Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, October 19, 1861, Image 1

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& CO.
Editors and Proprietors.
1118CRIPTIONO $1.50
..LARS, we will mud by mail Seventy number
MI.LAT., thirty-three numbera.
log ue TWISNTY Subscriber's and upwards, will
hied toe paper without charge.
mid he prompt, t little before the year expires
de by safe hands. or by mail.
tern to DAVID WKINNET & CO tt
Pittsburgh, YR.
On Another's Sorrow.
I see another's woe,
not be in sorrow too?
T see nuother's grief,
not. seek for kind relief?
I see a falling tear,
not feel my sorrow's share ?
a father see his child
p, nor bo with sorrow filled?
mother sit and hear
infant groan, an infant fear?
! no! never can it be—
,r, never can it be!
can He who smiles on all,
r the wren with sorrows small,
r the small bird's grief and care,
r the woes that infants bear—
not sit beside the nest,
ring pity in their breast?
not sit the cradle near,
:ping tear on infant's tear ?
not sit both night and day,
An all our tears away?
rho ! never can h be—
Cr, never oau it be
(loth give his joy to all;
becomes an infant small,
becomes a man of woe,
(loth feel the sorrow too.
,nk not thou =at sigh weigh,
.d thy Saviour is not nigh ; ,
link not thou canst weep a tear,
Ld thy Saviour is not near.
! He gives to us his joy,
at. our griefs he may destroy ;
11 our grief is fled and gone,.
(loth sit by us and moan.
;dings of the Synod of Allegheny:
NEWCASTLE, PA., Sept. 26th, 1861.
Ir of meeting of Synod having arrived,
dour members being present, on motion,
until to-morrow evening, at 7 o'clock.
Id with prayer.
FRIDAY EVENING, 7 o'clock.
met. In the absence of the Moderator,
Coulter, the oldest minister present,
uteri Moderator pro tempore. Synod
constituted with prayer.
[. Shields,
. Spelman,
Levi Dodd,
Joseph Campbell,
J. W. Stinson,
Robert Logan,
Adam Boston,
H. D. Moore,
Joseph W. Scott,
John Hamilton,
James Gorden.
Dilworth, D.D., Robert Thompson,
1 McCready, T 41. Gorden,
Nesbit, Thomas Pomeroy, '
. Johnston, J. L. Robinson,
;. Critchlow, Hiram Pollock,
W;iggoncr, Joseph Moore,
Wel,ber, B. Rush Bradford,
Dickson, Benjamin Cunningham,
Nathaniel Moore,
Robert M. Martin
. :MaAdam,
C. Reed,
W. Boyd,
M. Taylor,
S. Grimes,
:alter, William Porter,
'oung, D.D., Joseph Galbraith,
Volker, James Adams,
Coulter, Josiah McJunkin,
1 F. Kean, S. M. Moore,
iller, James T. Glenn,
Craig Wilson,
.:1, Peter Pence,
Williams, William Maxwell,
ulter, William S. Weible,
Ogden. ) James Wilson,
Samuel Hanna,
Andrew Brackenridge.
'lliott, D.D., Alex. Cameron,
Swift, D.D., John D. Stokes,
\ ratan, Robert McKnight,
diams, D,D., T. H. Nevin,
Aboy, D.D., Samuel Moorhead,
Ilison, A. G. Neff.
Smith. •
!ery of Erie—John - V. Reynolds, D.D.,
laokburn, L. G. Olmatead, J. IL Hamil
) H. Sargent.
ery of Beaver—C. C. Riggs.
;Ty of Allegheny—John Munson, W. G.
)enezer Henry, Alex. Cunningham.
ery of Allegheny City—Nathaniel Todd,
laren,D.D., L.L. Conrad, W.S. Kamer, D.
Brown, M. L. Wordnatt, Henry E. Lip
1. Nevin, John Davis, Edward S. Blake,
to the unusual. inclemency of the
:oughout the day, preventing the ma
the members from being pr..,sent, the
sermon was postponed-until to-morrow
7 o'clock.
on, Synod spent half an hour iri'devo-
led to meet to-morrow morning, at. 9
Concluded with, prayer.
SATURDAY Monnixo, 9 o'clock.
met, end spent the allotted half hour in
' exercises.
was then perfected.
tion was held for officers, which re
the choice of Rev. Robert B. Walker.
,tor, and Rev. James M. Shields, for.
Jut (1: Lowrie, of the Synod of New-
N. Wm. B. of the Synod of St.
,ev. J. S. Travelli, of the Synod of
Pennsylvania ; Rev. Samuel Findley, of
d of Pittsburgh ; and Rev. J. H. Tel
the United Presbyterian Church, being
were invited to sit as Corresponding
utem of the last meeting of Synod
2oceeded to fix the hour and 'place of
meeting. It was resolved to meet in
)yierian church of New Brighton, on
.th Thursday of September next, at 7
ection of twenty-five cents from each
was taken up, to replenish the Conan
of Synod.
lera tor announced the following. Stand
.8 AND OY PARTEREs.—Ministers--Benj•
John R. Findley, Wm. F. Kenn,
ion. Elders—Theo. H. Nevin, Josiah
Robert, Thompson.
L COMM ITTE E. —Minisiers—Leland R.
D.D., Robert. Dickson, William T.
David C. Reed. Elders—Benj. R.
Alexander Cameron, Thomas Pomeroy.
id A. Cunningham, J. F. Boyd.
. V. Miller, J. M. Smith. Elder—
Jsalom M'Cready, John W. M'Cune.
flers—David Waggoner, A. C. Dunkin.
.L EXE ac 'ans.—A/Misters—Joseph S.
Swift. Eider—Hirsh Pollock.
Hail, Aaron Williams, D. D. Elder
Webber, Huey Newell. Elder—':
VOL. X., NO. 5.
Dickey, William M. Taylor. E.filer--William
Mini.Verß--liobert Dilworth, D.D., John Lauoitz,
James Coulter. Eider—ll. D. Moore.
Adjourned to meet this afternoon, at 3,1 o'clock - .
CoackaGled with prayer.
Synod met, and speat an hour and a half in
devotional exercises, including the reading of the
Narrative of the State of Religion. After which
the Narrative was accepted and, adopted, amills
•r: •
as .follows
The annual recurrence of the Sessions of Syn
ods, as e. season of pastoral reunion, is fraught
wick the deepest interest to all who .love the
Master whom we profess to serve, and the King:-
dom whose highest interest we are pledged to
In oar individual eapacity,,es the servants of
Christ, we have felt. ourselves , called to daily
watchfulness and solicitude, in reference to the
genuineness of that great change which we profess
to have experienced, and to note with care, the
evidences of progress which mark the pathway
of our own religious life—te try, and " prove our
selves and see whether we be in the faith."
Then, in our pechliar vocation, as those who
have hinert called "to hold forth the Word of
Life," and to. beer rule in the' house of God, a
wider • sphere of daily obligation has called for
increasing diligence. In addition to personal
oulture, and watchfulness over our own hearts,
the spirit of our holy religion, which is a spirit
of good-will to men, has preempted us to pass be
yond the sphere of self, and Riot forth our best
energies for the salvation of others.
As the representatives of the "Good Shepherd"
of whom it was foretold that'" He should gather
the lanibs.With his arms and carry them in his
bosom; " and who actually "came to seek and
to save that which was lost," we have been per
mitted as A. part of our daily toils and daily de
light, to go forth into the highways and hedges,
and by the constraint, of heavenly motives to
compel men to come toChrist; and then to feed
his sheep, land his lambs.
First of all, we have been called upon to "take
heed to ourselves; and second only to that, to take
heed, to all, the flock, over which the Holy Ghost
bath made us overseers; to feed the Church of
God, whiCh he hath purchased with his own
blood." "'And having endeavored in our various
spheres, to be instant in season and out of sea
son—having exhorted, and warned, and rebuked
with all long-suffering, and patience; having
striven to sow the seed broadcast., and to nurture
the plants of righteousness, which have been
hopefully planted in the garden of the Lord;
we have came here, Christian brethren, to in
quire of one another, What are the fruits of all
these toils? and what now appears to be the
measure of Zion's progress? And as we are as
eembled here, a voice seems to inquire, “Watch
men, what of the night? Watchmen, what of the
night ? " •
It. is not our happy privilege to give an answer,
in all respects, full of encouragement, such as
hai greeted your ears on similar occasions in
years that are past. The joyful tidings have
not come up to us from the various Presbyteries,
as in years past, making mention oft the baptism,
of the Holy Ghost, descending upon pastors and
people in answer to united and fervent. prayer.
We arc not permitted to tell you of saints,
throughout all our borders, rejoicing in sweet.
communion and fello*ship with their Lord and
and Master, nor of sinners, in the depth of a
solicitude hitherto unfelt, saying to one another,
"Come ,and let us join ourselves to the Lord in
a perpetual covenant that! shall not be forgot
,ten." •
,- 1 .• .j o e
And ff[ill the voice whiblecomes to us from the
ohureWis not-by any mains adapted to fill our
hearts with sadness -in regard to the work of the
The, ecclesiastical year which has just now
come to a close, like the day whiCh Zechariah in
vision foresaw, has loeen Lutuf.thate!Was "neither
clear nor dark," and yet it haa given promise of
light in the
It has pleased God in a remarkable manner to
preserve the lives of, those whom he has placed
as watchmen upon the walls of Zion ; and thus
there has been no " famine of the Word of the
Lord." Only one of our number has been called.,
to his rest, during the year; and he was gath
ered from the midst of this flock where we are as-,
sembled, in u full age, "Like as a, shock of corny
corned' in his season."' Our atarches have been
uniformly filled on the Sabbath with an attentive
and interested people.. Prayer-meetings, Sab
bath Schools, and Bible Classes have been at
tended with a good degree of regularity and in
terest, and. in some Presbyteries with an in
creased . efficiency and , zeal, shoviing that the cul
ture of the youth of our Church is more and
morelaying hold of the hearts of God's people.
The seal of Divine approbation, set upon the
early religious culture of the children of the
Church in years gone by, when such multitudes
who had received the outward and visible sign of
consecration to God, were made to experience
the inward reality by the baptism of the Spirit,
has awakened in many a new zeal in this depart
ment of Christian effort. In many cases also
there appears to be a marked improvenient in
the manifestation of a spirit of Christian benefi
And whilst there has : ,lieen no general revival
of religion.,throughonWur bounds, some of our
churches have been visited with times of refresh
ing from the presence bf the Lord. The Holy
Spirit has graciously dcifrici:ided, as rain upon the
mown grass, and as sluiVerti , that water the earth
—souls have been raisect ‘ frora death unto life,
and the people of God have been constrained to
exclaim,- " The Lord hatli done great things for
us, whereof we are glad."
But this is the brighter side of the picture.
Whilst a few of the Lord's - servants have been
made to rejoice in the prosperity of Christ's
Kingdom through their instrumentality, by far
the greater number, in view of the little fruit of
their labors which they have been permitted to
see—in view of the apparent want or spiritual
mindedness on the part of God's professing peo
ple—and in view of the indifference of the mul
titude to all the offers of mercy, are ready to ex
claim, "Who bath believed our
.report, and
to whom bath the arm of thelord been revealed ?"
" Rath God forgotten to be gracious? Hath he
in anger shut up his tender mercies?"
At the same time they see the baptized chil
dren of Zion, in many instances, growing up
without any desire to consecrate themselves, to
the God of, their fathers,nrul all around them
they see the, itemy coming a flood, in the
shape of,lipAeraperance and profanity, threaten-
Woo 1, ay wastelhe heritage of the Lord.
It does not require the vision of a prophet to
discern .the causes •which have largely contribu
ted to produce this state of comparative spiritual
inactivity within, and this fearfulindifference to
spiritual things without, over which the Church
of Christ now mourns.
Our ecclesiastical year began in the midst of
a warm, political contest, in which the minds
even of good:men were enlisted with more than
ordinary fervor, and thus their hearts were drawn
away, unduly, after ,earthly things. The,whirl
wind of that excitement, had scarcely passed
away, when the foreshadOwings of a still greater
trouble to the Church of God began to appear.
The deep mutterings of a fierce passion were
heard in the distance, threatening desolation to
the fair fabric of ou'r National: inheritance—
and all these have culminated at lest in the most
terrible of all scourges—civil warfare.
The professed followers of Christ, moved by
the highest and purest- of principles, hastened to
rescue from threatened ruin, institutions recog
nized as the gift of God, and the fruit of the
highest Christian civilization.
If we believe that civil, government is the oral
-nal:me of God, we must at the same time recog
nize another truth equally obvious, that they
who, out of proper motives, defend the ordinance
of God, are so far in the path of duty. And
yet we,have reason to fear that much that is sin
ful has mingled with all our zeal for God, and
the right, in this respect. In the midst of the
stirring realities , ot the day in which we live, it
is to be-feared that Christians have not kept bur
nished, the weapons of a higher and holier war
fate—weapons that "are not carnal, but mighty
to the pulling down of strongholds."
Onr • sins have separated - between God and us,
and we have grieved his Holy Spirit to depart
from. us. Who knoweth but -Zion may now be
suffering the threatenings of God, by his,Prophet
in the olden time?-Hosea v; 15 :—" I will go
and return to my place till they acknowledge
their _offence, and seek my face; in their afflic
tion they will seek me early:" Verily, brethren,
in these days of spiritual, apathy, when the ways.
of Zion mourn, and when the gracious presence
of Him who walketl, in the midst of the seven
golden candlesticks, and' who holdeth the seven
stars in his right hand, is so rarely manifested,
ye ought to endeavor to realize that God's ap
pointed-antecedent to the experience of new joy
and spiritual prosperity in the midst of Zion ie
deep and sincere humiliation before God. And
here let us make the prayer of his chastened ser
vant of old our own, when under deep apd.pain
'ful desertion, he cried, "Restore'unto us the jby
'of thy salvation and uphold us with thyfree
spirit. ,Then„will we teach transgressors',-thy
wayp, tttitl sinners shall be converted unto thee.
40. D. C. Ophorne, of the lisf,etlipdist Episaor
IJ l4°/V a
11 4 tesu
4 I
.- ; ..OQT: °BETZ .1% . 1,861 -.
pal Church, being present, was invited to sit as
a Corresponding Member. -
It was resolved to publish the,Narrative of the
State of Religion in the Presbyterian Banner.
Presbyterial Records were called for. and
placed in the hands of ?committees for examina
Statistical Reports were called for, and placed
in the hands of the Stated Clerk.
Synod took a meek; until the hour of public
worship,this evening.
SATUR.D . Ay DgENING, 7 o'clock
Synod met, and, f heard a sermon from Rev. B.
C. Critchlow, =on T. Cor. iv: 7—" But we have
this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excel
lency of the poirer may be of God, and not of
Adjourned to meet on Monday' morning at 9
o'clock. Concluded with prayer.
MoNDA'r , l4iowinvo, .9 o'clock
Synod met, and spent the • usual half hour in
religious eitercise,s. •
A committee, consisting of Rev. Wm. Annan;
Rev. W. F. Kean, and Elder B. R. Bradford, was
appointed, to report a blank form for Presbyte
rial Statistical Reports, for the use of the Stated
Clerks of Presbyteries.
The Board of Colportage,presew ed their Art
neat Report, whioh was accepted, and is as fol
lows :
The fiscal year, just closed, has been one of
great prostration in general business.- The banks
have suspended specie payments; the State has
passed a stay-law ; imports have decreased more
than a half ; manufacturing has diminished; hun
dreds of millions of dollars, due by the South to
the North, are withheld; civil war lies been
waged and rages; the country is in turmoil, and
a nation's feelings are absorbed in the strife;
and contributions to works of benevolence have
fallen off fearfully. It cannot then but be ex
pected that our Board of Colportage will share
in the calamity. We are, however, enabled to
state that the reduction the . amount of our
business has been small, while, in some aspects
oftkeßoard's interests, our condition has im
proved. The Executive Committee were induced, last
Spring, to remove our place of business from St.
Clair Street to Hand Street. The former posi
tion being central, public, and well known, the
change was made with some trepidation. But
those rooms were poor, and the rent was high:
The removal would cost u& some money, and also
a loss of some weeks of business; but still, it
was ventured; and the result, thus far, indicates
that it was wise. The furniture, &c., for the
new, store-room and committee-room, were sup—
plied gratuitously by a few friends ; we save fifty
dollars a year in rent; and' our establishment is
much improved in comfort and, attractiveness.
We submit to the Synods the following State
ment of the Condition andßusiness of the Board
from September, 1860, to September, 1861;
Volumes ou hand, 5,883, val
Less 25 per cent. discount,
Amount of,debts from ledger,
Furniture; carpets, &0., ac.,
Cash on band,
Amount of our indebtedness,
Capital stock,
Sales from Sept. 1860, - to
Sept. 1861, •
Profit on sales
Expenses "ofthe Room,
Contributions to Colportage,
from churches,
Paid Colporteurs and done-
Colporteurs. employed, occa
Capital at the close of 1859,
Lt "1850,
" 'lB6l,
On this statement of the Board's affairs, we
make a few remarks: •
1. It is obvious that our expenses are very
small. Less than seven hundred dollars pays
our Librarian and salesman, our rents, freight,
taxes, postage, fuel, stationery, 84c. Our sales,
owing to the stagnation of business, have been
not quite so large as they were last year, but stilt
the profits have met expenses.
2. Our capital has increased nearly five hun
dred dollars ; our stock also is larger by three
hundred dollars,. and our indebtedness is less by
three hundred and, nine dollars. All this shows
an improved condition.
3. Contributions from the churches have been
less this'year than the previous, by $l2O. Hence
our. Colportage work. and gifts have been less:
This is deeply to be regretted. The indifference
of our churches to this work, we do not know
how to account for. When we say church
es, we mean especially pastors and elders, the
leaders of the churches. The people we are
confident would contribute three-fold, or five
fold more than- they do, if only they were in
formed of the Board's work and its, need, and if
they were called upon regularly. Can the breth
ren not' be awakened to more activity ? To think
of two Synods, embracing 166 ministers, 246
churches, and 29;432 communicants, contribut
ing only $317.79 to such a cause, and for a field.
so needy, is truly painful.
4. Our stock of books embraces the publica
tions of the Assembly's Board, and also a good
selection from the best Boardh and publishing
houses in the country. We thus furnish a large
choice to ministers, private Christians, and Sab
bath Schools. For this reason we press it upon,
the brethren of the Synods, to patronize their
own store. They will be doing justice to them
selves, and strengthening their own institution.
5. We again entreat, that every church , shall
give us an annual collection; and thus make us
the distributers of their bounty, by colportage
and donations.
The Board has sustained a serious loss in the.
death of Rev. A. D. Campbell, D.D. 'Dr. Camp
bell was one of our most efficient members;
always on the Executive Committee ; always
prompt, and ever active. He died in the faith
and hope of the Gospel, Sept. 21st. in his seven
tieth year. Ms memory is blessed.
The time of servioc of the following members
of ,the Board expires with the present meetings
of Synods, viz.: Synod of Pittsburgh—Revs. A. D.
Campbell, D.D., M.W. Jacobus, D.D. and. S..M.
MoClung ; and Messrs. J. D. McCord, F. G. Bai
ley, and Win. Bakewell. Synod of Allegheny—
Revs. James Allison, IL R. Wilson, D.D., B. C.
Critchlow;. and Messrs. Richard Bard, J. W.
Johnston, and. John Reynolds.
The Report was-then referred to a Committee,
consisting .of Rev. A. Williams, D.D., Rev.'
Henry Webber, and elder Thomas Pomeroy.
The Judicial Committee presented the follow
ing report, which was accepted and adopted
That the only paper placed in their hands is the
complaint of Rev. Absalom M'Cready, against
the action of the Presbytery of Beaver. They
recommend that the case be issued, let; By
reading the complaint. 2d. By reading the
Record complained of.
The consideration of this complaint was made
the first order of the day fir this afternoon.
The Committee on the Report of the Board of
Colportage presented the following Report, which
was accepted and adopted :
The• Committee to whom was referred the Re
port.of the Board , of Colportage, have carefully
examined that Report, and find it to be full and
satisfactory, showing that the business of. the
Board has been conducted with economy, effi
ciency, anti:discretion; and we would recominend
to Synod the adoption "of the 'following -reselu
lions, viz.:
Resolved, That the Synod approve the fidelity
of the. Board Of Colportage, and would
gratitude to ood. for the success;which has at
tended their efforts- during the past year, not
withstanding the calamities or the times upon
which we-have fallen.
Resolved, That while the .Synad. rejpice, to, find
that a considerable increaee of capital audof
stook'has been 'reached dUring the year, ,
ordinary course of ;kisineSS, they regret to learn
that there has been a still farther falling off 'in
the. very limited contributions of the. churches
toward the work of Colportage z —only a little over
$3OO hiving been contributed daring the year,
from the large Synods, toward this, important
departnient of benevolent effort. The Synod
would' therefore earnestly renew• the , recom
mendations of former years to 'all , our churches,
to take up a collection for the Board of Colport
-age, and would enjoin it upon pastors . end church.
Sessious not to,nlglect giving the People an op,-
pertunitYth contributelo this objeet.
.To&ll vacancies in the Board, 'the ,Coinmittee
recommend the names of James Allison,q). , A.
,1 0 4 1 .0 1 rghaPaaRA44 3 . •C: ., C.ritll./. 10 w11.4.4 11 t4.93 aid
of Richard Bard, J. *. Johnston, and John
Reynolds, elders. p ,„ -
Respectfully submitted. i, ,„,....
1 .
H. Vainan, Committee.
~ •
The Committee- on the -matter df' Receiving .
Agent for the Benevolent Funds of the' Byned,, -
who would be willing to serve the Church.with
out compensation, presented the following RePort, -
which was accepted and, adopted :
Resolved, That it is expedient that such an
Agent be secured.'
Resolved, .
Relayed, That the' Committee be eonnued,
with-full power to secure such an Agent, end that.
its action take immediate effect.
The Committee announced .that they itadrap
pointed Theodore IL Nevin. as each Agent..
- The Committee on the blank.form lorStatisti
cal RepOrts, reported; recommending thUt said=
form be made to confo'rm to %the- tables thet
Minutes of the General ASse!nbly. The'report.'
was accepted-and , adopted. '
Rev: Robert'McMillan, of the Refermed.Pree-'
byterian Church, being present,-was invited to:
sit as a Corresponding Meer.- -
AdjoUrned 'to meet at 2 o'clock. Concluded
with 'prayer. '
1 1 10/PDAY AFTEI4OqN, 2 o'clock.
Synod met, and was oPeaed'itith prsiier.
Rev. 1. R. IlicAboy, Rev 13. C:
elder Robert McKnight, were appointed
mittee, on the Western Theological Sessinian,
Rev. Loyal Young, D.D., Rev;,D.
and-elder John Haniilton, were4lppotated a Can.-,
rnittee •on the subject of the. o.bservauce of thei
Sabbath. , • • .
The Committee on Leave ; of Absence frort4tbetr
present meeting of Synod, repited, that they'
had granted leave of absence on Satnrdas
Josiah McJunkiti, elder ; and after Mondays,
evening to • Rev. A. Williams, Saninek
Hanna, elder, Robert McKnight) elder, Bev. Jas:.
H. Spelmtin, Rev. J. V. bliller, 'and Joseph.-Vral--'4
braith; elder. The seport was accepted:
The order of the day was then taken upooltibb,
was the consideration of the•complaint of= Lev..
Absalom; DECready against the adtion or 11127:
Presbytery of Beaver. 'The , bloderitor '
flounced from the chair that Synod was , a,lianit to.
enter anon judicial business, and enjoined-upon,'
the members to recollect and regard:their. high
character as judges of a Court' of Jesus
and the solemn duty in which - they were'antnatto.
Meet%ling to the report of thejudicisatll4inn'
mittee, thnoomplaint of Mr. MOTO: ;:,
afterwards, the action of
The original parties having 'been fully heard,.
withdrew from the house. The roll was then_
called, and an opportunity offered the rasszeiters•
o€ ~expressing their views in, the c ase.
The vote was then taken, when .the eortsPaint.
was not sustained.
The following Committee was thettratted,
to draft a, minute expressive' of, the feekireg or
Synod. in reference to the above judialai, case,.
viz.: Rev. Loyal Young, D.D., Rev. E. P. Swift,.
D.D., and elder T. H. Nevin.
Synod took , a•reoess until 7 o'clock.
The Committees on the Records oYihe Pres
byteries of Erie, Beaver, Allegheny,. and Alle
gheny City, reported, recommending 'thow'ar ap
proval. The reports were adeepted,.. and - the
Records approved.
Two papers on the state of the country were
presented to Synod, which were committed to
the Committee on Bills and Overtures, with di
rections to bring in a single paper, the consid
eration of which was Instsle t.h.e.7..orderof the day
fot to-morrow morning , at 10 o'clock.
Synod then heard an address on the subject of
Foreign Missions, from Rev. John C. Lowrie, D.D.,
after which the:following resolution was passed :
Resolved, That we have heard with deep in
terest and great profit, the address of Dr. John C.
Lowrie, on the subject of Foreign. MisSions, and
that we, as ministers and elders, pledge ourselves
to use our best efforts, from our pulpits and in
our intercourse with our people,
to awaken'
sustaining a
proper interest in and advancing this
noble enterprise.
It was resolved to meet to-morrow morning at
8i o'clock, and spend one hour in conference and
prayer, that God would pour out his Spirit on
the churches under our-care. . .
The Committee on Bills and Overtures reported ,
that they had had their attention called, to the
action of . the General Assembly in relation to
disabled ministers :
Upon this subject we submit. the following:
That this Synod regard this fund for the as
sistance of disabled ministers, of the highest
importance, as many of our aged and .disabled
ministers are wholly dependent..
Therefore, the. Synod would most• earnestly
recommend this subject to the consideration of
pastors and Sessions, and that they grim this
fund a place among their annual collections.
Resolved, farther,. that the attention of the
Presbyteries be directed to the injunction of the
Assembly contained in. the sixth resolution of:
the Assembly on this subject, and that the Pres
byteries be now called upon, that we may know
what they have, done.
Adjourned to meet to-morrow morning, at 87j
o'clock. Concluded with prayer.
%mod met, and spent the appointed hour in
devotional exercises.
The Committee on Leave of Absence reported
that' they had. granted. leave of absence after
Monday night, to Rev, Jolm W. M'Cune, Rev.
Wm. Nesbit, Rev. Dr. Swift, Rev. George Scott,
Rev. J. D. Howey ; and Samuel Moorhead, Jos.
Campbell, and Wm. Maxwell, Ruling Elders.
The report'was accepted:
Rev. R. L. M'Cune, of the Synod of Baltimore,
and.. Rev. Mr: Williams of the Baptist. Church,-
being present,yere invited to sit'as Correspond
ing• Members.
The Committoe appointed to prepare tv minute
in the matter of the eomPlaint of Rev. Absalom
APCready, presented a report which was ao
cePted. and adopted.
The Committee on Bills' and Overtureslyie
seated the following paper, which'was accepted,
and adopted unaniniously, by the • Synod rising
In view of the calamitous civil ,war now exist-
ing in this land, its guilty authors and Bolen:in
responsibilities, the'Synod of Allegheny deem it
proper to- place on, their records the following
resolutions, as expressive of their views:
Resolved, 1. That this Synod cxpresses its
cordial approbation of the resolutions , of the late.
General Assembly on the State of the Country.
Resolved 2: That this Synod expresses its
high appeciation of the late order of General
McClellan, respecting the better• observance ,of
the Sabbath, in 'the' armies of our country, and
of the efforts now put forth for the soppression
of intemperance', profanity, and vice among di
cers and soldiers.
Resolved 8. That this Synod has an unaltera
ble attachment to the Constitution and Govern
ment under which our country has se ,greatly
prospered, and the ,Church been so signally bles
sed, and that we will labor and pray for the com-
plete suppression 'of this great and wicked -rebel
lion; and the continuanoe of the integrity of the
union.of these States.
Resolved 4. That our rulers, officers, and . sol
(tiers are entitled to the syMpathies i ,pray.ers,
couragement; and assistance, of all Chri§tians
and patiriote--Land that' our strength, dePendince,
hope, and-succeds .must be in Gbd. '
Overture:lb. .3x...-Oeinmitte(e 'reeonimmid:
Resolved 1. That , this Synod highiyKproym.
of the action of the late General Assembly, irk
-virtually reittfirMing the action of 1818; cm the:
subject,of Slavery, by -a nearly unanimous vote;'
in the exception to the action of the Synod
.of South Cars
• on page 333 ; as both ma.
jority and minority acknowledged„on the floor o.'
the Assembly, thatthis was the - effect of thil.
Resolved 2. That this •Synod greatly-dephirr:
the ,change:that has taken place-in the ;views' xi)
the meter
T art of the Southern ; portionof ogi-
Church aid country . on. the subject,of SlavAy,,
and firnilibellives that this change is One, of th
princ4al cane s` of the'caltunities thee'now• rev!
on the Chnrchiand•country. -;
,Aus9 tero.l That , this ;tsouteL.. loaeitforwarp
MONDAY EFittING, T o'4la4Derr,.
Synod met
with, joy, and hope, as did. the fathers of our
Church, antl,the'foundeis-bf our Republic, to the
Aiine,iflien, through the, workings of the Provi-'
deuce of God, the influence of the Gospel and
spiritual effort; and in answer tb the prayers of
Christians , and •patriots,. the sin pf Slavery shall
be removed the Church, the county, and
the world:
• The Comniittee on Reasons for Absence from
former meetings of Synod, reported that they
had ,, received sufficient reasons for absence from
the last meeting of the Synod, from Rev. Absa
lom M'Cready, Rev,. Wm. Nesbit, Rev. J. M.
Dickey, and for reasons for late attendance at
the present meeting, Rev. A. W. Boyd, Rev.
George. N. Johnston, Rev. Samuel Williams, Rev. -
John' G. Cendit; Rev. E. Ogden, Rev. James
Coulter, ..Rev. John W. Johnston, and Elders,
John Hamilton and • James Gordon. The report
was accepted.
Adjourned, to meet. at two o'clock P. M. ,Con
eluded with prayer.
Synod met, arid' Was- opened with with prayer.
The subject of Church Extension within our
bolAids, Wee then called up, and discussed.
Tie Committee on- the Western Theological
Seminary, then presented the- :following Report,
which was accepted and adopted.
Resolved, Tha' this Synod, with gratitude to
God, * take pleasure in eipressint their confi
dence in the, management of .the Western Thio=
logical Seminary.
Resolved, That the prospects for usefulness in
this arm., of benevolent labor, never appeared
brighter than in the work accomplished during
the-past year.
Resolved, That it is a cheering feature- in this
cherished work, that so many who have been
taught in its halls aranlready either in, .or-look
ing to the foreign-field, as their glade of labor.
Resolved, That the scheme, still unaccomplish
ed; of the endowment or the FOurth Professor
ship, 'already undertaken, demands early and
constant attention.
Resolved, That the Presbyteries be directed to
.appointed . a, committee,` whose duty it shall be to
call up this subject, to see what progress is be
ing made, at least once in every six months.
"'Resolved,'That this Synod will make a call
upon its members:at. their next meeting, to ascer
tain the
.fitlity of the Pastors, Elders, and
6hurches in this matter.
- The 'Committee 'On the subject of the Observ
ance of the Sabbath, presented the following
Sepert, which was accepted and adopted;.
The ,Committee appointed to draft a, Paper on
the subject of the observanee of the Sabbath,
would !respectfully report '
,The Sabbath . was made-,for mon, not as some
view it, to suit his worldly convenience, but to
promote his , physical; Intellectual, arid moral
good. a
Rest, instruction, and devotion, are essential
to our well-being ;' all Of which require a Sab
bath. ,
In times of excitement, and especially in times
of war, all are in danger'or forgetting their obli
gations- fully to'. sanctify the Lord's day. To
guard our fellow-citizens generally, and espe
chilly the members of the Church, against the
danger, Synod. WouldAiereby express their dis
sent from the doctrine, too prevalent, that
" laws are silent " or suspended "in war "
though necessity mayrequire some extraordinary
labors. On the contrary, church, members ought,
to be particularly exemplary when the whole
course of events is pressing on the• community
in the direction of Sabbath desecration. Synod,
would affectionately warn the people against
reading'seCular papers, conversing onor discuss
ing worldly. topics, and•aghinst travelling unne
cessarily, or engaging. in manual labor on the
Sablaath. Ministers, in 'their discourses, should
warn their people against Sabbath desecration,
refrain from unneoessary travelling to and from
their appointments, on tlie Lord"s day; and en
deavor to awaken. their hearers to the great im
portance of sustaining this pillar of our coun
try's strength.
The CoMinittee on Leave ofAbsence from the
peesent meeting of-Synod reported, thatthey had
griiireirlFri 7 re — iif absence to Rev. Racy-Newell,
Rev. J. F. Boyd,. Rev- Absalom McCready, Rev.
James Coulter ; and Elders James Garden, and
JaMes Adams. The report was accepted.
The Comcnittee on the Minutes of the General
ASsetablj, presented' the following Report, which
was accepted'and adopted:
. On page 864, in reference to Foreign Missions,
the Assembly recommend to every pastor to take
up this cause as his own, and present it to his
people as .early as convenient; and that church
Sessions and Ruling. Elders of vacant congrega
tions appoint one or more persons to visit every
member of the congregation, that each, in turn,
may contribute to the cause of Foreign Missions
in our Church.
Also, on Tinge 335, it is - recommendedthat the
churches observe the week, from the.sth to the
11th of January, 1862, inclusive, as a season of
special prayer for the prosperity of the work of
Missions throughout the world.
In regard to. Domestic Missions, the Assembly
say, on page 310, that many of our churches still
fail-to come-up to the. help of the Lord in this
great department of missionary work. Therefore,
your ComMitteewoula'submit the following reso-
lution, - viz:: That it be recommended to all the
members of ,this Synod to give special attention
to thiS subjebt.
In the matter of Education, on page 305, the
Assembly recommend to the 'Presbyteries to ex
ercise great caution in recommending candidates
for the-.holy office of the ministry to the care of
the Board ; and also to seek, out such as they can,
cordially recommend for aid while prosecuting
their studies for the ministry. And as nearly
tw,o thousand churches have failed to contribute
any thing to this 'Board, the Assembly enjoin
upon all the churches to contribute liberally to
this object.
The last Thursday of February is recomthended
to be observed as a day of-speciel prayer for the
children and youth, especially those in our acad
emies, and colleges, and seminaries.
On page 303, we find the following resolution,
viz.: That the cause of Church Extension be rec
oinmended to all our people, as 'one of the per
manent agencies' of the Church in the extension
of the Redeemer's kingdom.
On page 316, the attention of „Synod is called
to the 'recommendation' of the Assembly to in
creased watchfulness and zeal in, securing the
proper observance of the Sabbath, and the en
forcement of all: laws for'its protection and pre
servation. -
On page 305, the Assembly urges the attention
of the churches 'to` the solemn.' duty of establish
ing and supporting in their bounds such. schools
as will secure the religious culture of the, chil
dren of the Church. •
Your Committee would seal the attention of
Synod to the action of the Assembly, on Systemat
ic .Benevolence, on page 348. Especially to the
two following resolutions:
1. That' all the Sabbath Schools , of the Church
be afforded an opportunity of making
tions to benevolent object's.
2.,. .That all Presbyteries. be enjoined, at their
next meetings, to take order_ on this whole sub
ject, so as to secure for it the attention of all their
churches: .
All-of which is , respectfully aubroitted.
Tanksunin's REPORT. •
Balance in the Treasury,.
Synodical collection;
Stated Clerk,
Perminent Clerk,
Balance in Treasury, •
It was, resolv . ed that thethanks of this Synod
be, tendered to the pastor and Trustees of New
Castle church:for the use of their church edifice
during its sessions ; - a and to , the citizens of. New
Castle, for .their generous and most cordial hospi
tality, to its member/ill. and ;that .this minute be
published:in the newsPapers.of the place'.
ThiftEdittirszofthe-PresiVtarima Banner were re
quested:Et) publish the: , minutes in full, in- their
Synod - then adjourned to meet in, ibe -Presby.
terian ohureh of - Newidlrighton, on the% - fourfh
Thursday September;lB62,'at.7 o'clock PI
Concluded with singing,•prayer, and the Apos
toliegenediction: '
-Voizaust'TELßOltA.ll; 1.1:INE IN THE lyorm.---Itt
Lon Von, on:tl4r2Btlilult.444legraliftiotoonimuniett
tion mat( openecLwith ate. Statio n ,. at Taganrog, on
the ken: of Azof . L This ; telegraph line:is twenty
five hundred i ntilealOng, and, the. eTperiment was
quiie sitiodei3sfill; the.elei.kii at each end convers=
yritli - eiCh! alter itiwituthe- 'State Ok the weath
er,' .1- . I,
L; S. J. 11: EATON, Tei.titanent Clerk
WHOLE NO. 473.
iIoME AGAIN, and after all my journey_
ing, I exclaim, "There is no place like
home !" I left Geneva, or rather Coppet,
and the hospitable roof of Madame the
Baroness De Steel there, on Monday morn
ing, the - 9th inst. I. had a long day's
journey before me, through the finest scen
ery in Europe. I first repaired to Laus
anne, and - first from its elevated suburban
hills, and finally from the lofty towers of
its grand old Protestant Cathedral, I had a
magnificent prospect, including a large por
tion of Lake Lemon, and also the moun
tains of Savoy, and towering above all the
Wrest, that glorious giant of whom it is sung :
" Mont Blanc is the monarch of mountains,
Thu ,have crowned him long ago:!"
It, was snot in my power, from want of
time and the claims of special duties at
the Conference, to give two days to a visit
to Chamoune, the ,Mer De Glace, and
Mont Blano. But 'I had marvellous com
pensation from the extraordinary and pel
lueed clearness of the atmosphere during
the recent hot season. Thus sitting on an
eminence at Geneva, or hioking from the
hills above Lausanne, Mont'Blanc, although
nearly sixty miles distant, wit seen in. all
his various elevations, with the greatest
distinctness, as if the distance were but
ten miles. In like manner, on the day
when I began my journey homeward, when
the train swept onward across Switzerland,
and at length reached the beautiful West
ern shore of the Lake of Neufchatel, right
opposite, Eastward, the magnificent chain
of the Ilernese Alps, including the Yung
Frau and all her sister 'peaks, came out in
clearest relief against' the Summer sky.
And thus passing along, with vineyards
climbing up the bill sides, and rich in pre
cious clusters almost ready for the wine
press, with the lake's placid mirror reflect
ing not only the azure heavens, but the
Mountain tops themselves—all was charm :
ing, and all Divine. Night at last ca - me
down. German Switzerland had been en
tered, and I had so long been mingling with
the French in their railway carriages; and
since then with French-speaking Swiss,
that I had begun to feel at home with
them. The change to German Switzer
land, without any visible line of demarca
tion, was striking and rather saddening;
to one travelling perfectly alone as far as
English companionship was concerned,
giving the feeling of loneliness, when J.
saw the German names in German text
hand, prin,ted at 'the Stations, and when I
heard :, t th deep,glitteral tones of the old.
Tuetonij toner from one end of the rail
way t e, OriagA,Hthe other.
found , Criti or two occasional trav
ellers coming into the same carriage, who
could speak French, although German was
their mother tongue, And with them I had
friendly intercourse. .' - :Last- of all, there
came clews ex quad:butt, in the form of a
most intelligent young Englishman, who as
an agent for a great house at Manchester, ,
which makes a vast amount of cotton mill
machinery, has been in the neighborhood
of Zurich' . for -several years. Hs - Speaks
both French' and English fluently. I
found from hilt that spinning mills were
increasing in thiS part of Switzerland, and
fortunes being, rapidly made, while the
I young pepatvoßceived good wages. By
him ,I was edildit'ctedto it good hotel, and
in every Nyliy" received kind attentions.
Next day. I Completed my journey across
Switzerland,- travelling by express train,
'meeting therein two young people (Ger
mans,) lay students of English, and to
whom it, was a great treat to get a few
' hours of conversation in that much prized,
I but to foreigners, difficult tongue. We
passed over the beautiful lake of Constance,
by steamboat, leaving glorious. Switzerland
behind us, and arrived at Frederickshaven,
which is in the territories of the King of
W urtemberg.
The shores of this beautiful sheet of
water are here and there studded with vil
lages, towns, and cities; of the last, the
most conspicuous is the capital of Bavaria,,
Munich, rich in beautiful architecture, stat
uary, and painting. I was sorry to turn
away from it, but onward 'I must go. And
so the train swept over the plains of Wur
tumberg, past the frowning battlements
and elaborate defences of the great fortress
of Ulm, garrisoned by the soldiers of the
Confederation of the Rhine, and almost, if
not altogether impregnable. Napoleon I.
won this -fortress; but then it was corn-.
paratively weak in its defences ; now, if
Napoleon 111. ever attempts to take it—
after the great pains and skill expended by
the'Prussian engineers upon it—he is pret
ty sure to be baffled.
Late at night on the second day 'I ar
rived at Cannstadt, a beautiful town—the
suburb, in fact, of Stuttgart, the capital-of
Wurtemberg. Here are mineral waters,
here, royal palaces ; here the fine river;the
Neckar, with its refreshing baths ; here a
lovely undulating terrain, orchards laden
with fruit, and vine-clad valleys and hills.
Here too are many who fear God and keep
his commandments ; cheap houses and
lddgings for strangers, cheap education of
the' first class, also, for young people.
Many Indian officers send home their chil
dren and wives to Cannstadt for education
al reasons;,and here, too, old Indian Ma
jors and dolonelsfind a Triiet retreat, and
much less expense for household necessi
tins than - they leould do in- England,
Stuttgart is - a, 'Small, but a fine city, and
constantly improving under the pains and
care of an old yet juvenile, sovereign, eighty
years old! I saw him sitting upright as
possible, and with a steady hand, drive two
beautiful-gray-ponies -draWing a small car
riage. He. was closely attended, by :two
outriders. This old Protestant, Sovereig,n
was persuaded-by a Popish dog, to listen
to: the propositions of the )et•ttit6 fors a
Concordat with Rome, some years tmo.
But the matter got wind; the people's
wrath found utterance in their Legisla
ture, and from the lips of the Prelat Kiiff
and others of the (truly Evangelical;) cler
gy of the -kingdom. And `so—as in the
neighboring Duchy .of .Baden—the stern
old Luther spirit waking. up in its majesty
and might, has averted a great
,dan g er, ,
and the abominable. COnCordat (which has
so well nigh ruined Austrim,) is shut out
forever.-- z
If any. American friends ;would have
leisure to spend two years in mid -Europe,
with the view of reinvigorating, health,
and also of obtaining a °hem-rand-yeti-first
class education for their children; and com
plete. mastery of German,anst_Prench, I
warmly, commend to them to.,seek out arid
take up_theii sojourn at Cannstailt, in War
temberg. -They will find. PrOfeSsor
Hirsch, vilid was for years hiLondon--and
who is now at the :head of a large‘Academy
for English-,youths, 'kind Christian ad
,# ti And in the fine. climate,
• witEti"ghealt4 , 4n the' breeze, and freshness
stream, " they and `theirs wxll he'
bet*ade ;glad. The, schools CantiStadt,l
both' for. -Boys'-and t girls;rarer einellenti.and,
X 25.68
$ 9.00
$ 6.08
LONDON, Spt. 20, 1861
0:141V.4* - WO 0911103 33 $1
Publication Office
GAZHTTE DIIILDINGB, 84 Floas Se., Prtmonciir,
A - Square, (8 lines or leas.) one inseition, - 60 cents; each
subsequent insertion. 40 cents; each line iiiyond eight, - 6 - cts
A Square per quafter 64.00; each line additional, =cents
A jiroucrion.ruade to the year..
1317SLYESS NOTICES is: Tax nisei or less, $l.OO each ad
ditional line, 10 cents.
the terms forfurnished houses, and school
fees, as well as for general expenditure
very moderate.
Leaving Stuttgart after a stay of two
nights and one day, I travelled across the
Duchy of Baden,,and the great briilge,over
the Upper Rhine, by Strasburg, Nancy,
&c., to Paris, arriving there, after a long
night on the train, about five o'clock in
the morning. Here I was rejoined by fel
loi-guests at Coppet, and fellow-visitors at
the Geneva Conference, and after five hours
delay in Paris, we left by the Tidal Train
at express speed, reached Boulogne, then
steamed.` across the angry Channel, trod
once more English soil,, stepped into fresh
express mail carriages,:and arrived in Lon
don about thirty-one hours after I had left
Stuttgart, a distance ofnearly six hundred
• A retrospect of this journey is to myself
full of interest, and adds a new chapter to
my experience : and knoWledge 'of men and
manners, of strange lands, their products
and their people.. I should like to go again
and.again; naTmore, to have a year at my
'disp t osal to master both the German and
French languages (the cultivation of which
I earnestly press on American students and
young people;) nevertheless I feel very
much as did the lamented Dr. Arnold, of
Rugby, who, far beyond what is common
among the English clergy, was wont per
sonally to visit the Continent; and took a
deep' interest in its langunges and litera
"Much," we quote in his journal, " as
Nike coming abroad, I am never tempted
for an instant, to /ive_abroad; not even in
Germany, where assuredly I would settle,
if I were obliged to suit England."
Rugby School is at' once suggested by
this quotation froth Doctor Arnold, and it
is because of a visit to Rugby, immediate
ly after my return to London, on. behalf
of one of the London Societies. I haw
been to Rugbyitself. It has, asa town, noth
ing to make it peculiarly interesting. It
stands in a rich agricultural district, and
Arnold alWays was sighing when there,
the• Summer holidays, when he should ex
change the dull champagne country, for
his . retreat in the glorious lake and moun
tain scenery of Westmoreland. But Rug
by is rich in its associations, and mighty
in its influence in connexion with the
splendid and most efficient Collegiate
School which has there been long estab
lished. It has been famous for a century,
at"least, for the classical and scientific
achievenients of its pupils in their after
University career. But independently of
this kind of training, the young English
gentry have received education here, fit
ling them for their work and position in
life--as members of Parliament, and en
lightened members of society. Many of
the students of this school also enter the
public service in various Government offi
ces, and likewise in the Army and Navy..
In the Crimean war, and still more owner
ously alas! in the Indian mutiny conflict,
Rugbeians fought and fell. Their names
are fondly cherished, and in the beautiful
College Chapel, a memorial in. their honor
has been recently erected.
Arnold it was, who made Riigby what it
is—the model school of England. His
fine, manly, frank, open nature; his total
freedom from all priestcraft and clerical
assumption ; his hatred of aught like com
pulsion and the lash, coupled with amazing
&illness, and disciplinary power; his love
for his profession, and for every boy com
mitted to his charge; his success in in-
spiring the pupils with hatred of coward
ice, selfishness, meanness, and lying ; his
genuine, unaffected, cheerful piety—all
conspired to effect a revolution not only
affecting Rugby, but education all the
world over. One of the Head Masters as
sured me that since his entrance on his
duties, forty-five years ago, there was a
marvellous and most happy change as to the
moral and religious condition of the school.
The youths all board with masters, or in
licensed houses. Their number is about
four hundred and seventy, at present.
They spend altogether thirty-two weeks in
the year at Rugby. Classics and Science
are especially prominent, but German and
French, since Arnold's time,. are also
studied. The fagging system has been
well nigh abolished. One great advantage
of this school is, that it is open to the sons
of inhabitants of the town of the middle
classes, without fees, books only,being paid
for. The lowest sum far which a gentle
man's son can be snot to Rugby for a year,
is one hundred guineas. Great is the
benefit, therefore, to fathers of humble
means and likewise to retired officers or
widows of limited income; who settle at
Rugby, and after two years' residence, .are
entitled-to send their sons to the school for
five or six _ years continuously, thus receiv
ing, the best education England can fur
nish, and opening up a pathway to multi
plied employment and success in
Dr. Temple is the present Head Master
of Rugby. He is of humble origin, speaks
with a provincial Devonshire smut, but is
preeminent in scholarship. As is well
known, he wrote the first of the celebrated
" Essays and. Reviews." His article hears
the title, "-The : Education of the World!'
In it there-is; nothing marked or objec
tionable, save in his 'declaring: „that con
science is the:",vcrifying faculty" whereby
we must test the inspiration of the Scrip
tures. Bitt he is one of the seven, as they
all•published - theiieSsays together. I heard
him preach to the boy , congregation. A
better behaved congreiation - Lnever saw.
As to the sermon, it-did not touch on any
disputed'. point. 'lt treated of religious
apathy, and its remedies--one being a
resolute turning away frion the world and
its pleasurable indulgences, 'and concen
trating the thoughts on God, on
. Christ,
and eternity. Dr. Temple is tall, in stature,
with black hair and eyes, quiet and sub
dued in his aspect, and about forty-five
years of: age: J. W.
. • The, Presbytery . or Zanesville.
"Tin's Presbytery inet in Nortireb on the
17t1 and Was openet with 'a
- Sermon
by Rev:,John R. Duncarti from 2: Cor %
15, 16.
"The meeting was f 9.11 and harmtmious,--
18 ministers and 18 elders present. . -
Rev. L. B.; W. Shiyoek., of the 'Saline
Presbytery, and' Rev. John M. Wood
bridge of the Athens Presbytery (N. S.)
were reeeived as members of thisTreshytery.
The following calls, were - present, viz..
frOm" the Beulah church for the pastoral
labors of Rev. 11'.1. R. ..Miller; from the
Marietta. church for the7.4listoral labors of
My. Thos. M'. SteveniorWa = licentiate .of
Presbytery ; imAyom,- the' Salem` Gernaan,
church oWewaiN for, Rev. Reudo,lph
Shi;de'of We St. Viiii)"iPre'sbytelY.
The folleWing - supplies iver'e . 4pointed
for the •'
Bristol Church.—Rev..,Tolin R t . Duncan,
. First Sabbath :of Noventber.. 1 .11.0.
Reed, First. Sabbath of DeeeMbex.; ,Rev.
W. MorridGrimes, Second slab:balk
wiry ; to the - Shealbeht.'` Rev.
Russel,' First • Sabbath- of Febfutury.
Rev ; -111;,A., }loge, Pirsi Sabbath of iMannh.c
Rev. g"ohn Arthur, „Pimp Sabb4h„of
Pyesbytery. stands' 4dioupecl,
,„U?, meet
during' the sessions •of Synod, "gf. 'the
Ofathe , MOilhaiter:' -
: ; iirtN"f4l4o-Nviik,:iStattd, Olerk;
For the Presbyterian Banner