Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, November 30, 1861, Image 1

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Editors and Proprietors._
Cana ' 1.25
DziavEßzn Sn ElTnsa op ?si'CtTlßs 2.00
Two DOLia 118; we will seed by mall seventy ['timber
fur Ows- Douai% thlttorAttree numbetv.
P Worn sending ritetter enbearthere and miciarde, will
lberebY etitt.tleCto vigigr mlthout charge.
Ron senile should be prompt, a lfttle before the yner expires
Vend payments by sate hands, or by mall..
Direct all letters to DAVID II'ILINNEV & 004
••• • 1 '
Illinittet . OrtSt Synod Ofittitago, Artti' Soo
siontin•Sterling,llllnoto, Ott.1.71114 , 1801::
Synod met after recess.
The report ott the Mintttes of the. Ge
eral Aesenibly 'Waft taken fruit:the dockt.
After full discussion the Report 'was
adopted , , rink, con., and is as 'fellows':
The oOramittee appointed to ekamille the
Minutes of the last General Asserobly to'
ascertain if they eontain.,,any matters 're
quiring the action of' tIrtIS Synod, ,report,
that they have performed that duty, and ,
further report,
Ist. That whereafeSabbatli;.bitaking'is
great evil to.those within'oarbounda, dis
honoring to. taad I 8130, injtirifirtl-to • , best
interests of man, for time;,attd eternity;
Resolved, That' this Synod e lleteby enjoin
'on all its Iklittisters, Rillingl'Elderg, and,
church members, a cordial 'observance of
the General Assembly's reepwendation to
the churches to secure by ail xneans
ble, the romper keeihrtg" that sacred
2d, Resolved, That this: Synod earnestly
request of
,the churches, under its ca n ts the }
strict observance of the,plart of Systematic
Benevolence, recommended by . the General
Assembly, at its last meeting, so as to' secure
simultaneous colleotions for our respective
Boards and Schemes of Benevolence.
3d, Resolved, That the Address, of this
Synod, in reference to the diity of Chris
tian Benefinence, adopted at its lito meet
ing, and sent•to the churches, be again re
quired to be read by eackpastor(to-his con
gregationois soon as praeticablenfter his
return to his field of labor.
4th, Resolved, That this Synod in view
of the lamentable civil war which is now
devastating the fairest portion of ditr 'coutt
try and shedding the best:blood of our.eiti
zens, do humble ourselves before Almighty
God on account of our .own and, our Na
tional sins, beseeching him to turn away
`his anger from Inlaid restore us tit the bles
sings of an honorable and lasting peace, ,
and "that we do-hereby miknowledge and
declare our obligations'topromote and per- '
petuate, so far as in us lies, theintegrity of
these. United Stittes ; iand to' strengthen, up- ,
hold and encourage the: Federal Govern- _
meat in the exercise of;a11 its functions
under our noble Constitution; and to this
Constitution in - all its provisions, require
ments and principles; we profess our una
bated loyalty. And to avoid all miscon
ceptions, the Synod declare that by the
terms Federat-Govervntent, as here used,
is not meant any particular Administration,
or the peculiar opinions of: any particular
party, but that central Adthinistration
which being at any timeappoitited and in
augurated according to theforms'prescribed
in the Constitution of the Milted , States,
the visible representative >of ' our Na
mal existence.
sth, Resolved, " That the present &pie
tie civil war has been forced - upon . the
entry, by the disunionists of the South
•n States, now in ems 'against the' Consti
ttional GoVernment, and. in arias around.
Le Capitol; that in this Nittional `eater-
Buoy Congress and the Exectitive banish
g all feelings of mere ,pasaion_ or• resent
mt, should recollect only duty to the
tole country; that this war is not waged
. their part in any spirit of oppretision,
for the purpose Of.conquest 'as subjuge
tn, or for the purpose of overthrowing, or
tterfering with the rights or established
Lstitutions of these States, but to defend
td maintain the supitinticy,of 'the Consti
ition, artdAtrt preservii - the'Union"Mith all
dignity, equality, and rights dfi the
Lveral Statute, unimpaired, and thathashOon
these objeets Are acoomplishett,the ;war
tght to cease . h .' -
Rev. E. Erskineofrom the Commit R
t e on ,
iioial Case N • ur., 2,reported a minute on
subject, trhiclowas adopted, as 'follows
The Committee appointed to brit* in a
iute expressive - 4f the mind of the
Lod in' reference - to the complaintligithiat
Presbytery of Chipago in the 'case of
O. Chiniquy, wotfid - report that after,
ail amiliatient hearinktf all the records
' the teetlintiny in threase, and the ori-
I parties' te the complaints, the Synod,
ile reeogniiing: the idditations Ofter-
Lit indiscretienhiand exaggerations in the
idnot and stataments of .Mr. Chiniquy,
is apparent itiAble irecorde 'of the lower
trt, calling for earnest and affectionate
ionition upon the 'part of the Presby
7, nevertheless, doettNidjudge that the
(plaint against the dehimon 'of the Pres-
Airy is not sustained, but approves
their acquittal 'of Mr. Obittiquy, of the
ages preferred . tgainst hilly and would
testly recommend all partiertit' cultivate
spirit of charity, and to folidvithe things
cl . l make for peace. The' tenitnittee
zld further recommend iliakthe Synod
Lpt, as the reasons 'for its'dkiiiisidn On
Leh of the charges and speeifiCatintis; the
.Ersorts given by the Presbytery of ohiettgo
'or their decision in this case.
The Synod then adjourned to mad in
,dote, on the third Thursday, 16th day,
October, 1862, at 2 o'clock - P. M.
DPar, Brethren in the Lord :—The Syn
-ed of Chicago desires to address a fraternal
sand Christian word of exhortation to the ,
,Elders within its bounds; reminding them
that this body is a Convention of Ministers,,
and Elders, and that it is a duty, of the
latter as well 144 the former, to attend its
letings. It id with pain we annually see
small a representation of the Eldership
along us. The. object for which we come
. :,ether is not merely to transact Ecolesi-
Ideal business ; but also for the spiritual
lification of ourseliee' the Church.
re, dear brethren, all' needy the sacred in
ience produced on our hearts \ by the Holy
'irk in our social worship , and inter
rse, and to have our spiritual .strength
, ewed, so that we may return, to :our peo
with increased love to our Mater, and
for his glory. We deem it alieat
ilege to assemble annually to heer l ilifit
Lord is doing in our midst, to stir each
Ler up to greater zeal, and to cultivate:a
;ater degree of brotherly love; and we
;eve the Eldership of so many aintrebes,
absent themselves from the Meetings
Synod, deny themselves a high privt
1, and do an injury to the churches
Lich they represent. We, therefore, ear
tly exhort you, dear brethren, to meet
in these holy Convocations hereafter,
thus encourage our hearts in the lord. ,
Dear Brethren :—We greet yetis breth
beloved, composing those members of
Lord's visible body over *bent wk,.are
3d to exercise the offide of BishOpi.
m i n i s t er s ind;,Huling Elders, we are
h of you and' over you in - the Lord.
lifted in our annual meeting tnasiem
for prayerful ponsideration of all the
,rests of this sectiou'of our Zion, we dk
to address you this, our Pastoral, on a
ieet of vital importiikee to our well-b&l
if not our very 'eXtsigaPe, in tilts
of our beloved couitij r . We neetrnot
. 1d you that evil tilhei - have fallo
. our land, n'or that,See,nonsermence; ,
our interests,
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r is
.. . , ,
threatened with serious injury. Our , com
won "country is assailed by misguided
erring 'biethren, who have appealed to' the
arbitram'ent :of the sword as the means of
, settling the queStion of sectional ,
tween the North , and the, South. This we
deqly deplore, for as othee-bearers in , the
Kingdom of the Prince of Peace, we feel
that peace - awl not war, especially civil
andtratriciiial. war, will:most directly fro=
mote the vital interests of His: kingdom)
whom we serve.
Arising' out of this trouble of the coun
`try, yoll, as well as we, are aware that all'
the'conlinereial interests of the same are in
diffienlty and confusion. The 'reVenues, by
which the increased ; expenses of the -Gov-.
ernnient.are , to be, sustained, cannot longer
be derived from the usual sources; henna
funds must secnred, from the cheeiffill
and liberal onntributionS of loyal heart's.
The necessities of the crisis have been
thus far, by the spontaneous and unstinted
confidence ,of the , sons of liberty. In this
we Jejoice: but brethren, the same causes
Whielthitve deranged . the means of Govern-
Mental sup•port;uhutie 'noted upon 'the
Church, arid are very seriously allectineall
her interests. Not only are our Boardi of
hanevolent effort greatly crippled in their
operations, but l , our feeble Missionary.
churehes are either involved in difficulty
in maintaining their organization, or
threatened with extinction. The Board' of
Missions has felt the pressure to such ex
tent as to prevent her prompt payment .of
their appropriations to 'sustain the laborers=
of the Gospel among "these' churches. You,
yourselves; are the' witnesses of this statuof
things, so that we nee& hut refer to them.
But in view of such facts, we desire to call
.3teur serious and prayerful attention to the:
cinties devolved npon you, if you wolildnotl
willingly suffer the things concerning Ytinr.
spiritual welfare, to fall and perish.,
Among these let us briefly .particularize!:-
n view of the country's troubles , we.
exhort you faithfully to remember her in
- Anti daily prayers; inibe closet' at the
family altar, lift up - your hearts. fin' the
blessing of our fathers' 'God. to 'rest' upon
the country, and lead her safely and tri-•
umphantly through her :present conflict.,
GiVe your country yoUtheart's hest pray
ers—then, give her youetreasure, influence
and cordial 'siiPpOrt.
2. But; brethren, let -yoi# devotion to
the'Clinrch of the Lord Jesis Chriat be' ati
`least equal to that Which Yolishow to your
. dountry. What 'weitld your country be_
Without the Clinrch and 'her ordinanCee ?.
Whitt' would you and your childrendo if'
deptiVed 'of theie. privileges ? -
She needs' your prayers and she needs es
pecially with them, your and increas
' ed eontributionl4,, ; both for the preservatiOn of
the Gospel ong . youteelvee; and the eaten- '
snotrof her work in the conversion of the'
'World. A fevi suggestions, bitithren, will ena
ble you; we hope, - clearly to appreciate this'
1. Your 'Pesters Or Stated Suppliea, are
ordinarily men of litalted Means; and even
with the 'appreptiations of "the board of
'Missions, "have little or. no, surplus, after
sustaining thciit Indeed, in many
teases, all that'they get both from you and
the Board. of Nissionsiis insufficient to
cover all their: expenses: When,, therefore,
'the Board of kissions not ony reduced
the amount' of apprOpriatidtiS 'twenty-five
per cent i f biltdefera its quarterly payments
from two to three-or four monthrrafter•they
fall due, the difficulty is greatly, increased:
I Now, if a minister's mind is harrassed about
the means of obtaining bread forhis family
and •to 4iqiii'date- his Mita, NOtv can' he 'de
votei himself with.grateful , and, joyful zeal
to his arduous; work. in, your behalf?
Nothing, indeed; so unfits a minister for
his spiritual work as to have his mind dis
'traded- by peduniary difficulty. Now as
ViPlinard of Miesiona' Isras'Yound it
fArY not only - to reduce their , appropria
tions, but-to defer or delay.their payments,
it is clear that you must either do more
than you have done or your pastors and
Stated: Supplies must lea,*4 their work with
your,' or toil on •in want and peiFerty. If
they leave, then you and: your 'thildren
, suffer. If they remain they. labor with
burdened and distracted mindi,..and you
- etijOY their labors with Out retideking to
them that attiount of' worldly support needful
for them. .In•.either case you are sufferers.
We ,urge you then . brethren, to make an
immediate and enlarged effort to meet this
crisis and supplement the reclined salaries
`Of those who labor among you 'in Word and
, doctrine: You have' the Means itt abun&
ramie, and we hope you will-use - them with
a liberal and unstinted hand. a neees
sity,' brethren, and must be met.
2. The treasuries of all our : Boards, and
- . _
especially of our Board 'of . .lVltssions, need
to be . rePlenished. Yon liVe hithertobeen
greatly helped by -this' latter :-Board;;Eind
now in!the day of. its trial-„it is bothrea
sons.ble and-necesiary that you should eorn
' inunicate to zls necessities. In coming' up
to the help . Of this Board, you bette.Payn
debt of gratitude - 1 , and While repaying Oda;
you-- help others Flmy; less- able thin
I,youi .and in addition' you make the. die..
covery that you can do much - more to 13118=
fain yourselves alone, than you may have
IniPpOsed. At this discovery we think:yen
lahotildoeonstantly Mtn. Depending - upOn
others -fcir aid tends to , :paftlyzueffort and
,keep you sort of, pupilage or: bondage.:
ylre wouldhave you to be, under God, self-:
dePetleitt self-stiStaihihg. 'CultiVate
'this Spilt labor to help' yortreelVek,..iin'd
561511 'yoti . twill enjoy thetotieciOneneas of la
noble independence,• anctat thesatne time
have the joy,of helping others. Let not
your ministering, brethren suffer, and With=
hold net . yourhitiitlfrem the work oraii:
enlarged . OfftriAtian'benefidence.
We soleninly allot% and urge - you,
brethren, to attempt . thikPenlarged effort - for
yourselves as, well, as. for f others. In doing
so, Christ will be honored, your own use
fulness and comfort Will be promoted, and
many hearts-will bless you.. .I.n. to
do so, you neglect a soleini!`duly, and sub
ject both yourselves and othets - tO many
'evils.' Let your Ruling Elders 'eta Other
Iprominent men make , it •a point,
.diatejy, to inaugurate a ;method byrwhich,
first, your own salary shall be materially
increased, and secondly, your contributions
rnaybi:mbre enlarged to all the eche:lnds,
of our" 'benevolent effort. Let each and
every onugive but a little more, and the'
great workiwill be done. The Ministry of
the Gospel will be made permanent amon
:you, and your sister churches will rejoice
over your noble Christian liberality.
. ,
3. In order s thar you maybe able, intern
/gently, to appreciate both the state' - of our
ieiturches and yotifiitities in view:; of their
tioys.or sorrows, their reverses or their tri
iunplas we suggest, and, urge upon- yo u the
importance of iatronizlng and carefully;
rieddflig some or the 616011i:tilt religibui'ph
riddicals of our : dentonitiation. Sue,h.:'a
paperfshould be , taken ititleVery Christian
family l ; It will exert a most important and
beneficial influence upon the. ,children and
young ersons of the family` eirele J it will
keep' 'you Wl:instantly facirmed (if 4lie ' char
, mate and 'extent of our Christie - re - :W(0dt; in
behalf 0.E4146, Groopel, 'And -eon-,
stant niotives.for„syropathy and active* co
operation, ,
Vietikrei; we 'efiriieatly
deniktidia ) te 'year. fitellierit"..iiiety',.calld
, s. ; •
pray you at once so to act ,upott them as to
,secure,the best and happiest reel:ate.
Tours in the lord,
N. CANDit, MOderatei.
[0 enal.l
" the lied , and! mho: Oath . Appointed
vi : 9.
Brother, f sister, all:whose hearts
Bleed with,sorrow , sink with fear,
Asa country's woes ye mourn . t
Listen, fi)r:'Cie God says, " !"
(g Hear, anti.:leani the dayee afistrife,
(I with you.contenditis l am.;)
Hear, and learn the cure of
Whetioe may apriiiithe "sought-foi;
4 4 Upward turn:those'earth-bounkeyes,
Know:there is
, a Clod above ;,
Dnetward cast your humbled
Penitence will brint my bive.
"Over, land, and Church, and. State,
Cast the glance of honest-shame:
See how mammon holds its sway—
Riches, *tidies; . flittiq , ticti4
" Birthright, which m. favor gave;
Blessings scattered,bir . my, hand—
All on terms of ceaselesswatch—
Birarned or squandered by this land.
„ 'Whence Ofe,,Oloct-Whi„...ponAd;as rain, '
6zine too,
Turn, 0 penple;:therewill I
Pence restore an!' heal this `Tent”
D. S. L
stmorso CORtiSPONDENd
THE PRIM' OP lirilikE " A l /' MIDDLE a TAFTLE 2 THE
WEATHER; Tar Sazof TOO, AND PRovierotts-Lapabisurizott
. AND AlleEßlbirt C7onextsTIONDRNI3E--LTHEI Titin `Oidsszs
L02t7.730N, Nov.-2,1 861
F INE PRINCE OF W.A.IsEB has been this
week received by the barristers of the
'Middle TimPle--tiae most ancient' and
itoric names of British la* and British
jurists . ..-- , and made by them , an horinrary
member of ;=their:body. Great, -was the
interest awakened, and multiplied the.
at the presentation of, an address in a beau
improviadd-pavilion;'es *ell as at the
`Opening' by`' tile • Prinee ''of 'the lieV Lt 4
Library in. the Teniple.groundsp (aqua:o2i
ficent building,) as also at the banquete
afteiwards held in the afternoon—the'
Prince being present---lin the fine old
earVd - hall; deeked With the spoils' of the
)SpailiSlCArinada, and rich in its- . portraits
and carved roof , and •pannelling. In the
evening, Ids°, there was.a, large number , of
ladies and gentlemen atthe conversazione
in the Library.
The young Prince is gradually becoming
,a public character. He is -considerably
'filler and taller , in, figfire than when he
visited the tidied States. He reads well;
—like, his mtither—as' he'proved on Thins
day, in his reply to the address. He has ,
been a diligent, student of law as well, as'
of military , tactics, besides keeping terms;
at both liniveraities. , "We trust ~that her
.will be all that the nation could deeire, and'
1,11 that his ' excellent parents, especially
that true Aolker i Victiefia-Who' has tedu
eated her ., Children with. extraordinary:
pains, discipline ? and care;—can pray for as
to her eldest-born:
, THE 'WEATHER ~continues favorable-and ,
beautiful, thus, shortening our Winter,
keeping down the price of coals, and alle
viating the hardships of the poor, aswell.
as affording - theikesrpossible seed-time to
the English farnier. The price "of provi
sions is lower than it was twelve months
ago. In the artiele of potatoes, the reduc
tititi is .£2 per ton: This valuable esculents
;has in , England- well-nigh. , escaped' the
blight that (through. weVweather4ifell on
it in Ireland.
market, and is the itibjeeC .
of a letter to the
Times,, of a kandiester citizen; who is
"" credibly inferMed' that the present specu
lators are, Many of them; ladies, clergymen,
lawyersi. and others •not . regularly • engaged
in .business, who ;have fallen into themania,
as others did in the railway mania-of 1845."
He adds : " The professional cotton .specu
lators have, I'am told; retired frOm action.
They knew that the bubble ninSt
they know that the-speculation:is not-.war
ranted and; supported • by the 'requirements
of the world; nor are they blind to the fact
that the sword of Damocles hangs; overthe
head ofthe "speculator, in the fain of 'the
American crop ot cotton Whichunistsomier
or later .come here. An 'armistice, a, recbg
nition of 'Southern independence by. our
Gallic friends, a few cargoes Successfully
run through the bloakede,'will.any of them
cause an immediate cellapife; and. Cetton,
whiolt.wea.tioldulast- year lit l s4land. Which
-is now selling at.l.l.d.,,wilLas surely fall rto
its old value as the, railway,, stocks did when
they collapsed from their fictitious price in
That the Eiliperor of the Finn& Will
recognize:tneindepondence of the'SOuth
at present, or ever, is, ',think,- exceedingly
; doubtful.. I , Tot that ho has not strong- in
ducements in the terrible financial crisis
'that - has come Veit France, greatlY -aggia
'inted by' the 'Want' Of Often. But ihthis
matter, at least,l expect the will act in -en
tire accord with the British Government.
refusing to endorse. any proposal to .break
"the. blockade, and waiting the issue of
affairs. '
A writeri4titing-in the= Son:them' inter.
est, /denies that the South has rmet, the
blockade by an embargo, which he says
would but keep-up the...blockade, by taking
away from all foreign. ships any ; motive to
enter the ports in spiinof a Northern fleet.
The South'but preserves " a, passive resist
ance" hy' keeping 'Trout- accessible
:'points a latge amount 'tot' 'property. It` is
denied, also, that at•the breaking.iout
this war the Seuth .was-prepared for a long
.campaign, and - that corruption9ia.d ; ,been
practised by Mr. Floyd, Secretary of War
under President "Buchanan. " Nothing
'clike - orpnization" niike'd—nothing•codid
rhaiie been more unexpected than the anti of
'siecksion, to the army aid-navy, JNotfa
single officer was
~sdclywed one the subject
—only an act was_passed in the., Confed
erate Congress, securingithe'stne rank to
any officers who came- over. Powder mills
alsw-ivere iinknown--witli insighifleguit
exception ,f these was rnoistook OUShoes or
-clothing, hardivagiackagetof medicioni, no
.paperrmills fgrnigh -al.caufridge paper.
-Then the mriter: holdi .entrAlukefollotting
bait spemilatorill ,‘‘, The .Sbulhihneeotton
tersell, as' she hasizini for many ;years ; , the
.only difference; so hir_as she is•concerad, is
that one holder has 1,200,000 bales , in his
,hands. mean the government. So fir
the rest ',of the world, is concerped,,-t,here
la' difficulty, in, ~o btaining that 'cotton ;
<lt*lkelY, 'the , ProhOitio l 4 of tl l 6 h't4ted
*Nors.—l huinter* - of "The
W:gathett Almanac' ,'cain t , be• dispatched to tile
ynitediStates,for Td .; each copy, and th 4 g)ack
numbers titiveritr Yeak‘ c`Onn Ototiin'ed. on
the same terms from the author. L "
States "Got'etriiiienes; Any person' that
chooses' to, set ati defelice that . prohibition,
or: to • evade it, ,cativecure cotton to ,an
unlimited amount': ;Let any, cotton buyer;
in England offer thegonfederale s qov-.
'ernment, or to Milder of Cotton • in Alm!
'..Confederacy, 6d. `-lier itind, (it ia'newls.
per/pound in Liverpool, , ] believe,) ,. and-le
can have as much as In will pay
for. If he woula prefer to make, his,
meats in' blankets, - shoes, einthS,Or.;nietli
ciiins' Orin alinoseanftling in etent &at
thedonth does notiprodnee, and Wiliiclithe
North , las , 'heretofore lad tke, monopoly. of,
by reason of the protective system, there
can no question that he,would.sell his'
'goads tit a profit,. ." Ai to - the por t of . de-'
&del , the South never -have bee& Carriers
on the 'ocean; and ..they'eatinett begin VOW:—
they lave no ships. Whey mill 'receive the
goods, at any, point naoocl.. on the ;; coast,; or'
in the interior,. and .they will agree •to de
..lN.e'r the 'Cotton •at - ifiel3aiiie pan - 4.. The:
United States GovernMent forbidkthe Pie-.
ceeding; = the South.iinvitea Arade 7 rfrore
every, nation of ,the earth.7-I,Whoi'llr,lny
Fp; coitodr' ''
Alt this sufficiently indicates two things.
'lirat', - tlittt , tlie` "Sou t h. ii „terribly diitieisid '
for want of war materi 'iniOtillifitia{ : -
money ,and the .tirclin
of life :t.
1 44 .....
and, secondly, iti shows4l6 ,l skill of the
Isiorthern ( policy .in reference. to naval egg
peditiona and the herpieticallsnelin,s,74p,,if
Oa - Salle, of the, SetithArn. coasts. 'here..'
Willualiitiyi be' adVentu.A. issto . try` to ..
wren .i" blockade ; :linti..few will be -tenipted
by, the writer in the 4fonthern - interest , t6
risk their specie or their Itshoes,fplethes:,
&e " with such an indefinite "'point of del.
riihrVof Weeklaa an illuatration , Lt
," King qotton ; &ind.; or, The Modein ,
Prometheus." The American Eagle.prey‘
, .
'on; the liver, of the:Giant Prometheus .and -
he ehainedlait, exelaipia—" I must
gia4 ' fetter6d=iiille those 'Millions
Teak ands pine." ' ' • '
fihreemaills: have: this' wesk , bewelosed
at Reekdale, employing three thousand
-MR. auanor, )Th7for Greenock,
been reviewing the , lait,session- of, ikarliat
ment raud yublic stairs • generallyy , the
presence of his constituents., - , He,.was l the,
liege', and ~lay leaderikof the, Evangelical
party in the Scottish Iffetablishnient: before
the Disruption was, R tower 'of strength
.them in, that crisis,,andfeyer since , has been
* distinguished as a vounsellorvin difficulties:
He has been in Parliament. r for a series, of
years, Whig and ; Isomething more."
He has preserved- a - very independent posi- 2
ti on. He speaks seldornyibut-Whert he does
speak he is listened, was. of .him;
that D',lsraelionbe said — "Thitiethe,clev-
•erest , man sentup,to the Honee7from,Scot-i
land." Perhaps! this . was seid , :after pun,
lop's unexpected and most annoyingfattack!
on Lord :Palmerston's policy and conduct
in reference to t the Alfghart war, amt.:the,
injustice. done - the Anumery of Sir Alexan-,
der Burnes. Mr..Dunlop ini the{ course - of
his recent address, spoke on- ; the Ame,rican:
crisis: The following are his words :
THE 47,11tRIOAN docikingat the ca-.
larnitous warfare now being waged among enr!
'bretlirentin Arderica,
in thefirst place, i.ntenses sorrow at, ,, the-prosipect;
of the breaking up of si. great and
,noble=, State,:
sprung from ourselves, and so reflecting Vita On,
us some lof its own glory,i and • - calcultited, by its t
almost, indefinitely increasing iollueoce and
power, so largely to extend otiflairguage "eitir
ligion, our free institiltions, :ant I the Yif
civilization o'er „the glebe thersecond
place, ''it is :that of onmingled- sorrow and Sur
,prise "at. the pet - Tette tiridttoStileotilititinacy'itith
whialt,-the,..people of the -North .havainsisted in'
regarding us, as sympathizing with the slave
holding South: Now although,' dbubflgss!' thitt
strange perveraity may of -later have nifeeted
our feelings toward them, I believe that the
pie of this country,' when the Seitherii , Viliellitin
first broke out-, were' allhut unanimous inrfavcr
of the North. If - they deemed it necessary, for
their interest to 'exiforee
we , could Inot , but seknOwledgeonrwe 'did heartily
acknowledge, that , they had right and , justice on ,
their' side,While We cordially syrepsithiied‘ With
then 'on the question - which haegiVinirisetathe
discontent of the South. The men .of the North,
howeier, have deteirminedly and univerattily
fused to belieVe rhare beehogtiatlf
sled to account for this. •Possibly , itheyfeanoot!
imagine that the sympathies of a people could be:
so at variance with ICeir'nireteriial interests: and'
thatfit weal out of I,h37Westitr
far the love of justice and - liberty, deny Y ear
selverj,, even - for a , time; the advantage's °flan' ad
equate supply , of cheap cotton—or they maybe
conscious that their conduct toward , ns , in the
Matter offfree trade,qtad , theeneatriient.tir 'Aar ;
hostile Morrill tariff,. deserved ; no . oa
our part—or they may even feel that their itesi
tating 'end denbtftil Policy tin- the- iineatioir'of
slaveryitself, was,not calculated , to tvinetir nos!-;
fidence ; but what I own I dreao, still more
that 'their' detemnitiation to deka iisliettile'leo
them springs fromn consciousimed on theivissit
that they are prepared, in order, to , save the'
Union, to make coneeksioxis to the & , nab on the
subject' of slit Very- which they Inuit' , krufir vicasid
be denounced with ,universal, condemnation in ,
Britain. , (Applania.) Should this be so;
be deeply to be deplored;-and; indeediVentid ekie
the only issue out of- thin .
, sad , . contest, which
would 'leave no alleviating or consoling Sonsid
eration behind. I will hope better things,lheir
ever for the honor of our American, itinakeen
and the cause of liberty; and whatever they
May 'believe - or distelieve,4 anc-ireliPeinfiiet,
that-the, great body of the people. of -thismountry
will unfeignedly rejoice in any result *4OlE4Oll'
maintain iinbraken the ` - 'great"Rept/UV Withinit
any sacrifice otthe&Principies trilmiphed ,
at the election of President Lincoln.
Mr. Plinloßue#4l l YPr . .ted to , l4ql 4 Wagst
of the contest on British commeir , and
iharnififdittfes, and coriclUdect":b,y
ivg the .I bletikifig of the
as , " the dishonoriof=histily- fljeedgirktitig4
State whose constitution- is , , avoiveillyt,based
on, the principle of slavery, .ai con tlitp
righteousness, .justice, and duty of 'main
tgun ng It.
'As " ;spitiath'y with the ''Sodth,", 'fhb
charge' is - repeated' in a long' lettoi;iaith
appeared iYeaterday. in , the '"Times from` the
pen of the:Hon. Theodore Pay ; •late , Uniteil
States Minister to the, Swiss Contederation i
who also maintains that the *opt of the
Nor& is the ultiniate abolitiOn of slivery.
Thidianot "thelopinion of the 'English
people,' otherwise 'the feelingicf F sympathy
from the .great, religious public [would be
stronger than
• it is. But fer,mv , part I
fondly. hope that the war will lie overruled
to such an • iseue, even 'though 'AS - itst out=
burstiwasliaitralltana 'neeesSiiily that 'et
enthusiastic• attachment to the' Union i unii
of resentment as the gort Outepter
entrap on its flag., The Tory, Sir John.
PaingtOn has been telling a political Ain
ner party that the'reason , why , to4foity
keeping up thec - lititestiitaromlirreihaine,
lest they. should -be practically3d
own, that Republican.; institutiopg, have
failed ; and then other ;Tories ridp, t off li With
tiuriSit'of iiituipeti 'and ,a demand that
We're be 'no Iliforrif Pale. ThIP 4546644
Re ielOtsetitts , that Mr.' , `,Everettt4anegyr-'
is upon Prince Napoleon at Bostotrois4nite
the President nnd his ministers, which be-,
tray hS"w aornpl telly Chef Napoleonic idea of
good'o4feiiineilthai anuk into
of Antorioatt,'StatiagaenZandAliatiVie editfiv
dietco Lonik , :N e apoletkti . aullEtitel coup.
cretat of Abraham „Iduceln in .of t :forcible
arrest of political antagenists, in..;tl4e new-.
IY*4cdi4d - intni) 4 pisof thl4l446tillita
precisely`' Cit 'Dalled!
sisdiiixtProvedtgroundipthat .theytineditatea)
usingithar,logislativ4p9wera,,f4F,t i relapherrl
ous ends.n . .
The American correspondent, i of Dot ;
I .V.frffilrintr ortlib.tiges
•tine, ,of sustaining , the Government 'by a
rigorous:prosecution of the war the North
now ; is very nearly , a ‘ unit," adds'tha,,t," from
this point 'Opinion divereei in 'tbree - direo;
-First; is the Garrisonian - Abolition
isti Echooli-which, would thrti* the' Consti
tution -to the winds, and ,Would have the
Government to proclaim •universal liberty,.
and some of them also are ready ""to put
arms into the hands of 'the slaves, that
they Might eiififte their rights lathe point
- of the, bayonet." , The , Teault of , this ; says
the, Daily Netps i "'an entire up : -
heairs,l . of society, . and 4a revolution. - of ,the
Mogi radical charaCier2i
Ae then preceede to ndtice the °Wei two"
:parties; 'those who,while' they "'love Jill
are n
alsattathd to , existing ~1 1.ept&
litian.lnstitutions • ;who „would :bring, about,
a change throu g hthe legitimate action of
'tihe Constitution, and think that all this
. 'getieratiiin an do is'to Cheek the expansion
Loft Filiveryi-andAhat twattenipt Mere would
beltoiplunge.theia , Auto all the:horrors of
„political and.,,social revolution, and peril
,the existence, of society. This ,is the; po-
Sitien of tht"RepUbliCan party. Upon this
kr.'LinctilnlVas elected, and Such
, ficlis:lifeSebtspositi6n." . 'Tlie'wiiter then
proceedi as follows . _
• "The third class arelthoie who ,, loVelhe Union
with a i ll.the ilAndltepaeipx of traditional itOtinet,
litetite piAtsliott of a•deep.parriotic thitional sent i=
anent.' ` ••(Timid ati , ittrungeeth in; the' inVin love of
tiniversaldiherty., . Ampngtthesewillbefoundthe
most conServative'and, wealthy. This class has
been inelined , 'to Twit , to the South- th - save the
Union, andt.haa.,grown up with 'a oirtain ' tradi
'tioual respect for the institution of Slavery.:
Not'having audeePlotithing of it they would tol
*ate, its*tisterice, aid live With it :on terms of
ownpromise. In the late arrangement , of parties
tins'elasii; ihnoit tea - ream, opposed" to the
Republibani.. • : •
Now,. as the South, in its- organized rebellion, is
'fighting Tai •Alaier,y, it `enlists thenctiVe Opposi'
:tion the abolitioniits; las it has. Struck at the
Constitution. And Republican institutions, it has
awakened"` the determined antagonism of the'
secointialtd'as' it th'reateni the-Union 'it arrays
s it the third class. Hence the , first: gun
against tbe - "Pail - anal flag united the North"
against the common foe. But as the war pro-,
greases, ne,w;,questions arise. -,-As the , &nth is
much more formidable than wasi at first, sup ,
f:Phiedi i'dbehionse their - slairei for 'the:
ptuainseik of the+ inquiry' , arises; - sluill we mot
strike . the foe in his vulnerable point? Again;
+hint' Shall lie' done With!' the slaves of rebel' Mas,
terawho;fly to. the itartiand. stripes. fte protec
tion.? 'Can men *hp are in open warfarengainst:
"the Constitution' the authority and' aid of
thi every: Constitution?• f!Diibs! , riot the , fact of
men :being in,„ii)pen . rebellion ; place them on the
footingsame ' as in enemy, and therefore make-
Ftirthernidre:' do ittit.
:the, exigencies of ,military. necessity demand, that
weE iheuld carry out the , plan . the-
Brddlintation of , ' Gen. Fithientl
Ail , these questiona' invOlvd the , relation 'be
tween the war and slavery;.
,and upon this_ opin-'
yet-'reholied-a definite' fc;rn.' For
this reason the Federal 'Government;:and:Politi
clans throughout the North,, are
,inelined to sus
pend de-glare:l;i: the
is, the position of thel
Cabinet and 'll'n diefianf nf the Convention at Wor
cester.. They are net. prepared to coincide-with
the sPeedli tiv."Stiiimer;'or: the', coincide
Fremonic- but regar&thent - as'Pretiiatitre; bedaftse
public sentiment is mot. yetTrepared for such a
'bold"st&p. When, 'll ' the people will "ba
Testily .fer •this‘r• depend& the courai of,
events. • . ,
Such clear ,statemonte ; are very :valuable
.ieference,tothe enlightenment of public
opinion' in thii country. The " course, of
esfenifi the'coritiof the provi
.dente, of ‘‘c God 615 , Nvise the ".tritat arid
Beneficent One. The issued we: trust; will
.be to his glory and. to , the , enlarged purity
eace,_„Ancir i proaperity, of united pillions:
"Shall` there 'be evil in the
r6ity,'alidothe not done ?" And'
if GerPsitrtie :people ' , on. both sides of 'the
Atlar. , tic -continue -ferient •in !prayer and
humble and, contrite • in spirit may he. net
do marvellous things,_ and that speedily,
which: We'know not ,'and thouelt,not of?
-A DE,FretzNov is declarecl in-our exports
of nearly eight,, millions sterling
,during the
last nine' Months. 'llie falling off, in the
last month had' inereased 'te nearly
.18 pereent.iss compared with the Septem-,
her of 1860. Thus, to speak, more definite
ly, there is a decrease of a million
half' n Our experts of cotton;` our woolens
leid-:litietisleicirdeblines to the extent Of 'a
quarter-of amillionT kind inetalsehave , surik
rather more than the same-amount. A site
cession of ,years showing_oTeat prosperity is
thus atuidenlYbroken. The, American crisis
accountsforit In - other matters than
cotton-yarn Cottorka-46‘ Woolens and
silks, in hardware aiid.inetals—wehave not
gone backward n but% rather have advanced
in the September returns, more in 1860
than in 1861'. To "us - the war has been ". a
litartlind.:Jelieelt.," ) tub; aldi! a public
, , 6 _writer.expresses'iti . "the consequences of
- .war have-:'been' to-the ports of Aineriea
almost the annihilation of commerce."
Well, on the bkok._ comes " the
19eTiodicai uneasiness which begins with the
ilooinyiutritti of(N6Veiliber, Onctettintfizates
on iliktfritklai, .of ithe'neenlyeiti 4v-trance.
,And so, it .now apprehended that the
Emperor means mischief . that while he is
`coUoiliatieg :the 'PoPe, and' 'rejecting, the
Proposals of the Italian Cabinet, he hi doing
bestto detach--Prussia from England,
and exeite:FrenehLpopular jealousy against
this country.
A .new.. pamphlet has just appeared at
Phris, entitled ” England, Austria,rand the
IttlerVi. j ewti at Ceinpeigne," markedhy great
bitten:leas. India, 'Egypt And' TUrkey Sup
ply'a, portion of thi tett;:und - the Tathisuis
of-Stiea, Men; "." the ailiraltar of the Red'.
Sea," Perim' and 144 , ,ne (in Africa), are; it
seems, . furiher items in the terrible ac
eatints to Settle. The writer
aseurnes" . thatLtheigifte6f 'Pritasia' has; it
.ComPeigne,ibeen givitk - thepreferetiee to
the Trench-Alliance i (which willhe profit
able to him,) over the English Alliance,
whiCh will never be profitable but to Eng
When' at'theitoitse of Madame De Steel, *
sear -Geneva; Lr Ilibt at her table her'
nephew, °who.; la, the captain of a 'French
frigate„ and who resides on board his ship
and on shore_ at the famous ship-building de
pot. He is a' Man fall-of Christian light and
loireiland4when: about to depart, he ...seized
My hand: f atfectiOnatelvand - said, in refer
eine- to the probabili ties' ofiwar,i "'I may he
obligedlnfight against.' yorysome day„,but
it will notthe withlmy heart:'-7 This issue'
map come,g ere .long-. 1 The,Ernperoi:las`re
scentlyso organized his 'fleet =and marines as
to hdve ships.'-ready -very quickly. Never
ithelessi firmlyibelieve , -that in the end.
British. tar's :will win 'the day. -
.1110Nsitiieertrize'r, who some 'months
advocatedago vOmiend the temporal power „ of the
Pepe as neeet - Aayy tO,oidef and clidlization,
'te'theugient inandal.'ef:earneSt FienoVPio
testants; arid Wile" ii,:tt4nted,'*iith 'all his
4 i tnoial excellence and Minter power`; 7Nith a
morbid Toryism *hiehjsOderees power
authority, haVikiek:eiefoi l sed;frbin t n horror
and ~ar of evolution"'his
AOklo r 4ii: defence
of the Otsiftilmiyhiokilie so r p - ibmtneli4Y
elisttine'd at - a - Ffeildh:Protelstailt
and againk "i kiic from fr;af
scikreditterf)afts6. wittillinitev.Dr.,trind
ftot4tr 14'11 1 4 - madVslsth'in'speeehl'indi 'in
'llhgViiiiest L eOiletiOnolefieekt
9f MAntyi , a4;l'hoi,
16194i'iitietii4r tYI4IO ae anger
lie" Pepe: thVF ( Oholiogin, they - 13i7
f is
st'orag'e in Y ea' Moli:entait9elt-tinni
WHOLE NO, 479:
Pither the philosopher or the' Protestant ,
,Christian; and yet . , there seems a
Stubborn determination in this country to
keep" the religious principle scrupulorisly
apart from the question. The
Church, they day, must be-as' fully emanci
,pated as the country itself;, stripped of its
.temporalities, unable to rely: on any aid
frOm the secular arm,' the Papacy will
have to stand on its own legs—to ground its'
ascendancy on mere Poweit , of persuasion....
This the Italians flatter thernselves‘may, 'per
force, lead to •vital reforms,, but need. not.
,give rise, to schisms and hpresies; against
any' danger of ihe latter evils the nation is
guarded by the utter indifference to the
'spiritual death,' dila very vast number, of
the thiuking classes." What a melancholy
"safeguard," we may well, exclaim, against
"schisms and heresies," i. e., as with those'
AO Use the'wcas is meant::---Protestaiitism
But let, us hearths writer and interpreter,
of Italian politicians still: further : "Italy,
-they say may never become the .field for
theological contreversy to the end of time.
It never was, in the worst of ages. Italian
Dissenters, even in the 'days of Oehino,
Peter Martyr; and the Secini, had to cross
the Alps if they wanted to find disciples
and , listeners." Of course they had to,do
so that is, if they, had escaped those In
quisitorial firek and:iingeon,s by which the
rising ItefolinitiorfiVa.s
Did.theie people never Sa,vanorala,
or of those eminent •"Schismaties;'l :of
whose names Doctor MeCrie the elder has
told us in one of his famous books of Re
formation history.
The — Writer front' Tnrin further adds :
"Passaglia7a.nd LiverOneare greeted in It
,sly as po/itica/ agitators ; were theyto raise
the banner of reform they would be hissed
as quaeks and huaugs. ' Very, likely ;
but is notthePoPe Minself afraid of
thing heretical- Coining 'Of-the Abby' Pas
saglites attack !on the temporal pewer:? In
the ;,presence ; of .. the Jesuits, to whose
Company "''Passaglia had 'befotiged,*Car
' dinal"Bartia.bY said; "If you ;renounce the
'honor 'Of" belonging' to 'the Company; you
will fall into !misfortune and be noboc?y."
Most disinterested Caidinal.! He points
out, to Passaglia that the loss will be, all,
and altogether, and Only his own! But
`let its 'fellow the'Abb6 into the presence of
%the and listen : " Carle Pas
saglia, do-you_ believe the Vicar of Jeans
Christ and lis,word?" "Ah, Holy Fath
er," quoth the monk, " how can, you doubt
My respect and subiniSsion ?" u the
Pope insisted, and repeated the question,
and then added: ":Well, if,l tell
you' that you. are swayed by the demon of
pride; • and. if you do not ,premptly seek a
remedy in humility,", (blind, submission 'to
authority, such as was demanded by Leo
XVI.- of the Monk otErfort,) " you will
ripe - and die 'mother, , Daher ."
We must not be too sanguine,about Italy,
nor,expect:that among a people overwhom .
Infidelity and superstition have held so
enduring a sway, that there Will tie'ar,9ia-
Nona/. niovethe.nt- - toward the Gospel for al
long time. But meanwhile, first fruits .are
being gathered . ; breaches are being, madei
in what appeared an impregnable
religiouS liberty is established widelY in
spite of, and to`the:terior of the "Pope 'arid`
his myrmedons.
M. Meille, the Waldensian. , pastoi, in
his excellent address ,at the Gencya, gon
ference, gave these views prominently,
while yet speaking most cheeringly, both
as to the: resent and the future:
• : •-•
.For the 'Piesbyteriatc -Banner,
Parnassus Congrtgation.
We Werunot long OS ; ice thought,
- opposed to burdening newspapers and
troubling their editors with accounts of
donation, visits and the like ;• but for three
years haVe experienced so much kind
ness from our kind`people, that we haveliee,n
filled to 'the .brim with' thankfulness, 'and
now, contrary to :our. former , views of pro
priety, we seek.our-feeble expression of it
through your paper which we all love to
With a faithfully Paid salary, we have
alvtays thud 'reasoh: !td! 'content; -• but this
is. not = the' , e,ause of .our , gratitucle, for the
salary is a due, by, reason, of - a fair bargain.
Some congregations do not pay what they
prornise; but Parnassfis, 'congregation` does
—every' bent of - pinch mare' be
sides... We-have never ereceived a donation
visit from the congregation,;. but what : is
far better, we have been receivers, of daqy
. .
favors from the , people. To mention all
the items' which they have at different
times= given to the pastor . and his family,
would , fill your paper; but if you shave any
room, you may, mention pats, bay, CO,rn
pasture, and, all sorts, of table luxuries, to
gether,with a Variety of wearables,inclnding
bedclothes . ; at one time an entire' fine snit
for the pastor, atanotheran exnellent over
coat, at another : : Valuable dress for his
Wifeolot forgetting the, little ones, &., &c.;
and finally, even in the midst of these hard
times, a, Grcivei4 Baker 'Sewing. *chine;
and, comprehensffely, not .?"
We= do not 'forget , the Author of• - every
good and !perfect. His hand is in it all.
We will ever bless his name, and shalluever
forget his people here—the sanctified me
dium' through which - theSe good' things
have' nem& doirtr to US.
,The Lord bless therwall - in Their persons,
.Their fat ilies,.their relations, theft basket
.and store," and in their. souls, and.make
`the unworthy .reeeiveri of his and Their
"ftivots faithful. in
„ Foithe Presb'drian Ikinuor.
Synod of Randusky.—lVarrniive of the -State
Although not favored during the past,
year with any special. 'awakening or revival
of God's work otrnong ,us i there, has been,
and is, an 'erieonfiging state of things in
nearly •: all the , C.lnfrohes belonging to. , eur
lbody; Nearly: - all are favored with r>the
:regular ,preaching of the Word. The or
dinanc4 of the -Gospel have been adminis
tered,.*4 Most of the churches have
'eeivad acce4i'dna theii'litiinbart.' The
'cOn'greg,Stiorni are reported; fai r, being 'tea ininibers, regular' and respectful
, attendance. Weekly: prayer-meetings
are maintained, except in, places Where the
conareoellon is so scattered as to'-render''
' Seiseng of `thaulisgitring,,
`and-praYer; have been' obserw
-ed • int accordance -with the recommendation
of the General Assembly, and the ?rocla
mation of the civil, authorities.
&heeds chiirdhes
itliat•have repotted. -ITO some;.. the- uke Of
.the herter. , . - Catechism (haat. been / attended
ay4t ; h maricedjesults, nurqbeEs.: l l l l#4
witted it tO,Rieinery,.. A le - w - Of the; Bali ;
'iratli'SctiSoitihia . e ' cohtlibii.O ., to
'Ardn's ChiirelOgt`
-been snibcessfidff puttingetintoq practice
t measurest of , Syptematik Aspevolpuce ? and
iteis.iieped. that t,he.,praptice v will,be more
11 - deplored
y op e 9 . , e,
that the - quetfillittithis',;t 4iii , blitriletes ; for
lenevelent Paitdsei, ll aretio irrreglifai and
`insuliicient s. This t evils tis felthand
Anowledged with , snOt regret, f pllat ,stalfts
Ftkindkcl, and . meas Fe 9 are , alsead.y put jtv
,operatton fur rembyal. ite thaf soniee
• A"
enUrches nave adopted pittOr
The „Rev. , junto Foster, of Twanda,
Pa., preached the dedication serinort , frgm
Haggai:,9; and the Rev. P. Camp Otered
`the 'dedicatory prayer.`
An appeal was .then made by Bid: -Ns
ter; and;the , members of the .church aixd
congregation came forward and contributed
some .$1:45 on the spot cnough, as ,F,as
then si4oposed, to 'clear the church of - debt.
'The time] j:' appropriation from the'Board
of Church ':Extension will cover thelial
' lance,• and enable us,to ebuiplete the house
+ according to our pprpose; but not to, furn
isli with suitable lamps, bell, cushions,
and melodeon. . Mit as God has prospered
"US • so greatly . beyond .'our expectations, as
to . enable us to' build this beautiful and
commodious hOtise of worship, " even in
troublous times,..mlope
_to succeed in
some in fin.nishin g
,our house of wor
ship withutheSe neeekarf'frittires. '
The:Rev. W. Simonton, of Williamsport,
Pa.;, who had been providentially detained,
arrived in time . to preaeb in the evening.
All the services of the
* day . , were truly sol
emn, apprepritite, and edifying. Notwith
standing !'elfe inclemene3r of the weather,
we had good 'and , attentive-congregations,
and , trust that " the, good' baud, of our God
was„upon us." - We would,take this oppor
tunity to express our grateful acknowledg
ment§ to the friends 'in Tioy and New
,Tork; whi:iliave contributed toward the en-
Jerprise,- and also to the American Bible
tSociety for the donation of a beautiful
copy of the Bible for the pulpit, and fifty
testaments; and, likewise to the Presbyte
• rian Board of 'Publication for a donation of
fifty Hyinn Dias for' the pews. P.C.
The farmer mentioned above has no ac
quaintance with, evidences of Christianity
`as they are treated in books. His firm
- 'carivictidu of the truth of the Bible rested
upon iliWard proof.
1. What is the nature of that proof? Is
conviction, for 'which : no reason can be
;given ? Certainly not. The conviction
rests upon l an experience of the effects of
' the - Bible upon the soul. Suppose it is af
- firnied'that a certain medicine will cure a
iparticalar disease. There are two ways in
Which. we may, be, couvinced of the truth
of that
,operation, ,We may examine the
testimony 'that is furnished in support of
It, end:that May' be so clear and
4bundent; as tO 'prodiice complete eonvic
- Lion in our minds.
, In like•manner ,men know from experi
ence that the Bible is true. They iluge
felt its effects upon their souls. The plain,
unread' Chrittiat -hag ' therefore a•rielt to
say, he knows that the Bible is true:
Some"'the*, only to know. .
; Soine'knowto be known.
Some know to practice what they bew.
Now, to know, only to, know—tlni s 644
'To' kbo*, 'to be known- - --that is vain
But to keow, ick'piaotice 'whet we know
--that is, Gospel. duty.
This 'she* a min a complete Christian;
the other, without this,
e hoWs a man to be
only almost a Christian
. 4 'Reader, whoever, •tbou art, or wheroer,
Alonglio4 widethesW ries
meet. thine eye, one 'thing is certain . , that
&oil, art, either among, the saved pF the lost
the taresor, Of the .whet. To
belongs If the :Net trnmp
were ti:Lnight to sound--if " the , barvest,'
wliicb is t' the end 'Of the world," were in
deed to arrive now if the, great Husband
! man said to the angel reapers, "Gather, up
4,l76:taralandttiedethem. it:bundles to burn
; :theini:butt gather my wheat into • my' barn "
' amonwthe wheat orAmong
Victlaies ? ,Think questton, reader?
1 1 3 dudei it
" -
CV • J •Li .I ; 4 LT )
Xl4l • hapafp..t talenps 2
,Rdyst,y3r . will
improve thOG rneaerate,
Viiiiry ,
dieir deteteidig - Nitth
sug'is evei:iisaita:attaill*lvitilloitt
4ivestipeftee'iti , anultiinif cif:trenbiwhen
eagi luirtlP,Pieoleknwjeventy, Ter
secution, 'and 40# 1 1 1 , t,• I ;":7` 1104:
- frPlantif
alaquiarpleasagtry aud‘ pttlarivlboya.
-- -'. PaiLVliCatiOn,:leitieW44 -
erflita, Soirr
4 4,4#-S-SULDINSIS,S4 PotttSr.,rElasear
prEitzu 4 Vßffr 1 1 984 , pran*".4wz
k' ' i
-,AD# it riSEM S. ,
...,. TMA§ IN 4,Dx.kti - glltif .:-,,,,. ~
A. SquBre;.,(B Boor or looN) urpt.liaettliStioXlMlSPS ea"'
ettbeqqtiOutießertion,,4or, e.4,411 4 wvi,,,,1,f, (5 cte
A Square per quartet, ;00 ;. 94'6. line 004034 88 Dents
A Itavatmetr matie•to vertisers 03 , thelleuv- - "
BUSINESS NOTICES of Tut boos or 1e5e,4048).., each ed.
ditional line, 10 coito. . ,
nom:isms ram 5t411110041.
~ . .
tematie contributiOns with entire inceeth,
and that others are moving in the right di
rection are - facts that encourage 'the hdpe
of better things. These =facts also ifiditate
that the time has fully, cane wherein severe
chastisements from: the hand of God May
be dreaded ty those churches, *he, in a
time like this, per.severingly - Withhold their
contributions. We tear that Bitch ihdrehes
neap le smitten With ,harrenfiess,
,and be
ifsefuronlyin'illioWing ihat " there' id ghat
withholdeth more 'than is meet," and it ten
deth to poverty."
In those of our ehureheii
feeted by the war excitement, a:betterstate
of thinga' leas 'now anceeeded. Theinheis of
our brethren among the soldiers haire been
received respectfully,-and favorable results
have followed; by which , waishould be en
couraged t 6 'preach ',he Word, in - season
and out of season; soiiing: beside alrwitters
the seeds of eternal life. "Notwithstanding
the Oppdaition •e4bonntered, and the !dirk
ness that: had-gathered around as, welave
great reason to express our thanks tßthe
great Head of the Church for his watchful
care over the ehurehes and their Otheers,
clurink the'i-ear now ended, fcir the'°un re
of .the Spirit vouchsafed, for thcpeteetind
fellowship, we have enjoyed_ , among
o i ther, and for the divers,blessings, that have
attended our hurnble;',fierts in his' eanse.
For the .Aresbytenan Banner.
Church Dedicated.
The new Presbjteriatt church edifice at
Canton, PerinSiiVania, was dedicated on
priate services, to the Trittlie ,God.
'• liar the Presbyterian Banner
Inward= Proof,
How do
_you know that the Bible is
trim ?" . eaid captious skeptic to a plain
farmer j ;who was an .exemplary Christian.
" Iknow that it is true, in the same way
that I know that water quenches thirst,"
said the farmer.`
" Yen know that* water quenches thirst
;because: yon haveAliigd it) -You can't try
the Bible in that Way,: You can neither
eat it nor drink it."
" Yoh are 'alittle too fast. I have tried
the Bible, and ' find that it is meat and
drink to.ray soul."'
" No one can understand what you mean
when you talkin„that way." The skeptic
was not inclined to continue the conversa
We maylavethe,!disease ourselves, and
,take medicine.., If• we recover from
the dise.aie, and if it is clear that our re
dovery-was owing tithe medicine, then We
knoWfroth-experiefide that the assertion is
aristiaz KioCedge,
A gueitiiit Ever)" Olie.