Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, November 23, 1861, Image 3

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Mc—the cost being about ninety-five.thou-
o I 1 s.
THE &outer of the Cross, the High
Church paper of Philadelphia, has been
compelled to suspend its issues. In the
last number the'edieorisiiyif: '
Owing to the derangement of business
mend of national affairs, and particularly to
the stoppage of the mails in the seceded
States, so much has been lost in dues and
in . substiribirs, that it i 3 4inpessible)liii?us
to continue the paper. It is now merged
in the Church, Journal of New-York.
ACCORDING to the following account,
taken from ,Baptist laper v iy r A3ptly )
who lately 'left sei ty ailcolint Or his
connexion with the South, was not very
favorably received at home
We are informed by an intelligent mem
ber of the ohurek .(o,WhielkliiiJ Brant
ly was pastor, in Philadelphia, that when
leis family reached Georgia, be was waited
upon by a committee, and requested to take
the oath of allegiance to the Constitution of
the Confederate states. This he declined
to do, and was thin (Uremia:tat 4 4 06'54'
would be allowed him to reflect upon the
subject. At the expiration of ten days
e committee again waited upon him,
when ho again refused to take the Bath,
and was then shut up , in prison, where he
still remains. This is the - statement, as
we have received it from what seems to be
good authority, but we do not wish to be
understood as vouching for its accuracy.
Rev, George B. Duffield, ID., of Detroit,
veteran clergyman of the New-School Pres
byterian Church, has given two sons to the
service of his country in this war. His
youngest is Colonel of a Michigan Regi
ment, and the papers report a very affect
ing scene, when the father presented to his
son, for hie regiment, a set of colors, with
an appropriate and touching spats+, which
was most affectionately responded to by the
young officer.
The Gardens of Shakespeare.—An appeal
has recently been made in England forcon
tributions toward the purchase of the gar
(lens of the great dramatist, at Stratford
ou-Avon, which are now advertised for sale
as a building'site. ibis prdposeit that fif
teen hundred pounds should be raised for
the purchase of the property, to be then
transferred to the corporation of Stratford
on-Avon, on the express condition' that the
public be always freely admitted, and that
no erection of any kind be ever permitted
the gardens.
The First Secessionist.—When General
'cone retired after the battle of Eutaw, to
ie Santee hills, in September, 1781, the
outh Carolinians endeavored to persuade
le Maryland and Virginia troops to desert
id go home. At last a fellow, named
mothy Griffin, seeing some Marylanders
earnest conversation with an officer,went
and openly urged them to resist his au
lority. The officer, Chpt. McPherson, of
aryland, knocked, the Mutinous South
, olinian down, and then had him arrest-
The next morning he was tried, found
ilty, and shot immediately in presence of
whole army. This put a stop to " se
The Philadelphia 'North Am'eriean' states
it Commodore Dupont, of the famous
gal Expedition, should be added to the
of Christian warriors. It adds: "No
has ever sailed with him who does not
oar and love him, while •no ships, ever
ibited better discipline than those
oh he commanded. He was always
1, but kind ; rigid, but lenient. No
ifanity ever polluted his lips, and no
3lessness of living ever set a bad ex
'pie to younger men •whb were serving
ler him."
leajamin Stark has been appointed
ited States Senator from Oregon, in
ice of the late Colonel Baker. He is a
live of Connecticut, and in politics, a
toe Demodeitt.
Judge Grier, of the Supreme Court, re
ntly expressed a reluctance to try a case
' piracy. He said he could not under
tnd the policy of hanging
. captives taken
sea, and holding or I.eleasing those taken
Last week, says the correspondent of the
, -York Tribune, a South Carolinian,
ident in Charleston / who has brains as
'1 as money, subscribed land paid for $l.O / -
1 of these 7,30 Treasury Notes.
Gen. MeClellan's staff and body guard now
met to two hundred men. They present
splendid appearance, as they gallop at full
3ed along the lines,, cluring a review.
Scott, shortly e ore his
tained positive information that his en
estate, all of which is situated in Vir
ia, had been seized and sequestered for
benefit of the so-called Confederate
rnment. p,
A pompous young preacher, wee . asked
Emmons how he liked' 'sermon.
doctor ( then ninety years old) rose
, his chair, protruded hixcheeks,inflated
chest, gave a significant puff, and then
down without saying a word. T9,,a.P0t 1 7,
young man he said, "'Your gerinoll was
) much like Seekonk Plain, long and
;el." 'When be beard a lieentiate's. , ser;
in that went over the whole catechism,
inquired, " Towt , l ,*, friend, do .you ever.,
sect to preach again ?'" tee; sir;
ope to." " Well, if you do, what in the
rorlcl will you preach about?"
In arguing with an Universalist once,
Emmons fairly drove the poor errorist
co a corner. At . last he exclaimed,
Well, doctor Emmons, every 'tub must
cl on its own bottom." " True.euOtigh,",
the doctor, his eyes sparkling with
" true enough, but what will 'become
those tubs that, have not got any
Dr. Samuel Stanhope Smith, President of
inecton College, was considered one of
greatest preachers of his times. He
remarkable for his dignity of manner,
inting almost to bombast. He had a
her, Dr. John B. Smith',:of'Union Col-
The brothers met in New-York, and
Princeton Doctor premihed. On the
to their lodgings, Dr. •Samuel said to
John: "Brother Jack, what did you
nk of my sermon?" John replied, "It
all very well, perhaps, but I could not
ip thinking you preached; instead of
'us Ohrist'and him orneifoid; Skim' S6ith
. him dignified."
This same Dr. Samuel Stanhope Smith
the grandfather of ex-Vice-PTeaident
kinridge, now a Brigadier-General in
rebel army. The mother of Breckin
;e, daughter of Dr. Smith, is now resid
in Baltimore with her son-in-law, Rev.
J. Bullock, D.D., pastor of the , Frank—
Street Presbyterian church.
he total number of collieries ,ingfeat
lin at present is estimated at two thou
six hundred and fifty-four; of those,
thousand nine hundred and forty-three
in England, two hundred and thirty
in Wales, four hundred and-five in 5, qotr,-
and seventy-one in Ireland: In' 1857
coal produce of the United Kingdom
led sixty-five million tone. The value
pit's mouth of the quantimannually
is estinisted- atesBllsoo,oooand its
annual value when consumed at about
000,000. Beside this sum it is 'esti
, that the iron extracted yearly from
f~iooals raised isworth at the mouth of
&moo:3'; Vit,t 4 AoUo. The total vapiv
tal invested in the trade is supposed ; to ex
ceed $92,500,000. In 1851 the number of
persons ! employed in :the 'English coal
mines was two hum3red an&nineteen thou,:
sand; at present there afrat least two hun
dred and fifty thousand. .
church of Mt. Prospect, on the Second Theiday (10th defy') of
December Heat, at 'll o'cloCk -A. ffi. A'foll attendance Is
earnestly requested. ALEXANDER M. CARRELL,
Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF BEAVER will meet in the church
of Weetfield, on the Third Tuesday of December. at• 11
o'clock A. M. D. C. REED, Stated Clerk.
arilerAt.".getus :
Western Virginia.
Gen. Rosecrans, owing to the difficulty of mov
ing hie division speedily, failed to bring Floyd
to a decisive engagement. Floyd has retreated,
and there is likely to be no large battle,, for this
Godey's Lady's Book; and Peterson's Mail=
For Deember, are on our table, from John H.
Hunt, Masonic Hall, Fifth Street. They fully
sustain their past reputation. Mr. Hunt has all
the newspapers and magazines of the day for
The Eclectic Magazine.
The December number of this entertaining
monthly is on our table. The work is published
by W. H. Bidwell, Esq., 6 Beekman Street, New-
York, and sold by Henry Miner, Pittsburgh. It
is always rich, but the number before us is pecu
liarly excellent.
Catalogae of Vines.
C. W. Grant, Esq., lona, New-York, send us a
pamphlet of forty-eight pages, containing an Il
lustrated Catalogue of Vines, with directions rel
ative to planting and culture. Those who would
supply ~themselves with choice varieties of
GRAPES, and learn how to plant and tend them,
may write to Mr. Grant.
Temperance Lettares.
We are pleased to learn that Mr. John B.
Gough, the celebrated Temperance Lecturer, will
appear before a Pittsburgh audien3e on Friday
and Saturday evenings, 22d. and 23d inst., in
Concert Ball. Mr. Gough is here by an arrange
ment of that enterprising company, the MBROAN
ball will be filled. The doors open at 6i o'clock.
Lecture to commence at 7f. Tickets 25 cents.
Our army has retired from Springfield, mili
itary operations being impracticable, on account
of the condition of the roads. M'Culloch has
retired to Arkansas, and Price to the South
western county in Missouri. They burnt large
quantities of hay, 'oats, &c., as they retired, to
prevent their falling into the hands of our
Rolla, at the termination of the South-western
branch of the Pacific Railroad, and Sedalia, at
the end of the railroad which runs West from
Jefferson City, are to be strongly occupied for
the Winter. Men can be speedily thrown out
from St. Louis, to either place. Having command
of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and of all
the railroads, a small force may be used to great
advantage. A large part of the army will be
moved toward Kentucky and Tennessee.
• Kentucky.
The news, last• week, of a splendid:. victory
gained by Gen. Nelson over the rebels in'Eastern
Kentucky, seems to have been greatly exaggera
ted. There was a battle, and a victory, and a
retreat, leaving our army in possession of the
field; but the slain and the prisoners were by no
means so numerous as stated.
Zollic6ffer was still on the xetreat toward Ten
nessee, at last accounts, and - his army diminish- .
ing ; but there is confusion i4he,statements. It
is probable, as reported, that Gen. Sidney A.
Johnston, now in supreme command of the Con- .
federate. armies in that region, is collecting a
large force,for an advance. It is said he has al
ready 4%000 troops concentrated, intending to
make a dash on Lexington, Louisville, and Cin
cinnati. We rather think heiwill not reach any
of these places. The national forces in Central
Kentucky are able to keep in check even a larger
army than that; while those at Paducah, Cairo,
and St. Louis, with the pin-boats, will call his
attention strongly to the Western part 'of the
The Telegraph Advancing Round the World
The completing of the telegraph to San Fran
cisco, connects Cape-Race, New-Foundland, with
the Golden Horn, California, a distance of nearly
five thousand miles. The Russians are engaged.
in extending the European system through
Northern Asia, by the River Amoor, to Behring'e
Straits. This being done, and it will be shortly,
thenext movement will be from San Francieco
North'werd, through Cregon, .Washington Terri-;
tory, British Columbia, and the Russo-American
Possessions, to the same -Straits. Then, about
forty miles of sub-marine cable ; to pasa the
Straits, will connect all the important parte of
the civilized world. Even Africa is in the con
nexion, for the French have recently succeeded
in laying a wire through the Mediterranean.
True, this will be 'a round about way to send
news from Ireland, to Newfoundland and the
United States, but the system being completed, a
small part of a day- will suffice for the task.
What a bond of union is the tiny wire 1
l'enagylrania Railroad.
This noble institution is enlarging greatly the,
field of its influence. It is, we believe, the only
extendedlnilroad in the country which - has been
able promptly And undeviatingly to pay interest
and, dividends. It commenced operations•on the !
principle of paying interest to the stockholders
on their investments from the very day on which
a stock payment should be made. This was reg.- 4
Wanly done Hittite road was put through and in'
operation for its ' entire length ; and 'since the
completion of the road, (that is, a single track
through to Pittsburgh,) dividend averaging six.
per cent.. has.been made. And the work on the
second track s is nearly completed.
The original charter was from Harrisburg to
Pittsburgh. The road has since bought the State
improvements from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia.
It has bought, or constructed and leased,_several
branch roads, which operate as important feed
ors. It has aided .several Western roads, and
thereby secured a largeamount of busineas.
centlyit has bought, or so arranged 'as' to have
the control of, the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and
Chicaldrioa" d:. This gives it a centinned mite,
without break of gauge,- from Philadelphia to
Chicago. And lastly, it has: leased, for ninety
nine years, the Philadelphia and Erie, (Sunbury
and Erie.) This it will finish in a short time,
and thus ;connect tour Eastern with our North
:western metropolis--the Atlantic tide-water with
the Lakes, all the:Way through Pennsylvania soil.
The value of a connix,ion between Philadel
phia and Erie, Has impossible to estimate. Biz
hundred minima worth or property now paws:
yeartylrom LakofEriaterew , York; by tile eantii
and : railroads of that State;; sad nearly all of this
is fro n t above the city Effie , going past that
plate to Dunkirk or Buffalo, seeking shipment to
tide-water. A portien 61 7 Chia' the nevi Pennsyl
vania road must obtain at once; and the growing
trade of the liorth.Weit,' looking for an exit to
the. Atlantic) by , the , Way ofTliteltakes,lnuat isoon
occupy the 'railroad to lia:utasoist capacity,' The,
road also, patssea Altrouiv alffiske agricultural
country, and partly through 'lt coal and. , lumber
region. • • • ' ,
!To managesneh inusizplt concern will re=
(fair. arid:antirgi. , These qualliiiisia
PRESBYTERIAN. ,BANNER-t:SATITTZDA7s4 . N0.V,R11.0.:*..,1:,W.•.
possessed in a very high' degree by the COMpiny
The stock is' owned almost entirely by Pennsyl
vanians. - -The managers are citizens of the State,
and State interests are to be promoted, by the
No great movement has yet taken place,
though - there is said to be great activity in every
department of tile service, and the preparations
for Winter quarters are on a scale quite too lim
ited to induce the thought that the whole army
is to tarry there.
,Troops are still flocking thither, and are to do
so for some time yet. "But the army probably
does not increase. Fifteen thousand left.tlisre
for Port Royal ; and fifteen thousand more sae
said to be now at Annapolis, awaiting transports
for the South. It may be a wise policy to keep
the rebels in large force at Manassas and along
the Potomac. They do but little harm there,
and are exhausting themselves, while they have
the far South open to the attacks of naval expe
ditions. '•
NOVEMBER 14.—A special order has hero is
sued by Gen. McClellan, relieving those members.
of Gen. Fremont's staff, who were appointed /7010
civil life, from duty, and discharging them beau
% % further service in the army. The order , also clils-
Altrges all those , pertains appointed into the mil
itary service by Gen. Fremont, whose appoint-
Ment have not been sanctioned by the President.
Harney has gone to Fortress Monroe. It is
strnieed, b ymany, that he will take command of
the reinforcements, and participate in the cam
paign on the Southern coast.
Gen. Sherman, who has been superseded by -
Gen. Buell,' in Kentucky, is to report to Gen.
Halleok in Missouri.
The.reconnoisance of Mathias Point, made en
Monday last, was thowh, and was skillfully
executed. It was accomplished by four hundnedt
men of Fifth Regiment, Shikliel Brigade, Imam
Col. Graham: They penetrated' into Virginia.
over four miles without encountering any. of„
rebels, except a body of thirty cavalry, who were•
driven in, and a few pickets, two of whom vxnets
shot while endeavoring to escape.
Nov. 17.—The President has appointed Copt_
A. H Foote_as Flag Officer, of the fleet in the
Western Department. He thus ranks with the'
Major-General. This arrangement obviates sony
possible conflict of authority between the esia
menders respectively of the land and water
From every indication there does not appal
to be any doubt but that the navigation Of tats•
Potomac will be resumed within the neat• tea
days. When the rebel batteries are once sile3ozed.
they will be kept silenced.
When the news of the capture of Port Rail
reached the Confederate camp at Manassas,
three South Carolina Regiments demanded per
mission and declared their intention to return at.
once to the protection of their own State. €tk-
dere were issued from Headquarters to prevent.
their departure at all hazards.
It ie not believed at Headquarters that any
considerable number of troops have been via
drawn from the rebel army opposite Washington',
in consequence of the invasion of South Gum-
Beauregard has not gone to Charleston„ as
reported. The rumor, however, which imputes
to him an inclination to resign unless a more 'Jig
orous policy be adopted in the conduct of the
war, is not without foundation.
Port Royal.
In our last we gave a brief account of the
capture of this place by our fleet and army, -with
some description of the excellent harbor andlits
advantages as a basis of military operations in.
South Carolina.
There were 1;800 rebels on Hilton Head, aadt
1,500 on Bay Point. We have captured 55 can
non, 500 muskets, and any quantity of ammuni
tion. The road by which the rebels escaped was
covered with rifles, muskets, knapsacks, etc.
We have taken at least 2,500 blankets, and tents
for 3,000 men. The rebel guns were all 32-
pounders, four being rifled, and cast this year at
Richmond. The others were from Norfolk, in
cluding an English gun captured in the last war.
'The musket ammunition in English, and the fort
ammunition from Richmond. '
After the capture of the forts and the landing
of the army, the work of extending the fortifica
tions, and of adapting them to the:wants of their,
new possessors, was commenced. , Security was
thought by our commanders 'to be preferable to
extended"coitquests—oonqnests which might be
speedily lost. Railroads from every important -
point in the Southern States, including Norfolk,
Richmond, and Manassas, can be used to con
centrate men near'Beaufort;.and there might be
tens of thousands of their best troops there bg
fore any reinforcements from the Chesapeake
could reach our men by sea. Hence the wisdom
of keeping our forces together, and fortifying
their position strongly. The harbor, and the
water passages between Charleston and Savan
nah, are in our possession. These we can hold
permanently, and advances maybe made accord
ing 'to circumstances. Ordnance and ordnance
stores have been. sent from New-York. Three,
thousand men have . been shipped from Boston,
andlifteen thousand are at Annapolis awaiting
transports. These may all be destined for Port
Royal. Or, possibly some other port may be the
object of attack.
The official dispathhee are full of -interest; but
too extended for our columns. We give a pot
tion of them :
FLAG SHIP WABASH, off Hilton Heaa i
Port Royal Harbor, N0v..8, 1861. f
Ste have the honor to inform yoti that
yesterday I attacked the enemy's batteries on.
Bay Point and Hilton Head, _Forts Beauregard
and Walker, and succeeded in silencing
after an engagettiont of four hours' durition; and
&lying away the squadron of rebel steamers uti:-
der Com. Tatman. The reconnoissance aof yes
teodbay made us acquainted with the superiority
of Fort Walker, and to that I directed my spe
cial. efforts, engaging it at first at a distance of
809 and afterwards 600 .yards ; but the plan of
attack brought the squadron sufficiently near.
Fiat Beauregard to receive its fire, and the ships
were frequently fighting -the batteries on both;
sides at the same time. The action was begun,
on my part, at 26 minutes after 9 o'clock, and at
half-past twe,the American ensign was hoipted.on
the fag-staff of,Port Walk'er, and this morning, at
enurise, on Fort Beauregard. The defeat of the
enemy terminated in their utter route and con
fusion. Their quarters' and - eneatipments we 4 re.
aba.ndonediwithoutany attempt on their part to
carry away either public or private property.
The ground over which they fled was strewn
with the arms 'otthe privites,"andllie!officers re
tired in too much haste to submit to the blown
, brance of their' swords. Landing my marines
and a company of seamen, I took possession, of
the deserted ground, and held the fort on Hilton
Head until the arrival of Gen. Sherman, to whom
had the honer to transfer its eccupatiiin
have captured forty-three pieces of•cannon,toost
of them of the heaviest calibre, and of theinost
improved description. The bearer of these-dis
patches will have the honor to carry with ,him
the captured flags and two small brassleld pieces,
latelrbelong,ing to the State.of Smith Carolina,
which we send home as suitable trophies. of the
success of the, navy. A detailed account of ,the
battle will , be submitted hereafter: •
I have.the honor to be, very reipectiully, your
obedient servant,
(Signed)` • §..F.; Du roar,
Flag Officer. Commtutding „H.. A.. . Blockading
Squadron: `•
P. S.—The bearer of dispatches will also carry
With him the first Ai erieturensign . raised upon
the eon of South Carolina_ sinee, the' rebellicifiT
bewhe out.
To Hon. Gideon Welles; Secretary of the Nary.
Fiat; 'SIP WABA.SII, Hilton Head,
Port Royal Harbor, Nov. 9, 1861.
Stn.:—Since writing my official dispatch, I
have sent the gunboats to take • possession of
1 - Wnfort to protect the inhabitants, but P regret
to say that they have fled; and the town is aban
+lowed to the negroes, who are reported to me as ,
'being, jn. a,lewless condition.. The light ,vessels
wliioh 1 hoped ,to :save, were destroyed in the
r,tiastruetion of the forts by the rebel.. The post
-a, OfffitaN was visited. and number lettere,
fo,bintned. hive: covered SkUll Creek; .at the
swenth - otßroad River, and have opt off the come ,
menefeation between - Charle r et,on and Savannah.
' Respectfully, your ebedient.servant,
(Signed),, . „S. Derwr,
Flag . Officer demmanding.'S. A. 13looliading
• 'Squadron. 7 • .
Gen. Sherman's proclamation shows the object
of tbe,Government. Xt.readn thus:
• . -
2 air ifv , 0,1,4f • A
,Carefleng .
rs In ` fence A, ordeis.of the rreiddent of
:the United-States of America, I have landed inn,
your shores with a smallfOree - of:Natiorial troops
The dictates of, duty . ,,,which,,Alnder these cif
:climatal:ones: to a ,great iove i iign'State, and
* i ps,ol44 and hospitable people, amoog,wlxOni I
intve passed souib OfAlfe*pleatiantest, daystof.niy
iirouipt me to proclaim that we baive*Schlat
amongst you: with no feelings of personal ani
mosity, no desire harm Jour,citizens, destroy
your property, or 'interfere with any of your
lawful rights, or your social and local institu
tions, beyond what the causes herein briefly allu
ded to may render—•unavoidable. , Citizens of
South Carolina, the, civilized world .stands. ap
palled at the course you `are pursuing i appalled,
at the crimes you are committing against your
own mother, the besti. the meet 'enlightened and,
heretofore, the most,prosperouwof nations. You
are in a state of active rebellion against the laws,
of your country. You hive lawlessly seized
upon the forts, arsenals, and Other property be
longing to our common country within'your boy-'
ders, and, with this property,'you arein arms and
waging a ruthless war against your Constitu
tional Government,:and thus threatening the, ex
istence of a Government which you are bound
by the terns of a solemn - c,omPact; to live tinder
and-faithfully support. In doing this you are
not only undermining.and preparing the way for
totally ignoring your . own .nolitical and:social
existence, but you. are threatening t gi civili
zed world with the odious' sentiMentl
hat self
government is impossible' with ' Civilized -man.
Felloweitizens, I implore you to pausq and re
flect .upon the .tenor and consequence of your'
act. If the awful sacrifices, made by the devas
tation of our property, the sheddingei: linter*
blood 'in battle, the mourning and wailing of
widows and orphans throughout our laikl, are in
sufficient to deter' you frotzi further pursuingthis
unholy war, then ponder, I teseech you, upon
the ultimate, but not less certain,-res 11- which,
to its further progress, must.necessaril • and nat- ;
urally entail upon your once happy an , prosper- '
ous State. Indeed, can yOu pursue t is fratri- •
cidal war, and can you imbrue your 4 ands in ,
the loyal blood of your countrymen, yo , friends,
your kinsmen, for no : other object:than, o unlaw-,
fully disrupt the confederacy, of a gre; people ;
a. confederacy established by your own hads, in
order to set up, were 'it possible; an 'in , ep'endent
Government, under which you can ne er live:in
peace, prosperity, .or ' quietness. .Ca olinians: t
We have come _among•you as - loyal.
~, en,- fully
impressed, with our. Constitutional ob 11:. tions to
the citizens of your State. . Theie o , ligatictim
shall be performed as fir as'in 'our k wer ; but'
be not deceived, the obligations - of su , pressing'
armed combinations against the Con= itutionalt
authorities is paramount to all othertt,A, If i , in the,
performance of this duty, other millet, but im-,
portant obligations Should be in any Ica negleet-,.
ed, it must be attributed to the necessi es Of the
case, because right, dependent on , the' w of the
State, must be necessarily subordinate to military
exigencies created by insurrection'and.rebellion.
Signed, T. W. &mamas', •
' Brigadier-General Comnianding. *,
Headquarters, G. C., Port Royal, :Nov. 8 t 1861.
Eastern Shore, Virginia.
One of the most important movements which
have recently been made is the occupation'` of Ac-
comae and Northampton CoUnties, 'Va., by Na
Lionel troops, which has before' been' alluded to.
The movement was planned by Gen. Di .a ..and has
been carried out under his direction.-The force
numbers between four' and five thousand,. and in-
eludescavalry and-Artillery—sufficient to cope
with success with. the rebel force .there, under.
stood to number eighteen hundred, cut off from
the possibility of reinforcement. On the advent
of the National troops, a proclamation by. Gen.
Dix was issued, promising proteotion,for persons
and property to those who were 'dispoSed to be
have with propriety, but warning rebels that they
must expect , no favors,
From Ike the,.
lisw-Yong, N0v...19.+-The,United States trans
port Atlantic has arrived. She left, Port Royal
at 3 o'clock P. M., on the I.6th inst. - Thetown of,
Beaufort h'ad not, np to that time, been occupied
by, the United States troops. The At/antic.,brings
home a number of passmgers and inysJids,, from
tfie army and navy, and six. . prisonele. Every
thing was quiet at Port Royal. All the. troops
had been stationed, and were- in good' health.
Several visits had been' made to Beaufort by. a
regiment ordetadtment, but they retired, leaving
the place deserted. There had been no.commu
nication from the opposite side of the Wand, con
firming the report that the Union, pickets had
been attacked. The stores and ordns.nces had
been nearly all landed. The' dispatch relative to
the fleet being seen off Fernandina; bound South,
is undoubtedly an. error, as the fleet remained at
Port Royal on the 16th inst. The Aclantic brings
a number of rebel trophies, and one bale of .cot
lore* Plus.
We have Liverpool dates to the Bth inst. There
is no news of particular importance.,
The cotton question is declining somewhat in
public interest. Prices range at about-26 cents.
There were 683;000, hales..ort hand:, .and; some
still coming from India. The mills can work. at
a half to two-thirds time, till,Bpring.
The English , Government; has ordered large
shipments of ball cartridges to ,Canada,, but the
shipment of the Armstrong. guns, has, been coun
The convention for intervention in Mexico
has been signed, and preparations are actively
Pittsburgh Market.
WEDNESDAY, h . lre;poier .204844..
APPLES=-$2.20@2.50 bbl.
ASHES—Soda Ash, . - Pots, 4@4104- Pearls,'
- The .stock in Brat hands Is ample for. all ordinary
BEANS—Prime' White...1.2E01.40 per bushel:
BUCKWHEAT PLOVR-$2.00 'ft 100 lbs.
BROOMS—Common, SPAU: fancy, 2.00@2.25.
BUTTER—Choice .Eull,ll@tl3.4c.At lb.
CRANBERBIES-41.00@7.00 bl. - " '
CHEESE—Western Reserve, td,,ic. Hamburg, 834 c..
ILIBD; PEACHES—New croP,s4.62X Wbushel.
EGGS-15c. per dozen.
FEATHERS—Prime Western, 40c. lb.:
ELOUR,-Extra, 14.15 ; -.Extra Family, 55.009,525 ; Fancy,
GROCERIES—Coffee:' Good Rio 111 1 4:@163.5c. Sugar,
10c. Rica, 8 . 1 ,4@ec.. Molaseree, 45019 c.
HAY--$8.0u09.00 'fi Zan. at scales.
HIDES AND .LElTHElt—Green beef hides; eigielAo.; green
salted hides. eM(glac.i dry flint, 12c. Rough_ country
leather iatrill at 2002.2 c. Dressed leather is *quoted as fol
lows: Red Spanish Sole Vs lb., 21@24c. Slaughter Sole ifs lb.,
2602130.; Upper Leather, dozen, $24638; Bridle Leather
Mogen, 540045; Skirting 'Leather lb:, 27029; Harness
" MMINT—Pearl,lO.OO bbl.
OATS-25c. Vi bushel.
POTATOES—Pink Eyes, 05a. per bushel.
- SALTL-N 0.1; 11.5001.60.
SEEDS—Clover, 13.7501.00. . Timothy, 162.00. Flak,
STEARINE-9 1 4(4934c. VSE '
TALLOW—Rough, be.; Country rendered. ea.
By Rev. G. W. Mechlin, Mr. JAMES WADDING, of Armstrong
County, to Miss Annum M. KNOX, of Maroband,lntlialut
County, Pa. November btb, Mr. JOHN .If.DLIS ;to Miss
daughter of W. W. Marshall, JEsii:, of Armstrong
Near Washington, 111, on October Mil; hp , Re+. W. T.
Mama, Mr. JAlttB C. M'CLIMOOK tO. Mite KIRK ,ANN A.
Won. hecor, on 'Novembertsth,'Mr: Miro C. &MK to
MU Banta E. Talents.
October alet, by Rev. D. W. Townsend, at the residence of
the bridegroom's father, Mr. lams KIRKWOOD to Mrs. HAW
NIA B. TOWNRENb. Ali of Westmoreland County; Tn.
, . .
By Rev: Sohn Moffat, at - the residence 'of the bride, "On'the
heautiint Ohio, on the 12th list, Mr: Jews Diaz
Wheeling, Vi., , to Alias Isisme. OnA.Nar.i.
At the "American House," Washington,,Obio, by Rev:. W.
M.-Ferguson , October . Mr'. Gamma Taicacii - to `MissZuz-
ABMS M WARDEN, bath sonaoaoin oL or -On the 7th
inst., Mr. J." 14: M'iftseori,"ot Morilitown, Ohio, to Miss las-
RaTraLof the „vicinity of Wishingtori.. , Ort the 12th testi
Mr. E. B. Mg OPIUM to Miss. MARY Tnpsn'soN, both of the
neighbotilooti' of-8yeM , 1.11:4 guernsey Connfy, Obid.`
At Moseinonnt ty.Rriv: Wm. Huritef, 'on the 19th' Of Sep
tember; MOVritzsito„„SnArriton to Mies Lop 5A ; THOMPSON.
Ott the 24tli September , 'Mr. Ainssammt M'lmunprir to
Mize. Jots MoMoternis. Zad of ;October,: Mt. M
%MUST= DU/CLAP to Miss .14Esnozuzy COOLEY At Rose
me:Milt:on the tOth o'f QctobeiVkir: Wiiriaat KENVER to M ise
Minvea: Sriontiss.. ;At theinune place, on !the .81. st of Octo.
Aer. Mr. JAWS MA IMF to Miss ikiABGARET A. Toisszcz,all
of !leaver Oaniiry, Pa.
On Thursday . evening; October 25th; by Mev. M. L. Wort
titan..7own W. Weout,-f,1.D....t0. Mire MAysteA. Cloitsmuos.
On' Thursday,. Anal 12th, Mr. doer; mooiev: to Miss NAOMI
A. Wrszv.'aMof AlleghettY Comity, Pa. : ' • "
► biluart
Lute, mcierre,
QE ALn 7 ,.Nniewoitts rata.l ' ,
• • 1 1q - bx6:l
7sXiirt'rOn Octoller.loth,lB6l,llr. 3 11911 N
TOW, 'near Ca'netehaele,'ln . the 714 rat of bit seetaber
at Nal%Projrialenee church. • •
VLF& —Ori. tiie lath otOetober4BBl; lati:lfAltaLallET;
Ski% 'of Mr. Sohn Stevenson, of Whitely, Grefen,gonety,
member of New Providence church.
DIED—On . the 4th of , November, 1861,,OZOROZ,DATIS,
Def., In the 74th year of Wage; 'Mr teeny yea* vtailitg
EU,tr of.Nmt!roetdoticoohnroh.: „
brzi:l; :ori6osibac , lBlll;AlTAlN listlinPrOori
son Thomas L. Crmmitte, etirt . 3 YearfrkAuma9P l6
pIEDLAt his residence, in Green County Pe.. Ontolier
16th.1801. alter a, short but severe illness M. TyAlr *e-
CALLOVErilOrrthe Kcith'yegi'of his Elie NI •
Ttie dreresed'ilis_ married to Mies Airreibilion; by, whom
he :had ten 4211dren,aniain .. of 'efhpurare,TeViliegOtittllyig.
ran only eon, the youigeet member of tri#t,ftittippettoitit. hts
ebttnires call , sows tintelhn*ehetftlltily attthAgOd ttie e4}..
deartnente . of sn attaclied bone for the stirring and perilous
scenes of war. Mt. M'Citliongh;bY a lite of 'etticiVaohrietY;' ,
untiring t;induetry, and patient tont succeeded not only. in t
retiring his tamp)y, in, oomfprt, but in affording them t an edn-,
cation such as to At them for active duty and social refine-,
The manynterling, qualities he 'POSseeeed, setved to com
mend him to i'la'rge circle. of acquaintance!, and to render.
hie death an event of airmen regret to 'eery many, and eve..
Manx to a family tenderly devoted to him. The deceased was
for years a resular ' attendent on the preaching of the Gospel,
in the support of which he tooken active part. The diseiMe
of which he died was so rapid in its progress as to afford but'
little:oPportunity of converse with him in • relation' to hi&
voiritual interest!. -The suddenness <Ajar departure admen-•
ivies the living to be ready, for in such an hour as they think,
not, the Son of. Man cometh. J. M.
.SICK CAM I—Young men be, warned in time:
supply yourselves With HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINT-
Mit They are guaranteed to cure the worst cases oi
Soies;llleera, , Seurvy, Fevers and Bowel Complaints. Only
25 eta: per box or pa.
F; R 11rE - Y SI
66 3L• 311E"' 3IC" (ip "
The intense interest everywhere felt in the mighty contest
in vihich ,the Armies and Fleets of the Nation are engaged,
on the Potomac, in Western Virginia, in Kentucky, in Alis
eourt, on: the- Sea Oteet t iand elsewhere, and the existing de
mand for a liFeeltly Journal that will furnish a full and ac
curate acenunt of the thrilling events of this exciting and
ever-memorable period; acceptable aliketo Soldiers in Camp,
to, peaceful , firesides, to those who wishto obtain the latest
war news, mid to those who desire to preserve in aconvenient
form, for future ,reference, a correct History of the Great
h'ehellion, hes indueed'ule to commence, on . .
eaturday, November 16, - 1861,
the publication'of a GREAT WAR PAPER, (in Ken ef the
present issue of the Weekly I rasa,) to be called FORNEY,'S
WAR PRESS." It will be printed' in superior style; on .a
large quarto sheet of eight pages, and each number 'will pre
sent the following attractive features, viz.: -;
A Beautiful Engraving.
Illustrating au event of the War, or a MA P of some locality
where important operations are in contemplation;
from all parts of the country, received during each week It;
Mail and byTelegraph, from - nuniereus Special Correspond
ents, and all other reliable Sources of information;
The Letters of " Occasional,"
Whose epistles from Washington. during the last three y , un
have been singularly correct in their statements and pr, die
Eons, and whose comments ;upon publie Weirs have L
copied and read with deep, interest throughout the why.
country , • • f: „, .
Illustrative of the romantic , incidents connected with the;
War; Gleanings from the rich treasures of War-Wit ant
'War-Poetry, that are elicited by the mighty , events nest
interesting to all Denominations IMPOYTANT ARTICLE:
REPORTS, including the Cattle Markets of Philadelphia.
New-York, and otherplaces, the Mbney Markets, andßeporte
of the Prices of Produce and Merchandise.
Efforts will conStantly, be made to introduce, such new few
totes as will 'rktider the 4 . WAR PREeS" one of the most
popular and attractive Journals of the country: If, con
trary to general expectations, the war should be suddenly
brought to a close, its columns will be filled with articles
that will,prove deeply interesting to its readers. ,
One copy, 01118 years $2.00
Thive copies, one year 6.00
Five copies, one year 8.00
Larger Clubi will 'he' charged at the same rate, thus: 20
copies will cost $24; fifty, copies will cost SOO; and 100 copies,
5 . 120. We also offer the following
To every Subscriber remitting us $2. we will toward by
mail a firsbrate, new, large CuLtiftED MAP of the Southern
States, which gives the most useini and comprehensive view
of the Seat of War, and descriptions of 'the important local
ities of the South, that has yet been published. Its retail
price is fifty cents:and it is well width double that sum.
We will also forward one ropy of this Map tMiany person
who sends us a club of three, of five, or of ten subscribers.
Any person sending 1.19 a club of twenty subscribers, ac
compamed with $24, will be entitled to an extra copy (for
the getter ,of the Muta t ) and also to a copy, of the above- -
mentioned Map.
In order, to further atimulate individual exertion to extend
the circulation of tho WAR PRESS,. we offer the follow
ing liberal premiums
will be presented to the person or persons who may procure
the largest list of subscribers by, the Ist of April, 1882;
to the person forwarding the second highest number by the
to the.person forwarding the third, largest number up to that
The condition of the foregoing premiums require all sub
scriptions .ti be paid iu , silvance fo4One•Year, at thirrates
publisßed Shove.
ALL PosTsiAsTEßs, and other loyal citizens, are earn
estly solicited, to assiPt in extending the-circulation of the
" WAR PRESS." They inay rest assured that they will
thereby uot only.securn to sulwerilieni a first-rate journal,
but one which will be au earnest champion of the,. vigorous
prosecution of the war and the restoration of the Union.
Specimen Copies will' be furnished to those who request
'Subecriptions may commence at' any time. Terms AL
WAYS CASH, in advance.:` .
All Letterns to be addressed to
T H. E vir O . R L D
An Independent and -Weekly News
270, Wariel, has now Leen in exiatence for a little more
than a year. it has attained, in ,that short period,. to the
highest rank in American journalism—to a 'Perfectly secure
financial basis, and to a circulation, patronage, and influence
which has 'only been 'equalled by other journale after the
labors of mantyears, , -
For the oomitig year no labor or eipenee will be spared to
make The Worid whit it elms to be-the
Best -Newspaper In America.
In Politics The-World is Independent, but -never Neutral.
It will never loud Itself to party service, but will help the
good and espese the bad of ail parties.. A. Pure morality and
a steadfaid adherence to Christian. Principle and Christian
Tenths' will guard its columns, and guide its judgment of
men and of events. It is the organ of no man and no set of
men. It is National, always on the side of the Union, the
Constitution; and the laws. •
In the future, as it has In tho past, it: will give to, the Ad
ministration a hearty and' vigorous support, because in the
war for the Union, twenty minima of people have confided
to its hands their battles, for Liberal Institutions, Goad Gov
ernment Nationality, and Freedom. . '
The World will oppose alt compromisfis which would bar
ter away tile princ i ples for which this war is *aged.; it will
Opium peace itself till the success of the war assures the
permanence of peace, and will urge the prosecution of the
war, with economy - but with relentless vigor, till federal
property is recovered, and federal authority is reistablished;
from the Chesapeake to the Rio Grande. .
, Otir correspondents are attached to the various divisions of
the army, will accompany them wherever they go,
and, by a
free use of the telegraph and the mails, present in the col-
from day to day and from month-to month
'ALL TILE NEWS will be found in the columns of The
World., in every department-of . human activity, Political,
Agricultural, and Commercial, as well ES in Literature,•Sci
ence; and Art.
'We shalt. continuo tho publication of our Eceleelastical
Record, and give to. Religious and: Educational Topics and
NeWs; and to all New Pabliestions, InventiOns, Discoveries,
and World; of Art, the same careful and . thorough sympathy
and attention.
. .
Thi , Daity World is the moat co m plete Commercial
end. News : paper .published to America. Vidted with . the
,Courier and .Enquirer, and preserving , all the commercial
and. distinctive :features 'of that journal, it hniebeconie the
principal advertising medium of theNew-York , Auctioneers,
ShiPping Merchants, and basilicas men generally. It is un
surpassed in-the fullness of its - political and miscellaneous
news, Its correspondence, Ac. it is printed on an im
perial quarto sheet, larger than any other two-cent daily.
No Sunday edition isprinted, and u vigilant watch Will be
kept over its columns, excluding everything unfit forfamily
Titans Pea Antinn—Six ; Your copies to one ad,
dries Twenty • Dollard. To clergymen, Five Dollars* per
entinM„ • *
heEetni-Weekky World len large quarto sheet, same size
as the daily, ,containing All its news,. correspondence, mit
hellany, and editorials, !t8 commercial and market news, and
always a good original:: story; or abme' production
from the beet Englien,novelista aud,periedical writers. Its
cattle market anti proViskai repoitimake it highly valuable
to every farmer.
Tams—Three Dollars per annum ; two copies to one ad
dress, Five' DollarS; five !copies to one addreee, Eleven Dol.
leas.. To clergymen, Two Dollars per year. Single copies,
Three cents. kublished Tuesdays and 'Fridays.
Trhe,lFfeekiyilVordd contains all the - editorials and themiest
important of all the news matter contained in the , daily
Lion, together with a good original. story, or Some bnliiant
production from the best English novelists. and periodical
writers. 'Lino other weekly peper published in this coon
are there found sneh• full Commercial and market reports,
and general news iritellegonea, combined with so much. edi
toile! Matter and variety of m iscellaneous reading, as in the
Weekly. World. •'
Tsaas—TWO Dollars a year; four copies to one address,,
Five Dollars; :twenty' , copies; Twenty Dollars. ' Clergyman
can receive the Weekly, . s ingle copy, at One:Dollar a . year .
Single cdples; Five cents. 'Published on Thursdays.
liFF'Oer triandi lathe country will bear in ndrid that the
Benson for ,au becribing for. icity.papars is about comenencing.
A word of commendation of this paper to, their neighbors is
all. Maths needed to insure a large increase in its circulation
Postmasters are earnestly requested to aid In the circula
ticin.of this paper—especially - of the weekly edition; They
would oblige us.hy furnishing the names of persons to +stoat
they dilnit it would be desirable to send 'Specimen numbers.
For every club of ten weeklieame will: send , a c4py of ithe
paper for one year to the posbitaster or to any other person
wbo get% it up ; and to any , poci.vilio gets lip a cinb of
twenty copies we will send a copy of the semi-weekly for one
Vor, a club of twenty. seml.weeilies, a copy of the daily
will be sent. .
. .
Remittithees 'Phi World may be made by drafts,. tress
sury, ootes, or battle9Alls of apecte 7 paying banka and, where
the attentleitrof the, Postmaster is called to the remittance at
the time of, mailing.the letter; it may bemade at our risk.
Specimen numtu;rs sent to any addresa upon application
Pot 2 3-, 7 t :
4n.. s s :01-N4 :
••• • • ... • • .1
2ro:4oAntidiefie,ixt Street,Areepe pendently on haltd-ft large.
!assortniefitOr Reidy-andeCoilinis, - Eltrchide;
4411°fiPtiftteetetclatl• Releot,tteery4cee fn. an '6006 Awl
Menired,and indpaine Ile sfetred,,to give entire Belida&
tion;i end re li eve the' hierldva the • teeny unprecessat 'duties
nman:wily conneeted.with,the;pieghpithnie•Whirial; at
gre - atly'reduced pined aiopeen dity aid night. Hearses
and Corylogros fn mashed. 'soy7:ly
.Ijfiniibit i ,•*,SOA4*4 l #EFcs . *( l 4•o.
4 1 9•41.1404 •Pitrik Mat,
7ilsrizz irrisros, cii 7 411917 !TUFO,
, Zrassi-Ar gals ,
TAmirt,RAMt ALIPS, , TANNERS! 011;404 .101.
:0 ),D THWBEES TERMS: '. 0 •
it ,ASS kindQof ; Leather in raW4l3Warttedi far, which
the hlgliebt market price will be given in cash, or taken in
exchange for Hides. Leather stored free of charge, and sob?
anlconunission. -
Met* Cl9l l l l 4liviWC.O.glaillitia9 l . llo /4 0, MISIOP
*CM. . JallaWly
"PRESS" (Ace, 417 Chestnut S6et,
For National Circulation and Familygeading.
k Complete History of the'
ITQ•:3p„Park Stow; 'Nee'-York. 7
1 4 11W° 4 11Citommall 4C4oet.."Es s ,
'l3l Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
Take notice that an application has been made by the Did
School:Presbyterian congregation of Ease. Liberty, in the
County, of Allegheny, to the Court of Minima Pleaeof said
County, for a Charter of Incorporation, under articles and
conditions as filed at NO. 118 of December term; 18610 n said
Court and if no sufficient reason be shown to the contrary,.
the Court Will, at 'its next (December) term, decree tinede:
dare, that said congregation shall become and be a. corphra
'ion or body politic, by the 118111 e, style. and title
in accordance with said articles, end according to the, 'Act of
Assembly . in such case made end proildid.
• DANIEL ARMSTEUNG, , Prothonotery:
November 2,1881. ,
•:,, .i.; .reST. PUBEISHAD BY THE
Presbyterian .:Bolft . of _Publication,
••.• ~;
• -No., 821,CheatnuCAVeet, Philadelphia:
THE. SOLDIER'S - DOCKED:EOM ; 64 pages, 32m0., bound
In cloth, Price 6 cents.; ~ Containing
Advice and Dittectioni:td-Soldiers;
Short Prayers ; - • , ; .;
Scripture Selections, Including. Five Psalms,
The Ten Commandments, '• . , */
• . Twenty-four Hymns;
Being allOutual for Pocket and Camp 'Tea ;..and' admirably
• adapted for preeentatidn to the. Soldier - by. - their friends. •
- Also the Hymn,- ;
'‘ JUST AS I AU." -Printed on ,stiff, Cardi on the back
of - which are appropriate Texts of Scripture. '
This le intended for Hospital use and has - already Imen
found very-destreble7forthat purpose. , - , i •
Twelve Narratives of Soldiers. Done Up - in a Wrapper.
Price 10 cents. ; • •
Address orders to WINTHROP SiROENT,
"' • Business Correspondent.
841,Cheeteet Street, Philadelphia.
for sale in. Pittsburgh' . the Prnsbyterian Book
8 00 - , StrPßt. feb2l-tf,
()idler's Cakap Library.
lIE 41.111111C14 1 1,TRACT SO'CIETY,
has just issued'a beautiful Library, consisting Of TWENTY
rivs VOLUMES, 18mo., inclosed in a box, at the low price
$O.O ; among
4 which are "General Havelock," 4, Capt.
itedley Vicars," Capt: Hammond," "The Eine Flag,"
Young Mall from Home?
Packages of 3,000 pages Of select Tracts, at $2.00, are pu t
$ ll , to accompany the Library, when desired. •
of twenty-flve volumes. in flexible covers, containing the
Soldier% Text-book, Soldier's Hymns,, The Soldiers , soli
feeds story. of Lucknow, and other appropriate works.
The American Tract Society has furnished gratuitously
many hundreds of thousands ofliages of Tracts to the sol
'diers of Pennsylvania, as well as others. The friends of the
soldiers are availingthernalime elite opportunity of putting
into their hands these most, valuable books. And there are
not a few instances where moat happy results have followed
the truth theycontain.
Becks carefully put up, and forwarded as purchasers may
, H. N.- THISSELL, Agent,
tal-1 020 Uhpani of Fuivat,
. THIRTEEN .T.gAmisrts.
uildiunit,.teacbers, and course of study, of the first class.
Superior facilitiee' afforded in the Ornamental branches. At
tendance last year, teen - hundred and thirty-seven: Three
level's 'per year.
FORTY DOLLARS .per term,' pays. for lekirding, light,
room-rent, and use of furniture. Tattiest .according to
staidin4nrsued. The Collegiate 'yeir begins September ad ;
sepia') Session, December 9th; and the third, Harch24th,
1862. Send to the , President,
,Rev. I. C. PERSHING, A. M.,
for a catalogue. ' M. SIMPSON; •
augu-ly , President of. Board of Trustees.-
0:-North—Fourth Street,
• ' O. WM:MEN Ss SON, rropristors.
A Home .For•. Young Ladies.
Rev. S. U. SHEPLEY, A.M., and Mrs. SHEPLEY. Princi
pals, aideniy a full Corps of Teachers: Aciemmodations for
Sixty Boarding . Scholars. -The ordinary, bill for Board, and,
Tuition in the regular course and Latin, is $60.00 per Session.
of' five months. - Ample' facilities for the Ornamental
Branches, and.tba the Modern Languages. Catalogues sent
by mail, on'artplioatiort. TIM next Session—Nineteenth un
der the present' Pitinelpals—will commence Noverober.4th.
sepld,firn: S. H. SHRPLEY, Proprietor.
An Acaderny for young men `preparing for College, nom
ineretal pursuits, or teaching; and a Seminary for young
ladies—affording all the' advantages of a school of the j 6 : rst
close. The course of study embraces Languages, Ancient
and Modern, Literature. Science, ; and Piano Music. Ex.
rinses, s4s' per Session, or $7OO per Academical year.
:The, next. Ses.sion opens September 11th, 1881, and . ociatin
ties fourteen weeks: Pupils received at any time during the
year. ' Por trirtherinformation, apply Or Circulars or Cata
logues to the Principal, REV. W. W. ,LAVERTY,
'ap64,f ''
.115 Nassau Street, New-York, .
Beg to announce to the publio, that in addition to their val
uable series of School'Booke, they have liectune the publish
ers of the • '
Their list now comprises the following .
Valuable Books :
Bullion's Series of Grammar& 6 books, comprising
Bullion's Analytical and Practical Grammar.
Bullion's Principles at English Grammar, sc., ix.
Cle.ssical Series, 12 books, comprising
Bullion's Latin. Grammar.
Billion's Greek Grammar.
Bullion's Greeklteader.
Bullionts Cicero, Sallust, &e.,
Cooper's Virgil, price $2.00.
* a s This series is in very general use throughout the limi
ted States and Canada, and well liked. The. Grammars, are
oil ther same general plan. The principles common to the
three languages are readily seen by the learner, thus greatly
aiding him in his studies. The series will he continued.
Wayland's Intellectual Philosophy,
Thompson's Outlines to the Laws of Thmight, price $l.OO.
Keeters New Method in French,Mrice $l.OO. -.
Key to the New Method, price 40 cents..
Peissuer's Gelmaiierammar, price $l. ._
Stoddard's Series of Arithmetios, 6 books. comprising
Stoddard's Juvenile Mental Arithmetic.
• Stoddard's American.lntellectual - Arithmetic, &a., ax
Schuyler's Higher Arithmetic, (a new work,) price 75 cents
Stoddard's and Henkle's Algebras, 3 books. ,
Dr-wide-03's Series Of Astronomy, 'ad, 4 books.
Loomis' Elements of Physiology, price 75 cents.
Olney's Series of Geoaaphics ' - ft., 5 books. '
Comstock.'s Works on the Sciences, 12 books, comprising ,
- Cornitock's (celebrated) Philosophy, newly. revised.
Comstock's Chemistry, &c; .
Melville's Series of. Drawing Cards.
Ilezen's Series'of Spellers; *.e., 4 books.
Hooker's Physkologies, 2 books.
*0 These viorks.are used in nearly alttbe formal School.,
and in Marry of the most important Female Seminaries cf
theltinited States, and will fully meet the wants of ths: beet
Institutions. They are from the pen, of Prof. Worthington
Hooker; of Tali College. ' "
Palmer's Book-keeping and Blanks. .
Dodd's Series of Inathematice, fl books: t
Goldsmith's Series of. Penmanship,. 5 books.
Benedict's Algebras and Keys, '3 books.
Denman's Series of ERA:dere, 8 - books. .
Webb's Normal Readers, 8 books.
Fitch's Mapping Plates, half , bolind; ' pride SO centi.."
Parley's New Geography, price SO OM W.
The Exhibition Speaker. price 75 cents.
Enos* and SelielPs Arithnietics.
Nelson's Penmanship. arid other einallef wOrks.:'
. .
This list comprises some of the best text books published
in the present age.
Messrs:BElElo)oE4 CO. hare bean appointed agents (for
New-York,) forthe sale - ot the publications of the late iirm
of H. COP PERTHWAIT CO., of Philadelphia, cOmPrising
Warren's Geographies, Greene's Grammars &c., &c.
Timcbers are requested to send for sample copies of our
school' books. Sent by mail, prepaid,' for half, the retail
Favorable terinn for first intrOdliation.
undersigned offer 'for sale, on :the 'moat reasonable
terms, or will exchange for Printing Paper, a largo quantity of
All of which are nearly as good as nes:: Aildreas
noel 4t Box 804 Pitts4urgb,
The Winter Session of this Institution. nig open : on the
First WSilbeiliday of November.
REV. sAmpsi, FiNiyuEs,lPri'/610-is•
T , W ~ O' w , 0 - R IC. S ,
Valuable to the Sick or Well
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The sehdol preralses onntain thirteen acres; tirovidtng amply
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TERMS-5125 per /aeration.
For Clrculars-address REF. 34P. IN
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tralsien enables na th offer mauls static fewest possibie price.
saints Stock at Gentlertion'eXerniehllig , -Miods;
Li!test aiv ?"/A / FPP 93 • 7
WaTjirAiha .4113d0r
'ntserr.l7 Phi." en •
novg 2teow
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rts.-httatan.: azatcr -
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lilfse at
BY ' .
st.TRAE,T.,on‘s T fit
on all the leading topics of the dap; both Religions and Eleo
ular. All the waterier Subjects that present themselves for
condiderationi and•thae are vortlii the •attention y of intent
gint gab Christian People; arb Manama& from the 'Christian
Mind-point, and in the' coMprehenitiM` Spirit of
charity and enlarged benevole'nee: • t
Troia the beginning of olir'present National troables, thta
piper,irbile'allyiiiitsilf 'VW& no po l littail party, taken
WO and fearless'gronnd In favor of tiiiiimietitution and tbe '
rekularly•Ordiliied OwieriOnent, and' cif the preseiliticin ,
the iiiteirlo of the llnieM Its nttSinimes 'have been Arm:-
and decided„ • and they wilf continue to be inch , ntil, the,
spirit of rebellion has been ,entirely ; quenched, and, oni Gov
ernment ones more , flavnit*, established:l
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European , Correspondence '
is unegnalle&by anyother American journal, in breadth of
view, reliability, and general ritieftilness. It is a complete '
history of the progress of Ogre* lturoPe; that Is kind-
glees ; a complain new oelnisinese, opinion, religions con
perne,and matters and things in general, In
This is a feature fonnd in no other religions newspaper, and
waket! the Banner a most valuable repcnitoty, for informs•
bon cancelling those places, to all readers.
Among our
are tome of the best hrgepaper,7ltere in the Church.
We also itaie
In all parts of the land
The Compendium of
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is prepared with much care and labor. And just now the
news in the daily papers is often so uncertain and Contra-
dletory that the weekly papers can give by far the moat re
news for the public, since the opportunity for sifting
and correction is allowed.
Under the head of
the most interesting incident, connected with individuals of
note; tvhether dead or Being; are published.
And wider the head of
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cal Information, &c.. of moat, value,to the public.
While at the same time moat valuable
froM books, magazines, and other newspapers, are given for
thi3 Christian, the parent, this , min of literature and learning
and for the children;
Itor are the
forgotten; but much of the information needed for both to
regularly ',granite& . :
This paPer icfurnished to Clubs, of Twenty or more at the
ow rate of $11:25437: annum; with an addititinal copy to
the person getting' up the Club. To Clubs of Ten or more,
at Vo. Single Stibseribers at $1.50, when sent by
Mail. Te: Single Su r tileribera Y in Pittsburgh or Allegheny,
supplied by, the Carrier, at td,ol).
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Late of the firm of Kirk- Late with Gillespie, Zeller
patrick & Dletzgar. & Co., Philadelphia.
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Particular attention paid to the sale of Country Produce.
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•A NE* STYLE, ONLY, $85.00,
Making tint Snuettn, or LOCK Selina, which is approved fe4
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mirsabtesticeS., .c••••r - •
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fuscreceived. F
Seal 40r ffirculqa...oo Terms.. .; •
Add f ress *.at,HOADS, Apuati
marl Ant4epy City
nissL:L .
INIP3IIb4O - 11r1EIN
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SAKE THEM 93E1011E 3 1T a rpo , T.E.,
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I ~ : ~:' I c0.1 : . t 246 , :'Penn , .4thr , el4i.. :',,
in ilil4ltios i:,,foTii,, 0 . F4; 0c,C46,11 by Dr y .A.,3l:i. gorier, opposite
Quist &lira.' 41Es ' 1111,1,ve.'all the dein itaprorments.,
p**insprAe!tatirmliqui prices, , • - .1 - ' f ' -
1 : .REFBRENO.Or . . .
I " Re4,.*:,ii'ltiriiiiti), liev.liimura,'FiNDlMY
A. Bia,Dprvo :.. ; -_,.. ~ A4:3l:Corpussai 114
~ , .., „ ... )., : 17 , . 11..: VANNIF4.,.,
7 14 : 1 7:: R R1: 1 4,74: 4VW :7:P. 1{". 1.. .; " •'.: 1 7 *
41PoirailiAL:NRI i.fAIMEAAC4IIO.,,,,
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i .Fbr 1 outief; 4444 t R g!: : - .PcO , 4.1) '0 . p0,,,e - nopr,.
LW - tiP 21$ tirsa o k 'T t'st'll , WA , e i ll7 ° "' f',
Bums ,