Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, November 02, 1861, Image 1

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Editors and Proprietors.
ow, vas. we will semi by mail seventy number
thirty-three yinmbere.
ndiug us TWKNTY H übaaribers and upwards, will
teitied to a paper without charge.
mold he prompt. a little before the year expires
its by ego hande, or by mail.
:ore tc DAVID 11111NNET ds C 0.,.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
0 Icy ts 1.1
The Sewickley. Church.
er of the following lines, I trust, will
sending them for publication. The
thought, clothed in such sweet and
laugunge, is the utterance of one who
tender memories connected witli the
of worship That she may live to see
church tilled with regular attendants'Am
lel, is the hearty prayer and confident
~ whose uncreated mind
all the boundless realms of space,
by distance not confined,..
y thy dwelling pla:ce I
Jrd, earth's corner-stone didst lay,
morning stars together sung;
irth, these heavens will pass away,
power endures—forever young!
t is man, frail child of dust!
follows age like wave on wove;
,ment gives him life at first,
,her brings him to the grave.
Irks of art men proudly build,
Ire but a few fleeting years ;
ves still shorter, sooner filled,
earth a vale of sighs and tears.
mourn we dear, departed friends,
shouted as this temple rose;
works of faith and love remain,
ile they are wrapped in Win repose,
to these walls impart a breath;
Hark! what is the spirit-sound---
iethou faithful unto death,
thou shalt be in glory crowned."*
:cd and consecrated spot,„
memory thou wilt still be dear;
the tribute of the heart,
e parting sigh, the falling tear."
the Heavenly Dove , still rest
h the first guardian of this fold;
)0 his crown, in regions blest, -
Illy adorned with gems untold.
nor, Son, and Holy Ghost,
lon One in Three, and Three in , One,"
thou the watchman of our host
blow the trump with certain sound;
ro may grace most plentuous
he on Zion faithful-waits,
crowds may, at Salvation's call,
)A.l joyful the new temple Yates"!
n by Rey, D. E. Nevin, from Rev. ii :` 10
For the Presby tartan Banner
r The Segar and Gunpowder.
ki hoard one of our packet ships,.the
Ird, on one occasion, went down into the
of the ship where there was a con
de quantity of gunpowder stowed.
only took a lantern, but was at the
me smoking a segar. It was .an act
dual carelessness, and it received the
ut rebuke of the captain of the ship.
human heart is not unlike a maga
tled with combustible materials. We
inrsue in relation to it a course as
nptuous and criminal as that pursued
steward to the gunpowder in the
man may have a quick and violent
He is with t
acquaintedhe dr
aces under which it is liable to be
d, and to overcome him. He has
d this from experience. When he
,arily places himself in those circum
:s, he is applying 'the match to the
man who has formed the habit, of
crance, loses all power to resist temp
when the cup is set before him. If
oid the sight of it, he may keep his
;ion to abstain. And men may keep
resolutions to avoid other sins by
ng all unnecessary exposures to temp-
id prayed, "Keep back thy servant
presumptuous sins." A great many
• sins are presumptuous sins. We
Lead us not into temptation," and
ieedlessly expose ourselves to temp
. Thus we nullity our prayer, and
to presumptuous sins.
bravest and best military command
er expose their troops to unneees
leers. We are to be• good soldiers
Christ; but, in order to do this, it
necessary that we should incur need
terns. When called by our Captain
)t temptations, let us do so boldly,
g• upon Ms promise, 4‘ As thy day is,
11 thy strength No strength is,
3ed to those who do not strive to
presumptuous sins.
For the Freshrortan Banner.
les Appointed by Stenbonvillo:Pnenbytery.
.Sprittr j , New Cumberland, Mid Pair
-Mr. Marquis, for one year. -
tire Unity—Mr. Herron, for one year.
gore—Mr. Swaney, for one . year.'
1,1 Fork—Mr. Dalzell, for six months.
tre—Mr. Herron, Third Sabbath'
tier; to administer the Lord's 'Sap-.
id take up a collection for the Board
tiestic Missions. Mr. Price, Third
of March.
Swaney, Second Sabbath
'ember ; to administer the Lord's
, and take up a collection for the
of Domestic Missions. Dr. Comingo,
Sabbath of December.
Springfield—Mr. Parkinson, See-
Abbath of February; to administer
rd's Supper, and take up a collection
, Board of Education. Mr. ,Scott,
Sabbath of November. Mr. Knox,
Sabbath of December. Mr. Marquis,
Sabbath of .January. Mr. Eaton,
Sabbath in March., ; , Dr. Brown, First
hiu April. Each, at 10i A. M., and
)n at 21- at Bacon.. Ridge.
.o n Ridge—Mr. Oampbell, Fourth
ttli of November • to administer the
Supper, and take,. up .a,pollection for
g•oard of Domestic Missioos.., Dr.
Fiturth Sabbath of Deeeniiier„ .Mr.
, Third Sabbath of Jannary " Mr.
.erson, Third Sabbath of February.
lox. Third Sabbath of March.. Each
A. M., and afternoon at 24 at Ea's;
reek —Dr. Brown, First Sabbath
nary. Mr. Reed, First Sabbath . , of
Ridges—Mr: Brugh, Second Sab
January. Dr. Brown, Second Sala
the balance of the time, each of
churches had leave to supply them-
C. C. BEATTY, Stated Clerk.
Row to Um Newspapers
cS. EDITORS :—Has a,lind friend
oodness of his heart,.ever brought
sanctum ,a basket of delicious fruit
own special delectation, but, alas,
with one of your own Banners,
you every: made the bearer. of a
:bulb or root, from a flower-loving
to your flower-loving wife, wrapped
same precious: document, in .whiob
, ick eye discover9d tintne. of ; your
ions and carefully elaboratedluc,u-
had some such shocks myiOlf.
Ildornly (am T coining n have the
'essinaker sent hotheAarments in
and accommodating:44d? of. the
Far the Presbyterian }!inner
. .
, • „ 4 ,
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_ . . ..
.1. , ...
VOL. X., NO. 7.
Hew-York Observer, and ' patterns are ',cut
for myself or others out of your own es
teemed sheet, often cutting in two Dr.
Weir's instructive letters, or, as occurred
very lately, severing perpendicularly a no
tice of the death of .a dear but long-severed
friend. I have long protested in private
against, such a-misapplication and abuse of
this,useful and pleasant literature, and now
I wait to do it publicly.
For a long time I preserved our religious
painphlets and papers, hoarding them with
jealous care; until every nook and cranny
of our over-crowded little parsonage cried,
" Hold, enough." Then I fell upon
another plan. Some I carried to Sabbath
School, and scattered there; your paper is
laid aside each Monday morning for a poor
widow's family, 'in which it is carefully,
read and highly prized; another goes in
packages of two or, three to & family in the
country. 'Lately, however, I made A. great, ,
and 'rather miicellaneous gathering, and
adding to a contribution from a friend,
they were sent to. Grafton. The gratitude
and joy with which,they.were received : by
the invalids there, ,encourages me to make
this appeal to your readers. Preserve your
religious papers, and send them to our sol
diers in the hospital or in the field. ..1
place a.higher estimate,on a religious paper
as, an instrument of good,* this case, than,
on, a tract. Many reject tracts, who will
gladly receive papers, that contain as much
and as pointed truth. In -future, do not
let a box go• out without some package,s of
these,, and tracts ; all baptized with your.
prayers. NamErAss.
For the Presbyterian Banner
x 2 no.
Argar St. Louis,,Xissouri, Oct. 18, 1861.
MESSRS. EDITORS :—I have very unex
pectedly been ohosen to command a com
pany, in Col. J. W. Birge's regiment of
Sharp-shooters. We left Atlanta„ on
Monday, 14th inst. on the 23; o'clock train,
for St. Louis. At Springfield, Illinois,
several members of the Synod of Rlinois,
which was in session at that place, met us:
at• the cars, and we had some, five minutes'
greeting and farewell, with expressions of
good wishes for our.prosperity and success.
:We arrived in camp at .eleven o'clock.
This whole encampment is at present under
the eornmancl of •General Samuel R. Curtis.
The encampment is on the West, and• ad-.
joinining the'Fair Ground, and is about,
three and a half miles from the' Missis
sippi River, at St. Louis, and is perhaps
not inferior to,any•in the United States,'as
a camp of instruction for infantry and cav
alry; but little is done here in artillery train
ing. But one cannon is here. Camp Jackson
is but a short distance from this place.
I have not yet met-with any of the
chaplains here except Bro. Alexander, the
chaplain of this regiment. Col. Birge is
organizing his regiment on a high, moral
basis; 'Bro. Aleiander ,is very diligent
and much engaged in the work to which, in
the providence - of God, he has been called.
On Wednesday evening Bro., A. conducted
the prayer-meeting. We had a very pleas
ant time of it. The meeting was addres
sed by Father McChord, who is father-in
law to our 'chaplain, and:by some three or
four others. Many of the officers and sol
diers were deeply interested. I heard the
remark made'by one of our soldiers that. it
visas` the best meeting that he ever attended.
On Thursday night we attended,--the
prayer-meeting in the Thirty-ninth Regi-•
merit, called the Yates Phalanx. It was
conducted by Captain Slaughter, a Metho
dist minister, till he was called away by
some one on business. 'Our chaplain con
ducted it during the remainder of the time.
Remarks were made by Bro. Aleiander
and others. After singing two verses of
the' hymn, commencing,
0 for a closer walk with God,"
the thought was presented .of a father,
accompanied, by his little child, passing
through a wilderness ;in the night, sur
rounded on every side by dangers. The
child draws near to his father, and desires a
light, Ste. So the child of God, &c., when
atta.ek - ed by the enemies, that Father,
through his Son, enables child to beat
off the enemies.; so that we may say,
" Thanks be to God who giveth us, the vic
tory, &c."
Oh, may we not ask the reader of your
paper, to be earnest in. prayer to God, in
behalf of us poor soldiers'
Oh,„that he, would give u:,4 the victory
over the enemies of our Government.; and
the greater victory still, over the enemies of
our souls and of the government of God.
Ah ! but it is hard to leave.home, and wife,
and children, andgo,into the army ; but it
is. far worse to be banished forever from
God our. Father, and.our, Lord Jesus Christ,
and our-home in .heaven.
Now, dear, parents, wives, children, you
will not forget us, will you? You will
pray for us, will you not?
I am yours, in the , service , of our coun
try, and in our „Lord Jesus. Christ.
COMPLAINTS are made that this is the
dull season, for newspaper writers, as well
as correspondents.' In one sense it is
so; in other and.,more important senses it
is not true. It is'very droll in Mr. Punch
to represent and "'report" a gathering of
Iteporters as recently held and convened to
discuss the distressing lack of "sensation"
topics, and to represent one after another
suggesting expedients to raise the wind, as
well as to give full employment to the profes
sion; the climax being the blowing up of
Tilbury fort, on the Thames, the consequent
blowing up of Gravesend, right opposite,
with " cinders and shrimps," fragnients of
men and children in the air, and, other
ndtabilia, which will furnish pungent par
a,graPhs, and whole columns of matter for
the daily papers.
But we are not so bad as that. After
being down' in some of the country " dead
" towns—say Tamworth, for exam
ple, where Sir Robert Peel the Great had
his country residence, or Rugeley, where
lived Palmer the Poisoner, and where I
slept, (writing, however, for you, Iti) to 1
o'clock P. /IL, and phst " the witching time
of night, when ghosts and evil spirits walk
abroad," although I saw none,) next door
t o his old re s id en ce, and, right opposite the
hotel where one of hia victims perished--
coming back, I say, to "London, has not one
a right to say that it is full;of liveliness and
life. True, London is ".out of town," as
to the upper ten thousand, but have we
not a nice little company (too large tor a
tea-party, certainly, and much more so for
diriner,) of least two and a half millions
left behind? And .are not Cheapside,
Ludgate Hill, and London, Bridge, with
other great thoroughfares, blocked, tip al
most as much as ever by a host of, cabs,
omnibuses,wagons; costempugers' carts, and
the sideways crowded with men and women
from almost every nation, in,each
LONDON, Oct. 4, 1861
intent . on his, and her own pursuit ? Aud
not the city trade reviving, and the pub
lic 'health reviving; and those ~ibon finable
betting-men who used to haunt Fleet Street
and Belt Lane all day long, and obstruct
and frighten not only unprotected teMales,
but men. of business, are they not', fairly
swept away by the strong hand of the law ?
And are we not' free - froui the crash that
has mime on the 'Parisian Bourse specula
tors.? Is not money to be had at 3i per
cent., and have,wenot'peace in our borders,
and, is not God giying to us 'wholesome meat,
and esculents, with the finest of the, wheat ?
Public health is good, also, and, save where
the strike interferes; working men are
mostly all employed. ~ Verily we have rea
son to be both thankful and humble—to be
both merry and wise at the same time.
THE LORD MAYOR (CubitO.has,,as you
know, already stood unsuccessfully for the
City, on the retirement of Earl Russel
'This week he has been put up by his.
friends of different parties to dispute with
his otherwise sure successor, Alderman:
Muggeridge, whose turn it was to take the
chair of ; the Chief Magistrate. People
,point to the Great Exhibition of next year
in London, (to which the calm-hearted
-President, Lincoln has nominated some of
the Cabinet itself as Commissioners—a,
good omen—may the olive , branch wave'
soon l) and,
they. say Lord • Mayor rCubitt
has plenty of money; has spent , lots of it,
this year in civil hospitalities; is just the
man to entertain foreigners next year at:
the Mansion House table; while his (laugh—
ter, now acting as Lady Mayoress—from
her long residence .in Paris—will—talk:
French so beautifully, and .far better fill.
'her part than would Mrs. Muggeridge.'
'And to that lady's special 'disgust, (for the':
Piince of :Wales coming of age next year,
the Lord :Mayor will get a Baronetcy,) as
well as to the vexation of the young Mug
geridge's, 10, Muggeridge senior is rejected,'
and the livery of London elect Cnbitt
second timed As for me, I don't object.
He is likely to give plenty of money to
Ragged Schools next year, as he did this
year, which Muggeridge would not do. ,
THE MEDICAL &mooLs, of London have ,
been this week opened by : public, lectures.
from eminent phYsicians.""lt is pleasing
to observe 'how, through the reports 'of
many of thesetadmirable and able addresses .
to ; the , twelve hundred young rnfu who
constitute the ,body of medical students
annually, Christianity runs, like a thread;
of gold. Thus at the University College
Respite', Professor .Harle3r defended the
physicians of the day from the charge of
materialism and, infidelity which ignorance,
occasionally hurls 'at them. " Were they
irreligious because they read the book of
nature, - and believed in a,stronomy, which
told-them that-the sun did not move ; ge-.
ography, , that the earth wasnnot four-cor-*
nered ; geology, that the world was not;
created in si.?l.. days ? Surely net ! Was a.
perfect because' they under
stood its constructions 2 Was roan less ,
the work of his Creator because: they coin
prehended his organization?, On the con
trary, far from ,destroying their feeling,s.of
veneration, a knoWledge of Natures laws,
but rendered them more acute by unfold
ing to them the immeasurable distance that
, separates.the feeble works of man from the
mighty works of. God." Dr. _Harley con
cluded his lecture with some admirable ad
vice-to students, pointing out to them. the
necessity of cultivating a spirit of truere
ligion. Their success in after life 'would
depend as much ,upon their moral. as .on
their mental . qualifications, and acquire
Another professor told his class that
" they lad a.noble oallin, and it was' their
bounden duty to , ask God's blessing ,on
their calling." Another sternly denounced
the spirit of quackery. " Medical knowl
edge was a sacred trust • placed in their
hands to be used for the benefit of man
kind, and,not a, vile means of obtaining
wealth by, acting on :the mind of a too of
ten credulous public. "He enjoine& on
the young men who waited on the poor
creatures from alleys and courts, who came
to the London Hospitals for relief, to treat
them with the greatest sympathy and kind
ness. Do not harden your feeli.ngs against
this class of patient's. With, them, kind
ness will go a great way; sympathy will
soothe many.a wound. A word of encour
agement .to, those women and-, men who in
narrow courts and :filthy closets, are suffer
inc, and who borrow each others clothes to
go tottering to the hospital to see the
Another lecturer appealed to the memo
ries of home. ",Around you cluster the
hopes of parents, the sympathies of friends.
If you defeat and' blight their feelings, you
will produce disappointment in hearts that:
watch and pray for your welfare." ' Anoth
er said:: " You are to be i all your lives,
students of God's works, and benefactors of
his noblest creatures.;" while yet another
more distinctly said : " Seek first the king
dom of God and his righteousness riot'
doubting that all these things shall be
added unto you." !
The truth is, that there is a great moral
elevation in the character of medical stu
dents, and an ever increasing number of
them • are coming , under the power and
teaching of:the Divine Spirit, and are thus
,prepared to lead their fellow-students to
serious thought, as
• well as twice
'blessed" in their noble profession in after
life. In a former communication, I had
the pleasure of furnishing particulars-on
:this subject, in connexion with,the annual
meeting of the Medical Students' Christian
Association. Some of the foremost London
physicians, are eminent for their philan
thropy and piety. Thus Doctor Jenner,
who is the Queen's physician (next in hon
or and position to Sir. James Clark) de
votes a considerable portion of hiS time to
the Sick Children's Hospital in' Great
Queen. Street, Bloomsbury, and was main
ly its, founder. This institution is an ad
mirable one,,and-to see the, happiness ,and
Comfort of the little invalids, and to mark
also the crowd' of little healthy 'children
whom poor mothers, going out in the
morning to work, 'are permitted to leave
for the day, the little ones, tumbling on
the floor in jubilant gladness, and, thohig
ger ones on the rocking chairs in, great
glee, their laughter sugeesting the old
rhyme, " Rider a cock-horse to Banbury
cross "--all this does the heart good to-see.
So likewise other physicians wait ,daily at
appointed hospitals, .without fee, on those
who stiffer, from opthalmia, from .cancer,
and from club, foot and other deformities.
Nany medical men also -.are bed-side
preachers to ! the.,sick_and dying, ankhaye
souls for their hire. Some, of them are
ready to speak publicly, as for example,
Dr. Forbes a'ddrisses issem
,blies 9f :working men, bringing to them the
living Gospel, with liying earnestness and
Medical education is receiving a great
impetus. Parliament has come to the help
of the Profession, in its desire to put down
quackery, and to prevent murder being
, done by ignorant, pretenders, who write
Dr." over their doors, and 'who are vile
empiries.' Not that the Aat of Parliament
`is' as definite as, 3" - t ought to• be. If a'bad
:man only.avoids,professing to•have a rnedi
,oal dearee from k certain university or•Col
leg )I.e on until, some ,fine
morning he is, brought up for manslaughter...
But the great benefil, of
.the nnw,,regime is
the necessity of a superior education.
hie at a time like this, when 'laborers in,
God's work are wont to rest a while' tijor-
der to gird up theirloins to fresh-triilsi add
to resuscitate their,physical andoventsrl en
ergies for a fresh ten 111011 01§!,,t0i 1.; , Titus it
is that I can look hack over the
ready gone of the present year, and then
enlarge the.retroipect over the }tree past
years, to -the Summer- 'of 1858, when geed
tidings of extended awakening came to us
from . the United States, animating the
faith., hope and prayerfulness of those who'
were cast 'down. Next comes up to the
view, the Ulster awakening and The " year
of grace" in the North of 'lreland, with
allthe quickening impulses flowing-from
it as , from a mighty Heart, and causing
fresh astonishment, and then as one by one
came back in, the Autumn of 1859, and as
fresh and authentic' information was sup
plied by the press, 'prayer was stimulated,
aggression: was. -waved on the..kingdom of
darkness, and fresh fruits appeared: in; con- ,
versions remarkable for the , previous Lois-
cry and wickedness of the subjects of mo,4t -I,
of them , and for the laborers ihiw raised l
up-for the worst classes, from 'inning - them
selves. Young men, too, began to realize
and to extend the blessing. Ministers
preached with , a new life, the • old Gcspel,
which was as, a fresh spring to , ttte people'
of God, . and, to the anxious and thirsty;
souls. • There was a work also inauourated
among yoUng women, which migktilygrew
and increased, like ether, good.„thines be
e-an at. and "after the New Year's (Lodi
ana ) Concert for Prayer in the second ;
week of 1860. ....
The work of revival in London Nis been
very quiet.. Ilence many profetis.ors who
never. inquire, ,know' little or nottungof it.
But that it has been real; ntanY pastors,
Ragged ,School ; church and chapel - preach
ers, . teachers of Sunday Ragged. ,Schools,
masters and matrons ef t male and female .
Refuges, together with open-air i reachers, .
and those who haVe taken sPeei Cititerast .
airy` reachers,
the services in Halls and Th tree, can
declare with thankfulness and jt
b t
'And did not God raise, up . iikinstru
meats and agencies, and.lead his people to
think of and pity new classes• hex:o nil
tt,,. •
thought of and unpitied ? Was p, notrthus
that, Brownlow, North,Captai ' Trotter
And Mr. Blackwood have, in two successive
"years, preached, at Willis' .Roprap,,temper
arm, righteousness, and judgment Ti come,
to the rich and fashionable. Thus, too,i ,
have not-Regenald Radcliffe, (liiSiiiifluencel
afterward_ radiating over ParisiartiPiotest-)
ants„ as well,, as that of ,Marseilles,) Antil‘
Shiildbam. Henry, been , equipped and s,,eif t t I I
forth. 'as
,the' evangelists of the iiiiddle! •
'classes; and "Williain Carter, and , Itieliarh ;
.Weaver, been called to blowthe-blaste of,
!,alarm. and,with success, ,in • the ears of ;tile I
most, hardened of the lowest classes .and I
not in vain !
So likewise new classes were morally
excavated. Thus the" Midnight Ideeting
movement; the Bible-Street,, R eadinT move-
ment ; the Bible-Women's mission ; the
Cabmen's Club movement, and the4resent:
fresh enterprises inaugurated for _tug_ ...lon-1,
don lamplighters and the Londnii light- f
cabmen—the former numbering . t'woiliail
sand men, the latter; a Alegradellohasis,l
z inany of them_ old men, and one thousand 4
in number—all these things indicate the
working, and spirit-taught wisdom whip
are emphatically of God, and tokens of 'his
mercy and grace toward this 'great 'and
:mighty-; city. Further, one thinks hoW,
from London as ; a centre, influences for
good have .radiated. not only over the.,Coun r
try, but over the world. Nearly all the
movements just indicated find imitation and
-unenvying loving rivalry elsewhere. 'Bible
women are thus sought out for- watering 1
-places and country towns,. and are sent up
to London, and boarded and 'edged for
some weeks at small expense and in safe
quarters, to learn lessons.from experieneel
in London districts. And, so - a-ladyilat'
V-- ,writes: ",Our Elizabeth . tells- me •
that,,though she felt vexed, I waited so
long for , her services,, she would.not have
been without that ; week in the, ; Grosvenor'
Square ,Distriet, for any thing ; . she dearnt
so_ninch there, and found so much-good_to
her own soul. 'She arrived among us,,,as
you ; now, at the end of January, and began
her .work with an energy of purpese Ithat
.augured well for her success ; .a,n,d success t
she has hadfar beyead her expectations." !
A wider revival view one must take at f.
such a time as this. And thus Dublin and
Kingstown, ; with .many towns in the Smith.
of Ireland. and, its midland counties,-Scot-
land in. the Islands of the West,,and, with
Glasgow, Edinburgh, Perth, Aberdeen,
Montrose,, Dumfries, Annan, and. .other
scenes, marvellous : blessings present them
selves. And. shall we forget that Sweden
has, had showers, that religious life is deep
eningin Germ.any, and that in the - French
Protestant ; ' Established ;Church,,well as
in, the ,National ; Church •. of Switzerland,
its pulsations, fuller and more frequent, are
felt ? Europe has begun to breathe; even
its extremities, so cold before, beeortie warm.
What'. was the Universal Conference at
Geneva-,whose memories are:still so,fra
grant to mySelf—but the token, of increased
life in Europe And 'the World I To that
- Conference Russia, contributed its represen r
tatives, and there on the closing day, when
11., united meeting was held for prayer, and
when .t.wo places were required , on .each side
9 f the „Rhine, to accommodate the wership
ers, a gentleman from, Russia rose, up and
pleaded earnestly for Prayer on behalf Of
RussiaL:--iti Czar, its nobles, and its people.
That appeal "will surely he responded to by
the people of the United States,' who-know
well the kindly feelings of Alexander 11.
toward them. ' '
The total number of members who re
ceived and presented• tickets'nf 'admission
at Geneva; wasl,BBs. Besides theie, many
persons, attended without, cards of entrance.
Thus, as to numbers, the Conference was a
great success ;. and as to spirituhl issues, I
hope and believe they will be felt for years
to come. '
Next - year, a similar Conference will be
gathered in London. The Great Exhibition
Building will then be the resort 'of 'lama
tiens. Ere May Day comes, with its 6i:reining
ceremonies, may'" meek-eyed peace " return
to your country homes,' china:tea; and
hearths, with unity and brotherhood reestab - -
lished, with the oppressed set - fiee, id = the
spirit of that noble legislative act 'of ;leririsyl
vania,,lately printed in your tthilinatia ;' "With
" the peaceable limits of righteonsness to a
nation- claistened,,and so purified,and made
tiulfgreat."' And may Londonlq.l:aivt'rsal
CoafereneAs, find ammteilg *oSti.liaMeriila
members;' American' 'Cliziatitins , Lininiaters
and citizen philanthropists ! J:W:
He takes no Religious Paimr;
Who takes no.religious paper? ; A mem
ber of the church, and quite, a leading man
in the congregation to which he belongs;!
he,. a poor man i. No, carries,„on
a large,,„busipess; and ,makes, :money fester
than most of his bretbren If he vrere, poor,
there would he ,some excuse, for,him.
Is he an,int,elligent man ? Well— r yes;
he, takes one or,two, or perhaps more polit
igalipapors, and is,well pasted up 41-APR ,kti
cal, matters. ; :You mightt4-1404-,to
turn the sun out, of its course as to convince
hint ,that : , any thing is wrong ,which• his
Wiry adVocates. • And he Wants every thing
done in the churchaccordin r „o• to his way,
and he is perfectly sure that his way is the
way things were done in the purest and
beot , times of the Reformation..'
Batt he knows nothing about the missions
of the' Church. He does not know:where
she . ? s her Pissions. estabiiohed, among the
heaqien. :He could not tell you whether
they 'have done any good. He could not
tellyou whether a descendant of Abraham
been converted these fifty years. He
knows T nothing about how other congrega
tions in his Church are getting, along. So
wheal one naember rejoices with at, and
when another member sifters, he cannot
suffer with it.
He casts, a dime into the hat, once or
twice a year, and when eollectips are taken
up, and then wonders what the .Church
does with so much Money.— Christian,
Christian Soldicrs.
There have been:'eminent Christian sol-
diers—there are no*. Colonel Gardiner,
wkese , vihir was tested in many a hattle,
gained his grandest victories in defending
'virtue igainst proili{racy, and the truth. of
God agaira the cavils of French skepticism ;-
and perhaps the greatest and most sublime
all;by his godly life amid the
ition and profaaaetiesS of the Camp. He
often declared hisiViews of religion sand - duty
'.at the head of his regiment, and urged"Ms
itatititins "and' their subalterns to take the
igreatest 'care that they:'did not give the
'saint - ion .of their example to that'which, by
'their offic,e, - they were obliged' to , ' punish in
'f„others. ':11e,: too, despised danger., He
-was a pititilit' of tkc deepest devotion:' He
often ( e.kilid,ssed:the desire—if it were the
will 'of God—that he might have' some call
to Sacrifice his lite in - tlefence of religion
and the liberties of his'eountry country; and when
it appeared to hira,that'the opportunity'was
&airing nigh,' he enabraced it with the ut
most readiness. "'The' eneiny," said' he,
'"are - advancing to cross' the Frith ;-'but
trust the Almighty God, ' Who doeth
`Whatsoe4er he'' pleases in the armies `of
heaien, and among the inhabitants of the
. earth." have but oNE life' to sacrifice-to
.my'eountry fosafety, and I shall r oot'spare
Yor did he spare it. The''day after
this .'utee:rinee he fell 'at the battle of
( I'reston'Tans, beneath a Highland broad,
Captain Healey Vicars, 'whose 'bravery
fillad the -allied;ariiiies with admiration? and
whose ,death'; shed a glory on the Crimean
wil#,lte. t hamble and clevotqa Christian.
,alit the labors and -.hardships of
warfare, he found time to visit - hospitals
p'r'ay with the sick and dying; time
tfikiVadiftlie Word of God, 'even though •his
n w .. nijc.,beztdod,,notuntila,rtrer midnight
. .
iFalte /thus ,to his sister : Be assured you
..will feel far huppicr is,this, world, even,
by likalc!ing religion your chief pursuit and
"'study; than by all the 'pleasures and gay-
Leties , which your young heart may now be
}lottging after. I tell you candidly and• se
„riously,. that I would
,part with
every earthly pleasure fin. life, for , one
hour-s communion with esus everyday
VWe findilaniciiig other deep,devout breath
-ings journail, , which he wrote in
:,efulutiOnedri-:Sebastopol, the following
. 44 r0h.that thorl.inrd,,God-would.come _among
us with a high hand and with a stretchccl
out arm; that he would, by his power,
change and soften the hard hearts of those
who: despise the riches of his grace, And
who make a mock of sin while standing, en
the verge of eternity; t,hat he would plant
therow of Sharon, in all its freshness and
. ,
'fullness, in the ground of every troubled,
'sin-laden heart.'
This was,=the roan who gave up his blank
etelto his soldiers, and ..slegt, on leaves, with
a stone, for T'his,is the warrior
wh.o said: "';Were I ever, as the leader of
a forlorn hope, allowed to select my men, it
, would -be most certainly from among the
soldiers of Christ; for who should fight so
fearlessly. and bravely,ss those .to whom
death presents no after, terrors 7 This is
the brave, soldier who, when two thousand
ituisians crept softly into the trenches in
the rdarknes,s Of the night, and' opened. a
fierce fire, on his bang of two hundred,
roused them 10-meet the attack with a war
shout like this : " Now 97th, up and
charge !" Himself the conflict,
says the narrator, he led on his men to 'via
tort'. A bayonet wound in his breast only
fired his courage. the more, and again -his
, voice rose:high : ." Men of the 97th, fogov;
rter as, he Je,ape,d the parapet he-had so
Well 'defended, and charged the enemy down,
the ravine. One moment a Struggling
moonbeam fell en his'flashing-sword, as lie
waved it through the air, .with his last cheer
.for his men---" This way, 97th !" The
next, the strong arm hung powerless by
his' side, and he fell amidst, his enemies,
'but fell in victory. And long after the
first deep agony of his regiment was' over,
did his-last words ring in-their souls as if
from the yforid glory--" This way,
97th .1"
"His soul to'him who gave it rose:
.God - led it, to its long repose,
.lts•gl6rious rest.:.
And though the `warrior's sun has set,
Its light shall linger round us yet,
—Rev, E. E. Adams
Oriental. Sluggards.
Laziness seems to have been a very prey
alert vice irt this country from days of old,
giving rise to's, multitude of popular pro
,verhs, which the wise Man has preserved in
his collection.. Indeed, there is scarcely
any ,other subjectsomften mentioned, or so
richly •and scornfully illustrated by Solo
,mon as this. His rebuke of the sluggard,
drawn ,from the habits of the ant, is very
appropriate ; and : suggestive. (Proverbs vi:
We. need_ not new.' consider her
ways" general,„for all the world is or
,may be, familiar with ,them. There are
some circumstances, however, mentioned in
this passage,
; which .must have been; sug
gested by actual dile in this country. Thus
the fact that the ant will faithfully and per
sev,eringly work without guide or overseer, or
. : ruler, is very striking. When I began to
.091,p10y workmen in this country, nothing
„Annoyed me more than the necessity to hire
Also an- overseer, or to fulfill this office
myself. , But I. 60011. found that this was
universal and ; strictly necessary. Without
overseer. very little • work,would be done,
And nothing as. it should, be. Thehwork
man, every may unlike the ant, will.;-not
, N11.0r4- at ..alktmleAstk.eptA to it; and directed
ag overseer, who is himself, a.per
:feet specimen.; ;; ;of )szieess.:r Fie; d,oeslabso
lutely netfung but emoke.,his , pipe, nrder
oneOuldifflis.eussi the %how
and-,the ewhy with,, the,men themselves, or
,with. :passers-by, who are strangely
prone to enter, earnestlyinto everybody's
business but their, own. This, overseeing
often.cests more than, the•work overseen.
curions,toynotice -how intensely. Sol
omork, ju t ted this, vice,;. arid ;how many. ways
_hp gave expressions tn hiss abhorrence and
,contempt. of .the sluggard... Thus, The
slothful man „.ressteth not. that which. he
(took' in h.unting: (Preverbs 27.)
The- mb5t..,g0.091.-fer-net)iiugJellowarmy be
roused by the excitemeptcroCtlielohase ,to
WHOLE NO. 475.
endure .the fatigue of hunting, :but,. when
this violent stimulus is past, he is too in•
dolent even to roast the game he has taken
with so much toil. Again, The soul of the
sluggard desireth, and bath nothing.
(Proverbs xiii: 4.) Thus, too, he is
brother to him who is a great waster,
(Prov. xviii : 9,) and he coveteth greedily
all day long, and 'hath nothing, for his
hands refuse to labor. (Prov. xxi : 26.)
The way of the slothful is as a:hedge - of
thorns : (Prov. xv : 19,) it pricks,. lacerates,
and entangles the ?miserable wretch. Sloth
fulness produces a sickly timidity, and is
ever fruitful and expert in raising idle ob
jections and imaginary clangers. There is
a lion without; I shall be slain in•. the
streets - . ( Prov. xxii: 13.) He will not
plow by reason of the cold; (Prey. xx :
and as plowing and 'sowing cannot be car
ried on until the Winter-rains commence,
he neglects altogether to sow .his fields,
therefore, l shall he beg in harvest and have
nothing: have often pitied the farmer
when plowing in the cold rains, and pitiless
winds; and . it requires more decision of
character than belongs to a sluggard to
ibefie up against them; he; therefore, re
treats into his hut, kindlesi adittle fire, and
dozes away his, time, by the side of it, en
veloped in pungent smoke. Nor - will
'roused; A little' more sleep, a little more
folding of the hands. As the door on his
hinges, so• the..sluggard-on : his bed rolls
back and forth with : want' -a creak and
weary groan. He will put, forth more, or
b uments for' hia & base conduct; than seven
men that can render a reason.' There is a
lion ire the street ; it is too cold or too hot,
too wet or too' dry, too early or too late, time
plenty or the time is past, the opportunity.
lost, and so on acl#finition. The, sluggard
hideth his hand his bosom, and it griev
eth him to bring it again to his mouth.--
Prov. xxvi :
Our Arab anecdotes go far.beyond Solo
mon. A favorite illustration of .:extreme
laziness is the case of a man that would not
turn his head 'over on his pillow. thou.h
the muddy water, leaking through the roof,
fell phimp into his eye. But that descrip
tion in the twenty4ourth chapter of Prov
erbs is the one. which strikes me as most
appropriate to my, poor fellaheen :—I went
by the field of the slothful,- and by the
vineyard - of the man'Soid ofitinderstanding,
_lo; it was all grown over with thorns,
and nettles had covered the face thereof,
and the stone-wall...thereof was .broken
Yes, that is true to IN ature, and to actual
life in all its details: The stone-terraces
and garden-walls soon 'tumble down when
neelected, and this, beyond any country I
have ,seen, is prolific in thorns and thistles.
All your vineyards, in this region, are•cov
ered with them, and so thousands of your
valuable olive-trees are completely choked
up with briers and thorns, and their owners
are too shiftless and indolent to clear them
away.— W. Thomson, D. D.
Presbytery of Fort Wayne.
Presbytery installed Rev. David Kingery
pastor of the church of Wabash. Rev. C.
Forbes presided Rev. W. M. Donaldson
delivered' the charge to the pastor, and
Dr. Lowrie, to the people.,ements were made for the ordina
tion. of Rh. R. H. Jackson, the pastor-elect
of 'the churches,of Bluffton and
,New Lan
caster, and for his installation there
Presbytery approved the action of its
Commissioners to the last Assembly, and
especially their vote sustaining the Resolu
tions of. Dr. Spring.
Resolved, That this Presbytery.. express
its cordial approbation of the Assembly's
action on the State of the Country, and its
entire satisfaction with the answer given to
the protests against it. And further, that
this affliction of our beloved country is
such as still claims the cordial sympathy,
effective aid, and ardent prayers of all
Christian patriots.
Presbytery appointed Dr. Lowrie a Com
mittee to draw up a Memorial to the next
Assembly, to change the day from the first
to the. third Sabbath in each of the months
specified for simultaneous collections; and
appointed an agent for each object of
benevolent effort presented by the Assem
bly, with a view to secure the codpere
tion of all our churches in,this work.
W. M. DoNA.LpsoN Stated. Clerk.
men who loved Christ with a love' stronger
than death, wrote his life, but left no hint
of his height, complexion, features, or any
point that could help the mind to a personal
image. Others wrote long epistles, of
which he was the Alpha and Omega; 'but
his , form is as much• kept out of view as the
:body of Moses, hidden by the. Almighty in
an undiscovered grave. The ,Christian
tombs and relics of the first centuries show
no attempt to . make au image of Christ.
Too deep a. sense of the Divine rested upon
the early Church to permit any attempt
to paint the human as it appeared in him.—
Rev. }Vsn. Arthur.
Christians seem never to overcome the sin
of covetousness. They are all their lives
held in bondage, and know little of the
luxury of giving to the Lord. This sin,
When once rooted in the heart, goeth not
out but by prayer and fasting. Pr. Sprague's
" Annals of the Thiptigt Pulpit" has a
capital illustration 'of this in the sketch of
Rev. Clark Rendriek.
His church had occasion to exclude for
covetousness a meMberwho' refused to pay
his church' dues. A few days - atter, the
excluded member , met his pastor, and as in
former times said:
" How `do you do, brother Kendrick r
But brother Kendrick declined the recog
nition, saying, as he alone could say it,
"'You need not call me brother. be
?Ong, to a brotherhood who hold 'all for God
as his stewards. You do not belong to
that brotherhood, you must not call me
The countenance of the man fell; he
went away'in grief; but, at the next -cove
nant meeting; he came to' the church, ,`and
said r.
" Brethren, I wish 'you would take me
'back, and try me. , When' I first joined
the church 1 Made a migtake; I kept nty
farm out. This time r wish to put in, all
He was readmitted into the church,lTa
the,pastor again called him brother.
,Se4TT.r-4,dany.persons yeuth.and . vigor
deOm it fanatical for:a.oramtifr-beAmxious to
be , . ? prepared for / death. isSolieitudeifor: the
~ s alvation, of the . soul they ; regard as- irra
tional.. Twenty .:years ago, Sir Walter
Scott,, who had ;charine.d,the world with his
genius,' was on a, dying bed. He had passed
~the night .in delirious slumber. As the
morning,..sun shone in his chamber, he
,asvoke -but .to , die., . : Every trace,of delirium
had. passed . away, and hia,'intellecVwae un
,cloude.d: Raising - „his dying, eye,, and •fixing
it upon -his son-in-law, -Lockhart, who sat
by his ,bedside, ,
4taviy, dear son, Z 3Zakiy have but a mqinept
tto: speak:to [Be - you., a good mans! beavir-
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tuous ; be religious. Be a good man.
Nothing else will give you any comfort
when called upon to lie here."
Reader, was Walter Scott a weak entire . ;
siast? he hour is near when you, too,
will be upon a dying bed. ' Will you not
feel then as be did ? Are you prepared for
this hour ?
complains ,of...l4onieri Ahat he tangl* the
gods to live like men ; but grace teaches
men to live like, gods. It is lamentable
that we should live so long in the world,
and do so little for God; or that we should
live so short a time in the world, and do
so much for Satan. Other creatures are
not more below a sinner than a saint is
above a sinner. Man is the excellency
the creature, the saint is the excellency of
man; grace is the excellency of the saint,
and glory is the excellency of .grace.
TIME wears slippers of list, and his tread
is noiseless. The days come softly dawn
ing, one after another ; they creep in at the
windows;, their morning air is grateful ,to
the lips that pant for it; their music' is
sweet to the ear that listens to it—until,
..before Ave know it; a ~
whole life 6f ° days
has, possession of the citidel, and time has
taken us. for its own. ,
TURN Now.---liabbilEliezer "Turn
to Godione day before' your death." - Him
disciples said, ”Howe can man know the
day of his., death ?" answered them,
"Then ybu should turn to God to-day;
perhaps' ybtt' may die 'to-morrow; thus
,every day will be employed-in returning"
Wdri;ra - SENfranuncia.4-'
A Sabbath well Spent,
Brings a week of content,
And health for the toils of to-morrow;
But a Apbath profaned,.
Whateier is gained,
Is a certain forerunner of sorrow.
THERE is an apostolic admonition which
is worth whole Volume's of heroic bravado.
It is this—" - Let your moderation be known
unto all men.", : And again, "If thine
enemy :hunger, feed, him ; if he thirst,
give him drink!." This is the morality of
the G-ospel. It is treason in the philosophy
of war.
WORDS are little things, but they strike
hard. We -wield them so easily that we
are apt to forget their hidden power. Fitly
spoken, ~they fall like the sunshine, the
dew, and drizzling, rain, but when unfitly,
the fro 4 the and the desolating
tempest. , .
SELF 1 4,07 E, is so vile a principle, that it
will not only constrain a man to avoid his
duty, but will often push him upon most
inhuman practices, and make him sacrifice
his' friends, or his country; to his own ease
and safety.
SIDE IN EVERYTHING.—The battle is not
always to the strong nor the race to the
swift. There are a thousand things that
may defeat the' best laid plans. But if
God be for us, who can be against us ? In
a certain war with Israel it is said, " the
children of Judah prey - ailed because they
relied on the Lord God of their fathers."
So",said" Joshua, "The cities were great
and fenced ; if so be the Lord will be with
me, then we shall be able to drive them out."
Would you have the victory ? Then see
to it that you have God on your side.
Then "no weapon that is formed against
tee =shall prosper." Drive not God from
l k
y. r u. by, your sins. Do not by pride and
self-confidence tempt him to leave you to
yoUrself. • Make him, your confidence and
your leader, and obey his commands.—
Soldier's Friend.
Spring, - putsforth no blossoms, in Summer
there will be no beauty, and in Autumn no
fruit. So if youth be trifled away, riper
years will be miserable.
WHY PEOPLE READ.—Some read to
think, these are rare; some to write, these
are, common ;. and some read to talk, and
these form the great majority. The first
page of in author not unfrequently suffices
all the purposes of this latter class,. of
whom it has been said, they treat books as
some do lords; they inform themselves of
their titles, and then boast of an intimate
The Wrong Signal.
"What has happened ?" said Mr. Hamil
ton to his son, who entered the room in
haste, and with the air of one who had some
interesting news to . communicate.
"A freight. train has _Tun off the track
and killed a man," said Joseph.
"How did that happen ?" said Mr. H.
" The watchman gave the wrong signal.
The engineer said that if he had given the
right signal, the accident would not have
Making the wrong signal cost a man his
life. There is another sense in which wrong
signals sometimes occasion the loss of life—
of life Spiritual. The preacher who fails to
;declare •the way of: salvation as it is laid
down. in .God's Word, who teaches that all
men shall be saved, or who teaches that
men may obtain salvation by their own
works, gives the wrong signal. In conse
quence; men•take the wrong track, and go
on to perdition. • ,
The private Christian, whose reputable
standing in the ChurCh and in society give'
influence to his example, pursues a course
of conduct utterly inconsistent with the in
junction, ",be not conformed to this world."
The. young : Christian is led to practice a
similar course; by degrees he loses his spir
ituality, and becomes one of thoSe who have
a name to live; i3tit•are-dead: -- The holding
_ oat of_the -wrong aignal led-tO the . disaster.
A., professing Christian exposes himself
to temptation. He has power to resist the
temptation, and escapes unharmed. One
of less power is led to follow his example,
and falls .into sin.., : To -.him, his predecessor
had, given the signal that there was no dan
ger ,there. He was the wrong
We are constantly giving signals to our
fellow-mensignals which will direct their
course in .; their, journey to eternity. How
carefol,§hould•wnbe at • all times to avoid
giving the wrong signal '.—Examiner.
Promptness in Duties
There is always a joy in , duties performed.
,and promptness in the execution heightens
that joy. To wait and look on a business
we,ought to , do at once, enervates and dis
heartens:; to arise :NA do it immediately,
: strengthens sand enlarges, the heart. Delay
:begets hesitoacy andE•amitiity;l4lireet,l,s,r
-formanceltringslateld 2 , l:4o o uuige3 .They that
,wait,upork-the-i,ord.renewrtllair strength;
ihulethey that -pestpone till toornorrow pres
,ent duties, are 'weaker for them to-morrow
.than torciarY. 'r.omptuess in - duties, then,
..givesgreater,strongth for new, duties. En
duriug,,:hardne,ss as a ' good soldier in one
campajigni qualifies, the,,,, , CbristialLfor more
inani t y Oats in the next. We grow on
; food. an d,exercises. i motally the same as ire
qdo, : physically. -,,Chlistieu , fortitude heiPs
,develop stature of diAracter
gespel , enjoins--gives
gr,ace to;discipleship,.,and energy •anci
oienoy to the,,lihurehes.--raforning