Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, December 07, 1861, Image 1

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Editors and Proprietors.
sunscturnose..... ...... „... .....
........... 41,50
, v -.nEn IN NITRE?. , 18 THE ...... 2.00
DOLLARS, we wilt send by .mail seventy number
t, i oN1: DOLLAR, thitty-three whither&
,ending us Titabrrr subscribers and upwards, will
:0. vet it to &paper without charge.
;19 , 110‘1111 be prorapt. a little before the year expires
..rmeats ity cafe kande. or by mail.
17. i. t. all letters to DAVID IWKINNEY & Co. l
Pittsburgh; tak.
FO'r too Presbyterian Banner.,
Forgotten Resolutions.
The Committee of Trustees on the Fund
ur Disabled Ministers, have made, during
le yogi., some of their largest appropria
us to Presbyteries, on the ground of' their
qiutious, to make collections.
The application of their Stated Clerk
been attended with what the Committee
,rded as an assurance that if the re
t the Presbytery were granted, they
;lit rely on being reimburSede in part at
by the contributions of their chtirch.
Some of the pledges; given ialmost a
ago, are not yet redeemed, • Presbyte-
J, among the most numerous and wealthy
our Church, have drawn from the fund
re than they have• contributed. Many
Te failed to make any collections at all.
; result is, such a depletion of our tress
as has not been known before. This is
season of the year when we .have been
Mooed to give relief to seine'of our most
'eating applicants. This we , shall be
'oiled to withhold, if the
(ens are postponed much longer. Our
isurer has no evidence that many
•ches remembered the wants of Disabled
iisters on the first Sabbath in Septum
as recommended by the Committee on
tematic Benevolence, and enjoined by
General Assembly. In view then of
urgency of this matter, the Committee
tld propose that another and not very
taut day be selected, in place of the one
has gone by, and that contributions be
1e with the least possible delay.
The Committee would regret, that to' the
, ifold trials of old age, severe disease,
domestic grief, should be added the
t of' bread.
In behalf of the Committee,
J. H. JONES, Chairman.
tter-Oentennial Celebration in the First
Presbyterian church, Steubenville. •
t is just twenty-five years, last Sabbath,
T the Rev. Dr. H. G. Coniino- b o began
ministrations in the First Presbyterian
-eb, Steubenville, and the interesting
ision was celebrated in a bedoming
t a meeting of the congregation, it was
-ed that we celebrate the qUarter-cen-
Al anniversary of the pastoral relation
a•. H. G. Comingo as pastor of our
ech, and that we extend an invitation
the several ministers of all the evangeliL
churches of this city, and to the cow.
'tion of the Second Presbyterian
.ch The congregation of the Second
.ch united with the First, in the exer
of the occasion.
the, morning of the Sabbath, Dr. Co
) preached an instructive and eloquent
rse to a crowded house, from Psalms
s—" I remember the days of
, preacher first drew a contrast between
outgoing and incoming quarter of a
Ary. Be then proceeded to notice
providential circumstances that brought
to this field and the inner workinr , of
own mind in here remaining. Ho gave
account of the rise of the various
'hes of the city, and a brief glance at
last of the First church. There had
,"in this charge, seven" remarkable're
is since 1831. Two churches had been
mized from this one since 1837, and al:
igh there had been a large number of
vals and deaths, yet .now there were
1 members more than: in 1887. The
e number of members added since the
Alsatian of this church, in 1801, 'is
cen hundred and seven; of thetp,
hundred and five have been added
tg the last quarter century.
- but a hundred thousand dollars had
from this church into the various
Jets of benevolence. "The review of
past twenty-five years," said"the preach
" affords much fi - 1 thanksgiving but
for p:ofound humiliation, on the part
pastor." He then'recurred to many
te pleasant things of 'his pastorate and
nue of the mouriattl 'things, and 'also
;tern and things learned in a pastorate
.nty-five years: He closed with
at the future, and tha'final assembly
end of time. The impression madc
to discourse was deep and solemn.
C. C. Beatty, the predecessor of Dr.
,go, as pastor of: the First church,
teen invited by the• Session to fill the
in the evening, but failed to be pres
,n account of indisposition. Rev. J.
‘.terson, of the Second church, preach
nstead, an admirable sermon from the
, No man liveth to himself."
the contivance of the exercises, of this
i occasion, a meeting was appointed to
Id in the First church, on.,the Tues..
re niug following. When the4ppoint
fur had arrived the house was filled
a deeply interested audience.
exercises were opened with prayer
he Rev. M. Abbott, of the Methodist
`.extant church. An address was then
, by 1)r. Beatty, in which he presente43,
a strong light, the great advantages of
pastorates, and deprecated ihe ten
/ to change, so common in our times.
lore strong testimony to the
great ex-
Iwo of r. Coming°, as a preacher, a
and as a brother greatly beloved.
dr. Drenneu, on behalf of the officers
congregation of the First church, then
anted to Mr. Comingo a purse of gold
a handsome suit of clothes, as a testi
ial of their love for him, and their
Ltude to him for his abundant and faith
iabors since he had been their pastor. •
ie Doctor, in accepting the gift, said:
he had generally, been a " Looker-on
i erwa, ,, an d h e now,. found that to be
observed of all observers, was rather a
trial to his modesty. He .said that
1e he felt conscious that, he.: had ever
lit them and not theirs—the flock, and
he fleece—yet this evening ,he sud
found himself in possession of the
and that the finest of the wool_; nay
without becoming . an Argonaut, he
' himself in possession of the gol4eA
He felt that there were oireutn7,
Is, in which even St. Paul would an
,edge that it "is a great thing that
should reap your carnal things"—
it betokens so clearly the good feel
and affection of a grateful people 'to
pastor. If a cup of cold water given
disciple in the name of a disciple,
not be without its reward, then
re ward was sere.
eral short addresses were now made
.J J. B. Patterson, of the Second church,
he and his wife (the Second church) had
back to spend a pleasant evening-with
mother. (The Second—chureh was a
from the First church.) It, was de
-111 to them, on the occasion of joy, and
lss, to meet once more at the old
hearth. The Rev. Mr. Andrews,nof
United Presbyterian Church, and the
Mr. Christian, of the Episcopal
also made addresses u,pnropriate to
occasion. Prof. Reid, of the giteuben-
Female Seminary, gave a pleasant re
mce of his first meeting with -Dr.
go, in the valley , of- Chawoni, in
rland. He described the scene—of
first meeting, in the' presence 'of
Blanc, and the met4b:9lace, daffei
;t impression of the stil'atigor, and a.
of the Doctor's couveiliation, stig
by the glorious menet? tirkidlid them.
For the 'Preah , rtersan Banner
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VOL. X.. NO. 12.
At l ithe close of his 'remarks he presented
Dr. C, with a little bouquet of wildflowers,
0- atheredyhimselfo n Mount Blanc, with
the wish " that the friendship begun in a
far-off land, now cemented by Christian
love; would continue into that other far-off
land from which no traveller returns."
After the singing. of a grand anthem, in
fine style, by the choirs of the two churches,
the 'whole 'assembly adjourned to a large
haltin the city, to partake of a magnificent
supper, which had been prepared' by the
ladies of the First church. Probably eight
hundred people partook of the supper. It
has been a really joyous - and happy occa
sion. The pastor's heart is refreshed by so
many cheerio°. *
• evidences of affection. He
feels strengthened for future work, and the
hearts of his people are knit to him io
bonds closer than ever. lON.
TRIOT"--Famrois JosEni,littrwear, AND GARIBALDIONE
LONDON, Nor. 8, 1861
VENETIA • attached, not Rome—sUch it
is now indicated by the Turin correspond
ent of , the Times, is Napoleon's programme
next year. One can well suppose that one
so astute and cunning, and placed in such
difficulties what between the devotee Em
press, the Pope-and the clergy, and the re
proaches if not the threats of his old
friends 'the Carbonari of Italy (an oath,
awful -in its character, binding his soul; and
its violation expoiing him to a dagger as
deadly as would have been that - of Orsini
had it reached his heart) that his mind is
oft distracted. England treats him with
coldness if not contempt; her press ac
cuses him of basest selfishness, and Liberal
Europe forgets all that be has done, in
their , anger at his neglecting what he ought
to do.
France itself is dissatisfied; and• hms
much,as there is a: financial disaster there,
what could galvanize an artificial life and
prosperity - like the prospect of another
war, and a loan on its bank in small sums,
to which—as in 1859—the people would
rush in crowds and at. once -411 the treas
ury And then, the French army will
not remain quiet for ever. What will he
do with it ?" is: the question. asked about
this army, by our clever and able weekly,
the. London Review. If there were "a gen
eral war with Germany (Russia ?) and Aus
tria on the one side, and France "and .Italy
on the other, it would thoroughly change
the face of things, and give Napoleoir the
long .coveted opportunity of crossing. the
Ti;tE KING or PRUSSIA has some
pains tw show that when he spoke of his
receiving his crown " from 'God," he did
not •mean to endorse the, usual -blasphemy
of despots. Ile avows that he spoke in a
spirit of humility and under a deep con-,
viction both of his responsibility and of his
dependence on the Almighty. He not
a very clearheaded individual, but is hon
est and upright. He says he "hates all
extremes "—revolution 'on the one hand,
Ultra Conservatism on the other. In proof
of his Liberal tendencies, his Cabinet has
just issued &programme of measures, which
will largely enfranchise the people and in
evitably reduce the power of the Nobles
and the Tory landholders.
Rohe King, it was supposed, had entered
into a secret and perilous pact with Napo
leon ; but that is not the case. Even the
treaty of commerce, so much talkedof in
France, and which was to bring the two
equntriesoo.closely together is not likely
to be carried out, and that from the bases
proposed by Prnssia being not acceptable
to France. On the other hand the King
of Prussia does not, as was reported, meet
Francis Joseph of Austria, in confidential
colloquy. Prussia aims to be at the head
of derinany an empire and not a kingdom.
Austria hates and fears her, and some
smaller Principalities and 'States support
her views. But Austria never can'oppose
a sucee.ssful resistance to Prussia, which
has the grand advantage ''of being a Prot
eStant power. Austria, indeed, aims at
giving her motley provinces and peoples,
Constitutional Government, but this after
all, will be almost a name; and as to Hun
gary, the last act but one of a base and
barbarous policy has DOW been enactedly
the abolition of all local Hungarian au
thority at Pesth, and 'the placing of the
people under military law. And so the
Emperor - writes an autograph letter con
taining language which he *ill'one day be
made to reckon for. He pleads, of course,
the cause of order," while he treads down
the old Constitution of Hungary under his
iron heel : As the convocation of the
Hungarian Diet in a Constitutional Diet;
seems impracticable until order is reestab
lished, all the existing authorities in the
comitats, districts, and companies are abol
ished, and Count Forgack is ordered to se
lect, persons who will replace them. 'All
persons charged with crimes against pub
lic order;and safety, shall bk!tried by mili
tary tribunals." It is now announced that
Garibaldi takes a marked step in opposition
to Mazzini and others who, would precipi
tate a contest,rith Austria. He urges the
continues* armamentflieament of Italy. One of the
greatest; olostad4 to this, is found in the
financial conVitiOn of the new kingdom:
There has been for 'several years,'an enor
mous expenditurvmany extravagant con
tracts as to nubile works, and above all
there has been the, waste of, war in days
past, and the enormous expense to which
thc.Central Governmeni .is put by the in
surrectionary condition of the Neapolitan
territory by reason of Eourbonish plots
and' brigand expeditions prepared, at Rome.
Besidea this, the Southern Italians detest
the idea of Turin beComing the ' capital of
Italy, and have a hereditary contempt of the
Piedmontese The correspondents of.Lon
ddt journals write 'discouragiiig on' this
point. Nevertheless, when Rome becomes
Italy's capital, all will be put' right.
IRELAND presents a curious spectacle at
this moment, in connexion with the bring
ing home from. California of the remains of
Terrence Belles McManus. He joined
Smith O'Brien. in his ridiculous ind ahor- ,
tine attempt at insurrection in 1848, was
found guilty of high treason, and his sett-
tence was commut.ed i to transportation.
has lately died, and some Romanistefrom
that district 'resolved to bring home .his
hody. W It reached Cork, the .:Popish
peOple followed the remains through the
streets, in long• procession. - But no priest
was visible, no Rotnish chapel was open to
give even a night's reSting place to the
corpse on its way to Dublin... And in the
capital itself, the same. ealesiastioal frown
rested witheringly on the funeral of one
whom Dr. Mac Hale secretly hates and eccle
siastically opposes as far as possible. And so
Father Lavelle, one of the Mayo priests, raises
an Irish aulatus over lacManus, coupled
with a ltoilentation . ever'the conduct of, the
Cork and Dublin priests. " Alas and alis I"
'he says, " that in Ireland there should. he
:it second sentiment on his claims' to a`itik
itiOnal 'Mottitling and' a hationargratiittaii.
Good God 1 MacM4l43 denied a momentary
resting place in any, tharOn in Ireland !
Oh ! why not have broUght those sacred
remains to the fane of :Jarlath. 'The patri
ot died in peace with all, except the ene
my of all, the cruel oppressorof his dear
native land "—that is to say, England,
which might have hanged and did not,
which might have - kept him in prison and
did not. "Saint. 'Malachi and "St. Law
rence O'Toole," are also invoked, and then
cries Priest Lavelle,"
Oh Ireland, Ireland !
how art thou falle!" Finally he declares
that.' he will never enter Dublin without re.
newing on the grave of 'Mc - Manus a vow of
hatred to 'England, " thy enemy and mine,
and the enemy of our creed, our country,
and our Holy Father."
Poor Ireland—the Celtic portion of it—
is always lavishing its tears, sympathy,
and admiration on objects rather mediocre
at the best, as to value. Thus not long
since a female adventurer, 'Mrs. Yelverton,
was .a • popular idol ; an later still, there
was quite a
_furore in, connexion with the
trial of a cabman, who had assaulted a
young lady in a gross manner, and who was
convicted and sentenced to two years' im
prisonment. Popish feeling had 'in both
cases some .influence; while Mr. White
side, a ',Protestant, was the counsel, - his
client, Mrs. Yelverton, was. a CO pervert"
to Rome, and had Hired in a convent, at
Smyrna and because Curran, the cabman,
was a Romanist, he found subscriptions
coming in from cabmen, and false swearing
in abundance, in order, if possible, to free
him front: the hinds of the law, for his
atrocious wickedness toward the Protestant
Miss Jolly. Nay, even 'Mr. Justice
O'Brien, (who,.:When Attorney General,
five or sin years age,.l heard ,vehement and
violent at • a gathering. in the Dublin
RotUnda, in reference to the proposed,bill
for the inspection of 'Nunneries,) in the
spirit of a-true Papist, professed to have no
opinion at all about the evidence, and when
the prisoner was found guilty, and he was
compelled to pass sentence, took care not
to express his agreement with the jury.
SERVICES in Halls, and Theatres are re
sumed. I was engaged in one of these on
the evening of last Lord's day, at the
Pavilion Theatre, Whitechapel Road. Half
an hour before the appointed'time,. a' great
crowd had gathered in front of the main
entrance, and afterwardi a vast assembly
occupied - the house. The spectaele was
most impressive and solemnizing. Nearly
all joined in the hymns that were Sung,
there was ,an affecting silence during the
offering of prayer and, the reading of. the
Scriptures, and a better behaved and. more
attentive congregation I never addressed.
The right, kind, too, of people were present,
Jews and Gentiles, rich and, poor, old- and
young, boys and girls, men. and women,
(some with children in aims,)—the ? men
forming a decided majority. These ser
vices, more prized than ever by the
London masses, have been followed by
ascertained results of the most gratifying
character, and afford opportunity to multi
tudes who will not enter ordinary places 'of
worShip, but whose rags and wretchedness
find fellowship, as it were, in kindred pov
erty all around, in that " pit" or in those
galleries, to listen to the •words of eternal
life. As a whole, the Evangelical body,
Church and Nonconformist, bold' the sway
in this matter. Neither Tractarians nor
Irvingites, neither Papists nor •Negative
Theologians, have a message for, the " com
mon people "—the " priest and the Church"
on the one hand; the hiding of the Cross,
and the ignoring of a true atoning sacrifice
to meet the clamant accusations of a guilty
conscience, on the other; all ! neither of
these so-called teachers will do for the per
ishing and the poor.
RATIONALISM has received a check and
rebuke, in the judgment which hai just
been elivered by Dr:'Luslaingtort, in the
Arches (Ecclesiastical) Court. A suit was
instituted some time since, by-the Bishop
of Winchester, (in whose diocese the. Rev.
Mr. Heath held a living,) on account 'of
the printing and publication of "Sermons
on Important Subjects," Parts of which
were alleged to contain.doctrines repugnant
to the Articles of Religion in violation of
the statute of Elizabeth, and derogation of
the 13ca)k of Common Prayer. Clergymen, on
their ordination, must ,declare their "assent
_consent" to the Articles of Religion,
and to the Book of Common Prayer.
Dr. Lusbington is .a fine specimen of a
jurist, and also "a good English gentle
man all of the olden time ;" he is about
eighty years of age. 'His intellect' is re
markably elear,and as the arguments 'on
the case of Mr. Heath, pro and con., were
finished in June last he bas taken advan
tage of the lawyers' " long vacation," and
has now come forth with an elaborate judg
ment. 'He referred in the outset 'to the
much that had been.• said about Paley's
idea of subscription to the •thirty-nine
articles, as " Articles of. Peace'," and sajd
that disquisitions of this character affordo
no assistance 'to a Court 'of Juitice. "Es
business is to (manacle' the doctrines, and
see whether they are in accOrdahce with the
Articles and the Prayer. Book. He next
adverted to, the principles which should
guide the Court in all - alleged cases of false
doctrines, and atunce.fell the gen
eral principles established by the , Piivy
Council, (the final appeal in, Ecclesiastical
cases,) on the celebrated Gorham case,
which had been approved by two Arch
bishops. ' There it had"been - laid down by
Lord Langdale that ," in = endeavor to
ascertain the true meaning and effect of the
Articles, Formularies, and. Rubrics, we
Must by no means intentionally swerve from
the •old eitabliiihedinles - of construction, or
depart from the principles which have re
ceived the sanction andapprobation of the
most learned porsons in times past, -,as
being on the whole the best calcula
ted to ' determine the true meaning 'of
the - document to be examined. If these
principles 'were not =adhered to,' all 'the
rights, both spiritual and• temporal; .of Her
Majesty's subjects would be endangered."
* The Judge admitted that considerable
latittide had been allowed 'in times past to
Divines of different schools in the English
Church, but thesematters of difference did
not bear on the present case.
Justification by, Faith in the merits of
Christ, as affirmed in the 11th Article, was
emphatically denied by Heath. In
defining the meaning of that article, 'Dr.
Lushington said : "First, I hold with
Bishop Burnet, that what,by justification
was meant, is being revived into the favor
of God ; secondly; . that the merit of our
Saviour is the,great cause of that. recep
tion thirdly----and what on the'fieSent
. caSion 'was perhaps most Important---that
the 'person so'. to be received must have
faith in theredeiription. of Jesus Chritt.
:It must be our. owwlaith, a personal faith.
The words, " Are juatifted by faith only,"
mean that such personal faith is indis
pensable, and that without it there can be
no justification. l'he 'essence of the 11th
Article is—faith in the •Redeemer's merits
in the,,person to be justified."
All'this Clears the way.for giving an ac-
Curate account of what Mr. Heath's heresy
really is. But may-`I not pause herii, and
,refer for amoment to ;the - awful pet-Version
in Tract (theproduction.indeed of
D r.. Newman,,,r ?ally =del:Fed
ielZaat;'4ohoin. Me 'English Okurch,
unehalknged,) with.regard tofthis. vital mat
ter of the justificatign of a sinner before God.
NaY, is not the doctrine of bermisntat re
generation • made by all High Church
`Divines a sine'iudijon,'thas cam Sing them
to lull their unconverted heareis 4 (ilie -mass
of them) in a . death-like spiritual torpor,
destroying the distinction between the con
verted and unconverted in their preaching,
and in a word, pntting saerainental grace
both in Baptism' andthe Eueliatigt, coupled
with rhheir. doings, as the .ground of tfinal
acceptance with God—faith ; olirect, . per
sonal faith in the merits of Clirist, ignored;
how, I ask;can these men be considered as
giving their " assent' and consent" to that
-noble Ilth Article': "'We 'are' acoomited
righteous before God, only for themierit , of
our Lord::and Saviour Jesus Christ, by
faith, and not for our own works, or de
servings. Whereforii that we are justi#cd
by - faith only, is it idiot wholesome `of6eiririe,
and full of comfort." , '
But now let lus see what: Mr. -Heath's
special heresy is. It actually substitutes
Christ's faith in the Father for tbe.sinner's
faith itt Christ hiniself I "When'' says
he, " I talk'of 'justification bYtith,l'Mean
justification: by our ..BthfoUr's trust-'in. the
Father: The Saviour still trusts . in our
Father, as he always did J, he-still has faith,
and his faith still welts by, love; he still
believes that lie can put the world right,
and I b,elieve so teo.! No ivonder - that
Dr. Lushington. shotild' say, "I attu under
the painful necessity of declaring thatthese
doctrines cannot be :reconciled' With the
plain, grammatical "sense' of thelith•Arti
ele. I think that they are contraryand re
pugnant theretd; and must 'pronOunee
Tae Judge went on to refer to'.passages
in the " Sermons," in' which;-as le,conSid
ered, the lk forgiveness of sins " Ili set forth
in the Apostles' Creed-, and doctiiries 'were
taught contrary to , the A:thanasian and
Nicene Creed, and violating the 6th, .I.oth,
11th, and 31st Articles: Thus at-page - HT
of the " Sermons" it •it§ said : " The more
I study the Bible for• myself, theluore as
tounding. I find it---how many of:the most
modern phrases of mo i dern > theology have
been foisted in without-Sanction ft•oin the
all-sufficing record of our religion. 'Orie after
another, no less thanibouttwenty idettS or
phrases, such as 'stilt of sin, <paying a
penalty, going to heaven, going to hell; int
mortality of the soul, satisfaction, imputed
rthteousness, appropriating the work of
Christ, necessary to csalvation,' and many
others, have vanished from my system,* be
cause, as a _minister of Christ, studying
these matters professiobally, I see them-to
be phrases and•ideas 'not only absent' from
Scripture, but darkening and confusing the
clearest of the otherwise most inteUigible
and comforting statements of. Iloly. Writ."
On' this Dr. Lushingionebserves : "Now,
what says the secend Article,? That our
Saviour died to recon . diluns to the-Father,
and to be a sacrificed not only for 'original
guilt, but also for the actual sins of men.
really cannot comprehend how any intel
ligible meaning could be affixed to this
Article, if guilt of sin' to be removed
from:all Christian doctrine. I cannot con
ceiv:e the idea of actual sin without there
being guilt of sin. I will not dwell -on
other expressions, said . repugnant to
the Creeds; I view the whole of the pas-,
sage with astonishment . and regret. I
think the words used contain a - doctrine---if
it is to be so-called—utterly irreconcilable
with the Creeds.
' The 31st Article is next to `be consid
ered. Mr. Heath dismisses from his sys-.
tom' the immortality of the soul, satisfac
tion, imputed righteousness; as 'darkening
and confusing. Now, the 31st Article says
that the offering of. Christ. as a perfect
satisfaction for all the sins of the world.
To deny satisfaction altogether, whatever
may be its meaning-4s Mr..
done—canaot be taken in .i.irrother sense
than a denial of the worth of the Article
itself." * * * "I am compelled *by a sense
of duty to declare that I have no other al-
ternative but to pronpunce a, judgment con
deming Mr. Heath as: guilty of the charges
preferred against Mtn."
- The Judge welted up as folloWs Be
fore concluding, I think it right 'to explain
why I don't advert. to the many authorities
which the zeal and learning of counsel
hare produced. My reason is this—that in
my judgment not 'one of these anthor
ities does that which *as 'required in
their case, namely,nhow that some Divine
of eminence has held without reproach,
from ecclesiastical authority, doctrines in
substance, the imme , as those. which Mr.
Heath has promulgated. Whatever• opin
ions may have been held, in the vast field'
of polemical divinityillnd none which Can
support Mr. Heath, or justify him. Inthe
Gorham case, the judicial committee` had
the advantage of being able. to quote in
support of their judgment,, and in justifica
tion of. Mr. Gorham, paisages from the 'wri
tings of ciivines of the higheit' authority.
" I cannot = conclude without observing
that I am welt aware of the fallibility of my
own opinion, and_especially in ao peculiar a
case as the , present; but I have endeavored,
first, to make Clear the prineiples which
intended should govern the; and 'secondly,
to show plainly how I apply theSe princi
ples to the case before me. If I have erred
in either particular, the judgment of the
Superior Court will correct me. It may be,
however, that'many'wilithink that, though
legally' right, this judgment recognises too
severe restrictions on the clergy; and - shuts
the door against inquiry.and disquisition,
which ; might tend to elucidate, the truth.
Now, even if this were so„it is not for a
Court, of Justice to open a door Which the
Legislature haschut. ''lt is contrary to all
sound principles fora Court , to 80.1 r, ai has
been formally. done by seine;judges, ingeni- - ,
ous evadenr.weaken• the law,
and that ,upon rtßtion, of its own power to
discover what is, best and most'Convenient.
Such'a course is, t think, not only Contrary
to Principle, butWould'be most injurious in
its cffects. For all.such atteinpts to wrest
the law according to supposed consequences,
invariably tend to,,postpone, a remedy, if
there be a real evil. If there be bonds
which press heavily on the Clergy, OS to
which I give no opinion,) I repeat that' the
I Legislature ;imposes them, and the Legis
lature alone can loose them- Ipronaunce
against Mr. Heath."
Time was given by the cowl to,givo
Heath opportunity of 4 4 retraetion." He
has`'also power to appeal to the' Privy
• I - think , it will IMAL:pletusantlnud invigo
rejgthkng.f.naner .mikiateiliaLreadars to !
rel4,l l 4 l WYßis of. Pi s .
went; arid be4ides that, Y. am justified in
diVelltni on it be4dse le aiiitena .
thought* find feeliOgt it -.'eonfitixier4tifle
the preseet.eondition•of ~t hattextriordinary
" eqmPogsite i ` gonskr6loise," the
Ohur.oh.of England ; 4 iVonve,remindeci by
Dr. Inehington of the decision in:the Gor
ham Case, by whi 'it the_
settled that those
who held that infant. hiptiarn.Awas always
and necessarily .kccompaniedi by regenera
tion, • and, theseinrhe t ,,denounosd this as a,
deadlY heresy were alike good Churchmen
The .Record ever' einde . his 'ased its
groliiiiigiAiranse*the Ecclesiastical Courts
have *onouneed• What• the taw ; • and• as
for the:Evangelical clergy as ahody think-
‘.‘ geiskg,„olit;',,became ,a , beyeey, 4„
thus stereotypedh dear, no r 4 ttiat is not ,
to be thotight of.. And thus the living and ,
the dead; the blind and the seeing, the halt,
abal the erect and vigorous traielleini are all
'Next, while Mr. MeNaught,. of Liverpool,
has resigned his charge, are there not
others who hold doctrines almost, it not
Wihre Rationalistic than he? It is ekeering
'to' find-this He,ath, heresy put down; al
-th.ough it bears4on. the face of it such ab
sunlity,, that few, will embrace. it. But
after all, in the denial of the." guilt of sin,
paying a penalty, satisfaction, (propitia
tion?) we see that the current of his
thoughts run; precisely in the' same 'chart
mei with those of the "Essayists;". nay, that
,Professor Jowett, and even Canon Stanley,
Ate by no means free from the charge of
d are
these` grand old truths. Yet
•-neasfkra of this Class—Lever increasing—will
Panatela unscathed and untriedoindthuathe
vitalir,of the. National Church.will continue
to ho preyed upon by her own children.
1 - Mve already noticed the Tractarian ex
"traine;and there has been 'a recent example
'of it,'where a. new bishop - (about to go to
he , Btendioich 'lslands—let the American
maisaionaries look. out I) has :been taking
c part .semi-Popish and Fusey_ite 'mumme
ries in connexion with the consecration of
riew lure , vat 'else sa4ree diocese o e
same Bishop of Winchester, who his pros
ecuted the LatitudinaiiarirMr. Heath. The,fin Evangelical • but see` his: eak
ness, and:tbe.false position in which he is
)Placed—poiveriess and aPparently assont
int; because he hati 'nil - statute and ecelesi
4stieal law to fall batik upon I
-orthrOx have secured' a band of very emi
*Kt :persons to, deliVer the .Winter• series
of Lectures in Exeter Hall. The :well
known Christian philosopher, Isaac Taylor,
deliVers the first, on " France and England
eighty years ago," and will be folloired
the 'Rev.' T. Martin, Dr. Thoinpson, the
Bishoppelect of Gloucester, the 'Rev. W: B.
Mackenzie, Edward -Corderoy, Esq., Rev.
Henry Allen, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, Rev
Canon Boy, Rev. Drs. Magee, Cand
lish and - Miller,' and Rev. W. Morley
runshon. 'Thompson , Mackenzie IlDd Cor
deroy deal respectively with " Anglo-Saxon
.Christianity end Augustine of Can terhury; "
":4gio-Norman Christianity and Anselur ;"
" Loliardy and 'Wick.liffe,." While Mr. A1..,1eu will Jecture on "Church Song," and be
,accompanied b
e y illustrations of the people's
worship, in ancient and modern times—the
musical examples being sung by a choir of
.one hundred voices. .As, many as four of
, the Lectures bear on the Rationalist heresy
.of dee day..- 7 -Mr. Boyd treating of ".The
Criterion of Truth;" Dr. Magee, of "The;
..uses.e Prophecy ;" Dr. Candlish, of ",Mir
acles;" and Pr., of Birmingham,
taking, ashis theme, " The New Testament.
Narratives Real, notdeal." Mr. Puiishon
will deliver a characteristic oration 'on
" Macaulay."
The intellectual treat thus furnished is
very ridt i arnple and varied; and very sea
*ow:4de too, and bearing on the "present
truth," are many of the topics of the lec
turers. J.W.
P. S —The Times disapproves of the
Sfyle of Lord tyon'aletter to Mr. Seward,
axed thinks that the parties arrested were
not free from suspicion. At the same time
it is not in entire accord with Mr. Seward,
and•eontinues to maintain its 'general posi
At'llloseow, sant twenty-five students
Were cut dawn by the brutal soldiery.
Only'forty students attended at the reopen
lag of the University of St. Petersburg.
These hundred students have been sent to
Cronstadt, - as prisoners. Out of the 1,600
students' who attended the Lectures of the
University last term, 600 are in prison,
300 are at Warsaw, and from 600 to 700
are more or less at liberty. The 'Emperor
has suthily arrived from the Crimea. Let
- us hope that his kind heart will get the
mastery this crisis-:—that 'having seen
the wreck and waste of War at SebaStopol,
he will avoid provoking it at home; and
that, haVing'emancipated, in the face of
recalcitrant nobles, millions of serfs, he
thineof something like a Con
stitution to his people.
a Nark the Soft-Falling Snow."
Mark the soft-falling snow,
And the diffusive rain :
To heaven from'Whence it fell,
It turns not back again,
But.waters earth
Through every pore,
And calls:forth ail
Its secret store.
Arrayed in beautedus green
The hills and valle ,
Aid man 'and bease is fed
'By Providence divine ;
' The hari . est beim
Its golden ears,
The copious seed
Of future years.
" So," saith the God of" grace,
4 ' My Gospel shall descend—
ALl:eighty effect
The purpose I intend;
Millions of Souls
Shall feel its, power,
Ana boar it., doivn
To miliions niore.
4 ' JO-shall begin your march,
And Peace , protect your Ways,
While - all 'the mountains round
Belie melodious`praise ;
The vciatil groves '
' • Shall sing to God,
every tree
Consenting nod." '
leaven's - Light- in-Darksome - Dwellings.
Combiti - ..and 4ygeethatie efforts to in
eiruct'and train, children of 41seak. mind, is
of recent origin. Scarcely any, attempt
arm made before the beginning of the pres
eat century, and lei of the existing insti
tutions are more - thim ten years old. if we
have been. • lateln beginning this depart
merit of .philanthropy, we should now work.
all the , more vigorosly to make pp,our lee-
Way. Former, senerations of the imbecile
were permitted to, grow up corrupt, and
corrupting, hurting themselves and shock
ing the passengers'en the public highways.'
Of late ,years 'a. vent. has been drawn :de- ' .
,eautly over that opeu, sore by l the removal :
otAtose childreuißto.workhours,and other,
lanes of
‘ triugh
nri'ilie:Varbar'ons tlAditioe 'of the'
pasts, is Only.'tlie 'halt;"aticl‘ - thaVtlui-loiver
half of our duty. •
Ins Switzerland, France„Fmgland, and:
also, to some extent : in: cotland, as
in our own c ountry, sistimitic efforts have
of lite years been made; with an; eticourig
lop- measure of, for the Mental and.
;mind training of -imbecile children.
4neefie3lTAtSee, whose Pet worse .
tt ta p
„ thatof other countries,. but only more
acenraVeliknolin, there - arel:6s7 idiot's in
a gloss ffOitilation of 1.,15;000, WhiCh giVOs
the proportion uf about a- thousand;
arid this=is exclusive of 2,632 persOns who :
KeitP.T9OCIY,--ITS.Ortingo49..l4..nejl.4ttikei same;
uoznattinuty ; so that there is one person of
either unsound oriseble-mindj• to every 302
of the general popuktiow.&Wand, as
nearly as can be ascertainedi, there mahout
2,236 imbeciles,' and of these; about 600 are
of an age suitable'for being admitted into
educational institutions. •
We flearcely know any greater luxury to
a tender and.ure mind than the history, of
some of these cases. If doing good in-or
dinary forms be, to a Christian, like' meat
and drink, the successful introduction" of
these telplesschildren to a nieasure of eiv
ilized habit, and intellectual light„ and
moral purity, and Christian hope, is like a
cordial to the spirit, both sweet and restor
ing. Reader, have you ever, when seine
what weary, sat down to rest on a stone by
the wayside in a warm Summer. day? And
as you mused, happy and half-dreamy, have
you observed a flower at your feet, much
crushed by a stone that had accidentally
fallen upon it while it was in bud, strug
gling ineffectually to escape from the Fes
sure, twisting its 'body and crushing its
petals in the , effort? You stretched out.
,your hand, of ,course, and lifted off the
stone, and saw the floweret spring up, and
look into your face, as if it were glad and
grateful. When you rose and resumed
your journey, ruminating on what you had
done, you felt happier because of doing it.
Ah l the spirit of these imbeciles were
sweet flowers in bud, and some fall in in
fancy, or some 'abnormal 'ontgrowth about
the brain, haS lain there a dead Weight, and
crushed them, as the stone crushed the
wild flower on the wayside. The benevo
lent are trying to lift, the pressure off; and
so enable these immortal, flowerets, ere it be
too late, to open their bosoms to the Light.
Go and help them, that you may enjoy with
them the peculiar delight of helping these
helpless little ones. Jesus loved to relieve
them • so should we.—Family Treasure.
God says : Seek ye first the kingdom
of God and his righteousness, -and all
these (earthly things) shall he added unto
Man says: Seek first worldly wealth, and
fame, andpower ;'religion you'ean get on a
dying , bed.
God says : Open thy mouth wide, and . l
will fill it.
Man "says : Let prayer go, and work for
what you want.
God says : Give, and it shall be given
...unto you ; good measure, pressed down, and
shaken, together, , and running over, shall
men give into your bosoms.
Man says : Charity begins at . home.
Why . give to others that for which you have
toiled so hard ? Your own family may
want it.
God says : 'Whatsoever ye would that
men should do to you, do ye even so to
Man says : My own interests first.
God says: Lay not up for yourselves
treasures upon earth, but lay up for your
selves treasures in hpaven.
Man says: Make sure your worldly trea
sures. Heaven is a long way off
God says: Whoso hath this world's
goods, and seeth his brother have need,
and shutteth up his bowels of compassion
from him, how dwelleth the love of God in
Man says:''What guarantee have I, if 'I
give my earnings to the poor, that I shall
not come to want . myself?
God says : There is that scattereth, and
yet increaseth.
Man says : It is , only by saving and
hoarding what you have, that it will in
Reader, what says your.conscience? Is
not God's Way better than man's?
This word, which is used in the Psalms
seventy-four times, and thrice in the proph
ecy of Habakkuk, must have some signifi
cant meaning, and yet there seems to be
much doubt in reference to the matter. it
is a Hebrew word, which the translators
have left as they found it, because they
could not agree :as to its meaning. The
Targurn, and most of the Jewish commen
tators, give to -the word the meaning of
eternally, forever. The voice of the Sep
tuagint translation, appears to have re
garded it as a musical or rythmical note.
Herner regards it as indicating a change of
tone; Matheson, as a Musical note equiva
lent perhaps to the word .repeat. Accord
ing to Luther, and others, it is equivalent
to the exclamation, silence! Gesenins saysP
Selah means, "Let the instruments play and
the singers - stop. Wocher regards it as
• equivalent to sum= corda I (up, my soul 1)
Sommer, after examining all the seventy-.
four passages in which, ,the.-word •occuis,
recognizes in every case. "an actual appeal
or summons to Jehovah; they are calls for
aid, and prayer to •be heard, expressed
'either with 'entire directness, or if 'not 'in
'the imperative, Hear, Jehovah,' and the
like, still earnest addresses to God, that he
would remember and hear," etc. The
word itself he regards as indicating a blast
of trumpets by the priest. Selah itself he,
thinks is an abridged' eipression used for
Higgaion, indicating the , sound of the
stringed instruments, and Selah, a vigorous
blast of trumpets. Some, think, the word
marks the beginning of a new sentence, or
a new'measure of verses; and others, that
it joins what folloWs to that which goes be-
fore, and shows that what has been. said
deserves always to •be remembered. Some
have thought Selah showed the cessation
of the -aotql inspiration .of of the Psalmist ;
and others; that it is - simply a note toindi
,cate the elevation of the, voice; still others,
:that it is, equivalent to "-Amen," "Be it
so," ,or, " Let, it be."
Philip Doddridge.
The effect of fretfulness is seen not only
in the temper and in the spirit, but in the
voice and in the aspect of the face. Bear
that womatew cracked and shrieking `tone,
pitched in a falsette, plaintive, wheezing
whine, more disagreeable than the grating
of a. rusty door-hinge, or- the filing of a
saw,,or the creaking of ,a broken chair, or
the chewing of unexpected gravel in the
teeth Is that the, human voice ? - Such a
voice, heard in a house is worse than, the
smell of brimstone, audit, operates like a,
perpetual mildew to rot•outell energy, and
peace, and hope from the hearts of the.
whole , household, servants, children, com
panions, and lovers._ See that face, .with
an eyeglaring but, not lustrous—the, glare
or. wet putty, not ofOreen steel,oreold,Ce
—look at the . pinched, nostril, .sharp: and
yet dolled; mark thitt scowl, irresolute and
tiesponding„uneverid yet deep as though
Plqwe4.tbY thi*ENorth-East,:f4g4
that upper lip ; curled, but not, stiffened.
with.• nervehnis i scorn, and., fflled, but, not
controlled by impoteßt hate; read the pic
ture of .aelf-torture and, &melees des
pondency upon, the whole otmAtcuance, and
tell. us if fretfttlness that: can so transform
, the human, f);ix;‘43 . Rivitte fr* the, image or
aii heavenlyheag9:7lutcNstio)? .
'41 411 Y-washY mask of rood, ; 44 not •4 Crl:44 ,
against our,commen hutnanity'of' the d.eep-,
est, meanest kind,? Pops it not dishonor! ,
the Maker of all souls and holies and does:
it not destroy both the ,inward, spirit and.,
the outward,formof, a man or woman ?I
We say, thett s do stop Ate practice at'
WHOLE NO: 480.
God's Way: and ban's Way.
Se ah
.•; ; :
--IN b Belarti 0 ofti et :
tieMitt lThDG A '
ZV , Ailanl
d BOjr n alO4kgir e? !
, 4 , 4
(13_11fies or ieoft,), gOoingertim,,,Ocr i pentit; girt
Aloe *44;fifiiik, 40 cantos mad if blglpfaiigit, t i
at / per itartir, ; eseli . tfoo utoptionol, NI cent,
A,BrAildttiormsde to' adiwtigeotear.-
BVISMES•rfUnCEB of too' ilthis or leo, $l.OO each sd.
ditlorial I e,,10 emits.
Nelinrittit gr. co.,
istorammoßs AND ktratikittil.
once. . Set your face as a flint against it,
and resolutely refuse to fret at what ,you
cannot•eure. Direct your energies, if you
have any, and if yoit have not any, pray
to your Maker tor give yon some, against
the evils in the world in the way of practi
cal work, and not in the way of impracti-
cable fretting, and •
~ worrying, and wearing
yourself out, and souring your temper, and
vexing your friends, and dishonoring your
God. We have spoken a few plain words
because ,we think them , needed, and our
prayer is that they may be'read and heeded.
—Western Advocate.
1. It is atrannisementpurely ea w orldly
nature, eneourt*ed and kept up by the
world. 'As such the , Chureh should stand
aloof from it, aminoteonform itself to the
2. Its natural, tendency is to excess, go
ing, is it generally-does, beyond the bounds
of propriety.
3. It dissipates the mind, diverts it from
the .great object of life, •unfits us for serious
and holy meditation, is unfavorable to
growth in grace, diminishes interest in re
ligious duties, and has, in numberless in.
stances, been an-effectual means for 'trench
ing the Spirit.
4. It always lowers professing Christians
in the •estimation of their fellow-men, and
invariably. produces trouble and di fficulty
in the Church.
5. Those who engage in. it have them
selves doubts of its' propriety. No one
could reconcile it with his conscience to
participate in a darme .on Saturday night,
and then. commune-at tlie-Lord's Supper on
the following . Sabbath morning, or• pray
for the blessing Of God do it.
S. The consciences - of . weaker brethren
for whom Christ died are always wounded
when any of the members of the Church
participate in the dance. If for no other
reason, we should refrain' for their sake,
saying, as - Paul did, " is good to neither
eat flesh, nor drink , wine, nor anything
whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is
.or made weak:"—Rom.
—Western. Missionary.-
Gen. Havelock's Prayer,Tint.
Many people excuse themselves from
God's service' lor , want of time. The ap
prentice does ; the school-boy in the hurry
of term time does; the man at his work
shop; the mother with her large family
General Havelock, that distinguished
General -in India, whose' wisdom and
bravery did so much to put' a-stop to the
cruel and bloody mutiny of the Sepoys,
never made this excuse to'get rid of the
service of his Heavenly Father. He had
time, among- all - the hurry and worry of
camp life, to make the business of religion
he first business. He famed time. He
did not believe that God ever put men in
posts where they could not serve him. He
was a man of prayer, and he found time to
pray; not only to pray by himself, but with
his men. Among his camp-baggage was a
praying -tent, the largest one he had, and
this be used to pitch at the stations, and
hold prayer meetings in it, and read the
precious Word of God to his soldiers.
He well knew if there was a class of
men in the world that needed the comforts
and help of the Lord Jesus Christ, it was
soldiers. And many a poor soldier found
how superior was a heavenly service over
anything the Queen of England could offer.
In the hurried and awful marches which
Gen. Havelock and his regiments were
forced to make in the late war, he arose
two hours before his men, in order to have
time to pray. If they were to march at six
o'clock in the morning, he was up at four.
If' the camp was to break up at four, he
was np at two. He believed there was time
for the business of religion. And the papers
tell us there were no soldiers so I rimpt and
faithful in duty, so reliable, in those dread
ful times, as Gen. Havelock and his praying
Robert Hall and Charles Simeon are well
known among the lights of the evangelical
interest in England, in • the days when it
,cost, something to be faithful to spiritual
truth. These two servants of Christ, the
former a Baptist, and the latter of the Es
tablished Church, both living at Cam
bridge, formed a warm friendship for each
other. In time, however, a breach was
made,.which grew so great that they refused
even to speak to each •other. A reconcilia
tion was at length effected by the Rev.
John Owen, Secretary of the British and
Foreign Bible Society, whose memory is
still fragrant in the English churches.
The means used was the following plan,
adopted after several others had been tried
in vain. He wrote and left at the house of
each these lines :
" How rare that talk a prosperous issue finds,
Which seeks to reconcile discordant minds
How many scruples rise at - passion's touch !
This Yields toe little, and that asks too much ;
, Each-wishes each with others' eyes to see,
And many_ sinners can't make two agree,
What mediation, then, the Saviour showed,
Who reconciled' us all to God !"
It is said that, upon receiving the lines,
each' minister left his residenee to seek the
other,- and 4 that they met in the street, where
a perfect reconciliation tbok place.
.Dow to Die ;Happy.
.Glorious words these, to which I heard a
dying woman respond not long ago with a
sudden burst Of praise : "Is he not a pre
cious' Savieur, so great and good, and wil
ling- to' save-all - us poor sinners?"
She was -lying on a hard bed, in the
dreary infirmary ward ofa work-house, and
the power of faith and love to create a:hap
piness independent of eironmstances came
out with almost, startling force in her an
swerAoiliinqiiiry : "1 on know him, then,
and love him 'I"
" Yes, I do know him and love him; his
presence makes a heaven in this room."
." if you r heaped up my bed with gold aud
silver," she add& ; " if you ebuld give me
the queen'w.:oarriage and horses, and her
palace and, her garden, and all her beautiful
flowers, nitti health and strength to enjoy it
all, I, would' not take them if theT would
hinder Me - from going to my baviour.
They talk of the pains of dying; what will
they be twine? They will but hurry me
to heuventand to Jesus."—Author of Eng
lisl.oeartednd English. Hands..
fistvt' lit
orlo of ost.troly did The
odors Sedgwick sayer that it is the, man of
rol:rdit add 'endriritig - constitution, ot elastic
nerve, of comprehe'nsiv'e digiatiOn, who
does, the great work of life. 7 it. is Scott
with , his cisnly, form. It , is Brougham
with his superhuman powers of physical
endriran.oe.;' It is' Franklin at the age of
seventy; earopipg out on 'his way to arouse
the•Caniclas, as on.r hardieSt boyirOf twenty
nowcaiWou.t . in-Ate ..kdirondaok or orr.the.
2►liram chi 41. 0 , ,R4l4oPg# o,, vdt:h' ,ll l o
framc,4l l proalr.strsaigta. c.
iS .3 l4lipolo oo , STEeping. liours, f and on
horseback twenty.' • •
who, nutk6stan, AU- iabweillit
Oakes a martyr or Ws biltbrAYll