Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, November 02, 1861, Image 3

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    ust, 1845, to January, 1815, he was
Assistant Professor of Ethics, &c.,
he llilita.ry Academy. On the Bth of
1847, be was brevetted first Lieu
,it, fin• gallant and meritorious conduct,
to battle of El Molino del Hey, and on
Plth of the same month was brevetted
aain, for like conduct at Chepultepec.
was made First Lieutenant in the army
February, 1853, and resigned on the
h of November, 1856. On the break
out of the present troubles he,; took
/and of the District of Columbia mili
and moved them up in the neighbor
!of his recent station. On the forma
of the new regiments of the regular
he was appointed from the ,District
Colntnbia to the Coloheley"of the'Four
ath United States Infantry. His cow
tsion bears date May 14, 1851. On the
.loteetith of the same month he was ap
mted by Congress a Brigadier-General of
iunteers, and held the eoiiihaand of the
"-I brigade under Gen Banks. His
land was then temporarily separated
that of the Major-General Cowman&
the department of the Shenandoah,
he held the position ,in tkelghbor
of Edwards' Ferry, with "a moderate
;e, with his headquarters at Poolesville.
has always been esteemed a good soldier,
this is the first opportunity he has had
exhibit his Generalship, although his
Lvery was fairly testedin4Mexico.
A correspondence has taken place between
. Harvey Brown, commanding at Fort
;kens, and the rebel Gen. Bragg, in rein
) to removing the sick from the Penn-
Hospital, before . COL Brown should
I fire upon the riVryarsi. Bragg posi
y refuses to comply with the request,
the same time notifying Col. Brown that
i ease of his firing upon the Hospital, he
Gould hold him responsible fin unusual
al . barity before the civilized world. We
ave intelligence by the steamer .51' Clellon,
hich arrived at this port on Thursday,
cm Fort Pickens, that there are really no
ek in the hospital, but that Bragg has a
iirge quantity of powder stored, in .its
yards and cellars, and that to protect it
on] tire he floats the yellow flag over the
luilthtig. Col. Brown, we are told, has
een informed of this fact, and will be gov
cried accordingly.--New-York Tribune.
in American editor, in attempting to
'.i went Gen. Pillow,as.,a." battle
cr.l veteran," was made by the types to
bin, a "battle-scared veteran." In
next issue, the mistake was so far cor
ed as to style him a " bottle-scarred
Garibaldi,—The following letter from
Garibaldi has been received by the
red States Consul at Antwerp :
- loprarar, 10th of September, 1861 :
Drar Sir :—I saw Mr. Sanford, and re
to be obliged to announce to you that
rill not be able to go to the United
s at present. do not doubt of the.
wph of the cause of the Union, and.
shortly. But if the war should unfor„
itely continue in your beautiful couu
shall overcome all obstacles which de-'
inc to hasten to the defence of a peo..
who are so dear to me. Fours,
Quiggle, United States Consul, Ant-
dirtint has not only been the first State!
Apply her quota of troops, but her troops
stationed at more points than those of
other. She has eleven regiments in
itucky, six in Western Virginia ; seven
Missouri, three in 'Maryland, two at
ington City, and one at Hatteras In-
Several regiments more have been
red to Kentucky, and several more are
home fully organized, but not yet sup-
Id with arms. She has fifty-seven regi-
As organized and nearly organized, and
it is believed, soon have at least sixty
meats in the field.
le Lake Superior copper mines, it is
3d , will yield, this year, ten thousand
3 of copper, valued at 'fo)/r millions of
ill Get Too Fot.—l3y a law of France,
ly put in force, passengers weighing
one hundred and fifty French pounds
required to pay double fare.
ipulation of Paris.—lt appears from
returns made by the officers appointed
Ike the late census, that the population
ris amounts to 1,700,000 souls. In
lax 1789 Paris contained but 650,000
.tants; in 1817 they amounted to
36 ; in 1841 to 935,261; in 1851
counted above a million, and five
afterwards they had increased to
,346 souls.
;Usk Movements inlanada.—lt is ru-
that the English Government is
.y concentrating immense supplies of
and munitions of war in Montreal,
la, sufficient to furnish an army of
1.10 through a long war:
'at 6 i Rip-Raps " Mean.—Many persons
since the war begun, made; inqn.iry,as
le origin of the term " Rip-raps."
he benefit of the uninitiated, we.give
)flowing information : In engineerin_,g,
.ip-rup" is a foundation obtained by
•ing stones together in a heap withont
in deep water or on soft bottom.
battery on the channel between Fort-
Monroe and Sewell's Point is coif
en such artificial foundation, and
•efore styled the "Rip-raps." The
nation was begun about twenty years
Loose blocks of granite were piled
a height of twenty or thirty feet,
ertuitted to remain for years, fur the
!e of settling the foundation. The
were taken down to the water-line
ago, and nothing more has been done
fortification since.—Methodist.
Planet Lost and Found Again.—M.
lhmidt having discovered the planet
to on the 22d of May, 1856, soon.
O At of it, and looked for it in vain
• the Summer of 18f7; but on the
September of that year, he fou n d a
which at first he mistook for Daph
vase it was very near the spot which
lon had pointed out for that body.
w planet was called Pseudo'Daphne,
disappeared. M. G-oldschmidt has
.itten to the Academy of &fences to
Ice that, by the aid of Dr. Lather's
lietic ephemerides and Dr. Ileneke's
has succeeded in finding Pseudo
again, after a search of three
thousand seven hundred and eighty
of electric telegraphs were opened in
ited Kingdom durina p the year 1860,
million seven hundred and eighty
and two hundred and fifty-seven
were sent.
season has been unusually mild
in England as well as the United
tipples in full bloom in the first
October, the laburnum in flower,
crops of vegetables, are among
:scion is reported as having been
the Emperor Napoleon when
j ut the Roman question : " Nave
it is a ripe pear, which will, fall
a of Illissouri.--The territory of
exceeds in extent the six New-,
States and the State of Delaware
It is divide47iito ; upward of,
:d counties. The' State extends:
hundred and eighty-five miles
to West, and two hundred and
es from North to South. Its
:alth is of almost incalculable
defend such an area of comity.),
demands no ordinary abilities, nor crippled,
dijointed action on the part of the govern
ment or military. The State was rapidly
approaching emancipation previous to the
The Twelie Tribes.—The - males of the
twelve tribes of . Israel, according to the
census taken on the Ist day of the second
month after the exodus from Egypt, from
twenty years old and upward—all that were
able to go forth to war, the Levites ex
Zebulon, -
joseph, (by Ephraim,
40,200, by Manasseh,
32,600,) - - 72,700
Benjamin, - 7 ; 35,400
Dan, - - 62,700
Asher, - - 41,500 ac
Napthali, - 53,400 "
- - 46,500 descendants
- 59.300 44
- - 45,650
- - 74,600 14
- - 54,400 "
The M'Cormick Reaper Extension Case.—
The Commissioner of Patents has refused
the application of C. H. IWOorniick for an
extension, of his reaper_ patent, granted
'October 23, 1847. He adniits that the in
vention is one of great utility and import
ance to the public, but refuses the extension
on the ground that the sums already re
ceived by ITCormick, and the sums he
is entitled to receive from infringements,
together, amount to an adequate remunera
tion, and, therefore, the patent should not
be extended.
According to the last census taken in
Switzerland, the total population of the
r.onfederation in December last was 2,534,-
422 souls, of whom 2,204,280 were Swiss
citizens, and the rest foreigners. In re
ligion, 1,483,290 of the total were ProteSt
ants, 1,040,469 Catholics, the rest "Sepa
ratists," Jews, etc.
The Chinese think that the inventor of
ink was orie of the greatest men that ever
lived that be enjoys a blessed immortal
ity, and is charged with keeping an ac
count of the manner in which all ink is
used here below, and for every abuse of it
he records a black mark against the
The- Cholera has been making fearful rav
ages in the North-west provinces of India,
both among the natives and the European
The Tunnel through Mont Cenis will be
seven and a half miles in length. When
the works are completed, the passage of the
Alps will be reduced to twenty minutes.
Havana papers say that the cultivation of
cotton has begun to occupy considerably
the attention of land owners throughout
the island. cuct worn out coffee fields are
- eigerty sought after by speculators for the
purpose of converting them into cotton
plantations. There are already three cotton
plantations in the immediate neighborhood
of Havana. _ '
cording to adjournment, at New Alexandria, on the First
Tuesday of November, at 10% o'clock A. M., for the purpose
of ordaining Mr. I.F. Wallace as a Foreign Missionary.
By a resolution of Presbytery, the next regular meeting in
January line been dispensed with.
JAMES DAVIS, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF ERIE will meet at Warren, Pity
on the Second Tuesday of November, at 734 o'clock P. M.
S. J. M. EATON, Stated Clerk.
Irma' Reim
Country Printers,
Desiring to purchase material in their line, will
do well to read the advertisement. in another col
umn of, this paper, headed "Notice to Printers."
Division of Virginia.
The election held last week in Western Vir
ginia, resulted in a large majority for a division
of the State, and in favor of the new State of
The Illustrated Annual Register of - Rural
Affairs and Cultivators' Almanac`for 1862.
This valuable Annual, published by Luther
Tucker & Son, of Albany, is now for sale at J.
P. Hunt's, Masonic Hall, Fifth Street. Let
every farmer and gardener provide himself with
a copy.
Harper's Monthly for November is as interest
ing and diversified in its contents as usual. In
creasing years does not impair its vigor or
sprightliness. The article on Benedict Arnold is
especially opportune at this time of wholesale
The Atlantic Monthly improves with age, is
throwing off the provinCial character that marked
it. at first, and taking a wider range. The
number for November is at once popular and
Both the above magazines are for sale by John
P. Hunt, Masonic Hall, Fifth Street, Pittsburgh,
where everything in the shape of magalines,
newspapers, and stationery, may be had at the
lowest rates.
The Battle at Edward's Ferry,
The officirl number of killed, wounded, and
missing, in this unfortunate engagement, noticed
by us last week, has been published. We lost
79 killed and drowned, 141 wounded, and 193
are missing. The Richmond Examiner admits the
loss on the rebel side to have been 300 killed and
wounded. Accounts from other Southern sources
make' the number as high as 1,000, but this is
most probably an exaggeration.
But after making all due allowances, it must
be confessed that the affair was miserably man
aged on our , side. Our men fought most bravely
—no men could 'have done better; but a great
mistake was made * by some commanding officer.
The Presbyterian Quarterly Review,
For October, has the following articles: The
Nature and Destiny of the English Language;
Refoim in England after the death of Wickliffe;
Melchisedeck ; The Divine Humanity of Christ;
The Intermediate State; Reminiscences of the
Rev. Joseph Addison Alexander, as a Compan
ion in Travel; Plicenicia and Carthage;'Theo
logical and Literary Intelligence ; Notices of
New Books.
The article on Dr. Addison Alexander is by
the Rev. Dr. Cox, and is, owing to the venerable
Doctor's peculiar style, a rare specimen of Re
view writing.
The lilereershurg, Review,
For October, has the following articles: The
True:Conception of Christianity; The ,Prophets
of the Old Testament ; The Oldest and. Worthiest
Popular Orators; Table Movings, and Spirit
Rappings ; Notes on , the Agamemnon of Sopho
°les ; Mohammedanism iri its Relation to Chris
tianity; The Coming of Christ.; Catechisms; and
Humility, the Basis . of MOral Greatness.
The article on Table Itiovinse, &e., makes a
sad but just exposure of impositions practiced by
assumed mediums.
Frown Hanks' DiVISIOR.
DARNEBTOWN, Oct. 29.—Three brigades of Gen.
Banks' Division, left :Edwards' Ferry, yesterday
forenoon, and arrived in this vicinity last night.
A sufficient force remains at and near the Ferry,
to insure safety againstitny attempt of the rebels
to cross or molest us. Before leaving, yesterday
forenoon, the rebel pickets thickly lined the op
posite shore, and taunted our men with their-at
tempt;to invade Virginia,'and begging - them to
mime over them a_visit.r. The division
will remain h'e'ro over the 'Sabbath. Of its fu
ture movemaidii; nothing is known' exceptto the
Journal of Prison Discipline
The closing number of the sixteenth volume of
this valuable Quarterly periodical, (the only one
in the country, we believe, devoted to this branch
of public economy,) is before us. Among its
contents we seasonable article on the im
portance of sustaining and executing the law ;
another on the idiosyncracies of criminals ; a
third on public executions ; and a fourth on a late
law of Pennsylvania abridging sentences in cer
tain oases. Added to which are several im
portant and interesting notices on various topics
connected with the administration of prisons.
The subscription price 'is $l.. E. C. St J.
Philadelphia, are the publishers.
General Fremont's body guard made a splendid
',barge at Springfield, on Friday, the 26th inst.,
routing no less than 2,000 of the enemy, killing
and wounding many. The body guard, under
Major Zagoni, only numbered 160 men, of whom
6 or 7 were killed, and 10 or 20 wounded.
Major Frank White, who recaptured Lexington
recently, at the head of 180 men ? and released
our sick and wounded soldiers, after driving out.
some 600 rebels, is the son of a prominent lawyer
of New York.
Fifty prisoners, taken at the battle of Freder
icktown, have been put to work in the trenches
at Cape Giradeau. The report of Major Scho
field, who commanded the battery in
, the action,
shows that this victory was the most complete of
any yet achieved by our army during the war.
Jeff. Thompson escaped on foot, after having
his horse killed under him. The rebel force
was about 6,000, while our own force' was only
Correspondents of the St. Louis papers give
the following intelligence :
CAMP MOB:RISSEY, 86 miles South of Warsaw,
Oct. 26.—General Lane captured the transporta
tion train of the enemy, near Butler, in Bates
County ,and took the escort prisoners, a few days
since. Among the latter were Captain Whiting
and Lieut. Vaughre. 'General Lane also reports
that he found a large number of sick and
wounded rebels at Rose Hill, Johnson County,
in a starving condition, to whose wants he ad
Nine contrabands arrived in camp a day or
two ago. They Were sent in by one of Lane's
officers. Their case has been investigated,.and
it is understood that Gen. Fremont will deliver
them to their masters.
Gen. Lane. also captured a large amount of
lead in one of the Western counties, and sent it
to Fort Scott, Kansas.
There is no definite news of the whereabouts of
Price or M'Cullocu.
The progress of events in this State will be
watched with intensest :interest. In no other
border State do 'Onion and Secession sever so
many ties and awaken so many animosities.
Moreover, the Union men in this. State are en
listing—casting their all into the breach—to an
extent. not by any means equalled in Western
Virginia, or even in Missouri.
.The Cincinnati Gazette has a report, from an
apparently reliable source, of another attack by
Zollicoffer upon Camp Wild Cat, in Kentucky.
It is stated to have taken place on the evening of
the same day on which the first attack wasmade.
He attempted to carry Col. Garrard's breast
works by storm, but. was repulsed . with a loss of
four or five hundred men, while the National loss
was only about twenty killed and thirty wounded.
There is now understood to be a large National
force at CatoP Wild Cat, the men formerly at
Camp Dick Robinson having been pushed for
ward to that point.
LOUISVILLE, Oct. 23.—The Louisville courier,
published at Nashville, issued from Bowling
Green, says:
Richmond, Oct. 2l.—The track of the Alexan
dria Railroad" has been torn up from Fairfax
Conrt House to Manassas.
Brackenridge, Preston, and Humphrey Mar
shall arrived at Richmond on,the 2lst, and were
received with the greatest cordiality and enthu
Gen. John Grayson, commanding the Florida
forces, died at Tallahassee. '
Gov. Moore, of La.. issued an order requiring
all persons leaving New Orleans and Jefferson
Point on steamboats for Memphis, to get passes
from the Executive office.
General Thomas' official account of the Wild
'Cat affair, says the forces were nearly equal, and
the Federal - troops repulsed the enemy with great
loss to the rebels, and little loss to the Federals:
NEw CaEEK, Va., Oct. 27.—Gen. Kelly march
ed from this point on Friday night, and' attacked
Romney, yesterday afternoon, routing the enemy,
capturing many prisoners, three pieces of can
non, and all their wagons and camp equipage.
The rebels retreated toward Winchester. Our
loss is trifling. That of the enemy has not been
Thee Great Naval Expedition.
This expedition, of which so much has been
hinted for weeks, has at length sailed. This is
the largest enterprise of the kind ever undertaken
on this continent. It consists of 9 vessels of
war, of which 3 are steamers and
_6 sailing, car
rying in all 326 guns ; 26 gunboats, generally
carrying a 11-inch Dahlgren' forward, and are
armed beside ;with one rifled gun, and from two
to four 24-pounders'; 11 ferry boats, capable of
carrying from five hundred to nine hundred men,
and are generally armed with six guns each;
and 33 transports, of which 30 are steamers and
3 sailing. All of these transports, which are
mostly vessels of the largest size, are fully armed,
and have crews, on board to work the guns:
These vessels carry, besldes . theirfull crews, a
force of between 30,000 and . 40,000 .picked sol
diers, half of them the best trained troops of Gen.
McClellan's command. The cry that the army
of McClellan needed more men, which has for
so many weeks vexed impatient souls, is now ex
plained. It was not our hind forces, but our na
val expedition, that needed more men. When
troops went on 'to Washington, -it was only that
others, better . drilled and more experienced,
might be sent to Annapolis in readiness to em
bark in the ships of the expedition.
Several months ago the Government began to
provide itself with surf-boats. The expedition
carries with it no less than five hundred of these
needed helps for landing troops—sufficient to
effect a simultaneous landing of 'a' great number
of men.
The material outfit of the expedition includes
a vast variety of objects, which, when °nuttier
ated, prove what knowledge and careful fore
thought is needed in those who superintend the
operations. It may be said that it contains
almost every thing which a community would
gather and take along if it were about to found a
colony in some deserted island of the ocean.
First and most necessary comes food. Besides
the rations provided for the troops while they
shall remain on board, the transports bear at
least three and a half months supplies of food of
every kind for the great army which is to be
landed. One ship carries out a cargo of water;
and the department has already chartered and
laden other vessels , to send down further supplies
of live stock, and other quelled provision,
An immense store of shot and shell is on board ;
as also many huge columbiads, mostly the vast
ten-inelv guns which do • such fearful execution.
The A I¢nlic and. Baltic carry the most of these,
but more are understood to 'be placed on other
vessels as well.
A great number of army transportation wagons
sire provided, over and above those which belong
to each regiment, and which the troops took
away with them. Extra camp equipage of every
description is also provided, and a great nuinber
of extra arms' and infantry equipments. This
looks as though the Government arm
the inhabitants among whotn the troops will be
landed. The expedition has nearly fifteen hun
dred horses. They are mostly on board the
Great Republic, Vanderbilt,. Ocean , ' Qu'een;'Baltic,
and Ericsson. One ship takes,., as supplies for
these animals, eight thousand bags of oats, and
besides this . otber vessels carry further supplies
of ctats and corn; ,while many tons of hay are di
vided among'' the transports. ,
Tare thozii,isaikd hash ele . of Cumaberjand coal have
beau taken:eking. This coal is orth e finely iMolceu
kind used by smiths in their forges, because it
gives a quick and very intense heat.
A curious item in the stores carried by the ex
psdition consists in several hundred footballs.
These were put on board fort the exercise of such
portions of the army as may remain in garrison
at the point where a landing is made, and Where
defences will, of course, at bnce be erected.
Where the blow is to fall, is known only to the
government and to the commander 4 in-chief of
the expedition. It was unknown. to every one
but General Sherman—the captains of the differ
ent ships sailing with sealed orders, which were
not to he opened till they got into a certain lati
tude and longitude. It is probable, therefore.
that the insurgents will know before we do where
the landing is to be 'effected:
Secretary Cameron, in hiiletter of instructions
to Gen. Sherman, in command of the expedition
to the Southern coast, says: Yon Will avail
yourself of the services of any persons, whether
or not fugitives from labor, who may offer them
selves to the National Government, and employ
them in such service as they may be fitted for,
either as ordinary employees, or if special cir
cumstances seem to require it, in any other ca
pacity, with such organization in squads, compa
nies, or otherwise, as you may deem
. fit to the
service ; this, however, not to be a general arml
ing of them for military service. Loyal masters
are to
s loe assured that Congress will provide just
compensation for the loss of the services of the
persons so employed."
Pennsylvania and the War.
The Harrisburg Telegraph publishes from the-trffi
nisi documents, that Pennsylvania has now inthe
field 82,817 soldiers, and that as soon as the seven
teen regiments and six companies now forming
are completed, which will be in the course of, six
weeks the old Keystone State will have 101,070
men sn actual service. ' The - Telegraph says:
The quota of meri called for from Pennsylvania,
by the last proclamation of the President, was
76,000, and thus it is shown by the above, that
the authorities have succeeded in exceeding this
amount by twenty-six thousand men!
Taken altogether, we submit this statement
with pride, because it places Pennsylvania in the
position justly her due, of having, first, given
birth to the Declaration of Independence ; second,
that the Convention to form th,e Constitution was
held within her limits, and now she sends forth,
frost her midst, and from among her bravest and
most hardy sons, a larger force to sustain the Dec
laration of Independence and vindicate the Constitu
tion and laws, than has been contributed by any other
Commonwealth in the Union.
California—By Telegraph.
The steamer Omaha. sailed on'the ' 21st ult.,
carrying $1,000,000 in treasure, $870,000 being
for New-York.
Among the passengers are General Sumner,
Senator Nesmith of Oregon, Colonel Merchant,
Captains Judd, Briggs, Stewart, Hendrickson,
and Lootes ; Lieutenants Upham, Gillis, Willis
ton, Sinclair, Warner, Hudson, Dandy, and Lipp,
all of the United States army. Capt. Green, of
the United States Navy, is also , a passenger.
Ex-Senator Gwin and Calhoun Benham left
somewhat quietly in the same steamer, their
their names liii•Ving been omitted from publica
tion in the.passenger list. • •
Four hundred and forty regular troops and ten
thousand stand of arms were , forwarded in the
same steamer.
More Pennsylvania Troops for Washington.
HARRISBURG, Oct. 29—Gov. Curtin, in accord
ance with instructions received from the war De
partment has issued marching orders to :the follow
ing named regiments: Col. Hartrauff's 37th regi
ment, Col. Dodge's 52d regiment, Col. Brooke's
53d regiment, and Col. Coulter's 11th 'regiment.. regiment.
The above are all at Camp Curtin. Col. 'Davis'
104th regiment, of Doylestown, Col. Cake's 96th
regimont, at Pottsville, Col. Griss's 97th regiment,
at Westchester; and also one regiment from Camp
Cameron, near this point. These regiments are
eight in number,all full and splendidly equipped,
and will move to their, respective destinations
during this week.
OCT. 28.—Quartermaster Howe, of the Fifteenth
Massachusetts, has brought hitherJ. Owens Barry,
First Lieutenant of the- EigthVirginia regi
ment, Samuel E. Vaden, private of the e Chester
field cavalry company, and Wm. Davis, private of
the Thirteenth Mississippi, who were, captured
at the battle of Ball's Bluff, and delivered them
over to the custody of Provost-Marshal Porter.
The rebel steamer, George Page, is now cooped
up in Quantico Creek, as our, batteries on the .
Maryland shore bear directly. on the mouth of
the creek, • rendering it a matter of considerable
risk for her to attempt an exodus.
OCT. 29.—AdviCes from Darnestown state that
the arrivals from the Monocacy and the scene
of the recent battle below, show that all was
quiet yesterday. The rebel pickets frequented
the Virginia
. shore of the Potomac, , and occa
sionally sent a leaden, compliment to our pickets
on this side, but no serious casualties have oc
The question has been asked why Gen. Lander
was absent from his brigade at the battle of
Ball's Bluff, in which .cne of his regiments,: the.
Twentieth Massachusetts, participated. He was
in Washington at the time, under special orders
from the Government. On his hearing of the
engagement, he immediately proceeded torooles
ville, and took part in the action next day, at
Edwards' Ferry, where he did "good service, and
for which he has been complimented by . the Com
manding-General. He new lies wounded at his,
quarters in Washington.
"Visit of the Chief of the Snake Indians.
GREAT SALT LAKE CITY, Oct- 27.--Washkee,
Chief of the Snake Indians, arrived hereto-day
with a band of Indians, and returned to Mr.
Bromley, the agent of the Overland Mail Com
pany, a number of horses and mules3tolen ,from
the Bear River Station by the Bannock Indians,
he having captured them from that tribe. This
is the old Chief's first visit to this place. He re
ceived suitable presents for his exploit, and is
being well entertained during his stay. Be is
the best friend the whites have in this vicinity,
and were it not for him, great depredations upon•
the whites would constantly be committed.
Sale of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chi-
cago Railroad.
In pursuance with - the 'notice, the Pittsburgh„
Fort Wayne and 'Chicago Road was sold, on,
Thursday morning, .at Cleveland, to the. highest:
cash bidder, by John Ferguson-ancl, Thomas E.
Walker, Trustees and Master Qom,missioners.
The' sale took place at the South 'door of the'
United States Custom-Rouge, there being fOur
bids, as follows :—5600,000, $750;000, $BOO,OOO
and $2,000,000.
The purchaser was Mr. J.T. D. Lanier. of the
firm of Winslow, Lanier kdo., New-York City,
in behalf-of, Samuel J. John Edgar
Thompson, Samuel Hanna and L. H. Meyer, the
cash price being $2 ,000,000?
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
have expressed a detire to repair their road he
tween Harper's Ferry and Cumberland, and Gen.
Lander has been appoinied to the command of
new department—that , of Harper's. Ferry and
Cumberland—for the purpose of protecting the
working parties.
Completion of the Telegraph to San Francisco:
This great work was accomplished last week;
and hereafter there will be daily telegrarkie
communications with California.'The following
is the first message transmitted to New-Tork
from that State:
SAN FNANCIscci t Oct. 25.
To Me Mayor of New-Yark: '
San Francisco to`New-York sends greeting, and
congratulates her on the , completion of the enter
prise which connects the Pacific with the Atlan
tic. May the prosperity of both eities,,be in
creased thereby, and the projectors of this ix&
portant work meet with honor and reward.
• .11..• F. TEscuzatacirim,
Mayor of San Francisco.
Mayor. Wood sent the following reply:
To the Mayor of San Francisco: :
New-York returns , her greetings , to San Fran
cisco. Let the Union thus so happily consum
mated between them'ever remain unimpaired.
- The Union forever—whether between the East
and the West, or the North and the South—let it
be continued and preserved.
Fsattanno Woon, Mayor.
.This completion of the last link of American
Telegraph, connects Gape Race with the Golden
.Porn, traversing nearly 6;000 miles with- one
continuous wire, and bringing.those, two :points
within two hours' telegraphic time of each other.
It is easy.for. one ;to oii:erlook the' poetic ele-i
meat in, this great aehievement. so Accustomed'
have we become to'the telegraphic marvel. But
.what genuine grandeuria there inlhaewondrous
line! Prom the Hudson it stretChes across - seven
great' and populous Free States to the Missouri
River, a thousand miles—then acres the Great
Western Plains, amid solitude and savages, to
the Rocky MOuntains, as many leagues again—
then leaping across the mighty chain of the Cor
dilleras—thence over' bill and the range
of the,Sierra Nevada, and from thence Westward'
still to , the waters of- the Pacific and .the City of
the Golden Gate—till the two extrippes of ,the
Continent' re united by the magnetic wire, and
the dWellers by the Hudson hail the settlers on .
the Sacramento. •
It is stated that the next Westward extension
of the line;will be by the way of Behring's Straits
to the mouth of the Amoor river, to which point,
the Russian government is already constructing
a line, commencing at Moscow.
Jeffeison on ''Populai Loans.
NE.F-Yoax, Oct. 28, 1861
To the Editors of the Evening Poet :—The fol.
lowing letter, written by Thomas Jefferson, in
181.8, when the Government of the United States,
involved in a war with England, was debating
the question of a National Loan, will be found to
possess a singular pertinence at this time. It
will be perceived that he recommended the
course, since adopted by Secretary Chase, in the
issuing, of Treasury notes. As Mr. Jefferson
predicted, all classes of our people have invested
in the patriotic loan.
The original letter is now in the possession of a
lady of this city; and I am infprmed has never
before been published. Yours, respectfully,
'MONTICELLO, 1,4 . Ov. 6, 1813.
Pear Sir : —Your favor of October Ist came
duly to hand, and in. it the 'Memorial which I
now return. I like well your idea of issuing
Treasury notes bearing interest, because I am
persuaded they would soon be withdrawn from
the circulation, and locked up in vaults and pri
vate hoards, it would put, it in the power of
every man to lend his hundred or thousand dol
lars, though not able to go forward on the great
scale, and bd the most advantageous way of, ob
'taining a loan. The other idea of creating a
National Bank; I do not concur in, because it
seems now decided that Congress has not power,
(although -I sincerely wish they had it exclu
sively,) and because I think there is already a
cast redundancy, rather than a scarcity, of a
paper medium; The rapid rise in the nominal
price of land and labor ' (while war and block
ade •should -produce a•fall, )-proves the progres
sive state of the depieciation of our medium.
Ever, with great esteem and respect, yours,
Thomas Law, Esq.
Pittsburgh Market.
WEDNESDAY, October 30, 1881
APPLES—V.2S bbl.
.ASHES--Soda Ash, S@Sy.c.; Pots, digl4Mc.; Pearls,
s}4c. The stock in:Kist hands is ample for , ail ordinaty
purposes. . . .
BEANS—Prime White, 1..25@1.40 per bushel.
BROOMS--Common, $1.50 ; fancy, 2.00(0;2.25.
BUTTER--Choice Roll, Ile. lb.
CHEESE :-Western Reserve, 6%(47c. Hamburg,
CHESTNUTS—V.OO(4;2.2S per bushel.
1100S-1.3.c. per dozen. •
FLOUR—Extra, $4.75; Extra Family. $5.00@5.25: Fancy..
GROCRRIRS—Co/Yea: ; Good Rio, lemel7y 4 c. Saw,
10010*. Rice, %WC. Molasses, 50(0.51c.
Hl—s4.uo@9.oo IS ton. at scales. •
HIDES AND LBATl.l.Rll—:Streert beef hides, 6@63 e.; green
salted hides; 5306 c.; dry flint, 12C. Rough country
leather is dell at 200,22 c. Dressed leather is quoted as fol.
lows: Red Spanish Sole* lb., 21@240. Slaughter Sole lb.,
26@28c.; Upper Leather, 3 dozen, $24(433; Bridle Leather
* dozen, sloes4s ; Skirting Leather* lb., 27,*29; Harness
POTATOBS—Neshannocks, 30e. per bushel. . •
SEEDS--Olorer, $3.75@4.00. Timothy, $2.00.. 'Flax,
STBARINS--91/..M.934e.*. Br.
TALLOW—Rough, 6c.; Country'rendered,
At Greensburg: on Wednesday morning, 23t1 inst., by Rev..
M. W. Jacobus, D.D., Rev. Partite H. litturs.r, pastor of the-
Fourth Presbyterian church, Philadelphia, to KATE 8.,
daughter of the late Wm. H: Richardson; Est'., of GseenS
hurg, Pa.
October 24th, by Rev. J. A. Brown, Mr. Wtt.mem nORIMON,
of - Holmes County - , to Midi Ly DIA FRIESS, of Wtiyne County,
October 10th, at Fairmount, Ta., by Rev.' H. o;Roabor
ough, NEWTON B. JONES, Esq., to Miss CLARA J. BAlple, both
of Fairmont, Tu.
On Thursday, October 17t1f, by Ree.J. M. Smith; of Sharps
Stewartistown, Allegheny County, Pa.
October 17th, by Rev. Wm. F. Morgan, at the house of Mr.
ELG/N, both of " Rutal,yalley, Armstrong County, Pa. •
On the 24th of Septetnbir, by Rev. T. G. Scott, lir. JOSSPU
FOREMAN to MiOB 'ELEANOR A. Ilan.ndnovE, ail of Carroll
County, Ohio.
In this city, :Oetiaborll7th, by Rev. Samuel Findley, Dlr.
M. BORLAND CONNOR, if "Upper St. Clair Tp., to Miss NANCY
B. STruisr.oEx;oPPittitiorgh.
On Wednesday; the 16th inst., by Rev. Geo. N. Johnston,
Mr..JosEPit BRICKER 10 Miss Meaty KAILER, both of Beaver
'County, Pa. •
. .
On Wednesday, October 9th, at the residence of J. Marti
mere, Neg., by Rev. W. Prideatm. Mr..lAxes A. Sm. to Miss.
HARRLET Blzumuratt both of Bedford County, Pa.
J xtar. .
' -
DIED—Dt Pittsburgh, Pa,' October 6th. THOMAS HEN
DERSON, of Ohio County, Va., in the 19th year of hie age.
DIED—Oit the 20th of June, 'Mr. JAMES M'CLEARY, of
Adams County, Pa., in the 90th year of his age.
DIED--In _Johnsonville.. Ohio, on Saturday morning,
October 19th , JAALES B. 1101,Cligni, in the 824 year ot:lde
age. He was born In Granhy, Conn.
DlED—September 7th, of typhoid fever, at the residence of
his mother, near Frederiekihnrg,•o , Mr. JACOB P. SMITH,
in the 23d year of his age. . . •
DlED—October 9th, of typhoid fever, litre: NARY ANNE
SOPHIA JENARET, of Fredericksburg, 0., in the bOth year
of her age.
DIED—At Clarkson, Columbiane County, Ohio, October
18th; Mrs. REBECCA, wife of John P.4inney, in the 88th
year of her age. She was for many years a member- of the
Presbyterian church of Clarkson.
DlED—blear Elderton, Armstrong County,Pa., September
27th, of diptheria, MAEY LUCINDA, daughter of John and
Margaret Altman, aged 8 sears,9 months, and 4 days.
DIED -- I n Elderton, Armstrong County, Oetober ist,
of diptberia, ROBERT SCOTT, non of Robert T. and Rebecca
Robinson, aged 7 years, 5 months; and 12 days.
DIED—In Rural Valley, Pa, Zeptember SARAR
K15151.EL, m the 7th year of her age; also, on October sth,
ROBERT GIPSON, in the 11 th year of his age; both of
diptheria, and children of JLenry and Eliza Earhart.
DIED—In Rural Tillage, Pa., 'October. 7th,-of diptheria,
LORETTA, daughter of Joseph K. and Elizabeth Patterson,
DIED—In Rural. Valley, Pa., Sept Amber 2.8 d, of dtptheria,
.daughter of Wm. F. and Margaret
Caruthers, i*ed 9 years, 2 months, and 18 days.
DIED—In. Rural Valley, Pa., October 17th,, MARTHA
CAROLINE., in tho 4th year of her age; also, on October
18th, , MAY CATHARINE, in - the 9th year of her age ; both
of dipthena, and children of Reuben and Susannah Brown.
, the residence of his eon-in-law, Bev.
Brown, D.D., in Valparaiso,lnd., on blonday, the 14th inst.,
of general debility, Ittr:108411JA EMERY, •in the 86th Year
of his nee.
The deceased had been a resident of the borough of Can
onaburg for nearly sixty years. A Christian, and a worthy
member of the Presbyterian Church, his end was peace.
DIED—On the 29th of September last, 'Mr. MUSH CAMP:
BELL, aged 83 years. • .
9fr. 0. emigrated to this country in 1798, from County
Tyrone, Ireland, and resided for sisb-two years in Indiana
Township, Allegheny County. Re 'Was one of the first mem
bers in the Presbyterian:church at Pine Creek.
DlED—September 14th, in Schelsberg, at the residence of
her husband, Mrs. MARIA C., Wife of D. H. V. Bramwell, in
the 61st year of her age.
The deceased wasfor many years a member of the Presby
'terian Church. Death came suddenly, but it found her ready
-for her change.. ' Her piety was simple and unobtrusive, hut
she showed forthin her life the beaulies of holiness, and ex
erted a marked : influence for good in the communityin which
she lived. An affectionate wife, a kind daughter, a faithfu l
friend has been taken from us at a time when. her Christian
sympathies, nounsels and influence seemed greatly needed.
- The little church with which she was connected, and in
- which she felt a deep. interest, has . also sustained arsevere
loss. But our . -loss is her infinite gen ;. and•for this asent- :
ance, furnislietl by, a holy life, we are. thankful. The grief
of the neigliberhood was very manifest on the day of burials
when a larger concourse of people followed he's.' to the'grave,
where her remains shall rest In peacefill' sleep until the
'morning of the resurrection. ,May God grant the abundant'
consolations of his grace to the aged father and mourning'
husband, and sanctify this bereavement to all .her sat-dying
Toe undersigned offer for eale,,.on the roost reaeortable!
term,s, or exchange for Printing Paper, a largo quanthy.of
All of which are nearly as good aanow. Addime
novUt Box 801, Pittsburgh; Pa.
The Winter Sesslon - of thislristEntion open - collie
That Wednesday of November. - • •, t
•• • REV: 'WEBBlelt.p rf „,' f .„,„Ht„ • "
I .
V ib ClU. - 11 , Vlir AND it
— ..EROPTIONS wilt snon cover the bodies of those breve
• men mho are fighting theiveduntry's oNficht
, food, aud drenching mine will make. aid. ,hasoc with Abe
~ s trcingest therifOre 'let 'every men supply blinselV• with
iimot,Loyvkvs OINTMENT. , It tea certain ante Rot eyety,
Nina of eliio - dleesie. Only 26 cts:per pot. noy.2llt, •
...... ,b,
History of Latin Christianity, ,
Including that of the Popes- to the Pontificate of Nichollui
y. By Hamm Rena. kiliataw, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's., 8
vols. creme Bvo. Price, in cloth, cut; Sig sheep, *18;
• half morocco, gilt, $2O; ' ' .
" One of the most remarkable works of the present age,
and one in which the author reviews, with curious erudition
and in a•profoundly phildionhical spirit; the various changes
that have taken place in the Roman Hierarchy; and,, while
he fully' exposes the manifold errors and corruption 'of the
system, he shows throughout that enlightened eharlty.whicli
is the most precious of Christian graces, as . It is unhomily
the rarest."- - Win. R. Prescott, in in wad in the second yd..
ume of Philip H., p. 500. •
In a private letter to S. Austin Allibone, Esq., written two
yearsloter, Pia'acott said '
•" if it seems to you high praise, I believe ;no ' one who boor
cordially read the extraordinary work to which it refers will
consider it higher than the book deserves."
The Annotated; Paragraph Bible..
According to the Autlicrized 'Versions.. arranged in Tara
, graphs and Parallelisms, with F,xplanatorp Notes, Pretlices
to the - several Books, , and an entirely New Selection of
Reference to Paral.el and Illustrativp Passages. An issue
of the London Religious Tract Society republished.
Complete in ono royal octavo volume, with Maps, etc. Price,
in muslin. $l-.50; library, sheep, $5.50; tiorocco, plain or
full gilt, $7.50. •
In one octavo sot, uniform style. Price, in muslin, 5140
library, sheep, $2; morocco, full gilt, $2.60.
"The'plan of the Annotated Paragraph Bible' is excel
lent, and the , work seems to have been executed with , great
care and judgment. In the same comprise it would be diffi
cult to compress any more of the right sort of materials for
the profitable study of the Bible by all classes of readers.
The notes are' brief and pertinent; the chronological lists, the
maps and references, have been prepared with , great dili
gence. The work commends Buell to careful study and gen
eral-diffuslon."—Prof. H. B. A'nrith, of the Union. Seininary.
Meander's Commentaries.
NEA.NDE.EcD.D.; Tratigatecifrom the German by Mrs. IL
O. Coserer ; Comprisinw, the 'Fleet Epistle of John, the
Epistle to the PhillppiamEi;"and • the Epistle of James. One
volume,, Svo, uniform with Olshausen's Commentary.
Price $1.75. •
"Neander was learned in philosophy and in the history of
the Church beyond any man of his age, perhaps of, any age.
Take tip now his Commentary on John's First Epistle, the
beat of his works, of this character with which. I Sant ac
quainted. The excellence of this Exposition is not at all
owing;to his marvelous learning, but to the childlike .and
loving temper which places him in so delightful harmony of
Spirit with the beloved Apostle."--Francis Wayland.
Olshausen's Commentaries,
Six volumes Bvp., Price $12..
From. the Rev. W. 11. •S'prague;
"I have had the opportunity of examining to some extent
the several volumes ololehauseu's Bi blicala)ommentary on
the New Testament, as they have successively appeared; and
amdeeply impressed with the conviction that it forms one of
the most valuable auxiliaries to - the study of the New Testa
ment to be found in any louguage. While it succeeds ad
mirably in bringing out the exact Meaning of the original,
the very mind of the ;Spirit, (if the testimony of the most
competent judges can be received,) it is a vast treasure of
Biblical learning, which will well reward the diligent atten
tion of the most careful student. In reading it. one scarcely
knows whether to admire most the anther's profound learn
ing, or excellent judgment. and taste, or thoroughly evan
gelical views of Christian, doctrine, or deep tusight into the
- makings of the spiritual life. Though the author did not
hoe to complete his design, the work : lots since been carried
forward by two other German scholars scarcely less distin
gnished than himself; so that the entire work; as far as it
has been published, may be regarded as one of the noblest
contributiens to Biblical learning, and as justly-entitled
to a place in the library especially of every Christian
The Life and Letters of Mrs. Emily C. Judson,
Third wife of Rev. Adoniram Judson, ti. D.. Missionary to
.Burinah. By A. 0. REannicit, Professor of Greek in the
Binversity of Rochester. One vol.. 12mo. With a Steel,
Plate Likeness of Mrs. Judson. Prico $1.25.
From the New -York Observer
"In the very front rank of literary and religious blag
raptly we place thii ad /Arable volume. It has every eleinent
of beauty, variety, usefulness, thrilling interest, and power
to commend it to universal, favor."
Life of George Washington,
1 vol., 12m0.. 348 pages.
'With a Steel:Plateldikenesa of Mr. Everett, from the eelebra_
ted Bust by Hiram Powers. . •
Price * in Oloth, in Sheep Binding, $1.50; Half-Calf, $2,
.Prom„Branry T. ruckerman, ttze distinguished Essayist.
, .
"It has ovidentlibeen a labor of love. Familiar as are
the incidents, theyread delightfully in Mr. Everetthidiction,
and are illustrated anew by many a fresh hint and idea gath
ered by his long study and great lore of the enkidet."
Lord Macaulay's Essays.
The publishers had now ready an entirclyinevr and elegant
edition, of the Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Re
says of the Right Hon. Tnostos BASINGTON Itlocitmoy,
with an Introduction and Biographical Sketch of the au
thor, by E. P. WHIPPLE, Esq.. of Boston, and containing a
• new Steel‘Plate Likeness of Macaulay, from a photograph
by Clamant.. Six volumes crown octavo,
Pnicn ERR SET:
On tinted paper, cloth binding $9.00
Fine white " " 7.50
Sheep binding, white paper 12.00..
In half-call, or half-Turkey, tinted 15.00
The want of a complete. elegant, and acedra * te edition of
. Lord blaeaulay's miscellaneous writings, containing aII the
author's later corrections, is universally acknowledged.
All the American editions heretofore published hale - been
printed from, the earlier English editions, which were
materially changed by lifacaulay before his death. He ex
" pressed himself as not satisfied with any American edition
of his works.
flambeeles History of Christian Doctrine':
A new, edition, edited and translated by Prof. B
SMITH, of the triton. Theological Seminary. First volume
now ready. The second will be ready in a few weeks.
Price $2 per volume, Send for our complete VatFilogue.
No. lid Nassau Street, New-York.
T W 0 W O W.K.
Valuable to the Sick or Well.
A r p Pay Expected..Unta:Received, 'Bead, and Approved
Ist. Dr. S. S. Fitch's Six L ‘etures on the Causer, Proven.
don, and Cure of Lung, Bronchial 'and • ....d
Male. and Female complaints. On : the n oda of Pawn/rg
Health to a Hundred Years. 360 'pages, 21
Price, Cl) cents.
24,. Dr. S. S. Fitch's• new svork on Beart-Pisertse, Apo
plexy, Paley, 'Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Dysentery. Cholera
Tufantum, Summer Diarrhma of Children ' Cholera and
Cholera Morbus, Bilious Cholie, Costiveness, Birrtherca, Sore
Throats, Scarlet Fever, Yellow Favor, and the diseases 'of old
people, with slany valuable aledical Pr scriptions for these
diseases. 168 pages, 6 engravings. Price 50 cents. Say
which Book you will have, giving Name, State, County,
and Post OfAce. Address,,
0ct26.4 DR. S. S. FITCH, 714 Broadway, N. Y:
The SIXTY-SETTELSeasion of this well-known - Institution
will commence an the First Monday of November.
REV. C. C. BEATTY; D.D., Superintendent."
REV. A. M. REED, A.M., PrinMpal.
Soldier's Camp Library.
. .
bits just issued a beautiful library, considting Of TWENTY
FIVE VOLUMES, 18mo., inclosed in a. box, at the tow prico
of. $3.0 ; among wlnch are "General havelock," "'Capt.
Iledley Vicars," "Capt. Hammond," "The Blue 'Flag,"
"Young Eau from Ilome." . ,
Packages of 0,000 pages of select Trscts, at 52.00, ars pu t
up to accompany the Library, wben desired. .
of twenty-tive volumes. in *flexible covers, containing the
Saldiefa Text-book, Soldier's Tiymns,'The" Soldiers and
Jesus,. Story of, Ludknow, and other appropriate works.
The American Tract Society has furnished gratuitously
many hundreds of thousands of ',nee of Tracts to the sol
diers of Pennsylvania, as well as others. The friends of the
soldiers are availin g themselves of the opportunity of putting
into their bands these most valuable books. And there are
not a few ; instances, where most happy reinlte. have followed
the truth they contain.
Books carefully put up, and forwarded as Purchasers may
H. N. THISSELL, Agent,
Nn. NO 41Itont, nt a.rnnt. Phi la
A Home For Boys.
Pupils prepared thoroughlyfer College nr for badness.
The school premises Contain thirteen acres, providing amply
fur lawn, playground, and garden.
TBRIIS—SI.2S per &mien.
For Circulars addreee REV. 4. P. HVGB.ES,
ang24-3m ' '
52 and 54 Murray Street, New-York,
Importers and Jobbers of 'CLOTIIS,'CASSESIERES, VES
MOS, and every'style adirqdalfty of goods used'by Clothiers
and Merchant Tailors for Mon** god Boyle Woar.
N0..31 - Singh - Third , Street, .7
Have for Sae .
, *es All kinds of Leather in,the iongh wanted, for which
the highest market price will' tie *ivint in cash, or' taksti in
exchange for Hides. Leather stored free of cha . rge,.and.solti
on commission.
Liberal' Cash Advances made on Leather Consigned;
to - . • - IMMO-1y !
R E Pi 0 V A
" 411 C 400311.1pHimar**sa,"
3rifod's of - Pitisbirgh Allegheny,'
RaVillj removed their Book Rooms to RENSBAyiIe*IT:
BUILDING, No .57 Hand Street, two doors from Liberty,'
take pleasure in taviting.your attention to the annexed Cat.
alogrie of Books comprised in
, their stock, and n hope for a
coatinuanoe'of four patrOnage; :t.
JOHN 01:11 , KERTSDN, Libradiult.
I: G. BAILEY, Treasurer. , • ! • ,
Pittsburgh, Alirlll,lllol.
COnE4qatti!P /maul- and for. '4ci,le 411,41
Book Rooms of the:Boa:id . ..of Co?porr,,)
age- No. 57 Hand. - St .Pitts6'l&:
. AUvi
the Issues of ourown , z.: the - Presbyterian Board of;
~ P ribliationna .00n, asAley: come fiom ttioir Alio al
goolfseloatinn from, fi. Carter „&. ; 11rother iAppioton.&„o.o4.
, Litmeneotz'A:Co.l 'Scribner ; Ngson A•Sahs , e S. fiehron As'oo4,
ffartion Gould & Lincoln ;,..krneridan Tract-Society; Amor.' 2
teaks S: Union ; 'AfasisachntietbeS. S. Scolity. , ,
Mbintion Tab). il6 014 MM far ISnfldayi tj
Schaal Libvi,nles,„„A f4.11,,and complete ttserk:fifyt.,oo,lsand
Published at
1".1 1 1"1 1 SIEIT714.0.1-1,
3E4dULIL - 4(ww*3:aarlarg
on all the leading fopios of the day, both Religions and Sec
tilos. All the various anhieets that present themselves for
consideration. and that are worthy the attention of
-gent ann Christian people, are disOassed from the Christian
stand-point, and idthe comprehensive epirit of Christian
charity and enlarged beitevole'noe.
•From the beginninglif our present 'National troubles, this
paper, while allying itself With'ne political party, has taken
high and fearless ground in favor of the Constitution and the
regularly; ordained Goveriament, and of the preservation of
the integrititSf the Union. Its
_.ntiezanaci have been firm
and decided, and they will continue to be such until the
spirit of rebellion hes,been entirely quenched, and our Gov
ernment once more firmly established.
European Correspondence
ie unegnalledby any other Ainerlean journal, in breadth of
view, reliability, and general usefulness. It is a complete
hiebny of the progress of affairs in Europe, that is inval
uable.. .
gii4o a conipleie view of business, opinion, religious eon-
corns, and matters and things in general, in
NEW-YORK, 4.1,111
Tide is a feature found in no other religious newspaper, and
makes the Bonner a most valuable repository for informs..
Lion concerning those places, to all readers
Among ;oar
rare uoine of the best newspaper writers in the Church.
We also have
in all part% of the land.
Tho'Coropondlin of
DokeSite and Foreign News
prepared with much care and labor. And just now the
news in the daily papers is often so uncertain and contra
dictory that the weekly papers can glee by far the roost re-
liable rieivafOr - aiaco the opportunity for sifting
and correction is'allowed
Under thetioad of
the most interesting inaldentir connected with individuals of
I note, whether dead or living, are published.
I. And mnder the head ofVARIETIES,
are given the results of Science., Travel, Discovery, Statiste
cadinformation; of„most value to the public.
While at the twee time most valuable
from books, magazines, and other newspapers, are given for
the Christian, the parent, the man of literature and learning
and for the children:
Nor are the "
•fiirgotto; but of the information needed for both is
regaterly; presented. .
Thifppaper is furnished to'Clubs or Twenty or more at the
law rate'ol $1.25 per:. annum; with' an additional copy to
tbd import gi3ttineun the Club. To Clubs of Ten or more,
at $1.25. To Single'aubseilbeiii 'ittitol.Bo, when sent by
fdail. :To 'SingitTBnbecribers in Pittsbitrgh or Allegheny,
supplied by the Carrier, at $2.00.
DAVID 11 , 1'1KINNEY & Co.,
Late .of the. firm of Kirk- Late with Gillespie, Zeller
foetid& &lioliegar. ' - & Co., Philadelphia.
WM. 7
Wholesale. Grocers,
No. 199 . Liber4 St, oppOsite head of Smithfield,
--ippr;eBaeraa , s,. P A
;Particular attention; paid to : tlie sale a Country Product.
ap9-1 y
. .
u . A 1 1, ` ~41 L F- S
-The .Best in Use.
Ar NEW. STYLE, - :ONLY $36.00,
Making the * Suuma, or. 3,00 s STITCH., widch is approved for
all kinds of work, and for Tory ninny varieties is the only ad
ifittq- c- 4 • ,
A net% simply of,b.othßgailyand MannfactnringMarliners
last ri Air - AGENTS WANTED.
Seidlor Circular and 'zebu.
Addieis HENRY 14: RHOADS, Agent,
marls-IvPodoral Street. Allegliimp. City
E • C .
.060104 tip 76 7- -lere
Grate Fro4s; Fendm,„ c :Ranges, irto
No: 246 Paw Street,
I* the house formerly bocapied bY Dr.ll. IL Keyser. oppootto
Chmee ohe.roh. , Reariu gifye, all l4e,..napikern IleoproyeemMe.
Tenth ieserted at'veriens•priere,
.''( Str2FltEs Ist, ; •
2,ll.lll4.Ellrafin :
ltev. W D fIOW4Ba,, , Eev , Urn.= Sintrir,
A. Batnter '• • .A Cf biVeldiLres, M,D
-• * Ei r eeer;s •". . 'War; VARICEM
, 4941 - AC , F 13 !7.7, ) ' , 11r. P;i 3g . 1 .9 6 '
41AM r4.lo.lret
VII,EIVrt:(73I ~fl.l`' a .IMDED Err
: 210 , E 3tioter 4 nir
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g 1r) St u A9ft Al PPGETS
i5VJA*1164"11,341204#04011; firpp,A , c00K41 ,0 : 4 7.
'SIP - NO. 245 I.TRuitSMlffs, tt: "Litlt t ria;f
Pittelvarsli. 'Pa