41, 4114 ft (11::11?.. CHZI =UM LUAIZi Ttre Independent Farmer. Let sailors sing of the windy deep, • Let soldiers praise their armor, But in say heart this toast, I'll keep— de-endent.Barns7er-,-” c•, j - Tr , e en rsethe ` rose in robe a green Unfolds its crimson lining, And Prouryt.histoptfte.,.&l6l . l is seen The honeysuckle twining; When banks of bloom their sweetneas yield, _ He drives his team across the field, Where skies are soft and sunny. Tlfe*blatitbiVisalritsVhi t hil tbe'ito,W,;', ne quaifpipes l 'Ld anu clearly, Yon orchard hides behind its bough The home he loves so dearly; The gray old barn, whose doors unfold His ample store in measure, More rich than heaps cifloarded gold, grZckTAP,P,Tkioelett7rirP;l -Bde in'th6 porch t here'stands His wife, thelov.ely charmer, The sweetest rose on all his,lßuda— . The ititailitidiint To him the Spring'ciiMes dancingly, Ito lkimthe d umEier(hlushes . , • Tlie Autumn smiles -with mellow ray; He sleeps, old: Winter hushes. Tie cares not how the world may move, atulita-MecialWanfentrita; His little flocks are linked in love, angels round film; ` , 4 lia`timits '66(lM:id:loves his wife, itt. , ,Nor griefs nor nip may harm her, pature'snobleimin 'The: independent I,4ariner., MEI Mr= t rrt.}: I' ilr ,3 o , ') ..,: - 1. , .r . ri f ..I. - , , 'Good 'Oars' Work. 7 1 1", " I've done a good clay's work, if I never do another," saidlir. Barlow, rubbing his hands together briskly, and with the air of a man wlito felt yery m hi m P4if . 1.1)?h:;,,P-eased with - "And so-have I." 1, "Mrs.• Barlow's voice &Arpin a lower tone r and Jess einitant, yet andicative of a spirit.at peace with itself. "Let us compare notes," said Mr. Bar low, in the confident manner of one who knows that triumph will be on his side, "and see' which hag done the best day's work." "You, of course," returned tie gentle ' Th'editiewife, " We shall see: - "LoCtho history of your day's doings precede mine!! " I ` 4 " No," says Nirs:, Barlow," " you shall ths tat 4,xperience." `wtery 'welt And lull of his subject, -111c-BarlOWbegan . : ' l ' " "tYoucremordier 'tbe debt of - Whrfield, about which'l , spbk6 a" few days 'ago ?" " Yes." " I considered it desperate—would have sold out my interest at thirty cents on the dollar,..whpn bOitte-thiblatorriing. Now the whole claimis,secure..,l had, to scheme a little. - It was sharp practice. But the thing is done: I don't believe that anotber creditor of Warfield will get a third .of-ihis clahg. „ 41eity , rj ,„ Kv ru tted ' , Dined' Mr. Barlow, " I consider quite as good.• About a year ago I took fifty acres of land in Erie County, for debt, at a valuation of five dol lars an acre. I sold it to-day for ten. I don't think the man knew just whatilie l was. buy ing. Ile, called to_see me _ahout it, and I d"l ah aske li.itaerieliafi.4glittlie, when he, promptly laid down, one hundred, dollars to bind the bargain. If I should never see him avow lam all right That is trans action number two. Anniber three is as pleasantlO remember. liSpid,a lot ofgoods, almost a year out of date, to a young coun try merchant, for - cash. - He thinks he has a bargtin; and perhaps he. has; but I would have let themgpA,gpy time during the past sim.iitioMa4.‘aloss of thirty I ,per,pent., ,and thought the, sale .a . desirable one. "Now, there is my good day's work, Jon. , ny, and it is one to be - proud ot. I take some credit to myself for being,:uport the whole,. a pretty bright-riop tzoti =man, and bound, to go 'havethrout,P."Let'is' your story; The fEtee - ofMrsi:Eßarld* . finehed Her husband waitelfor a few moments, and then said " Let us heai"tif' 'Ord& of stitching, and thelilestof - geed' thibge made—" ' "No—nothing of that," answered Mrs. 'l3,4.4OW,'with i''Eilight'isza of fe,ell.pg cOver frig her pleasani voice. " I .ha,d, another meaning when I spoke of having accom plished a good day's work. And now, as my doings will bear no comparison with.. Oink of , T del4n4 Oeir, !rehear s,: dAlAtargain is Isbargain, Jenny; saidloir. Barlow. " Word-keeping is iv cardiriabvir tue. So let your story be told. You have done a good day's - work; - in your own estima tion, for you said so .114.0 n. lam all at tention. * 1497 3 F 14 - 1/ ? JA I , .Mrs.. Barlow still hesitated. But after a .little more tirging fi sbes began her story of a ,gqp4, day's work. Rer voice ,was A • little .80(110,, and ) .there liras_:4ll evident Abrin kor,9, Ole /*jets' ahitut which shelelt constrained to spealt. t/ , " I resolved last night," said she after passing some hour of self-examinatioii and selicup biardi - 14tIta 1 - TwOul d Wu; .4 ay, trY3i: 4 , l blnts tpaissitlyirt,:patskence. And the da ; y,Aa.s been the trial day. Shall Igo ilft.s:/3a,adwat lattkidmititi:th.4:tilai di . half tfliirtiir:aibikt*,hei. kiilandkkiltba, ail,:not, mesh , his eyes; fot`heihatttliftedtthearpart /Y 7' - • 'i !)' -,;( - 1; i : ;ns,.,'daar Jmow, go .on?, , The IlYis-. a jr band's bugsuit jictorke ^wap, n g .t .._ In its ,plap,l,7aill soya him il f#kder.ap,d.pisneke„,, . w liittle i Arse, tail/alai* trader this , - morning, as yonAwilliemember ile,l!etinl ed perverse, I thonght----eross, as we.oall it. I was tempted tolspiakldishly two or tliiee tintr _ tir trblit n pror,emlapring --rny f g,p4Trepoin • tiotr; 1 'p ton - the Itimor 'sof I>sitielico;ared , never lenhitii hear a=tone: of , rnY I voice that was iota lovingtone. •Dearlittleqellow I Wheal went.to wash him, Jafteribreak*,, I Mind, just'behind one of hittAii#:aiiinall infitiined' , boil. " It' has . , made• hinKlelighttly feverish ~„(kad nwprump,e . , , ag i „ 44.. , . Oh warare!,l glad , that patience had .nded : _my .spirit! P. P ' • "Alter youwent.away to the.store, :Mary got into one of heitad humors. She , dg,i't t 9 ,go to 2 i4,11 . 861;te bekin with; then .she emildjV.t Andjor slate and tEen her shoe, pift6lted'her.' oo l felitveVy much annoy ed; 'but reBaPingli t i yeod'resblition;.l met her`iriittitibit with 'eti.lbiiness, her willfranass • 'with patient admonition; C her stubborn ,teen ,.per with gentle rebuke ; and'so I ocioqiier- Slielkfaied 'Me • and.atarted for school with a cheeffuLrtikatenanTee, her slate in • her satchel, and the pinching shoirtinheed ed. Aticliki;l ltrat 'My ;reviard:vt trists:Lweronot t over.. Some ex tra~va"sliis'g trus?iuie tied .So ,T and told:Aim thAti , :would ' require a 'frock and two paira.ofidrawers to be washed • ` 0447:t1ic719:113'130 ..e slips and you some pock - et-iiitifdlierehr...:i , A saucy refusal. leaped ,frout,the giiNs qi lok tongue, and iudignant Patieuee4 ice ). Ts pere a Bakal , sti ea mthian fftglkngsr twine ,_ • ff speeph, elm controlled . i my counZai te. . 'Very ealzßlY,Aket6 allUterior sigoFQ(lichl look .1646tEllitie tuitirehe 4:lroppediher eyes - h n'tfl)ttielibelP " - •;;;', = rnfampy* Magazine Mat:hive figgtittett Aucself,''paid , I, with some dignity of manner, yet walibut a sign : _ef_irritation. sfie c was humbled at , once} clinf'tissed the-wilmg; and hlgged pat! pardon. I forgave her after reproof, and she I went ! hack !tot ki t...then soinc,i4hiNg wiser,. •Lthiuk,,than when I summoned her. - She:' Wa'S'lring I required has been' dpne, and dam; and the has seemed all day.as if - she were endeavoring to atone, by,,kind ness and service; for thatthasty speech. If I : mistake not, we were' both imprOvecl by, the discipline through which we passed. • '" Other' trials I have had through the day, some of them quite as severe as the few I' have mentioned , but the armor of pa tience was whole. hen the sun went down. I was able to, possess my soul in peace, and the conquest of self has made me hap pier: This.fs'iny good kray's Work.' It may not seem' midi in your eyes." - 141r,Barlow did not look ,up,:nor Speak, as the voice of his Wife grew 'She waited almost a minute for his response. Then he bgn t forward, , suddenly, and kissed li‘er, saying as he did so— " Mine was work, yours a battle—mine suCcess, yours a conquest—mine easy toil, yours. heroism! A lenny, dear, since you have .-been talking, I have' thought thus : My ,good work has soiled my garments, while yours are without a stain. Loving monitor! may, your lesson of to-night make better man. Your good day'swerk gives a two-fold blessing !--ii:ome Maga zine. ' ' - Good .Servants. 'When 'so matly housekeepers are Com plaining of, incompetent and inefficient ser vants in their homes, it is ,pleasant 'to' meet with testimony like the, following, of , an opposite 'character, from 'Mrs. Sigou.tney, related in Tha,pr's ffmne':Monthly "It has been my good fortune to have emplOyed several who•we;re 'faithful irc:the services, and reciprocated every expression of kind ness. This alleviated, on their part, any sense of.hardship, and made their exertions a .pleasure.. I greatly valued every evi dence.Of their•attachment, and though the complexion Of. some of them had a darker sliVe r they were to me as my own-flesh and blood. Indeed, those of the latter descriP tion have seemed to me inclined to put more• heart into their work, and therefore to call more forth in return. Twenty-five years was I served by such a one, to whom our interests were her own, who delighted to see our guests, exulted in our joys, and in our bereavements sympathised] Differ ence of colour was DO barrier to friendship, and ~eirtua.her death, theldhaire of ,being served from •personal regard still remains with .me, a search, perhaps an illusion. " I should like to speak of another, whose face and form are among my, earliest recol lections. She was not of the African race, bat 'a, specimen of the *honest New-Eno-land character, and.'.a native , of. beautiful-Nor wich, my own birth-place. She must have been in :fnll prime when TArst:remember her and her attentions to niy,childhood., An adept was, she in the culinary art, and neatness, ~the ,sPirit of order, and the care over every article that appertained to her dominion. Of the' virtues that belonged to the,sphere of unassliming industry she was model. Possessed of good capacities, .diligeut,..truthful, and not lightly given to change, the hearts , of those whom she serv ed might safely-trust , to her. The integri ty :and. -punctuality which sere essentials in the training of the 'olden tithe'were in herent in. her character, end from their habitual practice no temptation caused her, to swerve. She =had a deep respect for knowledge, and employed her intervals of leisure in the perusal of useful books. Whatever-shelindertook was well and thor oughly dOne, and the interests of those un der , whose roof-she• *welt were her own. Great kindness of heart had she for the sick' and sorrowful, and spared no pains either in nights of watching or other offices of aid to relieve them according to her She-had a sense of propriety.aa .a wisdom of, speech, for she was not given to muchh talking, which won the respect of all who knew her." :.-„ oit, , ,lb**,, ~..-: Writing Compositions. A schoolmaster,, told one of his smaller abtjirtfiat efto wanted him to write a compo sition. Oh, I can't sir.' Ido n't know how," said the boy, in the greatest trouble, ",But ,you can think,. can't you ?":,said the master. " 0- yes, ,sir." " And you can write -words, can ?t, you ?" 'just think Abont 'sarneihing; -writedown what, you thinizi and bring it to "Is that tilt?" • • " Yes.;_that will..be.a..oomposition. Now . I will'exofie. you. a little' while; -and lin may talfe put statu e tiud..,go out, And the Tat thing YOU - find that - mter'esti; you,. you think 'is /thole for , 4shatlii is good fori•what-will .becoms•of ac., and . ..write•itliolva : and.bringjt•to.me. ' , ! j little'boy went ont,'6o - dttlookii*: •ajibut seine: . time, he. At hist'eame..ioroiut; a .lArge turnip,,.,behind ,tife among some , weeds: He-stood.•and•lookedi 01, fold , iiroiditiits,init.`eilidiikh9ie :,iireamed; airBB •to, beeiVme a.distinguiished -wet, hie thoughts began to come to- hiin .:iivatsimplu•••rhyme i and he:wrote them down thoa: •;. ' Mi.Tinney had:a Audit grew behind the barn . ; Apd..it.grew,.and:.it grew, But it oe'er did any harm. irgtfir, :ariftrgr,Vl•;i • grow no tal ler; Then Biroeinney; pullted'it up, • 'An d Titt it in the cellar: 'f . 1 0 • there began to iot'; And hia dav,htex Busy washed ip •A, 4 • ;11 And and put n in the pot. N 11 ; 41-1 . f7t t : , AVCit , . As Then his daughter :Lizzie took it ttp,_ Phi it on tht, . Mr. Finney and thisiatife; •They'lbcith ifiat'doWn' to sup ; . And ,they eat, pnAl' they, eq, Till they eat:the:turnip up. The little bey , brought...in his composi tio4andor,hen' the Uii4thr, game' to 'read it, and sa w the evidence of , talent tin the •boy, ~fit Vlid he, pol;ldKr9lo44M.: Now, then, boys and don't eget frightened at the th i ought,pf 60;4,0 ^-"" but find sornethibg:thitt interests you, write down .1 Whnts yeni thirililabout it, and; that willzbeta:o2n l Ponitionsr fietua*d not try 4- tO witte intrhymewitiress you have a: talent for it; fiir L io . or , ,yirses ,are it . gteat' ~i leal..;podrerrfittani:piiorc-proie.aTitsuirg/ rA9jhtV:22' a. Seeing I dewy I , The feaelier of a j;earislr relates that when _he -fait took charge of the sehooWheTtiCiriiii.liieti , iiihat to teach • the little : .ones;, ighert4 ourredztO L 4 48e - pinkri . 4.ost ' of the ? ahildr shad lad Iran • leapinfl it in t)4Tteen. 434. , aeeed: with oat any pitrtiotOitilloptirrecke': . 1,04 theaniddlitofaily, one of the.thilaren taint' Eg9 !MG nf.ray. Bebop! ) . had fallent into,the water, and hadibeen nearly drowned. Afew.dayS later the boy came--to school. again, and . me,ali 'very'intich cast 'd'ow'n,. and looking ill. I asked himWliether, it was true, that:he was nearly A:frowned a 'few dayS ago.. tie said, " Yes,";and mold me that he ;had ad vanced too. , far)on a washing. scaffolding, and soltfinibled' into' th-o."Watei."")Were Yo.o,not Very' ;much when you sank under the water?" ;I asked ;him.. "No," said: , he: 'I.-But what -were your thoughts when the water closed- overvour -head ?" " Well,"' said -the little Teraelite, with sparkling' eyes', ." I thought "`Seeing I au) ,J,eaus' lamb, He, I know,,will lose,.me never; When I stray, he seeketh me; Death is'but hew life forever Father; tolhy home oh, 'Mike me,for Christs Instnlct9r. A •child's Ansitet. A child in-India bad been .brought,up instructed . in 'the Obristiaty'religiOn, 'When about -eight yedil . old, some hha thens older than hirnselriAdiculed `dild asked. .to see. his God - reArtniSt show you...my God," said he, " I L:can show youlours.'L , llegthen took up a stone, and danblnitfofnethingyke a face upon it he -said ;" : 'There;is such a'dnd -as ion: liver ; . 7', 1 Litnioant , ithi; lamb: A. little boy . , reading to hisa mother about _ the lion, in a, book , .of natural history;;-said; " Mamma; the dion is a noble 'animal, but love the lamb better; because 'Jesus Christ is called the Laub Of' God, which. ,taketh away the - sin of 'l6 , " To save a , guiltrworld be died; Sinnerb, 'behold the'bleeding Lamb! To' } liim lift: up Your lonoing 'oyes And.hope for mercy in, lait3,name."., Itlisttliantous. Perennial Cotton., R. C. l'.cl;loalirjEan!ij!l4teljr)delivered: a lecture at the Cooper Institute, New-York, on the cotton question, -which possesses some interest—ranch interek, if Mr. Ken dall labors not under some mistake; .We give, from an exchange, pasts of the lec ture: The Gossi.plunt ArMI, or _Peruvian cotton-tree, will yet answer the almost uni versal call for a cotton capable of being cultivated in Northern latitudes: las per ennial, can be grown wherever "'lndian corn can be matured, and promises to ,yield lar e ,mer - r - crops than the present herbaceous cotton, of the South, while. , its requisite culture and'mode of manipulation are -as can readily be performed , here. I have already proved, by personal experinient,. that it can be grown iutheNertbern part' 'of 'Maryland, and shall most earnestlyurge • the prosecution of more extended experi ments, fully assured that its successful in ' troduCticiii iiillleuno* prevent; any future recurrence of ~difheultiest such as now de range the harin'opy.of I . 4he,atinntry. His solution of the cotton-supply ques tion was presented in the following terms : The , Island, of. Jamaica, under judicious culture•and , energetic' martzxgrnt„ vrAula affbrd three-tenths of the whole amount required by Great Britain. ' Two tenths 'would have`,' to Sought after, and found in divers far-off corners of the world, , leaving •-the remaining one-half to, be gathered up for a fe* years ) , as best it may, from, precarious sources; but - ulti mately Ito be supplied by the present-free and border States of North America. Startling and .Utopian as tlxisdeclaration may appear, the study of cotton in all its economy for more than half an ordinary lifetime, with an actual practical experience in cotton 'growing, for-more:than •twenty years; has convinced me _beyond the shadow of, a doubt, that perennial cotton ,can be ,profitably grown in any territorypossessing , the requisite quality of soil for its natural ,development wher,e Indian corn will mature its crop. That there is A condition of soil 'faviiiirres'ilidispeligabre — to the succ,iisful culture of cotton, than ,any. definite tem perature of chin:Ate, 41y1 Own observations and experiments have proved. Two-thirds of the present free States of ,the Union, possess this requisite of, soil-7-sev era! of them in an eminent ,degree ; and there is no well-foinided,..reason ,why they' should not. afford an• unlimited suppl,rof cotton, equaling in, quality ;the best-South ern staple, and at a clear profit to"the pro - (lacer oftfifty per cent. ? above the. average proceeds'•frein the usual farm 'Crops arid , that, too, without materially lessening the breadth of land now devOtect to:grass and grain, or seriously interfering with the roe.= tine of farm' economy, as at present con ducted. • ' . He detailed a - series of experimepts ; :made bYhier.with the'Peruvian tree .cotton; inithrio its discovery and its culture. Hp; claimed to have shown' by actual practical, ..afjland,,Aat while the ; Southern eotton - wotild,• under the most advantageous? oireinmstanoes, yield but two ,hundred' doh l ltrir'per•suguin,'to, i'field, hand, the'Pere,- , vian tree 'Cotton would ,yield Niktbern; so le that. hupdre3 , and s ix ty - eight; dolliirs4 4new-the tree .to'beeapable 'tof pirodn& log two thonsand io the acre, and it •torild'.be: . :groxin 'in planes' used. for oilier purposei,. often not interfering with. other ,crops, .this : point he said ;. The period: ismot very kemOte; when hedges,-,mostkelfr-, eient as &noes; Shall.y.feldannual divid4tida Aif-.Superier.cotton;; .. orfiajitentiilitrs'Etleil: ing tir . e withcthe'fiefintiful c shial re; pay •teri-fold ' theit.coat and . eultirrir;: l iehen! the, 'ragged . :heights , of - tbge .liddsoir,, the', plaintraf *a:Jersey, 4his:fertiiir;valleys of the Keystone State, and the „undid:4;olg' :prairies. of the dieat,:.)Yeety pliall,glea„q4 in, the. sunligikt, ibitav :Winter,drift,' .w;gl2 zenprops of„.pcds den,ioratii? (*goo.; Re alluded to the skepticism of•the world, can=to the poisibilitrof-grape culture in thei 'United States; - the,)gnifiop of Lehigh,eaal,: , ofianderdrsiMpg, er.the.ise of :tilie” potato, and the triumphant surmounting , of : Ohitirslei,44:o,reaict;e'd of Peruvian cotton. will ultimately meet with: : tbegtuitesuccelk,'H'e opinion gr„ Pla:nter, of the availability of,Perumianoootton. "Perhaps .one of:the moat. striking in- . stances where the utilitarienisin the . age, Over ready to . grasp the substantial benefits of every hin't derived from the ,vetaries of Sciencephas been at fault, is shown,in;•the, fact that a: cotton'.bearing tree,- producing; ••annual crop' in the greatest abundonce; en 'during, ,without re-p lanting, through a se,-; rice of i years„ ytelding a ,fair .cr,opin..;thei :third, sad :attaining its maximum in the ! Isixth , or,seventh year of its growtb,ls . new -flourishing within"two thousand the cotton fields of the United Statei, in a• . roir ITT "di firii "Vie I Middle Stateiiiof .thisF-Trnien; wherW it grown-neglected practical , pyrposea,. .ofiry'asiiiiiinelliioew.,ubstri.**Riilfeil casional ,emeganp..;liii-.Thde_andustry, fripikpe t r . inCanteTricrr p;ihaps to the far-off ' times When A ancient acroaep:aadzllametpaid trignileAj l be Oftorillooms of 'l,4icerP4 / 1 /gi m i i ll /. ( f l l la rcn i l ic aPegV wide& the'pejeirruiltoitpa l tree is in rge-; Ate: notzao remoter rairtaacessi*4ut; that full sad reliable7Vd . fmkgsiiilifet l egaill; to bedessilyaribtai [red; an 4 f ourj -farmers and-cotton capitalists will sektli work wtt4l`lint ha f Elie ervillfrAvhcchi l li e lialitu4.- Aerixed %.01:3 . 0 r . thera . IhOrti ti We produce; ii ,aaabundant ' , supply' 46t fthe thet-.:ggtid a i etchr . tla . =ig;2== . . aaviug :Seen in your valuable paper some remarks in, regard to scratches on horses, "Quid. say there,is only one rem edy, and ,thak is to keep the castors on the inside of, their legs Soft, by an application of soft grease and peeling them off. If this is done,,my, word for it the horse will not ,be troubled with them; and with those af fected, the application of this simply remedy will effect a sure cure.--{E. Miner, in New- Engldnd Farmer. Carrots for Horses 13eiter than Nedieine. I have never, fed carrots to a one-year ;old colt, but .have fed carrots :to colts and .horses, from, , typ.te twenty years old, and have, ..always found them of inestimable valne when given with, other. food. I have never „given, but.one kind of food to a horse than one or two weeks in succes sion ; and as ; far. ,as ,any experience goes, think it iinposiible ;to, keep a horse in (mod conditiOn ivitho,nt chneging,his food - from time to time, and' keeping his bowels' free by carrots or tn-an ....... ,The'Chief Vaine Of:cdirots seems to ime tabe t4ir slig fitly tax4iie properties, ,and "their magical nPori the skin and'hair, together with their fattening "'properties; moreover,, their jliarciou,s, use oftentimes preven te' th Artlidistratitin of - those terri 4coneoctionsci,called,".horse: medicine," which the, i.mor w ant oner & of horse is :ef tenpre.vailed. upon, to give for the slightest disease. , Writing about "horse ~ medieincleTre,miuds ,miuds rueof a dose - whieh I heard amen say he gave to a horse for colic. The in fernal dose consisted of one pint of,,whis enepaper of chewing, tobacco, ; one hand ful of hlackTpepper, and a gillof. lamp oil. Strange' totsay, ;the horse} recovered, but; as the owner remarked, seemed . "rather 'Phaki" fora :few days. A.rod now:if. any of ; the_ readers of your .admirable„paper, ,have .a horse attacked with the, colic,-let -them. give liim a =quart of, warm ',flax-sped , -tea; with one or'two table-spoonfuls Of car re,Fay-seeda in it, and, see if the remedy has not, a,geod,effect; but let-them not forget to warm the extremities by, band , anch flan nel rubbing, endeavoring to remove 'that; deadly chill-which =so often accompanies; those sudden - attickis. -ItitheY have to em ploy a veterinary-surgeon,, let, them,stand ;over him with, Pr. D one .hand , and Youatt in the other, unless they feer.sure •that , :they titlp of veterinary-surgeon was 'honestly getter'', net 4iicked up. I )3t • u itPaSqge t te aII about. ,carre s. In keepino hoyses in that Thole condition:so' necessary for work either upon the.road or farm, carrots , are with 'Me indispensable, :and would as soon think "of keeping horses i all Winter. without .earrots or bran, as I would of keeping them. on either hay ,or grain; alone. In Bummer a ilittle grass, :now , and - then; cOn'taketlieir -pace. ' It is , my aim to bring horses out iethe'Spring, in good condition, ndtsneeding, if ever they' ,do; hleetilig,ldr a &hie 4ilphyiro? With , , this•,end in. view, have:always.fed 'from -two, to six quarts of washed and-sliced car rots "atnobn; and in nine cases out 'of ten have aeCoMplished my. end, &ester ,c`citinty, New-York.— Country - - I= • 'Some of our farmers 'are coMplaining, in. their letters, of' the weeds' that spring up in their fields after the usual time, of,,hoe ing, etc.; and some.are so much in fear of them that they go, through their corn and potato .fields and pull up,- hand-by-hand, what ~the hoe, did , : not :properly;,. notice. -One reason for-this extra labor is a desire -to destroy the seeds of the weeds, so that none wilt appear next year. u , , en • of experience know that if m every weed', is pulled up and:burnt, it-will ; make but, little, difference in the 'growth of another.season. Most fields are full. of the' .seeds of weeds .:. Some vegetate this -year and• some next year. 'We fan hardly afford • to pull up field weeds` by hand where a plow can passikely. .W hen a field is permitted to lie Sallow in. =order -to give it rest,:and improve the soil, -we 'prefer to.see a large growth of Weadaon it,, for then the plow has something to-bury 'and turn to manure. We sow oats, or ,bnek. , wheat, on poor soils, for the very-purpose of Iturning -them under :to-,lenrieh ;the , . land. Weeds among the oats. and wheat answer, the same purpose, ;. the more the better. , Where, the plow, is„ not hy. stones Or stumps there-need he. no.trouble about, weeds,for they:may-be alt buried by a. •..good.plowman,. , •in-case helas dearned how to sweep them :down..#at by means of ,some 'small and pliant bulies:a.ttaelied,,to the-ear of his plow. When, a real, farmer. buys j lat,id , Irefers to see it covered with weeds rather than to See no' ; covering on it; ter,lhe.arg,nes, if it _will bear.rank iweeds, y, can:easilymake it _bear grain- or -grass. ittgood :plow .will bnryrthe. whole growth -of . weeds;.seeds.and -all, So 'completely that nerve will 4 seen4te `next., year. .kiarrow thefurrows in a little fine,manure„and sow,sntne grass -I:seed, ta , be buried..with,acbrnsh-harrow, and •you- not know, next year, that any 'weeds were' in ' the lane • A 'gdod"farmer Conoora - told no, not many Jeara N14.:1 4 •1 9 66, 9 t. *lartdi'fi4ai 'ibel tittoie 'ofAlie—tciiita; which had born nothing! i oielite-weed. He turned the Flaite-weedonder in T Sep.tember Jame .00mpostemannre; 41nd:sowed in grtiee,!! . iliesaidrhe:fonnduno whitew,eed *there' the nftt- year: ' ' !‘ 1 And sF:nde,,others, are VePy ..#onhlesome in rocky f or xough .gronode, ,xihere.,the plow peanut -sweep .elean bury the whole from view.—P/o4lisitiin. 13 t ^ll' •'11:fr: ne• ••;" . a • • • • • " One' of %De grestest r Arrors in overcom ing cows thatsre • ukuipt, while being'milk ed, is p„T t hig,.Msf4tAl i baiwl , This dOie; be -COMM afraid: l '9e anglillifid" instead Of: te 7 - 9014ipg hef*;;F:inie cannot be.Whypeir Kir terrified into stsod . ang quistlyitaritly And. .patienblyilduring Italian.). 'grey to 'be- mil - kw:l;4er they know•that loud words arid'hard‘bloaii always attend' the . They (head tto"lie'e { the MiikeriiiilrelitthhiPottielAiMe to see the birchdiihrodith'i the hand of an augry,pedagogue,.w,hou,be4eApeqteptchibave j. it.apphe4 to, his back.„. 4 1 / 4 .„cew,,,kjiediy and psopeFly. utfreatedr ii• , Phlgtedp.o.oPo#.".the milker, . gladly , and submits with pleasure to tkli i opeystic of, being milked. .„Eyery one having expe wit'h cows knows .this, to.. be ...true. aut,. the—, ow opposed . to,-.chatige of milkers; isho soon-becomes ittaohedito-one iirsiin"' 3 / 4. ilin.;:pdithiling the operation}, 'arid qbeimik and, 41oWn bit milk Odku eOlet,Perlign ; er.cifimp IMMA Pn e regular milker-to:certain . cows, and bear in miudjtifiyeti -change milkers, it is at the expense 9s3a loss - tifdimilkNatid , ofqnjury: to the cow. All. animals -R , rippreciate - Aria tires tnnent ; hteWerit) , ShWillre rtf atthent. "SeV that 41 , 1 *.mktge4i 00 speak ACM andakiimy,kun der v.provoca, tion, and soon the. cows will , learivihat they are iiiii t gdingierlie ibused i , and will submit : , thri-bObilitiini..." Makin gzehotild tbe isktr'e,a)it. iettilarlonri; gotccearyiii - gififtedi; eminutsvone day. froni 'the otherly 'No einearianghitig- should be permitted. -Watering• •Sheep iniWinter.) ~..•, .uit'xitiktriPmp.iqiukdotwAt okeseimater, thAn: .obherenitaneatiornitnimakioistwelt (Anima • .1 riatitural ~• Scratches on Horses. Weeds haleids. Himiness,staiv:ud. Cows. That they should, be • fozcid to do with a less quantity than they deSire; or compelled' to do without any, excel*: what is acci dentally supplied' by melting snow or rain, no reasonable or merciful man can believe 'for a moment. In some experiments .on south Down'. sheep, at gitothamstead, we found that in the Summer months, each sheep ate three poundalof clover-hay, , and drank about .six pounds of water. daily. Thinking that they drank more than,iwas favorable for, the:disposition of fat, wer)001 1 - fined them to ales' quantity of water .for one week. The result was that dusing,that time, they ate less ;food and iost, weight- The result glided us that sheep, knew better than man, though he was scientific, how much water they required. But we neecU:not ,quote experiments. , The ,COMMOD sense of every.mall,,t,ells , him that sheep, as well as all other animals, should be abundantly supplied.Wl:t4, g99f l , fresh water, ,dows and, sheep, if : pOssible, should have: free awes§ to it at ,ag,timp. For, unlike the horse, they Will not always at 4tated times hO,Wocer regularly obserycd. A well, pump and troughs ;would seem, therein:re, to be necessary :q pen , dige,s to every wel t managed 'harii-yard or slieep4Old!' Kind 'resider, act, on ,this matter, and your, sheep and cows 'will - bless you, if not in words; et least in wool, milk ' .t 3 f inei ;,.The:month of„Novernber, after thedeaven lave, fallen •off ;is the,bestotime to prune ,vines. , ,There is -nol:differe.uce of opinion • onthis point with. expelieneeck grape growers, and it must be done in the ;Fall: to oucceed,well 41,1 : grapeieulturo. the principle should befullyinnsleT4o,947 that,the fruit,of. next year is - to grow from 'shoats from canes; of ; this sewn s.-growth. -Not one person tin grape-vines on • his premises Seemstounderstand-this iMportaut fact. , 'They have'read,`,aboutit zff the agriculturalpaOrs, 'but tlie:y paid: but:liitle,attention to it, and ;seldom or never acted upon itinipniningtheirlvines. I can say but ,little on. this oceasiOn,.for: Want;of arid.' . to do' full just roe' to, the :soljeetwO4cl „;requir . e . several pages-of the , i paper ~,; b ut ;in brief, ;select the best canes of this year's growth for fruiting next season=,,x and ;. cut out all the old /wood,' you have' new Weed enough that igrowa s ,9o,,geg? the baie ;of: the vine. If the new wood consists ofkterats—that is,i the side canes or shoots of old wood—youi should simply leav,.,enough of these lat..; erals to bear a fair crop next year, and,cut, ' back/all-the ;rest-to One eye. -The true Sys • term is td cut back -every , , other sheet, Sol ithat/-the;.new wood of nexi- , year:;may be: preducedk-from-the eyes:left upon the canes -thus :cut , :back. Thistis the renewal sys-; tem, -which,: is practised .as well upon ,-the; side,spurs ;and ; eon es •-aslon ; those ;that ;growl from the base of, the ; ; ' It.-matters-not how you, train ;your mines, ;whether to trellises, ; stakes 'or otherwise, this, renewal ,system „must I)e,adopted. in, pruning, because ,caue, sheet „or spur' evar.bears fruit but one . season. The mouth. of November is also, the r time to gather cuttings,. to set ! in the following Spring . Lot them be welLmatured wood;Of this year's (but , older , ; wood grow;) and, cut, them from twelve to eighteen inches long, with from two to four eyes; according to the ingth of thejoints; and' it you have lint a few, they maY . he kept safely in the celiar,,packe4in a ictdx:in layers with 'Sand or garden inold —r spread a;rtu'inf.t. them compactly; so as to' exclude; the air. The sand or mold should contain just' enoUgh' moisture revent, the cut-; lings 'fidm drying.' Sand IS recommenctea, _by horticulturists, ; ,but 1 find that,the-soil of. any, garden does just as well as-thn=sand; and simply lay - my cuttings upon the SAT"- face of the soil in layers, and cover them With earth having too",ntany to ;put in,My .cellar,) -and they are preserved in excellent, condition. -And now let me advise- alk ) grape-growers North of the latitude of the' City ; of NeW- Yoik, tolay,down. their vines . , in Winter, no matter -,what :kind they„may,lie,;-,,as our ~ severe 2Winters are making ead havoc :with every kind of vine in-ithis State and New- England, and in,,aome : parts of the West. This should be done in November, so,on-af ter, pruning the Nines. , Simply,dig a trench with aloe, two or three inches :deep, lay -the vines' therein, secured'' down with pegs made of split shingles,*l,pover with earth ,about, two. "ithes,deep. The ,cost is mere nothing, and the vines will come, ontin the Spring in fine condition. -If left cover ed, in this latitltde,ltiAl, April; 20,th of May Ist, they fruit' just as, soon as if taken„up 'eVilier, and the, severe changes of weather that sometimes occur in' April are thereby rendered' harmless -UT T. Miner, Clinton, 'NOW:York, :lb. Geucssce jrIIXTTSWJ.R.G.II..F.ENALEACOLLEGE piiiRTEEN' TEAcitkik • - BuikUngs,•teneheiniand UonrsO•Of sena Si, of tin) 'first s. §uKri?r t faeilit.ice.nfforded in the Ornamental : branches. At teruinnewletst 'S•;eir, rum 'hundred "Otel' thi)rty-seirci. Throe terme!per year. • • •', . • . _ . , ; FORTY DOLLARS, par term, pays. for boarding,' light, oU furniture. , Tnition. 'itcebiding to gtunies,PiWinpn, ..,Theiooliegiate year begins. 4pteniber,3d; 'second Sestioli,"Deciimlier "Mk; 'and the third; Mai& 24tli, 1862-:;;Send tnithe , gresident„ I.O.PZItSHING',A. for a catalog-I . le. . M. SIMPSON, +. 1- "ingi.Lly •' ' President of Board of Trustees. . RISG IN'OP A GREAT PEOPLE. • T 01tAIRLES SCRIBNER, PTO i.2d , ( 31 -491 FAMP I Y , . I4 FWtIreIiA Will pnbtiidi in a few days THIS. REMARKABLE FRENCH. BOOK. ,The Uprising Af a ....Great:l'o°pin: TRE.IJNyttEE4 . I4.TEE r 1N„1.561.. punt de Chisparin., Trimalated. ,Miss Booth. 1 vol., It • ' 7 The. Now-York - „Times, sityri,:ittrlff tt Eller thorottgk4ntet. lectual mastery of the subject deterptines the, quality of the 'moral warmth which rune litilitthrongia it flii'eak ittgat,timeSAntu ,1 1 4. eiA9rLapitoti , .wkioh c ifirly.lturtia> 7 titkpli Its power from the weight'of his - facts and the force of his logic. There is inthiairsatmenbdf the question, it wiettinodt eration that carries with it convincing,torce." , tt TliiiNi;dr-York-Ei - 4ttifft le the -WiWiiiit:Eook Vtirkliatctiven,writtenupp u idusarica- sideo...pe I:09 , 11,141e. * - Eanarkabie *for itii intelligence, its insight, logic,land its,neibleness o 1 purpose," From.the New-York Tribune: author thinks that wo 'awakenin'g, mirselveii; asserting our right inthpAitue of trial, ,end.IIN TIATI72, OF T.1.M.F.27,41.-Thad thiS w orkw been written but fell weeks ego, E 'could not hd more apt to the time than it is." - z.` I :AT : 711 PM b1 10 0) 4 : • . ; LIFE , 0 F , GENERAIAVNIFIELD , SCOTT. By. 'X. "' With , leittne-Edrtrait Steel:' livoLi 3 12yxo, 7, d - ° e l 4 4 ". ) This Biography is Intl Materiate'for it having been dtiriVed frompublictdoCurnente and-frtmidnany officer wtio i llaye„seryed under him. ,In Ade work ;will be found a falthhil'and tiatibiedeicription of the brillidtithat: lot" lent, etlaftir.d.," qPRIItiG. STYLES FOR • G j ea t i.tl i etrvem.'cs -, G.arsr:xxfuen:to., Tb.dlreatdreilietYt,iegibrastogiin Feted stock of Fancy FFencti and English . tAsti r rittitEt criAti Pitt; . - together with -ad -flue -an atut - ortnient , Black 'andfOokeed CLOTIES,d.IiD YESTIN3iS, tte,, mampfactotiett,of Europe ,tin Produce; Which areal:lopes/I'k. the waned of gititlerita tseita,ditbdapprociate style. anti quaiixyJP clothing SAMUEL GRAY L. SON 1±14.19.1-Pift•lttstp:Rittelkurgh.. 13'1: A Vit t'krtiftrlVE • t ~; NAICY;L , , •.f wAtitiom6 TorAfaungt&adies. 40vi.44siErligERLY.Tp4/1444 AiF,MITMEYO pals, aided by corm: 'Peaaietn. AccOnamOdatioxistni Sixt Y ißoardin trS c h o l a rs ,,l Thenrditiarythilkdiaratoard;-abd Tuition. 'in the regular coulee and _Latin, is $60.90 per Session df" lie /months.' faiLtfid Srancime, A nd fo,r; th ts„,••Nerniqdt•psnißes. Cattitegnes sem by mail, on application. he next Session—Nineteenth 'un der the present Principals—will commonchiNovesnOmdlitt d P3 . 3 4 4-2 T • tiVar. -7fr-,R44414"• At'AT24:?4;Wik ATV.T *.t4 r F , • ClithttiN . "'", WTirs'd ST.Thltar2-the antruslent litat &Wes us titeeleGoodeioheapittiefieuniettledgrnes• fLONili 18OUr nii9ttiVi find under that plan ire Are ; now prepared to offer it lin Welt Cif/iiltiLs AM"! NVINT24OITI.OI3ISA tAasio wwjj.nuas.e _ Ar I BFITIN9q, And tougt. enaidenitstid Otter'gl id '0 idde 4to ell east Ze *def. 2080,01Fino Stoeksofiatutlilmen*F.OniooV3fooilf, o mod ~Lltest Slylet k airways kept on hand .; ,11 ", , SMITH, IVlerflaut Taylg . rnaHrl7-1 .strigt Wttatiir WiF4/ 4 / 4 8:V44.figi14 , 744117.14,E,. Academy'ip An 'Kor , 'Punt mee 'Prepit"S f9ri . ceitiett l / 2 movie' putuutts, or, teaching, and, a . Seminary , for young IddieeAttfording'alllthY:iduaut ekes JO WeehdOltttri Malin* piatr.4l: lo lWatqc't It?fili tIV"4- higrif'M4oll4 Mid Modern, - Lifiratitre, =Jenne, 'and rtaka • wag& Teneeep .pernEeeeirtor orr.4.o9,lotrAcall.o!lfFia.h7.r, The next Session opens'Septernberllll4,l*tl, and'Oe`turi. nee fourteen weekn. retted*dtittrij, grtundurtukthe ,TP.M irez ruatker.#o9lPn i a rW o offlorii i 41 ' loguee t4ii Priticipp; R tie - tapfttt r .14446L1114***1 --..„---- T A TEL " " EfFet - ves cent Y igalaSit ,VVIAS n. This.vaimible and popularAudiciudtrsV=reliecf3, Y the Most favorable recant:nen a on e._ ~ profession and the "Public as the most ma dent and agreeable " 1 ' .. Saii,DßA.l)enentu, , '• it May bOnsed Witlrtbe best effeet n , BILIOUS AND , PXBRICLE r DIBRAE 1E 1 , 1 COPTIVLNESS; CIIE,NATISEA . I , LifiBIibIIAPPZTISTIL9,II-IINIAT O I 2, ON 01:6 - ACI&IT4'",, .. OF, ,TII4E,STOFIA.Cra, TORPIDA, , _....... r lt. own, RIIdg,IIIIATIC AFFECTIONS,. GYAV I, Y lal!lh • 5,•• , - 7 •.,-, . i alai am, maser/arm "strulmr." ' T r e i ,, ~ _ A Gentle and Cooling Aperient ug ~,l'nflicati, -is Required. - , It isparticularly adapted to the wants_of Travelers by-Sea and Land, "Residents in Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentery • Ifabits, Invalids and Convalescents; Captains of - Vessels tr e Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medic. Chests. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up in ,bottles,,to keep in any climate, and merely require!" water , _ pouted ii ea it to produce a delightful , ' effervescent beverage. v; _ Numerous testitnoidalh' from professional and Omer gen tlemen of the highest standipg,throughout the co,litetty, rand its steadily increasing populFrity form series of ieststrong ly guarantee its efficacy andSvaluablVeliaracterta d com mend it to the favorable notice of. an intelligent pulalO., • . ----- , • r.-,, cl T.NRRAN'I"S‘"-- „ -- CORDIAL ELLNER I OF TURKEY RHUBMIII. This' 'beautiful preparrttion, from the TRITE ,Tffigli t ItHIMARB., has the approval and sanction ofi mapyAL Ter best Physicians as a valuable and-favorite FaipAYMedicine, .. ~ And Is preferable to ,, atryiether form in which Rhubarb admi,uistered,eithecpr Adultibor ObildEnirAtrn4uo , em• ' 341imeddrietteduMer ttiliiiiiikeld - 4 ‘.- pid • bbi „PIA VlP',Wlmtleni insibtßopristkr" i , IT it um ; R, oA bff DI APlrr , Eit i B LlEiitriliC4 Holt, ASAB.larat LIEN, ,MOSLIN;I_BILK, ETC,-, it Pinsd: by 'many Smits' drPdriened.,th be the best, most per andaeliable preps.ratieniever offered-to the-TYblic. The superioritY of this artielekla.uprkpovfledged by paaWd AWlChafiertAkilit &Wets WM fitiditioilidir iiitereertegtifrit u preference ever&ll similSr prepittntiOper ,„ : 1 , , I i ,Iliiinufactured Unliby _ . , , 1 `i Sl' 5 JOHN A. TABBANri UV, Itraggleo; ' pa. 278 @models St, per. Warren Ot,,,N.Nrgeric. And for sale bY'Aruggisbi gerieridik,; ' jun27-ly ILTS N. " 011.-A!' 4 F - E OVA VE ' *NS'I I I , - ~- ). ~• ME; "AVALIF, , , MLIa alliNiATAtioo.4ll.', . r di The Fall Session of the above Institute willicfauptinice,LOy the First Tuesday in November next. Thecourse of instruc tion 13 G all that ean,berlesixed • , embracing ; the ,ituffihlge , " 4 Ilfigher-Tditheiikitties: Callithetiitu'trf,reekly, tdrime er-', man, vrenc b o b ra ping, & e . ''. Terms,.s4s.oQ petiSesidon; •1 0 .F"' able bv the half Session in advance. . - 1 ~, 1112,5".,i'ir.'62./E:: AGNEW; M.O. & ; Piiiieipei; ,0ct12 , -St , . p Aeadem.K4nniata Cp,up.ty,ty 111 u. S.-4, ,11 / _SA) • • FRNiSEapNuNDE.R.WEB* , No. eq ;514142V/4 rd Street, keeps constantly en hand a fair -assothie'ntotseaAly-atadettornatt,Mblidlic-Oisei, shibwis; ite., of the latest styles. Personal sprvieaspinifill cassaiwben required, and no pains will be sparea to 'ego entire - satilibic, tiori, and relieve the.friunds of the maily pasappdaties, mbeesiiiiir'obrinietted 10% 1 thii 'pieparitt buidal, at oudneed prices. ,ItoomsonewbrAaatitrilglit. ,greatly otsjit-IT t 1114- I teriiii* -- E.to7 C Or i 0011173111 OF SIIIIST .:AND 2/102.T. Swims, Itterssimmu, ?Ay , lidanifacturena of Otear# Engines, hAact % Inery , and Castings Also, of STETS, TANKS, and'a l ll l ot7 r i . ."gpir:ratufi fining Oils. 4ctlo-13, riIIifkI,TVVENIWWARSEC ,GLADE RuN39,4Dmx 0 • , will open November fith. Rev. at. 44 - 0 trill take oluuta , early. Whiter ' ' • ,tot-i1; For further particulars address octl93t* REV: G. W. XECHLIN, Dayton, Pa. . Al . t r _Amp - stE'Eft rusamoiA . , - Hui N 496 1 1 E :f -partGilat:attenttrpriaitbreili =Mule 00t39.6e. paTTSBIERGII . : . 41m4iiro.- 41- .! 'if . "I! la',3ller 3111'• os, 4 .8 :02F A § 1111 P 2 In Itn sixt.l4. year. ,Room folover..9J,ndre4„ . att, ( -14=86rilkfor Mietifitritc; • '"? • d, . eILI FELBASE, , takEOD4 mySly fgll-IPs, FARMERS,-GAIMENERS,--FRUIT. GRO,WERS, O,fiTTLE,pEALARS,, *Cr, Will find the most complete' assdriment nUtioiske ;slating to their business that can be foundin the world, at G. M. ig ifON, , BAßKEltia•COl'S'idgriaiulturai 8i0Vit014.54; 1 25 'An* Rnar. NnT,Vnrir.. Rotttl Sew .p.nrctAinwrig.... fahlStiv° ' WE'INViTE TI2IEE ATTENTI,OII.OIF • - • themublic to thePSELAXIBERIAA. --illousekeepifig , Dry Goods StOre. :wheramapbelonnd a r largegiesortmentuttillikinds of Dryl Doode l .irequired in .futnialung a house, :thus .:Jacting th ' troaKe usually taperietleed in hunting . such articles, in Iraq rims places. In consequence of our eying our attean tol tiiiiThilifdrirockfhillfalarSt"dreati-erid-hutty-gooSs,! we can guarantee our,ptices and styles to bea m most favera-t ble in the matift- '' a , : _l ' ' as' "' 7 ) . , i l'' IN: I/NEAT ,0 Q OPX 1 we are able to give perfect satisfaction, being the Oldest .F 4 -: tabtished Linen Store in the city, and having been for more, than twenty years -regular importersfromsozner-of-V - :---gwet . manufacturers in Ireland.. We, offer, also, a large stock of FLANNELS AND' USLINS. of the best qualities to..be cibtained, : fand.--at the aellikiateat! Pirees": Also; Blankets ; ' Quilts, Sheetings,, Tiolangli,.Damask "rableDloths; -and Napkins; TowellinglicniaMmi, ffackeliaalia, Table and, Piano Covers,..Palaltie4 and„Afelealtai 'Lace r muslin nalin' -6:attains,' Direities; Vithiitaii iDliiiitzei/ Wm iiw Shadings, act, he. JOVN—T...-COWELL & SON, S. W. corner afChestrint and. Seventh Ste., : aann - ti ''! ; ! : '' i lilt ~ - t s4 itt Philadelphia. R , 'A , 1 " •" -- *"3 • •••• 'f' T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ''.": 3 7 , 1 . .5 - • .; NAS4F9R,IIII4 • InEEN.AND-okAct TEO . RIO, LAGUAYRA AND JAVA COMES; NEW ORLEANS-ANDROWINEO:RUGARR; N. O. 110LARBMMIA pRIRA BONNY SVIIIJPR With all Culinary etceteras. o.l4ers by -.712 uglA Promp y t atta e d t"o, and,partfall tArmstalr4l. , ,154114—t pUBLICATIONS OP TH - IE .. Presbyterian Board of ;flibileatioll, 'DURING JULY, 1861: THE LETTERS OF JOHN. OALVIN. Vol., I.V. Con tainingn coPkins Vointrietioinir completing this very valuable antl, interesti.pg.xurk„bylwhich-mill be preserved and'trtinsinittiatb posterity many writii%s of the great Regormer, whickperhape meveg-ptherwise seen the light. Price $l.BO per voltime In black cloth, full sheep, ,or SERIES POE YOUTH. 18110. ILLVSTRATED.:• '"' ONDEXIMI L , ,LAlstp ;AT ; LIGHT; PO& %lilt Diatzer P;ian.• •Pp:„MA. Price 8p and 85:cents. • THE • LC/ST BRACELET: By the author or ittle Slap:TA Ifjninen,Hassyell,7? &c: 10G. Price 15 and 20 cents. • ' Address order's to • WIDiTIEROP • SAIRGENT, Business Cornispondent;44.l. 821 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. triP' For sale in Pittsbniiht it the t PVeshyterida Book Rooms, srAs i ntiStiaat.;'•/,' ;),, 13' , , ;:21 2b 1-tc rrr F41111.1Y Grocer and ,Tea* ;Dealer, Takes pieasti:re in announcing to his friends, "ad .cuatom Elia he has recently removed'end l ariaciolis w = torner..of., Ltb eilyfopkilltandi SirAets, • • (-1. /. 6,0 - 40 rs•Af4s,00sca??4,) And having increased/de heck 'by recent parch riontoffera to thertublic the mead extensive:and °antidote= = • sortment to be found in this city , of. . , CHOICE yArdrx'69lo,Ews, iejalitt li ttfieffemsstic ' Firtith, 'Teas; SPices, &ides and Sauces, Preservedtrruits In great variety; leistialartuf,.Dried Beef; &e,' betides an ,amortmant ef,Doneestio Hopeciteeppm articlagi thee Conatituthig Tforiselreeper'SEMporium,where must ailnrtioles t.kat arerussfrd; neressary:forfitheiyantßy till may be jettrehasedat reaamiable prices. • f`• ' ' 1 - Ma 4-1 WHOLESALE' AND RETAIT.,-...ita*':' Catalogues containing am extended list of my stock fur liiihed,==,•iflll.= i th4H4 (AI set 'll3 . HEN SHA , 110-17 go - F- LibertY Aq . aftPtit tr. oo F. • -. a , • • os; • s-sss,/ • ._•!WILLIANIt 01-I•Ni BON; :i pate, Blinsikr : s9l.l3l,Aufticturer-aßilier: iR.,Pr"P11%,51.Mcii..UM,1418#44 kinds of Mang: • j 1 tiiGuai ElsatieiCeitient, feeittindtOttut A i rit P 3ll 7 t r itgabA•4l l trve Pirt v Eltofirg • 1 ' ,“ re •° 41i JXre 4 94 == l / I !, l4 ifq; Roofing Material /of sa e, pante. tea. rgetionel using. or .1 0,1 -,-. o,R9elplle olkstand, ;. oo intitifitek N. 11.41-I.liiilltnkt.JCPAsiENvil Ptilit'fjxl ma,Ml•Ecofsblitt,t%cp,As 19111019Ac4etnast„thart• petit; also aa pitnt prevint darnpnestili. dec3=4 WM. 3t3tHiNSONe i v JOHN D. M'CORH .... . 1 11:JTAIdES S. III'OORD 211n1L. 4130 • • =IT -M.A2VIiTtidAWAHRSI AafrA) AMALtH,H I B LW . 7 t- OapsiattatityStravivikod s . offEB3LE3ifLErVAND tRETAILV', Tito: o. i . P IA raiiwriaw Attiarfaitsva ng re"a4OO733,KLA 41519 14415.41 tin tITALISANARANEErIePS ? Z i t B ir •J -of every styrelgaidliVf," Of fitittNifid 4444.;r.R10411414:41mta irri4tpdAnpr ila RAMS; Strapv end * Silk lcOnn..a.T t. -- Periorieliiitiink to pnitai4e4thalt byttiFirelessianielletail,.'.soliAndrit.toftiteir lc A it advantage te ttnd examine 011 T stork. gfix 'l4lllianey an d ASSES 'Alf. OT li IIiL" - 2643norny 44 T- usAnow ins.an-...ety.tear{,bfi coiarxiimamp — sAii 4 pl, l ,„'• redly; pee. and- inw 49m VI ctiff4r9;e. PA9rt: rigaralfactured ftrt"lP . , - t "..004- 1 7. • Lam* rs' illrOttottAlisry t4l liv• •-•:. L% strift.o • N I 1 -•-• • , 46 t.:t • 444 11' Ar.ollll4lll' e t .34 • . . mar3l '4IBRILLit tigy-Apgiat9lN, , """ L ar s. liflr GO RIGHT TO THE ;t: 110:TANT c RELIEF IMO stto.p;--:To-EJR, COUGH YOliittSßUTlt 4 • r • AtagENOtattillittit ittlC , t , 11-1 =CM ... Illa t f .,." .. m ...J.. ; .-;,,,,-... „./.... ..", 'Mir '4 IL-14 ' 411- "NV 1 -- - . fl , :1 - P.,. ,"i . • 1141)1Ttfp ..t ,' - a .: 4 ' 4 ii,..,..e1' H,.../...,!.:;,.., •Milfflige4ali o'"! SEE El - J,•l -.i~:~~ • rc),_l•-.1 ni '3'..0- ? 1 i “.'d c i ONFE C T ION 1,6t1 ..rg.;‘; S 3 - H 77 !Ili'4l :!;11. NM ME .GOOD . FOR C RGYMBN, • MIMI GOCiDWOR JAM:J . BEM =EMI "' p Btid SPEA.RERs, I GOOD FORSIMGERS, _2~ :; _ . . OE ,GQQD FORrOONSIIMPITITES ENE r G2NTLEMEN CA:PT 9ni 1,1!" - 7 EMI ir.;:JCI. 1 II) ;1... 1-;:i 9;1 . . *):1 ,IF:4SP-AITaPINAWS ME THIIOO*ftCTIONS. ME ;-;:.,,f 3 •:t1 - tr 11,4: LAD4P A 414,4171) TI! 11l f,?L. =MEM ~,,F ISRAELDING7 S yi ~ ',~ : { - ':'Fa d .: 1= ~'. ~'.. ~:'~1 MEE MAU EMS VIII two 'C S. - 4 ; IMME - t ME - 111 S P XT . /DING ' S ;. MEM= 111104 LT 4011=47110. IME ffifili They relieve a Cortgli:tiatimitly They;cipar thetEllxoatz, 12:11 MEMO the' voice ihejrabnparti detteiouslarpata,ta_tha breath y 1 Aft wney - are aelig l t htfullo the. taiste. - 'or .!--3: ,, ,a , - 7-H:J.t.;1.1,.::t ;1-ti-_,ai -:. ~ ,F.,, - : q. , . • noyare*pv*Ofisimplixhigb.w . andAtata t ot harm any One allvise every ono who has a Cotigh, or a Husky 'Voice. !..1 or a Ead',llreatb, :- t o r t "auraillkaltrAif , tlifit Throat, to V ..5• • I , ql " I " 64s aitortre'Citonairthby will relieve Sec insiantlp; and yon ' agree with me € that .gthey- go Tiel . • "f,•t -t.oAelint.ll,lrot!7'.4l.fip.d..2.:lmn,...er4fre.fica "rid plea,a'l while havelling or"attending, fire lie lied:lip, for 6tilii4 70E1" tw,h or, 'Mkt • yang your Ihirtit....t:Tflyma try one packir , , T 41511,' . 46 ` 1 . 11. " 0 1% 4 1 13 i 7 11 ,11p3e5afterWarea Considiq' them at the Dreg;''' aidDealeA PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. ,73 chifkkieati taliciCke. 'JR others are toun tg. 1 1 , felt. j v. Alßketitiee'iroritUlia ttelkt ;byiarlail;plopaid, On, reteir'' Thi*CW l ta:,..11, 1,1 , r; .SlliffT j`.7- Address, vzii ,7# ii