : 7