Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, October 12, 1861, Image 2

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    ,ll,rtshßtqian anntr.
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te Those in arrears will please remit.
The'old postage stamps are still received
in offices where new stamps have not been
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send - o,lly the , new stamps ; and send none
.but three Cent stamps. The old stamps are
utterly useless • here;' and the five and ten
cent, and larger stamps, We turn into money
with great difficulty.
Sabbath Law Sastained.—The Supreme
Court of California, in full bench, has de
cided the Sunday Law constitutional. The
partieular features of the law we do not re
member to have seen noted. •
Entered upon his Work.—The Rev. A. C.
MCCLELLAND, pastor elect of the FOurth
Presbyterian church of this city, has en
tered upon his new field of labor with much
acceptance by the people.
The Synod of Wheeling meets at Wheel
ing, on Friday, the 18th, in the evening.
One of us expects to be present during
part of the sessions, say on Monday, and
will be happy to transact much business for
the Banner.
A Lengthy Reply.—The Presbyterian Her
aid, of last week, contains a reply of the
Presbytery of Chillicothe, in the State of
Ohio, to the late "Address of the Presby
tery of the Western District of Tennessee
to Presbyterians of the. Northern States,"
occupying nearly thirteen columns! The
game is hardly worth the powder.
Receiving Agent.—At a late meeting of
the Synod of Allegheny, Mr. T. H. NEVIN
was unanimously appointed to receive the
contribution. of that Synod to the Boards
of Domestic. Missions and Education, and
the Fdnd for Superannuated and Disabled
Ministers, addition to those for the
Board of Church Extension, which he has
received for some time. This appointment
was directed to be published. •
Going to Synod.—The Synod of Pittsburgh
meets at Kittanning, on Thursday evening,
thel.oth inst. Cars leaves Pittsburgh Depot
of the Allegheny Valley Railroad, at 6.05
o'clock A. M., and at 4.30 P. M. The lat
ter train reaches Kittanning about
. 8 P.M.,
a little too late for the meeting of Synod.
Excursion tickets will be sold to minis
ters and Elders, who will inform the agent
of their errand.
Another Resignation,—The Rev. RAN
DOLPH A. DE LANCET', Secretary of the
South Western Advisory Committee of our
Board of Domestic Missions at New Or
leans, has resigned because of the endorse
ment of secession by the Southern portion
of our Church. Mr. DE LANCEY i 5 well
known as a devoted servant of the Divine
Master. He is loyal to the Union, and on
this account has found it necessary to leave
the city and region where be has resided
for many years.
Quite a number of the 'ministers of our
Church have left the South for the same
cause, and from among these, some of our
vacant churches may secure able, faithful,
and experienced pastors. They are men
that have sacrificed much for their Church
and country. And We doubt not that here
and there, even in the seceded States, min
isters of our Church may be found who
have not yet bowed to treason and rebel
lion. •
Mr. W. IL Russell, the London Timer Cor
respondent, and the Sabbath,—Mr. RUSSELL
lately took a trip fom Washington to the
West, for the purpose of spending some
time in hunting. While out there he
seems to have supposed himself beyond
the reach of law, and above the criticism
of public opinion, for which he in general
expresses great contempt. For he went
abroad as usual, on the Sabbath, and en
gaged in shooting game, knowing no doubt
that he was violating the laws of the State
of Illinois. But " our own correspondent"
of the Times was brought before a magis
trate, and fined $3O, one half of which
goes to the school fund, for his disregard
of the laws of God and man. It was a
shame for a man so highly honored as he
has been in this country,,and representing
such a great interest of another Christian
country, to thus trample on an insti
tution considered sacred by the laws of
both countries. No doubt in his next let
ter Mr. RUSSELL will give the people of
Wilmington, Will County, 111., "a piece
•of his mind."
Synod of illkghony.—This body closed - a
remarkably harmonious meeting at NeW-
Castle, Lawrence County, Pa., last week.
The usual routine business was transact
ed with more than usual spirit, and the de
votional exercises were delightfully solemn.
Resolutions, respecting the state of the
enuntry,were passed unanimously, all the
members rising, thus giving great force to
the expression of sentiment of the resolu
tions. li.was our expectation to have.been
able to give this paper, ; this week, along
Nfith the entire proceedings, but the Min
utes were not furnished in time.
On Sabbath evening, the - Rev. Dr.
Swiss preached a very able and interest
ing germon, commemorative of the life,
character, and labors of the late Rev. Ron
any JOHNSON, one of the early ministers in
this region. The Synod was highly de
lighted with a visit from the Rev. JoHN C.
LOWRIE, D.D., one_of the. Secretaries of
our Dosod of Foreign Missions. On Mon
day evening, he spoke to a large congrega
tion, on the subject of Foreign Missions, in
such a way as to rivet the attention of all.
Dr. LOWRIE was born within the limits of
ibis Synod, se,Was also his bettered father.
„pia ,his, g rand-father was, at one :time, the
biilidayman•that 'would pray in 1546, in
the-entire district where be resided. -
The action of the General Assembly at
Philadelphia, in May last, was zealously
opposed by Dr. HODGE and a few others ;
opposed on the floor of the house, in a
Protest put on record, and in the Biblical
Repertory for July. Southerners have
since maligned it virulently, making it an
occasion for separating from the. Church ;
and some still are expressing great sorrow
at its character,
The main objection, as stated in the words
of the Protest, is; " We deny the right' of
the General Assembly to decide the politi
ca/ question, to what Government the alle
giance of Presbyterians, as citizens, is due."
The italics here are ,ours. The effort, by
the use of the epithet " political," to stir
up prejudice against the ASsembly, and
also toTervert the meaning of the Assern
bly's act by intimating t at the rebellion is
a " Government;" and the insinuation that
nought but our duty to man—our duty " as
' citizens " is declared, are unworthy of the
distinguished author of the Protest.
The Assembly did not speak of , our
obligation merely " as citizeDs." It affirmed
the duty of Christians. It did not inves
tigate a rival claim of " Government;" it
merely affirmed our obligation to our own
acknowledged Government. It did not
determine a merely "political question;"
it declared - a dtity which God make; in
cumbent on his people. •
„objection against ministers and
churches saying anything on political ques
tions, is very convenient for wordlings, and
in their mouth is natural and may be tol
erated; but to hear Christians so speak, is
painful. Worldlings, striving to have
everything their own way and in their own
bands, cry out, "Politics, politics, these
are not in.your province; you confine your
selves to spiiitual things ; you have no
right to touch politics." And then they
involve in the political cauldron, not only
offices, but also temperance, Sabbath ob
servance, edUcation, ni.m-riage, slavery—all
questions of socialethics—and thus they
would fain drive Christ's ministers entirely
out of, or beyond, this world, for subjects
on which to instruct the people. This is
the spirit of the "god of this world." It
is the impudent but false claim of Satan;
" All this power will I give thee, and the
glory of them; for all this is delivered
unto me, and to whomsoeverl will I give
it." c
We say the pretension of Satan is false.
Jesus Christ is the rightfu.i,proprietor, both .
of this world and the next; and though he
does not claim this world's offices, honors,
and emoluments for his friends and ser
vants, he yet insists that he shall be recog
nized as having authority over all, and that
all things 'shall be conducted according to
his will. It is to men in this world, having
like passions with others, and bearing all
social relations, that he sends his =basso
dors. In his instructions to them he has
declared those relations, and the various
duties incumbent. these duties they are
to teach; and among them are those which
'men owe to the government of their
But it is still urged that he has given no
authority to the Church to decide " politi
cal" questions. That, as before intimated,
depends upon what men may embrace in
polities: If they invade the Church's pre
cincts, she is not hence to be silenced, nor
to neglect her duty ; There is much said.
in the Scriptures about Governments,' rulers,
and people ; about the relations of each to
the other, and about the rights •and duties
of 'each ; and surely it is incumbent on the
Church to expound and apply these injunc
tions. She is to declare the whole counsel
of God. Whatever God communicates in
his Word, that his chosen ambassadors are
to declare and expound to men.
. And in the case before us, we, have the
specific and pointed example of Jesus Christ
himself, deciding a question similar to that
which agitated members of our Church at
the time of the General Assembly's meet
ing in There was, during lis
personal ministry on ear th, a standing-dispute
between the Pharisees and Herodians about
government; the one sect 'contending for
Jewish authority, the other advocating the
Roman predominance. They brought the
question to Jesus. Their motive was im
pure, and he knew it. But still, he did
not repel' them. He answered without
7evasion or subterfuge; and answered, too,
, with a proof which was convincing to both
parties. They say to him "Is it lawful
to give tribute unto CAsA - a, or not ? Shall
we give, or shall we not give?" That is :
What Government shall we acknowledge,
serve, sustain ? Here was a " political "
question. Jesus does not say: It is none
of my business. I came to teach only
" spiritual" things, and things which be
long to another world. No ; but instead of
that, he answers them promptly, and most
plainlY and pointedly; so plainly, that their
own conscience convinced them of his cor
rectness. He said, " Show ine,the tribute
money." He looked at it, and said,
" Whose is this image and superscription ?"
They reply, " Cmsan's." He then said,
" Render unto C/ESAR the things that are
0./EsAes." Here was an answer. Here
was argument. ' Here was proof—brief,
clear, overwhelming. They hid not a
word to reply in opposition. They knew
he did not mean that,they should give the
tax gatherer every coin they had, which
bore CABAR'S likeness. They did not int-
Vitt to him such injustice andjolly. They •
felt convinced that the coin, the circulating
money of the country, having the Roman
stamp, was the emblem of sovereignty,, the'
evidence of a resident Rowan authority.
The proof was conclusive. They felt its
force and submitted. .C.r sast and his depu
ties were, to then], "the powers that be ;"
and they had no more to say. The ques
tion of conecienee, or in modern parlance, the
"political " question, was decided. The
Roman Government was ,to be sustained.
It was the, rightful so proved
,by the coinage, and to it'd& tribute must
be paid.
There was nn formal
_question proposed
-to Our late Assembly, as to which. Govern
ment, whether the United States or the
no-called Confederate, the people should
sustain. And yet the Synod of South: Car
olina, by framing a resolution, putting it
on record, and sending it up for review`;
.and ..they, or others, by an arrange-'
-mint (Which failed,) to have a certain
interrogatory proposed,. showed- them 3
selves to have very much of the same
spirit and purpose as the Pharisees and
Herodians. The Assembly, however, after
the example of' our Lord, honestly took np
the subject. It was kilow'n that some of
our people, under the shield of a pretended
rival Government, were taking part in a
rebellion. Others were deliberating whether_
they also should join it. Others were hesi
tating whether they should sustain their
own proper and acknowledged . Government,
against the pretenders. The question in
volved social and moral duty. The Assem
bly discussed it with deliberation, earnest
ness, and prayer. The Scriptures were
searched diligently. An exposition was
given; especially an exposition and appli
cation of that pointed:passage, Rom. xiii :
1-7. The example of our Lord, on an
occasion involving the prinCiPle,' was
followed. Resolutions were adopted ad
yising the people, they being both Christians
and citizens, to sustain the Government of
the country.
In all this matter we cannot but regard
the Church as exercising her prerogative
and discharging a duty. If she ha.d failed,
under a call in Providence so manifest , and
so loud, she : .would have been faithless to
her children, who look to her for instruc
tion ; ungratefpl to her :country, .where she
has peace and: proteetioro <and disobe.client
to her Lord, who has given , her his Word
to expound' and apPly.
It will be observed, ; that the Church, by
her Assembly, in the resolutions to which
we allude, did not enact: . a law. She; de
dared a duty, but-she added no pains ; and
penalties, either temporal or spiritual. She
assumed no new, power. She but expounded
and applied the; Scriptures. Her act was
declarative. She Was therein, a, teaching
Mural; She was doing her appropriate
work. She was folloWing the guidance of
revelation, and treading in the footsteps of
her Lord.
We, claim to live under a government of
law. We have Courts to expound the laws,
and decree justice. To these Courts we
are to appeal, and by their decisions we
There are cases in which an individual
May violate the law, by striking a man,
maiming him,, or even killing him : that is,
eases of self-defence, where; the atiack is
deadly, and so sudden that the law cannot
be appealed to for protection. But even
then the individual is to be brought before
the Judge, and'arrinvestio.ation is to deter
mine whether the case was such as is al-
So also in civil government. = Self-pro
teetion is. the first duty. With it, whereon
an attack is sudden and destructive, no
mere formalities are to, interfere. On this
principle the United States Governmliht
acted on the breaking out of the rebellion.
The country's life was iinperilled. Con
gress was not in session. The'forms of law
were too slow to meet.the emergency. To
have awaited, a called meeting of Congress,
would have lost' the Capital and disrupted
the country. The Administration acted
promptly—raised an .army, strengthened
fortifications, blockaded hostile ports, in
curred debt, &c. But the President was all
the while responsible. His conduct, so far
as it seemed to interfere with the preroga
tiVes of Congress, has been_ examined, and
legalized. That part of it which seemed to
conflict with general law, is now being in
vestigated by the Courts, and decisions are
being had.
A large class of cases have arisen under
the President's Proclamation blockading
rebel ports. Men, for the sake of gain; or
supposing that the President had exceeded
his powers, attempted to violate the block
ade, and their vessels were captured. They
then sued in the United. States Courts, to
bring the matter to a legal test. One case
was tried in the Circuit Court, at Washing
ton, and the lawfulness of the blockade and
capture were affirmed. Another case, was
prosecuted in Philadelphia, with the same
result; A number 'of cases 'were entered'
in New-York. The most eminent counsel
was employed. • Many days,were occupied
in the argument. The resultis the same.
Some one or mor of the cases will likelybe
carried to the United States Supreme Court,
where the decision will be final.
In tht3 mean time our readers may wish
to have some little knowledge of the prin
ciples vhich rule in the eases. - We, there
fore, re-print a portion - of the decision of
Judge BETTS, of New-York. It embraces,
in the( main, the Judge's response to the
pleadings of counsel:
" The officers of the United States Gov
erument act within #articular States to en
force or defend the laws of the United
States, the same as if no State demarcations
existed. The whole extent of the country
is one nation and one Government. In re
spect to the United States and its Constitu
tional laws, there are no State lines, and
State sovereignty is a nonentity.
4' The denominatiens' of States existing
for, local and dornestic purpoaes are made
use of and applied by the insurgents
the: present war, in designation of combi
`nations of persons disruptcd,,so far as thei ,
had material or political power so to do,
from their Citizenship of and subjection . to
the • Government of the United,Stateft
disavowal and defiance of that 'allegiance,
and, so far as their own purposes and 'acts
can fix their political status, make them
selves as alien and foreign from the United
States Government as if they assumed the
name of citizens and subjects of various
States of Mexico and' South America.
"'They thus make themselves.-avowed
enemies and wage war' against the United
States,-to accomplish its dismemberment
and estruction. It can be of no conse
quence under what name or appellation
these enemies .unite and act, whether as
States, Secessionists, Southerners, or Slave
holders; they are, in every just contempla
tion of our system- of Government, insur
gents and rebels against a common govern
ment, and waging idar for its overthrow.
"The organism of States, far-,
nishes a form of government for peaceful
and domestic purposes, is thus "sought to be
perverted by the insurgents ,into alien
sovereignties, which may , exercise, under
`the familiar name of States, independent
and coequal'` capacities with -the -National
-Government. Such names - or pretensions
can have no effect to change the intrinsic'
nature- of things, and transfoini the resi
dents of particular States -into tnything
else than citizens and subjects of the
United States, and -as snob subordinate to
to its Constitution and laws.
"In My judgment, therefore, every
branch of the general' defences: set up
against-these suits is inadequate and in
snifieient in law and fact to bar the prose
outiens pending.- .1-'•oon'sider the outhfeak
tieubitStat in the Corifeder'
Ma par -
ated States, was an open and flagrant civil
war waged against the United States by the
insurgents in the several' disaffected-States
referred to in the pleadings and proofs in
these several causes, at the time the several
Proclamations, so also referred to and
named, were issued, and made by the Presi
dent.. That such insurrection was main-•
rained by warlike means and forces' too
'powerful to be overcome or restrained by
the civil authority of the Government, and
that it became lawful and necessary to ,re
sist and repel hostilities so levied against
the United States and its laws, by aid of
the army and navy of the United States.
That the 'President possessed full compe
tency under the Constitution of the United
States and the existing laws of Congress to
call into service and emPloy the land and
naval forces of the United Stites, in the
manner they were used by him, for the pur
pose of maintaining the peace and,integrity
of the Union and putting down hostilities
waged against them; and the President
had rightly power to establish' blockades of
.ports held by those enemies and enforce
such blockades pursuant, to the laws of na
tions. The objections to inadequate notice
raised are disposed of in the particular
case. That citizens of the 'United States
levying war, against the United States are
enemies of the Government, notwithstanding
their residence within the Union., and that,
the property possessed and held by 'them in
a state of war out of "and against the ,au
of the United States, becomes thin;
property of enemies of the 4overnment,
subject to confiscation when arrested at
sea; and nersont continuing within the an
therity and' 41:minion' Of such enemies are
Clothed with 0 . 9 character and responsibili
ties of enemiee, l because of their residence,
without regard to their private sentiments
or the territorial locality of the place of
their hostility. (1. Bent, 74, 76; 2. Dal
las, 41; owners of the. sloop Chester and
brivl:s Experiment.)
* * * * *
" The preceding statements evince that
the three Courts coincides essentially in
their deterniination of all the points made
by the respective parties which .are of-com
mon iniport 'and bearing.
" Those learned Courts, in the decisions
rendered in, the main questions raised there,,
and coinciding : with those passed upon in
this Court, supported and vindicated the
conclusions adopted by them, with an am
plitude 'of research and . argument I could•
not hope Jte strengthen, and which I can
perceive no occasion to reiterate or attempt
to reinforce. I have perused those mani
festations of judicial . diligence and learn
ing with great - gratification and instruc
tion, and hiSpe the varied learning display
ed in those judgment's 'may be invokedto
the support of the. conclusions I have
adopted in the: cases before me, with no less
efficacy than if rthey.had been recapitulated
specifically in the body .of this decision. I
have for ; that reason studiously omitted, to
cite the numerous quotations made on the
argumentg•these cases by the respective
counsel, , or,, collected by my own reading,
and in preference to that course } , leave the
points on which the three Courts concur in
their opinions 'tb the - very adequate and
satisfactory support, of, the'authorities of
the books so abundantly produced in the
judgments of the other Court's."
It must he gratifying to the patriot to
know, that the Administration, in saving
the country from an attack so sudden, so
violent, and by such a combination of con
spiracy, treason, cunning,. and power, has
yet so acted: 'as to be. justified by CongrEss
and sustained by. the Courts. It indicates a
degree of wisdom and prudence, which,
combined as they are' with 'p - romPtitude and
energy, airord - strong'conftdence that a good
end will be:attained by righteous means.
We mentioned, last:week, that Dr.,SCOTT,
at a meeting of his Presbytery in San Fran
cisco, hid voted alone against resolutions
sustaining the Government of his 'country.
A dispatch dated San Francisco, Sept. 25,
says : •
The= position taken by Rev. •Dr.- Sown ,
in. regard to the duties of the Church on
the Union question, as advised by last ex
press,-was a pretext for a'popular outbreak
in front•of Calvary church, on Sunday last.
Seine tithe before daylight several flags had
been placed on the•chureh, while an effigy
labeled " Dr. SCOTT, the traitor," hung
near by, and about a thousand people were
assembled in front •of the church. When
the' Doctor entered in on morning service,
some of the people manifested displeasure
by hissing as be passed. The church was
crowded:by an audience who listened atten
tivcly through an unexceptionable sermon.
The crowd outside increased somewhat be
fore service ended . , and'as-the Doctor came
out and, entered a, carriage in company with
a lady, a rush was made toward him, appa
rently more' from curiosity than harmful
purpos Akk e, and , there was also considerable
hissinAnd use of offensive. language, but
the .polirit prevented any.serious disturb :
ance. -It is the - general opinion that ahun
dred or more thoughtless, excited men in
the crowd,: were in favor of a lynching derii
onstration, such as riding •the Doctor
. on a
rail or some similar indignity; but it is not
believed that the crowd on the whole would:
have permitted it. • •
On Monday' Dr. SCOTT peremptorily re
signedOthe pastorship of Calvary church,
sold the house where he resided, and has
made arrangements to sail for Europe with,by the first clipper ship depart
ing around Cape Horn for that destination.
This action on the Doctor's. part, and his
prompt decision'to emigrate - to Europe, has
to a great extent .restored kindly feeling
toward him,•and the late troubles on his
account•aie generally spoken of regretfully:
:'lt is to be reg,retto that 'things'
thus culminated.• Dr. Scoir isan"'... able
man, anti' hia - seldfiVes the Calvary church
have been - useful. His : influence in Califor
nia was great, both for good and evil—good
in hill opposition to vice, and in the,Conver
sion of men ; evil in his opposition to the
protection, of the. Sabbath, And of the Bible
in the. Public Schools, by legal enactments.
He strongly advocated, as our rdaders may
have known by our extracts from his publi
cations, the utter ignoring of - God and're
ligion by the State authorities. This was
adapted to do immense evil in the founding
and early building of a new State like Cali
Dr. SCOTT was doubtless conscientious;
but it is deeply to be regretted that he felt
himself bound to take the course he did, in
relation to his country. And it is a cause
for sorrow that mob violence should be e'en
meted' with the cause ofhis departure for a
temporary sojourn in a foreign land.
sake-of the Tory:author of the celebrated
History of .Europe," hearing his naive,
and who his always a special dislike to
Republicanism and , nergreldreal 'churches,
has seized upon our preseni national
troublet, as a pretext for bringing out
a pamphlet in'whiOh he advocates a mow
arehieal government. in the North, to be
known. as the " United kingdom of,
America," and a NitiOnal W s '
tlieltakedY. for- all- -our fro.
has even gone so far as to prepare thirty
nine Articles, after the. example of the
gpileoPal Church, as a basis on which the
new Church can rest! These Articles have
been `submitted to the Hon. CAszros M.
CLAY, our Minister, to Russia, who has
graciously condescended to give a written
opihion on each. CASSIUS M. CLAY occu
pying the Chair of Theology is about the
best joke of the season, The value of his
lucubrations may be learned from the. fel
lowing examples "the Trinity," he
says "it is a waste of time and metal to at
tempt to make anything out of that old
source of obfuscation!' "The clergy and
the Sabbath," he thinks, are " now the only
• obstructions , hanging upon the haunches of
all.reformers, and crushing them down•?'
In this matter, Mr. CLAY has Made him
self ridiculous, and has , alsei shown that he
is not a. fit representative of American sen
timent abroad.
This is one of the leading literary peri
odicals of the Roman Catholics, and May
be taken as an index of popular, sentiment
among them. The Pittsburgh Catholic, in
noticing the October number of Brownson,
says : •
The fourth article is a vigorous' defense
of the cause of the Union, well worthy of
Dr. Bitownsox,.. :He is .unsparing .in . his
denunciation o 'the'-" peace `makers,'Cow
axds, and traitors of the loyal States.'' He
shwa the necessity of supporting the Gov
ernment, in order that the nation be pre
served ; and fittingly silences those ',clam
orous individuals, who have had .so much
to .say about the "unconstitutional meas
ures"'of the AdministratiOn. We would
willingly give portions of the article, did
.We knot prefer to urge our readers to get
the Review and read it for themselves.
Perhaps many will thinlc that , the editor
goes too far in recommending that' the abo
lition of slavery be made the war cry of
the Union army. This, however, will not
detract from the'general merit of the arti
cle, and'every attentive observer must have
noticed that the feeling of the ''North is
becoming more and more determined that,
come what may or slavery, the Govern.:
meat must be supported, and the Union
The number for September presents us
the following articles The New Gos
pel of Rationalism, 11. Imputation, Pai't
1; 111. The Conducting of Public and So
cial Prayer; IV. The 'Death 'and.Buriaf'Of
Moses, 'V. Design of the Sacramcnts; VI,
Greek Plaistio Art; VII. The Late Gen=,
eral Assembly—Church and State. Bib
liograph3r.. New Pablications Reviewed:
From the seventh article quoted
largely, last week. The , others We have
not sufficiently examined. Our glance at
the second, compels us to dissent from the
writer's views; and as the - teachings of the
article depart from the commonly received
doctrines of our Church on a, subject so
vital as thatoaf Imputation, it fills us with
Presbyterian Historical almanac, for 1861
—Our friend; JOSEPH M. WILSON, Esq.,
111 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, it,
• prosecuting, with gi4at assidnity, his wok
upon the Pie , byterian:Efistorical A/sumac.
It will be issued before the:beginning of the
year, and will be - quite an -improvement
-upon the foriner excellent numbers. •Every
clergyman ? surely, should have it The
statistical infbrmation is worth far more
than the 'cost of the book. To have the
number of Churches in every branch of the
Presbyterian family, the tiiimber of their
ministers . , raenthers, new additions, contri
butions to benevolence, as these may vary
mid increase from year to year—to have all
this at hand, is a source . of gratification of
no small.value, arid it saves much time in
rtinvestigations calling for the attention of
all ChristiariMinisters. Our ruling elders
Sheuld also have the work; and every pri
,va,e ,member of the Church. might find it
a sourceAaf interesting Information.
The Biographical record of all Presby-,
terian ministers who have died duriag the
previous year, is also a highly valuable fea
ture of the work..,
Ordination of 'a Missionary.—Mr. SAM rL
, -
C. GEORGE was ordained a missionary to
Siam, on Tliiirsday, the `3d inst., by the
Presbytery . of Allegheny City, in the First
church of Allegheny. In these services
t4e Rev. Dr,..PLUMEß,preached the sermon
and' the Rev. 1)r. SivniT * gave the charge.
The congregation was large and •solemn.
The wife of Mr. G-EoneE Was formerly Miss
GILL, of Allegheny, a sister of Mrs. trOHN
SON, one .of our 'martyr Missionaries at Fut
tegurrh. Though one sister fell , in the
'high places of the field, the Lord has pre
pared another, to take' her place. The
wrath of man cannot defeat the purposes
of God.' Mr. and Mrs, GEORGE will sail,
in about two weeks, from; New-York for
Siam. lt should- be a matter' of sincere
gratitude to God that net Withstanding the
disordered state of public affairs, and the
terrible - rebellion that has risen, up in the
our young men still come forward to
devote themselyes to the foreigufield, and
our Church is still enabled to send: them
abroad. The , work of l!oreign Missiona must
not be allowed to, receive , any cheek.
WAR has some effect on weddings. The
number of -marriage certificates issued
in Boston, ; thus far'this year, is one hun
dred less than the same, time last year.
THE REV. Du. BLAGpEN, of the Old
South ehurch, Boston, preachei hie quarter
century anniversary serrnon; a few days
ago, from Job Inquire, I pray
thee, of the fortner, age, And prepare thy
self to the . search of thy fathers; (tor we
Are but of yesterday,- and know nothingbe
cauSe our days upon the earth are a'shadow;)
shall not they teach thee, and tell thee, and
utter words out of their h _earts The
test affirms generally that the past should
be our teacher for: the' resent - and - for the
future. This was the'object of"the diseourie.
Before Dr. Blagden settled in this church he
had been pastor in Vghtonohree years,
and at Salem Street, Nix years. During
his pastorate at the Old South,,two hun
dred and`five persons have beenadbiitted'io
the, church, on ,profession of their .faith
by letter,. one , hundred ,and ninety-five.
The 'nurnbearga,destlis have been one bun
dred sixty-one;atiff'byditimisitiatl‘me
hundred and sixty-four, and there have
been,two excommunications.
Seven ministers have gone forth from
this church to preach the Gospel.. The
Old South, within the last twenty-five
years,' has given to benevolent -objects,
$132,650.7 1 .
Of all the Congregational churches, in
this city, this one only adheres to the
faith of the New-England Fatherit
On the following evening a social meet
ing of the congregation was held in the
ehurch, at which addresses were made by
the Rev. Pr. Nehemiah Adams and others.
THE AMERICAN BOA 119), whose Head
quarters is in Boston, held its usual Anni
versary, last week, in Cleveland, Ohio.
The Report subinitted states 'that six
persons have entered c upon the missionary
work during the year, and seven have-re
turned to fields" which they had Previously
ocCupied. Eleven persons - are under ap ;
pointment. The income of the year (thir
teen months) has been as follows, to wit :
ordinary donations, 6283,186.87 ;- legacies,
$52,527.19 ; other sources, $4,1808.50
making a total of $340,522.56; of Which
$7,629.37 were Contributions to the "-Ma
alox), 'School' Enterprise." The expendil
tures have been $369,874.29. As the hal
ance in the Treasury, August , i, 1860; was
$1;466.19, the presentfinancial year com
mences with' a debt of $27 ; 855?54, whteh
is very much less than - Was' anticipated
few months ago. • •
The following is--the Summary for' the
Number of Missions A , „ 20
Stations 11
.4' Ont-Statlons l7l
11.93i0RER , S FAMPX.OYED. ;
Number of ordainedmissionariem(seven.
being Physicians)
Number of Physicians not ordeined.....s
" other male ambits:ma. 7
female assistants ' .171
Whole number of laborers sent from
this country -------835
Number of native pastors 2,9
skive preachers 218
" nativ3 helpers ' ' ' 406-658
Whole niunber oonneeted with.thafissions-98.8
• • • • Tnz PRESS:` '
Nutnbef of Printing Establiahments 4
Pages printed last year, ite'far'as'ie
.Torted - • 9 83,003.079
a s cc from the fbeginning....1,264,106.296
• • THE CIIIIRCit.t.S.
Number of churches (including all '
at , the Sand.wich Islands) - 161
Nurober . of chnrohmembers(includ
ing all at the Sandwich . lelands)
Kb far as reported 24,456
Added during the year(dp. do.) 1,944
Nuniber of geminaries • 9
" other bearding-schools ' • 'lO
" free schools foxiitting•
those at the Sandwiciasla.rids) • 298
" pupils in free schools •
omitting. at Sandwich Islands .8,118
Pupils u free Seminaries 276,
Pupils in free gOarding-Solitio,l9 236
Whole number in Seminaries and • •
Schools ' • 8,630
W - 9).?K'
" THE -AssoorATEir BANKS of New-York,
Boston, and Philadelphia, unanimously re
splved on Saturday a last to take the
instalment of fifty millions of dollars of
the National loati at 7:30-percent. interest.
The New-York Banks were willing to take
the third'als,p at this time, but as theßoSton
and Philadelphia Committees h'ed had no
instructions on the subject, and there was
no necessity for speedy action,the , matter
was postponed. 3/ "' . _
'have chartered all the available steamships
in this port, for inathediate service.- A
grand naval movement will without' 46utt,
be incepted immediately. Some fourteen
are understood to . be . already 'engaged,
among which are two of the Collins' line
and two of Vanderbilt's steamers.' Where
the blow is to be struck ifs `of course
known, to those not immediately concerned,
but from the magnitude_of the preparations,
the demonstration. will be of - unprece.
dented importance.
lar. forrn, now erecting on the battery ex
tension, has 'attracted the attention of the
curious. A . space' Of the diameter of one
hundred feet-ha,s' been enclosed by a. close
fence ten feet in
,height, and workmen are
busily engaged in constructing , a building
which is to-he known as the' " Whnles' -
Home." The work will be . gished this
week, and the sea monsters which are to
occupy the place are understood to be on
their:way to the city. An. engine will =be
used for pumping sea-water into the great
tank, and the supply will be nearly two
hundred thousand gallons a day.
TEE PAYMENT OF ITAxes for. the first
two days after the time specifiertby
this city, amounted to $576,1511.., third
more than tlie :payments 113.e. tivo first
days last .year. Next weekthe payment of
taxes on real estate will doubtless com
mence. On ail payments made previous to
the first of next month a 'redhciion of
seven per bent is made. During November
the payment will be at par, and.after that
per-centa,ges will be exacted.
The "NATrobi.s.x. HYMN ComidrrTit "
! will soon issue a collection of the various
I poetical productions submitted. to_its judg
`ment. The sieets of thiS new volume of
"Rejected Milreases are rapidly passing
thrmigh the * press, and will 1: - 4 :soon ready
for publication. It will containselections
from the ,best and from the, worst, of the
twelve hundred contributiona, The -worst
will'doubtless be the- most - iiitertainin g ;
'they will be given verbatimetAiteratim,in
all their gramma:goal and'rfietorical
gency. Specimens of the music will also
be included in this unique'volume: is
to be edited by Richard Grant White, who
was one of 'the CoMmittee; and has fur
nished an essay on Natignal Hymns. The
most popular of European National Hymns
are added; to furnish a contrast- with the
efforts of the patriotic muse in America.
CHARLES Sonminn, annnounces " Leo
tures on' Science .of Language, by Max.
Mullen?' "
Aunt, & CARLETON announce ' " the
Spirit of HebreV Poet ry,",*v. - Isage Tay 7
Jor, 1).D., to be printed from-early sheets:
It will contain an IntredrictorTßiography
Dr. William Adums, of .-New-tork.
,RlMun'T' , f , .! ,ol fillateati's. 48-
Irotibmy for the use of Cellege'Studenni"
has been publitedby Clolliie 8s Rintliere,
Neer:Yorlq "Tffe wort has haanthoiiirtaly
revised by Professor Snell, of Arnhartit Col-
Jege, . and parts of it.„-very_ considerably
modified. -As a text=book it will be
I f
`found up wi i th 'the timeki-
R o 3 Pa' 0 4tTEtE
ips atiTagus have t
‘ied the. " Life of the Rev. John Afi ge ,ll
James," and Ea die' lin , EPhesiitits," both
•iverlis orgisat'ialue::l:z :4:i41144
M to_
promotion Of the spiritual and moral e on ,
ditiorrof our soldiers was held on Sabbath
wirenno . the' 6th instant,' at half past sevene".7 A
o'clock, in the Central Presbyterian church,
corner of Eighth. and Cherry Streets. she
Bey., Samuel J. Baird, P.D., Chairman
the Committee to visit the camps in th e
vicinity of Waihington, and inquire into
thelondition and necessities of our t roops,
laid before , the meeting an' interestin z
report of his labors, and proposed solo.
measures - of great importance for the eon.
sideration of the churches. In addition t r ,
the report, short addresses were deliv ere d
by Revs. X. S. .Clark, D.P-i Charles D.
Cooper, Mr. Stuart,. and others. A
collection was taken* in - aid of the eau e , REV. 3. B. RABBAUCII, of the
Presbytery of Newton, has accepted a ep - t ,
40 thopastorate-,ef-the, Sixth Presbyk
church,. formerly Dr. ''Jones'.
THE REV. JonN 3.ll.l t rira, formerly pas_
tor of •-the church in „Philadelphia no w
servei by the. Rev. Dr. Edwards, is now
captain' 'of a coMpanf in the rebel array,
under 'll.exery f Wise: 'And the Re v .
Henry W. Ruffner,, formerly pastor of th e
'Seventh Presbyterian% church, now Mr. Cro
well's, is also a captain in the rebel ann..
Mr. Mill& is a sori "Orthe late venerable
Rev;Dr._ Miller of the Princeton Theology
ical Seminary. , :Mr. Ruffner is a son of the
Bev", Dr. Ruffner, , ,of Virginia, who was a
few years ago considered almost an aboli
tionist. This is a''Sad fall from the mi.
nence in which - God „lift& placed them, a
ministers, of the
. -
At the' late meeting.of the Presbytery of
-"Steitbenville, on. October Ad, Mr. HENRY
C. M'OooK was ordained-us Chaplain of
the Fourthli - twig:Regiment. Rev. W'.
gr: Laverty, the Moderator, presided;
Rev. J- S. Marquis, preached; and Rey.
Dr. Comingo gave the charge.
Mt. Jotiti H. SIORBAI3IO was ordained and
installed pastor of the churches of
Bethesda Middle Creer 'end Bethlehem.
at a late I:meting
,of the Presbytery of
Clarion. - '
Dlr.--7"--NEsium - was , ordained as an evan.
zelist, by the Presbytery .of = Chicago, at
the; late meeting.
Gi IC'Sbon's Post Office ad.
fir* la changed` from Apple Creek to
Ced t at Valley, ,Ohio
Presbytery' of Radom
The Presbytery. of Redstonermet at Fair
mount on -the ist -instant,:and was Opened
withT a sermon by- Rev: R. ,
Rev. Dr. S.-Wilson was elected-Moderator,
and Rev. H. _W. Biggs, Clerk. -
Mr. Samuel L. Campbell, a licentiate
under the., care „of„,the„gresikytery of Alle
gheny was, .on: ;i „eertificate„- received
under our care.
The Cbmmittee on the *mantes of the
G-enerEd Assembly, reported that special
attention, be given to.the following items.
L That' On page : sop . , (minutes Assem
bis,,) they find the following injunction :
Resolved, That, they (the Assembly)
earnestly. repeat -the 'injunction of several
preceding Assemblies, that annual collec
tions be made in all theolinrches, and ttat
'they be 'reported under a Separate head, as
required by "a resolution'' the last Assem
2. On page 349 is found a resolution rec
ommending that at...the time' of each con
gregational collectum for Church Exten
sion, in - Opportunity be afforded to the
Sabbath Schoels to contribute to that ob-
3. '0( page 205 is :found a resolution.
recommending' the observance of the la , :
Thursdai .of' February, 1862, as a day of
prayer foi'cliildren and youth in College,
The Committee on Supplies reportid.
recommending that Sewickley and Tyrone
cburch4 have' leave to:procure their own
supplietill our next stated meeting. Tha:
Dr. - S. Wilson IoW ,appOinted to administer
the `Lord's Supper at. Mount Pleasant on
3d °Sabbaths= of Noveinber, and the church
havuleaye to procure - Turther supplies till
our next stated meetioi: That Connellsrille
church' havi leave to procure their °WTI
Suppliea:till next ,Spring. That at Peters
burg,, S. L. Campliell be 'appointed to sup.
ply on the lst Sabbath of - November and
Ist Sabbath of - Neember and that 31r
Hamilton adininister thel.ord's Supper ou
the Ist SablYith of February. - That at San
d.* Creek Mi. Rini adtainister the Lord' ,
Supper on the Ist Sabbath of November
and that g: L. Campbell supply on
3d Sabbath `of Deceniberomd Ist Sabbe..
of February. That ' Mr. Rosborough sul
ply% at Mortut„Washington till our nel
statad meeting; tbe`orte , feurth of his tim ,
• After a very harmonious meeting at
pleasant intercourse with the good peel'
of;. ainnoMit, Preabytery adjourned to Mt
at 4 New Providenceoburch on the 4th Tee ,
clay ofApril
By order . of Presbytery.
JOHN' MoCrariTecir. S. C
, Pot' tha Pi t tabyteriaa Banner.
Religion in the Army
.1 7 `0!, Aral rejoic,
With niel-fathers'and mothers will rejoit
-brothers - and - sisters will;, rejoice --ye“
angels in heaven will rejoice, at the el
dence giVe•you, that'We'litiv` a "
Chaplain in our army; not wishing you
infer - tbit all else are "'dead," though
feqr;„nery many are,not realizing the fires
Weight of responsibility Which they hal
*ol-nniarily assumed. -
`The epitome of a - letter from the Call .
across the Potomaq which I give y..-
Will not only interest,' but gratify
readers; and may 'pi•bire'a " beacon l
to some of those whom you may safely etc.:
aeterize as "de-nothings" in the hi,!...
re:span:We Pasitien they 1 1 profess to f.
May the blessing of God attend its public •
• " Saturday evening, the pt
21st. S e•id
-4 find my labors daily, increasing m
bosPital. Sine'live been very sick, 11":
think all will recover:.' These hel l '
visits' are „very intei eating. One
Ohaplila I am •not aehristian, but 1 10 1
b Pions Wk - midi know she is praying:
Another says, t 0, I have the
inoilier in the world,' and - ,presents a 1 1 "
'aer her 'of love at patting. One
man - (yrboin I have visited several tin:
everywould day, et and live
t wino; ht( n i g : li fe d
the e
igat, lil=
gaining slowly,y, said' to me, 'lam
ion of pious. Presbyterian parents; raY
Uri are Pious - "Intl am, a great sinnerd ....
tt ii r i o th th o e u r tho . p:;; r: ll m ; pray for me: 11 ,
:thing% - in Jehovah"tisSUrftalythsettir:nibgrth
b°,Pe• I need 'the prayers of v
"dear children !
" OiC Sabbath afternoon, 3 o'ehr"
: Ptertegild to about WO) Text :
therefore; and be converted.' T he
' assisted'l appointe ,
prayer meeting th- be held in a large at 71 o'clock.. I suppose upward 0t
- were in attendance'ln my remarks ar.,
- m ade;
• comineneement of- toe service?,
For the Presbyterian Banner.