Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, November 09, 1861, Image 1

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Editors and Proprietors.
Dom.i. as, we will send by mail seventy number
re, thirty-three numbers.
g.rpling CC TWENTY Subacribers and upward; will
entitled to a paper without charge.
,omel.i be prompt. a little before the year expires
meats by safe hands. or by mail.
letters to BAWD M'KINNEY &
Pittsburgh, Pa.
6 ' I Will Give You Rest."'s fair, sunny morning,
ly hopes lie crushed and dead,
e clouds of grief and sorrow
ice darkly overhead—
the heart grows faint and weary,
of sin and sore distressed,
cheering is the promise,
ie, and I will give you rest."
we love and fondly cherish,
how soon they pass a*ay ;
/at whispered words of kindness,
:icier in the grave to-day;
7 hands are gently folded
,r each tired, silent breast;
,w sweet they found the promise,
:oine, and I will give you rest."
ood Saviour, we are weary,
;'t y promise we would Bee„,
save our weight of sorrow,
idly rest our hopes ;with thee ;
when earthly toils are over,
the mansions of the blest,.,
us there a borne forever,
ike us into perfect rest.
turf, Pa.
Mu-xis RI 0137 ER FOR 18E0, AND NEW HARBOR or
LONDON, Oct. 12, 1861.
LYNDSAY, tLe Liberal, M. P. for
land, has been recently travelling in
.ca, and like other travellers he re
impressions," whilst. abroad. It
every traveller who is either able or
g to record, to detail in speech, or
those impressions and experiences.
. L. has iielivered a lecture at North
s, in which he gives his opinions as
flt.s passing in the United States.
3 been favorable in theory to univer-
Frage, but he says that "it does not
in the choice of members for• the
of Representatives. And as to the
" every body seemed to know how
ighbor voted. Still, be says, as the
can do no harm, and may do good,
1 continue to vote in its favor, in the
' debate and division in the House of
civil war ii of - course the leading
of Mr. Lyndsay's address, just as it
leading thought in nine out of ten
thinking men in this country. The
er asks, " Can the Union be restored
kept together by bloodshed or cool.-
" And his answer is as folloWs
dare say that three-fourths of the
•u States are of opinion that it can . ;
!la I look to war—when I cOnsider
extent of that country, and when
how the interests of the South are
d to the policy of the North, I can
feel that there must be secession,
,at no power which the North can
to bear will ever reunite the South
% the Northern States; that even
ted by force of, arnis,, they could
treated as a conquered people. That
be contrary to the first principles of
ilican government. They ,could not
,hem to be happy' and contented, and
they were so, it is impossible for the
to be held together."
Daily News, which is strongly
• and Northern in its sympathies,
ices in a calm and commendable
denies that Mr. Lyndsayis correct
ibuting the war to tariffs instead of
avery question.. It also writes as
on Mr. L.'s . cciunsel for separation
rting :"
advice is impracticable. If the
Should become suddenly wise, and
her slaves hired laborers, there would
need for her leaving the Union, for
ise of her tyranny and discontent
be abolished. If she attempt, to
her present programme, there is
0., before her butfailure and ruin,
polity could not sustain itself for
in the presence of a free republic,
bre the eyed of the world, which
lemned slavery."
writer adds : " Both North and
have deeply sinned and deeply suf-
There is no kindness to either in "
"ndsay's) " denying the sin, disput
) shame, or in proposing an arrange
which both parties know to be ab-
will show who is right in this
question. A gentleman!.of Penn
now in Europe, said the other day
end of mine, that be believed, that
le which could command' "'most
' would win the day. Certainly
,;M'S well for the Northern cause,
ilso speaking in accordance with nu
antecedents as to other great con-
Thus England and France fairly
out Russia in the Crimea, and not
the Czar Nicholas himself, had he
could have presented a continuous
-e to those Western Powers which
umney market at their backs, and
England especially—left off fight
oetter equipped in men, discipline,
missariat, than when the war was
.AL FREMONT'S failure to succor
tllivan at Lexington, and the ei
it expenditure which he has sane
as to the purchase of arms, are se
commented on by the correspond
some of our morning papers. The
;ter Examiner and Times dwells on
itication given to his (the Goner
iciamation in Missouri, and prints
;final Act of the Legislature as to
.oporty " of persons round in arms
the Government, and then Contrasts
the Proclamation and its greater
A2tulo- African says that in 'Tenixes
slaves have got the idea that, Fre
coming to liberate them, and that
that the name of Fremont is con
with any victory over the rebels, or
s is known to be in the,States of
ippi or Kentucky, the slaves will at
se." It adds : °lt is said that the
this danger at their own thresholds
the rebels to take the offensive in
,pi, and to keep the battle-field as
cisible from the eager and watchful
;Foter, M. P. for Bradford, has been
that this is a war against slavery.
.we has said the same, but while
11 here hope that it may end in
j do not regard it as such.
Times, speaking of the actions re
'mght says: " It is sufficient to say
. .Federalists, according to their
unt, have been generally victors.
1, however, has befallen the Fed
,in Missouri. General Price had
the town of Lexington. * *
not, however, attach much import
this outlying warfare. Whatever
result of the war, it is impossi
ansus on one eide, and Illinois
, er, with a million of white in
id but comparatively few slaves;
. ever belong to the South. The
will be fought in Virginia; and on
" It then adds as 'to thO.proba-,
of the Autumnal campaign, in
VOL. X., NO. 8.
terms not unfriendly, and adthits in plain
words that the North has the Constitution
on her side iu this contest.
. The telegrams of to-day give the rumor
that the French Emperor will speedily rec
ognise the Southern Confederacy, that cot
ton may come to France. If this be true,
the consequences must be serious, indeed.
The - Commercial crisis in France is urged,
and may precipitate what may have been
with the Emperor a' foregone conclusion
and resolve.
cupying a considerable amount of public
attention, not only from the heavy commer
cial losses and the robberies of treasure
trains in that distraCted country, but be
cause of the terrible atrocities committed.
A correspondent of 'the Scotsman gives
some horrible details of the state of things
in and around Mexico itself. He describes
the slaughter of Frenchmen and English
men, including Consul Bodmer Beale, (" a
tall, powerful, and handsome Irishman,")
Drs. Gibson and Duval, and others; in
cluding, 'also, General Valle, his French
aid-de-camp, and several of his officers.
Other cruel assassinations have,
indluding an infant dashed to death against
the wall, and a poor young English lady,
(whose father had been previously asses
sinated,) and a Frenchman shot to death
in the diligence. And the question arises,
Will there be no interference ? Yes.
I. A.
Spain says she is ready, and Cuba will be
her startinc , point. But who trusts in the
disinterestedness of Spain in such matters:
If France, England, and the United States,
made a common demonstratien—and to the
principle of such *a thing,
.it is affirmed,
President Lincoln gives a cordial adherence
—then there might be hope for Mexico's
future. For my part, I heartily regret
that the United States—besides the prov
ince of 'California, &c.--was not long ago
mistress of Mexico, as thus a free press, an
open Bible, the living Gospel, and security
for property and life, would - have been se
THE' WRECK REGISTER for 1860 has
been published, and as - the whole year was
an Lawfully stormy one, the havoc at sea was
fearful in its extent. The total wrecks
were 1,379; 146 more , as to casualties than
the average of the past six years. The
total loss of life was 626, whilst 2,152 per
sons were saved by life-boats,,
the rocket and ,mortar apparatus, and other
means. The following summary is pain
fully suggestive
The register furnibhes, as usual, some curious
faots relative to the class of ships that are inev
itably wrecked when overtaken by a gale of
wind. Of 'the 2,795 vessels wrecked on our
coasts during the last two years, 1,604, or more
than half, were colliers, and of that class; and
1,291 were timber-laden, passenger ships, arid
vessels in ballast.
Of these our old friends the schooners hold,
as nsual, their preeminence for wrecking, 912 of
them having during the same period gone to
pieces. Next to the schooners come the brigs,
644 of which have in the same, time met a simi
lar .fate. We find that of the 1,379 vessels
wrecked last year, 554. were commanded by mas
ters who were not required to have certificates of
competency. : .
The direction of the wind which proved most
destructive to vessels wrecked on our coasts last
year is also given. One hundred and eleven ves
sels were wrecked.during , the prevalence of the
wind from S.W.; 128 from W.N.W.; and 104
'from N.W. Eight vessels were wrecked during
absolutely calm weather, 161. in a fresh breeze,
168 in a whole gale, 101 in a storm, and 139 in a
We find that 21 wrecks took place from not
heiVing the lead; 2 from intemperance ; 35 from
general negligence and want of caution ; 39
foundered from unseaworthiness ; and 5 from
defective compasses.
During the past nine years the total number
of all casualties on the coasts and in the seas of
the British Isles arc thus given, :—ln 185,2 there,
were 1,115; in 1858, 832; 185T,'987 ; 855;
1,141; in 1856, 1,153 ; in 1857; 1,143 ; in 1858,
1,170; in 1859, 1,416; and in, 1860, 1379
making a total of 10,336 vessels lost in nine
years, or 1 lost in every 210 Brit:igh" ships, and 1
. every 282 foreign vessels,. and, giving an
average annual loss of 1,148 vessels on the coasts
and in the seas of the United Kingdom.
We regret to find that the sacrifice of life from
this great multitude of shipwrecks amounted to
7,201, or an average of 800 lives that meet with
a watery. grave from shipwreck, every year on
the coasts and in the seas of the British Isles.
I am thankful to be able to state that the
Government is about to establish a Harbor
of Refuge on the Eastern Coast. (terribly
exposed, and so often strewed with wrecks,)
near Scarborough Head• Convict labor
will be employed in carrying out the
tual relations, have received signal illustra
tions during the last six months. First of
all, how remarkable the contrast presented
in the meteorology of different regions in
Europe. Thus in the Midland, Southern,
and Western counties of England, there
was a dry Summer, (with occasional show
ers,) whereas in Scotland and Ireland the
Summer was ungenial, and harvest time
was marked with floods overflowing fields
and meadows, sweeping away precious hay,
oats, wheat, and barley, and the rains in
September were so excessive as almost to
tally to destroy the potato crop in Ireland.
Even at this moment in that country a
considerable portion of the grain is in the
fields, and ten continued dry days are sel
dom enjoyed. Lord Eniskillen and other
landlords are making large deductions in
the rents required from their tenantry, in
consequence of the floods. The Province
of Ulster has suffered severely, and this,
with the depression and want of employ
ment in mill work and in the linen trade,
arising f'rom the crisis in America, tends to
produce great suffering during the Winter
—at all events to forbid prosperity. Never
was the potato
_crop more beautiful and
promising (its first fruits excellent up
to the time of the harvest rains,) than this
year. Now look at the contrast, as already
indicated, with England—where all th e
cereals were reaped early and in prime
condition, where the only want , was rain to
have made the crop of wheat an average,
or above an average, and the green crops
still better htin they are,'and Where pota
toes have been preserved from rot by the
dryness of the season, and in the London
market and generally over the country, are
of the first quality and sold at low prices.
But the same weather as gave England thiS
advantage was found in France, Switzer
land, middle and Southern Europe—but in
excess. Hence short crops there, especially
in France, threatened bread riots in Paris,
and commercial failures, precipitated by the
rise in the price of money, from specie
flowing out already from the vaults of the
Bank of France, for the purchase of grain.
A. second contrast presents itself; and it
is vividly recalled by `a visit this week to
Belfast and Ulster. In these regions, as
well as over Scotland, three years ago, the
skies were cloudless for months together,
from May onward. How this gave blessed,
facilities for the awakened multitudes in
Ulster, young and old, with delicate and
feeble .ones, to meet in the Summer days
and evenings, under the broad canopy of
the blue heavens, and without injury to
health, to continue the meetings where the
Spirit wrought mightily, where the stately
goings of the King were seen, and where
the midnight, star-lit tranquil skies "echoed
back the sweet songs of Zion when the
thronging disciples brake up reluctantly
their solemn assemblies, and marched
West, North, South. and F f kst., along hi i>ll
- and jyy 7 ways, to their,hei—all this 'now vividly' eeallaa to my rabid.
A rts
Clt's tilittrtatt artiettr
that very year, and at: the same parallel
periods of Summer and Autumn, wet
weather prevailed over the South, East,
and West of England, and torrents of rain
fell in middle and Southern Europe.
Thus it was—providentially ?—that the
river Ticino overflowed its banks, and cov
ered the plains along
. v?hich Austrian le
gions were advancing to attack Piedmont;
thus time was given fer the French troops
to come to her help,* and Solferino and
Magenta, with the loss of Lombardy and
the resuscitation of liberty in three-fourths
of Italy, were the result. Here, the,n, are
two years, 1859 and 1861, in each of which
the weather is precisely a. contact'—in
other words, Europe reverses itself. The
regions pluvious and showery in 1859, have
this year been parched and dry. We
gather from this, I presume, that we cannot
predicate a, fine season, or the reverse, fiom
what the present season is, or has been; or
shall say, that while ,we are to expect
changes,, there may be,,after all, laws by
which the seasons are regulated, and that
by ,an induction of faits extending over
many years, definite conolusions as to what'
these laws • are, as bearing on a cycle of
years, may possibly yet be arrived at ?
. The,Essex Weather Almanac (formerly
noticed in your col - pm:ins) goes on in its
prognostications and predictions on data
like 'those just indicated, and every year 'it'
becomes more interesting and valuable. ,
Your former readers will remember the
analysis of this Almanac which I specially,
piepared for their satisfaction I am happy
to think that' my pains were not unappre
ciated. A gentleman of Pittsburgh, - who
has long been: a close observer of . -the
weather, lately wrote me in reference- to
copies of the Weat er Almanac, and tomeet
his wishes as far as in my power, I imme
diately enclosed his letter to Mr. Orlando
Whistlecraft, Of Thwaite, Suffolk. r 'Wave
received a reply from that worthy; which
is so interesting, and so illustrative also of
the trials of true genius and talent .under
great disadvantages, .that I cannot refrain
from presenting the 'main portions of it to
your readers:
THWAITE, SurFoil;Get 5,1861
" Rev. Sir—l did, indeed; receive , the
copy of the Banner which you name,- and
return my best thanks for: your extreme
kindness in, the analysis of my humble
work ; only hoping that my forthcoming one
will be as much applauded by you. *-*
I am now out of copies of the Almanac of
1861,. but have directed my. Ipswich pub
lishers to forward. you five copies to meet;
your, and . the American order. Mr.
asks for four copies,l' see and you name,
one"alo, so I hope to supply you directly.'
-" atri glad 'to find that you appreciate
my, labors. My aim is to instill something
of the. love of (3-cid and of his dear Son into
the:souls of my fellows.; and,l think there.
is noßetter channel than an Annual Offer
ing.' Nothing in nature 'can be viewed'
without spiritual reflection, by arrY" (truly)
" enightened
." I am a poor, humble man, afflicted in
childhood so as to preclude my ability, for
'manual labor,;' and a hard fight, have I
had i yet out `of . all the, Lord will deliver
me. If in this life only marl would seek
for happiness, he is of all men most miser
able. My _Climate of Eneland.'_has been
long out of print; of .my ' Rural Glean
ings,' only one copy is left, which you can
have, if required-270 pages, 18mo., cloth—
at ss. Any orders of your own, or through
your aid, I shall be glad to execute; and
also for any number of Almanacs, for 1862.
It is nearly through the press. It will be
ready about November Ist.
" With gratitude for . your kindness,'in
humble regards;'an'lChristiati "affeetion,
am - Yours sincerely,
"N: 13.—riviite with the left hind, by
physical necessity. The Lord Bishop of
Norwich, in approval of my work, presented
me with two sovereigns; and many gentle
men have similarly befriended me. These
are also'' GrOD-SENDS!" •
Here, then, we have both a revelation of
the inner life, and a glimpse of the antece
dents of this interesting person. If Doctor
Kitto, once the Mason's attendant, wasitung
from the ladder in his boyhood—losing his
hearing for life, and otherwise injured ;
and all this to make him a vessel unto
honor, .fit for the Master's use—do not your
pious farmer-readers see in the wcirds of the
above letter, " I am a poor humble man,
afflicted in childhood so as to preclude my
ability for. manual labor;" and again, in
the sentence in the .Postscript, "
with the left hand, , by physical necessity,"
how this Suffolk man has been prepared to
do his special work; yea, chosen for it in
the furnace of affliction ? I believe this
work, as a religious instructor, is very im
portant among our East-Anglian farmers,
to whom he preaches a purer Gospel than
many of their richly endowed clergy. I
have no doubt but the exaellent Bishop of
Norwich (a Low Evan geli cal,) believes this,
and hence his practical sympathy with
modest worth and piety, as well as with
one who, all his life struggling with pov
erty, has had strong faith in God, and as a
naturalist, is an ornithologist and a. meteo
rologist in one.
How many copies am 1 to order for your
readers, of the Almanac for 1862 ? A
quarter of a dollar will scarcely cover the
price of the Almanac, and all expenses of
transmission to the oLce of the Banner, in
Pittsburgh. If any thing wore is sent to
you in cash, the donors and th,t buyers in
one will have their reward.
It would be absolutely necessary that the
money should be prepaid, (if the Editors
of the Banner will kindly receive
. it,) so
that there might be no risk or loss to the
worthy Editor and Proprietor of the Weath
er Alma.nac.* J.W.
P. S.—The third and fourth volumes of
Carlyle's "Life of Frederick the Great"'
will soon be ready.
The death of Lord Eglington, formerly
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, is much, re
gretted in that country.
Ten men have perished` of cold and .scur
vy in the Arctic regions—being one-half of
the crew of the whaler Alert, of Peterhead,
Sir Robert Peel, Chief Secretary for Ire
land, offers several thousand pounds toward
the establishment of a Queen's College;
similar to those in Belfast, Cork, and. Gal
way. This would tend to weaken still more
Dr. Cullin's " Catholic University." The
benefits of the Queen's Colleges are already
iminense—especially in Ulster.
Passaglio,an eminent Italian priest, has
publishea, in Latin, a powerful paper, ad
verse to the temporal power of the. Pope.
It is remarkable that he was the foremost
in defending the dogma of. The Immaculate
The Poles and Hungarians continue-their
attitude of resistance to the respective Em
perors who oppress them. At Lemberg, a
Polish editor has been found guilty, of high
treason, and inciting the.people to sedition.
He his been sentenced to Ave years' hard
labor, loss Of nobility, forfeiture of half his
carithn •money, and ••dePrivation of the• fac
ulty, of exercising the , editorial profession.
- K . ' We will cheerfully receive and forward the
suliscriptionsi andf would:be pleased to find our
reacierpittyit , ,pcteßding heir ,raeana,,of Anew]:
For the Presbyterian Banner.
Abstract of the Minutes of the Synod of
Wheeling, During its late Sessions at.
Wheeling, Ira.
Synod met On Friday', October`lBth,' at 41' i :
in the Second Presbyterian churCh, • time was
constituted with prayer by the last IVloderator,
Rev. A. S. Alcillasters, D.D. •
After the completion of the roll, Rev. T. R.
Crawford was chosen Moderator, Rev. Wm.
Eaton, Permanent Clerk, and Rev. J. Aioan,
D.DI, Temporary Clerk.
A very large attendance
~was bad, seventy
ministers and over sixty, elders being present.
A number also were invited to sit as Correspond-
ing Members
Religions services of a varied 'and interesting
nature were held. Dr. MeMasters' preached the
openine sermon on Friday night, on.Rara'
1-7, sho wing the nature of a good government, and,
the duties of_ the true, patrfot. On . Saturday
evening Rev. O. M. Todd preached on the sub
ject assigned to hbn the:last Synod, vi
- z.:
" , The relation of pastors and the 'childrenof
their flocks." On 'Sabbath 'the Pulpits in the,
city 'arid vicinity were 'generally filledlii? em
hers of Synod, and in the afternootrthe Ordinance
of the Lord's, Supper„ was administered, mrider ,
the, control of Rev. Messrs. Stratton, Crawford,
Coming°, and Stockton., ,
On Monday morning an interesting address was
dethiered by Rev. R.I. Coe, Secretary of the board'
of Church Extension, wherein the: whole subject
of the duireli's dudes to the Severer selieMeg - of
beneficence was ably presented. In the after
noon an hour was spent in deVotional exercises,
with'tbe reading of the Narrative, and 'at night
Prof: S. 3. Nilson; D.D., preached' to an immense
assembly, on the Christian's ground- ondonfi
dence, taking, as his text the words of. Paul,
" is he that condemneth ; it is Christ that
On Tuesday afternoon the Synod, by ° invite
tion, visited, in a body;"Camp Carlisle, and after,
a review of the troops under command of-'Cob
Anasansell, religious services were held—singing,
,and an ,address by D r . Brows:thou...
was,nn interesting occasion. Rev. W. Al. Grimes
preached at night in the First Presbyterian
chuich. In 'this connexion it is itroPtir to no
ticeithat • half en hour Was spent de l vntitirtal
exercises every morning.
The following are some of ate' reimlutions
passed, and items of business transacted,
After, the address of. Mr. Coe, the following
resolution was passed : , •
ffesolved, That Synod has heard with interest
the 'address of Rev. H. I.' Coe, Secretary * the
Board of Church ExtensioK and, we earnestly
recommend the scheme of b.m'evolenoe which he
represents, to the enlarged Christian liberality
of our. churches: ;
The following paper was presented and adopted,
on the subject of
1?e ed
solv, That' e earnestly request . all our
churches, which have no other fixed times - for'
the purpose, to
„adopt the schedule of.montribu
tion appointbd by - the General Assambly; and
recorded on page 849' of the Minutes fotilB6l.
14891ve,c1, That Synod willnow appoint a ,utiti
later in each Preabytaiy, wlioie duty it shall be
to use all. proper 'means to :secure from every
church in that, Presbytery, t a contribution an
nually fOr each Of the six objects embraced in
the Schedule of the GeneraPAssettttlY. '
In accordance with the••above, tile following
ministers were -appointed :—Rev. II.• V. Dodge,
from the Presbytery of Washington ; Rev. Alex.
Swaney, from the Presbytery, of Steubenville;
•• • •
Rev. 0. M. Todd, from the Presbytery of New
Lisbon ; and Rev. Vincent, from the Pres
bytery of St. Clairiville.
The usual inquiry as to the . interest:shown by
the churches toward the Western Theological
Seminary, elicited the following expression;
Resolved, That we have unabated confidence
in tife"ProfOsSot:s of the Western Thedl4-idal
Seminary, and desire that they may be fully sus
tained in their arduous and responsible labors.
Resolved, That though in 'assuming their Fait
in the: endowment of ?the Fourth Profeasorship,
the Synod designed to lay no tax nor make any
assessment on"the churches above what they
think it their duty and privilege to - give, yet the
Synod earnestly desires and recommends that
theiiPortion may be supplied from the churches
in some such•proportion as'has been designated,
averaging about fifty cents per member of the
churches within our bounds.
Reaolved, That as deficiencies will no doubt oc
cur in the gifts of individuals and of churches;
who are either unable or unwilling to contribute,
that individitals and churches who are more able
or willing should be invited to supplement these
Reiolced, That at the next Symid the several
churches be called on to report the whole amount
Contributed for the endowment of the Fourth
Piofess'orship up to that time, or that this requi
sition may be met by a tabular view, from each
Presbytery, of the contributions of their respect
ive churches.
, The' Committee to whom was'referied the sev
eral reports relating to Synod's College at Wash
ington, Pa., presented to the Synod an interest
ing and encouraging statement as to the present
condition of 'the Institution ; shoWing that
thorough instruction, good order, commendable
industry, wise discipline, and a healthy religious
tone, are apparent, as heretofore. Notwithstand
ing the pressure of the, times, the number of
students is increasing, and has now reached the
aggregate of one hundred and seventy for the
year just closed.
A judicious and self-sacrificing spirit of re
trenchinent and economy evinced by the
Faculty, and all engaged in the management of
the College, by : which it is believed.
,that it will
from be freed fro all financial trouble.
To meet a. small-indebtedness now existing, it is
suggested, that Synod_ urgently .request the
churches under its care to take np collections on
the last Thursd'y of February, the day of
prayer for, Colleges, or, on a Sabbath near that
time, and forward the amounts to the Treasurer,
11. B. 'Wilson, Esq., at' • Washington: • It. also
recommended that ,the President of 'the College
be requested to address a circular to the pastors
and Sessions, setting forth this object, and its
claims upon their attention. _
The Board "of Trustees were allowed, at their
own 'discretion, "to invest any moneys now in
their hands, or to be collected, in the National
Loan offered by the Government of the United
In conclusion, the Committee see , much to en
courage the Synod in the prosecution, of, this en
terpidse, notwithstanding the trial's incident to
the present time. The adv.inces already Made,
.the steady increase in the number of students,
the bigh.standard attained, both educational and
religious, and the large'publie favor now turned
to this College, are pledges of hope• , under the
promises of a faithful God. Sharing the diffisurroundCul
ties which sound all our great enterprises; in
this day of sorrow and rebuke, we may; in this
great work, seek at least to share the benefits of
that great chastisement WhiCli 'is - designed to
bring both the State and . the ChurCh to ;humilia
tion before the Lord—to dependence upon his
grace; and to consecration to his glory: •
The following resolution was - added: •
Resolved, That our Synodical: Ccliege is an es
tabliahed fact, meriting the confidence of the Chris
tian 'public, add 'rightfully claiming a:• shire of
the donations and bequests of God's ,people, sad
that the Elders and ministers of this Synod ma 7
feel themselves Charged with the'ditly of remind
ing their wealthy neighbors of:: that fact, before
they have made lees favorable investments.
Rev. John R. Dundass, D, D., and Gem-
Theaker, Esq., were appointed io fill vacancies
in the Committee, ad interim.
Rev. Loyal YOung,'D.D., of Bitler,`Ta:;'siod'C
M. Reed, Esq., of Washington,•vVere appO'illted
the vacant•places in the Board of Trustees.' The•
memhers of the Board of Trust, wham terse of
office, had expired, were reelected.
John Messenger, Esq., Elder from the Presby
tery of Washington ; ReV. J. S. 'lllarquis, of the
Presbytery' of Steubenville; Rai: Hebert Hays,
of the , Presbytery of Ne*-LiSbObit mod 'Rey T.- R.
Crawford, of the Presbytery, of) St.
were oappointed Examining, Committee .;of the
College, for the ensuing year.
On the subject of the dissolution of the pasto
ral relation i 'piriod peased'the
4eBalrAd; air
Presbyteries dissolving the relation of a pastor
and : his people, without, first hating complied
with e spirit 'and 'letter 'of our Oonstitution.
And Synod would enjoin hereafter upon the Pres
byteries IL compliance with the Book, in the -dis
mission of pastors.
The ComMittee on the Minutes of the General
Ariake%ly having reported certain res'olutiOns" on
the State :of the Country,.4nd the Committee' of
Bills !and, Overtures having had similar papers
before them, which they had embodied in a re
port presented to the Synod, both reports were
committed to a special committee, whose conclu
siims were accepted• and adopted with great una
nimity. Considering the:length of the resolu
tions, the Committee of Publication deem it best
to give, at present, •but their substance, reserv
ing for another time, should it be solicited, to
give ; them in full.
The first resolution expresses the Synod's con
tinued and steadfast adherence to the cause and
interests of our beloved country—acknowledg
ing the - Government of the United States as an
ordinance of God for : good:to man, to be main
tained and upheld against all aggressors, both, at
home and, abroad, and fully concurring in the
: sentiments expressed in the deliverance of the
,lail'Oeiieral Assembly in relation to the dutiei
of the Christian patriot.
The iedond resolutiim sets forth' the right of "the
'Assembly , to make such deliverances, AS•ticit con-•
"lipting with the, autherity of Church courts, or ,
the Constitution of our .Church ; as in such de-.
liVerances they, do but•imitate the example of
Christ in expounding the duties of citizens to
their civil• goiernment.
The third resolution asserts that the General
Assembly does not,irosuch- deliverances; estab
lish.any new terra of ,communion:
'hi s j'eurth resolution expresses, the, judgment
of Synod that` the - ASS'enibly's deliverance does
not . ..warrant any - abandonment of the high-•sphlit
ualfunctions of the Church, expressed by
Lord in thewords, hly kingdom is not: of this:
;" nor dee& it warrant * any. intermeddling
with loail parties, and ordinary political organi
The :fifth ' resolution lifts up' it warning voice
against - the tendency of the times, and the high
'considerations involvedOn endaziger the loyalty
of ministers,,nlders, and church; members to - 11he
Loillof lords and, King d.
kings. An, while
urgina true and faithful obedience and support
to 'O l tir Government, in all right, and
proper Meitsures'for its Maintenance; Yet ai the
same time Synod earnestly exhorts im'der'ita
cafe to guard with -hourly vigibutce against' the
absorbing, and ; engrossing influence. of ~the
Citing mitts" of the day, and to stand fast in the
grticeof 'God.
The si9l.lh resolution is in these words:.That in
the judgment of this Synod, the cireumitinces in
'which this Nation is "placed, ` loudly Mill upon its
`citizens for the exercise of humility before God,
in view/of our sinfulness in his sight, arid the
offering of earnest prayer to him for his interven
tion in our behalf.
Synod also expressed its, concurrence with The
act* of the General Assembly - upon the Minutes
of the Synod of South Carolina ; 'ana. - fully ap
proved: said action, as: the'ground'upon
which our whole Church, North and South, his
stood, during ; the greater part of .heratistory. , -
The thanks of, ;Synod -were cordially . tendered
to the families of the city .of Wheeling, fqr the
kind and finspitable entertainment extended to
the'tneintiers, dUring the'sessions of this body.
Synod` adjouried;to . nicei in Washington, Pa.,
on the third Friday afOciaber,, 1862; at 7 o'clock
P. M.
Closed with singing, , prayer, and the Apostolic
,f/pDGE, Stated Clerk,
Conzmillee of Publication
Our thanks are dtie to t Alittighty God, that; dur
ing , the past. year, we have beerr permitted as a
Synod,' without., interruption notwithstanding
the distracted state of our country, to labor for
the edification of 'the peOple of God, and the ex
tension of> hi& kingdom. In Spite of many
causes calculated to alienate' the feelings of
brethren, the churches,.in general, appear to be
under, the powerful influence of, Christian love.
" How good, andlow pleasant it is for brethren
to dwell together in'unit3t."
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves to
gether, as the manner of some is." The attend
ance upon the means of grace has been generally
good, and in many .churches the attention to the
preaching of, the Word,. is, marked and solemn.
From this we take encouragement, for. just
proportion as 'men' attend upon the ordinances of
the Gospel with punettiality and interest,' are the
probabilities of their-
conversion and salvation
" Faith cometh by hearing, and ;hearing by
the Word of GA." The grand instrumentality,
which God employs for the salivation of men is
the TiLlta preached by the Wiring 'ininiater, and
applied to their hearts, , tind. consciences by the
'Holy. Ghost. .The minister has reason to thank
God, and take courage, when the:people hear him.
"'Many are gathered' together - praying " In
some localities, within, the bdunds of our Synod,
the prayer-meetings have been -solemn and in
teresting, and the people of God 'have found,
them places of refreshment and edification, and
strength. " The ears of the Lord are open unto
the prayer of the righteous 'and he will hear
their prayer, and send 'a' bl'esSing. The prayer
of Elias sealed and unsealed heaven ; and the
earnest prayer of faith . has still power to open
the windows of heaven and bring dewn the
showers of heavenly grace, " Ask, and ye shall
44 Feed my lambs."' The people of God have
not been unmindful of the command of our Sa
viour in reference, to the lambs of the flock.
And, many have been brought from the Sabbath
School into the Saviour's fold. In some of our
churches a large proportion of those admitted to
the Communion• of the Church, are from the
Sabbat,ltSchool. The, youtltare the hope of the
Church and "the' world, and it is matter for re—
joicing, that so Many are, disposed to consecrate
to God the dew of their Youth. "Of such is
the kingdom of heaven."
4 4 Bring ye all the tithes into the store-house,.
that there may be meat in'mine house, and prove
toe now herewith,,saith , the Lord.of Hosts, if I
wilt not open you the windows of heaven, and
pour you out a blessing that there shall not be
room enough to receive it." Some of our
churches, by -their Christian liberality, have
manifested a willingness to .prove the Lord, and
claim the .blessing. They have brought the
tithes into the store-house, and they may rest se
cure that God will fulfill the
,promise. But
others, it is feared, 'have made the embarrass
ments in pecuniary.matters an. excuse for with
holdbig from God more than is meet.
",0 Lord,,revive thy work, in the midst of the
Years." This prayer has been answered, ive re
joice to state, in several parts of ' our Synod,
during the past year; not only - in the silent and
gentle dews, but in the copious showers of heav
enly grace. At. least one 'or two churches in
each . Presbytery, composing this Synod, have
been signally blessed with the outpouring of
God's Spirit. God's people - have been n roused to
greater diligence, to make their own calling and
election ,sure, to attain a' higher 'plan of Chris
tian life, and to - more earnest efforts for the sal
vation of others. The careless and impenitent
have been arreated, convicted, and hopefully
converted. In 'these congregations large num
bers have been added to the Church (in. One
eighty, in another fifty -severs,_ in another fifty.),
To Him, who h'ath the hearts of all Men in his '
hand, and who turneth: them:Us the., rivers of
waters are turned, be all the glory.
We 'have thus pregented: the' brightesesikie of
the.icture. There is a darker side:--'There are
- some things to which we. must advert, that ElPour;
hearts with sorrew . , some of our churches
the love of many has-waxed cold, and, as a con
sequence, iniquity hail abounded. The heavens
are brass; from 'Which' no deep of rain falls:
Not even a sound is heard in the topsfof thermal-
berry-trees. Not
.a .cloud: is. seen, ...eveni'of the
the size of a man's hand, from: which hope of a
gracious rain Might come
It his been a year Of unusual' excitement, and
the `minds of many havn , been away front .
. unseen , and—,eternal ;.intere.stst- The. , exciting
topics of. thought and , , onversation; in connexion
with the war.unhappy,civil in,our, midst, have
had, we fear, ' t. a,tendetiCy to' make many° feria
vittifigs, no which every true. soI,
• did itiffhEinTfilitanikatiid.
WHOLE NO. 476.
tude for our . .lieloved Iteptiblio, whose very °aid
ence seems , to be imperilled,,and fo'r whose life
every' true patriot would willingly give his own
life's blood, sonic of God's people 'seem to be in
danger of :forgetting the higher interests of the
kingdom of Jesus Christ., In our anxiety to
"Fender Unto Ctesar the things that are CEesar's,"
we are in dung& of forgetting to "render unto
God the things that are God's." The stirring
events, nowtrauspiring in our country, must
have an important bearing upon the interests of
religion. And while we should pray most earn
estly that in this grand historic age, in which
God has cast our lot, in this day of our coun
try's fiery trial, none of us should be found
wanting in the' duties of the true patriot, let us
see to it that ; none of us forget or neglect the
duties of, the true Christian.
The presence of the camp in many , parts of
our Synod, `has brought with it an unusual
amount of profanity, Sabbath-breaking, and for
getfulness of God. The enemy has come in like
a flood,-and it is high time for the Church to cry
mightily to God, to set up a standard against
"In the name of the Lord, we will set up our
bannerii." While the patriot is rushing to the
scene of deadlYconflict, and under the spreading
folds of his country's flag, is resolved to conquer
or, die. So may we, as ,good soldiers of Jesus
Christ, 'rally around the blood-stained banner
of the Cross, resolved to conquer, though we
die. :God is our - iefuge, and strength, in every
time of need. To him, let us look for deliverance
from the terrible calamities, which threaten the
Chure.h, as well as the country. God is in the
of Zion; she shall not be moved. The
gates of hell shull not 'prevail against her, for
she iis , ftainded 'upon* a rock; the Rock of Ages.
" God will help her, and that right early."
What the churches in. the bounds of this
'Synod need most of all, is God's Holy Spirit, in
its quickening, refreshing, sanctifying and say-
Ing-influenees. For this, all should wrestle with
God, in earnest; heartfelt, soul-breathing - prayer,
in the congregation, in the social prayer-meeting,
at the family-altar, and in the closet,• and wrestle
on, until God return, and revive us again.
For the Presbyteries Benner.
Synod of Illinois
The Synod of Illinois met, according to ad
jourtment, in the First Piesbyterian church of
,Springfield, October 9th, and Was 'opened with a
sermon by the Moderator, front' xiv :'2O.
.After sermon Synod was constituted by prayer.
Rev. Samuel Lynn was elected Moderator, and
C. T. Jennings and R. Conover, Temporary
Jacksonville was Chosen as the place*of the
neat stated meeting of Synod..
The Judicial Committee reported judicial case
No: 1, being an appeal of. John Turbitt .from
deciaion of the Presbytery of Peoria, deposing
him from the ministry, and Suspending him frons
the' communion of "the ChurCh,.and recommend
ed that
.Synod hear thevrder prescribed by
bur Book. After a full hearing of the whole
case, ,Synod refused to sustain, the' appeal,' and
confirmed the decision of the lower court. Mr.
Turbitt gave notice of appeal to the General As
The following paper was presented to - Synod
and referred in the Committee on Bills and Over
Resolved, Ist. That this Synod hereby express
a full and cordial conMirrenee in the preamble
and resolutions athipted by'the Oeneral Assem
bly, on tile State of the Country, which 'are re
corded on pages 329 and 330 oL the Minutes.
Resolved, 2d. That, Synod ; solemnly recommend
that Special prayer be offered in all our churches
for our rulers.
Resolved, 3d. That Synod recommend' that
special prayer be ^offered in all our churches
for the . success of all proper efforts of our Gov
ernment to suppress the present wicked rebel
The Committee reported back the above reso
lotions to the Synod, recommending their adop
The ayes and noes being called for and record
showed the following result, viz.:
On the Ist Resolution :—Asas—iliiniaterB—
F.' McFarland, S, M. Templeton, Robert
Johnston, George Cairnes, M. L. Wood, 'J. M.
Wm. C. Mason, R. M. Roberts, W. L.
Mitchell, J. E. Marquis ' M
T. M. Newell, J . Elliott,
R. Conover, J. Crozier,
D. R. Todd, J. C. Thorn
ton; .3: 'B. Sage, B. C. Swan, F. H. L. Laird, J.
W. Allison, J. G. Bergen, J. V. Dodge, E. W.
Thayer, S. R. Criswell, N. Bishop, U. M. Cor
bitt, J. S. Howell, H. ' H. Price. .b'lderB—J. T.
Eckles,.D. Hervey, , J. V. Stout, R. Price, Dewey
Jameson, H. D. Brigham, and D. C. Reyburn.
Nom—Ministers—S. M. Lynn, Geo. McKinley,
S. IL Stevenson, J. H. Brown, I. A. Cornelison,
J. A. 'Pinkerton. .Elders—J. H. Nourse, Robert
Brown, Dr. Todd, W. Calhoun.
NON LIQATET-E. S. High, D. C. Brown, W
The second Resolution was adopted unani
On the third Resolution the Tote stood the
same as on the first, with the addition of the
name of William Hamilton recorded amongst the
The following protest was presented, and or
dered to be placed on the Records of Synod:
We, the , undersigned, respectfully protest
against the action of Synod in adopting the res
olution approving the action of the Geneial As-,
semblY, on the State of our Country, as found in
their elinutes on pages 229 and•23o.
We make this protest not because we do not
acknowledge loyalty ; to our country- to be a
moral and religions duty, according to the Word
of God, Which requires us "'to be subject to the
powers that be." Nor because we do not regard
this •rebellion as a wicked' -rebellion, and one
which we are all bound to aid the Government
in its lawful efforts to suppress—but because we
deny the right of the General Assembly, or any
inferior Court to dedide the political question—
to what Government the allegiance of Presbyterians
is due. _This suestion is decided by the Assem
bly in its action, and by this Synod in its ap
proval of that action. Thus a great political
question, which agitated and divided .the whole
country, has been decided by the Assembly and
by this Synod: They have also decided betiveen
conflicting theories relating to the sovereignty- of
.the Government, and determined a question of
,which is a. political. decision_ clear and
simple, and in
_which your protestants believe
the General. Assembly and the Synod, have tran
scended their sphere and power.
Political deliverances upon , civil questions"by
ecclesiastical bodies, are without. warrant in
Scripture, and in the Constitution of the Church.
The Church is a purely spiritual body, having for
, .
her special mission t bring men to Christ, and
train them for thweternal world., "Pie State was
ordained of God to control men in things seoular.
It may notinterfer with the Church, nor the.
Church with the-Scite. However unfaithful the-
State may be to the design of God in her institu
tion, God his net authorised the, Church to ar
raign the State at the bar of her Courts.' The
State must be left in the hands of God for rebuke
and judgment.
Christianity does not overturn, nor' interfere
with civil institutions, but seeks to interpenetrate
them with Divine life. Nor is the Church .a
power in the State, to
,be used for the purposes
of the State, butis wholly distihet and separate
from the State, having uses and aims wholly dif
ferent.from those of the State and out -of its
' sphere. Is does not adjUdicate upon. questions
.of State, but conserves and proclaims the teach
ings of Christ for, the sanctification, of individual,
men, and enjoins them With 'none other than:
spiritual sanctions. The Church may not pre
scribethe policy of the State. She, may neither
bind whole coummunities to agiven allegiance,
nor 'absolve from allegiance. Nor has she a
right ;to decide between rival claimants. She
may neither inflame belligerents against each
nor dictate peace. She should'bold her
self aloof from all:political contests. Sheiain
dependent of the revolutions and vicissitudes of
States. 'Empires ' may'rise and fall, but her
work, s and . faith, and unity remains from age to
age, unchanging and unchangeable.
Ottr Saviour toile - it that his "kingdom is not
of this world." He uttered-no-words which could
be cepstrued into, an, interference with,Cassar, or
a decision of the - vexed nim'stien betiveen ,T,udea
and Rome. His Apostles imitated his example;
by' abstaining,,political. teaching, ,a -
..thotigh were ,
continual contact with
the treat`Statecinestions of their day. They
enjoined, suhmission. "to the liowera that ( be,?'
itatisimilar daces, and there rested. Their Syn
rods entertained 'no ` (ideal:ions than' those
which, were :strintly.;eceresjesticak The - action
of the Assembly and of the Synod is an, ecclesi
astic-al interference with the'Stateis 'contrary
to the Word or God-2-an contravenes: the funda
mental law, of our .Chnrch
,en this,very,subject,
as laid down' in donfesaion of Faith; Chap. 31
anti sec. 4- Syno4 anti -councils are -to-inindie.
nothing bUt that ivhish
.is e ecclesiastica.l,, and are
not to intertiteddle which once=
the - conuntanwealth.'? , . '-__ :
•• We further protest, against ti.le . approyal,of the
notion of General. Assembly, because said ac
tioritivas not onlyliinviarreriteiPby the' Word a
-1 gotfiand,,pur Coustitatioyl, but Jike
action, highly inexpedient.- itepent events, both
PublicAtiott. OfEne
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move any doubts that may have been entertained
on this subject, at the time the resolutions, were
passed by the'Assembly.
John 11. Brown,
S. M. Wilson,
John Todd,
Samuel Lynn,
J. A. Pinkerton,
Synod : resolved, That inaainuchquf theAprteiest
signed by J.. H. Brown, and others, embraces
nothing, in either principle or expression, but.
such as has been recently and largely discussed
in all our Church courts and religious periodicals,
Synod therefore depoi it unnecessary to enter on
the Nlinutes any formal answer.
Synod adjourned, to meet in the Presbyterian
church:of Jacksonville, on the 2d Wednesday of
October, 1862, at 7 o'clock P. M.
" If my Minister goes down, INI go down
With him."
So said a good man, and true, in one of
our country churches. God bless thee, thou
warm-hearted man and Christian, with -a
double portion of spiritual good in thine
own soul! Earthly things perish with the
using. These cannot reward thee; but of
the richer ,blessings of God's grace, thou
shalt receive as freely as thou spendest of
thy earthly abundance to refresh the faint
ing 'spirit or thy brother man—or better
still, to supply the needs of him whom God
has sent to lead you to his heavenly home.
It is a noble resolution—perhaps we may
call it a praiseworthy-one—and yet be who
does not adopt-it as' his own, is culpable,
and will fail to receive God's blessing. So
close is the line drawn—so close the con
If you, my brother or sister, are so happy
as to have a, minister, sustain him; uphold
him; lighten his labors and diminish his
cares, so far as lies in your power. If you
cannot do this, at least encourage him by
the light of a sunny countenance. Let him
tee that a warm, cordial, sympathizing, ap
preciating heart is - reflected' there. Be the
Aaron or the Ilex to uphold his hands in
the hour of trial or conflict. Lend your
voice and _your example against the petty
factions that are often arising; and whatev
er others may do, let not your pastor's heart
fail by reason faulty short-comings in
you. Even shOuld the yam of many rise
against him, (as will sometimes be the case,
if he is a faithful man,) let :not your ear
turn for a moment to their wicked devices
or evil surmisings. Know you-,not that
God seeth not as man seeth; that God
judgeth the heart? " Judge not that ye
be -not judged," you know. Let your
thoughts, your words, your actions. be gov
erned by that law which God will approve.
liumble-yourSelf beforelim, if in word or
deed you have offended or grieved one whom
Christ loves; for as sad as certain will be
the tetribution, if you fail even in giving
that '''cup of cold water." Better were it
for you " that a mill-stone were banged
about your neck, and that you were drowned
in the midst of the sea.' God's lightest
commands are not to be trifled with. Keep
then your heart ever warm in his love ;
ever open to his Spirit's suggestions, and
lay never the flattering unction to your
soul that your name is written in his book
of life, if you fail through love of the world
in sustaining his servants.
What you have of this world's goods he
gave you. gave it you to do good with.
Are you rich ? Thank him that you have
ability as well as heart to give. Are you
poor ? Is your income scanty? Ask your
heart •in your closet eommunings, if you
have "lent'.' as much as you might, to the
Lord. Ask yourself, if a little more laid
up in his treasury, would not pay better.
Paying one's minister, however, does not
come exactly under this head. That is a
debt which we owe, as much as for the
bread we eat or clothing we wear. Paul
says, "If we have sown unto you spiritual
things, is it a great thing if we shall reap
your carnal things ?" That comes first, and
then the various benevolent objects of the
day. Justice befOre generosity. But it is
true that some good people are rather too
dilatory in, paying this debt. They some
times feel it a tax, a burden, as if they were
giving so much; but this is not the ease.
We owe it to. God as well as to his people,
that due care is taken for the temporal
good of our ministers. We should " know
that they which minister about holy things,
live of the things of the temple, and that
they, which wait at the altar are partakers
at 'the altar. Even so bath the Lord or
dained,.that they which preach the Gospel
should, live of the Gospel." " The laborer
is worthy of his hire." But I fear they for
get sometimes that the " hire of the labor
ers which is kept back by fraud crieth, and
that the cries of those that have reaped are
entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabba
oth." They forget, too, that 4 , he that sow
eth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and
that he who soweth bountifully shall reap
also bountifully. Every man according as
he purpcseth in his heart, so let him give ;
not grudgingly,. or of necessity, for God
loveth a towed: al giver." .
They forget—but I pray they would re
member—that they will never lose in world
ly possessions for paying their minister. If
they should pay more than they think is
their due proportion, let them not fear, '• for
God is able to make all grace abound to
ward you; that ye always haring all-suffi
ciency in all things, may abound to every
good work, being enriched in everything
to all bountifulness."
To all fellow-laborers—travellers in the
way to our eternal inheritance—l would
say,, among other things, let us " lay these
things to heart," and like the beloved par
ishioner, in whom the heart of his pastor
trusteth, say: "If my minister goes down,
I'll go down with, him."
The Pin of Scandal.
Mr. Wilberforce re - ates that at one time
he ibund himself chronicled. as " St. Wil
berforce" in an opposing journal, and the
followina given as an instance of his Phar
isaism : " He was lately seen," says the
journal, " Walking up and down in the Bath
pump-room, reading his prayers, like his
predecessor of 'old, who prayed in the cor
ners of the streets to be. seen of men."
" As there is generally," says Mr. Wilber
force, "some slight circumstance which
perverseness turns into a charge of reproach,
I began-to reflect, and I soon found the oc
casion of .the calumny. It was thus : " I
was walking in the pump-room in conver
sation with a friend; a passage was quoted
from Horace, the accuracy of which was
questioned, and as I had a Horace in my
pocket; I-tool it out and read the words.
_was the ,plain.l bit of wire', which
:factious malignity sharpened into
,a pin to
_reputation.' „How many ugly
pins lave teen manufactured out of small
"er bite of wire.' than' even that !
REcoNcATATIoN.--It is, tuna safer to
reccincile' - aii enemy; that in conquer him.
Victory .deprivs him of 'his power, , but re
conciliation O f his, will. and" there ,is less
danger, in a will which will not hurt than
a power whiCh cannot.
'UEFA trpilble,,tailfgway,Aut let
s him have the whole, walk for his ,pains..
"sight of the house.
Gem* MoKin*,
Wni. Hamilton,
Wm, J. Calhoun,
S. H. Stevenson,;,
J. A..Cornellson.