Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, November 23, 1861, Image 1

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    glzong f - J. ALLISON B. Inth - L.
ZrID M'icaNNEY & CO.
Editors and Proprietors.
E , GI NI 8 IN -AD VAN •CE.. •
Susecntrriose $1.50
Pr.rrA 1.25
t:LIYERIIII IN tternsa nr TN% ........ 2.00
Tv, n, We will; seventy, namber
Gar B.lllr. Dot.LAK, thirty-three nutillwrs.
r ~tor 4 'tending. tu TWENTY lIIIINICtibers atid upwarite, wilt
the, 0,5 , entitled to $ paper wittuutt charge.
iL Ahuuld he prompt o lt little - bekire the year expires
Nand i,aamente by safe hatt4, or.hy.
I),rect .11 letters to DAVID S'IIIIINEY $ CO,.
For the Presbyterian Beerier.
Settling A. Minister.
NY DEAR N :—So } our conarega
on has been favored with the presence Of
weral "candidates," Four candidates on
Jur consecutive Sabbaths! Yours, dear
1 , must be a very attractive field;
id rather. a critical one, it would seem,
ice none of the four " gave satisfaction."
tuppoie some liked one, and some, another;
cly,t, i t , usually the case. I haVe heard
ies say, that, in shopping, they were al
at a loss to choose a dress, or a collar,
a piece of laze, when a great 4Ectiety was
teed before them. And 'I have heard
mic acknowledge that the confusion , had
' them, at last, to take the ugllest Of the
There is, also, a sort of, proverb among
Omen, that is not altogether without its
,ructiveness--" He seeks through the
xis and takes a crooked atiek 'after all."
When God has called a minister to his
it, or when the Devil has driven one from
field of labor, the first thing that aston
ies the vacant congregation, if it be an
ligible " one, is the antaber of ministers
are willing to fly to them, for their
tfort and edification. Some happen to
passing that way; some are just then
ring friends in the neighborhood; some
le with letters of introduction from the
,lessors ; some have had a private invi-
Lou from one of the Elders. In some
y eligible churches, the- influx of can
lutes becomes at once embarrassing and
'ming to the Session ; and the eipedi
of a "stated supply " is adopted, as a
of barricade to the pulpit, with the
'enience of a wicket-gate for letting in
regularly invited. Bat generally, the
Aciple—in a peaceful sense, of course--
"an open field and fair play," prevails.
In the meantime, on either plan,• the eon
lation find that " variety is the spice of
' The pulpit glows with flowers of
ry delightful hue and fragrance; the
s of disciples become-'chairs'of judg
‘,; criticism enjoys a pleasing bewil
int, amidst comparisons and contrasts;
iota is , lost in admiration; a choice is
by confusion.
is a marvel to me, dear M------, that
`Ms ever agree, after any prolonged
in sueh experiments. The pro
so likely to expose the weak points
people, as well as of the candidates,
'mutual distrust and aversion are quite
•obable results as agreement. And'
the people, too, diversity of tastes
„indices often occasions trouble. Each
judging for himself, furtively exercises
prerogative for-his fellow members, too;
if they do not concur, a difference, and
fiance, a "difficulty" springs up: Rca
for not being pleased with a candidate
themselves promptly and plentifully,
.e there are so many judges and. so
subjects on which to exercise their
went. 1. Nothing against thiis one,
prefer another. 2. Mr. A. does not go
him. 3. Mr. B. does not go for him.
Think we can, perhaps, do better. S.
fe is too dressy. Isn't flowery enough.
)oesn't preach loud enough. 8. Prays
long. 9. Is half an abolitionist. 10.
i been settled before. Now, by revers
these reasons, you have au equal num
of considerations that incline people to
pleased with a candidate. And yet,
'ser iu the one case nor in the other, do
lie very near the real, Scriptural quail=
.)ns of a good minister, viewed either
teacher or pastor.
would not expect a congregation to call
lister without hearing him ; although
be done, I am persuaded, without
ng to greater mistakes than are made
the candidating plan. Some little per
acquaintance is desirable for both
istcr and congregation. But not much
be discovered' of a minister's qualifica
, by hearing. him once or twice, except
;one of his voice,,his complexion, his:
ire, all of which may be quite unex
,onable and yet be in conjunction with
small allowance of brains, schWar
and religion. His sermon ' too, may
very fine brick, and yet it affords but
criterion for judging of the capacity,
inieuce and comfort of the house.
water is good, but is 'it drawn front a
ial fountain, or from a- cistern, that
fail in dry weather? No body can
by the common modes of trying can
`cs. All about his pastoral qualifica
, his habits, his temper—to say noth-
A' his wife and worldly estate—must
;anted by inquiry. Stroh inquiry must
lly be made of other parties, although
of unsophisticated verdancy may ex
'ere the information is furnished by
present practice, however,' will not
be materially changed, until Pres
tes do their duty better, botktoward
led ministers and Lc:ward — vacant
-s. It is owing, ehiedy, to the em
/ants of Congregationalism on our
fterial order, that this state of things
been introduced. Candidates and
hes are left to look after one another,
to make such agreements as they can,
then Presbytery is called' in, to go
- , 11 the forms of administrative action,
king to the Book—something like, a
ter's office at a wedding, after the
pair have gone through the prelitni
wooing and engagement.
.1 I have time to say now of the evils ,
'og from the current style of candi
„&,,, is, that they are too numerous to
ion—that is, in the balance of this
Perhaps I may writd you again on
lame subject. I sincerely hope your
. may soon get a good minister to
the oversight of their religious inter
but they must not expect every man
a prodigy of gifts and talents. lam
they are touched with spiritual dys
,a a little already, so 'as not to have a
;tly sound a,ppetite'and relish for the
Llterated milk of the' word. With
regard for your comfort and welfare,
truly, Yours,
For the Presbyterian.):Manor.
lion of the Southern 'COnledergey.
iSRS. EDITORS :—At the recent, 'Dea
f the Synod of Allegheny, at Nei-.
, a paper was introduced to that body,
'h the proper Committee, in which
•ed the following paragraph:
is Synod cannot but regard with pe
horror the avowed purpose of the
of the Southern rebellion, to rear
new Confederacy on the foundation of
perpetual hereditary slavery of millions
ack mon, whose sole crime is a skin
Rr than their own.' Nor does this
view with less abhorrence the sena
of certain Southern ministers, viz.,
the Providential trust of the South,ern
is to conserve and perpetuate the
;ion of domestic slivery tut-iMireiiist
id that their duty is trans ,
system of slavery to future genera-.
with the freest scope for its natural,
Intent and extension.' "
m your present correspondent orig
wrote the foregoing paragraph, he
ite certain of having accurately stated
dished views of the' Southern lead
.' this reason he had neglected to
himself with the necessary doeu
defend his statements on the fiber
, inasmuch as he did not expeht
, ld be questioned. It ;be
however, that metiera,ble
- , ••..
. , . .
„. . .• •
it le'
• .
VOL. X., NO. 10.
father,' A i & is contra' only accurate 'in his
suiTesthins, expressed a doubt of the fact
itiZkre `alleged, viz.,: that "the leaders of
the Seuthern rebellion had avowed :their
purpose : to found their Confederacy on per
petual hereditary slavery."
lan pined that I:dicl . :not misrepresent the
Southern Sentiment; .permit me. as a speci
men, to quote from a speech of ALEX. H.
SrEpricos ' Vice President of the Confed
erate States; deliVered'at Savannah, March
/884 as reptirted iri the Savannah
Reptio/ioan, as follows
if The prevailing ideas entertained by
Jefferson and most of the leading states
men at the time of the fbimation of the
olel Conititatien, we're thaltheenslavetnent
1 of the' Afiie . an was in violation of the laws
' of cantle and that it was • wrongin prin
ciple, socially, morally, and politically."
"`his idea' was the prevailing idea. at the
time." - " These ideas " (viz.; of Jefferson
and the' kip:ling stateemen of his time s )
" wereittoutanientalli wrong." " Our new
Government rs FOUNDED upon exactly the
opposite idea; its imputations are laid, ITS
CORDIEIV 'STONE rests upon the great truth
that the negro is not equal to the white
man ; that slavery, or .subordination to, the
suPerior raw, is his natural and normal
condition. This, our 'new Government, is
tke'first in the 'history of the world, BASED
ii this great physical, philosophical,
auttineed thith."
Much more of the same sort Might be
quoted. Rut from such a source, this I
should suppose would suffice to establish
the 'correctness of the averment in the
paper intrisinced*to the notiee Of the Synod
of Allegheny. My excellent' and revered
father, who bjeeted in that 'body, had no
doubt overlooked the documents.
In regard to tinaattir part of the para.
graphpresented Syndd; that " cer
tain Southern ministers had declared it to
be ' the providential trust and mission of
the Southern people to conserve, extend,
and.perc e tuate their system of negro
slavery,' do not recollect that any ob
jection was raised in the Synod. But lest
the authorities may not be familiar to some
of my brethren, allow me to present a' few
'brief "extrach/, as follows , :
" The trust providentially committed to
us" Om Southern people,) "at this junc
ture, is to conserve and perpetuate the in
stitution of aomestio slavery' as now exist
ing "—" for es as now situated, the duty is
'Auk, of consenting and transmitting the
.system of slavery, with the FREEST SCOPE
for its natural development and extension."
" Without, determining the question of
duty for- future generations "—" what say
you to this, to whin/ this gmat providential
trust of conserving- slavery is assigned'?"
"It is this that makes the crisis. "It
establishes the nature and solemnity of our
present trust, to prises:re sad TRANSMIT
our existing system, of domestic servitude,
with the roght, unchanged by, man, to
and rootitself wherever Providence and
nature may carry it, This trust we will
discharge in the face of the ;worst possible
perit. —Rev. Dr. Pahner's Sermon of
November, 1860.
In a similar strain, Rev. Dr. Thornwell
says: If, therefore, the South is not
prepared to see her institutions surrounded
by enemies, and wither eaddecay under
-these hostile •inituentes—if she means to
cherish and proteit them, it is her bounden
duty to • resist "—" Secession becomes not
only aright but 'a I:minden duty." " The prin
ciple is at work and enthroned in powermlioie
inevitable teixteuey is the death , knell , of
.slavery," "Let duse crush the- serpent in
the egg." " Under • these ; circumstances,
how can any man question either the
righteousness or 'the necessitrof secession."
0 She " (the SonthY ".has ttacted under •a.
conviction of amaring , peritamia sense of
compelling justice," viz., ":against a party
in sworn hostility to that, institution upon
which Tiln' Lum AND nETI44 49 4. the &nth
Sack - being the value - .and, importance of
this great ":corner stone of the Confed
eracy," this providential trust," on the
continuance and conservation of which
their " `life and being" " afe saspeirded; it
necessarily, on the - principle of 'the first
lavr of nature, self-preservation, becomes
their right and. duty to labor, andproy, and
preach, and if need be, to fight and die, to
transmit this vital institution to all future
generations. Sick the spirit of the men
who, in the words of the lite Secretary of
-State of their ConfederaCy, expect that
they will one day "call the roll of their
slaves at the foot ,of Bunker Hill monu
Bait was not always snwith the men 'of.
the South. In' 1818 the Rev. Dr: Bax
ter, one of Virginia's noblest Christian he
roes, prepared a paper which received the
sanction of the General Assembly, I bs
lieve Without a dissenting voice. It was in
answer to the following resolution submit
ted to the body :
" Resolved, That a person who shall sell a
slave, a member - of the Church in good stand
ing, and who is unwilling to be sold, acts
inconsistently with the spirit of Christian
ity, and ought `to' be debarred from the
'communion of the Church.." -
Let us hear the Assembly speaking
through Dr. Baxter : " The General' •As
sembly having taken into consideration the
subject of Slavery, think proper to make
knoivi their sentiments. .
"IVe•considei the voluntary'enslaving , of
OneTortion of the human race by-another as
a &gross violation, of the most sacred rights
of human nature---rutterly inconsistent with
thelaw of Goil--tatally irreconcilable with
the spirit and principles of the Gospel of
"'Slavery creates , a paradox in the moral
system "----" scarcely .:leaves them (the
slaves) the . power _pf
~moral action "
" makes them dependent on the will of
others for rhifgithia iiiiti'dtion, `and wheth
er they shall- know and' worship the true
God, and enjoy the ordinances of the Gos
pelr “ perfo:m . the , duties, of.hoohaodo,
parents, and children," ,4 preserve their
chastity and purify, or regard"the''dietates
of justieh'ia& holhAity. '
" The evils to.which the slave is 'aizauys
.exposed often take place in' fact, and in
_their worst degree and form. And where
all of them do, not take place "—" still the
slave is deprived of his natural right, die
graded as a humanWy b o. l And exposed to
the danger o , passing , into the hands of a
Imaster who -may inflict upon him all the
hardships and tnjuries which inhumanity
and avarice may soggest."
"At the present„day, the inconsistency
of Slavery with the' dictates of humanity
`and religion haibei*lientonstritted, and is
generally seen and acknowledged." " And
it is manifestly. ael - dodyi of all Christians,
who enjoy the light-of the present day,"
" tofliss their honest) outwit - and nircmgoied
.endeavors- to correptlliNerron of former
times, and as speedily,al;porible to efface
this Not on OM' ho/y rettiion, and to obtain
the complete abolition Of SliViery through
out Christendom, arolif pOssible, through-
L out the world.", 4,..
. Snell was the doctrine 'of the whole
Church, South as well as'North, `forty-three
years ago., Where' then ;'did`' these men of'
the SOutlileirn to “ call , etillgood, and good
evil.; to put darkness Pori light, and : light
far darkness—bitter for sweet, and sweet
for 13ittor ?' 11 ',4‘,11,0w, are the miOty fillen I"
To sustain and extend this shameless aban=
- donments of Scriptural principle, and, of the
almost universal sentiment of the civilized
world, the Southern COnfederacy ha's sprung
into being, and:hundreds of thousands of
Southern fanatics are in arms for.the-over
throw of the freest and best government on
earth. . ANTI-FANATIC.
P. S.—lt may be proper to add, that the
last General Assembly, as well as a previ
ous one, declared i‘piea7Ct of 1818" to be
unrepealed, part. or the law of
the Church, as when first enactett, , ,This
was: said last May, in answer to the mils
statement of the Synod of South Carolina.
This is a popular .11-yron, sung oftenin Ger
many by the whole: congregation as,they. leave
the church at the close of Divine service. The
melody is our own .4 Home, Sweet lioine," with
some modifications
0, where 'shall the .sout find - her: rest and her
Whose wings will protect her? How long -must
she roam?
Does not the world offer one city, of peace,
One spot 'free 'froni sin, where our labors may
cease ?
No, No ,n NO, NO! Far out of sight,
Beyond is our home-in the-kingdotrit of light
We'll leave, - then; the world* in ite darkneis be-
'And walk in the light, if, our home we may-find;
The . great New Jerusalem, God'has preimred,
His - word has been given—his counsel declared:
Yes; Yes, jtes; Yes!' Yonder must be
Those mansiens made ready for yOu and , for me.
And Jesus our Saviour, our Brother jailers--
Na 'Sit shall oppress us, no Denth, Pain, nor
But melodies sweeping from angel harps, roll
A welcome of triumph to each ransomed soul.
Rest, Rest, Rest, Rest ! There we may rest
Forever with Christ in the home of the blest
For we, who have loved his appearing below
By faith--theu bp• sight our Redetiluer shall
In garments of liblineis, freelrom each taint;
Shill worship before.him the lowliest saint.
Free, Free, Free, Free'! Freed from our sin—
FroM fightings without and temptations within'.
Dear Saviour, .our hearts burn - within, and we
To joinin the angels' victorious song:
Hallelujah to Him who
,hath bought us !—they
The Lain]) who hath loved us, Who reigneth on
Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait ! SoMishall we hear
The voice of the Master who us appear
Then courage, our souls! For'lhe -warfare is
Our :armor is stionk;' and'Searirels our Fort;
And *hen we' hive triumphed; 'ali& each has his
At the feet 'of the 1614 *e j viill bast There' all
Joy, Joy, Joy,' Joy'! , Safe home' at last—
The battle is ever—the peril - is peat.
fresbrbry of Now Mob On.
This Presbytery met in East Liverpool,
Ohio, October 16th, 1861. The following
items -of business transacted. may be inter
esting to the :public.
The Rev. John Pryse was received from
the Presbytery - •of Omaha, Nebraska Ter
M. George J. Luckey, Principal of .the
Union School' of 'FAA Liveipool, 0., was
'redeived lurider ithe care of Tresbytery, as a.
probationer for. the Gospel ministry, and
recommended to. enter the Western Theo
logical Seminary.
Mar. William Ga,ston, a licentiate= under
the care of Aresbyteryovas ordaineff-as an
Evangelist: Mr. H. H. Dobbins, also a
licentiateander our care, as dismissed to
the Presbytery of Omaha. w
The churches within the bounds of
Presbytery. were directed, to observe the
last Thursday of 'February next as a day
of special prayer, for children' and youth,
especially those collected in Academies,
Colleges, and,Seminaries, that the Lord ,of
the harvest would send forth laborers into
his vineyard, and that a, collection be taken
lip on that day for the-College Fund, ac
cording- to the order of the General Assem
, bly.
The following action was taken•by Pres
bytery with reference- to special religious
We recommend that the ministers of this
Presbytery will meet together two and two,
some time this Fall or Winter, and, where
the Sessions of churches will not- deem
such proceedings improper, will spend at
least a week in each congregation, in vis
itation andin preaching, and, if advisable,
they will administer the Lerd!s Supper on
the Sabbath day.
The ministers, in • carrying out this ar
•rangementi will.cooperate ,in the following
Messrs. Pryse - f-and IVl'Cready will visit
the churches of Brookfield; Hubbard; Niles,
•Liberty, and Cortsville.
Messrs. IVlacMaster and ;Maroh—Poland,
Canfield, and .Boardman.
Messrs. Stratton and Simer—Deerfield,
Concord, New.ton, and :Rehoboth.
Messrs. Todd and Maxwell—New Lishon,
and Salem.
Messrs. Dundass and Dalzell—Middle
Sandy, and Hanoverton.
Messrs. .Miller and- .Gastonn—Pleasant
:Valley, Palestine, Clarkson, and Glasgow.
Messrs.. Swan and Dickson --Yellow
Creek, Long's Run,and Madison.
Messrs. Laverty and HayS-L-Bethel, and
'East - Liverpool.
Messrs. Todd el d Hays---Bethesda:
Messrs. Dundass and Todd—Alliance.
Presbytery adjoArned to meet in Clark
son on the SeconCTuesday. of April next,
at 4 o'clock P. M.
ROBERT HAYS, Stated Clerk.
The' Unippiedated 'Sky.
It is a strange -thing how little, in gen
eral, people' know'abont the sky. It is the
part of creation, in which Nature has
more-for the sake of pleasing man—more
for the sole and evident purpose of talking
to, him and teaching him, than in any other
of her works, and it 'is just the part' in
Which we least attend to her. There are
not many of her - other—works in which
some more material or essential purpose
than the mere %pleasing. of men is not an
swered by, every part of their,organization;
'hut a very essential purpose ortheSenight,
"se far as we ineW, be answered, if, - Once 'in
three: t iilayk 4(erealiouts,
,great' ugly,
hlaak:raiii-elbud — weri brought itp, over the
i t tae elkY, and . ' !thing
watered; an,
ab Xll' left bhie:ag till'next'timez, with
*thefts a filth of tnerning and evening
dew. And instead 4' 0 4, there not a
moment of any day of our lives when na
ture is not prOdricing" scene after Scene,
pietiire'after.picture glory after glory, and
working still upon such' exquisite and' eon
princiPles of the most perfnei beauty
that it is "quite certain' that it dtine
Or us and'intended for our perpetnal 'plea
sure. And: every man, wherever Plhced,
Vawever far from other 'sdeires Oriiitereik
For thi Presbyterian Banner
or beauty,,lias this doink for him constant
ly. The noblest scenes of," the eartli b ein
seen and known but liy4evr';' it iif,n6t iin
tended- that; naan should live al waysJ the:
midst of . them; he ; injures. them by kin
presence;, hp ceases tofeel them . if" he
always with: them ; but the sky is . for all;,
bright as it is, it is net c.r itoo ,
good for human nature'sdailyfootr:.
times gentle,: sometimes• caprimous, some
times:awful; never the same for :taro
Tents together; almost human in Ms p,m
sions,' spiritual in its tenderness,' and almost
Divine in -16 ; it4•'appeil in what is ,
immortal bilis is as distinct as its rainistry
of chastisement or of blessing to:what is
mortal, is esseptial. • ,
And yet we never, attend to it, we
never make it subject of thought but as.
it has to - dOwr,,th, Oiir:antiliaiiinsation; we:
look alien . 4111.1iy *Mali it - spenkahmore
clearly to ns.4 than to brute-upon all
which bears witness to tintintention of,the,
Supreme; that rwe are to receive more from
the covering -vault than the;lighi and "the
dew.which we share with - the treed'and'the
worm-onlymt,a succession of meaningless.
and monotonous accidents, tau: common and
too painful to bp,. worthy of a moment's
watchfulness: or% a , glapee,4 admiration.--
John. Ruskin. ,
. 11TDISA . Ronrszt-4)E3r88 . OF Dies. , 33oka AND 'llttrytEß—'
Altraut — .PolwaoßlPZ. .
LONDON, Oct. 26, 1861.
SMITH tilianwi<in; :his old
friend Meaghet, now in the Federal army;
hasmade an oifor, to become a mediator in
the civil war - He says 4 1 - offer to .'go to
America'as Mr uktstentatithlS m ssionary'of'
peace. During u publieciife i , which' , now
extends over, ; thirty-three,years, I ,Intve;
never• solieitea offers of any. kind for my--
self, from either kings,,,%neens, viceroys,
or ministers; but lai ffow disposed to
scilicit the situation , ciftitiPaid• envoy be-
tween the contending , sections of •the Amer
lean people-,and. it, 7ivillbe the proudest .tri
umph. of my life, it I can succeed in,, re
storing peace between the disunited mem
bers of the great American family; whose
most - vital interests are -so deeply-injured
by this internecine war." This, no , doubt,
is well t and kindly meant,: and ,no one can
treat it either with anger or contempt.
But is . not to be supposed that there is
any room at' present for mediation in this
awful 'Contest; when the North' isihrowing
its whole , heart , and strengtlrinte , its vigor-
ous prosecution, and when waits
with sad and painful expectation for an is
sue which, come how or when , it may, will
be the winding up of 'a 'chapter of Anglo
Saxon history never to be 'eraied from the
memory of Mankind: If " Liberty" 'is
thug to be born in, the South, she will in
deed have received a baptism of bleod, and
that is'the which 'the lifornivg Star,
unlike most of its coteroporaries who desire
but do not expect it, still confidently antic
ipa.tw3. It writes thus : " Day `by: diy , the
real issue becomes more, distinctly defined.
For our own pgt,„„as we have not enter
tained the slightest cleat 'as tothe Cans&
of the war, so we have always foreseen and
clearly indicated - the only means by which
it could ' - be brought satisfactorily to,a close.'
Some skeptics avow their grave doubts
whether, there is any connexion between'
slavery and secession. According to their
theory, the struggle is between' free trade
and protecticon, and peace might at once be
restored by a modification of tariffs. We
hive repeatedly exposed the( hollowness of
this delusion. The strife 'which slavery
has venerated; can only terininate 'With its
The Star then proceeds to ' comment on
the speech delivered by the Hon. Charles
Sumner, at the Republican Convention at
Worcester, in MaSSaelfusetts, as "one of
the most significant events of the Amen
can crisis.", It continues thus
"It must be borne in. mind that 'the
meeting was not a gathering of abblitien
ists. It was a formal assemblage of the
Republican party; the members of which'
were greatly divided on this question but a
short time ago. A few months since, only
a small minority could have been found
openly to advocate negro emancipation, and
those who most eagerly denounced the ,2,x
-tension of slavery into new territories',
shrank from meddling with it in the re
gions where it, already, held .a recognised
existence. The war has brought a won
drous change. It has opened the eyes of
the blind, banished the scruples of the'
doubtful, and dispelled. the fears 'of the
timorous. All have 'hoped to recognise- the.
foe during, whose existence there min; be no
hope of peace.
" Wlio would have ventured to Pronlie-'
cy a year , beck thatAn orator at a meeting'-
of theßepublican party would have daredt
boldly to advocate the overthrow of slavery?.
Who would have been sanguine,enough,to„
anticipate, that such an, advocacy would.
meet with an ontburst of Maniiiigled and
rapturous Applause?"
• The' writer proceeds- to analyze the
speechtells • how, Mr. Sumner' " pointed
out the eradication Of- slaverY Weal 'bring,
the war once to a close ;" how "he dielt
upon the miserable 'subjugation` in which` -
the Federal Government was held for years
by the -man-selling oligarchy, and
with delight its emancipation .from this
hateful' bondage—which was at least .ones
good fruit springing from .secession:; ; how.
" he admitted the difficulties and
,responsi. 7 ,
bilities inseparable' from the bondage . , ,of
rooting.out negro 'bondage `froin'tlie lank'
but:he bade his countrymen.remember: that!
all obstacles -melt away before the .firm rosy
olutions of earnest souls." .* * ".The,.
enthusiastic Assent,' which
. was ev,oked
Mr. Sumner's nobl; wordi—wordi WertliY"
alike of the man' . and of hiS themejLiss a
cheering. :foretaste! of the , triumph;which
cannot long be deferred. From the outset
we' have foreseen : and, predicted that "it,
would wine to thiS at last." • .
The Stwidard, a daily conservative pa
per, has lettere once a week. 'Oar main,
American news 4 and', lettera. Arrive here in'
time for publiCation on each .Monday.‘ ,
Last Monday it gives us a letter -yfreni
Manhattan, whose performances are very
Amusing, to saY r ihe lei S t. of 1t He takes
libertiee with',e;ery . bodY-PreSideist
that, patroti4eslille - ii both wiikirhat, t hat
fer 'the fan it•Nimild'hirdeAStiintrate' un
nudge * Thui=" ThisAilftsay---if Gen
capital, he 'ina, 'take My - hat. row/ht to
lio,sativied with the poaition'of 'the Geiter:.,
at: It isuo :boast;for (in 'the 'files of
your journal tt oii3 be read) before McClellan
won a battle iiiiVestern* Virginia,
hatian'' thllaaitention, to has *eels ; also;' .
before Bull Ititt'as,the ftitUre-proper COM
milnder `the 'Petbina Again' ..'let us'
hear him as. tu ,the choice of: Abel:6lJan by'
tbe 9hiefof tha'Republio; and restrain our
litltar' it We' can ;President"
4.1.%)4^ri ..#l-1,
reads your journal, it will account for his
actions, fof in its columns, the man and
-what has since, happene - d, was recommend
ed." To which-the jaunty, jolly, rollick
coi.resp.Ouden't;" adds his mark of ad-
ini - Katj.9l4 1!1!). 7 -pr3 tcOiltsp
adds about, the President: "I certainly
Will not baek - down from my roan. I said,
long:ago, that be would get us out of our
troubles. Trecominemleci him; and I said
if, he did flit° American people would
make him ,Etap9ror, King, President for
life, Or anything else he wished to be"
Sometimes " Manhattan " despends a little,
but in a: fewsentenees he gets up bie.spirifs
amain; Thusthe *Lys : " The danger now
is this over antl*Ont ,unaeconntable eon&
deface. I have the most dreadful gloom
upon my mind. Still t should foreshad
ow the defeat of General IVleClellan and his
fortes—if Washington should be' captured
.and burnt---if Baltimore should rise up
and Oriye out the Federal troops, and even
if. Philadelphia, should be menaced—the
contest then, "so - far as the Free States
are> concerned; 'will have begun . in fear
ful ,earnest,..and the North must win."
" Manhattnn " also**isluiitirslavery. Fie
writes from, the ,tltripfire- City,. and , says
lefeto New:York . .City to fight it out,
the CitY would'speedily win, for she would
commence by declaring that the• slaves
should-all ibe Ifree. :This would =secure the
61e.sing of Godupon the Northern,arinies.
Then _they wo,uld fight, for something.
Really` what the Nerthern States are pour
log out their Men and money for no*, is a
mystery.' To niake the slave power more
formidable than ever ! It is useless to talk.
If GeneraldgeClellan wins the approach
ing battle, it will be useless, unless we free
the slaves. End slavery and the Union is
restored. There` is nobody then left in the
Southern States,:,*ut Union men- but .free
white .labor' meti:;‘4llese men will. rise up
as soon as the slave owner is put down, and
he cannot be put down until, his property,
his means, his labors, in a word, his slaves
are , taken from him and Made free!'
ContrOversy pro and eon., by Irishmen
who have been associated with the North
ern- and. Southern , States respectively, is
presented in recent numbers or the Banner
of Ulster.
Mr. Rnsserk 'latest letter contains por
traits; very striking„ of 'Generals APClcllan
arid Beauregard 4 respectively. Ho has, the
very highest opinion: of the latter. He
declares that lutd he been a Northern man
he would certainly have, fOught for the
Union. The correspondent of the Daily
Telegraph ~r ather, Mia'chievously professes
sympathy with•Ru,ssel-, when recently. he
went West. 'lt appears, according to his
too " candid friend,' that the Times' cor
respondent had "gone out gunning" on
the Sabbath day; and bad been brought up
and fined -for, it ‘-Mr. •Rus,sel makes an
allusion to same • wrong. dorie him in the
legal way, and says ihat half his fine was
paid by persons in Court—indignant at
what occurred. should not suppose tha
Fast days or Sabbath days had any spiritual
charms for , the brillia.nt and rollicking
Trinity College man and Honorary LL.D.
graduate, any more than they would have
to other class writers connected with the
'Times. There are, 'I trust, some ex.ceptions,
It is.a great tniWike An suppose that the
Times is the exponent of: the views and
feelings of the English nation ; ---I mean the
backbone of it, the great tniddle-class, in
cluding the powerful body of Evangelicals,
both Churchmen and Nonconformists.
AN INDIAN` ' - has lately ap
peared in London ) as a competitor in'those
foot-races Which form one of the most
prominent . of, recreations and contests in
the metropolitan suburbs. While not un
mixed with evil, and always accompanied
by 'the staking of - sums of money, they are
- by'means-so degrading and demoralizing
as, either pugilism or horse-racing. We
have now in. the midst of us ".Deerfoot,"
the Indian: Runner, .testing his strength
and speed with our best men, and beating
them, He has already engaged in six
matches—lost the° first, and won all the
others. His last contest was with Jackson,
an American, who, it is believed, in, his
various matches, on both sides of the At-.
'antic had rim more miles than the dis
tance once - round the world. He, like
other competitors,has been defeated. Deer
foot will not use the regular running shoes
—he grefers his-moccasins ; nor can he be
induced to rest in a bed, preferring to wrap
himself in a skin, and lie on the bare
beards. He is 'dressed in his native cos
tume,-and has :a , small' red band, trimmed
with gold,.round his - head, with a feather.
His body-dress is trimmed with little brass
bells, which, as he enters the arena, an
nounce his, approach. He is, of light
brown eotnplaiion, stands five feet ten
inches, weighs about eleven stone" six
pounds, 'and is twenty-nine, years of age.
It is said that he has been quite encum
bered of late, in walking about, with the
sums of Money which' he has won. He
must have it in specie, and moreover would
not for• a long-time .lodge it :any • where,
fearing it lost. .At length he has
heen persuaded to trust his gains to the
keeping of the Bank of England, and will
go lonia ere long, the richest of all the
Seneca tribe: His speed of foot is' indeed
extraordinary - .. 'Defeating two competitors
Dublin, he. .I.att the distance of twelve
miles in sixty-five.minutes and six seconds.
It is affirmed that he writes regularly to
the . Missionaries aMoligst'his brethren, and
is' devout in his habits. - Lets us hope' that
evil;communicationi" will not long em
peril,hismoral,and spiritual.well-being. ;
DBATII liasl been busy , intakina- :useful
men. away. Onenf, these, was the • r' Rev. T.
Boaz, LL.D., whose labors on behalf of the.
Lonon Missionary Society in India, as
Well'as' at hal:tie, are well known. Be ar
rived'in Calcutta- in 1834; his' sphere of
labor there, as, .pastor of Union, chapel, lay
principally among„.the .East Indian and
European portion of the community; he
was identified with leverY missionary effort
in India. He ,was Secretary of the. Beneul
Missionary Snmety,, the principal founder
d'the''Ohristian Institution at 'Brokehani
pore, an 'active member of the Bible and
Tract Societies , of Calcutta and a promoter-
of the, Sailors' Home, and 'Widows' and
OtPlnis' Fund AsioCiation. 'Dr. Boaz was
onlyin his' fifty-fonith year, and died slid•
denly. in London, .after returning from a
three months'. missionary tour in the
Another active member of the primitive
Wesleyan body in Ireland, who some years
a,,triErnade a tour in the United States, and
Obtained large --and .generous 'help for mis
sions and k , schools.: Irelabd, ..has..: been.
calked a4aay. sis name,
_ : Dawson Dean,
Heather, will be familiar to,lniny,of your,
readera.,:He was in Seotliir4,
missionary ileputat'iori< ifrofir, and wag said=
- tally`cut 'dtiviretatusuiti age . . ptobbbly almost/
the .same ugh,. )3daz. - His remains were.
bronght „to Dublin. for interment. lie was
once a year a visitor. at the breakfast table'
Of the London' Tract Sobiety, the Counnit
tee '6f.' Ikini` 'supplies for mass
sioriary. work , :
PAIBAGLIA:;b6Sidi3i his pamph::
let.;:"ProlCco‘fa`lltittidar(itiuLatin-zend , `'
ing,-Jhoweveri;translators , into . various :Jan
guages,):lyasA.l;teenliq, trouble at Rome. A,
fortni:ght ake, -o 'summoned;, } several ;
t i - 14 n tru
Cardinals to a council at the Vatican, for
purpose of considering' what measures
should be taken. On the fourth morning'
afterwards, the police entered the -house of
Madame Fulgens, with the intention of ar-
resting the Abbe, but failed in finding
him. The lady, protested against the vio
lation. of her dwelling, .and deolared her
self to :be a British subject. All the
And:then he
Abbe's papers and letters were seized by the
police, and he has been suspended for refusing
fo make" a retractaion of his pamphlet.
The Pope is afraid to prosecute the author,
but intends to strike the printer. Why so ?
Because, (0, the distressing, dilemma!)
Passagliahaving been the champion of the
Pope's Pet dogma of the Immaculate Con
ception,' it would now be quite a 'scandal
that-he should 'be hunted doWn: Tbd work
of Passiglia was published at Florence.
Its full, title is
," Pro Causa ; ad
Episcopos Catholipos, auctore Presbyter°
eatkotico," He begins by defending him-
Self priest, and' not a bishop, for writing
on a ebutroversi al subjea, aud quotes ex
amples in justification as follows
4 f Was not Justin, that most ,eloquent .authon
of ~ Apologies for the . -Christian , ,Faith;' a mere
Presbyter ? Was not Tertullittn Presbyter, ,
thae:most: bold asserter and defender of the or-
thodos faith before he.lapsed into the, heresy .. of
16loataimi? Was 'Mei - pont, of Alextindiia, that.
most copious witness of Christian traditions; any
thing more theme. Presbyter? Was Adatriantius
niiti prodigy of the Christian World more? Was
Jeroine more; he-wbo piid back with so much in
crease the light which he had derived from the
sun of the Church ? Were the following ever
raised beyond the rank of Presbyters:—Cassio
derus, Alcuin, Peter ,Bleseusis, Bernard,
ander Alensis, Thomas Aquinas, johannes St:o 7
tusliFrancis Suarez, BiX Inindied other
writers .by whose labors and studies the Catho
lic faith'has profited immensely? But it would
be useless to.pile up further examples, which are
really past, all number, and the matter is too evi
dent to need being supported by a wide induc
tion of proofs.
He then proceeds'to deplore the condi
tie]] ~of ecclesiastical society in Italy.
"'Who is there so blind as not to see that
the, people of Italy are in the most misera
ble'plight----a condition in which danger is
not ar off, but near a hand, and the most
grievous of all dangers too, no less than the
open and bodily schism, or at all events the
secret ~and spiritual alienation, of most of,
his countrymen from the Paradise of the
Church, Which can only rob the mother of
her beleved offspring? This idea of " open
and bodily schism" is, thank God, be
coming more finniliar to the Italian' mind
p,very, day, ands by and by I expect it will
be discussed'openly in France itself—in a
Galilean and anti-Popish sense—of which
recent symptoms are very significant.
The entire separation in -feeling between'
the laity and the priesthood -in .Italy; are ,
bxought out in a very striking manner.
" Behold," he says, ," a great portion of the
clergy are at open Variance with the aggre
oatelof the laity; most or all the shepherds
are being severed from their flocks; and
yet the, chief shepherd of all, the successor
of St. Peter, the Vicar of Christ upon
earth, is visiting the kingdom and society
of Italy 'with dreadful cuisure, and with
the thunders of excommunication.' And
then he, sarcastically adds: "You would
fanny that of the two-fold power to 'bind'.
and to 'loose,' only one part` is now left to
the highops of Italy, so thoroughly and en
tirely do they abhor and execrate that very`
thing which the whole. Italian race; both
high• and low, embrace with , ,the most eager
Passag,lia must know quite well that he
exceeds the truth in his eagerness to reach
his =e4l—to convince "the Pope that the"
spiritual power ought to be severed from
the temporal—when he says of the Italian
people, " They all most, firmly hold to every
particle of the ancient" (Romish) "faith.
No; they reverence it to the full." In this
argument Passaglia is the advocate of- Vie
tor Emmanuel against his enemies—the
Pope included, who places ; him among." the,
impious "--and he lays down broad proposi
tions as to the subjection of spiritual - off-
Ceti to -the powers that be, even if theyr
have been established " with injustice."'
The people hail:Victor Emmanuel as their
King, and Canonists not a few hold that
their wishes should always be respected.
,Therefore he demands emphatically :
"Such being the case, shall we hold it rightin
theJ Catholic bishops and their bead, the Roman
Pontiff, to harass and molest the kingdom of ,
Italy, and leave no stone unturned to effect its,
overthrow? This course, perhaps, we might'
think allowable, if the alleged injustice in.which
the kingdom of Italy was cradled were proved,
and shown to be most certain. But, seeing'that'
it, is doubtful and uncertain, and since it seems:
to many even far more probable, or even actually
certain,' that the Italian kingdom is based upon
the very4mundest of titles, and can be defended
not only on the plea of actual existence, but on,
that of right; would it not appear that the bishops
are following .their natural impulse'rather than
rightly consulting the dictates of sound reason,
should they persevere any further in the hatred
which they have conceived against the State of
He'eoncludes, therefore, that "there is no suf
ficient ground, based on the argument of injus
tice, for the bishops of Italy or their :.: chief to:
justify them in protracting this battle at the dic
tate:int` their natural impulge, or depriving their
people of the happiness of-peace between the
clergy and the laity of Italy.
I believe that it was quite desirable that
the Pope should continue implacable and
obstinhte ; Italy would commit a great blen
der, and therefore a great crime, in binding
herself to uphold a spiritual Papacy with
homage and• honor at Rome. " Quer/. Deus
mat perdere," &c.; and therefore the Pope,
the ex-King of Naples and the Cardinals, as
abody, continue fresh plots, and are rushing
on to - their final and•• irretrievable extinction
from Rome altogether.
Passaglia has written a more recent pa.m-
Phlet, dealing with the question of " Ex
cornm'unication," published at FlorenCe:
The object is to' show, 1. That the Roman
Pontiffsthentielves admit that they, may be
mistaken sometimes in the application of
ecclesiastical punishments and censures.
2. Th,at it may happen that a person ex
cenamithicated by the Phurch, is not so• by
G0d:1 , 3. -That excominunication should be'
used 'only for spiritual purposes. • The_uu
thor,, (who, in all that lie writes, proves,
himself to be both a profound Canoeist and
Very 'able icigician.) concludes by" sternly
,censuring those writers who have not hesi
tated; in their malice; to affirm the eternal
perdition, of Cavour's soul in consequence
of the excommunication pronounced by the
Pope against those who were the chief
causes of the separation of the Marches and
Tat FRENCH EMPERott having definite
ly refused to withdraw his troops from
Rome, or to push the Italian question to a
solution, which millions so eagerly, long for
lioth in, and Out of Italy 2 --the question
drieC i i; what are his ' motives for this deliy 3
for =Wean be *n othing; othin more. The' folleriFing
may,7be, mentioned <as •pkotiable Motives :
Ist,That.Napoleon-maystill elingloAs
idea pat tk spiritual illowxre4yftt,Bom, i
possilile, and that the Poe ma et consent
to it. '
2cYsi That. he may and' does fear teen*
centrate on, himself more of the hodtility
of the Popish clergy, iocluding the Jesuits,
and,,yarious BnOernities.: These last he
is jlealing . severely —_speeially the
Brothers of Saint tie oelieDe' Pan.l.`;
hale iiad.'lCoun am& various , flo&alt Oen,'
tree throughout Franeei , which ant Imperial ,
Ite,eree,, has, just prescrj'bed and put dowp
We kn, , c7 that yreviouely the.: Disiwps
:Publication_ Offiae:.
5. Square, (8 line, or bra) one insertiomi 80 CalltSl Mu*
subsequent insertion, 40Vente ; each line 'beyond eight, 5 et 4
A Sgyarepor quarter, $4.00; each line additional, 33 cents
A Itentlemosi made to advertisers by 'file year.
itusniEss NOTIOES of Tax lines or less, $l.OO each• ad
ditional line, 10 cents.
• DAVID 141 9 11INNKY & CO.,
were forbidden to publish their Charges, on:
the ground of their inflammatory and polit
ical character. Louis Napoleon knows that
Pope and priests all know him, and have
not the least confidence in his professions
of loyalty to the Church, as " the son of St.
Louis." But he does not like, and cannot
afford to drive them to the extremities dic
tated by desperation; although; ;if Aar flees
grasp the nettle in his iron gloie, it will
not sting or harm him.
L ' 3d. The Emperor may like to make Yid .
tcir -Emmanuel feel his 'dependence, and'
toilet the world see what an arbiter of na
tional destinies he is. England may sym
pathize -and approve—but what is this,
when he says " nay?"
4th. Anothentotive isfrancial. France
is passing through a crisis from a bad' har
vest and a change in commercial relations.
Money is the sinews-. of, war-;. but -money is
wanted to buy bread, not to fight at the
sth.. The Emperor above all, must, see
that if he by withdrawing the garrison,
open Acme to the ,Atalians, to-morrow, , the
next spa immediate cry Would be, "Venice !"
"Venice,.our sister, is enslaved; let us,
drive .out the Austrians and set Venice
free I" .He grimly looks forward to the,
day when - he must fight with that Power,
and he bides his time, -which is not yet.
Meanwhile, ,Etungary moans, and Louis
Kossuth waits sadly, yet not , : despairingly,
: for the hour of his country's opportunity.
'Austria's clay of reconing will come.
sufficiently goigeous and expensive, and to
be present at them must be dazzling to the
eye, and grandly impressive to the ear in
the thunder tones of Royal salutes and in
the pealing anthems of Cathedral music.
The King of l•russia has gone through
his coronation ,fatigues with great nerse
verancehas spoken now about receiving
his crown, from God, which seems to indi
cate very lofty notions; and has addressed
the army in tones Which , elicited great en
thusiath as to the'stern resolve, if need be,
to protect his' rights, and to do or die for
the fatherland.
The following is one of the many de
scriptions furnished by the special corres
pondents of London morning papers of the
'scene of crowning in the Cathedral :
The Queen's entrance was the signal for the
commencement of the service, in which the re
sponses were:sung by the Dom-Choir. This high
ly artistic and finished music produced a curious
effect. It combined with the drapery and deco
rations, with the:glittering helmets and swords,
and the waving plumes ; with the scarlet, blue,
green, and mauve - of the Uniforms, with their
manifold enthroidery; with the precious stones
and gossamer webs which, a placid lake of colors,
slumbered at the Queen's feet, and with the
grand standard which floated above, to impart
to the scene a theatrical effect—theatrical, that
is to say, in the best sense of the term. The
Prussian masters of the ceremonies have met Mr.
Kean on ; his : ewn . ,gr?und,.and, if they have not
conquered him, at least it is a drawn battle.
The Liturgy and , sermon over' the coronation
service commenced with the "Salvum fac regem,"
sting by the Dom-Choir, in the course of which
performance the bearers of the insignia, con
ducted by the chief master of the ceremonies and
the marshals, ascended the steps and deposited.
their burdens on the altar; that is to say, the
crown, the sceptre, and the globe. The swori
bearer and.. the Chancellor, with the sword. and
great seal, stood to the left of the altar. At this
moment the Dom-Choir ceased singing, and the
King, slowly rising to the flourish of trumpets
and kettledrums, walked up the steps, where he
bent apparently in silent meditation. He was
: followed by the Crown Prince, the great banners
anda number of officers. After a while, amidst
;profound silence, some officers of the Court ap
'preached the King, disrobed him of the mantle
and chain of the Black Eagle, and placed the
royal mantlei'upon his shoulders. The King next
handed his helmet to one of the officers; then,
slowly, steadily,-deliberately, as one conscious of
and over-weighted by the gravity of the act, he
stretched forth hisland, grasped the crown, and
as steadily, slowly, and deliberately put it upon
his head: How this act was communicated to
the :troops outside, to the bell-ringers, and to the
artillery on the ramparts, I know not; but as
:the Crown touched his head there came from the
;court outside the smart click:of large masses pre
aenting arms, and the bells began to peal, and the
first of a',4alitte of 101 guns booined from the dis
tant batteries. The bells and the discharge of
guns sounded. afar off, and all was deep stillness
in the church, as the King, slowly and deliber
ately turning round, took the sceptre, and again
confronting the assembly held it forth in his out
stretched hand. Finally he took the sword from
the-hands of the sword-bearer, and, with a face
of unutterable gravity, reminding one of a
crowned King on the top of a tombstone, he pre
sented that -sword in all.directions—to the East,
North, West, and South.,lt was then that hardly
a breath was ;drawn; stillness itself seemed
hushed into' a deeper stillness, for we all felt that
that sword was wielded by a greater hand than
the hand of the King of Prussia—that it flashed
in the mighty' grasp of the Protectorate of Ger
-many. _ _
The Queen having likewise approached the
altar, Count Groben, who bore her Majesty's
crown, approached also, when the King took the
crown and placed it on the Queen's bead. Both
then knelt down, while one of the clergy invoked
a blessing. Thus ended the coronation.
•The refusal of the King of Prussia to
recognize as yet, the Kingdom of Italy, be
cause nothing there is consolidated or com
plete, is charazteristic, and doubtless weighs
with the French Emperor in his present
attitude. J.W.
P. S.—Madame Lind Goldschmidt has,
for a time, resumed her public appearance
as an -Oratorio singer. She began two
nights-ago in ExeterEtall, the funds going
to ,the erection of a church and industrial
schools in a very low and spiritually desti
tute suburb on the Essex bank of the
Thames ' extending as far as North Wool
wich. She will visit Liverpool and other
places. She and her husband and children
have a large establishment and home near
London, at Wimbleton.
Lord. Stanley has been discoursing, at
Leeds, on National Education, and insists
that it is better to teach children a few es
sential matters well, than many imper
The intelligence from Egypt is very
gloomy. The extraordinary inunda - ion of
the Nile has destroyed more than fifty vil
lages. The railroad is torn np. The tele
graph line is broken. Two palaces are de-
Ar.oyed. The cotton crop is ruined, and the
Pasha's desires for needed,retrenchment are
completely disappointed. The Christians
(N.T.aronites) of Damascus are seeking ex
travagant" compensation" for outrages and
losses of which they, and, not the Druses,
were the vile and cruel anthors.
The. Times protests against the idea of
any-urgency being employed to induce En
gland to." break the blockade," declaring,
most truly and with great decision, that it
would .do a great injustice to the United
States Government, and an act which must
lead to war.
News has arrived in town of the sudden
death-cif -Sir James Graham, M. P.—long
the political associate of his 69th.
-1 Memphis ni advertiseS, an One- of
tbs . locskpaperßlhat she " now prepared.
to present to,tlte ladies of Memphis and vi
cinity the Southern styles, gotten up ex
pressly for Southern wear. •We no longer
will (or -dan)edepend upon New-York for
our styles and • fashio„oe, which never did
anitiOut' ,climate or cur people, , We will
have our opening of Fall milliuery,On gat
uid4,`Pbtober 'lti) .-- ask you, ladies, one
d i d yto call ands)examinc lour goods, and
then decide fortyourselves if Memphis hes
nokoutdpu e 4,9:01)iug Ne*-Yoxir. pould ower
prwent to theiSoilaGn:, .