.3. ALLISON M'KINNEY & Co. itors and Proprietors. MS IN ADVANVE. CRIPTIONS 0.40 • !N EITHSEI 01 TUN etTiliS 200 ans, wo will send by, mall aerenty number na,xa, thirty-three numbers. 1g us TWENTY aubecribera and upisarda, will led to a paper without charge. Id be prompt, a little before the year expired by safe hands. or by mail. ire to DAVID M'ILINNET & CO.. ~ Pittsburgh, Pa. For the Presbyterian Banner Merton Presbytery. ,sbytery of Marion held its Fall Marysville, Union County, ,ning Tuesday evening, Septem 'he meeting was unusually plea- Limon ious. E. Thompson was installed on pastor of Marysville chureli, In the following day be was in ;tor of the church 'Of Milford c3ro. T. has entered favorably Asarit and promising field of al interest was manifested th the )1 contributions to all, our Boards; lbers all pledged themselves before give all the members of their and Sabbath Schools an opportu contribute to the funds of each of irds, at the time specified by the Assembly. following overture was; sent up to pry : "In what case would it be with the Christian character and (es, for the Presbyterian Church, their official organs, to give their of worship to be occupied for re services by the Universalist denom ?" Answer : " This matter 'must to the discretion of the Trustees and of each church." _ Commissioners to the last General )1y being absent, and failing to ren port, it was not deemed prudent to y action with reference to their vote the Assembly's resolutions " on the the country," (Dr..Spring's reso ) but Presbytery approved the As 's action, there being but three die votes—two ministers and one elder. SUPPLIES. ian, New Winchester, 'Waynesburg Blayney, one Sabbath in each place, •etion. m—Mr. McLane, one Sabbath, at ,usky—Mr. Haber, one Sabbath, at on. jury--Mr. Van Daman, one Sabbath, Talon. cola—Mr. Wolcott, one Sabbath, at H. B. kaY • Temporary` Clerk. EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE ' . !NEL, CONFERENCE—ITS ANTECEDENTS AND AT- M:IS—PREPARATIONS AND WELCOME—.THE CHATEAU , :HE BARONESS Dir, •Suci•—MADAME DE SEUL, HIE ;R, AND HER SON—RATIONALIST OPPOSITION TO THE NCE—TFIE FIRST SADDATH—THE OPENING CONFERENCE SAIIDATII QUESTION Duipmaisis---THE SABBATH' AND t 1 IN GENEVA—ENGLISH. MEETING—ENCOURAGEMENTS lOLOGICAL SCHOOL AND 114 PROFESSORS—CONTINENTAL LITT—ISRAEL PITIED, AND PRAYED FOR. GENEVA, September:s, 1861. GENERAL CONFERENCE of Evan- Christians of all countries- , —for the me at Geneva, but the fourth of sim ttherings—is now meeting daily in Cathedral' church. Truly, it is a , fact in the history of religious life •ogress. It vividly recalls the ha led words of Calvin, writing to . tr three centuries ago, when he said , would " willingly cross ten seas" if ild tend to effect a closer union of 'angelical and Reformed Churches. not only reoallshis words, but in mess ;d representatively at least, it is the lion, in his own adopted city, where tched, taught, wrote and swayed the of a more than kingly power—of ha,. so evidently longed ,for. Two tefore the Conference opened, five ' names of Christians from various ~ desiring to take part, were in ; ) on the eve of its opening, the 7 of flames was about one thousand. mations were, made by .. „ the ,;Chris of Geneva , indicating at. once, •wis seal, and ratern / al affection. Chris-• ipitality stood ready to. throw open chambers', for 'the reception of the and the sisters who might desire The wealthy Christians in and its suburbs responded at, once invitation itf the local Committee, ins their mansions have been filled trnished with guests,'"who, even in a . 7 ii i land, and eaking imperfectly a 1 tongue, findhat they are at home, at the baptis of the One Spirit, entasonry of e true brotherhood, Amon to all be avers. course it was o f possible to accom .e at private h see the number of irs who were c ming, to a city com 'ely small. 11 teas ' And lodgings, ire, are crowds These., establish are admirably onducted, and the from the window or some,of them— ing the Beruese ps; as well,,as blue rushing of th arrows ichone,” ,e placid waters of ake Lenion:mir a sky of spotless re--are'indeed icent. , your corresponden , however, WiS i the privilege of s T sting of the Confe i chateau, beautiful i • the lake, and pre 1 rz:nificeut mountain ra h bin its historic associr 1 from Geneva, on t i At stretches across i t land to Berne, its c I : of Coppet, on,, the b 1 On the heights abo in a beautiful park . (castle) whence J. disp t Phis is one of the reside c ;e and the wealthy in origitials, so to speak, ( . There is the large g, • is open courts and quadr 1 us of flowers at one side i which oonducts"you to t All around is the•qual : ,g surmounted by the steep t Stone stairs take you to tb , i, -s. along which ripen a s * i i, spacious and lofty, with i I :s, a bed, chairs, and writin centre, (a drawing-room an , :1 in one,) with the old open I the burning of wood (in the ',*l on the hearth of stone. mistress of this castle.is Ma' a •oness De Steel. She is hers: Swiss family. Her husband,t was the son of the celebrated w t De Stael, and here, as a' y• i .• first literary achievements ' t This was the residence of her c e father, M. Neckar, a banker if who become the fintince.minis , r [s XV., and whose name is idei - ever with the period immediat , , , , t to the first French Revolutio the original portraits of Necks of Madame De Steel, his daughter laron, her brother and the young 1 of my hostess, who lost his pro and companionship thirty-three , after one year's marriage. He of the few Christian noblemen . of Among the daughters of the kaut , he could not find one who sympa with his views and feelings. He end found, in an old Swiss family, the Christjan and the wife. But ief period the Baron was snatched only child by the marriage died' ever since, his widow has cher ctr wealth, her influence, and her :siding one= half the , year, ,at the other half at her chateau, VOL. X. NO 3 the cause of Him whom 'sbe lovei. She was the intimate friend •of the late - pious, Duchess of .Orleans, and wee with her When i she died, in London, about, two years ago., Opposition to the proposed. Conference at Geneva, was'not "wanting, `and that from , two quarters. ' I hair° before and a number of the pamphlets willpeti in attack and de-. fence , have beep rubliskedeandmagerly•reed. I have not time nor space to .analyse.them. The opponents Are, first, the Arian and So- einian members of the Genevese Ronsis tory (Presbytery,) and secondly, thOse lew,i who hold high Lutheran and Conservative views, similar , to those,. of the. late Doctor Stahl, of Berlin. As to • the. latter, his death occurred about a month - ago, and as Sir Culling Eardle.y, tells,me, his last pub lie act was to deliver a Philippic against the Alliance i as . associating itself with Liberalism and the Revolution, and as sympathising (as Sir Culling had subscrib ed to the funds for Garibaldi's expeditions) with the Italian onset on the Grand Dukes and Austria. Prussian Puieyism found its exponent in Dr. Stahl, although be was clear er and more Scriptural in his doctrines than the Oxford• Tractarians. But he and his party attached a high degree of honor to the Christian ministry, almost making it a Priesthood, and sacramental grace was with them a prominent artiele of faith. Hence I read here a pamphlet which declares that the Alliance meeting is not to be countenanced, because its basis virtually shuts out the Church of Rome, the Greek Church and the Oriental Church, who all hold the Cardinal verities of the faith, even tbouirltniiire,d.with.error., It also re iterates Stahl's deprecation of Sir Culling Eardley i s approval of Garibaldi's move ments. The =status quo of despotism in Italy, this party OU-religionists would preserve under the extreme Conservatism, which is horrified at change, and,. which makes es tablished governments, AS qupti, lawful, and therefore tO be preseried'add'not destroyed. The chief opposition, however, at Gene va, has been from the minority of the Con sistor y, who find their exponents in several writers, who declaim, just as Dr. Mont gomery and' the Arians, of Ulster used to do when ,Dr. Cooke threw '.out the old blue banner of' :Orthodoxy, against creeds and confeisions, aga.inst " specidative" doctrines such as the Trinity; anti:the Alliance is thus charged with making itself exclu sive. It is butu repetition ,of.the dishon est plausibilities which abuse Abet sacred word " Charity!' , These preliminary discussions have done immense good' to the cause Of Evangelia'm. Baffled and beaten back, Rationalism finds , itself growing weaker every; day, and the presence of so many earnest men, who rally around the old doctrines of Calvin and the, Reformation, may assuredly be re garded as the precursor of farther and more extended ;triumphs , of the truth in Geneva and all-over Switzerland. The Sabbath, September ist, strictly speaking, was not included period assigned to the Conference. Nevertheless, the first Lord's day of this month, will ever be memorable, to those Christians who had come to Geneva. For it was, indeed, a practical commentary on the words. of the old creed, " I believe in the Corrimun iow of the saints." What a spectacle pre sented itself. At the Church of 'the Om toire for example was' an immense congre gation, and the Lord's. Supper, after the Presbyterian form was afterwards'celebrated. " I never,', said one.who was present," seen in all my life ' so many , communicants:"" These included a, late•body of young peo ple who, for the first time, after long in struction, confessed Christ: But besides these were the best Christians-in Geneva, and along : with them, Christians from Germany,' France, England, and other countries. You might have seen, at ,the table, seated fraternally side by side, Episcopal clergy men and ministers of Foreign or English congregations, who abjure prelacy as such ; and at the English Church, where I was, not only was there the fervent union in praise and in Liturgical prayer (as read and led by a most godly, and excellent cler gyman who in his sermon hailed with joy the advent of the Conferenee,) but at the Communion table were to be ,seen' Episco palians, Presbyterians and.,othera, all ex pressing their love to t a common- Lord and. Redeemer. It was t indeed most refreshing, and delightful. Ones! own native tongue, made the vehicle of prayer, or preaching, when in _ %Oa, doubly sweet; and thus at the English Church all - hearts were drawn together, and ..God was :assur edly there. 4 • In the evening, a united prayer-uteeting, was held; Pastor Bare of Geneva, Vice President of the Foreign Branch Of the Alliance presiding. Prayers` were offered by Swedish, German, English, and French ministers. , Dr. Baird spoke briefly con cerning America, and immediately after, prayer was offered on its behalf. The sing ing of the French hymns was beautiful. The opening sessions of the Conference Were held on Monday, when the Presi dent, M. De Naville—an eminent lay man of Geneva, and the leader of ;That may' be called' the Free Church' party`-=delivered a powerful opening ad dress. He ; was followed by , Sir Cul-1 ling Eardley, Doctor Baird, and the repre sentatives and *legates of other branches of the AllianCe. In - the afternoon of the same day, Pro fessor Gondet opened the proceedings, lin' theold Cathedral, which had been granted for the. Conference by the Cons tort' of the National Church.) The the for this meeting was, " The Lord's Day, and the best means for promoting its sanctification.." The , second speaker , was Pastor Conlin, of Gen' a; the third, Doctor Andrew Thomp son, -of Edinburgh,. the. fourth, Pasteur, Panchand, of Brussels. - He gave a melan choly account of the violation-of the Sab bath in Belgium—the day being divided between labor and pleasure. The last , speaker , -on this question was Pasteur De mote, of Geneva, who lamented , that, in. Geneva, 'Sabbath desecration was .increas ing: I must say, however, that the open violation -of the d'ay is not as great as I have we it in London—especially as re:- Sobriety gards drunkenness:here is the rule:: • Eurning,.durtpg rice, at a sub its site over nting beyond, ge, aod more- ions. About line of Ail le valleys of vital; is the tks of Lake the village, stands the, oh this la ces of the \, itzerland, e seen in iway, the, gle, with \near the he Park ^uvular ndsofty various \ I "es of lihhed table deep )lll*- `intdr of he I.er, Popery by immigration from the corm• try, and because of the , demands of trade and ma,nufactures— increases rapidly its numbers and, influence in. Geneva, and yer haps ere long will be able to claim a major ity 'Of the population. Nevertheless, the restoration of Calvin's doctrine to the Na tionab pulpit and heart increases also—and this, coupled with, the, manifestation of the Holy Ghost and his life on the hearts of thuyaring, and the blessed influence of a Young Zien's Christian Association—gives reasorrifor courage. This also,is a place, where;pinisters , are ftaiped aright for. evangelistic work. DII - is still vigorous; so also are Gans en and La, Harpe. The English Episco aliens:lie:ire life among them, andthe Free church and Independents aye blessed of rd. - I ; was;pained this morning, on going :o the new, Popish. Cathedral, to _see the Aii?..ihe.4o;:wl , Priest, with his - back to peofkle,, at, his mummery ,at the great Women only, or mainly, were pres-, Theis on a back bench, sits an ;Old ;errata', (precisely of thejrish Papist 'I. • NW IF - - -. . ' 'i, ' . . . • , . . . . . . . , ' 1 . . ... .... - , ... . .. . , . . . .„ . . ... .. ...,..... , , / . •. , .. -tt. ..11 . . • • ... . . . . • . . . • . . . . , .. -. • . . . .• .. . . . . . . . t • r ... . . . • PITTSPURGII, 'BATURPAY; , type,),dirty in person and garments busy with his prayers and beads, and the very emblem of Ignorance and debasemenL Here wines a Swiss Mothcr, with her little girl. 'The mother dips the tip Of her finger into the holy Water, then wets'with it the: front of the forehead of the child. The' little, girl thereupon, simultaneously with the, mother ,touches forehead , chin, and each side of the breast with the wet fino•er. crossing herself. The priests walk the streets ~ i n long rolYes, just as they do in Faris, !But religious liberty, .free pregs, an open Bible and a living Gospel— T all en oouraxed v by , yvan g elti, Conference— iie`nicire-diari a match tor all their wiles.. The social condition of the masses was, On the 3d 'instant, specially -before the Conference. There were iwo Special meet ings, the first at the Cathedral from - ,8 to 10 A. M.,,where the, orators were Professor St. Hilaird and the 'Rev.John , Bost; tbe secondlfrom .10 A. M. to 12:30 P. M., .at the Oratoire, where Dr. Guthrie, 'Baptist Noel,`and Dr. Davis, of the Tract Society, were the speakers. The same evening, Dr. Guthrie preached to a large audicnce. Yepterday the condition of Continental countries as to skepticism, and infidelity was considered, in the morning, and the state and daims of the Jews in the afternoon. This day—being the National Fast—the churches are open for public worship, and the Conference stands adjourned till to-mor row. But the English have meetings themselves, and Mr. Hersehell, of London, specially convened : "a meeting, at which special addresses and prayers were made and offered, in' connexion With the salva- 4 tion of the Jews. With one exception, all those who _prayed and spoke on this °ma- Sion, were,Jews--converts to Christianity, and missionaries for Jesus. The illustrious Dr. .Cappadose "spoke with amazing, elo quence. J.W. The Celestial Body. BY REV. JOBN S. C. ABBOTT. Almost every doctrine of revelation is confirmed by some remarkable analogy in the system of Nature. The insect, after lying entombed for weeks, perhaps for months, its chrysalis rnansoleum, hears some resurrection voice which calls it from its burial: It bursts`its cerements, and ex- pending its beanteous wings, painted with every rainbow- -hue launches. into the air, rejoicing in the _sunbeams, and sipping nectar from every flower. This emerging of the 'butterlly from the temporary grave of the worm,'as " flies, arlswims, a fiowerin liquid air." seems to be 'the ilhiStration, the scenic ex hibition which Nature gives of the doc trine .of ,the final resurrection. Paul at, , tempts to give some faint .coneeption of that " celestial body ",we are to receive, at o. the resurreetion,„by comparing t it with the graceful, fruitful stalk which-rises from the burial of the kernel of grain. The dry and shriVeled. -grain is the,germ from whence ,the beautiful blade emerges. Thus does , Paul present the whole vegetable world, the uprising of the plant or tree from the buried 'seed', as illustrative of the resurrection of the body from the grave. The majestic oak, monarch of the fields, whose branches are the harp-strings pn which the tempest, plays its a,nthems,ris but the resurrection of, the buried acorn. The apple-tree, in - its 'June morning blot* "most gorgeous Of earth's bouquets, wlioie liagranee fills:sthe 'tar, and in- the warm bosom of whose flowers ten thousand bees murmur their joy, is but the resurrection of 'a dull,. dead seed. Parnell, in his beautiful poem, "The Ifeimit," endeavors to describe the imagined . oltange of a•mortal to an angel : " His youthful face grew more serenely sweet; His robe turned white, and flowedabout his feet. Fair rounds of, radiant points invest.his hair; edestial odors breathe through purpled air'; Aad wings, whose colors glittered in the• , day. Wide, at. his back, their gradual plumes display, But silence fiere the beauteous angel broke; The•vOice of. music Tavished as he spoke." This poetical concepti6n, beautiful' as it is, but feebly delineates ,the reality of that joyful chance to 'take place when this cor ruptible shall put on incorruption, and this Mortal shall pilfoii immortality. The same body that is buried is to be raised, but in a condition very different from that in which it formerly existed. How great the con-' trast between the kernel of wheat which is 'sown.', mid the beautitul stalk, waving in golden ripeness in the. Autumnal 'breeze! The seed of -an elm is wafted by the wind into the meadow. It germinates and, rises from its, burial. Half a century passes away, and them stands the lordly, trek proud monarch of the fields. Noble oxen, broivse beneath its Shade, and birds of. Va ried song and plumage rear their young and warble their anthems within its wide spreading branches.. , Let their corporeal elements which com pose these mortal bodies he dispersed as widely as they rnay, and-let them enter into any other combinations which -God May choose, where is the philosopher -so auda don* as to assert that these, elements, by their dispersion, lose their vitality, and can not, by the power of God, be re-collected and re-combined! Let the imagination'ex haust= itself in the contemplation of the dispersion of these corporeal • atoms, still nothing can he Wore easy than for the Di vine wisdom and:power to protect every par ticle and're-unite them in a resurrection body, incorruptible, powerful, and glorious. And he who.fornied these bodies from the dust of ,the eartltwith bone and sinew, and agile limb, and 'glowing blood, and throb bing, heart; and sparkling , eye, can surely, tram these bodies, censtruct'others, in any 'degree of perfection and grandeur, refined 'from' every ingredient . nf grossness--and He who , 'has seen the . cradle, of the . but terfly in the tomb of 64,W:et:pillar, who 'has thus be.held. emerging from the grave'of the •worni, 'the • most beautiful of insects, combining, in its delicate yet gorgeous loveliness, the meat exquisite tints,of the lily and the rose, he who has seen and ad mired, this fair creation, and remembers that it is but the , resurrection of one of the most loathsome of insects, will be slow to deny that from these bodies there may emerge from the tomb the form of an arch angel, 'winged for an eternal flight'; and adorned with grace, and beauty, and gran deur., •which shall- B,dd . titer:lotions even to that world where &ambito fly, and seraphim sing. • - .‘ Yet wert thou once a woria, a thing that crept. On the bare earth, then wrought a tomb and'ale;fit. And such is man; soon from his cell of clay To •burst, a'seraph in the blaze of day." . . it'is Worthy'of liote , that the angels-who have'occaSionallyippeared upon earth-have always-appeared in,the perfection Ofliumarr forms. With a resurrection body' thus f fashioned, our Saviour 13cended. There is no corideivable form . 1 , beltittrwhich sur paises: that of then man frame. This renders it not improbable that the present organiiire, in its general litieamentsi maybe reviVed !beyond thez,brave. Butlthe restir re.ction''body, though retaining the Trak:ht. 'order of , structure, may as far'-surpass , ' , the Medician Wens or the Itytliian-Apollo, as those world-renowned' statuei - excel' - the 'moat; dwarfed :and revolted lormsrto be 4'9 1 0 , 0 ,i l 4Atbet 1 9,YP 1 1. 3 , (4* .Hottentots;. ( 1 . ES' -quimaux It is also worthy , of remark that there may be a very strong resemblance between two Tereons, one s of whom may -he- very beautiful, and =the' other may 'posiess fem.. tures coarse and repulsive. Thui-it is' not improbable that; in the -future world, we shill see beaming from the countedinee - of angels radiant with celestial beafityrthe lineaments of loved ones on earth, -Who have left impressions upon the letir't ntiter to be effaced. The 'an g el - mother shall there smile again upon lar 'child With die same smile, but now celestialized, :with which she enkindled the bye of her babe when -in its cradle. In 'correspondence with these views, Dr.; Dwight says: - '" It is, think, -sufficiently evident that inankind' wi 11 , kn ow each other in the fliture world, and that their bodies willbe so far the same as to become-the menus ot this knowledge."-I-L:Covregationalist. (Selected.] jubilate Om, .. • My heart mounts up in song to thee, For thy greatdove2,atd onra of ~me'; Nor tie alone, but - ill that Thine equal love, threommonilare. need, I ask, no gift, no grace, .Nol freely tihared'hy , all,my , rneet My heart mounts up in song Co Tiieii; For all . thy( ceaseless love' to itte. Thanks foithe dear delights o sense,, For higher thoughts, that calve thence, ~ For every power that moves e, mind— Attraction to the good and Obi. Repulsion from the bad and 'Weld ; The impress, of the grand.and,Told.,l Idy.heart mpunts . up Beng t -to Thee, For all these gifts of love to me. `The world is fair, and life:is Vest Alike in labor and in rest ; And each harsh tone of care and pain `Prompts and inspires some nobler strain. Law grows to Love, in thine employ, And Duty ripens into Joy . My heart mounts up in song t t e.Thee, For all thy,wondrous love to me. Life's daily lesson learned, itataik ' Complete, what better Can Task? . The future, I amsure,'iniist prove Bright, as to-day with tiiy dear ; And still, if 'here, or farther Rejoicing in each dul) dene„ My heart shall mount ln'songto Thee, Unceasing as thy love to me. Social Value of the , Chureh. Tkongl religion coneeinS . itselfpriMarily with man's individual rplation, to Grcid, it is intended to affect himlin all relations. As man is a social being, provision has been made for 'a social development .of For this end the 'aural was insti tuted. ,Christians are united together in a household of faith; in order that each one may concern hiinaelf, not With 'big own spiritual advanceinent alone, but with the welfare of his fellow,ntembers. And the representations of Scripture uniformly im ply, that this is something to be (tone by all in their personal capacity, not merely by their procurement.. It is not; enough that A shall minister to the edification of B, by doing his shire for the suPport of a pastor, to look after the welfare of both. The Apostolic exhortation is, " Look not every man on his own ,things, but every Man dish on-the thin of others:" But this can never be done fully, accord ing to the evident sense of Scriptural teach ing, through those official and formal Met hods, to which too many in our churehes restrict their manifestations 'of fellowihip. General exhortations and conferences, in liteetings appointed for the purpose,. are very well. They have their use and value. But the pledge of brotherly love, surely, is not fUlfilled in these ways. Relief is Very properly extended to the poor of a church by the agency of its deacons. But those poor ought to be something more than pen sioners on the church treasury. Their broth ers and sisters in Christ have:duties to them which cannot be done by deputy. All the members : of the body are intimately related, so that every one is necessary to every other one. All attempts to do good, whether 'to men's souls or bodies, will be truly benefi cial in proportion as they express , geniiine love for them, and . a hearty interest their welfare. Let it be seen, or,even suspected, that you are conferrini; a benefit merely as a duty, and youi labbrisr 'thrown away. Benefteence at arms'flerith, , Or at the length of a pair of tongs, is unprondsing. A defective sense of the social value of the Church tends to narrow its efficiency for good in every direction. It was foinided `as a society, in order that its'inembers might; promote• each other's growth, and.. 'also their several usefulness. to them that are without. But if its, social ,function is neglected or repressed; if it exists mainly on parier, or in certain routine aeknOWledg mutts; the Church becomeSpractiaallY non existent. - Union with it is mainly.assum ing a certain relationship tn the minister—. to be preached to, and to be visited by him, and to receiveilie - ordinanges which ne ad nainisters. Indeed', we have sometimes' asked ourselves what practical difference there is between an Independent and a Presbyterian or an Episcopal ChnrCh, in respect to the manner If . life it promotes. We can see that the theory of mutual dove nant is strikingly different - from' that'• of admissiOn' to .sealing ordinances," by-mere clerical and official authority. ,13ut , when we inquire what practical differenee the the ory makes in the development of Social re ligious life, it-is not always.eisy ta disc:l)V -er it. - A more complete recognition and, devel r opulent of .social religien—or rether, , of religious .society—is to be desired .fth the sake of `society at large, hi order that the ' religinn of Christ inay do it is adaPted to do .for human welfare: The sin, from which. it is the work, of Christ , to , ,redeem us, has depraved not only the individual man, but society. The spirit and the usa ges of society are vitiated by depraVity, and tend reciprocally to corrupt all its members. The purest , community on earth falls far short of the perfection it is capable ofreach ing. The aim• of the Gospel will not be aceomplished, until • a social as well as an individual regeneration has been, experi enced.. For this consummation the earth 'still , waits. A church of Christ is organ ized. to be the inbdel and' the nucleus of such' a holy commonwealth,• and itsimeinbers .should habitually keep in view, their-;high calling, in all the comprehensiveness of its purpose. , And as the Chufch is deSignetrto exeni plxfy"the beauty Of a regeiiiiia tea , earthly , state, so - is it a ;preparation= for , heaven. Heaven is icperfect society.: .iEv . (try, thing that.causes pain, grief, pr. fear, Is excluded. We cannot conceive of : one of its inhabitants treating another with loot or indifference: Perfect hive; the Most disinterested , regard for each other-'s bappi ness, isq. essential to the -idea of heaven. ,But t we are direpted to pray-for, the coming Kingdom, God's kingdo, and for the ;king of his . p will:en' earth is it is donein heaven. di& we offer that'prayer with complete snieerity it; we are not doing what we can `tor realize .now ,the same: social blessings, , f ,tycrhere 'else .can,we hope to be more neeessfal, than thatearthly seeiety . ato which airezkliith ..T... BEE OCT OBER 5, 1861. ered the'heirs of heaven'?'And how ,cati we be'fitted for that holy plae,e, so long BB' we 7 neglectto`cultivate qualities absolutely essential to the perfection and joy of its in habitants ? The Examitier. The Sinn, Sealing, Ills Own Fate. It is a well-M . om law of the human constihttion, that' practical habits grow Stronger by reiieated acts, passive im pressions. by the '•addie process, are weak ened. Thug;`' the' sight of suffering is, at at first, exceedingly painful, and this sym pathetic pain prompts us to exert, ourselves in order to relieve the sufferer. Now we find, in: proportion as the . 'habits of acting in obedience' to our impressions become fixed; -the impressions themselves become fainter and fainter. Hence physicians and nurse's will do a• great• deal more for \ the., sick than 'surrounding friends, although they may norfeet for them .half so much. Now; in 'anew these' impressions to be re peated, and thus gradindlY weakened, with out acquiring` the 'practical habits which. they were meant to produce, Is fatal to the charaCter: It is, aeandther has well ex pressed it, to " hint 'Up 'the kindling with eut starting 4 the fire:" This explains' the eatre-geing and Wovel-• reading, where 'passive impressions are re peatedlyawakened by imaginary scene's of distre's's, but no opportunity is afforded to act as'these impressions would dictate.. In this 'we haie a satisfactory explanation of the phetioinenon so'puzzling to philanthro pists; that 'delicate and refined men and women will fare sumptuously every clay, - eating " whatever is good," and re cline nightly upon douches of down, while entirely ittidiattirlied' by a knowledg,e of tie fact that many pale fortis, weary - and hun gry, are fainting, almost at, their 'Very doors. They have lost the susceptibility of receiv ing,tmpiessions from the sight of suffering, without hiving acquired the habit of prac tiear benevolence. ' The same law prevails with reference to religious impressions . Theoftener these are 'repeated,'tbe oftener . the sinner feels 'moved" to act,' in'Vitvi either of the love, or justtce of God; and allows these impres- Sions to'PaSs aiVay without acting in accord ance with them, the j ieSs and less becomes the Probabilitythetle. will ever do so. On each repetition the impression becomes fainter, and the indisposition' to act Strender. The glorious`Gospel of Jesus :Christ thus becomes to thousands in whose [earing it is proclaimed, a savor of death unto - death. It is possible to wear out these impressions, so that there shall be nothing left in the for God's 'Spirit to act upon,ineiAtii this is once effectedl, of course, the case" of the impenitent soul becomes' bope,less.' Sinner, rouse from this sleep. You have Often' felt these impres sions, and as 'often' have refused to act in obedience' to theiu. You know from expe rience that•they are daily growing weaker —take heed lest they disappear and' leave you confirmed - in your sins. The Rev. Dr. Baker once related in con versation the following incident of his ministerial life : Whilst living at Germantown thirty odd years ago, I was to have preached one Sab bath morning, at Barren Hill, seven or eight iniles•distant 'On diwitkening'in the morning, the rain was descending in tor rents' and the wind blowing a perfect . hur ricane. I debated with myself, whether I ought to go. I concluded to go. Having taken breakfastand •ordered my horse and gig., I started for Barren -.Hill. But lo ! had not probeeded'more than a quarter or a tulle, when, 'in spite of the leather top .and apron I was drenched to the skin. Cros sing the hill-sides, the storm threatened to overturn my vehicle, and my poor- horse trembled. Still I Went forward. By the time of my arrival at the church, there was not a dry thread upon me:gild:l could not have been more saturated with water had I been dipped in the Delaware. And now, on any arrival, how many people do you suppose I found at the Church? We began with the Abrahamic number, "Fifty." • " Entirely too'high," exclaimed'the Doc tor. '"Forty-five ' was the next conjecture, which' elicited the same response. " Forty," was the next number stated, with the seine result. " Thirty," said' we next, still keeping in view father Abraham's descending scale, but still the . Doctor said, "Too high: too high'!,, "Twenty," was next given as the proba ble number, and then•" ten," when we gave it, I will tell yen," said the Doctor; at length, in his own emphatic way, " how 'many people came through that, -storm, to hear 'me preach - not one, sir !'Nom ONE! NOT ONE! Even the sexton hiniself, who Hied immediately opposite, bad not, 'yen tired to cross the street." Ands how did you feel, Doctor," asked we; on finding that, your self-sacrificing labors had met with such a poor return?": Never linpider and more contented in my life;" was the noble reply, " for I. felt that if all the world that day had neglect ed their duty,' I had not neglected mine." When the tide is out, you may have no-. ticed;* as you rambled among the rocks, little pools with little, fishes in them. To the shrimp, in such'a pool, his - foot depth Of salt'water is all the ocean for the time being. He has no dealings with his'neigh bor shrimp in the adjacent pool, though it 'mai , he only a - few itiChet" of sand that di vides them,`; but when the rising ocean begins to lip over therrnargin of the lurk ing-place,, one pool joins another, air va rious tenants meet; arid-ky-and-bY, in place of their little patch of standing' water, they 'have the ocean's boundless fields to roam in. When•the tide is out- 2 when re ligion is low—the faithful' are to be found 'insulated, here a few and there a few, in the little standing pools that stud the beach, having no dealings with their neigh bors of the adjoining pools ; calling them 'Samaritans, and fancyin c that their own little communion includes all that are precious in God's sight. TheY forget, for a time, that there is a vast and expansive ocean rising-every ripple brings it nearer —a mightier communion, even the Coin 'inuition of saints, 'Which is to engplPh all minor conA.derations, and to enable' the fishes of pools-41M Christians of - all 'denominationa; to come together. ' When; 'like ''a` `'flood",, the Spirit'flows into the Churehes; Chirich will joirt.to church; and - saint \ Will fain .to saint, and all will rejoibe to find that if their little pools have per ie not by the scorching Summer's 'drought, nor the casting it of eartlilyirub 'blab., but by the influx of that boundless •sea Whose , glad waters touch eternity, and in :whose' ample depths the ` saints in heaven'ae well as the sainticn tile`ea' rth have' room ' enough to `range. "IlapPy Church l' firthest 'down upon the strand I nearest the rising . ecean'a edge! wrose'see 7 tarianiain shall be'Swept away in this love n and' joy *heed, inorl4 munibtfshall rst 'break IniftiAnia tha t k. 4, Rainy Sunday. The Cominunion of the Saints.. WHOLE NO. 411 purest and holiest, and yet most compre hensive Of all communions—the communTon of the Holy Ghost L Would to God that Church were mine.—Dr. Hamilton, LITERARY 'ITEMS. ASTRONOMY OF THE ANCIENTS.—Sir George Cornewell Lewis has in the press "A. Historical Survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients," which will be published by Parker, Son ,& Bourn. NEW EDITION. OF BACON. Messrs. Longman & Co., every one will be glad to see, have been' called upon for 'a reissue of the seven volumes already published of Mr. Sperlding's admirable edition of Bacon. BOOKS. --The. establishment of universi ties in the twelfth century greatly stimu lated the manufacture of : books by trans cription, more particularly those classics and philosophical treatises that were required by students in the cellegei. The anxiety of the authorities in: those Schools AA' learning to insure accuracy to the text-books, as well as to prevent the Also of books of an im proper kind, led to the establishment of censorc4hips and privileges which interfered with the preparation of; and traffic in books ling - after•the.invention of printing. TJn- fortunately, while , this artwas superseding tue ancient, process .of transcription ; the convulsions consequent on the Reformation cattied an enormous destruction of 'books, In England the libraries of monasteries, .representing the ,labor-of a thousand-years,. were mercilessly destroyed, on • the spot; or carried off and consumed in base purposes, without a thought as to 'their value. In Scotland the monastic libiaries, which had escaped the ravages of ,Danish and other invaders, were similarly, destroyed. The same fate overtook the ancient monastic libraries of France at the Revolution. In consequence of these deplorable events, as well as the perighableness of books, copies of works prior to the invention of printing I exist only as rare and valuable curiosities' Elien of the early printed books there are comparatively few copies extant. In' Eng land books of improved typography. and bindipg, adapted for ordinary libraries, date no further back than the reign of Queen Anne. In proportion as literature has been popularized, books have diminished in bulk and costliness. In the sixteenth and sev enteenth centuries the ordinary sizes of books were folio and quarto ; and as works of these huge dimensions embraced light as well as much pondrous literature, a pop ular poet uses no metaphor when =he ob serve that ladies " read the books they could not lift" The dignified quarto survived'in imaginative literature even till our • own times; for it was in this costly form that the early editions .of, the poetry of Scott, Byron, and others' inade its appearance. Excepting for special purposes, all such large sizes are happily superseded by octa ves and still 'lesser sized books. Forms and prices are no longer for the few, but for " the million." And copies of the Bible, instead of being chained to the shelves and desks, and beina valued at hundreds 'off pounds, are now scattered in myriads at the easy charge of a shilling. ART OF FAintroATING,WoRs.—By the Romans, after the Augustan. age; the art of fabricating books reached a degree' °Ppm& ciency, along with, the advancement in= lit erature. The papyrus was carefully pre pared; one side was reserved for the writing, and the other was colored with saffron or cedar oil. The writing was effected by a pen made of reed, (caiamas,) of which the best kinds were supposed to : be found in Egypt. The ink (atramentwm) was z very durable. In several rolls found at lle.rcula neum, the Roman ink, after being interred many centuries, is still iu good preserva tion. When a Roman author. wished give his book to the world, a copy was, put into the hands of transcribers, (tibrarii,) by whom a certain number of copies were produced. From these transcribers, who were equivalent to' our modern printers, the copies passed to a class of artists, (librari -44) who ornamented them with fanciful titles marains and terminations. The rolls were finished for use by the bibliopegi, or bookbinders; and last of all, they were of fered for sale by the bibliopolw, or booksel lera. A copy of, one of the esteemed pro ductions of a Roman author, as, for exam, ple, a copy of Virgil or Horace, was an elegantly done-up roll, about thirteen inches in depth, wound rouad:a cylinder, the two ends, of which were decorated with ivory or metal knobs. Yet the Romans did not in variably make their books in rolls; in some instances they used, leaves of lead, which had been beaten Ain with a hammer, and also leaves of wood covered -:with: wax.; these loosely connected at the back .with rings, may be viewed as the rude originals of the modern book. At Herculaneum, books of this kind, called tablets, have,been discovered itiperfect preservation. Bow OlUaro You The following is the last anecdote we have'seen told of Dr. Emmons There was a physician in the neighbor hood of Franklin, where Dr. Emmons preached for seventy-one, years, who was grupting the minds of Men by his;Pan theism. The physipian being called to a sick family in the Franklin parish, met the Franklin minister at the house, of af fliction. It Was no place for a dispute. 'lt was no place fOr any unbecoming famili arity with the minister. It was lip place for a physician to inquire into the age of the minister, especially with any intent of entangling him in. a debate, and, above 'all, where the querist was too visionary for logical ,discussion. But the abrupt que'ition - of the pantheist was, " "Mr. Em rabid, how old are you "'Sixty, sir; and how old are you?" came the quick reply. " As 'old' 'as the creation, sir," was, the triumphant response. , "Then you are of the same age with Adam . and Eve?"' ' Certainly ;' I was in the garden when they were!' , " I have always heard that there was a third person in the garden with them, but I never'kfie r before that it wan you" The pantheist did not folion , Up the dis cussion:, The, Grace of Silence. , Some invalids, find' their chief conso lation in relating to otbers a doleful histo- , ry of their sufferings; irbeir friends are daily invited to this Ainwelcome banquet, ~a nd ,'grow weary •or the oft-told tale,'aind lOse sympath3r , eyen. for the snfferet. MAN , much nobler and moruChristian is .Silence ,regard to our ownlsufferings, hs exolu - plifidd in , the following sketch . , by'Dr. Ar nold, of bis sister, who for' twenty years ,suffered from a - painful 'disease