Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, November 23, 1861, Image 2

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    4 4,rtshltertau Xianner.
ttralTßol l MURRY, NOVEMB SS, Kit.
Waiittifpurt/ousedflar our office the "Right" to we
!Pick's Accountant and Dispatch liitenkult, or yearly ail,
our ..etworlfarilivierhetoe tirir: papers addressed to them
4 reastr:tril 141.41 asngsslarii tinsyste Tar/chine; which. fastens
on the; vibe mar gin a ambit vitared address stamp," or
W.l„pherson appears their /11171%6 plaintypriated, foila seed
&gthedateup towhich they have paidfor thear papers—this
'being jostiantix4 by ass 'Act OnscrPs. :rhe date w il l
slitt4t/belasivanced on dm receipt 'of subsCription' money,
'in trace (accordance with the amount so received, and thus
'be thivber-ready and valid receipt ; securing to every one,
tttat*t fit times, a perfeot knatuteepe of-his newspaper ao
coast; so that if any error is made he van immediately. do
tkt (tumid have it corrected—is boon alike valuable to the
pilidisher and subsoriter, as it must terminate all painful,
saistunsterstandinys between them respecting accounts, and
thus tend to perpetuate their i:Mportant relationship.
*** Those in arrears wittptease remit.
Thaliksgiviliga,—The Governors of nine
teen States have appointed days of Thanks
giving. itt blaine and Massachusetts the
21st inst., is thus - designated. In New-
York„ S t ew-Hampshire, New-Jersey, Penn
sylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, -Wiscon
sin, Minnesota, Connecticut, Vermont,
I%hode Island, Kansas, Maryland, Ken
tucky, and Delaware, the 28th is set apart
for the solemnity.
An Iniportaet Work.—There never was a
time when Religious Newspapers - 'had
more important weirk to perform than in
such a day of agitation as thii. They
have a double dttty—to narrate events as
they emus, and to interpret those events in
the light of religion, thus showinc , GOD IN
HISTORY; and that not in the de ad history
of- the past, but in that living history
which is passing before our eyes. Every
devout Christian must gaze , with awe on
the designs of Providence as •they are now
unfolding, and to make his faith intern
gesit,fie needs to ponder on the meaning
of these things. Ministers of the Gospel
find more than ever , welcome the influence
of .a weekly journal , which by its blending
Of dairy news with-religions reflections, per
petually-recalls the minds of the people to
that'Being who, hid behind the scene, still
overrules :and directs the whole.—Evange
Agreeably to the resolutions of the
Presbyteries in Secessiondotn, " The First
Geizeral Assetni4 of the Old School
Preskiterian Church 'in, the Confederate
.o.ltates" has been held in Augusta, Georgia.
Bev" DT. PALMER, of New-Orleans,
whose Thanksgiving sermon of last year
not soon be forgotten, preached the
opening 'sermon.
'its has this portion of, our Church
'voluntarily, and without any just cause or
pppcition, been guilty of the sin of
vohism, and placed itself in a most unen
viable light before the entire Christian
Churekand the whole world. The leaders
in this movement have incurred a fearful
responsibility, nor can their followers be
held. blameless.
'As yet none of the proceedings of the
body have reached us e owing to the
difficulty ,of obtaining news from that
quarter. Aut gradually we will be made
acqualare& with the scope and spirit
whiCh characterized the members. Among
them were men who in time past were
highly, honored by the Church they have
now rent in twain, and whose authority
they have set at defiance, as they did the
Government of their country.
It is due to the Bestower of Favors, that
we reverently acknowledge the gifts of his
bounty;' and spiritual kindnesses certainly,
not- less than temporal. Two instances of
gracious visitation of the Holy Spirit, have
just come to our Inowledge :
The church at Slippery Rock, under
care of Rev. H. Wisnza, bad fifteen, add
ed to its communion, two weeks ago. Much
feeling *was manifested, meetings were con
tinued, inquirers presented themselves to
the pastor, till now some fifty persons ex
press anxiety about their soul's salvation.
At Newcastle, in the charge of Rev. J.
S. GRIMES, there is also a greatly more
than usual interest manifested on the sub
ject of personal religion. God's people
pray and hope, and some precious youth are
seeking the way of life.
Another encouraging symptom, we may
note. On Sabbath week a young friend of
ours preached at Camp Curtin, to about
one thousand soldiers. A more attentive
audience be never addressed. The Colonel
of the Regiment said that the labors of his
chaplain were very effective for good.
Worship is regularly conducted, and the
men are more moral, orderly, and respect
ful to religion, than they were even under
the sweet influences of home. Chaplains
have a great work to do, and the faithful
may confidently.expect a blessing
Our free territory is being rapidly occu
pied. It becomes the Church to be wide
awake, wise and active. Ministers of the
Gospel should be transferred, as fact as the
people remove and Settle. Let our Board
of Domestic Missions see to this ; let the
churches. liberally aid the Board; and es
pecially let enterprising servants of their
Lord, young men and men of some years'
experience, cast in their lot with the emi
grating thousands, share their hardships,
and guide thdn and their children heav
A contemporary says :
As regards the tlemestic emigration Wes-
Ward, the absolute security of Colorado,
Nevada, Daeota, Nebraska, Washington,
Oregon, and California from all the dan
gers of tliCk war, must undoubtedly attract
thither many thousands, especially from
the South and the border free States. Most
of the non-slaveholders of the South will
emigrate if they can get away. Asa proof
of this we need only refer to the rush to
California frOS 'Texas, to the vast bulk of
the overland emigration this season, chiefly
from the border slave States, and to the
aninrbers fleeing North ever since the war
logrin. To this we must add the splendid
mmeital discoveries in Nevada,
and Oregon, the extent of which cannot be
;New 9poot many, very many ministers,
initmeat An their; lot with ,the emigrating ;
people, and hear hardships in common with
them ? Why -wait :for money from the
Board? Why acinowledge l any dersin
-460e: `except aPcit 4 40 d, 'and -the .-peeple
yon beneAt? Some need aid, we
iow, but where are the strong , the 'vio , -
.01SOUPS, the men whom God has called from
the plow, the work-bench, and the anvil?
Can'lthei not-now, serve iGod in the ,Gospel,
44:labor a little mall theit,oWn ihands.dlso,
dayCtiof d?
need e 4Ntrarf m inister .
feel [and ,say : A dispensation; *Of Ake .Gos
pal is given unto me.; o ',:yea, woe fis , ene , if I
.pretwh the Gospel. .4.14,K. , ..4 441 i0,,1
You are now a minister of the Gospel—a
servant of Jesus Christ. A numerous peo
ple are entrusted to your care. God has
called you to the oftce The congregation
.11;ive called,you to be their pastor. Christ's
servants, ministers and elders, met in. Pres
bytery, have ordained and installed you.
You are thus chosen of God and man, and
set apart to a work. Christ entrusts a, flock
of his. to you, and the flock accepts you.
You have vowed, and they have vowed.
Now, what are you to accomplish ?
The work of the pastor is, to save men—
to save them from sin and its ruinous con
sequences, and to prepare them' for the
happy enjoying of God to all eternity. It
is not enough that men are made happy
here ; good husbands, good wives, good
children, good neighbors, good citizens;
intelligent, peaceful, industrious, thrifty,
orderly, kind, benevolent. All-this is bliss
ful. Our Saviour attended much to things
which belong to men in this world—not to
money-making, to be sure; but to <bodily
health, and to the social duties, and those
habits and principles which make life joy
ous. But this was not the only thing, nor
the main thing, at which be aimed. He
looked to the soul, rather than to the body;
and to the soul's well-being after it,shall
have left the body, rather than to its bliss
ful condition while in its earthly tabernacle.
That is, he aimed at the soul's eterna ,salva
don. This was, with him, the ene • thing
needful—the end and object of his 'min
So also the Apostles. They, like their
Master, were ever engaged in doing good.
They healed the sick, they made the ,lame
to walk, they soothed the sorrowful, they
comforted the mourner, they enjoined the
relative duties of husbands and wives, par
ents and children, masters and servants,
rulers and people. They omitted none of
these things. They noticed whatever might
tend to society's good order and 'men's
earthly joy. For 'all to walk by their pre
°opts would restore to man a half of what
was lost , when he was expelled from para
dise. But they stopped not with earth. A
paradise below could not fill their aim.
They advanced immeasurably beyond it.
They pointed to the building of God, a
house not made with hands, eternal in the
heavens. They directed to a joy unspeak
able and full of glory. They strived to
lave men believe, to the saving of the soul.
They would restore the lost image. They
would renew the Divine likeness. They
would have men become pure, as Christ is
pure, that they may see him as he is and
dwell with him in glory.
And this is still the end which Christ
designs in the settling of a pastor, and the
result at which the true pastor aims in his
labors. So says Paul, in speaking_ of
Christ's bounty in his gift of the,ministry,
and of what is to be the result , of their
labors. :"When he ascended up on high,
he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto
men—some, apostles; and some, prophets;
and some, evangelists; and some, PASTORS
and TEACHERS ; for the perfecting , of the
saints, for the work of the ministry, for the
edifying of the body of Christ; till we
all come in the unity of the faith, and of
the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a
perfect man, unto the measure of the stature
of the fullness of Christ." That is, unto
full meetness for heaven, and the full en
joyment of the Redeemer's presence in
Here then we have Christ's view of the
end of the ministry—of the thing which
the pastor is to accomplish. He is sent to
sinners, vile, polluted, wayward. He is to
convert them, he is to build them up in
faith and knowledge, he is to effect, through
God's truth and grace, their entire sanctifi
eation—their " wbele spirit, soul, and
body." He is sent for " the perfecting of
the saints." He, is to bring the people
" to the measure of the stature of the full
ness of Christ."
It is not enough for the pastor to aim at
the enlightening of men. His work with
them is not done when he brings them into
church communion on a credible profession
of faith. Alas, that so many pastors should
regard the new professor as safe, and then
abandon him. We do not value too highly
the making of converts. We do not aim
too intently at revivals, at the regeneration
of men, at bringing men into the Church.
But we sadly neglect their continued life,
their vigor, growth, edification. Our work
is but fairly begun when we have converted
a soul. The new-born infant needs ma
ternal care—the most assiduous care, for
long, long years. Regeneration puts the
babe in Christ into the pastor's hands, to be
nurtured and trained. Christ does not
mean that his family shall be dwarfs.
They are to become full-grown, strong,
wise men, capable each of turning in as a
successful worker for a little while on earth,
and then meet for the heavenly inheritance,
being with him a joint-heir.
Now, fellow-laborer, you see the end of
your call, ordination, and installation'. It
is the saving of men. It men are not
saved, actually saved, your wOir will be a
failure. All your labor will be lost-=-yea,
worse than lost. If you should be faith
less, your charge will perish, and God will
require their blood at your. hands. If you
preach the ;truth, with faithful warnings,
you will then be "a savor of life unto life ;"
but in every case in which yon are not so,
you will be " a savor of death unto death."
0, who is sufficient for these things. Much
do you need that Christ should strengthen ,
you. Bearing as you now do, the office of
a Cht:istian minister, and, the relation of ~a
pastor, you can neither speak nor be silent,
neither be active nor idle, without putting
forth an influence which will bear upon the I
condition of a soul in immortality.
Look then upon your charge. 'Regard
them not merely in ,the row. Contem
plate them individually, That •litkie
but just launched into leing, you are to
train for God , and heaven—soon to seal it
for God in = baptism, then - to instinet - It and
form its character; by '''your visitation" and
preaching, through its parents and Sabbath
Schoolteachers. That youth has an undy
ing spirit—now pollutt4l tuid 'wayward, -but
entrusted to you tto be yecliiined and saved.
not: aged, sinner-his -time" is far spent,
his heart, is exceedingly hard, he le ,not
• .
aware,oft his ultinger, he .is proidiancl. ob
stinatd-,Lrybial must seek his gatvation . , and
this i ti 1 A zy
s epee OU' fri
(fidelity, meekness, earnestness, and wisdom.
Each of these hundreds of people, the
abed and the young, travelling rapidly to
an eternal state, to receive according to
the things done in the body, you are to re
gard as a special charge. And what a
charge ! See now .that not .one of them
shall be lost. Seek each one's conversion
and entire sanctification. Train each one
to the stature of a perfect man. Your
work is, TO SAVE MEN.
The services of the Central Presby,terian
Church of Allegheny City, were held, for
several years, in Excelsior Hall, on Federal
Street. The location was favorable, and
under the ministry of the , Rev. W. S.
PLUMER, D. D., the, membership increased
rapidly. At length a suitable lot,was se
eirred, and the congregation proceeded to
erect a neat and commodious house of wor
ship, with no tawdry attempts' at style, and
at a moderate expense. For some weeks
public worship was held in the Lecture
room, but the entire building is now com
pleted. The main audience room will seat
comfortably five hundred persons. Under
this is a large Lecture and Sabbath-School:
room, with two smaller rooms for Bible
classes, meetings of the . Session, the Trus
tees, Sewing Society, etc. The whole ex
pense of the lot, house, andiron enclosure,
will be about $15,000.
The dedicatory services; which Were very]
interesting, took place' last Sabbath. aTbei
sermon was preached by the Bel/.
E. SCHENCK, D. D., Correspnnding Secre
tary of our Board of. Publication. The
sermon in the afternoon was by the pastor,'
Rev. Dr. PLUMED.. Dr. SCHENCK preached
again in the evening. A large audience
were present each time, while the people
composing, the regular congregation lifted
up their hearts in devout thanksgiving to
God for a house called by his name, where
they could hear the messages of his lcre
and feast upon his ordinances.. We under
stand that the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be administered mext,Sabbathi
and that on the following day the pews will
be sold and rented. '
The location of this church is a good
one; its membership are . .antive and self
denying; and the zeal and ability of the
pastor are too well known to require any
mention from us. With the blessing
of God, such a church cannot fail to be a
prosperous one. We hope that every pew
will be speedily taken, and our prayer, is
that in that place there may be continually
added to the Lord such as shall be saved.
That religious information should be
communicated to the people, and that many
important questions should be discussed
from a religious stand-point, by means of
the press, is now generally admitted. For
t'hese purposes the religious newspaper was
established, since without this it was found
impossible to accomplish these things in a
satisfactory manner. But latterly it has
been attempted to give a 'religious charac
ter to secular and political newspapers, by
constituting them the medintes for making
known the progress of the Church, discuss
ing moral and religious questions, and set
ting forth the motives to a life regulated
by the Word and Spirit of God.
With this object in view, the Journal of
ananteree, and, to a certain extent, The
New-York Times started out. But not
withstanding the marked alb lity with which
these papers have been conducted, and= the
high moral tone that has distinguished
them, the religious feature has long since
disappeared from their columns. And with-
in the .ast year The World came into being
avowedly to be a vehicle 'of religious news,
and to view all subjects presented in a re
ligious light, as well as to convey news of
importance on all secular matters. But in
a few • months the religious department
could not be found. Other secular journals
have at times turned their attention' in this
direction, but only for a short season.. And
then the Work has generally been perform
ed in a very bungling and unskillful man
The secular newspaper has its appro.
priate work, ,and so has the religious ; -but
neither can succeed well in the province of
the= other. Every; family should have a
good secular newspaper, and' also a ,good
religious newspaper. But let "noeth;3 See
ular be taken and the religious ihn . omitted.
What would we-think of the patriotism of
the maxt who is now not intensely anxious
to learn every success of the arms of his
country, every e f , ea t of rebellion; .and
every indication of the .complete triumph
of constitutional authority ?. And what
must we think of the piety'of the man who
has no desire to learn the growth of, the
Church; to become aequainted with the
new openings for the entrance , of the forces
of the truth; to read of the onward march
of the soldiers of the• Cross; 'and of .'the
triumphs' of the Captain of Salvation ?:
- Rake the religious newspaper wcOnstant
inmate of your families. Depriie not
yourself nor your children of its benefits.
Supply your household judiciously, and,in
duee your neighbors to do likewise.
Two weeks ago we gave the Primla'.
region of GoV. CURTIN, , of Pennsylvania,
recommending to the people of the Ow-
DlOl2 wealth , the observance of,
THURSDA.Y, THE . `2BTH `@r NovkAlßElt,
as a day of solemn THANKSOLVING TO GOD.
The Governor also exhorts to PRAYER, in
terms which must receive the approbation
of all enlightened and, well dispoied
The natiewis saffering . nnder a great ea
lamity, and we did well .to observe a,,day of
National humiliation and fasting.. This
was ayeeognition of God ' hisbeing, prov r
idenee, rightionii,goyernminit; and mercy,
The to 'Thanksgiving is by. State aii
"therity, and is also a public. recognition. of
G-od as enr_veler andhenefietor. We re
joiee is theserauthoritative 'Manifestations
'that we ate 'a Cliristites".people. Calamity
his its iniaenee iu hringing the *iiivard
individual back from his wandering,-to rev
erenT, sepplication t , 7 1:1:xldieps,e. -4- It
.also,malies him to ',highly .appreciate abid
jag favors fors whioh he had' felt no grateful
emotion, ia the days •of :his prosperity. So
in the days of peace and plenty, waa -emi
nently forgetful of God. When adversity
came, the people bowed in - 'both humility
and thanksgiving. And the heavier the
chastisement, the more deep was the pious
emotion. We are better instructed than
they, and should hence need less of the rod,
to bring in back from our, wanderings.
Thankigiving day is a time when it be
comes us to recount the rich bounties be
stowed upon us by our. Heavenly Fathers
And truly, we enjoy richly at God's hand, in
blessings, temporal and , spiritual; indi
vidual; social, and national. Pastors and
people, will not fail to notice these on the
appointed day.
Publicworship should always form a part
of the observances of a day of Thanksgiv
ing. Family gatherings 'are also appro
priate. 'And a Soicius and grateful partici
pation in. the bounties of a.well spread tab/e,
are becoming; and, that this may be lasi
rersal, let the rich liberally remember the
.. Messrs: MASON' and SLIDELL, COMMlS
stoners to Europe the Southern CM
federacy, have been captured by the United
Statei steamer Ban,Jaeinto, Coin..WrL.RES
and carried. to:Boston. ..Tlacse .gentlemen
had escaped. the • blockade at Charleston,
Some weeks, ago and readied . Cuba, in:the
steamer T heodora, and 'there embarked any
the British mail steamer Trent. Commo
dore WH,w.Es, returning; in his ship ittom
the African coast, was cruising among the
Weit India Islands. At Hav'ana, he heavi of
the .eacape of ..MAsan and SLIDELL, and thee
vessel in which they were.. ','He immedinte
lynstarted in pursuit, and intercepted the :
Trent in the Selman channel. • He..
hrought her tohy a shot across her bows,
and • sent Liellt: FAIRFAX, with a guard of
marines,, on board. • Lieut. F. knew the
gentlemen, and arrested them, and also.
MeSSM. EUSTIS . and' 14.IoRaitrata., their 1
Secretaries. - • - Some reluctance was , =lei
fested by them and the British Captain, but
no vieleriee Was' used. Their dispatches,
and otherpapers were broughtaway...
The, matter may.possibly lead to diffical
ties hetneen our Govermient and Great
Britain; but the prospect is that a little
discussion will end in satisfaction and good i
will. Com. WI . LKES proceeded, without in-. 1
structions, and our Government might din.
avow the act, and release the prisoners. 'lt I
is, however, thought that the arrest was"!
perfectlY legal. It was justified by.' the
laws of war, and: the practice. of England.
All materials of war, troops, AMBASSADORS,
dispatches, &c., are "contraband," and.mayi
not only be: captured, but then carrying of
theni bya,
.neutral, for the benefit of an
enemy, subjects the neutral vessel to seiz-
ure and cOnfiseation. • The New-York Post;
gives somei selections - of law, from British
authorities. We quote a few
Dr. ROBERT PHILEIMORE, in his late
great work, entitled,,, Commentaries on
ternational Law,.is very explicit. lie is
"Advocate, toler. Majesty in her office of
Admiralty, as Judge of the Cinque Ports."
and universally approved. He says.:
Page 368; Sec. 27.. (Contraband)—" It
is, ,indeed, competent to• a belligerent to
stop the 'AMBASSADOR Of his enemy on his I
Page 369, Sec. 272—" Ai to carrying of
military persons in the employ of a belli-?
gerent, or being . in any way
. engaged in his
.serviee,it has been:most solomply,i
decided by the tribunals of international.
law, both in England and the 'United States
of North ',America, that these are acts of
hostility on the part of the neutral, which
subject the 'Vehicle in which the persons
are conveyed to confiscation at the hands of
the belligerent."
• .Page.370,,5ee...273—" Official communi
cations from , an. official OR the affairs of a
belligerent Government are such dispatches ,
as impress a hostile character on the car
riers of . them. • The mischievous conse
quences .
such a service
es of cannot be esti
mated, and extend far beyond the effect of
any, contraband that can he conveyed; for
itieManifeat that by the carriage of such
diapatCheithe most important operations of
a..helligerent. army may be forwarded or oh.
strueted. .
"In general cases of contraband the,
quatity of the article carried may be a ma
terial circumstance, but the smallest dis
patch niay, serve to turn the fortunes of
war in favor of a particular belligerent!'
5ec.,274.—" The penalty is confiscation
of the ship which conveys the dispatches.
and of the cargo."
This being the •law, the Captain of the
Trent may think himself favored in being
permitted to escape with his vessel and
„The : writers on law are most copious en
the subject of the carrying of cli.spateiges;
these being the things most frequently
carried, most easily hidden, and most in
jurious. AMBASSADORS, however, are eon
traband on the general principle, anti are
sometimes 'specified. One instance is
quoted above ; another is that of Sir
Wm. SCOTT, in the case of the Caroline,
(b. c. ROBINSON, 467,) who says
” The limits .that are .assigned to , the
operations of, war against them, by VATTEL,
and ether, writers upon these subjects are:
that, ;you .may exercise your, right of war,
against them whenever, the character, of
hostilityeTists; you may stoi the antias
sadoe of your enemy on his passage."
In SENT'S COnDnentftrieS, VOL L , p. 154,.
speaking of the Right 'of Search, it is said,
" all writers upon the law of nations, and
the highest authorities, acknowledge the
right, in, time of war, as resting:upon Emend
principles of public jurisprudence, sand
upon the institutes and practice of all
great maritime powers. And if viten
making' the search, the = vessel be fogad
employed in the contraband trade, or in
carrying enemy's property, .or troops or,
dispatches, she is liable to be =taken and
brought in for adjudicatiOn before a s piize
The Queen of Enc , land also, in her rum
lamation cf,,Neutrality, May,
covers the whole question in the following
"And we`do hereby warn all our loving
subjects, and all
. pprsons, whatsoever ;esti
tioa to our frotection i :that if anyof
shall ,presume, in contempt of this "t i sur,
royal,,,prooltimation and" of our high
pleasure, to do. any acts in dere'gation,,t)f
their - duty `as of a neutral.sovoreign
in the akid . contest, or in violatiOn or -con
travention , of the law of nations in that )
behalf;'as for example and more
. especlially
by entering - into the militarypervion L of,
either of the said contending parties, *
or cary"inir Officil4, Soldiers, i dispaiches!,,
arßis,,military,,stores or materials, or' ari
areiele or artzeles - ciniiidered acid deemedto
be eOrtiraaaul . of war,
, aeeordilig" the/a*
oi.viodprn usage of natioiii,, for Use or
se,i4jo6 Of i eiger-qf,the the ssi l contindi,n.
partt ,
Pers6ns Offendingill Him*,
rand lie liable to - the several penulties and
penal consequences by;the said: statute, or
'by the law , of nations in' that behalf im
posed or denounced. And we do hereby
declare that all our subjects and persons
entitled to our protection who may miscon
. duct themselves in the premises will do so
at their peril, ,and of their own wrong, and
that they will in no wise obtain any protec-
Motion from us against any liabilities or
penal consequences, but will, on the contrary,
*cigh displeasure by such miscon
duct."ur our h
Under, the dictates of common sense, and
the array of authorities on the subject,:it
is not likely that Commodore Wflocus will
be cashiered, nor the Commissioners be re
/eased, nor the English Government make
any serious trouble.
Generals. SCOTT and MCCLELLAN, and
Secretaries SEWARD' and CAMERON have
all, recently uttered their expectations,
that the war would be short. That, under
Providence, will depend upon two things :
the, energy with , which it shall be waged on
our part, and the favor which may be shown
to the • Confederates, by foreign powers.
The war was inaugurated; first, under. an
apprehension that the North was divided,
and would not fight; and secondly, with a
confidence that foreign aid would be speedily
obtained. If both these hopes shall fail,
secession will soon die out, and the people
will return to their allegiance.
Gen. Soon', addressing the New-York
Chamber of Commerce, said :
" I . have left, in the field a large, noble,
and patriotic army, for it is filled with
many of our best citizens, officers and
men, commanded by Generals of very great
smerit--Generals capable of commanding
and of enchaining victory to their cars. I
have left in the field young and vigorous
men, competent to do all the duties which
their country can require of them—Major-
General MCCLELLAN,fuII of science and
genius, and already o respectable experi
ence_ I have left Major-General HALLECK,
another officer of genius and science, and
judgment and discretion, who cannot ail to
meet al/ the wishes of his Government and
his country. Beside those Major. Generals,
we have many Brigadiers and Colonels, of
high worth. . Ido not, therefore, despair, of
the cause of the Union. Nay, lam confi
dent of the triumph, and that within some
reasonable time. I should hope by the fol
lowing Spring that the rebellion would be
suppressed; I should hope in a short time
more that our Union might be reestablished
un fraternity and made beautiful, and I
trust made so firm as to endure forever."
In responding to the Union Defence
'Committee, of New-York, he spoke of
peace, the Generals, and the President:
" I have no doubt they will achieve vie
tory., and, a successful and honorable peace
)n the next few months, and that that great,
best and first blessing of every nation,
_peace, will be again restored through .our
borders in a reasonable period. I have
great confidence that such will be, the.. re
salt. I have considerable confidence also,
gentlemen, in the Administration of the
-country. Ido not speak of party politics ;
I have long ceased to be a party man. 1
have great confidence in the President—in
his excellent judgment, high patriotism, his
untiring energy and scrupulous attention
to business. He was not a President of
my making; I had no hand or part in his
elevation. But he has disappointed me
most agreeably; he bas inspired me with
love and high official confidence. I can
-speak of several members of the Adminis
tration with equal confidence and affec
We take the following account of one of
- the doings of, the Synod of the Pacific, at
its late meeting, from an exchange :
• Dr. ANDERSON, of the First church,
Zan Francisco, presented a mild, but suffi
',ciently patriotic series of resolutions,
'whereupon the Moderato; JOSHUA. PHELPS,
D.D., who lately left Beloit, Wis., in an-
.sorer to a call to Sacramento, declared the
paper out of order, saying "that as it was
his bounden duty to conduct the business
of the Synod as far as possible in accord
lance with the Confession of Faith and Con-
,stitution of the Church „ he felt bound to
declare the preamble and resolutions of Dr.
ANDERSON out of order in this Ecelesias
tical Judicatory," etc, etc. Dr. ANDER
,SON appealed from the decision, and was
:sustained by the following vote : Ayes, 15;
mays ; (among which was S. Woodbridge,
D.D., reported as a secession candidate for
the Legislature in' Soalno County,) 4. Pro
tracted debate was then had upon the pa
per, after which it was passed by the same
-vote as above--15.t0 4.
From the same source we take the fol
.:lowing concerning Dr. SCOTT'S resigna
The congregation of Calvary church, San
Francisco, formally accepted the resignation
..of the pastor,- Rev. W. A. Soma., MD, A
lona P series of resolutions,. laudatory of •the
' retiring pastor, was - offered by H. EL
ElmonT, Esq., and adopted nernine•dissen
li' tiente. Subsequently, Dr. Bunitows made'
.a speechs, in.which - Dr. SCOTT was virtually
' .declared tole, the Ablest divine,•the 'mist
:sincere Christian, and the. biggest-hearted
g man in the profession on this" coast. The
:.speaker boasted that he ffits the only min
f: Lister of San Francisco' who sympathized
' -with the retiring , clergyman.
This same Dr. BURROWS was at onetime
~, 'connected with Lafayette College at Eas-
iton inthis State. Some time ago he went
tto San Francisco, with a considerable,flour
ish of trumpets, to take chargé of, a new
- ieducational Institution, to be mainly under
Treshyterian influence. According to bis
=own' shoWing he can have but, little sympa
thy with our ministers or people in that re
.glop just now. •
ilthe iCongregational Herald, of Chicago,
gives notice, to its subscribers that its'fur
ther publications diScontinued, on account
.of the pressure of the tiznes.
Rev. ThUBBABD WINSLOW, D.D., has been
installed in' the Fiftieth Street Presby
terian church, New-York.
Ilev. J. S. Em.ortY, Congregational, has
uniteciwith thi Presbytery . of Chicago.
The question is sometimes as ked, "
`there not datiger,,that ; throiigh the efforts
cif, the Board of Edneation the silkily '
minister's Win , Soon 'exceed the demands'
lii a former article we have looked upon
qu*knifronvih e stand-point -ef prin. I
tiple It is our , purpose, at present, to
466 k at it from the stand-point of fact.
The pOsition then taken was,.'that where
The "Church had sufficient evidence that'
pod had c a lled a young ;than to serve
in the Gospel .of his Son it wasrat her = peril to refuee„ to recognise ~and employ
The position ndw'iakeik is, that, ^ as 7 a acG
the :Church' . dna§ recogniie and. employ 'the
atiibsisadiirs of Christ In suppot of *l B
pesitiop. Stat ,f*ci tete.
x)rtite l ast ggiftiatbd Piiiigtoi
Per the Presbyterian Banner
Vamand for Laborers.
Seminary, which.viii.the largest ever grad
uated that or any other Seminary in this
country--a class of sixty naembers—there
are not more thaw ten vrho are not already
settled in the ministry, or engaged, of tbeir
own choice, in further study, or who have
not refused calls which they have received.
The second face ie,;that of fifty candidateA
who were graduate& in "May last in the
Western Theological Seminary, there isliot
one who is not now employed in the anipis
try: We have referred to these two nstil;
tutions only, as we are notin- possession Of
information in referenCe to those who were
graduated during the year in, other institu-,
Here then is another answer toffse ques
tion, " Have we not ministers, e ugh al
ready r —an answer furnished by the prov-;
idence of the Church's Head. In view of
these facts, we are warranted in the affirma
tion that. almost all the young men gradu
ated' in our. P Y
Seminaries during the past
have been employed as ambassadors for
Christ. How can this objectien, Which is
so often urged against the increase of The
ministry and the Operations of the. Board
of Education, withstand the force of this
great providential fact? Min m say e ,.
" there are ministers enoligh," but ay ; abet
Church's Head, who continues to call, com
mission, and enaploy, band after band of
reapers, still says, both by his providence
and grace, "I want more—The harvest, is
still plenteous, but the. laborers are few."
Let the Church take heed, lest by cherish,
i -
ng this objection, she come in conflict, with
the cherished purpose and' manifest
dence of the Redeemer. .
Besides the cheering fact that, our young
men are employed as fast as they can be
furnished, it is very gratifying, to know
that ,the ministerial standard is, in. the as
cendant. Our Presbyteries have awakened
to an unwonted measure of watchfulness.
From all parts of our Church we.are receiv
ing proofs of Presbyterial diligence in the,
supervision of candidates. The testimony
from the Seminaries is, that these exceed
ingly large classes ."
are, in many points Of,
view, the very best" they, have ever gradu
ated. ,
There. are a great many. UNITARIAN
MrrasTEßs . " lying loose" about Boston and
vicinity, who hardly ever preach except as
occasional supplies. - Some of theSe are men
of wealth, others are engage& in literary
pursuits, and some are employed-in teach;
ing. A number of these ministers lately
met together and fixed upon the following
sums as the proper fees for supplying va
cant pulpits, as there are in that region, as
well as in other places, some churches not
at all careful in the matter of paying sup-
plies :
Those Societies paying a salary of from
$5OO to $BOO per annum, will be expected
to pay $l2 per Sabbath; those paying from
$BOO to $l,OOO per . annum, $l6; those
paying from $l,OOO to $1,500 per annum,
$2O; those paying from $1,500 to $2,000 per
annum, $25. In addition to these prices,
travelling expenses, and the board of the
minister from Saturday to Monday, will he
ETY recently held its semi-annual meeting.
The Society employs sixteen missionaries,
five of whom are males. Owing to a falling
off of income their salaries have been agood
deal, reduced, and in one of the reports fear
was expressed that the Society will be seri
ously embarrassed, unless its friends rally
to its support. A similar pressure has
been felt in the City Tract Society. It
employs about thirty, missionaries; and has
long been recognized m a chief instrumen
tality in the evangelization of the city.
THE, Boston Review seems set for, the de
fence of the truth, and is ready to send a
raking fire into any craft that may dare to
attack the great citadel of Biblical doctrine.
Nor is it altogether safe to venture within
reach of its guns. The number for Novem
ber opens with an article entitled c.`Distinc
tions with a difference," in which it under
takes to expose the inistaken 'toleration
which will allow the tares to'groW,with the
wheat in a very different sense from the
one intended by Christ. To ill:kw that it
fights not as one • that beateth the air, it
finds a ,target in a discourse `by Rev. Mr.
Manning, of Boston, on the `subject., of
4 ‘ Total . Depravity," which was highly
praisedin the Milford. Journal by the Uni
versalist clergyman; that place, who heard
it. This is a pretty effective, ilthough we
must think, rather invidious way.of arraign
ing "orthodox" clergymen for doctrinal
delinquencies. Still in thelack of Presby
terian methods of discipline, the, which we
decidedly prefer, the paper pellets which' a
review must needs, use,. require to be made
hard and aimed home.
Mr. Manning is the. colleague, of,the yen
erable 'and orthodox -Dr. Blagden; of the
Old South church, and has been generally
esteemed pretty 'f sound in the:faith." So
that this article will probably create no
small sensation in certain quarters.
Mnssus GOULD & LINaeLN have just
,published the third volume of " The Puri
tans, or The Court, Chirch, and Parlia
ment of England During the Reigns of
Edward VI., and Elizabeth, by Samuel
Hopkins!' This , volnme completes this
most interesting history of the Puritans,
It is a work of 'no o_ rdinary character and
has been received by the reading_ public
withthe liveliest appreciation. blt:llop
kins's power of historical portraiture 'and
dramatic narrative (says a distinguished re
viewer) will compare favorably, with
best efforts of Macaulay, Prescott, and
iiot confined to the Western, Middle and`
Southern States. Judge; Appleton of: tie
Supreme . - Court, of ' Maine; said ,at Lewis
;town, recently, on , sentencing'` ohn Ford,
for manslaughter,'alhat:finf the: -- nine years
he had been on the beich,' take all the
.crimes from the highest ,: ; to, the lowest that
had comer before him ; he had found that
ninety-nine out of every hundreit'eases are
- tradeable to the one 'single cause which is
alleged in extennitiOn of this crime, the,
drinking oi"intoxiating' liquors that is
no justificat4on, n o-, e xc alSe, , no r tallintiOn of
.; • ",
.g.$W-TORR: v
on 'blisiness, pleasure; ietia.---euriosity.
Much business is. done , The ' banks are
still plethoric of money, and the lat* ex
_ports et* breadstelfs are.npOiminished.
`w Churesh institution to ;Vlifeh.'the'vforlsi anethe'
are greatly , n eb t ed '11:e•::f1P41r
ing aecount-..0f, thehlast /raOnthlY ;meeting'
will give &Woo idea ,of v thei'denitinds Jude
1%;....,.! • •
1441/4' 64l4li°evmiiiuniaianss.l44)
returning thanks for books granted
for the army and for colored persons 41.
Fortress Monroe; from ag!nts, giving ae.
Count of their labors, especially in distrib u ,
tions in the army ; from Rev. Dr. Butler,
Bareilly, India, returning thanks for mover
received, and giving at account of the ra m ,.
ner (Wits expenditure; from Seth Drie tts
Esq., asking books for, distribution in
ezuela; from Andrew Muir, Esq., St. p e _
tersburgyin regard to the Revel Estito- n i an
Testament; f rom G eo rge Washburn, E,„ .,
Constantinople, and Rev. G. Bliss, in
gard to translating the Scriptures into A,
it:keno-Turkish. Grants of books were mad e
to the Boyd County Bible Society, K en.
tncky, for volunteers, 800 Testaments; to
Rev. G. S. Woodhull, 500 Testaments ab ,i
200 copies of Proverbs, for fourth regime n ,
Virginia volunteers; 100 Testaments for
colored persons at Fortress Monroe; 40 0
Testaments for third Ohio regiment at
Chet& Menntain ; to the Washington City
Bible Society, 3,053 Testaments
and 5
Cetam lis entsfor oG
soldier; .
ininatuhfteVstaiemineintyts f or fourteenth Ohio reti.; 300
mentat Camp Dick Robinson, Kentucky ;
400 English Testaments and 200 German
to St. Lora Bible Society, for Missouri vol.
to Allen County Bible Society,
Indiana, 'too. Testaments for volunteers.
Bibles and Testaments, in ,different
guages, for distribution at Antwerp and i t ,
the Baltic ; books in Spanish for Gibraltar ;
books for St. Domingo;'ls B volumes i n
ieverel. languages, to captains of 'Wessels
sailing to foreign ports ; and eight volume,
in raised letters for the Blind; with many
giants of smaller aittoutit. - TO the A. B. F .
M. $B,OOO Were granted to print two ed . ' .
tions of the Arabic Teitiment, one with
vowels, the other without. Authority sw , i ,
given, at his siiggestion, to Rev. Mr. Ef o i.
den, missionary in Brazil, to employ a col.
portent., under certain restrictions.
~.Gammas SCRIBNER. will publish during
this week ""A Commentary on the Epis,
ties to the Seven Churches in Asia, bt-
Richard Chevenit Trench, D. D., author or
"Study.Of Words," tke. The practical i n .
terest of these Epistles, , in their bearing on
the whole pastoral anti- ministerial work. is
extreme. It is recorded 'of' the admirable
Bengel, that it. was his wont, above all
things, to, recommend the study of these
Epistles , to youthful ministers of Christ's
Word' and ;Sacraments. And, indeed. to
thent they 'are Tull teaching, of the most
solemn warning and the strongest encourage
ment. We learn from these Epistles the
extent to 'which the spiritual condition of a
Church is' dependent upon that of its pas
tors ; the guilt not merely df teaching, but
of allowing, error; how there may be united
much and- real zeal the form of sound
words with-a lamentable decay of the spirit
, „
of love;or, on - the other hand, many works
and active ministries of lave' with only too
languid a zeal for"the truth once delivered;
with innumerable lessons more.
CHRISTIAN Assocr-airchrs' last week adopt
ed a series of resolutions asserting the duty of
Christians, and particularly of the Associa
tion, to promote the spirituel and temporal
t w h e e l r ei t of re :h e e d soldiers
in t t h h e e
fl ar e
v m y y , ,
j a e n d e
o o
operation with their respective chaplains.
The progress of reform, and of the or
ganization of prayer-meetings and Chris
that' Associations ,among soldiers were the
subject' of congratulatiOn. The Govern
ment isztn be memorialized to furnish tents
in which to hold religious and reformatory
meetings in the army.-
The following Corhinittee was appointed
to carry out the objects of these resoln-
Rev. Rollin H. Ne:ale D.D., Boston;
C. Demond, Esq., Boston; Rev. S. H. Tyng,
D.D., New-York ; , -liton. Benjamin F. Ma
nierre, =New-York;` Rev. A. L. Janes, New-
York ;° Geotge N. Stuart, - Philadelphia;
John P. Crozier, Philadelphia; 'Rev. M. L.
R. P. Thompson, D.D., Cincinnati; H. Thane
Miller, Eft:, Cincinnati; John B. Farwell,
Esq., Chin:age, Ill.; Mitchell' H. Miller,
Esq., Washington; John D. Hill, M. D,
Buffalo. =
IT IS NOT those pastors and churches
whose Ames are meat frequently in the
newspaperi :that are most successful in the
great 'work of winning souls to Christ.
But 06w - those ministers that have but lit
of the "sensation" connected with them
are ..among the most useftd. It is about
sixteen.lears since Dr . .APotts' church was
removed from Duane 'Street to its present
site in University Plaee. Duran i g that, pe
riod six hundred and thirty-six persons
have become members, on profession of
their faith. '
HENRY WINTER:DAVIS, of Miryland,is
announced to speak on " The. Southern le
surrection,-and the Constitutional Powers
of the Republic 'to' Suppress it," in the
Brooklyn Academy of llituiric,:on the even
ing of Jae 26th instant. '
Tn.* CORNER-810NR Of a new Presbyte
rian church was laid last week; in Williams
burg, on Throop Airenne,fiear Plishing Av
enue. The Rev. J. I) Wells "and 141 r. R. D.
Wells, delivered the addresse§. ' This
church is another result ofuSabbath School
effort. ' -
T 7r tt
.aa. &LARGE AMOUNT DP OR.K., is now be
ing done at they Navy Yard in this city;
and the establishinent of n.great National
Navy Yard at this place is urged. Forney 's
.Press presents the advantitoes of Philadel
phia inthis way :
. . ,
Philadelphia is.farther removed from ac
tual{/danger of this , kind,than either Port
land, .Boston, or „New-York. ; with, a depth
of harbor equal to al ;demands. Here the
vastest navy in-theworld.vould ride in per
fect safety. The- shores of the Delaware.
for.a hundrekmiles_,,:could be so enfiladed
with bateries that, no fleet however formi
dable, Could aver reach our navy yard. The
distance for an . enemy over +laud would be
SO great - that klbice; adequate to their re
liulse 'could eaaily be collected long before
they could reach,this-citY
Here, then, are'tO be found all the advan
tages of security, depth of water, rapidiq
of 6onk,rvi.eticitt, capacity for bnildirr:
shipa equal to any eniergeney the Goren
inent can ever reach:,
THE ORPHAN 'ASYLUM to be built by
the munificence of a Philadelphia lady
nutted IltiidOktely , d e ti, is located On
Market SireSt; ihien aiid half miles We
of S o4.344 l riv[eri;tlin t g ! . p - Imml being so el
evatedais r ec - telnaudNa-vieuir of the country"
for miler natuinadi Millie Asylum will non si ' t
of; foni Gothic
closed,hitilditigiconnected by in'
corridors two '`hundred and sixty's!!
feet in lenggits; ex.clusive , df piazzas, and wil l
be furnislmil with, - _pley-room, s wimming
l i - %ariel Capable of holding In v
bowling-alley; School and class-romv;
11114Y : e4 , / 6 ° llB it' . bebuilt of stops
cluainXteii„on the gruiind, heated by ste'! °
withinsaple provision for, light and ,
tionratid - guttrd*Vicell'a g ninst accident I'.