Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, November 16, 1861, Image 1

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Editors and Proprietors.
T E R.M.4 LPL Y,A N. v., E,,
IN Owns • ' Sta
DOELANG, we send by mail seventy number
for Ont. DMA*, tliitte4tilkiii hilinbera. • ' "
'guys eesdlgg sakrsipart i v sdbootlbers and, nprvirds, will
wrestsy entitled to 11 tattler irlttiniut chiwaro.
anewale shoultlibeltroMpt, 4 little before-We year
end neyntsint} Imsfifehali T r. Rr •
irnet all lettein to • 'AVID )I'llll/gat
Permuting a Soldier with the'
Soldier"!,` whom a nation thanks,
And among its heroes ranks,,, ,,
Whither now for'lfre it looks
Soldier ! take this "
.Book of books."
Sokikeili:oould the nation'i:hind
Gather!'Wealth from every 1114;
Heap their treasures by thy awe,
Thy Possession to 'abide ; '
•` ; Soldier! could The stroine.of praise> , i
Which ambition's very.orsze,
Fall upon diq listening ear,
Sung of thee, and sting siticete--
Soldier 1 still a richer prize
Has clejoenZertiotit The silos;
Here, these,keeious words divine,
Riches ; honor, both enshrine.
i(11 , 1 1 .
S,oldier4..,what, this:Bible brings, ..
(Heaven's, holy, blessed things,)
Will, be "Nrealth,entir,faine to.thee,
To thy soul—eternally. • •
Soldier 1' doubt notieee.anillee—:
Cherished let this volnifeiloil • •
Tempted, sick, in datit. y,
From its precepts never stray.
For the Presbyterian Banner.
Synod of OW. •
is Synod held its annual session in the
itminstor church, Coluipbus, commend-
on the evening of October 10th, at 7
opening sermon was preached
,by *
Moderator, Rev. M. A. Hoge, ,from
,tians ♦: 7, last clause, "Faith- work
by love."
iv. G. L. Kalb was elected Moderator
the ensuing year, and Rev. M. A. Sac
and Rev. Alex. Scott were ohosen .
rary Clerks.
meetingpwas enlivened by the pres-
and addresses of the representatives, of
ill of the Boards—Dr. Plunsr, in ,be
of Education . ; Dr, JanewahL rDo
,c Missions; Dr. Schencki.Of3Ptiblits
; Dr. Coe, , or Chußehoggigtonfilpp.
subject of the Boards,. and:the Fund-
Disabled Ministers, wait ittitinto
of a Conimittee, consisting...Of Rey
. Pratt, J. D. Smith, and!Alder,l4pi t t,,,,
Scott, who toported to Synod ,thei fel-
g resolutions, whioh were adopted:-:
:solved, That the• Synod renews iti for-.
recommeudstions of these inf . of ill
'enevolent operStions of Oar Chnii
lering their efficient
prosperity and extediddif ' Ile''
; and we earnestly en.jnin
kurches, not : at all to lessen ,theit.oon...,
ions to either of :th,ese objects, .on
of the civil condition, of our' country, .
rather to increase their. benefactions,
their prayers for them, each And 0,04
,olved, The Presbyteries of this Sin..
enjoined to inquire stTictly'respe s et l .
contributions to all 'the . Boardikaid. L.
to the Fund for Disabled Ittiniatere, f at
Spring meeting of . Prei.b . y*Y..._ •
solved, That with regird' to
incation, the Synod cordialkfipplove s
recommend the Plan daviseehy , the
Board, of engaging the ladies of each
ration to contribute , one cent per
for this object.
dyed, That we deem it expedietaci
Ln extra .effort be , made, in all our.
tee, in behalf of the Colportage Fund—
Board of-Publicatiop, on aceohtit - ofti .
extra demand on that departmetit
endeavors tasuppiy, gratis, religiohal
through their; colpoitsurs, to tha "
ids of our soldierh now in our herby •
°toe y.
d, That it la,t.expediont Ah*la
3r of each Preabitory , be appoin s tatt
e ,Synoil, at thiq ~,zueeting, Aake
of this subjeot 4 ,,apo see that t Afr
sing resolutions aye_ faithfull,yri:(4.*:
CommOke.ourguuluAl , ;Revs. JAniett..
D. D. H. Par,male, ,Johu.
mu, R. M. Sample,
11 adopted r thiPiollowini in refer.
to the
:FBAS, The welfare' otthe Nation,
of the individual, isiic 'the hands of.
And whereas, it is:p%sittription to
:d expect his favorhying in
on of his lavi. And Valle Peas, the
iniring that we "RemeitiWilie.Sab
ay to keep it holy," is a l l#3,of God,
35 honoring to him than' niedtn.l . to
in all its departments,
needful to the religiouiariter
' every individual ; therefore; •
;dyed, That this Synod have letaiiiktil
l easure the "GenetalOrder : " .l uridei
.General McClellan, requiring its.dg
in all the camps in his depart,
;ved, That this Synod respectfully:'
tnestly request the Governor of the , .
of Ohio, and all others having e0n....
' this matter in our, camps, to aid in.
mres that will give to our soldiers, -
ng our brothers anssonspev€,TY,Car
Ir the observance o 'that. holY r da,h. )
ing from them no military 'duties ou..
Ly, except such as are reqUired'.bi,:.
.ty or mercy..
view of the unsettled state of the::
y, and consequent Ifmancial embard , ..
-its, it was rep?lv t tyl,pto, suspe n da r
;sent all effortst f l k 440 , r ; this Insitr,l:
Overture was recteiiiid • from . the
lry of Wooster, reqUasiiiik Synod
:e to them the territory takpk -, ,
and annexed. to the PFesbytiif s - ,
and, by Synod at its meeting iukfr+,,
, o years ago. Also in the ~Sol4tbi,
. their bounds so as to embrace the)
if Wayne and Holmes Counties.
iew of this Overture, and with the ,
•nce of Coshocton Presbytery, it
Hui, That the request of the peti
be grunted, as set, forth in the
.Id, That the Southern line of 'the
try be extended to the Muskinitnn ,
as to embrabe the West Caiiiile '
t Bedford, Waketomico and iliSl . lbl.- -
•ohes; thence up the!tingtun
the Walhonding; thence tip . phii
ling to the Mohican, and itpAleS
to the Southern boinidao.::
Presbytery, as now lied, td• T euiL •
whole of s;Wayne and ,Robned
, That the remaining ,portiou
Presbytery haulm:zed tp thew
of Zanesville,t and that . th . el
f of Coshoetonibei.dissolved.
monopolize you'riteolumns, .1,411 P
further that 'SynosA appromit
of the General A:esiT l itty in . , rps v:
Boards of PubjjoatiOP
t ,•t ;
•. • • s • .4
V 012191 140 Vis 1i
• 'll 41f; .4 7 t!!!•,. •
Prow' lFssiPil%•.'it=iT.exii4oliii pd !.0.48
Oi l irt:4 ! the. eenfid4ueu 41049143 p.
,Al4,:lte action on the , State of the ; Country,
as follows :
"'Sffititld would record its full satisfae'pign
With'the action of tba, General Aisembly .
4 . the State of the Oountry, recognizing,
in' iii ' the reassertion 'of the rig,bt . and ditty
of 'the Chrgoti,as a Chili:Chi to i finldfOrth
in' the 'facia All eisien . ,thii trOtt & What :of
God, and to testify ' of infragiiiiniCsif
1 r
that law,' whether : by 'ruler s: plopley end
at the same time belieVing gat tggactual
condition of our country demanded the
frank avowal of. min adherence , to that Con-'
stittitional, Ckiv,erienaßnt, through, which,
under COd's hand:mid guidance our fiber
•l 1 .1 . 6 i i it.% :' . :1:: ..''. !.
ties as of arid our privAieges as a
'Church haie been tiebitied. While 'Nr3 B . lg
'this we, would deplore the fact that Several:
of our Southern. Presbyteries have. regard-,
ed the action spoken ,of as
and un
warranted assumptiotk_of ecoleisiastical mi
-1 t4cityos though.iterim *ivied tolitlien
ate Southern churches from.. our feiloy
ship or our affection, Owl being altogether .
'foreign to our interprefition`of it. - •
"Invitations were received by'Synod to:
. .
visit several of the Ptiblic Institutio ns et;
the State. Many members of Syr! vo?
la ihe' . Penitentiary;' also, QUIT Ilionpif, , ,
Uriarei the charge of Col. Carrington. '
-. There w't little business before SYnoq,'.
••••‘, ,
aside firma the,nsual routine, and, the iumit-i
46 :frig . piquant and non hani :;:
'' Tfiorii , firri' for publication tie itiiiiitiVe'
iiriii6 l Btate of Religion.
. - • . I
Atter the usual vote of thanks to the
Wes minster charob and the . citizens o f
Coltunbus, who l
,so kindy' entertained ;
its inimbers, Synod odjohined - to meet at.
Oncifas; on the Second` Thursday of ()etc-.
hi, - ,18 - 62 '4 . 7 i. ii:
:It .'
. r -
D., S. L
To: narrate; the true state _,of; religion
within so large a district , as that,oomprised
In our Synodits growth, f r , T ta, and
de upon ' the werld--WMild ''be no easy
WV even if. we had' all•the triterial'before
Int:1 •But•the difficulty is greatly increased
by, Abe fact, that. from one. .hundred . and
40y churches , of this Synod, only forty-twe
retatta. have
,been hand ed "'We are thus left to conjecture the spirit ;
lid nonditiOn •of •a • large . 'ibilbrity of our
eliurbhes: . .And we; irelled. tb litesnm &Vial
most of these non-reporting churches, could
they bs r heavd,,,wonld . .apy, r " ,t here has ,been
speohil 'interest among us !" Fof
einireh,•sisi Welhie 'ai-indiiidual; that'
been revived, •ready , to•.; say, ' ggloomeNiall
.11 ) .;;AlfatAtarlEtodyand .1- g wilLdeclare:: what
tkefilatkAgWfq• Pep': !! : •
Fronsi careful, PergalkOC ttle,PPPlrts; 13e
foreiit,Live:preifent th4nlkinriUglaCts 'and
teotio@ai;• : • ; ; -• • • . • , •
And fnabletiinsloole.itt.some-of the: un•J
favorable iodic/0411414a„
True, re . are -Aaagerr.,of..loeiciusloo
much' to - th'e and OveiCifitinkiktahl
Zitiiitili3hip•:is. iolling..among, the`;
liFeskys, aad,,,there,
itonas . s i ud sufges, as she is, :we, need,
l etste,ot to' see hki floating as graceftitly r ,
o'r' 'inakirig ' tihoh ' ' headway, as whoa' She'
maims' overtheamooth waters; and` fanliedf
by.,th,eigentle breezes... God. is,still.with his.
" refuge irwmtgy.•tinie:Pf;
trouble."_ And Arid yet
~ 3ire llose ; QAT,
eyes le the A:op:that there are Z 004,41148,
.Whibit:iiidiblite a low eti,tfi'if ; piety 10:4oiig.
:JAL : tlntomperanoe l .
PPA t n it Yo 4 : kindEOckYjillnn, has." no *MIK
increased i,uthe community lsrge,Alrough,
the influe nce of the unsettled estate of 'our
country. While We rejoice itilhe wise and
Christian regulation within the military'
division of one-of.tonr generals, •yet we are
pained to hem the • i betA t ipg drum, and see
the dress-parade onllod'filtiily 'day, in our
iePc l 4 o •PgePtitrzwikikt itiketwande.
rRiAPN!sx Pk' YN7t4r.O.Aa. 9-XlO Our m,eni-
D(AIISR love . : tot sPeu4.4iBehbitll..44nloon
strcigiug As*, those ;: eripsorrontfi o
the i . excuse that t•ki?..T.lNV::Plianee tom, a
sermon there.
2d. But few--revivalegiof- religion have
been enjoyed by . cm; .churches during the
past year.
.Those Divine influences by
which means ai . e 4 clothed
with pewnr, se-;4hat.'Ah,regglt .their instru
mentality sainteAure edified, and
~ sinners
codveited to '044
Measure withheld from ..Iktagy.'cor ,
ffeddil Fare like' 1:111hK
upon "which there
nor' deWi'' and the sed . faideV*litlairia hOaa
froth moat •' of the watchmen;." Lek4;.whi
bath belie,v.ed our report, and t.e' hit*
the ann .
. ) the Lord been revealed
We dare not say that ", o s Arm 111,
shortened;rer his.ear heavy,"lnt tenet o W ii '
that our "sins, have separated
. betweenui
acid God, and our: iniquitie s hive hid "hl B
face from us that helyill'iliiihear. Whe n'
wa, is ininisters' and eit'prqieli, see that "so few t 'fiotilis have been converted to God
ateititikwy we ought . not only
.0 . set
r it''doAn' .
'a titf'liuskittraging Set, but 'to '
mourn over
if)lekail Undeniable evAiice that there is
Wilt:elf 4f 'the life and , power a religion ,
tulionig us:' • , .
I *Mt' l'itnoltlii discouraging fact; iiiiintiOn 7 ,
10 in Atone. of, the reports, is, tha t , the reit
-inenci' enjoyed by so many of our
OM:U:6es•- 'a," foil`, years ag6 has riot' only .
pasiled away,- bur in`many instances a relic-,
tibil has Seetitid to follow, so that not only
the old members are colder than: they *ere
lance, 'it soup:. of the young„ilis — ciplm,
g4theYea' t Vie 'dine; who seemed' toliid
fait fo r t1:0 kingifeiii;litive turned bitpli:;,anet
walk 'no mgt. With, 'ibis Church. y 4,.
one •still;'Satati; by")ifi :smooth iiitenlivi-:
treeeilas succeeded ,re i :Alta,Oeg- seine, ee-:
peoially of our: young m'ailers,',o6 taste of
thi*lne-ctire or to; jditi . in Met giniie Or the
. f ••111 I (0
ilaiio'.' ..! -•-
• •
tfeen , whenAtl o ro L ok q erer,ajlT T', J . r. r
od we Must con fe ss thatislipon,A,,, ,p Or
state. We migh,t,suna.ft all up tu t „91Velj
langwge used' by many of fir bye. .ren•n,
, thetr, • repßrts, and say,,." there is, ,netbißg
tiirle'#g r Ust of special 4iter*!.!'.. Ae i 04,tspel,
I P in ee #9). the P e lle ..- eat? o ,4* XeePePtfeitYt
,sP r Y i cea ° the Pa n gtP a rbl i f ia ol
the iinn,tiile.,e. public 'Auties ~antt iiecrvines,
are:4 ( oft m 0 7 1- f erward; tit aL.are Paioe . 4 i
ae . eon este tliwee very little ~uoB, muv•tke#P.efolir
Belied in the . njoik of saviwg so*. „Ifup,
wtkile, Ife. feel
,cast down, we are : not Riterly
. iieouraged—ileilO, *owning *Oyer, ,onA,lcitv,
Weis and inetficieno.T t we welly! nittg94, ;
I s
' i i tude bear Aut.. tesiiup t a,y ; , tip, the, sovereign
r ee,,eed ifbi....„..,,,, or our Re
' eenier, - thA hi has not utterly forsaken'
us, but leas,. giv - Orqi,,,pvidence here and
the f tli er tlitit " hii'dosPer is, still the power
Of God unto salvation.' l l l !" !
'MK iofinences .of,grace: have distilled4aS
tjits,dpw,.thrOngh the' regtkleg,Sabbath .ser,..
*cos, awd. the sweet.streams ‘have comet
.dowek.from,the river se life, to gladden the:
elinakte:•ef;,o o o: l 'B people, and ,sorneauf ':our
°Webs@ tloOre -been ,much revivedr.:-...:;1 , •
j ,gyp mightpameleondonoWooster,lWeet-,
I ;glide, 440epolis,i'.4uppleroreek; 101.i.veles
,leartleetp-e, ia4 acc d 4) +, 4l e9 p /o pi o e t a lf . ers_ w at i tt o et i e vi • the e N p r o o wt rii i thas ttb. ,
he hearts of the people, and ten, fifteew,'
0 in some cialtarkoes await high his lavettty
(t ~
. ..
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-_ ~ , -t _ . ..i• .„, I if ,r, ,
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11.1• 1 7 1 11
i ATURDAY . " i;
• .
haTii,etepe out from the wo id , ad take i n
the r niittNilt "
Atidnles'it be itcaiided thil'entiotti
agentent of, the faith` ofi God's people, tfiat
some, of . these, ..seasomit of.. refreshing, first
oommerfeed in commix' with the services
'during the week. of prayer 'cir...the.eenver
sion lof 'the' Woad.' Tff# eviden be that
Goa iJ readY tb*Sikliti and• through his
.Obuteh,itiooordingifoith'e ineasureef her
nd thepe . rhen . ,,we)c i tok tit, the more out
jildiciiions of the dliq * s: life and
'si l etiVity,' we' see ( iiiioi. enixiiira'gement.'
, Gar eliurthirtilitinerally,riind We believe
'always when oalledinpon,.hay.e contributed
i soine thing 4p, pw r differen fAjecte of be n eft
tenee. Several houses of worship,. hale
been built, finished, or fitted rip 'anew.
and there iS intereit-felf int the
*use of Sabbath Schools tindi Bible Cleiviels.
49,419, 1 'i 41PIPREPI J I• ti k t l46* Aqt
, i1g?11:111S. an elicit:in, as, it, otightte. be,
has 13ii4ii"eiteliled ( telltiina and imike
some adialieeinlent, even in - these liciubliiits
, can ike 'Lord 'of
hoe% is with, us , andethe. Gest rot .AT.aboto , ;is
our ri,ipiige.," iion!ts f!,lting,is,in *midst
of 'her, she shall not be m oved,,
leliber, and
Netiflytall“ the' iiiouitt'ever 'the
dietractediatsta of ourveountry,inhdjapailk
of tbe •Prij nvienS influence, whinte ik o constant
state of ,puhlie . epitement . exerts npon,the
oaese of relig ion ., The minds .of the pegple
are earrietrawak 'With the
(41%130'4 mit. nation. Not thatif is wrong
att. impropeihi Christiana to be interested,
.We and, Our,people,onibt tifihi very
'deep interest ci . iiilla*ed
ithe day of 'And""wil rejeitklito
.knew that in. this Synod; thereilia cordial
4, united aPp.F9ALOC.the.nction , .of ATIr
mnersA Asseincly . on, : thnl c aubject; and en
a a inest.clesifl to use th:lery effort topreserre
and . perpetuate °tit' natilinaltrtiten'aid . dtlik-
Stittetion, even though tientay 'the
sacrifice ot,much treasure and blood: i •
And yet .we. km:m.o44 God's m.coptconey
become so absorbed, in these. public inter
etits-wa teidlliw'the cause CrOliittit lan
guish 4 ~ Ahl."we feet tliattentthiii 'already
OA ease tv: It. may, ruly he tibial in regard
o,,,ftmnst pa_tviOiO and religious 1.403111
press upon . us, . " these we , ozght to do, and
net to leave the' ethers ufdone:".,
Whafwe and our patiple'greatay need -, is
a.,istronger --
faithtliattwwhich will
norms, es to', work : for 'God iti:the,...midat:,of
Bt 9Pf 9, ::and::d'.u l g?Tf:riii l rierA , Are. , ,passiqg
ibroogli trying times, a nd feel like saying
to every soldier 'fiet)le'gk l ii, i tilide; jinfitif
the' whole tugnor, pray yod
entev into temPtationta 7,.`Andt, insteaticOf
comps_ok' gthatSitalA has brought us into
o',4 ki nd'r#3,A l ' ~ , Wl k , ,! ‘iMinCros J'tS
os 'remember thet,t t he post Of .:danger thi
post Of 'hintoi• irire are miff faii;hfitt it it.
Our' only confidence is in Divine grace and
ode for...ourselves,' the Church
fif4 TlPAzOny;,4l3, .Grod',.B:lBnre covenant
• Q., ~ A ND #A I " -- 7Ttni . I M ) NliatikT•Kc. •
AkfaiDo3:6lo Nogaous rialusa Bizze A scasilmartax.
„9,1 ityttzioBvinct! 7 *: Ctrs, astgenatt sivpit AkFt . Arr :
'iltr)- 2 011 Tamar Psiaiiim op.
.afai sr ig u a inr ,•*' TutiiE;. AND ahititlmitassi—
rtrrler PaI9B77. I4I IETANfIi ff,, , A i L I
. ;R , A'
AND THE °Env/,Cilrses—
bribitso Maw' ••`: 1 '•••
. f
• . 1,01VAQ2 0 1; Odt. 17;:1861.
;. ,.. 4 44‘.xrrrY . ,is m
general, at the,moentwhen,
'I Write, lest the,nest r aii,hri n us .tidings,
ion' dreadful conflict
,on the
iiinieineity slaughter and:
zniffery... . 1 1 1 1fi3 7 .painful 'feelings :awakened:
sash ifforkday, when:Ave. have n
marg r of ,a ; wilek'snkirm shi n gaud ! fighting,
in ]5 ~ssonr aOir,,.o , se;wlr . re, are , intense in:,
many breasts? and no one seems,,able_ to
venture "ra conjecturii s; when this contest
shall' cease, , Or what its issue shalPhe' I < l.
„..Lord J,ohn Russel has spoken .withigresk.
kiwiliness,andpoderatiop on the tinestien,,
aiNeweastic : 9 7 Tyne,,. and. ,not j .a F'lllF4 is
retied; by him, as far liaxe inairethod;
thigeporqinnoinilartiiiifi WA& profound
god for • what i.lhe* , :tray (idle , alw great
people.'!.% . There -is n 0.4 voidinnatioicurd:thd.
TWOr , thatAltir4iklMlT , ,nf AVagren o l l lP7'
tendo OP.f; ed flY F ( TggnA 2l o
States: • filiti I rad on '
ctinsPiiicY' "'Will"
which:has:this object in view: :TheTrelich 7
ER3perot is ,bold: and: daring; , his!findraciai,
nessitiee ; ere.. at4ressnt i tirgon . t ; ,trad.e.,lB
terribly dePrssaid; the ' Bourse is agitated
bialrritAies afforded, tied - lEl4lf of .the
also the , prospect off, the. warit'of
and, makes, an..iousAnglish : politicians too.
But we have no evidence that Palmerston,
and Napoleon are hatching a "
; ' • • z
the FreifehlEaffieroii , and the: ki ndl •
interchange xof eitpreslioni of amity
re2gard, togettiek, with ) Tartiali r revelations •
igt.Yla TIP lfr°T Til-ePttiq)i.who Pligt4.titP. be
correct in his sitiment, ,certainly r
Olga ilia iliiiirahlerisan ,s s ciracinuinY, as
well as of Eutopeitt large: 7 :The Einperor's
pamphletairse..(snacknoWled . ged) , :heraltiedi
gltk•AugliPP rUg....hy.assartilg•
GerniptiyAtit . her• true epe w 11qtf,
Franee, but t ittiosia—ibo h‘ c , try tor San*,
whiCbc,.iity t ourik i eVer-growini.EMpire,
must • necessarilphe More and) itierir-Citiodot
aggression And iconquest. .iff . herefere bolo •
true: , tftrn
as committed to Ner was the, Y,i tpla, nut
the Rhin's.' Asfor . . ( ‘.Fiither
waters tire" `airat4iiplly
Whiletimssibiptficre werCalicee of - toiiiiirf
on As .M.9140Xn. (That . ncallatil) back that,
might, by a friendly agreemppk,he r :tiati s dfidi
over to Imperial care and supervision, war
was , not. thought of. ."rhe • Object.' Of -this
.ElPPblet,mak 9b,vionsi: not to
Prussians •as 8 4 1/ * '!9! , the • Poles, nut,
Rife - Aia ; We' Rintrror iiitheito i mockti
the hopeigf Pala ijoko lan
terly ' beenlikg
the .real rivers..iot water *, dry: gibe;
France, ,has, been the, mirage:lot the
sau ds4o l i2A 10.'4 8 .1 Aufre:
tnaagonisk parchin, rhtgAirsi
'idisappointed To
,cittoyO,German liiiirietsNwasl the real object.;
. arfd•l helieve that both , the pamphlet imdi
,the ,ititer.view at Compiegne. have, in *wai_
lire,: secured. this result.) Prussian. 'poll 6 ,
is:always . .cautions'i I sin sorry to add, in?
,many •ciutesitiowardly. • She could- have •• arp
,rested ior :cheOkmated the, Czar Nicholas,: in •
the ;Critnean struggle, but she did' itoq Mitt
as :to Any ectation •th she • wouldA iveri
favor Ofi r eithei
or.ltall an , li oitficifc the'
question..t. The taperer. Jof
fbuad it too difficult even: forciaim i,
suade the •King .of , :Prussia 30..reoologati
for:illy, boldly , andlaitolitirice, -the =ltnlia6
;kingdom. •N 03,•• 'there' -must be , : Vehitie"
,tak,enufrora„ Aui4ria, end:via-Sine must first
,become the nation's capital; andi Ain/ orq
!can Txussia , -feel:it , eunsiatent•itolreeeiste
e mew? kirTdoni,- wbicto tiluit' now I regardst
,inot•as es'se, butiathkir as%onlyra lEdisiPail
iv, of ,the future, iglllhankJ;you for
,mar iNietar • Emmarctiel.‘ exclaim
ilrbert \ pares, no thidg 4old ,
and , calculatinwfrientishiit
'‘TRA.t. 9; OI 4WALNIPLI , Pf Aed
04 0 0.,
'city Wlei' lAA laic+,
datum thq' :ohletp liraphtecini
`..` ; solereignsf. ! asid;.thtt • foreeib ,v p ix.a..of
4 ileFq•ifPlin(4,7,4 * .SlNtleing tti -:' ,l . 0 1 81 %4.
of .., Reim:4 beinf speup, ; by. o , t E 5,4,. 4
Clarenlion; and :by, tre. Diiiie .iPita g eUts,
the;Efigligi aril lergiiali"Aink z i. , dcirS;E • io.
trwinidimuti . eichnvSiug-fisiilt ,r :other i sti
eoililbi9.4i, country, sbally• ethrOug • its ,repre,
pentq?vey Rlse the
uom, F it ;
; i - ng.. , spa
costly diaphiy .cf:"biela9P.. '' ip,,, i oa
g old. • The-piissiiovukkpiie w t, ,n A kt
thu lariecredit • derminded•lif ! At , ltiL
meut fordthis • xnagnifieent-•••b', . 4, : - ' l oPtilie
coronation,., , 8 1 048 Acttotheir; )e l i • eminent
a .1•Pg 1 1 471 g?".. de TOM T: . 1 ''' itrea , SlA
til'e. 043i r ipaUti ve r y pattetie 2 -in"' 4 4 • -artiotn i ii
ind- atiiia 'ClOndk • 'ilf 11.464, : liiiifding
g. , , castles" and .Constittitlonaii i '!';'W'• 6 1 4
most JAL, era/ modeli: bu't , th•rie tk li ei2to . nie
M'il.'l ,l) .eginil,•Ettl4.. euac.l,;,.Whitt s 'i r . liroo l lo i
Would' have become or the worldl . f . Anflom
Saxon energy, on both sides of e 'l,l iii:
tic, had . - not - Udif'dev'efirfed . iii- imexion
with -Con stktitiotittli reeks and . $4 . 104 ?
• , •
': • Tirs . .punvOs or WALES•Iiai , ley Aty,.
b,e...gorie a courting " t6 2 ,deiininz rend
(Mr 'laid, are in 't delieiStui, ; titstufrierl'
plcifity ana"-.-Wooderl'a , iii"wha. t &future .
bride shall be. ":.Hils. efeelliiit !Viiialts dii,:
sire -togkeup iiinilibes frOM liideife l aiiiticiai .
don a. They b r ore, I 'fialleveilidelk .sitebess " this miner: ''Thhir lime 0, ii6Abfai,
see ' hini the head ana linSblit?d , f, a wife'
worthy , of the riamii;' l ttruPerfAi'hO Chola itil
unlike as possible thai.'"of 'Geb ":, 'Plinea
of; : Wales (afterwardd 'George frk s.;) or 'of
Qthey„.,Rrincep of N,A,les, inutheu:, ayalliner
:14 Englend,.. i But tk3,•publest .114y1 . of pc .c...,
t ail Norman blopa; ,. yen,tbond ihc . .luvelif ;
.eaVandLbeit; • and '•.•'' ' • ' ' ' ' -:', . ' •
''. 44- A creature not tcol'irlie l ialliAitk ' % " 4
; .. . Fofluaman.naturesalailiCAUSVi . • ,
• 1 0. 1 , 1 YA 0 ,t1 2 4P4. 11 PI the. hand ,of..sAlyal and
klugly..sp ) tre.
„This would oguitt,one,,nch . ,
Ilt ufamily "above 'all its peersoind consti,,
:titiailly"iiikld ''birfitlf 3 4 . 'at' 'Alia'
therefore; if .:Prinisesseg'•iiiidiPrikeiliti . Weat,
they must! not' choose: frommthetEnglish-•
burn... 4.nd,,5e,; our . griqceyofteKales A who,
'coma 4',101,pe,t, year . , o ttud
. willitheu lr his :
sta.* at•th'e 't wo ...Untv .. ersities ci i.p 14 , 3 t4,
&bd . ' the : boy-student' a • iiiiii idi 1,. ' ' iiill
come forth-in:4lle igarish: eye zoti, , 'lb:Wit
tha t itorid i las the les.Fl'otaabsEit.blishinent
of .03 1 *1770 1 0iitnalciV9ReAgA,iPliblio ,
. 661 4 0 9 r. ,91*...,1thp...a.;gri l'Ofii94„ife..
AO siiiniiikei grave Sic& virtuous-brmik
'reipoiikuiiilitieilfAiidi iiredgil l ilviltiis:giV: -
eat fdisarbai)py futiie. • 'BuV- he Phitirersia d; 1
w.itATelPetniepla te-kuo:Wishircothe happy.;
creature, i s, to , he, :, TO RO.Roc.4aB barn Pll '
the Continent . an d '.at, ItT , R ,Alfre f e ikt ., courts, .
Withiii 1,.. fiiiiiiiiiitz-4uk 'itat,_
. 4.ltesei''
. /-
DiMiittidt, 'Wherbito:', Waited thelhileeiiid
Duchass--.-the parentir bf .thcliiisbiinld4leet:
,of u our, sootily, yottn g , :Frincese I Alice—and
they, itik,r a duOtcr,,,s4 wil, l goska,..whg .7
bailie say wi ll '
irct . le Qtteen;,ef _pniclan d.,•
But" on " da.ither ''hiilo,. i tliii' line 'llse"'
beeti awayl§TOrthWard,iii'd hta"ileen fming'
the circle of Scandinavian ;beauties:-: , -iblue- '
eyed and.flaxenhairad—and-one of these, a
Princess of Denm ark ,, it,As„sle i ckarea. is to
be the • IbhbitaillOacioft44berta , Edward.
Well;, but. Auppose - thatOke ,ja h losititting
himself, aid eieliiining.: . •
:. : ~ ,,liewr h appy.ooeld Ibe witirs ' *Obeli ::. IET
Were tte other dear c kl i q!fi r iJlWgr .z.:?
or, ouPOse I ! o *:bave.lieen
breasts of btith'Ycinng while
one can 'realize . her rosetitb• itiperaffiitia—
what, 'oh ladieslis to -become of the , disap-
Plinted one.? n For roy Tart,A 3 thbak-if the,
Frpoo were to s4eet,a, i lliir i AssOlica . l3
Aineriean; ; lna 'ate was to :become ,
taylilj it wOnlifhe's - r ireir wise
Would make us, both nations, better friends: •
But yoivaie toinderstand,Ahate4
60 )MsidfhastzlOttNtibefte - asked lio-01/01Aat,
le! and' I shall thlo,is done)
THE, Qtßer.N,A.Attmillgokbagik *muter,.
Highland loupe tf.o-408i. aliilynPl
dotiliehid 'farewell to the beantifq heat&
of liriteilar,
the .North, WithLisisigh'of
been all.the better,in - dhealth and Spit-Jule.:
her visit to Balngrilka#4Bl l 4:l4widalie tbefl•
best i thing it her power to put 4ow_the
impudent lies' oethe'"Pdpiiig; `Si 15 a -
Rornish •Proolivities t by her weeklt deiro#4" .
and; constant, attendance. at AU L i
rip paTish ~,elTrok4:4 OriOlda o r. Ini•fact v i
this Sek'Of hem fr.onvea,r yemoVilittim,
herP4-ChurCh and corinien, sense i viewty 4
oPihatterS, is, as it has alwaysi4eii: t a l teit
scandal to;thosepooibreatires,LlieStottish.
Episcopal ;",priests;" who style ;themselves
ao qr. eircoh!BA,ll,(o o .l 9 .Oghia-Aretl. ,I.4a§teO•
AlOOrigili ship nold c ontain
,t4e l - 7 4 0 1 1 9 of
them ) 'pe,4
Papist•priesti •thelgrace: of
God !' : - ,•holping,lber,iwitmess.. her: apoitaayi
She visited Killarney, not low- sitice;; l and •
abe bad only to contrast the , glorious scen
el; ofulake,-- of - waterfal, of 'uilandii l'6"vercid
with, arbutus tiree;:and
shr4l .tikito PAWL: meantainsi,oekerfid 1
to - the„lsip,vrith tikt, most. verdauti,gfmss
in' Void, estityy;
sented ur and around tbe nppar
had only to eontra'st these' Inlitaithibithibid•: )(l
works;•ofifOran,ipote,noe andvthe
GP O 4 I 94vAIIY Q 140: witb:,thelorkuvet.;of„l
tune anR 1:0301,s ; i i ii i tha,prislithocid i of gsm.„
and Killitiney, 'swariniag t ''fi4r, rig; and
dr .
town itself—all dirt and disorder.
w tTA Prlitt:4! 0 94lIn.. 1 ,3:4klirhamfitjtkPf.
Prtestpt truth.. • . , , •
•- • • .. v AP. /.. .0
1 1 A. • Tx*P2LEJI• AP.adlaa.ttejrcori. ,
been presiding at : tiX,,agi,nft rl . 4
.810 of the local . atutiliaryon at.
tOwii, .
th&Biitilh and
inetdintif oft'ait to. RR' 13t akkgiVe a '
notice of :*aarniore 'ma' &livered' .
to the yOtitliiiiifthW B•ro4t "
do•'iiot remernber if fibitliirl zu4n
tioned thatlthe ' befori
announced' by thiit,l , reaislitelifiiisalti-Aia."
Aieb:iti its, open and iiikerinr riebograition' of
thei Saviour' 'Griat'Pfokitiati l dn. -- I
said that there was nothinei•enarkiiiill'in .
the...,eermonip ; in lit:Amu:certainly , apokii,of.
'Christ d-V.i9giff , W.:- ' • • • i c!:
, In hie opening
the Bible ineetinglitltiby, he Used ran- -
I~ l which Wit' Wirt! 'Mid tiPpare.'ntififnl' '
.oharitableitO. believe. bould . be , kimono% i
ajtationalist; Evenrithongiut
'he Ile gkeept . lAtilmf one of t,13,".}155aya.a4,4„..,
'Reviews lie :certainly has nOifallenlnto
the'dePihitar 'in ,
Rowland Williams himself= plbizge'd; Vid . "
.4, aggrktfilAiT(l. 1 1 P4d. •diaggingiidownr:othebe
into,AtiA sa#ol f 4 • .1
,Oile would ondly that: Dr. em
'ple-iefied the Ofhitiniftr
'he had
a !gramlisanistake in) knniati.4.4 Iforyeeripc- e
tuFetsgrE4ffO4 LA:3404
4n n 3 f
of, de l w"orld,"al4,tccffinp ~openly
'written Word is
ally irispiredlai the " ressotis. that' fell Troia
the u lips: , of , ?tbeD . :inimedidtel idisbiplesvand
'np'o, sties " of Chriati•hibiself.v , •
• None of the Lov.clon.papera,, as far as I
know, have taken 1064 Of this speech. It
, 1 "4 3 Aq5 , 1 ,9 : 1111 dM PlY t fi'lffq , frPniqPeflhi 4 in'
citeumstances l fts pro in a tifctorpflpti ll
• an i e" thin]* onyrSniter
":"*".."- `I 1c4"".
VA.M8ER.1(619 . .;1)80 lurrn if ; 0 W11:614
J. !
ele • - -- • • • 7. < ,
:Pt( ii, I 4 ,; ( 13 f ,Zl l ll 40'
:t yllf tTI Bronze, fatel .sednlotislyt an&
mre,o43r ‘c,utitlYaYA.l at ?oak, VAblid
Schools. The following will givp.thayeade
as well 0 the pupils of , American ',icicle-,
ic establishin en fethe leoltbriations
ifforded 'Rugby' to ith6so youtha?teanfiof
whom gro t to _become. tneinioat dietitignislied
/itercfceartyg,the, future; es, welko/to take
a part both in the future;,
of counc i l
and he ' liattle ' fiel `' • rh'y*az . ediciaieii 18
jnetly'itidognige'd ' Valit t e,
auditherefore: it is in' no spirit rOf taltikrity
tke copy, of. that. .11ingbi
paper the follsol*„ . .aciggnnbot i l he.
racing, high-jumjnnix,...htiale-nunng, and
throwing_atl,k i et ‘,.• I .
.1 li (1 ‘..t. .171' 11. 1 A
t!g0 . i. ,1 4114
erg,, tife
I' The'Amittal Ganies 'took place in the Close on
. 'Conley and Tuesdaylast,, underithelmost foyer
abla circumstances. , The
,arsather,. which .had'
been very threatening,' 'more than fulfilled ' ttie
!Itiosti.sanguine expectations; •and the ground,
which had,been eviteitli heityyrptinA„h:y means =a? "siiircidest"Wei rendered 'fit ,for running and
IjimPing.i.: SubjOhred i is the half of • tliti4itlifiris,t •
: ' ...„ 4 _' -3 ~,5f,,,, ,' :.; C.A . .' z . ''• , Jf•ll3
A., F LAT o.A.V l B.—hov;yardit, open to all. Fin
mer,...A.shtim;;; t3eciolitt,Tailet ' TiMe:22 ise t ooirdi. !
• . 2 . "M . :B. 4 PP- -- Pq 43srds, - 1 4111 1 erstrl.:21n.
Itritirpr, Foli,• 'Allier ;, tiecopd, Tkitior. , Time,
'27 de th iridal`) DI $, :l'ir: 'on; 4 4 ,1 •' ' ..>,. i•
~ ,,§,OrtlionttajtzliMatt.- r tWinnerilialillotSah
ond; Evans,:terts. ' . Goight Aft. lQi i ti:l ..! . % '
'4l ITiiiiiiwiisf 1." Onzoii.ti I ' BX.Tx.— Wiiiii i ez, '
Ataniclop iti Seicalid; Gebertiitin. oDlifitiiowf4sydg.
2ft. , '
.5. Aiiiiaili , V hies`JusiiiiisiAjoe'n 'to' all.l
NbulVlSi:MorrelhanANeWill isitUkt. !: Height gft,.
6 ' tIPTI,OVIEPV.IGL ,I 4.I I er if44,:2in;-W,inner,
14114, 'mi."; beeond',`"COrdil6:. , iffiight aft: tin.
- 71:1, Ruiz &Loa: :--' Winner; per'; ' Beiechid,
Thomson, ms. Time,,smiii. 4 l . 4,agoptilv
.11 ~[
. B..„FLAT RACE .N:lo'iliirds, under Mt. 71r1.
Pridn'er, Pry:; ; Beflond i l Slott, Ila:f. l llMil,' '2Bi
• 9Bi4tiO,Z—T :.
kos . . ', L -1
jrys i %pen °to
all 4 L-Wiriiiiir,Vanirial;. ( l3W6itt, - Drlpeir. ' tilli i i;
Alti pAno.p§o:N. A ity....V•A • ,'%l A. a t•44:9 7 / 1 it.,!ft:. 1
. 0. BROAf - Joßtmrsi, r pinp to all:'--W4l i neN,!
lliketiii; EL ;:gthbond; lialVitt. ni'stailisj 'fat. 7iii.'
.I::•.lXl9lt4Maintailitdeli oft.thii..Witirfel, .
Robinston4 , Glostud, Murray: Height Aft.. B,ir&„ r
e• i 2". fifintiti'lti, over eight huidl'es.—Vider
sft; 7iii.Winner,, 'Hood V GeooOd; 1 Griffithi. 'lt '
2,4 8 Huß Mil a c i feler cw , ok!OluXdloo..r - Open
lb au. *inner, ivans,. feria. ; Seopd, Wilson,
nit : alhoiei, , 1.i.p.:3 i.1,,ert...:,.. , tt ;-- -1 ;
114. FywraLtos.-f-Qpartor of; aialile.-4pen: to
wbitioiti, And' - tieson e. Winner. Morita ma.;
Second; Trittier . .%t: Time; eabilittetii oll. ' v. '" '
is :15,.,tTgao,wrixo, t tx. A,W,itatur.4 7 Winher; ,Davis:
sir,'Cohrial Silion'd, niihi:"Viine; 24 liack;iidsf.' 4
. jAmp,p g 1 p.ll thhoenoontests,othe:ralost se:zeal*
was that, for Ae t gßartili, of, 1),m,i1e., .Tor two
Midi' of die 'diititnei Dita Fer liepe two Or three
yarda ..)a,heaci; t.Lbui, from:A.6A 'point slagrain) pia
on ono
nn•exPel)enti Plo.q. , Ont,h 4l l,nnooeFiged• in
deitin nearly a foot a-hitid of Draper., The
ties: elll.deserved - the: loud 7 applifutie'-it.gairied!
The I,oo.yArde xap, a o, map als extrom alyisire 11 run ;
thAkli not seoloiali contended; Pen c wielt win
ninv biitiiiiivhiif Wit' and in the 'ilididitle he&
without,,di6ipplty. :l 4 ; ch tt lie4go, rape watt runtim
thisecood'prite, between Ashton, the second in
' tbeldeoidiiig heatirtaittDriiiteg:tliVisedOrld lie
• first .11 eat-whiollithe: Wilittartrait 1 etre 'noel aided
t in, fayor ,of Draxer. Great initrest, , ap e iamb
, centered ' in the mile Is44? l l.l4 l domOtithis' Were
aq ; ,many ,t 1144 ,:i hey; T had:: to/Inn tins .threeltiiato;,
:which. were-wop by,Droper t Amtedy,:ou . 4 Thom,.
tea, 'lnk; l'Aper lidiiic it 111 - 5 , mi)i. igieo.,'
tKeniihdy int.s min: 26: sea,' and; Thothboiati 5
nun t .„29. see. _Xn t,i) e l de,ci4big i heat °it, the folApwh
:,irig day, ItethiedY' took the lead' at gist, {but waft,
, foreedlafteritwo. or three • kettodh. of: the' courser to'
yield !i to Drap.e.r,and Thomson.imsnoqoataillo ;. ! §ndi
'Draper won by at blatek' 80.iitrils. The winners
lof theti3ri ghee jrnOpilllCl , Vitif, , blOrrellifitillNiwillf.
lifer,O.,?nonOnn• 9 ,'S ' , 4 1 1174 1 0:-PI4V
il v ieight"theri has been done for some, years. The
&nett in. thei Close were •iery•hunieliousi' Mid'
17.1:143 1 ,ieyeot.hittf410t}e4(Y:iftit9A01.:zkor...ceiailet , itors
osanld fi nd anything unsatisfactory i in the genies.,
1 ..:• ~.„1, 1 IP i'.l ., 'l, 1.)'1, .. '', • , .1 •,•,•• . •• •
• And to crown , the loat.W fi leplike . givttht
tines that foltoltircibihgess, Irritylii: by a
"a` ilialdits` ioiiiii Rtibilhof t ' r ''. • '
. ' V :
'entered R ug Q oe
elnad io - l close , .
...•..i •'
-And•tu4a . fairerrayi;._lit .. ; r•.-.. , ~(
abom!,was .shinhm bright, ~ .. • ;
''' The boys 'were in A play. - '
1 AA& itallazed , atilehrt hal, rthriing,' ''• l ' '" '
A Y!lPiTit x°, B .e'lligl•PriOe ;-,• : , : i ,
They 'seem'd so brave, aatd stout and alrog,
• So talentedibettide ''"" t '''
• • A nob l 9'r.),4.9‘oniKAlxed.Ais:PsePci 1 .`, i• 1 .0
' Upon a like array, . • i ',
• U"Bielhiiii W 4 Vinlitatillittliiiiiilv • ''‘ ' ' ' ' k
~,', (,)111.10flay.Aisl 1iatt,...;,•,-,1•P: 'l k ... • •
'So as I watehl themaiW m
- '
•'''..llinitliid a z igotiiigl bag': ' ' ' " .
..r.Prowd nations imaysbe fboughb or'sold; ,-
- Ant not oneEticial? mils ? .. •
'dealt landw,kerelPioniffy waves
. OuvitandaritinAht brieue,:<: ' ' -
Shall ever yield to foreign ; payee,,
Or bend to them her knees;"
d. So ;long amin our tilayingitkiiiikdi"
.; •.. Such,oliftntjouth,s appogr,:'_ *.
those who, swift: as i gnkyhorldp,
••• '‘ theluMin' did:lnVrelPore'ar: I'
I I:4 0 /105A0 31 4. 10 t,
tvieelheiglitt ~; 3, ~..
't' My wandering fanc y flew , , •
I '' ' Agein'tseir the It:iiiiinanla githf. "•
I • Ailetujked by, , cfew; l ,l • s • .N' 'l .... .
i -
Again at Petri itwfulmite. , ~
..., -4-- r# iii alti i4. : 4 szirkl i rnx ii , s. , .I ., af, n 1 ..... .
i • • Nithilik InoVelltaitlilleroe'deMOilliiiliith,'
; •.:.Thweepoys:rusheit to war.; ~ , ' •
13 *.;M a t,A44o l 7es. ' height,! ,
• '
i Eo itJleoleeiTetaiied gate, . f
i 1
1: a , iiii!Pi all their itatelyinigk 1
. 1 I , trorkikle•4lslwiyi'if, litil l , "V d
;1'; 'And am foatbalVoi &VAc°"" -' ? I
, • I : t• They once...haddeved toipley 0ai..0
I: , , §P PO,eY. f*Ctemen. fmci mktate,,l cc, .
, And al ways won the day. - ~..
4.aTepa .
I 4
BELiAiii.,' . 4,i4,,, may 1;411 be "iegarded
'aitiLtlie l Geneva of PresbitaiulVeUndi lie:.
,t!etied with warm in'teiesihtliiii'Veek Irela n d.
Ail .
• enootib t given; in' the:: Mbsio: Ratko kly Prti..
feßEPrigiboPl4,ltn4 Pytielf nil ther,pr.ooeeditip;
',3o,h,c,ipte u aiyarri i Conference ltiGeneY
Jr. killen, one of the•Profeisors,of Cliuroji
.. id' h d icatedi the: , memory of , 'Joh ri 'lJltlZtin;) hi
the of . :Ulster 7 from, th'e ;Emmen attacks:
dl OP riUnit,aFiffi.lißiPi§t.c.ri 1 tio.i.k.q i §PPtt...f.'or- .
`ter—who''et - i his bitter an a l, nle am-,
, 1 -.1 - pronounced , 'll'i, wer e
• phlet,' as it were p i tspi, of,
himself, a most rem'arkable . "inthigroti 'ool'
viini aitotiti-'.of the ablegoandLitiolitt eminent
°fungal kin (I, 1 lia ; Vella X' oaliist system; las
lielligi`th TP9 B P.IPOPY 99 1 30#97. 1 0 1 .1 MO •
iti l h e ar,froni tlr, 1ir.,..0.t. those .present . ; at
tlit 4 lA . :Confeitened.ok AO state of religion
ipitterieia!Lofie retniditiW if parties'iii
:the,: I Coo sis tory rib erei-Of • -41 - e , u , Siioetaisiire
. a/tte4a , of thatt;great. and ,glorioua 'gather
' liigmt.eik4Act:tg, Y,1,41.T Belfast Presbyterian
.ient all themore..elosely around ,the' old
*tiler:: ifeliitgsthii; e*.anieli;ciilgpie&;:.
..paltaniv v'didially joined • in L th`trideetiing
lielit4-.-,:whichiiidded.'Wasi , :convened' i by , the
B,eggkkr4B of the.:looll.branch,ot:tlie.Fivaif
i.ggi,Cal AV,1i,005e z ,,, 111.141 R t01 1 e,0,f, - Attt, there
• have'peen some miirkik, of alienation And an
tigdnism=2liliclie ffiiiilt f ieliP,
,I f • ehall 'iiiit
atteitipt7to indicate , --arid/it *filo be , 'groundi
1 . 4n.ij0y.. an& thankfalneeis . iftlotrolhappy • an d
iinkted Peilig, .NFit.k.:4 l koi pers. ( brought
Ifiem ) .4ar,rey.i . v,ing,the t .Rsinory of the p.ffec-,..
( tleii ,that;botia 'the VpispOpsk lranmer of
Iltiglhnd tald'Afi l e = NeidiYtiritin".afainief
44'8Witzerliiidibetiit(tii heart, illonlii 'in awl
Web% itio ntr ibdtei 'heal 1 divisiohs lindiletlp
''th rekipdie t.h%•ftstin.PAPJrAttheflY. 10ve. :;, . ,:, . ;
ihetor VAtibigne .is „mirk grAtiffed with,.
the t r,esiilte.'iri,h` COiifeienee 9.8 fir 'as he,
hatal-heen itil4 l fn ainitriiiolikiYohießis. ' K it'
is matter of lementatiiiii;lliolieVero4.4s l liid)
:that the work_of_Eßa_ng(diaLtcaining. and
; teaching in SwitAerly t p4lshoel,d Ae impeded
.k. 411
kir the lack of .fithds./ 6 fdll6Wing pan"-
` fr ieq."FROTPITI Gitlglit AIECP*Mgo n.,, cfSr:
itrdat frb'ifi a atter" to huhrf OeDr 16..0 1-
bie ,rto .:It., !,,T.;;L ....: onl
• 1 )::::
" 111 , 13
/: ri i AliErtieotogioal SAW theMitef
tealiiiiriiiiir'ealiataiutantiotWda mai
Sindenth .fiam.,:Switierhindp tEtrancer:Gii
iPaA?Thr!!' l2 44l7 en if r PPAPYlgt a OC. , 4ifitt3 3 o,
isle* of / deep:ld:rave tiAere trai*i_foj.
,upolt,lflX)biinehes ofghlilTheologicidlHall
3IMPEO*I3) . I I I I IIPP4 I 4-)14 . 40 Abilhounfit
, Y 4 Prillit?... b et ., Ntltlol v i tc4Tl?) -Le
notincee m ien ( latt ere are at
!present' fi've'
iptaidente: last session. 'was fortkihve.. , From
these. ; beginnings, .sprwag , tthe:i
known ,Evpog . olicial ...
s,oeiety (loupya,
whose labors, 9, conne2,oou not, oply, with
the 'COlime; biat 'with" 'circulation
and: , hotie telizatiei; hid
'been , somsignally>blessedl and , whose afin'ail
flxisPiditure , - ,amounted), to:about. .£7;0.0.0.
wonfify,„theofoie,..that the late meeting
iuiested" with such unusual it) torah,
'het by ) riiiisilie r ot 'the Wee itself r in Which •
itlwarlieldrktbnt- lietinie' OVUM iiew'
which had, bland...infused into. the city and
Chtu4eh.Qf,.Oalj}n4_-: ; Of the eighteen hun
dred 14-tiniw ' wh ß were,•)!MPU9ll) as 1
attendance at the Conference,
it 'lime ihtfikini 'teatitioitY to 'the' revived
=state of` thiagettlPhinifthat'betweeit Bi:rifted
• men, thuudredifiierei 11Genevase.q :t (Rew)
•. )1 9fvei*: bs.9 ll ,l4qre Jelm. l atlAttroltidi4l
,he had, just,micoiSid. frop p Etc., Me3its
fo:Kiibidne,'in which tie urgently iip;e
rented the claims of the Evongtelteer
tcietyy eipresiing I great''conceifillttligt;- in
1 1 1 . 1 teftl "PflrFirll toff
Al i .*l . i.w,ipipixe n tp,,,9pera t ioos had tO
,iiurlaned or prank: .of funds,, the ; Mel'
the eorifetenee4 'seen)
to hod! pr'salisidc - ifithliii .
,the 4:abrd) a•goottresidt. at Gene'ia.-;Prejlf
diceevpoem. to r he lessened. :of‘destroyed; an
interest ; oho*: the . t things. of God saw***
oi' in c reased , 'ea' le of, tho, Go , Mon
hhieria: meetings have heed:be
rth; ands ake*elli•itteiCded." ilie"iatil6
hotin .theetingsTtute Meld Hby OA&
Christians yo t pslt ' the. blessing! of, Gtod von
the 4 9r . t f All4ettf9Kith9 ) IlnePTiert.4.! rs llB- , 4
einefroin . Geneve to ftsliy,e Diet l ot Popp
ference devoted to, that: eiiin'try 46-
43italridtelesttnenot °conr. becatise the
field itselfO but)lieommv.:tafelrepresedtatives
of' At tw,o,,,leigli,msectionaff u ltalian enn-
g e lir a g c % )/ 4„ ta, l s, l l'k PO , h Attkc
topics of deepest interest .do the
family of { fire - faithful; k6=
asedigg . • day cif I .lllfWlittall
we 4chSricterize.3ho • addreis.of::the•thisti ;
ritYL•Pf 'fillultefitiPat , tok -- :503P1A9.60-O;P.*
thetid,einuent,.,att o d,r,erp i ewtrillgl,, lttf i
file' fd' slay that it Nas worthy , the th an . I
btßliei 'plaiy.titie!' ,v of the I
atuiesti writ doliiered, dathedfitl
whinlehadrkient.the acute bf) the gieat Re ,
f7EaL1e,5.P4 4 9. 1 1 0 15 1 . , H. 017 . 013, s9r. 4t 1 .49V44.):,
and. li . inugenot, Gronevo l r filllowell 7t tht
litt - dr:'of 'the NaiiiinalthureliAid. eminen,i
al3 l,l lP4refiehet;.'an 'aiithor;'tihd ' r a''diaioe:
Most of the other topics must be passild
oyeriin !this Theremealiwo
qil.4.9R n9 Phy t'4 4 l'cuoV49o l 4b
tongue Ito 'tomer 4p9n., . Rome
liti l evAi. oc itiefigfijece L 'Siigt4-6aSn i
eoldnitatitin' and' the Lbiiangallzatitd of "tote
world formedttheLot.hevibpic)forthev.Ento
lien ,megibers,,wheal stii excellent. sketch !de
'the, rise { a%d• progess Of gut , colonies- Iraqi
given by t e"Se " cteta" o r o
dial " ) Societi. l A Is ieadsy
Ihiniritslf , '(P i rbf:%Gibson) , on the seine
joot,iwbichf way resumed by otheits.l , After;
IMP , 1 1 9.!Ple09,n)1 1 ,).110 ; I?Asu, dischsacd r e,tAtker
jsittiw, f beariug z • upon , I ihert,
deaf:rine,' and :lite, Alla the royppus co t- 1
the"liteeifittine i z 'd - e r - s ,'
the' gmatikkoWit-thei
:religion I tbroughbut theoworlkiheti - , tetitiu:
monies from „Belgimn„
an fielond, were fre,sly.bprnskl tinkp4o il ,
'"ot "di o i
' •T*
iec"andethe'r Theieefings Vie,ng f
the :whole, eminentlrolloulatedhto ,
...TheLguaralletfeeCof: the.seveiali
441t9e9V3,914411 t,, lint*lvt
beit r deserivign on a4l. Fenent, and , on . the,
Snikaikling TheyMnihed .
a; hohtiotinendilkildn" ilerge . iilitarrall
the) , subitintial, .tufity; ( ofelhotestan M 131,1-1421
that inwart,Lanity!by, f which!fthe Refornseril
tot Ospepti,i -1 1 4)..4.)54vifttied4OsigP 4 11 C
Clinch, Ind i a mid divorpitie%
belly of , e hrhitt"; .'; • );.
TheAttat 'per'a t iraph', -it will he observed,
Makes special `reference to- the: bdifigi • atifill
blessed. influences ofytheireeentloonfdrencild - •
I easz i kore,mention thatAlio,ltuAgathOug s
held ' ,Geneva, in ornecioa .. .w t itlh,,,,tluth
holy Con'yoca,tion, was onefer ni s itteciirajer.
When th'e suppliant's ifaiefililedlit
on., the :Western side -of 4.14 - :Rhine,i; it; war
foutiii,tc.Ol strait Sot • theine )) , The necessity;
tb: PT , 4°FellY° 3e . firiP,lggePzl.ELP"?3stPollotllll l /
acr:* bridges to r t hp4eo,l
t fi oi,a dityr and
.671. e 'of *del erosink , m'eetii , iiigii
.anddenljeLlivecoandAnide:' a *lost affecitihr
aPPP4II4 gilleo.4o(p/11.3rervo,behitlf•fitt the;
-Russ i 4l SPs T hitt4 rl3OB :
Empire. He loprecated rdosyimpretow,
the' negledt'iciiraya e lin' tali' Wart. mad'
alluded' to :the' !Gnarl littiiitre , adiittedlife )
Russ Bible into:his doinixiioneganditof (tint
all of t,tign . peedim. the, ligihh,anclAhe v lihr.
eit'oasrof, tin eSolemnforayer teas
.and! Anferieviiehrintienn will iibt efdse t6'
j4ool3iliftheilliolymenceniof :player: lifillecton4
th4u4Alik mrer:qhTifrOale :4,tupPßlforr
* ii(4;,(the old friend, rptinagy spealcim it nf,
the *Melig4 people,) as well as for All
•Spec, d. sirtiffiatily, 4 4 , inky .add, Was l ;eite:
PiesSedialowszd , .Americas skuoredolufionat
.passelil -at the • Conferen ce , , asadpli.uvivp
eeo, and eoppctrd,w4thAsty
568V`Eif itst*itrayeni;i4li.eady observed
in ion'ilhaiitifilPainheiliviatiait o i rMiti;
eitobincolnliss boa , I.a j„virp fi a
.14('t i
Sunday: School Items.
diGi l iPibWiliikimits.—:Study Your
'sebolars. Study: '' is • 'lnewt:leers of' 6 11
•el ass , study. Ahern /tat diial a; • 8044
their habits. ap.4lcircnmstatices, ,their
pers and weaktuiwsoheir wa j nts,and
'Phis ~s`'gatltaps. onb4f the first: Pike's of' ad?
'vice:WM . & I stionid
a.ridtinexperieuced Sabbath dh 00l teichtit ;
and that, not only because I think the:linty,
necessary in itself, bnt also, Oink
ode totPinti6h - ii4gliketi Ii tot .
piepariag Altithlegeorcalweistiidykinr•Silifes, l
itntLyi .4413mo:diligently lan d•z marl:fully r<we i
study PArrs:9o!Wtkiligr; n 04 7, 4119 1 E§ a
sefemine , avg, i l;, cf r i l i9netratiot!; ) lont
those ' to Wltotin the less'on. is to three taught;
'We study verriiiflk ifzitt 4 allr ' r ef'
"iteettlittrities f,of tlxoughtm arnl4,lfeeling44'of
thq&tempt,t , hl4 B .§114114.5 11 w ilr,porh#4l
if ftnygiviii?g' ~
.expece- suceeed—.how can we gtve.
strength `'cf •t tit
weakness?.ot. - bAlpiwhere , Weiktiovir) nothing
IttLeny.*.ki - Thar: wie.ll..fpntut9/
2 ence Nom) .we prne t ir...,se i ligje j of tlfB
tiva'oriAi 9 on, drowse i l eoni t ereneit
fA's •liiktch •
a hearl' tolawliosjilfselingsrstral ha:v(o4a likyf
an& ,Ixce3srodtml;tio , ,,poin,k e
offeetildot wesee
the most skillful, most earnest, and devote, I
`Sabbath .Schopl teacliers fail altogethei I'AN I
igg I
•son•llvrhich r .;'lniebis )tk,' ti niiost+fihteFi3stifip
.;n3utlfingoiumal beautiful; faX cfnikeit4mbitnt
-in effaetly.e4 on ithei• ,whom;
h ' Wit f 77 V , 1(114 7 , 2 113 I
t 0A11)Milq; 4NDlNlPAtitolf.wetot.wittaienfsit
owhiatlif° 'S 1 45 110 ; ' :kympt.
more of opening t T p 4vl yle, go exerl.!•ovas ,
e`ft, ; ct
Ptibh . oo - n. Z! •
bAre/TErDINGS 84 ?I'll , P! B f
4 l i rrn t rt •1 B°L"TH-
N RAU 11111
Jt n I si Jwl)
~ .
' .
- i c- 4' it , Awillaz Iv'
. 1 ; ' . lLiEligrarigiV , IfcA? 111 4 14Magratlinnt T ab
...._..b. v nenart.,.,...,,,,, j ,, eiithi:Aete
• - A - 804m Per querwl","Mff, itffrattftiollB3 . eilitll
.„„ A t itsztintoicklundeuto ...10.
Al, EIISINBSSWOIIO.IeIdbIimp, &tor chcr,iacooi. iiiiiksl4-
4114 " 1 " 444 / I ° On t hwt visAl fit••'• • • - , .75 . ,•,--,.,:tt -.... co
• • , . . ZAUPRESIOBS AXD R0W11444
Each officer • .Ibiti;ffiltr • ant1:11116
scholar who cold ' , maples. edit*.
• :a
. 13ikole, the chapt,o;',With'4thiailicied,',4,,iSe
•.Superin ten dent , then - lauthankced an d .
veries, teacher of ataiille.'l, then read
two 'verses, low forkiwocriki 'tlie;•intan
hers of his class r who each read two verses
t .tdso;n aod, so 2, the mattei pYociedett ••• front
tpkw,p) etlilssiu %kit eanik ,olndrid reach a
tion of the I Word of p'osl. The spirit 1 141 3
order. which marked., , service, i mgc
•iinWeiad"laid sl l4 - did tithe, is - likefi„
linofitkaa , trioged , iir it; at allevents; this
public. reading of,.itlaihWoad of , Goti , •strutic
me as an eacellent.plauw--- - -
•- A 451 6 11
Aelp . ittherAniiii , Ile 'aid &die
.";enemiesiTibyTtrying-to please eierytiody
If 040 4
s t . oh ipdividutl a ,everitmcoecitied;-,We
glad Viflt'l:-.N, 9bit'. l 4V,AT
um/eve at A man.63mAgAtnit.ttie world,
et'XiinfOlopriA,4 , 4l.ermt IFlnfir) hifitelAtad
against;, n Tes :iPiP.W OI ?O;
lightirtig; and elbow i ng, Enid, crowding all
, whii-diffeffiiiiii'hith. l 'That 'again is allot 7
•er'extremel* Othelgpeni)le have a riet9 r if
: thAirwilliniona,Tato .have- . you,; don't fall
YRIVos.k O ..gwthAYIPTAARActt
gou it c7 pr r espect you
moi l iilOf 4:!Yrnutileyont: every day to
Inittek f the' 661b1 .3 S 'of Weir your
aioilleo/oit; Spite iwib'dloi•wtather f storms or
sunshine.- It-costs.the.vaeillating and. ir
-resolute !ten times !tire troUblki; *aid, and
144.z.ti and l twist,' that it a does honeif,
manly;independence, stand itepgrownd:
tikEi whit time ~yott,,plense to. make ,up
Vitti`in,y' made It itp,'s&ic 'to it.
".I.IIXOMAS tillAl4lolo. = lt le often said,
the• teififieg very many eases.
Thomas Chalmers, was a little' . pkvaeller
when?, hpiwmfyqung, and a great preacher
whin he...grew—older...y.l4om- his-earliest
aminister; is
paid tO,he .pxeapjwi P.B fuest l sermon mith
" % Ali for . his ,puißit.,..taking for his , teat
1''!.k4.14.6i1ac4://kve oloitinup.
ThOniasliiiil 'noble-hearted
but, witliwteincien lovelfottilieliest thingii;
but when at twelvolyears Ad, he (was eenttd
to, B P.O.Y,II4ArtkAAW YOTYAittle firt.E
deed. After awhlle,hoWever, his fine mind.,
alit hislidold,`lih&-liiireded;iii . Oaf
esti.thit great obiectiof this childiidi(diCrie
TIA , AANIA:ke axial of !the most
ed, elognentosruLusefuL.preachers of his
time and his
k°l I VA g t ruOifit'illms
Oen ! . in visaing, h_t_Wn. l and ..pen, the
iAtheit ;to 'lien of all
dlasaei *kithElate=
the name of Dir.
i ghahilersqbven(ireniintl. top of ithe dessoni-
Q1 1 9.9Mi4h94 1 ,94 , 0.6Att,iftna don, steadilypur.
sue it. • •
3 1 1 BAR .Ig.. I 4gPAITX. :Os -Children
are undott i bteliliy,leg,twirisome, at times
.145 .1 2 , . _
in asking questions, an should, without
doubt, be taught not to interrupt conversa
tionZiniNiOnaipiny: But;. this resolution
madtigivi.:questionutheLpoliey of withhold
ing an answer, at any time, from the ac
tive mind which .find so many unex
plaineckth4l/1114414 bnutly,. mysteries. They
who haye either learned to solve thes mys
teriTS;ibrq(l4 Bei ) Onieindifferent as to an
'aiivlaiiiitStaillinte'ldralft 'to look compassion
mei), . enongla upon-this eager restlessness
. °AO I .O,IP I OIof 01) ',penetrate causes
anA,tr* ! , offe§ts.., py,givin4 due attention
to iheie . ‘f Viiiiidwpinquestions," a child's
,CrizgiiitidiAsiloile*lie parried on. Rave
ikaittileisjiatience,7 then, and sometimes
'tkidk,flhowA*elcomuttci:'you' would be a
trsigayg r ,,if,yon „were , suddenly dropped
in'to, spiv k fcireign country, where where the lan
64'4 -
was the inostiiart unintelligible to
ybii,Jand4oh iverebursting with ottriosity
abonittevery stitsege Objet that met your .
-.Etisoi tiff , Ton , P&LP/E-:--Heseemed to
look) doR iii overrhiet Andibilde • es 'Bar Lord
looked; downlupOtt 'J'erusaleaft, and his soul
wisstirredltnite v4irvsdepthe in view of the
inipdnitent and.Jthei;littpending doom. He
seized - , held..of '46 1 64331er ras
_the :deputed
angel- idid Of 1:LOt.;; an - ti - wottld 'fain have
draggesii•himi;froni: tbe fiery rain: Hence,
in{biz :senrions -theisnWete overwhelming
appialsiand , de'ep•toteliwitrninas. So great
at tamest were his.43netititils,i`thlt it seemed,
toAone• listeningsslitihn'hait gathered his
impressions cot, eterrint - ri3triblition'ironi' an
actual visiown ••• • 4 •
the •imPression-Whielj, Artinen predeit
inganaden.Porilin hearers; Was that of one
who - 113nd- no thought of inything.but the
sAvatien .of Fabian.' Nobody could•say that
itelivaanierelyldisdiarging• an official duty;
much leie IwquidJ ally be . dispelled lo
bute to him_a•desica.fortiepularity. The
very aspeetlif IthelEdiutstigetited •the idea
ofjoregity. Xveryiword tended to deepen
that impressi9. •
I • :4p.W.4 1 14.14 1 0.1.t. 'few; weeks! since, in
, ,emirse„of On . ,v i ettraMon itrAti3 an eminent
: brolter j ,,Whii . has been oiver ti torty years ac
faint moneyed men of
tbe%countri, trer•aekedqrliit ever knew a,
si3b:emex;,a*hdiactpiired Money or position
hYdfrancli t te E nontilon successful through
life, ri apkl,eaye t ;Maine at death. We
Walked' ,togetber about three minutes in si
'eta, % ben lietiogitioida 2 " Not one !" " I
hitveiieeninetimitit;said, "become rich as
;) if by 0480 w, andusitorward - leach a high
i position ,pnblic / entimation, not only for
hianor and: ,enterprise, but even for piety,
circumstance of no appa-
Lreritniikkirfinee, hai' led to investigation
•• Whit& fesfilted in• dii3'grace and ruin.
.1 04 OStgrgiSiyawe again conversed with
j lana:,V.P.9l344l94twAc,fahjeet, and he stated
that sinc e ourinst„interview he had ex
rtniitiirieti'aniong a large circle of
• grille' With - one solitary excep
tionswinstatltaii)doitliful, their experience
th;§ aatoe,effect ,aa own. He
the y tgap,,,ltobfref,,,outlinNpf several small
, .ruid - bvg sehe i mers andjbeir tools, their rise
; iiiiiirvdei,'arsOn; and per
iwjerY;3ll6l sakdi•Were 'eciennion crimes with
reAbiosliewbb "made:titillate to be rich," re
atfigtins-3,ana he added,
6 1,lierernop u n T men , who may be
'seen on (Thingli l every day, ignorantly
,rstriving for thb?e i nern dlistruction." He
~conclUdeigliati•fortiriteeruituired 'without
,noreistpigenerally• oveiwbelmed their pos
sessors ,witb,infamy.:-•,-Hernki, of • Truth.
-•. •. • ......
WiBAX BIEarIIHREN) ---1 .• There' are some
brethieo .so .physically weak that they can
-I.not raisi r lipir d _hand as high up as their
mpqac, v ets.,%Auid,' some not qt4tp so weak but
c i th ' aritier eo l vd;cliithat, who are not able to
--• z. 1 , . - •... • ,,
lift it oig , a4iii, , 2. There p are some brth
ren("So weide,,WOni, - *(lAbcor,s of, .business,
•Lithat a t: 'atiy: 40,3,,..A . A;0ivi1ith to walk to,
f: )3 h t?rOli*,typiOahh,,A4d .aOmq . ,44* qq#4?...
1. B° `
Vatiti-Wbfr,'WOßFtherti ° ll /Y , 9notTiligt4
c ,' " Ogg e •, • The wcine. sPalTAdirtor ffint:
toiaif tie igor -- t - t pi t y fl,ot ablP AR.
.. c . , ' i lea r rii :,_ !Ig. •., -1 •
' wa - • P. MiAl9 O . ngol„,„ ..,,t h en, &PIP, •
- tothikWho .z e i n,,gfat a kliere n 9 are too weak
to: • ep,4 - . .,. 1 2r yi pray. 4.„ i , •:ire • are, .some
-breth'r,en so WFili - as ift lie, unable to, i;ioe..
i ,ea F br emtyik gi , `,4,ve . . ~ ,
,*prst,u,p' before :.
) inisineo iio ' - ,kko4 1. wi}r?_ogierl3,.w,h4:•,.
iftic f iiiiial;i . ,0:ato vp,T4.,.. i it0,N,v4,.
down by • f fi l i i i i i i ..„.p, Ther,e, are
isoni iritittFliiio g r e t ta„,tAili„ ihat,t4ey ,
,A , s i a , 4 4,, , sia l d - h or
W, ißtt w e ik i - A t v igt i t „SO. ;g 4 _3. 1 14
.1 .:
r •cirlien .a political meeting 18 on kanal-:Alison.